
Full Schedule Conference Program

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Page 2: Full Schedule Conference Program



Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Introduction to the Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Conference Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Welcome Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Plenary Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Master of Ceremony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Cycling Visionaries Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Side Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Excursions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Vienna‘s CycleQUEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Vienna Bicycle Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Hot Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Exhibitor List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Practical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Conference Venue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

People Behind the Scenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94


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Vienna becomes a city of cycling! Vienna hosts the international Velo-city conference 2013, which is one of the highlights of the Vienna Bicycle Year. I would like to welcome all experts, who have come to Vienna on the occasion of the conference and look forward to a professional exchange of experiences and know-how. I hope you will enjoy your time in Vienna, meet many interesting people, and join some of the beautiful bicycle tours in our city.

Maria VassilakouDeputy Mayor of the City of Vienna

Welcome to Velo-city Vienna. We are all looking forward to hearing the sound of cycling. Only an orchestra as diverse as the Velo-city can really make the music it takes to get more people cycling. We all seek to be inspired by the conference delegates’ knowledge and experiences, and together with our members and such an ambitious host city, I am confident that this Velo-city will be a milestone in cycling history.

Manfred NeunPresident of the

European Cyclists‘ Federation

Let’s be loud on the diversity of cycling cultures! We are proud of the diversity of cycling cultures within the community of ECF. There is no ‘one size fits all bicycle’. And we cannot just copy and paste successful policies. But we can learn from each other. Thanks for co-operating with ECF and coming to Vienna!

Bernhard EnsinkSecretary General of the

European Cyclists‘ Federation and Velo-city Series Director

Welcome to Velo-city Vienna 2013

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All of Vienna is Velo-city! With my team and together with the European Cyclists‘ Federation, I have tried to further develop the Velo-city conference series. We o�er many interactive platforms, have found sponsors to facilitate the participation of a large number of people, bring political decision-makers to Vienna and actively reach out to the Viennese population with the Vienna Bicycle Week.

Wolfgang DvorakVelo-city Vienna Conference Director

The Velo-city conference will give you plenty of possibilities to meet other experts, to discuss the latest developments in the cycling sector and to take advantage of these extraordinary opportunities. This year’s program has been especially designed for interaction and discussion. I am sure you will broaden your horizon and enjoy not only the conference but also our intense side events.

Andrea Weninger Velo-city Vienna Program Director

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMIntroduction

The Sound of Cycling – Urban Cycling Cultures Building on established Velo-city discourse topics such as mobility, ecology and climate, health, the economy, resources, time and space, and social policy, a new topic was opened for discussion at the Velo-city 2013 conference in Vienna: cycling cultures. The motto of the Velo-city 2013 conference is therefore framed as ‘The Sound of Cycling – Urban Cycling Cultures’. The Velo-city 2013 conference program has been designed in cooperation with the leading Austrian Cycling NGOs, ARGUS and IGF, as well as with Austrian universities and various Viennese cultural institutions. It o�ers a variety of inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to cycling issues. A special focus will be placed on developments in Eastern and Southeastern European cities.

Keynote, Plenaries and Panel DiscussionAmongst the subsessions such as lectures, podium discussions, workshops, round tables and lightning talks we o�er several inspiring plenary sessions and panel discussions. All our selected plenary speakers are known for their enthusiasm for ’cycling’.

Social Events and Side ProgramIn order to secure a relaxed and warm atmosphere, every day begins and ends with a social event. If you consider yourself an early riser, visit our bike yoga workshop in the park in front of City Hall. If you want to stay up late, we o�er several events such as the Bicycle Fashion Show ’VeloStyle’, the Bicycle Bell Concert, Bike Film Nights and the opening of a bicycle exhibition. Additionally, an informal Expo Reception

on Tuesday helps you to meet international business partners. The Garden Party on Wednesday evening is the perfect occasion to relax and enjoy Vienna’s tasty cuisine, a Johann Strauss concert and groovy clubbing music.

Technical and Cultural ExcursionsVelo-city Vienna 2013 o�ers several optional technical and cultural excursions before and after the o�cial conference program. These excursions will enable delegates to witness some of the most recent and important bicycle achievements in Vienna as well as cultural highlights.

Weekend and Leisure ToursWe recommend several optional weekend and leisure tours before and after the o�cial conference program that are organised by our tourism partners. Pamper your palate with local food and wine or immerse yourself in history on the Iron Curtain Trail.

Introduction to the Program

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PROGRAMSaturday and Sunday8–9 June 2013

Saturday 8 June 2013

Weekend and Leisure Tours

A Cycling Tour to the SalzkammergutCycle through this earthly paradise that seems plucked from a picture book. Visit the Salzkammergut’s 76 lakes, whose crystal clear water takes on as many shades of blue. Ascend magnificent mountains with lush alpine pastures and witness the bizarre rock formations of the 3,000 m high Dachstein range. Refresh in cultural centres such as Gmunden and St. Wolfgang or the Imperial town of Bad Ischl.Tour o ered on 8 and 16 JuneContact and registration: http://www.salzkammergut.co.at/en/angebot_katrad-102870633/radfahren_im_salzkammergut_-_radrundweg_2013.html

Fabulous Wachau Cycling TourEnjoy a beautiful boat trip on the Danube from Krems to Spitz, where your guided cycling tour through the unforgettable Wachau begins. A wine tasting is included. Contact and registration: http://www.lower-austria.info/portal/en/kampagne.asp?tt=NOEWKAMP_R5&id=140591

Sunday 9 June 2013

Tweed Ride and Bicycle Picnic FreudenauStart: 12.00 RathausplatzTime: 12.00–19.00, more information: http://fahrradpicknick.at/

Weekend and Leisure Tours

Cycling to Vineyards and to the Lower Austrian ExhibitionAn abandoned railroad line passes through then gently rolling hills around Wolkersdorf and is a treat for bicyclists interested in history and adventure. Visit the Lower Austrian Exhibition at Wolkersdorf Castle as well as the cellar-lined roads in Grossengersdorf and Pillichsdorf, and enjoy the included cellar tour and wine tasting.Contact and registration: http://www.lower-austria.info/portal/en/kampagne.asp?tt=NOEWKAMP_R5&id=140590

Fabulous Römerland-Carnuntum Cycling TourThis guided cycling tour of Römerland Carnuntum features the beautiful vineyards of a thriving wine region plus a taste of what life was like on Baroque estates and in ancient Roman times.Contact and registration: http://www.lower-austria.info/portal/en/kampagne.asp?tt=NOEWKAMP_R5&id=140566


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10 June 2013

Monday 10 June 2013

Bike YogaEnjoy a relaxed start of your conference day. Bring your bicycle.Time: 07.30–08.30Location: Rathaus Park

ECF Network Meetings

Exclusive ’Scientists for Cycling‘ NetworkThe Science Behind Doubling Cycling In EuropeTime: 10.15–17.30Location: Vienna University of Technology, FestsaalContact: [email protected] program: http://www.ecf.com/projects/scientists-for-cycling/

Exclusive ’Cities for Cyclists‘ WorkshopCity Cycling, Political Leadership, City NetworksTime: 10.15–17.30Location: Vienna University of Technology, BöcklsaalContact: [email protected] information: http://www.ecf.com/projects/cities-for-cyclists/

ECF Networks ReceptionTime: 18.00Location: Vienna University of TechnologyECF Networks Cities for Cyclists, Scientists for Cycling, Cycling Industry Club. An Invitation by the City of Vienna and the European Cyclists‘ Federation.

Annual National EuroVelo Coordination Centres and Coordinators’ Meeting Creating a Sustainable European Cycle Route NetworkTime: 10.30–19.00Location: Palais NiederoesterreichContact: Ed Lancaster, [email protected] More information: http://www.eurovelo.org/news/2013/05/06/creating-a-sustainable-european-cycle-route-network/

European Bicycle Coordinators’ MeetingTime: 14.00–18.00Location: Federal Ministry of EnvironmentContact: Martin Eder, [email protected]

VeloStyle Bike Fashion ShowLocal and international fashion designers show their latest elegant, stylish and trendy VeloStyle fashion.Time: 21.00Location: Karlsplatz

Leisure Tours

Traisen Valley E-Bike TourTake a bicycle tour to the Danube, visit the monastery of the Augustinian Canons, and walk through the vineyards of the Traisen Valley. Ernst Hackl, a local wine guide, will share with you many interesting stories about this region and its inhabitants.Contact and registration: www.lower-austria.info/portal/en/kampagne.asp?tt=NOEWKAMP_R5&id=140701

History Cycling Tour in the Vienna WoodsVisit the romantic vineyards of the Thermenregion and enjoy lunch at Freigut Thallern. Take a tour to the Laxenburg Castle Park and the Franzensburg, visit a vine tavern (Heuriger); a traditional snack is includedContact and registration: http://www.lower-austria.info/portal/en/kampagne.asp?tt=NOEWKAMP_R5&id=140565


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PROGRAMTuesday11 June 2013

07.30–08.30 Bike Yoga

Enjoy a relaxed start of your conference day. Bring your bicycle.Location: Rathaus Park

08.30–11.30 Technical and Cultural Excursions

• Vienna:TowardsaSmartCity• ViennaWaterTour• HotSpotsGrandTour• BicycleRulesontheRoad• UrbanResearchBicycleTour• ABicycleTourofVienna’sArchitecture

Registration online. Assembly: Rathausplatz/Felderstrasse

12.00–13.00 Expo Reception

WelcomeKevin Mayne, ECF, Belgium/United Kingdom

13.00–14.30 ConferenceOpening: The Sound of Cycling Urban Cycling Cultures

Master of Ceremony: Monika Jones

Michael Häupl, Mayor, City of Vienna, Austria Maria Vassilakou, Deputy Mayor, City of Vienna, AustriaNiki Berlakovich, Federal Minister for Environment, AustriaDoris Bures, Federal Minister for Transport, AustriaManfred Neun, President of the ECF, Belgium/Germany

Keynote byPhilippe Crist, OECD International Transport Forum, France

14.45–15.00 Cycling Visionaries Awards Ceremony

Chair: Monika JonesAward Ceremony for the winners of the Cycling Visionaries Awards

15.00–15.30 Co�ee Break

15.45–17.15 Lectures

Cycling:MassCultureorSubculture?Chair: Martin Blum, City of Vienna

Cycling Histories and Cycling Cultures in Europe in the 20th CenturyAnne-Katrin Ebert, Technical Museum Vienna, Austria

Shift Happens! Critical Mass at 20 Daniel Mourek, Nadace Partnerstvi, Czech Republic LisaRuth Elliot, Critical Mass 20th Anniversary Welcome Committee, USA

Mass Culture, Subcultures and Multiculturalism: How Theory Can Help us Understand Cycling PracticePeter Cox, University of Chester, United Kingdom

Designing Better Bicycle Infrastructure **Chair: Tadej Brezina, Vienna University of Technology

What Do You Get for € 133 Million?Mia Stampe Lagergaard, Henrik Nejst, Danish Road Directorate, Denmark

There is Always Room for Cycle Infrastructure!Philip Loy, London Cycling Campaign, United Kingdom

Can a City be Successful Without Segregated Infrastructure? Brussels is Proving Sceptics WrongUlric Schollaert, Ministry of the Brussels Region, Belgium

** Infrastructure relevance

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11 June 2013

Cycling Cities in Southern and Eastern Europe Chair: Morten Kerr, ECF

The Bicycle Boom in SerbiaMirko Radovanac, Yugo Cycling Campaign, Serbia

Who Thinks of Budapest as a Cycling City?David Vitezy, Virág Bencze-Kovács, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport, Hungary

How to Push Through Tra�c Calming Measures in a Car-Oriented City: The Case of Prague‘s District KarlínTomas Cach, City of Prague, Czech Republic

15.45–17.15 Podium Discussions

GlobalBicyclePoliciesandCulturesChair: Monika Jones

Bicycle Transportation in a Developing EconomyOsita Benjamin Chidoka, Corps Marshal and Chief Executive, Federal Road Safety Corps, Nigeria

Active Transport Master Plan for Tema and Ashaiman in the Greater Accra Region in GhanaMagnus Lincoln Quarshie, Delin Consult Limited, GhanaJames Amoo Gottfried, Ministry of Roads and Highways, GhanaTom Godefrooij, Dutch Cycling Embassy, Netherlands

Tell Us What You Do With Your Bike: The Identikit of the Italian Cyclist in the First National Survey of Italian Cyclists Andrea Scagni, FIAB, Italy

Health Benefits and Cycling EconomyChair: Francesca Racioppi, WHO

Can the Economic Quantification of the Health Benefits of Cycling Support Changes in Policy and Practice? The WHO Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for CyclingChristian Schweizer, World Health Organization, SwitzerlandNick Cavill, Cavill Associates, United KingdomRobert Thaler, Federal Ministry of Environment, Austria

An Economic Analysis of Passive Versus Active MobilityBas de Geus, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumJohn Parkin, London South Bank University, United KingdomHarry Rutter, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom

The 6 Billion Euro Campaign: How to Get More EU Co-Funding for Cycling Between 2014–2020Adam Bodor, ECF, Belgium/Hungary

15.45–17.15 Round Tables

DifferentCultures,DifferentViewsonCycling:HowtoPromote Cycling in a Multicultural Neighbourhood of Amsterdam Nieuw WestGerrit Faber, Fietsersbond Amsterdam, Netherlands

A City Administration Torn Apart or Building Bridges BetweenPoliticians,CyclingAdvocates,andBudget?Ursula Zappe, City of Vienna, Austria

Measuring the Impact of Bicycle Marketing Messages Thomas Krag, Sidsel Birk Hjuler, Thomas Krag Mobility Advice, Denmark

How Smart Cities Can Benefit from (Bi)cycle UrbanismFlorian Lorenz, Smarter Than Car, AustriaShannon Bufton, Smarter Than Car, China

HowDoWeGetChildrenandYoungsterstoIntegratetheBicycleintoEverydayLife?ANationwideCampaignSibylle Waltert, Philipp Schweizer, Pro Velo Switzerland

AustriaCyclestoWork:PerceptionsandAchievementsofthe Campaign‘s First Three YearsBeatrice Stude, Radlobby IG Fahrrad, Austria

A Car is 1.9m Wide. How Much Extra Space Does It Really Need?**Alistair McDonald, City of Yarra, Australia

CyclingConnects,CyclingPromotes:WhatCyclingCanDofor Your City, Region, Company, or Institution Thomas Möller, team red Deutschland GmbH, GermanyAndré Muno, Climate Alliance, Germany

** Infrastructure relevance

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PROGRAMTuesday11 June 2013

15.45–17.15 Workshops

How to Keep the Helmet Debate Constructive Chair: Käthi Diethelm, ECF

The Bicycle Helmet Discussion: How Can We Keep It Constructive? Examples from Around the World, Breakout Session and Group ParticipationSue Knaup, One Street, USACeri Woolsgrove, ECF, BelgiumChristian Juhra, University Hospital Münster, GermanyVicente Hernandez, University of Seville, SpainRicardo Marques, University of Seville, SpainCris Peck, CTP – The National Cyclig Charity, United Kingdom

SUMP WorkshopChair: Jörg Thiemann Linden, Difu

Planning for People! Cycling as Part of Sustainable Urban Mobility PlansJörg Thiemann-Linden, Difu, GermanyBernard Gyergyay, Siegfried Rupprecht, Rupprecht Consult, Germany

Creative Bicycle Parking Solutions **Chair: Wencke Hertzsch, Vienna University of Technology

Creative Cycle Parking SolutionsAnthony Lau, Cyclehoop, United Kingdom

Meine Fahrradgarage: Future Bicycle Parking in the City Herbert Bork, stadtland GmbH, AustriaWencke Hertzsch, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Flex-parking: Bicycles and Cars Can Share the Same Parking SpaceNiels Hoé, HOE360 Consulting, Denmark

15.45–17.15 Lightning Talks

Campaigns and Cycling Initiatives Chair: Frans van Schoot, ECF

UWSA Ice Riders Take on Winnipeg: How One University Cycling Initiative is Making Strides in North America’s Harshest ClimateDaniel DeGagné, University of Winnipeg, Canada

The Bicycle Store as Community Hub: How For-profit Social Enterprise Supports Itself by Nurturing Growth and Diversity in Local Bicycle CultureMichael Bennington, Forth Floor Distribution, CanadaBeth Savan, University of Toronto, Canada

Untold Kings of a Growing Online Bicycle Community: Convert Online Communities into O¢ine Critical MassCosmin Popan, Portocalamecanica.ro, Romania

The Female Body Image in Public Space: Stories of Women Learning to Ride Bicycles in Santiago, Chile‘s Bici Mujer ProjectPatricia Vargas, Macleta, Chile

Inspiring Young People to Cycle. The ADFC Youth Bicycle FestivalRoland Huhn, ADFC, Germany

Love London Go Dutch: Why are Dutch Standards important for Cycling Policy Development in Other Cities and Countries?Roelof Wittink, Marjolein de Lange, Dutch Cycling Embassy, Netherlands

** Infrastructure relevance

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11 June 2013

17.30–18.30 Urban Cycling Cultures

Chair: Monika Jones

FromtheSeedtotheForest:TheBirthofNewCyclingCultures in ViennaAlec Hager, Chairman Radlobby IG Fahrrad, Spokesman of Radlobby Austria

BicycleChoreography:HowRemasteringOurCitiesThrough Design Can Transform and Modernise Our Urban CultureMikael Colville Andersen, CEO Copenhagenize Consulting, Denmark

20.00 Vienna Bicycle Bell Concert & 21.00 VeloStyle Bike Fashion Show

A world premier in Vienna. 1500 bicycle bells, one maestro and a grooving crowd will produce excellent rhythms and sounds. This is the Sound of Cycling! Afterwards enjoy local and international fashion designers showing their latest elegant, stylish and trendy VeloStyle fashion.Location: Karlsplatz

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PROGRAMWednesday12 June 2013

07.30–08.30 Bike Yoga

Enjoy a relaxed start of your conference day. Bring your bicycle.Location: Rathaus Park

8.30–10.00 Cycling is a City Changer

Chair: Kevin Mayne, ECF

Towards a Smarter Future: Cycling is a City ChangerMaria Vassilakou, Deputy Mayor City of Vienna, Austria Developing a Cycling Culture in the City of Munich: Ideas, Successful Approaches and Challenges for the FutureHep Monatzeder, Deputy Mayor City of Munich, Germany

Mobility and Sustainability: The Role of Cycling in Addressing Key Urban ChallengesShipra Narang Suri, Vice-President, International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), India

10.00–10.30 Co�ee Break

10.30–12.00 Lectures

Smart CyclingChair: Melissa Smiley, Data Driven Detroit

ITS Vienna Region, AnachB.at and Tra�c Information Austria VAO: Intelligent Transport Systems for CyclistsKlaus Heimbuchner, ITS Vienna Region, Austria

How 1800 Volunteers Built an Online, Free-to-use Bicycle Route Planner in the NetherlandsBas Hendriksen, Fietsersbond Utrecht, Netherlands

Realistic Micro Simulation of Bicycle Tra�c. Improving the Simulation of Cyclist Behavior in the Software Program VISSIMNiels Tørsløv, City of Copenhagen, DenmarkRasmus Albrink, COWI A/S, Denmark

Cycling & Identity Chair: Florian Lorenz, PlanSinn

Belgium Cycle Chic Interventions: Marketing Events to Promote City CyclingBenedicte Swennen, Bond Better Leefmilieu, Belgium

The Bicycle Movement in Hungary and its E§ect on Daily Transportation in Budapest János László, Áron Halász, Hungarian Cyclists‘ Club, Hungary

Ride to Change: A Social MovementMario Paredes Otálora, Ride to Change, Spain

ItPaystoBeSmart:TheBenefitsofCyclingChair: Bernhard Engleder, City of Vienna

Bike to Work = Money in the Bank for SocietyJens Loft Rasmussen, Danish Cyclists‘ Federation, Denmark

The E§ects of Cycling to Work on Well-being: Evidence from Italian CitiesLuca Stanca, University of Milan, Italy

Can a New Standardised Cost-Benefit-Analysis Tool Push Cycling Projects and Promotion to a New Level?Christian Gruber, Gerald Röschel, ZIS-P Transportplanning, Austria

10.30–12.00 Podium Discussions

A Kaleidoscopic View on Cycle UseChair: Monika Jones

Lessons Learned Through Training Immigrant Women in the Netherlands to CycleAngela van der Kloof, Mobycon, Netherlands

Diversity of Cycle PoliciesIda Sabelis, VU University, Netherlands

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12 June 2013

A Diversity of MachinesPeter Cox, University of Chester, United Kingdom

Chances, Di�culties and Special Needs of Older CyclistsCarmen Hagemeister, University of Dresden, Germany

Pedestrians&Cyclists:PartnersorAdversaries?Hosted by the City of MunichChair: Brigitte Jilka, City of Vienna

Partners or Adversaries? Pacifying the Conflict Between Cyclists and Pedestrians: A Controversial Issue **Bernadette-Julia Felsch, City of Munich, Germany

Stadtviertelkonzept Nahmobilität: How Citizens Can Participate in Planning Neighbourhoods for Pedestrians and CyclistsPaul Bickelbacher, Paul Bickelbacher Transport Planning, Germany

10.30–12.00 Round Tables

How San Francisco is Tripling Bicycle Mode Share in Six Years!Timothy Papandreou, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, USA

CyclingistheBestMedicine:APrescriptionforHealthierLifestyles in Leuven, BelgiumIne Bosmans, Marjan Frederix, Mobiel21, Belgium

ADecadeofWatchdoggingthePragueCyclingScene,or:How Auto*Mat Has Slowly Transformed Public Space and Tra§c Behaviour **Vit Masare, Auto*Mat, Czech Republic

Sharing Multi-use and Cycling Infrastructures With Personal Mobility DevicesJean-François Bruneau, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

Two Empowering Campaigns by Capitalizing on Individual Observations and Experiences in the Streets of BrusselsRemco Ruiter, Pro Velo Brussels, Belgium

Police as Bicycle AdvocatesJoachim Schalke, ADFC, Germany

HowToGetJournalistsToTalkAboutCycling:LearningFrom Other‘s ExperiencesChloé Mispelon, ECF, Belgium

ACloserLookatBicycleCulture:IsAustriaReallysoDifferentFromtheNetherlands?Martijn Kiers, David Suppan, FH Joanneum, Austria

10.30–12.00 Workshops

RegionalDevelopmentandEuropeanCooperation:TheFuture of Cycling TourismChair: Adam Bodor, ECF

European Cycle Routes and Cycle Tourism: How to Establish, Organise and Operate National Coordination Centers and Manage Individual Routes SustainablyAdam Bodor, ECF, Belgium/Hungary

The Booming Business of Cycling-Friendly Service Schemes: Is Cooperation at a European Level Necessary? If so, is it Possible to Establish a European Standard?Daniel Mourek, Nadace Partnerstvi, Czech Republic

From Labs to LanesHosted by Austrian UniversitiesChair: Markus Mailer, University of Innsbruck

Research and Cycling: Mind the Gap!Markus Mailer, University of Innsbruck, AustriaTadej Brezina, Vienna University of Technology, AustriaGeorg Hauger, Vienna University of Technology, AustriaMichael Meschik, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, AustriaRegine Gerike, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria

** Infrastructure relevance

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PROGRAMWednesday12 June 2013

The Fast Lane to Cycle Super Highways **Chair: Sjors van Duren, Arnhem Nijmegen City Region

Cycle Super Highways: An International Overview and a User-Based Approach to Defining Desired Quality StandardsMichael Koucky, Koucky & Partners AB, Sweden

Cycle Super Highways: The Dutch Fiets Filevrij MethodSjors van Duren, Arnhem Nijmegen City Region, NetherlandsMartijn te Lintelo, Municipality of Nijmegen, NetherlandsWim Bot, Dutch Cyclists‘ Union, Netherlands

10.30–12.00 Lightning Talks

Chair: Camille Thomé, Départements & Régions cyclables

PublicParticipationandCyclingPolicy:A(Social)MediaBased Approach to Create New Cycling CulturesAndrej Klemenc, REC Slovenia, Slovenia

Qualifications of Bicycle Teachers and Teaching AssistantsChristine Rhodes, Christian Burmeister, Verband der Radfahrer moveo ergo sum, Germany

AreCyclistsGoodCustomers?Marie Kåstrup, City of Copenhagen, Denmark

CanWeReacha75%ModalShareforCycling?AndDoWeWantTo?ExperiencesfromCHAMPCyclingCitiesGroningen,Bolzano,andÖrebroVincent Meerschaert, Traject Mobility Management, Belgium

,HauteCouture‘BicycleandMarketingMix:AnInnovativeMethod to Promote a Bicycle Sharing System in BordeauxAnnie-Claude Sebban, Vélophonie, France

ShoppingbyBike:ALargePotentialforSustainabilityHeidi Schmitt, Stephan Landgraf, Argus Styria Radlobby, Austria

12.00–13.30 Lunch

13.30–15.00 Mayors‘ Panel Discussion How Cities Support Their Cyclists in Di�erent Ways

Chair: Monika Jones

Maria Vassilakou, Deputy Mayor of Vienna, AustriaMilan Ftáčnik, Mayor of Bratislava, SlovakiaPer Ankersjö, Vice Mayor of Stockholm, SwedenTomáš Hudeček, Vice Mayor of Prague, Czech RepublicMorten Kabell, Vice Chair of the Technical and Environmental Counsil of Copenhagen, DenmarkHep Monatzeder, Vice Mayor of Munich, GermanyJacques Garreau, Vice President Nantes Metropole, FranceRoman Bartha, Siemens, Austria

15.15–16.45 Lectures

FrocksonBikes:MainstreamingWomen‘sCyclingChair: Hanna Posch, PlanSinn

Women and Bicycles: A Historical PerspectiveBente Knoll, Consulting O¸ce of Sustainable Development, Austria

Frocks on Bikes: Mainstreaming Women‘s Cycling in New ZealandChristina Bellis, Sustainability Trust, New Zealand The Pottering Phenomenon: The Feminization of Bicycling in Japan?Peter Smith, Utsunomiya University, Japan


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** Infrastructure relevance

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12 June 2013

A Route Map for Cycle TourismChair: Daniel Mourek, ECF

Linkage and Promotion: The Way We Create Cycling Cities in TaiwanHsin Wen Chang, Hung Nien Hsieh, Chung Hua University, Taiwan Releasing the Potential of Danish Cycle Tourism: A Collaborative E§ort Across Sectors and IndustriesJesper Pørksen, Danish Cyclists‘ Federation, Denmark Classification of ADFC Premium Cycle Routes: The Story of a Qualification ProcessWolfgang Richter, Raimund Jennert, ADFC, GermanyMandy Schwalbe-Rosenow, Büro Radschlag GbR, Germany

CyclingAdvocacy:CyclingAgainstBoundariesHosted by Radlobby Österreich Chair: Kevin Mayne, ECF

Volunteers of Cycling Advocacy: Cycling Against Boundaries!Ana Pereira, MUBi – Associação pela Mobilidade Urbana em Bicicleta, Portugal San Jose Bike Party:  A Convergence of Bicycle CulturesJohn Brazil, City of San Jose, USA Mental Barriers in Cycling Politics and Planning: Ideas and Solutions for Bicycle Advocates Mirko Javurek, i fahrrad Oberösterreich, AustriaTadej Brezina, Radlobby Niederösterreich, AustriaHeidi Schmitt, Argus Styria Radlobby, Austria

AreE-BikesaSmartSolution?Chair: Ceri Woolsgroove, ECF

E-Bikes Included! Experiences and Strategies of Smart (E-)CyclistsSandra Wegener, Michael Meschik, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria

Reviving Public Transportation in Rural Areas by Linking Express Buses and Electric BikesMarkus Krüger, University of Applied Sciences Wismar, Germany

E-Bicycles: Benefit or Risk? Results from the Project SEEKING – SAFE E-BIKINGPeter Saleh, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria

15.15–16.45 Podium Discussions MarriageCounseling:HowBicyclesandPublicTransportCan Make It Work **Chair: Michael Szeiler, Rosinak & Partner

Bicycles and Tramways. Can They Coexist Without Problems?Roland Pfei er, City of Bern, Switzerland Cycling Initiatives by the Innsbruck Transport Authority IVB Thomas Hillebrand, Innsbruck Transport Authority, Austria Bicycles and Public Transportation in Prague: Combining Various Forms of MobilityTomáš Prousek, Prague Integrated Transport Authority, Czech Republic

The Next Cycling CitiesChair: Monika Jones

Championing Cycling in the Car-Mad Balkans: How to Remain a Living Laboratory for Shared Space? The Case of Shkodra Entela Shkreli, GO2 ngo, AlbaniaNektar Duma, Municipality of Shkodra, Albania From a People‘s City to a Car City and Back Again: Lessons from Reykjavík on How the Boom and the Crash Years Have A§ected Cycling CultureGísli Marteinn Baldursson, City Councillor for Reykjavík City, Iceland Planning for a Cycling Culture: The Story of StavangerMonica Johansen, City of Stavanger, NorwayHelmer Berre, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, Norway

** Infrastructure relevance

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15.15–16.45 Round Tables

InnovativeCyclingSolutions:TheCycleCraftCargoBikeand the S.W.O.P Bicycle BoxAlexander Wolf, Cyclecraft, AustriaJürgen Ohrhallinger, S.W.O.P. Box Team, Austria

CompulsoryCycleHelmetRegulationinSpain:Analysisand PerspectivesRicardo Marques, Vicente Hernandez, University of Seville, Spain

How Can We Achieve E�cient and E§ective Integration of Bicycles with Public Transport? **Klemen Gostic, Institute of Tra¸c and Transport Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Rise of Pedelecs: How Can We Improve Road Safety for E-bikers? **Reinhard Jellinek, Austrian Energy Agency, AustriaBernd Hildebrandt, Austrian Road Safety Board, Austria

Target Group Specific Promotion of Cycling in ViennaHerbert Schachenhofer, Snizek + Partner Verkehrsplanung, Austria

Pedelec Rental Systems: Experiences from the EU Projects Elmos and Go PedelecJanette Heidenreich, Rostocker Straßenbahn AG, GermanyThomas Lewis, Energieautark Consulting GmbH, Austria

The Beer Approach, or: How to Use Body Energy as a Planning ToolMartin Niegl, komobile w7, AustriaNikolaus Ibesich, Umweltbundesamt, Austria

Watch Where You’re Going! Using POV Cameras as a Cycle Advocacy Tool to Prepare New Cycle CommutersKah Chan, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

15.15–16.45 Workshops

Trouble in Paradise **

10 Cycling Mistakes of the Dutch and the Danes, and How You Can Avoid them!Niels Tørsløv, City of Copenhagen, DenmarkHerbert Tiemens, Bestuur Regio Utrecht, Belgium

Can‘tWeAllJustGetAlong?ResolvingtheWalking-Cycling Conflict **

Interactions Between Pedestrians and Cyclists: How to Solve Emerging ConflictsAlberto Castro, Sustainable Mobility Consultant, Austria

15.15–16.45 Lightning Talks Chair: Martin Held, Protestant Academy Tutzing, Germany

Beyond Infrastructure – A Plea for the Importance of CommunicationMichael Adler, Fairkehr, Germany PublicTransportandBicycles:CanaCitybeTopClassinBoth?Alain Gro , Florian Mathys, City of Basel, Switzerland How Can Bikes and Public Transport Ideally Benefit FromEachOther?PositiveExperiencesandDifferentPerspectives From Urban SwitzerlandJulian Baker, Kontextplan AG, Switzerland Electrically-AssistedBikes:AWayofMainstreamingCyclingtoWork?Sally Cairns, TRL, United Kingdom

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LeavingtheRedLightsBehind!GreenWavesforCyclistsinCongested Cities **Felix Beyer, Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH, Austria

AJourneyThroughEuropeanBikeCartography:Resultsand QuestionsJerónimo Jablonski, University of Salamanca, Spain

16.45–17.15 Co�ee Break

17.15–18.45 Breaking Mental Barriers

Chair: Monika Jones

Free-RangeKids:WhyDoesanOld-FashionedChildhoodSoundSoRadical?Lenore Skenazy, Founder of ’Free-range Kids’, Writer and Journalist, USA TheFearofCycling:WhyDoPeopleThinkCyclingisDangerous,andWhatCanWeDoAboutIt?Dave Horton, Sociologist and Writer, United Kingdom The Relationship Between Physical Fitness, Executive Functions, and IntelligenceSabine Kubesch, Human Biologist, Director of Mind, Brain and Sports, Institut Bildung plus, Germany

20.00 GardenParty

Wednesday evening all conference participants are invited to a dinner garden party at Hübner‘s Kursalon. This party will be the perfect occasion to meet and establish new contacts. Enjoy some tasty cuisine, a Johann Strauss Concert and groovy clubbing music.Doors open: 19.30



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07.30–08.30 Bike Yoga

Enjoy a relaxed start of your conference day. Bring your bicycle. Location: Rathaus Park

8.30–10.00 Cycling Benefits Chair: Monika Jones

title tbaUrsula Zechner, Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Austria

Cycling:TheBestInvestmentforCombiningEconomicBenefits and Quality of Life Manfred Neun, President ECF, Germany Why You Want More than Money from the Bicycle IndustryRandy Neufeld, Director of SRAM Cycling Fund, USA

10.00–10.30 Co�ee Break

10.30–12.00 Lectures

LetthePeopleRide:PublicBikeSharingSchemesChair: Burkhard Stork, ADFC

From Vienna to Paris and Beyond: Developing Self-Service Bicycles to Accelerate Urban Biking Practice and Sustainable MobilityAlbert Asséraf, JC Decaux, France

Citybike Wien: One of the Oldest and Most Modern Public Bicycle Sharing SystemsHans Erich Dechant, Gewista Werbe GmbH, Austria

Bubi® or Not to Be? Preparing and Launching the Bike Sharing Scheme for Budapest. Curiosities and Lessons LearntLászló Vértesy, Virág Bencze-Kovács, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport, HungaryPéter Dalos, Trenecon-Cowi Consulting and Planning Ltd, Hungary

A Look at a Hundred Bike Sharing Cities Across the World: Similarities and Di§erences Oliver O‘Brien, University College London, United Kingdom

A Tale of Three Aspiring Cycling CitiesChair: Gregor Stratil-Sauer, City of Vienna

Presenting Nantes: Velo-city 2015Hadrien Bedok, City of Nantes, France

10% Less Car Tra�c in 10 Years: How Can Basel‘s Transport Policy Achieve it? How Drastic Does Transport Policy Need to Be?Hans-Peter Wessels, Canton Basel City, Switzerland

Strengths and Challenges of Cycling in Historic Cities: The Case of Florence, ItalyValerio Parigi, FIAB, Italy

GettingReadyforVelo-city2014:AdelaideChair: Raimund Stabauer, ECF

The Importance of Place and the Changing Role of GovernmentPeter Smith, Adelaide City Council, AustraliaMichael O‘Brien, Minister for Finance and Road Safety, South Australia

Taking a Citizen-Centric Approach to Creating a Cycle-Friendly StateRod Hook, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure South Australia, Australia

Is the Niche Market of Cycle Tourism Appropiate for Your Community? Success Stories from AustraliaChristian Haag, Bicycle South Australia, Australia

Towards a Smart CityChair: Thomas Madreiter, City of Vienna

Establishing a Mobility Agency in Vienna: An Important Contribution to Greening Urban MobilityBernhard Engleder, City of Vienna, Austria

Zurich Invites You to Cycle: Zurich‘s New Bicycle Master PlanUrs Walter, City of Zurich, Switzerland



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13 June 2013

Systematic Evaluation and Monitoring Approaches for Cycling Programmes: The Bicycle Master Plan of Zurich and the Cycling in Switzerland Programme of SwitzerlandMobilityThomas Götschi, University of Zurich, SwitzerlandLukas Stadtherr, Swiss Mobility/Velobüro Olten, Switzerland

Master Plan „Bicycle Tra�c in Munich“: Implementation and First ResultsElisabeth Zorn, City of Munich, Germany

10.30–12.00 Podium Discussions

CyclingandUrbanDevelopment:APoliticalPodiumDiscussionChair: Monika Jones

Increasing Cycling in the City of Gothenburg. An Important Prerequisite for Sustainable TravellingAnneli Hulthén, Mayor and Chairman of the City Executive in Gothenburg, Sweden Cycling: An Indispensable Tool of Sustainable Urban Development. The Case of GdańskMaciej Lisicki, Deputy Mayor of Gdańsk, Poland The Gradual Systematic Approach of Ljubljana to Reverse Urban Sprawl and Make Cycling Part of the City‘s DNA Janez Koželj, Vice Mayor Ljubljana, SloveniaBlaz Lokar, ZaMestoPoDveh, Slovenia HowSafeisCycling?**Chair: Michael Meschik, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

Public Health Costs of Road SafetyChristopher Peck, CTC, the national cycling charity, United Kingdom Don‘t Drink and Ride: Alcohol, Cycling and the ConsequencesChristian Juhra, University Hospital Münster, Germany Increasing Cycle Safety at Urban IntersectionsJean Emmanuel Bakaba, German Insurance Association, Germany

10.30–12.00 Round Tables

KeeptheWheels Moving:TheContributionofBicycleRepairers to the Bicycle Economies of so-called Developing CountriesBarbara Gruehl Kipke, Modern Mobilty, GermanyPatrick Kayemba, FABIO, Uganda

ToPayorNottoPay,That‘stheQuestion:ANewPhaseinBicycle Parking in the NetherlandsWim Bot, Fietsersbond, Netherlands

Can Monetary Incentives Balance Asymmetric Travel DemandsinPublicBicycleSharingSystems? An Agent-based SimulationFlorian Waldner, University of Vienna, Austria

CycaliciousGreenWashing:HowDoHighQualityMediaProducts Seem to Promote Cycling as a Modern, Urban, Desirable Mode of Transportation While in Fact Serving OpposingEconomicInterests?DiscoverHiddenTruth!Alec Hager, Radlobby IG Fahrrad, Austria

DefyingPovertywithBicycles:HowtoSucceedwithYourOwn Social Bike Business ProgramSue Knaup, One Street, USA

EmpoweringWomen:SkirtBikeandRotadadeAlturaAndreea Toader, SkirtBike, RomaniaFernanda Viguri Trejo, Mujeres En Bici, Mexico

TheEconomicBenefitsofCyclinginCities:DoCyclistsBlockTrafficorEnhanceGeneralAccessibilityand ProductivityofUrbanBusinesses?Wolfgang Rauh, Austrian Federal Railways, Austria

MarketResearchforBicycleTraffic:TheMeasurableImportance of Bicycle Tra§c in Everyday Life and TourismMichael Vieten,  Ingenieurgesellschaft Stolz mbH, GermanyAndrea Ti e, Mandy Schwalbe-Rosenow, Büro Radschlag GbR., Germany

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10.30–12.00 Workshops

WhoDoesn‘tLikeCarrots?StimulatingPositiveBehaviourin Cyclists Chair: Henk Hendriks, Fietsersbond

Seducing Cyclists with B-Track-B: How to Stimulate Cycling with Modern Behavioural Economics Troels Andersen, Municipality of Frederica, DenmarkHenk Hendriks, Fietsersbond, Netherlands

Why Young People Reject Cycling: A Pilot Study of Negative Factors and Proposed Measures to Increase Bike Use Among YouthsMartin Dolleschel, City of Basel, Switzerland

AreE-bikestheFutureoraTrojanHorse?Chair: Walter Vogt, IBC

Is the E-Bike a Trojan Horse? The Implications of the Rise of Electric Bicycles Walter Vogt, University of Stuttgart, GermanyRuud Ditewig, Municipality of Utrecht, NetherlandsTon Daggers, IBC, Netherlands Electric Bicycles and the New Frontier of Urban Cycling: Four Years of E-Bike Development Policies in ChamberyNicolas Mercat, Inddigo-Altermodal, France

10.30–12.00 Lightning Talks

Chair: Doretta Vicini, FIAB

Sustainable Web Solutions for Cycling Tourism: How to Ensure Integration and Cooperation Between Di§erent Technical ApproachesEd Lancaster, European Cyclists‘ Federation, Belgium

Justifying Investments of EuroVelo Routes Through Monitoring, Evaluation, and Impact Assessment: Is a European Standard for Comparison Possible?Christian Weinberger, ecoplus, Austria Is There A Di§erence Between E-Biking And Biking?Dominik Allemann, ETH Zurich, SwitzerlandMoritz Meenen, ElectricFeel Mobility Systems, Switzerland

Bicicletas Integradas de BogotáDiego Altana Espinosa, BiBo, Colombia

Cycling Tourism and Public Transport Systems in South Tyrol/Italy: A Challenge with Smart Solutions Hugo Götsch, Südtirol Rad – Bici Altoadige, Italy Cycle Tourism Using Pedelec in the Heritage Island of OkinawaHaruhiko Yamasaki, Ryukyukokusaikogyo Co Ltd, JapanHirotaka Koike, Utsonomiya Kyowa University, Japan

12.00–13.30 Lunch

13.30–15.00 Lectures

Infrastructure:DesignandMaintenance**Chair: Tadej Brezina, Vienna University of Technology

Exploring the Planning And Designing of Cycle Infrastructure Through the Use of a Graphical Framework. The Wellington Case StudyJack Jiang, AECOM, New Zealand Maintaining Bicycle Tra�c During Major Road Construction ProjectsVinzenz Saurugger, ZIS+P Transportplanning, Austria

Cyclists and Road Work ZonesHillie Talens, Crow, Netherlands

Creating Remarkable Cycling CampaignsChair: Wigand von Sassen, City of Munich

Karma on the Cycle Tracks: Results From a Campaign to Promote Good Cyclist BehaviorLine Groot, City of Copenhagen, Denmark From the Brand to the Campaign: E§ective Marketing to Promote CyclingMartin Blum, Mobility Agency Vienna, Austria Too Small for Cycling Promotion? Successful Model Strategies in Small and Medium Sized Swiss CitiesJulian Baker, Kontextplan AG, Switzerland

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13 June 2013

BacktotheFuture:CycleLogisticsandAdvancedSustainabilityChair: Mikael Colville-Andersen, Copenhagenize Consulting

Reality & Vision: Using Cargo Bikes for Last Mile City Centre LogisticsRob King, Outspoken Delivery, United Kingdom Shopping by Cycle Can Be Amazingly Easy with SPAR‘s Bike&Buy Campaigns in Vienna and GrazSusanne Wrighton, FGM-Amor, AustriaFranz Hoelzl, Spar Salzburg, Austria Are Cargo Bikes Compatible with Conventional Transport Modes as Delivery Vans in the Urban Area?Ton Daggers, IBC, Netherlands

Move 25 % of Goods by Cycle in European CitiesRandy Rzewnicki, European Cyclists‘ Federation, Belgium

13.30–15.00 Podium Discussion

NoBikesontheBalcony!GivingBikesaHome**Chair: Peter Smith, City of Adelaide

How Can We Implement Underground Bike Parking in Historic Cities? Lessons Learnt from Dutch Case StudiesHerbert Tiemens, Bestuur Regio Utrecht, NetherlandsLaura Kok, City of Utrecht, Netherlands No Bikes on the Balcony: How to Improve the Quantity and Quality of Private Bike Parking in a High Density Cycling CityAntje Hammer, City of Basel, Switzerland Stimulating Cycling Through Bicycle-Friendly Housing ProjectsMichael Szeiler, Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH, AustriaMarkus Schuster, Herry Consult, AustriaWerner Windisch, Gesiba, Austria

13.30–15.00 Round Tables

TheBicyclePlayground:BuildingBicycleCulture,Kids‘StyleMai-Britt Kristensen, Danish Cyclists‘ Federation, Denmark

InspirationforDesigningCycleInfrastructure:APleaforAQuality Leap in the Design of Cycling Infrastructure. Tested on an Actual Case in Vienna **Stefan Bendiks, Artgineering, Netherlands

TheDublinPublicBikes:ImpactUpontheThinkingof Those Living Near Bike Stations and Additional Unpredicted Ripple E�ects in the CityDamien Ó Tuama, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

MakingCyclingPartofaSchool‘sDNA:ExperiencesfromTwo Schools in Odense, DenmarkMarianne Weinreich, VEKSØ Mobility, Denmark

Bike Sharing Integration by Multimodal Trip PlanningFrancisco J. Peñarrubia, SCOLAB Software Claborativo, Spain

How User Response and Behavior Changes After the First YearsofaBike-ShareScheme:TheExperienceofaRuralBike-Share System in AustriaHelmut Lemmerer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

BikeSharingSystemsinIntegrationwithPublicTransport:SecondPhaseoftheEvaluationofGermanModelProjectsThorsten Koska, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy, Germany

BikeCityGuide:AnUrbanCycleNavigationAppDesignedfor Cyclists, by CyclistsDaniel Kofler, BikeCityGuide, Austria

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13.30–15.00 Workshops

Aspern:ACityLabonBicyclesandLargeScaleUrbanDevelpoment in Vienna **Chair: Romain Molitor, komobile

Cycling in Aspern: A CityLab About the Creation of a Modern Bicycle Policy in a New Urban DevelopmentClaudia Nutz, Wien3420 Aspern Development AG, Austria

Cycling is Central in Central Europe hosted by SRAMChair: Radomíra Jordová, Transport Research Centre Brno

Current Challenges in Urban Cycling in Serbia: The Case of Novi SadVladimir Mrkajic, Civil Society Organization Novi Sad Cycling Initiative, Serbia Cycling is Central: Transnational Ideas, Projects, and Experiences from Central MeetBike, National and Local Bicycle PromotionRadomíra Jordová, Transport Research Centre Brno, Czech RepublicGerd-Axel Ahrens, Dresden Technical University, Germany

DoesSocialMediaWork?Chair: Christian Rupp, Mobility Agency Vienna

Mobilisation Through Internet, Social Media, and Apps for Cycling in the City of ViennaChristian Rupp, Mobility Agency Vienna, Austria 10,000 Followers on Facebook: How to Get Them, How to Engage Them, and How to Use Social Media to Change Our Cities?Marko Gregovic, Cyclists‘ Union Croatia, Croatia

13.30–15.00 Lightning Talks

Chair: Wolfgang Gerlich, PlanSinn

Rio‘sCyclingCulture:Strategies,Challenges,andSolutionsfor Integrating the Public and Private Sectors with Social OrganisationsMaria Lucia Navarro, City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CanTransportbeBothSustainableandProfitable?Combining Bicycles and Diesel-Powered Vehicles in Logistics that Act as Advanced WarehousesJulio Loureiro, Unigranrio, Brazil Why Local and Regional Authorities are Driving Cycle Culture Forward in France in the Départements & Régions CyclablesCamille Thomé, Départements & Régions cyclables, France Cyclists Accidents in Limited One-Way Streets in Brussels Region **Benoît Dupriez, Belgian Road Safety Institute, BelgiumFrederik Depoortere, Brussels Mobility, Belgium Does a Reduction in Road Capacity Lead to a Reduction in theTrafficVolume?**Eoin O‘Mahony, AECOM, Ireland CyclingMonitors,CyclingCampaigns:HowCitiesWithDeveloping Cycle Cultures Can Launch and Evaluate Marketing Concepts and Campaigns Thomas Möller, radplan nordost, GermanySte en Nozon, Hanseatic City of Rostock, Germany

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15.10–16.45 SpeedDating:DatingCycle Chair: Monika Jones and Wolfgang Gerlich, PlanSinn

The Dating Cycle gives you the opportunity to meet several experts in the cycling business. Every presentation lasts eight minutes – then you hear a bicycle bell, and the audience circulates to another speed dating presentation. Get prepared well and get ready to exchange business cards!

Refreshments will be served during the Speed Dating Session. 17.15–20.00 Vienna Bicycle Corso

Vienna Bicycle Corso – WienerRADcorsoThis will be Vienna‘s Greatest Bicycle Parade – Don‘t Miss It!Start: Rathausplatz

20.30 Bicycle Exhibition

Tour du Monde. Fahrradgeschichten. Bicycle StoriesThe Famous Embacher Bicycle Collection Museum of Contemporary Art, MAK, Stubenring 5Museum für Angewandte Kunst, MAK


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Cycling Cities, Regions and Cycling Policies

Benefits of the Austrian Cycling Master PlanMartin Eder, Federal Ministry of Environment, Austria

Cycling Consulting for Di§erent Players in AustriaHelmut Koch, komobile Gmunden GmbH, Austria

Recumbents and Velomobiles: Times Ahead for European Issues? The Successes and Failures of a European Cycling Network ProjectHeike Bunte, University of Dresden, Germany Jürg Zryd, Future Bike CH, Germany Competition ’Bicycle-Friendly Municipality 2012’ in AustriaManuel Pröll, Austrian Road Safety Board, Austria

Graz ’99: A Post-Velo-city Success Story Helmut Spinka, City of Graz, Austria

The Importance of the Districts for Cycle Tra�c in ViennaSusanne Reichard, Mobility Agency Vienna, Austria

Mountain Biking In and Around the Alpine Capital InnsbruckEva Lang, Markus Mailer, Ferdinand Pospischil, University of Innsbruck, Austria

It Takes a Long Way to Ride: Optimizing Conditions for Cyclists in Salzburg. A Report on Best Practice ActivitiesRainer Kolator, ZT-Büro Kolator, Austria Tirol auf D‘Rad, Tyrol on Bike: A Success Story of Rural Cycling Ekkehard Allinger-Csollich, Provincial Government of Tyrol, Austria

Is Innsbruck Becoming the Cycling Capital of Austria? Thomas Neyer, Markus Mailer, Ferdinand Pospischil, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Cycling is Serious Business: How the Business Sector Can Contribute to Cycling Strategies and Solutions Roelof Wittink, Dutch Cycling Embassy, Netherlands

Close the Gap – Ideas for the New York Greenway Gerhard Abel, Planet Architects ZT GmbH, Austria

How to Decide Which Cycling Benefits are Best for Your MunicipalityUwe Petry, Büro VAR

Studies and Research

Future Cycling in an Old Metropolis: How a Cycle Highway Network Can Take Cycling in Vienna to the Next Level Jeroen Reuser, FH-Joanneum, Austria

Reconceiving the Bicycle: How User Demand for Cycles as Multifunctional Utility Vehicles Can Be Met Valentin Vodev, Design Studio Valentin Vodev, Austria

BeCycle: Or How to Motivate Young People to Ride a Bike Gabriele Bürger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

An Analysis of the Current Situation and E§ects of Bicycle Commuting in Japan Mio Suzuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Cycling Economy in AustriaErnst Miglbauer, Invent, Austria

Stimulating Measures Targeting Bicycle Tra�c: A Comparative Study of Graz and Münster Simone Feigl, University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum, Austria

Students‘ Attitudes Towards Increased Cycling in the City of Zagreb Željka Pavlović, Matija Vuger, City of Zagreb, Croatia Introduction of a Method to Develop a Bikeability Map: The Case of Graz, Austria Sylvia Titze, University of Graz, Austria

A Weather-Dependent Bicycle Forecast Model for ViennaDavid Moosbrugger, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria

Insecurity and Accident Risks of Cyclists: A Case Study Approach Christopher Schlembach, Austrian Road Safety Board, Austria
























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Media and Communication

Online-Bicycle-Calculator Shows the Cost-Savings for CompaniesMarkus Schuster, Herry Consult GmbH, Austria

Let’s Talk about IT: How Cycling Cities Can Help Cyclists and Bicycles Join the Conversation Angela van der Kloof, Mobycon, Netherlands

The Bicycle as a Motivating Factor in Public Participation: Cycling Advocacy Groups Within the Local Agenda 21 Process in ViennaAnna Trauner, Lokale Agenda Wien Landstrasse, Austria

Com-oVer: A Community-Related Tra�c Service for Optimizing Planning of Bicycle Infrastructure and Improved Routing Mario Lange, ABC Consulting, Austria

SMILE: Simply Mobile, Making Future Integrated Mobility Real Stefan Gara, ETA Umweltmanagement GmbH, Austria

Vienna‘s Bike-Sharing System: Developing a Computer-Aided Bike-Redistribution System Hans Erich Dechant, Gewista, AustriaMarkus Straub, AIT, Austria

Hardware and Infrastructure

klima:aktiv mobil Cycling Academy: Field Trips to Best Practice Examples of Cycling InfrastructureJudith Schübl, Austrian Energy Agency, Austria

Nextbike Bike Sharing System in Rural Austrian TerritoriesGerald Franz, Niederösterreichische Energie- und Umweltagentur, Austria

International Business: Bike Sharing SystemSebastian Schlebusch, nextbike GmbH, Germany Determining Future Bicycle Parking Requirements in Vienna Birgit Grosse, Snizek+Partner, Austria

Opening One-Way-Streets for Cyclist: Cheap and Easy Measures to Improve Urban Cycling ConditionsAndrzej Felczak, Argus, Austria

Developing a 30% Cycling Culture with Low-Cost InfrastructureRichard Mann, Transport Paradise, UK

Green Wave for Cyclists: The Smartphone ApproachRobert Schönauer, mobimera, Fairkehrstechnologien, Austria

Combining Bicycle Tra�c With Public Transport: Problems and Solutions for the Southern Vienna RegionJudith Löschl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

An Unusual Bridge for Bicycles in ViennaMichael Schwarz, City of Vienna, Austria

New Cycling Strip! A Safer Roadway for CyclistsAndrej Cvar, City Studio, Slovenia

Bicycle Garage KennedybrückeHelmut Brezinschek, City of Vienna, Austria

Winter Maintenance of Cycle PathsMartina Ableidinger, City of Vienna, Austria

Removing Wrecked BicyclesNicole Aigner, City of Vienna, Austria

Smart Upgrading of Cycling InfrastructureDaniel Elias, nast consulting ZT GmbH, Austria

Bicycles, Bicycle Art and Accessories

flapcap: A Stay-Dry Saddle, No Cleaning or Drying Necessary Lukas Steger, flapcap (startup), Switzerland

The Most Flexible and Cost-E�cient European E-Bike Rental SolutionPhilip Douglas, Velobility, Switzerland Vienna‘s D.I.Y.CycleCinema: Open Air Screenings Powered by Modified E-BikesAndreas Reiter, Cycle Cinema Club, Austria

RadArt: Yes, This is Art, But it‘s Also a Bicycle!Hanspeter Willi, Pro Velo Graubünden, Switzerland

























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Bikes Speak Up! A Do-It-Yourself Session on How to Design, Produce and Attach Messages That Let Others Know: Bicycling Rules! Roland Alton, University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Austria

Light Up Your Bike! Improving the Safety and Image of CyclistsStephan Landgraf, Argus Styria Radlobby, Austria

Take a Brake! Bicycle Trailer with Power BrakeChristian Steger-Vonmetz, Steger-Vonmetz, Austria

The Vienna Mechanics‘ Bike from 1930 to 1980Richard Hollinek, Werner Schuster, Publishing Company Hollinek, Austria

Campaigns and Initiatives

Promotion and Financial Support for E-Bikes in AustriaIris Ehrnleitner, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water, Austria

Children and the Urban Transport Tipping Point: Schulterblick‘s Interactive Approach to Cycle Training and EducationRobert Fuchs, Schulterblick, Austria

Mobility Management at the Food Store Company SPAR with a Focus on CyclingHannes Glavanovits, SPAR Austria, Austria

30 km/h: Making Streets Liveable.A European Citizens’ InitiativeHeike Aghte, EUGENT, Germany

RadlBörse (Bike Exchanges): A Community-Based Approach to Recycling Used Bicycles and Saving Raw MaterialsMartina Gura, ARGUS Radlobby Tyrol, Austria

Healthy and Bicycle-Friendly School Roads: A Manual of Structural Ideas Promoting Active Transportation for SchoolsSimon Rask, Danish Cancer Society, Denmark

RadRettung: Free Bike Safety Checks Throughout Vienna!Gudrun Pollack, Radlobby IG Fahrrad, Austria

KinderRadSpass: A Joyful Program to Motivate Kids to CyclePatrice Hershbain-Blondin, Radlobby IG Fahrrad, Austria

BiskleteBinelim: Cycle Training for Female Immigrants in ViennaSonja Debenjak, Radlobby IG Fahrrad, Austria

Klasse auf D‘Rad, Classes on Bikes: Mobilizing Young People to Use Their Bikes Martina Abraham, Klimabündnis Tirol, Austria

How the City of Vienna Tried to Make Road Users Acknowledge Each Other: The Backstage Story of the ’Tschuldigen’ Campaign 2012Christine Chaloupka-Risser, Factum OG, Austria

To Kindergarten by BikeKarin Ausserer, Factum OG, Austria

How to Improve Bicycle Festivals: The Case of Ljubljana 2012Janez Bertoncelj, City of Ljubljana, Slovenia

MOBILITY Workshop: A UNESCO project of the Decade of Education for Sustainable DevelopmentKlaus Renoldner, Argus, Austria

Cycling Tourism

7 Years of the ,Week of Cycle Tourism‘ Along Prague-Vienna GreenwaysChristian Schrefel, Radlobby Lower Austria

Asset Management for Towpaths: High Quality Cycling Infrastructure as a Base for Interregional Tourism and Income in the Danube RegionMarkus Ho mann, Vienna University of TechnologySylvia Gleitsmann, Niederösterreich Tourismus, Austria

Austrian Cycling is Riding High: 14 Certified Routes with Cycle-friendly AccommodationsPhilipp Ausserweger, Cycling Tours in Austria

Interregional Bicycle Routes in Carinthia Volker Bidmon, Provincial Government of Carinthia, Austria

Assessing Bicycle Tourism in the North-East of Austria, Including Cross-Border Bicycle Tra�c With the Czech RepublicOliver Coufal, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
























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Cycling Visionaries Awards

Bicycles for Life: Promoting Cycling as a Vital Component of Urban Sustainability Melisa Gómez, La Ciudad Verde, Colombia

Romania Bike Fest BucharestRaluca Fiser, Green Revolution Cargo Bike Collective Vienna: How to Facilitate an Autonomous Cargo Bike Transport Konrad Berghuber, Lastenradkollektiv Wien, Austria

Tel-O-Porter: A Shared Bike Trailer Boosting Bike Sharing Schemes Udi Rimon, Industrial Designer, Israel

WOOM: The Growing Bicycle For Children Christian Bezdeka, Studio Bezdeka, Austria

CYCLODEO – Virtual Bike Rides: Visually Sharing Cycling Experience on the WebSamir Bendida, Cyclodeo, Netherlands Tapping Tra�c: Embracing the Power Smartphones and Counting Bikes and Pedestrians EverywhereAnders Swanson, Green Action Centre Winnipeg, Canada

Mais Amor Menos Motor: Mobility and Bicycle Culture in Rio de JaneiroGabriela Binatti Souza, Transporte Ativo, Brazil

Cargo Bicycle Counts: The Benefits of Cargo Bicycles in Rio de JaneiroZe Lobo, Transporte Ativo, Brazil

Bicycle Poetry – Borracce di Poesia: Urban Cycling and Rhymes Alessandro Ricci, Borracce di Poesia, Italy

Velonautica TV: Documenting New Cycling CulturesFriedrich Grünzweig, Velonautica, Austria

Recicleta: Recycling and Donating Unused BicyclesAlejandro Vera, Recicleta, Chile

’Auto’-Mobile Beijing: The Comeback of Beijing’s Bicycle CultureAugust Liau, MIT, United States

Ljubljana Bike Base InitiativeBorut Sočan, Trimo Urban Crash Team, Slovenia

Departure Cycling A�airs

Scike: Scooter and Trainerbike Combined In One Product. A Sustainable Tool for More Than One GenerationEwald Neuhofer, aws designteam, Austria

Raddepot – Bicycle Storage: An Exceptionally Compact Micro-Architecture. Protecting Bicycles from Theft, Vandalism & Bad WeatherWolfgang Enzinger, Raddepot S&E GmbH, Austria

Easy Ride: An Easy Way to Take Your Bike on the MetroChristian Nuhsbaumer, Velobase Nuhsbaumer Fox GesbR, Austria

VELOcité: Ride Your Bag, Accessories for Urban CyclingEva Blut, Austria

pneuMU – pneuMatic Umbrella: An Inflatable Rain Cover for Every SituationMagdalena Brunner, Austria

Grr-Grr-Bike: A Smartphone Game Designed to Increase Political Support for Bicycle Projects by Connecting Players with Local Bike Advocacy GroupsAndy Nash, GreenCityStreets.com, Austria

flip*light – Slap Bracelet With Interactive Maneuver IndicatorFlorian Novak, Austria

Box: A Locker System for BicyclesRodrigo Pérez, perezramerstorfer design & creative studio, Austria

Vienna Swing Bike: A Pop-up Band EventErik Norden, Austria
























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07.30–08.30 Bike Yoga

Enjoy a relaxed start of your conference day. Bring your bicycle.Location: Rathaus Park

8.30–9.45 Cycling – A Smart City Approach

Chair: Monika Jones

The Alliance Between Public Transport and Alternative Modes: A Way ForwardAlain Flausch, Secretary General UITP International Association of Public Transport, Belgium

The Role of Cycling in Sustainable Urban DevelopmentGeorg Hauger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Sharing the Road No Matter Its Form and Design: A Cycling Story from Kampala to Inspire the Rest of the WorldAmanda Ngabirano, Urban Planner and Scientist at University of Makere, Uganda

9.45–10.15 Co�ee Break

10.15–11.45 Lectures

Changing Bicycle CulturesChair: Ursula Zappe, City of Vienna

Fresh Wind: The Cycling Strategy for Vorarlberg.Why Vorarlbergers Cycle Twice as Much as the Average Austrian?Gernot Kiermayr, Vice Mayor of Bregenz, AustriaMartin Scheuermaier, Provicial Government of Vorarlberg, Austria From Sidewalks to Main Streets: Changing Bicycle Usage Patterns in Japanese CitiesHirotaka Koike, Utsunomiya Kyowa University, Japan

Towards a Culture of Excellence in Constructing Cycling Infrastructure in a Previously Car-Dominated City: How a Public Administration is Searching for New Standards in Cycling Infrastructure and Working With User GroupsBruno Coessens, Fietsersbond, BelgiumFrederik Depoortere, Brussels Regional Government, Belgium

TheSoundofCycling:VisualandMusicalBicycleEchoesChair: Andrea Weninger, Rosinak & Partner

The Sound of Cycling: The Politics of Performing Bicycles, Bodies, and Cities through SoundFrauke Behrendt, University of Brighton, United Kingdom The Role of the Bicycle in Films and Artwork: An Approach with Moving PicturesChristine Dériaz, Film editor, SwitzerlandAndrea Weninger, Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH, Austria Bike for Bread. A 26‘ Documentary on the Hard-Working Bread Delivery Cyclists in the Chaotic Streets of Cairo, EgyptClaude Marthaler, Cyclonaute, Switzerland

Overrun by Success **Chair: Marie Kåstrup, City of Copenhagen

HELP! Too Many Bikes! Can the Dutch City of Groningen Increase Cyclings‘ Mode Share from 50% to 65% by 2020 While Also Making Bikes Less of an Inconvenience for Everyone Else? Jaap Valkema, Erwin Tollenaar, City of Groningen, Netherlands Using Cycle Super Highways to Improve Non-Motorized Mobility in State MunicipalitiesUlrich Malburg, Ministry of Transport North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany Overrun by Success: What Strategies Do We Need to Deal with Large Amounts of Cyclists in Our Cities?Burkhard Horn, Senate Department of Urban Development and the Environment, Germany



PROGRAMFriday14 June 2013

** Infrastructure relevance

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14 June 2013

KidsonBikes:TheFutureofCyclingChair: Ulla Thamm, Rosinak & Partner

From Chaos to Order: The Role of the School Mobility ManagerAlessandro Meggiato, Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Italy

Escolas de Bicicletas – The Fantastic New Bicycle Schools of Sao Paulo, BrazilMikael Colville-Andersen, Copenhagenize Consulting, Denmark

Promoting Behaviour Change to Children by Engaging Parents as Decision Makers, Volunteers, and Cycle Champions. Experience and Evidence from ScotlandNathan Kaczmarski, Cycling Scotland, United Kingdom

10.15–11.45 Podium Discussion AlternativeRealitiesandtheCultureofSurvival:BicyclesinCar-Dominated EnvironmentsChair: Monika Jones

Witnessing the Golden Age of the Bicycle Kingdom Beijing. Bicycle Livelihoods and Urban SystemsLiman Zhao, Founder of Smarter Than Car, China Cycling Promotion in a Car-Oriented Environment: Is the Peaceful Coexistence of Di§erent Road Users Feasible in Cyberspace and in Real Life?Piotr Kuropatwinski, University of Gdańsk, Poland

Carma: Compensate for the Bad Karma Generated by the CarPedro Ribeiro, Carma, Portugal

10.15–11.45 Round Tables

IWalkthePathYouCycle:CoexistenceBetweenPedestrians and Cyclists in Urban AreasJanez Bertoncelj, City of Ljubljana, Slovenia PublicBikesandPublicTransportation:FormalandInformal LinksRicardo Marques, Vicente Hernandez, University of Seville, Spain

DailyCyclingGoesRural:TwoCyclingScientistsonActionResearch for Rural Cycling CultureEvelyn Eder, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, AustriaTadej Brezina, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Cyclists’VialityasanOppressedBehaviour,Or:Cyclists’Way to Interact with Public Space as an Oppressed Behaviour Pedro Malpica, University of Seville, Spain

’CyclingisCultural,WeAren‘tintheNetherlands!‘or:WhyMany French Cities Don’t Care About CyclingFrédéric Héran, University of Lille, France 30 km/h in Cities. Both for Cars and Bicycles!Erik Kjærgaard, Atkins Danmark, Denmark How to Justify Planning Choices for Improving Bicycle Network:ApplicationsofBrutusSimulationModelinBicycle Infrastructure Planning and Impact AssessmentKari Hillo, Strafica Ltd, Finland How to Manage Bicycle Parking in Dense Urban Areas Without Building Expensive Bike Parking Stations. The Case of Bern, SwitzerlandRoland Pfei er, City of Bern, Switzerland

10.15–11.45 Workshops Seamless Transport is SmartHosted by UITP, Combined Mobility Platform Chair: Caroline Cerfontaine

Beyond Simple Addition: Bicycle Parking Solutions at Railway Stations in the NetherlandsFolkert Piersma, Marieke Zwaneveld, Lesley Valies, Prorail, Netherlands Attention Public Transport Authorities! Portable Bicycle Coops: How to Create Value for Public Transport Authorities in O§ering Coop Programs with Cyclists‘ Associations and Industry PartnersUwe Weissflog, inMotion mar.com, GermanyMarkus Schildhauer, ADFC, GermanyBernhard Fink, Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund, Germany



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PROGRAMFriday14 June 2013

Ritualize Cycling!Chair: Karl Reiter, FGM

Ritualize Cycling! What New Rituals Can be Created to Promote Cycling?Karl Reiter, FGM Austrian Mobility Research, Austria

Central and Eastern Europe Cycling StrategiesChair: Matthias Grätz, Baltic Environmental Forum

Bicycle Planning as Part of a Sustainable Mobility Culture in Central and Eastern Europe: Skills and CompetencesMatthias Grätz, Baltic Environmental Forum, GermanyThomas Hefter, Institute for Social-ecological Research, Germany Czech Cycling Cities and Czech National Cycling Strategy: Initiative of the Charter of Uherske HradisteJaroslav Martinek, Radka Zakova, Centrum Dopravního výzkumu, Czech Republic

10.15–11.45 Lightning Talks Chair: Martin Eder, Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment

Cycling in Istanbul: Current Situation, Future Trends, and Ways to Increase RidershipTopuz Kiremitci, Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey Vancouver Transportation 2040: Setting a New North American Standard for Cycling FacilitiesDouglas Scott, City of Vancouver, Canada ‘s-Hertogenbosch was Named the 2011 Dutch Cycle City of the Year and What Other Cities Inside and Outside the Netherlands Can Learn?Arnold Bongers, City of s‘-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands Cycling as the Key to Urban Growth: The Case of StockholmAnton Västberg, City of Stockholm, Sweden

What’s Cycling Got to Do With It? Di§erences in the Complete Streets Planning Process in Canada’s Two Most Populous Cities: Toronto and MontrealRyan Anders Whitney, Toronto Centre for Active Transportation, Canada City of Antwerp: From a Car City to a Cycling City 2012Kris Peeters, City of Antwerp, Belgium

12.00–13.30 Lunch

13.30–15.00 Panel Discussion

Mobility Policies & Cycling in the European Union and Its Member StatesChair: Bernhard Ensink, ECF

Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the European Commission, Estonia/Belgium Michael Cramer, Member of the European Parliament, Germany/BelgiumMarijke van Haaren, President of the Dutch Cyclists‘ Union, NetherlandsMathieu Grosch, Member of the European Parliament, BelgiumUlrich Syberg, Federal Chairman of ADFC, Germany





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14 June 2013





15.00–15.10 Departure Cycling A�airs Award

Chair: Monika Jones

15.10–16.15 Closing Ceremony

Chair: Monika Jones

Adelaide Aspires to Be the Best Cycling City in the Southern HemisphereStephen Yarwood, Lord Mayor City of Adelaide, AustraliaMichael O‘Brien, Minister for Finance and Road Safety, Australia

Handover to AdelaideMaria Vassilakou, Deputy Mayor City of Vienna, AustriaManfred Neun, President ECF, BelgiumMichael O‘Brien, Minister for Finance and Road Safety, AustraliaStephen Yarwood, Lord Mayor City of Adelaide, AustraliaJack Buckskin, Australia

Closing Andrea Weninger, Velo-city Program Director, Rosinak & Partner, AustriaWolfgang Dvorak, Velo-city Conference Director, City of Vienna, Austria

16.30–19.00 Technical and Cultural Excursions

• GoWest!CyclingSolutionsintheWestofVienna• ViennaWaterTour• HotSpotsGrandTour• EnjoytheSights:ViennaCityTour• ViennaDIYBicycleCultures• StreetArtBicycleTour

Registration online. Assembly: Rathausplatz/Felderstrasse

21.00 Bike Film Night

For cineasts and bicycle lovers! Free entrance!Watch a special selection of bicycle short films, including cool sounds from the turntables late at night.Sigmund Freud Park, Votivkirche

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Saturday 15 June 2013

Bike Film NightFor cineasts and bicycle lovers! Free entrance!Watch a special selection of bicycle short films, including cool sounds from the turntables late at night.Time: 21.00Location: Sigmund Freud Park, Votivkirche

Bike Polo: Vienna Radhaus Polo Masters Time: 15 and 16 June, Saturday: 8.00–20.00 Location: Rathausplatz

Velo-city 2013 goes Seestadt Aspern Open bicycle laboratory, bicycle picnic, bicycle fleamarket, Crazy Bikes and Gold Sprint CompetitionMore information: www.aspern-seestadt.atTime: 11.00–15.00 Location: Technologiezentrum aspern IQ and PUBLIK

Family Bike Rides (rally) to seestadt aspernAssembly Rathausplatz, 10.00 Arenapark, 10.00 Margaretenplatz, 10.00 Wallensteinplatz, 10.00 Donauinselplatz Schulschi�, 10.00Information: www.fahrradwien.at

Weekend and Leisure Tours

Five Senses Tour – Bucklinge Weltan overnight on 15 June is possibleExplore the marvelous scenery of the Bucklige Welt, enjoy an Allgäuer organ concert in the town of Grimmenstein, and let your cares melt away at Asia Linsberg, a thermal spa.Contact and registration: www.lower-austria.info/portal/en/kampagne.asp?tt=NOEWKAMP_R5&id=140702

MountainBikeTour:JustBeyondtheGatesofViennaThis mountain bike tour combines a look into Vienna’s world famous art and culture with a sampling of its scenic countryside and regional culinary delicacies.Contact and registration: http://www.lower-austria.info/portal/en/kampagne.asp?tt=NOEWKAMP_R5&id=140567

Iron Curtain Trail Tour (Austria-Hungary) with Michael Cramer, Member of European ParliamentCycle along the Iron Curtain Trail in the Sopron area and enjoy a ride through history, politics and nature.For more information and to register, please send an e-mail to [email protected] (full name, gender, date of birth, nationality)

Belgrade Bicycle Festival Time: 15–16 June 2013Contact Ralph van der Zijden ([email protected]), www.ibikebelgrade.com


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16 June 2013

Sunday 16 June 2013

Bike Polo: Vienna Radhaus Polo Masters Time: 15 and 16 June, Sunday: 8.00–18.00 Finale at 16.00Location: Rathausplatz In Velo Veritas Historic Bicycle RaceTime: 14.00–19.00Location: Wolkersdorf (castle), Lower AustriaMore information: www.inveloveritas.at

Weekend and Leisure Tours

Bicycle Tour to the Lost SeaCycle along the Danube Island, enjoy views of the rolling hills of the Weinviertel (Wine District), and discover the Lost Sea at Fossil World. Highlights include the world’s largest oyster reef and the world’s biggest fossil pearl.Contact and registration: http://www.lower-austria.info/portal/en/kampagne.asp?tt=NOEWKAMP_R5&id=140564

A Cycling Tour to the SalzkammergutCycle through this earthly paradise that seems plucked from a picture book. Visit the Salzkammergut’s 76 lakes, whose crystal clear water takes on as many shades of blue. Ascend magnificent mountains with lush alpine pastures and witness the bizarre rock formations of the 3000m high Dachstein range. Refresh in cultural centres such as Gmunden and St. Wolfgang or the Kaiser town of Bad Ischl.Tour o ered on 8 and 16 JuneContact and registration: http://www.salzkammergut.co.at/en/angebot_katrad-102870633/radfahren_im_salzkammergut_-_radrundweg_2013.html

Belgrade Bicycle Festival Time: 15–16 June 2013Contact Ralph van der Zijden ([email protected]), www.ibikebelgrade.com


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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMConference Formats

From Tuesday to Friday, we will o�er you a broad range of subsessions, di�erent presentations and formats. Pick your choice carefully, as you can only choose one track format per session. We can assure you that you will have trouble deciding what to pick: the program o�ers plenty of interesting and relevant presentations.

Lectures feature three or four slide show presentations (15–20 minutes each). The presentations are combined with questions and discussion.

At a Podium Discussion, three topics will be presented within a slide show (15–20 minutes each). These presentations are combined with controversial debates and discuss how the presented results and experiences can be used.

A Round Table session features eight parallel round table presentations and discussions. A round table allows for extended discussion among a small cohort of colleagues, giving and receiving targeted feedback, engaging in in-depth discussions and meeting colleagues with similar interests. After 45 minutes, the audience moves on to a new table, and the presentations are repeated.

Lightning Talks allow for extended discussion among a bigger cohort of colleagues. Presenters will give a very short introduction and receive targeted feedback and questions in an intimate atmosphere,

where the audience can switch from one presenter to the next one within the same session.

Workshops will feature an interactive presentation customised for each topic. The audience will join forces in order to react to the presentations, to answer di�cult questions and to develop future strategies.

The Speed Dating – Dating Cycle gives you the opportunity to meet experts, advocacy groups, Cycling Visionaries Award winners, departure: Cycling A�airs Winners, students, and other relevant stakeholders from all over the world. Every presentation of a project or case study lasts around eight minutes. Then music is played, and the audience circulates to a new presentation. During the Speed Dating, you will be able to visit around seven presentations.

Vienna’s Hot Spots will show you some of the local cycling solutions on-site. Each stand in the streets of Vienna can be visited whenever you want. The stands will be hosted on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12.30 to 15.30. Then sta� from the Vienna City Administration will present the cycling solutions at the spot and answer your questions. To find your way, please refer to the map in your badge.

Conference Formats

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMWelcome Speakers – Tuesday 11 June

The guests will be welcomed by the Mayor of the City of Vienna, Michael Häupl, Vice-Mayor Maria Vassilakou, Manfred Neun, President of the European Cyclists’ Federation, Nikolaus Berlakovich, Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, and Doris Bures, Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology.


Michael Häupl Maria Vassilakou Manfred Neun

Niki Berlakovich Doris Bures


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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Tuesday 11 June

Philippe Crist is an economist and administrator at the International Transport Forum (ITF) at the OECD. The ITF is an intergovernmental organisation with 54 member countries which acts as a strategic think tank for transport policy. Philippe Crist is responsible for coordinating several international research initiatives amongst ITF Members. He serves on the advisory boards for several transport, climate change and urban policy research programmes. He has studied at the French Agronomic Institute with a focus on Anthropology, Economics, Natural Resource Management and Land Use Planning. He is an avid competitive cyclist and mushroom hunter.

Alec Hager is chairman of the cycle advocacy group ‘Radlobby IG Fahrrad’ and spokesman of the nationwide association ‘Radlobby Österreich’. Alec is engaged in many ways in cycle-cultural events such as the International Bicycle Film Festival Vienna, which was transferred to the festival for Viennese bike culture, Radku.lt Wien. He served as editor-in-chief of the bike culture magazine ’Velosophie’, wrote the guidebook ’Cycling in Vienna’, and planned the nationwide bike-to-work campaign ’Österreich radelt zur Arbeit’. As an expert and advocate for cycling, an aficionado of international bicycle culture and enthusiastic bike traveller, he has found that there is nearly no limit to how far a bike can take you.

Mikael Colville-Andersen is an urban mobility expert and CEO for Copenhagenize Consulting. He is often referred to as Denmark’s Bicycle Ambassador, and is one of the leading voices in urban planning and reestablishing the bicycle as transport on the urban landscape. The Copenhagenize.com blog, started in 2007, is an influential channel for encouraging cycling as a normal transport form and CopenhagenCycleChic.com has been a leading cycling and style website for over five years. Mikaels’ inspiration resounds in his passion for the work he does, as he vows to continue working until every city is a bicycle-friendly, liveable place for its citizens.

Keynote Philippe Crist

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Wednesday 12 June

Maria Vassilakou has been Vienna’s Deputy Mayor and Executive City Councillor since 2010. She is the first Executive City Councillor with a migration background. Having been born in Greece, she moved to Austria as a teenager, growing up to view Vienna as a modern, open and diverse city. Maria Vassilakou brought the importance of cycling strategies to the centre of the political debate and made it crucial to Vienna’s integrated mobility strategy. This includes the ambitious goal to double the cycling modal share by 2015 as well as the implementation of the ‘Cycling Year and Cycling Week 2013’. She sees this as one of the key elements in making Vienna the smartest city in the world.

Hep Monatzeder was elected City Mayor in May 1996 and re-elected in 2002 and 2008. As Hep Monatzeder is responsible for the local bicycle policies and hosted the Velo-city Conference in 2007, he is known as Munich’s ’bicycle mayor’. He also serves as the Co-Chairman of the ’Working Group of Bicycle-Friendly Bavarian Municipalities’. Furthermore, Hep Monatzeder is in charge of finance, environmental protection, building construction, intercultural and international a�airs, health and hospitals, municipal ’One-World’ work and sustainable development of the Municipality of Munich.

Shipra Narang Suri is an urban planner with a Ph.D. in Post-War Recovery Studies from the University of York, UK, and a keen interest in issues of livability and sustainability of cities, good urban governance, urban planning and management, as well as post-conflict recovery and development. Shipra is Vice-President of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) and has has worked with the United Nations, with UN-HABITAT and also supports the UNESCO as well as the the private sector. Shipra has been involved in the development and execution of a variety of development, research and training projects and programmes.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Wednesday 12 June

Milan Ftáčnik, Mayor of the City of Bratislava, was an active politician at the national level as Member of the National Parliament of Slovakia and later on as the Minister of Education in the government of the Slovak Republic. He entered city politics in 2006 as the Mayor of the largest City District of Bratislava and in 2010 was elected Mayor of Bratislava. One of his main challenges is to change Bratislava from an automobile metropolis to the green alternative. In 2011, Bratislava increased the city budget for bicycle infrastructure by 16 times. Milan Ftáčnik believes that together with a preference for public transport, creating separated bus lanes and creating new parking policy, cycling is an important step to change Bratislava into a greener city.

Per Ankersjö, Stockholm’s Vice-Mayor for Urban Development, aims at Stockholm being a fossil-free city by 2050. Per Ankersjö has been a proud cycling advocate. For him, it is absolutely necessary to transform the way Stockholm’s tra�c system works. Car dependence needs to decrease while other modes of transport increase. Cycling leads to a better environment, less congestions and a more enjoyable city. The City of Stockholm will invest heavily in bicycle infrastructure over the next few years. Amongst other projects, one billion Swedish crowns will be invested in new bicycle lanes, to improve guide-posts, erect service stations and expand bicycle parking in strategic locations all over the city.

Tomáš Hudeček, Vice Mayor of the City of Prague, has been acting as a research and teaching employee at the Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography at Charles University Faculty of Science. Although Tomáš Hudeček highly enjoys analysing transportation phenomena and processes in detail, it is the contact with young people – students – in which he truly delights and which fulfils him the most in his job. Since November 2010, he has been a representative of the City of Prague and the following year he was elected to the Prague City Council, where he is in charge of territorial development.


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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Wednesday 12 June

Ayfer Baykal, Technical and Environmental Mayor of Copenhagen, has a background as an intercultural social worker and was elected to the City Council of Copenhagen in 2009. Copenhagen has been a cycling city for many years, and Ayfer Baykal wants to develop this cycle culture and take it into the future. One of Copenhagen’s visions is to become carbon-neutral by 2025, and more trips done by bike will contribute crucially to this. To her, it is important that cycling is for everybody – both the business woman on her way to a meeting, the father cycling slowly with his child to school and the many students in Copenhagen. In addition to infrastructure, this ambition calls for initiatives that focus on the mobility behaviour of all Copenhageners.

Howard Wolfson is the Deputy Mayor for Government A�airs and Communications of New York City. Prior to his appointment, Wolfson advised local, state, and federal o�cials inside and outside of government. He has worked as a legislative aide on Capitol Hill, as Communications Director on a presidential campaign, and as Executive Director of a national party committee. Most recently, he served as the Communications Director of the Mayor’s re-election campaign. Howard Wolfson, a New York native and cycling enthusiast, graduated from the University of Chicago and received a Master’s in History from Duke University.

Roman Bartha studied mechanical engineering at Vienna University of Technology, with a special focus on control engineering and thermal turbo machinery. Since 1992, he has been working at Siemens AG Austria and was Division Head for fossil power generation. He is part of several research and development projects and was the leading head of the business development of an e-mobility provider joint venture. The R&D project EmporA is the first of its kind in the area of e-mobility in which partners from the automotive industry, infrastructure technology, energy supply and science are all working together on the development of an integrated system solution for future mobility.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Wednesday 12 June

Lenore Skenazy’s decision to let her 9-year-old son take the New York subway home alone became a national story. In response to the enormous media blowback, Lenore founded the book and blog ’Free-Range Kids’, which launched the anti-helicopter parenting movement. Her feisty belief that our kids are not in constant danger has landed her on talk shows from Dr. Phil to The View. Except instead of dealing with obnoxious kids, she deals with overprotective parents who won’t let their school-age children do things like play outside or ride their bikes. Once the parents see how independent and happy their ’babies’ can be, their fear melts away. The change is lasting – and joyous.

Dave Horton is a sociologist and writer based in Lancaster, England. Dave’s research interests centre on the environment, culture, everyday life, politics, social movements, identity, and mobility. However, his main interest and passion is cycling. Until 2012, he worked at Lancaster University, where between 2008 and 2011 he contributed to a major research project, Understanding Walking and Cycling, taking particular responsibility for the qualitative and ethnographic research. He believes in the importance of critical research to e�ective cycling promotion. Dave loves cycling, and is absolutely convinced it is the sanest, most appropriate mobility.

Sabine Kubesch is Director of Mind, Brain, and Sports at Institut Bildung plus in Germany. She received her PhD in Human Biology at the University of Ulm’s Department of Medicine. From 2008 to 2009, Sabine Kubesch was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her professional work concentrates on the study and fostering of executive functions in children, adolescent, and adults through physical and cognitive training. Regular physical exercise, like cycling, improves executive functions and physical fitness throughout the life span and therefore also has a beneficial influence on intelligence.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Thursday 13 June

Ursula Zechner was appointed General Director of Department IV ’Transport’ at the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, which covers regulatory and legislative issues of all modes of transport, on 1 September 2011. During her prior professional career, she had been responsible for arbitration and regulation in the railway sector, as she directed Schienen-Control. Before, she headed the corporate development unit of ÖBB-Production GmbH.

Manfred Neun, President of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) since 2005, is a key figure in the world of global cycling advocacy. By initiating a scientifically based approach to content, he has ensured that important global decision makers are hearing the ECF’s key messages. Based on his business background, he is bridging the gap between cycling advocates, industry, politicians and experts. Manfred Neun has initiated the ECF’s ‘Cycling Industry Club’, its expanding global network ‘Scientists for Cycling’, as well as growing the ECF’s city network ’Cities for Cyclists’ worldwide.

Randy Neufeld is Director of the SRAM Cycling Fund for SRAM Corporation, a maker of bicycle components. The Fund supports innovative e�orts to promote cycling infrastructure in Europe and the United States. Significant projects have included the Green Lane Project, People for Bikes, IMBA Europe, and the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide. The Fund is a major supporter of the European Cyclists’ Federation and its Cycling Industry Club. Randy loves to connect advocates to e�ective strategies, transformational decision-points and powerful decision-makers.


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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Friday 14 June

Alain Flausch was elected Secretary General of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) in September 2011. This appointment acknowledges Alain Flausch’s long-standing commitment to public transport on the international stage. He was previously Chairman of the Finance & Commerce sub-committee of the UITP Metro Committee (2001–2009); he has also been a member of the UITP Executive and Policy Boards (2004–2009), an Executive Member of the UITP International Metro Committee (2001–2009), a Member of the Transport Management Committee (UITP) and Chairman of the Design & Culture Platform.

GeorgHauger, Professor for Transport System Planning at the Vienna University of Technology and Scientific Director at Austrian Road Safety Board, can hardly keep still for a minute. Having two little girls, flying (paragliding) became too risky, so long distance running roused his passion. Walking is part of his daily life anyhow. His lacking experience with crawling will be given at Velo-city 2013. Hence all kind of motion is in his focus of interest, and means of transport are the subject of his research and consulting activities.

Amanda Ngabirano is an urban planner and lecturer at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. She worked as news anchor and editor at a national broadcast television in Uganda for a period of six years. Amanda has a great passion and experience in orderly and planned physical development for sustainability. She is also an excellent communicator, assertive, and very passionate about sustainable urban transport, particularly cycling. Having lived in the Netherlands for only 13 months, she faced the cultural shock of high numbers of cyclists on all streets, of all ages and both sexes. This experience was an amazing one, a symbol of freedom, innocence and non-pollution.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Friday 14 June

Stephen Yarwood is the youngest Lord Mayor in Adelaide’s history. He is working to make Adelaide a modern, vibrant and sustainable place to do business, live and enjoy life. Stephen regards cycling as integral to Adelaide’s ambition to be a world-class city. He believes Adelaide is well on its way to becoming the best cycling city in the Southern Hemisphere; he is proud that Adelaide has been chosen as the host of Velo-city Global 2014 and encourages you to come ‘Down Under’ for this event.

Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Transport, has been an active participant in the restoration of Estonian statehood and has served in Estonia as Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign A�airs and President of the Central Bank. From November 2004 until February 2010, he served as Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Administration, Audit and Anti-fraud. Siim Kallas graduated cum laude from the Finance and Credit Department of the University of Tartu in 1972. He continued his studies as a post-graduate student until 1975 and is now a Visiting Professor at the University of Tartu.

Michael Cramer, Member of the European Parliament, has been practicing automobile-free living since 1979. Michael Cramer has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2004 and is spokesperson for the Greens in the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN). He is a participating member of the Committee on the A�airs of the European Union in the German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag). Michael Cramer initiated the project ‘Iron Curtain Trail’, which extended the 160 km long ‘Berlin Wall Trail’ to Europe.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPlenary Speakers – Friday 14 June

Marijke van Haaren is President of the Dutch Cycling Union. Marijke’s personal motto is ’cycling when possible, driving when needed’. Fewer tra�c jams, less pollution and cleaner air have been her political aims during all her political years as Minister in the Province of Gelderland. After leaving active politics in 2011, Marijke took up the idea to make a di�erence in the field she got to know very well: the combination of tra�c and economics. Marijke intends to make transport and economics and the environment friendly neighbours, existing next to each other in a green manner now and in the future.

MathieuGrosch, Member of the European Parliament since 1994, graduated in Germanic languages at the University of Liège. He serves as member of the national bureau of the CSP and member of the EPP bureau. He was adviser to the Prime Minister from 1981 to 1984 and member of the Provincial Council from 1984 to 1985. He is also member of the Robert Schuman Foundation, member of the Board of Bierset-Liège Airport and Commander of the Order of Leopold.

Ulrich Syberg is the Federal chairman of the German Cycling Federation ADFC and an active local politician in the City Council of Herne. As the cyclists’ spokesperson he represents the subject of ‘sustainable mobility’. As an active member of the German Cycling Federation for about 20 years, Ulrich Syberg‘s essential goal is to advance the integration of the bicycle in society.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMMaster of Ceremony

Monika JonesMaster of CeremonyAny conference needs an inspiring moderator. We are very proud that the international journalist and presenter Monika Jones will lead us through the Velo-city conference. She is the English-speaking news anchor at Germany’s global TV broadcaster ’Deutsche Welle’, and is familiar to a wide audience around the world. Monika is also a leading bilingual presenter of international conferences and business events. Her specialist areas are economics, transport and logistics, corporate relations and human resources. Monika is a passionate city cyclist. Each day, weather permitting, she cycles a round trip of 28 kilometers to her TV Studio in Berlin.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMCycling Visionaries Awards

The Cycling Visionaries Awards program seeks to support young individuals from various professional backgrounds and cultural contexts engaged in the evolution of cycling as key to the future of urban mobility. The awards programme was initiated within Velo-city 2013 to highlight new ideas for urban cycling cultures by integrating their visionary voices into the Velo-city 2013 conference discourse.

The Cycling Visionaries Awards are a joint initiative by the Velocity 2013 Vienna Management Team together with the Velo-city 2013 sponsors SRAM, Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG and Erste Bank Oesterreich. The Cycling Visionaries Awards were opened for project submissions in the following awards categories:• AdvocacyandSocialProjects• Science,ResearchandDevelopment• Design,FashionandCyclingEquipment• UrbanPlanningandUrbanDesign• CyclingandtheArts

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMCycling Visionaries Awards

The Cycling Visionaries Awards celebrated their debut in Vienna with 218 project ideas from 49 countries received as submissions to the awards. Many thanks to all submitters for sharing your idea/vision/project within the Cycling Visionaries Awards! Each and every submission to the Cycling Visionaries Awards highlights the growing importance of cycling cultures across the globe and demonstrates the collective creativity to further urban cycling worldwide. The great public interest in the Cycling Visionaries Awards and the help of sponsors made it possible for a total of 60 beneficiaries to be selected as Cycling Visionaries:

• Thirty“VotingPrizes”,decidedduringthepubliconline voting between 1 and 15 April 2013 with more than 31,000 valid votes received.

• Thirty“ViennaJuryPrizes”,allocatedbythe Velocity 2013 Management Team acting as a jury.

Meet the Cycling Visionaries during Velo-city 2013 and use the information below to find out more about their projects. The future of urban cycling begins now!


The Cycling Visionaries Awards program is a social sponsoring initiative created and funded by the Velo-city Vienna Communications Team at PlanSinn.at, O�ce for Planning & Communication.

Crew: Samuel Felbermair, Wolfgang Gerlich, Florian Lorenz, Anne Sulzberger, Julia WölcherGraphics: PlanSinn / Eva Schusterwww.plansinn.at

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMCycling Visionaries Awards

Advocacy and Social Projects – Voting Prize

Ciclopaseos del EcuadorCiclopaseos del Ecuador aims to make bicycles, as well as public spaces in which to ride them, more readily available to Ecuadorian citizens. The overall goal of Ciclopaseos is to generate safe and environmentally friendly spaces for public recreation, to provide education surrounding public health and street coexistence, and to promote social inclusion.

Ciclopaseos del Ecuador Fundación CiclóPolis Ecuador www.facebook.com/CiclopaseosDelEcuador

Tribul (The Tribe) Ariel Constantinof Romania www.tribul.eu

Adopt a dangerous bicycle lane! Marian Ivan Romania www.optar.ro

SkirtBike Andreea Toader Romania www.skirtbike.ro

RIDE TO CHANGE_SocialMovement

Mario Paredes Otálora Spain www.ridetochange.com

Auto*Mat Prague Vít Masare Czech Republic www.auto-mat.cz

Women Cycling School Macleta Chile www.macleta.cl

A bike bloggers' European network Paolo Pinzuti Turkey and Italy www.salvaiciclisti.it

Rodada de Altura Fernanda Viguri Mexico www.facebook.com/ProyectoRodadaDeAltura

Bicycles for Life La Ciudad Verde Colombia www.vimeo.com/55531060

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMCycling Visionaries Awards

Advocacy and Social Projects – Vienna Jury Prize

Shkodra, shining cycling culture Entela Shkreli Albania


Recicleta Alvaro Gatica Chile www.recicleta.cl

Unionize cyclists! Marko Gregovic Croatia www.facebook.com/sindikatbiciklista

Bike Fest Nicoleta Cirjan Romania www.ivelo.ro/bikefest

Bike your way around Novi Sad Bicycling Initiative

Serbia www.nsbi.org.rs

SHUKRA–Cycling Skills for Refugees Siegfried Wöber Tanzania www.facebook.com/ShukraCyclingLessonsForRefugees

UWSA Ice Riders Andrée Forest Canada www.uwsabikelab.ca

Lastenradkollektiv Wien-Cargobike Harald Koelbl Austria


Bikekitchen Bikekitchen eV. Austria www.bikekitchen.net

BIKESHOPPER Julia Kopitschek und Julia Simon


Mwirute Bicycles Micro Credit

Jean Baptiste Nsabimana

Rwanda www.fapdr.wordpress.com

Schulterblick Robert Fuchs Austria www.schulterblick.at

Beocyclization Miloš Lazić Serbia www.facebook.com/beociklizacija

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMCycling Visionaries Awards

Science, Research and Development – Voting Prize

Science, Research and Development – Vienna Jury Prize

CYCLODEO:VirtualBikeRidesCYCLODEO is a website that allows you to take ‘virtual’ bike rides by replaying ‘real’ ones created and shared by other cyclists all around the world. HD videos recorded by the cycling community are synchronised with the corresponding GPS tracks and placed on a map. With this video documentation, visitors can ‘feel’ the experience of a cyclist on a particular route via their web browser.

CYCLODEO:VirtualBikeRides Samir Bendida Netherlands www.cyclodeo.com

SEEKING::SAFEE-BIKING DI Peter Saleh Austria www.ait.ac.at

Athens Metropolitan Cycling Network

Maria Siti, Dr. Efthimios Bakogiannis


BYKER™ – Bike Sharing for All Rob Grisdale United Kingdom www.grandscheme.co.uk

Bicicletas Integradas de Bogotá Diego F Aldana Espinosa Colombia www.ciudadbibo.com

Rapid Mobility Data Survey (BICY) Jason Meggs United States www.eschercity.com/bicysurvey

TappingTraffic:BikeCounting2.0 Anders Swanson Canada

Mais Amor Menos Motor Gabriela Binatti Souza Brazil www.ta.org.br/ciclorio

Cargo Bicycle Counts Ze Lobo Brazil www.ta.org.br/contagens/cargo_bikes.pdf

BeCycle Gabriele Bürger Austria www.bit.ly/becycle

Cycling culture and social change Pedro Malpica Soto Spain

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMCycling Visionaries Awards

Design, Fashion and Cycling Equipment – Voting Prize

Design, Fashion and Cycling Equipment – Vienna Jury Prize

OHkeo, design and innovationIn OHkeo we focus on innovative customization of bicycles with a variety of designs in a sustainable way. Identity, individuality and personal image meet in OHkeo providing a new, fresh form of locomotion. With OHkeo you can o�er your designs and images, updateyourbicycletothelatesttrendsandbecomea“fashionvictim”ofyourbike.

OHkeo, design and innovation

Federico Reese Boloque, Pablo Garcia Carrillo and Angel Torres Rey

Spain www.ohkeo.com

Project Carma Leo Burnett Lisbon and "B – Cultura da Bicicleta" Magazine

Portugal www.carma-project.com

BLINKERGRIPSforactive road safety

Small Innovations GmbH (Liebmer Trauschein, Richard Schartner, Niko Jaernberg)

Switzerland www.blinkergrips.com

GeorgiainDublin,Cycle Rain wear Georgia Scott Ireland www.georgiaindublin.com

IZZY – no chain, 2 wheel drive bike Marek Jurek and Marta Jurek Poland www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zBln5lITBE

Tel-O-Porter Udi Rimon Israel www.youtube.com/atch?v=fQ38KHt5tnw

WOOM Das bessere Kinderrad aus Wien Christian Bezdeka Austria www.woombikes.com

Bikesexual Rheta Austria www.bikesexual.blogsport.eu

B'IQ Recro Marcin Dopieralski Austria www.biq.cc

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMCycling Visionaries Awards

Urban Planning and Urban Design – Voting Prize

Urban Planning and Urban Design – Vienna Jury Prize

TheBombayGreenwayProjectTurning the railways into greenways: The railway in Bombay defines the linear city & dictates how 7 million people travel daily! The Railway into Greenway proposal envisions a 21st century greenway above the existing railway lines; 166 kms of continuous, flat, tra�c & stress-free space to encourage active modes of transportation & healthy city living!

The Bombay GreenwayProject

Abraham John ARCHITECTS (Abraham John, Alan Abraham, Anca Florescu, Bhavika Chauhan, Amey Mhatre, Niranjan Fulsundar, Museeb Faquih)

India www.abrahamjohnarchitects.com

"Auto"-Mobile Beijing August Liau United States


Bike Your City Jack J. Jiang New Zealand

BikeEmotion, a New Bikeshare System

Micro I/O, Ponto C, Ubiwhere, Universidade de Aveiro

Portugal www.bikeemotion.com

The S.W.O.P. bicycle box

Stulanovic Dervis, Weber Sebastian, Ohrhallinger Jürgen, Pereguda Dmitry, Königswenger Florian


Campus Design & Policy Handbook Dorota Wiśniewska Poland www.architon.net

Fair dialog pedestrians – cyclists Walk-space.at – DI Dieter Schwab, DI Martina Strasser


LJUBLJANA BIKE BASE INITIATIVE Trimo Urban Crash Team Slovenia www.trimo-urbancrash.com/project-gallery

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMCycling Visionaries Awards

Cycling and the Arts – Voting Prize

Cycling and the Arts – Vienna Jury Prize

Borracce di poesiaBorracce di poesia – Water Bottles of Poetry – was born in 2007 combining two passions: urban cycling and rhymes. The poems, originally written in Italian, are spontaneous reflections by the project creator who narrates the world from his saddle, emphasising the cyclist’s point of view. The quatrains link the historical traditions of cycling to the modern role of bicycles in today’s urban mobility.

Borracce di poesia Alessandro Ricci Italy www.borraccedipoesia.it

China Mao Suit Run/ Vintage Ride Shannon Bufton China www.serk.cc

Bike Pour-Trait Cristian Vlădoaica Romania www.bike.pour-trait.ro

Gilles,thePostman Visky Zsolt Romania www.gilles-the-postman.blogspot.ro

Archway for Amsterdam Mark Grieve, Ilana Spector, and Jos Louwman


Bicycle Lantern Parade Juan Carlos Carvajal Bermúdez

Austria www.theprojectwithbicycles.com

Twincity Artistic Bike racks! Tomas Peciar Slovakia www.facebook.com/CycleCinemaClub

Cycle Cinema Club Andreas Reiter Austria www.vimeo.com/velonautica

Velonautica TV Friedrich Grünzweig Austria www.biq.cc

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Leadership Award for Cycling Promotion 2013

Student‘s Work: Velo-city by 20 Students of Vienna University of Technology

The Cycling Embassy of Denmark will honour an individual or an organisation with the Leadership Award for Cycling Promotion 2013 for the fifth time. Who will follow the previous winners, Michael Bloomberg, New York City; Roelof Wittink, Dutch Cycling Embassy; Lake Sagaris, Ciudad Viva; and Randy Neufeld, SRAM Cycling Fund?For this year’s award, several prominent cycle advocates have been discussed as candidates based on nominations from people all over the world. Don‘t miss the Award Ceremony on Wednesday 12 June!

The Department of Landscape Planning and Garden Design organised a practice-oriented design course for students of architecture, civil engineering and spatial planning with a focus on continuing the cycle way along the Wien River bed. The task involved the following aspects: definition of the exact route and division into individual sections, hook-up to existing cycle way network and practical implementation of this link, and ensuring usability of the thus created open space along Wien River.

Meet the students and discuss their work in rooms B and C (Schubert and Gulda) on Wednesday 12 June.

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The summery Garden Party on Wednesday is the perfect occasion to relax after the first two conference days. Enjoy a pleasant dinner evening with live music, including an optional Johann Strauss concert at Hübner’s Kursalon, as well as groovy club music. There is no o�cial dress code. The evening starts at 19.30, the bu�et with a variety of dishes will be open from 20.00.

Garden Party, Wednesday 12 June 2013

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On Thursday, the giant Bicycle Parade WienerRADcorso will take you through Vienna, accompanied by thousands of Viennese cyclists. Get inspired by the route and cycling through peak hour. The Parade starts at 17.15 in City Hall Square. Don’t miss it! Afterwards you can keep on networking and continue partying at Kaiserwiese in front of the famous Riesenrad. Cycle back to the city centre to visit the Bicycle Exhibition Embacher Collection at MAK, Museum of Applied Arts (Museum für Angewandte Kunst).

Vienna Bicycle Corso – WienerRADcorsoThursday 13 June 2013

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMExcursions

Tuesday,11June,8.30: • Vienna:TowardsaSmartCity • ViennaWaterTour • HotSpotsGrandTour • BicycleRulesontheRoad • UrbanResearchBicycleTour • ABicycleTourofVienna’sArchitecture

Friday,14June,16.30: • GoWest!CyclingSolutionsintheWest of Vienna • ViennaWaterTour • HotSpotsGrandTour • EnjoytheSights:ViennaCityTour • ViennaDIYBicycleCultures • StreetArtBicycleTour

Technical and Cultural Excursions

We o�er several optional technical and cultural Excursions before and after the o�cial conference program on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon. These excursions will enable delegates to witness some of the most recent and important bicycle achievements in Vienna as well as cultural highlights. Assembly:CityHall/FelderstrasseExcursions have been fully booked since end of May.

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Do you want to win a free conference ticket for next year’s Velo-city conference Adelaide 2014 in Australia? Then take part in Velo-city Vienna’s ‘CycleQUEST’!

Cycle Quest lets you embark on an adventure that is part a bicycle treasure hunt, part urban exploration. Follow the surprising directions and answer the questions in your CycleQUEST booklet in your conference bag. Along the way, you will discover history, cultural sights, and the hidden (cycling) secrets of Vienna. Start any time you like between 11 and 14 June! Be curious! Have fun! Learn something new! Move on!

Look in your conference bag when you arrive at Velo-city Vienna and find the CycleQUESTionnaire booklet that includes secrets of the City of Vienna, the City of Adelaide and South Australia. Ride through the city, simply fulfill your CycleQUEST and drop o� the completed QUESTionnaire at booth 3.10 (Expo Rosinak & Partner).

Vienna’s CycleQUEST: A Fun Ride

Win a free

conference ticket

for Velo-city 2014

in Adelaide!

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMVienna Bicycle Week

Putting Joy in Motion – Cycling in Vienna

Vienna is growing, and so do the challenges to provide modern and sustainable mobility solutions for its citizens and guests.An established success of urban public transport – close to 40 percent of everyday trips are taken by mass transit – is now to be transferred to cycling as well.The City of Vienna is aiming for a modal split increase of cycling to ten percent by 2015.For this reason, an o�cial Cycling Coordinator was appointed, and the Vienna Mobility Agency was set up as an instrument to communicate the benefits of cycling to a broad audience. Information, counselling, services and awareness campaigns are to generate interest in urban cycling.Velo-city 2013 transforms Vienna into the international capital of cycling. This tailwind was picked up by the City of Vienna and its Mobility Agency to declare all of 2013 the Vienna Bike Year and to highlight and promote urban cycling through a host of varied activities.Velo-city 2013 will also tie in with a Bicycle Week for all of Vienna and thus will be given prominence throughout the city. Conference participants and citizens alike will enjoy a multifaceted, informative and exciting side program with numerous events.Before and during Velo-city 2013, the bicycle charity bike2help will support a good cause: kilometres travelled by bike will be transformed into donations for social projects.Im




: Mo







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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMVienna Bicycle Week

The activities of the Bicycle Week are to convey the themes of the conference to the city at large, facilitate communication and, of course, put joy in motion – by cycling through one of Central Europe’s loveliest cities.

For information about cycling in Vienna, go to www.fahrradwien.at; for bike charity-related info, please visit bike2help.at.

Program of Vienna Bicycle Week from 9 to 15 June 2013 9 June, start: noon, City Hall Square, Bicycle Picnic/Tweed Ride Vienna’s Tweed Ride community will dress in their finest traditional cycling garb and join up for a bicycle picnic at the Freudenau Racecourse.

9 June, 12.00–19.00, Freudenau Racecourse, Bike Picnic A relaxed day out with a stroll and a picnic for the whole family. Don your Sunday finery: no matter whether it’s tweeds or a summer dress, retro bikes or child trailers – all are welcome. With music, kids’ program and the Austrian Brompton Championship

10 to 16 June, 11.00–19.00, City Hall Square, Bike Arena From 10 to 16 June 2013, Vienna’s City Hall Square will morph into one big bike arena – an action and information hub for everything to do with urban cycling. Every day will o�er workshops, information events, confident cycling classes, competitions, show acts and join-in activities for all age groups. ’Get the information and try it out for yourself’ is the motto of the big urban bike exhibition with ’carefree package’ bikes, electric bikes, etc. Test your skill at a bike training class or have your bike cleaned for free at the bike washing station. Win a bicycle at the daily live tombola and enjoy fine food at the stalls. Every day from 11.00 to 19.00 (ORF’s Tom Turbo will also be there).Im




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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMVienna Bicycle Week

10 June, 21.00, and 11 June, 20.00, Karlsplatz Square, Bike Fashion Show ’VeloStyle’ Not only dyed-in-the-wool everyday cyclists and sports-loving leisure bikers will get a lot of enjoyment out of the Vienna Bike Week – fashion-conscious riders, too, are bound to flock to Vienna’s Karlsplatz on 10 and 11 June 2013 for very special fashion shows. The square in front of the church will be transformed into a catwalk. Fashion colleges, Vienna’s designer scene and international labels will join forces to present international trends, hip collections and, above all, the ultimate in stylish coolness for urban cyclists. Most collections on show were specially developed for the ’VeloStyle’ event. Moreover, a fashion mart is open throughout the day for purchasing trendy items to complement your own cycling wardrobe.

11 June, 20.00, Karlsplatz Square, Bicycle Bell ConcertAs a musical prelude to the fashion show, the second day of the ’VeloStyle’ event (11 June) will feature an organised bicycle bell concert. Visitors, a conductor and a band will interactively rehearse a musical piece to be performed with bicycle bells, which will be handed out to visitors before the concert.

13 June, o�cial start at 18.00 from City Hall Square, Vienna Bicycle Corso (Bicycle Parade) Enjoy the freedom when all tra�c lights signal green for Vienna’s cyclists. Joint in and travel together with 1,500 Velo-city conference participants from City Hall Square to Vienna’s Giant Ferris Wheel on Thursday, 13 June 2013. Celebrate far into the night at the Vienna Bike Party on Kaiserwiese with Kaiserschmarren and live music. The results of the bike2help bike charity will also be announced.


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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMVienna Bicycle Week

14 and 15 June, 21.00, Votivkirche Church, Bike Film Nights Bicycle-loving cinephiles as well as aspiring movie fans will have fun at the film festival in Sigmund Freud Park, directly opposite Votivkirche Church, on 14 and 15 June. The Bike Film Nights will present shorts and (on Saturday) a feature film with cycling as the key theme. Admission is free and – inspired by U.S. drive-in cinemas, though of course with bikes instead of cars – arriving by bike is strongly encouraged.

14 June to 6 October, Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), ’Tour du Monde’ exhibition Bicycles as design objects per se are another theme of the Bike Year 2013. Before the exhibits will travel to the U.S. and Israel, many design bicycles from the world-famous EMBACHER/COLLECTION® can be admired at MAK. The show will o�cially open on 13 June 2013; admission on this first night is free.

15 June, 10.00, City Hall Square, Family Excursion to aspern Vienna’s Urban Lakeside Why not take part in a family excursion by bike to aspern Vienna’s Urban Lakeside, where you can enjoy a varied program for all age groups with a flea market, the Gold Sprint Cup and a competition for the most beautiful bicycle? aspern Vienna’s Urban Lakeside is Vienna’s biggest urban expansion project; its development reflects the principles of sustainable mobility.

15 and 16 June, 10.00 to 20.00/18.00, City Hall Square, Bike Polo Tournament Vienna’s City Hall Square will also feature a polo playing field for a high-adrenaline tournament with international teams.


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As part of the conference program, 18 ’Hot Spots’ aim to demonstrate best-practice initiatives in Vienna. The information is illustrated on triangular stands which are accessible 24/7 and can be explored individually anytime. 12–14 June (12.30–15.30), experts from the City of Vienna will be on-site at all Hot Spots to answer questions or explain information in more detail.

For information on how to get to the di�erent Hot Spots, please refer to our website www.velo-city2013.com

Ringstrasse circular cycle way – inner lane at SchottentorThis refurbishment above the Schottentor underpass minimises conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists.In 2012, the side lane for cars was eliminated and replaced by a generously sized two-way cycle way that enables pedestrians and cyclists to travel more smoothly and safely.

Hot Spots

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Ringstrasse circular cycle way – outer lane at BurgringIn 2012, the gap in the Ringstrasse circular cycle way between outer Burgring and Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring was closed. The Parliament forecourt can now also be used by cyclists.In order to let cyclists enter the former riding avenue on Burgring, the side lane was closed o� to car tra�c and opened to bicycles. New tra�c lights enable cyclists to cross Bellariastrasse safely.

Ringstrasse circular cycle way – outer lane at Kärntner Ring and OpernringOn peak days, up to 8,000 cyclists use the Ringstrasse circular cycle way.To ease the tra�c load on the inner Ringstrasse route, a new cycle way was created in 2011 along outer Kärntner Ring and Opernring.Despite spatial constraints, additional room was made for cyclists. Tra�c lights were adapted or newly installed for the complex intersections. Bicycle tra�c is guided via the former riding avenue or the side lane.

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Bicycle-friendly HasnerstrasseHasnerstrasse has been declared a ’bicycle-friendly’ street, i.e. a continuous bicycle route that prioritises bike tra�c. At several intersections, existing tra�c installations were redesigned and the following measures adopted:• PrioritisationofHasnerstrasseoverallcrossstreets

(except for those used by public transport)• Cyclinginbothdirectionsispermittedin

intersecting one-way streets• Improvedtrafficsafetyforpedestriansandcyclists,

e.g. by means of curb extensions

PratersternThe restructuring of the Wien-Nord railway station also entailed the following measures for bicycle tra�c:• New,directbikeconnectionbetweenPraterstrasse

and Ausstellungsstrasse including one mixed-tra�c zone

• Separationofbicycleandpedestriantraffictoavoidconflicts, especially at Underground exits

• Creationofawider/newcyclewayaroundthenewÖBB building by eliminating a car lane

• Additionalbicyclestandsincludingcoveredones(approx. 280 bike slots in total) as close as possible to the train platforms

• SecondCitybikerentalstationwith80bicyclesintotal

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Obere and Untere Donaustrasse cycle wayThe redesign of Obere and Untere Donaustrasse resulted in a two-way cycle way of 2.4 m width plus 0.6 m separation strip parallel to the building line. After completion of the last section in autumn 2013, cyclists will dispose of an attractive cycle way between the bridges Franzensbrücke and Nordsteg. Additional cycling links created include e.g. the one across Schwedenbrücke Bridge to Franz-Josefs-Kai.

Ottakringer StrasseContinuous bike lanes for both directions were built in Ottakringer Strasse. To enhance comfort, bike stands and a new Citybike station were set up as well.A new solution for bike tra�c had also to be found for the tram stop: the new tram borders are crossed by bikes via a separate bike lane. A scientific study of this construction measure will provide information on whether the solution adopted is useful for all road users.

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Spittelau SkywalkThe Spittelau Skywalk is a direct, easy-to-use pedestrian and cycling link between Guneschgasse and the Spittelau Underground stop. Access to public transport has thus been shortened, and an important connection to Danube Canal and the 20th municipal district was created as well.11 m high and 4.5 m wide, the bridge allows cyclists and pedestrians to cross Heiligenstädterstrasse and thus connects two municipal districts. The glass structure renders the crossing not only visually attractive but also o�ers maximum comfort in case of bad weather.

Vienna Main Station bike stationIt will be possible to reach the new railway station via both high-level public transport and a dense network of bicycle and pedestrian routes. Existing barriers were eliminated, and new transversal links improve the accessibility of the environs, above all for pedestrians and cyclists. The station building itself will house one of Austria’s biggest bicycle stations. Situated in a prominent position, inviting and attractively designed, the bicycle station will, in addition to its principal function as a bike parking site, inform passers-by about the advantages of bicycle use.

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Rossauer Lände The Seegasse/Siemens-Nixdorf-Steg link closes a key gap in Vienna’s cycle way network.In case of slow tra�c, pileups are common in Seegasse at the level of Rossauer Lände. Heavy tra�c from Spittelauer Lände/Friedensbrücke is followed by a phase with much less or even no tra�c. In the past, the tra�c lights were still red for pedestrians and cyclists at this moment, motivating many to cross the street during the red phase. The new tra�c signal control now allots green phases ’cut’ from car tra�c to the green phases for pedestrians and cyclists.

EngerthstrasseIn Wehlistrasse, between Marathonweg and Handelskai, continuous cycle ways were created for both directions. These one-way tracks are physically separated from the car lanes and run between sidewalk and parking lane.In Engerthstrasse, generously dimensioned one-way cycle ways were built between Machstrasse and Meiereistrasse. In the section between Meiereistrasse and Marathonweg, cyclists may use the bus lane; this section of the street is closed to private motorised tra�c.

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Wien River cycle way – KennedybrückeCurrently, Kennedybrücke Bridge is the endpoint of the popular Wien River cycle way. With its length of 3.5 km, this cycle way is an important east/west route through Vienna that is used equally by everyday and leisure cyclists. In the context of the project, new facilities for cycle tra�c have been created, e.g. a new bridge across Wien River at the level of Astgasse.Adjacent to Kennedybrücke, a bike garage was built to allow commuters to park their bikes safely. The garage was designed as a transparent glass-steel structure using ecological techniques. This design ensures a high degree of visual control and security.

Bike CityBike City is a Viennese flagship project for bike-friendly, ’car-reduced’ housing and promotes everyday bike use through the following measures:• 330bikeparkingslots,i.e.overthreeslotsperflat• Twoliftsfortransportinguptothreebicyclesand

three persons in one go• Only56carparkingslotsintheundergroundgarage

for a total of 99 flats• Oneslotforacar-sharingvehicle• Onebikeworkstationwithwaterconnectionandtire

pump in the inner courtyard• Parkingspaceforbikesandlockablebikestorage

rooms on all floors• Parkingspacedirectlyinfrontofflats;specialrooms

for children’s bikes

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Rechte Wienzeile Many cyclists and pedestrians use the Rechte Wienzeile zone between the Margareten District O�ce and the Pilgramgasse U4 station. To improve the situation for all of them, separate pedestrian and bicycle lanes instead of a mixed-use tra�c space were created, which has contributed significantly to defusing conflicts between the two user groups.Between Ramperstor�ergasse and Sonnenhofgasse, the tra�c surface on Rechte Wienzeile was reduced to one car lane. The space thus cleared is now available for pedestrians and cyclists.

BerggasseIn Berggasse, a cycle way feeding into Währinger Strasse (hence going against the direction of car tra�c) was built, while bikes move into the direction of Liechtensteinstrasse together with cars in a mixed-tra�c, 20-mph (Tempo 30) zone. To create this cycle way, it was necessary to replace the original angle parking slots with parallel ones.With a 10% inclination, this 250 m long, separate cycle way is the steepest of its kind in Vienna yet used by many cyclists, mostly students travelling between various university facilities in the 1st and 9th municipal districts.

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’fairness zone’Danube Canal is a much-beloved and much-used open space in the city, above all during the summer season. Unfortunately, this has also repeatedly triggered conflicts between cyclists and pedestrians.For this reason, Danube Canal was in its entirety declared a ’fairness zone’ in 2007. As in preceding years, various related activities and services will be organised in 2013.The ’fairness zone’ markings signal to all users of this area that mutual respect is to be given priority.

SPAR climate protection supermarketThe ’Bike & Buy’ project by SPAR sets a signal for shopping by bike: attractive bike stands at SPAR supermarkets make it easier to park your bicycle. Scientific studies were conducted to assess the willingness of consumers to shop by bike, and advertising campaigns aim to motivate customers and employees alike to switch to two wheels.In this way, SPAR actively helps to raise awareness regarding bike use. In 2010, SPAR inaugurated Vienna’s first climate protection supermarket. Due to a wide variety of innovative measures, this supermarket makes do with only half the energy consumption of a conventional outlet; its annual CO2 consumption is cut by 50 tonnes overall. The new SPAR outlet is also a bike-friendliness pioneer: the modern bike parking installation allows for safe parking and easy loading of bikes and in addition features a tire pump station and a charging point for shoppers using (electric) bikes.

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MAK ViennaThe exhibition ’TOUR DU MONDE. Bicycle Stories’ (14 June to 6 October 2013) presents iconic bicycles of the 20th and 21st centuries from EMBACHER/ COLLECTION® to explore the quality and variety of designs for this classic means of transport, with gradually changing technologies and styles revealing a history of innovation and design. Bicycle-related experiences from all over the world, recounted by David Byrne, moreover illuminate a novel understanding of the bicycle as ’awareness machine’.

Image Source: EMBACHER-COLLECTION® / Foto: Bernhard Angerer

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1.01 European Cyclists’ Federation, www.ecf.com

1.02 European Cyclists’ Federation: B-Track-B & CycleLogistics, www.cyclelogistics.eu, www.btrackb.eu

1.03 CzechMobil – Cycling in the Czech Republic, www.centralmeetbike.cz

1.04 Sycube Informationstechnologie GmbH, www.sycube.at

1.05 Eco-Counter, www.eco-compteur.com

1.06 Eco-Counter, www.eco-compteur.com

1.07 JOSTA® Technik GmbH, www.josta.de

1.08 JOSTA® Technik GmbH, www.josta.de

1.09 velo.com, www.velo.com

1.10 Cyclehoop Ltd, www.cyclehoop.com

1.11 Adelaide City Council, www.adelaidecitycouncil.com

1.12 Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda (Andalucía), www.aopandalucia.es

1.13 VelopA and Velogic, www.velopa.com/www.velogic.nl

1.14 Falco, www.falco.nl

1.15 Jan Kuipers Nunspeet, www.jankuipers-nunspeet.nl

1.16 TERN c/o Mobility Holdings, Ltd., www.ternbicycles.com

1.17 Geveko, www.geveko-markings.com

1.18 Nantes France – Velo-City 2015, www.ecocity-2013.com

1.19 Calllock Mobility www.calllock.com

1.20 ITS Vienna Region, www.its-viennaregion.at, www.AnachB.at

1.21 Dutch Cycling Embassy, www.dutchcycling.nl

1.22 Ziegler Außenanlagen GmbH, www.ziegler-metall.at

1.23 Ziegler Außenanlagen GmbH, www.ziegler-metall.de

1.24 Ziegler Außenanlagen GmbH, www.ziegler-metall.ch

1.25 Dutch Cycling Embassy www.dutchcycling.nl

2.01 DB Rent GmbH / Velobility, www.dbfuhrpark.de, www.velobility.net

2.02 Cycling Embassy of Denmark, www.cycling-embassy.dk

2.03 Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) e.V. www.adfc.de

2.04 Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) e.V. www.adfc.de

3.01 KRAIBURG Elastik GmbH, www.strail.de, www.kraiburg-elastik.de

3.02 Cycity, www.cycity.se

3.03 Mercedes-Benz Österreich GmbH, www.smart.at

3.04 YikeBike Austria, www.yikebikeaustria.com

3.05 European project Bike Friendly Cities, www.bikefriendlycities.eu

3.06 Bratislava Tourist Board, www.visit.bratislava.sk

3.07 Fluidtime Data Service GmbH, www.fluidtime.com

3.08 groupnet.at, www.groupnet.at

3.09 Event4You GmbH, www.dieeventcompany.at

3.10 Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH, www.rosinak.at

4.01 Landeshauptstadt München, www.radlhauptstadt.de

4.02 Landeshauptstadt München, www.radlhauptstadt.de

4.03 Landeshauptstadt München, www.radlhauptstadt.de

4.04 Landeshauptstadt München, www.radlhauptstadt.de

5.01 Wirtschaftsagentur Wien – Umweltcluster Wien www.wirtschaftsagentur.at

5.02 Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, www.bmvit.gv.at

5.03 KJION Technology GmbH, www. kjion.com

6.01 Gewista, www.gewista.at

6.02 klima:aktiv mobil/Lebensministerium www.klimaaktivmobil.at

7.01 PBSC Urban Solutions, www.publicbikesystem.com

Exhibitor List

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1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12

1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.16 1.15 1.14 1.13


2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04










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6.01 6.02













4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04



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Welcome to ViennaExplore the city with your own nextbike!

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPractical Information

Practical Information

Please find all necessary information in your pocket information guide.

Conference VenueMain Venue: City Hall Vienna, Rathausplatz

BicyclesThe conference o�ers rental conference bicycles. Get your voucher at registration. Personal support for collection/return of free bicycles:Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10–15 June, 7.30–18.30All participants need to return their bicycles at 15 June, 18.30 at the latest.

Information Desk9 June, 15.00–18.3010–14 June, 7.30–18.30

RegistrationSunday, 9 June, 15.00–18.30Monday – Friday, 10–14 June, 7.30–18.30EXPO, Excursions and Cycle QuestInformation for Expo Exhibitors as well as information on excursions and the CycleQUEST:Sunday, 9 June, 15.00–18.30Monday – Friday, 10–14 June, 7.30–18.30

GardenPartyWednesday, 12 June, 19.30Hübner’s Kursalon, Johannesgasse 11, 1010 Vienna

Book StorePurchchase of conference and cycling related literature and materialWednesday , 12 June, 9.00–18.00Thursday, 13 June, 9.00–17.30Friday, 14 June, 9.00–16.00

Cycling and Public TransportThe conference ticket is valid for the Wiener Linien public transport network (underground, bus, tram, transit within Vienna’s city limits) from 11 to 14 June 2013. You may take your bicycle aboard Underground lines only from Monday to Friday 9.00–15.00 and after 18.30, Saturday and Sunday all day.

GreenEventVelo-city 2013 aims to receive the Austrian Eco-label for Green Events which is a quality certification that acknowledges products and services with low environmental impact.

EmergencyIf you need a doctor, please contact the conference sta�, or call 144. Non-prescription medication can be purchased at Rathaus Apotheke (Pharmacy), Stadiongasse 10, behind the City Hall.

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Velo-city 2013 Conference Venue








Entrance Entrance

1 2 3










EXPORegistration SchönbergPlenary Expo

Mozart Schubert

Strauß Gulda


Falco Zawinul


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Velo-city 2013 Conference Venue The Velo-city conference takes place in the historic heart of Vienna – at Vienna City Hall. Vienna o�ers a unique cultural atmosphere for Velo-city 2013. The use of Vienna City Hall and its forecourt as the conference venue in the historic city centre will give participants the opportunity to enjoy a first-hand experience of Vienna’s (bicycle) culture.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPeople Behind the Scenes

Velo-city conferences not only unite the cycling world but also strengthen a hardworking Austrian and Belgium team! Thank you for the pleasant and hilarious time! Ride on!

The Velo-city Vienna 2013 TeamWolfgang Dvorak, Conference Director, City of ViennaAndrea Weninger, Program Director, Rosinak & PartnerChristoph Schuster, Assistant Conference Director, City of ViennaUlla Thamm, Assistant Program Director, Rosinak & PartnerTatijan Vukasinovic, Head of Organisation, stadt wien marketingMichael Draxler, Head of Finance and Organsiation, stadt wien marketingSarah Pirklbauer, Project Assistant, stadt wien marketingMichael Szeiler, Head of Infrastructure and Hot Spots,Rosinak & PartnerWolfgang Gerlich, Head of Communications, PlanSinnFlorian Lorenz, Communications and Cycling Visionaries Awards, PlanSinnAnnemarie Sulzberger, Communications and Cycling Visionaries Awards, PlanSinnMartin Friedl, Expo and Side Events, Event CompanyChris Temper, Expo and Side Events, Event CompanyBernadette Nagy, Expo and Side Events, Event Company

ECF TeamBernhard Ensink, Secretary General and Velo-city Series Director, European Cyclists’ FederationRaimund Stabauer, Velo-city Series & Event Manager, European Cyclists’ FederationZita Gácsér, Velo-city Series Assistant, European Cyclists’ Federation

Executive CommitteeMaria Vassikalou, Deputy Mayor, City of ViennaManfred Neun, President, European Cyclists’ FederationWolfgang Dvorak, Conference Director, City of ViennaBernhard Ensink, Secretary General and Velo-city Series Director, European Cyclists’ Federation

Program CommitteeMartin Blum, Vienna Mobility AgencyAdam Bodor, Director EuroVelo, Cycling Tourism & Regional Policy, HungaryWolfgang Dvorak, Conference Director, City of ViennaMartin Eder, Cycling Co-ordinator, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water ManagementBernhard Ensink, Secretary General and Velo-city Series Director, European Cyclists’ Federation Alec Hager, Radlobby IG Fahrrad, ViennaMartin Held, Protestant Academy TutzingMichael Meschik, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

People Behind the Scenes

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMPeople Behind the Scenes

Daniel Mourek, Greenways Program, Environmental Partnership, PragueRaimund Stabauer, Velo-city Series & Event Manager, European Cyclists’ FederationDoretta Vicini, ECF Vice President, Board Member at FIABAndrea Weninger, Program Director, Rosinak & Partner

International Press CoordinationBirgit Brandner, Grayling AustriaDoris Passler, Grayling AustriaMichaela Muttenthaler, Grayling Austria

National Press CoordinatorGeorg Brockmeyer, Trummer & Team

Thank you!Also big thanks for your work and great ideas for the Velo-city Program and Infrastructure Hot Spots: Tadej Brezina, Vienna University of Technology Andrzej Felczak, ARGUSPaul Pfa enbichler, Vienna University of TechnologyHanna Posch, PlanSinn Thomas Berger, City of ViennaUrsula Zappe, City of ViennaChristian Rupp, Vienna Mobility AgencyMartin Blum, Vienna Mobility AgencySusanne Reichard, Vienna Mobility AgencyAndreas Jurasits, City of ViennaHelmut Brezinschek, City of Vienna,Elisabeth Alexander, City of ViennaRobert Dangl, Wiener LinienEdwin Hana, City of Vienna

Reviewing TeamWithout our group of 145 hardworking reviewers, the task of evaluating all the contributions would have been almost impossible. We sincerely thank you all for your valuable feedback and support.

TranslationSigrid Szabó, Joshua Grigsby

Social SponsorsWe want to thank our social sponsors: Vienna Insurance Group, Erste Bank and SRAM as well as Rosinak & Partner, Pepelnik & Karl, PlanSinn, Eurist, who were willing to support individuals from various professional backgrounds and cultural contexts engaged in the evolution of cycling as key to the future of urban mobility.

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VELO-CITY 2013 PROGRAMUmgebungsplan

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Velo-city 2013 Contact

Wolfgang Dvorak, Velo-city 2013 Conference DirectorEmail: [email protected]

Andrea Weninger, Velo-city 2013 Program DirectorEmail: [email protected]

The Velo-city 2013 conference o§ceEbendorferstraße 2A-1082 ViennaAustria

Phone: +43 1 4000 88770Email: [email protected]

Bernhard Ensink, Secretary General & Velo-city SeriesDirector, European Cyclists’ FederationEmail: [email protected]

Raimund Stabauer, Velo-city Series and Event Manager,European Cyclists’ FederationEmail: [email protected]

Velo-city 2013 is organized by the City of Vienna (Municipal Department 18 – Urban development)in cooperation with the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF).

Velo-city 2013 Vienna Team: Stadt Wien Marketing, EventCompany,Rosinak&Partner,PlanSinnGmbH

Graphics: Graphische Gestaltung im Erdgeschoss GmbH, PlanSinn GmbH, Eva SchusterPhotocredits:Stadt Wien, Event Company, Die Radvokaten

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