Ali belhoune /Beja Level:4th YEAR 2013/2014 Name: ……………………………………………… Teachers: Mrs Souli+ Miss Balti Class………………. Number…………… Mark 1. Tick R the appropriate option: (2 mark) a/This text is: c argumentative c expository c narrative b/ It is mainly about: c the importance of reverse brain drain. The impact of brain drain on developing countries. The ways to avoid brain drain. 2.The following statements are FALSE , correct them with details from the text: (3 marks) a- It is easy to stop migration. (p1) …………………………………………………………………….......................................………………………………… b- most Tunisians who immigrate are looking for political freedom. (p2) …………………………………………………………………….......................................………………………………… c- It is easy for migrants to decide to come back to their home countries(p4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3/ circle the right option (1 mark) When he says “ the losses are greater than the gains” the professor seems: Enthusiastic / sympathetic /pessimistic / optimistic 4/Find words in the text meaning nearly the same as: (3 marks) percentage(parag1)= ………………………………. I- Reading Comprehension (12mmmarksmmars)m 30 20

Full Term Test 2 (4th Year)

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Ali belhoune /Beja Level:4th YEAR


Teachers: Mrs Souli+ Miss BaltiClass. Number

Reading Comprehension (12mmmarksmmars)m

20 Mark

301. Tick the appropriate option: (2 mark)a/This text is:

argumentative expository narrative b/ It is mainly about: the importance of reverse brain drain. The impact of brain drain on developing countries. The ways to avoid brain drain.

2.The following statements are FALSE, correct them with details from the text: (3 marks)

a- It is easy to stop migration. (p1).......................................b- most Tunisians who immigrate are looking for political freedom.(p2).......................................c- It is easy for migrants to decide to come back to their home countries(p4)..3/ circle the right option (1 mark)When he says the losses are greater than the gains the professor seems:Enthusiastic / sympathetic /pessimistic / optimistic

4/Find words in the text meaning nearly the same as: (3 marks)percentage(parag1)= . increase (parag3) = ..................................... obstacles (parag4)= .5/ What do the underlined words in the text refer to: (2 marks)

1. It : (p 1): ...................................................... 1. who : (p 3): .....................................................

6/Do you think that there can be a solution to brain drain? Why or why not?II/ Language

1-Put the bracketed words in the correct tense and/or form. (3marks)

Many women are choosing to climb off the ladder voluntarily far early in their working lives in an "opt-out revolution". (High). qualified women are dropping out of promising careers in far (large)..numbers than their male counterparts. While men tend to leave jobs for reasons of "(strategy). repositioning" , women are most likely to quit for "family reasons". The key to encouraging more women to pursue their careers is the (promote). of more flexible and female-friendly working conditions since they (struggle)for decades to reconcile their femininity with a male working culture (build).. around single-mindedness, competitiveness and self-projection. Committed women need to take time out. The trick is to help them to maintain connections that will allow them to come back without being marginalized for the rest of their careers.2-Circle the correct alternative: (3maks)

The Nobel Prize in literature is awarded annually, since 1901. Each year, it is given to honour an author from any country who has produced in the field of literature the most (outspread / outstanding / outside) work in an ideal direction. The Swedish Academy decides who, if anyone, will receive the prize in any given year and announces the name of the chosen (nominate / literate / laureate) in early October. The 2009 Nobel Prize (has awarded / has been awarded / had awarded) to the German novelist Herta Muller. Muller, who received death threats in her native Romania after (refused / refusal / refusing) to become an informant for secret police during Ceausescus totalitarian regime, has become only the 12th woman in 108 years (to win / wins / won) the Nobel Prize for literature. Though praised by the Nobel judges (of / for /to) drawing the landscape of the dispossessed with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, Muller returns constantly to the depiction of the dictatorship and exile of her own life in her novels.

III/ Writing:

1- Develop the following notes into a short paragraph about brain drain. (5 marks)* Brain drain _ happen _ nations _ lose _ scientists and highly-skilled workers _ because _ better paid jobs elsewhere* term brain drain _ used for the first time _ 1960 _ British scientists and intellectuals _ emigrate _ USA* recently _ it _ affect _ poorer countries * rich countries _ benefit _ workers _ escape _ bad conditions in their home countries* now _ many _ these workers choose to live _ Britain

2- Topic: (8marks)Technology can be great for staying in touch with friends but it may also create a trap that can discourage children from being in contact with people around them. Write a 15-line article to explain the impacts of technology (internet/ TV/ mobile phones...)on the kids and their communication with their environment.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Evaluation Criteria:Adherence to content / 3 language accuracy / 3 mechanics of writing /2

1/ Better-trained, recent migrants enrich their countries of origin but not enough to compensate for the losses caused by their departure. They contribute positively through remittances and by giving hope to those looking to develop their skills. However, only their return could change thissituation.Over the last three decades, the proportion of migrants in the population of industrialised countries has doubled and the volume of peoples remittances now exceeds international development assistance. There is an increasing number of highly skilled people among these migrants. Does the brain drain from poor countries to richer countries only have negative effects? Studies carried out to date in different parts of the world have led to conclusions that are often contradictory. Whats the situation in the Maghreb, and more particularly, in Tunisia? AFEMISEreport tries to answer this question (FEM33-16). The issue is important because despite increasinglyrestrictive policiesin terms of receiving emigrant workers, the migration continues. 2/ More than a million Tunisians, or one tenth of the population, live and work abroad, especially in Europe, half of them in France.Every year around 25,000 Tunisians leave their country because of structural unemployment which prevents them from finding worksays Mongi Boughzala, Professor of Economics and Management at Tunis University.Between 2003 and 2008, the number of Tunisian students in Europe doubled, and the percentage of those staying to work is even higher, especially as theseyoung peopleare extremely bright. 3/ Despite this brain drain,does human capital accumulation benefit the country and does it contribute to growth? There are undeniable positive elements; more qualified, better trained young people and increasing relocation represent 11% of Tunisias foreign earnings but if you think of it in terms of net income, it doesnt add up, the losses are greater than the gainsis the only conclusion Mongi Boughzala came to from data he analysed. 4/ There can only be a net benefit when qualified migrants decide to come back to their country of origin, suggests the economist. This is the case for Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria. However, the more skills these migrants have, the greater their degree of integration in thehost countryand the more settled they are, the less likely they are to return. Will the Arab Spring change anything? There are still many impediments to overcome, it will take time, Mongi Boughzala cautiously warns. For that to happen, there would need to be employment opportunities in their own country that do not exist at the moment.

http://www.femise.org/en/2012/03/discussions/la-fuite-des-jeunes-cerveaux-continue-dans-les-pays-du-maghreb/Remittances = transfer of money