VOL XXlll NO 3 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SlXDAY MARCH 25 19UI TEN CENTS A WUC c Y h y I nTt Y 4 r 7 v a = = = + NINE EXPLOSION KILLS MANY MEN About Two Hhundred Fifty Were in Mina ALL BUT 12 ARK ACCOUNTED FOR Ten Men Were Known To Bo Dead TwentyFive Injured and From TwentyFive te SeventyFive Are MIMing Falrmount W Va March 2H Ton tutu are known to be dead twenty live Injured and from twentylive to noventyllve mliblng and believed to be dead as the result of an cxplokm- of gun In till sdiiff of the Coal company Century a small mining town iltuated 5 mills of Fair taunt on tin Hurllljgtcm std llnckhun on branch of the ami Ohio railroad explosion took place at I on Thursday aft TmH n hill oxxiug to tiv tel ji xv ins l Ing put out com nils 11 M t xvlmK details ar th names of the victims six of whom nr known to be foreigners- xvero r t Mcurel Tin Co iiry mine which Is owned llnw of llaUmore Md- no of the lartf t Indtturmlent opera- tion in inborn W Virginia Ox r 111 niitj art employed dally In till i u Ud tti c ilti MI barn li VIM Her the lots of Hfi xxuiild lave cei i allnp- s It wi thorr xvrro a fow re- rviliitn1 In the teftft Ih roan body of- t t hnvlng quit xuik fur The stunt tan xvhleli tuinle rr tn Hliall was r ek- bv tfu of the IM HIJ bn- u r irlte lmtiollstil and whit i iti lioir aft r tin noeiiletu rln t in ni James and hail a nllcf xan- gii mln Later Report from the Disaster Fuirmouui W Va Melt I I be- liexnl ha the number of as thi- nsiiit of the cxplodon Thursday in till mine tie Century Ctrl company f i mllws below hurt xvlll nut exceed ten Of this number xvere fur tv rers Not over seventy live men xvere In the mine at the time of the ev and Its reports from till set tie stitc that all hilt iwclxe of these have b t n accounted fur Guests Fcd from Flames riitcau March I of the Hum European hotel were driven front then rally Frt lay by a lire wllth on till llrt floor of the hotel InaMo to leave the building by the mala oMlt oxxlng to the tin blocking the airway the tir tts war romrfllcd to suck atety by wry of tin lire i is liictiihil In the guest a cumpnny of six oiiaves from ii With the exception of a f x ciatche all f icape l uninjured Tin proprty los is small AIIIOUK flits who cans i wn the firs cscnpe- swre 1 xvjjnvn bare foot inn tly ri I liie hotrl bulltJins Is ono f the Itt t In the city It U owned by CMff lu rln JuIli r of t ie supreme of th 1rltcil Stat Governor Pattlson Resting Easily Coluinliiiti O lamb IlCovornor- attli i nt a coijfnraMf niuht ami- wai r Mr Kriiluy mornliu gove i r la weak however and thr- Teir ha he may riot have strength to sustain the alarmint trig p lls that attend Mines Tai jihymicians itendlnu the governor slll tall to explain the exact nature of til Illness I aT Bait hUurt lit of Jo h a I b not i It fOr I b- It ft l free I I t 1 Is It art of I r1I11 nil oC i Ih rye sin ury suet t fir lack- Ing luau is s- un t t pal xll 11 c 2 six plus u Lit I ass r suns arts rap was t and tours silly Eli sink his s < > > < > > < > > > > > ° > + + Founders Day Exercises Held Now Urban Mach 2lTh aanun- foutJiers evirelces of Tlllatle uhf vorslty x or hhl Krlday Dr John H linley pn xidtnt of the collect il the city of Nexv York ijellxert th oration to the stinlint body an l lat t- in TuJane thea ir nsldent lMwii- CralRhead fur the university re three honorary il sretw Football Barred for Five Years Chicago Mrrct 21 The trustees ol the Nor western lnlxerHy have abolish lnter Cjl giat f at the university for fin yw rs s dint I ball da i tiled > HADDOCK KILLS BURRRLL BUSH Fatal Shooting Affray Occurs in the County ef Jones Macon Iu March 24 A hiv ttrs affray occurred Jji Statlon Thursday oraing in nurrell Rush a man CO years of am was iu stanllr killed by Alonzo haddock Moth of the men had weapons and Ilia eteJ Haddock mounted the sta- tion platform Just as the Jeorpla train was pulling In aflfl after warning flush j to defend hlni lf opened fire Bush fell dead without having used his rei solver Haddock went to Clinton wliere ho roil tn Sheriff Ether Great excitement prevailed anior- tiu parties VklicssliiK the A sister of Ha I lock xvltnesMd the Af fair the clttion np m tor the Ceor iu mad TIll two tin a had ijiarrelod larly in tin moinlt and die iliHptito serious even beton iu sltos wi re hr l Both Itirtlrs art prominent and the afliilr hiss cnn il general r Kret Had- dock I a yoiiiit man Hush hits 1 wo- iiiikMt T ami six num The ilMMeulv beve n the txvo then i KiMe oxis lie iiiuriiiK1 of Kdxvard Hush a sun of the man sMit to death anl MIr Haddock a ulster of Ad d- phii HildiRk Justice Maylleld per- formed the ei remonx In Macon the dny- j bi fore An elderly xvoman hunting h r f t h nnrdiati of thc vr was prisi nt in the ecr mmy N- j xs rats a llie Unto ns to i any difference or ffcllns girl In Inn orphan her ns j A ditiis IhlHk Is rintcndfBt- of Oiixis iirm at iladttocU and U n Tin peopK xvi Ided re- I in Macon JMwanJ hnxins been n retiident here fur lime I H dark Is a prUonr liMvlnv n ileod hlmx If to Sluflff KtherldiiO No DUEL CAUoCS NEGROS DEATH Attacked White Mm wtlh Rlfc and Was Killed Lit rang Hn MM rob LM Charlie Cummin a tiijio 1e pemdo Will shot and almoM iiimtl killed HI rail roal conMrii ton cuni f f Kd und Cbares Ionian about a nits xvont of this place- It Is nu known whether tho shot which killed TIll negro xvas llred by IM Jordan or by lads Jordan as the mgros denth came Immediately after an exciting bittl between Cummins armed wlh a xvlmfhosier un one siile- i and the Jordan brothers armed with plniols on the usher I IM lnrdin who was In his buggy at Ih lime emptied six chambers of his revolver and Charlis Jordan stint a mimber il timrs Jut 2an had just dl it ratted i his horse xx hen till ohouting oc I curred Serious Freight Wreck Chicago Virch 1M Olliclals of iho- jiket hor and Mlcliliran Southern rail ro d tiax ii c Ived rej 4ir of a rlous- frilultt xvrecl which occurred early Trilay morniriK Sohrn Ind three trl fhf ir m were involved An oat bound iniiii with a number of ears of live tuck stni pd lor water and was run liitD b a stiond train demolUh log many ear and killing a great Mill her of hoi tsnnie of the tar were thrown over onto the wnt bound trncl and were run Into bv a third fnliih train It 14 reportlt- liat ive employ s were injured The wreck I one of the moit yerlou from a llpaticiii staiidH lnt that mad has i in ions tinc Two Hurt In Collision Coluinliii CH March I As thn- ir t HOCIon of Cenfral of r a I lIal1ltocks I t clahnin Ira I IIII II n 1l11 snr Jlrnlort lon I i i I I I > tlntl 1 Till ago IIi I l linn 10 I lit i I I 11111- i I I 1 I i hurl rom I t I A I I I pUlltuc d which I Idle self detens was j rpt gel lig aut pre idtt hush ale sore nlttn I the I tyre eked e Ito < > ¬ > > > > < < > >> > freight train N IlirmlnKhmn and lory in cro Ac lowx a tr stlt t ar- Guodwaicr Alt Thur mornlnu at i oclock the secuml of in in of Conductor Itloods emit sad KBin Hivi rnu Into It The iHhoone of nit tir t ctlon wa- kiiickid off TIll track at rti end of li- tr tlf Thi Injured are J T Robert of thu first section train IiI haul feadiy ma and kruw Iu lured Flagman It H lUKliy sli hM brut about the head and kr 1- Msensff sichfdul were badly sv fur sv ral lour Roth hr lrjt men live In CoVirabu 110 Ion II In hors t k 1Odll1t1 rrilir1 lrd prplra fay r under H had > < > > > > < > > + = STORMS CAUSED BIG LIFE LOSS Along The Coast Of The New England I WINTER AT lEA WAS SEVERE EightyFive Lives and FlftyFour Ships Were Loat During the Big Storms ef the Past Winter Thirty seven of the Wrecked Vessels Were Sailing Craft Boston March iM Eighty five lives wre lost s nd 54 ships wrecked ulnj the coast of New England and tin imtrlntlmo provincut durluG the past wluttr- Vhile till h aM n up to the present moiiiii waa comparatively mUd on the Lust at Slit it was of the ex- t eiif severity particularly in waters of the n tin x st Is wrecked 7 were will trig daft Nlnu Ktiau iilps unit eight barges complfte the list Ships II tag the British this load tV se of other- TMon x ltd a of i7 craft against I of American leister There Is also a sprinkling of Norwegian Gevnan snit Swedish vessi wont illjai ur was the founilr lag ol tht Sicatmr Brit Klig oT fall un March llth when It is out limited that at Kist 1 nail jwis- jsilly t lives xvere lnt t Tin correct tirtr pfili x xlil niXr be km nn a vi utii tnnllid a m mbots art to have ilvaerlil- Negroes Drown In River j N nv l i MUS MUrt I News OI ih iiil iivr of be Hi Vay p uad tn drowning ot four niyro d l i xv brfMiMt to tho by H tain 5lv owner of the v Tho U ft ThtirMlny f r- t dnoy 1 for a fmxf of him r t a up the river skit struck a liatitu lo knocking a hole In hr Imil Tin tjs Illleil ntplilly and Ka In d ep wail r Tho officers and f had narrow owjtpos aid four o- tle lock iin ov whoxi moils art un- known er lnxvnd who xxvr- osixn iiiiiiui 1 to cnixvl into ihe axxl boat nrl il bi tie tug The xsscl Outlaws Head for Mountains OakH I T Manh 21 Vonl reefs ed h n liilieal s that the ihne Vlck- M fe liiiinii utitlawti wlill aro being ilight by niuneroiiH jKisses cro i J- he Illinois rlvr on nlgkt follow- ing the light and are headed for Lies a xvid moiintalriKtiM xv 11 of Stliv et led alri st en1- l lull I ChcroUeex If s rox triii tu have a long tart Mairial Diirroiigh lute Thurs movtd from the Spavin lulU to tin Illinois river Girl Criminally Assaulted Winder in March I H I Van ilrl son ff Mm Nantli rf rl of nar Carl tin Into alt rnMin It Is charged criminally assaulted the llycnrold daughter of Wililam Hel ion It Is cl Mrxed h net the girl In th xviMMls on her way home VundT ford li a man having a xvlli iwo lilll n Thi coiiiMiuntty H- ttrentl erii over the matter A I ol ji ari Vatiibrfurd- Hixl landed tutu In till jail at ITV General Wood Sustained sands Mr t 1M The American Spanish anl ni Ixe prkn of tnl city In comriieirlnv un the recent battle of Mount Dajo Miiiin Major VVoni a mil n TIll charge c f killing x- xm ti and riilun of th Moro outlaw iliiriiiK tin n which they claim iinaviiid They are unnnlmou In ipr funs of regret MIC- murifn r in w 1 the unfjrturiati oc- curreiife ha n rnlsroprev ni 1 by u portion of juoss In Aruorlca Woman Swallowed Poison Kfknmo March 21 Friday morninu Mr John JefT fum n al w- il h aihiclie Miwii r hi- ba1 b en thr n on her porch a nx m n i It prs j- w ran d 1 in a f r io r t part It 1 I Irlltl Inc I I hors hi- t hili I I I tit lIIt 1 1 I I tart hunt hit < It ilt r Ill I I h lib rot n IIIIC lilt Ii rat 1 if was ill h sell t < 1 i were tilt teal i d stir Crew raid shtll b tom lefty 1titllau 1 eel tug hors I w- aft I hot w48 sat Stn yrs i coon r a tilt liu day cams Itt Thursday ttrlb d and rse std I lu tin tr e hl l t i n t > > < > > < > < > ¬ > > < < > > + PARTY OF LABOR TO TAKE FIELD Workmen Will Take Grievances Before American People Wellington March 24 The execu- tive Council f the American F ilera lion of labor spent nome time Thurs- day discussing the replies of Presi- dent ItMvuvcli and SjHaktr Cannon to the bill of grievance presented to them and to Prvulilent Pn Tern Frye of the senate regarding legislation af- fecting labor Interests- Mr Jompera saM that the conclud- ing paragraph In the memorial meant exactly what It until That U II full to remedy the grievances thu organization will a poal direct to the people In oher words he said the Federa- tion of lnbor will nter the field of rxdltlcs and urge organized labor ti elect men of their own choosing and tliMs have a personal voice In the gov- ernment There will bo further discussion of the situation by thu monition of the council among whom remarks of the president and Mr Cannon have made- a dcop Imprt tfMon iompcrH insists the council U In the right rogardlng tie latemcnts sot forth In hill of grievances that It tiny abundant proof of the roprxMon- I a tion s made ant that tho condition of affairs in the labor world Is the Lost proof of Its contentions JAILED FOR WIFEMURDER Brunswick Man Said To Have Seat Woman Ilrun a March 21 11 Tl n Itoltoniinkpr thus hhopn of the Atlantic and Ulrmlngham luih been planed in iiiunU r his vit wh died nt her ffuine In thus city Thursday n Mrs Shaxv died after an iTTtJits last- ing Inch Sunday The family xvTI httiingvrti hero coming from Wiiycmss two months ngo only a few hfefM were at the lur- Ing the wiinail Illness This morn- ing however a number of ladles wont to tho Ijonic to drew tho cort ue end marks brought fvrth ausplclon hiiHbanil who also claimed In- K III had very little lo say about the hiulhcf uml the case was reported lo the omcor nnd after a short Investiga- tion Shaw was arrested and U held for wifemurder It Is Bald that the man got drunk Sunday and bent his wife unmercifully foil ho lnd peen lingering between life nml death since that time Tho husband denied that he beat her but admitted that he was drunk and said he mijjl have hit her while under the inline pee of xxhlsky Front the an- peirjinri of tile body the woman was Lost Fortune Found nirmlngrsam Ala March 24 The negro iiortcr In the Connor Brothers stint store on Main was about to pitch tin nwccpiiigs frum till slnro into the rear alloy when Police Officer J M Norwood reached down Into the pile of rubbish and picked tip an onvolopo from which he proceeded to draw greenbacks bank checks unit other ne- gotiable pupers lo the vane of 5- 1St512 The monoy and papers the property f Dr J A It Flkca of Iron City Ca who spent the early part of the week here and then trav- olod on to Now Orleans before hn ills covered1 that his fortune carried In no envelop was nilslng Then ho no- tified the local police of his loss III was nut sure that he had lost till pa- pers In this city hut as n platter of caution he a kod that search bo made Noted Pilot Dead Cincinnati March 21 Captain E J fimlth who for 50 years was one of the leading river pilots between Cincinnati- and Now Oilcans Is dead at his homo In N w Port after a long Illness Captain Sirlth aiMi participated In ninny rural haMes In the lower Ml- Kisslppl ilur s the civil war and WIH wide i ntuong river and ship- ping tin Body Hurieu rJ rird Feet Amlcr on S C March Thurs- day aforniHii a out r oclock AH on gins on ie sawmill of I A Holt al nit mil 4 from this city fxplodwd killing Mr II f Key and fatally Injuring a negro Th was hurled a hundred fct wax horribly mangled I Ir Irk lit Jail tJItrGI II I I I I bedside The K I I con- gress the criaw with I last and boat cu were I year otI son lads bud and ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ < < ° ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < AVALANCHE KILLS HALF DOZO MEN A Miming Durtrkt- OfColormrU Spew Dews en h Camp Cruehea the Life O rt e Men Relief Party from CrMfilU Ma- te the Rescue Granite Colo March 4 Am eaor moa snow slide came dowa last eras tug In the Wlnficld sad Clear Creek mining district killing It la reported at least half a dozen mea Among the dead Is Harry W lackers the idonvcr prospector aad Mtetac man of Chafe county- A relief party was organised ken y- Jarnev Hall and has gone to UM of the disaster The news of tho slide wu Brought to town by a courier MARSHAL KILLS OLLI1 SENTRY Claims M Cauee f the ecd- Buchnnnn Gat March 24 Wklle ar- resting Ollle Gentry City D starry shot and killed Gentry K Is Mid that Gentry Was aUadltf Is front of a store on tbe ptiblk M r Barry claims that Gentry tte 4l to draw a knife on him Twh Mttf- choi going over Gentry second penutrntlBg his heart Gentry ran to the store of Rapes A The deceased Is ft lOB 6T WA try the livery man here a4 If V nephew of Barrys wife C A Shclnut ahcrlff of HtmtaM county Immediately arrested Barry and lodged him In Jell Whitecap VUtlm Sun Torturers Crunby Mass Merck 24 TWrteesj residents of this place hare 4Me served by writs sworn out Wy Will G Grlmn also of Uranbr hrli BC M action for f 10000 damajte tjaksit them This action Is thf outgrowth the aocallcd whltecaplng lacldest ef last month when a crowd of saes e turgid Griffith placed rope aro a neck and led him to the tarts ef South wick it Is said he wu aba horaowiilppcd and told If he e ver to Oranbyho would be tarred and feathered Grtffin nlleged that tine of his ribs broken and that suffered other Injuries Saved Qlrl from Death Chicago March 24 A dlspate ta the Tribune from Kvannvllle lad says that BH Mabel Reeves was about to cross the tracks of the tug Pour rail- road on her way to school Thursday she saw a little girl standing oa the track evidently trying to g l hr foot unfastened from a frog Mis Reeves saw a passenger train coming The child began In scream and struggled desperately but could not free herself Mss Hoevcs hurrlHly drow a penknife from her picket and slit the Outs shoe and jerked her away frost the track just as the engine born down OB her Forty Cows turned Madison ia March 21 R It Jones of IIo lIck who owns the lar cst dairy farm In this section of Georgia lost his barn with a great anaatlt of and forty head of milch cows by fire Tho cows that were burned were some of the finest breod la the country Mr Junes had just got his dairy In good working order There was no Insurance on the cows or build- ings The dairy building which was some distance from the barn escapod the flames If is thought the Ire caused by an Incendiary Night Watchman Murdered Rochester N Y March 21 Dank burglars murdered Edward Pullman a constable and night watchman at So- dits arly Friday He had raitgat the men tr in rob the aifa of the bans Cuualty In PIONEER PROSPECTOR la KILLED all ala lIar al when it otf tkst with him 1 YtC hY th m tM lilt J I l la a few a his lie rood was t of Sodui i Meta r Beetle Self iI r 11 r Barry am a to tersest his sgne4 alleged ealL dPSry go r TM x rg4 areal tsp f Sons ivbtta io died atlaatte Goth f t r re- turned j this M X t i 3 t e f- r < ¬ + > < ¬ ¬ <> + +

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-25 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01434/00592.pdf · to defend hlni lf opened fire Bush fell dead without having

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-25 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01434/00592.pdf · to defend hlni lf opened fire Bush fell dead without having


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About Two Hhundred Fifty

Were in Mina


Ten Men Were Known To Bo Dead

TwentyFive Injured and From

TwentyFive te SeventyFive Are


Falrmount W Va March 2H Tontutu are known to be dead twentylive Injured and from twentylive tonoventyllve mliblng and believed tobe dead as the result of an cxplokm-of gun In till sdiiff of the Coalcompany Century a small miningtown iltuated 5 mills of Fairtaunt on tin Hurllljgtcm std llnckhunon branch of the ami Ohiorailroad

explosion took place at I onThursday aft TmH n hill oxxiug to tivtel ji xv ins l Ing put out com

nils 11 M t xvlmK details arth names of the victims six

of whom nr known to be foreigners-xvero r t Mcurel

Tin Co iiry mine which Is ownedllnw of llaUmore Md-

no of the lartf t Indtturmlent opera-

tion in inborn W Virginia Ox r

111 niitj art employed dally In tilli u Ud tti c ilti MI barnli VIM Her the lots of Hfi xxuiild lave

cei i allnp-s It wi thorr xvrro a fow re-

rviliitn1 In the teftft Ih roan body of-

t t hnvlng quit xuik furThe stunt tan xvhleli tuinle

rr tn Hliall was r ek-

bv tfu of the IM HIJ bn-

u r irlte lmtiollstil and whiti iti lioir aft r tin noeiiletu rlnt in ni James and hail a nllcf xan-gii mln

Later Report from the DisasterFuirmouui W Va Melt I I be-

liexnl ha the number of as thi-

nsiiit of the cxplodon Thursday in

till mine tie Century Ctrl companyf i mllws below hurt xvlll nut exceedten Of this number xvere fur

tv rers Not over seventy live menxvere In the mine at the time of the ev

and Its reports from tillset tie stitc that all hilt iwclxe ofthese have b t n accounted fur

Guests Fcd from Flamesriitcau March I of the

Hum European hotel were driven frontthen rally Frt lay by a lirewllth on till llrt floor of thehotel InaMo to leave the buildingby the mala oMlt oxxlng to the tinblocking the airway the tir tts warromrfllcd to suck atety by wry of tinlire i is liictiihil In the guest

a cumpnny of six oiiaves fromii With the exception of a

f x ciatche all f icape l uninjuredTin proprty los is small AIIIOUK

flits who cans i wn the firs cscnpe-swre 1 xvjjnvn bare foot inntly ri I liie hotrl bulltJins Is ono

f the Itt t In the city It U ownedby CMff lu rln JuIli r of t ie supreme

of th 1rltcil Stat

Governor Pattlson Resting EasilyColuinliiiti O lamb IlCovornor-attli i nt a coijfnraMf niuht ami-

wai r Mr Kriiluy mornliugove i r la weak however and thr-

Teir ha he may riot havestrength to sustain the alarminttrig p lls that attend Mines Tai

jihymicians itendlnu the governor sllltall to explain the exact nature of til




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lit of

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pal xll





plus u Lit I


r sunsarts


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silly Eli

sinkhis s






> <








Founders Day Exercises HeldNow Urban Mach 2lTh aanun-

foutJiers evirelces of Tlllatle uhfvorslty x or hhl Krlday Dr JohnH linley pn xidtnt of the collect ilthe city of Nexv York ijellxert thoration to the stinlint body an l lat t-

in TuJane thea ir nsldent lMwii-CralRhead fur the university rethree honorary il sretw

Football Barred for Five YearsChicago Mrrct 21 The trustees ol

the Nor western lnlxerHy haveabolish lnter Cjl giat f

at the university for fin yw rs










Fatal Shooting Affray Occurs in theCounty ef Jones

Macon Iu March 24 A hiv ttrsaffray occurred Jji StatlonThursday oraing in nurrellRush a man CO years of am was iustanllr killed by Alonzo haddock

Moth of the men had weapons andIlia eteJ Haddock mounted the sta-

tion platform Just as the Jeorpla trainwas pulling In aflfl after warning flush j

to defend hlni lf opened fire Bushfell dead without having used his reisolver Haddock went to Clintonwliere ho roil tn Sheriff Ether

Great excitement prevailed anior-tiu parties VklicssliiK theA sister of Ha I lock xvltnesMd the Af

fair the clttion np m torthe Ceor iu mad TIll two tin a hadijiarrelod larly in tin moinlt and dieiliHptito seriouseven beton iu sltos wi re hr l

Both Itirtlrs art prominent and theafliilr hiss cnn il general r Kret Had-

dock I a yoiiiit man Hush hits 1 wo-

iiiikMt T ami six numThe ilMMeulv beve n the txvo then

i KiMe oxis lie iiiuriiiK1 of KdxvardHush a sun of the man sMit to deathanl MIr Haddock a ulster of Ad d-

phii HildiRk Justice Maylleld per-

formed the ei remonx In Macon the dny-j bi fore An elderly xvoman hunting

h r f t h nnrdiati of thc vrwas prisi nt in the ecr mmy N-

j xs rats a llie Unto ns toi any difference or ffcllns girl In

Inn orphan her nsj A ditiis IhlHk Is rintcndfBt-

of Oiixis iirm at iladttocU andU n Tin peopK xvi Ided re-

I in Macon JMwanJ hnxinsbeen n retiident here fur lime

I H dark Is a prUonr liMvlnv n

ileod hlmx If to Sluflff KtherldiiO No


Attacked White Mm wtlh Rlfc andWas Killed

Lit rang Hn MM rob LM CharlieCummin a tiijio 1e pemdo Will shotand almoM iiimtl killed HI railroal conMrii ton cuni f f Kd undCbares Ionian about a nits xvont ofthis place-

It Is nu known whether tho shotwhich killed TIll negro xvas llred by IMJordan or by lads Jordan as themgros denth came Immediately afteran exciting bittl between Cumminsarmed wlh a xvlmfhosier un one siile-

i and the Jordan brothers armed withplniols on the usher

I IM lnrdin who was In his buggyat Ih lime emptied six chambers ofhis revolver and Charlis Jordan stinta mimber il timrs

Jut 2an had just dl it rattedi his horse xx hen till ohouting ocI curred

Serious Freight WreckChicago Virch 1M Olliclals of iho-

jiket hor and Mlcliliran Southern railro d tiax ii c Ived rej 4ir of a rlous-frilultt xvrecl which occurred earlyTrilay morniriK Sohrn Ind threetrl fhf ir m were involved An oatbound iniiii with a number of ears oflive tuck stni p d lor water and wasrun liitD b a stiond train demolUhlog many ear and killing a great Millher of hoi tsnnie of thetar were thrown over onto the wntbound trncl and were run Into bv athird fnliih train It 14 reportlt-liat ive employ s were injured Thewreck I one of the moit yerlou froma llpaticiii staiidH lnt that mad has

i in ions tinc

Two Hurt In CollisionColuinliii CH March I As thn-

ir t HOCIon of Cenfral of r a





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n 1l11 snr Jlrnlort lonI







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Tillago IIi

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pUlltuc d


IIdle self detens




gel ligaut

pre idtthush






tyre eked



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freight train N IlirmlnKhmn and

lory in cro Ac lowx a tr stlt t ar-

Guodwaicr Alt Thur mornlnu ati oclock the secuml of in

in of Conductor Itloods

emit sad KBin Hivi rnu Into It

The iHhoone of nit tir t ctlon wa-

kiiickid off TIll track at rti end of li-

tr tlf Thi Injured areJ T Robert of thu first section trainIiI haul feadiy ma and kruw Iu

lured Flagman It H lUKliy sli hM

brut about the head and kr 1-Msensff sichfdul were badly svfur sv ral lour Roth hr lrjtmen live In CoVirabu


IonII In hors



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Along The Coast Of The New

England I


EightyFive Lives and FlftyFour Ships

Were Loat During the Big Storms ef

the Past Winter Thirty seven of theWrecked Vessels Were Sailing Craft

Boston March iM Eighty five liveswre lost s nd 54 ships wreckedulnj the coast of New England andtin imtrlntlmo provincut durluG thepast wluttr-

Vhile till h aM n up to the presentmoiiiii waa comparatively mUd on the

Lust at Slit it was of the ex-

t eiif severity particularly in watersof the

n tin x st Is wrecked 7 were will

trig daft Nlnu Ktiau iilps unit eightbarges complfte the list Ships II

tag the British this load tV se of other-TMon x ltd a of i7 craft againstI of American leister There Is alsoa sprinkling of Norwegian Gevnansnit Swedish vessi

wont illjai ur was the founilrlag ol tht Sicatmr Brit Klig oT

fall un March llth when It

is out limited that at Kist 1 nail jwis-

jsilly t lives xvere lnt t Tin correcttirtr pfili x xlil niXr be km nna vi utii tnnllid a m mbots

art to have ilvaerlil-

Negroes Drown In Riverj

N nv l i MUS MUrt I News OI

ih iiil iivr of be Hi Vay p uad tndrowning ot four niyro d l i

xv brfMiMt to tho by H tain5lv owner of the v

Tho U ft ThtirMlny f r-

t dnoy 1 for a fmxf of him rt a up the river skit struck

a liatitu lo knocking a hole In hrImil Tin tjs Illleil ntplilly and Ka

In d ep wail r Tho officers and fhad narrow owjtpos aid four o-

tle lock iin ov whoxi moils art un-

known er lnxvnd who xxvr-osixn iiiiiiui 1 to cnixvl into ihe axxlboat nrl il bi tie tug The xsscl

Outlaws Head for MountainsOakH I T Manh 21 Vonl reefs

ed h n liilieal s that the ihne Vlck-M fe liiiinii utitlawti wlill aro beingilight by niuneroiiH jKisses cro i J-

he Illinois rlvr on nlgkt follow-ing the light and are headed for Lies

a xvid moiintalriKtiMxv 11 of Stliv et led alri st en1-l lull I ChcroUeex If s

rox triii tu have a longtart Mairial Diirroiigh lute Thurs

movtd from the SpavinlulU to tin Illinois river

Girl Criminally AssaultedWinder in March I H I Vanilrl son ff Mm Nantli rf rl of nar

Carl tin Into alt rnMin ItIs charged criminally assaulted thellycnrold daughter of Wililam Helion It Is cl Mrxed h net the girl Inth xviMMls on her way home VundTford li a man having a xvlli

iwo lilll n Thi coiiiMiuntty H-

ttrentl erii over the matter A

I ol ji ari Vatiibrfurd-Hixl landed tutu In till jail at ITV

General Wood Sustainedsands Mr t 1M The American

Spanish anl ni Ixe prkn of tnl cityIn comriieirlnv un the recent battle ofMount Dajo Miiiin MajorVVoni a mil n TIll charge c f killing x-

xm ti and riilun of th Moro outlawiliiriiiK tin n which they claim

iinaviiid They are unnnlmouIn ipr funs of regret MIC-

murifn r in w 1 the unfjrturiati oc-

curreiife ha n rnlsroprev ni 1 by uportion of juoss In Aruorlca

Woman Swallowed PoisonKfknmo March 21 Friday

morninu Mr John JefT fum n al w-

il h aihiclie Miwii r hi-

ba1 b en thr n on her porch anx m n i It prs j-

w ran d 1 in a fr io r t part It



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Workmen Will Take Grievances BeforeAmerican People

Wellington March 24 The execu-

tive Council f the American F ileralion of labor spent nome time Thurs-day discussing the replies of Presi-

dent ItMvuvcli and SjHaktr Cannon tothe bill of grievance presented tothem and to Prvulilent Pn Tern Fryeof the senate regarding legislation af-

fecting labor Interests-Mr Jompera saM that the conclud-

ing paragraph In the memorial meantexactly what It until That U II

full to remedy the grievancesthu organization will a poal direct tothe people

In oher words he said the Federa-tion of lnbor will nter the field ofrxdltlcs and urge organized labor tielect men of their own choosing andtliMs have a personal voice In the gov-

ernmentThere will bo further discussion of

the situation by thu monition of thecouncil among whom remarks of thepresident and Mr Cannon have made-

a dcop Imprt tfMon

iompcrH insists the council UIn the right rogardlng tie latemcntssot forth In hill of grievances thatIt tiny abundant proof of the roprxMon-I a tion s made ant that tho conditionof affairs in the labor world Is the Lostproof of Its contentions


Brunswick Man Said To Have SeatWoman

Ilrun a March 21 11 Tl

n Itoltoniinkpr thus hhopn ofthe Atlantic and Ulrmlnghamluih been planed iniiiunU r his vit wh died nt herffuine In thus city Thursday n

Mrs Shaxv died after an iTTtJits last-

ing Inch Sunday The familyxvTI httiingvrti hero coming fromWiiycmss two months ngo onlya few hfefM were at the lur-Ing the wiinail Illness This morn-ing however a number of ladles wontto tho Ijonic to drew tho cort ue endmarks brought fvrth ausplclon

hiiHbanil who also claimed In-

K III had very little lo say about thehiulhcf uml the case was reported lothe omcor nnd after a short Investiga-tion Shaw was arrested and U held forwifemurder

It Is Bald that the man got drunkSunday and bent his wife unmercifullyfoil ho lnd peen lingering betweenlife nml death since that time Thohusband denied that he beat her butadmitted that he was drunk and saidhe mijjl have hit her while under theinline pee of xxhlsky Front the an-

peirjinri of tile body the woman was

Lost Fortune Foundnirmlngrsam Ala March 24 The

negro iiortcr In the Connor Brothersstint store on Main was about to pitchtin nwccpiiigs frum till slnro into therear alloy when Police Officer J MNorwood reached down Into the pile ofrubbish and picked tip an onvolopofrom which he proceeded to drawgreenbacks bank checks unit other ne-gotiable pupers lo the vane of 5-

1St512 The monoy and papersthe property f Dr J A It Flkca ofIron City Ca who spent the earlypart of the week here and then trav-olod on to Now Orleans before hn illscovered1 that his fortune carried In noenvelop was nilslng Then ho no-

tified the local police of his loss IIIwas nut sure that he had lost till pa-

pers In this city hut as n platter ofcaution he a kod that search bo made

Noted Pilot DeadCincinnati March 21 Captain E J

fimlth who for 50 years was one of theleading river pilots between Cincinnati-and Now Oilcans Is dead at his homoIn N w Port after a long IllnessCaptain Sirlth aiMi participated Inninny rural haMes In the lower Ml-

Kisslppl ilur s the civil war and WIHwide i ntuong river and ship-ping tin

Body Hurieu rJ rird FeetAmlcr on S C March Thurs-

day aforniHii a out r oclock AH ongins on ie sawmill of I A Holtal nit mil 4 from this city fxplodwdkilling Mr II f Keyand fatally Injuring a negro Th

was hurled a hundred fctwax horribly mangled




Jail tJItrGIII

















boat cu


I year otI sonlads

bud and























A Miming Durtrkt-


Spew Dews en h Camp

Cruehea the Life O rt e Men

Relief Party from CrMfilU Ma-

te the Rescue

Granite Colo March 4 Am eaormoa snow slide came dowa last erastug In the Wlnficld sad Clear Creekmining district killing It la reportedat least half a dozen mea

Among the dead Is Harry W lackersthe idonvcr prospector aad Mtetacman of Chafe county-

A relief party was organised ken y-

Jarnev Hall and has gone to UM

of the disasterThe news of tho slide wu Brought to

town by a courier


Claims M Cauee f theecd-

Buchnnnn Gat March 24 Wklle ar-resting Ollle Gentry City D

starry shot and killed Gentry KIs Mid that Gentry Was aUadltf Is

front of a store on tbe ptiblk M r

Barry claims that Gentry tte 4lto draw a knife on him Twh Mttf-

choi going over Gentrysecond penutrntlBg his heart

Gentry ran to the store of Rapes A

The deceased Is ft lOB 6T W Atry the livery man here a4 If Vnephew of Barrys wife

C A Shclnut ahcrlff of HtmtaMcounty Immediately arrested Barryand lodged him In Jell

Whitecap VUtlm Sun TorturersCrunby Mass Merck 24 TWrteesj

residents of this place hare 4Meserved by writs sworn out Wy WillG Grlmn also of Uranbr hrli BC Maction for f 10000 damajte tjaksitthem This action Is thfoutgrowththe aocallcd whltecaplng lacldest eflast month when a crowd of saes eturgid Griffith placed rope aro a

neck and led him to the tarts efSouthwick it Is said he wu abahoraowiilppcd and told If he ever

to Oranbyho would be tarredand feathered Grtffin nlleged thattine of his ribs broken and thatsuffered other Injuries

Saved Qlrl from DeathChicago March 24 A dlspate ta

the Tribune from Kvannvllle lad saysthat BH Mabel Reeves was about tocross the tracks of the tug Pour rail-road on her way to school Thursdayshe saw a little girl standing oa thetrack evidently trying to g l hr footunfastened from a frog Mis Reevessaw a passenger train coming Thechild began In scream and struggleddesperately but could not free herselfMss Hoevcs hurrlHly drow a penknifefrom her picket and slit the Outsshoe and jerked her away frost thetrack just as the engine born down OB

herForty Cows turned

Madison ia March 21 R It Jonesof IIo lIck who owns the lar cstdairy farm In this section of Georgialost his barn with a great anaatltof and forty head of milch cowsby fire Tho cows that were burnedwere some of the finest breod la thecountry Mr Junes had just got hisdairy In good working order Therewas no Insurance on the cows or build-ings The dairy building which wassome distance from the barn escapodthe flames If is thought the Irecaused by an Incendiary

Night Watchman MurderedRochester N Y March 21 Dank

burglars murdered Edward Pullman aconstable and night watchman at So-

dits arly Friday He had raitgat themen tr in rob the aifa of the bans

Cuualty In



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