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  • 8/7/2019 Full report KP


    [SHZZ3073] [Research Paper]

    Investigating Tourist Satisfaction: Hotel Guest in Pulau Pangkor

    Chapter I:


    1.1 Introduction

    Pulau Pangkor is an island off the coast of Perak north-west Peninsular Malaysia. Pulau

    Pangkor is a very good and interesting place for travelers and vacations. Travelers or tourists

    cant get lost in the island no matter how hard you try. The name Pangkor may have originated

    from the Thai word Pang Ko. The meaning of the word of Pang Ko is Beautiful Island.

    However others believe it may have been a memorial to Pang Kui, a legendary Chinese

    adventurer said to have lent his skills in seamanship to the bands of pirates this island once


    Among them two islands predominate in the terms of accessibility, infrastructure and

    development, the largest island Pangkor and the smaller known as Pangkor Laut. It has a

    population of over 20,000. Pangkor is a mountainous island with an all weather paved ring road

    circumventing the Island. Pulau Pangkor local residents live in scattered fishing settlements

    along the coast especially on the eastern side, facing the town of Lumut and Teluk Batik, and

    their catch comprises mainly cuttlefish and anchovy. The modern facilities make it an ideal

    gateway. A wide range of sun and sea activities are available.


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    Pulau Pangkor also managed by the minister of Perak that is Datuk Dr. Zambry Abdul

    Kadir. The rules of Pulau Pangkor is the outsiders that are not born in Pulau Pangkor cannot buy

    any land for them or anybody else but the permanent residents of Pulau Pangkor that born in that

    island have the rights to buy a land for themselves or their children.

    The history of Pangkor firstly happen when the Dutch came on 1670. The Dutch built a

    Fort in Pulau Pangkor and referred it to it as the Dinding Fort. Then, the Straits of Malacca was

    crowded corridor where ships from Far East and the western world meet, courtesy of monsoon

    winds. The Pangkor Treaty signed between the Sir Andrew Clarke on behalf of the British and

    Sultan of Perak that is Raja Abdullah on January 20, 1874 in the island. So, the agreement was

    named as Perjanjian Pangkor 1874. Then the British officially involvement in the Malay states

    policies. Today, the island is a major site for seafood industry and its dried products are marketed

    all over Malaysia and Singapore.

    Pulau Pangkor also has provided an accommodation to their entire guest that came to

    visit Pangkor for much reason such as for vacations, business, and other purposes. The

    accommodations that we can see in Pangkor are chalets, hotels, and resorts. There are lots of

    accommodation in Pulau Pangkor that is Coral Bay Resort, Palma Beach Resort, Pangkor Bay

    View, Pangkor Inn Chalet, Suria Beach Resort, Pangkor Village Resort, Hornbill Resort and

    many more. The accommodation that been provided by the Pulau Pangkor have it own price

    range and different types of services and facilities.

    Getting around the Pangkor is very easy because there is a lot of transportation that we

    need to use to go to Pulau Pangkor. The main transportation is boat or ferry from Lumut to Pulau

    Pangkor. At Pangkor, the main transportation is the taxi service. We can use the taxi service to


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    travel all around the Pulau Pangkor. Other transportation that we can rent at there is car,

    motorbike and others. The price of rent is depending on type of transportation that we want to

    use at that place.

    There are many attractions that we can found and see in Pulau Pangkor. The attraction

    gives a lot of impact to the local residents and tourists. The attraction that attracts people or

    tourist to travel to come to Pulau Pangkor is because of the history of the place, beaches,

    heritage, Foo Lin Kong Temple, Kali Amman Temple, Dutch Fort, Pangkor festival, culture and

    many more. Each attraction of the Pulau Pangkor has its own story that causes valuable things to

    the place to be visited. The attraction gives the Pulau Pangkor to become one of the tourism

    attraction places to be visit by the tourist all around the world.

    1.2 The Problem Statement


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    Satisfaction is a need and wants of a person that he or she wants to achieve. It is different

    for each person whether they are domestic tourist or international tourist. Hotel provides a lot of

    things and products to their guests that are services, facilities and others. Sometimes, the product

    that been provided by the hotel have or doesnt have the potential to influence and satisfy the

    tourist and others. There are a lot of places that we can see now with the development of the

    hotel industry for specific purposes. Pulau Pangkor is not only providing attraction place for their

    guest but also a place to stay for rest like hotel, resort, chalet and many more. Therefore, the

    tourist always looks for a place that can satisfy their need and wants.

    The aim of this study is to get information from the tourist that travel and stay at the hotel

    to know their satisfaction through the product that the hotel provided to them in term of service,

    facilities and others. The respondent that I would like to survey is the tourist or known as guests

    that stay at hotel. The thing that I would like to measure in Pulau Pangkor is the satisfaction of

    tourist toward the hotel that they stay during their vacation, business or leisure purposes.

    1.3 Objectives


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    Satisfaction of guest and tourist toward the product and facilities that a hotel provides

    help them to develop their interest and need. The satisfaction of a hotel provide to their guest will

    create an increase in the tourism and hospitality industry in each country. So, the service and

    product of a hotel provide to their guest is to make them satisfied with the hotel or not. This

    industry is growth by an increasing number of domestic and international tourists in the market.

    Satisfaction creates demand of the guest need and wants towards the hotels that they stay. Each

    of their demand will create a good or bad impression depends to their service and product that

    they provide to their guests. So we can see the guests need and wants from the hotels through

    their satisfaction. Therefore, this study has specific objectives in order to discover about guest

    satisfaction toward the hotel that they stay for their vacation, trip, business and other purposes.

    The first objective of the study is to know the price impact to the tourist or guest. The

    second objective of the study is to investigate tourist or guest expectation of the hotel. The third

    objective of the study is to identify the image satisfaction of the hotel toward the guest. Next,

    objective of the study is to investigate whether their services and facilities can satisfied the

    tourist or guest need and wants. Finally is to identify the surrounding of the hotel.

    1.4 Research Questions/Hypothesis

    Based on the objective, the research raised several questions:-


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    1) What is the price impact to the guest or tourist toward the hotel?

    2) What is tourist or guest expectation and how they can gain their expectation?

    3) Can hotel image lead to satisfaction or dissatisfaction?

    4) Types of services and facilities in a hotel provide to the guest that led satisfaction or


    5) Is the surrounding of the hotel can make the guest satisfied?

    Based on the research, it raised several hypothesis:-

    1) The more expensive the price of the room rate, the more it will affect the guest


    2) The higher they paid, the more higher their expectation toward the hotel.

    3) A better image, create a better satisfaction and so on or otherwise.

    4) More good service in a hotel, the more the tourist or guest will be satisfied and so on or


    5) The more facilities a hotel provide, the more the guest of hotel will be satisfied or


    6) A best attraction, create a good satisfaction toward the tourist.


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    7) The increase the number of the tourist so does the tourist and guest satisfaction are being

    increase too.

    8) A good expectation, create a good satisfaction toward the tourist or hotel guest.

    1.5 Definition of Terms

    1.5.1 Satisfaction:- The fulfillment or organization of a desire, need, or appetite. Pleasure or contentment derived from such gratification.

    1.5.2 Guest:- One who is a recipient of hospitality at the home or table of another. One to whom entertainment or hospitality has been extended by another in the

    role of host or hostess, as at a party. One who pays for meals or accommodations at a restaurant and hotel. A distinguished visitor to whom the hospitality of an institution, city

    government is extended.


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    [SHZZ3073] [Research Paper] .A person who patronizes a hotel, restaurant and etc for lodging, food or

    entertainment it provides.

    1.5.3 Hospitality:- Is the relationship between a guest and a host, or the act or practice of

    being hospitable that is the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or

    strangers, with liberality and goodwill. Hospitality frequently refers to the hospitality industry which includes hotels,

    restaurants, catering, resorts, attractions, special event and other services for

    travelers and tourists. Hospitality is also known as the act of generously providing care and

    kindness to whoever is in need. An establishment that provides lodging and usually meals and other services

    for travelers and other paying guests. A building in which lodging and other services, often board, and provided

    primarily to transients and, less often, to permanent residents.

    1.5.4 Tourism:-


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    [SHZZ3073] [Research Paper] Is travel for recreational leisure or business purposes. Is a study of a man away from his usual habitat. Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in

    places outside their usual environment for not more than 1 consecutive year

    for leisure, business and other purposes.

    1.5.5 Tourist:- The World Tourism Organization (WTO) defines tourists as people who

    travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than 24

    hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other

    purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within

    the place visited. A tourist is one who travels away from home for a distance of at least 50

    miles (one way) for business, pleasure, personal affairs, or any other purpose

    except to commute work, whether he stays overnight or returns the same day.

    1.5.6 International tourism:- It can be divided to two types that is: Inbound Tourism


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    [SHZZ3073] [Research Paper] Tourist that visit to a country by nonresidents Outbound tourism Visited by residents of a country of another country.

    1.5.7 Domestic tourism:- Visits by residents of a country to their own country.

    1.5.8 Service:- It is a work that been done by people to fulfill the guest need and wants


    customer service, food service, maintenance, security, F&B and many more. The service provided by the hotel is done by human in many departments in

    the hotels to help the organization to fulfill their guest need and wants during

    their stay at the place.

    1.5.9 Facilities:-


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    [SHZZ3073] [Research Paper] It is a type of physical things that have in the hotels to help them to attract the

    tourist. The facilities that a hotel always provide to their guest

    swimming pools, sauna, shops and many more.

    1.6 The Delimitations

    This research also has subject to several limitations. First, the population sample

    obtained by the survey instrument presented some challenges due to insufficient information.

    Second, the study did not achieve objectives because data collections focus in one area. Third,

    the Pulau Pangkor is one of the tourist attraction places but there is limitation of tourist because

    it depends on the seasons. Tourist travel to other places depends on their need and wants and also

    seasons. Therefore there are limitation of direct information to get from the tourist that travel at

    Pulau Pangkor and guest that stay at the accommodations that have in that place like hotel, resort


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    and many more. But, I hoped that such limitations could suggest and encourage additional

    directions and guidelines for future study.

    1.7 Significance of the study

    The findings of this research will benefit at least some group of the people. With this

    research the tourist or guest can get to know more about the satisfaction of tourist towards the

    place that they stay at the hotel. So, it makes the guidelines for each tourist to plan to take and

    rent a nice and better accommodation to stay before they came to the place for business,

    vacation, education and many more. It help the tourist or guest to effectively safe their time and

    money.This research hopefully can guide the tourist or guest to prepare well and know about the

    place that they want stay so that it can satisfy their need and want when they are stay at the place.

    Chapter II:



    2.1 Introduction

    In this chapter, reviews about the answer of the questions on the chapter one before based

    on objectives of the research from various books and journals. This chapter divided into

    two sections. The first section is the literature review, which based on the overall


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    conclusion and also based on the question discover about tourist or guest satisfaction

    toward the hotel that they stay. The second section provides the conceptual framework

    based on conclusions on first section.

    2.2 Literature Review

    2.2.1 Journal 1- Price impact on Guest Satisfaction

    According to Mattila (2003), the price plays a significant role in the perception guests

    have towards the value and quality of the hospitality product they are buying. Then, guest simply

    expects to receive a higher level of service when they pay more for the service (Matzler et al.,

    2006). The hotel industries inform that the higher performing yields result in higher guest

    expectations. Assuming that the product delivery and service quality is static regardless of price

    fluctuations, higher expectations also often consequentially result in lower guest satisfaction.

    This article explain the impact price has on guests price perception, and it will also explain how

    guests value perception, loyalty and expectations are related to the price they pay.

    According to the Matzler (2006), guest purchasing behavior was directly influence by

    price perception. If their value perception is negative, it make the hotel guest could not choose

    not to purchase from the hotels. It shows us that the price perception directly influences guest

    satisfaction, repurchase intentions and probability of recommending to others (Cited in Matzler

    et al., 2006). Other than that, price can serve as a signal or cue for guest to determine the quality

    of an offer. Guest that paying high price expected to get high expectation toward the service

    quality from the hotel that they stay.


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    Price play an importance role to the guest and it was supported by a market profile study

    done by the CLIA in U.S.A. It show us that participant rated price as important factor in decision

    making. The important of price-value or what can be referred to as the value perception guests

    have towards the hospitality product and service offered.

    According to Jones and Suh (2000) meaning of the overall satisfaction is

    moment of truth by suggesting that there are 2 types of guest satisfaction (Cited in Gilbert et

    al., 2006, p. 300). The first type is the transaction specific satisfaction. The meaning of that is

    specific encounter with an organization. The second type is the overall satisfaction. The

    meaning of that is a cumulative construct summing satisfaction which more represents the

    guests general attitude towards the products or services received. Research also shows that

    loyalty, satisfaction and service quality is closely linked.

    According to Petrick (2004) research, expectation has linear relationship to value.

    Therefore, lower expectations and vice verse can be get from low price paid for a hospitality

    experience. Monroe (1990) supports this theory by stating that Buyers perception of value

    represents a balance between the quality of benefits they perceive in the product relative to the

    sacrifice they perceive by paying the price (Cited in Matzler et al., 2006, p. 181). Then, the

    expectation guest can be gain by them is based on day to day experience as customers. There is

    also other factor that influence guests expectations that is through word of mouth, personal need,

    eternal communication and past experience (Williams et al., 2003, p. 63). This creates difficulties

    for a hospitality company to understand their customers individual expectations by the previous

    factors like word of mouth and so on.


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    In conclusion, studies show us that perception influences guest purchasing decisions,

    and it cause some of the guest are switch to other companies if they experience a poor price

    perception. Poor price perception had an adverse effect on overall satisfaction and loyalty. In US

    nation study, show us that price is a second important factor in making a booking decision. The

    need by hospitality companies to offer a strong-value proposition that includes superior service

    to their guest. The guests pay tend to influence value more than quality, which suggests that price

    satisfaction has a greater influence on loyalty than quality. However, it is important to

    understand that loyalty, which is a product of overall satisfaction (service, quality and price), is

    associated with more favorable price tolerance. This means that hospitality companies with more

    satisfied and loyal guests are able to charge a higher premium for the experience they offer.

    2.2.2 Journal 2 - Customer loyalty in the hotel industry: The role of customer satisfaction and


    The hotel industry known as a global industry with producers and customers spread

    around the world. The use of hotel facilities such as room, restaurant, bar, nightclub or health

    club is no longer considering a luxury because these services have become a part of their

    lifestyle. The demand and supply of the hospitality services beyond that of the traditional service

    intended for travelers have increase the growth of the hospitality industry globally. Hospitality

    manager believe that firms can improve their profits by satisfying customers. However,

    satisfying customers alone is not enough, since there is no guarantee that satisfied customers will


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    return to purchase. It is now becoming apparent that customer loyalty is significantly more

    important than customer satisfaction in a business organizations success.

    According to the Julanderet al., 1997, there are 2 dimensions to customers loyalty that is

    behavioral and attitudinal. The behavioral dimension refers to a customers behavior on repeat

    purchases, indicating a preference for a brand or a service over time (Bowen and Shoemaker,

    1998). The attitudinal dimension refers to a customers intention to repurchase and recommend,

    which are good indicators of a loyal customer (Getty and Thompson, 1994).

    Customer satisfaction is an important in an industry. According to Getty and Thompson

    (1994) studied relationships between quality of lodging, satisfaction, and the resulting effect on

    customers intentions to recommend the lodging to prospective customers. Customer intention

    recommend are a function of their perception of both their satisfaction and service quality with

    the lodging experience. It can be conclude that there are positive relationship among customer

    satisfaction and customer loyalty.

    According Mazanec (1995) found that the image to be positively associated with

    customer satisfaction and customer preference (a dimension of customer loyalty) in luxury

    hotels. This brings to a desirable image leads to customer satisfaction and customer preference,

    while an undesirable image may lead to dissatisfaction.

    According to the journal, a hotel image and customer satisfaction with food and

    beverage, reception, housekeeping, and price are important factors in determining a customers

    intention to repurchase, to recommend, and exhibit loyalty. Among these determinant factors,


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    hotel image and customer satisfaction with housekeeping are the major considerations when

    customers repurchase, recommend, and exhibit loyalty.

    In conclusion, developing customer loyalty depends, not only on the hotels ability to

    increase customer satisfaction in terms of service performance, but also on its ability to establish

    a favorable image. Various aspects of the hotel operation, including the seven services marketing

    variables are managed and marketed in accordance with the hotels image. The hotel room and

    the ability and willingness of housekeeping to offer superior service were the most important

    factors determining customer loyalty. Therefore, suggests that any efforts towards quality

    improvement in a hotel should focus primarily on ensuring customer satisfact

    housekeeping. The hotel manager should focus more in the hotel housekeeping to make the

    customers satisfaction to be satisfied and also from other department. According to the journal, it

    explains about the study to contribute to the growing in services management and hospitality

    management. The strength of this research lies in the fact that it provides an actionable focus for

    the management of chain hotels in their pursuit of a competitive advantage. The authors

    conclude that an organizations long-term success in a market is essentially determined by its

    ability to expand and maintain a large and loyal customer base. Hotel organizations must develop

    and maintain their customers loyalty or, as is true in the majority of relationships, risk losing it

    to someone else.


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    2.2.3 The significance of the literature to the problem under study.

    An analysis of the questions is:- What is the price impact to the guest or tourist toward the hotel?

    According to Mattila (2003), the price plays a significant role in the

    perception guests have towards the value and quality of the hospitality product

    they are buying. Then, guest simply expects to receive a higher level of service

    when they pay more for the service (Matzler et al., 2006). The hotel industries

    inform that the higher performing yields result in higher guest expectations.

    Assuming that the product delivery and service quality is static regardless of price


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    fluctuations, higher expectations also often consequentially result in lower guest


    According to the Matzler (2006), guest purchasing behavior was directly

    influence by price perception. If their value perception is negative, it make the

    hotel guest could not choose not to purchase from the hotels. It shows us that the

    price perception directly influences guest satisfaction; repurchase intentions and

    probability of recommending to others (Cited in Matzler et al., 2006). Other than

    that, price can serve as a signal or cue for guest to determine the quality of an

    offer. Guest that paying high price expected to get high expectation toward the

    service quality from the hotel that they stay.

    Price play an importance role to the guest and it was supported by a

    market profile study done by the CLIA in U.S.A. It show us that participant rated

    price as important factor in decision making. The important of price-value or what

    can be referred to as the value perception guests have towards the hospitality

    product and service offered. What is tourist or guest expectation and how they can gain their expectation?

    According to Petrick (2004) research, expectation has linear relationship

    to value. Therefore, lower expectations and vice verse can be get from low price

    paid for a hospitality experience. Monroe (1990) supports this theory by stating

    that Buyers perception of value represents a balance between the quality of


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    benefits they perceive in the product relative to the sacrifice they perceive by

    paying the price (Cited in Matzler et al., 2006, p. 181). Then, the expectation

    guest can be gain by them is based on day to day experience as customers. There

    is also other factor that influence guests expectations that is through word of

    mouth, personal need, eternal communication and past experience (Williams et

    al., 2003, p. 63). This creates difficulties for a hospitality company to understand

    their customers individual expectations by the previous factors like word of

    mouth and so on. Can hotel image lead to satisfaction or dissatisfaction?

    According Mazanec (1995) found that the image to be po

    associated with customer satisfaction and customer preference (a dimension of

    customer loyalty) in luxury hotels. This brings to a desirable image leads to

    customer satisfaction and customer preference, while an undesirable image may

    lead to dissatisfaction. Types of services and facilities in a hotel provide to the guest that led satisfaction

    or dissatisfaction?

    According to the journal of Customer loyalty in the hotel industry, a hotel

    image and customer satisfaction with food and beverage, reception, housekeeping,


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    and price are important factors in determining a customers inten

    repurchase, to recommend, and exhibit loyalty. Among these determinant factors,

    hotel image and customer satisfaction with housekeeping are the

    considerations when customers repurchase, recommend, and exhibit loyalty.

    According to the A Different Perspective to Hotel Attribute Importance

    Investigation, again the highly significant Chi-square test for the cross tabulation

    with the star ratings should be taken as indicative only. The most distinct

    differences include the feeling that the offer war bad quality. This statement is

    made by business guest staying in five star graded accommodations only.

    Similarly this group of business travelers states to have been disappointed by the

    service and the personnel in general far more than the others. On the other hand,

    cleanliness and noise problems are mentioned by guests staying in the lower three

    categories more often. Finally the basics bed and food are stated most often

    by members of the one- and two-star accommodation group among the business

    guests. Is the surrounding of the hotel can make the guest satisfied?

    The location of any lodging property includes more than one component. At

    the very least, two factors are involved:

    -distance from, or access to, one or more specific places, such as a beach,

    city centre, airport or highway;

    -neighborhood amenity or quality, such as quietness, views from rooms,


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    nature of the propertys surroundings.

    These factors have been identified in research on housing location (e.g. Bartik

    and Smith, Dubin; other writers suggest that location may be broken into three or

    more components. For example, Werczberger and Berechman are propose that

    location consists of:

    - Accessibility

    - The characteristics of the properties site itself.

    2.3 Conceptual Framework

    Based on the results from literature review, conceptual framework model has been

    developed as illustrated in figure 1.


    Tourist or Guest satisfaction:

    -Are they satisfied @dissatisfied?





    when they pay

    more for the


    -It influences




    How guest gain expectation:

    -Day to day experience

    - Word of mouth

    -Personal Need & etc

    Surrounding of

    the Hotel:-

    -Location of

    the hotel

    - Cleanliness

    - View


    ImageFacilitiesAnd services

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    Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

    Chapter III:


    3.1 The Data Needed and The Means To Obtain Data

    In doing the research about satisfaction of hotel guest toward the hotel that they stay

    during their vacation, business or leisure purposes will use two types of data sources

    which are primary data and secondary data. We are also using instruments to conduct the


    3.1.1 Research design Primary data

    The primary data are generated using the appropriate methodological framework

    and associated methods for data collection and analysis. In this research are uses

    within quantitative methodology, primary data are collected using the methods of


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    questionnaires. When uses the primary data give advantages in terms of

    relevance, appropriate population studied lack of other researcher bias, and lack

    of methodological errors. The questionnaires are developed to get the appropriate

    data for this research. The questionnaire will be distributed to the tourist or guest

    of a hotel. We are also using observation survey to help in our research to make

    the data to be better and accurate. The observation makes us close to action, but

    slightly apart. The observation was conducted to find out and get some direct

    information from the tourist or guest that travel and stay at the hotel. The

    interview was done at the actual location of the research. The interview was

    carried out by us. Interview with the tourist or known as hotel guest was been

    done by us and also we had interview the Manager of the place. It help us to get

    some straight data information from our interview that are related with our

    research. Secondary data

    The secondary data has quick and easy accessibility, low cost, secondary analysis

    and richness. So, in this research data have already been collected by a previous

    researchers and a second researcher then access that data for this research such as

    journals, books and thesis. Based on that, I use desk research for secondary

    data. The secondary data that I have used for this research is internet survey,

    journal, and other survey that are related to this research.


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    3.1.2 Instrument

    The questionnaire was designed to obtain information about the

    satisfaction that they get from the hotel that they stay for vacation, business trip,

    holiday, education and for other purposes. The data contributed 27 attributes and

    the data collection instrument consisted of a 7 part/section. The first part of the

    questionnaire was designed to view the demographic of respondents in section

    A. In section B, the respondents will be asked about their price perception of the

    room rate or price rate at hotel that they are stayed. Section C and D are

    describe about the guests expectation and hotel image. Then, in section E the

    respondents will be asked about the hotel facilities and services that been

    provided by the hotel to them. Section F and G are about hotel surrounding and

    their opinion regarding the hotel and others. All the part in this questionnaire are

    been developed to identify, to know and understand about hotel

    satisfaction toward the hotel.

    3.2 Sampling

    3.2.1 Technique

    The sampling technique used in the survey is non-probability sampling for

    questionnaire. The sample used is convenience sampling among

    respondents. The sample used only to the tourist or guest of a hotel when the

    survey was conducted.


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    3.2.2 Population

    The target population of the questionnaire consisted of tourists or hotel guests

    (n=50) whether they are domestic or international. It is because both of the

    respondents are equal because they are the same people. If they are tourists, so

    they will be a guest of a hotel if they stay at a place and so on. Therefore, this will

    help and get us an exact data and correct information to this research.

    3.3 The Specific Analysis of the Data for Each Sub-Problem

    The data analysis based on the research objective. Four of objective use questionnaires

    method. After sorting out the invalid questionnaires, data were coded, computed, and analyzed

    using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). All the attributes in the questionnaire

    for respondents are given except some part of Section A: Demography for easier to analyze using

    the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).

    3.3.1 The objectives from questionnaire are:

    a) To know the price impact to the tourist or guest.


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    The analysis techniques used is descriptive statistical The independent variable uses

    are Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the difference

    of room rate or price rate of a room and what do you think about the room rate or price

    in section B.

    b) To investigate tourist or guest expectation of the hotel.

    Firstly, the analysis techniques used is descriptive statistical because to define the

    frequency of respondents strongly satisfied when looked at independent variable.

    The data about is about the guest expectation in the section C, the variables uses in

    the data are cleanliness, safety, adequacy, comfort, viewing and overall and also the

    gain of expectation. Secondly, T Test was used to statistical analysis to different

    ship the level of satisfaction between female and male of the hotel.

    c) To identify the image satisfaction of the hotel toward the guest.

    In the section D are about opinions from the respondents. Question about this

    objective is whether the image of a hotel plays an important part or role in their life

    and was uses to compare with the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of tourist toward the

    hotel with Independent Sample T Test. One independent variables are used in this

    analysis are do to determine it.


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    [SHZZ3073] [Research Paper]

    d) To investigate the services and facilities can satisfied the tourist or guest need and


    Firstly, the analysis techniques used is descriptive statistical because to define the

    frequency of respondents type of the service and facilities when l

    independent variable. The data about is the services and facilities in the section E,

    the variables uses in the data for service is dinner reservation, F&B services,

    recreational services, and so on, meanwhile for facilities are swimming pool, Wi-Fi,

    gymnasium, wakeup call and many more. Secondly, T Test was used to statistical

    analysis to different ship the level of satisfaction between the facilities and services

    of the hotel.

    e) To identify surrounding of the hotel.

    The analysis techniques used is descriptive statistical The independent variable uses

    are Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the

    difference of derived factors in relation to respondent with the surrounding of the

    hotel that attract or satisfied the tourist and to know their need and wants to the types

    of surrounding.


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    [SHZZ3073] [Research Paper]

    SECTION D:HOTEL IMAGE image. The image is whether the image

    play an important role or not and does it

    give them satisfaction.



    This section question is regarding to the

    facilities and services that provide to the

    guest. It is about the satisfaction that the

    guest gets and also about the types of

    facilities and services provided by th



    This section containing question related to

    the surrounding of the hotel. This part areexplaining whether they are satisfied or not

    and also the types.


    In this section, it tell us about the guest or

    tourist opinion, idea and suggestion toward

    the experience that they have and gain

    from present, past and future.

    Table 1: Questionnaire Design


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    [SHZZ3073] [Research Paper]

    3.5 The Outline of the Proposed Study

    Table 2: Grants Chart




    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    1. Background reading

    2. Find related Journal and


    3. Find problem statement

    4. Doing research hypothesis

    / objectives5. Literatures review

    6. Develop methodology

    7. Prepare the questionnaire

    8. Data analysis

    9. Prepare research


    10. Final outcome

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    Chapter IV:


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