Fundapeptide: An Essential Protein Supplement for the Older Generation http://www.mijnsupplementen.nl http://www.supplementen-voor-afvallen.nl

Fundapeptide an essential protein supplement for the older generation 4 14-11

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Page 2: Fundapeptide an essential protein supplement for the older generation 4 14-11

Improve your general wellbeing

and vitality as well as your mental

and physical health Fundapeptide

is an ideal nutritional supplement

(in Dutch) for older people because

it can:



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1.Increase Muscle Strength

We gradually start to lose muscle mass

once we reach our mid forties, making us

more prone to falls and injuries as we get

older. Taking Fundapeptide each day

gradually increases and maintains

muscle mass leading to stronger muscles

and a sustained increase in physical




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2.Boost Immunity to Colds and Flu

Younger people fight off common viruses

such as colds or flu in a week or two, but

as we get older they get harder to

recover from and can lead to a

secondary infection such as pneumonia.

The protein in Fundapeptide is vital to

build the antibodies our immune systems

need to fight off colds and flu.



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3. Aid in Recovery from Injury

Whether from an injury, a surgical

procedure or an illness, recovery seems

to take longer the older you get. Amino

acids such as isoleucine, leucine and

valine, found in Fundapeptide, help

repair muscles and promote healing,

meaning you make a quick recovery from

surgery, injury or illness.



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4. Improve Brain Function

A decrease in brain function can be one

of the main frustrations of getting older.

Poor memory, loss of concentration and

poor reflexes are all common complaints

in older people. The amino acids in

Fundapeptide repair and restore brain

cells, meaning that your mind can stay as

sharp as it ever was.



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5. Guard Against Depression

With family concerns, money worries,

and the generally fast pace of modern

life, depression and anxiety are

becoming ever more common among

older people. Fundapeptide is an

adaptogen which naturally helps to

combat stress, fatigue, depression and




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How to Take Fundapeptide

Fundapeptide is a dehydrated protein

that can be dissolved in cold water if

needed. The recommended dose is 3-6

tablets per day, which can be taken all at

once or spread across the day.

Fundapeptide can be stored for around

two years and should be kept in a cool,

dark place, away from children.



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Side Effects of Fundapeptide

There are no known side effects of

Fundapeptide. There are also no

contraindication which means it can be

taken by anyone alongside other

medications or diets.

