“FUTURE c 0 N 8” ME R Corporate [mice : 24? Park. Tower “”6 8th Floor. LBS Marg. Vikhroli (W), Mumbai - 400 083 (T) +91 22 6119 0000 | www.tuturecunsumemn Regd. Office: Knowledge House, Shyam Nagar, Ofl JVLRr Jogeshwari {East}, Mumbai 400 050 {T} +91 22 6644 2200 | CIN: L52602MH1996PLC192090 2(1‘1‘Jl1nc.2()|9 T0. ‘1'0_ \ \J'fcpartmcnt qubrpnmlc Scrvices Listing Dcparlyaént BSE Limited National St Exchange of India Limited Phirozc Jccjccbhny Towers? i ' Plaza. Bandra Kurla Complex. [)alaf Street. h-1LI111balE—4OU UU] ' 3‘ _‘ ]. Mumbai~400 051 Scrip Code: 533400 " rip Code: FCONSUMER Dear SirKMadam. Sub; Compliance under Regulation 23(9) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations1 2015 Pursuant to Regulation 2.1(9) OfIhc SEBI (Listing (i)b1igati0ns and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations. 2015. please [Ind enclosed herewith disclosure of Related Party 'I‘ransactions on a consolidated basis. in the format specified in Lhe accounting standards for the hall‘ year ended March '31. 201‘). Kindly take it on record and acknmvlcdgc receipt ofthe same. Thanking you. Yours truly. For Futu re Consumer Limited Manoj Gagvz Company Secretary & Head-Legal Encl.: :15 above

FUTURE · 2019-06-21 · Amar Chitra Katha Private Limited (with effect from 14 December 2018) c) Joint Venture MibeHe Future Consumer Products AG Amar Chitra Katha Private Limited

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“FUTUREc 0N8” MER Corporate [mice : 24? Park. Tower “”6 8th Floor. LBS Marg. Vikhroli (W), Mumbai - 400 083

(T) +91 22 6119 0000 | www.tuturecunsumemn

Regd. Office: Knowledge House, Shyam Nagar, Ofl JVLRr Jogeshwari {East}, Mumbai — 400 050

{T} +91 22 6644 2200 | CIN: L52602MH1996PLC192090


T0. ‘1'0_ \

\J'fcpartmcnt qubrpnmlc Scrvices Listing Dcparlyaént

BSE Limited National St ’ Exchange of India Limited Phirozc Jccjccbhny Towers? i ' ‘ Plaza. Bandra Kurla Complex.[)alaf Street. h-1LI111balE—4OU UU] ‘ ' 3‘ _‘ ]. Mumbai~400 051

Scrip Code: 533400 " rip Code: FCONSUMER

Dear SirKMadam.

Sub; Compliance under Regulation 23(9) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations1 2015

Pursuant to Regulation 2.1(9) OfIhc SEBI (Listing (i)b1igati0ns and Disclosure Requirements)

Regulations. 2015. please [Ind enclosed herewith disclosure of Related Party 'I‘ransactions ona consolidated basis. in the format specified in Lhe accounting standards for the hall‘ yearended March '31. 201‘).

Kindly take it on record and acknmvlcdgc receipt ofthe same.

Thanking you.

Yours truly.For Futu re Consumer Limited

Manoj Gagvz

Company Secretary & Head-Legal

Encl.: :15 above

FUTUREc U NS”MER Corporate Office : 24? Park, Tower '“C, 3111 Floor. LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W). Mumbai - 400 083

(T) +91 22 S119 0000 | www.futureconsumer.in

Head. Office: Knowledge House. Shyam Nagar. Off JVLR‘ Jogeshwari (East). Mumbai - 400 060

(T) +91 22 6644 2200 | CIN: L52602MH1996PL0192090

Information on related party transactions pursuant to IND AS 24 - Related Party Disclosures

List of Related Parties

a) Subsidiary Companies

Aadhaar Wholesale Trading and Distribution Limited

FCL Tradevest Private Limited (with effect from 24 December 2018)

Future Food and Products Limited

Future Consumer Products Limited

Future Food Processing Limited (Formerly known as Future Food Processing Private Limited)

FCEL Overseas FZCO

FCEL Food Processors Limited

The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Private Limited

Appu Nutritions Private Limited

Nilgiri's Mechanised Bakery Private Limited

Nilgiris Franchise Limited (Formerly known as Nilgiris Franchise Private Limited)

Integrated Food Park Limited (Formerly known as lntegrated Food Park Private Limited)

Bloom Foods and Beverages Private Limited (Formerly known as Bloom Fruit and Vegetables

Private Limited)

Affluence Food Processors Private Limited (with effect from 6 Novemeber 2018)

b} Associate

Sarjena Foods Private Limited

Amar Chitra Katha Private Limited (with effect from 14 December 2018)

0) Joint Venture

Mibelle Future Consumer Products AG

Amar Chitra Katha Private Limited (upto 13 December 2018)

ACK Media Direct Limited (upto 13 December 2018)

IBH Books & Magazines Distributors Limited (upto 13 December 2018)

Ideas Box Entertainment Limited {upto 13 December 2018)

Aussee Oats India Limited (Formerly known as Aussee Oats India Private Limited)

Aussee Oats Milling (Private) Limited

MNS Foods Limited (Formerly known as MNS Foods Private Limited)

Mibelle India Consumer Product Private Limited (with effect from 22 May 2018)

Genoa Rice Mills Private Limited

Avante Snack Foods Private Limited

Hain Future Natural Products Private Limited

Affluence Food Processors Private Limited (upto 5 November 2018)

Sublime Foods Limited (Formerly known as Sublime Foods Private Limited)

Fonterra Future Dairy Private Limited (with effect from 1 December 2018)

FUTURECON8”MER Corporate Office : 247 Park, Tower “”.0 81h Hoar. LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai - 400 033

(T) +91 22 6119 0000 | www.futureconsumerjn

Hegd. Dfline : Knowledge Houser Shyam Nagar, Off JVLR, Jogeshwari (East). Mumbai - 400 060

(T) +91 22 6644 2200 i CIN: L52602MH1996PLC192090

List 9f Related Parties

d) Key Management Personnel {KMP} and their relatives

Executive Directors

Mr. Narendra Baheti

Ms. Ashni Biyani

Non Executive Directors

Mr. Kishore Biyani

Mr. Ghyanendra Nath Bajpai

Mr. Adhiraj Harish

Ms. Vibha Rishi (Ceased to be Director with effect from 14 September 2018)

Mr. Fredric De Mevius

Mr. K K Rathi

Mr. Harminder Sahni (Appointed with effected from 14 September 2018)

Relatives of KMP

Mr. Rajendra Baheti

Ms. Archana Baheti

Ms‘ Sunder Devi Baheti

Mr. Amulya Baheti

e) Entities controlled .-' having significant influence by KMP and their relatives

Premium Harvest Limited

Future Ideas Company Limited

Future Enterprises Limited

Greatway Agro Farms Private Limited (upto 28 October 2018)

TDI Textiles Mills Private Limited

Future Retail Limited

Future Lifestyle Fashion Limited

Future Supply Chain Solutions Limited


(T) +91 22 6119 0000 | www.futurecnnsumemn

Hegd. flfiice: Knowiedge House, Shyam Nagar, 011 JVLR, Jogeshwari {East}, Mumbai - 400 060

(T) +91 2266442200 1 DIN: L52602MH1996PL0192090

Disclosure on Related Party:r Transactions on Consolidated Basis

Dnrpnrale Oflice : 247 Park, Tower “‘20 8111 Floor, LBS Marg, Vikhroii (W), Mumbai - 400 083

Amt [Rs ln Lakhs)

Nature oftransactions Joint Venture Associate Key Management Entities controlled]

Personnel {KMP} having significant

and their relatives influence by I(MP and

their relatives

Advance Given — — — 75.45

Corporate Gurantee Given 825.00 ‘ — —

Finance Cost 3.59 —

Franchise fees income — 311.35

interest Income 445.39 5.55 - 124.65

Loan Given 689.82 — - -

LoanTaken 417.82 — — —

Other Expenses 37.67 — 10.80

Other Income 51.00 — -

Purchase of goods 6,122.92 109.20 — 5,510.92

Recovery of Expenses 470.05 - — 806.74

Rent Expenses - 11.91 502.12

Rent Income 221.77 —

Royalty income — 5.68

Sitting Fees - 11.50

Warehousing and Distribution Charges — — 1,218.46

Sale of products 2,466.38 — — 144,086.89

Inter corporate deposits received back 7,787.81 - - —

Inter corporate deposits given 3,656.40 - - —

Share application 250.00 — — -

Marketing expenses — — 528.55

Investments in Preference Shares 300.00 - — —

Investments in Equity Shares 411.82 - — —

Investments in Debentures 4,977.00 — - —

Purchase of property, plant and equipments — — — 37.38

Managerial remuneration’“ - 507.73 —

Balance as at 315t March, 2019 Amt [Rs In Lakhs}

Nature of transactions Joint Venture Associate Key Management Entities controlled!

Personnel [KMP] having significant

and their relatives influence by KMP and

their relatives

Corporate Gurantee Outstanding 5,163.04

Inter corporate deposits outstanding 6,016.46 150.00

Interest Receivable 758.03 117.77

Lean Giver: Outstanding 691.39

Loan Outstanding Payable 419.39

Security Deposit Given Outstanding 25.03

Security Deposit Received Outstanding 125.00

Trade and Other Payable: 1,594.19 2,513.57

Trade and Other Receive bles 1,102.43 163.10 58,369.49

*inciudes share based payments to managerial personnel

FUTUREtoN S UMER Corporate Oflice : 24? Park. Tower ”‘8. Bth Floor, LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W). Mumbai — 400 083

(T) +91 22 6119 0000 | www.futureconsumerjn

Regd. Dflice : Knowledge House, Shyarn Nagar, Off JVLR. Jogeshwari (East). Mumbai - 400 050

{T} +91 22 5644 2200 | CIN: L52602MH1996PLC192090

20”" .Iunc. ZOI‘)

1‘0. '1‘ _.

Department 0,15%0rp0ralc Services \Afiting DepartmentBSE Limi Neuional Stock Exchange of India LimitedPhil‘oz = . ccjcebhny Towers. Exchange Plaza. Bandru Kurla C‘ompiex.Dai‘ Street. Mumbai-MJU U(H Bandra (East), Mumhai~4UU (151

i 1 Code: 533400 Scrip Code: FCONSUMER

Dear Sil‘fh‘iadam.

Sub; Compliance under Regulation 23(9) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Pursuant to Reguiatinn 23(9) 0f1he SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements}Regulations. 2015. please find encluscd hcrewith disclosure of Related Party 'I‘ransaclions ona consolidated basis. in the format specified in the accounting standards for the half yearended March 3 I . 2019.

Kindly take i1 011 record and ackm‘nx-‘lcdgc receipt offhe same.

'l‘hanking you-

Yours Irul}:For Future Consumer Limited

Manoj GagvaCompany Secreta & Head-Legal

13nd: :15 above

FUTUREc 0 N S UM ER Corporate flflica : 247 Park. Tower “0”. 8th Floor, LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W) Mumbai — 400 033

(T) +91 22 6119 0000 | www.futureconsumerjn

Head. Office : Knowledge House, Shyam Nagar. 011 JVLR. Jogeshwari (East), Mumbai — 400 060

{T} +91 22 6644 2200 | CIN: L52602MH1996PLC192090

Information on related party transactions pursuant to IND AS 24 - Related Party Disciosures

List of Related Parties

a) Subsidiary Companies

Aadhaar Wholesale Trading and Distribution Limited

FCL Tradevest Private Limited {with effect from 24 December 2018)

Future Food and Products Limited

Future Consumer Products Limited

Future Food Processing Limited (Formerly known as Future Food Processing Private Limited)

FCEL Overseas FZCO

FCEL Food Processors Limited

The Niigiri Dairy Farm Private Limited

Appu Nutritions Private Limited

Niigiri’s Mechanised Bakery Private Limited

Nilgl’ris Franchise Limited (Formerly Known as Nilgiris Franchise Private Limited)

integrated Food Park Limited (Formerly known as Integrated Food Park Private Limited)

Bloom Foods and Beverages Private Limited (Formerly known as Bloom Fruit and Vegetables

Private Limited)

Affluence Food Processors Private Limited (with effect from 6 Novemaber 2018)

b) Associate

Sarjena Foods Private Limited

Amar Chitra Katha Private Limited (with effect from 14 December 2018)

c) Joint Venture

MibeHe Future Consumer Products AG

Amar Chitra Katha Private Limited (upto 13 December 2018)

ACK Media Direct Limited (upto 13 December 2018)

IBH Books 8; Magazines Distributors Limited (upto 13 December 2018)

Ideas Box Entertainment Limited (upto 13 December 2018)

Aussee Oats India Limited (Formerly known as Aussee Oats india Private Limited)

Aussee Oats Milling (Private) Limited

MNS Foods Limited {Formerly known as MNS Foods Private Limited)

Mibelle India Consumer Product Private Limited (with effect from 22 May 2018)

Genoa Rice Mills Private Limited

Avante Snack Foods Private Limited

Hain Future Naturat Products Private Limited

Affluence Food Processors Private Limited (upto 5 November 2018)

Sublime Foods Limited (Formerly known as Sublime Foods Private Limited)

Fonterra Future Dairyr Private Limited (with effect from 1 December 2018)

FUTUREc 0 N SUMER Curpnrata Oflica : 247 Park, Tower ”.0 31h Floor, LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W). Mumbai - 400 083

(T) +91 22 6119 0000 [ www.1utureconsumer.in

Raga. Dflice : Knowledge House, Shyam Nagar, Off JVLR, Jogeshwari (East). Mumbai ‘ 400 060

(T) +91 22 6644 2200 | CW: L52602MH1996PL0192090

List of Related Parties

d) Key Management Personnel [KMP) and their relatives

Executive Directors

Mr. Narendra Baheti

Ms. Ashni Biyani

Non Executive Directors

Mr. Kishore Biyani

Mr. Ghyanendra Nath Bajpai

Mr. Adhira] Harish

Ms. Vibha Rishi (Ceased to be Directorwith effect from 14 September 2018)

Mr. Fredric De Mevius

Mr. K K Rathi

Mr. Harminder Sahni (Appointed with effected from 14 September 2018)

Relatives of KMP

Mr, Rajendra Baheti

Ms. Archana Bahet‘l

Ms. Sunder Devi Baheti

Mr. Amulya Baheti

e) Entities controlled 1‘ having significant influence by KMP and their relatives

Premium Harvest Limited

Future Ideas Company Limited

Future Enterprises Limited

Greatway Agro Farms Private Limited (upto 26 October 2018)

TDI Textiles Miils Private Limited

Future Retail Limited

Future Lifestyle Fashion Limited

Future Supply Chain Solutions Limited _ '\\_ _


(T) +01 22 6119 0000 | www.futureconsumer.in

Hegd. Office : Knowledge House, Shyam Nagar, Off JVLH, Jogeshwari (East), Mumbai - 400 060

(T) +91 22 6644 2200 | CIN: L52602MH1996PL0192090

Disclosure on Related Party Transactions on Consolidated Basis

Corporate Office : 247 Park, Tower ‘,‘”0 8111 Floor, LBS Marg. Vikhroli (W), Mumbai - 400 083

AmtiRs In Lakhs}

Nature of transactions Joint Venture Associate Key Management Entities controlled}

Personnel (KM?) having significant

and their relatives influence by KMP and

their relatives

Advance Given - — — 75.45

Corporate Gurantee Given 825.00 . - —

Finance Cost 3.59 — — —

Franchise fees income - - 311.35

Interest income 445.39 5.55 - 124.65

Loan Given 689.82 — — -

Loan Taken 417.82 — — -

Other Expenses 37.67 - — 10.80

Other Income 51.00 — —

Purchase of goods 6,122.92 109.20 — 5,510.92

Recovery of Expensm 470.05 - - 806.74

Rent Expenses ~ 11.91 502.12

Rent Income 221.77 —

Royalty Income — 5.68

Sitting Fees 1150

Warehousing and Distribution Charges — — 1,218.46

Sale of products 2,466.38 — — 144,086.89

Inter corporate deposits received back 7,787.81 ~ - -

Inter corporate deposits given 3,656.40 - - -

Share application 250.00 — — —

Marketing expenses — — 528.55

Investments in Preference Shares 300.00 - — —

Investments in Equity Shares 411.82 - -

Investments in Debentures 4,977.00 — — -

Purchase of property, plant and equipments — — — 37.38

Managerial remu neration‘ — 507.73 —

Balance as at 315t March, 2019 Amt (Rs In Lakhs]

Nature of transactions Joint Venture Associate Key Management Entities controtled 1’

Personnel [I(MP) having significant

and their relatives influence by KMP and

their reiatives

Corporate Gurantee Outstanding 5,163.04

Inter corporate depensits outstanding 6,016.46 150.00

Interest Receivable 758.03 117.77

Loan Given Outstanding 691.39

Loan Outstanding Paya ble 419.39

Security Deposit Given Outstanding 25.03

Security Deposit Received Outstanding 125.00

Trade and Other Payables 1,594.19 2,513.57

Trade and Other Receivables 1,102.43 163.10 58,369.49

*includes share based payments to managerial personnel