Using the ALM Module Fully Automated Deployments in Stack 3.2

Fully Automated Deployments in Stack 3.2

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Using the ALM Module. Fully Automated Deployments in Stack 3.2. Disclaimer. This is a training NOT a presentation. Be prepared to learn and participate in lab Please ask questions Prerequisites: Maven Knowledge https://tech.lds.org/wiki/Java_Stack_Training. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Fully Automated Deployments in Stack 3.2

Using the ALM ModuleFully Automated Deployments in Stack 3.2

Page 2: Fully Automated Deployments in Stack 3.2


• This is a training NOT a presentation.– Be prepared to learn and participate in lab

• Please ask questions• Prerequisites:– Maven Knowledge• https://tech.lds.org/wiki/Java_Stack_Training

Page 3: Fully Automated Deployments in Stack 3.2

Build and Deployment History in ICS

• In the beginning Maven and CruiseControl– Produced an .ear

• Automated config and deploy Bundles– Produced a .zip with an .ear/.war and env config– DB Migrator produced a migration .zip

• Anthill Pro replaces CruiseControl– Introduced secondary process execution

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Typical Deploy Process Today

Deployment to Stage/ProdASE downloads deploy .zip and deploys to

stage/prod. DBE Updates Stage/prod DB. QA manually validates app.

Deployment to Test LanesQA initiates deploy from Anthill Secondary

Process. DBE updates the Test DBs. QA executes functional tests.

Build ProcessAnthill initiates automated Maven build

and test. Maven Build deploys to dev. Maven Build migrates dev DB.

Development ProcessDeveloper develops code. Tests on local box with shared

DB. Writes and runs unit tests. No functional tests run.

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Problems with Deploy Process

• Application Deploy only thing automated• Difficult to introduce other automations• Deployments initiated 3 different ways• Project build complex– Mixture of artifact build and deploy

• Build fails if dev deploy fails (no artifact produced)• Changes to deploy process managed by build team• Testing automated in build but not in promotions

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Goals of Deploy Improvements

• Support automating most any deploy task• Give team more power to customize deploy

automation• Simplify build: separate build and deploy– Once per build vs. Many per build

• Make deploy execution consistent (all lanes)• Leverage current investment in Maven• First class Anthill Pro Support• Flexible enough to execute outside of Anthill Pro

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Non-Goals for Deploy Improvements

• Provisioning (created vs. updated)• Any asynchronous processes (e.g. Approvals)

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Introducing the ALM Module

• What is the ALM Module?– Maven module packages itself up– Can be executed later– Includes its own dependencies– Contains all build promotion logic

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Possible Deploy Task Use Cases

• Execute DB migration with build• Execute functional/acceptance tests• Deploy static resources separate from application• Expire cache/CDN on deploy• Push internationalization resources to DB• Update WAM policies (when Exposee is ready)• Deploy several applications at one time• Push shared library to Nexus only when app is


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ALM Module Demo

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Maven Lifecycles

• Maven uses lifecycles to orchestrate goals• Phases represent steps in a lifecycle
















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Executing a Lifecycle

• Lifecycles are executed by calling a phase• Phase identifies where in lifecycle to stop• Examples:– mvn test– mvn install– mvn clean install– mvn site-deploy clean– mvn clean compile package install clean
















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Phases in Lifecycle

• Phases in a lifecycle are mapped to plugin goals– Dictated by default, packaging type, and pom config

DefaultPhases War

process-resourcescompile compiler:compiletest-compile compiler:testCompiletest surefire:testpackage war:warintegration-testinstall install:installdeploy deploy:deploy


Phases Default


clean clean:clean

SitePhases Default

site site:site

site-deploy site:deploy

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Example Binding in Pom Config<project> … <packaging>war</packaging> <build> <plugins>

<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0.1</version> <executions> <execution> <goals><goal>enforce</goal></goals> <phase>compile</phase> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build></project>

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ALM the Lifecycle for Deployments

• Default Lifecycle builds and managing artifacts

• What might a lifecycle for application deployment look like?– Migrate database– Deploy app– Test deployed app

ALM Lifecycle

Phases alm-bundle Bindings

alm-db stack-db:migrate

alm-deploy stack-tcat:deploy

alm-test stack-test:functional-test


• Quiz:– clean install– alm-promote– clean install alm-promote

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Packaging the ALM Module

• ALM Module creates a .zip containing:– The project– All Dependencies– settings.xml file

• Zip can be rerun• Same artifacts

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ALM Execution Configuration

• Maven profiles represent environments• Profiles allow custom environment configuration– Choose deploy type/server– Execute different tests

• Maven properties provide configuration– Deploy Username/Password– Skip test run– Skip DB migration– Defaults in profile->properties– Can be customized on command line “-Dsome=value”

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How to execute a post build promotion?

1. Download alm zip file for project2. Execute: mvn -s settings.xml alm-promote3. Optionally add appropriate ‘-D’ parameters4. Specify env using a maven profile (e.g. -P stage)

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Lab 1


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Customizing ALM Execution

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How to Customize ALM Promotion

• Maven Plugins (Preferred)– Simplify common complex processes– Cross Platform

• Java Platform Scripts (OK)– Ant, Groovy, BeanShell, Java, etc.– Fully customizable– Cross Platform

• Shell Scripts (Worst Case)– Executed using maven-exec-plugin– Not Cross Platform

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Maven Plugin Options

• Stack Tomcat Plugin– Local and SSH Tomcat deploys

• Stack Tcat Plugin• Stack DB Migrator Plugin• Stack Test Runner• Stack Was Deploy Plugin• Maven Deploy• Maven Wagon• Maven SCM Plugin

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Java Platform Scripts

• Write custom scripts executed in Java– Cross Platform– More difficult to maintain– Common scripts will be candidates for plugins

• Maven Ant and Antrun Plugins– Very simple to execute ant scripts

• Gmaven Plugin• Maven Exec Plugin

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Shell Scripts

• Custom shell scripts packaged with alm bundle– Executed with maven-exec-plugin– Can come in handy– Not cross platform

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Lab 2


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Executing ALM Promotion in Anthill Pro

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Executing through Anthill Pro

• Anthill represents an excellent engine for executing ALM Modules– Securely store build artifacts– Can securely handle passwords– Easily add parameters to a maven build– Can track state of builds– Can record and store results from multiple test runs

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Roles of new Build System

Project Team (Developers)• Developer ALM pom.xml for

project– Functional Tests?– DB Migration?– Test Groups? (smoke, full, etc)

• Identify the Environments to enable

• Test on local box• Identify Anthill configurable

properties– Skip Plugins?– Usernames and passwords?

Build Team• Add Project to Anthill• Take configurable properties

from team add them to UI.• Enable specified


Java Stack Team• Help developer ALM


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Demo ALM Module and Anthill Pro

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• ALM Module provides promotion orchestration• Puts more control in hands of project team• Build process now separate from promotion• Anthill pro is an excellent promotion engine

• We hope to see more automated promotions in the future!!!