mm j. ' ' ' , ! , ! i I ''' Cke Tredottia Censer, WEDNESDAY, SEPT.' 9,JL914. HM -TT7~T^ ! DONIA CENSOR. PERSONAL Sold and Guaranteed by i. > . m PHELPS PHARMACY, ; ' l . ' Uae o: th)e leading .Drug Stores in, Western New York. I \\ East Main Street, Fr«donia, N. Y. i 'j DRY CLEANING BARGAIN DA^YS. On Friday and Saturday of each week until further notice SPECIAL BARGAIN- PRICES will be made on, some articles taken in on those days for delivery the following Week. Shop work is excluded and oiily work from Fredonia and Dun- kirk will be acceptedat the special price an^l for cash on delivery on- ly. 'Phone us Thursdays for'Bar- gaiij prices for Friday and 'Satur- day. [. , '- , j Dunkirk Laundry Co. PERSONAL . Mr. Harry P. .Morse ofj Janiestown spent Sunday with his grahdjmother. Mrs. Martha Morse and othjej relatives returning home Monday. | ( •; j Mrs. Emma Toplift • |and grand- daughter, Marjorie Topliff !of Barring- ton returned home Saturday evening alter spending several weeks lijere. There was great anxjiejtyjin the neighborhood tor ai few days over the critical condition of the infant! son of Rev. and Mrs] Larrabeej. j Tnere Is marked improvement since Sunday. ! Mr. Albert Barker and-sdn of] Wash- ington; D. C , was here oyer Sunday visiting Dr. and Mrs. Albro. » .Mrs. C. G. Farr is spendirig|thB week with her relatives in Ripley.f _ Prof. Hadley B. Larrabee," of Hills- dale College, Hillsdale, Mich,, is visit- ing his son, Rev. Benj. K. Larra,bee,; for a few days: j j Mr. and Mrs. Grover !Champlain and daughter, Dorothy of Pitts'burg 1, spent the week-end with thjefr parents in Dunkirk. ;• , \\ i Mrs. Grace Euchner and daughter, Eva, have gone to Silver Creek: where they will make their future jhome at 12 Lake street. Miss Euchner wili teach the 7th and 8th grades in ftri« school. . i . N|ext Week Wednesday, Thursday and. Friday. Hydrop F M High Mrs. -George Nelson and daughter; GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Why Not Now - Reduced Price On 2 or more Sacks FREDONIA FEED AND ICE COMPANY, .: 45-47 E. Main Street, Fredonia, New York, ! ; S Charlesj Haeberli a"nd Ernest Tor- rence ehpoyed Labor Day in Detroit going by steamer Cit>[ Of Cleveland. They return oni steamer; City of Detroit HI; this Wednesday night. , William H. Mercer and family have returned from a line trip up the lakes. ,Tliey v|sited J Detroit, Mich., Cleve- land, Tojedo, Gibsonburg, O., and Buf- falo, where they were guests of friends Jandi relatives. Charles E.. Weeks was brought be- fore.the courtjat Warren last Monday charged with murder, but made no de- fensev JiyJge | Hinckley sentenced him to prison for not less than five or not more |han twenty years'. He shot •n hired man who had violated his home last May, as was described at the time. Lc?roy Sherman, a young man em- ployed: in driving the sprinkling wag- on jwas .panfully hurt in a runaway Saturday evening, when the horses ; dashed, alongTemple street, and struck and-wrecked the Hickey Brothers' de- livery wagon and then collided with a telephone polti which was knocked :.over. ( Sherman was thrown to the ground suffering bad bruises, One of 'the horses, valued at $300, was fatally .hurt by contact with a letter box on the pole. iThe wagon was badlv wreck- ed] i Harry Zehnder, B. & Ll r E. Traffic Manager, made good handling the crowds that attended the County Fair. He had/ tlie j ejxtra cars on the spot ... Esther, of Dunkirk, are Visiting Mi"! and Mrs. Edson R. Norris o^ Piti sb.urg, weeks. • l Pa., for several Mrs. Oarrie WoodfordDe\ying from Charlevoix, Mich., asiwe leave for home next wieek . ' ^ ' / ! THE HARVEST FAIE. Grange ,[•• '•', "I ,1, IJ 'M Great EVent FIVE. ' ' ' '"' : •' '•• 1 in Dunkirk ane and Diving Dogs Daily. Day Thursday—Four Famous Speakers. You cannot affore. to miss this \v. Everything . Free. 3S. M Dan W NNIE iCOTTON CLARK'S FUNERAL. r i A writes are to please change the address of Thei Censor to 51S West Main street, Kalamazoo,; Mich. I At the Brooks hospital, .Dunkirk, Aug!" 27, 1914, born to Mr!, anil Mrs. John C. Brennan a son, Edgar Ber- nard. Mrs. Brennan was! ; formerly| Mary S. Morgan. j 'Mrs. P. M. Hopkins, who 1 has been spending the summer at the) Columbia has been ' the guest of Mrs." Leon II. StraiglU at Sheridan. j, * W.,Tate ; writes from Den- veK C6loJ] under date of Sept. 5:! The se wices of respect {or the meraorj' of this life of Mrs. iMinnie Clark, held in the Rogejrs Chapel, I Sept. 1st, ai 2 p. m. Burial was in Riverside cemetery'. lev. Cpas. i'H.j Marshall, very jmuch respected, by the: people of Colorado as well as the city:of Denver, conducted thf Episcopalian service and as the erusalem The Golden," was us^d, memory took me back to the old irch irl Fredonia,'- where we heard our school-imate Minnie Cotton, 1870 sing it. ; : ["• i She has been an invalid for several years;but] good fortune has been with in the faithful daughter Edith A. irk, wao has supplied her with all possible comforts. • • ; Our old friend; J.'W. Cotton, was in en dance. | . ,• The bearers. Were: Mr. |A. It. Hall, the Capital Elective Co., Herbert. A. ch he|", in he Ch! alt of Hiijyes,. Atja L. Shelley andjDan W. \V Taie. L Bi^ Dining Room i Furniture V a l u e s ! With a bigl! new line of dining room furniture on hand, :Chairs, &>. China C a b i n e t s , Buffets, we are in a position to offer extreme- Wvaatagcoijs b a r g a i n s . ' • . i '"• Dining c h a i r s , leather seats, guaranteed oak, finely polished, :^"$ 5 . 75i eaeh. , ' . ' extension dining tables. $o oo to $43.00. \ , 11 , J . i ' '.; a;>mets, $13.50 to $38, * ••.. ''.'•:: time we have these two especially big: values to offer; :nc China ed: his famil all.having a $25.75 China Cabinet for $21.50 $27.50 Buffet for - $21.50 I LANG FURNITURE COMPANY 400-410 Lion St., DUNKIRK^ >. X. LEWORTHY'S PERFECT LEWORTHY'S GROCERIES AND DRUGS, II East Main Street. every time. ^rljiss MoL/kury has c^mejout of the Canadian woods alive and declares she 'enjoyed it. Miss Mary Fuller says the jsame.so we may assume that our coun- jty jpioneers did not have such a hard jtiine as tliey used to picture, at the old lettjers' reunions. Dr.'M. T. Dana arrived from DwiglU, •Cainada,. Monday night and his family (will ' come tonight. Normal School jOpjBns this Wednesday and Principal Dana is a very busy man. Eber Pettit is now living in Buffalo as| a convenient point for his general agency • for the United States Cigar iCompanyy with headquarters in New /York.! J. Wesley Guest of Salamanca came to j our county fair and met many (former neighbors glad, to see him. . ' Miss Maud Champlin lias gone to kmsterdam where she has a good posi- tion as teacher. . Mr. Robert Swan of Akron, O., join- y last week and they are good time with Mrs.Swan's parents, Mr and Mrs. A. L. Mixer, at ShadyKnoll Jon EastMain , street.Shady Knoll is a delightful home with, an acrej of .land'and Mr. Mixer ,is a very suc-j ee'ssful farmer. I-liis s t r a w b e r r i e s , to4 inatoes,-corn and chickens are all ol] ilie finest. Me made no mistake when fte engaged . Harry P. Beebe as. the architect to plan his house. It seems tio us to be absolutely perfect in ar jangement. The rooms are all large Enough for comfort and yet so com- , pactly put together that-only a few ' s|teps are required to do the housework It you 1 ever build a home see Mixer's and 1 engage Architect Beebe,. FOUND—Two towels': on Center! Htreet.Call at 35 Barker street.lwSGpd, .j Warren C. Browne of .New York at J tended our County Fair and was at the Wadsworth dinner., ,' ;' ' ' • , \ ! Miss Ida Dawley of Buffalo is vx^ iling Mrs.nC. H. Graham in Dunkirk. ! I Charles Bolster of Butterworth, Va., son of our veteran. friend Amos Bol- ster, is visiting his half sister, Mrs.; Grace Scott in -Sheridan. *j Homier Clarke has a furlough this month and is enjoying it. He is a promising member of-the Midshipman class at the U. S. Naval Academy. | To close an estate a most desirable investment of SI,000 at'uui attractive rate of interest. Security absolute. \\ seeking an investment enquire at once. A. H. Marsh, GO East Main sireet, Fredonia, N. Y. . , lw36pd j WAITED—To buy a"grape grinder and press. JOSEPH LAZARONY, FJa,?le street, Fredonia. 2\v35 (Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Chatsey,an- nounce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Alice', to Mr, Henry B. Heppe.ll of Dunkirk. JMiss" Mildred Harf has gone to Nunda to resume her teaching.' She was there last year and did so well she was promptly re-engaged. I Mrs. Ellen. Batcheller and Mr. and ivtrs. Charles Parkhurst of Ashville, also Dr. Charles Fargo of Detroit.were with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Fargo over Sundayj , • -Mrs. Stella Warren flicker of Rock- fcjrd, 111., is the guest of Miss M. J. Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Ricker have been on a visit to his relatives inMaine and ;Mass^achusetts. ; } ; -Mr., and Mrs, James McCubbin land children are spending a few days as guests of MerritLamphear and wife a£ Conneaut, O. ( [Mrs. 1 Celia A. Woods of Jamestown and Lavina Elmer of Stockton came Tuesday and are visiting Mrs. Martha Morse. Mrs.Elmer came to attend the Baptist convention. : It will be gratifying to the patrons! of the Barker -Library to [know that; Miss Florence Hall, the librarian, ham received official notification that heir work iq the New York' Staitd Library school was highly satisfactoriy (and that she passed all examinations; with hon- or." Miss Hall attended theisix weeks summer school at Albany.. LOST. Sept 2. on B. & L. E. trolley a black silk crocheted bag coritaning gold eye glasses . ,with monogram pin; folding fan, purse with five dollars.} Please send; to 23 Forest Place,-Fredonia, and retain money' as a reward.' Th m Th! an - : : , ; i \i < 15j!East Main Street, F r e d o n i a , N . Y . FREDONIA GRANGE NEWS. John E. Sanford writes that he will be in Chautauqua county soon. He; was across the river at Windsor and; .saw a large body of Canadian! soldiersj starting for camp at, they will be called Sanford saw u goldier little boy, and was moved to "write the following pathetic lines: j "11 | WHEN THE BUGLES pLJOW. . Quebe;c,J whence! to Eurbjpe. Mi).\ parting fwith }nk e youni? people ofj Fredonia Grange de their fifth annual exhibit at the Chautauqua* County Fair Sept. 1-4,1914. The exhibit was:of exceptional merit this year and; very welj arranged, e commercial packs were very good 1 the plate exhibits fine', j The dairy products \/ere of the best.On the whole the exhibit was one "of: the best agri- cu turald splays seen at the fair.Great credit is due Karl! Thatcher,..chairman; Arjthur Tjuttle, Richard Hall, George illiam Lesch. , MRascaJ: -Pat" as presented the Gringe young people Saturday ening, Aug. 29; 1914, mifde a great About $9 was realised. The ac : have been : requested to repeat soon, r ii j Fredonia Grange Degree team went Sheridan. Wednesday, Sept, 2, and nferred jthe third and fourth degrees uj[)on a large class of candidates. The team was royally.entertained by Sher- idan grange. The young men's drill Belling, Vi That by ev hi to|r s-. it to cc tejam did exceptionally well ftnd the tableaux by the yo|ung ladies were v6ry beai tiful. The! attendance was nearly 200i , ,». ; !•'*' ' -»• Why do you squeeze my h'a)&d|J d a d d y ? Why do you walk so slow'^ WJiy are you sad today daddyl? Just hear those- bugles blow] '{•'•:-. • • • j J ', ./ Why does my mamma cry, daddy? Why does she sob t h a t wiiyjj? What,do they mean by war; da.ddy? Why are you sad today? Why don't you look more gl^dj daddy Dressed in tha,t pretty coat* I always shout for joy, daddyl Wearing mine on the boati O what a nice big gun, daddy-t Can I shoot that some day? Why do you squeeze my hand dacjdy? Why do you look that way? j See all the soldier men, daddy— You going with them, too? ' See how they get in line, dadjdy— What are! they go'n' to <lo? 1j '• i I Why must you go with them, daddy? Why can't you take me—wh'y? Why do' yoii hug me close, dandy? Why do you say good-bye? j . J. E. SANFORD. Detroit, August 21, 1914. { , - —im'V^SS^ DIED. MARRIED. At Ripley, Sept. 3, 1914, ! by Rev. George S. Swezy, Edward H. Preeinan, of Erie, Pa., formerly, of Fredonia, anfl Miss Marion Hogan, of Erie. Mr. Freeman for the past year, lias been organist and choir-master; at the Simp- son avenue Methodist) church anil connected with the Kohler-Williams studio., Mr. and Mrs. Freeman ' leave Monday, Sept. 7th, for Kew Concord, O., where Mr. Freeman is to <be direc- tor of music in Muskin gum college. | Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Events ajnnounce the marriage of their {daughter, Ger- trude Emily, to Mr. Ralph [w. Mid- dleton of Erie, Pa. The wedding cere- mony was performed byj pr.Gek>.Bailey, pastor of the Central jPresjbyterian church of Erie, on Tuesday, September the eighth .After October first Mr. anfl Mrs. Middlet'on will'be at horns at 1047 East Tenth Street, Erie,, pa. In Fredonia at her'home on Spring street, this . Tuesday morning, Sept. S. 1914, Miss Sarah C. Black yas mar- ried to Howard J. Moore of Cjeveland, O. It was a quiet homelwedding. Rev. C. G. Farr was the, officiating clergy- man. At Lakewood, 0.,a: suburb of Cleve- land/Wednesday evening.Sept. 2, 1914, Mrs. Mary A. F. Thrasher of Dayton, aged 63 years. Mrs. Tlrr.asb.er was the widow .of (the late: Judge W. S. Thrash- er and a daughter oil t h e late Norman M. Allen I of Dayton]: She leaves four sons and three daughters, Norman Thrasher of Lakewood, O., Mrs. James E. Bixbey of Dayton, Miss Flora L. Thrasher | of 'Jamestown, Louis L. Thrasher of Jamestown, Miss Gertrude ^brasher 'of Toronto,Can.,Ned Tlirash- er of Perrysburg and Dewitt Thrash; ejr of Dayton. j . • The fu'n'eral of Mrs...Mary A. Thrash- ejr, was | held from the old home in Dayton, Sunday afternoon. The ser- V Burial at DELIG ices wer simple and impressive.The earers \vere \ Norman S. Thrasher, ouis L. | Thrashier, Ned L. Tlirasher, ons, and James E. | Bixby, Irving R. eonard and Samuel P. Thrasher, ln- tlte family lot \n erment followed in lie cemetjary at,Cottkge GATESJ-At Chautauqua, N. jV. ames M. Gates] aged 77 years,former of l!l2 Cottagie street, Buffalo Forest La\|n. |" Daughter 7 Reels o , at the reaonia H era nouse Saturday Night, Sept. 12. 'j Reserved Seats/at Chatsey's. , j ! I . * , j ; '. : ' : -. j |One Price 2 5 c j One Price | NOTE: These films have just finished ru-rining in New York and Buffalp at $1,00, 75c and 50c. This is one of the i i . greatest plays ever produced in pictures. Show starts at 8:15 p. m. The rtant Item-in the kitchen ( next to the cook) is the Kitchen Range. The New Process Gas Range is the one. We have them in] various styles and prices. HTFUL HOUSE PARTY. i Miss Lucile [ Berg; of East Main street, 'gave a house party for ten avs in honor 6i Miss Aileen Iteid of St." Louisj Mo. | The! six young ladies present i from away t were: ; Miss Mil- dred Page, of Jamestown; Miss Hazel! Babcock and Miss! Ethel Engstrom,j , \Varren^Pa.,Miss RubyFrost 'of Pigeon,; Pa.; and hviiss Reid for St. Louis, An ilnformall dance was given Friday vening, Aug. 2Sth. jOn the following Monday all corn! roas't was 1 enjoyed at Dr. \v! il BabcQck's -cottage at Van: Buren. Among| thojse present were: Katherind Wratten, of Westfield.; Con- stance Rabin, iFredlonia; Howard Ed-. londs of,bunkirk; Harold Smith, Jack TlVilder, Stewart! Burlfe,Raymond (Kel- ler, Donald Babcoc c, Francis Berg, Raymond 1 Frost, besides -the house quests. Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson Frost, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Berg, Mrs. H. 5AND CONCERT TONIGHT. Wednesday Evening, Sept. .9, 1914. j Four of a Kind—March..Cli. jt.Barone I'm On My \Vay to Mandalay •li Medley Overture Lee Predn Smith Bohemian Girl ....... ; ;.. .Balfe Th,is is The Life—Intro: Daddy Come Home', March and Tjwo Stjep jj. i .. ..... I \. Irvjiig Berlin H.'E. P. Polka (solo for cornet). . -j Jeo Marsh op 36 Played by Frank Panipjjnto Trombohium, characteristic March...:. : .Ribe Danmark Bits of Remick's hits medley overture, I v No. 14. i - 'i' |t" AridaliisiaSpanish Waltz.Ch.L'e Thiere 1 Love the Ladies, Medley two step I March .Jean Schwartz Overture—Hunter and Hermit. J. C. W. Dalbey (By request;.) i' Blue Danube Waltz '.John Strauss Grand Medley superba. ,C.'Vv". Palbey Star Spangled Banner. Seats provided for everybody. 7 W. ! Frost entertained the l|iouse guests at an informaUdance on "uesday (evening, Sept. 1st. On Sept. rd, eighteen girls \ were entertained At the home of Mi*, and Mrs. Berg. left Saturday for Miss Reid who AH the young ladies heir homes except eft Monday. j , 59th Annual Commencement o^ Buf- falo's Noted Bu«inc5s College. Ex press,: Aug. 28th. j , h aumial eonunencement oNthe Stratton busintss college waj Imwood :Mj|iWc| Hall last night. f 150 young men arid women jplniuas in the businens eout-se ami as mijuv more in the shorthand de- Br h'el i rec Buffalo 'he 59t r ant ct 1 in K ;lass o nycC pai Ccn pre pre for ten the BRUNT i& STRATTON'S. tment ohn \\ rier < ntipnny of Vanj Allen, president of the .Buffalo, presrdec lomas jiver«> preSenjfced -by (Jacob Dohl, ndent of Dol'd Packing Co.j and vice- rident of the Chamber of Commerce, ahc himsjlf a graduate of the Bryant & Strattojn School, and the' address to the graduates was delivered by Justice Herbert if. Bissell. [ '• Tihe OOtli ffll term of the collegejopeus registration on September ; 1st. In- ling siucknts should enroll now for day or n ; _'.ht scK)ol. ~ lay .ojr ' i ili nriPTflll A tablet for indigestion, mildly Laxathe, U LU I U ifl Very Efficient.. Price 50 cU. postpaid it. .1 I '"I- • % Hon,e Remedy c«.. Fredoni.. N.Y. many rare specimens We have a so a large display of Economy Gas Heaters. Call and see them J. M. &CO., 22 Main Street, Fredonia, N.Y. DESCENDANTS ARLY SETTLERS. An interesting coincidence in.con- nection with, the marriage of Lucius JOnes to Miss Evelyn Chapman pfFre- donia which toolt place at the home of the bride's cousin, Samuel b. Snow in Sheridan Aug. 18, is that the con- tracting parties are descendants of.old settlers in Chautauqua county. The groom is a grandson of James Dunn, the first white settler in the town of Portland, the date of liis moving to the THE CUSHING MONUMENT AT DELAFIELD, WIS. town being 1804. T h e brid e 's g ran d - father,Thomas Chapman,settled in the town of Sheridan ill 1811. S. D. Snow at whose hom,e the marriage ceremony was celebrated, is a great grandson of! Seth Snow, who settled in 1812 on the farm now Mr Snow's home and where the marriage took place. 4 . Mr. Lucius Jones has' the sign that swung in front of James Dunn's tav- ern in Portland 100 years ago. FOR 'SALE. I ' ' ' Holstein,Bulls and Heif|ers and Grade Cows. Ten thoroughbred Holstein bull calves, five of which are ready for service. Forty j grade cows, twenty- five of which fi-esjien this fall. Fifty well marked grade Holstein heifers, coming two and! three years old. A] T. FANCHER, . 2w35 Salamanca; N. Y. TWO HOUSES FOR RENT. Inquire H. Agent. Pjatnam, Real Estate: ••!- ' 2W3G' An interesting j exhibit at the Mer- chant's Harvest Fair to be held in Dunkirk, Sept. l]7th-19th will be four; hundred dahlias.j of different r varie-j ties imported by Asa H. Doty of Sher- They were| shipped here from and Holland and include idan Belgium vi> •'• y.- \ •>• The Gushing monument, to cost. $5^! 000, appropriated by the state of Wis- consin, is under contract to be erected by Oct. 15, 1!)14. It is to stand on a site consisting of nearly six acres of the farm originally owned by Dr. Mil- ton B. Cushing, son of Judge Zattu Gushing our Fredonia pioneer and near the spot where his sons, Wm. B., and Alonzo Hy Cushing were born. The monument 'fa aislyift, very plain, nearly 50 feet iti height. On the face of the die, portraits of the four broth- ers done in broh/.e by the artist Hib- bard of Chicago, will form one tablet, and below on the second base will be another tablet in bronze with inscrip- tions." It is to set on an elevation that will raise it to fifty jfeet at the apex and is to be placed in t h e center of the six acre park. A short distance from the monu- ment will be a marker showing the site of the actuajl birthplace. The monumeiit will be dedicated: Oct. 27, 1914, on] the 50th anniversary of . Commander j W. B. Cushing's de- struction of the Irebel ram Ajlbemarle. That heroic deeld grows brghter and brighter in naval history* Cushing memorial Park ijs t h e official name oC,. the six /acre tract. ft li —-—i j 1- Addressed "TO FARMERS: What Has the Underwood 'Free-Trade Tariff Done to You?'! is! the title of Document No. 24 just issued' by the American Ifrotective Tariff League. This docu- ment! advances no argument but simp-| ly gives the facts regarding the rates of duty on,agricultural products under the Payne-Aldrich Law of 1909 and the Underwood Law of 11913. It ought to he in the hands, of every voter. Ten copies sent by any address for Ten Cents postpaid.Addffess, W. F. WAKE- MAN, Secretary; .T3D Broadway, New .York. AUTO FOR HIRE. A five passenjger Ford car. service and moderate prices. J. A. Johnson, 3122.] /. i ) Good Phone 34tf : :w : * 1 >! 4* ( 'Tr i I •'. i i ! I \ '< m 4) &- ^Ht.- *• 4 i (. i i m •1 He i ' . ; Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Furniture Values! The rtant 7/Fredonia NY... · 2009-06-30 · LANG FURNITURE COMPANY 400-410 Lion St.DUNKIRK, ^ >. X. LEWORTHY'S PERFECT LEWORTHY'S GROCERIES AND DRUGS, II East Main

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Page 1: Furniture Values! The rtant 7/Fredonia NY... · 2009-06-30 · LANG FURNITURE COMPANY 400-410 Lion St.DUNKIRK, ^ >. X. LEWORTHY'S PERFECT LEWORTHY'S GROCERIES AND DRUGS, II East Main

mm j . ' ' ' , !

, ! i I ' ' '

Cke Tredottia Censer, WEDNESDAY, SEPT.' 9,JL914.

HM -TT7~T^

• !


Sold and Guaranteed



> .



' U a e o: th)e l e ad ing . D r u g S t o r e s in, W e s t e r n N e w Y o r k . I \\ East Main Street , Fr«donia, N. Y.

i 'j


O n F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y of e a c h w e e k u n t i l f u r t h e r no t i ce S P E C I A L B A R G A I N - P R I C E S wil l be m a d e on, s o m e a r t i c l e s t a k e n in on t h o s e d a y s for d e l i v e r y t h e fo l lowing Week. S h o p w o r k is e x c l u d e d a n d oiily w o r k from F r e d o n i a a n d D u n ­k i r k wil l b e a c c e p t e d a t t h e special p r i ce an^l for ca sh on de l ive ry on­ly . ' P h o n e u s T h u r s d a y s fo r 'Ba r -gai i j p r i ce s for F r i d a y a n d ' S a t u r ­d a y . [. , • '- , j

Dunkirk Laundry Co.


. Mr. Harry P. .Morse ofj Janiestown spent Sunday with his grahdjmother. Mrs. Martha Morse and othjej relatives returning home Monday. | ( •; j Mrs. Emma Toplift • |and grand­daughter, Marjorie Topliff !of Barring-ton returned home Saturday evening a l te r spending several weeks lijere.

There was great anxjiejtyjin the neighborhood tor ai few days over the critical condition of the infant! son of Rev. and Mrs] Larrabeej. j Tnere Is marked improvement since Sunday. ! Mr. Albert Barker and-sdn of] Wash­

ington; D. C , was here oyer Sunday visiting Dr. and Mrs. Albro. »

.Mrs. C. G. Far r is spendirig|thB week with her relatives in Ripley.f _

Prof. Hadley B. Larrabee," of Hills­dale College, Hillsdale, Mich,, is visit­ing his son, Rev. Benj. K. Larra,bee,; for a few days: j j

Mr. and Mrs. Grover !Champlain and daughter, Dorothy of Pitts 'burg 1, spent the week-end with thjefr parents in Dunkirk. ;• , \\

i • Mrs. Grace Euchner and daughter, Eva, have gone to Silver Creek: where they will make their future jhome at 12 Lake street . Miss Euchner wili teach the 7th and 8th grades in ftri« school. • . i .

N|ext Week Wednesday, Thursday and. Friday.

H y d r o p



Mrs. -George Nelson and daughter;



Reduced Price On 2 or more Sacks


45-47 E. Main Street,

Fredonia , N e w York,

! ;S

Charlesj Haeberli a"nd Ernest Tor-rence ehpoyed Labor Day in Detroit going by s teamer Cit>[ Of Cleveland. They return oni steamer; City of Detroit HI; th i s Wednesday night. , William H. Mercer and family have returned from a line trip up the lakes.

,Tliey v|sited J Detroit, Mich., Cleve­land , Tojedo, Gibsonburg, O., and Buf­falo, where they were guests of friends Jandi relatives.

Charles • E.. Weeks was brought be-fore.the courtjat Warren last Monday charged with murder, but made no de-fensev JiyJge | Hinckley sentenced him to prison for not less than five or not more |han twenty years'. He shot •n hired man who had violated his home last May, as was described at the time.

Lc?roy Sherman, a young man em­ployed: in driving the sprinkling wag­on jwas .panfully hurt in a runaway Saturday evening, when the horses

; dashed, alongTemple street, and struck and-wrecked the Hickey Brothers ' de­livery wagon and then collided with a telephone polti which was knocked

:.over.( Sherman was thrown to the ground suffering bad bruises, One of 'the horses, valued at $300, was fatally .hurt by contact with a let ter box on the pole. iThe wagon was badlv wreck­ed] i

Harry Zehnder, B. & L l r E . Traffic Manager, made good handling the crowds that at tended the County Fair. He had/ tlie j ejxtra cars on the spot

... Esther, of Dunkirk, are Visiting Mi"! and Mrs. Edson R. Norris o^ Piti sb.urg,

weeks. • l Pa., for several Mrs. Oarrie WoodfordDe\ying

from Charlevoix, Mich., a s i w e leave for home next wieek

• • . ' ^ • ' • • /



G r a n g e

, [ • • '•', " I , 1 , IJ ' M

G r e a t E V e n t

FIVE. ' ' ' ' " ' • : •' • '•• 1

i n D u n k i r k

a n e a n d D i v i n g D o g s

D a i l y .

D a y T h u r s d a y — F o u r F a m o u s S p e a k e r s .

Y o u c a n n o t affore. t o m i s s t h i s \v. E v e r y t h i n g . F r e e .

3S. M

Dan W


r i A

writes are to please

change the address of Thei Censor to 51S West Main street, Kalamazoo,; Mich. I

At the Brooks hospital, .Dunkirk, Aug!" 27, 1914, born to Mr!, anil Mrs. John C. Brennan a son, Edgar Ber­nard. Mrs. Brennan was! ;formerly| Mary S. Morgan. • j

'Mrs. P. M. Hopkins, who1 has been spending the summer at the) Columbia has been ' the guest of Mrs." Leon II. StraiglU at Sheridan. j, *

W. ,Ta te ; writes from Den-veK C6loJ] under date of Sept. 5:! The se wices of respect {or the meraorj ' of this life of Mrs. iMinnie Clark, held in the Rogejrs Chapel, I Sept. 1st, a i 2 p. m. Burial was in Riverside cemetery'.

lev. Cpas. i'H.j Marshall, very jmuch respected, by the: people of Colorado as well as the city:of Denver, conducted thf Episcopalian service and as the

erusalem T h e Golden," was us^d, memory took me back to the old

irch irl Fredonia,'- where we heard our school-imate Minnie Cotton,

1870 sing it. ; : ["• i She has been an invalid for several

years;but] good fortune has been with • in the faithful daughter Edith A. irk, wao has supplied her with all

possible comforts. • • ; Our old friend; J . 'W. Cotton, was in en dance. | . ,• The bearers. Were: Mr. |A. It. Hall, the Capital Elective Co., Herbert. A.

ch he|", in

he Ch!


of Hiijyes,. Atja L. Shelley andjDan W. \V Taie.


Bi^ Dining Room i

Furniture Values! With a bigl! n e w l i n e of d i n i n g r o o m f u r n i t u r e on h a n d , :Cha i r s ,

&>. China C a b i n e t s , Buf fe t s , w e a r e in a p o s i t i o n t o offer e x t r e m e -

Wvaatagcoijs b a r g a i n s . ' • . i '"•

Dining cha i r s , l e a t h e r s e a t s , g u a r a n t e e d o a k , finely p o l i s h e d ,

: ^ " $ 5 . 7 5 i e a e h . , ' . '

ex tens ion d i n i n g t a b l e s . $o oo t o $ 4 3 . 0 0 . \ , • 11 , J

. • i ' '.; a;>mets, $ 1 3 . 5 0 t o $ 3 8 , * ••..

''.'•:: t ime w e h a v e t h e s e t w o espec i a l l y big: v a l u e s to offer;

• :nc


ed: his famil all .having a

$25.75 China Cabinet for $21.50 $27.50 Buffet for - $21.50





II East Main Street.

every time.

^rljiss MoL/kury has c^mejout of the Canadian woods alive and declares she 'enjoyed it. Miss Mary Fuller says the jsame.so we may assume that our coun-jty jpioneers did not have such a hard jtiine as tliey used to picture, at the old le t t je rs ' reunions.

Dr.'M. T. Dana arrived from DwiglU, •Cainada,. Monday night and his family

(wi l l ' come tonight. Normal School jOpjBns this Wednesday and Principal Dana is a very busy man.

Eber Pet t i t is now living in Buffalo as | a convenient point for his general agency • for the United States Cigar iCompanyy with headquarters in New /York.!

J. Wesley Guest of Salamanca came to j our county fair and met many (former neighbors glad, to see him. . ' Miss Maud Champlin lias gone to k m s t e r d a m where she has a good posi­tion as teacher. .

Mr. Robert Swan of Akron, O., join-y last week and they are good time with Mrs.Swan's

parents , Mr and Mrs. A. L. Mixer, at ShadyKnoll Jon EastMain , s treet .Shady Knoll is a delightful home with, an acrej of . l and 'and Mr. Mixer ,is a very suc-j ee'ssful farmer. I-liis s t rawberr ies , to4 inatoes,-corn and chickens are all ol] ilie finest. Me made no mistake when fte engaged . Harry P. Beebe as. the architect to plan his house. It seems tio us to be absolutely perfect in ar jangement . The rooms are all large Enough for comfort and yet so com-

, pactly put together that-only a few ' s|teps are required to do the housework

It you1 ever build a home see Mixer's and1 engage Architect Beebe,.

FOUND—Two towels': on Center! Htreet.Call at 35 Barker street.lwSGpd, .j Warren C. Browne of .New York atJ

tended our County Fair and was at the Wadsworth dinner., ,' ;' ' ' • , \ ! Miss Ida Dawley of Buffalo is vx^

iling Mrs.nC. H. Graham in Dunkirk. !

I Charles Bolster of Butterworth, Va., son of our veteran. friend Amos Bol­ster, is visiting his half sister, Mrs.; Grace Scott in -Sheridan.

*j Homier Clarke has a furlough this month and is enjoying it. He is a promising member of-the Midshipman class a t the U. S. Naval Academy. | To close an estate a most desirable

investment of SI,000 at'uui a t t rac t ive rate of interest . Security absolute. \\ seeking an investment enquire at once. A. H. Marsh, GO East Main sireet , Fredonia, N. Y. . , lw36pd

j W A I T E D — T o buy a"grape grinder and press. JOSEPH LAZARONY, FJa,?le street , Fredonia. 2\v35

(Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Chatsey,an­nounce the engagement of their daugh­ter, Alice', to Mr, Henry B. Heppe.ll of Dunkirk.

JMiss" Mildred Harf has gone to Nunda to resume her teaching. ' She was there last year and did so well she was promptly re-engaged.

I Mrs. Ellen. Batcheller and Mr. and ivtrs. Charles Parkhurs t of Ashville, also Dr. Charles Fargo of Detroit.were with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Fargo over Sundayj , • -Mrs. Stella Warren flicker of Rock-fcjrd, 111., is the guest of Miss M. J. Prescott . Mr. and Mrs. Ricker have been on a visit to his relatives inMaine and ;Mass^achusetts. ; }; -Mr., and Mrs, James McCubbin land children are spending a few days as guests of Merr i tLamphear and wife a£ Conneaut, O. (

[Mrs.1 Celia A. Woods of Jamestown and Lavina Elmer of Stockton came Tuesday and are visiting Mrs. Martha Morse. Mrs.Elmer came to at tend the Baptist convention. :

It will be gratifying to the patrons! of the Barker -Library to [know that; Miss Florence Hall, the librarian, ham received official notification tha t heir work iq the New York' Staitd Library school was highly satisfactoriy (and that she passed all examinations; with hon­or." Miss Hall attended theisix weeks summer school at Albany..


Sept 2. on B. & L. E. trolley a black silk crocheted bag coritaning gold eye glasses . ,with monogram pin; folding fan, purse with five dollars.} Please send; to 23 Forest Place,-Fredonia, and retain money' as a reward. '

Th m

Th! an

- : • : ,

• ;

i \i

< •

1 5 j ! E a s t M a i n S t r e e t , F r e d o n i a , N . Y .


John E. Sanford writes that he will be in Chautauqua county soon. He; was across the river at Windsor and; .saw a large body of Canadian! soldiersj s tar t ing for camp at, they will be called Sanford saw u goldier little boy, and was moved to "write the following pathetic lines: j "11


Quebe;c,J whence! to Eurbjpe. Mi).\ part ing fwith }nk

e youni? people ofj Fredonia Grange de their fifth annual exhibit at the

Chautauqua* County Fair Sept. 1-4,1914. The exhibit was:of exceptional merit this year and; very welj arranged,

e commercial packs were very good 1 the plate exhibits fine', j The dairy

products \ /ere of the best.On the whole the exhibit was one "of: the best agri-cu t u r a l d splays seen at the fair.Great credit is due Karl! Thatcher,..chairman; Arjthur Tjuttle, Richard Hall, George

illiam Lesch. , MRascaJ: -Pat" as presented

the Gr inge young people Saturday ening, Aug. 29; 1914, mifde a great

About $9 was realised. The ac : have been : requested to repeat

soon, r ii j Fredonia Grange Degree team went Sheridan. Wednesday, Sept, 2, and

nferred jthe third and fourth degrees uj[)on a large class of candidates. The team was royally.entertained by Sher­idan grange. The young men's drill

Belling, Vi That

by ev hi to|r s-. it

to cc

tejam did exceptionally well ftnd the tableaux by the yo|ung ladies were v6ry beai tiful. The! at tendance was nearly 200i , ,» . ; • !•'*' ' - » •

Why do you squeeze my h'a)&d|J daddy? Why do you walk so slow'^

WJiy are you sad today daddyl? Jus t hear those- bugles blow]

' { • ' • : - . • • • j J ', . / Why does my mamma cry, daddy?

Why does she sob that wiiyjj? What ,do they mean by war; da.ddy?

Why are you sad today?

Why don't you look more gl^dj daddy Dressed in tha,t pretty coat*

I always shout for joy, daddyl Wearing mine on the boati

O what a nice big gun, daddy-t Can I shoot that some day?

Why do you squeeze my hand dacjdy? Why do you look that way? j

See all the soldier men, daddy— You going with them, too? '

See how they get in line, dadjdy— What are! they go'n' to <lo? 1j

'• i • I Why must you go with them, daddy?

Why can' t you take me—wh'y? Why do' yoii hug me close, dandy?

Why do you say good-bye? j . J. E. SANFORD.

Detroit, August 21, 1914. { , -

—im'V^SS^ DIED.


At Ripley, Sept. 3, 1914,! by Rev. George S. Swezy, Edward H. Preeinan, of Erie, Pa., formerly, of Fredonia, anfl Miss Marion Hogan, of Erie. Mr. Freeman for the past year, lias been organist and choir-master; at the Simp­son avenue Methodist) church anil connected with the Kohler-Williams studio., Mr. and Mrs. Freeman ' leave Monday, Sept. 7th, for Kew Concord, O., where Mr. Freeman is to <be direc­tor of music in Muskin gum college. |

Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Events ajnnounce the marriage of their {daughter, Ger­trude Emily, to Mr. Ralph [w. Mid-dleton of Erie, Pa. The wedding cere­mony was performed byj pr.Gek>.Bailey, pastor of the Central jPresjbyterian church of Erie, on Tuesday, September the eighth .After October first Mr. anfl Mrs. Middlet'on will'be at horns at 1047 East Tenth Street, Erie,, pa .

In Fredonia at her 'home on Spring street, this . Tuesday morning, Sept. S. 1914, Miss Sarah C. Black y a s mar­ried to Howard J. Moore of Cjeveland, O. It was a quiet homelwedding. Rev. C. G. Farr was the, officiating clergy­man.

At Lakewood, 0.,a: suburb of Cleve­land/Wednesday evening.Sept. 2, 1914, Mrs. Mary A. F. Thrasher of Dayton, aged 63 years. Mrs. Tlrr.asb.er was the widow .of (the late: Judge W. S. Thrash­er and a daughter oil the late Norman M. Allen I of Dayton]: She leaves four sons and th ree daughters, Norman Thrasher of Lakewood, O., Mrs. James E. Bixbey of Dayton, Miss Flora L. Thrasher | of ' Jamestown, Louis L. Thrasher of Jamestown, Miss Gertrude ^b ra she r 'of Toronto,Can.,Ned Tlirash-er of Perrysburg and Dewitt Thrash; ejr of Dayton. j . •

The fu'n'eral of Mrs...Mary A. Thrash-ejr, was | held from the old home in Dayton, Sunday afternoon. The ser-


Burial at


ices wer simple and impressive.The earers \vere \ Norman S. Thrasher, ouis L. | Thrashier, Ned L. Tlirasher,

ons, and James E. | Bixby, Irving R. eonard and Samuel P. Thrasher, ln-

tlte family lot \n erment followed in lie cemetjary at,Cottkge

GATESJ-At Chautauqua, N. jV. ames M. Gates] aged 77 years,former

of l!l2 Cottagie street, Buffalo Forest La \ |n . |"

Daughter 7 Reels

o ,

at the

reaonia H era nouse Saturday Night, Sept. 12. 'j Reserved Seats/at Chatsey's. , j ! I . * , • j ; '. : • ' : -.

j |One Price 2 5 c j O n e Price | NOTE: These films have just finished ru-rining in New

York and Buffalp at $1,00, 75c and 50c. This is one of the i i .

greatest plays ever produced in pictures. Show starts at 8:15 p. m.

The rtant I t e m - i n t h e k i t c h e n ( n e x t to t h e c o o k ) is t h e K i t c h e n R a n g e .

T h e N e w P r o c e s s G a s R a n g e is t h e o n e .

W e h a v e t h e m in] v a r i o u s s t y l e s a n d p r i ce s .


i Miss Lucile [ Berg; of East Main street, 'gave a house party for ten

avs in honor 6i Miss Aileen Iteid of St." Louisj Mo. | The! six young ladies present i from away t were : ; Miss Mil-dred Page, of Jamestown; Miss Hazel! Babcock and Miss! Ethel Engstrom,j ,\Varren^Pa.,Miss RubyFros t 'of Pigeon,; Pa.; and hviiss Reid for St. Louis, An ilnformall dance was given Friday

vening, Aug. 2Sth. jOn the following Monday all corn! roas't was 1 enjoyed a t Dr. \v! i l BabcQck's -cottage at Van: Buren. Among| thojse present were: Katherind Wrat ten, of Westfield.; Con­stance Rabin, iFredlonia; Howard Ed-. londs of ,bunkirk; Harold Smith, Jack

TlVilder, Stewart! Bu r l f e ,Raymond (Kel­ler, Donald Babcoc c, Francis Berg, Raymond1 Frost, besides - t h e house quests. Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson Frost, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Berg, Mrs. H.


Wednesday Evening, Sept. .9, 1914. j Four of a Kind—March. .Cli . j t .Barone I'm On My \Vay to Mandalay


Medley Overture Lee Predn Smith Bohemian Girl . . . . . . . ; ; . . .Balfe Th,is is The Life—Intro: Daddy Come

Home', March and Tjwo Stjep jj. i . . • . . . . . I — \. Irvjiig Berlin

H. 'E. P. Polka (solo for corne t ) . . -j Jeo Marsh op 36

Played by Frank Panipjjnto Trombohium, characterist ic March. . . : .

: .Ribe Danmark Bits of Remick's hi ts medley overture,

I vNo. 14. i -'i' |t" AridaliisiaSpanish Waltz.Ch.L'e Thiere 1 Love the Ladies, Medley two step

I March .Jean Schwartz Overture—Hunter and Hermi t .

J. C. W. Dalbey (By request;.) i'

Blue Danube Waltz ' .John Strauss Grand Medley superba. ,C.'Vv". Palbey Star Spangled Banner.

Seats provided for everybody.


W. ! Frost entertained the l|iouse guests at an informaUdance on "uesday (evening, Sept. 1st. On Sept. rd, eighteen girls \ were entertained

At the home of Mi*, and Mrs. Berg. left Saturday for Miss Reid who

AH the young ladies heir homes except eft Monday. j ,

59th Annual Commencement o^ Buf­falo's Noted Bu«inc5s College.

Ex press,: Aug. 28th. j , h aumial eonunencement oNthe Stratton busintss college waj Imwood :Mj|iWc| Hall last night. f 150 young men arid women jplniuas in the businens eout-se

ami as mijuv more in the shorthand de-

Br h'el i rec

Buffalo 'he 59t rant ct 1 in K ;lass o nycC



pre pre

for ten the


tment ohn \\ rier < ntipnny of

Vanj Allen, president of the .Buffalo, presrdec

lomas jiver«> preSenjfced -by (Jacob Dohl, ndent of Dol'd Packing Co.j and vice-rident of the Chamber of Commerce,

ahc himsjlf a graduate of the Bryant & Strattojn School, and the' address to the graduates was delivered by Justice Herbert if. Bissell. [ '•

Tihe OOtli ffll term of the collegejopeus registration on September ; 1st. In-

ling siucknts should enroll now for day or n;_'.ht scK)ol. ~ lay .ojr

' i ili

n r i P T f l l l A tablet for indigestion, mildly Laxathe, U L U I U i f l Very Efficient.. Price 50 cU. postpaid

i t . . 1 I • '"I- • %

Hon,e Remedy c«.. Fredoni.. N.Y. many rare specimens

W e h a v e a so a l a r g e d i sp l ay of E c o n o m y G a s H e a t e r s .

Call a n d see t h e m

J. M. &CO. , 22 Main Street, Fredonia, N.Y.


An interesting coincidence in .con­nection with, the marriage of Lucius JOnes to Miss Evelyn Chapman pfFre-donia which toolt place at the home of the bride's cousin, Samuel b. Snow in Sheridan Aug. 18, is that the con­tract ing parties are descendants of.old sett lers in Chautauqua county. The groom is a grandson of James Dunn, the first white sett ler in the town of Portland, the date of liis moving to the


town being 1804. T h e b ri d e 's g ran d -father,Thomas Chapman,settled in the town of Sheridan ill 1811. S. D. Snow at whose hom,e the marriage ceremony was celebrated, is a great grandson of! Seth Snow, who settled in 1812 on the farm now Mr Snow's home and where the marriage took place. 4 .

Mr. Lucius Jones has' the sign that swung in front of James Dunn's tav­ern in Portland 100 years ago.

FOR 'SALE. I ' ' '

Holstein,Bulls and Heif|ers and Grade Cows.

Ten thoroughbred Holstein bull calves, five of which are ready for service. Forty j grade cows, twenty-five of which fi-esjien this fall. Fifty well marked grade Holstein heifers, coming two and! three years old.

A] T. FANCHER, . 2w35 Salamanca; N. Y.


Inquire H. Agent .

Pjatnam, Real Estate: ••!- ' 2 W 3 G '

An interesting j exhibit a t the Mer­chant 's Harvest Fair to be held in Dunkirk, Sept. l]7th-19th will be four; hundred dahlias.j of different rvarie-j ties imported by Asa H. Doty of Sher-

They were| shipped here from and Holland and include

idan Belgium

vi> •'• y.-\ • > •

The Gushing monument, to cost. $5^! 000, appropriated by the state of Wis­consin, is under contract to be erected by Oct. 15, 1!)14. It is to stand on a site consisting of nearly six acres of the farm originally owned by Dr. Mil­ton B. Cushing, son of Judge Zattu Gushing our Fredonia pioneer and near the spot where his sons, Wm. B., and Alonzo Hy Cushing were born. The monument 'fa aislyift, very plain, nearly 50 feet iti height. On the face of the die, portrai ts of the four broth­ers done in broh/.e by the art ist Hib-bard of Chicago, will form one tablet, and below on the second base will be another tablet in bronze with inscrip­tions."

It is to set on an elevation that will raise it to fifty jfeet at the apex and is to be placed in t h e center of the six acre park.

A short distance from the monu­ment will be a marker showing t h e site of the actuajl birthplace.

The monumeiit will be dedicated: Oct. 27, 1914, on] the 50th anniversary of . Commander j W. B. Cushing's de­struction of the Irebel ram Ajlbemarle. That heroic deeld grows brghter and brighter in naval history* Cushing memorial Park ijs the official name oC,. the six /acre tract .

f t l i — - — i j 1-

Addressed "TO FARMERS: What Has the Underwood 'Free-Trade Tariff Done to You?'! is! the title of Document No. 24 just issued' by the American Ifrotective Tariff League. This docu­ment! advances no argument but simp-| ly gives the facts regarding the ra tes of duty on,agricultural products under the Payne-Aldrich Law of 1909 and the Underwood Law of 11913. It ought to he in the hands, of every voter. Ten copies sent by any address for Ten Cents postpaid.Addffess, W. F. WAKE-MAN, Secretary; .T3D Broadway, New



A five passenjger Ford car. service and moderate prices. J. A. Johnson, 3122.]

/. i


Good Phone





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Untitled Document

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