Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers

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  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


    Galahs on the cliff top at Soldiers Beach, New South Wales,

  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


    Soldiers Beach

    Norah Head

    New South Wales


    How important is it to include maps when helping children locate places around theHow important is it to include maps when helping children locate places around the


    PSMA Ltd.; Reproduced by permission of Public Sector Mapping

    Agencies Australia Ltd. &

    2002 Global Insight; Reproduced bypermission

    of Global Insight &

  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


    Oyster Catchers on the beach in Northumberland

  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


    Embleton Bay,

    Northumberland, UK

    How important is it to include maps when helping children locate places around theHow important is it to include maps when helping children locate places around the


    Collins Bartholomew; Reproduced by Permission of Collins Bartholomew &

  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


    Taking the thinking furtherTaking the thinking further

    Our perception of place is clearly influenced by ourpersonal experience of the world. I know what it feelslike to walk along a sea-shore I have experienced thesounds, know what the wind feels like on my skin, I can

    see the pattern of the waves along the beach and knowfrom the dunes that this sea must carry sand that isbeing deposited on the beach and then blown by thewind to form these dunes. I have visited coastlines in avariety of places round the world where sand dunes are

    found, so my personal expectations are that this imagecould have been taken in any one of a number ofdifferent locations.

  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


    This will not be true for the majority of childrenwho bring much more limited experiences of theworld with them. By presenting images in theform of a puzzle to be solved, we create an

    opportunity to hook children in, to compare whatthey think they see when part of the image ishidden, with what they actually see when all isrevealed. Challenging their perceptions of placein this way actively engages at both the

    emotional and intellectual level, widensperceptions of the world in which they live andleads to a growing `sense of place.

  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


    For further practical ideas about exploring

    `A sense of place see Fran Martin

    (2006), Teaching Geography in Primary

    Schools, Chapter 2, Knowledge &understanding of places, Chris Kington

    Publishing ISBN 1 8998 857 83 4

  • 8/14/2019 Galahs on the Cliff Top at Soldiers


    Taking it further

    Additional images of part of the New South Walescoastline can be found at: These images were all taken within afew miles of Norah Head search for The Entrance onMulti-map (Australia & Central Coast, NSW).

    Explore the Uluru Research frame: To develop these ideas and to explore how you cancustomise these `frames for use with you own class go to`Taking it Further on the Geography Teaching Todaywebsite