Gait research

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  • 7/30/2019 Gait research


    This article was downloaded by: [HINARI]On: 10 November 2011, At: 05:47Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

    ErgonomicsPubl icat i on detai l s, i nc luding instr uct ions for authors and subscript ion infor mat i on:h t t p : / / www. tand fonl ine. com/ lo i / t e rg20

    Balance control dur ing lateral load t ransfers over a

    slippery surfaceRobert D. Caten a

    a, Angela DiDomenico

    b, Jacob J. Banks

    b& Jack T. Dennerl ein


    aDepart ment of Physical Therapy, University of Evansvil l e, Evansvil l e, IN, USA

    bCent er f or Physical Ergonomi cs, Liber t y Mut ual Research Inst it ut e for Safet y, Hopkint on,

    MA, USAc

    Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USAd

    Departm ent of Ort hopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospit al and Harvard MedicaSchool , Bost on, MA, USA

    Available online: 25 Oct 2011

    To cite t his art icle: Robert D. Caten a, Angela DiDomeni co, Jacob J. Banks & Jack T. Dennerl ein (2011): Balance controlduring lateral load transfers over a slippery surface, Ergonomics, 54:11, 1060-1071

    To link t o thi s arti cle: ht t p : / / dx .doi .org/ 10.1080/ 00140139.2011.618229


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  • 7/30/2019 Gait research


    Balance control during lateral load transfers over a slippery surface

    Robert D. Catenaa

    , Angela DiDomenicob

    *, Jacob J. Banksb

    and Jack T. Dennerleinc,d

    aDepartment of Physical Therapy, University of Evansville, Evansville, IN, USA; bCenter for Physical Ergonomics, Liberty MutualResearch Institute for Safety, Hopkinton, MA, USA;

    cDepartment of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,

    MA, USA;d

    Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Womens Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

    (Received 5 November 2010; final version received 23 August 2011 )

    Few studies have measured balance control during manual material handling, and even fewer with environmentalcofactors. This study examined the effect of different surface frictions during a stationary manual material handlingtask. Thirty-six healthy participants completed 1808 lateral transfer tasks of a load over high- and low-frictionsurfaces (m 0.86 and m 0.16, respectively). Balance measures, stance kinematics and lower extremity muscleactivities were measured. Success during the novel slippery surface dichotomised our population, allowing us toinvestigate beneficial techniques to lateral load transfers over the slippery surface. Stance width reduction by 8 cmand 158 of additional external foot rotation towards the load were used to counter the imbalance created by theslippery surface. There was no clear alteration to lower extremity muscular control to adapt to a slippery surface.

    Changes in stance seemed to be used successfully to counter a slippery surface during lateral load transfers.

    Statement of Relevance: Industries requiring manual material handling where slippery conditions are potentiallypresent have a noticeable increase in injuries. This study suggests stance configuration, more so than any othermeasure of balance control, differentiates vulnerability to imbalance during material handling over a slipperysurface.

    Keywords: falls; balance control; manual materials handling; slips; friction


    According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS

    2009), there is a particularly high rate of falls in

    industries requiring manual material handling, such as

    delivery personnel and transportation cargo handlers.Fall incidence rates are about 100% higher in ground

    freight transportation compared with ground passen-

    ger transportation occupations. Activities within man-

    ual material handling industries require a variety of

    movements and manoeuvres with a load. Balance and

    fall related research has primarily addressed biome-

    chanical aspects of walking during load-carrying

    situations (Holbein-Jenny et al . 2007, Birrell and

    Haslam 2009, Gillette et al. 2010). Load transfer

    manoeuvres have not been examined extensively as a

    challenge to balance control and we are not aware of

    any detailed epidemiological data to indicate the risk

    of different load transfer manoeuvres. The previous

    balance control studies that have examined load

    transfers have emphasised sagittal plane reaching

    (Kozak et al. 2003, Row and Cavanagh 2007, Liao

    and Lin 2008) and lifting (Commissaris and Toussaint

    1997, Toussaint et al. 1998, Kollmitzer et al. 2002),

    where the centre of gravity (COG) is not expected to

    excessively deviate towards the lateral directions

    (Kollmitzer et al. 2002).

    Our research group has recently endeavoured to

    examine the lateral load transfer manoeuvre. This task

    requires the acquisition, movement and placement ofa load from one side of the body to the other. This is

    similar to tasks performed by air and truck cargo

    handlers and deliverers. The body COG is required to

    travel closer to the sides of the base of support (BOS)

    as load distance is increased during such a manoeuvre.

    Relocation of the COG near the edges of the BOS

    may be an important cause of imbalance during

    manual material handling (Streepey and Angulo-

    Kinzler 2002). Our first examination (Catena et al.

    2010) focussed on the effects of weight during the

    lateral load transfer. We found that increased weight

    led to greater vulnerability to a loss of balance.

    Individuals in turn constricted movement about the

    ankle joints by stiffening the joints through

    co-contraction of antagonist shank musculature.

    Stiffening the bodys posture is a commonly used

    conservative adaptation to environmental

    perturbations (Santello and McDonagh 1998, Lark

    et al. 2003, Nielsen et al. 2004).

    *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]


    Vol. 54, No. 11, November 2011, 10601071

    ISSN 0014-0139 print/ISSN 1366-5847 online

    2011 Taylor & Francis

  • 7/30/2019 Gait research


    Besides highlighting the importance of co-contrac-

    tion to control balance, these previous studies highlight

    the need to examine the effects of a variety of

    environmental factors (e.g. icy surface, unstable loads

    or distracting attention) in balance control, as not all

    factors are countered with the same control mechan-

    isms. This remains true for occupational tasks such asthe lateral load transfer, where there has been limited

    research involving environmental factors such as

    reduced friction. Load transferring in slippery condi-

    tions has focussed more on basic tasks such as walking

    (Myung and Smith 1997) and simple grasping tasks

    (Cooper et al. 2005), as opposed to lateral movements

    with the load. One study (Holbein and Redfern 1997)

    suggests that holding loads to the side in more slippery

    conditions probably leads to choosing a more con-

    servative posture, by reducing the travel area of the

    COG within the BOS. The more dynamic task of

    walking with a load in slippery conditions has been

    shown to result in imbalance (Myung and Smith 1997,Cham and Redfern 2002).

    While imbalance is certainly more prevalent in

    walking, since the COG has greater motion and is

    more prevalently located outside of the BOS, a fall

    during walking is commonly in the anterior or poster-

    ior (A/P) direction (Bakken et al. 2006). A fall in the A/

    P direction has easily employed countermeasures such

    as stepping manoeuvres, joint flexions and bracing by a

    leg and arms (Bakken et al. 2006). Imbalance in a

    medial or lateral direction does not permit the same

    countermeasures (Lo and Ashton-Miller 2008). Step-

    ping manoeuvres to counter a fall to same side as the

    loaded leg are blocked by the loaded leg requiringrotation of the entire body around it. Lower extremity

    lateral joint movements are limited to hip and ankle

    abductions and bracing for impact after a fall is limited

    to the arm on the side of the lateral fall. A fall in the A/

    P direction can, however, be more easily countered

    during lateral movements of the body. Stepping

    manoeuvres could be accomplished with either foot

    (depending on the distribution of the body weight over

    each foot). During this stepping manoeuvre, all lower

    extremity joints are available to help decelerate the

    body. If the step does not succeed in preventing a fall,

    then both arms are available to help brace for impact

    with the ground. Occupational tasks that require

    lateral motions of the whole body must be examined

    more closely if we hope to get a full understanding offalls in the workplace.

    In this study, we evaluated how balance control

    during lateral load transfers was affected by the

    friction of the standing surface. The first attempt on a

    novel slippery surface was of particular interest. Based

    upon our previous analyses of weight during the lateral

    load transfer, we hypothesised that rather than

    demographic characteristics or kinematic factors,

    inappropriate muscular control would be the

    predominant factor in loss of balance. Secondly, we

    sought to describe how individuals adapt to a slippery

    surface given enough practice. We hypothesised that

    muscular activity in the lower extremities might bealtered to control imbalance sufficiently. Findings from

    this research will demonstrate how a slippery surface

    can be negotiated safely when a lateral load transfer is

    required and how individuals might alter normal

    lateral load transfer performance when a slippery

    surface is not necessarily expected, but occasionally




    Thirty-six healthy working age (2066 years of age)

    adults without material handling experienceparticipated in this study (Table 1). Informed consent

    was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of

    both Harvard School of Public Health and Liberty

    Mutual Research Institute for Safety. The informed

    consent was read and signed by each participant prior

    to data collection.

    Participants wore a tank top, shorts, below-ankle

    socks and below-ankle hiking shoes (Nike Bandolier

    Table 1. Demographic variables across the two groups: those who successfully completed LCOF-1 (SL-1) and those who wereunsuccessful (UL-1).

    Variable SL-1 UL-1 p-value

    Gender: female, male 8, 15 6, 7 0.501Age (years): mean (SD) 44.6 (14.8) 43.0 (15.9) 0.871Height (m): mean (SD) 1.70 (0.10) 1.68 (0.08) 0.598Weight (kg): mean (SD) 77.6 (17.7) 70.6 (11.0) 0.150BMI (kg/m2): mean (SD) 26.6 (4.0) 25.0 (3.4) 0.202Arm length (% body height): mean (SD) 34.9 (1.1) 35.3 (1.2) 0.353Pelvis width (% body height): mean (SD) 15.4 (1.6) 15.2 (1.4) 0.654Hand dominance: right, left 18, 5 11, 2 0.644Foot dominance: right, left 20, 3 10, 3 0.438

    Ergonomics 1061

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    II) for instrumentation purposes. All shoes were

    purchased at the beginning of this study and were

    only worn for this study; therefore, the tread was that

    of brand new hiking shoes. A harness connected to an

    overhead fall arrest system was worn during box

    transfer tasks for safety purposes. The harness was

    adjusted to allow for unobstructed side-to-side motion.Slack in the harness cable was adjusted to provide

    resistance only when needed to catch the person from

    falling (Figure 1).


    Each participant completed 1808 lateral transfers of a

    41.5 (width) cm 6 41.5 (depth) cm 6 32.5 (height) cm

    box loaded to 5% (+ 0.01 kg) of their body weight

    with semi-oval, reinforced cut-out handles. Two

    different flooring surfaces were presented to the

    participants. A high friction surface (m 0.86) was

    created between the rubber shoe soles and plywoodflooring painted with a granular white paint high

    coefficient of friction surface (HCOF). A low friction

    surface (m 0.16) was created between Teflon tapeadhered to the bottom of the shoes and Teflon flooring

    low coefficient of friction surface (LCOF). The two

    surfaces were the same colour and had a similar gloss

    so that they were nearly indistinguishable. The surface

    and shoe modification was performed in such a way as

    to not alert the participants about the change.

    The task required the participants to transfer the

    box from one pedestal to the other, whose heights wereadjusted such that the boxs handles were at the

    participants standing elbow height. The pedestals top

    surfaces were 11.5 cm wider and longer than the box

    and covered with perforated rubber matting, which

    encouraged the participants to lift rather than slide the

    box off the surface. Prior to data collection, each

    participant was given the opportunity to practice the

    lateral load transfer over the high friction surface.

    Participants were instructed to perform the transfer at

    a self-selected pace. The purpose of this practice

    session was to familiarise them with the process and

    instructions. At the same time, we asked that they

    determine their self-imposed maximum transferdistance that could be completed safely while still

    adhering to our instructions.

    For consistency, specific instructions on how to

    complete the task were provided to all participants.

    Figure 1. The start position for a HCOF trial. The objective is for the participant to transfer the box from its pedestal tothe opposing pedestal without walking. A researcher monitors the feet from behind during the trial. Lasers on the floor mark thestarting stance configuration. This figure has been adopted from Catena et al. (2010) with written consent from the authors andpublisher.

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    These were: (1) you are not allowed to lift a foot

    completely off of the ground, drag your feet or slide

    your lead foot, but you are allowed to pivot on your

    feet. (2) When lifting the box, make sure you have your

    little fingers in the handles before lifting, dont drag the

    box, dont rest your weight on it, and dont push

    yourself up by pushing into it. (3) When placing thebox, make sure that the box is completely on the

    pedestal and again dont push against the box to push

    yourself up. The final purpose of the practice sessions

    was for the participants to determine their preferred

    starting stance configuration. The starting stance

    configuration was marked. After each collected trans-

    fer trial, the participant would be instructed to return

    to the starting stance configuration.

    Data collection started with six successful trials

    performed at the participants practiced maximum

    distance over a HCOF. While the participants were

    sequestered away from the testing area, researchers

    modified the flooring surface to the Teflon surface.When the participants returned to the testing area they

    put on the modified shoes, which were not slippery

    unless in contact with the Teflon surface. The second

    test condition required a single transfer of the box at

    the same distance and starting stance configuration

    over the new and unidentified LCOF-1. There were no

    practice trials for this condition. The third condition

    started after adequate familiarisation and practice with

    the modified surface. This practice session included

    modifications to the transfer distance and starting

    stance configuration as deemed necessary by the

    participant. Once the modifications and practice were

    completed, the new start stance configuration wasmarked and the participants completed six successful

    transfer trials LCOF-2. The conditions were not

    randomised because the novelty of the first low friction

    condition and adaptation to the slippery surface were

    of particular interest.

    Measurements and parameters

    All COFs were measured with a Brungraber Mark II

    tribometer (Chang et al. 2003). Testing for the high

    friction condition involved a cut section of a shoe sole

    against the plywood floor surface. Testing for the low

    friction condition involved a cut section of a shoe sole

    with Teflon taped to the bottom against the Teflon

    floor surface.

    A load cell (Scaime C9418) was located underneath

    the top of each pedestal and sampled at 1000 Hz to

    capture the timing of the box transfer. The gradual

    acquisition and release of the box (per cent of box

    weight on pedestal) was measured from these data,

    allowing for calculations of the total time to complete

    the box transfer and inclusion of the box weight into

    the body centre of mass (COM). The distance the box

    was transferred was calculated from the displacement

    of the box COM as measured by the motion analysis

    system described below, and normalised to the stature

    of the participant.

    Three-dimensional marker data were collected by a

    12-camera motion capture system (MotionAnalysis,Santa Rosa, CA). Thirty-four markers were placed on

    the body to identify 13 individual body segments,

    similar to previous marker sets used for measuring

    balance control (Hahn and Chou 2004, Catena et al.

    2009, Catena et al. 2010). Eight markers (four for each

    foot) attached to the shoes at the most anterior,

    posterior, medial and lateral projections of the sole

    allowed us to measure elevation of each part of the

    foot off of the ground. These same markers were used

    for BOS measurements. Marker data were collected at

    100 Hz for a time sufficient for the participant to

    complete the task and filtered with a zero-lag forth

    order low pass Butterworth filter at 8 Hz.Thirteen body segment COMs were calculated

    based on anthropometric data of segment COM

    locations and weights from previous research using the

    appropriate age, gender and body mass index

    information for each participant (Plagenhoef et al.

    1983, Winter 1990, de Leva 1996, Pavol et al. 2002,

    Durkin and Dowling 2003). The weighted sum of

    segment COMs, harness and electromyography

    (EMG) transmitter determined the whole body COM

    at each time frame for the entire trial. The weight of

    the box was proportionally accounted for in the COM

    calculation as load cell measures in each pedestal

    changed.The BOS was calculated from the four markers on

    each foot. As a portion of a foot was raised, BOS sides

    connected to the corresponding marker were

    disregarded. If a foot was raised entirely off the ground

    then that trial was excluded from our analyses. Stance

    kinematics was measured through calculations of

    displacement of the ankle joint centres in the lateral

    direction (stance width) and the external rotation of

    the support and contralateral feet with respect to pelvis

    rotation (combination of foot and hip external

    rotation). The minimum distance of the COG to each

    of the six edges (front, back and lateral forefoot and

    rear foot of the right and left feet) of the BOS (E1:

    where x2, y2 and x1, y1 are coordinates of adjacent BOS

    markers and x0, y0 are coordinates for the COG at a

    single point in time) was used to indicate balance

    control. Variability in balance control was determined

    by measuring the total area of COG path (estimated as

    an oval using the most A/P and M/L points)

    normalised to the area of the BOS and the COM path

    distance during the transfer normalised by the

    displacement of the box during the transfer.

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    dx2 x1y1 y0 x1 x0y2 y1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffi

    x2 x12 y2 y1

    2q : E1

    Bilateral activity of the biceps femoris, vastus

    medialis, gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were

    measured by a telemetry electromyography system(Noraxon, Scottsdale, AZ). All electrode placements

    were in accordance with those described in the literature

    (Hermens et al. 1999) and confirmed via palpation and

    observing the EMG signal during isometric contrac-

    tions. The skin was prepared beforehand by treatment

    with alcohol and gentle abrasion. One author was

    responsible for all skin preparation and electrode

    placement for all participants during this study.

    Data from maximum voluntary contractions

    (MVCs) were collected to normalise the amplitude of

    the EMG signal. A MVC for 5 s was collected while

    the lower limb was manually restrained by a researcher

    at a specific joint angle (08 ankle plantar flexion forgastrocnemius and tibialis anterior; 308 knee flexion

    for biceps femoris; 158 knee flexion for vastus

    medialis). This was performed three times for each

    muscle with 1 min breaks in between.

    All EMG signals were pre-amplified, band passed

    filtered (10500 Hz), sampled at 1000 Hz and synchro-

    nised with motion capture data. EMG signals were

    rectified and smoothed using a 100-ms moving window

    about each frame. The signals collected during the

    lateral transfers were normalised by the maximum

    signal amplitude measured during the MVC protocols.

    The eight muscle activities were grouped into four

    agonistantagonist pairs: the support and contralateralshank (gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior) and the

    support and contralateral thigh (biceps femoris and

    vastus medialis). The support leg was defined as the leg

    on the ipsilateral side of the load at a particular time

    and the contralateral leg was opposite of the support

    leg. For each pair, we calculated the average intensity

    (average muscle activity of the segment muscles) and

    co-contraction percentage (lesser muscle activity as a

    percent of greater muscle activity) of agonistantago-

    nist muscle pairs for 800 ms time windows around

    acquisition and release of the box to determine support

    leg muscle activity and muscle activity of the contral-

    ateral leg. We previously used this method to measure

    co-contraction activity and percentage separately (Ca-

    tena et al. 2010). Our separate equations are derived

    from the single encompassing equation proposed by

    Winter (1990).

    Statistical analyses

    This study initially had one independent variable

    (task), which had three levels [high friction (HCOF),

    novel low friction (LCOF-1), and practiced low

    friction (LCOF-2)]. However, our balance control

    variables were unobtainable for LCOF-1 in a group of

    13 individuals who were unable to successfully

    complete the first slippery trial. Therefore, we

    dichotomised groups by successful (SL-1) vs.

    unsuccessful (UL-1) completion of LCOF-1. Fouranalyses were performed: (1) group comparison, (2)

    between-group comparison during HCOF, (3) within-

    group comparison of LCOF-1 and HCOF in the SL-1

    group and (4) a group-by-task comparison with the

    two groups and HCOF and LCOF-2 tasks.

    All assumptions for analysis of variance (ANOVA)

    were considered appropriate except for muscle activity

    variables and age, which displayed non-parametric

    distribution. Muscle activity was examined using the

    KruskalWallis test for group comparisons, Savage

    one-way analyses for task comparison main effects and

    Wilcoxon two-sample tests for task pair-wise

    comparisons in SAS (Cary, NC). Age was analysedwith a MannWhitney test in SPSS 12.0 (Chicago, IL).

    Parametrically distributed stance and balance

    variables were examined using the Proc MIXED

    function of SAS with age as a covariate to fit

    ANCOVA models with subject as a random effect.

    Pair-wise comparisons with Bonferroni adjustments

    were performed when statistical significance was

    calculated from main effects. Analyses performed on

    group demographics and the first slippery trials were

    analysed with chi-squared analyses and t-tests, when

    respectively appropriate, in SPSS 12.0. Alpha levels for

    all statistical analyses were set a priori at 0.05.


    First slippery trial analyses

    Group comparisons

    By analysing performance during the first slippery

    trial, we hoped to determine how balance is affected by

    lateral load transfer over a novel slippery surface. Of

    the 36 participants, 13 of them were unable to

    successfully complete the first slippery trial. Two

    individuals fell (fall arrested by harness) during their

    first trial with the slippery surface (Figure 2). Six

    individuals took a step to maintain balance during

    their first trial with the slippery surface. The five

    remaining individuals did not lose balance in any way,

    but chose to stop the trial after first attempting it,

    stating that they believed they would be unable to

    complete the task given the instructions described

    previously without falling. This group of 13 individuals

    made up the unsuccessful during first low friction trial

    (UL-1) group. We found no significant differences

    between genders, hand dominance, foot dominance,

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    age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), pelvis

    width normalised by height or arm length normalised

    by height for the two groups (Table 1).

    Between-group comparison during HCOF

    Our next attempt to determine what differentiatedgroup success examined initial performance of

    individuals in the HCOF trials. By doing this, we

    hoped to learn what tactics each group was initially

    employing and would supposedly continue to employ

    if unaware of work environment changes. Independent

    sample t-test results indicated that there were no

    differences between groups in how far the box was

    transferred or the transfer time for HCOF trials.The UL-1 group started with an 8.3-cm wider

    stance than SL-1 (p 5 0.001). Stance width remained

    statistically wider for the UL-1 group throughout the

    load transfer (Figure 3). Table 2 shows the results only

    for start and load acquisition times, but results were

    similar at load release and the end of the trial. While

    the two groups did not differ significantly in the

    amount of foot external rotation that they initially

    started with, the UL-1 group used 138 less external

    rotation when they manoeuvred to acquire the box

    compared with the SL-1 group (p 5 0.001). During

    this manoeuvre, the load side foot rotates out about

    the hip and then the pelvis rotates about thelongitudinal body axis, and often past that of the

    externally rotated foot, but does even more so in the

    UL-1 group as this group keeps the foot in a relatively

    static position compared with SL-1 individuals. The

    UL-1 group did not contract agonistantagonist

    muscles as uniformly across lower extremity joints

    (co-contraction) as the SL-1 group (Table 3); however,

    Figure 2. Example raw data of a LCOF-1 trial for an UL-1individual transferring a box from right to left. Top view ofthe COG movement throughout the trial within the BOS.The BOS shown is specific to the instance of pickup. The symbol shows the COG location at pickup. Notice how theCOG quickly trails straight backwards at the end of the trial.This individual failed due to a loss of balance backward atthe end of the trial that resulted in a fall into the harness.

    Figure 3. The average BOS transition from start (A) to pickup (B) of the box between SL-1 (black) and UL-1 (grey) forthe HCOF trials. Stance width for the two groups is indicated in the middle of the feet and the difference between lead footrotation angles is indicated between the dashed lines.

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    the UL-1 group did use more agonistantagonist

    muscular intensity at the support thigh (p 0.006),contralateral thigh (p 5 0.001) and contralateral

    shank (p 0.046).Ultimately, only a few outcome balance measures

    proved to be different between the two resultant

    groups in the HCOF condition (Table 4). We did

    find that the COG of the UL-1 group travelled 1.4 cm

    closer to the edge of their lateral-rear foot side of the

    BOS during box acquisition compared with the SL-1

    group (p 0.037). On the other hand, the UL-1 groupstayed 1.2 cm further away from the front boundary of

    their BOS compared with the SL-1 group (p 0.024).

    Within-group comparison of LCOF-1 and HCOF

    in the SL-1 group

    Our final attempt to determine what differentiated

    group success examined initial performance of

    successful individuals in the HCOF trials compared

    with their performance during LCOF-1. By doing this,

    we hoped to learn whether initial tactics used by this

    group either continued to be used with success or were

    abandoned in favour of more appropriate tactics

    specifically for the slippery surface. Box transfer

    distance and start stance properties did not change

    from HCOF to LCOF-1 because they were held

    constant between tasks to emulate unawareness to a

    change in the work environment.

    While there were no differences in start stance,

    there was a change in stance almost immediately as the

    individuals manoeuvred to pick the load up (Table 2).

    There was over a 2-cm increase in stance width at load

    acquisition in LCOF-1 compared to HCOF

    (p 5 0.001), which became a 5-cm increase by the

    end of the trial in LCOF-1 (p 0.037). During LCOF-1, the SL-1 group also rotated their feet more with the

    pelvis as it rotated towards the direction of the pedestal

    Table 2. Stance kinematic variables across the three conditions.

    Variable Group HCOF LCOF-1 LCOF-2

    Stance width at start (cm) SL-1 54.4 (9.9)B 55.5 (10.4) 51.6 (13.7)UL-1 62.7 (17.1)A X 54.9 (17.7)Y

    Stance width at load acquisition (cm) SL-1 60.4 (8.1)B Y 63.0 (8.5)X 63.3 (10.8)X

    UL-1 65.7 (16.0)A 62.8 (15.8)

    External foot rotation* of lead foot at start (degree) SL-1 15.94 (9.03) 14.86 (10.8) 16.78 (9.83)UL-1 18.49 (15.0) 19.34 (14.4)External foot rotation* of lead foot at load acquisition (degree) SL-1 716.84 (22.3)A Y 75.90 (14.2)X 72.58 (13.6)X

    UL-1 729.89 (23.6)B 712.15 (16.6)X

    Notes: *Relative to perpendicular position of pelvis ASIS; A group 4 B group during the specified task (p 5 0.05); X task 4 Y task inthe specified group (p 5 0.05). Significant pairwise comparison results are presented with superscript letters and shaded. Values are given as mean(SD.)

    Table 3. Agonistantagonist muscle pair co-contraction parameters over the 800 ms window for the support leg andcontralateral leg.

    Variable Group HCOF LCOF-1 LCOF-2

    Support shank co-contraction intensity{ SL-1 53.7 (24.7)A 55.1 (24.4) 52.3 (24.7)A

    UL-1 49.5 (23.5)B

    49.3 (26.8)B

    Support shank average intensity{ SL-1 26.5 (13.0) 28.7 (13.2) 25.8 (12.2)UL-1 29.5 (24.9) 35.6 (33.5)

    Support thigh co-contraction intensity{ SL-1 50.2 (24.8)A 54.7 (25.0) 50.2 (22.8)A

    UL-1 44.4 (22.8)B 47.2 (26.3)B

    Support thigh average intensity{ SL-1 21.0 (13.2)B Y 24.1 (14.2) 23.6 (13.2)B X

    UL-1 24.2 (13.1)A Y 27.1 (17.2)A X

    Contralateral shank co-contraction intensity{ SL-1 32.1 (26.5)A X 21.4 (17.7) 23.7 (22.3)A Y

    UL-1 17.3 (18.7)B 18.9 (20.7)B

    Contralateral shank average intensity{ SL-1 9.8 (6.5)B 10.6 (7.9) 8.8 (7.7)B

    UL-1 17.1 (10.3)A 16.5 (17.1)A

    Contralateral thigh co-contraction intensity{ SL-1 37.4 (26.9) 40.3 (26.8) 38.4 (24.8)UL-1 35.3 (23.7) 38.1 (26.4)

    Contralateral thigh average intensity{ SL-1 9.4 (7.2)B 10.3 (8.3) 9.7 (7.9)B

    UL-1 11.0 (9.1)A 11.2 (11.4)A

    Notes: A group 4 B group during the specified task (p 5 0.05); X task 4 Y task in the specified group (p 5 0.05);{

    % of the larger muscleactivity; {% MVC. Significant pairwise comparison results are presented with superscript letters and shaded. Values are given as mean (SD).

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    to either pick up or drop off the box (p 5 0.001).

    There were no statistical differences between lower

    extremity muscle involvements in each task for theSL-1 group (Table 3).

    The outcome balance measures of individuals after

    introduction of a slippery surface changed significantly

    from a high friction surface for the successful group

    (Table 4). The SL-1 group took 22% longer (more

    than half a second longer) to complete the box transfer

    in LCOF-1 compared with the HCOF condition

    (p 0.010). During this time, there was an increasein COM travel distance (p 0.003). The COG of theSL-1 group stayed 1.6 cm further from the edge of

    their lateral-fore foot side of the BOS during box

    acquisition with the slippery surface (p 5 0.001). On

    the other hand, the COG travelled closer to theanterior and posterior sides of the BOS during the

    task with a slippery surface (p 5 0.001 and p 0.017,respectively).

    Group-by-task comparison with HCOF and

    LCOF-2 tasks

    By analysing performance during the HCOF and

    LCOF-2, we hoped to determine how the two groups

    adapted to a slippery surface to accomplish the lateral

    load transfer. This in turn provided some additional

    information of what differentiated success in the first

    slippery trial. Eventually, all individuals from the UL-1

    group made sufficient modifications to accomplish the

    lateral load transfer over the slippery surface. This

    occurred after several practice trials during which the

    pedestal distance was initially shortened, and then

    increased as a new transfer technique was employed

    successfully. By the end of the practice trials, there

    were no statistical differences in transfer distance

    between the two groups or between surface conditions.

    For both groups, the maximum transfer distance for

    LCOF-2 was determined with half as many practice

    trials as for HCOF (p 5 0.001), but there was no

    group difference in the number of practice trials used(p 0.815).

    While the UL-1 group had a significantly wider

    start stance than SL-1 in the high friction condition (as

    documented in a previous section), the group

    difference was not present in the adapted low friction

    condition (Table 2). The UL-1 group had decreased

    their start stance width by 7.8 cm during LCOF-2

    compared to HCOF (p 0.002), while there was nosignificant change in the SL-1 group. As previously

    mentioned, the SL-1 group had more external rotation

    of the foot towards the box just before picking it up

    during HCOF compared to the UL-1 group. This

    remained true during LCOF-2 (p 0.027), but bothgroups increased external rotation of the pickup foot

    even more so during this task (p 5 0.001). Likewise,

    when individuals turned to drop the box off on the

    opposing pedestal, both groups increased the external

    rotation of the foot on that side by more than 158

    (p 5 0.001). The two groups modified muscular

    control going from HCOF to LCOF-2 similarly and

    group difference remained similar between the two

    tasks. The one difference between the two groups was

    that the SL-1 group decreased contralateral shank

    co-contraction during LCOF-2 (p 0.008), while theUL-1 group did not (Table 3).

    Occasional imbalances still occurred after

    adaptation to the slippery surface. There was no

    difference in the number of unsuccessful trials between

    the two groups during HCOF (Table 4), but the UL-1

    group had significantly more unsuccessful trials

    during LCOF-2 than the SL-1 group (p 0.026). Wefound an increase in the area of the BOS covered by

    the COG for both groups during LCOF-2 compared to

    HCOF (p 5 0.001). The COG of all individuals

    travelled closer to the back (p 5 0.001) and front

    Table 4. Balance control variables across the three conditions.

    Variable Group HCOF LCOF-1 LCOF-2

    Total area of COG (% of start BOS area) SL-1 25.0 (9.8)Y 27.7 (9.8) 28.8 (9.5)X

    UL-1 24.6 (9.0)Y 29.8 (9.8)X

    COM path distance during transfer (% of box displacement) SL-1 28.5 (4.4)Y 30.0 (4.3)X 30.0 (4.6)X

    UL-1 29.7 (4.9) 29.3 (4.4)

    Minimum distance between COG and front of BOS (cm) SL-1 7.18 (3.8)

    A X

    5.19 (3.2)


    4.52 (3.0)


    UL-1 8.38 (3.4)B X 6.22 (3.0)Y

    Minimum distance between COG and back of BOS (cm) SL-1 7.88 (2.4)X 7.13 (2.2)Y 5.67 (2.4)Y

    UL-1 7.83 (2.2)X 6.66 (2.0)Y

    Practice trials prior to the given task SL-1 13.83 (5.8)X 7.09 (1.5)Y

    UL-1 13.69 (5.9)X 7.38 (2.3)Y

    Average number of foot lifts(trials excluded during analysis of other variables)

    SL-1 0.74 (1.1) 0.39 (0.8)B

    UL-1 0.69 (1.0) 1.15 (1.1)A

    Notes: A group 4 B group during the specified task (p 5 0.05); X task 4 Y task in the specified group (p 5 0.05). Significant pairwisecomparison results are presented with superscript letters and shaded. Values are given as mean (SD).

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    (p 5 0.001) of the BOS during LCOF-2 compared to



    The purpose of this study was to evaluate balance

    control during lateral load transfers to determine (1)characteristics of individuals able to maintain balance

    on a novel slippery surface and (2) to see how

    individuals adapted to a slippery surface, particularly

    when at first they were unable to maintain balance. We

    had originally hypothesised that the key to maintain-

    ing balance during the lateral load transfer over a

    slippery surface was increased joint stiffness as

    scientific literature and our own past research had

    suggested. We found that this was not the case for a

    slippery surface. The most beneficial technique to

    maintaining balance was to increase intended move-

    ment towards and with the box, as evident in the

    success individuals had after allowing greater footrotations with stance width adjustments. These find-

    ings suggest that individuals already incorporating

    increased body motion towards the direction of

    interest will be less likely to succumb to a loss of

    balance on the occasional low friction surface experi-

    enced during a lateral material handling task.

    Balance control

    Balance control was measured several ways in this

    study, the most direct being a loss of balance. A

    complete loss of balance was rare. Foot lifts to quickly

    readjust the BOS to encompass the body COG weremuch more prevalent. All individuals at some point in

    testing or practice trials used such a strategy. However,

    the UL-1 group had a significant increase in these

    needed BOS adjustments during the required comple-

    tion of six successful low COF trials. This indicated

    that adaptation to the slippery surface did not

    completely eliminate imbalance and that the UL-1

    individuals may face an increased chance of a loss of

    balance. In fact, we never observed UL-1 performance

    completely equivalent to SL-1 performance. Future

    studies might examine performance over more trials to

    determine if there is ever complete convergence of the

    two groups.

    By examining balance through measures of the

    COM, we were able to identify how balance was

    possibly lost in many of these situations. While the

    lateral load transfer task has large movements from

    side-to-side, the BOS is appropriately widened for this

    movement. However, by widening the BOS to such a

    degree, anterior and posterior control is possibly

    reduced through a significant alteration in normal

    muscle functioning. We were unable to find any

    scientific literature describing balance with a very

    wide stance (450 cm), but when stance width is

    increased to such a degree muscle pathways and

    lengths across the hip, knee and ankle are drastically

    altered. Some muscles such as the gluteals and the

    tibialis anterior are shortened when stance is wide,

    while hamstrings and peroneal muscles are lengthened.The lengthtension relationship then dictates that these

    muscles will have reduced force production (Nordin

    and Frankel 2001). We suspect muscle tensions played

    a role in anterior/posterior imbalance seen.

    When individuals stood with a 45-cm stance width,

    there were no deleterious effects on balance (Kirby

    et al. 1987). However, when individuals rotate their

    pelvis towards the box to pick it up, they are now

    actually standing with less mediolateral stance width

    and more A/P foot displacement. When individuals

    stood with 30 cm of A/P foot separation, there were

    significant increases in mediolateral deviation of the

    centre of pressure (Kirby et al. 1987), similar to A/Pmeasures in our study because our measures are based

    on a global reference. Since anterior and posterior

    COG movement increased in the slippery surface

    conditions, it seems apparent that movements in these

    directions are important to examine as a direct cause of

    loss of balance during lateral load transfers. Something

    about the SL-1 group allowed them to explore these

    areas of the BOS, similar to the UL-1 group, without

    the same detrimental balance effects that the UL-1

    groups faced.

    Stance kinematicsOne possible area to analyse group difference in

    imbalance in the A/P direction is kinematics of the

    lateral load transfer manoeuvre. There was clear

    evidence of group differences in transfer manoeuvres.

    The UL-1 group chose a wider BOS to transfer this

    box over a high friction surface. A wider BOS may

    indicate even further reductions in force production of

    lower extremity muscles. When used during the

    slippery surface condition, this wider BOS may not be

    as easily controlled as a narrower BOS when friction is

    not supplying a lateral stopping force against the sole

    of the foot and hip adductor muscles are solely

    responsible for maintaining the stance width. This is

    similar to hip adductor use to decelerate the foot in

    push off during skating (Chang et al. 2009). One of the

    adaptive techniques that the UL-1 group chose to

    employ was a narrowed stance width in LCOF-2. The

    hypothesis that stance width determines success then

    leads to questions about strength as a contributing

    factor. A narrower stance width would require more

    low-back extensor activity to reach a load because of a

    need for increased torso flexion. Greater hip adductor

    1068 R.D. Catena et al.

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    strength would allow individuals to maintain a slightly

    wider BOS over a slippery surface to avoid torso


    Another important kinematic change was the

    external foot rotation towards the load. In the high

    friction conditions, the SL-1 group rotated the

    ipsilateral foot more towards the load than the UL-1group. External rotation was even greater during the

    first slippery trial. UL-1 individuals similarly increased

    the amount of ipsilateral foot rotation to the load in

    the adaptive low friction trials. One possible reason

    this may be beneficial is that this manoeuvre positions

    the lower extremities in such a way that flexion at the

    ankle, knee and hip is towards the load rather than

    only having a hip abduction moment available to

    control movement in the direction of interest as would

    be the case if the body remained directed forward with

    the load still by the side. This hypothesis emphasises

    the importance of muscles that were unfortunately not

    measured in our study (e.g. gluteus medius and tensorfascia latae) so we can only speculate that the rotation

    manoeuvre decreased the reliance on less effective hip

    abductors. A second reason external rotation might be

    significant is not that it just signifies what is specifically

    needed for better performance in this particular task,

    but it might also be an indicator that the groups

    benefited from a strategy that utilised body movement

    to their advantage. Foot rotations may be just one

    indicator of a surfer movement over slippery surfaces;

    a motion altered to glide with body momentum over

    the slippery surface, rather than fighting against the

    motion unreduced by a lack of surface friction

    (Marigold and Patla 2002). This alteration reducesthe need for shear forces applied to the surface for

    movement. To completely analyse this hypothesis,

    future studies will look at whole body kinematics.

    The unfavourable effect of rotating feet towards to

    the load is that the body is put into a more tandem-like

    stance configuration. This form of stance has been

    demonstrated to be more unstable than side-by-side

    stance (Winter 1995). We believe that this contributed

    to the increased motion towards the forward and

    backward directions of the BOS. Doing this would

    require increased activation of lateral balance control

    musculature that was unfortunately not measured in

    our testing.

    Muscular control

    Initial and continued group differences in lower

    extremity muscle activity would seem to indicate that

    the UL-1 group stiffened lower extremity joints in an

    apparent conservative strategy to avoid falling. This is

    similar to previous literature that shows that many

    different populations regard joint stiffening as a way to

    avoid falls (Santello and McDonagh 1998, Lark et al.

    2003, Nielsen et al. 2004). However, muscular control

    that we measured had no apparent effect on success in

    the lateral load transfer over the slippery surface. If

    anything, it was beneficial to loosen the joints with less

    lower-extremity muscle activity. Their continued slight

    increase in joint stiffness may be an explanation as towhy the UL-1 group required more step manoeuvres to

    avoid falling even after adaptation to the slippery

    surface. This was contradictory to our hypothesis and

    to our previous findings that indicated stiffening of the

    ankle joint to counter increased load weight during the

    lateral load transfer (Catena et al. 2010). This was also

    contradictory to others interpretation of the benefit of

    ankle stiffness. However, some researchers have found

    that while joint stiffening is employed, it is not always

    successful in maintaining postural control (Reeves

    et al. 2006, Cenciarini et al. 2010, Reynolds 2010),

    which indicates task dependency, or that success may

    depend on the joint and task being examined (Chamand Redfern 2001). Future studies of the lateral load

    transfers should include measurements of muscles

    involved in coronal and transverse plane movements to

    complete the analysis of muscular control.

    Demographic characteristics

    We found no indication that simple demographic

    factors determined successful performance in lateral

    load transfer over a low friction surface. Among the

    examined factors, age (Winter 1995) and BMI (Hue

    et al. 2007, Teasdale et al. 2007) have been touted as

    correlating factors to balance control. Our sample ofindividuals contained a range of BMIs (17.734.2 kg/

    m2) that we think was adequate to assess it as a non-

    factor in balance during the lateral load transfer for

    most of the working population performing such tasks.

    We had a normal distribution of BMIs that made up

    our sample. Unfortunately, we do not believe our

    sample of age (2066 years) was completely adequate

    to state for sure that it is a non-factor in balance

    during the lateral load transfer. Rather than a normal

    distribution, ours was a uniform distribution of age. It

    also failed to include enough individuals of a balance-

    effected age, older than 50 (Winter 1995). We do

    believe that age will certainly be a factor past 60, but

    our findings do show that the gradual age increase was

    not a factor in the working age population.


    (1) A list of instructions were given to the

    participants and specified in the Procedure

    section. These instructions were meant to limit

    Ergonomics 1069

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    the variability between individuals. While this

    process allows us to specifically analyse the

    variables of interest (low friction and balance),

    we risked missing the natural or desired

    manoeuvres individuals might use if not con-

    strained. Specifically, not allowing stepping

    would be highly unlikely to occur in a naturalsetting, especially for such a transfer distance.

    Our requirement that the maximum box

    transfer distance be attempted was also meant

    to reduce the variability between individuals.

    This requirement meant that individuals at-

    tempted lateral load transfer much further than

    they would normally. Observed compensations

    for this unnatural distance were a wider stance

    in the UL-1 group and more trunk flexion in

    the SL-1 group. An interesting future study

    might use information from this study to

    compare with natural performance of the

    same task without said restrictions.(2) There are a couple of limitations to using the

    study cohort. We have no reason to believe

    that our cohort is anthropometrically charac-

    teristic of the manual material handling popu-

    lation. Application of our results should

    consider this. Also, we did not attempt to

    control was athletic ability. We had one

    individual in our study that was a collegiate

    athlete, and several others that would be

    considered athletic. These individuals were

    able to complete the first slippery trial success-

    fully, but since there were very few of them we

    could not analyse them in a statistical analysis.Athletes have been previously shown to recover

    from imbalance situations better than non-

    athletes (Brauer et al. 2008). Increased strength

    and coordination of an athlete would imagin-

    ably have some beneficial effect on perfor-

    mance of the lateral load transfer.

    (3) Muscle activity was a key factor in our previous

    study of lateral load transfers (Catena et al.

    2010). Specifically, flexor/extensor co-contrac-

    tions were found to be a factor in performance.

    Our current study continued with these mea-

    sures but was not able to draw any significant

    conclusions from them. Since we did not

    anticipate transverse and coronal plane kine-

    matics as being important, we made no

    measurements of major contributors to move-

    ment in these planes. The result was a lack of

    information that would possibly be beneficial

    to our analysis. Likewise, no measure of

    strength was recorded, which would be helpful

    in making more concrete conclusions about the

    consequences of stance width adjustments.


    This study has shown that a slippery surface has

    adverse effects on individuals using a wide stance and

    constricted movement to perform a lateral load

    transfer. Even though the task is mostly side-to-side

    movement, the balance control results suggest that loss

    of balance will likely occur in the A/P directions. Theoften employed strategy of maintaining balance

    through increased joint stiffness was not used

    successfully to maintain balance in the slippery

    condition, was not increased any further in adaptation

    to the slippery condition, and in some cases was even

    decreased during the slippery condition. Only stance

    kinematic performance was able to distinguish success

    in the slippery conditions. Whole body kinematics will

    be analysed in future studies to determine the extent

    that body kinematics plays in successful completion of

    the lateral load transfer over a slippery surface.

    Having shown that simple modifications to stance

    kinematics can determine balance control over aslippery surface during lateral material handling,

    further research strategies could be taught to

    individuals having to occasionally perform such an

    occupational task. It might also be the case that a

    decreased reliance on muscle control might be

    beneficial for such a task. However, we caution any

    immediate use of the techniques described in this

    article without further analysis on whole body joint

    kinematics to detect any additional modifications to

    the lateral manoeuvre that might be needed


    AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by the Liberty Mutual-Harvard School of Public Health Postdoctoral Program,as a postdoctoral fellowship was awarded to Dr. Catena.The authors also thank Simon Matz for his help withstatistical analyses.


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