Futuristic Joint Crisis - Houstonareamun.org · 2014-01-07 · Letter from the USG of Crisis and Crisis Director: Year 2295 Delegates, Welcome to the main background guide of the

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HAMUN 39 Futuristic Joint Crisis

Year 2295:




Letter from the USG of Crisis and Crisis Director:

Year 2295 Delegates, Welcome to the main background guide of the Futuristic Joint Crisis. I am Nicky Kumar, the Under Secretary-General of Crisis at HAMUN and your Crisis Director for this committee. This committee is an ambitious effort for both the staffers and delegates involved, but I’m sure will also be a rewarding one. Perhaps more so than any other crisis committee, this futuristic one will force you to think outside the box and on your feet in order to accomplish your characters’ personal goals and those of your committee. In fact, it is safe to assume that the background guide won’t explicitly prepare you for much of the work you will find yourself doing in committee.

The point of the background guide is to allow you to immerse yourself in the history of the universe that exists for this crisis committee. This document, along with the supplemental documents being released such as character info and more in-depth discussions on certain topics, will allow you to get into your character’s mindset and adequately face the challenges that will occur during conference. Topics left ambiguous are done so for a reason, but if there is confusion or something you want clarified before conference, please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]. I’ll answer emails anytime right up until the morning of conference if need be, so please contact me directly if you need help with anything.

This committee will test your problem-solving skills and will allow you creative liberties normal Model UN committees do not usually allow. Each of you will have Portfolio Powers, which are individual abilities unique to your character that you can complete without permission from the rest of your committee. It’s a facet of Crisis that makes things very fast-paced and incredibly unpredictable. That said, in order to keep your abilities private, each of you will receive a dossier packet for your eyes only, explicitly outlining your abilities and personal goals. This will allow you to make your moves with the appropriate level of tact and knowledge to be effective in the committee as you step into this futuristic world on January 30th. This also makes the background guide and supplemental documents incredibly vital in order to understand the political situation and history of the problems in 2295, so do not study them lightly.

Like I said earlier, this committee is going to be an adventure into some uncharted territory. It will require no small amount of courage, creativity, and fearlessness, but we will all work together to make sure it is as rewarding as possible. Again if you have any questions or concerns, contact me directly at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing you all then.

Best Wishes, Nicky Kumar USG of Crisis Crisis Director of the HAMUN Futuristic Joint Crisis

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Historical Background In 2052, the world order experienced a dramatic shake-up when the North Korean

military executed a coup on Kim Hyun-Soo’s regime after the generals grew tired of the Kim’s attempts to raise tensions to a critical point with the United States and South Korea. In the previous decade, the near outbreak of a third world war, instigated heavily by Kim Hyun-Soo’s vitriolic speeches, deeply disturbed the top North Korean generals, and in an attempt to keep their country alive, they deposed their leader. The collapse of the century old Kim Dynasty brought an incredible amount of change to the Korean Peninsula. Under military rule, North Korea stabilized its position in the world. Through much more amicable negotiation and diplomacy, direct food and economic aid was delivered to North Korea and whispers of establishing trade with other countries became serious talks. At the San Francisco Summit in the summer of 2054, the United States and South Korea entered negotiations with North Korea in order to officially cease The Korean War and maintain peaceful relations on the peninsula.

In fact, the summit was so successful that the two states agreed to begin the Korean Federation in 2059. The Federation allowed North and South Korea to maintain individual sovereignty in many respects, but opened up free trade and labor movement through both nations. The governing body was known as the Council of Unification, and it began the process of integration in 2060. While there was some forceful opposition to this idea within South Korea, it ultimately showed signs of success. It was no secret that old geopolitical strategies still dominated the landscape, with China showing more support for the northern part of the Federation, while the United States favored the south. Yet with all the external factors at play, the Council held the numerous departments in check and immigration and economic development seemed to be heading in the right direction. However, in a few years time, the Koreas would experience a devastating crash that changed the region forever.

By 2075, the Korean Federation was in shambles. Through several botched policy attempts, the Council of Unification wrecked South Korea’s economy as it descended into deep depression and several North Koreans flooded the job market. North Korean immigrants were forced to do intensive labor jobs with menial pay, and within just a few years, crime rings began to establish themselves in the underbelly districts of Seoul and Inchon. These cartels began to smuggle food, supplies, drugs, and people into the major cities of South Korea, leaving the Council completely helpless. Gang violence became prevalent throughout the major cities and with major weapons smuggling operations, their firepower was on par with police forces. Riots erupted throughout the city streets and public order was thrown completely out of balance. Gangs got involved in organizing the riots with notorious kingpins such as Park Ji-Sung, “The Scourge of Gangnam,” leading several assaults on government buildings and killing many innocent people. Now, due to social and economic unrest, the Korean Federation had fractured beyond the point of repair.

In November 2075, The Council of Unification disbanded and the Korean Federation split. South Korea attempted, with some success, to revert back to its former system of government, but North Korea’s future was less certain. Powerful groups looked to fill the vacuum, and several of the gang leaders like Park Ji-Sung and Lee Kwang-Chon backing political puppets to take control. In a mockery of an election, Jang Tae-Se became President of North Korea, but placed several of his shady supporters in cabinet. His government supported

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the smuggling enterprises of the established crime rings and gained a tremendous amount of wealth through international trade, especially with China and Russia. Just like under the Kim Dynasty, the people suffered while the government prospered.

The North Korean government used trade with China and Russia to play the two countries off each other. Price competition for well-manufactured Korean weapons and drugs created tension between the Bear and the Dragon, and the North Koreans were more than happy to use that tension to their advantage. It all came to a head during the Zabaykalsk Incident in 2098, which changed the region forever. North Korean crime lords, looking to instigate a more heated conflict between Russia and China, pressured the North Korean government to organize an act of terror that saw North Korean military personnel posing as Chinese agents and detonating explosives at the border town of Zabaykalsk in Russia. When Russian officials apprehended the North Korean agents, they confided in their North Korean friends and were convinced the assailants were Chinese. After executing them (which the North Koreans had no problem with) Russian Spetznaz units deployed into China and attacked Chinese military bases on the border. The United States and UK tried to mediate peace talks at the Oslo Accords. However, neither side would forgive the deaths of their citizens, and thus began the Eurasian War in June of 2098.

The war ravaged the Eurasian area and military theaters extended from China to Ukraine. North Korea continued to reap in the rewards of selling special warheads to both countries, and wanted the war to continue for as long as possible without threatening Korea. The United States attempted to stay neutral throughout the war, but eventually allied with China and committed military aid to Chinese defensive positions. The fighting in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan fully devastated those countries, forcing millions of people displaced into Eastern European and Middle Eastern countries. The war also yielded the first time space was used in a military capacity as the United States launched Marine Corps divisions from Galileo Base stationed in Earth’s orbit. Orbital deployment of US troops became especially vital when the Russians launched a secret attack on the poorly defended city of Shenyang. When US Marines began to rain from the sky, the Russians initiated a full scale retreat, and the threat of a US strike from above became a real strategic concern. The most destructive battle of the war was the Chinese Siege of Vladivostok in 2103. The Chinese used fire-bombing tactics not seen since the Second World War that made districts of the city unrecognizable. The Chinese claimed the city under their control and began planning an invasion of Moscow as Russian forces began a westward retreat. In 2104, with its back against the wall, Russia called for a cessation of hostilities and offered to surrender. The United States pressured China to accept, and they did so in 2105, bringing an end to the Eurasian War with the Treaty of Tokyo.

While it brought an incredible loss of life and level of destruction to the region, the Eurasian War spurred on several technological advances. Previously mentioned uses of space as a means to conduct war were vital in the technological innovations that were seen by the end of the war in 2105. Orbital military stations became a common occurrence and by the time both sides signed the treaty in Tokyo, exo-atmospheric battle-cruisers were under construction by the United States, China, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Powerless to stop the devastating war that just ended and facing a major refugee crisis, the United Nations saw the possibilities behind this level of innovation. UN Secretary-General Yahya Khan authorized preparations for the colonization of the Moon, and using war-time technology as a launch pad, the world pulled

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together to set up the city of Millennia on the Moon’s surface in 2114. Using the battle-cruisers to transport Eurasian refugees to Millennia, the UN’s colonization initiative was seen as an overwhelming success. Millennia was an atmospherically concealed city that contained Earth-like environments and allowed the refugees to make new lives for themselves. The colonists were able to develop their own industries over time and ultimately traded with Earth for years. The successes of the UN’s colonization programs weren’t ready to stop at the Moon.

Soon, discussion of colonizing Mars became a major talking point in the UN General Assembly. Space-faring technology had become even more advanced by 2121, and preparations began to colonize Mars. By 2133, the capital city of Mars, Draco, was founded by volunteer colonists. Major ship-building operations moved to Mars as discussion of expanding towards the rest of the solar system became more prevalent, and the Martian economy began to boom with everyone looking for business in the shipyards of Mars. The dream of colonizing the remainder of the solar system seemed lost until the greatest technological discovery in history was made by Dr. Reed Devany and Professor Walker Fountain, who became Nobel Laureates for developing the first ever Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Drive for Data Vortex, a major technological corporation. With the development of FTL travel, the promise of new horizons was finally achievable. Surging forward, the UN funded new ventures into Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune with orbital stations and military bases being placed above the planets and their surrounding moons. Throughout the decades, more and more colonists and military personnel moved to the new frontiers of space to seek new lives with the promise of adventure. The UN maintained control of the colonies, but soon it became clear that a new form of government was necessary to adequately maintain control over Earth and her colonies. While discussion of expanding to the close Alpha Centauri System developed, the nations of the UN agreed to form a world government known as the Earth Colonial Coalition in 2178.

The Coalition served as an incredibly effective governing body, and in 2200, the first ships extended into the Alpha Centauri System. Suitable planets were found, and New London became the sector’s capital planet. Overcrowding on Earth, the Moon (now simply referred to as Luna), and Mars became a non-issue as more and more people spread throughout the local solar system and into Alpha Centauri. Expansion fever had permanently set in, and as populations on all the planets came to rise, so did the need to seek new habitations. The Epsilon Eridani, Sirius, and Procyon systems soon followed. The sector capital of Epsilon Eridani was New Carthage, and its largest moon, Hannibal, became the great military base of the Coalition Colonial Defense Corps (CCDC). Large capital ships and support cruisers roamed space while military bases often complimented the colonial establishments, giving the Coalition a lingering presence throughout the territories. The fabled stories of meeting alien life never came true, but a story well known to the course of human history would soon prove to be the Coalition’s greatest challenge.

As societies developed throughout the various colonies, they took on their own identities and cultures, leading to sentiments opposed to the Coalition’s control. During expansion into the Tau Ceti System, the farthest the Coalition had reached, the planet Halcyon Omega (Sector Capital of the Procyon System) began to rally planets around it who also felt the Coalition’s presence didn’t quite match up to their ideals. Disapproval of the Coalition Congress’ ability to make decisions on Earth that extend all the way throughout the territories was a sentiment that many were able to coalesce around. Military garrisons began to develop stronger feelings for the

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systems they defended rather than the Coalition, and began to defect to the rebelling planetary systems. Led by Halcyon Omega, the Procyon and colonized areas of the Tau Ceti Systems formed the Union of Independent Planetary Bodies (UIPB). Allying with several independent pirate groups that had gained a foothold in the outer regions, the UIPB waged a vicious war of independence starting in 2264 against the Earth Colonial Coalition. To further the issues facing the Coalition, North Korea, using stolen technology and information from Data Vortex and the funds accumulated since the Eurasian War developed their own ships with FTL capabilities and abandoned their country on Earth to make an independent entity known as the Kim Consortium in the far reaches of the Tau Ceti System. With civil war on the Coalition’s mind, they were less concerned with what the North Koreans were up to, and kept their eyes focused on the military intentions of the UIPB.

The Great Interplanetary War began with several naval engagements between the various fleets but soon turned into planetary conquest with devastating surface combat. The war raged on for decades as planets were taken by the Coalition, but guerilla factions formed to disrupt Coalition efforts to fully regain control. The UIPB enlisted several paramilitary groups that had recently formulated, and few were as brutal and bloodthirsty as the Red Army of Callisto, the precursor to the Callistonian Insurrection. Displaced Russian and Eastern European colonists of Jupiter’s moon, Callisto, had a long seeded hatred against the Earth government that they felt were responsible for the toil of their people during and after the Eurasian War. Fueled by that rage and religious zeal placed in the teachings of Lenin known as the Faith of the Red God for decades, the Callistonians offered their services to the UIPB five years into the war in 2269, and committed terrible acts against military units and civilians of the Coalition. Often striking deep past the front lines, the Red Army of Callisto struck fear into the hearts of the Coalition. Unlike the UIPB, they seemed intangible and impossible to fight or anticipate. Luckily for the Coalition, after years of weathering guerilla and terrorist attacks, Vice-Admiral James West and his prodigy, Commander Imogen Drake, caught the bulk of the UIPB Navy with its leading commander and Chief of State, Grand Marshall Ahmed Zifzaf, in the space around Paris VII on the border of the Epsilon Eridani and Procyon systems. Performing a maneuver now known as Drake’s Folly, Drake used fast attack cruisers to lure the UIPB fleet into a trap where West used his capital ships to destroy Zifzaf’s force and obliterated the UIPB command structure. With the loss of their leader, the UIPB lost momentum and by 2280, the war had ceased hostilities and the Coalition had proved successful in defeating rebellion.

The Coalition then set out to re-establish control over the various planets and root out the paramilitary groups that helped the UIPB. They were mostly found and destroyed, but the Red Army of Callisto remained elusive. Knowing the Coalition was coming after them, they disbanded, but kept some of their major infrastructural components intact in case the need to strike at the Coalition arose once more. The Coalition, unable to find them tasked their foreign intelligence division, Omega-6, to try to keep tabs on the Callistonians, while it focused efforts on rebuilding the war-torn colonies.

Now in the year 2295, the Earth Colonial Coalition has been largely successful in its goals to reestablish control and security throughout its systems. After the war, it looked towards the Kim Consortium, whose neutrality in the war allowed them to prosper for decades, in order to establish treaties that would maintain peace between the two governments. Talks were tense, but in the end a fragile state of détente existed between the North Koreans of the Consortium.

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However, under the very capable leadership of President Austin Jennings, the Coalition has to face the threat of internal strife once again. The Callistonians have bided their time and now feel they are ready to strike in order to devastate the Earth Colonial Coalition once more. Whispers in the intelligence community suggest an attack, but with no actionable information present, they can only guess as to where such an attack, if any, will take place. The Callistonian Insurrection has begun preparation to reactivate its military and logistical resources, and from their base on Titan V in the dark regions of the Procyon System, they know with strong conviction, clinical strikes, and unyielding faith in their Red God, they will prevail.

Main Objectives Expected in January 2295

EARTH COLONIAL COALITION • Seek out the remnants of the Callistonian Military

Forces and eradicate them • Maintain control over the Colonies under threat of

destabilization by Insurrection forces • Research and develop new weapons of war to

make sure a second Great Interplanetary War never occurs

• Ensure the Kim Consortium stays neutral in any potential conflict

CALLISTONIAN INSURGENCY • Reestablish full military capabilities and resource

networks • Gain support from Kim Consortium • Destabilize planets that were strongly against the

Coalition during the Great Interplanetary War • Rally destabilized planets to overthrow the

Coalition and fill the power vacuum with Callistonians as the leaders of the territories