GA DOE 2010 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric

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  • 8/3/2019 GA DOE 2010 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric


    GA DOE 2010 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric

    Target Indicators and Categories Basic Proficient Exemplary

    1. Information literary standards areintegrated into content instruction.

    AASL Standards for the 21st

    CenturyLearner are integrated into contentinstruction.

    2. Collaborative planning includes

    Literacy Media Specialists and teachersto ensure use of library media center

    resources that support and

    implementation of state curriculum andthe Georgia Performance Standards.

    3. Professional library media staff areengaged in active teaching roles.

    4. The library media center resourcesencourage and support reading,

    viewing, and listening.

    5. Services are provided to students

    who have diverse learning abilities,styles, and needs.

    6. Student achievement is routinelyassessed.

    7a. If less than base size: a school

    system shall provide no less than half-

    time services of a Library Media

    Specialist for each school less than basesize and shall provide adult supervision

    in the library media center for the entire

    instructional day.

    7b. If base size or larger: a school

    system shall employ a fulltime LibraryMedia Specialist for each base size

    school or larger.

    8. There shall be a plan for flexibly

    scheduled library media center access

    for students and teachers in groups or

    as individuals simultaneouslythroughout each instructional day.

    Accessibility shall refer to the facility,

    the staff, and the resources and shall bebased on instructional need.

    9. School library media center squarefootage requirements based on FTE.

  • 8/3/2019 GA DOE 2010 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric


    Target Indicators and Categories Basic Proficient Exemplary

    10. Streaming video is used throughout

    the school to support the curriculum.

    Interactive whiteboards and computersare used for teaching and learning

    throughout the school. A centralelectronic media distribution system isalso available.

    11. Print and non-print resources and

    access to online information are basicto a library media program. A school

    network is effective for delivering

    media resources to the classroom andbeyond. Multiple computers are

    available for student access to online

    resources that enhance instruction.

    12. All library media resources aremanaged for maximum efficient use.The library media center has an

    electronic online public access catalog

    (OPAC). Funds for acquisition of

    computers are utilized to implement thegoals/objectives set forth in the System

    Three-Year Technology Plan 1999-

    2002 or in the System ComprehensiveSchool Improvement Plan.

    13. One of the national educational

    technology goals states: Effective andengaging software and on-line

    resources will be an integral part of

    every schools curriculum. TheGALILEO on-line service provides

    Georgia students and teachers access to

    exceptional on-line resources at no costto the local school district. Searches

    performed in GALILEO databases will

    exceed one million annually and thenumber of full-content items viewed

    will exceed one million annually.

    14. The local system superintendant

    shall appoint a system media contact

    person (SMCP) to serve as a liason to

    the department.

  • 8/3/2019 GA DOE 2010 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric


    15. Administration staff support at

    both the school and district levels isessential for the development of a

    strong library media program.

    16. Each local board of education shall

    adopt a library media policy thatprovides for the establishment of amedia committee at the system level

    and at each school. A library media

    committee makes recommendations

    and decisions relating to planning,operation, evaluation, and improvement

    of the library media program. This

    committee shall annually evaluatelibrary media services and develop a

    multi-year media plan for budget

    services and priorities.

    17. Local Board approved library

    media policy is current. This policy

    requires development of procedures forthe school system and for selecting

    materials locally, handling requests for

    reconsideration of materials,considering gifts of instructional

    resources, using non-school owned

    materials, and complying with thecopyright law.

    18. Each local school system shallspend 100 percent of the funds

    designated for library media center


    19. Staff development opportunities

    are available both for the library media

    staff to enhance their own professionalknowledge and for the library media

    staff to provide information and

    technology literacy skills to otherteachers and administrative staff.

    Professional resources and services forall faculty members are provided in thelibrary media center for the learning
