G. Robertson_Baptist Church

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  • 8/3/2019 G. Robertson_Baptist Church


    Gewreka RobertsonSherva Winchester


    We will be presenting the Baptist Church.

    The Baptist Church was founded by John Smyth in 1611 on English soil. The first

    Baptist theology was known as Arminian, which was to emphasize that Christ died

    for all people and that salvation was possible for all. Later in the 1630s Particular

    Baptist churches emerged in England, teaching that Christ died only for the elect

    and salvation was not possible for all people, but only to particular individuals.

    There have been fourteen Baptist associations founded from 1827-1965 and they

    are as follows:

    1) Primitive Baptists founded 1827

    2) Southern Baptist Convention founded 1845

    3) Baptist General Conference founded 1852

    4) North American Baptist Conference founded 1865

    5) General Association of General Baptist Churches founded 1870

    6) National Baptist Convention of America founded 1895

    7) National Primitive Baptist Convention founded 1907

    8) American Baptist Churches in the USA founded 1907

    9) American Baptist Association founded 1924

    10) General Association of Regular Baptist Churches founded 1932

    11) National Association of Freewill Baptists founded 1935

    12) Reformed Baptist Church founded 1954

    13) Progressive National Baptist Convention founded 1961

    14) New Testament Association of Independent Baptist Churches founded 1965

    Among these fourteen Baptist foundations there has been a wide variety of beliefs.

    The reason so many associations/churches of Baptist were formed is because one

    association stood against the convention system and the policies of the Southern

    Baptist Convention. They all believed in the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy

  • 8/3/2019 G. Robertson_Baptist Church


    Spirit. Their views began to differ when it came to their beliefs about the church,

    some believed Jesus Himself established the church; others believed the church is

    the fundamental unit of missionary work in the world. While others believed the

    universal church is the living spiritual body of Christ of which Christ is the head.

    This information is important to someone who is not a member of the Church ofChrist because they will know how to distinguish truth from error or doctrine of man

    from the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 4:4-6 tells us, there is one body, and

    one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; In Colossians 1:18,

    it tells us Christ is the head of the body, the church..; scripture also, tells us in

    I Corinthians 14:33, that he is not the author of confusion Our headquarters

    are established in heaven and not here on earth: Hebrews 12:23, Revelations

    20:15, and Luke 10:20.

    This topic is relevant to my classmates and me because as Christians we are called

    to evangelize to those that are not in Christ. We may have friends and family

    members who are associated with the Baptist denomination and it behooves us tobe knowledgeable about manmade doctrines in order to meet people where they

    are to bring them to Christ.


    The Complete Guide to Christian Denominations by Ron Rhodes

    The Holy Bible, King James Version