FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

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The Home for Little Wanderers

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Page 3: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Our Mission is to Ensure the

Healthy Behavioral, Emotional, Social and Educational

Development and Physical Well-Being

of Children and Families Living

in At-Risk Circumstances.

a PATHWAYof Support, a LIFETIMEof Acheivement

adoption & foster careChild placement services ensure children of all ages are placed in a safe and nurturing home. Whether starting a family or adding to their own, parents are supported throughout the process with training, counseling and support groups.

mental health servicesOur trained team of mental health counselors help children of all ages who are struggling with emotional, behavioral and social di�iculties. Full neuropsychological testing and medication evaluations augment our counseling programs when needed.

independent livingComprehensive vocational and life skills training programs help youth who are aging out of state systems of care to transition from dependent living to independence and adulthood.

therapeutic residentialResidential programs that range from group homes to intensive treatment facilities o�er a safe, homelike environment where children aged 5-18 can receive therapeutic services that emphasize positive social skills and reduce behavioral regression.

family counselingIn-home and clinical services help families improve communication, solve problems and cope with di�icult situations. In a time of crisis, counselors meet with the family in the home and collaborate with emergency medical teams to ensure the safety of the children and stability of the home.

Education is an integral part of any child’s ability to succeed. Our highly structured, year-round schools ensure children in our care who face challenges receive the educational and therapeutic services necessary to reach their fullest academic and social potential.

special education

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Joan Wallace-Benjamin President and CEO

Pamela Herbst Acting Chairperson

Dear Friends,

As we do at the end of every fiscal year, we look back and reflect on what kind of year it was for The Home and, like most years, we find it was one of both opportunities and challenges. On the positive side, we have continued to deliver top quality and life changing services to thousands of children and families in need; we have been active in the public policy arena and have had a great year in terms of philanthropy, thanks to our loyal and generous friends. Two important milestones for the year were the agency’s reaccreditation for another four years by the Council on Accreditation and the final sale of our Knight Children’s Center facility in Jamaica Plain — exactly 100 years after The Home took occupancy.

On the less positive side, we felt some residual turbulence generated by the difficulties at the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families. Much of this was due to misrepresentation by an overzealous media and a lack of understanding about the type of work we do. Nevertheless, it is a distraction and requires extra vigilance to stay focused and keep the best interests of the children and families in the forefront.

The year did provide some hugely gratifying moments, such as in April when we celebrated five young women receiving their diplomas from Bridgewater State University as part of the first graduating class from our Academic Support for College and Life program. These “First Five” are well on their way to the next stage of their lives. Our annual Voices & Visions gala was special this year as it was the 10th anniversary and the Sabino Marinella award was presented to one of our own — Board Member Tim Miner and his family were recognized for opening their home to a group of siblings struggling to stay together during a critical time in their young lives.

Additionally, an important partnership between The Home and Wellesley College was formed to research the educational experience of students with trauma histories. We will work with Michelle Porche, Ed.D., an associate director and senior research scientist at the Wellesley Centers for Women. The study will seek to evaluate which academic and clinical interventions are effective for students with multiple adverse childhood experiences and help us further understand the impact of trauma symptoms on students’ learning. The Home’s Longview Farm and Southeast Campus residential/education programs will be the focus of the study.

As always, none of our accomplishments would have been possible without the generous support of our friends and donors, our Board of Directors, Board of Ambassadors, volunteers and staff. Thank you for your continued belief in our work.

Thank you.

Joan Wallace-Benjamin President and CEO

Pamela Herbst Acting Chairperson


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WHO NEEDS THE HOME’S HELP?Children and families come to The Home for a variety of reasons; most are facing hard situations that threaten their well-being. Our goal is to counsel the youth and families in crisis, helping them to grow stronger and stay together.

Some of the youth who come to us…

• Have been abused or neglected

• Have behavioral and mental health issues their families cannot manage on their own

• Have learning challenges that need specialized education supports

Families seek support for…

• Parenting skills

• Pre-adoptive and adoption supports

• Accessing community resources

• Crisis Intervention


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After Lucy Collins moved to Cape Cod several years ago, her friends and colleagues questioned why she would continue working “off Cape,” especially during the summer when the traffic is horrendous. “This is my life, it’s what I do,” she would respond. For more than twenty years Lucy has dedicated her life to The Home for Little Wanderers where she helps kids who are disadvantaged or at risk. Each day she gets up at 4 a.m. to begin her commute to her Dorchester office where she is the Family Recruitment Coordinator for The Home’s Intensive Foster Care Program. Intensive foster care provides additional behavioral and medical support.

In Massachusetts alone there are over 7,000 youth in foster care who need a safe and loving place to live and with Lucy’s unwavering dedication, they find them. But Lucy’s job doesn’t stop in Dorchester. On a typical day she is interviewing new foster parents in their homes, performing site visits to make sure families are doing a good job caring for the kids and keeping their homes up to licensing standards, or promoting the need for foster families at statewide events. No matter where Lucy is, she is always advocating for children that need care.

Having graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education from Bridgewater State University, Lucy has always had a passion for working with children. When she was first hired by The Home in October 1993, she was a group home supervisor in Plymouth. Many of the youth who spent time living in the facility remember how she tried to make the residential program feel like home by adding nautical decorations throughout the hallways. Other staff members recalled how Lucy frequently took on the role of parent. “She was empathetic and kind to the kids and no problem was ever too small. She made them feel like they really mattered.”

When the group home merged with The Home’s Southeast Campus, also in Plymouth, Lucy’s role shifted and she became a campus liaison between

The Home and the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families (DCF) to find permanent or foster homes for the youth in the program’s care. When The Home’s Intensive Foster Care Team was looking for a new recruitment coordinator, Lucy was the perfect candidate for the job.

“It didn’t take me long to realize there was a need for more foster families statewide and also to understand both the rewards and challenges of foster parenting,” Lucy said. “Many of these youth have experienced trauma, such as abuse and neglect, and I am able to draw upon The Home’s wide network of services and resources to support and strengthen the foster families and the children they care for.”

Lucy Collins (left), Family Recruitment Coordinator, The Home’s Intensive Foster Care Program, at the Foster Parent Appreciation Dinner

I am able to draw upon The Home’s wide

network of services.

—Lucy Collins



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The Home’s Circle of Friends is made up of dedicated supporters who have committed to making a sustaining gift – an automatic recurring donation that is both easy to set up and maintain. Show your commitment to our communities’ most vulnerable children by becoming a member of this devoted group. Your sustaining donation reminds children, who may otherwise feel alone, that someone is thinking of them – that someone believes in them.


It is because of the work that Lucy does with The Home that 8-year-old Matty now has a place to call home. Matty had been in foster care with a family from Lynn — a young widow and her son — for 14 months when his biological mother’s rights were terminated. Lucy and the foster family worked in cooperation with DCF and the boy’s biological mother to support Matty during the process. The foster family is now in the process of finalizing guardianship and Lucy has never been happier. “I recruited this family and worked with the mother through the application process, training and licensing. I am now her family resource worker. And she continues to thank me for bringing Matty into her family’s life!”

Last summer, Lucy accompanied several foster families on a weekend camping trip to Vermont. “On the last night of the camping trip,” Lucy recalls, “we had a camp fire and everyone sat around eating s’mores, sharing stories about the weekend, laughing and relaxing. As I looked around the circle I saw families, of all different kinds. Parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, biological, adoptive and foster children were sitting together enjoying the warmth of the fire and the pleasure each other’s company. And everyone at the campfire had someone to call family.”

This is what drives Lucy to work every day.


The Home for Little Wanderers provides full adoption services, placing infants, international and domestic children, and waiting children from foster care with loving families of all ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and socioeconomic backgrounds. In addition, we provide MAPP parenting training, adoption assessments, and post-adoption services such as support groups, search/reunion services and counseling.

We also provide Intensive Foster Care services for children currently in the care of the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families residing in temporary situations or with birth parents who are unable to care for them. These children from birth to age 18, are faced with emotional, behavioral, developmental, and/or medical challenges and are in desperate need of loving and stable foster homes.

In FY14 The Home’s Adoption program:

• Worked with 160 adoptive families

• Placed 17 children in homes

• Legalized 9 adoptions

• Helped 52 clients in post-adoption program

• Handled 410 informational calls about adoption


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2010Theme: “Outer Space And Beyond”

Honorees: Dennis Eckersley, Grace and Frank Cyr

2009Theme: “Landscapes of Massachusetts”

Honorees: Brett Braufman Adam, Ronald Logue

2005Theme: “Extreme Makeover”

Honoree: Megan Mercier

2011Theme: “Cultures of the World”

Honorees: Stephen Pemberton, Rick Loughlin

2012Theme: “Celebrating Heroes”

Honorees: Virginia Griffin, Robert K. Sheridan

2006Theme: “Surrealism”

Honorees: Clemmie and James Cash

2013Theme: “A Journey Through the Ancient Past”

Honorees: John T. Hailer and youth from The Home’s programs pursuing higher education

2007Theme: “Without a Face”

Honorees: Steve and Barbara Grossman, Bryon Hefner

2008Theme: “Animals in Their Habitats”

Honorees: Sherri Raftery, Gregory Ricks, Frederick Kramer


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On May 21, 2014, The Home for Little Wanderers celebrated the 10th anniversary of Voices & Visions, our annual children’s art exhibit and fundraising gala. This event has showcased the talent and imaginative power of the children and youth in our programs, and has become the highlight of our year.

Each year, the kids work on an innovative yearlong art project incorporating painting, sculpture and writing, based on an inspirational theme. Past themes have included “Landscapes of Massachusetts,” “A Journey through the Ancient Past” and “Animals and Their Habitats.” The 2014 theme, “I Dream a World,” showcased children’s innermost hopes and wishes for a better world.

The 10th anniversary event was a huge success, raising over $1.1 million with more than 900 guests in attendance. We honored Joanne Y. Jaxtimer, Regional Executive at BNY Mellon, and presented the Sam Marinella award to Board Member Tim Miner and his family, who opened their home to foster a group of siblings struggling to stay together.

Thanks to all the staff, volunteers, sponsors and donors who have made this event possible for the past 10 years; and most of all, to the children and youth who generously allow us to share in their voices and visions.


2014Theme: “I Dream A World”Honorees: Joanne Y. Jaxtimer, Tim and Lauren Miner and family

The Home celebrated the 10th anniversary of our annual Voices & Visions gala at the Seaport World Trade Center with children’s artwork inspired by the 2014 theme, “I Dream a World.”


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The Home’s role as an agency leader in helping to set good public policy in Massachusetts was best illustrated in 2014 through our ongoing work transitioning CHINS to CRA. Far too often over the past forty years under the Children in Need of Services (CHINS) program, a desperate parent who sought help as they struggled to raise a child with difficult but non-criminal behavior faced punishment, even the loss of custody, instead of the services they needed and were expecting.

Last year, CHINS was replaced with the Children Requiring Assistance (CRA) system that ensures those families and children will receive the direction and assistance they seek. Under CRA, the juvenile court will become a gateway to community-based services first, rather than the automatic entry to the criminal justice system it had been under CHINS.

Governor Deval Patrick appointed The Home’s

President and CEO, Joan Wallace-Benjamin, Co-chair of the Families and Children Requiring Assistance Advisory Board, created to implement the new CRA law. The Advisory Board has been meeting monthly since the law was enacted and worked closely with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services in designing a community-based network of services and Family Resource Centers (FRC) to house them.

Among its recommendations, The Advisory Board suggested that the new network of care build up from existing Department

of Children & Families facilities that were already in place but limited both in services and geography. The new FRCs will provide more comprehensive care including behavioral health assessments for CRA children up to age 18 in each of the Commonwealth’s 14 counties.

As a result of strong advocacy, this is becoming a reality. In his FY15 Budget, Governor Patrick touted the new FRCs as “an effective and compelling local service model,” and joined the Legislature in funding the system on par with the Advisory Board’s recommendation. Today, the new FRC’s are being piloted in each county from Barnstable to Berkshire, and will

be fully implemented in late 2015. The Home was selected

to run the FRC for Suffolk (Boston) County.



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• Across the agency, children and youth receiving clinical services demonstrated statistically significant improvement in their mental health functioning by the time they exited from services.

• 100% of Department of Children & Families caseworkers surveyed felt that The Home’s Park Street Family Networks staff used a strengths-based approach when working with their clients.

• 83% of young adults who participated in the Individual Placement and Support employment program at The Home’s Young Adult Resource Network (YARN) secured a job.

• 100% of teachers surveyed rated the quality of the clinical consultation received through The Home’s Child and Family Counseling Center as “good” or “very good.”

Governor Deval Patrick visits with The Home’s CEO and President Joan Wallace-Benjamin. He made it a priority throughout his tenure to support the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable children.


There is no government role more important

than ensuring that children are protected.

—Governor Patrick


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Established as one of the first organizations in the country to provide a refuge for homeless and neglected children and find them permanent homes.

The Home’s Knight Children’s Center opened in Jamaica Plain to help children in need of social, emotional and academic support.

Today with over 20 comprehensiveprograms, clinical presence in more than 45 schools, and in-home family support, The Home provides one of the widest networks of services in the state and remains dedicated to the emotional, mental and physical well-being of children.


One hundred years ago in 1914, we buried a time capsule at the newly-built Knight Children’s Center in Jamaica Plain. In 2014, we retrieved the capsule after saying goodbye to KCC. In it, we found historic documents and forms, newsletters and a newspaper with

a headline about The Great War, later to be known as World War I. For the early 20th century the Jamaica Plain center was cutting edge. Most programs of that period provided only the basics. But KCC offered much more than just food and shelter, including; onsite educational, recreational, and medical services.

Fast forward to the 21st century and The Home is still leading the child welfare field by evolving with youth’s ever changing needs. In the summer of 2014, we buried a new time capsule at Longview Farm, our state-of-the-art residential program in Walpole. Children from the program created poems, stories, and art to accompany a letter from our President and CEO Joan Wallace-Benjamin and that day’s Boston Globe. We hope the students in The Home’s care at Longview Farm will open the time capsule in 2114, with as much excitement and anticipation as we opened the KCC capsule.


Youth at Longview Farm help Joan Wallace-Benjamin fill the agency’s new time capsule with handmade artifacts.

In 2014, The Home recovered a 100-year-old time capsule at the closing of our landmark site in Jamaica Plain. It is pictured above with a Boston Herald article showcasing the site’s famous Tiffany window.


1914 201410

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Revenues 2014 2013 Program Revenue $ 35,415 $ 33,246

Fundraising (portion for operations) 5,831 5,513

Endowment Draw 3,492 3,372

Total Revenues 44,738 42,131


Programs 37,274 34,017

Administrative and General 6,749 6,739

Fundraising 2,154 2,176

Total Expenses 46,177 42,932

Operating Surplus1 (1,439) (801)

Non-Operating Items

Bequests 867 1,271

Investment activity 4,358 3,627

Other2 7,325 (965)

Total Non-Operating Items 12,550 3,933

Change in Unrestricted Net Assets 11,111 3,132

Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets3 1,872 2,009

Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets4 1,361 750

Change in Net Assets $ 14,344 $ 5,891

1 For internal management and budgeting purposes, The Home uses the Operating Surplus/(Deficit) line.

2 Included in the balance of other non-operating items in FY2014 is $140,665 of activity released for plant and equipment acquisitions, net of other non-operating expenses and $7,755,691 gain on the sale of property of The Home. In FY2013, the activity released for plant and equipment acquisitions, net of other non-operating expenses was $856,738.

3 Included in the change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets in FY2014 is $4,136,219 of additional Investment activity, $451,693 of additional Fundraising activity, $(592,423) of activity related to Net Asset released from restriction for program operations, $(1,982,543) of activity related to Net Asset released for appropriation of Endowment appreciation, and $(140,665) of activity related to Net Asset released for plant and equipment acquisition.

Included in the change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets in FY2013 is $4,241,443 of additional Investment activity, $999,498 of additional Fundraising activity, $(527,152) of activity related to Net Asset released from restriction for program operations, $(1,847,827) of activity related to Net Asset released for appropriation of Endowment appreciation, and $(856,738) of activity related to Net Asset released for plant and equipment acquisition.

4 The change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets in FY2014 of $1,360,882 consists of additional Investment Activity. In FY2013, the change in Permanently Restricted Net assets consists of $749,490 of additional Investment Activity.

The information reported above has been obtained and summarized from the June 30, 2014 and 2013 audited financial statements of The Home for Little Wanderers. For complete audited financial statements, please contact the Development Department at 617-927-0663.

The Home for Little Wanderers’ Schedule of OperationsYears Ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 (Reported in 000’s)

2014 Operating Revenue


79.2%Program Revenue

Endowment Draw


2014 Operating Expenses

14.6%Administrative and General




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VISIONARY CABINET($500,000 and above) Estate of Robert A. PaolucciYawkey Foundation

VISIONARY COUNCIL($200,000 to $499,999)Anonymous (1)Natixis Global Asset ManagementTrust of Edna Betts TalbotUnited Way of Massachusetts Bay &

Merrimack Valley

VISIONARY CIRCLE($100,000 to $199,999)Trust of Elisha V. AshtonEstate of Edward P. BossonNatixis Global Asset Management

EmployeesDaniel J. Riccio and Diane M. RiccioThe Thrift Shop of Boston, Inc.

CHAIRMAN’S CABINET($50,000 to $99,999)Estate of Doris M. AnthonyMrs. Alison K. BarryEstate of Joseph BerloDrs. Beverly A. and Robert A. BrownJames and Deborah BurrowsPasquale FranchiRobert FriedeMary Beth and Chris GordonLibra Foundation, Inc.Maggie and Roger MerrillLaurie and Eric SlifkaThomas and Carlotta SovieroAnne and Laurence SperryPenny Windle and John Kline

CHAIRMAN’S COUNCIL($25,000 to $49,999) Anonymous (3)Bank of New York Mellon

CorporationDeborah and Steven BarnesDale and Beverly BeardenJosh and Anita BekensteinBoston CelticsTrust of Robert B. BrighamStephanie L. Brown FoundationTushara CanekeratneThe Clifford Foundation

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Cares

Doe Family FoundationChristopher and Jean EganJohn T. HailerGeorge Harrington TrustLisa K. Matthews and Andrew ByrneMFS Investment ManagementLauren and Timothy MinerRobert and Elizabeth PozenSEIBertha Slade FundLouise C. Slotnick and FamilyPaul and Susan SugarmanThe TJX Companies, Inc.The TJX Foundation, Inc.WalgreensMr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wells, IIIJack William’s Endowment for

Wednesday’s Child, Inc.

CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE($10,000 to $24,999) Anonymous (3)AEW Capital Management, L.P.Estate of Joseph L. AmodeoRichard K. BendetsonEstate of Katharine G. BinghamStephen Blyth and Anita GajdeckiThe Boston FoundationBoston PropertiesThe Bromley Charitable TrustThe Boston Bruins FoundationCedar Street FoundationThe Chubb CorporationCitizens BankCitizens Bank FoundationEstate of Gladys A. CushmanDean Foundation for Little ChildrenSusan A. DeRocheSusan and Digger DonahueDTZDurant Family FoundationEastern Bank Charitable FoundationElizabeth Childs Murphy TrustTrust of George EmersonTed and Maureen EnglishLeslie and Michael GaffinGenzyme CorporationDavid and Wendy GiuntaGlobal Partners LPThe Hamilton Company Charitable


Paul and Rebecca Bidwell-HansonHarbor Capital Advisors, Inc.Henry T. Wiggin Charitable TrustNorman HicksMabel A. Horne FundGeoffrey F. Ide and Peggy HernandezPatricia Jabar and Wayne SmithStacey H. JacobsonEstate of Virginia M. JonesWilliam and Sinesia KarolCaren and Guy LeedomLia SophiaElizabeth LodiChris MacKenzieGeorge and Ann MacomberMarigold Charitable TrustMarinella Family FoundationMarkley GroupMcGladrey LLPChristopher and Catherine MiltonOliver W. Mink TrustNational Home Furnishings

AssociationThe New England Patriots Charitable

FoundationNortheast UtilitiesPaula J. O’KeeffeOld Mutual Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. PembertonJohn and Mary PetersG. Gorham Peters TrustPhiladelphia Insurance Co.James PinneyPioneer InvestmentsProcter and Gamble/GilletteThe Mashikian FamilyPutnam InvestmentsJohn J. Sacco and Edith L. Sacco

Charitable FoundationSaquish FoundationDeborah Stein Sharpe and James M.

SharpeGilda SlifkaState Street CorporationState Street FoundationStewart TitleStop and Shop Corporation, New

England DivisionSugarman and Sugarman, P.C..Jean C. TempelThe Today Show Charitable

Foundation, Inc.Tufts Health PlanUnited Way of Tri-State, Inc.Anne H. and Raimund G.

Vanderweil, Jr.Vinson & Elkins LLPWal-Mart Stores, Inc.Edwin S. Webster FoundationJohn and Ann WebsterWilmerHale

Barbara and Ed WilsonWinston Flowers

PRESIDENT’S CABINET($5,000 to $9,999)Anonymous (6)Leonora and Daniel AbramsAdmirals BankAEW Capital Management EmployeesMarcia T. Allen and Kevin J. DohertyMr. and Mrs. Bryan W. AndersonAnna’s TaqueriaArmony Erel Charitable FundAtlantic Associates, Inc.Bank of America Merrill LynchThe Bank of New York Mellon

FoundationThe Bennett Family FoundationBlue Cross Blue Shield of

Massachusetts FoundationCraig and Terrie BordenThe Boston BruinsBoston Celtics Shamrock FoundationBoston Financial Data Services, Inc.Boston Scientific CorporationBushrod H. Campbell and Adah F.

Hall Charity FundEstate of Louise Lois CanessaCharles River AssociatesClark Family FundClough Capital PartnersClub CorpMatthew and Diana ColdrenColliers InternationalJeff ConklinJosephine and Louise Crane

FoundationGerald and Jeanne CurtisD. O’C General Contractors, Inc.Brian and Barbara DavisDeloitte LLPDelta Dental of MassachusettsDevaney EnergyDLA Piper US LLPThe Max and Victoria Dreyfus

Foundation, Inc.The Drew CompanyMelissa and David DruleyDuane Morris, LLPEaton Vance Investment ManagerseBay Boston GIVE TeamElaine ConstructionEMD MilliporeEnergi Insurance Services Inc.ExecuSpace Construction Corp.Robert and Iris FangerFirst American Title Insurance

CompanyLionel and Judith FortinNancy and Neal FosterAmerico J. Francisco Charitable Trust


LEADERSHIP CIRCLE OF HOPEThe Leadership Circle of Hope is The Home’s recognition society for donors contributing $1,000 or more within a given fiscal year. The following list reflects all gifts and pledges received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.

We gratefully recognize all our donors who gave in Fiscal Year 2014. Thank you for your generosity to the children and families in our care.


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Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Freiberg, III, Ph.D., J.D.

Frontier Capital Management Co., LLC

Goodwin Procter LLPDeborah and Charles GrayGreenberg Traurig LLPEstate of Henry D. GrewHarvard Management Company, Inc.Robert and Pamela HerbstHill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos,

Inc.Barbara and Amos HostetterHunt Street FundJohn Hancock Financial ServicesJones Lang LaSalleJP Morgan Chase & Co.Lori and Stewart KargerThe Nick Katsiroubas FoundationKDSA Consulting, LLCKramer PortraitsLiberty Mutual Insurance CompanyLoomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.Raymond and Susan LyndsMandarin Oriental FoundationMarkun Zusman Freniere &

Compton LLPMarsh USAMartha Coakley CommitteeMassachusetts Convention Center

AuthorityJames and Maureen MellowesJohn C. Morrison and Eunice B.

Morrison Charitable FoundationRichard and Jill MurphyNational DevelopmentNFS Leasing, Inc.The Nokomis FundNorthstar Project & Real Estate

ServicesCarol and John O’NeilKathleen Peto and Dan RiceJamie Pierce and Rick CresswellPricewaterhouseCoopers LLPRed Sox FoundationSarah W. Rollins Charitable TrustThe William Rosenberg Family

Foundation, IncJoseph and Terry Chen RothchildHappy and Will RoweThe Ruggles Family FoundationSalvucci Masonry Co., Inc.Nicola and Whitney SavignanoThe Savings Bank Life Insurance

Company of MassachusettsSchwabe, Williamson & WyattSeaport CompaniesMr. and Mrs. Edward ShifmanShoebuy.comMr. and Mrs. Richard B. SlifkaStructure Consulting GroupSuffolk Construction CompanySun Life FinancialThe Svenson FamilyThe Margaret and Jack Tarver

FoundationTD Bank, N.A.The Waldwin Group, Inc.

Timocracy FoundationJ. Owen and Eileen ToddMatthew and Denise TroxellValley of the Sun United WayVanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.Virtusa CorporationVila B. Webber Charitable TrustWebster BankElizabeth WeilerWells Fargo BankWestfield Capital Management

Company, L.P.Weston Patrick, P.A.Clara B. Winthrop Charitable TrustSharon and Wesley Wratchford

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL ($2,500 to $4,999)Anonymous (6)360 Public Relations, LLCMichael Acton and Miriam SmithADD Inc.The Dr. Anne H. Addington FundAir Cargo Club of New EnglandDennis and Catherine ArinellaHillary AshtonKavita BaballBackpacks for New BeginningsBank of America Matching GiftsDr. Rosalind Barnett and Dr. Nat

DurlachShelley BarrowsBasic Math / Columbia PicturesBelmont Manor Nursing and

Rehabilitation CenterThe Benevity Community Impact

FundBernie & Phyl’s FurnitureMr. and Mrs. Glenn R. BigonetPeter J. Black and Christine C.

CooneyStephen and Maria BlewittBob and Karen BoudreauKatie and Chris BoutonBowdoin Construction Corp.Nancy BudgeBunker Hill Community CollegeJohn G. and Peggy CarberryPatricia CarrollThe Cash Catalyst, LLCClemmie and James CashMr. and Mrs. Peter CataneseSherri A. CavalloThe Christopher Catanese Children’s

FoundationCombined Federal CampaignCommonwealth of Massachusetts

Employees Charitable CampaignConsolidated Service CorporationCoxLevin, LLCCummings PropertiesDana Farber/Brigham and Women’s

Dept. of Radiation OncologyErik and Marcela DaneshStephen Darr and Linda FermeryMr. and Mrs. Domenic DeAngeloRobin W. DevereauxDiesel Direct

The Doffie ProjectMichael DunnEMD Serono, Inc.Mark and Jill EngermanEdward and Helene FaneuilArthur J. Fisher FundFlagship FoundationMrs. Henry L. FosterMr. and Mrs. David A. FreemanThe Fuller FoundationG.F. Sprague & Company, Inc.Global Premier SoccerMichael and Karen GortonTrust of Martin David GranvilleGrimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable

FoundationThe Julia & Seymour Gross

Foundation Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Scott HampoianHarvard University EmployeesHelmsBriscoeHigh Pointe FoundationJohn J. HitchcockTrust of Adelaide B. HowlandHUB International New England,

LLCIBM Employee Services CenterIncome Research & Management,

Inc.Amy and Rob JobChristopher Johnson and Kenneth

ReppMichael KellyStephen and Angie KnightlyFrederick and Susan KramerJohn and Caroline LanganLittle Sib, Inc.Teri and Ian MacduffBridget R. MailletMichelle McDonough and Cynthia

MulicaJames and Anna MilberyMIT Federal Credit UnionBarbara Moore and Jack

VanWoerkomNahikian Family FoundationElisabeth and Thomas NiedermeyerRichard S. Noone, Jr. and Leslie D.

DamonOfficeworks Inc.Drs. Anna J. Mitus and Jay D.

OrlanderJoseph Perini Memorial FoundationJeanne and Todd PetersPillsbury Charitable TrustPitney Bowes, Inc.Michael P. QuercioR.H. Keleher Co., Inc.Richard and Joanne RamseyThe Reebok FoundationBridie Rielly Charitable TrustRoundel 47, LLCMr. and Mrs. David SchelziJoanne SewellHenry and Joyce ShepherdWarren C. ShoopMartin B. ShulkinTrust of Laura Sibbel Fiske

Adam and Gail SlifkaBeatriz Pina SmithSusan M. SmithGerald F. SpragueState Street Matching Gift ProgramJohn and Cathleen SullivanBernard A. TaradashDeborah TrachtenbergTravelers InsurancePatricia E. TrebinoTrinity PartnersUS BankW.T. Phelan & Co. Insurance

Agency, Inc.Beth K. WerthsLisa Wexler and Tom MonroeWheeler del Torro Inc.Robert H. WilloughbyYoung/Sommer, LLC

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE($1,000 to $2,499)Anonymous (31)Dr. Ralph Aarons and Dr. Elizabeth

AaronsAcis TravelMr. and Mrs. Leland J. Adams, Jr.James AdelsteinThe Lassor & Fanny Agoos Charity

FundAHA Consulting Engineers, Inc.AKL Services IncJeff AlpaughKara L. AmaraDavid and Holly AmblerAmgen Foundation Matching Gift

ProgramAmica Companies FoundationDavid and Melinda AndersonGaille AndersonPaul C. AndersonThe Andover - Green’s FundDavid L. AshcroftNoah D. AugustineDennis and Susan AusielloSibylle BaierChristine H. BakerMr. and Mrs. Albert F. BarbaroCole and Avery BarbeauCornelia BarnardJoseph BarrettJames and Eloise BarterKenneth and Auli BattsThe Bay State Federal Savings

Charitable FoundationKerri BeanSusan C. BeckMr. and Mrs. John G. BemisRobert and Ruth BenkerAzita Berenjian and Shariar MotakefMr. and Mrs. Paul BerlinguetBethesda Lodge #30 I. O. O. F.Birchwood Charitable TrustLawrence R. Bisbee, Jr.Mark BissellBlackRock FoundationMarin BlitzerJoshua D. Bogen


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Boston Bruins Alumni Foundation, Inc.

Boston HeraldThe Boston Sisters ConventDoris E. BouwenschWilliam H. Brack and Jessica Anne

LaddEllen BrezniakJoshua and Fiona BrooksNoah Buffett-KennedyDoug and Connie BurtonSusan O. BushWilliam C. ButcherCynthia L. CajkaMr. John J. CalnanDavid and Patricia CameronPatrick D. CampbellKeith F. CarlsonIan T. CarnathanMichael and Margaret CarringtonCBVA IncBrent CharriereAnjali and Yash ChitreLaura and Chris ChomaClaudine M. CicciaCity of Boston Employees’ Charitable

CampaignClarion Healthcare EmployeesCheryl R. ClarkJennfier B. ClarkTim and Christina CohenColdwell Banker DuxburyColdwell Banker WalthamVictor and Janet ColettiChristine CollinsCharles and Camilla CollovaColumbia Construction CompanyCongress Wealth Management, LLCChristian and Jessica ConnorsMrs. Rosemary A. Connors-BottoCharles M. CookLynda M. CoyeDavid and Janet CoyleMary A. Crabtree FundJenna CrenshawChristopher G. CunniffRichard D. CurranTodd E. DambrauskasBruce Daniel and Susan DaceyDanversport Yacht Club, Inc.William and Kathleen DavidsonAmy Davis and Frank DunauLaura Davis and Tyler JacksMichael K. DavisMary DawleyDedham Institution for Savings

FoundationDavid and Deborah DeitzDel Frisco’sClaudia Dent and Pam HurleyMr. and Mrs. Ray DeriseThomas and Laurie DesRosierMatthew DeSutter and Donna PagliaMr. and Mrs. James DevaneyPeter DianaDiCicco, Gulman & Company LLP

Molly Diggins and Mark DugganDiGiovanni FamilyDigital Results GroupTed and Coleen DinneenLynn DionneWilliam and Julie DoeMr. and Mrs. Daniel DonahueMr. and Mrs. William H. DonovanBrent T. DragisichJoseph P. DuffeyDineen M. DusablonDyax Corp.Dr. Sari J. EdelsteinThomas and Margaret EganMrs. Tracy EganJames and Kathleen ElcockMr. and Mrs. Scott R. EmermanRonald F. EnemarkDrs. Andrea and Peter EnzingerMr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. EttingerLaurie EwaldFrank and Eileen FaggianoCharles and Anne FarringtonEdward and Kate FarringtonDavid and Vinita FerreraFestive Adventures, Inc.Mrs. Heidi Findsen-ScireFirst Unitarian Church of ClintonAtsuko and Larry FishWilliam M. FitzgeraldTracey and Joe FlahertyFrederick Fortmiller, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. FosterJohn J. FraherDonald FraserPatricia L. FurnessRobert and Catherine GallagherRichard GalvinRhys GardinerMr. and Mrs. GarlandMatthew S. GarzoneGeneral Electric FoundationTed GieseGilbane Building CompanySandra GillisJulie M. GleasonKeith Glover and Lenore HillThe Gold GroupDaniel L. GoldbergGolden LivingCenterKenneth and Ann GorsonPatricia A. GriffinMr. and Mrs. Daniel M. GrondinGuido GuidottiIan and Dianne GuttermanH.M.L. AssociatesEileen F. HaggertyAnne K. HalvorsenEstate of Eugene B. HamiltonRobert and Theresa HammRichard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. and

Merle Marie McConnell, M.L.S.Antoine Hatoun and Andrea LevittTeresa Heinz and John KerryHenry Family FundHewlett Family Charitable Gift Fund

Hicks Family Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. Bernhard G.

HintereggerEvelyn F. HitchcockMr. and Mrs. Donald L. HodgmanCreighton HoffmanStephen and Ann HoganHollingsworth & Vose CompanyJustin and Laura HoukDr. James Raymond HughesChristopher T. HunterWalter and Suzanne HuskinsMarianne and Nicholas IacuzioInteractions CorporationInterior Resources Inc.Duane and Deborah JacksonLois and David JacobsonJD Cordage, LLCNancy and Peter JetonJMS Family FoundationCynthia JonesJay and Susan JostynLeila R. KamalKaplan Financial Services Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John R. KarlbergMr. and Mrs. Steven KasetaKatsiroubas Brothers Wholesale

Fruit & ProduceChris KeeleyRachel D. KellyStewart W. KempDonna and Ronald KendallSusan E. KennedyChristine E. KennyThe Kenwood FoundationAmina KhanPyong Yon KimBonnie E. Kirchner CFP, MSTWilliam KlepperCarmella A. KletjianJames T. KnowlesGeorge and Carolyn KoehlerMrs. Luella S. KramerKSP Financial ConsultantsSteven and Mary Ann La PierreLangham HotelMr. and Mrs. Salvatore LanutoAndrew Larson and Steven GrayChristina Larson and John KellyWendy J. LaValleeJohn P. and Craig F. LawrenceGardner LewisMrs. Dorothy L’Homme and Melissa

M. L’HommeJames G. LiebauAllison LincecumTrust of Alfred V. LincolnMark H. LippoltThe LJS Family FundGeorge and Ilse LohrerDaniel G. LynchMacFarlane EnergyMichael R. MachMr. and Mrs. Loran B. MacumberTimothy P. MaherGregory P. MaillouxMandarin Oriental San FranciscoRobert and Donna Maresca

Mark Family FoundationMorris MarkMeghan MarquezTheresa MartinMassachusetts Bay Commuter RailMassport-Public ServicesJames MattieKirsten E. McauliffeMr. and Mrs. Edward J. McCarthyCarol C. McDonoughJoan McLaughlinThomas J. McNicholKaren McPhillipsMeadowood Napa ValleyE.F. Merkert 1996 Charitable

FoundationBarbara Putnam Metcalf & Robert

Treat Paine Metcalf FundMIB Group, Inc.The Michael and Jennifer Sexton

Charitable FundMary Ann Milano-PicardiHyun Ju MintonEd MoffittJennette MorganMorgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants, Inc.Elaine MosesianKaren MosmanMrs. Clara J. MotterMulcahy Family FundMullen Advertising, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MullinCharles B. NanickPatricia NassauNetwork HealthNew England Office Connection, Inc.New England RevolutionNew England Sports NetworkNortheast Relocation, Inc.A.B. & J. Noyes FoundationJoseph and Alma O’LoughlinMrs. Lynne OsbornMr. and Mrs. Richard B. OsterbergLinda and Edward OwensOxford Fund, Inc.David and Virginia PackerWilliam J. PananosThe Pappas Family Charitable FundPeter D. Parker and Susan ClareParkway Message Center, Inc.Dr. Shirley F. PartollGeorge M. PatricianCharles H. Pearson Foundation FundTrust of Louise PeaseThe Lori K. and Roland F. Pease

FoundationMrs. Roberta PelkeyDavid and Suzanne PendergastJohn Petrowsky and Thomas ViseGennaro PetruzzielloLaw Offices of Stephanie A. Petty,

LLCLarry and Leslie PetzingBeth PfeifferGretchen Pfuetze and Ethan ThurowThomas Fallon PhotographyMr. and Mrs. Joseph PilkertonPinehills, LLC



Page 17: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Many of our generous donors have devised quite creative ways of ensuring that The Home is remembered — both now and in the future. Some examples are:

• Naming The Home a beneficiary in their will

• Earmarking their Social Security check to come to The Home on a monthly basis

• Making The Home the beneficiary of their insurance policy

• Establishing a charitable gift annuity

• Bequeathing the balance in their savings account to The Home

• Transferring of stock and appreciated assets


Claudia PiperThe Piwinski FamilyMarsha PliakasPlimpton-Shattuck FundLaura and Robert PlumbPlymouth and South Shore

Association of REALTORSTiziana PolizioMrs. Kathryn M. PortleMargot C. PyleSusan RaffettoShelly RainenW. Warren RamirezFrederick Ramos and Robert StarmerKelley and Hamilton RayDavid and Jessica ReillyRobert Reiser & Co., Inc.Roger and Hannelore ReiserKennedy P. RichardsonJoyce L. RobshamBarbara and Pat RocheRoman Catholic Archbishop of

Boston-Saint Patrick SchoolHeather Roney and Michael YalonPaul and Margaret RosenbergLisa K. Rowan-Gillis and Gary M.

GillisKaren and Richard RubenDavid and Sandra RulloKyle Rys and Carrie RainenTheresa M. SabeanDr. Steven Safren and Dr. William

PirlBarbara J. Saint Andre

Saks Fifth AvenueSalem State UniversityGregory and Karen SalvucciSuzanne SalvucciTerry and Larry SalvucciGared SchnebergerFrederick and Kathleen SchultzMr. and Mrs. Bennett W. SchwartzLaura J. SenThe Sentinel FundMichael and Jennifer SextonJill and Tarek SharifTimothy D. ShayWalter A. ShephardSheraton Framingham HotelRoss and Kathleen SherbrookeShowcase SuperLuxDr. Lakshmikant ShrinivasPaul and Lisa SlackSlade Gorton & Company, Inc.Jane and Gordon SlaneyMr. and Mrs. John J. SlavikMr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Sliwa, IIIBarry F. Smith and Susan

Ogrodnik-SmithCourtney SnegroffMichael E. SolomonLilyane and Peter SoltzThomas SonnabendRyan SorleyCarolyn and Andrew SpanglerSt. Margaret Regional SchoolJames and Joan StanleyNora Stanulonis

Star of Bethlehem Lodge AF & AM Walter Grove Fund

Deborah and Ben StarrGeoffrey and April SteinSeth and Jennifer StierWilliam StoneStonehurst Real Estate GroupStowe Mountain LodgeStudent UniverseEllen L. SugarmanStephen SugarmanMaryann SuydamGenevieve and Stephen SweeneySymetraKevin and Joan SymmonsSandra A. TamerTaylor & Luongo Charitable Gift FundGavin A. TaylorShabahang TeymourianCarol A. ThomasThomas Fund of the Princeton Area

Community FoundationTim and Bonnie ThomasJohn TimmermanTodd & Weld LLPTrillium Asset Management

CorporationMr. and Mrs. Clayton H. TurnbullThe United Church in WalpoleUnited Way of Greater WaterburyUnited Way of Rhode IslandUpward Bound Program- American

Student AssistanceNan Vandervelde

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

The Verrill FoundationLuis and Jennifer VidalGabriel VincenzoJames and Terri VogelJoan Wallace-Benjamin, Ph.D. and

Milton J. Benjamin, Jr.Mark D. WamboltPearl WatersWayfair, LLCRick and Patti WayneThe Frederick E. Weber Charities

CorporationGerry WeberChip WeintraubDr. Ronald Weintraub and Mrs.

Margo HowardEllen WeitzlerWells Family FoundationThe Whistler FundWhittier Family Charitable Gift FundLee Wise and Elaine M. SullivanWood MacKenzie, Inc.Estate of Nancy W. WorkmanWSP GroupZa-Beth’s Magic CarpetThe Anne and Henry Zarrow

FoundationPaula Zavrl


Page 18: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

MENTOR($500 to $999)Anonymous (27)50’s DinerBrian J. AbbanatAbiomed, Inc.AcuIty Business Integration, Inc.Joan AdamsCesar AgudeloRobert AlanAmeriprise Financial, Inc.Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Corporate

Giving ProgramElizabeth M. AmesEsther D. AmesVictor J. AmiraultMr. and Mrs. Stephen AndrusMr. and Mrs. David A. AntonelliAtwood & ChernyAustin W. McHoul & AssociatesSteven and Angela BaderAbigail BairdSharon BakBallentine Partners, LLCElena A. BalzacBank of CantonAnthony Barbagallo and Kristen

FowksJeffrey and Ruth BarkerJoseph P. BarriBarter Family TrustSharon BatchelderRobert BayersGwenyth BeavenBenchmark Assisted Living, LLCElizabeth BennettJoanna BickfordEdward and Barbara BochesBohler Engineering MA, LLCBond BrothersGayle A. BourdeauRichard and Deborah BoutilierMichael BoysonShawn and Kathleen BragdonWilliam A. BrennanJames M. Broderick and Karen A.

JohnsonJean BrodnaxPaula BrodyKathryn Lachelt Brown, Esq.Myles A. Brown and Judy GarberMeredith Bryan and FamilyHeather and Christopher BuderMrs. Mary BuffingerBuildium, LLCTom and Judy BullittJohn F. BurkeBurns & LevinsonDavid and Ethel Butler

David and Moira ByerC.M. Cleaning Co., Inc.Paul D. Cammarata D.M.D.Elizabeth and Ronald CampbellSybil A. CampbellLeslie and Lynn CannonCapital Crossing Servicing Co., LLCPatti and Albert CappelloniPaula CaputoJoseph Carper and Susan McKittrickMary Ann CarterEdward CassidyCBIZ TofiasMr. and Mrs. Joseph D. CericolaJody P. ChadwickNicole ChangPeter J. CheeverSpiro A. ChristopulosMirza and Nora CifricClearview National Partners, LLCMr. and Mrs. John J. ClearyMr. and Mrs. Joseph T. ClericoKathryn Cochrane MurphyChris CogdillJerome D. CohenJoel and Stephanie CohenNancy ColbertMichael and Linda CollinsJanice L. ColombiColvin’s, Inc.Combined Federal Campaign of

Rhode Island and SE MAComiskey FamilyEdward R. ComstockDr. Patricia A. ConnollyLisa ConradMaureen A. ConroyAlicia M. Cooney and Stephen

QuigleyMr. and Mrs. Mario J. CornacchioMr. and Mrs. Russell V. Corsini, Jr.Redmond CostelloVivian CournoyerF. Richard CoutureMr. and Mrs. William CoxDaniel R. CoyneDr. and Mrs. Keith CrawfordMr. and Mrs. Daniel CroninGary and Jeanne CroninBala Cumaresan and Veithehi

MuttulinghamMr. and Mrs. John J. Cummings, IIIMarion O. CunninghamCuris, Inc.Sean CurtinCVS CaremarkMarcia DamonMr. and Mrs. Arthur G. D’AngeloKatharine Daragan

Chris DavidMegan DeGrassJohn DelPreteDePrisco JewelersAlfred W. DescenzaDylan DeSimone and Wendy HenryThomas and Mary DeSimoneSandra and Jessie DesjardinsRobert J. Devaney, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John DiarbakerlyMark C. DicksonMrs. Rosemary DitullioDaniel K. DoeMrs. Kathy DohertyMr. and Mrs. James M. DonovanMatt DonovanPaul and Barbara DowlingAlysa E. Doyle, Ph.D.Mark DoyleKyle DraegerRobert L. DubeeRobert DuffyEarthshareEdTechTeacherEducational ToylandEnnis, Inc.Equity Office Properties TrustDr. Heidi ErlacherMr. and Mrs. Charles EshbachDr. Thomas G. Evans and Susan E.

MoserPeter and Maryann EversPamela FerranteFifteen Beacon HotelAlfred J. FiliaggiPatricia FisherDaniel J. FitzpatrickMichael J. FitzpatrickPatrick J. FitzsimonsFive Star Quality Care, Inc.John J. FlatleyC. E. Floyd Company, Inc.Eric FoleyPreston and Candice FordForest FoundationEric J. FosterGlenn FrankBarry and Evan FreidMr. and Mrs. Peter FrodighMary L. FultonKathleen M. GallagherGallivan Brennan Charitable Gift

FundSridhar GandhariGartnerGary Darman CompanyEdward R. GatesGemlineAnthony GemmaGerald CardAlaina J. Giampapa PicaPaula J. GilliganMr. and Mrs. Patrick GilmoreJoseph GisoJeffrey GlassmanJill and Michael GlazerMatthew and Karen GlynnHannah Goodale

Sabrina GoriPhilip and Barbara GraceffaGrandin Family FoundationDr. William and Mrs. Linda GreenMelanie and Richard GreenLinda and Alberto GrignoloGrimes Oil Co.Marina and Andrew GrossClifton S. GustafsonStuart HaberDonald L. HagertyMark HagopianGeorge F. HailerSandra HaimanJean HaleWilliam HallYasmin HamedJohn P. HanavanRobert and Margaret HannemannJohn M. HanniganEunice M. HarpsHarvard Pilgrim Health Care

FoundationMr. and Mrs. George HaskellDenis and Elizabeth HelmJohn J. HennesseyMarguerite HernandezStephen and Donna HickoxJennifer S. HiltonMark HollickThe Home Transition Resource, LLCSteven and Heather HoranMichael HorowitzMichael and Susan HouleJohn W. HowardSteven HudbergDavid HughesJohn HughesDavid Hugh FundMichael A. HuntAlison HusidRobert HylandJames P. IngramISD - Knowledge ManagementMr. and Mrs. Donald IvesJanis Research CompanyMr. and Mrs. Joseph JanuszewskiGeraldine JarvisJoanne JaxtimerDavid Jennings and Jennifer KrebsSteven JilcottCandace JodiceJohn Hancock Matching Gifts

ProgramJohn Nagle Co.Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. JohnsonW. F. Johnston Family FundMr. and Mrs. C. Bruce JohnstoneRoger JosephMaureen A. JoyceJoymark Inc.Eileen M. KaneAnn R. Karnovsky Fiduciary

Charitable FoundationEric KarnowskiMaria KatsilerosMr. and Mrs. Noah KaufmanJohn W. Keefe

CIRCLE OF HOPEThe Home proudly acknowledges members of the Circle of Hope recognition society who have contributed $250 to $999 within a given fiscal year. The following list reflects all gifts and pledges received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.


Page 19: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Robert D. KeefeBrian KelleyWilliam KennedyHristiyaniya KesslerMr. and Mrs. David KettnerSusan Kincaid and Ralph LuongoSandra T. King and Robert T. TunisDaniel K. Kingsbury and Caitriona N.

DhuchonKirwin Family Charitable FundThe Klein Family Charitable FundE.M. KoernerByron Koh and Fran WallXanthra KolkNobuko O. KuhnCheryl KuzborskiAmbrose KwongKristin LandgrafDouglas A. Lauffenburger and Linda

G. GriffithJames LawlorMarianne C. LeBlancLaura L. LesterTina LeungMr. and Mrs. Bradley LewisSharon Ireland LewisThe Life InitiativeAndrew LimeriJulianne LindsayCyrus B. LinscottBill and Amy LoganMark LoughlinRalph W. LowryF. Cameron LudwigElisabeth A. Luicklululemon athleticaMr. and Mrs. Gerald T. LynchBryan MacCormackMr. and Mrs. Michael E. MacKayStephen MacNicholMr. and Mrs. Anthony MaffeoScott J. MaginThe Mahan FamilyLinda MahonRodd Malitsky and Karen TurkMandarin Oriental BostonCarla Olga ManganaroJaime and Harry ManionMarinosci Law GroupUna Marlborough and Keith D. CarterAshley B. MarlengaDeborah L. MarshallJohn B. MartinAlan MarziMark E. MasonMassachusetts Capital Resource

CompanyMassachusetts Municipal AssociationMasterpiece Praise and Worship

Christian ChurchStephen MathesonThomas and Donna MayAnnsley H. McAleerSheila C. McCannMichael MccartMr. and Mrs. Gerard P. McCarthyJulien and Anthony McCluneyMr. and Mrs. Richard McCourt

Sarah McCoy WatermanDebra McGoldJeffrey McHarg and Elaine DorsWendy McLeanBradley McMillinKevin McmorrowCarol McNeilMary A. McQuestonDr. and Mrs. Peng MeiMerck Partnership for GivingRandy S. Meyers and Jeffrey RandMr. and Mrs. Peter MichalozskiMillennium Pharmaceuticals

Matching Gift ProgramMichael MillerRosemary MinnehanMitchell and Karen Kuflik Charitable

FoundationModern Wealth Management, LLCStephen Mongeau and Janice RuellAlex MooreSusan MooreBeth A. MorrisonDawn MortimerLisa A. MottaGeorge and Beth MurnaghanLauren MurphyRobert J. MurrayMary and Sherif NadaRandall W. NasonNeedham BankNelson Mead FundMartha NiebanckRichard NiloNimble Partners, LLCNina McLemore, LLCNWBR, LLCMr. and Mrs. James M. O’BrienTara O’BrienThe Family of Francis P. O’ConnorMarsha P. OestKeith A. O’KeefeMr. and Mrs. Stanley J. OldfieldOmetekWilliam OppenheimerPaul O’RourkeWyn O’SheaMaryann OuelletteMr. and Mrs. Mark PaceSarah S. PackerKimberly A. PaddockDeborah S. PalmerDiane PalombiDr. Jay PathmanathanArthur D. PattenThe Paula’s Gift FundJoanne C. PeckarskyEileen PembrokeNicholas PepeCharlotte A. PerrettaJazmine PerrichonPaul PerrottaNancy E. PetronioRichard PfeifferPfizer Foundation United Way

CampaignG. Pfuetze Family FundPhu Pham

Beth L. PhillipsPhysical Sciences, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred J. Pouliot, Jr.Leo PowerMr. and Mrs. Christopher B. PriceFrederick and Ruthann PriftyProviders’ CouncilMr. and Mrs. John QuintR. M. Waite Co., LLCCharles and Patricia RandAnja K. Rauh-BreslerMrs. Katherine C. RaymondClaudio RebbiChristopher RecklingKathleen R. ReinoldBob ReissfelderSuzanne and Jack RenoRental Beast, Inc.Yvonne and Richard RenwickJanna and Matthew RigattiTimothy RitchieRobert E. Alan Charitable FoundationMatthew and Andrea RobertsMr. and Mrs. Philip S. RobertsonJohanna RosatoStephen and Janet RuggieroMr. and Mrs. Michael RussoThe Sacks Family FoundationMichael L. SakalaMichael A. SalingerMark Sanders and Kathleen DonohueSantander Bank FoundationRodney A. SassamanSchneider Family Charitable FundJoseph ScottDr. and Mrs. R. Michael ScottDonna SeimDr. Eva M. SelhubBrian SheaGeorge and Beatrice Sherman Family

TrustNorton L. ShermanMr. and Mrs. Richard G. ShultsMr. and Mrs. Robert T. SilverMr. and Mrs. Charles J. SingerDonna M. SirutisErik and Susan SkramstadAdam SmithEdward J. Smith, Jr.James SmithHarold T. N. Smith Memorial

FoundationMark SnyderSouth Shore Charter SchoolJames W. SpitzerDr. Susan StavesScott StephensAmes Stevens and Karen L. DaneDeborah StevensMary StrachanCathrine StrahanMolly StuartLesli SuggsJeanne M. SullivanJoe SullivanJoseph and Marcia SullivanPamela SullivanPaula Sullivan

Sarah SullivanStephanie R. SullivanDr. Scott SwansonSuzanne SwiftLia SylvestriCathy TardiffMichael and Merle TarnowJames J. TavaresScott Taylor and Laura Hodges TaylorThomas and Diane TeutenTextile Stores of the Upstate, LLCDavid and Nancy ThyngTico BostonSusan M. TobinMr. and Mrs. Kevin J. ToomeyMagdalena TostesonUnited Way of Greater PortlandUnited Way SuncoastUnumRichard D. UrellDavid VallonCharles VanMeter and Donna MarcinVerizon FoundationLinell VilasecaMrs. Katherine Headen WaddellMrs. Paddy V. WadeHeather A. WalshMichael Arthur WalshDana E. Warren, Jr.Alvin and Judy WarrenFrederic W. WatrissWatson Printing Co., Inc.Stuart H. WatsonAlison L. WeaverErika WelchWellesley CollegeThe Westin Boston WaterfrontWestwood Woman’s ClubJanet and James WheelerMrs. Constance V.R. WhiteWilliam H. WhitledgeMr. and Mrs. Steven WildesDavid and Lisa WilkWillow Path ChildcareMonika WirtzGlenn M. WolfsetDavin WolokWilliam S. YerazunisJames and Kathy Yoshizawa

ADVOCATE($250 to $499)Anonymous (51)Abendroth, Berns & Warner, LLCAccentureACP Cleaning, Inc.Lori AdamsThomas H. AdamsMr. and Mrs. Richard M. AdlerMary-Ann AgrestiMichael J. AlbrechtDaniel E. AlletagAllstate Giving CampaignAmy AlmeidaPaula AlvaryAmerican Contract GroupAmes & Gough, Inc.Amesbury Industrial Supply Co. Inc.


Page 20: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Stanford AmstutzAnchor Capital Advisors, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. George AndersonJames and Jane ArchambeaultPeter ArdenArgyle Executive ForumDavid Arnold and Ann P. MortizGail ArnoldJonathan and Colleen AshAstro-Med, IncB & A Brokers, Inc.B.W. Kennedy & Co.Mr. and Mrs. James F. BabishEsther L. BachrachRosemary BagnellSteve and Deborah BakerKiril BalanovRobert P. BallRobert BanaskiDennis A. BarousThomas P. BarretBarbara BarrettBarrett Sotheby’s International RealtyBrian BarrieroPaul J. BartlettRobert A. BartonJennifer BauerRobert J. Baum, Esq.Bay State Executive AssociationMrs. Helen R. BealCurtis and Karen BeardNancy K. BeaumontJessica BellNancy BenchoffSamantha BendetsonBenevolence Group Christ Apostolic

ChurchCharles BensonWilliam F. BergenMr. and Mrs. Joseph F. BerginClyde and Rene BergstresserDavid BermanMr. and Mrs. Eric BernazzaniMr. and Mrs. Warren BesserLynn BetlockMr. and Mrs. Dikran BetzigJudyAnn BigbyJohn and Lisa BiggioBiogen Idec FoundationElizabeth P. BlackKristin BlountBlue Jeans BarAmy BlumenthalSteve BocamazoMargery BohanKathleen BohnerPhilip and Carol BoisLinda and Mitchel BollagWilliam and Lily BondMr. and Mrs. Donald F. BonitoRobert and Margaret BonneyBoston Bayside PropertiesBoston Firefighters Local 718Boston Lyric OperaDimas Botelho

Mrs. Elizabeth H. BothnerErica BoudreauMr. and Mrs. Gregory BoulangerMary M. BounapaneRichard and Joan BowenJean M. BowesJocelyn Bowker-KellyMr. and Mrs. Michael J. BowlerGerard F. BoyleDavid C. BozzoNanette C. BraucherBraver Wealth ManagementLyn BrazMargot H. BrickelmaierMr. and Mrs. Edward D. BrickleyBridge Partners, LLCDavid and Barbara BrierleyBrigham and Women’s Hospital -

Clinical SciencesJeanne M. BrookfieldRichard F. BrostowinMr. and Mrs. Paul Brountas, Esq.Mrs. Abbey L. BrownCynthia C. BrownDavid BrownDavid A. BrownRobert E. BrownDr. Rosalind S. BrownElizabeth BrownellCraig BrunettiMr. and Mrs. Adam J. BubonovichWilliam Buck and Judith Piggins

LockeRobert W. BunnMelinda M. BuntingJudith BurkeJulie BurkeKevin BurkeThomas BurkeAlec BurleighBurlington Donuts, Weiner NetworkMr. and Mrs. Eric G. ButlerJohn and Dorothy ButlerThomas J. ButtersMrs. Robin ButtnerMr. and Mrs. Charles ButtonEugene and Shirley BuzderewiczMr. and Mrs. Anthony W. ByrneElizabeth W. CabotDaniel D. CallahanMrs. Frances CallahanGary and Lynne CallahanCandela Laser CorporationCAPA International EducationVincent and Karen CapozziMary S. CarolanChristine and Larry CarsmanMichelle CarterWilliam and Linda CarterMr. and Mrs. Eugene G. CassisRalph CastagnaLinda CavanaughStanley and Dolores ChabanJody P. ChadwickCarolyn and Leo ChaharynYuchiao ChangFrancis P. and Debra D. ChiacchieriBrian F. Chiango

George and Mary ChinMaureen ChristaniEric K. ChristesenDavid and Jeanine ChristianSusan CiampaAnthony CintoloClaudia G. ClarkMaureen ClarkeJeremy A. CohnJason ColeDr. James M. ColemanJohn E. ColemanKathleen A. ColemanJennifer CollinsLucy CollinsCollins Management Inc.Deborah A. ColonyAndre G. CompagnaDr. and Mrs. Peter S. ConnollyKenneth and Carol ConnorMr. and Mrs. William E. ConroyMark ConwayJon and Laurie CooleyMr. and Mrs. Chris CooperMrs. William CooperMr. and Mrs. James E. CoppolaJames CorningVincent X. CostelloCovidienSteven CowleyNancy CoyleMichael and Mary CoyneAdam and Lisa CraneHugh C. CrawfordMr. and Mrs. Robert B. CrimminsJanice CrosbyMrs. Norman C. CrossHenry and Claudette CrouseJeff CrowleyEdward and Susan CulverPaul L. CummingsWilliam F. CummingsJoan P. CunninghamCourtney CutlerMrs. Renee R. CzajkowskiAbhijeet P. DalviStephen P. DalyRoxanne DalzellAnita D’AngeloAnnamarie D’AngeloAnita and Flora D’AngioMrs. Julie DanielsDAR Paul Revere ChapterSharlee M. DatnoffMark DavidJanice B. DavisJanet K. DecostaJoyce DeCristoforoEunice F. DelaneyMr. and Mrs. William F. DelaneyDell GivingStephen DemanAnne C. DemeterAnna T. DernBarbara and Keith DeSutterDeutsche Bank ChampionshipMary and Russell DexterWilfredo Diaz

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard John DiCarloDonald and Paula DickinsonMaryrose DiDomenicoDignity Boston, IncMrs. Elinor A. DilorioPaul W. DiMauraPhilip G. Dole, Sr.Ernest J. DonaldsonBrian DoneganDonna KaranMark DonovanPaul and Catherine DonovanJulie B. Doran and FriendsDoubletree Hotel - BedfordMickey and Lisa Marie DoylePaul DrappiRyan and Reagan DriscollElizabeth DugganTed and Beth DurantJason and Michelle DurkinRuth Anne DykemanDyan EaglesKevin EbertMichael Eck and Hyesung JeonAdam EliasAnn M. ElliottJeffrey EllowitzEmerson Consulting GroupEmerson-Swan, Inc.Emison FundChris EngebretsonMr. and Mrs. Robert EnglishJohn L. EnnisSharon and Harry EramianApril EvansLauren FaheyPhyllis C. FairchildDouglas V. FallerMaureen FallonMr. and Mrs. Thomas C. FanningBarbara FargnoliWilliam A. FarrellDouglas FarringtonLee and Lily FayCarol FazioFederal Home Loan Bank of BostonElaine S. FeldLaura FeliceHeidi and Tony FerreiraElio Ruth FineMr. and Mrs. Andrew J. FinkelMrs. Leah FinnFirst Parish Church in WalthamJudith A. FitzgeraldKevin FitzgeraldElizabeth FitzulaAnn E. FlahertyLinda and Paul FlahertyPeter and Virginia FleisherAgustin and Mariblance FleitesJoseph A. FlemingChristopher L. FlynnDavid L. FlynnKatherine FogartyFoley & Lardner LLPStephan G. Fopiano, Sr.John R. Foran, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Forde

CIRCLE OF HOPE (continued)


Page 21: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Kristine ForgitRobert R. ForsbergPaul E. FoskettMr. and Mrs. Richard J. FougereRamsey E. FountainNormand FournierFrances Ray Jules SalonZachary FreeloveMr. and Mrs. John A. FreemanFrontier Science & Technology

Research Foundation, Inc.Thomas and Cherry FrostMr. and Mrs. George R. Fryer, Jr.James FuerstChristina FyockConstance GalanisCandace GalvinGAP Foundation Gift Match ProgramPaul S. GarberCharles GarciaStan GarfieldJohn Gately and Carol GatelyMr. and Mrs. Robert D. GattiNorma E. GavazziDan GearyMichael W. GeisMary GelrudMr. and Mrs. Timothy F. GensMr. and Mrs. Arthur GilbertAdeline GiuggioDenise GivensWilliam GlatfelterSusan GogolinskiPeter and Catherine GoldringKenneth M. GomulkaMessalina GoncalvesDr. Annekathryn GoodmanDavid GoodsellGoogle, Inc.Julie Hume Gordon and Phil GordonKathryn GormanMr. and Mrs. Colin GormanMrs. Joan GortonWilliam and Kathleen Goss

William GrantGreater Boston Real Estate Board

FoundationEmily Green and Lydia GreenBrad GreeneRichard GreeneFrederick and Cathy GreinDouglas GriffinTom GriffinVirginia GriffinPeter GriswoldMichael F. GrodenThe Grossman Companies, Inc.Arthur S. GroveKen GuanGuaranteed RateVirginia GuarinoMr. and Mrs. Raymond J. GuilbaultDiane T GulinelloMrs. Margaret GullaMr. and Mrs. Atul GuptaMr. and Mrs. Nicholas GurskiH3 BiomedicineMr. and Mrs. Michael P. HabichTed HailerRichard C. HaleMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. HaleyAllison HallKaren S. HambletonJim and Amy HampeWilliam Haney and Maura McCarthyPaul HanleyHannulaHarvey and Jeanne HansenGreg HansonDavid and Joan HarperMr. and Mrs. William HarringtonDavid B. HarrisJeffrey HarrisonMr. and Mrs. Nick HarrisonHart Supply Co., Inc.Paul J. Hartnett, Jr.Harvard University PressChester H. Harvey

Shawn M. HayesMr. and Mrs. Blair HeaveyCecilia Hedlund-RiddellMr. and Mrs. James C. HeighamWilliam HeinzEdward E. Heller, Jr.Hendren Family FundJohn and Christina HennesseyHenry F. Owens, Inc.Matthew HensonDeirdre A. HeringElizabeth J. HerlihyNancy L. HerringDonna M. HessMr. and Mrs. William HigginsDeborah HildebrandtEmilie HiltonEileen M. HincheyDavid HindsKalon HoJohn J. Hoarty, Jr.Yvette HochbergJane E. HoffmanJoseph F. Hogan, Jr.Janice and Carl HohensteinHoliday Inn RocklandNicholas and Debe HollandMrs. Lucile J. HollidayReaz HoqueJohn HorvathMargaret M. HoulahanRichard H. HoweDavid K. HudsonKirsten HughesDiana HuntCassie HurdHurdle Hill FoundationKelly HurleyJodie HurstRobert N. HussonHyatt Regency CambridgeJacob HymanMrs. Kristina IkenberryJeannette Iles

Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc.ING DirectSarah IngmansonJulianne InozemcevInsperityIronside Group, Inc.Isaacson, MillerGerald P. IshkanianGladys and John JablonskiAnn JackmanDorothy JacksonA. JacovoniPaula JaqlynSamantha JasonJennifer M. JaynesJason JeanneretJude M. JenningsMr. and Mrs. Gary JentzenJim’s Landscaping Inc.Joe and Cindy Wickwire Family FundGeorgia M. JohnsonJennifer L. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Kirk JohnsonLinda JohnsonTracy JohnsonDiane R. Johnstone-DeRosaEdward W. JoyRichard D. KahnKalido IncKathy B. KalimonSusan KalledLeonidas KamitsisJulia KanRobert A. Kane, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. David A. KannerDaniel and Pamela KaplanEva R. KargerJan and Alane KatzewMr. and Mrs. Brian J. KaveneyMr. and Mrs. Joseph KeefeMichelle KeenanPeter KeepingAndrew and Carla KeithKathleen A. Kelley

During FY14, 2,950 of

The Home’s 7,000 clients and

families received clinical care

and coordination allowing

them to remain at home.



Page 22: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Mary E. KellyChris and Leigh KelterMrs. Mary Jane KemperDr. Judith Kempf and Mr. Paul T.

SullivanMr. and Mrs. Robert L. KenneyMark and Annemarie KerwinRobert A. KeyworthRobyn Kievit KirkmanKing & BishopMr. and Mrs. Robert KingDaniel and Sharon KleitmanMaureen Byrne KobayashiChristopher and Sheryl KokkinosSusan KoulourisJoyce M. KraleyAndee KrasnerThomas and Linda KrausPatricia A. KurkulMr. and Mrs. Martin A. LacavaSandra LallyLandmark ImpressionsHeidi E. LaneCourtney LangdonJudy B. LargesseMaria Laurence and Associates, LLCLaw Offices of Janet K. DeCosta, P.C.Lawrence AcademyMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence, Jr.Nanette Le BlancEdgar J. L’EcuyerMr. and Mrs. Robert E. LeePatricia LeighfieldCourtney LemoineJohn LevertMarc D. LevineRosa LiceaLauren LichtenThomas LicursiThe Lin Family FundJeffery K. Lines

Maryel F. LockeMr. and Mrs. Peter P. LombardKaren LonatiThe Loring Family FundDouglas and Linsey LowMalcolm LoweDavid LuinisKenneth W. LundRussell and Barbara LurveyMr. and Mrs. John H. Lynch, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert LytleMr. and Mrs. Peter MacElhineyMacGregor SoftwareMr. and Mrs. Paul E. MacNevinJanet MacQuarrieAmanda MaddenDan MagalettaJoan MagnussonFrances MahanMeaghan MaherNicholas MainieriAlan and Marion MalkasianLaura MaltbyG. Whitten and Diana ManterMichael and Emily MargolisJennifer and Chris MarksMarriott BostonEdna MarstonPeter J. MartinDr. Derek MartynGeorge E. MaskellTeri L. MasonDavid G. MassadHelen A. MassaroStephen J. MastrocolaNancy K. MatthewsSamuel J. MatthewsRichard and Yasuko MattioneRoss MayerNicholas and Kristen MaynardJudith MazoVincent MazzarellaJennifer McCannMargaret E. McCarte

Trevor McCourtRobert and Elaine McDonaldDavid and Dena McFaddenGeorge McGoldrickTheresa M. McGovernBarbara J. McIntoshMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McKayMr. and Mrs. Harold A. McKinneyMcKinsey & CompanyMr. and Mrs. Stephen Mead, Jr.Theresa MedeirosMichael J. MeehanMeeting Maven Associates IncRobert MelloMercerMark and Ines MerolliBeatrice A. MerriamCatherine R. MessengerRegina MessinaMetro Package Del, IncArlene F. MichaelDonald and Susan MillerPamela MilliganCatherine A. MilmoeTheresa and Stephen MittonMr. and Mrs. Chandler J. MoisenJessica MolsMr. and Mrs. Michael E. MonteiroBarbara Carter MooreGordon W. MoranMorgan StanleyWilliam and Margaret MorinFreelon MorrisMorse Barnes-Brown & Pendelton PCMr. and Mrs. Michael MulcahyG. Burton MullenAlana H. MurphyMrs. Elaine C. MurphyGerald MurphySusan MurphySenate President Therese MurrayMichael MutiMrs. Jen MynahanJosephine Nash

Nasiff Family FoundationJoseph T. NatoliChris NeelonMr. and Mrs. Alain NeguelouaNeiman MarcusDaniel NelsonRobert and Erna NelsonDr. Nancy J. NersessianLance A. and Deborah C. NeumannMary D. NeumannNew England Land Survey, IncNancy T. NewtonThomas D. NewtonNext Generation Communications,

LLCPattie NicastroMichele NoceraPatrick NoonanDaniel and Linda NoreckNSTAR FoundationGeorge D. O’BrienRobert O’BrienSuzanne O’BrienEllen O’ConnellJohn O’ConnellMrs. R. O’ConnellJohn and Jane O’ConnorMr. and Mrs. Tom O’ConnorFrank and Alma O’GlishenPeg O’HearnCharles and Dana OliverRichard OliverMary P. O’MalleyMr. and Mrs. Terence P. O’MalleyBrian O’MaraOne World of YogaClive W. OramOrthopedic Surgical Center of the

North ShoreMary O’SullivanMr. and Mrs. Allen E. OttosonMrs. Olesia PacholokRobert PadersonMr. and Mrs. Michael Pankievich, Sr.

CIRCLE OF HOPE (continued)

Donors gave a combined $7,144,992 to support our work with children and families.

Our Cornerstone Society donors — those giving to The Home for 20 years-plus — grew to a total of 3,308!

The Home had a total of 17,712 donors, of which 4,624 were new donors in FY14.



Page 23: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Gary A. PappasMrs. Myran Parker-BrassMary ParzialeRonald M. PastoreMrs. Martha PattonGerald PaulauskasPaulist Center & ChapelMark and Kerry PaysonJonathan PeckLinda PendletonDanielle PeppardSteven PereiraRabbi Bart Perlman, Ph.D.Karen PeschelYasmine PeseyraAnn PetersonKaren PetersonMary and Brian PetrieJames and Bonnie PhilipMr. and Mrs. Mitchell PhillipsJohn PiccioneGerald B. PierCesare PietrangeloTimothy PinchHillary PizerMichael and Jennifer PlasterKevin PojasekJennifer PolalasJohn and Joyce PolesKristen PollettaMr. and Mrs. Brian A. PontoliloMichelle PorcheKate Poverman and Raphael BuenoPrince Lobel Tye, LLPPrincipal Financial GroupProfessional ImageProfessional Travel Agents of N.A.,

New England ChapterPatricia K. ProfetaProject D.E.E.P Associates, Inc.Tony PucilloNancy PuleoPhilip Pulitzer and Caitlyn WelleScott PyesAlison QuinlanMelissa RadzikowskiWilliam A. RangnowMrs. Sirisha RaoLuis and Kathy RaposoMr. and Mrs. James RazaBarbara A. ReadeLudmila ReedMr. and Mrs. Greg RegisterResidence Inn by MarriottSarah RicciardelliStephen D. RiceLisa and Paul RichardsRob Peters Entertainment, Inc.Dr. Celeste Robb-NicholsonDr. John C. RobinsonDanielle RodriguesGabrielle A. RoegnerJohn Rogers

Barbara RollerMaria RosatoMichael RosbashMr. and Mrs. Larry RosenAbby RosenbergSamuel and Karen RosenthalClinton RossGary RossiMr. and Mrs. John F. RourkePeter RowdenLarry RoweJane RudnickMr. and Mrs. Frederick RustMichael P. RutterRobert J. RyanMr. and Mrs. Victor SabalauskasFrederick E. SaleJudy SaltMr. and Mrs. Chris SandersCharlie SanguinetMrs. Linda SaundersMichael J. ScanlanKenneth J. ScarryDr. and Mrs. David ScheffGreg SchementiJessica SchenckSchlessinger Ellowitz Charitable FundMichael W. SchmidMarion SchoonMark SchugMr. and Mrs. Oreon ScottSea Glass Fine ArtMrs. Maralyn K. SegalSenior Aerospace Metal BellowsDaniel SetoJim and Ashley SetoMrs. Dorothy ShapiroHenry D. ShawMary Ellen SheaMasood SheikhMr. and Mrs. Walter SheldonElizabeth F. ShephardMr. and Mrs. Bobby ShethPaula M. ShwabSignet Electronic Systems, Inc.Steven SimardTracy L. SiscoCaitlin SlatteryMr. and Mrs. Arthur R. SmithCheryl A. SmithFlavia SmithMr. and Mrs. H. Kerner SmithJami and Kevin SmithLaura SmithMrs. Shelby K. SmithStephen SmithMr. and Mrs. Stephen R. SmithMr. and Mrs. Charles SniderEllen R. SokollNorman and Joanna SolariDavid M. SolomonJoseph T. SonsiniJanet Sortor

Judith SpielmanDeborah SpirioMr. and Mrs. John Spurr, Jr.Ruthann StacyJoel StahlStation Row, LLCErin StaudtGary and Deborah SteinAllison StephanianSterling Golf Management, Inc.Mrs. Christine P. StevensMr. and Mrs. James StewartAdam StojanowskiJason E. StoneMaria G. StotzTimothy and Nancy StoutRichard R. StoyleStrategic Planning Group, Inc.Wayne D. StrongRobert E. Struck, Jr.Christopher and Erin StulbElliot and Janet SuarezBarbara L. SullivanTheresa A. & Maurice L. Sullivan

Humanitarian TrustJames B. SullivanJean C. Sullivan and Richard CaneThomas SullivanBrian SundayMrs. Rita SutherlandJanet V. SwansonDr. Mary B. TabaccoGene TakahashiKaren TammaroDr. Oren L. Weisberg and Ms. Tamara

CharmBen and Kate Taylor Charitable

FoundationMr. and Mrs. Stewart D. TaylorKatherine TedeschiMr. and Mrs. John J. Tegan, Jr.Emily TerryMr. and Mrs. John T. TerzakisThat’s How We RollThe Essex Culinary Resort and SpaThe MaidsThe Residential GroupThe Marc C. Thompson Family FundOrtis ThorntonTammy and Frank Thorp, IVMr. and Mrs. Thomas TierneyNoha TohamyMrs. Marilyn ToolePaul ToomeyTop Notch Quality Service, LLCTravelersClaudia Trevor-Wright and William

WrightPaul TringukMichael Tsuk and Edith EpsteinArthur and Ingeborg UhlirUnitedHealth GroupMrs. Ellen E. Urbano

John J. VaccaroMr. and Mrs. Adam ValkinDavid VelingLaura A. VervilleMr. and Mrs. Paul E. VincentPaul G. VivinoPeter VlacoChristopher VoceFriedrich Klemens Von GottbergAnna and Andreas Cullen-VoyatzakisF. Channing Wagg, IIIRichard V. WallaceMaryann WalshRobert J. WanekPeggy WangE. David WangerMr. and Mrs. Eric N. WardJeffrey T. Ward and Michelle Thomas

WardSusan WardMr. and Mrs. Robert WareMr. and Mrs. Russell E. WarrenMr. and Mrs. Kevin WashingtonMatthew WaterburyAndrea L. WatsonJacqueline WaxlaxWayne FoundationIrvin W. WeaverWeb Apps LLC / The SYNERGY

EventsMr. and Mrs. James M. WebberMr. and Mrs. Gordon C. WeirWellington Management Company,

LLPWells Fargo Law DeparmentSusan WestmorelandWeston High SchoolWhite Chiropractic Health CenterLeRoy White, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WhitehouseRegina B. WiedenskiJ. Thomas Wilcox, Jr.Sarah WilcoxFletcher H. WileySteven WilsonAmelia D. WinstonSara WishnerMrs. Arlene J. WolkAllen WongWilliam WongMuriel WoodWistar WoodJohn WrightMr. and Mrs. Kevin P. WytheJanice T. YakelMichael and Andrea YanoffMr. and Mrs. Donald A. YoungRenee and Jim YourkKaren ZarrowJane and James ZavistoskiRaymond and Nancy ZemlinCharlene Zicko


Page 24: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Anonymous (1)Estate of Joseph L. AmodeoEstate of Doris M. AnthonyTrust of Elisha V. AshtonGary BedrosianMyron L. Belfer, M.D.Estate of Joseph BerloEstate of Katharine G. BinghamEstate of Edward P. BossonDr. Helen M. BouscarenEstate of John Edward Bradbury Trust of Robert B. BrighamNancy and Gregory BruettJarka and Grayce BurianWallace C. ButterfieldEstate of Louise Lois CanessaDoris Drescher Cook Eileen CrittleJeffrey Croll

William H. Cruickshank, Jr.Estate of Gladys A. CushmanLeo DarrEdward Dinaro, CFPMrs. Mary C. DrazyTrust of George EmersonSharon and Harry EramianWilliam Farmer, Jr.Mrs. Gertrude C. FeldmanMaurice Fitzgerald Americo J. Francisco Fund, Estate &

Realty/Charitable TrustsEstate of Frederic R. French, Jr.Robert G. FullerEstate of Henry D. GrewEstate of Eugene B. HamiltonRichard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. and

Merle Marie McConnell, M.L.S.Thomas and Caroline Hovey

Trust of Adelaide B. HowlandMrs. Joanna R. InchesDianne IngallsEstate of Virginia M JonesCynthia JonesChristine E. KennyMaureen Byrne KobayashiMr. and Mrs. Charles M. LandayMrs. Dorothy L’HommeMelissa M. L’HommeMrs. Marion A. MacLeodLisa K. Matthews and Andrew J.

ByrneIda M. McCarthyRobert B. McCauleyPatricia A. MonkEstate of Margueritte F. MordayDr. Nancy J. NersessianEstate of Robert A. Paolucci

Joan PaulTrust of Louise Pease Mark Hollyer and Robin Pendleton-

HollyerMr. and Mrs. Russell PetersonTrust of Laura Sibbel FiskeNorman D. SocherMr. and Mrs. Norman D. SproulCharles and Elaine SteegerIrene R. SweeneyAnthony TaianiTrust of Edna Betts TalbotMr. and Mrs. Alex TaylorJean F. TierneyMr. and Mrs. John VibbertsMr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wells, III Merrill B. WilderEstate of Nancy W. Workman

LEGACY CIRCLEThe Legacy Circle honors those friends who have included The Home in their estate plans or have established a planned gift. This perpetual link between the donor and The Home is a testament to the donor’s passion to better the lives of vulnerable children and families.

A WARM WELCOME AT LONGVIEW FARMThanks to the thoughtfulness of our Board of Ambassadors (BOA), youth arriving at Longview Farm will have a warmer, softer, and more comforting experience. Two of our dedicated members launched the BOA Welcome Pack Program to help kids personalize their new room. Each Welcome Pack includes a themed comforter and sheet set, a “pillow pet” and wall decals. The BOA’s generosity will provide a more comfortable transition for our kids.

©2012 Gregg Shupe

(L to R) BOA members Sue DeRoche and Tricia Trebino, present Welcome Packs to Longview Farm Director Yolanda Cloete.


Page 25: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

Acadian Asset Management LLCAdage Capital Management, L.P.Aetna FoundationAIGAllianceDataAmerican Tower CorporationAmgen FoundationAmica Companies FoundationAnchor Capital Advisors, Inc.Aon FoundationArbella Insurance Group Charitable

FoundationAutodeskU.S. Bancorp FoundationBank of AmericaBank of New York Mellon

CorporationBiogen Idec FoundationBlackRock FoundationC.R.Bard Foundation, Inc.Cadence Design Systems, Inc.Citizens Bank FoundationComputer Associates InternationalCovidienCummings PropertiesDell GivingDeutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Eastern Bank Charitable FoundationEaton Vance Investment ManagersEMD Millipore CorporationFM Global FoundationFrontier Capital Management Co.,

LLCGAP FoundationGartnerGeneral Electric FoundationGoodrich FoundationGoogleGrand Circle FoundationGrand Lodge of Masons In

MassachusettsGrantham, Mayo, Van OtterlooHachette Book GroupHarbor Capital Advisors, Inc.Highfields Capital Management LPHighland Capital PartnersHoughton Mifflin CompanyIllinois Tool Works FoundationING DirectInstitute for Cultural Exchange, Inc.Instrumentation LaboratoryInvest in Others Charitable

Foundation Inc.John Hancock

Johnson & JohnsonJPMorgan Chase FoundationJuniper Networks’ CompanyKeyBank FoundationLoomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.LPL Financial Charitable FundMacy’s Corporate ServicesMcDonald’s CorporationMedtronic FoundationMerck Partnership for GivingMFS Investment ManagementMicrosoftMicrowave Development

Laboratories, Inc.Millennium PharmaceuticalsThe Minneapolis FoundationMSCI Inc.Natixis Global Asset ManagementNeiman Marcus GroupNokiaNSTAR FoundationOld Mutual Charitable FoundationOlympus NDT Inc.Omgeo, LLCOraclePfizer Foundation United Way


Pioneer InvestmentsPitney Bowes, Inc.The Plymouth Rock FoundationThe Prudential FoundationPutnam InvestmentsThe Reebok FoundationReed Elsevier Inc.Rinet Company, LLCSAPState StreetSun Life FinancialTampa Bay Times FundThe Home Depot FoundationThermo Fisher Scientific Inc.Thomson ReutersTru CorporationTycoUBS Financial ServicesUnited TechnologiesUnumUS BankVanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.Verizon FoundationWaters CorporationWellington Management Company,

LLPWoodland Partners, LLC

MATCHING GIFTSMany employers sponsor matching gift programs that essentially double the value of any charitable contributions made by their employees. In the last three years, the following generous companies have matched gifts to The Home:

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. Please direct any questions or concerns to:

Janet Suarez Director of Development Operations 617-927-0663 [email protected]

We are responsible for the world in which we find ourselves, if only because we are the only

sentient force which can change it. —James Baldwin


Boston HeraldBoston magazineBoston Spirit MagazineMAGIC 106.7NESNWCVB-TV Channel 5

MEDIA SPONSORSThese companies donated ad space and air time in FY14 to help spread the word about The Home's programs and services.


Page 26: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers


Board of Ambassadors

Molly Diggins, Co-chair Martin B. Shulkin, Co-chair

Jonathan P. AshSamantha BendetsonBecky Bidwell-HansonMarin BlitzerDeborah BurrowsJoseph ByrneSusan A. DeRocheSusan A. DonahueDavid R. DruleyMelissa DruleyPaul P. EpsteinDavid L. GuintaPatricia A. GriffinDan GrondinJohn F. HarringtonJohn F. HennesseyErik M. JonesStephen M. KogonChristina A. Larson

Caren I. LeedomMark H. LippoltKelly S. MannRoger MerrillChristopher H. MiltonSuzanne PilkertonJasmine PunzalanSherri RafteryKara Lee RaineyBronwyn RobertsEliza Hapgood S. RoweJoan A. SapirSamuel SlaterPeter D. SoltzPatricia E. TrebinoJoseph J. WayshakCharles WeintraubMichael WeissenburgerHarry E. Wells

Joan Wallace-Benjamin, Ph.D. President and Chief Executive Officer

Meredith Bryan Vice President for Development and Communications

Thomas L. Durling Vice President for Finance

Heidi Ferreira, J.D. Vice President for Performance and Outcomes

Michael L. Pearis, MBA Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Lesli Suggs, LICSW Vice President for Program Operations

Leonora R. Wise, MA, MLA Vice President for Human Resources

Board of Directors

Officers Pamela Herbst, Acting Chairperson John T. Hailer, Chairman Emeritus James C. Burrows, Treasurer Lisa K. Matthews, Secretary

Members Dale BeardenRichard K. BendetsonBeverly A. BrownTushara CanekeratneAnjali U. ChitreHardin ColemanChris EganDeborah E. GrayGeoffrey IdePatricia JabarStacey H. JacobsonTim MinerStephen J. PembertonLaurie SlifkaPat Villani

Top row (L-R): Bryan, Pearis, Durling, Suggs

Bottom row (L-R): Ferreira, Wallace-Benjamin, Wise

Executive Management Team


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THANK YOU for helping us to make a difference in the lives of children and families.

Page 28: FY2014 Annual Report - The Home for Little Wanderers

10 Guest Street, Boston, MA 02135888-HOME-321 | www.thehome.org