Functional Data Analysis for Sparse Longitudinal Data Short title: FDA for Sparse Longitudinal Data Fang Yao, Hans-Georg M¨ uller and Jane-Ling Wang Final Version September 18, 2004 Fang Yao is Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 (E-mail: [email protected]). Hans-Georg M¨ uller is Professor, Depart- ment of Statistics, University of California, Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616 (E-mail: [email protected]). Jane-Ling Wang is Professor, Department of Statistics, University of California, Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616 (E-mail: [email protected]). Re- search supported in part by NSF grants DMS98-03637, DMS99-71602, DMS02-04869, DMS03- 54448 and DMS04-06430. We are grateful to an Associate Editor and two referees for insightful comments on a previous version of this paper which led to many improvements.

Functional Data Analysis for Sparse Longitudinal Dataanson.ucdavis.edu/~mueller/jasa03-190final.pdfcomponents analysis through conditional expectation (PACE) to longitudinal CD4 data

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Page 1: Functional Data Analysis for Sparse Longitudinal Dataanson.ucdavis.edu/~mueller/jasa03-190final.pdfcomponents analysis through conditional expectation (PACE) to longitudinal CD4 data

Functional Data Analysis for Sparse

Longitudinal Data

Short title: FDA for Sparse Longitudinal Data

Fang Yao, Hans-Georg Muller and Jane-Ling Wang

Final Version

September 18, 2004

Fang Yao is Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Colorado State University, Fort

Collins, CO 80523 (E-mail: [email protected]). Hans-Georg Muller is Professor, Depart-

ment of Statistics, University of California, Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616 (E-mail:

[email protected]). Jane-Ling Wang is Professor, Department of Statistics, University

of California, Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616 (E-mail: [email protected]). Re-

search supported in part by NSF grants DMS98-03637, DMS99-71602, DMS02-04869, DMS03-

54448 and DMS04-06430. We are grateful to an Associate Editor and two referees for insightful

comments on a previous version of this paper which led to many improvements.

Page 2: Functional Data Analysis for Sparse Longitudinal Dataanson.ucdavis.edu/~mueller/jasa03-190final.pdfcomponents analysis through conditional expectation (PACE) to longitudinal CD4 data


We propose a nonparametric method to perform functional principal components analysis for

the case of sparse longitudinal data. The method aims at irregularly spaced longitudinal data,

where the number of repeated measurements available per subject is small. In contrast, classical

functional data analysis requires a large number of regularly spaced measurements per subject.

We assume that the repeated measurements are randomly located with a random number of rep-

etitions for each subject, and are determined by an underlying smooth random (subject-specific)

trajectory plus measurement errors. Basic elements of our approach are the parsimonious esti-

mation of the covariance structure and mean function of the trajectories, and the estimation of

the variance of the measurement errors. The eigenfunction basis is estimated from the data, and

functional principal component score estimates are obtained by a conditioning step. This condi-

tional estimation method is conceptually simple and straightforward to implement. A key step

is the derivation of asymptotic consistency and distribution results under mild conditions, using

tools from functional analysis. Functional data analysis for sparse longitudinal data enables

prediction of individual smooth trajectories even if only one or few measurements are available

for a subject. Asymptotic pointwise and simultaneous confidence bands are obtained for pre-

dicted individual trajectories, based on asymptotic distributions, for simultaneous bands under

the assumption of a finite number of components. We implement model selection techniques,

such as the Akaike information criterion, to choose the model dimension corresponding to the

number of eigenfunctions in the model. The methods are illustrated with a simulation study,

longitudinal CD4 data for a sample of AIDS patients, and time-course gene expression data for

the yeast cell cycle.

KEY WORDS: Asymptotics, Conditioning, Confidence Bands, Measurement Error, Principal

Components, Simultaneous Inference, Smoothing.


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We develop a version of functional principal components (FPC) analysis, in which the func-

tional principal component scores are framed as conditional expectations. We demonstrate that

this extends the applicability of functional principal components analysis to situations in longi-

tudinal data analysis, where only few repeated and sufficiently irregularly spaced measurements

are available per subject, and refer to this approach as Principal Components Analysis through

Conditional Expectation (PACE) for longitudinal data.

When the observed data are in the form of random curves, rather than scalars or vectors,

dimension reduction is mandatory, and functional principal components analysis has become a

common tool to achieve this, by reducing random trajectories to a set of functional principal

component scores. This method however encounters difficulties when applied to longitudinal

data with only few repeated observations per subject.

Beyond dimension reduction, functional principal components analysis attempts to charac-

terize the dominant modes of variation of a sample of random trajectories around an overall mean

trend function. There exists an extensive literature on functional principal components analysis

when individuals are measured at a dense grid of regularly spaced time points. The method was

introduced in Rao (1958) for growth curves, and the basic principle has been studied by Besse

and Ramsay (1986), Castro, Lawton and Sylvestre (1986), and Berkey et al. (1991). Rice and

Silverman (1991) discussed smoothing and smoothing parameter choice in this context, while

Jones and Rice (1992) emphasized applications. Various theoretical properties were studied by

Silverman (1996), Boente and Fraiman (2000), and Kneip and Utikal (2001). For introduction

and summary, see Ramsay and Silverman (1997). Staniswalis and Lee (1998) proposed kernel-

based functional principal components analysis for repeated measurements with an irregular

grid of time points. The case of irregular grids was also studied by Besse, Cardot and Ferraty


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(1997) and Boularan, Ferre and Vieu (1993). However, when the time points vary widely across

subjects and are sparse, down to one or two measurements, the functional principal component

scores defined through the Karhunen-Loeve expansion are not well approximated by the usual

integration method.

Shi, Weiss and Taylor (1996), Rice and Wu (2000), James, Hastie and Sugar (2001), and

James and Sugar (2003) proposed B-splines to model the individual curves with random co-

efficients through mixed effects models. James et al. (2001) and James and Sugar (2003)

emphasized the case of sparse data, postulating a reduced rank mixed-effects model through a

B-spline basis for the underlying random trajectories. In contrast, we represent the trajecto-

ries directly through the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, determining the eigenfunctions from the

data. Perhaps owing to the complexity of their modeling approach, James et al. (2001) did

not investigate the asymptotic properties of the estimated components in relation to the true

components, such as the behavior of the estimated covariance structure, eigenvalues and eigen-

functions, especially for the sparse situation. They constructed pointwise confidence intervals

for the individual curves using bootstrap. With our simpler and more direct approach, we are

able to derive asymptotic properties, using tools from functional analysis. We also derive both

pointwise and simultaneous bands for predicted individual trajectories. This requires to obtain

first the uniform convergence results for nonparametric function and surface estimates under

dependence structure that follows from the longitudinal nature of the data. The dependence

is a consequence of the assumed random nature of the observed sample of trajectories, which

sets our work apart from previous results where either the observed functions are non-random

with independent measurements (Kneip, 1994), are random vectors of large but fixed dimensions

(Ferre, 1995) or are random trajectories sampled on dense and regular grids (Cardot, Ferraty

and Sarda, 1999).


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The contributions of this paper are as follows: First, we provide a new technique, Principal

Components Analysis through Conditional Expectation (PACE) for longitudinal and functional

data, a method designed to handle sparse and irregular longitudinal data for which the pooled

time points are sufficiently dense. Second, the presence of additional measurement errors is

taken into account, extending previous approaches of Staniswalis and Lee (1998) and Yao et

al. (2003). Third, an emphasis is the derivation of asymptotic consistency properties, by first

establishing uniform convergence for smoothed estimates of the mean and covariance functions

under mild assumptions. These uniform consistency results are developed for smoothers in the

situation where repeated and thus dependent measurements are obtained for the same subject.

Then we couple these results with the theory of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of compact

linear operators, to obtain uniform convergence of estimated eigenfunctions and eigenvalues.

To our knowledge, there exist only few published asymptotic results for functional principal

components (Dauxois, Pousse and Romain 1982; Bosq 1991; Silverman 1996), and none for

functional data analysis in the sparse situation. Fourth, we derive the asymptotic distribution

that is needed to obtain pointwise confidence intervals for individual trajectories, and obtain

asymptotic simultaneous bands for these trajectories.

The main novelty of our work is that we establish the conditional method for the case of

sparse and irregular data, show that this provides a straightforward and simple tool for the

modeling of longitudinal data, and derive asymptotic results for this method. Under Gaussian

assumptions, the proposed estimation of individual functional principal component scores in

principal components analysis through conditional expectation corresponds to the best predic-

tion, combining the data from the individual subject to be predicted with data from the entire

collection of subjects. In the non-Gaussian case, it provides an estimate for the best linear pre-

diction. The proposed principal components analysis through conditional expectation method


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extends to the case of sparse and irregular data, provided that as the number of subject in-

creases, the pooled time points from the entire sample become dense in the domain of the data.

We suggest one-curve-leave-out cross-validation for choosing auxiliary parameters such as the

degree of smoothing and the model dimension, corresponding to the number of eigenfunctions

to be included, similar to Rice and Silverman (1991). For faster computing, we also consider an

AIC criterion to select the number of eigenfunctions.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we introduce the principal

components analysis through conditional expectation approach, i.e., the proposed conditional

estimates for the functional principal component scores. Asymptotic results for the proposed

method are presented in Section 3, with proofs in the Appendix. Simulation results that illus-

trate the usefulness of the methodology are discussed in Section 4. Applications of principal

components analysis through conditional expectation (PACE) to longitudinal CD4 data and

time-course gene expression data for yeast cell cycle genes are the theme of Section 5, followed

by concluding remarks (Section 6) and an Appendix with proofs and theoretical results.



2.1 Model with Measurement Errors

We model sparse functional data as noisy sampled points from a collection of trajectories

that are assumed to be independent realizations of a smooth random function, with unknown

mean function EX(t) = µ(t) and covariance function cov(X(s), X(t)) = G(s, t). The domain of

X(·) typically is a bounded and closed time interval T . While we refer to the index variable as

time, it could also be a spatial variable, such as in image or geoscience applications. We assume

that there is an orthogonal expansion (in the L2 sense) of G in terms of eigenfunctions φk


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and non-increasing eigenvalues λk: G(s, t) =∑

k λkφk(s)φk(t), t, s ∈ T . In classical functional

principal components (FPC) analysis it is assumed that the ith random curve can be expressed

as Xi(t) = µ(t) +∑

k ξikφk(t), t ∈ T , where the ξik are uncorrelated random variables with zero

mean and variances Eξ2ik = λk, where

∑k λk < ∞, λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ . . . .

We consider an extended version of the model that incorporates uncorrelated measurement

errors with mean zero and constant variance σ2 to reflect additive measurement errors (see also

Rice and Wu, 2000). Let Yij be the jth observation of the random function Xi(·), made at a

random time Tij , and εij the additional measurement errors that are assumed to be i.i.d. and

independent of the random coefficients ξik, where i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , Ni, k = 1, 2, . . . . Then

the model we consider is

Yij = Xi(Tij) + εij = µ(Tij) +∞∑


ξikφk(Tij) + εij , Tij ∈ T , (1)

where Eεij = 0, var(εij) = σ2, and the number of measurements Ni made on the ith subject

is considered random, reflecting sparse and irregular designs. The r.v.’s Ni are assumed to be

i.i.d. and independent of all other random variables.

2.2 Estimation of the Model Components

Mean, covariance, and eigenfunctions are assumed to be smooth. We use local linear

smoothers (Fan and Gijbels, 1996) for function and surface estimation, fitting local lines in

one dimension and local planes in two dimensions by weighted least squares. In a first step, we

estimate the mean function µ based on the pooled data from all individuals. The formula for this

local linear smoother is in (26) below. Data-adaptive methods for bandwidth choice are available

[see Muller and Prewitt (1993) for surface smoothing and Rice and Silverman (1991) for one-

curve-leave-out cross-validation]; subjective choices are often adequate. For issues of smoothing

dependent data, compare Lin and Carroll (2000). Adapting to estimated correlations when es-


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timating the mean function did not lead to improvements (simulations not reported), therefore

we do not incorporate such adjustments.

Note that in model (1), cov(Yij , Yil|Tij , Til) = cov(X(Tij), X(Til)) + σ2δjl, where δjl is 1 if

j = l and 0 otherwise. Let Gi(Tij , Til) = (Yij − µ(Tij))(Yil − µ(Til)) be the “raw” covariances,

where µ(t) is the estimated mean function obtained from the previous step. It is easy to see

that E[Gi(Tij , Til)|Tij , Til] ≈ cov(X(Tij), X(Til)) + σ2δjl. Therefore the diagonal of the raw

covariances should be removed, i.e., only Gi(Tij , Til), j 6= l, should be included as input data

for the covariance surface smoothing step (as previously observed in Staniswalis and Lee, 1998).

We use one-curve-leave-out cross-validation to choose the smoothing parameter for this surface

smoothing step.

The variance σ2 of the measurement errors is of interest in model (1). Let G(s, t) be a

smooth surface estimate (see (27) below) of G(s, t) = cov(X(s), X(t)). Following Yao et al.

(2003), since the covariance of X(t) is maximal along the diagonal, a local quadratic rather than

a local linear fit is expected to approximate the shape of the surface in the direction orthogonal to

the diagonal better. We thus fit a local quadratic component along the direction perpendicular

to the diagonal, and a local linear component in the direction of the diagonal; implementation of

this local smoother is achieved by rotating the coordinates by 45 and then minimizing weighted

least squares (similar to (27)) in rotated coordinates with local quadratic and linear components,

see (28) below for details.

Denote the diagonal of the resulting surface estimate by G(t), and a local linear smoother

focusing on diagonal values G(t, t)+σ2 by V (t), obtained by (26) with Gi(Tij , Tij) as input.

To mitigate boundary effects, we cut off the two ends of the interval to get a more stable estimate,

following a suggestion of Staniswalis and Lee (1998). Let |T | denote the length of T , and T1 be

the interval T1 = [ infx : x ∈ T + |T |/4, supx : x ∈ T − |T |/4 ]. The proposed estimate of


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σ2 is

σ2 =2|T |


V (t)− G(t) dt, (2)

if σ2 > 0 and σ2 = 0 otherwise.

The estimates of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues correspond to the solutions φk and λk of the


TG(s, t)φk(s)ds = λkφk(t), (3)

where the φk are subject to∫T φk(t)2dt = 1 and

∫T φk(t)φm(t)dt = 0 for m < k. We estimate

the eigenfunctions by discretizing the smoothed covariance, as previously described in Rice and

Silverman (1991) and Capra and Muller (1997).

2.3 Functional Principal Components Analysis through Conditional Expectation

The functional principal component scores ξik =∫

(Xi(t) − µ(t))φk(t)dt have tradition-

ally been estimated by numerical integration which works well when the density of the grid

of measurements for each subject is sufficiently large. Since in our model the Yij are only

available at discrete random times Tij , reflecting sparseness of the data, the integrals in the

definition of the FPC scores ξik would accordingly be approximated by sums, substituting Yij

as defined in (1) for Xi(Tij), and estimates µ(tij) for µ(tij) and φk(tij) for φk(tij), leading to

ξSik =

∑Nij=1(Yij− µ(Tij))φk(Tij)(Tij−Ti,j−1), setting Ti0 = 0. For sparse functional data, ξS

ik will

not provide reasonable approximations to ξik, for example when one has only two observations

per subject. Moreover, when the measurements are contaminated with errors, the underlying

random process X cannot be directly observed. Substituting Yij for Xi(Tij) then leads to biased

FPC scores. These considerations motivate the alternative PACE method to obtain the FPC



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Assume that in (1), ξik and εij are jointly Gaussian. In all of the following, the results

pertaining to expectations are always conditional on the observation times Tij , i = 1, . . . , n, j =

1, . . . , Ni. For simplicity, the dependence on Tij is suppressed. Write Xi = (Xi(Ti1), . . . , Xi(TiNi))T ,

Y i = (Yi1, . . . , YiNi)T , µi = (µ(Ti1), . . . , µ(TiNi))

T , and φik = (φk(Ti1), . . . , φk(TiNi))T . The best

prediction of the FPC scores for the ith subject, given the data from that individual, is the con-

ditional expectation, which under Gaussian assumptions (also given in (A5) below) is found to

be (see, e.g., Theorem 3.2.4 in Mardia, Kent and Bibby, 1979)

ξik = E[ξik|Y i] = λkφTikΣ


(Y i − µi), (4)

where ΣYi = cov(Y i, Y i) = cov(Xi, Xi) + σ2INi , i.e, the (j, l) entry of the Ni ×Ni matrix ΣYi

is (ΣYi)j, l = G(Tij , Til) + σ2δjl with δjl = 1 if j = l and 0 if j 6= l.

Estimates for the FPC scores ξik are obtained from (4), by substituting estimates of µi, λk

and φik, ΣYi obtained from the entire data ensemble, leading to

ξik = E[ξik|Y i] = λkφT


Yi(Y i − µi), (5)

where the (j, l) element of ΣYi is (ΣYi)j, l = G(Tij , Til) + σ2δjl. Assume the infinite-dimensional

processes under consideration are well approximated by the projection on the function space

spanned by the first K eigenfunctions. The choice of K will be discussed in Section 2.5. In

practice, the prediction for the trajectory Xi(t) for the ith subject is then as follows, using the

first K eigenfunctions,

XKi (t) = µ(t) +



ξikφk(t). (6)

This conditioning method is simple, provides the best predictors under Gaussian assump-

tions, and works in the presence of both measurement errors and sparsity. The quantities λk

and ΣYi are estimated from the entire data set, borrowing strength from the data on all sub-

jects. We note that ξik in (4) is the best linear prediction of ξik, given the information from the


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ith subject, irrespective of whether the Gaussian assumption holds or not. Simulation results,

reported in Section 4, indicate that the proposed method is robust in regard to violations of the

Gaussian assumption.

2.4 Asymptotic Confidence Bands for Individual Trajectories

To obtain confidence intervals for the FPC scores, for an arbitrary integer K ≥ 1, write

ξK, i = (ξi1, . . . , ξiK)T and ξK, i = (ξi1, . . . , ξiK)T . The covariance matrix of ξK, i is var(ξK, i) =


HT , for the K × Ni matrix H = cov(ξK, i, Y i) = (λ1φi1, . . . , λKφiK)T , since ξK, i is a

linear function of Y i. To take into account the variation of ξK, i, we use var(ξK, i−ξK, i) to assess

the estimation error of ξK, i. Because ξK, i = E[ξK, i|Y i] is the projection of ξK, i on the space

spanned by the linear functions of Y i, we have E[ξK, iξTK, i] = E[ξK, iξ

TK, i], i.e., var(ξK, i−ξK, i) =

var(ξK, i) − var(ξK, i) = ΩK , where ΩK = Λ −HΣ−1Yi

HT , and Λ = diagλ1, . . . , λK. Under

Gaussian assumptions, then (ξK, i − ξK, i) ∼ N (0,ΩK).

We construct asymptotic pointwise confidence intervals for individual trajectories as follows.

Let ΩK = Λ − HΣ−1


T, where Λ = diagλ1, . . . , λK, and H = (λ1φi1, . . . , λKφiK)T . For

t ∈ T , let φK, t = (φ1(t), . . . , φK(t))T , φK, t = (φ1(t), . . . , φK(t))T , and XKi (t) = µ(t)+ φ


K, tξK, i.

Theorem 4 below establishes that the distribution of XKi (t) − Xi(t) may be asymptotically

approximated by N (0, φT

K, tΩKφK, t). Since we assume that Xi can be approximated sufficiently

well by the first K eigenfunctions, we may construct the (1− α) asymptotic pointwise interval

for Xi(t),

XKi (t)± Φ−1(1− α



K, tΩKφK, t , (7)

where Φ is the standard Gaussian c.d.f.. These confidence intervals are constructed by ignoring

the bias that results from the truncation at K in XKi .

Next consider the construction of asymptotic simultaneous confidence bands. Let XKi (t) =


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µ(t) +∑K

k=1 ξikφk(t). Theorem 5 provides the asymptotic simultaneous band for XKi (t) −

XKi (t), for a given fixed K. The Karhunen-Loeve Theorem implies that supt∈T E[XK

i (t) −

Xi(t)]2 is small for fixed and sufficiently large K. Therefore, ignoring a remaining approximation

error that may interpreted as a bias, we may construct (1− α) asymptotic simultaneous bands

for Xi(t) through

XKi (t)±


K, 1−αφT

K, tΩKφK, t , (8)

where χ2K, 1−α is the 100(1 − α)th percentile of the Chi-square distribution with K degrees of

freedom. Since√

χ2K, 1−α > Φ−1(1 − α/2) for all K ≥ 1, the asymptotic simultaneous band is

always wider than the corresponding asymptotic pointwise confidence intervals.

Analogously, one obtains simultaneous intervals for all linear combinations of the FPC scores.

Given K, let A ⊆ <K be a linear space with dimension d ≤ K. Then asymptotically, it

follows from the uniform result in Corollary 2 below that, for all linear combinations lT ξK, i

simultaneously, where l ∈ A,

lT ξK, i ∈ lT ξK, i ±√

χ2d, 1−αlT ΩKl , (9)

with approximate probability (1− α).

2.5 Selection of the Number of Eigenfunctions

In order to choose the number of eigenfunctions that provide a reasonable approximation to

the infinite-dimensional process, one may use the cross-validation score based on the one-curve-

leave-out prediction error (Rice and Silverman, 1991). Let µ(−i) and φ(−i)k be the estimated

mean and eigenfunctions after removing the data for the ith subject. Then we choose K so as

to minimize the cross-validation score based on the squared prediction error

CV(K) =n∑




Yij − Y(−i)i (Tij)2, (10)


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where Y(−i)i is the predicted curve for the ith subject, computed after removing the data for

this subject, i.e., Y(−i)i (t) = µ(−i)(t) +

∑Kk=1 ξ

(−i)ik φ

(−i)k (t), where ξik is obtained by (5).

One can also adapt AIC type criteria (Shibata, 1991) to this situation, and in simulations

not reported here, we found that AIC is computationally more efficient while the results are

similar to those obtained by cross-validation. A pseudo-Gaussian log-likelihood, summing the

contributions from all subjects, conditional on the estimated FPC scores ξik (5), is given by

L =n∑



2log (2π)− Ni

2log σ2 − 1

2σ2(Y i − µi −



ξikφik)T (Y i − µi −



ξikφik), (11)

where we define AIC = −L + K.


We derive consistency and distribution results, demonstrating the consistency of the esti-

mated FPC scores ξik (5) for the true conditional expectations ξik (4). Uniform convergence of

the local linear estimators of mean and covariance functions on bounded intervals plays a central

role in obtaining these results and is therefore established first (Theorem 1). Proofs are deferred

to the Appendix.

The data (Tij , Yij), i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , Ni, coming from model (1), are assumed to have

the same distribution as (T, Y ), with joint density g(t, y). Assume that the observation times

Tij are i.i.d. with marginal density f(t), but that dependence is allowed between observations

Yij and Yik, coming from the same subject or cluster. The following assumptions pertain to the

number of observations Ni made on the ith subject or cluster.

(A1.1) The number of observations Ni made for the ith subject or cluster is a r.v. with Nii.i.d∼ N ,

where N > 0 is a positive discrete random variable, with EN < ∞ and PN > 1 > 0.

The observation times and measurements are assumed to be independent of the number of

measurements, i.e., for any subset Ji ⊆ 1, . . . , Ni and for all i = 1, . . . , n,


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(A1.2) (Tij : j ∈ Ji, Yij : j ∈ Ji) is independent of Ni.

Writing T i = (Ti1, . . . , TiNi)T and Y i = (Yi1, . . . , YiNi)

T as before, it is easy to see that the

triples T i, Y i, Ni are i.i.d.. Let T1, T2 be i.i.d. as T , and let Y1 and Y2 be two measurements

made on the same subject at times T1 and T2. Assume (Tij , Til, Yij , Yil), j, l ∈ Ji, j 6= l, is

distributed as (T1, T2, Y1, Y2) with joint density function g2(t1, t2, y1, y2). We assume regularity

conditions for the marginal and joint densities, f(t), g(t, y) and g2(t1, t2, y1, y2), which are listed

as (B1.1)-(B1.3) in the Appendix.

Let κ1(·) and κ2(·, ·) be nonnegative univariate and bivariate kernel functions that are used

in the smoothing steps for the mean µ and covariance G in Section 2.2 (see (26), (27) for

the definition of these smoothers). Kernel κ1(·) is also used for obtaining the estimate V for

G(t, t)+σ2 with the local linear smoother. Let hµ, hG and hV be the bandwidths for estimating

µ, G and V . Assume that κ1 and κ2 are compactly supported densities with properties (B2.1a)-

(B2.2a) and (B2.1b)-(B2.2b) below. We develop asymptotics as the number of subjects n →∞,

and require

(A2.1) hµ → 0, nh4µ →∞, and nh6

µ < ∞.

(A2.2) hG → 0, nh6G →∞, and nh8

G < ∞.

(A2.3) hV → 0, nh4V →∞, and nh6

V < ∞.

Define the Fourier transforms of κ1(u), κ2(u, v) by ζ1(t) =∫

e−iutκ1(u)du and

ζ2(t, s) =∫

e−(iut+ivs)κ2(u, v)dudv. They satisfy

(A3.1) ζ1(t) is absolutely integrable, i.e.,∫ |ζ1(t)|dt < ∞.

(A3.2) ζ2(t, s) is absolutely integrable, i.e.,∫ ∫ |ζ2(t, s)|dtds < ∞.

Assume that the fourth moment of Y centered at µ(T ) is finite, i.e.,


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(A4) E[(Y − µ(T ))4] < ∞.

Then we obtain uniform convergence rates for local linear estimators µ(t) of µ(t) and G(s, t)

of G(s, t) on compact sets T and T 2.

Theorem 1 Under (A1.1)-(A4) and (B1.1)-(B2.2b) with ν = 0, ` = 2 in (B2.2a) and ν =

(0, 0), ` = 2 in (B2.2b),


|µ(t)− µ(t)| = Op(1√nhµ

), (12)


|G(s, t)−G(s, t)| = Op(1√nh2


), (13)

The consistency of σ2 (2) is obtained as a consequence.

Corollary 1 Under (A1.1)-(A4) and (B1.1)-(B2.2b) with ν = 0, ` = 2 in (B2.2a) and ν =

(0, 0), ` = 2 in (B2.2b),

|σ2 − σ2| = Op(1√n




hV)). (14)

We note that the rates of convergence provided in (12) and (13) are slower than the optimal ones

known for the case of smoothing functions or surfaces from sufficiently dense spaced independent

measurements. These rates would be of order Op(√

log n/(nhµ)) for function estimates and


log n/(nh2G)) for surface estimates. It is an interesting question whether these rates remain

optimal for the present dependent data setting and whether they can be attained in the situation

of dependent and sparse data that we are dealing with.

Next consider the real separable Hilbert space L2(T ) ≡ H endowed with inner product

〈f, g〉H =∫T f(t)g(t)dt and norm ‖f‖H =

√〈f, f〉H (Courant and Hilbert, 1953). Let I ′ denote

the set of indices of the eigenfunctions φk corresponding to eigenvalues λk of multiplicity one.

We obtain the consistency of the λk in (3) for λk, the consistency of φk in (3) for φk in the L2


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norm ‖ · ‖H , by choosing φk appropriately when λk is of multiplicity one, and furthermore the

uniform consistency of φk for φk on the bounded interval T .

Theorem 2 Under (A1.1)-(A4) and (B1.1)-(B2.2b) with ν = 0, ` = 2 in (B2.2a) and ν =

(0, 0), ` = 2 in (B2.2b),

|λk − λk| = Op(1√nh2


), (15)

‖φk − φk‖H = Op(1√nh2


), k ∈ I ′, (16)


|φk(t)− φk(t)| = Op(1√nh2


), k ∈ I ′. (17)

We remark that the rates (15)-(17) are direct consequences of the rates (12) and (13), as is

evident from the proofs. If the rates in (12) and (13) are both Op(αn) respectively, then the

rates in (15)-(17) will also be Op(αn).

For the following results we require Gaussian assumptions.

(A5) The FPC scores ξik and measurement errors εij in (1) are jointly Gaussian.

We also assume that the data asymptotically follow a linear scheme:

(A6) The number, location and values of measurements for a given subject or cluster remain

unaltered as n →∞.

The target trajectories that we aim to predict are

Xi(t) = µ(t) +∞∑


ξikφk(t), i = 1, . . . , n, (18)

with ξik as defined in (4). We note that Xi may be defined as a limit of random functions

XKi (t) = µ(t)+

∑Kk=1 ξikφk(t), as supt∈T E[XK

i (t)−Xi(t)]2 → 0 (see Lemma 3 in the Appendix).

For any K ≥ 1, the target curve Xi(t) is then estimated by

XKi (t) = µ(t) +



ξikφk(t), (19)


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with ξik as in (5).

Theorem 3 Assume (A1.1)-(A6) and (B1.1)-(B2.2b) with ν = 0, ` = 2 in (B2.2a) and ν =

(0, 0), ` = 2 in (B2.2b). Then

limn→∞ ξik = ξik, in probability, (20)

and for all t ∈ T ,


limn→∞ XK

i (t) = Xi(t), in probability. (21)

We note that the conclusion is still valid for the best linear prediction of ξik, given the data

vector Y i, irrespective of whether the Gaussian assumption (A5) holds or not.

For the ith subject and any integer K ≥ 1, recall that ΩK = Λ − HΣ−1Yi

HT , ΩK =




i (t) = µ(t)+φT

K, tξK, i, φK, t = (φ1(t), . . . , φK(t))T , and ξK, i = (ξi1, . . . , ξiK)T .

Let ωK(s, t) = φTK, sΩKφK, t for t, s ∈ T and ωK(s, t) = φ


K, sΩKφK, t. Then ωK(s, t) is a

sequence of continuous positive definite functions. Assume that

(A7) There exists a continuous positive definite function ω(s, t) such that ωK(s, t) → ω(s, t), as

K →∞.

Applying Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, the estimate ωK(s, t) is consistent for ω(s, t) for all t, s ∈ T ,

i.e., limK→∞ limn→∞ ωK(s, t) = ω(s, t) in probability.

Theorem 4 Assume (A1.1)-(A7) and (B1.1)-(B2.2b) with ν = 0, ` = 2 in (B2.2a) and ν =

(0, 0), ` = 2 in (B2.2b). For all t ∈ T and x ∈ <,



i (t)−Xi(t)√ωK(t, t)

≤ x = Φ(x), (22)

where Φ is the standard Gaussian c.d.f..


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The number of random components and eigenfunctions K that are needed in Theorem 3 and

4 to approximate the trajectory Xi(t) depends primarily on the complexity of the covariance

structure G(s, t), and number and location of the measurements that are observed for a given

subject. It also depends on the sample size n, through the eigenfunction and covariance esti-

mates. While data-based choices for K are available through (10), (11) and are successful in

practical applications, results (21), (22) indicate that for large n, the number of components K

needs to be increased in order to obtain consistency, but do not provide further guidance as to

how K should be chosen in dependence on n.

We next establish (1−α) asymptotic simultaneous inference for XKi (t)−XK

i (t) on the do-

main T , where XKi (t) = µ(t)+

∑Kk=1 ξikφk(t). For these results, we are not providing functional

asymptotics but instead finite-dimensional asymptotics, as the number of included components

K is considered fixed, while the sample size n →∞ as before. If K is chosen such that only tra-

jectories truncated at the first K components XKi (·) of their expansion are of interest, then the

following two results provide simultaneous confidence bands, as well as simultaneous confidence

sets for the first K random effects. Corollary 2 below is a variation of Scheffe’s method.

Theorem 5 Under (A1.1)-(A7) and (B1.1)-(B2.2b) with ν = 0, ` = 2 in (B2.2a) and ν =

(0, 0), ` = 2 in (B2.2b), for fixed number of components K,



i (t)−XKi (t)|√

ωK(t, t)≤


K, 1−α ≥ 1− α, (23)

where χ2K, 1−α is the (1−α)th percentile of the Chi-square distribution with K degrees of freedom.

Assuming K components, letA ⊆ <K be a linear space with dimension d ≤ K. By arguments

analogous to the proof of Theorem 5, we obtain the asymptotic simultaneous (1−α) confidence

region for all linear combinations lT ξK, i, where l ∈ A,


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Corollary 2 Under the assumptions of Theorem 5,



|lT (ξK, i − ξK, i)|√lT ΩKl


χ2d, 1−α ≥ 1− α, (24)

where χ2d, 1−α is the (1−α)th percentile of the Chi-square distribution with d degrees of freedom.


To illustrate the implementation of sparse FPC analysis by PACE, we construct 100 i.i.d.

normal and 100 i.i.d. non-normal samples consisting of n = 100 random trajectories each.

The simulated processes have mean function µ(t) = t + sin (t), and covariance function derived

from two eigenfunctions φ1(t) = − cos (πt/10)/√

5, and φ2(t) = sin (πt/10)/√

5, 0 ≤ t ≤ 10.

We chose λ1 = 4, λ2 = 1 and λk = 0, k ≥ 3, as eigenvalues, and σ2 = 0.25 as variance of

the additional measurement errors εij in (1), which are assumed to be normal with mean 0.

For the smoothing steps, univariate and bivariate Epanechnikov kernel functions are used, i.e.,

κ1(x) = 3/4(1 − x2)1[−1,1](x) and κ2(x, y) = 9/16(1 − x2)(1 − y2)1[−1,1](x)1[−1,1](y), where

1A(x) = 1 if x ∈ A and 0 otherwise for any set A. For an equally spaced grid c0, . . . , c50 on

[0, 10] with c0 = 0, c50 = 10, let si = ci + ei, where ei are i.i.d. with N (0, 0.1), si = 0 if si < 0

and si = 10 if si > 10, allowing for non-equidistant “jittered” designs. Each curve was sampled

at a random number of points, chosen from a discrete uniform distribution on 1, . . . , 4, and the

locations of the measurements were randomly chosen from s1, . . . , s49 without replacement.

For the 100 normal samples, the FPC scores ξik were generated from N (0, λk), while the ξik for

the non-normal samples were generated from a mixture of two normals, N (√

λk/2, λk/2) with

probability 1/2 and N (−√

λk/2, λk/2) with probability 1/2.

To demonstrate the superior performance of the conditional method, we report in Table 1

the average mean squared error for the true curves Xi, MSE =∑n


∫ 100 Xi(t)− XK

i (t)2dt/n,


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where XKi (t) = µ(t) +

∑Kk=1 ξikφk(t), and ξik were obtained either by using the proposed prin-

cipal components analysis through conditional expectation (PACE) method (5) or by using the

integration method. The number of eigenfunctions K in each run was chosen by the AIC cri-

terion (11). In each simulation consisting of 100 Monte Carlo runs (for a total of 400 runs:

Normal/Mixture and Sparse/Non-sparse), there were always more than 95 runs in which two

eigenfunctions were chosen.

Another outcome measure of interest is the average squared error for the two FPC scores,

ASE(ξk) =∑n

i=1(ξik − ξik)2/n, k = 1, 2, also listed in Table 1. We also compared the two

methods for irregular but non-sparse simulated data, where the number of observations for

each curve was randomly chosen from 30, . . . , 40, with results in Table 1. We find that the

gains in the sparse situation are dramatic when switching from the traditional to the PACE

method. For the case of an underlying normal distribution, the MSE was reduced by 43% using

the PACE method (5) as compared to the traditional method; the ASE(ξk) were reduced by

52%/27% (k = 1, 2). For the mixture distribution case, the decreases were still 42% for MSE,

and 52%/28% for ASE(ξk) (k = 1, 2). In non-sparse situations, the traditional estimates provide

reasonable approximations to the underlying integrals, but nevertheless PACE still produces bet-

ter estimates, with improvements of 10%/10% for MSE and of 20%/21%, 5%/8% for ASE(ξk),

k = 1, 2, for normal/non-normal samples. We conclude that the gains obtainable by using PACE

are substantial for sparse data, and also extend to the case of dense and non-Gaussian data.


5.1 Longitudinal CD4 Counts

Since CD4 counts constitute a critical assessment of the status of the immune system and are

used as an important marker in describing the progress to AIDS in adults, CD4 cell counts and


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CD4 percentages, i.e., CD4 counts divided by the total number of lymphocytes, are commonly

used markers for the health status of HIV infected persons. The data set considered here is

from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, which includes repeated measurements of physical

exams, laboratory results and CD4 percentages for 283 homosexual men who became HIV

positive between 1984 and 1991. All individuals were scheduled to have their measurements

made at semi-annual visits. However, since many individuals missed scheduled visits and the

HIV infections happened randomly during the study, the data are sparse with unequal numbers

of repeated measurements per subject and different measurement times Tij per individual. The

number of observations per subject ranged between 1 and 14, with a median of 6 measurements.

The trajectories in their entirety are assembled in the left panel of Figure 1.

That the data from such a classical longitudinal study, with measurements intended to be

spaced at regular 6-months time intervals, are quite well suitable for the analysis by PACE can

be seen from Figure 2. As this figure illustrates, the assembled pairs (Tij , Tik) are sufficiently

dense in the domain plane and the estimation of the covariance function (27) is feasible for these

data. Further details about design, methods and medical implications of the study can be found

in Kaslow et al. (1987). Fan and Zhang (2000) and Wu and Chiang (2000) have analyzed these

data with varying coefficient models adapted to longitudinal data, while Diggle, Zeger and Liang

(1994) discuss classical longitudinal approaches for these data.

The objective of our analysis is estimating the overall trend over time, uncovering subject-

specific variation patterns, extracting the dominant modes of variation, and recovering individual

trajectories from sparse measurements. This includes predicting the time course for an individ-

ual, given only few observations, and constructing pointwise and simultaneous bands for an

individual’s trajectory. The estimate of the mean function using local linear smoothing is in the

right panel of Figure 1, revealing the overall decreasing trend in CD4 cell counts. Estimates of


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variance and correlation functions are shown in Figure 3; the variance is clearly non-stationary,

with high variability at very early times, decreasing until about one year and then increasing

again. Measurements made on the same subject are strongly correlated, irrespective of the

time difference. However, the correlation between very early and late counts dies off relatively

rapidly, whereas for middle and later times, the dependence patterns persist more strongly.

These features would be difficult to anticipate in a traditional parametric model; they would

not be produced, e.g., by linear random effects models.

Next consider the eigenfunction decomposition of the estimated covariance surface. Three

eigenfunctions shown in the upper panels of Figure 4 are used to approximate the infinite-

dimensional process. The choice K = 3 emerges as a reasonable choice, supported both by the

AIC criterion (11) and one-curve-leave-out cross-validation. The first eigenfunction is somewhat

similar to the mean function, the second corresponds to a contrast between very early and very

late times, and the third to a contrast early and medium plus later times. These eigenfunctions

account for 76.9%, 12.3% and 8.1%, respectively, of the total variation. Most of the variability is

thus in the direction of overall CD4 percentage level. In exploring such data, extreme individual

cases are difficult to detect by visual examination due to irregular sampling and substantial

noise. One way to explore the variability in the sample and to single out extreme cases is to

identify cases that exhibit large principal component scores in the directions of a few leading

eigenfunctions (Jones and Rice, 1992). Three such cases, corresponding to the largest absolute

values of the projections on the first three eigenfunctions, are shown in the lower panels of Figure


The predicted curves, 95% pointwise and simultaneous confidence bands for four randomly

chosen individuals are displayed in Figure 5, where the principal component scores of each sub-

ject are estimated using the PACE method. The predicted curves are seen to be reasonably


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close to the observations. Even for individuals with very sparse measurements, one is still able

to effectively recover their random trajectories, combining the information from that individual

and the entire collection. For example, the PACE principle of borrowing strength from the

entire sample for predicting individual trajectories makes it feasible to predict trajectories and

construct corresponding prediction bands for those cases where only one observation is available

per subject, as exemplified in the lower left panel of Figure 5. The predictions based on only

one observation per subject work reasonably well as is demonstrated in the second example

described below in Section 5.2 (see lower right panel in Figure 9 where only one single mea-

surement enclosed in the circle is used for the prediction of the trajectory). Since we need to

be able to consistently estimate the covariance structure, it is however not feasible to apply the

method if there is only one observation available per subject for all subjects. Note that the

95% simultaneous bands show a widening near the endpoints due to end effects and increased

variance near the ends, and that all observed data fall within these bands.

5.2 Yeast Cell Cycle Gene Expression Profiles

Time-course gene expression data (factor synchronized) for the yeast cell cycle were obtained

by Spellman et al. (1998). The experiment started with a collection of yeast cells, whose cycles

were synchronized (α factor-based) by a chemical process. There are 6178 genes in total, and

each gene expression profile consists of 18 data points, measured every seven minutes between

0 and 119 minutes, covering two cell cycles. Of these genes, 92 had sufficient data and were

identified by traditional methods, of which 43 are known to be related to G1 phase regulation

and 49 to non-G1 phase regulation (i.e. S, S/G2, G2/M and M/G1 phases) of the yeast cell

cycle; these genes serve as training set. The gene expression level measurement at each time

point is obtained as a logarithm of the expression-level ratio.


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In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the PACE method for sparse functional data, we

artificially “sparsify” the measurements made for the genes in the training data, and compare

the results obtained from this “sparsified” data with those obtained from the complete data. To

sparsify the expression measurements made for the ith gene expression profile, the number of

measurements Ni is randomly chosen from 1 to 6 with equal probability, and the measurement

locations are then randomly selected from the 18 recorded gene expression measurements per

profile. The median number of observations per gene expression profile for the resulting sparse

data is just 3.

Analyses of both complete and sparsified yeast cell cycle profile data are presented in Figures

6–8. The two mean function estimates for the sparse and complete data, obtained by local linear

smoothing of the pooled data, are close to each other and show periodicity (see the left panel

of Figure 8, presenting two cell cycles). The two smooth covariance surface estimates revealing

the structure of the underlying process are displayed in Figure 7. Both surfaces are very similar

and exhibit periodic features. We use the first two eigenfunctions to approximate the expression

profiles (middle and right panels of Figure 8). The estimates of the first two eigenfunctions

obtained from both sparse and complete data are also close and reflect periodicity, explaining

around 75% of the total variation.

We randomly select four genes, and present the predicted profiles obtained from both sparse

and complete data and the confidence bands using only the sparse data in Figure 9. We note

that the trajectories obtained for the complete data are found to be enclosed in the simultane-

ous 95% confidence bands constructed from the sparse data. The predictions obtained from the

sparse data are similar to those from the complete data, and are reasonable when compared with

the complete measurements. This demonstrates that the PACE method allows us to effectively

recover entire individual trajectories from fragmental data.


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Besides the general application to perform functional principal components analysis for sparse

and irregular data, an application of the proposed PACE method to impute missing data in

longitudinal studies is also feasible. Consider a regular design where for some subjects many

data are missing. The PACE method can then be used to impute the missing data from predicted


An interesting finding from the simulation study is that the PACE method improves upon

traditional functional principal components analysis even under dense and regular designs. This

improvement is due to replacing integrals by conditional expectations when determining func-

tional principal component scores. The conditioning step can be interpreted as shrinkage of

these random effects towards zero. The observed improvement indicates that the PACE can

also be used to advantage for regularly spaced data which enhances the appeal of this method.

We conclude that the underlying principle of borrowing strength from an entire sample of curves

to predict individual trajectories shows promise in applications.


We assume regularity conditions for the marginal and joint densities f(t), g(t, y) and g2(t1, t2, y1, y2).

Let ν1, ν2, ` be given integers, with 0 ≤ ν1 + ν2 < `.

(B1.1) (d`/dt`)f(t) exists and is continuous on T with f(t) > 0 on T ;

(B1.2) (d`/dt`)g(t, y) exists and is uniformly continuous on T × <;

(B1.3) (d`/(dt`11 dt`22 ))g2(t1, t2, y1, y2) exists and is uniformly continuous on T 2×<2, for `1 + `2 =

`, 0 ≤ `1, `2 ≤ `.


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The assumptions for kernel functions κ1 : < → < and κ2 : <2 → < are as follows. We say

that a bivariate kernel function κ2 is of order (ν, `), where ν is a multi-index ν = (ν1, ν2), if

∫ ∫u`1v`2κ2(u, v)dudv =

0 0 ≤ `1 + `2 < `, `1 6= ν1, `2 6= ν2,

(−1)|ν||ν|! `1 = ν1, `2 = ν2,

6= 0 `1 + `2 = `,


where |ν| = ν1 + ν2. A univariate kernel κ1 is of order (ν, `) for a univariate ν = ν1, if (25) holds

with `2 = 0 on the right hand side, integrating only over the argument u on the left hand side.

(B2.1a) κ1 is compactly supported, ‖κ1‖2 =∫

κ21(u)du < ∞;

(B2.2a) κ1 is a kernel function of order (ν, `).

(B2.1b) κ2 is compactly supported, ‖κ2‖2 =∫ ∫

κ22(u, v)dudv < ∞;

(B2.2b) κ2 is a kernel function of order (ν, `).

We define the local linear scatterplot smoother for µ(t) by minimizing





κ1(Tij − t

hµ)Yij − β0 − β1(t− Tij)2 (26)

with respect to β0, β1. The estimate of µ(t) is then µ(t) = β0(t). The local linear surface

smoother for G(s, t) is defined by minimizing



1≤j 6=l≤Ni

κ2(Tij − s

hG,Til − t

hG)Gi(Tij , Til)− f(β, (s, t), (Tij , Til))2 (27)

where f(β, (s, t), (Tij , Til)) = β0 + β11(s − Tij) + β12(t − Til). Minimization is with regard to

β = (β0, β11, β12), yielding the estimate G(s, t) = β0(s, t). To obtain the adjusted estimate of

G(s, t) on the diagonal, i.e., G(t), we first rotate both x-axis and y-axis by 45 clockwise and

obtain the coordinates of (Tij , Tik) in the rotated axes, denoted by (T ∗ij , T∗ik), i.e.,

T ∗ij

T ∗ik



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. We then define the surface estimate G(s, t) by minimizing the

weighted least squares,



1≤j 6=l≤Ni

κ2(T ∗ij − s

hG,T ∗il − t

hG)Gi(T ∗ij , T

∗il)− g(γ, (s, t), (T ∗ij , T

∗il))2, (28)

where g(γ, (s, t), (T ∗ij , T∗il)) = γ0 + γ1(s − T ∗ij) + γ2(t − T ∗ik)

2. Minimization is with respect to

γ = (γ1, γ2, γ3)T , leading to G(s, t) = γ0(s, t). Because of the rotation, the estimate of the

covariance surface on the diagonal, G(t), is now indeed G(0, t/√

2) obtained with the rotated


The following auxiliary results provide the weak uniform convergence rate for univariate

weighted averages defined below, compare Bhattacharya and Muller (1993). For a positive

integer l ≥ 1, let (ψp)p=1,...,l be a collection of real functions ψp : <2 → <, which satisfy:

(C1.1a) ψp are uniformly continuous on T × <;

(C1.2a) The functions (d`/dt`)ψp(t, y) exist for all arguments (t, y) and are uniformly continuous

on T × <;


ψ2p(t, y)g(t, y)dydt < ∞.

Bandwidths hµ = hµ(n) used for one-dimensional smoothers are assumed to satisfy

(C2.1a) hµ → 0, nhν+1µ →∞, nh2`+2

µ < ∞, as n →∞.

Define the weighted averages

Ψpn = Ψpn(t) =1







ψp(Tij , Yij)κ1(t− Tij

hµ), p = 1, . . . , l,

and the quantity

µp = µp(t) =dν


∫ψp(t, y)g(t, y)dy, p = 1, . . . , l.


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Lemma 1 Under (A1.1), (A1.2), (A3.1), (B1.1), (B1.2), (B2.1a), (B2.2a), (C1.1a)-(C1.3a),

and C(2.1a), τpn = supt∈T |Ψpn − µp| = Op(1/(√

nhν+1µ )).

Proof. Note E|τpn| ≤ supt |EΨpn − µp| + Esupt |Ψpn − EΨpn|, where t takes values in T ,

and E|τpn| = O(1/(√

nhν+1µ )) implies τpn = Op(1/(


µ )).

Using a Taylor expansion to order `, it is easy to show that EΨpn = µp +O(h`−νµ ), where the

remainder term is uniform in t, observing that (d`/dt`)ψp(t, y) and (d`/dt`)g(t, y) are uniformly

continuous. It remains to show that Esupt |Ψpn − EΨpn| = O(1/(√

nhν+1µ )). Recall that

the inverse Fourier transform is ζ1(t) =∫

e−iutκ1(u)du. We may insert κ1((t − Tij)/hµ) =

∫eiv(t−Tij)/hµζ1(v)dv/(2π) into Ψpn. Letting

ϕpn(u) =1n






eiuTljψp(Tlj , Ylj),

one obtains

Ψpn =1







κ1(t− Tlj

hµ)ψp(Tlj , Ylj) =




and thus

supt|Ψpn − EΨpn| ≤ 1


∫|ϕpn(u)−Eϕpn(u)| · |ζ1(uhµ)|du.

Note that E|ϕpn(u)− Eϕpn(u)| ≤ √E[ϕpn(u)−Eϕpn(u)]2, and because T i, Y i, Ni are i.i.d.,

using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,

var(ϕpn(u)) =1n

var 1EN



eiuTjψp(Tj , Yj) ≤ 1n

E( 1EN



eiuTjψp(Tj , Yj))2

≤ 1n

E 1(EN)2



ei2uTj )(N∑


ψ2p(Tj , Yj)) ≤ 1

nE N




E(ψ2p(Tj , Yj)|N) =


Eψ2p(T, Y ),


Esupt|Ψpn −EΨpn| ≤ 1


∫E|ϕpn(u)− Eϕpn(u)| · |ζ1(uhµ)|du


p(T, Y )∫ |ζ1(u)|du




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Since nh2`+2µ < ∞ implies h`−ν

µ = O(1/(√

nhν+1µ )), the result follows.

Analogous to Lemma 1, we obtain the rate of uniform convergence in the two-dimensional

situation. Let θp(t, s, y1, y2)p=1,...,l be a collection of real functions θp : <4 → < with the

following properties:

(C1.1b) θp are uniformly continuous on T 2 ×<2;

(C1.2b) the functions (d`/(dt`1ds`2))θp(t, s, y1, y2) exist for all arguments (t, s, y1, y2) and are uni-

formly continuous on T 2 ×<2, for `1 + `2 = `, 0 ≤ `1, `2 ≤ `;

(C1.3b)∫ ∫ ∫ ∫

θ2p(t, s, y1, y2)g2(t, s, y1, y2)dy1dy2dtds < ∞.

The sequence of bandwidths hG = hG(n) for the two-dimensional smoothers satisfies

(C2.1b) hG → 0, nh|ν|+2G →∞, nh2`+4

G < ∞, as n →∞

Define the weighted averages,

Θpn = Θpn(t, s) =1




1EN(EN − 1)

1≤j 6=k≤Ni

θp(Tij , Tik, Yij , Yik)κ2(t− Tij

hG,s− Tik



%p = %p(t, s) =∑




∫ ∫θp(t, s, y1, y2)g2(t, s, y1, y2)dy1dy2, p = 1, . . . , l.

Lemma 2 Under (A1.1), (A1.2), (A3.2), (B1.1b), (B1.2b), (B2.1)-(B2.3), (C1.1b)-(C1.3b),

and C(2.1b), ϑpn = supt,s∈T |Θpn − %p| = Op(1/(√


Proof. Analogous to the proof of Lemma 1.

Proof of Theorem 1. From (26), the local linear estimator µ(t) of the mean function µ(t) can

be explicitly written as

µ(t) = β0(t) =



∑j wijYij∑



∑j wij




∑j wij(Tij − t)∑



∑j wij

β1(t) (29)


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β1(t) =



∑j wij(Tij − t)Yij − (



∑j wij(Tij − t)



∑j wijYij)/(



∑j wij)∑



∑j wij(Tij − t)2 − (



∑j wij(Tij − t))2/(



∑j wij)


Here wij = κ1((t−Tij)/hµ)/(nhµ), where κ1 is a kernel function of order (0, 2), satisfying (B2.1a)

and (B2.2a), and β1(t) is an estimator for the first derivative µ′(t) of µ at t.

Considering the Nadaraya-Watson estimator of µ, µNW (t) = (∑


∑j wijYij/EN)/(


∑j wij/EN),

and f(t) =∑


∑j wij/EN , we choose ν = 0, ` = 2, l = 2, ψ1(t, y) = y, and ψ2(t, y) ≡ 1 in

Lemma 1. Obviously µNW (t) = H(Ψ1n, Ψ2n) with H(x1, x2) = x1/x2, and f(t) = Ψ2n. Using

Slutsky’s Theorem and Lemma 1, it follows that supt∈T |µNW (t) − µ(t)| = Op(1/(√

nhµ)), and

supt∈T |f(t)− f(t)| = Op(1/(√


For the uniform consistency of β1 as estimator of the derivative µ′, define Ψpn, 1 ≤ p ≤ 3,



u2κ1(u)du, and the kernel function κ1(t) = −tκ1(t)/σ2κ1

, furthermore ψ1(u, y) = y,

ψ2(u, y) ≡ 1, ψ3(u, y) = u − t. Observe that κ1 is of order (1, 3), supt∈T |f(t) − f(t)| =


nhµ)), and define

H(x1, x2, x3) =x1 − x2µNW (t)

x3 − h2µx2

2/f(t) · σ2κ1

, and H(x1, x2, x3) =x1 − x2µ(t)



β1(t) = H(Ψ1n, Ψ2n, Ψ3n) = [H(Ψ1n, Ψ2n, Ψ3n) +Ψ2n(µ(t)− µNW (t))



Ψ3n + h2µΨ2

2n/f(t) · σ2κ1


Note that µ1 = (µ′f + mf ′)(t), µ2 = f ′(t), and µ3 = f(t), implying supt∈T |Ψpn − µp| =


nh2µ)), for p = 1, 2, 3, by Lemma 1. Using the uniform version of Slutsky’s Theorem,

supt∈T |H(Ψ1n,Ψ2n, Ψ3n)− µ′(t)| = Op(1/(√

nh2µ)) follows.

Considering the uniform convergence of β0 for µ, note that

β0(t) = µNW (t) +Ψ2nβ1(t)




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Because supt∈T |Ψ2n − f ′(t)| = Op(1/(√

nh2µ)), supt∈T |β1(t) − µ′(t)| = Op(1/(


µ)), and

supt∈T |f ′(t)−f(t)| = Op(1/(√

nhµ)), we have supt∈T |Ψ2nβ1(t)h2µ/f(t)| = Op(h2

µ) = Op(1/(√


as nh6µ < ∞. As supt∈T |µNW (t)− µ(t)| = Op(1/(

√nhµ)), the result (12) follows.

We proceed to show (13). In the local linear estimator for the covariance G(s, t), we used

the raw observations, Gi(Tij , Tik) = (Yij − µ(Tij))(Yik − µ(Tik)), instead of Gi(Tij , Tik) = (Yij −

µ(Tij))(Yik − µ(Tik)). Note that

Gi(Tij , Tik) = Gi(Tij , Tik) + (Yij − µ(Tij))(µ(Tik)− µ(Tik)) + (Yik − µ(Tik))(µ(Tij)− µ(Tij))

+(µ(Tij)− µ(Tij))(µ(Tik)− µ(Tik))

Since supt∈T |µ(t) − µ(t)| = Op(1/(√

nhµ)) by (12), letting θ1(t1, t2, y1, y2) = (y1 − µ(t1))(y2 −

µ(t2)), θ2(t1, t2, y1, y2) = y1 − µ(t1), and θ3(t1, t2, y1, y2) ≡ 1, then supt,s∈T |Θpn| = Op(1),

for p = 1, 2, 3, by Lemma 2. This implies that supt,s∈T |Θ2n|Op(1/(√

nhµ)) = Op(1/(√


and supt,s∈T |Θ3n|Op(1/(√

nhµ)) = Op(1/(√

nhµ)). Since supt∈T |µ(t) − µ(t)|2 = Op(1/(nh2µ))

are negligible compared to Θ1n, the local linear estimator, G(s, t), of G(s, t) obtained from

Gi(Tij , Tik) is asymptotically equivalent to that obtained from Gi(Tij , Tik), denoted by G(t, s).

Analogously to the proof of (12), using Lemma 2, and the uniform version of Slutsky’s Theorem,

we obtain the uniform consistency of the local linear estimator G(s, t).

Proof of Corollary 1. Since V (t) is a uniformly consistent estimator of G(t, t) + σ2, analo-

gously to (12), (14) follows by applying (13).

Proof of Theorem 2. Define the rank one operator f ⊗ g = 〈f, h〉y, for f, h ∈ H, and denote

the separable Hilbert space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on H by F ≡ σ2(H), endowed by

〈T1, T2〉F = tr(T1T∗2 ) =

∑j〈T1uj , T2uj〉H and ‖T‖2

F = 〈T, T 〉F , where T1, T2, T ∈ F , T ∗2 is the

adjoint of T2, and uj : j ≥ 1 is any complete orthonormal system in H. The covariance


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operator G (resp. G) is generated by the kernel G (resp. G), i.e., G(f) =∫T G(s, t)f(s)ds,

G(f) =∫T G(s, t)f(s)ds. It is obvious that G and G are Hilbert-Schmidt operators, and (13)

implies ‖G−G‖F = Op(1/(√


Let Ii = j : λj = λi, I ′ = i : |Ii| = 1, where |Ii| denotes the number of elements in Ii.

To obtain (16), let Pj =∑

k∈Ijφk⊗φk, and Pj =


φk⊗ φk denote the true and estimated

orthogonal projection operators from H to the subspace spanned by φk : k ∈ Ij. For fixed

0 < ρ < min|λl−λj | : l 6∈ Ij, let Λρ,j = z ∈ C : |z−λj | = ρ, where C stands for the complex

numbers. The resolvent of G (resp. G) is denoted by R (resp. R), i.e., R(z) = (G−zI)−1 (resp.

R(z) = (G−zI)−1). As R(z) = R(z)[I+(G−G)R(z)]−1 = R(z)∑∞

l=0[(G−G)R(z)]l, ‖R(z)−

R(z)‖F ≤ (‖G−G‖F ‖R(z)‖F )/(1−‖G−G‖F ‖R(z)‖F ). Note that Pj = (2πi)−1∫Λρ,j


Pj = (2πi)−1∫Λρ,j

R(z)dz. Let Mρ,j = sup‖R(z)‖F : z ∈ Λρ,j < ∞, and let ε be such that

0 < ε < 1/(2Mρ,j), then

‖Pj −Pj‖F ≤∫


‖R(z)−R(z)‖F dz/(2π) ≤ ρ‖G−G‖F Mρ,j

1− ‖G−G‖F Mρ,j

≤ 2ρMρ,jε.

Considering φk corresponding to k ∈ I ′, choose φk such that 〈φk, φk〉H > 0. Then

‖Pk −Pk‖2F = 2(1− 〈φk ⊗ φk, φk ⊗ φk〉H) = 2(1− 〈φk, φk〉2H) ≥ ‖φk − φk‖2

H ,

and (16) follows. Note that λk = 〈φk,G(φk)〉H and λk = 〈φk, G(φk)〉H , then (15) follows by

applying Slusky’s Theorem. To obtain (17), for fixed k ∈ I ′,

|λkφk(t)− λkφk(t)| = |∫ T

0G(s, t)φk(s)ds−

∫ T

0G(s, t)φk(s)ds|

≤∫ T

0|G(s, t)−G(s, t)| · |φk(s)|ds +

∫ T

0|G(s, t)| · |φk(s)− φk(s)|ds

≤√∫ T

0(G(s, t)−G(s, t))2ds +

√∫ T

0G2(s, t)ds ‖φk − φk‖H

Due to (13) and (16), assuming λk > 0 without loss of generality, we have |λkφk(t)/λk−φk(t)| =


nh2)), uniformly in t ∈ T . Then (17) follows by applying (15).


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The next result ensures that the target trajectory Xi is well defined.

Lemma 3 For the positive definite covariance operator G generated by the continuous symmet-

ric function G(s, t) on T 2, as K →∞,


E[XKi (t)− Xi(t)]2 −→ 0. (31)

Proof. Since the covariance operator G generated by the continuous symmetric function G(s, t)

is positive definite, by Mercer’s Theorem,∑∞

k=K λkφk(s)φk(t) converges to 0 uniformly in (s, t) ∈

T 2. Note that Xi,K(t)− Xi(t) = E[∑∞

k=K+1 ξikφk(t)|Y i]. From




ξikφk(t)) = supt∈T



ξikφk(t)|Y i]2] + E[var(∞∑


ξikφk(t)|Y i)]

= supt∈T



λkφ2k(t) −→ 0,

and E[var(∑∞

k=K+1 ξikφk(t)|Y i)] ≥ 0, (31) follows.

Proof of Theorem 3. Recall that ξik = λkφT


Yi(Y i − µi), where the (j, l)th entry of the

Ni×Ni matrix ΣYi is (ΣYi)j, l = G(Tij , Til)+ σ2δjl with δjl = 1 if j = l and 0 if j 6= l. Applying

Theorem 1, Theorem 2, Corollary 1 and Slutsky’s Theorem, (20) follows. We next prove (21)

for each fixed t ∈ T . Let XKi (t) = µ(t) +

∑Kk=1 ξikφk(t), where ξik is defined in (4). Note that

|XKi (t)− Xi(t)| ≤ |XK

i (t)− XKi (t)|+ |XK

i (t)− Xi(t)|

Lemma 3 implies XKi (t)

p→ Xi(t) as K →∞. For fixed K, observing that ξikp→ ξik as n →∞,

then supt∈T |XKi (t)− XK

i (t)| p→ 0 as n →∞, by (12), (17) and Slutsky’s Theorem. This implies

that for given ε, δ > 0, there exists K0 such that for K ≥ K0, P|XKi (t)− Xi(t)| > ε/2 ≤ δ/2.

For each K, there exists n0(K) such that for n ≥ n0(K), P|XKi (t) − XK

i (t)| ≥ ε/2 ≤ δ/2.

Thus, for K ≥ K0 and n ≥ n0(K), P|XKi (t) − Xi(t)| ≥ ε ≤ P|XK

i (t) − XKi (t)| > ε/2 +

P|XKi (t)− Xi(t)| ≥ ε/2 ≤ δ, which leads to (21).


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Proof of Theorem 4. Under the Gaussian assumption, for any fixed K ≥ 1, from Section

2.4, one has (ξK, i− ξK, i) ∼ N (0,ΩK). Observing (12), (17) and (20), limn→∞ supt∈T |XKi (t)−

XKi (t)| p→ 0. Since XK

i (t)−XKi (t) = XK

i (t)− XKi (t) + XK

i (t)−XKi (t), for fixed K, it follows

that XKi (t)−XK

i (t) D→ ZK ∼ N (0, ωK(t, t)). Under (A7), letting K →∞ leads to ZKD→ Z ∼

N (0, ω(t, t)). From the Karhunen-Loeve Theorem, |XKi (t)−Xi(t)| p→ 0, as K →∞. Therefore

limK→∞ limn→∞XKi (t)−Xi(t) D= Z. From Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, it can be shown that

ωK(t, t)p→ ωK(t, t) as n →∞. Under (A7), it follows that limK→∞ limn→∞ ωK(t, t) = ω(t, t) in

probability. Applying Slutsky’s Theorem, (22) follows.

Proof of Theorem 5. We first prove


|XKi (t)−XK

i (t)|√ωK(t, t)


χ2K, 1−α ≥ 1− α. (32)

It is obvious that XKi (t)−XK

i (t) = φTK, t(ξK, i−ξK, i). Due to orthogonality, F = φK, t : t ∈ T

is an K-dimensional compact set. Since ΩK is positive definite, there exists a K×K non-singular

matrix U such that UΩKUT = IK . Let θ = UξK, i and θ = UξK, i, then (θ − θ) ∼ N (0, IK).

This leads to (θ − θ)T (θ − θ) ∼ χ2K , and P(θ − θ)T (θ − θ) = 1 − α. We use the following

result known from linear algebra.

Lemma 4 For a fixed p-vector x and a constant c > 0, xT x ≤ c2 if and only if |aT x| ≤ c√

aT a,

for all a ∈ <p.

Hence, P|aT (θ − θ)| ≤√

χ2K, 1−αaT a : for all a ∈ <K = 1 − α. Let E = a ∈ <K :

φK, t = UT a, t ∈ T , which is a compact subset of <K . Then P|aT (θ − θ)| ≤√

χ2K, 1−αaT a :

for all a ∈ E ≥ 1− α, i.e.,

P|φTK, t(ξK, i − ξK, i)| ≤


K, 1−αφK, tU−1(UT )−1φK, t : for all t ∈ T ≥ 1− α.

Observing that UΩKUT = IK , (32) follows.


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To prove (23), note that


|XKi (t)−XK

i (t)|√ωK(t, t)



|XKi (t)− XK

i (t)|√ωK(t, t)

+ supt∈T

|XKi (t)−XK

i (t)|√ωK(t, t)


√ωK(t, t)ωK(t, t)


Let A = supt∈T |XKi (t) − XK

i (t)|/√

ωK(t, t), B = supt∈T |XKi (t) − XK

i (t)|/√

ωK(t, t), and

C = supt∈T√

ωK(t, t)/ωK(t, t). Since ωK(t, t) is a continuous positive definite function on the

bounded interval T , it is bounded from above and below, say 0 < a ≤ ωK(t, t) ≤ b < ∞.

Because supt∈T |XKi (t) − XK

i (t)| p→ 0, as n → ∞, we have Ap→ 0 as n → ∞. In the proof of

(22), it was established that ωK(t, t)p→ ωK(t, t), as n →∞, implying that C

p→ 1. We now will


limn→∞P(A + B)C ≥ (ε +


K, 1−α)(1 + ε) ≤ α. (33)

Note that

(A + B)C ≥ (ε +√

χ2K, 1−α)(1 + ε) ⊆ (A + B) ≥ (ε +


K, 1−α) ∪ C ≥ (1 + ε)

⊆ A ≥ ε ∪ B ≥√

χ2K, 1−α ∪ C ≥ (1 + ε).

Since Ap→ 0 and C

p→ 1 as n →∞, for sufficiently large n, P (A ≥ ε) ≤ τ/3 and P (C− 1 ≥ ε) ≤

τ/3. We have shown P (B ≥√

χ2K, 1−α) ≤ α in (32). This implies (33), and then (23) by letting

ε → 0.

Proof of Corollary 2. There exists an K × d matrix QT with rank d ≤ K, such that F is

spanned by the column vectors of QT . Letting δ = QξK, i and δ = QξK, i, for any l ∈ A, where

A ⊆ <K is a linear space with dimension d, there exists a vector λ ∈ <d such that l = QT λ.


lT ξK, i − lT ξK, i = λT δ − λT δ ∼ N (0,λT QΩKQT λ).

Since Q is of rank d and ΩK is positive definite, which implies that QΩKQT is also positive

definite, there exists a non-singular d × d matrix P such that PQΩKQT P T = Id, where Id


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is the d × d identity matrix. Letting η = Pδ and η = P δ, we have (η − η) ∼ N (0, Id), i.e,

(η − η)T (η − η) ∼ χ2d. Therefore P(η − η)T (η − η) ≤ χ2

d, 1−α = 1 − α. Applying Lemma 4,

we obtain P|aT (η−η)| ≤√

χ2d, 1−αaT a : for all a ∈ <d = 1−α. Since P is non-singular and

Q is of rank d, there exists λ ∈ <d and l ∈ A, such that λ = P T a and l = QT λ. If a takes all

values in <d, then l will also take all values in A, i.e.,

P|lT (ξK, i − ξK, i)| ≤√

χ2d, 1−αlT (PQ)−1(QT P T )−1l : for all l ∈ A = 1− α.

Since PQΩKQT P T = Id, the result (24) follows.


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Table 1: Results for Functional Principal Components Analysis (FPC) using conditional ex-

pectation (CE) and integration (IN) methods for 100 Monte Carlo runs with N = 100 random

trajectories per sample, generated with two random components. Shown are the averages of

estimated mean squared prediction error MSE and average squared error ASE(ξk), k = 1, 2, as

described in Section 4. The number of components for each Monte Carlo run is chosen by the

AIC criterion (11).

N=100 Normal Mixture

FPC MSE ASE(ξ1) ASE(ξ2) MSE ASE(ξ1) ASE(ξ2)

CE 1.33 .762 .453 1.30 .737 .453

SparseIN 2.32 1.58 .622 2.25 1.53 .631

CE .259 .127 .110 .256 .132 .105

Non-SparseIN .286 .159 .115 .286 .168 .114


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0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 50










4 P




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 50










4 P




Figure 1: Left panel: Observed individual trajectories of 283 sequences of CD4 percentages.

Right panel: Smooth estimate of the mean function.

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5













Figure 2: Assembled pairs (Tij , Tik) of all subjects, i = 1, . . . , n, j, k = 1, . . . , Ni, for the CD4

count data. While the data available per subject are sparse, the assembled data fill the domain

of the covariance surface quite densely.


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0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 560



























Figure 3: Left panel: Smooth estimate of the variance function for CD4 count data. Right

panel: Smooth estimate of the correlation function, eliminating the “raw” data falling on the



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0 2 4−0.5




Year0 2 4





Year0 2 4






0 2 40











0 2 40











0 2 40











Figure 4: Top panels: Smooth estimates of the first three eigenfunctions, from left to right,

for CD4 count data. Bottom panels: Observations (circles) and predicted trajectories (dashed)

for the three individuals with the largest projections on the respective eigenfunctions above,

overlaid with the overall estimated mean function (solid).


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0 1 2 3 4 50












0 1 2 3 4 50









0 1 2 3 4 50












0 1 2 3 4 50









Figure 5: Observations (circles), predicted (solid) trajectories, 95% pointwise (dashed) and

simultaneous (dotted) bands for four randomly chosen individuals, for CD4 count data.

0 50 100












n Lev


0 50 100












n Lev


Figure 6: Complete measurements (left panel) of gene expression profiles and a randomly “spar-

sified” subset (right panel) for 92 yeast cell cycles.


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Figure 7: Smooth surface estimates G (27) of the covariance functions obtained from the com-

plete data (left panel) and from the sparsified data (right panel) for yeast cell cycle gene expres-

sion profiles.

0 50 100










Gene E


ion Lev


0 50 100












Time(minutes)0 50 100













Figure 8: Smooth estimates of the mean function (left panel), the first (middle panel) and second

(right panel) eigenfunctions, obtained from sparse (solid) and complete (dashed) gene expression



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0 50 100−3








e Ex





Time(minutes)0 50 100










e Ex





0 50 100−3








e Ex





Time(minutes)0 50 100










e Ex





Figure 9: Predicted gene expression profiles obtained from complete measurements (thick solid)

and from sparse measurements (solid) for four randomly selected genes. Also shown are 95%

pointwise (dashed) and simultaneous (dotted) bands obtained exclusively from the sparse data.

Solid circles indicate the measurements for the complete data, and solid circles enclosed by an

open circle correspond to the randomly sampled sparse data.