Fury of the Fireborne Quest

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Myth Board Game

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  • 2014 MegaCon Games, LLC. MegaCon Games, the MegaCon Games logo, Myth, and the Myth logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner. All rights reserved.

    The Heroes have been dispatched to investigate the Dawns Light cathedral and to discover the fate of Sir Archeron. From a distance the Heroes spot an overwhelming number of unusual looking Crawlers and Grubbers in front of the cathedral. Entry from that direction is impossible without an army. Luckily the Heroes know of a secret tunnel a short distance from their current location at the base of Gris Bosom, leading into the catacombs. Though the catacombs have long been abandoned and the air is now poisonous, they should yet offer a path inside.

    As the Heroes approach the catacombs their eyes begin to water and their breath becomes more labored. The Heroes spot the same strange Grubbers and Crawlers surrounding a sinister portal which appears to be powered by two pedestals covered in runes. The ashen skinned creatures all appear to have glowing yellow eyes as they stand at the entrance to the catacombs, still as statues. An evil aura permeates the area

    Recently all manner of creatures have begun acting strangely in the Four Kingdoms. The people, especially those few learned in the arcane arts, whisper of demonic possession. For this reason the Order of the Rose dispatched Sir Archeron, the most righteous of their knights, to the Dawns Light cathedral at the base of Gris Bosom.

    Hope grows faint as weeks have passed with no word from Sir Archeron.

    Act 1: The Burning Will of Teraxas


    1. Portals (Fire Realm Object): Fireborne minions appear from these Portals during the Spawn section of a Darkness Cycle. Portals cannot be attacked. For each pedestal powering a Portal 3 Fireborne spawn during the Spawn section of the Darkness Cycle. Portals are removed from the Realm Tile when all of the pedestals powering it are destroyed.

    2. Pedestals (Pillar token): These have 3 Vitality and a TN of 4. Once a pedestal is destroyed it generates 2 AP.

    3. The Burned Bodies token can be searched once per Hero by performing a NCA with no TN. This gives the Hero performing the NCA 1 draw from the treasure bag.

    4. The Bookcase token can only be searched once by a single Hero performing a NCA TN 7. If a Hero succeeds he is rewarded with the blue item, Kiras Tear.

    5. The Table token can only be searched once by a single Hero performing a NCA TN 4+. If the Hero succeeds with a roll of 4+ he is rewarded with 2 Vitality potions. If the Hero succeeds with a roll of 7+ they also receive the green item, Ornate Chalice.

    6. The Fountain token can only be used once by a single Hero performing a NCA with no TN. This restores six Vitality to the Hero performing the NCA.

    7. The Torture Device token holds the Ally Sir Archeron. Heroes can perform NCAs to free Sir Archeron from the Torture Device. If Ragog is in the same section of the combined tile as Sir Archeron the NCA TN is 7. If Ragog is not in the same section, the NCA TN is 5. Once Sir Archeron is freed, place his Ally token next to the Hero that freed him. He is now active and can assist the Heroes.

    8. Sir Archeron token: Once Sir Archeron is freed he can move and perform actions as any Ally normally would. His damage is not reduced by the Avatar of the Fireborne ability.

    1. Ignore all Realm Tile legends.

    2. Treasure limit is reduced to 3 per Realm Tile.

    3. Darkness Cards are not drawn from a Darkness deck this Act. The Fury of the Fireborne is in play each Darkness Cycle.

    4. Any minion miniature can be used as Fireborne as they are possessed by Demons. Refer to the Fireborne Monster card for their stats.

    5. As long as the Heroes are fighting in the first combined tile they suffer -1 to all die rolls.

    Special Rules


  • Combined Tile

    Combined Tile

    Combined Tile

    2014 MegaCon Games, LLC. MegaCon Games, the MegaCon Games logo, Myth, and the Myth logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner. All rights reserved.

    Hunting Pack of 6

    Hunting Pack of 4

    NCA: 0

    NCA: 0

    NCA: 5 or 7

    Hunting Pack of 10

    Hunting Pack of 6

    Ragog the Fierce


    NCA: 7+

    NCA: 4+

    GoalClear all the Realm Tiles of the Fireborne, defeat Ragog the Fierce.

    Fail ConditionsThe Heroes lose if Sir Archeron dies. The Heroes also lose if the Threat Penalty is triggered four times and they have zero Action Spaces available.

    RewardEach surviving Hero may manipulate their Hero Deck with one advanced Hero card.

    ResolutionWith a howl that seems to originate from the Abyss, Ragog falls to his knees and topples forward as the killing blow lands. The burning yellow of Ragogs eyes fades and smoke slowly rises from his now empty eye sockets. The ancient crown he once wore rolls across the now stained ornate tiles of the cathedral, coming to rest at the Heroes feet. With a sigh of relief, the Heroes shoulders slump and their heads sag, bone weary now with the deed done. Collectively, their eyes are drawn to the crown lying on the floor and a desire to claim it for their own begins to overwhelm their senses. Simultaneously all the Heroes reach for the crown as Sir Archeron screams, NO!

    Finding the Crown: Roll 5 Fate Dice. For each symbol rolled matching a Heros defining attribute add 2 to their Courage value. For each Darkness symbol rolled all Heroes have their Courage value increased by 1. Each Hero now resolves a Courage test in the following order: Guile, Rage, Arcane, Nature, and Faith. The first Hero to fail a Courage test in the order listed, places the crown on their head. Proceed to Cursed Resolution. If every Hero succeeds their Courage test the crown is placed in one Heros inventory. Proceed to Stoic Resolution.

    Cursed ResolutionSir Archerons scream fell on deaf ears as one of the Heroes scoops up the crown and with a disturbing smile places it upon their head. Heroes we have no time to waste. Your compatriot has been afflicted by an ancient Fireborne curse, and I know of only one person still living who can help us save your friend. says Sir Archeron.

    Stoic ResolutionStartled out of the fog in their mind, the Heroes slowly back away from the crown lying on the ground. Sir Archeron covers it with a tattered tapestry and deftly picks it up saying, I know exactly who to see about this ancient Fireborne relic. Well done Heroes and thank you for coming to my assistance!

    Gold Hoard NCA: 0

  • 2014 MegaCon Games, LLC. MegaCon Games, the MegaCon Games logo, Myth, and the Myth logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner. All rights reserved.



    Cursed Crown of Serentheas

    Range -- -

    +5 Vitality




    Ragog the Fierce





    Last Attacker



    Special 4

    Immunities: Prone, Fear, Fire.


    Immolate: Each adjacent target suffers 2 damage.

    Darkness Imbued Weaponry: 2 attacks on 1 target.

    43 2Attack: Range: 1(M), 1 dmg/success


    Intelligent, Demon Mini-Boss

    Fel Rage: Attack target again, if able. Do not roll fate dice again.

    Fel Portal: Place a Portal within 3 squares of Ragog and 2 Pedastels within 3 squares of the Portal.

    Avatar of the Fireborne: Reduce damage from all attacks by half (rounded down). Any attacks using a blue quality item or better ignore this reduction. 1

    See Story Quest Special Rules







    Most Vitality



    Ignite: Target suffers 1 Fire damage.

    Infernal Slash: 1 attack on 1 target Range: 1(M). 1 damage per hit.

    Attack 71 1 1

    Intellect, Minion

    FireborneType: Demon

    Immune to Fire.


    Fury of the Fireborne



    Portal Spawn

    Roll 1 b. Treat Threat Penalty event as Threat level 7 for the Hero matching the Fate Die symbol. If a Darkness symbol is rolled treat Threat Penalty

    event as Threat level 6 for any Hero.



    Spawn 3 Fireborne per Pedastel. Spawned Minions Activate immediately.

    Threat Penalty-1 Action space for all Heroes

    for the rest of the Act. Can Stack.

    Spiked Ceiling Trap

    Type: SpecialActivate: Each Refresh PhaseDisarm: 4x TN 0

    Range: Realm TileEffect: Death Reward: 3 Serendipity

    Setup: Place a Poison Dart token and Quest token on the upper right side of the Realm Tile and a Crushing Wall token adjacent to the tile edge on the upper left side of the Realm Tile.

    Disarm: Heroes must stand adjacent to the Poison Dart token to disarm this trap. Performing NCAs at TN zero moves the Quest token (lever) orthogonally. When the Quest token reaches position 4 the trap is disarmed.

    Activation: The Crushing Wall token moves down one row during the Refresh Phase until the trap is disarmed. When the Crushing Wall token moves down fi ve times, (in the sixth row), Heroes and enemies located in the Realm Tile are killed.







    Disarm Location NCA: 0




    3 4

    Realm Tile restrictions: None