Yu Cheng Dec 5, 2017 Fun with Reductions

Fun with Reductions

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Page 1: Fun with Reductions

Yu ChengDec 5, 2017

Fun with Reductions

Page 2: Fun with Reductions


Show• Vertex 3-Coloring

• Hamiltonian Cycle

• Super Mario

are NP-Hard.

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 3: Fun with Reductions


• P vs NP

• (Polynomial-time) Reductions

• 3-Satisfiability (3SAT)

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 4: Fun with Reductions

“Easy to verify” problems: NP

• All decision problems such that we can verify the correctness of a solution in polynomial time.

ProverVerifier:OK,thatisindeed asolution.


Page 5: Fun with Reductions

Polynomial time reductions

• Reduce A to B: a polynomial time algorithm that mapsinstances of A to instances of problem B, such that the answers are the same.

• 𝐴 ≤# 𝐵: B is at least as hard as A.

If you can solve B (in poly time) then you can solve A.



Page 6: Fun with Reductions

3-Satisfiability (3SAT)

Page 7: Fun with Reductions

Gadget-Based Reductions

𝐴 ≤# 𝐵:

Given instances of A, output instances of B.Build gadgets for pieces of A.Put the pieces together.

3SAT ≤# 𝑋

Page 8: Fun with Reductions

Fun with Hardness Proofs

Algorithmic Lower Bounds: Fun with Hardness Proofs

Erik Demaine


Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 9: Fun with Reductions


Show• Vertex 3-Coloring

• Hamiltonian Cycle

• Super Mario

are NP-Hard.

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 10: Fun with Reductions

Vertex 3-Coloring

Input: a graph

Output: color each vertex using 1 of the 3 colors, sothat adjacent vertices do not get the same color.

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 11: Fun with Reductions


Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 12: Fun with Reductions

3-Coloring: Yes instance

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 13: Fun with Reductions

3-Coloring: No instance

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 14: Fun with Reductions

3SAT ≤# 3-Coloring

Satisfiable formula ⟺

Unsatisfiable formula ⟺

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

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Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 16: Fun with Reductions

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 17: Fun with Reductions

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 18: Fun with Reductions

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 19: Fun with Reductions

3SAT ≤# 3-Coloring

•Consequence:3-Coloring is NP-Complete.(Because 3-Coloring is also in NP.)

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 20: Fun with Reductions


Show• Vertex 3-Coloring

• Hamiltonian Cycle

• Super Mario

are NP-Hard.

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 21: Fun with Reductions

Hamiltonian Cycle

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 22: Fun with Reductions

Hamiltonian Cycle

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

• Input: a (directed) graph.

• Solution: a cycle visiting every vertex exactly once.

Page 23: Fun with Reductions

Variable Gadget

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 24: Fun with Reductions

Clause Gadget

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 25: Fun with Reductions

3SAT ≤# Hamiltonian Cycle

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 26: Fun with Reductions

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 27: Fun with Reductions

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 28: Fun with Reductions

3SAT ≤# Hamiltonian Path

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

3SAT ≤# Hamiltonian Cycle


Page 29: Fun with Reductions

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

Page 30: Fun with Reductions


Show• Vertex 3-Coloring

• Hamiltonian Cycle

• Super Mario

are NP-Hard.

Dec5,2017 YuCheng

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Page 32: Fun with Reductions
Page 33: Fun with Reductions
Page 34: Fun with Reductions