Functional neuroanatomy [email protected] rd.edu • Overview of brain anatomy & systems – Localization/networks – Scale in the nervous system – Sensorimotor systems • How our brains interact with the external world (loops) – States ‘of mind’ (and body) • Specific functional systems – Memory & emotion • How our brains use previous experience to modify behavior • Vision & attention; language

Functional neuroanatomy [email protected] Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

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Page 1: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Functional neuroanatomy

[email protected]

• Overview of brain anatomy & systems– Localization/networks– Scale in the nervous system– Sensorimotor systems

• How our brains interact with the external world (loops)– States ‘of mind’ (and body)

• Specific functional systems– Memory & emotion

• How our brains use previous experience to modify behavior

• Vision & attention; language

Page 2: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory

Where were you on the following day?

Page 3: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory

September 11, 2006

Page 4: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory

“Knowing that”


“Knowing how”

Gilbert Ryle, Oxford philosopher of mind, 1949

Page 5: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

The limbic system:Memory & emotion

Page 6: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Medial temporal lobe memory systemMedial temporal lobe memory system

Page 7: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Medial temporal lobe memory systemMedial temporal lobe memory system

Courtesy of S. Heckers (J N Trans, 2002)

Page 8: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Current standard 1mm structural imaging (AD patient)

Trio TIM, 12 channel coil, 1mm3 MPRAGE

Page 9: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

High-resolution MR imagingHigh-resolution MR imaging7 Tesla ex vivo7 Tesla ex vivo

Courtesy of Jean Augustinack & Bruce Fischl

100-150um resolution

Page 10: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

High-resolution MPRAGE

32 channel coil, 3T Trio 0.38x0.38x1mm MPRAGE (ipat x 2, 10 min acq time, 112 slices), Seven acquisitions were motion-corrected and averaged. Beautiful contrast & anatomic

detail is present, including thalamic nuclei, claustrum, tiny perforating vessels

Page 11: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

High-resolution MPRAGE

Excellent grey-white contrast is present in hippocampus; note also tiny pial perforating vessels

Page 12: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory: HM

H.M. Control Corkin S, J Nsci, 1997

Page 13: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory: HM

Page 14: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Multiple memory systems

Page 15: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory

What task would you use to show differential hippocampal activation?(When is the hippocampus “off”?)

Page 16: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Functional MRI ParadigmFunctional MRI ParadigmScene encoding (block design)

+ +

+ ++

Novel NovelRepeated Repeated

Adapted from C.E. Stern et al., PNAS, 1996

5s 40s 25s

Page 17: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory: Novelty

Stern CE, PNAS 1996

Page 18: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory: Events

Brewer J, Science 1998; Wagner A, Science 1998

Page 19: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory: Individual variability in MTL activation

Vandenbroucke MWJ, Neuroimage 2004

Page 20: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory: Individual variability in anatomy

Vandenbroucke MWJ, Neuroimage 2004

Page 21: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Genetic influences on MTL activationGenetic influences on MTL activation

Hariri et al., J Neurosci, 2003Bookheimer et al.,NEJM, 2000

BDNF val/val > val/met

APOE 4 > 3

Page 22: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Multiple memory systems

Page 23: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory: Frontal lobe anatomy

Page 24: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory: Frontal lobe & episodic memory

Brewer J, Science 1998; Wagner A, Science 1998

Page 25: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory:Working memory

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex:

Digit span

Delayed match to sample


Page 26: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory:Working memory

D’Esposito M, 2002

Page 27: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory:Working memory & sleep deprivation

Drummond SP, Nature 2004

After full night sleep After sleep deprivation

N-back task

Page 28: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory:Striatal anatomy

Page 29: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory:Striatum & procedural memory

Knowlton BJ, Science 1996

Page 30: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Emotional learning & memory:Amygdala & orbitofrontal cortex

Poldrack R, Nature 2001

Page 31: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Emotional conditioning is dependent on amygdala, declarative learning on the hippocampus

Bechara A, Science 1995

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Amygdala activation is related to emotional intensity at encoding, and predicts recall

Canli T, J Neurosci 2000

Recognition 3 w

eeks later

Page 33: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

‘Unseen’ emotional stimuli activate amygdala & can elicit emotional conditioning

Morris JS, Brain 2001

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Page 34: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Systems for processing facial emotion

Adolphs R, Curr Opn Nbiol 2002

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Page 35: Functional neuroanatomy bradd@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu Overview of brain anatomy & systems –Localization/networks –Scale in the nervous system –Sensorimotor

Learning & memory

Binding information processed by the brain for storage and future use, particularly with relevance to survival & other needs