This is right by the library. The police are blocking off the bridge that goes past phipps. People began to get restless and so they tear gassed the crowd, charged at them on horseback, and then gassed them

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Page 1: G-20 Pictures

This is right by the library. The police are blocking off the bridge that goes past phipps. People began to get restless and so they tear gassed the crowd, charged at them on horseback, and then gassed them again.

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More police blocking people from phipps

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This is a police officer shooting rubber bullets at a person running. It was taken right around the cathedral on forbes avenue. You can also see the tear gas in the background

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This was taken in front of the cathedral. Obviously there is gas in the background

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My friends Sam and Julia got tear gassed by the cathedral and also at the union. I think this picture was taken at the cathedral, the first place where they were gassed.

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Protesters on forbes. This happened before I went outside. Probably around 10:30. Notice the dumpster in the background. (Also note that there are not pitt students present; these are all actual protesters)

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They lit the dumpster on fire and rolled it down the street towards the police. I could see this from the window in my lounge.

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The fire department putting out the fire the protesters started by lighting the dumpster on fire.

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Forbes avenue. You can’t really tell but there were a LOT of police down there. The mess of lights are all cop cars.

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The police used budget trucks to get around en masse. This is them unloading on forbes right in front of the pitt shop. As you can see, they have gas masks on because about a minute later, they gassed us.

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The police on forbes. My friend Sam took this picture. We were all standing together on the patio.

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This is the view of the pittsburgh police on forbes avenue. They moved us all the way from the cathedral to the towers. This picture was taken from the street.

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This picture was taken on the patio of towers. These people are all on forbes. The police are right in front of them.

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This took place after I was safely back in my room. Probably around 1am. You can’t see them in this picture, but there were at least 8 kids lined up against the wall in hand-cuffs. I have no idea why they were arreted. There were way more cop cars than this further down 5th avenue, you just can’t see. At one point, an entire motorcade of cop cars came rolling down the street. I lost count after 20.

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This is the police officer that came into the Towers lobby (after they gassed us off the patio) and told us that if we left the building they would gas us again. During this time, three kids tried to leave to go back home and were taken to the ground, beaten up, and arrested

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The Panera door completely destroyed

Breugger’s window