Please cite this article in press as: Couette, S., White, J., 3D geometric morphometrics and missing-data. Can extant taxa give clues for the analysis of fossil primates?. C. R. Palevol (2010), doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.07.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS G Model PALEVO-527; No. of Pages 11 C. R. Palevol xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Comptes Rendus Palevol www.sciencedirect.com General palaeontology 3D geometric morphometrics and missing-data. Can extant taxa give clues for the analysis of fossil primates? Morphométrie géométrique 3D et données manquantes. Les taxons actuels peuvent-ils nous donner des indications pour étudier les primates fossiles ? Sébastien Couette a,, Jess White b a UMR CNRS 7207 “CR2P”, département histoire de la Terre, école pratique des hautes études, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, CP 38, 8, rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France b Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Anatomy Working Group, 404 Morgan Hall, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois 61455 USA article info Article history: Received 30 April 2010 Accepted after revision 24 July 2010 Available online xxx Written on invitation of the Editorial Board Keywords: Missing-data Morphometrics Estimation Landmarks abstract Geometric morphometric methods constitute a powerful and precise tool for the quantifi- cation of morphological differences. The use of geometric morphometrics in palaeontology is very often limited by missing data. Shape analysis methods based on landmarks are very sensible but until now have not been adapted to this kind of dataset. To analyze the prospec- tive utility of this method for fossil taxa, we propose a model based on prosimian cranial morphology in which we test two methods of missing data reconstruction. These consist of generating missing-data in a dataset (by increments of five percent) and estimating missing data using two multivariate methods. Estimates were found to constitute a useful tool for the analysis of partial datasets (to a certain extent). These results are promising for future studies of morphological variation in fossil taxa. © 2010 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. Mots clés : Données manquantes Morphométrie Estimation Points homologues résumé Les méthodes de morphométrie géométrique constituent un outil puissant et précis dans la quantification des différences morphologiques. Cependant, l’application des méthodes de morphométrie géométriques en paléontologie soulève le problème des données man- quantes. Le matériel étant souvent fragmentaire, les méthodes d’analyse de forme, et notamment les méthodes faisant appel aux points homologues, sont inadaptées à ce type de données. Dans une perspective d’application aux fossiles, un modèle de test des méthodes de reconstruction des données manquantes est proposé sur un échantillon de primates prosimiens. Ce modèle consiste à générer des données manquantes à partir d’un jeu de données complet (par tranche de 5 %) et de reconstruire ces données manquantes. La perti- nence des reconstructions est testée. Les résultats indiquent que, dans une certaine limite, les méthodes de reconstruction permettent d’inclure dans l’analyse les spécimens dont la préservation est partielle. Ces conclusions sont prometteuses pour l’analyse de la variation morphologique des taxons fossiles. © 2010 Académie des sciences. Publi ´ e par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés. Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Couette). 1631-0683/$ – see front matter © 2010 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.07.002

G Model ARTICLE IN PRESS PALEVO-527; No.of Pages11 C. R ... · PALEVO-527; No.of Pages11 2 S. Couette, J. White / C. R. Palevol xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 1. Introduction Fossilization

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C. R. Palevol xxx (2010) xxx–xxx

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Comptes Rendus Palevol

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eneral palaeontology

D geometric morphometrics and missing-data. Can extant taxa givelues for the analysis of fossil primates?

orphométrie géométrique 3D et données manquantes. Les taxons actuelseuvent-ils nous donner des indications pour étudier les primates fossiles ?

ébastien Couettea,∗, Jess Whiteb

UMR CNRS 7207 “CR2P”, département histoire de la Terre, école pratique des hautes études, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, CP 38, 8, rue Buffon,5005 Paris, FranceDepartment of Sociology and Anthropology, Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Anatomy Working Group, 404 Morgan Hall, Western Illinoisniversity, Macomb, Illinois 61455 USA

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 30 April 2010ccepted after revision 24 July 2010vailable online xxxritten on invitation of the Editorial Board



a b s t r a c t

Geometric morphometric methods constitute a powerful and precise tool for the quantifi-cation of morphological differences. The use of geometric morphometrics in palaeontologyis very often limited by missing data. Shape analysis methods based on landmarks are verysensible but until now have not been adapted to this kind of dataset. To analyze the prospec-tive utility of this method for fossil taxa, we propose a model based on prosimian cranialmorphology in which we test two methods of missing data reconstruction. These consist ofgenerating missing-data in a dataset (by increments of five percent) and estimating missingdata using two multivariate methods. Estimates were found to constitute a useful tool forthe analysis of partial datasets (to a certain extent). These results are promising for futurestudies of morphological variation in fossil taxa.

© 2010 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

ots clés :onnées manquantesorphométrie

stimationoints homologues

r é s u m é

Les méthodes de morphométrie géométrique constituent un outil puissant et précis dansla quantification des différences morphologiques. Cependant, l’application des méthodesde morphométrie géométriques en paléontologie soulève le problème des données man-quantes. Le matériel étant souvent fragmentaire, les méthodes d’analyse de forme, etnotamment les méthodes faisant appel aux points homologues, sont inadaptées à ce type dedonnées. Dans une perspective d’application aux fossiles, un modèle de test des méthodesde reconstruction des données manquantes est proposé sur un échantillon de primates

prosimiens. Ce modèle consiste à générer des données manquantes à partir d’un jeu dedonnées complet (par tranche de 5 %) et de reconstruire ces données manquantes. La perti-nence des reconstructions est testée. Les résultats indiquent que, dans une certaine limite,


les méthodes de re

Please cite this article in press as: Couette, S., White, J., 3D geomgive clues for the analysis of fossil primates?. C. R. Palevol (201

préservation est partielle.morphologique des taxon

© 2010 Académie de

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Couette).

631-0683/$ – see front matter © 2010 Académie des sciences. Published by Elseoi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.07.002

uction permettent d’inclure dans l’analyse les spécimens dont la

etric morphometrics and missing-data. Can extant taxa0), doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.07.002

Ces conclusions sont prometteuses pour l’analyse de la variations fossiles.s sciences. Publie par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.

vier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

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1. Introduction

Fossilization and preservation of organisms throughtime usually involve working with datasets that are,by the nature of palaeontology, incomplete. Multivariatemorphometrics generally requires the use of a relativelycomplete dataset, therefore, using incomplete palaeon-tological collections can present a real methodologicaldilemma. This is especially true in the case of geometricmorphometrics, in which variables are not only used indescribing the dimensions or shapes of specimens, but areparts of the morphology itself (e.g. coordinates of land-marks). With this methodological complication in mind,palaeontologists commonly choose to either work onextant data, select a subsection of data that may be presenton all of the available specimens, or work only on completespecimens, thereby excluding from the sample specimenswith missing data. In any scenario, the palaeontologist isthen presented with either choosing to exclude a part ofthe morphology from any analysis or decreasing the sam-ple size for analysis. While both of these situations maybe offset by working with large samples, in the case ofsmall samples, these solutions may prove too restrictiveor unworkable.

Recently, a great deal of literature has been devotedto the issue of estimating missing-data in an incompletedataset (e.g. Holt and Benfer, 1994, 2000; Motani, 1997;Neeser et al., 2009; Petersen et al., 2006; Schafer, 1997;Strauss et al., 2003; Strauss and Atanassov, 2006). Varioustechniques are available, ranging from the intuitive visualestimation, more complicated processes of multivariatecomputation, to even three-dimensional virtual recon-struction (Zollikofer and Ponce de León, 2005). Estimationof missing data is often criticized by some palaeontolo-gists who argue these methods could introduce bias intothe estimation of variances. This is particularly the casewhen missing-data are estimated from means or aver-age values of specimens with landmarks or measurementsthat are observable, or by simple regression of a vari-able onto another (Little, 1992; Little and Rubin, 1987).While some have suggested methods to correct for theseerrors, there is still debate regarding their utility (e.g.Snedecor and Cochrane, 1989; Sokal and Rohlf, 1995;Steel and Torrie, 1980). For example, maximum likelihood-based techniques (essentially Expectation Maximization[EM]) (Dempster et al., 1977) and Multiple Imputation [MI](Schafer and Olsen, 1998) processes have been suggestedto be the most effective. However, these methods wereapplied to unique datasets, and the lack of applicability ofthese methods to other datasets may prohibit their poten-tial utility. For example, each method has assumptions thatmust be verified, such as multivariate normality or randomdistribution of missing values. Such assumptions are verydifficult to verify on biological or palaeontological datasets.Geometric morphometric data also have their own statisti-cal particularities; for example, X, Y and Z coordinates must

Please cite this article in press as: Couette, S., White, J., 3D geomgive clues for the analysis of fossil primates?. C. R. Palevol (201

be collinear and the position of one landmark is necessar-ily linked to the position of others on a specimen. Anotherrestriction with any palaeontological dataset is the samplesize, which can be very small. Thus, it may be inappropri-ate to use some methods, which are statistically restricted

PRESSol xxx (2010) xxx–xxx

on some datasets. Considering all these parameters, func-tional morphologists continue to struggle with theoreticalapproaches to missing-data estimation methods, particu-larly methods involving landmark coordinates.

In the analysis of fossil material, reconstruction meth-ods commonly rely on a single, or several referencespecimens. Using this model, the shapes of incompletespecimens are fitted onto the known morphology of anundamaged specimen, and missing coordinates are esti-mated (Gunz, 2005; Gunz et al., 2004, 2009; Neeser et al.,2009; Ponce de León, 2002; Ponce de León and Zollikofer,1999; Zollikofer and Ponce de León, 2005). Although vari-ous methods have been proposed, the reference specimenis absolutely necessary. When it is difficult to identify anappropriate reference specimen, an average specimen canbe computed for use in any subsequent data estimation(see appendix in Cardini and Elton (2008)). By its nature,the definition of a reference specimen on which to base allother estimations can be problematic. For example, the cor-rect taxonomic affiliation must be known, the sex must beidentified, potential sexual dimorphism must be taken intoaccount, and low intra-taxon variation must be assumed.These a priori assumptions all constitute substantial diffi-culties when working with any palaeontological dataset.

Godinot and Couette (2008) conducted a taxonomicreview of the large adapines, a group of European fossilprimates, based on dental and cranial morphology. In thisanalysis, preliminary morphometric study was performedon a sample of adapine crania, both complete and damaged.In order to include damaged crania, the authors visuallyestimated the locations of the missing landmarks. Whereasthe measurement error was low in the analysis (attestingto the estimation quality), the authors recognized that thisapproach is highly subjective, requiring constant reevalua-tion in future studies. With this result acting as a frameworkfor further analysis, here we test the accuracy of two esti-mation methods on a sample of extant primates by bothgenerating and reconstructing missing-data. By doing so,we aim to test the reliability of two different methodsof estimating missing-data: Multiple Regression (MR) andExpectation Maximization (EM).

The aim of the current study is not to study morpho-logical variation in fossil primates; rather, we anticipatethat our testing of the power of reconstruction methods caneventually be applied, in the future, to a sample of extinctprimates. By using a set of extant prosimian primates witha complete set of landmarks to test the power of missingdata estimation, we ask the following questions: (1) is therea maximum limit to the amount of missing-data that canbe estimated; (2) can we rely on methods of reconstructingmissing data to study morphological differences using geo-metric morphometrics; and (3) is it ultimately of benefitto reconstruct missing-landmarks? We anticipate that, byaddressing these research questions, we will gain newinsight into the use of reconstructing missing data in anyfuture analysis of fossil primates.

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2. Materials and methods

Data were collected on two genera (five species,total) in the collections of Laboratoire mammifères et

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Fig. 1. Position of the landmarks on a crania of Eulemur fulvus. See Table 1 for definition. Picture for the Digimorph website (http://digimorph.org). Scalebar represents 1 cm.Fig. 1. Position des points homologues sur un crâne d’Eulemur fulvus. Se référer au Tableau 1 pour la définition des points. Images provenant du site InternetDigimorph (http://digimorph.org). L’échelle représente 1 cm.

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Table 1Definition and position of the landmarks.Tableau 1Définition et position des points homologues.

Label Position Definition Label Position Definition

IS Midsagittal Interdentale PCON Both sides Posterior point of the occipital condyleBEN Midsagittal Base of the nasal aperture PAZ Both sides Anterior point of the zygomatic fossaNSL Midsagittal Nasal PPZ Both sides Posterior point of the zygomatic fossaNA Midsagittal Nasion PMN Both sides Premaxilla/Maxilla/Nasal sutureBR Midsagittal Bregma PNL Both sides Maxilla/Nasal/Frontal sutureLD Midsagittal Lambda LF Both sides Maxilla/Lacrymal/Frontal sutureOPCR Midsagittal Opisitocranion LACR Both sides Lacrymal foramenOPI Midsagittal Opisthion SO Both sides Summit of the orbitBA Midsagittal Basion BO Both sides Base of the orbitBAB Midsagittal Basioccipital/Basisphenoid

sutureZS Both sides Upper Zygomatic/Maxilla suture

BABA Midsagittal Basisphenoid/Presphenoidsuture

ZI Both sides Lower Zygomatic/Maxilla suture

PNS Midsagittal Palatines suture FM Both sides Anterior Frontal/Zygomatic suturePMX Midsagittal Maxilla/Palatine suture FMP Both sides Posterior Frontal/Zygomatic sutureMPMX Midsagittal Premaxilla/Maxilla suture PT Both sides PterionPM Both sides Maxilla/Premaxilla suture on

the faceTSP Both sides Temporal/Sphenoid/Parietal suture

P3 Both sides Disto vestibular point ofP3/alveolus

AS Both sides Asterion

M1 Both sides Disto vestibular point ofMl/alveolus

ZYG0S Both sides Upper Zygomatic/Parietal suture

MT Both sides Disto vestibular point ofM3/alveolus

ZYGUP Both sides Upper point of the zygomatic arch

APET Both sides Anterior petrous temporal ZYGDOW Both sides Lower point of the zygomatic archTS Both sides Temporal/Sphenoidal junction

at the petrousZYGO Both sides Lower Zygomatic/Parietal suture

AB Both sides Anterior point of the bulla EAM Both sides Anterior external auditory meatusPB Both sides Posterior point of the bulla PEAM Both sides Posterior external auditory meatusACON Both sides Anterior point of the occipital ISC Both sides Intersection of the parieral crest

condyleLCON Both sides Lateral point of the occipital


oiseaux of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle,Paris, France (n = 86): Hapalemur griseus (N = 10),Eulemur coronatus (N = 10), Eulemur macaco (N = 10),Eulemur mongoz (N = 8), Eulemur fulvus albocollaris (N = 10),Eulemur fulvus albifrons (N = 10), Eulemur fulvus fulvus(N = 10), Eulemur fulvus mayottensis (N = 10), Eulemur fulvusrufus (N = 8). The sample was solely composed of adultspecimens (specimens that demonstrated eruption of theentire adult dentition).

A total of 80 landmarks were defined on the crania anddigitized using a Microscribe G2X digitizer (Immersion Cor-poration, San Jose, California). Landmarks were located onthe sagittal plane of each side of the cranium (Fig. 1 andTable 1). In order to compute a measurement error, eachspecimen was digitized twice. The resulting rate of mea-surement error varied from 2.3 to 2.7%; with such a lowrate, we interpret that there is a negligible effect on theresults presented below. The effect of sex on cranial vari-ation (sexual dimorphism) was also tested using a GLMprocedure and rejected.

2.1. Missing-data estimation

Please cite this article in press as: Couette, S., White, J., 3D geomgive clues for the analysis of fossil primates?. C. R. Palevol (201

The process we took in exploring the effect of missingdata on geometric morphometric analysis was composedof several steps. Firstly, the entire dataset was subjected torandom deletion of landmarks in 5% increments using the

with the Frontal/Parietal suture

R software (2008). As landmarks coordinates are definedby X, Y and Z, the procedure of random deletion was per-formed only on the X coordinates with the Y and Z matricesmanually adjusted accordingly (to maintain homogeneityand coherence between X, Y and Z coordinates). Secondly,landmarks that were present on one side, but missing onthe other, were mirrored on each specimen (and repeatedfor each 5% iteration of the deletion process). The resultingdataset was then comprised of landmarks that had beendigitized in the original data capture procedure, landmarksthat were mirrored from the opposite side of the crania,and missing-landmarks. To check for bias, values of error(based upon the deviation of the midline points from themidline plane) were calculated. These errors were negli-gible. Finally, missing landmarks (X, Y, and Z components)were estimated using one of two methods – MultipleRegression (MR) and Expectation Maximization (EM). TheEM procedure is an iterative method. It consists on aninitial estimation of missing values by substituting themeans variables by variable, computing a set of parame-ters (means, variances, covariances. . .), re-estimating themissing values from this set of parameters, estimating

etric morphometrics and missing-data. Can extant taxa0), doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.07.002

these parameters, until the parameters converge on a finalvalue (see Dempster et al. (1977) for more details). In thiscase, we used 1000 iterations or a convergence value of0.001. The multiple regression technique consists on theestimation of a missing value on a specimen for a variable

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Fig. 2. Estimation of the missing-data impact on the sample. X axis repre-sents the percentage of missing-data (landmarks). In case A (black line),Y axis is the percentage of landmarks shared by all the specimens. In caseB (gray line), Y axis is the percentage of full specimens.Fig. 2. Estimation de l’impact des données manquantes sur l’échantillon.L’axe des X représente le pourcentage de données manquantes (points

tion of pair landmarks (where one landmark was present onone side, but missing on the other). By utilizing the mirrorreflection method, we were able to considerably reduce theamount of missing data. After that, multivariate estimationmethods are used. The percentage of estimation error as a

Fig. 3. Percentage of estimation error as a function of percentage of

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rom the values of the other variables and other specimensLittle and Rubin, 1987; Sokal and Rohlf, 1995). Both ofhese procedures have been performed taking taxonomicroups into account.

For each step of deletion, and estimation, an estima-ion error has been computed using the R software. Therror was quantified by calculating the deviation betweenhe original coordinates of specimens and the estimated X,, Z coordinates. The total estimation error for each stepas calculated as the average value of errors computed on

pecimens using the estimated landmarks coordinates onlywe did not include full specimens in the computation).

.2. Morphospace differentiation

We analyzed nine different datasets: the originalataset, datasets obtained after 5, 10, 15 and 20% missing-ata estimations using EM and datasets obtained after 5,0, 15 and 20% missing-data estimations using the MRethod. For each dataset, we applied a generalized Pro-

rustes analysis, using a Generalized Least-Squares (GLS)lgorithm, to perform translation, rotation, and scaling (viahe unit of centroid size). With this procedure, differencesn shape are reported as residuals from each transformedandmark or as uniform changes in the overall shape (Rohlfnd Marcus, 1993; Rohlf and Slice, 1990). Following therocrustes transformation, a Principal Component Anal-sis (PCA) was performed for each set of landmarks touild a set of morphospaces (multivariate statistical spaceshere the position of a specimen characterizes its mor-hology). Following this, we estimated the variation ofpecimen locations, between the different morphospacesor each of both estimation methods. We also constructedisualizations of the cranial geometry using the Mor-hologika v 2.5. software (O’Higgins and Jones, 2006) touggest potential biological interpretations resulting fromach step of missing-data estimation.

.3. Morphological taxonomic differences

Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) was applied to theifferent sets of landmarks for each of the two estimationethods to determine if the shape of genera, species and

ubspecies could be distinguished from others statistically.FA was used in this context as it emphasizes relationshipsmong group covariance matrices to discriminate betweenroups (see, among others, Morrison, 1990; Pielou, 1984).anonical Variate Analyzes (CVA) were performed on DFA

unctions and statistical tests (a posteriori statistics for clas-ification and percent of correct classifications) computed.oth the DFA and CVA procedures were calculated usinghe R software (2008).

. Results

.1. Missing-data estimation

Please cite this article in press as: Couette, S., White, J., 3D geomgive clues for the analysis of fossil primates?. C. R. Palevol (201

The impact of missing-data on the initial sample is pre-ented in Fig. 2. Firstly, when a landmark was missing forne specimen of the sample, this landmark was excludedor all the specimens (black line). As some specimens do

homologues). Dans le cas A (courbe noire), l’axe des Y représente le pour-centage de points homologues partagés par tous les spécimens. Dans lecas B (courbe grise), l’axe des Y représente le pourcentage de spécimenscomplets.

not necessarily share or exhibit particular landmarks, whendata is excluded because it is missing in one specimen,the loss of information is dramatic. For example, the per-centage of shared landmarks is reduced by more than 50%when 3% of the data in the sample is missing. The per-centage is reduced to less than 25% when only 5% of thedata are missing. The sample size is dramatically reducedwhen specimens with missing-data are excluded (Fig. 2,grey line). More than 90% of the specimens are excluded ofthe study if 3% of the landmarks are missing.

In general, the mirror reflection method of estimatingmissing data served as an efficient solution for the estima-

etric morphometrics and missing-data. Can extant taxa0), doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.07.002

missing-data in the sample for EM (black curve) and Multiple regression(gray curve) methods. Dotted line represents the 10% threshold.Fig. 3. Pourcentage d’erreur d’estimation, en fonction du pourcentage dedonnées manquantes dans l’échantillon pour les méthodes EM (courbenoire) et régression multiple (courbe grise). La ligne pointillée indique leseuil d’erreur de 10 %.

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Fig. 4. Morphospace occupation of specimens from full dataset to estimation of 20% of missing-data using both EM and Multiple regression methods. Thepercentage for each scatter plot indicates the amount of estimated missing-data. For each case, a visualization of an “extreme” morphology (specimenindicated with a star) is given to control the biological meaning of the estimation.Fig. 4. Occupation de l’espace morphologique, depuis le jeu de données complet jusqu’à l’estimation de 20 % des données manquantes, pour les méthodesEM et régression multivariée. Le pourcentage dans chaque graphique indique la proportion de données manquantes. Une visualisation de la morphologiecrânienne d’un individu « extrême » (figuré par une étoile) est donnée, afin de contrôler le sens biologique de l’estimation.

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Fig. 5. Canonical variate analysis performed on discriminant functions,

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unction of percentage of missing data is shown in Fig. 3.he percentage of estimation error is computed after theeflecting procedure. Estimation error increases exponen-ial with both EM and multiple regression methods. If weonsider an empirical 10% threshold for estimation error,limit value of 20% of missing data in the sample would

e proposed by the model. In other words, after 20% ofissing data in the sample, the error due to estimation is

igher than 10%. Considering this result, we decided not tostimate more than 20% of missing-data.

.2. Morphospace occupation and visualizations

Fig. 4 illustrates the results along the first two principlexes after Principal Components Analysis on the Procrustestted coordinates following data estimation using both EMnd MR methods. Using the full dataset (with no missing-ata), the first principle component represented 80% of theotal shape variation. With the deletion of data in 5% incre-

ents and using the EM model for data estimation, theotal variation represented by the first component was asollowing: 5–73%, 10–61%, 15–52%, 20–47%. Thus, with anncreasing amount of missing and estimated data, the totalmount of variation represented by the first componentecreased (a negative relationship). Using the MR method,he first principle component represented the followingercentage of shape variation with increments of dataeletion: 5–66%, 10–57%, 15–56%, and 20–38%. Comparedith the EM method of estimation, a progressively lesser

mount of shape variation could be explained by the firstrinciple component at each data deletion level using theR method, although the differences are not considerable.sing both methods of data estimation, the morphospaceccupation increased with percentage of data deletion;n other words, the distinction between groups along therst principle component decreased. Results obtained hereuggest that the potential for producing a larger num-er of outliers and extreme morphologies is slightly largersing the EM method than the MR method. On the otherand, the MR method of estimation would likely producegreater level of morphological artifacts on the over-

ll sample, rather than on particular specimens, than theR method. The differences between the two methods

ould thus explain the differences observed along the firstC. We caution against overemphasizing these differences,owever, as there are no substantial differences in theccupation of the morphospace illustrated in Fig. 4. It isotable that after visualization of extreme morphologiesoutliers), it is evident that with levels of estimated datareater than 15%, some landmarks demonstrate aberrantocations and do not reflect any true biological condition.

.3. Morphological taxonomic differences

A DFA and a CVA on the discriminant functions wereerformed on the initial full dataset (with no missing-

Please cite this article in press as: Couette, S., White, J., 3D geomgive clues for the analysis of fossil primates?. C. R. Palevol (201

andmarks), with the first two canonical axes illustratedn Fig. 5. In this case, the first two canonical axes accountor approximately 99% of the total shape variation. In thisnalysis, the cranial morphology of groups distinguishedt the generic, specific, and subspecific levels were statis-

grouping by taxon, of the full dataset (no missing-data).Fig. 5. Analyse canonique réalisée sur les fonctions discriminantes del’échantillon complet (sans données manquantes) en regroupant partaxon.

tically distinguishable (in each comparison, the p- valuesof F statistics on Mahalanobis distances are all highlysignificant and a posteriori probabilities attest that all spec-imens are correctly classified in their groups). Following theanalysis on the full dataset (with no missing landmarks),the same DFA and CVA analyses were performed usingdatasets with increasing data deletion and missing-dataestimation using both the EM and MR methods (Fig. 6).In each case, the two first discriminant functions weresignificant (Chi2 test with a = 5%). Using EM method, thepercentage of total variation along the first axis was as fol-lows: 5–86%, 10–78%, 15–63%, and 20–51%. Using the MRmethod, the percentages of total variation along the firstcanonical axis were calculated as: 5–87%, 10–76%, 15–58%,and 20–46%.

Using both the EM and MR methods of data estimation,cranial morphologies are differentiated by the canonicalfunctions at the 5 and 10% data deletion level (p-valuesof F statistics on Mahalanobis distances indicate signifi-cant difference). At the 5% data deletion level, 1% of thespecimens are misclassified using the EM method, whereas3% are misclassified using the MR method. At the 10%level, 7% are misclassified using EM, with 13% misclas-sified using the MR method. However, genera, speciesand subspecies exhibit significantly different morpholo-

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gies after estimation of 10% of missing-data. Unlike atthe 5 and 10% data deletion levels, discriminant func-tions could not separate the cranial morphologies at thesubspecific level using the 15% data deletion dataset.

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Fig. 6. Canonical variate analyzes performed on discriminant functions, grouping by taxon. Missing-data, from 5 to 20%, have been estimated using bothEM and multivariate regression methods. See Fig. 5 for symbols legend.Fig. 6. Analyses canoniques réalisées sur les fonctions discriminantes, en regroupant par taxon. Les données manquantes, de 5 à 20 %, ont été estimées parles méthodes EM et de régression multivariée. Se référer à la Fig. 5 pour la légende des symboles.

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t this step, species and genera morphologies remainignificantly different. These results are similar with EMnd MR methods, with 24 and 27% misclassification,espectively. After estimation of 20% of missing-data,pecies are not distinguishable. At this level of dataeletion, only generic morphologies remain significantlyifferent. In terms of misclassification of estimated data,t the 20% data deletion level, 47% of the observations areisclassified using the EM estimation method, with 51%

sing MR method.

. Discussion

Following simulated data deletion and landmark esti-ation as described here, we conclude that the impact

f missing-data on 3D morphometric analysis is high,articularly as the amount of missing-data increases. Thus,

t is clear that the investigator must be cautious in thestimation process as the choice of sampled specimens,eleted landmarks, or estimation methods may prove to beoo restrictive. We concede, however, that palaeontologistsre generally not in the procedural context presented here.issing-data are rarely randomly distributed; instead,issing-landmarks are commonly located on the more

ragile parts of a fossil. For example, considering primaterania, the zygomatic arches or the bones of the neurocra-ium are, in our experience, more often damaged whenompared to portions of the face. Considering this, ouresults must be weighed against the distinct possibilityhat missing-data occur more often on particular portionsf the skull, rather than in a random pattern. Our resultsoncur with those discussed by Neeser et al. (2009). Theumber and definition of the landmarks themselves could

nfluence the estimation. We did not assume any weight tohe landmarks in our study but the homology (as definedy Bookstein (1991)) and the location of each landmarkould be influenced by a peculiar cranial function or struc-ure. We can assume that the presence or absence of oner another landmark (depending on the definitions andhe locations of these landmarks) in the dataset wouldave different effects. Solutions to these problems couldome from insight gained through investigating the effectf phenotypic integration and modularity, based on land-ark correlations and covariations (e.g., Ackermann and

heverud, 2000; Cheverud, 1995; Marroig and Cheverud,001). A good knowledge of interactions between bio-

ogical parts, as well as effect of functions, development,volutionary history, etc., on morphologies would con-titute a helpful element. It would improve the datasetomposition to better fit the aim of the study.

Our results suggest that missing-landmarks cannot beeliably estimated after the 20% data deletion level. Oncehis level of data deletion has been reached, we find thathe estimation error exceeds the 10% estimation errorhreshold. Strauss et al. (2003) suggested that almost 50%f missing-data can be estimated with accuracy using a

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mall number of characters; our results also suggest thathe number of landmarks could have an impact on theower of the estimation methods.

While using a mirror reflection method appears toerve as a relatively powerful and accurate solution for

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estimating missing-data, it does reduce the asymmetricvariation between right and left sides of one specimen. Thisvariation remains of high interest for studying the influenceof environmental adaption on the development of fluctu-ating asymmetry (random variations between right andleft sides) as a measurable expression of developmentalinstability (Klingenberg, 2003a,b; Klingenberg and Nijhout,1999; Klingenberg et al., 1998; Leamy and Klingenberg,2005; Willmore et al., 2005). Thus, the study of asymmetryis a valuable tool for understanding processes that may leadto the covariation of traits when considering phenotypicintegration and modularity concepts (e.g., Klingenberg,2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009; Klingenberg et al.,2003; Breuker et al., 2007). For this particular topic, then, amirror reflection method would not be appropriate.

In 2009, Neeser and colleagues investigated a mean sub-stitution method for estimating missing-landmarks. Themean substitution method is one based on substitutionusing Thin Plate Spline and multivariate regression tech-niques. These authors utilized three large sample units(n = 67, 107, and 628) with 29 cranial landmarks identified.Whereas Neeser et al. (2009) found differences in the accu-racy of the estimation methods they tested, we found thatour chosen methods (EM and MR) produce similar results.In comparison, Strauss et al. (2003) tested two methods(EM and Principal-Component) for morphometric missing-data estimation, concluding that the results were similarusing each; this conclusion is similar to ours.

With their results in mind, Neeser et al. (2009)presented some concluding recommendations for esti-mating missing-landmarks, advising the use of reference-specimens or reference-samples. These reference-samplesshould, they concluded, be composed of specimens that aretaxonomically close to the target research species (sister-groups, for example). These authors also suggested that thelarger the reference sample is, the more accurate the result-ing estimation. These authors conclude that the choiceof an estimation method must be made after considera-tion of the size of the reference sample, as well as thepreservation of the studied specimen. These results arenot directly comparable to those obtained in our study, aswe did not assume any reference specimens. Instead, webased our investigation on our own ultimate goal: usingdata estimation methods for palaeontological purposes. Infact, we considered the fact that the fossil primate sam-ple studied by Godinot and Couette (2008) would not havenecessarily fit with any extant prosimian reference sam-ple model (especially due to the small sample size of thefossil sample). Several researchers have suggested that theaffinities between adapines and extant prosimians war-rant comparison between the two groups. These studies,however, produce varied results. For example, Gregory(1920) found similarities between the postcrania of Adapisand Lepilemur. Gingerich (1975, 1977), on the other hand,found Adapis to be more similar to Hapalemur, based onother regions of the postcrania. Grandidier (1905) also

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identified postcranial characters that suggest an affinitybetween Adapis and Cheirogaleus and Lemur. More recently,Schwartz and Tattersall (1979, 1985) supported affini-ties between adapines, Lepilemur and Hapalemur, whereasBeard et al. (1988) proposed that the wrist morphology of

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Adapis showed the greatest similarity to extant lemurs andlorises. Thus, while the choice of a lemuriform reference-sample to estimate missing-data of adapines is appropriate,it is not clear as to which species (or subspecies) of lemurwould be most accurate. We suggest that the concept ofanalogy, rather than phylogenetic affinity, is also an appro-priate starting point for working on the estimation of fossilmissing-landmarks. For example, our choice of Hapalemurand Eulemur in the present study was used because thecrania (and, accordingly, the landmark locations) of bothgenera strongly resemble those of Adapis, Leptadapis, andMagnadapis. Thus, we suggest that a comparison of adapinecranial morphology with these prosimians genera wouldlikely be more appropriate than the one performed withthe New World species Alouatta by Godinot and Couette(2008). It must be noted, however, that the goal of thelatter study was also to investigate sexual dimorphism inthe adapines, which is relatively low in extant prosimi-ans. Hence, it is very clear that the initial question ofa study would determine the dataset used for missing-data estimation. That way, depending on the goal of thestudies, the sample could reflect different a priori hypothe-ses (e.g. phylogenetic scenarios, morphofunctional aspectsor intra/interspecific variations). Missing-data estimationwould be highly influenced by the sample choice, whichmust be considered even more cautiously.

With reference to our initial research questions, ourresults suggest that a level of data deletion greater than15% (or possibly extended to 20%) serves as an upper-limit to the utility of data estimation. In this sample, datadeletion levels greater than 15% produced relatively unreli-able results. Under this maximum limit, however, methodsof missing-data estimation have the potential to be veryuseful to study morphological differences using geometricmorphometric techniques. We feel this is particularly trueif the comparisons are between taxonomic groups. Weconclude, therefore, that the estimation of missing-dataconstitutes an appropriate solution for palaeontologicalstudies that include damaged specimens, or with compar-isons with small sample sizes. Once again, however, westress that any estimation process must be chosen with thepurpose of the comparison in mind and with considerationof the amount of missing-data.


The authors want to thank Jacques Cuisin and Julie Ville-main for the access to the specimens, Rémi Laffont andEloïse Zoukouba for their methodological advices. They alsowant to thank Gaël Clément and Didier Geffard-Kuriyamafor inviting them to submit the article for this specialvolume. Finally, they would like to thank the GDR 2474CNRS “Morphométrie et évolution des formes” which orga-nized the VIth SMEF in May 2009 where the preliminaryresults of this study were initially presented and dis-cussed.

Please cite this article in press as: Couette, S., White, J., 3D geomgive clues for the analysis of fossil primates?. C. R. Palevol (201


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