yes..i do have it...i've mentioned it to you before in a conversation we had on Duncan. Philip introduced me to it..and it is *heavy* as it gets...brilliant on so many levels... beyond its fascinating content, it also helps put in perspective what a rich nexus of aesthetic activity that Duncan and Jess represented in the west coast art and poetry scene (you may recall that Brakhage lived in their basement as a kind of "house boy" when he first moved out there). You might also recall that Duncan was at Black Mountain during the height of its best activity..(when Olson headed up the English program). delighted to hear that there are other previously unavailable works that will be coming out soon as part of this series. i'm glad to see you developing an interest in Duncan...looking forward to having a conversation with you at some point as you work through the HD text. There were to be savage reactions from a fearful, uncomprehending and irrational aboriginal population. Furthermore, back in his own homeland, there were other existing fiefdoms and petit-rulers, arbiters and protectors of previous more dimly considered psychological paradigms, which were suspicious of Freud's unprecedented "rational" method to map the interior of this new continent. His scientific curiosity and appetite to establish a new method of communication with and understanding of the denizens of this world would drive him with the same colonialist zeal of Columbus in his arrival to the Americas. Like Columbus, Freud was indifferent to the protestations and resistances of the inhabitants to his determined explorations and mappings of these interior states . As a prospective conqueror and civilizing agent of these unreflected and dangerous energies, Freud was on a mission for the Kingdom of Reason, with a deeply conceived and revolutionary project to bring the hidden psychic elements of the new world solidly under a new lens of discernment. His goal was to create and inculcate into his followers, a method by which the wildest border areas of the liminal pre-conscious might be coaxed into self-awareness. He would achieve this by using a radical method of observing the memories, dreams and spontaneous linguistic turns of phrase produced by his patients during their sessions. "There were to be savage reactions from a fearful, uncomprehending and irrational

Functional Extracts From the Copy Right Version of the Next to Previous Versions of Our Ever Evolving Script..Rbbits From Hats Breeding Unhappier Rabbits From Fendi Bags

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yes..i do have it...i've mentioned it to you before in a conversation we had on Duncan. Philip introduced me to it..and it is *heavy* as it gets...brilliant on so many levels...beyond its fascinating content, it also helps put in perspective what a rich nexus of aesthetic activity that Duncan and Jess represented in the west coast art and poetry scene (you may recall that Brakhage lived in their basement as a kind of "house boy" when he first moved out there). You might also recall that Duncan was at Black Mountain during the height of its best activity..(when Olson headed up the English program).delighted to hear that there are other previously unavailable works that will be coming out soon as part of this series.

i'm glad to see you developing an interest in Duncan...looking forward to having a conversation with you at some point as you work through the HD text.There were to be savage reactions from a fearful, uncomprehending and irrational aboriginal population. Furthermore, back in his own homeland, there were other existing fiefdoms and petit-rulers, arbiters and protectors of previous more dimly considered psychological paradigms, which were suspicious of Freud's unprecedented "rational" method to map the interior of this new continent.His scientific curiosity and appetite to establish a new method of communication with and understanding of the denizens of this world would drive him with the same colonialist zeal of Columbus in his arrival to the Americas. Like Columbus, Freud was indifferent to the protestations and resistances of the inhabitants to his determined explorations and mappings of these interior states . As a prospective conqueror and civilizing agent of these unreflected and dangerous energies, Freud was on a mission for the Kingdom of Reason, with a deeply conceived and revolutionary project to bring the hidden psychic elements of the new world solidly under a new lens of discernment. His goal was to create and inculcate into his followers, a method by which the wildest border areas of the liminal pre-conscious might be coaxed into self-awareness. He would achieve this by using a radical method of observing the memories, dreams and spontaneous linguistic turns of phrase produced by his patients during their sessions.

"There were to be savage reactions from a fearful, uncomprehending and irrational

aboriginal population. Furthermore, back in his own homeland, there were other existing fiefdoms and petit-rulers, arbiters and protectors of previous more dimly considered psychological paradigms, which were suspicious of Freud's unprecedented "rational" method to map the interior of this new continent.His scientific curiosity and appetite to establish a new method of communication with and understanding of the denizens of this world would drive him with the same colonialist zeal of Columbus in his arrival to the Americas. Like Columbus, Freud was indifferent to the protestations and resistances of the inhabitants to his determined explorations and mappings of these interior states . As a prospective conqueror and civilizing agent of these unreflected and dangerous energies, Freud was on a mission for the Kingdom of Reason, with a deeply conceived and revolutionary project to bring the hidden psychic elements of the new world solidly under a new lens of discernment. His goal was to create and inculcate into his followers, a method by which the wildest border areas of the liminal pre-conscious might be coaxed into self-awareness. He would achieve this by using a radical method of observing the memories, dreams and spontaneous linguistic turns of phrase produced by his patients during their sessions."yes....as to Lash...had just discovered recently that site...it's very good... it was part of the catalyst to send you those fragments... impetus to return elements of our future conversations back to pound and forward to what it might mean to be a troubadour today...by means Other than the (literal) song.

matthew gives the worms eye view and doesnt pander to the publics prejudices as a way to make his bread and butter. He has an unheard of quality for an art 'Doyen' or in his case art nurd, a sense of humour.