Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

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Page 1: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,
Page 2: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,
Page 3: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,
Page 4: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

10!(8W0!('1J *

J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression

of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a

cross section of t lie life, traditions, and ideals

of the Army. Our squadron is the fJroduct

of the efforts of many men. f t is our

wish to fJreserve these efforts in a

tangible form, so that in the

)'ears to come we rnay recall

our present surroundings

and many genuine



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---~-,..., ___ ..



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A {Jf>rW<'d by


~ltmphi~. ·rcnnessee

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T H E F.11.ltor

ant Fd11or

4.uon•te I d1tar

.t.- r ttl1tm

fUQ( '1tr F.dUor

.fuor at' I · ,fit111

Con r u1111:,t Edilut

Bu; '' I dit()r

PhDI , apl11c t.t/1/QI

S T *A F F 1.1. ~lilt lltll. C.. \ ' l"CL"

Cl'I . .fA\11•' :II. FARRELL

I . I . Kl.'..~!\ l~"Jll \ . FLA\11:\

L 1. ~1 11 ro" R. S 1LVER.>

c:1iL. FRA"<~, ... c;. sc11,vF11·zF.R

t:1·1.. i\ IA111-<1c-:1· 1~ . c :~>vRcHEs~· c

L·1. c:11AKLl, \ . PfKR''

l.t. Rlt.11.\KO J. ZEl<\'~Ct: I / 'l<.1. ll AK<)l I) I.. 'HAI\

f Ulartl (.Jhoto~raplru- /'.(/1l11t ~l/"W".I. (.KA'I E. ")()RL''<J'

frt IA1toT l'\ I \\ 1'1 11 M. 1 .. R•:ARD

Co11rt.".r.,'tU'. 'iitJfJ'. :Otord, 'I. 1111'1'11:..rr.~. Flot·ir1. P« ti\', r'i t1rt'1I, /rJT•rc'A

J 1 \l,,cltrll C. I incenl

fop,e Five

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Pngr Six


T he men of the 9}rd Ferrying Squadron dedicate

this book to


Army Air Corps, as a token of I.he admiration,

resf1ect, and affection which each man holds for

him as an officer, as ri /1ilot, and as a man.

With a. sf1lendid mifitary background, natural

leadership, administrative ability, and experience,

his career in the United Stales Army Air Force has

been one of outstanding arhievement. H is com­

m.on sense, firnmess, sense of j11stire, and abifity to

get along with liis men command ou.r admiration

and resfJect .

* * * * * • * * *

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.Major !fa111es 8. !folt11sto11

\l~JO• Johnston·s suc:t..c..•·"(111 111ili1.11' lt"ac1crshtp niay be attrihultd to hi" 1raining. to his t-'(>cri~1u.e. an<l to hi!' awr .. o uahl).

1 lls 1uiliuu-y uaining d~tl"S h:tc:k 10 1929. when, :)ftcr o ne )C:u• C"J f 1>rcva1 alor~ schOl>I wo1k ~·• 1h<· H.1ulc C 1t.>und i\(:1dc1ny. he entered R:indolph ·.\l ,1 ~ ou ~lili l :tT)' Ar,.:utcn1y. gr:1tl11atl11g h-Ou\ lhere io J une, IH3!S. ~, he following ~C:lr hf hcr,.11ur. ::l snu!eru ••t 1hc f:unou~ \ ' i rginio \li1itar-r l n~ 1 i111tt' , LJ!xinglon. \ 'irgini:i . 1"pon M•:'lcl11a1ing in J unc. 193i. he \\'35 con1mi.; .. i(JIU.'d ~(..'(VU(l li('UICU:!Ol in the I· ield ,\ n iU<;r\. on ic-cr"• RescT\'C (A'u p~. and three years l::..tc1 \\'3.) p1·u 1\10100 10 tirs1 lieutt'IUllH l .. e h:t!t called 10 act.i\•c dtH)' In the Field Arliller\' JatHt<ill"\ , l fJll. ;uuJ pro· nHHt."l.i iv aiptain in rcbnJ31' , 1912. lk'c:aur;c of his teen int<:'f~I in :l\ia.Lion and bis ronsidn-.eb1t C\J>e11e11ce ~ ;;a pil<K. "'hi<b he obDinnl "'hilt R\iog hi' o"'-n p13nc. he tnn,ft"rf-nJ to lhe .i\it- Corl" .. \ f>1il. 1Clf2, and "ithiu a ~l~I h(" "'.._\ promotM I() 1be 1-anl. t>I major.

Io dale be hais '<1"\Q'.I the \rnn \ir for(t in 1hc follo-ing np..t.1tia: .\~ .\Jmiuiilrdthc ln'f>t.'ttv.- .at lkrn t-icld. ~Mh\ille. Tcnne1~. :ind Com111:111ding ()tficrr of the Mth t-~rr\111~ ~loadron, and after ti.ill-~fcrr-1.ng to \tc:nlphi5. cts Po-;1 Excc111h·c ()f£ke1 o l 1hc 3--ltith Air Base nntl \Ir na~ "lquadroo. Coot1TI:1nding Olliccr 0£ the !UcJth ,\ i1 H:tsc Squadron . Co1n 1nanding ()llicer of Lhc 8ll1 Fe1r)i11g S<1t1acho11. !lllll io.inn • 11111(' I. 1 91~. a' COO'•· u1:111di11g O!li<cr o f the !llhcl l~C'll )'ing .~r1u=ttlron.

Wnihining a dyna1uic per3-0n:tlicy '11ul lcadenhip with tin: tibllity to org~loi:ie :ind ge1 thin.gs Joue, ).lajor Juh11 .. te,_111 arl:.nowlcdgo oul) Ofl(' ('fliC'lcnc..1 rating for hiuh.elf and hi• ~qu:1dron, 1h:;u of SUJ>Cli<•r.

I hcse persou-31 qu3li1io 1ogc1hc1 with his su1ccr<': inte1'~t in ch~ \\c:Uare o( tbe tneu in hh t.t.J11111H1..11J, ha\'(': \\tUI fo1 hi1u the rcsp«t of both otri<('P~ and enlisted m<':n.

Page 10: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,
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: I ! I t t I I t

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MAJ . M.


!\loll' c::unc tn the 41h Ferrying (~r<• ll )l on Ko\'Cnlhcr I, 19·12 , :ind w:ts assi,gn<:d :i« 1\dj111 :11H

of 1hc t)1h Ft rrying Squad1·on . h'hi(Jl pl;1('(· he

held on1i1 Apl' il, 19·12. \\1he11 he beca1oe e'etu ·

th·e .,,ffil·er. 011 Jtule 1, 1913, upon <iCli\'aLion

u( the: !t3nl. he ,,·as :.s...;ign<.."tl cx<..-cuti\'e officer

of lhc .~p1a<lron. Suc:cc..;s ii> ncH nc\•' 10 .'Hoff.

as he "~1.S ca1)1;;ii11 o f hi" [(i01bal1 te~nn aL the ll nh·crsity <.•( Chi<:a&~· 1• aS a 111e111IK'r of

the: All·.\1ncri<:an baseball tcant wbic:h toured ,lap;;tn, :iftc·r which he IK"Cln1e a !\uccc.-ssful hu.;j •

. nc.~ 111:111 in CIC\('l:tnd. ]\lo lf h:ts found hi.'i plafc

in IJ1c .\ nn) it11ll hrL" pro\eu 10 he a 1110.s:t (:tp:11Jlc

:iod t~ffic·icn 1 ollu:cr. a.; well a.s a 11a tu r;tl k-.1dtr

( 1f lllC'll .

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~fA.J . FR£ 0 ERICK ~I. E LTON


Js-r Lr. K"E1\NETH 1\. FL.\vr~


2N D L 1'. j ESSE \ V. i\l 1\R1\BU:


2~n L.T. )ACOR BLu :i.tEN'fHAL





J;,1· J,r. M rTCHP.t.L C. V tKCENT



!ST LT. Ro11ER't I I. H £ RSCH£ t>£




Perry, leroct:k~ Anderson. Hcrsclu:dc, Speight. l' incent, Flnt•itt, ,llro·(lb/1>, Hertz.<>g, Elton., j ohnsJon, 1Jugley

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RETREAT Page Foiu·teen

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C1U"T. 1-I E.l\'R\' <;. H 1\G(,E\' ~Mo 1·1,:a(turce Jt.oad {\ rtA:..,.TA. GEOltCIA

The §Quildron i~ lu1u1n:11e lu h:Hing "Clay" as OJ)('rn· rion~ olfio:r. for 110t on11· d"<'S lu: perform t hose l:n,ohed dudes Wilb cite 1UJ1)( im1un of rtt.i.111'. hut he is rts.po1u1blt: ((Ir the p l$:1uH11g :encl dt'<lig n . iug or cht- ~uadron head· f).tl ill'ttts. Cb) hi une of o ur frw d:1~~ lhc rilot~ .i111J l13S l<>a¥«1 O\ ('I' !1.000 l.murt. In c·h-ili:ln Jif~. Cla}' Is 1h(' 1>resi d ent o{ U:.itk'' Aitrr.1ft <ind S:1I«• C.oruran y.

~:'\n L'r . Ro"bERT 1".. • • \RN \\'' t:.liTERVll.l.E. OHIO

Am was one of 1hc lin.i uu~n 10 C'nli&t in 1be Ch'1 Air l'fllCOI, H (' llew OUI o f r;in. :una Cit}'• Florida, i;.-fth tbC' A ntl·Sub l''lltrol Jinrl 1r-lli. ,qme good stQri~ of those lint mtssiou~. H e i ~ a formeT ~•ud~n1 or Oh)o St:uC" t:ni· \Chit~ :uid :1 1ne1:11f1C"r (1f 1hr Sigm.1 J)drn. Phi t'r.a.tt.ttlit}'.

<;.>\l"T. Rl<:l-IARU 1-1 . l\ ;\t'\ KS

FOK.o\\:l., AIUi.A~SAS

" Okk" I~ no loO$:Ct 1o·i1b ch<: .x1u:ulro n . hu1 ic OO'-' 1he e'er·~'tleree1k grouv 111C!l~ cir· fu:tr. llc>WC\f'f. while r>)ca; was '-·i.1.h us. ht w t ui> ou1 .,(IUJi(iron $UPt>lr in Pt''k'<I dt:111¢ rtJ)J bt!d tilt~ knad or utakil•J: a lC)11.1th io h loot C'<l"". l' rkir tt' l1h <i:1U1'' in du: a.ii fo~. Oic-k 11'<t$ _.., ~•P«•nd· comln.R lruurn,nce :i~rH O\c:r in fnuhTI-. Ark;in~s.

( :Al"T. \R\'IU \ \ ', HERC.LL::->!>

~'..'2i Airw,.~·· Rl)uiM·:1rd M 1. :0.tl' l llS. TE~~i:sst:i-:

( ::ip t.1ln lkre:luod h _.J klt•n )~fl'· n1mmrr('i:il fl~ inir be· Core be<omh)~ -Our 1.:s1, gnoL H e h:1$ I(~ O H'f " .,,5()1)


Page Sixlccn

0 F F

( .,\ PT . \ \ ';\1,:1 ER I ,


~h\lYIO<'k! Ot.JVE HRAl'CH, ~fl.sSISSIPPI

And) is :1n Armr man ,.itJ1 :I ba(kltf(l\IOd O{ fOUr f~ O{ 1nilitan· p rep ~hool and 1l1t 11 T rinit'' Collce:e. tie reccil·l"d his pik>l~ 1r.1inintr a t tJ1e S~run S<'hool of Atrunattli~ . SU'l.duating in 11)3(). He holds :1; rnn•pori pilot'll r.11ing . fn 1J1t !£lllltdron. h~ i ~ our <'3· p:ihlr i1u<'lh11:«ife aucl :is.'!-i~· .u n ove~ti(>n$ of5ttt'.

Irr LT. HAk.01 .. D ~!. J\R~OLD

Sl\IJtta.s, Kt::NTt;OKY

••1.1:t1p" Arnold b:u " ""in brotber. Ci.pt-. C;iirold t\nold. ,..ho i.~ an aerial p hu1<1gr:iphe"r­h1 Ital), :u1d 11.;ip ,.·ou td Jj};.(! to bw:m1c a piJot boid et be. irlg :1 n:1rig;a1or :ood then join hie. hro t h«'. H e- auenderl 1h~ Vnht'oi1y o { J\('ntuCkt' :tlld 1tic Unh·crsily ot ) fian1i.

2~D L'I'. jA.\I E.'i I'. l\f~\l..J~ To(.F.bO, 0 1uo

J inl b :1not ht>r n..;ilh< of Ohio, where he au~11llOO Ohio \\·01t:p111 l J nilcrdr~" O<fore <'n1crln,2' tht Ail ' J'1:11\!'f)(1rt Command, J in1 ~n·ed as fligh t ln~tn•cto1· 111 au .<\ ron· pnm:ur !C"ll(M.)1 Jiod " ' pf(.K'1\l Ji; befog l,('1)1 b u)) with ~iugle ('ng:i11c pl:u1e"..s.

I ~··· L;r. K. BER'n Jl .. IS S766 CaU"1ci Strtt"I

~f i&.\tl~HJ~. Tt..~z.>£.'s:sU:

R('rl joined 1.1~ 1\rn•~· Air Co~1>J in 19-41> :inti i~ :a. gr.;d11. ~•c or the A. A. f'. R1dio St.l.1Uul :l.l SI.Vil l;idd. tl lifll)i\. M(' h a cla~s Cour pikn aod one or 01.11' b11~i~ drh'm

Page 19: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

c E

2~V LT. R,A \' C. D.t::V&kAGt;

'23 "tuJbcrrr Str~t \\1A'l'Nl'S00ftC). VlltCll"lA

[\·cr-s111.fling Rav ha_, l)u lh tiP :a 10.t of llfh•g time In ~ingk engint" t)-pe plane:$. 1-fc: a oue <>( our bu.skS:t pu~uh pilou.

2NI) 1...1'. J •\C:OH BLU1\tENTHA1,

79,S Park ,\\CllUe [LKI~'.$ PAfC~ P t;.,';';$'o'LVc\.S"IA

Jack Sl•penisc;s 1hc eng-i· nttring v.'Ort: of Lhe i••t-dliuliCS in O\•r $QUild~n. H<' i.$ a gr•du:.tc: of Ut'li~h l'ohcrshl' and the Unhmny of Pcnn. 11lh':lni:1 J..a,,,. ScitOOI and was a, patent auornc)· in c:h ·ilian life.

IST LT. J OHN F. nv~~·s F..l.i~ fONO. OK~\llO~IA

Jc.>hn eime i.iH(.> tb<: Arm) b:ic;I.: in 1940 and i~ now •>n c. of our 3rod ) B.0 .Q'ttt. He lliJ au<-ndcd the l nf:uu rv School, 3rd Anny 5(1~1 31'1<1 Cbenlk:aJ \\'~rf<ire Sc:hool. :1nd ha$ ~n·C(i in :an 3d..lnhl istta· the capado· in SC''""' br:.ncbCJ of t he Auu~'.

2Xll L1·. ASHKV C. BYt:RS. IR.

I !>W South \Vfflt"t Snttl HAklUSOZ"'6'\JltC. V 15'.Cl1'1A

Kip .B}'e« has hl'l'n ;l pikn Mdl.h t bC J'etl') ini! C.;m·un&Od abo1n ten mon1hs. Hr is :1 member of Lhe Elks LodJe Uld Kr.ld11al<'d ffl)m A11gw1.;i Milic:ar}' Acadein, 1u\d tJ1e Nation11l llusinm f'A.>ll~e. Iii$ rtc re:itio u jj hun1lo,2' and lhhlor.

R s

l$1' Ll'. CLlf·,'Oj'I;' L. HL·\ CK

112(1 8 UM10 A H 'n ue SALT L..\ li.ll. {;J1'\'' u·rAH

A <1uit"h"I' lad •OU i.•(t1i°t rind :1np1:hc•rc. hut )1'-11 k now ~· ic.hout ;tJ:in)t tbat Clifl b Joi.n,2' a t.)1 of 1hinting ;aJ)(l, iJ the µ 1x.blctu ari!te:S. he'll fi111r< il out :ind lr:1d rot• !tou)e. CUA attended tht" Uniu:~h)' o f Ur;ah hefori:: u inin.@ us. l'uul u(tw. lu.' s:'lys. ~ is aurnding 1hc U11h<"'r~1y 11f 111.: Un i•·e-.-se. He d ;1i10_, 1fi. <tulle a plac:c~ too.

~:SD LT. ( :HARLF.lil \ '. 60kON

!.'31!> E<ai.t ~lilwa11k.c:it Street J)f,Tft()IT. !>r1ct-11CA'"

t if'Ult"n:an• 1klf1'n wa,s (>n <'.(: 1 s tudt:Lll at Colutubi.i1 lJ11i• •f'r$il\'. Fon ncrl) ~ rdilW';lv O. IH~ l'Jiai l d <:rL.. he b >1111 1r.1H•lini aro111~ :t$ 1 lliah1 ll :t.•iJ::;il()f,

l.) 1 , J., 1 . S 1 1\1'l.~l' E. lSUSM

.f!H I ii~ A,t·uuc )lt:~U·UI), Ti-~~&'>i.trt:

Stan ... ·as a oomm('r(i,;i l piloc hl"rorc lh~! war. aud :u a n:l• Int of i\JC"roi>hb h~: has In· lt'Tt"llt'(il)• •·:11d 1f'(I the muni. d 1>3) :iirpon J[ro"'· 10 ILS IHCS· tnc $i1c and intp.>rranr.f'. He'll 1•1vb:iblr see i1 1t:roi. $4.i ll .,Or4" and m:1y eH•n h:1n ! a !)art in it<"' J1.11ur1! dc~dr1p • JWIH.

'.!.NI> L1'. \\' ILLIA.\1 I}. Cot.LI.NS

\\t f:.!>T ~·l t:Mf'HJ.S. AkM.!\MS

Liuk g1au ha.• IA-cu :II• ..,..,.cd to lfl'tl"' under J} ill'$ k'Cf. :.t1)(<: he IJ:u ah,.ay, k.:pt •inudf bU$}'. 6:1f'k bOIOC' hf' t:a..s a dept.I t) s.hc·ri[ !'l ihl auto a!C'ni:1n. " 'hen not per. tormlng dtbcr <»f t hOk dutit'-'. &ill d uJ.'.l !!<I 01.'lp~ :11.(1 W3$ :t ll liz:Ju l.nstn1cror.

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2NO l _,.T. \VILLIAi\t ' "· Cox S1·A.-;u:\·, NOKJtt C:"ltOl..INA

8JIJ <omc:::s I() the Fcrq·ing G1uup "''t.11 ciuaU6cd. Por 91~ t•·o l 't :ir$ he ll(T\'l"fl :.:1 11 ft)illJ.: iu5uunor :ind flit ht '"<>l:nm:in(.!t'T in An1c:ri• ul.S. Crora;i.a. al 1bc G raha.ni 1\\ l;ulou Srhool.


130 C:hcrol:t-c RtJ:i.d HAi\l l'1'0N, Vui.car:L\

J>Jkir to Jo;nln2' 1hc «roup. J in• w-.111 :t Rring irutn1c1or 111 an Armr ~hool , tie also lars rJ:iim 10 bc-ing- :1 ho1tgc• Jl()p1)in.g crop dus.icr.

CAJ!T . ,..<)RkR.ST l)IN•·.s 2504 North Ed win Circle ~t t•t•lf'HI,$, ·rr_ ... Sl:S.Sf.F.

Lit!'9te:n:in1 Din~'$ w·:a~ for­mcrlr a OIJl,'hl fnnructor al\d luinr cvn11idC'r.1blJ: fl '1ing t:'X· 11crit:1)((· lO tlic: 'Fer'J'l•in$J: C.n>UI>· Ii i ~ c:hief hol.ib>· i<> 111\0tOjf't:i Phf. bad:.-.:! by the foci t h:11 hi°' i11 ()II lh t:' ou1~ wilh the PhcHOl!f!ll)he:Ts Union in U:1gd:id.

C:.AVI'. l)AVIU G. ENCl::I.

A 'l'llOL, ~· ... ~SA(;U~.t:'n':\

C:i.1>t:iJn Enrd. a rcCurtt f n11n lbc l::.nd of lhc o:l(l. ill :i rc(onut'd pl11mbtr turned p ilo l . ~·hic'h d 1c.n dd tnialc him :i.n C'>:Pm on A·20 (ucl S')'J· tc-nu.. lie h~i; been in 1hc \ m1~' more •hail 1wo 11nd a

f1.a U )'t:H"il a nd ha.>1 at-quired 1,100 bo\•rs. 90mc- o[ which .. ·:..~ iu ~ud1 o1d·t iiu~r11 :i.< n.1a·s.

0 F F

2KV LT. [ l ,\l tlt. L. C RA\\l"FORJ) Star ROule

\\112>-r i\fo~tt.(>t, l.Oll1$1A.SA

Ekforc; t:'t•h~ring 1Jic Air ·rr.iu~purt Co.nm:1nd. Elmer WIU :a ffjgh t i J\$11'91 l l)f in ;1n A 11u y 1>rio1~U1' i;..hool and prior 10 •h:o :u u·ndt'tl .'l:Orth· ~M Junk>r Col!C"i'e back home in ~f<11Jn,1e, l.ouiili:au:1. Al l)tt'>(:1n , £.l111er Is bl!~)· jtKJa:r· i11j( $inglc-c,ngi11c p lauti.

CAVT. F'LOV)) A. 0AVl-;~1·0K'I'

2~17 Malone Sir('(r i\IF.MPHIS. l•t:NNJ~Y.E

t::apt:l.in Lb,·ei1port ts a produtl of dlC' Smnu :i. TcnnbM.<e. ni.gine sd1001' and lhc Sc. J oe 1rutn1t•Jen1 &ehool. .\1 prt:$c:nl In: i." d1td:ii\K out 01bcr pllou jn 1he 1r;in'5i1i1)n ~hool. Ut"forc eutcrhlll: t.he SCJ\1 Cc, be "'~$ a b:inl:cr.

2:ND L T . 01::\\'t.Y E. •l)Ofl$0!\' . JR.

'4 1S ~l:ain Street S·n LL\\'A'H>lt, 0f'(L/lllC'>MA

L)ew('1· ;iucnttt'd Old ;aJ,;,m;1 A. R,, ~f. (;t'lll<'gt auc1 w~~ :i 1>0Pul:ir b.<lnd kadcr h<'(orc ... urtin!l out 1>11 Iii, ftyit1.(!' ( llrt'CT, Prfor to hJs joining Lite ..\ir ·r11u1:1r1<u 1 Conamaoel ht w:u 110 Anoy lfigl;l1 in· .tU'UC..1C)r.

(; APT. l-IA ROUJ M .

FAUE.R \\l'Ar ... r;s:MRO. VIRCINIA

lhrold ol,)~tt:d Jt B)ln2 f.tt1' kt for 6httn }'t:::ll'$ bc:f()n: bt(l)min_g a ulcmb<"r or the t:erti' Command. and ho ld' ;an A. k E. mtd1:ink r11tl.na arid was a 1T1i:mlM·r- of t.111.· £ nl i.;1l"rl R tkt'<' ror thrt:<e }"t2n. HC' is Ottl' o f lhc: frw p ilolll in out M11.1aJron l1a,·ing O•Cr 3.500 flyin:g houn.

Page 21: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

c E


•• "ui.;.. l':.Hofl h.:1i15 from 1h.- cold pol(' of the nation. ~l :ilone, .:'\c'I\' Yott. Art.-r 1rradt1;11ha from C.ornt-11 Uoi· 'th-ity, !te rol)()wt!d tbc pro­r~s.ion ,,f H:tcrln11rlan tunU h i: tnh''!'tld tf1e Army. For » x1ctt1 inorn l11 h(' was i.1:11ion H:U; rin:ni.an Ill Pla1t11burp; lttnr:i(l:.i. He thtn t.rans.fc:rred to lhc J. ir COrpl> ;ind i~ r1ow 11 p 1'->1. He Is a lll('Olb« of Ifie R<tl;111' C lub, A.V.M.A .• ;ind 1\ Jp.:ia l,si Fr<11trni1y.

C.APT. L..t:E H . fn-rs O A.-; \ 'ILLE, \'Jll.(:11\'IA

I...«' ;l'iuluatcd fr<1m the Vn;,.,,...;.,. <>r Virvini:t :ond \\':ale F•res-1 Coll~t> ~nd "'"*~ JI r r.accicjna ;auorney in Jlan· .. ille Cul' lifleeo t~ts. He t1~~ bC'$id<'1 lh(' distinnion of ha,•. in;: St'n~I ill \\'e>dc1 \\':111 I. HC 1.5 a {otit·('na;in~ 1>ilo1.

IS'r' L··r. Kt'...NNE'fH :\ . FLAVIN

8!19() :!19th SU'ttt Q UU" S V11 .. W\~t:. Nt:'' YOKK

\ \li1h l k«n wi1 and trC'nU· ind~ frie11dly rn:1nner, Kc<n has ol!<omc \ (''1' pop11l:.n with 1hc cu\'11. G't'l h im 10 1d l yo\1 <ibo,11 hi' ind\•ctkln Into duo ,\ .. .,,,.; il'1< "' 1eu::.r:u•t-.I "'ow. J..od $C'rlo11~)» we all kriu w K.:n to be i lefl· dili• JC'nl <ind aip:ibJe n:n lptt1r a' well ;i ii 111n C:\.ce lhmt lid • rn inis.i r ;i'C)r.

Jsr LT . R A LJ>H fKI ED~IA~ 14 1 ~ t'airlic~ U1he


R<1ilph h:i' rht honor of btins; our lll()at ;·1cth·c tom · mutrr lk.• Al:i~k;), He ba~ ol»e1 ,.ed tJH.> 1:t0wtt1 of the Akan l-lig:h1,·:1 r rrorn 1hc olr, aud i1 has lnttif:ut'd b ini e nt111gh to w:u11 19 make t~ H ij) 1n«rc lei.surely in au :1ut1.>mobih::.

R s

brr J.:r. LFi:: \ \ '. ft;RCUSOI"

l l -4Y.! \\ est Xl1uh 0Jl•f't:Y\ 11..l."!, K,\SS...\S

.. f('rgic'-' Ju~n·1 httn in •he Atrnl J.., n!; . bt1t h e ba.-, h.:.d (Jkn1y of f('fTling f'"\:J)f'rit'O(C n<tn~.hdtu. A l 'Car ~itl1 Pau Amcrl..-un 1\ fr •·e rri<:$ $tl.W J.·t:rgie ddiH:rin1o: iu:auv pl:iu~ 10 OllT a.Ill~. 1fie Brit fah and the R"""~i::ub.. H e 111.cnu lmw 10 use a p ls101. (00, o.nd b <ls :1n ~:xpctt'i. m(lelal.

l sr LT. \\'rLL.lA~r N. .FITZJIUC11

<_f9(16 A\'eHUC Q CAl.\'t::n·oN, 1' 1:;x,o..s

f1u. 3 <1oic1. U03!\iUll\U)j: rr llQ"-'. l\C"\'t:r gin.:.c 211)'(,lf)t! 1.h<: lmpr<.-si,ion that Ile ·was ;a mc-mber o f Ci:nl;'r.&I J)QI.). llllk't< raJdin~ p:u l)' in · rok)'()',c lir~t :iir ~i(I . , \ f1er Sttin'2: i;cr• le.- with Ccncrii l Chrnn:n 1h ' c l-41h Air f1)rri; l.n Chlua. he was J:i1tt trans· fencd tQ :-0.'nnh .Afri1::1. anti tbeo to the f'erry Con.l1oa.nd. I-le h.111 tbe Anu;rii:an and Chinese D.P.C:~.

2Nt> L T . 1-IY).IAN l-1. FRANKJ . .l.

2531 \!f~t ('.c;>rtet Sircet CtllC:,\CO, ILU~OI$

·1 he Unhenity of l! li1M)i3 is H~"~ ;i lm <l n1:i.1cr. He g1~1dua 1cd 1here :111 a •naj1Jr in ~iolo1rr aod then d('(idt:d th :u lieini; :1 n:h iJc:i:t1Jr rniglu b"!' .nno.,. l.l\l('r~ti'iis H~ I~ ah•·ay, t>n tlie luokt>ut !ur auy and :tll rorcip n iN.

2NI) l_,T . \ V1>'..RNt.K ~I. fRJJ::.D~tA.'lt'\

42~ £1bt Rauda.II St.tttl ll/t.L1'1r.JOIU., J. I A5t\' l.A~O

~fik.e was 21 .Mudcnt :n Gl'lt• l\:E'lo.,.·n Unh·1:n.i1y befQr i; he Joined rht /\TQ>)' dgbtt'M mu1u lu ag<t. Aftt'.r f<·1ur ,-~:1111 io d i e Nil.\~) R.t~nc, be fin:dl v d edd ed th:at ht: <x:>uld ~ the "'·orld ben er 1hrou1h a pl~ne whuk1YI tban a port• hole.

Page Nineteen

Page 22: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

2''' l,.T. P,\ lL \ •. fR.YL\IA~

10l6 S.Utc Strttt likl&M.U'OltT, c:o~-,.T.CTICL-r

Ahitr ar:.duot1ing frou1 t~ Junior C..011<-¥t> ol Connf!Nin11. P.tul rOl('rffl tM Anll) and 1r.ad11i1ltd fro1n an Ann'' lly· in• tdlOOI la~t Fcbruar,·: Ht' '• Ont'! u( tl~c quiet ;ind 'ou11icc-1 J)ill,>13 ot tlu~ ,quad· rvu.

,,-, . l.L llA\10 .\. CA~t.Jt

21•1 ltoPLI Aimur '\lfl\tltr, Tt:."i:w.stt \I oprr41tnt t!w ~.ulilHlk

t hin• Mt'H<it for 1Wf'l'ft '~"'" bcoforr bc-Lunung a pi.k>t lor tht tttn Comm~IM.t. Our. itta hh "ring L-o1.ru.T. M-111,..ratal ,. lhi11il: uro::"s i.nd toural 11~ n:uil'Jn •ilia it. ll111Moh"b of pllou now Kring ~C'• t' tn1lnn.I h'' him.

:l"o l..1 . C.t.OltC.ot.. R . {,OOD).IAX

lkn. IOi \1.Jl.10"• \\l!iU.1'•!14'

L«lttt o a 11ni~ <"PfT1 and h~ ckb\t't'ftl O\U

I• f 'llC' of tboit pbllO 10 d~tt' Ht p1nm much ol llh 1.-.!1.tu-. titn1•1 .u a 801 .11nd S'9•nKI imuurlOr in. a.n \1m• •hool bdorit joln.il'll" thC' An- TrilD'PQl'I C:omm..and.

:!'' ll L1'. 'JWRC& CRU86 001 HA~, AU•A.\.f.A

l«'Olll:t' ll~uattd frOtD tJ~ k hc-Ndc- \hliu1"' \ radmi\ litld d~ Alliba.ma f'<>h1«hnk lno.!tlutc-. II«' tt no• 11 pi)o1. ,, h('fl c.ro., (' ~ IOCilJ o8tett. ~'""" .... id ........ .. IOOd th.111a •C' hJ\C' C.rubb tn lfw lllOll h11ll. ~ 8dott CON· rnc to lM ATC. M ""a. pr1m.u,. ln~tucM. He t. one of: H'M' aqu<ldroo' s ~td:s.

0 F F

2,n 1.1. c:u~T G. C.Ak!U;'M'". I r

1 \\nt fOl,lrtttnth Tt,. ISA. O~l..10IOMA

Gl1tH .1lll'nlle-,1 01.l:aboma A. k 1\1. Colk1c 1LOd b a mrtnbclr or 1h" :tis111.1 Alpha f.1»llo11. I-le "''IH a ft iaht in · •Uuoor In thlliaii lift:.

~'0 l ,"1. jOlL""' t:. Cl''""' Lil

1St7 l.1_\on ~ \fr\lf'fll'. Trs~r~u:r:

~fn.ph*' tJ ,._to Johnn .... f-IC' 1rMIU.Jtcd from lM local Chrl,o.; n l'huchcn llighSC'hool ond b«.lillte' a~l11~nt ailpon milll~l«'r' and rhWf pilot ror '°11th('rn Air Savicn, \\'heft flt' 'lt.11,tl'I fl,ing. hi': w;u a rotlcln t l;Aw:1.

2,,0 I I . 1-:.Alll. L. GOOO\\'JN

161 ·'Orth lkhilkrr '" ,..,. .. ,-'. ·n:,,, osu.

fAirl •a.t 1n mlUted mu foe Clutt ~n.1,,. In that tirrw 1'M- """('l'I itt an a1rpb.Qe­mn:l.,afc- aPd aurndN aad l fitdu;iit('d lrom AnnT ftrina <ithooL H~ 3 •bO 11 produ<I ol .,.,.,rn;1 11.nd \1. ]OC'.

2'' 11 l_, 1. t\l l•ONSO C':. (:ttAMJ}l.N()

-' 'i \\ 1Uo1o Sirttt POll.1 ('111 .. 1 1 It, NI 1;1• \ '011:..:

<\I •prn1 rigbCttn mOnl.111 "ub lite' Comhlt £na-lnttn IM'fon· -.A~rt':/ pilot tn.ininl.

!A~-~=«· ~ ':it{: •:11d to 1tu1cbr111bm he' a. '"' .. '" to ... , c:hoitt .. bit .. '-' .\mntc:.a

Page 23: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

c E

IST LT. J011N J. HACKt."Tl'

"~·~S F.ight i~th .$trm1 JA<.:1\$0!< At.IGJIT.I, LO~C

lSt.ANI). ~t\\' \'C)1U:.

r-:.n Ani.eriran Nin ig<uion :i«t ion \'.an ri1thtfu lh · fool proud of ., 1-l:u:k ." He'$ one of II~ coot·thinl.in@: 00111· pu11•r O}H'r.HOf5 "''™' ....... H•ld r:t1 h<:r Or th:u\ t:'tt . ll.et'orc joining 1hc; r;1nl;$. •·H a<l;" .... all :t hard"orking l)J)OjO';I· phl"r and ia nu•mlj,.... or 1he< '\'cw r oH: Si><>rtiNt Club.

IST LT. \ VILLIA;\t S. H i\JthOUk

S11Rt:;Y{.T"l)R,T, LOUblA~<\

Hill h:u ,;pt't11 11in(' ,.~,~ in rhe Arm). four o f 11o·h icl1 were ,..·itJ1 the ~:uional C:\1:ird, 8<:· l"''ttr) h ill trh>i:: ti~ a u:in it:tato.-. he· :1~,;i KI.$ lh<' flQ\'t 1nhleric dil'«h)I. Heil alKI aOOut w l'IC'gin 1r:1inin.a 2~ ;i piklr.

2Nf> LT. H Ak R\' F. H1\~J( l.$ON

1.$01 Central A'enuc SA!<OUSXY. 01110

1-lll"1' ;,. on<' o f 1f1<' pikits 1••c doo't stt :uouud hl"1"C m1u·h. Ht< a lwars $('(!Ill\ 10 b<: out on ::I U'ip ..ornewhert. ncrorf' joining 1he- A,T.C •• he ~as a prim.:i.11' in nruc1or. I n ddli;in l if(' hf' ,.·a~ a :1altl11l3tl. Ht bcl<>n~s to che M""~·

J51· LT. ED\\' A.RU F. MA\. 16 t'ulton AH~tlut

JEbE\. en·,·. Nt:''' J tKStS\'

lAcuttnant Ha)· ntaJorcd In t'C1('nomi<:" 21 ~~· \ 'Otk lini• \CJ'Si t1• and b«am<" 11 ~nk cl<'rk . J-le narno rad1 ol biS pla11C1 "HayS«(i.. ;i;nd h:a~ $l>Cn l nu1di of l1b1 timt> <01)1• 11uni.112 bttw«n \1~n1~his :and 1he- J);irk <::Cn 1liut-1U.

R s

IST LT . JOHN L . Hl\~ IAK~~

lf lGJH ..\Sfl f'..tllK. M•CtllGA"

J:u:k ir ll1.uthl'T o n<: or rlk· $1Urdy r:•<<" of bad>·stoo1> u :nistalOfJ h.:i\·ing n u ml:'fO\-' crips in 1\ ·20't. H(' h~s Ot>\Ct 1.U1uidertt<I 1h'~ b:id: ~at 100 (TOt.'ckd for &011,·tnin o! Iii• tr.ut1>. Hero«" jninintc 11~ 11~ a ftll \ la:11tor he w:u a ltt1dt111 al thl"' Unht-:Nity c,r ~l ic-higan llnd a h udd!u2 nta<.hini>L

IST LT • • \ LIJt:JtT L . 1-IARMO., 'A Y

9 Sepnour Plan~ \'01\'Kt:Jt.S. NE\l' \'OllK

\\' h('ll le (()flll'S (I) bast~ll :ind n:1\ ig:ni(ln, 1\ I i~ rtght o n 1.hc spheroid. Before tnte1•inK 1hto Am''" A l wa" :r n.>1111' s:alhman , but. al l)rNl"llt, he i1 a CQpno1('h n:u ig,1or :,nd one o f tht: i lh Ftrr, init Gr~111p'~ h(u('.- h:ill ri l;U'('f~

IS'I LT. J 1t~ l f.S 0. liATCl-l (~chflniz:e 8ulldinJ:. llnloo

~t(l('l: y:.atd$ CffJC,\C:O. h .LISOl.S

IJ ciut'nant Hatd1 hal bl'.'l."11 fl~·ing for nM)rC' 1han 1cn f<":I•~ aud d111 inj: d 1U. lime lie 1111:1 k;>g~wfl o\'l'r 2.1,0 ho11u 1im 1:: in all lfl)l'S of sh iJ)s. Bt!Oft Mn ering lhto Fettl' (",,ommand. Jhu was a lht~t()(k <<>nhnis· <.inn hrnl:C'r in <.:;hir:1g<~.

2ND LT. R OCIN,\Lf> ~f.

H t; t 'N.,K 212:1 Ninth A,·enuc

Il le.KOR\'. i','OR1'U C,\R()Ll l'-•A

''Hef " bas lx>cn a11 Anny pilo1 b u1 a short time-: (l<,••('rtJ1t le>t I\(' did hii1 1)311 for 1io.·o )'CillO before .Jl ~n lnsuunor for Cf, ill.an Pilo1 l "r2i11ing. Ill' bring:s to 1hc Arn11• his 'ah1abk mechankal rr:iin ing :ind b:im~unming cSpcrl('t)((',

Page 24: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

l~'I' 1.1', l.tOVO C. 11 t-'l tl .. fl(:

61~ How.-rll A\rnut Blu.l~'· \10'~"'"-

Bud kh thr t nh~IY of 1t..aou- hm a..t .a 1".a If 'nn ~ "° join tM- Ar•·'" He •M comm.~loncd In lunot of l!HI ""i1h 11"" 11llborn<' in· f11ntn• ll'"' latcr C'IC'~1c_<d 10 a:ri t luOllllh t tidl't tralnlna: ~· :l ~u1dr111 ufHC\'I'. "" b ont o f our nC'Wh'"'l'd~ and ;4o"('lll)

10 be 1hd~ilt1& nn th.it good b(ime <Wl.lnir.

))T LT. R OIJt,RT II. ll ~ lt.!t( II P'IH~

&l;'.10 Gr1111d Vida A~rnue C1r-:C:1NNATI, 0 1110

Lt. R•Jl~n H . llt''"--hcJr I~ a yu1.nu1: n1.1n "'"1' a rnt (uturt. otl1•t•hc linw rouJd W(' adnul M '4;l1l«l life :H a dod W"i-lftkl) f"'"' 2 ~OOl· "" he ad';a""f'd 10 IDli)tOm• d• and a ,nr •• a u'alrY motn~'t-h" 11 .. ,...'°"~ ul;. in~ 9.111.Jlr"' PIO' le"t. \\ lldl ht~ POC fhlna. hr MU as pb1" aOO 11;1ln l111 (ltrira.

CArl . lf()\\AKD E.. · l lOOGI

119 f.a.!.l t t11.lu~rounh Suttt

N"''' ro11.tt:. 'i;;w ro11.1>. liodi(' 'llol'll l cmh' a rr..­

W('('k.!. wh tl u• :u ~111:1lhOo 'UPJ>lr o Hf(l'1: 114WCH'f, dur· h111. , , ,,.l ,.1,..11 1)t.riod o r,; • .,.., he won thf' 11d1nlr.ttiln1 or au b1'- f<oll.)w • orli.rrt. ; \ 1 prn­ntt. hit ~ •·ith 1hr 1t'l0lll) IA· sptttor'• oftie«-.

l °'T l.T. \\TAI l,.i\ C:£ flOl-bROOK

~t\.LDl' • \l.\UAOlt'.Sl'.TT)

Utu1nuin1 ltoltMooli: rs. an Ana\ aan ""h • bwlst'OWld ol ~""""''.., 1~1 m.a\cs him :a •"CU:.,r.1n flf' Jpf'ftl 1wo re~n in 1hr Ill .. war, "<I~ 11 n1t1nbC't of t hr \t11uoad1uidl~ l\'ation11I (.u:11d Jor nln,.1ca~. :ind :u 11 pil<1I ha.i , ~l'd OH'r 2.IMKI h<1111t.

0 F F

2:.~D LT. 1111 t;i T HO,\tPSO.!\, jll.

106 Sttond ,\ • ft'IUC Ro~u:. t,r.oa<.tA.

Thie rut.ht" ol lht Pnch SU1le rs a cood·-•vttd. t.IOw, r~~'g0ift8 a~. and \"ft1 1)0pular •ilh hi• (f'l)Ow

r.1.1(.t&. lkfu1(' the .\rm, had iu1 r-·o !<'-"" •80• lw> W<ll

.si>Joech ing likie 1111 :au;h11:11u 10 a.o ass-1~1~111 ... 1111 1he C.rorgi:a l'u"cr COrnpunf,

IS'r LT. jous Mf.R1'1.0C l\F,l\'Tl.l-:\'\' ILU: , l'tN!l411\ I \'A '<;I,\

Aff,..,. fl"""'lu~tln 1\ (mm \\' as.hlnrnon and J~'lf1•r'60u C'.A>lleg:r. wl'leo:tt ht .... thf' COIJ(l"C l[OI( rh.alll~Hllll , JOhft wortrd ~ a b.tnl 4clkf 111nd :an aa:wndnc rkft I.tr a :M<d conip:an~ . flt .. l-, CW>llll · •bol.iontd a JT.lf aw 111 • fll\ip.tnr and ll now- our .upp)f ofkn-.

CAPT. Bl RTOS )I. t-fOt• C'.ut"'1(1'. Tuc.\J

O.pu.u1 lln'I. a d•tt 6\it l)llOt, hll" 1t1Mlit 0\C'f' IM\ r1neig-n trips. l l il l'Jt.f)k>lts In college HMJ•U ate .d ill 1:1lkcd about. 111' u:r11du~1cd h.:>fl' (' lif•11•1 Ju11i.r.r C.olltve :ind rclt:hcd hh IU11ht 1r11.ln· inc in Amu ~hoot•, l"r.trlu:at ing hom K.dh· t kid.

IST L·1, OIVA N. H U111'Al.A

c.,~1 ... .-r. 11>,\ 110

\\' b<-n VU.I :II.!... " llOOt ' whbt: bt l~ '"'"'' )OU' r t: in ~ of lwul!C tl>kl a madua<'d '°"' of ltbho. H C" ~ Ii'"' to .. ~ a\ M:IJt\ .. ud da.t.nti •bl.Ma• tcbhu a~ the T~llf" ;11tt of I t"U.J Hr oune •t1to I.ht 1 mi' Q•mr"11aud Jn 0('n"m!Jc:t or 1!>4 1. and IO.'llS bl the llnil lth:ht O( pl:lnCI 10 KU :tll'O'• ltu: P:u:ifir~ EH:ll tJlOua.h h i• 011lr rr:1da.1p OC('orrnl on bli 1hll l1'('1uh ... ~·~:i°"' hr f'l~im• Ill' Ii oot 3(1 P<'"' i1 iUid.

Page 25: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

1 c E

Js·r LT. l)A\·10 f-1 . Jiu· •·•·: <ill.I~ Kitul>:i.ric Al('TlllC

C1'uCAGO. 11vso1~

" Blinn y" I• 11 n ;atke or ahe winrh c·il)', Cl1iC.'ljtO, and is a oonl1rmed n)t)(kl ::iiri,lane buildt'r. 1•rw1 to his JbSUtll· iilit th(' dliti« .,r n;t\•is;:llor. ht' Mtcnded LM Unh<'rslcy or 1 11rnoi~ '•nd the l)oc-ing A<"n> <:nllq;('. At prtseul, " Bunny"' i.i s1>cndlnir 111(1'5• o r hi:1 ti111C': \ ic•"' ing the- w<u Id lhrol•tb l.l ddfl ill('le'r,

2:i.·o l.1'. j AMf'$ V. K r.LLY $<1 ()r, <h:.iiw s. rttt


t-it-re·~ a li~btbeantd, '1:':ll'' (('110"'' who'~ ·had pl('nl) of ferryin.g eitpotritu~ a .. :i pU01 for Pan Am Air F~rif'll and f()r the Anny, :H)d hb :i.bllllY ,, f,,..lk,tcd in an l)ffkfal n .11n. n1t<nd.11tic111 he 1tu!l•~ for u 1c-ri1orlous ~dliot,·c-mcnt dur· ing d!!lh'l9f1'' o f :1 p .j.t\ to a (urciltO <ks1lna1inn.

I s·r L·r. p.,·.1h1.Y \\r. K t:l\trL..1N. jw..

V:\11,t:\ ' VIE\\', ' l'EXA.S

\\'(" itll know I.his IHJC Q( fdlu w- tflc l:oJa:, bnkr ·r C"X;ain ... ilh 1h1· :dc>w. dtllbC'roiu: dr.1.,.I. Ll~n<:n3n1 Kl"mpli1l was ;i student ~t l'csas A. S: \L when lh<" .,.·;ir .. at11--d hhu intt' $(r..-in• ;a,. a l)iJOl ,

2NO LT. J ER.E.\11 l,.. K O\\'A l ... IK

R. f, O. No. 1 ~ft·\11•1f1S. I r.:!'il~l'.SM • .£

j('rrr ........ ~ a.u t'Xptn 1001 aud d1~ maker with lht! Ford ~ I Ql(lr <;tJnlP3J))' ln ch'ili:.in h it', 11.nd llH C'n(l f'(I I.l ie D<:li01l rn~•iun~ ·of I ectinolosr. ll eo biu litto a i:m·ille pil<>I with 1tw Fcrqiur Cro~•p for ahou1 :11 ) 'C"Olr. I I<" is koo ... u as a \('fl' quit:t l:1d who «i''C'll nut wilh ·an Q<"1::.,ional burst or fhing t:b :Htcr,

R s

c."-·vr. '.\ IURRAY .\ . KAHN ISS Ch11c1lW>1H

Lo~G Bl::Af,;11, CAUl:'()IL'i1A

~fti..D)' )·c:11"$ jn th,. lhin~ ganil" hll'e j:i•CU i.111na> " thorou1h i\•fatif:ln lud:t;round. Hi:i qua l ifka1io11s arc *> nu· merous 1h:11 WC' can~, Jii;I tlac:•U an-,<1u·n h:u~ 10 bcflt\'C' 1b.iu he Is fl'.1(1(1. I I t- al"" b)' d:aiu1 to ~r, ink four )'C3" whh 1hc M'llrinc r ••. u ·p1.. Be:· fc.>r~ k>-.hh\f' IJS. f\1 UJT3V WIU our :usist:iin1 opt•r;e1ifln.- olfi(it:r.

2ND L 1. R OHF:R r \\'. K £LLY

f!-1!1 AltO~ l'btCil' 1'.lt>.\11•1.us.. 1·tr'~f.SSIX

Bob •s l:nO'l\'n 1hrQ11g:hQ111 t be Ferr) (;o.r11u211d J(.)r hii dt~rll('ll\'C inlh 1enq o n :i.ir· plauei. It is r u1:11on.>d tbat he b:u r('[\1.s<'d to Ry io any plane t11a1 it iu pc1feo O~ina; <ODdllion a~ h rnjgb1 lit)ftr.n b im. 6t:{On: jo-hain.@' lhC' Army, be ,,·~s h11nling me· l:h ania l failuf~ as :1.11 in· du~trlal X·r.l~' ecpert.

2ND LT. \\' 111 IAM l •. KL..._S~llER

I I Vfra-ini :a S t rttl 8 .<\LDWl.'lll\'IU..1.. :i-:t:u• VOf!K

Bill i~ a rrndu:.it.e 0£ :\ n:uy ftighl trninitig and i:i out or our 1) 1.1,,,i~t r,1101 ~- Be.fore hi" indu«iun. '"" " ·al manaK<"r o f a shoe litOT(' h;art hvmc,

' IST LT. R otst.:l<. I L.

L A ,\18 H f ... SRS.~t:\', OKl..At-IO~JA

Sob "':. ~ in Ceut ral State COll<-:rc: wbcn th<" w-;i r bcg:ln. HC' prnmptl)' jiuioed tbe Anll)' 11nd aft~r llllinlns bC'rJ.mt' a n;a\•i1:11or f(ll' 1..1....- Ao· 1"n"s· Pl>• 1 Comm~nd. I It' b:i,, rnxi.- M'\Y.r.a l frneiti11 crlps,

Page 26: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

2.'o Lr. \\ J'.\STO'.\ E. l..A\18 . JR.

\lt,t_ll_.<\l. \\ lLLl, \1!'515$1Pl'1

\l f'llll~hl\ I'< Pl'll(llOlh· homc­lu \\ 111,.. Ht..1'11lul.h ;u be ~Pt'•ll mo•c of hh ~hl'>()ld:n·,: hC'l't' /\1t11;1lh ht< P1:ai19' from \1 11111\ll \\'c-11•, Ml-'\l~ippi . lk· (;)II" l'flh 'TUl.I th,. A h I l-;d1~ · l-"J" t._,...11111u1nd, " \\'In" .,..Ji,, ,1 11 \1 m\ Hi11 ln i1ut1 u11or ;11"3

a '""" m.11~:1 wcr .

~'IJ 1.1 . R I( HARD \\ .

I "'t \1111 \ 'l.Ul <...i.u10•'1\

I t:"lltnwn1 La.not JiltcndC'd 1hco '-in J,_ '"~'" C'..oUrgC' :.ad thc-11 •rnl lo "'ur~ iii Lht ton· tlOllf'rii ofh1 t of tlu1 rolkye. l..atf't hr bt-t.11"1'" :. n ;iJt-n t for Ilk: \ mt-rkil" \ lfl•l'W''· ,nd rl't"" , ,., i• "' H'n b\I>) p1~1 litH~ h•ll 1•l.1nc" 10 1hc- "'·:.1 n1111"'1.

l\I l , I !O il' F.. L L-!tCll h:,.'U "'IUlh t 1fttt'Oth 'ian"t'I

\ l'CLV'lil \ , l'bl.\~.A

J Uri. a ~~ fpgr JHIOt, h .u 0\ n J.M,19 ., UU' llil:Mr ..... • nl'('rtn111.". \• .a n,ilbn. hr "'" ..... ., li::thl lftSllfll(· M .it ~Ml'"'' Cu.,., opn:ac«l 4 (' r I wlir:lol .ii L,;ans,llk. lnch:t.ft;&. .uMI -~ lig:h& n .un1nn b L...\_<\ 1n thor t \.Jfllofllt ftfl()fl H r bdt>"l'.lt"> tn 11o fll.lm'""',. ul """' duhc..

I' () (' \~l'l.R l..t.J1u·rA 11\0 \JontrooC" .\H.:nu~

( lllf".A<.O. ILU'liOl.S

<:..~1'.H'.l tu• an b.tb:lSi\\" nulfl•t' tMcl 1"ro1.uw_i, h;ni1ttt fo..1 " :a1" c1' R.O.'l C.. :a:Od bfot •~t .iin ml•~cd 11U.11 r~ .. fi'~ \r.lf'l • 1th tlw Co;ai.t ..\.rt1~. ltr h 4 l 'f'M\Ull(" of llrtr \\ntl!tn ot.w.,tt-, Xbool .at ( tunutr flC'M

0 F F

J,1 l .T. C.lltALD R . 1..A."'E

•11~ ,,,~ Suttt ~,, Onc;.o. C.\tttUtt ' L'

J t'TTY tt • pilot and a.n u: • l>(U ridt- llMJI. h;,,o·ing- won thr l'atlon.il ~u•all 8ofe RHk t h;unpi1111Jhiv in 1939. Jc-rn I" a l fKKI lio). bu1 bl' luck 1, :al(::.l11•t liim 11111T1clhtu ... •inrr• lit• 'er)· o h t n 1nan:i1c. to cu1~ h ,, 1·111r o r o. n . det.:i il. I le 1tr11d1rn1cd fro1n Lo?> A1·1· k• lr1 Chy r .. u ll"lt' .:ind h:i• t.in·tl "Uh ll•c Oor:nmand 11h11u1 f11111tn•n rnnn1ho;.

•~r LT. Josuu L\,70:0.. JR.

Ill~ 14 "f1'11n'·' 1nlh \ \('ftut­

f.o•o'"'-· l '>'-G l'-L\"'lb, x . l'. J(lr·, bnthpLKc- .,., \f;1h<1.

>M of the ~ bo•btJ aad dC"IOl;11ul •rv~ In the- world. -!tht:r Ml)\n1:t tu ~~ Yurk. hr l.'nl•t~ In tr.ti C.l;ltt c1pc:ratlo1h, ~uw. when hc­""''l•lCc• on fcrflin1 m.U... , J.111,, lw " ""'" :a iho1q.1 t'lt' on 1h(JIC(' bll\ ttf IJn<bape

( ' ..\Pl . • .1..10T L F..A\ITT \\' ", H .\ll\llKJI, \l.ui.

(:..t.pcain l.n\iit'' Pfl"' ious nprnnwir 111.u p~llnl in ,-,ri. o '• bramhn of 1ht baili ol '""" fmtbnd lkful"C' joinintt ell<' ) nrH.nt Command. ht" ~C'\I a.• ol flChl iftc"UUC'.lnr­UI 1)rhrun , ~k:. and ad· \';ln("t"\1 .. ~''·

2su LT. JAMES Q. l .OCK LY .A k

M . 1 . 1>.~o.2 I l.~lllLK'fOS, N. C .

Jim thdl.l.llh~d rmfll lhf' Pn11b1(l\~ \t;11" J acbcn Col· k-tr. "'h~ ~ m.ajort"d in m;;uh a1wj bitolor,. Aftcn-ard.t hC' liorollk" a ~hDrhn. ft111 A\Ulil(lin appn.kd to lu• .0 fllUth th.a.I ht' bft3..w ~n '•f'JJOn <OftlfOI CO•icr OP<'f11.l-Of. 111hkh npnwe<ir h;u ~ ol rrir.at ,.,"'" co h"' tocl.ai) "°""' 1tu1 ~ " a f"10l.

Page 27: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

c E

I.ST LT. JOHX \I. l..()(.ttltl DCt

~lrlCHLI L. )()UTII l>At:OTA

l.Qfl. h:h !>N'n Ira lhot Anri, 1tr.o :nwt • hair yt?in. and btf01<' 1hal ht' .,.. at • ..cudcn1 :ii O:ik.01~ \\'NJc,.·:in lllld a H>tnll,t ou 1.-dlo 111;:i.1i0n.o. 114' b :1 11:1' 1,-.-1(•r aud ri.ah1 •M>•· has b(11.1111 10 ch:111 a c't'l-u11i>e ror hlm"('lr :i• a 1•i:irr!<'d m1111.

2'D LT. \\ ILJ.IA'I • . lfC.(.UI'

llO\• '- P\1H, .!t. C. \lat lui• ""'9 tft lht . \Ml

about Ou"hl\ t"U:h1 mon•M. int9t.1d1tt1 1j11tc 1n Amr Ill· in• 111c..hoob., 11.. f'Wlri«'d lotld•lk>n.11 1ralnln1 ac tbr lour ~111;u1ot "IM)Oll 11 S.m,-m.a and •• th<- puf'iult w:bool at k omuhh. \thl•i,q_•n. 1 IC' " •~•••'.-d ai 11 forrlro pHoc and hli• 't('n 11 .... or l hf' WOI Id.

l\I 1.l . \\' Al.Wk C . \IA.Ck.AV

Co1.o&ADO ~Ito.GS. C'.C)t_..().

~IM. ~ .p<"nl M(>r(' 1h;i.n fiohl'ftl lftrt a, dw a,iJ.tioa lltld 1qram1~ti \t tor 11'r Shdl a«Ml C..•llf oil co1n~b. llr 1, °'"' of our f\n"·llinl i,Mloo and '' n11wor jv1o1 cosu int &I' 1olrw.

I~ I" L'I. f'RASCIS J. ~ICl\fL\fC\'

it!! I Dnfdin A\ntUf' ALIQUIPPA, Pf:S"(SYL\A..,IA

\l!K • b a n f'fl#intning '1.cknt in •ht M>•nint l'••· '"~lo ot t'ot1tbtn1h. tbtft lw bttiu• • '*«f• ort.:n. \lid k jot1wd llw Atmt. lw w-J..' sndu;atnJ fto19 th< ha \Jll<fK1n '~'•PlM>n ~.

R s

CAPT. Roar.aT L 1--'!t:aaP. 846 Ac.d..-, i\\m•i.c 01'CIX~AT1. OHIO

\\ t14!1J c.unf1\tn1f'd "'itl1 the dial• •hd 1""·11.••n on a plaac. " I 1.1d.1 .. ,bould lttl rit;lu al hflmr, in:i,m11<h •• hr 'llo8.S a lh)tt:l.(,,.l)CI lH:fll H" lw jl)irwd 1h~ Air J'c.tn~ . A1 r r«irnt. he b.tJ Ju,.1 c.01111lklCl libuut 1hrtt )t'Uf' ' 'C'r\ l<C' and I• now bu') w1ch 1tu: fo•t 11,1ng C1)ur ('Ill IM:" jc;!)'-

2.'o Lr. jA,ID \\. \I< C".ott'llCJil.

8o'C .. ,

l-lo\ftlll C" .. n\, P.-'''''°'''"""'"' Ji .. ,, aft ahnn•n1• of In·

dtar1a M.1tt- I~ C..OUtSf' u)(I '1 fOnMT tchMll~. He 1..n1e--it'd 1hc- Arnu alnKllO"l 1hrtt )«'•11 •l'O i nd admlu th.II tJ~ ("'lt.JW"rlt•rMI' a.nd t.no1o kd•(' "'hkh hC' 1t1lnt'd in the- A.I : r . ...-1"'°1 ror 1otatlM:1 ob<o1..•nro 111 Chan1ut Fit'td. 1 lhnol•, IJ IO\lll111bll' tu 111111 in hi' 1o<111.,

f / 0 Ro.-r. ~I. ~lcKr~'N£\' RJ\~k»o\U, C \ U • Ol,IA

~l.N •I-' 9 M~A bffore nltmn1 the , ,.., two and a lu1f \Clift aso. H u t\u1 :u~ ~nt11n1t in the- tn'lt.kit •• • ilh w ~\th ruh1J1t Groap ll• lln 2 n -n.ah fllW'C"lu:flt<. Hr onllit'd bu. """*-' a1 1;._,u, fkold , llnd 'llloff' Ihm he hill flo1ol'l hi ~eon! thn•"'- or 'llo:;U.


IST Lr. 0 • ... 'i J. 1\IAN"ClNA ~S~1 Oh l•lon AH1u•~

81M..,t l !"(.llA'I. ALA•-'''"

At• i111c:r..-,cln1 (;in 11bo111 \f"Chl~ ~lflnlil\.i i• Ill.It Jw

:ioliol.111 .a.1 1lk a~ or .i-~1tt"" aft" onh a Unlit more Lh1n '""" hl>uh' 1nMN'1iol't, Al

~time ~ "" tk '°"""'~ <um.mtrc'Uil pilot tn Alabil .. llf' wa' 1n.ar'llottc'd tD \ nit\ fH1mar.. lftdUftC and httd 1ht pet\11,.. ol l111b1 <omnunder-. Hte D an hool)nrw ~ q( th(" H&l• r.'- \ "n ( lub.

Page 28: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


2ND 1:1. ,fl 'i\V. \ V, ~IARAtll t.

25(11 Skhlcd \tn.'M ~,o.<;H\'IU I 11 ''l"\.'ir.T.

Diii • .._ \-*•"' ;,...., UK fttl'\ uw <"-"'•t1llfld aJ ~ d\il~n pilot •hrn tk Ot"· !PnintiOa ._iT" .. 111 louit«I in l'a~dlk. '"" ,.,,ttal nionttb. hit .,q~ lON1nifl'lt0rK'd K<Ond liit'Utf'(Ul'lt 11nd hai P'"''"'" h~rl\'("lf 10 ))(' :'I J,:c:Oulnc :1nd tl\U• ftic11d W ~''Cf)' nttfllbrr "' ll•h l'Jf• J,.'1lninnlc1n, 11 1~ 11\:1111111• :ind 1rn1i.;ility 1*'111 :. l\\'21'1 rn akc him a ,..,,, 1i.1n1l.a' utllc<'r •bf'h"\l!'I ht I~ 'QtiotK'd

2ND 1, 1", UARW.\' 1\1 IT(.:llt LL ''a '.'ll1•rtJ1 \\'lllc. Suttt

J.IJ:).11'1111._ ' rt 'll"l.-S~l I\

)fi11·b i• onr •f t~ q11it1.. innUtt'IU ·)(In\ Ille ""' ij:21ors. Ht ii nrtetl' ~ Oii tling ~nu.~ alttt ..,m41nc .-..w ~ in dw lllolpttal 1«0'"'" in.11; ll"Ofll > iC1' °'"' tr.IC'.l. · lilP,. Mitch a11eondr1l \l.;abama Polr· rtthnic rn .. lfllft.

~D I .. I . jA \ft'I C. \fOOR.£ lT\I ' , I l't.U

Jitn It; <lfl" "' the frw tcrrv f'.nm11\11nc.cr11 who hails {ruin ltalr-·h ali. I C'\IU. He i.s. an i1h11nnu. 11f I c-J.m• A. k /I.I. :and o f ~lnntt1 ln~111utc­:u)d daimi. llU1 ti) i111 it bl<: only bu~hl~'·

2~u l.T. JAt.K \It RPH\' 1toutr B

G11.u tl' .. . Groa&tA

J~l d -~ IU.l••< of Lk Pt'.Kh St::lllt. Btiu"' nt· tenn11: 1lw' "' l'f'J.mpon Comm:ind. J.ul .,'1, :in b1• JOM.,J 1u11n for, .. ., ,ea,.,, A• prat'lll ht• i• f.('1'11 bU.'f dt• liH!cillll: liilltl<' rll~fnt: llU!l:ll it p l;lnt'$.

0 F F

2XlJ Lr. ~lt-J•llt-'1 "i, ~llXOT

MtU;,.,.()"i. Ti-~.-.~

"'4:ir"'t" :a1trndnJ 1ht I '"'tt tJt' ol f n..b afld MP\I bf' II \a'Qld:' ~- •i•~ k ~ bttn _. <njl:iBttr, draft•nun. tJlrtl)lnphC'r-, ;iftd IJ";llhll upnati:r. ~ow he I• :an U('J*l•I i:nis:i1or. •rt!Q.oc- who lla~c- ~en l1iu1 1Jlhll hor\('• ~hOC1 ttll«t l!Jl(lll hi~ \lhh•U•l lcLbni(!Ut.

l' / () 6ASIL U. 1\l 1 rc.111- t,t. ~fll T()N, \\1 1 '0l:O"i~ IH

nub h:i< 1h:a1 Jw;ahl11 look 1hal 1>roclai111s hi' c;.11ulnt from t.M l>>iJY ~llOC', llc­l&H auCfldcl: \llhou CLl>lki:c ,11nd 1h:- \"nh'""u" of \\t.,.Oft· Md. b9t 00... bt h dnutn• all ht• ~ to bt-1n1 a lu,tC:-~ f)dOl.

~· LT. (O\\ \RO \\ . \JORDA Rotur 1

totto Cm·. Pl...,,~, .. , ,,~fA

l.d hi :a l<tnn.-r at:a)j.• work('t frorn tllt ~(')~ton(' .'It.tic. l'C1n1->,h .1111:., atM.1, ~t pr~M1t, on1• .,_r our u1>·1n 1d· com111J )irt.t;lc c uJil'.illl" v!loh. II('\ h«n 111 lht A1111r for 11JJ11fbt tlu"tt H '<ll" and •ill he fh1nr 1bc- ' 'blr 11tufl • be-· lot~ k·~

~n 1; 1, Jou:-.. ( •. ~flSf.'W

"'ii :--.0ttlli \JoH.art \crttt C..tOC..i,00. Ill 1'01'

Job11 W>i an \rm t flialo irutr-u• tur for 2 'n r b(forf" jtunJn.i iu. H (' i~ ;. n1c1nkr o( Uie Oak t':arl I\\ !<Allon Club :ind h11il• from 1l1c \\' indr Cit) .

Page 29: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

c E

1sr 1 .. T. Croa<=F £. x., •.• ~ fi7~ "04uh ronyo'J hhd SUttt

I \WMA, \\'A~UJ'l.GTON

(.f'Orf(' 1rad11atiM rrom 1br l"nut>nJ1, of lduho lb 2 mlnhut l'lllh~ 11od t«11:inxi hi' t"J< l.IC"l'knc-.i In 1ht> 111oun· tain11 {•f hlalia and \\1;i~hlng-1Qr1. Ii i" tn•l"ll"'lt lu 1n i11ir1,i: hiu 11ud<l\1httd 'f lncrc:i'nl, 'hll"t' he hiu hue 1hc: op1>01·· l t111ll ) U'; 1rn~l1ll1l t' 0\C'I' 50nl(' ()r 111t· 1:1rtr1·o.1 111t'l11111;ai11 r.in1i1N i11 . ..... \\0111·1.

CA.li•T. l.J0'1;tl,. f.ARLf: ~E\\")..IAS

l!O'!t Snf'nlh "'"uair, S'onlri 8UL\41"i.(.H\'M, AUa4MA

So111~01\na: of c..,..., .. "\(W­tna.n "• 1u1lltl0ft Qf'tltt ft ia· dk~tfd b' 1ht fM1 that M i• .,. "'""lkT of 111~ Quirt Bild· 111rn ind tlw Anon1u1io Club. 11 .. I•• tnunpet plllH'r ~od aroattu• pho.omphtr. c_,11"11)\UJy, Qapt•ln 1\-n'lllU l12d 1l1c -.1r11111tr t'!lil'H"t'iwct' of 1fc:-lhf'rln 1t 1 1'·!H .. ·hi1·h .,;at lio1111;l1t IJf l h t' i.tudtf'IU Of 1h4': hiah fl hool f1~1111 wh id1 h~ l(tl1du111cd .

2~D L..l·. ' I a FYLO~ \\' . o·c:o" ,011.

M'tll~C."OOD, \ tlCI,-., \

M:.< ... a "'odirM al \'ir· tint.a Pohr...-hulc hw.itulr' and 1tw L-nhrrM11 of \Jbllfti . llf' n \ ff"n on H•prlili'( atlrlktlh and pla,-ftl ,..,w,,­bli!ll'ball .1nd b»tlu.tl. lie ~ t11ade tnaof 1d0t u Jun Kc-II, ' • n1,ipt0r 1nd lile1 11 ··~111 llhJilon" day or ni(t1t

1~ 1 t.:r. Cu A1u,t~ t\ . t)J!1UilY

Ch('\') (;11:.jt l.>ri r1ucr Qll COLLMltlA

(;hut.Jo, t'nry 11 1~ cmb41· lf'n"d 1Tnh.1• .. r 1hf' 9'rd .,."'° li;U btt11 (ruura1nl at t'-m 11.un In hb. f'•ort• m 'lfUlit 1k ,,qu:111hou boot rao rtad· Ina- kfott ki"f •urm ineo 1M An11' b' nbCi< f'ftlbcaioctu pc)!lt""" aw mu•~ «> tttp Olllf'. JU•P ahnd of a Olftft· q dUlfV bf M"l'l•"S Ml•n1D· lnir LO ulttu ch1b&.

R s

z.,o LT. \ \II 11.\\t H. 7' t t..L

RolllC 1'u. S. "°' ~S ~PaJ~I U IO, 1'115.1'0Lal

Riii h<1• beM' 11 d~r1~man, ,h...-1 nu·1::i l 10ork1•r, 11nd :.ir· 1)1:111< n1ah11.111,, l"IC'l-..n1in1 bt.-r :1 ,.. .. -.n1d:1ry 11111,tu Jn. SU~ICl<JI' Wllh the (., J\ , A. lie i• ~11 oer of 0111· }1>1111g.-;1 smfu.~ IJllOI• ,

2,u l.T. JA'U' f.. '\O• S-419 P0tirll \u••ur

l ..()l IS\ llt,.t , li.f,'TI.-<l'l'

Ju• i• Mllhr1' nno •Ith lhfo )tft'l C.10.p but -~' ,,..ilb thr C.A.P .. (".ouritT ~icw> rauol. l:iC"for~ n>lriin1 the J\m1, . ll t' lrrt a 1i00d POH· ._.,u :u a stf'nf'r•I 4'k(t1 i< iol'r• m11n o l lh<t' 1Jul'on1 1'f'(•!)rtut' 11llln l lu Mr\~ 11• :1 h 111lnJc 1>Uot.

{:.A,1'1' . \\' llLIA\f t . PAI \U·•

L l.S'O.S, )IQalo.A

B1U ' )Vttd• ·• t>;1lnMT .-;M

a ~'"""' t1 10 dull>" JW:r. llit •b • t1KM01d10llK' ...... .f;IUft.t molll<fO~ riM, 291i, fo1 a ~b1o. hr ••• • coiw· mrnial p1lol llf' .prru :.botl1 lhrtt ,eairJ In lhr ) ar f.au '"°'"""'in1 un1.1•1.U1I oe-.-u1Ja1iom.

~NI-> L r . \V11.1.1A~ 1 11. l'C>tl,kl' , I•·

\\·1111:1m..-on kn;id kO\-.tUIU, \ 'uu;t!\I.\

Bdl "'Ill' ll fllthl IH.M:ructiOr htoforr c-omi"C 10 1bc- rl"l'TT l:Onl•u.ikl. Ilk Ar•'' a.rttr lnorlud" a. htl(h In 1hf" \ 'ir­••0-li& ':.uoe~I (.uard lie -~ a1tntd1A1 ROU(ll..- Col. k:tt "hm bt k'fl IO tool.a tht Army.

P11gtr 'I'wtrnty·St:W'n

Page 30: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

2.ND LT. flo 1SERT A. PllO~f:S

Du QuoJ~. lLU~o1s

Lieut<'.narn Prokes wa!I a dvili.an fl ight insc r1 u;11)r :tl :tn Art»l' prnn:tr y R)'ing ~1001 at J;aci:i<.c)n . T"nn~S('C'. He h.as ~ wilh US Ofll )' :1 (Cw n1oQnlh$. b ut l1i$ past flyinjl' e:o:pcrinice bas <ontribulcd mu c;h 10 lh(' ICOOd roxord ci( tht 9!Jrd. Ht maj on-'tl in metfl:ini(lll ('!lJln~rlnJ? at lhC' Miswuri Sdl>OOI or ~li nc11.

2Nu LT. RO&~l<i.'r L. R.AN KIK

407 South TeU~· A>'euue M u-..c•t . IN()l ... N ...

nob is oo<' of these (<'llows tb:tt didn·l 11.·:in1 to w:tit (Qr :1n in\•it11t ion from tbe An ny. He 1cr1 tbllqe :1ft" r ootnpkt· inl' bis third Yt"a.t. ;oi11ed 1he Air C::Orp~. :ind i$ now rnJdt•.« hi$ p l.:tce in lltC' squ:adroo as a P ilOI.


14!''6 Union A\·en ue l\f£)1PHb , Ta:.,..i-:r~n:

Shc1> spen t six ~·e:.n: 2> :1 N:'l\:tl Avi.alf<1n Qilor. ~·hkh p l'(lb;ibh• C'Xp laftu .. hy Ju: Ii\~ in :i bc.>Ut'C t r:iikf wi th· out any ap1):i.rcnt ill dftct. Sell:i<kir bC"-in!{ one or our 001 ptlots. ~h<'P h a 1op· 11U1t-b g-;111gi; in~1n11:tor.


l.A~l5\\'(>()f), NE\'/ Jt::9:lS t~l'

Bill Sih•e-t'$ career 111 the Arm~· foUo-.·s a k>r1g li!lt of t hose in h i$ f;imi l}' who hll\t' $C'r•cd the Anhl' well. Al· tJ1o ug h h(' ha~ $1!<'0 onh• three )"<'afll o f :i.cth'e dut•'. 1 1e w-.i1 bnn1 :ind rai~ a~ nn .. ,\ rm1 brat '" and li•C'd <111 the Arnn ~t.5 1no." o f hi ~ fif('. Rated -as a das:s tlart>e Pila t , 11"' 1 13~ m:1de $Cter:i l fQrc:ign 1r il'S ;ind has llle soldit>t"!I medal. He ;iu~ndcd Prin~t'l ()n l;nin:r· sltr 3iid UOwJi11~ Cu:eo L'ni· \'C'llil}'.

Page 7 :.i•ruly·Eight

0 F F

1s·r 1..:r. S'l'Ar\l.£Y H . RACZKO

HVl)E l'AltK. l\1A.S.S.AC:H1J$ETT$

'f'or over -a 1·1t:ir 11\lw. St:i.n h:i ~ btto navia:uing his way around tlit -.·<>l'ld :lnd ha~ bc'l'n doing a 1opno 1<'.h job. fkf<ll't' d eciding <In h ill p1·tir · ('01 fkkl of <'ndca,'Or. Stan 1ricd bill: h~nd 2s a pikl1 a nd 11pc:n1 ~lllt' 1io;ie at both Ell in);tCJn :ln cl RaudohJI• Fid ds. 1-1).d C' Park, rt.f<l&<:i · d 1u!lectt, t>l~im:1 Stan ts~ 1)11 \'

(If 11~ k>c:ll l>Ot~·


101 Nouh I ll1rpf:r S1rer.1 MARIO~. I Ll.t~OIS

Lk u1en:a.nt School('}' w-a.s a p ilot in c·j\•ilinn life:: :ind has btto canliug o n with th e f('rryirtJt Grc.>i.1p f11r JI 1·c::i.r. He iJ :i 11\e111be-r b( th~ ~f:i..,nk Lodrc:.

lsi· L 'I', ROBt R.'I' J. 5:8.CV 6839 Monta:on)<'rr C11\Cl~SA1'I, OHIO

1\ob h2" i;pnlt a b<out tlr1ce:n toot.ibs " 'ith the FC'IT)' Coo.1· m:.n(.f. Ac p rl"!lent ht i$ :n• iu.,truoor rit tran~itlon. chttl:· h1g tbt p ilt,1 t,c C)UI 1,>n th~ " bit; jobs." He's a aood p ilo t h im..-clr :ind h a,; m.:1de :1 number of forC'l1tn trl l)S,

2°N C> L'T. \ VALTEk S. SKAR?:P.NSl{l

84 P<.'•Hlsyh·anfa A''t"Ou<' l'ER0r H A.\ lllO\' . N F.\\' J F.k5f:\'

· ·.si::1r. " u he i.s klM>W'tl. i$ $t ill v:tilnr offcn 10 r<'uirn to 111c J•ertb Amb1)r l'(l>l't Office- wht'T<' hC' was a dC'11.'.. b ut In•· iJ \ -er y l1:'1pp)' iu the Army :ind d<i!ms I~ training will be \ ('r)' 1110eful in co mb:H• in& 1h( fc:rodo~•! Nc::w Jc:fS(')' m'™loit(I~.

Page 31: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

c E

I ST L1'. J OHN \ \'. St>t;l( ;HT 100 \ Vt'-l Sbnh A'-'etl\IC

Ot:t'iiVt~ , COi.ORA()()

Johnoy Is tno~·n 1.0 u• 11.• •·H:ardboil~I Sp.dJtb1," $inc.; Iii.) j)restn~ chn ie1 a11 ;u~bta1H OJl";ft11ion,< officer tna~c h im ""'· Ht 11ncnd ed P:u;ad eoa J \1n io r r . .ollc:gt aod Colorado Colkat aOO w:aJ :1 1ire i::llei· m<in In ch'ili:1u lift.

2~D L'l'. CrLHf.R1' C. K . ' f AYLOR

7J!) Oaui:>htnc Strc« NE\\' 0 1lL£1H•S, l.OUISl.\SA

"CIJ'" :iuend«I f\t~1uri Sr:tte l)nher.tit!' ::t1)d Louisiana College. l n ch ilian lifi:: he o per;11tc:cJ a t hab1 o f M:\tral n101ion plctll~ 1hca1r(:ll ;anrl en j.orcd (lying 1.> a bobb~" vi h ieh bob by bu n.;.w fx:come th.; ~erioui bu.~iu.._')."" of fe.rrr· i11g "''arplancs.

I ST I .T. J OSEPH H . 1 ' t<.:H t:N(ll(

Routt <J, &s 5'06 U>CIS\tl l.LJ: , K F.NTU(.KY

Joe jo ined 1he Air Gorp$ iu J u ly. 1!)4(1, :ind Sotf\t-d :is a ttdlnic;;i l in.$\M~rcor un1il h i.< ei1t 1-,· htto tit< cc tr,\lrtlna " a ··.serrcan1 Pil(lt." Siu t:.: j.:iining tlie P<:rrylnll' Com· maod, he h.a$ flo:"l wn u,1 all p)it1b l)f th e globe:. He h:u re<:en llr ren•m«I hon' de• 1ad1t>d kt,•ice in the Indo· China wing.

2ND LT. ORVAL L. VEIRS 1117 .. t••t /'l.'0 11-h Wf'llt

) l lAMI, OKl..t\.110.\IA

Ot\' b a lroOd f rk nd to h:n'f' b1ic:n 1.'ll" q f llill p a.it c!l( • l)t:rlc1H:e as talC auornc:r :ind incom~ 1:1x audit<lr . 8c:fo1'e h ill C11U)' Into t he Ab: 'f..,n.s-1xir1 C.omm:ind. O r \· J>1:tent lourtttu O)Onths a.s a flif h l in! trucror in au :\nlly fl~1ng JH:tmul.

R s

2'<U L T . AkCl -111: 8 . STUl(Jl f;\'A~'T

l),\\'fl) CIT\', Nt:tHl.ASKA

;\ rchie b a t •r11dum.: or the Uohe~it)' (If ~cbr.u .. k::i . \ \ll1il<' t her.: hi" uta.jl)rcd In enaini:cl"· Jnr ~nd bt1$inen llflm iu iSlt:l.· 1ion. Ht h:).j a re:i l desire 10 do lots of flying- in fou r· eng·i11e l)l>tobcrs.

IS'r l.T . D ONALD i\I. THO~·lt'SON

12 10 Heh tdere A\'('(HIC li . .\ l.11.\10 .R2. ~l,t. li.\'LASO

\ \'hen It ( (>lllCS 10 ll ithl i11_.un.1m('nl~"· Oo n i1hould fet1 rigl11 at horuc- ln:un111eh M he was an r. lt'C'lri...- p:au$:t: ill • ,....,cc1.or b~ct in chUlan lirc. lktw('('n thf' Armr :ind llu: N:11ional G u :.rd he's bttn In unirorm $incc 1938.

I-' / () C LJL"N \ \f. ,~RICKEL Runt1 Route No. •I. Bo:'\ 56

SOUT H iSJ!..>;O, l~OJA~A

Not onh• has .. Gus" been o ,·ing- fo r u·n re:u~ in all ..u1u ul co111rap11ons. bu t he ,spcru a 1hr«·}'~J hilrh in tht' t.:11\•alr)'. A(lc1 6ft~u rnl'.ll'Htu 1.r. t he Air Cl1tP.t :t~ :1 pilc)t. hOW(:•t'f , he tbints 1bat be is ha,·in1 lo 1i. lc~1 trtniblt! geuini;t r1round in ~n :airplane, In $pitc or how1(1>$.

l s'I' 1..:r. ) lfTCt-HU.L c. V JNCEr-.J


Vfnc, in :1d di1io n 10 tiein1: a 1>ilo1. has \1ndc-rca):cn $U<h ronnid :.blt ta:d:s :u mtli.'I otri. ("er, editor or 1h.is AQOlldron l;ll)l)k, :uu l 11tJw 2!1.'listant opcr­fllions r,ffkcr. Formcrly, V1ncC' ... ·:.• a supc::r, i!IOt of public: $Choo! ou•&iC"~ Ne Is a lso a .._;>riet:rt \ io1inijt. Rear1tl )' \lincC' ~s.w:I around dean. If s 1 b1by d::augf1t tt.

Page ·r tlltnty-l\line

Page 32: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

2NI) L' I'. ,,.H.C.IA'.1.J. l\. \VAITE

l ilOS Poi..•ler Sutt1 FOR'( ~1ytR$. FL(IRIOA

Rill 'll't'lll 1hn;>Ugh llyinic Khool as a " f'ltin2 Se-1g~nt'' ;uul gr.uluau.d :1s Righi offin•r. H e i.s now a S':COl\J llcu1enan1 :ind should h:i\·c ~nu: good .Sl(H'ICS- to •ell about che "'inl l!r ,\t()rlh J\ tlo1111k r un.

Z.ND LT. ).f . .\ROL.D I'. \ V . .\1'Kl:-.iS

Gii. l-l)·rk Ro.1<.I BLOO~IOl:LO. NE\\• J t:.llSEY

Before Jo lnloll 1hc f'enyi11.1t (A>nim:tnd. "1:1n1ld h.ad 11 \ arkd (;J<pcricnu• :u a :<:1IC1• nL:1n. Fn:im 1h.11 h(' "'C"IH to p i101lo.g for t be l)an Auu!ri• c;an 1\ l rlinCJ ~nd trained 1 ~ood 2l'i.:ltion badq;:1v11nd in h i' e<:n ll\l:m•b.s <lit 1~ c~1:;irdia f JC](l.

2,NI) LT. FR tO L. \\' t:S'l'C)N ~;o; \Vnshln1uon "''"u1e


.\1oJC tboughl he w2rn'1 doiog <:nouah ror tbe 'W-ar clfon hy being pri:$ident.. or a me1:ll manuract11rin$! pttult, 11• ht> ~\'C up hi~ p:1$1t ion 10 be a pilo t In the l·C'ITl' Co111· m:.utd. I It> has ;tllt"ndt'd 1hr lJnher.slt-~ o f i\ Hchill'll1l and t he: Unh't'fl.it-y of C:incinn :ui.

2~ll l.1'. ..\R«.:Hlt: ,V. \ \lfOlTROCK

102 :-lortb u ... ·ii;l1t Stre.ct 0ALL.lo.S, Tt>.'.AS

\\1ht was formerly a manu· f2n u rer l)f 611t. JU ..... ision in • san1m<-nts. AhhO\llh b<- has hc!t'fl " 'itli \..omul:lnd ""':\ ~r16rl tin•<"• his fty:in-a: C"' l)<'rien« cbtr,,; l12d: to 19:)7. Me i11 a m('mber of th<' ~fa50nic Lodi<' 52nd lk-gT!!e Ot>1ii1Utory.

Page Thirl)*

0 F F

IS'f L'r . H UCH V. \\'AL.KER. JR.


Liwt<:nant \\1a lker ancndE'd Cl.-ou(UI r'.ollqr :ind re· tthcd R..o:r.c. uatninit there. J-le ~·;1$ :1 bu~in~ni.n afu:r that as a branch Ul3fl· ager f.,r- tJ1e C n :rlit Jn\•e:sunc:nt l'rust CorporatkH•. He l:s now :i n:l\·igator.

I ST L1·. DAIL F. \ V£LL1l

l\.J.t..C:O~£ . TtXAs

l)ail w:u <l p llo t for t be <::uU ProdO<"liOu Ccu1111;tr1y in Pf<'...,.;ii r da}'$. Eksl<tts bis U)"i1\~ eJ<l'f'l;'iCu tt. he uµe:nucd a foe:iut:i'.lgT"Aph ;i;nd ri:<0rdcd car1hQuak<" o eu1bler1>. Ii~ at-1roded Kilgc)rc Junior C.olleee :u1d. 1n~jC11"tcl in met:h anic:1I <-n1·1nciennr.

2.NO L'I'. GtNt )}. \ \iJ::\\fJ:Jt. 1017 lokGowan Sfrcct

Lrrr1.E R oc.tt. /\it.E..A1'i'SM

l'1iur lO bk c-ntry in the FM'f1' f'.omn1and, Cene \Vc,.·er "':U :ln iiutruour in (:.P.T. progr.11t1$ :i t Cooway and ;aho 111>1n1ctor 31 the tlc1cna Arm1· Primary Sc.hooL. H e w11s later lligh t CIJ1um:uw,!er :it the Ht")eoa Scbool. ff<- h:u bcc:n "'' ith c.J•e <l e.Ji t·er11i11g Grc)up :1ho111 ct11:ht roontlu.

JST LT. l'AlJL K. \Vl~TER$ OX:FOR(>, Ngw VOltJt

P. IC h;ii' J1.:1d :t nri1:ty or cx1x:ri<:ncts. l'rfor lO be«>Ot• ing: :a n:ivig2tor. he w.11s an a 1r·rohdltlonln11: eoaincer, a mu~ic;bn. :infi 2 dietitian in a Ne.,.· \'ork state lrutltudon. lie h:u been cine or o ur h 1.111i. est na' Inion, ha\·lna m::idC' 1rn fntTign trips to 211 p..·u u of the world.

Page 33: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

c E

CA1~-r. :-\ 1-AS H . \ \IOLFSON J!4 \\'('~t T hin1•r·nth S1rrc::1

Nl':\'f \·o a.K CITY

C:11n . :\ Ian H . \\'olf.son. a n:ithc o f New Yorl: ( :i1y. h.;,t 1hc r.11thl"r 1111bioJ11:. 1)kknamc o( " \\1o lf." He h;i< lwen in 1Ju,. Amly une l<c:ar and nine •ll()tHh.s, and l>cforc that tu: W:11' a oom111t1dal Rief, H I; (Hllst•n<lin1 :i rtiien,ment~ i~ 1hc ord er of tb<:ir hnpo11:1n<c :tr(' : t he f;a1 hc r of t win11 ( bU<' :ind girl) , the fi1~t rwJns OOri1 211 Kctuicd y Cc:ner:1I H c.»vi1:ef. and hi~ w•nk 1:.ki11ccrirt1t 1hc 1·cuJtt to ,<\ laska.

•~r LT. R1c.:HA.Rll J. Z ERVECK

3(H Hurlbuft Road .SYRACU".!>li:, Nt.Nl \'OJtK

As a rrosu m:1n fu1· tlK M1u:1druu we couldn't h:iw· a bi::tt('f J)(T!l(IO \h ;an Dic k. H u t\nny ~d~fO,u'\d and <'X· ~~rknct:" lh hi1u ...-en tor tht p<'>Jit.iuu ht now bold.s as :uj . jut:.tn t. He ~>euit stern 31 tii11es. but, u11dcroea1h 1h :11 .s.hell, we know h im tu bt t J,!.rand fcl)o'lt.'.

R s

C AM., Sl r•Nt:\' L . YOUNG .Sl' t.'"Vl:N\'11.l.J:, •rt:.."'(AS

Ha,•in$: >tncd in \Vo rld \\';u J, 'Sid wa~ no1, (()111C11t tu ~Ull' 'if hOule duth)j; t h ill cme. f.li~ PC'J>. l'ignr. and 1f1il.iH11) a(()t;"trancc arc t he CIH)' .,r n1a1\' of lhc W>Ulll(<:'I' c·1ifi«:u. He ls iruly :ul officer Qf 1h1; o ld !ol'h0t1l ;mc.f o ne of ll1~ m<>s.i <'Kf)Ctkll('(d J)Uou: in the~ Jqu :tl run.

2:-.' J} l.T. ( ;ERARDO O ' ERK ICO

S fin;• S1r4,:tc M A YNA k O, .\I ,\SSACH USE'n'S

Gcul' lc;1t ued how 10 fl y :as. a ("i\•iJfon. U11t hf' own('d aod 11).t11:1s;:i.'d :e sandbla)tiilJil: l.n1sio('% '*~ 1h<' s.im<: 1iniC. bl:btio~ aw.tr tJ1e blem.ist1es o r old !\1:..sS!Ch\•.scus.· 1ime· ,..t!atl1~I huilding,i :end 11K111unicr11s. H e n •)W dC\·o tcs Iii ~ fu ll 1i~e •1.> t hr. job (I f O~·lna:.


2:!\iD LT. E:A!il.LA. BARRON GJtA\'li (.,\KB. I LLISOlS

'.!ND LT. R<.u~~lt"l' A. HECK R. l'. J). ~

P OllGH"f.f.PSlt:, ~E\\' 'i'(>f!A

:!~I) LT. F'o 1ut~ST J. BELL 3 ICIO Oak Str~•

l'~klt,t H Al)1'E, l?"OIAZ'A

2~ll L 'I'. H ;\RR\' 1\I. GOYD R. f . O. No. 6

PADt:C:AH. K!>!lo"J\IC~\'

2 Nu L T . Jou~ n . c 1.l(·H t1 " N :SSS Xor tl1 Cbur(h Sn('(~


2.NO L' I' . L P.\\'l S A. Cort:L.t'~ l•

~~I I> 8dl f\ \('lH•I! l<,;\1''>.t\S cm•. {\f l.SSOUkl

2~ll l .. T. ~IAURICE \V, COICRIG•\N

I ~J~._,.~i.',~~~('kt.~~l~~~~y 2NO LT. jA{\lES C.

COtJTVRIF..R. 4 t:?~ Sht-rid:1.n Rood t:HIC.\C:O. 1LLl1'0l)


!!O H S. " ' · 24tJ1 1 'ottrit('< r>l lA.\ tJ, Ft..(HIJ()A

2~0 LT, CHAICLl;;S l.. 01\\ I;:.

' ' Hlbhn1s i\\'('tl~• i: , \ VON l'AkK, J' LOkll>A

2:vo L"r. DANlfil. I<.. DONAHUE

18:! t'r<luklifl Str«• P<)lt'ff..ASll, ).IAl!\.'l:

lsr Li'. l\t;kTO~ P. OUl'UY


IS'Y LT . . JAl\1£5 l', EVA~$ 6)0 F ifth :\\'t°IUU~

;>..t:w YOkl\ , Ni;w \ '(>Jtl{

? ..:11 I T l-I F Rl\FJtT \ \I. f, \fANS

~1 1 1 F:iinit-w Su"<~t RAl'IO C.:lT\', S0Lt1 11 ))AK(>1':\

?ND L·r·. H 'i'\IAN H . f'R,\~)\_EL

~!>$ 1 ,,.est Coth~i Sirt('l C 111CA(;(I, l i.LI NOIS

2'."J) LT. LAl ll< ENCF. F.. l-"'R.EL-ICH

2Ht> t•ifll1 AH.·nue. Sc.H.l\h s·1. Pt.Tt;1t$1)i;1u:.. 1·1.oa.10A

IST LT. \\'JLLIA~l l . GR E£!>.'LEAI;

f\Qx 7 ,l \C:KSON\'ll.U.. <\ LJ.li.\\f,\

2Nll L'I'. SONNJ~k (; iu:..t...., 1) l' A~

.f·ICI \\'<::.«. End A\('IUh" ;.l&\\' YQRK. :\' ~:\\' \ ' ORK


11'.?2·1 t :•"' · r 1'1lth S1rn.'1 1, .l•l\'S.\l> CIT\' , )h~1,.w1

2 i"'n LT . \\'AYNI: E . H,\\\'K NS

1400 \ \ 'C-:t ,\~hi 1e $11'1'f'I Ct-1AXll'A1C:!lo· . lt.Ll!'OIS

2No l..: r . Rotttk'r I.. I I ENDRICK

20 fl t·c1I .;uttt 1•1 1 r :;ri r\.o. ;\f,,,K·"' <l• •IJ~~

YND LT. L AVERE . \ . ..flTOl.A~

i2·l .i;.,t11l1 Cbip1tt••wa. :\H:111ot 1-11.U l'VRT, ILLINOh

2NO LT. MARTIN H OR\\'li_"l:

.$19 \\"~1 \\111kua l'UOE!'\fX. ARllO~A

f / 0 <;nARl.~ .£. ,<.INLS K. f . 0 . ~o.

~fl'. \'ER.SOI>', ' f'l:XAS

2NI) L"l' . J ::>HN J. Kt:...i.R.' E\'

fl . F. I>. Ko. 2 l)A1.1'()N. O HIO

2 i'\D L T . Lt!.ON 1\.1. J~Ji"l'l\1.t\:"ol

·f.5!ffi fl.dfo1t Pfacc 0:\J.Lt\.) , TtXAS

2.,..v L'r. :\s'l"HON \' v. KRt:KIEL.

3·1 S1cu:1rt AH:•n ue " t." IC Nl \ . ~· t.w J tkSE\'

2~D LT. (\f lCllAEL 1\ , ~f:\NC:INI

!•.5 Cbrendon Ro ad Ml:..\l l'llTl::.\ I), ,:.:E\\' YO)l.K

1$1' L1' . jAME:S H. (\IEEK 3-025 T h ircy.$('(t)Qd SU'(,'('t

)'ORT f\RTHUR, ·ru:\S

F' / 0 F.U\\'AkU l.. KALLY Ii C lcnbrook R.oad

MORRIS l'l.A1NS, '.':E\\' JERSJ:Y

151' L·r , C HAR l.J:'.S \\'. (' ENRY

Ml:! Lhu:bt~· AH:1hlC DALI.AS, T't,'(-''$


R. r;. n. ~·o. ; li.;\OS\ ' ILLt!. l'l?i'<l'>tiS!iEt

2ND LT. ' fHOMA.S C. R l !\'1'01JL . JR.

?I .\l:1in~11c S1rcet 1•n·r :.1'URt:ll . l'tN,'IJ~Yl..\'A."l lA

2NO L T . \ VU.Ll A:O.r J. SHlt:.l..OS

'-00 ,\fa~sad1os~u A\tfH•c :\RJ.ISCTO S . M ,\s.sACl lUSl:r rs

2."'u L1' , llRUCF. L. SoLIE CUl:tTISS, \\llSCQ!'\.SIN

2s o l:l~. JOHN P. Sr.>\RLJ!\'C

l I ; fl.J~inJ Sl rcl.'1 CORJ'US Ct-111.1~1'1, T tXAS

l!i1' LT. T llO)IA·S ~. l'E..''NA~,.

5iJ9 Holuuan Su~t J.IAM).101"0, l~DIANA

2~0 LT. R ICHARD l·L ... \ VEIR

100 Suu1h S:111 .'.\ larino Al'rnuc PAMl>~NA, C/\Uf'OR~IJ\

F / () \V1u:o RD \ V. \ \ >a.CH. JK.

:?~6 East S<wnd Sout h Loc:,\.r-:. t:l 'AU

2~0 LT . FREbF..RIC 0. \ VttrrE

S5Ji .Hcrschd View C l/\'CINSATI, OHIO

1st' LT. \VILl...L\{\I P . \ V t UTE

1900 E:lU I.a Rt1e Sln!et P t..'<SAOOC.."'• FLOP.JOA


800 Jdfcrson Strttt Sr. CHARLCS, .\ l lS.iOURI

2Nv L'r·. RoeER'r £. \Vu.:so;-;, J a.

) lo1usomcr,· :>uttt FAJ..)JOIJTH, ~fAS$.ACHUSETT$

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I -1

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Jirst Scrucnnt ff a111cs A.. /(,ccd!f, Jr. l'R llRlf. 1.U, TEX \S

\\hil t!' ~1ill in SC'bool. and at the a~ of ,;,lct'.U, ~'ge1n1 Rtteh joiocd the :'\.;,ationa1 (,uJnl. I •o )C1rs latc:r,

~hc:n chic oc-pniatiou b«alll<: a JU" of 1b~ ,\nu~ C,>( the l "nitai Sta.lief. Sergean1 Rttd) •b plact'd in the "-'l) •

rn1Uimc:t.a 100t"1a.r- <OOttion of 1.hc- inlanlr' •hh 1hc nling Q( J)rc .• :u)(f •itbin four 1non1h~ -.;u ::uh<11K«I to "trgont.

\h\'f ooc )C'.llr and one day or in1crui\c inf•1t1ll) 11aini11g. he tr.uufttred to 1hc \rm} .\ir C.orl>"• :aod in '-:o,cn1her,

1011. he ~C'nl to l\.ce;lcr Field. ).l~i-»ippi. au1011131it_alh tx·i11g rOOuct'd 10 the gradt- of pii\-;i1c.

~ he 1no11ths later, Sergeant Re«I) W:t'i M:llt 10 Na')h\illc :i~ !lcrgcaut 0£ the guanl, and "ichiu l1 111011th he

hcca111c flrct :iicrgc:i.nl of the 8th l'crr)iug Sq11ad1u11. ~rwo 111outlLS afler-wa.rds, ~l ajor J ol111!tl011 l>ec::unc hi.s torn·

111,11uling ollicc•'. ~11ul with 1..hc C'=CCp1io n o f :1 :1 l101t 1i11w while ~l :1jor J ohnston \Vas C<101nli11Hllng ofllc:cr of Liu:

3Hilh Air U;ue Squadron in ~lcsnphis, S<>1 ~<·an 1 Rt."Ctly ha.!! M:ncJ u11de1· hirn :i" first scrge1uu or 1hc 8lh ~11d, nnw',

o( 1 he U!JnJ Ferrying Squad.ton.

l ie ha\ :an t\1utriao Defense ribbon, j:;tMJtl fOnduct :1111J !liha11~hooler's 111ed;tl~ . i~ nutnicJ to~ ~lc1npbb girl..

Jod hopo one rl~y to o"·n a ranch. dttp in die hca11 of -re,aj..

Poge illirty·Fu10·

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S/S<.; r. GUC.Al,IJ 0. AOA~IS

VAS \\' E$T. ()HIO

Ga•'Y IH'tH II) r.uJiu ~l11uol a1 S<-ou J'i('ld, llJinol:s., lt:i~ t":co 111 1·adiu 6pt"·n.tor, :ind h;;~ l h(' radio OP("lllt(IT'.s (I)( ..

1.h&nil' l~dgc. J-l t> ha:..' tn :trh: cri p.s. 10 Iran. \\'ltb tbrtt ''t:11'!'.'' lltn·iee in lht: , \ ""'' "' far, C.ary• Is 11n old-timer t<t 111~t ul w1. lie bcJonr to rli:e Frau:rfl.&l l Order of l:'.:u;Jcs.

~r/S(a. Rnnt-Jt'I' I\, ALA.Mi\

21:; S)·han AH'.1Hlt NF.,,•,,1tK. :-a:w Jt' ltjt.Y

Ai a lli:ghl c:ngineer, Unb n t:1dC' $¢\'Cll fo1°C'IJ'n U (J>1$, H e U a tnember ar the Sht:ttt Sn1>ri('r 's Club . Bob iliolll'\I his haH·:riug $l:unin.a be-fore 1 he war b)' scu..ln.r out lot t.:ali(On ti:I wi1h S I .59. I-Ir n111de it Ol1t and bad, b y .,.·urki11$; l1is war. Somcthn~ l:.11« ht rode in ttrand{!f >1\ lt: on a t1t01orq·dc to ·~ rh<' f;;lr at San rraricbco, "'hi.I<.-, for 011Jy a tl'rl •tt:u l fart. h e c;onld h:I\'\' aonc 10 th<' t'(lualfy.fa1uous 'Nc"" r orl: \\'orJd'$ _fair,

Sc"l. ~rHo,\ 1A.s K. A~"DtKSON

1Si l•ark A\tflU(' K ASt: , P t;SS-S\1.YANIA

" Shuny." ··1·. K .. " or "Andy," b('·u IUlSl•l('r ((J :in~ of l~tu. A• .,.,... ~~ l1im. hOW('\'('f, lie f) .. Shon) ... H\· u.•ed to be :a c:lc:,k. but in 1hc­A rm r h(' I~ :i.n -a lrpl11ne nu·· ch:mic :and prop 11pt.'4!i:tlbL If l'OU kiok eh<:"' bcre In this tl(IQl:, l11U will fir1d SIM)flf ak1n1t·slde hl1 'err itood frkrid. ··tong Uob" Sh:bbin~. wl10 ili 1'>rob:1bh · llOW O\C'tSt'as.

C PL.. [ODIE N". , \USTIN ~7 C:ime<J A'c:oue

.Mf..\ll'JllS, Tt':NNts$U

1\ l<H.~J bor. f:ddic gr:1d11· J1 h.1I frorn )h'i.1id:: tli~b School and t1Jmplf'lcd qnl' ~a1 :u r cad1-cri< (;oJkJc. He rom1('rl~· w:1$ :1 pros-·nt• rkt1: with th.e UnJtcd Sl:ltl!l> cn1tl· nttrs nf •h<' ~h;mphii d U· uif-C, a nd in t.be Anny he Is :in <'llg-jn«'ring J1nli Qpf'r.Ui(lot r.lc1l. Eddie b ~ Dc1nolar :u)d Ila~ n mi:tl:1I for m:1r1:, . m:1n~biJ).

I s


SG'r. l lA\' ID ;-\I.LAN J7 \\'<"t l'k:1.•:1.nl Strto.."t Rl\'DI R ot:CE. ,\l1c1uc:,\N

lhoe ~CH bis basic crainlna: a t Jtff<'!Wn ~ R:1rr:tdJ arM1 Si;r:tdmttM (ron1 (:hJPlll l" f"lc.ld. lllinQiit. :1.c :in :ai.-pbane merlliudt :ind J)O"'<'f p lAAt s~d:illc.t. "' a Highl l'11Ri· n~r. he ha~ tuadc thr<.'C Cril>' to Asi:uk arid Afric1n ·A •11t"1i · c:::iin ... ·:1r thca1rti. D;i~ t: h as 111,.ln brolh(•rt in tbc .loerv iCt', 100.

Cl'I •• <:AM:L c. A.NOEllSO="' fAtkfltL(I, T.:XA.S

Carl I•-~ 10 be :u1 oi!I hdd "roui;buc:d:' As a K>ldkr, he ls an ;iirplane nwch.;tuic: :ind w.:lde1'. He has thi! CO\Ch:d ai rplan e mt:cfL:inic tncd:il.

( ;PL. CL.E\' f.l ... \ .N"ll v. AUSTIN

JACQllY. l..OU-1.SIA~·A

Clevie IJl:ti (0 Uc in bl.s bu1)l. and Hs•M to tbe Hilu • bl<: im:i.ginati<u• of hls side· kid, John ManJ(lo . f-1 .: b:d b«n in the Armf OOC' )'('.Ir aud is (U) fl('rl:i l oenginec:r: h e tl'<·e in:-il lib. 3£rpl~nr m"• U1a.1,lc'• tDining a l Ueltada · r 1r:icfo:- Sd~11 in New 0-r-lc~nf:. ""' ith :td,an«d tr.ai11i1•R a t ChkJ1gu aud Sot•tlu:rn Air· lino. in ,\ftrl)phi~ , Td1Ut'SStt.

C P1 ... Zt:NV E. HA1u;:.v 1r1usoo CnY, ALAkA1'-fA

Zeno wor\1 in 4uppty and can 0 1rn ;1wa! -1.h<' lnn\1ffit'T· abk. \I Orca~1n;iiblt: requests ch:11 he rl!(:c:hcs 90 n1anr tintC$ :1 d:iy with a g·radOu.srte!d 1h:11 moll ifil'i th~ most p-m­\0...':11hc: .sotclier. Perlu1~ tils ('i,·iUan c::.:ped cncC' IM a P'"• man Is t.K-il)g u'4CCI here-. Ht' weal' the goOcl oooduc1 mccbl.

Page Thi.rt-y.£ive

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( :1·1.. JUSFPH \\'. BAGl..l' Y 1- ,-\tJt \ 'U: W, \\'YO!>Ul\C

Rc..-d ••·a.s a. r;111d1cr bcfu1c lw ~\'i: "P lfU' NH•:htn• ( h ;.p5 ror fl~ lng toi:~ A• :i rndin vplr.U(lr. he h~s f'p:irked )1ls war tht0l1~h t ng laud. I~· lau d. t :rccnl:and. and Al;askn, ~nd 1h:t.,.i:d <iul duwn in Afric:1 :.nd A~L1. He:: gr;;dl•· :11.o:d from 'fn1ax R;1diu School.

Sc:·r. ";JOHN ll. HA1TS SH.tRl•l>111,,~<_,, )'\ . C.

rhe uountn • l<Mlt ;i ~OO<I r .. nntr \\tittt jc)hn \\ :l~ in du«I"" b•u 8";i n<;".;I ;. gO<>d <(oldier and a<:ri:ie l ;,_•11~ir1 ecr. \Vi°ll1 t111~ <.h:irp <'~<"S o{ a faml<·r, J olin vb!len~ 1h~1 1h<' 1>rcttr J:'rt'f'fl 11<tss Jn tti<: si1uadro11 look.s ,:u10pidl)u<l)• lik<' lht' n('l1n l1da $:"NISS 1h:11 dr<He No1 lh C:1rolin:a farm('~ 1''ilrl. H ) '<>I.I ~<'e (1\0 frl~I pro1n 1JhiS!' (1um a l~1l11 101· of tc,~h. ordt'~ . 1t's Joho Aooldrtk fur ·r . <>. 0()000· ()().f!f??.:!! l31j:·93nl.

S/S(:I'. \ l,\R\' tS C. fiE~r-;ElT

Z:? Utalo 1'd Stre,e t \1 ().-; '1~0\lfk\', ALA.U.,\.\tA

fkrtn\' has 1nadc: fnc- (orci.1:,n irll)"' a)t~etllcr to) Eumpt-. Ahir:1. an(J Asia a.s a Oi~lu C•)$1;1J'oe<>t', p,.,u,· well · ·>o o:•·kd" .at t imr(. R('1H\)' shOl•S J1e L.ncw.ii t1is a«:~ and <k1u;i:~. lie n:i1ur.ill r h ;11s a sharp· :-hoo1c1·s medal.

\l / S<:T. JAME$ r . Bt:RRY .Route I

URAXTO)I. :\ l lS$1SS,Jf>PI

Jim. a \·tttir.1n .,r n(';i.rh• thttt )"<'-"J'S' &t'l'\ict', is a11 ain:.laoc 1tli~l'.h:1nic nnd (Tt''n' d 1i1•f ;iind grndtrntcd (1010 tlu: Rbiu11 St111 Sch0<.11 (If t\o:-f(t· n :iunibl in Phna<ld1>hia. •1 he " Ri .sil'IJ: Sun" a tf# le ht-r1: h~s .s;in!n us P<lllt< aod aro used oor u1ri~itl' :l.nd 11p~ul;niQn . liu'l\'t"\'M'. sin« J im has :1 good COAdll<C m t d.;,I a n d hai1 N'u •in •d a special (haoon ( rom Colo nel 1u11 11ll6n ror ouu1~u~rfin11: l' ccr'r<>11:nanc(' o( dt11lcs. we 11:1\C docidcd not ti) r:11! in th(' f , 8 . I ,

E N L s

SG1". ,\!O RTON H. UARUA!'\ I~ \'l ;1\e Cret.t :\n:uue V.1::-1<::1: , CAIJl'OR.'~! IA

Barb ' s an a lrplanc- (Ue· d 1.:inic :ind es1gint-<cr a nd h :1s mad<' three forda:n irlps to :\meric~fl ·Afrk;iin a nd Asi:i lic " ·a_r t h<'.a1rcs. barb bas al'° wqrked in t he ta~rity Qf er~"'" chkf,

I'\ f. \VAL'lt.R I.. H~AkU 3ilo•I ~orth C ln ·d :tnd S1r«t

!il l-~fPUIJ>. ' l 'f.NNF-il>l-:F.

lklor~: l1i3 ind uctio n , fou r 1n,Qo1ns :ig<.>, h ':01 was mer· dmndiM! rn :lu ai:.:e t o( Se:irt. Rocbl1<·k and ('.() ._ Mt<oopl:li$. · r euotSSt>e. At uni.' 1i:1ne he w~s $port t:artoon is1 of rhe .\l~1•1>l1b Com111erdal·A1>ve-.al. a11d ~dll'<l l'-'O (riSl••.le cJ1:1 mpi<1n!(h ip ba~ketbl ll t t:i.l)n. Hl.s hobblt1 a re bun•io.sr :arnJ fi..d1ing. :end hi• tal(>J1l with 1h<: pm and cr..i)·on ixnd l i.c ~i•1n!(ible for th e an ""'(1111. Jn 0\l f )'<'Vbook.

CPL. CLEO 0 . BER.KA l>E!'ISOS. IO\\'.\

" llr.rl: .. u t11:rl IQ be a rou1t ~IC'":'ma.n . and he ddixhu In lf'l lin~ J1 i.~ ~:1l r.f1n~n·.t j0l:ei1 tV ~lu1°1)h}. who .fini ti<'a.rd rh~-m wtwn he w:.11 kicking the ruO$:S out of h is cradk. O•·•t.. IS ' ·"'"·' ' "~' r , .,,., <; .. 1r.,. .. 1 A. ~r. school a1)d ls now an aerfol cng inttr. 11 is tt• r101100, unr(')Jably, that leis p • l<.11°' gr.t otr 1 he! lM!:1 m "'J1t1i tbiry bt-a.r o ne of Berk's jotcc.

' l'/ SCT. STA~Lf..Y z. HEYER

; \ J>ltOS, OHIO

St::&.tl ii a quiet. tuwb u ush e lhtk fdlow who a.J.l)C to us ftoo1 tltC' ~"6111. A rt«aura1ntur b<'rore ht: w;i.s draft:«!. Si.;in is nCtw a 1~di011):l.ll . :lud be h.;i~ l'(ll.lndt:d <>llC bis dlts tind d:ah:1 ;aU O\·t:r the world . Me .;il1Cflded (fw! R.. A . r . radio sd1~)()I in Mono-eal 2 nd h :.,; made a t rip .,.·ith a R. A. F. {rt'll'.


Page 39: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


1\l/ScT. jA~lES C. RLAL4)(:h:

<100 r.11rolin:i Str('f't Jh ... \C:KSBtJkC. S. C .

J iut :1tlt'ndcd the A1,pala ( h 1:in S~2u: T<'ad'ltrs C.ollC'i'c. S.X.11t, No1th Carolina. and pf:ip:d prQf(';C.sional baseball. He l1:1l' :1 dert-:n:Mi', Amcrfr:1n , ,\ frk.an . itnd A~iatk ribOOns. in "'e ll :1;\ a ~ cXJnduc1 N dic:. So f~r '"h(' h-as m~dc: fq\11 fu1eJ$:u triP!' :uul u1:1ny clom<"Mi t ·onC'll :at a R(Jh1 c11Rhh·•tl'. H e ii a mn~1btr of the ~oon S™'ru:r Ch•b. J i111':i :ithle tic abilih· 11:1..,: dl)oi: murh toward wlnninj'. UUI' :ltl 1ld k :lw~llli\.

PF'<:. - rufl:>tlAS l\OJlNOFf' f()ltl \\~ ... \ ' ;-;t, f~l>IAN,\

" BoJ,'." th(' H OO$l<"t' llo) S .. 'Ou 1. h;u ~ 11r:u1y i11t<'rc,.1J ht t h ink.i. an An.nr d i!r $h9l•ld h :t\t' UIOl't' hi) llrJ. In hi.< f~rmer llft: fl " 'llJ t he sa111c 1•:'1 ) . :a) he had c.ne o r lht: l1igh~t lkir S«>u t r<inks. th~t u( !In E:agl~ S1.011t with all th•· ~Jms. He w :M 11.sdsuull ~Olltl(l:Uh'T. p l::t}'l;'d ;di )p(llC:I. :ind round timi: 10 wort; as ;·1 l:l the OJ)t:1"1tUI' fo r {;tut>-t :ll Ek<"lrk. ''-'i1h :iJI bis. 11.ccorn· µ lish1uelHS. · ·Sojl' . • still ntain· 1:1in ~ 1he rc:put.:tliQo of ~in$: ()O (' ot the ~ i.nSUU(lh-'''lll •p('d:ill'l"- n n 1h(' Jin('~

f'\··T. LJNNlE J, 'BORDELEN 1•. 0 . l~ux 171

C4>'1'1-0/\POli 'r, L c.•U l.:>I ANA

I.in ii1 :t w('ld('T who lt:t$ done other '"oil. in 1he- Annr '""· llU ( h :t.<i dri\ init: 3. truck for 1tic niess ball :ind vi~)rking ror ... u11pl)-.

S/ S<;T. LL()YU .... 80\'Slli" S.\NouliKl', Ou10

l .IO)'d 1l!('(I 10 b(' a 1)1'& 0 1)\'.nttor a.nd bek)ng-c_<cl le> 1he rr.nern~J OrdC"r or Eaiks. l-it' ;4 now an ai1pb.11c: mt!· rhank :.nd cri:"' ch iC'f and b:U 1he ~()()(! c_ondiu·c ;uul ~irpl.:tn(' mt"('flllllk's mtdab, f-lt' 1na\.\.C:1 f l"tqUe":Ul dUU\(~lk 1 ri~ :t• ntl t•nainC't'r .


Ci>L. l<.L~NL,.H· \ '. HLFSSJN(~

I ;so I 'v t!!(I Sl•r.t)n(I S• rt'l"'I Lrnu: ROCK, AMK.i.ss.i.s

Ktuue1h i,;u' l 1J1e ~n ,.·ho ,.·ill KO :irot1 nd ttll in.': of hh :11f:.in-. T hat il ld 1r 1-qu v;Ql1ld no1 l:oow d>31, v. htn an :1ilpl;111e i11 wh kh hr w:..\ a ere\\' m(<mbi:'r cracked u1' ao d Lu NL ilu o lbm<:$ in •hi.' hl'::ln of Lht ·"frlcan jttoj:IC). ;U ~1n1 pl'non:1I rid: IC) him. si::lr from 11ami$ and tht like· lihc)()cl uf t:xpll»inn. K1,:11nl'lh ('l)U'ri:d .ll Qamlni p:irt CJ( lht' h 'ttt\: ""'hCfl! ;ii fl"Jln1<• IT<'W mC"mbtr w;is cr~p1X'd aud t'x· lli(:ued hi1J•·

SG r. 1 "'HO)IAS l• •• lSOOKME\'ER

{;1u-: ESSPIUS(:$, O IU(l

K11ow11 :1 r<1und lhl" ~1u:trl · ron a;c •• U2h1n1nr:· 1h tt'(' is :l i~ ues:tion in uut mind« if this nfr~n:irnt pro1><'rh tai~ ()ur 111:111. 1-towc,·cr ... J .i~11l nln&'' (ll 'O mo\'t. as 1bC' sport\ f;u1!' well k11Uv; . lie i ~ a finl"' foo1h:iJI J>lii~cr and pi1chtd uur .>0£11.lall tt:•m to:. :ii tt'Cc>rd oC l our• ttf'I vi in ' <ind l"-'O lo:<.<lf':C. He is <:t id to hr SLJO(lj; ac; :in (l'I: ,

Sc;T, CH1\Kl.l:.5' f . Rrn·ro)1S

Roi.Wt:l.J., CEOJl.CIA

Ch:lilic w:h ow111?1 :ind 1)(H.'J:1IC)r nf :t lf.'S ~l:t.lion bt•· fvrt tic bt'C.1111\t' a u A itt"W ~u1> p ly ~1t(':lln 1 . He bandit$ :i.11 SUJ)J)liO f(u tl1e Squttd l'OU 1~xccpt 1ho~r d<>•1in('Cl f;:ir tht" mess: htncC'. wl1h :1 bomNid. inter~I anoi hi\ rnn11t ll WOl lC'r· lnrc. 1..- kCC'P?> ,, "harp e~e <'>i' the me~ hall for :1 shipml'n1 of "(;3"·2lc-.. pcacho;. H e h:1 ~ :t Rn(tCI oondur t mt'd:t l.

l 'FC. flERbEkT C. HR.£1:..1r.

20:? Ar.irl<>mr A\en 11i:: f'rrrsllUKC:H, J'L~SSYLVASIA

Me!"b v; <:1H 10 KIW<>I at Ctuinu1e Fi<>irl, gr.uj11:11«1 :..,. a "tld('r. :ind 1$ cnn2M i.ll 1hi11 wort here. 1 le •'l"' ;ii

crud. drh<:r bC"fort en1erin2 ihc- Ann.,..

Page 40: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

CPL. JA~\l ~S F.. HR1CKCR ROUI(' $, ~·h·:in l-l ill.i

:'\Oitl ll Lrrru : ROCK. Aki\,

lkforc: c•n h:rir1g t he ~n·ice, Jim ,.,as a nnl lelt<'f ar. ru:r :ind :1 1 11l'111I~ o ( Ult Liuk Rod: Elks Club. H i~ pa,.-1.:11 e x.!JC!rk1u.'t lV\11Ht d whe n ht' cnlc•<:d •h4'.: Armr. ,cir11:1~ tu: w:.t liU1I iu101cd laith' tu t ht' N('.,.. \'ork. 1'1.>ri of F.1nb:1rkatio 11. 1•oor Jim ftau red th:11 he ,.·:•.~ h":•d~I . wi1h. 110 1r:1iuing, fur O\'C'T· SC':tS~ J)l)"''<"\C-r, t h <" 1\rmr 1'0 .. 1 Olfke cook l1inl in ( harjfc. l~ucr J in1 1rn 11sr .. r red UJ lhe 1\ ir Co•P'· :u 1d ht' b •)(!"'' ll ( It'• I: in 1hc 1.>rdC'rly rutuu.

S/.'~C'r. FRANK J• 6U~f\\J t . l!i Pl)'UM"J:u b Suttt

C:AMB'il.IO<:t: . JJASS:\C:l-11.>Sf'Tl'S

Fr.1111:. b an airpl.:inc me· (11.;ink gr;1d u :i1c fr(tm Ktesl<'r Fidel :11ld 8 ·2.5 Sd1o00I ;11 l nak...-ot:od. CA1ifornia. He 11:111 :1,i1J)l:tJ\C" m«h:ink :u1d <.h:irpshoo11•r',c nw d.:1.111.

Sc:T. SAl..VATORF. J. CAS'£AJ..l'l-O

22 F.a:-1 f';flf·Fh~t $11«"1 RAt·<.n~:-:e. Nl3'.\'I J1-:1ts1:.Y

"S:a) ' ' b a -6r.)-.,nnC' hoy who ~1.>c <!Qwn dcel' in the t1cart of rt:\:U throua t oo (;iult of h i" .,,.·n. I le we.11t 10 the Army

:1i11>l:t1lC ffit'<h:i.nic'11 j C1bOol l11tre. lie h"• brtn b(';ird te111art.: in11: lha1 he 1nf'len1 lhe Jer.uoy 111tt:011uiiues co 1nair i(' d<l'lol'· ~I Ill :in ;iirpt:.ne me• 1·h;i11fr :ind d~1riC:1I s1'.l«blls1.

T /SGT. ARLA CAun11.1. Ji:;ltE'-llAll. Kr.STUCK\'

"rb is :1 gradu"e or the l>o1y·Stu:u·1 ~<ibJrui:i11. £as-ern Kcntl•<• )' Srntt T e:u:ht!n Col· legi", and t bt Army radlQ .r~ ... 1 :u So:iu Fi<"ld. Me wat fv1'111e1'ly 1:1 chi! c-111in(•l"r nnol ls 119w ;i r:uli:• mtdlanie.

E N L s ScT. CHAJtLt::S A.

llRI DCln- 1 288 \\':1rd Slte<:I

h ',H ,LI.NGI (J ilt>, COSNEC1°11':1;1°

Orl<l1ti!Cl is. II n.rlin n1wr.11nr anti b u bceu u n t luo,_"T fu1d ,:u 1rlin. II may tx ;i ff) i11d. dt'llo.'e t bat ll ridjt tU <CnlltS from the hon•c Qf the 1nag. 11ifkttil l'ir~ \\'orld \\lar au·. Major L uUHny, ,.·110."~ "drt·lt: .. :ill ro:nbat pUou J:.oow. T he Co:nn~n l\an:111. ir ,.-r rem1•J1t• IJe r <!)1' r<:ct.I)'. had 10 StOllH' · how .!1:1001 l .ufhurr rlo::ov•n lw. .. a uM- he "'':9' a 1nn1:u:c 10 1h(" lamc11u; Ccrnt:in J1<.11.1:1d · ron. \\'e ll. 8rK1•etc r(lmN from \\'allingf1,rcl.


Z•>!H North i\l:ini:hall .Su~·t Plll l.AllEU'HIA. ··~/\.'N.

Btr: hall 111.:1de >.ix forC!ij!n 1rips u a r"dio o~r;i1or, :ind, ""ht'll he fou nd titne l'M-twttn 11iin. hc l)larcd \ Ollt'rb:i ll wilh !ht: !1iq\L:ulr<11.1 tc:1m. He uscd 10 tit' t'ntart'd In fhe re:i l ' "'l3te tul.$ini's-c.


.;14 South C •'altl Slfttt F 1ff,(:C.itAU>, CtOlttlA

C:is .,.., .. s oncie a nunaa-t"r or :a d1)thiug :;111rt". hu;1g ine his. reelinrs when ht' il'Ot a li.uln~ b)· Ill>.' Anny. No m:1u.:r. C:as I~ ;i powcr pla.ru .SPttJalbt 211d 1irpl.:111e 1ntth211k, :ind OOffljl a a:ood job, Bui no <111e \::ln "'';1td1 C'..2$ p uuing­on hls C.l.'s wht1ou1 .k'('int 1h a1 wi.ttJul lool: of longinJC ror 1hc • ·•)(>(( okl days ot " l'i\'it'JI . ••

S/ Sc.T . STt.l'tl~~N C HAK:\l.A H:irri:;on StrcC1


Sten! tru e-red thr- Anny fro1n civilian lik. where he had bttn ;1n de<t rk;il :is'IC"m · btr "orkirr. Now he U 11 llrst-dlUli :iil'µb.ne n11~:d•;1ni(' and has 1bie mcclt:ink'.s. ;1;j .,.. . .._u a.' s<1od rund un fl1etl:i I. 11t.e•'t' • ncnd.ed l(~k-r Ff.,.ld ~111d Xt.1rlb Amerii<:in Ali.:lliou Schoel and now is ,s('rvjng :a<> 1:ragintTr ~1Ml o-c'!w t h ier u u thC" C-«l r11ns ti) ~tfomi.


Page 41: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,



\\1U FELF.k, J.l tCIUC.l /11

.. Ring:· s.:irocrhucs Loo-·n :u t he "~tkhigan Fbo:h ," brl!C'lt'd Ith "''ar tbrou1h the rrlCd1a nks $(;)1()()1, $h: fo1~ign 1rip$, and an $!!50nn1cnl or <aN. ''""h oon~h;al:1n('C'. A$• •ridi: hi$ tn•>•) c.OO\'t rdblc. :and "'' id~ 1.bc .sharp$hOOtc1'.t and good <:tutd uct n1cdah.. A m t>1"i011n and 1\frk;iin 11,•:..­tl~tre nu~lab hanrint on hi~ cbt>,.. ti< b $J id tn ~ rather 8. 1·. <).

PFC. J'OHN F. (~OUCH U UIOL\.M, ~OltTH C'..A k (>IJ S, \

John. wnc or our 6t(l(kmom <lt<rki1, uiw:d to be a trauor nl«h11nk ll!n.c.I operator. Onc-e ht: r.11 u.p.bc a ba1$ 1hal tjJ)S)td th~ seal~ a1 cig,IH arMl o~­balf p<>und,. but, :u u'ua.I with the' l.M:ttc:r fh.bcnllcn. the laral':I' on~ got "'"''ay. ru a niinrod. b<: 11:1.~ (au:Sc-d hnrc foi lure «> beaM :nu l fowl. \Ve'fit crying to tell l"~' t hat he·~ :a ~ 1>4)nsm;in .

C:Pl .• CH.AKLFS 1\ . CO\\'AN 1(1 ) l..a(a)·('l l C :\\'('.1'111('

BllOO"-LVS , N°l:.\\' VOltk

Althou a:h h~ is or Sr:o11..i11h a.nd fri,;b •.AO\trlcan p:ut1U3'(C', Charky v.· .a$ b(ln1 and ('(lu• catc:d in t'ra_ncc. II~ roru pkttd bJs rnlkK:ie .uudin :1l l bC' •·1:~·o.:tt d t N"i(t:" and a.I.so .s1udil'd. !ll 1hr Uoh·crsi1r nr AIJM:n. Ch:irlC'y ,.,.:u :1 coin· mereial a_rti$t i1) Nt:'tll' \'ork bc£ore c:u:111i.03 to t he f'erry (:01nu111nd ~11 a radio OP<r:1. cor. ti t: has m:1dl"' four r(1rei,sn tTip,t :i~'d b3$ 1..0 c-r.mpaig11 ribboB~.

r 1~c:. Cr.oRc~ \V, OtL.L1Nc: 35~7 !ribirlwood Stri:-:1 ~I l'J.U" l llS, ·rr..,"1~1'-SSF.f:

Cl'Ofl<" w:i.~ a i;krl: in :1 ~fernphi:c lut11bcr )~rd after he (T~.h•alcd h orn the Un.i· n!nity a r A1'k~nus. He h a$ t 'A'O ' 'tTY irnpc.nt:tnl llot)bb ic,:.: hi11 ~ix•ru.:.ollu·<>ld dau ahu:r. Carok Su~ Oflling, :ind ~<tlI. George "~rki in o pcr:au o ns as a dtrl:.


r vr. Ji:;ssi:: o . CoKN\\IF..1.t. 206 1' wtnt1•·fc-un h Str~

01.D l-llC:KOllV. TESSF.$.~l'.J:.

A t~n1ou·b wddf!r :ind ~?i4.'~11 p lll}'tf bC'JOTe th(' ,.,:ir, tCJd:ir J~- i.< :i b :1l:er. :lnd he is: $~1((~£11) fri 1urn· hlg <tut bn-ad. p i•!S, and ca\:('S Ul:c mo1l')('1" u~I 10 rn::ikt.


l.t:l\' IS1'0N. 1\f,\INI'.

Frttlcll )'. the furdbam Ram, l<"h hJs $llldks <>( Amcrl01n law 10 btc:ot'l)t' an 11e,i.;i l r.u1;,, OJ)t''r.UOJ. H( bas paf'tlcl· pated in h\·e (ore ign dt .. Jiverits that ha\'C' lncludtd all tb~ 1h e;itrn o( ,.,·:ir. and lie i.< a Mat1rt(h btllC\<':I' o f c.bc tood neighbor poticr. (or he i' :i:c much at home· In India. Egypt.. ()r d:ut.Cit Afria :u. ht b In !ilafn(", A5 a m<':mbcr r.if the J't!arbool: ,.;t:ilf, he ,.,·od:ed w th a .,i1sco srranwc· I)' r t mini.>t'fol1l C)f t he iip ir it of " "iG ...

~I/SGT, RA\'11.IONO E . l>f'. \' ERF.AUX

1250 L h1<Xtb 1 R O:l-IJ ~IL\'.'>U B l!ACH. f'LON.IDA

Ko one who ha.t C~"Cr mmcd iu t J1l': 93rd ,.,·ill dUputt Ray"s ri..b1 to wca.r mastC"f sc-r· gl".inf:c ~riPC"!' . fut h e U :tu u ndoubted mast:C'r o f 1ht culinary :irl. A.s nit!l..'I JIU•

t:tant. b< h11S: d<-nc ffilJ(h ~o gh ·e the !):Srd it• od~cd d b · tin ction , H i$ r C'1uu ;i1i!()n h;i:c be!(:ll lk) ....-idely rttotnllro that r«ently he' w:t• :i"'-qgnei:I t he po~itit>n o f ~t ru~ .SC•'l'tlu ll .:ind has lx:c:n ~nnnen~leJI f•lr 1J1e "l~i011 of Merit"' a~t1.rd.


8 17 l'\onth Cu}·k,. A\·(!u ue OAK PA10;,, I Ll.4.N0t$

Uunk'.t " 'lnflll\1t W$}'f and hU. gen uine 'Pirit of good fdk> ... i.hip ha\'(' ..-on hJm m :n1y warm friend:c in tl1e ,quadron. Formerly an t'J«· 1ric:al cxin lnctor. l>Ul\k i; no"'' a ~dlo operator. He 11rad11· :uni from T.\'\1.A. R~io School. He h:14 l\l)wn ll \'CT lh(! SUutb Atlao li\'. ~orth Atlantic. and $<>tub l'adfi<: rutL\. Hr i!I n mtmbc:r of 1ht' Elk$ Ch1b.

Page 42: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

Ser r . fR tVt:RlCK l) u 10t 11 15 Alb3nr A\·mu e

Bit00"l YN, !'\£\'/ \'ORK

Fred w-.u an c:lc<cuidau ru 4:i\'ilian life whJch rnay o r nu1~' o(u l\01\C: 101twfhin i; to dn wilh lht> \oo'<lll' h<' $p:1rkh:$ Willi wh a n d h umo r. "J be ... ·:1y he 1''ill pa1i·r 1h0$C' c:n<f· k$s t b n1s,1• at 8 roukl)n i>tlll· gbt.t a 5)rOfC$SiOR<tl it11c<rct.1-1fl(>n~r00 h r " T iu.· l.K.l.au<' tn <:ut Out Raving J\roo>k · h 1\ ," An at'ri:al c<us inttr. 11<" " •':tn: 1l1c Asi:ulc. Afriran. :u 1d So:Otllh Anu·rir.01 ribbons.. Th:u he dm~n·t btl\(' ii b;idge ''"' wit It l)t'ing inu~thlatro b) the prO• CoSl m;tNh~I.

PFC, ,J<>~tt>H I'. l)\\'YCR ~ \\'!,\Iron 1•:1rk

:\1 1 oro1tb. M ASSACllOs•·11'S

J oe ha.< ~n A.K. detrrtt f l'(•lll HOMOn ('.oll..-gc:. lie at· u·nd4.'d g(l\ e r11111C'1U r:idlo <d.,)()h al Slou -: F:1ll< and ' I . \\'.A, lll loi. an•:u. C i1y. H e: j., nn1o1· :'I tlidifi nrwra1or.

P1:c. \ \ ' 11.LIAliol ..\ . l-'.LLIOlT

1211 RT}':llll AH"l\111' UkOl"X, ;>. 1;w YOICF

One ,.,, du: liro n x hol'' of our .:u•1fit. R. rd u-1 lo lit- ii <lwrin1.-t.:1I t\Orlcr 1)-11 now 10-0orks. :is IJ meo·h ::mic (11\ t h<' lin e'. lu ca?llC' )Ott llr1· :1 ~rana:..-r, yuu .. ·ill kut•W Red. wi1ho111. iOt l'odu<"l;r.n , h, his 1li~11ri t 1he h:tir.

CPL. JOHN J. FF<:KO 1..A \\' Jt EN'C'.l: , .\I A:>S;\(;J I l>l>Cl,.1'

" M idi:t~.. 'A':t• Ollt' of 1t.c li1-.t to br1;ak s:rnunrl a l 1lrl:1."h' ilk aod .\ l ~"lnph(~ ~in<c comina 10 Mt<mph i,,. f•t: Ila.~ had lib l12nd jn ahr1os1 ('\ ('I)' :,tr(':I intProH!IUClll. \Vheo O(lt pllv1ins: ::. IJUfk. or cngin~'1"'rin1t a «!lllt:nl rni~er. Midl(e i' t1~1.:i.lh• l10'dlna ronh at Liil' ~.c.o. Club. lie b4.'1l:ins. C'H:rr dav b) ht;inp: l11.l1 ~1 t'd 0111 of tx-d b\· the c . Q.

E N L s

C PI ... FRANK J. OUKAJ\.'Tf: 15.f Thlrdclh Stt«t

BkOOKt.YN, Kt: \\' YOkK

Fr.ntk is o net <1( our 00)·~ who loo.k a.h<'r th e j<-CP$ a n(I 1ru<:k.t bdcmi;.i ng t(t t he $QUadron. and he h:i.• ;;i S'""' 1imc do ing it. A il'IO•llt tbc spon fans be 's nn1('(f (t) r hi~ luu no r .

S/S<.:T. J OE c. [ 1..l..IO'l'T ~ lurrdl S11'<'C~

01c.-ws. Tr,.,..~esset " r, ip .. ~$' > 1)1)1'1\:k «")IM' in

tht IOUll ba1d.: bc':fon-: (Otnln11; 10 1hi:- 1\ ir force t:igh1~-e11 lllOfllb) al(o. He '1'3l 1raini:d ft) r a n "9ilplant< 1n.,-h;;i11jc :11 lht' Sp.art.all &J~I ~C ACfO· 11 ~111 il'$ ;ind th(' Alli.<.tJn brancl1 o f C('O('r~ I MOIOl"S Co111. 1 lot\'C"\'t:r. 111ion br ing a....~i$: 1h'.'(I 10 the Air ' r 1'l11.spo1•t C'..ommand. 1hr Armr U-.>k iu to ron$idC'~tion h is ch•lli:i.11 b.ic:kgroun<I :ul(I <.:t.'A' 1it It) dr11w on b i' bookkttpl.oa taJt-111.s. Jex' now find$ h im. ~If an :1dr1,ioi31nt io 1i. dtd:: fQr CtQ\IP F.ngin1'f'ring.


( ;J'L. j A:>. l F-'l ~I. F ARR.lil.L ;.J,\~ll\'1 1..U, T't:SS~~Sf.,£

j in1's 1irt-IMS ('1for1 as :1 mc1obcr o f t he )·e.t1bcxlk s:1:ill l<i J;nrdr f($pon:!:ibk rQt iu .ouul.".'S.... H t b a n21i,·e of Nor1h ~mJi11a. !nu 1· tfl111'!.· M-~ ha~ bl'<'n 1115 ho111e for thi: ~~· fifsN•n 1·.-:11"lOI. I It' :tl· te nded 1>:·1\ id)(ln Coll~t' :111d 1•eahod.r C'-0llrgc:, w:.s roo1. b:.11. bi1:1kl.'1ball. il.Od Ns.tb ;dl co:ich tor 1hir1t..'l'n ynq ;ind :u:hie \·ed t ht -appointmtn1 a.s prlnd pal 1,>f !I h igh ~hoot In th(' shun 1hne 1h:t.1 J iln h11s l>c:n1 wilh u.< Ii.- 11:1• .-a-tiled the tbar~hoottr"s m.OOal ;11nd h:,a• b1•t<n :ippoinl· 11:el ht!:1cl co:u.h o ( l ht' P oi;( b:isk...-.ball ce .. im.

S/ScT. 1\IJl,TO~ j\ . F1 :-..·KL.ESTEI~

7().()~ 11-lt h St.rttt f'u;:s.111Nc. Lose lSLA.~ I)

" PIJll;" );~Pl\' record9 !Ind ,.·on: form., in <1rde-r {(Ir Croup trurlnttrlnr. 1"hls Job h :ait a lot n f re1p<1n:i:ib ilil"' atta.(ht-d co h and o fte n t.:-· c111irl"!' inore dipll)mac1· 1h-a11 ma.oy a forei.n d lp lo m;u'it pc)..\C. · r 11i.t lad ill we ll ~uited for his. posJdou. ha,·iog b«n :111 :lUOrney h i c..h il i:·1n lift. He is ;;i aniod t•lll <' o f Rr(ll'l\l)·n Coll4'..l:.C a ud Brookl)'n Law School ~nd it ;i metnht!T o f thei Non p;irtil So<'i::tl 2n d Ath)('li( C h 1b b:,tcl; in Rmol:­h ·11.

Page 43: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


;\( / S(;1'. HAROLD U . f1..1-;)t1r-<{:

i»:&I lt.tvn tlccUc> A\CflUl!' OA l, t.,1..$. TW..XAS

· · Prnc:her •· J:ieming, 1hc bit . b usk) (~llow ~ ou M'e '-.'itb J iru !)b lock wh('n t ht')' are oot o t1 t l'il)i.. ba~ bttn O• er 1h(' otr-an < 2 numl)M' Q[ lim('o;. H e \llltn dt--d SoutJu•1'0 Mt tJ•· OOi.s1 Un k m i•l" ;incl. wht:n (uUb::t t k {61' Ll1:t1t ~11li \l."1'l\it,, h(' m:id C' T('X:1c All·St:i •~ ra1 JJl~ek. \\1h2t is thh about ·· P r1,1;f$ a nd P<i~~"t

SGT. fkW£ RICK A . Fl.OOU 1•, o. ft()x- 209


''H e:t•)·· altt nd* d :l.irpl:1n c m«hanio Kbool.s :n Chanute l'idd and 1' .\ \l.A. , ;u1d he i1' n(U•' fl iJl'h1 <":na:inttr. H(' hn.." loade tti'" aeros.~ bc>LJ1 oi;t;1.n~ ;ind has lhc ribbons th:H go witf1 Llu•n1. H e b :1;i th~· airplane mc<ltank and ~11::.rvshOOlti-';i med:ak In .;-h·iHan llf<' H(a\)~ w-.. s a tool and die n.1~l:t.r. :1ui.I bt.IOnA-ed to l h <' N"atlon.aJ Guard {OT !<1ur ,·ea rs. He 111$0 00:\.~I in 1hc: Cold l.'n C lcw<11 Touma.· 111t."n1. tie U a n1M1\ l>c-r u! 1lw Sho:tn Snoncr Ch•b.

r• 1~c: . CL\' DP. U .. fOS~l lkF. l\IU;~-r\\'001) , l . (.) !'IG h l.ANb.

NEW \ 'O k K

Cl)·d c ...-o uld nlht:r wurl: 1.11>0n alrpl:i••C$ tli<in do al· mWI a n ) lhing tlM- tx~ei:oc 11) in Lhcm. Forroc-rJy a riil· road 11ig-n:.lnt:lll. be i> 110 111· hht hballior nnbc-r f<1rularlr "I' air bet111't.'l->n hert and ,, hu11L \\'hen on t he grou nd ht" i ~ an :1i11)l:1ue 1o erl1:t1nic.

SGT. J t.."Rk\' K. fw..i. 1,.~Y 2'205 A11bun• S1rttt Roc.;K~O i;to , I LU'1(U~

J inl 1r:i.1.hrn11:d frl)m 1\ fl<t('t .. wn 'l"t:d1ni~I ' l' r-,1.in i11g S<"hool 111 I.A( l\na~lt'ti llnd i~ no "" au Ad miois ti;lt.iVu a1\d Tc:d1n i«11I f: ll'TI.:. ln dl'ili.:in life he w:u :rt t::t.,hier for ,<\rnt0ur M e;u l'.'!<king C"'.Q.


·r 1Sc1·. Do~Aco R. FLE..'1AR

\\' AR$A\l'. ISOlA~A

1' ht: r<"Je li.i::HM)u tJ~:1t tJ1tre 1-e:1 ll )' was a llt';ir a:oiug o n (:un eo fir .. • · liki> tlu: ja111•s u f a scrun1t· trap, co n on'$ !ttL: fi;>r Don 11ad bttu a sckn· Lifi1.. .Jioc· sak.:.1noin in <"h·il ian lifC', <1111d G.l.'il "I'''" ((Cfl · .Wtcd) ! llll(ht th('n and 1b~rr Don d1•cid OO lh3t he

-...·ould u.sc- 111iop in~1nrl (1f sbc>t$. :11KI "') ht h;'t$ biN:n v; iu~b1it his wa}· .:.~ 1hc Q('1::an-~ 1~• EurUJ)t 1111"1 Asia , ,~u:n Lkn~ <11hQ«<'th~r . 1~"'"

~I Ser. '\ VJLBUR Fl.OR,,

R.Hnr.n. IOWA

\\lt'b-h usc;(I 10 llC" a former i11 lht: oon• roun.111• of 10111;., As ;a ltiaht n1gin«r be h:'u n'lade oue for..-jgn u·IJ) and ('lc;\·~n d<>m~1ic rine'll. li t b:u au airplane med1anir­med;ll !Ind i'I an t'XJM'n with 1he <a,t1i o..-.

Ct>l .. A~'r1-10N'' r . FR1\ GALE

1310 ~h1i 1• Slrt>M J ,u'.:J:i"(IX\'11.1.£, FLOJU f)A

Tour fQmpl c~lC'(l a f(n1r. y(':'ll'S. ~u•U* at th~ 81'.iioul f)f J\\'iat M.>n Tr,adM. in ~· eo...­Yotk. u._, ... u i:1adu:11i0u he pas:~ a d,·jl cfn•ire (":<11'.lli · nntiOn aod .... :as ~h tn a iOb 111 •hr Ka,·:il Air SIJ1li()n , Pe nsa <Via . t" Jvrida. J-fe ,.·orkc-d fll.s ,,·:1y up 10 c-hicf metalunilh un Oiuelina f h 'itl .I? Boats.. A t preMlnl lhl" is a""IC>eiatcd ,.·ith "I Cd• Sl•l)J>h :1'1\d J)<"Jform,_~ \•a rious du1kiri in <1'.lnri to;l i(lu '<ith the Pos:1 Thc::itrC',

C:PL, HAk(ll~U ·1'. Fl( V'f 1422" '\c>rth T"'(•1u i~·1h Strttl


Marold at1end 1-'<1 Mot.W is in f'on tlac. \fkhiaan, '-h.1,·inJ" 10 St. !l.u••il ht: 111•t-n t i1\CV th~ tr;:id ( or m«b.:ink a nd llt'ddt'r. :·ind 111•heu tl1.: Al Ull <3:Ucd him :1bt)u1 ~,·cn1orn nwn1hs ~.cu . Ju~ ,.1'111 tbrouit:l1 ChaJIU(C' Fidd. He i'I fl(IW ;e varl OI GfOUJ) £PJtiOttffftg 1·«h n iral Supply. Jn tbe .prini;. aod ''"h«I lhe "rbiqrr~·· :ir" not an>und . 11:1rold D\3) ~ fou11d wrhint? in1ern1ir1.<1blt' Jet tate whilt" 5iuii1Sl uOOt"r tht" t~ of 1h( tl>r:1I friTf'l<t.

Page 44: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

CtL. J OSEl'U J. CAJ 60!.t High Street

CL~·rkA1. t'Al.LS, It. I,

Joe i1 :uwtbt:r or 011r rncUo UJ)('1'alQr·m«hanirs wh1> hllil• hoJu X~· E11$bnd. l' r.;or to h1"' t'OtrY ln10 1h(' Air Cn11>' hr wa,. a $lttl to'Orttt a.nd • .wrubn of th< '\hamf'IXL f'lub. h U nu .. ottd. 1ha1 a ((Mb(r.UO. fimi nf Unoll and C.aj a 11 11C11rMb1hn IA lk posnlflit <ft-,

1·1 c. SA'' n. c:A.1.vos. Ja. SW E:t:TWA"l"'f..lt , ·r,.-,,, ""-"It Su.wont u1a'!'d hi• .. , ... .,;·

and " ~ h«n - r"'ir·· "'"' ~-~- r"'" antftlkd '•M •~ttt Hish and tt1w,._M« ('.otkp". ud h-._., ~~II .uMi fl()()fb:;all. Hr t11on a 'll.ll.~<t'!I llM\bl, :ind at pr~nt n our l>UPPh ckrk.

r / SGT. \\'11.UA\.I \\'. Col.DE."'"

CL,.,..,..l.. G. \\"En \'IM.l'IA

&l:U lw&d a prhalC' pil!M' 1kl n bdotir ~li:S11n1 i" 1lw Air foT<"' two }t"°.lh aao and "''"" ;u1 ttithU.:SiO't'I nf .tun1 ll)inl(. 1-lr: ha.. u1adc M''rrJtl lonti~11' ui~ :lj ti r.1dion1;111, ba,ln• rr.idualtd fro1n So'l)lt J!if!ld. All ablt• "'"irn11wr. Uill donp't want 10 1>ul h i• «1•dm1uio~ abllill' 10 thf! t1•tc In tht' ' dri11k," bn\l.r-\l"r,

f>\T. \\ lLLIA \I J., HA'\llLTO'\

IS 7 S Curti!'I ~l rfft A~tto~. Ou10

J.roo1 opcr.i1in1 JI •h';1111 ~bo\d in .:iv-iUa n liff', M:1m ha!'! bL'Come. In t hr Arn•l'. llh lnnrumt!nl ~3.11"1 - \f'I')' 1h•lidlle and 1;nmplin1tl}(I "'o'' " Hr lu• t..>ni. ul lht' An'" 1bi11,.m month• and Hlf'• borl('f. golf. and ba~ll

l'nfl/' Forty· Tn:rl

E N L s

C PI., RALPll CAt.l.JNl, JR: . ~ •• \'Sl:it. •rt..'i:-<~S1<€

R11IJ)h 11:1., bt>en In t ht! Arml a !<bOn t[me. but hf' ha« IJttn In ~n1g e11ouir.h 10 prtl\t' 10 ,., t'r, OP< that h~ u II \ilh•11blr 1nan. Ht' sc11nl'd oul ., 1ht 9Srd mC"!li8 buidin :11nd "°"" 1• 1lw ~1u an tW

Pl.w. ~ ~··

"1/Sc::T. \\IJLLIA~ I o. GAY 10'!1 \ l<Jb;ima A\~OU('

\\t .. 1 PAl.M 81:.'\CU. r1..0•1n'

1'tll lu• lN:-Dl an •ironh and :1utomobik m«hau.i< U)

tl\ lh01n 1irt. and tht' '""' ~l'f" li.1• eon- no~'C' ai P•n \.~n • .\.rr Fttrift. 1111 bl~ •M outdool' bit, f"l.rri<tl~ a.• pnh..ikd bf 1tw h..tfin'I• a1KI hun1.ing 1a f tQnc1;1. 11,. b a ow:cnbi:Y of 1h~ P:tlr" Jk;1ch \\. illt Liff' l,r11icu.-. I le h;u n13.dt m:tn) tldmt .. ltt. 1rlpc. ~ :1n t'll1Ci1wt1.

1·1 \''I DEAS C. llA l-1-' 191'7 Srtutb "-tn. A\it'l\I~

\tA.SO!lo CnY. 10\1.A

C.c-1n2 ho.a the C-.ont hud,.n )t~I<' of ~ i• tht °"" - Clu•kr of c:o. llWt<~ calkd ··f>mt. .. : · I lw l 1nd of Id~ tha.1 a.n .,;,aMll .. ::ilc: hlmd•. he al~,,, find, \i.lmn.n4" who "'lU llnf'l'I "' h1, itor1<'i or Pi~r Cubs. t-lir­uonl IC• fty a pla.C'I<' 11~ 11 hobby and •·ort on them for

11 lh in11; . I bC' Army 1hinl11 11 lot or hif abili1y 10 1C'1)alr thnn, 11u1thu1: h im nut n tt lh<' llllC' 1U an A. M. •1 .. i t ttllUI "' huoling. \Vh<:o IH' hn'I l)I011~1ln1 ;1bout th:H four· 111onth•-ukt dao.it1t:r, h.- pb1• a 11.ood ic11m., of g<;lf.

l'\-1. jAC" L. HA,_K \\1A l'LLLA. 10\\'A

J.1 t.k llalls from l h e! widt' 0 1:ic:n \ IJllrl:'!I wh6t' ht' ustd ((I ~11t:1ul mO!it or hi.s 1imt• lh.h · Int. hun ling, ::uid 1rappln1e. Urh)H' entcrlor rhr f.t'n iN' t1(" ~1wn1 .-ighl 11Mlnths In lhft ( .C.C:. :t.l)d hl)W hf" i• ll d 1 ht"!' 111 thC' ).lotnT l'nr.I ,


Page 45: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


C PL. J <HIN ) · 11A.NLQN 1-t t Q11111I 'Cttte

.\JJS,\ ..,Y. ~· \\ \'(111:1;:

k OO H.ankm r• l.nn• 11 •idri'I" •h~ba'l.0 lhit 'OQU.ad ,...,.. for- llw lhid ·~lfUf ..... ~ lu!< Jlnd fOf' hh ab1l1t'l IO J)UI II :ill inlc> Wflf'fl•. I If' Ii("! 1n hi~ bun-. tnd 1onh1~ UIJ ,<\ fJbCao .Xfgh u f;uu ... , • .,, fot thf' b-<in:inon of R1111~r :u:iJ Au.ttin. Red alh•nflr1I J\nn \' "'"''°1" :t( 1\ h1d !11t•"· \\'l"l.on ~in . ll f1d .SL J1.:o1·1:1h, .'.\li•l'it,>111 I. and h nt:1-.· JI nidk· <-1)('1 •cor, 1-1(' • ...., a iQ)ld.1i1tdt•r UI I"''"'" llf('.

St: I . CEORGP L . llAR\\'0011 1~9 l.a\11'd Hi ll i\H'flUC'

PllO\ llll'CI! , R I ,

r.C'Of'lc:" aumd(d B"a:nt C'oUc:,:t" and k - a ft•h• r.acfio oprQMlf" and h.n M..dc "'"'ll'flll for~n '-''P"

~1 . R OBEKT .. llA\\~I'~ wtt \ \1. 'l" •nth Tl!u-d <;er~

LITn.C Ro<.11. , \ ltto \_'~U

h ~v ~ ~llU°'(" M •;ii~ a ps JUlion 01"o1wr, 001 ~ lar from ChJcallO. th.u Bob fi~I lf()l Iii> idr-a nf 't1<1Ct11n1 ~lr.tfgh1. \\ t1 i1C" "'hll1113: J1Wa) §UtnC id le 1ln 11· b•'" ''"'" lriP' a.~ ndin Ofk'fa101, hc­ln~Lrutb o-tbf'r "°'I' ;,.,,. In how le• we :i orl)in.t" hob h.b m* tJutt fo rf'l" n lf•,I"· w.ca.r< :a p)Od mftd1t« mf'ldll. .1111od •0 o .. iliaA bt.- "" .... a ,)I_,.,. Ht>·i l.nl'Mil111 ~ a ~UJ. .. l1C U.00.tt.

( ;J•L. C.t '~,'A\ I , .

Ht_ .. ~:•K ' J1i1.. I F.20 Cornet h1 ' II 1't4

K•oct:,\·ooo, Q1 1 . ,.. .. ' · r . "St(> Gu,; in 1 lw- ult lu•." •~

a bmiUar en in 11'1(" lwrtJa1 H;t.\Utjr lbr 1~~011ub1hl1. 10 Uorp 1.fw> mai~ftt f('(Ollb .,. ordtt i..,..,,.. tu• ~~ng. (,lf!' ~:inrd ou1 '° bit a .... ch1nw, ba,u1g: c.un:1plit11'\1 tho.a cuu,-q.o :11 Ch;1nu1c fiC'ld. ~n. ~\lf\:fe h ad Prf'.,iCHu, dtri1:.11J nl>f'rioi<na: in x~.,. \ o i l. Clo·. (.u~ r«eh nt thf' 5':lm1: h 'JH! uf ,.·ork . H is nn ru h1· 11:1•1hn<' ~ot~ to l>C' . \ 1m. l.ln1t lhl' \>i11.~ tJu10.n a1 1hoi< 11fl•t '"''°I Ill& ,,II('\ .; when h<' 1i.n·1 t·nr-1,-10.t 1lw hc~itatin flf 1hr Xnkt Club.


f' l·C.. Jo~n r•. HAkKI I L C.IUJ:.•>\'ILI.E, S . C,

lt<'d ud to bt a 1""1. .,.Ml lnic1i1K (lpM<llllOir. ti~ t'\p('ri(n(it •itli 1~ ron. H.IJ)l-tj IQs httft mott form .... ~bk c.b;a.1:1 hi. t'\Pt'fl • tnu• w.ilh :1irpl;u1~ 10 .1 n1n h;1n_lc and llQ1 t.1 c"n1t111r rr. If th~ " '"""" t h 11111: rnC'd.1h 111 1 h I lfaci lift lor wouuth ltu u r1 .. ~I d11rin1 !h r kori ~·till~ l h hhllf a. ll ucl . kt'o'I "'ou ld l.H'. lJ,i• tn~bJM lit (' ;t lf'llC'l .i l,

r /.'i(;T. [O\\'AkO ( , l·IASTINGS

r.-11.A).fl . fl .OliCl ll \

Rat.ht:1• remar\:abk ~li..·11 \(>u ..on•ldc-r il i1> r lM" h4l 1bat H.nc.inp ,..~ au .urptliflf' ~hanic "'berr he- '""\ i U\t.l.llln a.nd is a}j() •11 ah pbnr OoC'<han.c ia 1tw \f1111t Ht forww.h- l!O)r\<'d lot r ;1n ''" J. ,,..,_.. lb·•~· ... OO• 1.1('.tlo' c.'.hff.f o""ol'o ' 'At ( I


'4'.r. FRA."'as ll f 1ua1 ll'>l>O!''"l"IUS-.. \ "t . '40'1

\, a <-.hilbn f n"\, .,;a, :a heoitn:!«'. «,Jntra"or i.n hk "-'• t uc- Crttu 3.ln u n1;11n \I ll.I.Ill!'. . 111 lhl- ,An ny li#r :i H ";t r no,., h(' h.u grJdu.:ited from 1..uw'l' t 1.-ld iu.l txuub~l(ln and aut(I·

111;1111' piAot ~p('C:i:i)i~. Fr unl. h:io C'arnrcJ :t t ilation fnr twh11 Ont ul lh.e bM1 a ll•a110u 11d <111kti~ io t.ht j(juJid nm, \ (. In ~I\ ing a ""°'" h110.t1 11>l1h • mm~I bl&-illtt'I .. ~ Nlffft f l.ibl. ., O>ntNKnl lhM ht •111 lk"\('f .pu. ~ ... ~( ,,, tlw \ iT r~ fokl.

l' I ( ,. H.OM'.;0~ :"\'. l·IJ' M.RINC, ~~ 72

' "'I JlO~C. ;\1t1:.\1')\\

Mort: tumipg io 1tw- \ii I nn-t' 81JI "'0"-M kw ;an AUIOlhObik dn)n-: ll()ftoot 11\~lh- hK lno• kdaC" ol lbf' ~n~ d~rtilH"lll bnckd t11m ll job IA Titdl .)Upph. \ \ hnher it b foT 1hc- ~UllN lrllint'r OT l~ fart'n4 bot"hf'r. ht' M'lt:I tu it t tu1 ~·ou •ir1 1 ~ p:1tl• "O n«~rv 10 "' K1•c1J ~All th hig.'· Hill i• ll l.u.t

1"hu 1''iil not be outdOrll' lu llllHHU', OOt f'\ f'fl II) ltlf' "h1oeo on his dt(ll(S.

Page 46: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

l'\rr. Gt:ORCE L . H ETLER !Vin t:ut Fourth Strt.oet

N°£$00l'J:Cli.. f' E.'iN'S\.L\.Ai''lA

GtortC bdORt1 10 lhC' Chi1:ago c·h:1p1c-r of 1'111ar Hear :\th letl(' C lul> whi<h , if wt u ndef':'.ltand our cl111.J11, h:..,; k1me1hin2 10 do "-'id> brc:ik · ing 1h~ ict a n cl jum1:.init iu. Hctkr has q uhe a job In n'.1n u:n di11.g with t ht> tndlrn jll)es 1ha1 oom(' his ,,,.<I}' \.-h<-n 1hc-y c:h:1n~~ 1he t' to i ~ud ha'e 11£01 as Hitler. Ct~r1i: i,; :1 (li.~patdn~r -ttnd d 1her for the mo•or 1>ool.

·r /S<:. '1'. [ l)\\.AW.ll \ V. ))OOK

116 SeC0!'1d Sc t'('ct

\\''ll,.l.:\ ltl>, 0 H J<)

F.ddl(' ;iueni:l<'d T. \\1 .A. :uu l eu1;ioteiit1~ iicl:'lool a t ~. J~ph, \ Jh ,(Qliri. ;;ind now lu~ i ~ a Aight t>O$:ii\ttr. He haj. rnadC' 1,,,.0 foreJv.n •rip<. u1 Eu ro11l"OtU and A10.-tica n .,..·:ir the:n rl"i!. Ed u~ tn IMi :i :<1'1·,.·il·e s1ati011 1n:in a2cr and auto n\('('han k.

S/SGT. OEE E. lios~IER r o11:1· l'A\'~E. A1-Aa"~'"

1-1(~ i;r:1duatcd fa11nt K t.<t)• lcr Fick.I and :irmam<.-ot .<o:;hool :u N;;i~lnillc-~ I-le ba~ bttu a ('T(.>11,• d~lef ((or fotn· 1~n mQnl.h$. :end h aJ gucod c <> n d u c l and armarocn 1 1111•(1 .;i l ~. 1-l•• w:a:i; :1 1fr:1f1.>tnao ill t:iviliao life.

S/ S(;T. PA:ICE \ \f. l~ UCllES NoKUI P&..tASOR£\'l1,1.F.. Kl'.

1( Chi(l; b~d l)c-.:n b lown up when 11t worked io a: powder pl:;a1:u. :u ::a d\•ili:in. it mig h L :i«<iunt for hb f.lll ini out o f lhC' :air 5intt 1hl-i1. On dot~· as a radk> o pc_•r;i1or, Chri111tn ::u;,. HM2, Chicl took to hi$ ('htllC' h t 11n emC'J'¥en ry. :inc.I c::une in likC" a JOO"·flakc. Sl1)C<.- tht'fl h e h;1.c w;ill;f'c.I :11t'n1y from t wo 10.1a1 washouts, ..,·n1M>t•t a . •(T!)1.ie:h. lie h ai;; :;iih(l •n:ide tlaree 1ri~ lO lb(' Et•l'(>pt-.an 1hr:i t1C'. Chifk i.~ :i 111en 1bftr o f thC" Ca1crplllar C h 1b.

l'a::,e Forly·Fnur

E N L s

CPI .. <;us·rA\'E ( :. l-11NU1-:ll E.R

9i·I North. R. 1.111<-di'e A,·('nt•e S1•RJ.NCJ.,ELD. h .LIN'OIS

Cu$ c:une 0111 or pob!i(' •choo1 t<.> b~:iumc <11n Arn'r Air Con>s radio opcra1or. ;1ftt>r b:l\· ing gone 10 a n 1un• bt!'r of r<td lo schools at Tn•a.." Fitld, K:uua.s Cit)'. :ind St. J1»Cph, i\fUsouri, He- js n<t"'' <)Jlf! or ou r fligh t engiu~ers . 4'nd wi:::i.rA 1be 3irp l111nc m~· t ha11h::'11 111ed:1L

1 ' /S<:.T. THO~IAS j , TiOl'KINS

329 Nl'".11 A,·enue IJtosms. Onto

"foul it :l gr:uh1:11~ eng in<"t"r hum the Unherslt)' of Mlao1i. a ud i.~ in ntilit:nr 1irt' :a r:idK> n per.l1(1r , Jrnvintt eradlia1cd h'o111 the ~(),er1uncnl r:1d io <ehool in t\ at~~:u Ch)'. Tom bas m:11te .~i:-. foreign LriJ~ . 1.huin1 ont' of which he t1cw 11,•i1h the l-:11tlOu1' Gl"'lli'l'al Shen o f l hc Chin ese Air fol'("e o n a niJl to Chunglill~. ·rum iJ a nH•tnh<"r of •ti(' Elks and has tbc J,;ood rooduct nltdat.

l'\rt'. 1' 1·fO~•.AS H UD.$i").":1' H A SHL,\NCI, ,\llS:Sl:S:SIPl>I

·rom is a i;:1;ldu:i1e of A1'h· l:in(l lligh Sc.hool. a.nd "'':ls tnlJ)lo)t.od :u :1 mt.<th :imic be: •

~~:e Zo~~7.~ :1t~~ .~:(' p;~n:.~· h <" is .;in ;1irpl.ln(' mechanic. ·ron1 ha.s :1 111.:11k~ll1:1n'11 1iu.<d;al.

"f /Sc.T. R ODO LPH P . [LIK R. P. 0. No, 3

OIJl(Ctrl'srowN. 1'1.NN.

lhu:t-y 1>b,·r:t1 bascf»ll In t hC' f'aob:indfe Leagu e in lib J1o mc iow-n, anc.I ha1 playC'd l,l.,'1 11 wllh th<: Post 1e:11n . H e :11;«'.I pfa)·e<I $11.U:edron ~f11);aJI and voLkrbaJJ. He is :1n :lcria.I engine-er, hal'i!lg gr:i<J\•· 11.1t:'d a~ a mechanic fi'<lm thc t«hn ical i<:h1>ol in Chic::ii;tn . J-1(' h!.l! a io«hank' s bad¥(' :lud tht' i;:o.>d i:tmdui:t med :il.


Page 47: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


'f / S<.:'I'. [U\\'1\RU (.... lR \' IN 459 C'.orpor~1ion ~tr~t nu VER. J>El\!!'i;S , .L \ 'A.SIA

\Vhtu Ed isn't b usy rc~O\Ct· iog from thri:c.pqin 1 la_nding~ (>11 rollCl' ~k:ue.. . be's uv tl~e in ~i.s. r::i.p:idty <1$ fl i ghc ('11· s: inttr, kttt>i1la one of U1)cJe S:1m'$ b ig OOffibcrs 0}•ing . ;\ u~d :11irpl.tf\t mecbani !.'. "'' ith an etniahlc f'('Wr(i, Ed w;is ;i telct) 1;(' opcr.uo:r bclorc en· listing in 1h~ A 11nv. h1 :id· d!Uon 10 a marksniao 's b:1dti:e :i.nd 1h4'.: ~.M. bal;lgc. ~:d i~ al~ :nn ho11tcd 1.0 wc-.)r tJ1rtt r.anlp:1igu ribhQ:i" and crew iucinber w-hurs.

1'/S(;T. \\'II.L IAM 0. J t:;\KINS

ULA<:& )Jou.s't:AtN, N. C.

" \ V'Ud 6111" i:!I a nt-a.ht en· i;i1u:e-1. \Vhe:n 11~1 ltriu1it all (Wtr the 1lobe. \\lild BiU likes tilt Shdtn· R <l(nu , e:he:u. llunl• ing, and f1shin1 - in o th<r wurds. !1t'li a rq;_ular feUCI"'' · ;ind iD onr b.11z11 <1se 1h111's Ja~'iug :. ' ")1()1.e lc>t fur a ~Jdic.T. H<' $.<!}"$ ht- 1l'ilJ operate :ii; 1.roek liut: w!a'n 1·u.· gi:C$ (IU I in l (l ._-j .. ·i~. Mc :iJ ,;c;o ~'' he ii ttu <xPttt bbd.· i:..rt p l;a}·cr, and you f'OJI)' koow 1nore .ahc>ut Ll1is tlun v.·c rJ<.>.

C1•L. l\flCHAf:L J. JOllNSOX

~987 t'uttc.n Stn'ff thcOO~L\'N, 1''£ \\1 Y01u;,

.. Shonv" w.:i< o n< o{ the plonttrs · o n th~ fidd Wet: whC"n :i 1n;in had to be a l"C'<sl " nh1ddtt"' to sur\'h·e. Me ~n·l.'d in che 26th and 95rd . aod bas. a b~t (!of iriend.'1 that i:w .. :1 r br hj m as a r ri<"ud and :b a rook.

Jl•·c. RussEt.L C. KAUVJ. IAN

<I i i Loc.~L>l StN.'tt Qo1SCl', 1 LLl :-Ol!>

Russ " 'M forOl(Tly an ln · • -asit'lo bari;:e b•lilder befure gr:idu :iting r...,m 1..owrv Armor Sctiool. .·\ S a 1r1e1b1*r o f the ~nn:ln)("nl Sortion or Crou1> £n~·in«:l'itl,2 . tie is nQw putt.inf thr gun$ in PCT· roct condit1011 bd"or.:l s>l:11MS :ire •r.111 :tel'()...~ t(t pl'QltC1 1h<' barres that ht once l1dpcd 10 build.


PvT. J OSEPH R . \V. j i\Nl:;.1.1,e

J;,8 \\11".bbeT A•'('n ne l-1-:h l~"TOS . J. IA IS'E

fu rtht:rh :l 11h ipranl w('•rl:cr. J2ni:-J)(' ll$«1 10 1na.k.t' t v.•kt· :1.s •n ueb i110nq1 i.n a "'l'e l: a.s h t' docs in 1ht' Anny in a f1M)nlf1_ :u1d nu cmc could (ttl 100 hoippy aOOut h. But Janene cu1 u l:e il. I le'' itUOt.h('l' (H)(' -Of our (t)(llS.

l ' FC, LEAOY C. J~'I~~ Ol"l'U~I\\.,\, lOWA

It I~ a sale. MS(11ll1>1loo 1.har mfl'51 Qf the IM:>l'$ who come l rotn 10"'11. bll.\t' b«:n f;int1c:~. ;an(I J mi;eo i$ no ex~pLM:on . lie rc.pte5e:flts tJ.c 9:lrd i n •he Smi((' Club. and ;0~u1e:i u ur ha• in.i:r; tht' OO•ll· fQr l.$ pro1 i(lcd b~· rl1e dad,. Jcu:>t'"lt Jit..ei: all 1>1i(11U. CS• pc:d;1lly foo1b:1U.

"'c;T. R f))Jt:KT J. JOHNSO~ S77" F'a:l'on St:rcx't

~IF:~IPHIS. Tl:."'Sl-:SSEE

Rob mlUtcd Dec:c:nibcr l(l. l!J.t l , t'l2hl af1C:T Pearl Har· IW'lt. I l e h:id bn:n att1:nding .St. U u.11i:. Cnh-tN.itf a.nd uia· ~ring in [ngli~h. Und6ubl t"dly he wlJI ~turn lO co1Jtj'(' :ifl e r 1!hc w;ir, :u1c,J we mll} ooe d it) ht"ar from hhn as ;a j<)1u·n2li•1 c>r a ucb o r.

s; sc·rr. JA:\t t:.S 1•. Kt:ANt: i 10 Ell.sl Git~o A•t:n ue Cut-./"ltl.l...)\ 'ILLt:. PL""'·

Jlmn•1· \1.sed to ()(' a ma· ci1ini11t (f.lr lhc lb.llimurc 2nd Ohio Railroad. 1100 _he bt-· lonp 10 the h11e.rn:Hi011.:iJ A~latioo or ,\f~chiol$l!> . Now l..e U a U:illt-d ::.irpbrn:· n>ct:hank and crrw rbler. He 11:1.~ the l;(IO<I CO!'ldUCI 2nd rucchan lc's mtd~Js,

Page 48: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

]'VT, jA)l~ H . KJNGCAIO, Jk.

c;20; ' l""uba Slrl.'<1 SllJU!\'l':l'()k'I'. J...OU • ~• Al' \

Jim ""as. a $.Olkllnl~n. :and i11 n(•w ;i ~killed 1111di<> opcr111or al\d n\rciUHl k, gr.u111a1irl$ fff)m g(l\'C:'rJUll\'.Ut ~h()O)i 111 Sioux fa1k Air 1\:.~ :uu l A.R.T.U. at N:asln illc-.

P\''I'. ·ro1UAS K LEIN tlOQ Timpwn l'facc NE\\' \'OM.~ Crrv

rtiii< e10· bor '" "' big Ol)Cr.ll(ff - n1rr«tiu11 - r.idio opc:rator. 1\ dtrk aowna 1.Ju:· o<v'!J milljc)n$ rourtt.<trl mou1Ja ~1,--0. ' robl' bas C'l' J>tritn<«I 1blnlfS und~mc•d o f tben­ttring aCn)9;i a lontl}' oc~n. for C1Ci1Jll l)11". Tobv c:aioc hl Ill' fn'uu tbf: tlldio, si;:hcx•IS lU St. ) 0$<'p1t -:oind SiOux Fall~.

PVT. R A\' K01'(:1~\'N$~1 I 113 \\'cit N:tt k>n;,11 A'tl"ll•e ~ilLWAUKU, \\' tS(;O'<SIN

llay'& p:tAt «'Xperience ;oi -:. machine o~ntor Jn ?iJJJ. wauttt has pron:n of g"'..:it \~hie to him a1·wt t() " ' frail· ~tion:· One or bi~ fauuice (~$lime'$ i; bcin.g cnJlnn:r on 1>laMS 1ba1 prJwtin: l:andins;~. .Yi here·) to "1-t111>Pf Land· lnits."

P\T, CtlARl...t:~ R OH£RT K-RAG, jk,

.Rout(: I \ \'111'tl' ll;\VF.N, Tf'.NSUS.EE

£kfor1• n.>mi11.g into tbe Armr. Chatlcs " 'as an air. crafl m~thinis1 . Mt:'' no ... ;1n ai1plant m«hanic. Al· 1hou1h h i$ home l'I but 3 !J~n dis-uocie from 1hi$ r c1111, Cbatlt'tl bu$ 11. lh ·e tierc l>t· c:nllk' he's u.nmarri('(t. Thi" is. a m-:oitll!T lhftl ll)USI be IOOkt"d Lnto , I~ h.;as (IC'tidf'CI.

Page Porty·Six

E N L s

Sur. f,n\VA~u l-1. Kr.LL "l'\A'l llAUl;, \ !llt(.INIA

Comlna: 10 1toi~ P(l5t f1T1m Camp L,un:1. ~t"'' ~ft:\iCu. Ed h<b earn('(} a name rC)r J1im. ~tr ::t$ iln a1f1ktc. Hr i~ catchC'r on •I~ P(lst b:1 . .qol~ ll tcarn. :ind '!l'' a.'I C)1) d i e boxing 1c:.u11 a t C1.11rPQu A.~r . "rliclOI. He: J1.:e!' -aunu1f'd otbcr Army l>(hOOI$ 3t T.\\1. A.. K~1u;a.;. Cit)'. :uid \Vriglu fae1ory 31 r~ul"Ntol)n. Hc- 4 fic•!'P::ttlglt...:I with sha1psh1>01cr's and itoo<I rondol.'1 m('(iah.

J'J>'(;, Sl'A;-;l.EY K.01.v_,u •• K R. >lo. 2

GO~C,F~'i. Mlt:UIGAS

~un was <tntie an Ill.II() mcd\al)Jr. and i$ now 11 r.1dio oper::ttor. He btlou.g.s to the -l· H Ch•b. ind p~ri ic,:ip:11~ .in ~II l:incb of .. pc>rts.

P1:c.~. · r oNV s. K O\'AJ. 1100 North P;aulina ~lf(t'-1


J•rfor to his cotnina:: into 1he Annr a ''tar Or M> 21go. l'on)' " 'as. a ' 1nachinbi, btn.

since t'Omhl8 t<.> a.hie Air PorcC', Tony h<is bttn 1th Ina: hi! all to 'll''tlding. ti~ iJ a nadual(' of Cf1;innte Fi('ld \\' e.lding Schoo I.


\\lot Rruacl Street S<>uo>..R1'0S, 11f , ... SS''' VASI,\

" Jorii1;." the Sl)uderton t1a:i:b. wa' dt~ owntr or an 11p.:1nd-cvming ¥C:n'k«' "-l~11ion but stjlJ fou.od thnc lO p la) pro basketball. be ~n ::tcth e 111tn1bcr of the board of 1r:ide and p~id.,-nl of lbe Lion~ Club. HC' completed 'he a iT· c:r;dt intth :imir• c:uun;e io (llll" of the Doua.ias i>ehools and i.• O()W :llTI :1ir (r;IUJPl)tl l tth· nkian in charvt of ll <n-w 1h-:o11 propc:rlr b:lbnries thf: l<>ad.J ,,. the pl:Jn~


Page 49: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


~I /SGT •. \ t..H•M I U , l .A:-1111(1{\

'- .!1 19 Crnr <\H'f!Ul'

(.UAkU:lltOI, J'J ''o)' I \A"'IA

\I tu.s bra. ;n thf \ rnl\ "''o 'n.n... amine l('IO(I to• d t'<t a:l'NI AIM'nnn Jttld \ f n. nin thn-rtt a•olrd• flt' mob all wt kw .tPOf"h. bl.wtN.11. ....W.tdt;ill, Joo4b;ill, ttnnJ~. a lld WP> I~ nll wnth a u:li•h of fi,hjq. hu1ulna a11d h.~ $ka(iuir. Ill" pl.i,a,1 un the: P()d1 b:i~all 1rarn, und o n our c:h ;an111lun .h l1> "'""ti· 1~1n M;1f1balf Ct';un. lh1\ hU1 b tt11 ;11 Lrtt ~11r1tl'lll\ ;11 o ne

"""" \I did ''"" h to t01u, 1114.' ti''-'"' irun our ~r13inJilh buTt"n ~u•drou ..irra

\l / S<;T. J.ltR,,11o11' \\ , Ll~DSl·Y

bt'.Jll"IO:, l .<H lhl.\ ~1'

L'nd!o(:) b11~ b1'('n 111 thf' \ rni, '"'M'ltv-oor month•, 111td I' a ,elcnn <>f " ""Irr J trld t11· hkh ~ ls '" U"ll • Ut(h. \.J .an tnt:in«r, M hJt' 1""'" in IO(M1tb A~.1. \h"'-ll , Ind.a. Cg,pt. ,_klandLntd ;1nd F1111bM 'i ou II •M L1~ quiftl~ 'llP't"1,1n1 1hr •·ort around the> "'IV.id tuu when hr·~ .. 11 "'fln1

C-.Pt.. ~IAltSlfALL C. 1..0,(, l~ £a,(. Cu-.bnbhd -.crm l..tJ.~'0,:lo. PL,,.>\l,.\A'IA

'bony WOflrd on olrp~nu :.~ an ~mblof'r 11nd ri1a f--r bc(OtC' lit ;ou'lai 1b..- 1\ rn•l· A~1d flOW hr i~ :in Arnt)' Ah Force rndlo opc-ra1u1. fi e h:u fluwn Ille r...;1uirrd r1111nh1·r o ( ho uN 10 f:a rn h i• wh111.• :u "rJI ;u a r('("hnJrbn b•d1t', a1M1 has bou1thl rnoo.•I• " cul.of'- for I~ O .. drrh R oom to ftM,1 ii. \\ lwn '"" ori tn~ V.Onr t("n~ " halt0n MU.• for lht 0.-dnh ROOM .utd •he ra1 of 1tw .W.ld

W•L. \\'J:<i:flf.U> (), I 'IO' '~rtt.'ill)( .. ~0.Ttt C'\11.0IJ'A

\\ j .. P! iJ oat or OtUr (Qol \ -.bo http .UC' our Mbf, ho1.ll ;ul uut.,1:u1dins f,b<«' for aood food. E\klnu '· -.Ith th«' nil:lm1mc of \\'in1p), t14:' mu'f ha,\ C' a n aOttlk>n fur 11.00..t C"ollilllJ .


.)(;r, l....EO~ R . I ~\\I ~ Koule- XQ. I

Olll...\,-r, OU-.\110,..,

•-•~ pt<:lnl up tlW' ""'" fUllW ul .. J_.. ...... 11/('.

hlishto;n ~""'" and h IM~ Mutl ~ hi•. fl < j., 11 radii) OPt"r.uor. rnKI alh'rMtnf l~W lo:hnir.il Khook 111 r.h1u1ao a1K1 S1. J<IM'pl1. llr I• .. 11 t!:\JM!rl "'i11l 1h!' nu bhw "~ a l'ltdlo Ol)tl'alOI. JtM' ...... b1.."t'11 '"' kr O\'f'T1i<'ll( 10 t 'u•OPf' .iul(I .\ ~.lol,

P\ I'. "\11,ES S. l.IS111' l ' ' l.HIC.\CO, ll.1 1,01~

'\'I.~ • .t 1uw.idi1n hv c-h"k f', 1.. 11 ra<ho OJ)C'r.llt01 11nd " fl\f'fllbC'r of the r (llolc lln11U ;;111)(1 lh.••\(' Corps. H t h ;;11

1,-.d•.at«' vi C'.hiniso Tf'<h ;and T \\ \ ltacbo "'hool: .and hb 1-"" ll ftUllfbrt- of lripo. 1n lhc' AJi;ntt. AlrM-'" 11.W Aaecri.Qn i hnu...__

I'\ 1 . \IOJUtlS E . l.O' C. ''1ahbodlood kOild G.\LUf'OUS, O•ou

JI•.., ~tarttd OUI bi,. vh(w)I Wil• in tM C.J1llia (.61.1110 'l<lloi.Jll a1K1 h:a> tw.>n in lhof' """" for 1h~ past fotutec11 n1o1>nlb~. H ..- h:i:c :i1tt'nded 1111 pl.inc mrchi\n k k hOOI Ir• l .ln toln, N'"-brnd.:a, 11ncl In• •ll'11n1rnl 5ptt"i<tJlst .school ail (;11.anult ticid. R:an1oul, JIU. nol•. 11 t i~ a ro<cmbtt of 1 hr (.l'()UI• tut~ inMnll•W"t.r ..... 1 .. ,n '" t"Oal 11211 Jqr._ ~~ to to.ilftfd --it:h :a.io.bn'" l.,ronc "'"'° IS lftoton :a,

"'°4-1, ; .n '°" dnubl""'~ l now •

..; / "x;:·r. Scon· 11. )ICl>AXlfL

(_,llJ-.-L,~000 • .Ml~:))lrM

'LIPPU" tr. lhr bd "'ho h In du,.... of 1ht- Jwd M4o'UI ~bop u1 ffang:.r ' o l l'oor to mli51f111" •A llM' \ mt) h~ "'..,. a ihtttmn.;11

toOft.rr f1u- P:an An~(all Air llll('• 11nd SPtlil Wr1~M.tc-niltk• 1lmt1 111 N • llll, 1Jr.111i), ill tJrnl 1 :11).iuty rot Pan llrnof'rkan J .,.rrkt.. lie ··~rs a ~1ari.1 ohoQl('r 11K'da.J. and h • fount• pmf~al bo~n-

Page 50: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

C'l't- CoY I . \lcOo.:'\.ALD l.A"&L'U:.LK. ' I O~DSIX

\I~ "'l)Jll".J fvr \ 'u1ttt Air· <.-..ft . lno£ •• priol" 10 romina­lucu tt~ Arno. H(' h<b o.K \ f"'.U (If Arm.- <("Mi~ ~hind f1 Im 11.nd b now ri. !i-httt 1nctal lit"" l:1lht. M :.c 1:1k('!O :.tn :tC· tht p;11 t In 1f1('. d1u rtl1 l)tO· 11''11111 \ l)rl lhi!I- P o:KI :n«.i 8:1\.,, o f h im..cll 111..it l i t "'i:t tbe 1t1o•t t..t:1y.;,i1.ho me "4.>ktit"r in 1l 1c M1u :1dron ."'

~I . IO~JI I), .)ld,;ClllE J~ \ \'04 1..Al.t' R u.I

R r. o ~o. I f,1 '*' "· ' C.' YOllJ;

\ltte Bud. (libr c:hid' JQ'noll •bl . a _pupubr hoy. Jlttd. ~ 10 w.11 H~ h:.i.ndlb bis 1tun\IM& Joh whh a Q(1 ind lnowkdf:e th.!.t n all to bi~ t tf'dll. He t... <lh.-:t"« wiU1og I•) l'l'od :a.n intnntnl t'ar cu rt1~ ~•o•tn of t~ "'"° ha•e h n n ttd•h nt-d or u nde-Tpaid. ''' .. .-o. I 1.- r• rorMrr p:irrr · l tl• l<UC.h 4111~1M)h$ as \ohcn tl11 ~1· Vt'I 1-...id ?

I'\ r. \\' lkLIA" i\fc )JJLLAX 123 E'~ Sllt"f'l

' 'l.ll.\'-' L'IO, c,ufV~"l:IA

At tb(' md of a <r<'.llr .Bill hncb hit. • 'Url :u lll drhn for I hr motor POOi ro W \<Ul)~· d1ICITOI f1tnn hJ,, ri\i'Jbn •Ort. •~ ~ patrll("f. C.caiftr , ...,.. lk bnd of ~ .. ., .. ~ ... a.ltd •'"' sun. ii is OAlr ru111nl t~I ht- Jollould tw a MO\iif bo Bdl " "l_( wn1 m "'4;, 1"~'1 tur hu. bui­tr;1lnl .... and he" lu~ llC'('ft 2 1(1( o( th~ c:uuntrl • bik d11,h1J In true~ <OO'Of'. H(' ttl ll prril"I"' Califo1ni<11.


1009 I nlton ~ln~r UlllCJOl(L\~. 1\t;\\• \ 'OJl.K

\l .111frC'dl "'en• to admlnis­u-. .u ion .-iMJOI at f t . l..ogan. t.olo1.Mto, and s1ott C01111Jnc-10 \lrmphi• M h~ bn:n Jool.. 'nt aftn OU r r u rkM.iths m h".aditUilftC"I". \ OQ wiJI Jile 'lanlml1, or noc. dtpcndinf ""' ...,.. '°" ~ •ith 'ou1 lurlouJ h •ppho1ion. 'f.infmh lil.a tio.-bng. hlx· lMll, a.ad horw radna.

E N L s

'(.r. 1os1_1•11 .)I , \ l t..ht"lt\IOTT

217 ror1J·· t'oc1rth Som l fl'tO'I C m-. ,:'lot:"- J~tl

Ahn 11ltt'ndi1~ Coo1x-r" Unk>n C'.OlkJr lnMf Cohuqbb Pnh.-r'4tti. lit !\t'"'' \'o rk. City, )I~( hcf11n1r a I,,.._!! e.th naror In thl" lutlll o f I thorr•pby. In 1hc Arni,.., he • ·tnt 10 2m)a· lllt'lll ~\lloUl>I Ill l.oW'l' Fkld, Cotor:1do, :.nd J'll•l'r tuntt Iii h(l(1I a• f.n)C'llOll tkcnic; (A) . Il l" 11:13 ;111 air fo1<e 1l-. lu1!1 l:111•1 1ncd.11.I.

'i/~1 . '1 llO\ ' E. \ICKI t kO\'

II \ l'U Cn"\ , f LO•.H>A

\lt tr. koro~ ft qaininuac:ir "" "wt for lht t!rd.. Bt>­'4>1-C' ht- mtncd thr Arm-.. he wort:('(! for F;iin AMtrk:u Air l ttrk-i lt1 \h.imJ, f1orid1.. lie aut'Dlinl 1t1< l'O'ttnown1 11d1100I Ill ;\nn l .T .1. i n l .o1o J\ftld,..,. Calif. Af1tt work · Ina litir lf••.111 fllOflthi at thiJ iidd, I•~ '' 1otit•A: tr.11rufcrrcd h) l .iltk RO<l , Arkan ""'·

~/l\c 'I .. RA\ ~JO~D J.•. ;\IAC, 'IR£

HH N<.1nh Founh Strtt1 p A rr:a.so>. z.,. L "'' J LIU£\'

''""" 1011, • .a~ ,C'._., o)d and C'Mnpk11nt "''ttn moriC.b' of ........ -.,,. .,. ndjo opna1or, )fac­h' ftUICl( l•'O lofrign and "'*"'t dcMK:Mk lftJM; M hM a mart.tm>n·, ftlnbl. h ta.-p· t:alft of ttw iqUMlron bow1'nc lmra. h .a snndl<11thu. and. bdk\f" h, 'IO M ff"j«t('d JOI" ~kr l 11 1917 fuT l\·otkl \\' ;u I . I i.k.f" It from ll-'• in '\'orkl \\i11 II, ~la~ i" a .11.nt: t0ldlcr.

' l'/St. 1. l ltVINf. 1\IARSllAK 'WJT C-.::i•Plf'r AH:n ue Otn kon·. M 1c:111G11..N"

'""•• · the h•PP!l·JO-luc:l:,. dC'\ lt.maf-n~ " ).facl RuWan .. ol chir 9Jtd, i, 11." okl .Mand~ J11 1br l ~urth l"t>rT)in1 Croup. ttir •"ahH' to u~ f1ona tbt- 26th fl.I , .,..\.1llc •hn-t' hr tw'f"r.d ;a, wppl .. l('l'IQDI. H o•t'\tt. MMC' ioHIUW our orp.nin. uon, f1'\.u•1 D piitllM Wt Cb.inu t (' O'l infns tnK> pr.w-. 19«: on tk bnt ti u A.}I.


Page 51: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


'WO r. R O\ \f. \I \Jt. I IS l ~J.11•1 A\nn1('. \fbtillb P;nl (l, • .,,•lJ•c.. "''' ,,._""'~'-'

.'.\l;t1nr," lhit tdlfnr lOU n.11' 1 111 '" duor to hl" im. m:i.rul~ff' lll>P<"".1J'.1Uct' at all llnlf"li, h OU ltl4' (IUl('t 'Ml4!. lt<nln,; hh 11tu>m111id 1m('flU •IX'al (,., l11n1. \\' ht11nrr c•nKlnttrln• 11.1 ~ t<-l(f'trtu1I ll•mlilt• l'fn1 wlll ~ M:nh• 11;1·uf11Jr 10 llu: 1,0110111 of ll1C". cronblt'. llc·oi(l('1 bcinti :1n rt" 1t(n1I ·'J>e<111lt•1. h(' find~ lillW 10 (k) h f) ~fllll1' (If hflwlh11e a1ul •IH>l'I' hi•. ca1nus iii 1111 :u<c hc<r.

"f,I . FO\\A .. ., \. \IUlCCI

~ \\ •tn 5tmrt PA\~~l( .. t r, th.OOL l\I \.,'U

f.d IW'OlfW' •n a''°'''°" r.idiM> nf'('nuor uftfl 1r.w111~tu1.g tro1u Jl'O't'rn1t1fJll M.hottJ .. In Chi<liao aud lll ·r .\\', \ ,, ~1• ,,., t.11)', lie h.o :i aO<ld ('fJlldU\I 1114..'tl.tl.

(Pl . \\' 111 IA!il \IJLL\ ~ IO 'l:on h \.I a1>k .SO°ft"i

\11, c ... •Ma... r..-~,)\L\ 'A:'l'IA

0Mir a bulk~wr 01Jol"fator. )hll•r 6inth bho_lo('.I/. aJ1n a 'l"•r l.n tht ,, .. , , do1ttt the! dltic~u·, rU(tiM •1,rt. of U• lrllftJ: f;,cllo d 1a h 1u •n­pi,u-. Hr haJ bttn w ~ at 1,\\ .1\_, Un­C.t,, ~ • ..JM.mli, \ll"°""· aad lhr a.1h,ll'M'-"I) r.dlO ln.iOUl3" 111111 ac '»l"llJ;r, l«'n~. \1111" "'ntt frnr '"t'lllbtt "'"'J:"' rind a th.ir~ht!Q4rr · c rnnbl. fh : l1 l "" footb.JJI ;iucl 1v.i1nml111

C1•1 , Rlt:llAKO 1-1. ~IURCAN. jk.

Jkl, fl:.!' fl llA\l\\li'll., \\'tJo--. \ 111'-l'lo\

Ulc l •11n1dC'd \\04 Vir. ii11ti1 lh•t'RCM Golk-Jr a111d btx110C' a to('M ir(' \l.adon uv.·n. tt <tnd lhC'l11b!.1 ol 1b(o Juoio1 Ch.a1nb.<r of C.c•nof'ttl' in ht• ~ l(Hi>A. tit ._, -OW an al tpbftf' mttha_n k and "'°'"'" at :Ill HIH'«'ft on dontatK lup..


C:PI .. \\II LIA \f l . 1\1A\IUl.RY

181 I Arll11a1on AH·11ur l.t>t b\ILI I'. ~L"trl.G.11.\'

Bill aun..-IC'd U1e Anny rktirnl ,,clol)l)I li t J 1. l.A>a:.in, Culr1nulo, und I~ llOV<' 1'0lk· int In 1111' !~~rd 1Jo11u11d1011 01.:•r;11ion - (tlllc.ic. Hd(l1(.' t-0111ln1t Into 1hc.i Ann }' hc UJii'CI l(t l:i(' " •'• Ct'Uocc~ I work!'t'.

Tl / SGT. t.l~lA\I R. \1111.t;ll

ts;; \\"a,nl't Au~nuit \1£.\l .. llU:~ 10"~· ...

Rudr I,: a11 alrcnft """· rh;t_nk, 11nd h_a, bttn 1n41t~ fur ttTI \ fart, and bdorc cb:u ti..lnncnl. .ti1n llil:u'ltl,., IQ thor 0~1ln11..t {Juh ;11 In· dlal'l~ Unh.-NIO'. lie "J'' 1h:11 h< mJQ\, fl 1ti1111c uf 1 in rumm), tm1 thac ~ ho•1 1tuod at i1, I l:uc )OU ~H·r pl,,,·~t wllb bitn1

P•(;. I.I O l D l . AIOI.GAN \\At:l7StY, J\A,\\j

Uind 1. a •"MHo otKHICH" and m«h<tink. and ancndnl radiO __..,.. 111 (:.hltUO a ll(I N'~di,iHr \\ h1k a .. llCknl l.n Chib;an tiff'. l,.kwd toOf~ at hnnf"I and dtlonn._ Kr. Hr ~tor11" IQ thr lfi .\' and Junior 1.0.0 F'.

J.•1·c. K O IH· ltl I'. \IOMC..AN i37 Kl!narn"•n i\\lf'nue

f..t. \fOV111., C--lHf'Oll'IA

ftoll b«.\DM' a l'Mi.O Ollll:n• tor a.lie'• cflldtt>lmt from ~\ft"tl l•W'flt ~t .II 1 n.a'\ }"kid. l.lad110e, \\'illCOOMa. and at '...tlHUt. tit tm~ mui9C and •pc»b'.

Poge FQrly·i'+li11c

Page 52: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

1"/St.1". (:JLUERT H . i\lORl'CNSt!l\"

;t., 11- Shctidao Road KJ:.. ... ()Sll.\ , \\'JSCOroSIN

'fb" Mliden l way in ""bic h 1he !)'.Jl'd o.,.-r:ttloo~ pt·•· loons iu 1u:10~· C"leric;:al dulll:!> fVIUl~ll'd ldth Lh~ di:lhcs-y of alri:r:ift b ('\'id encl" of tb(' :ibitity o f i t$ Chief Clerk. Uurln1 hi:~ S('\'('n1("n 1ct001~c Jn 1he Army ·· ~ t.:i 11 .. h:u h1ien :ua1klni:d :H Sheptu;rd t' ltld. ·r exa11; l}(n\·(r. Co1orad1:J: 1'-o'a)h\•ilk. ·-i' enn('%C!I:: a.fld ;\,lemphis , Tennt'.tst-'t' . t-le :i:t tended Kenosha C.olle$1f: <if CQmnu.•1ce and bdore ~n•n-ios the M"n"kc was e1nplo~-ed by d J(' A1nerioi l\r;a.,,_~ Comf1Jit11~ .

SGT. [~NtSIT \\', ~IURPll\' R.o~•tc: No. I

\\l'Al_.li(ER, i\hSSO\/ IU

"~luridc::i"' •'lurrhl' $radu· :i.t~I from Ctuulute A.1'1. school, \\'1ighl f~<tory school at 1•111erson. -:ind St. JtMtph. J.111'SOUri, 1r.insltiQn l'lbOOI. &;tmc:how he 111 ;111ag<.'tl twt> tordgn 11ip11 an1ona- all tllls Kl..,..,Jiug. fll:1)·i11~ book}'. verti:ipi.. ''M usd<'\ ' h :i.) a c-.nbine Qi;w"rl nlOOal, and ::111 airplane _ mechanic's bad~<'· \\' hen ~luM:I« aud hl5 6.:tdle are plaring, a " H0t:· DO•'n·• b J1ure 10 ttet going wi1h n lwrripilate l'lOttlJ)in.a o f C ,I, llh(W'.J.

Sc.;T. J A~IES <.:. NASll :'J'l'O!\E l\ IOUN1'A1X', ' CtOkC: lA

J immy h ;Ui IW('lUf ·fi\'C hUQJ!I; :1 ~ a pilot in light p l.anes, bnt i~ :ii Q dio Uf)('fll l (lf in t.li<: ,i\rn\'' bC'.l\'Y hombtn. lie: attend((! Ar"lilf S(;hoob a t Soou J1idd an~ ·r .\\' .A. ~lw.lol at Kan•a~ CiO'. He ust-'IJ 10 hr :i. 11 pis• :ind dert: in c ivJllatl ure.

C f'L. \V1LL-JA.\t E . Nt:\YSO~lt:

11?0 N. Twe11t)'· f'lrs.1 Su "t!tl R tC'.J-IMONP, V1ac;1s1A

N"eW'°lne h af •P~nt thlnottn ft"an , QIJ and on. in t he Arnt)'. aod ha~ a 1nedaJ for s.ix }'tars o f faithful nn·ice in 1he Vin:tln la N:11i0112J Guard. bas ribbons for scrvic-c in the African, Asiatic:, and Padti' tb(:atm of war, and h:I$ an expert's modal fc.>r 1nachEn4'::· '""n fi ring. J-t (' has ante))• re. turned from lht IK>L Sicilian "'Oil: ;n 'Cll$. Ji<' [$ 11 flight c:ng iottr and ' 'i;gOrol1s, ca,pa bJe ¥Jlclitt.

Page Fifty

E N L s

C•' I •. RICJ LARO J. ~1 1..'l'.l.LER

102'4 C~n~ Sired SVFFAl..O, NE\\' YO'll.R

Red g 1 .. dua1C'd rrom :i.ir· plane nlech:1n in1 lll!bool at C <>ld$bc,no. Norw C;irolina. Sornetlm"' •·e thi(l.k th ;u an)'Qne • ·h<> gradu:11cd from Goldsboro i& alread y a t -Ct · cr:.in c1f :t0ns: ho•'C\'er, R~I. :1!1 an ('n1i11eer, ha~ b«n flown to !<it.land. Gre~nfaod, t:n1t land, AJ ric:1. aod As:i:r. -Qllill! a gk>bc bopper.

l' J;C, [D\\>'ARD A. N ARRO"' {l.1Y-' fPHIS, TJINl'F'-'i.St:I:


Ed U a local hoy •·ho lll· ttn.dtd ClirUtian Bll.ihrn C-t>llege and ]. f("mpbi~ Sta ll' ·reachm. In c:h·illan lire t•.J w-:r.~ a tool ;ind die n111ker; in the 1\m1y. he Is :in ait· 1>IJ1ne. nttcbanic:. l.hit'IJI in town :r..s he dotS, £d has to C'Qwl o ut o f bed In lh" nliddle of 1he 11t1th• le.> •ti I<> our irupection& and paQdQ Oil dme. lf11 nol the pknk we lhint h M. th lhe in town, $Ol )'S Ed.

SGT. \\'IU.JA{\I F.. N t:.LSON I.OS Al'Ct::t.!.S, C ALll'OkNL\

As :i. ch•lllan pl~u1:in Biii gOl aroull(I. but In fiftm1 montlu :ts an 1\ rn11· radio 0 1>en11tor, he ha.• lfOt arouud <1\'f!Ne:u to pl:iret. like: Cairo aod lr.;m, whid• :u'(' normallf o il 1ht: eou•.rpri-s.in_g l'aksnlan't n>utct. Rut Bill b n't :<dlinJ :11nthiug now ciut'l)l .. Th.­lhisilicss" 10 th~ Axi.!I.

f•1·~. Rout1t1· n . ~101uus Route soi.: 692


Frou• out of thr 1:111 thtlb<'r o f O reeon, like Pa ul lh•n)'llltt befo re J1im, OO•l>Cl' · ·MooSie" Nurrl1. :r. r<>rruer footbaJJ p lJt)'l;r. :uni a h11$.kf bd. if ,. . .,. ~·er ~w o ne.. 1t ls reporttd th:it ;,. ha.lf-<Jo>:en rollt1" are watdna ta take up Uncle S:im'!:I c1pti0n on him. Comlna to us as ;i l'O\dic> OP<'111tc.>r ft-om Ch.Jin u lt: ;and R051'Ct110'­tl,loose l.s ~dr u 1>0n 5ign:d to c11m th t: bombs aat>~ ~ tncsi~v·s IOJ!l I.inc.

Page 53: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


i\f/Sc:T. 0A1' 1•:L H. <>·co.' 'i"'OK

S9 ('.('l)rTc SLrttt l>OkCJIC!>,-._"11., ~fA~SACHIJSt'ITI

O:i_nnl' l\';U cnst:ag('(I in ;.truc:tu l':ll {'nglnttring -nork tw-rorc he CIH~red 1tu0 J\nu)'. 1uul he i$. OO'k' a tl ij:bt ~n· itinccr. hat. 1ll2dc tl1rec ford1tn l rip:i to dau~. and a number of domcs1ic. on~. He w~rs the A~fatic and Afritsn ~·ar ribbons. lhmn y i11 ll l$C.) :i 'C"'f) C'ap:.hle Hi.)n.sman, p;ulicip:ll• Int in aln~ou :ill $Qllad ron :uhlMic :icrhllics. \\'hcr1 thl" So11tH1dro11 ui:uco1 ''"910" was hnT', OaJlOl' a rid lit palh!d :1 ruu nd l<>gc:thcr.

~l/SC1'. STAXLt;\' C . PARKER

~f,\,S)J"'leLo. Cosr<ECTICV'l'

St:ainlc)· Is d 1it!( af 1ht eke· Lrieal "-hop and b h irnstJr :111 <'l<:cnkal sf)«'i :di~• . Thij b no new 1hin1 for him. tic. r.iiu~ he did thb ..,·o rk ~s a ~hilitn.

' T' / SG1'. EL1'0N L. l)ATCH 638 ,S-,u1h 0t'l>el.SU:r St.n-ct

Kt::ST. 0HH)

P:11d1 UM-<d 10 bl: a conn1 U<':• 1iln 1 fctl'(;1t111JJ, No ... ·• lmw ... , ·cr. he- rommut~' r.ohcr rcrul.arly OH'~C2~. ~inttring biir platlb 10 :1 u""h•I desdn:i tit>n rn>m w!l(-tC- lJJoq· 1.~111 be ut!Cd to tfi.: diodr.1111 ta:ae of Ute Kew Order.

SG1·. Fo1~~lt:k C. f'EOERSE~

R. R. So~ 1:m )01•1. l l'o.'. j\fHSOUIU

J>etc cami: to chis 1.'0untry f rQm ~m11.1•k tit the atte or thrtt. He rame to the f'tTl'y C(n11111<1nd rro1u Sc:ou t' icld R:i.JJ.:i SchtlQI 2nd has made 11.·o fore-Ian tti~ a.s radM> 0 1>era.tor. rrte i5 married ~>d h;ij ll. IO\ ely c:.igbt•nM.Jnth-old di1u~htcr. Jud~., lot'ho is the apple of his t:)C. Pl"tC- is usu ::iilly It.> l.M! S(CD workh>g aro,1nd the squadron 011 Wl'l)C tu.:w impro,·i:n::iei:it.


SC.T. C111\lU.r..s R . 0\'o'I!.~ S4>ir Route Box 87A

SHt:.PHat~\11.1..E. KL~1·1.:exv

The " Blue Gra!u., s1:1.1c- c:on· tribiu ec :.n c-lfi<k•H e ng ine ;and plane: tnc...:ha nil;. jac1t•s prt:,·iou.c"'!QC'n.1p11 1.ion 'if.:.J that of an llC:et) lcrlc burner. l\cin1t 1>:uurally mt'('b:ui lcaJl t• 1ni.nded. the Alr 1-'or(c puc h is abllily ti) ,..1.>rlt a.s an airp lane n•e· c:h<1nk ~l\d e ng ine !'(l'eti:i.ll.st , Jaci: i~ one o f o ur .•l1arp• ~lt"f!. , h ;hing qualifit'd TC-· ccn1Jr on •he raniir. Pe».<\iblr hl.s (}'it is lcp1 .i.J1:1rp b y h l.s d ilii;:cr11 b illia rd 5hioc>lln.g i11 the 1•ost d.ayrooou.

T /SGT. 1-:IARRY ll. P ARKl~SON'

3! S.Jiilb \\ff)rri~n St rttt ~f f..\1 1'1 11$, Tl~.N!'i.&SSEE

l'laIT}· WQr& European. .Afric:in, \\Uddlc E~l'l . and An:1crk an war 1ht"iirt ribbons and tht airpJ:u1e me:rhania: badlfe. Ht> h;u made C'IC\Cn forc11tn nil)ll, SieH:n of whkh were wilh 1h<' S<lffi(' (TI'W, Oo an0thcr trip, fit: wa.c 2 mt.n1h4:r o r 1h( fil":'1 CTC'lto' 10 ily dlr«tly fron1 ~e ... •fC1u1Ml l :11~ to NCJMh Africa in a &·Ii. He b:u a $0fl who is ~en l'Can; "'d :and 2 1.buah1er "'ho b fhe •

CJ>I.. A l. ttt,Jtl L. PEARCE Ro ute I

l\' "~u v1uc. ·rc."I :-u:.~.ee Al t idci the S.N..A.F. U. lilir­

linn often in !he compan~· 1.>f dii;1in111ll>bcd l)COpk. O n(:C' t1pon a ti me:, .(inint bNJdc a Chine$0C acocr<il "'bo t'o uldn· r 5Pt';!lk F.n.gHsh, Al kep t up a lile ly <Ql\''C1'~C i<>n with film by dr.l"'i11• 1>ktuw.c. H e w;i~ trring: 11.> t'xplain 10 the 11:en t:ral what tht: S.~ • .\.f.U. IC'llM"5 n1nnt, Co11ru~ion WOf$(' coorouuch'tl: Al took a r ide o n 11.c " hland Q.ut...:n" Oh( 11{j:ti1. ·r1w.n~·• be-ea n:11o:uu~ in hjs )if,· ('\·C-t 'loii•C .....

S(;T. PHll..-11' J. l).t:LLIOOR.K 2059 KUpaukk A'eoue


J'l1il plar~ professkina.I bst lJ lh ·e 5"..SORS-. bc-IOR@:iug f(t the St. Loui11 Hn:iwm. °H<' "''as. fanned ou1 co lhe S..11 /In· tonier ). l i'-'lk>n~ of the Tuai l.A!agnc .. ·hen 1 he Arin) cook blot Ill). I-le h41s pJa}'('d ~ond bll.s.e Cor th~ P~1 baSitball 1cam. As a Ollrbt rnainttT, he has n:1.ade lh~ (01 ...... ign trips.

Page Fi/ly·011e

Page 54: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

1•1 c Ro ' t... PH1UJPS ~ l.J:>t Thtrd 54 rt'rt

) 1 IJ-'1 1.A. MISSOlaU

Ku,- •tut fro111 rnfln»d (OllJllUct ion 111 tblla.• A li:::I• ti1111 bchuol tu)d Air Coll('J•'. I le b now Jtn :iirplan~ rllt'· rh:1ni~.

C l'L \\'AL Tat ... l'RICE 196 ShtTi<bn A\nlUt'

ll•OOS.L\ ' ~£" VOil,_

\ \ ~k ar~:hat.td from Chanute a.• 11 mwchuik and po.ttt pl.lot 'P«l~lkl. I-le h:.u bttn cr111nn:r on nu> trips XtOM t~ Atbntic. Aftn ~uing ,H(H1nd ;uM.I llottiug lf. bit, M- &! cuo' h)(<d 1b;a1 rhc onlr f'h·1hation i" this ~Qlt' ..,odd 1, In Rfooklyn.

,.,. , • ' \ '.,C.UST t:S l'. RA Ul,.f.' 1i22 r.nne St..rttt

llkOUKL\N, NE"'. Yo1n::

k .i.ulf i• a cook In (Kif

"ff:'Qo h~ll. In hll,in~ out th< 6v1111 fo1 lhk ~fboot he- .. P'" ~~ ht< fon:.tt OCW~· llOn ··~p~\(' op1"'1'21(1or:·

"' tum Ju.• pu.ukd ~ .llO!Qt"· "'~1. bu1 •ot fi.nd • pon in. "'''-""'t00 th.t 1he °"""'. lntS: • b donit [n an ~f'!ll'mll. for ;1 mulflonlt • t' bad iditas .1bot.lt ttOf"' 1n BroolhTI brin:s: blown 11p in t1JC11M'Cti0n "'Jtfi. .. --~('l.

S<;-r. jA}1£S ~J. R EICllARDT

<t 'it> CuH1bo~a Strttt ,U:J,O~. 0Hl()

Ji11t SQdu~M from T.\\'. \ ,. Kan~ "01r. u.d SI.

J<l"4"Ph fflgilln"ring .:hool. H t" ho .. .»dot a l«bt 10 l ndu on lhr toUh~ th~b l •fClt)t' Ulid AJr;ca,

E N L s

Pl C.. Ro"Ol.T Jl1l0.)lt: l'()l_C:-/J:0.51ri.l

2"4'J ~lh •ourtccnt h Strttt ~(11\loA l. ll l.I:. \\ 1.KO~.'l>I/\

l'l-•b '"' .10 :111ir(_fit(L m«hank. h.nln11: ar.idulllrd rmm O::ill;u A~i:thOJI Colt"c. He bas a n1tlbl (Q r b(1n1 i1n expert wi1h "' ,,m.111 bt>1e rlfJc. aAd a l..o ll:o lh(' 1t•MI u n1Juc.1 11w<l:a1. nob vl:o~ 1bc ac· 14r11lon 11ind lhf' dn11t1. ;ind 1·11J<n" d:1111 in~ .

Pl(.~ j rn.tJ>ll l'R.O\ 'A.XSAL "67 ~1th llubn1 A~otMlt' "°' A..._.,U.U. C -l.UF"O•\lo:I\.

\\ htn 1lw A~ook I~ from c<h rl~n • tht-r .en\ bun to dtit l.bll;t,\ A,·b uon ~ :a.nd Air Colkc<' "' ''~fit ~ lo rA(d to br an •lrJ)l;u1"' rnn.J1,u1it._. and i« l'W>"' "'01lln1 o n th"' line ihl)'!'·tnr wh:at 1~ l1.o1s ~rnC'd .

\l / Sl.1'. C llARl..ES \\'. Rl~_D

S.002 i\l :alliu A\C'nllit St . LoLu. ~f1SSOc•1

't.llud, ' ha~ ~n in l1k '"'" tor t.brtt- \ttl'J.. and •• 111 <lt.arn of •hr c 60·• and """'• "'lllkh all.it rua< hOln \Ir.phi<. to ;1U poisat> In tlw .!iiblD. Hot has lht' airpb1ior IP((tunk ~ :and lood rondLM.I a.t4aJ.. and tc. ~n npnt wilh 1he nrbUw. If '1'41 rick ~i:\..A F.l '.. n·. probJblir fh;i l }UUf pbot -~ "' 11\r fllfl'lb&t tund$ oC Yf. c~,;111 Rm! ltnd hi .. men ~· for~ yuu tot>L oft.

( :1•1 , \ \ ' t\ l#l't-R I'. R El'f' 4-41 e.l ll in ~U'ttl

" ""'u "'" <.:o:-o~u:.1 1ta .. '1 k ll>l>le tOOuatt'd horn 1h'°

n .:ui bu,, I llgh School. 1uld •»• 111 tolor m;UchC'I' briolT fo1nln1 i"to Lhc- A•mt'. H~ tu" bttl1 In thC'- !lt'M iCT tmn '""" 11111>nlh~ ;aind ii nu• a• airplaor annoftf". <M' 1n ClCbCT "'"Old•. "'" ,. ~ "' tM 00.-.r. " ho l up, ·n. irinl·


Page 55: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


1-/&,T. R OftJ?:RT R . R tCGS CAlllO. \\' f) I V lltGISIA

II.ob. ...1.0 "':.d••111td rrom LlJWC'r) Ficl(I , ' l\-..:s11, h :1.< lk'l'u In 1lw Anny thrtt ll'l' " ;u1cl I~ a ll l1tl11 t-'11Khu't'r.

SCT. EO\IL'!\D ROCtlt~ ~-\'Ot.IT. ~I \~\CtH.,.)l:rt'S

,\ ~ilkd Dflln''"" In u"1l~n l1ff', 1hu Ca~ Cod ' ~n.ktt, o(MIM'filnft lM•"ft U ,.B ud,;" f"fU('m.1 I~ Amn• ftlllC'IC'C'l"I lllOrUIH J.fO· and:

h.11 .. "'"'" 1rf'Mfu11Jf'd. hom 11M' C.turnut l•111d, lll1nnlc, \\'cld· u·~ ~"'°61, 11d1l1 hi1tl1 bonl)'1-JI(' hta• lt11\t'kd r.;1cn5'hdl' llirou 11: l!cnu th<' Unitc.'11 Sl:llM 11nd rnu .. 1 o l C.n:.d;i., tu1vin.J: lln·l'."~1 1urrow 1·~pc11 .,,-hilt> ,.,0 1 l..injl un hrld1tr :ind d:un 1nnj" 1•.

l' t-C. Cl f''l.S 11. R UBY 11H "'onh ~f tarlr.rt. Sirm

O"L\I OC.h \, IOWA

(.knn tnd1ni1al Clo.M \\'iJ llMt f("fl.ft (;oUts:I", aftd fn)lft tlw alfr,bftt' 9M'tha.• K lthool at CMl pon. )h.._..ippi, <lftd tntlllttrinc "ltool ~l Row· rnuu rtcW. Prior 10 rf'l•C'rihl •he \rmr he- •orttd oo lk line f.>1 h1brwl Airtinn a.1 Lhr>mM, \\\Om Ina. H~ is a fU1h1 ffit1lntt1, hllJ • ma.rt;~. m;,n·- mcodal and an aitplant nK1Ch&nl• b1$d.1tt>.

S/Sc~·r. RoBHkT ~I. llu,,·1~k

12t) l'0 1lli1r SU<'f'I l•fKl'll, II 1.1/\0IS

\\'di. 1hh b 'hl' m.an who w 1 heo. lh (' lllo1 nili.g t C'p(,l:tl dlch d,.y, and 'bat mom£nsr n:oort h l'M> mn11 thing 10 :tCu)ftlplhh, Sl)W, ynu 19ar Mitri U'Olftt ti>•W' bit:. bad •Otth • ~ ' "<IU o*"':aad 1JQ1 Snfta.1u kuue.- ud to tw a rttrulunr ""ll:Ul'U, "'bo 1nl&M be- rnpoo .. bk IM ,o,lf ptt'!oml pr"9~.-m1. Hl' hu bttn I• dw- A.-•" 1h1tt \t'*ro., uM"d 10 M • ..,lirulla.n. •nd h 11ntly inlhbled in pi .. .,.(l,Qph).


P._c'. C011 \I.AS S. R OBIXSQN, JR.

~4(.lj lo-.dJ /HMUC \l t<\tl•lllf, ,~."lilr; l '.\!oJ::f

Rob61r )Ill( mlld c: hin\il'lf a plJi\-C h1 11 .. : A1111y in hii fir~ fr11ir 11l(llHh~. I-IC' i .. iJoeuct.11 r •nd qpl~• here In rJJ>l"nllloni aud kll4 a dtrk f()I' :,~ Ut :ind C.(1mp:111y ~­f(l re J1h c.•n1! ~1 t11C'1U, K obbit ~nnl11:11Cll l rom ,\1;11ht'' Ml•h !W'hool.

CJ't- JOtt'll •\ . R os£ S97 °'i()u\h Colic'tr A\~1...e

,r<r.t"' 4._l, Dt l-A"AltL

JOhnn1r '" firq ((IC)\ I.ft Obi fa.nm\I' ftlM"'tllll haH, a11ocl "»II 1tM­tMl1n;arr drl!Jht' roo haH' had 1no~bh ""'" :. rf"'luh of hi.• 1.-niu~. 'ltnlfifanth. John11k "'ll' 111 1,;1uluy b.-lfl('r in rhilla.n llf(' ~·hlcl1 ma)' be the "'' hl u f 11ur n l111 r h irtf'n tUnne:r~

Pl·C. JOUN F. RurrfL l'.t11h •nd t..lhi.aul(L A't'llU~

OAK roac_ .. y, II Ll,Ob

John b u 11Jrpb- nw­<h;inic 111·h0 kamrd hh bu~. llot» :.1 J\nomutic"al l ' IU· 'cnk" ln 0.k;J;to: t.o-f"n. )uhn bdvn1' to llw \ m«kla Aano AMOCWio. ol Rari111:. -and bu a ndna 111«~nk1~,. licm!lt'. and bulk aftd 1'M'.f'd dir1 Ir.Cl. r.k•r\I ~"- llnd if that bn' t ~tlh to con\intt '~" 1hat IM" 14 • 11~htnk.

ltbl ~(.:llrt 1.111.Jnt flbOUI \ :tmp n1t "'•m~ "'hh h i"'·

( ;1•L, J C'lSI I' ll R, R \ ' IJ, \ KO\\''\~ I

l (IA C l.Ht"lllOlll J\H'tlUf J1;a."1 v en v. s~w Jf"• ... 1 ,. " kJbbh" ha1 bttn In th'"

1\ nn\' ;ibQo\tt t<'n rnon1b •• aod l\,u bttil 10 fQ4U diW('r"'1 oe:-hoolo. bC'fOf't" Con'l llll 10 Mt•1phJ~ llr ~' bn1t 10 the ttthntail ~hook al La· C.lU.Jdll. I K'td, Rn lW"n"h f.cld . ilnd Cl~ joft.n )(bool at !\~;a1\, U.- IOOt • "ll('Cb_J!i4 <OUl'tt' "' 1tw t-tO ptU•UI plann: a. llul>lft.. Rabbk 1, a \aluabJr .un to Ill.a'"' around •lw'n a r -•o «t• In tmobk-

f 'irJ:.1' Fifi )" Tit rte

Page 56: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

\ / \GT. CLutt.,Ct. '°"· ~\,Pt:U, jk.

)410 GUt ~ 'UH\.U.1.Jt.. ·rc."'.!IOF~.&

~\ (bkf d«L ia our un· «MiHoonly finr. lllol: ina Ordtf-. '' Room. 'Oarnh b11.ud.ks • ha1'i-otJ11" jl>b •l1h a quk\ rrir·ndllnt"lii v.hkl1 b ""'1iug h) •II (., ( .', who f"Alf"f ;in 11rd1"1 ly roont 11011~hat lack. Int iu cl'.111fid~1u·e. S:uuJr :n. 1rnd1'l1 1:11,, Nash\ilk' H l:gl1 v. ht"•~ h~ joinf'll Sigm-<1 · r:111 1•111. lkh11 a ")oln i111(· tnan . 11(' t 1111l1ln 't Ol1•rtnf>t the IJ'""'"'' fr;urrnhy 01\ <:lrth-1lw l 1ui11•1I S1:11 M1 Afm}'.

f:P I , fMA.!'ICIS C. M:J I\\ 'E117.£Jt.

.;'!7 \'·uw:~ Suttt ,,-~ "a1T,u..:. CO'-'-(CTICUT

t nnl b s b:actround "'­fi.\< )~Olin ol. <Olkgit. bQghl hWh •honl r,...ti-dt Ulld lbs· IO'l 0.. '~ Lqbnd. sud no-.· ... ,\..hies br.Udr., ;and •Ml' •1lh, <oOJcbn~ DO okla 1llian thr pupil'~ h.u uup1. 11< l(Qdu11nt froai tbt air· 1>bnt' 1.r1Nh;ani(-·, Kbool ar (.oldtlxtro, bad f<l)fdalht 1niltun1 in thof' \\/fia:ht lJoc.1ory :11 Piurnon, Nev.• Jtt'<'V. v.01l 4'd "'au) 1nonth1> on •I~ lh~. and h:i.s the mecbanJc's: rn('d11I. Al llw rllUmt'1U be i~

In •1usdron htadqu antr.s, C'"\'i· de111 )' pr1•li!rririg a d~ t(t ;r 1"'ft11d1.

y / Sl:.T. H A1l<)l.I) ·~ SHA\\' \\'1~Dravraf., fl.OIUD,\

Art i• the :ff"T'lel!hl ltl <hat1oe of wpptf. Ht.' WD once- a ll:>adinr ~ cbkf '°r P'il'I Amn~ Airtino tmks. u yuu a1th hi• oe 1'1J1rd. fOU ia.ia:llll l:'tl around ~w•1 rtsubtiom., '"'' ... (" ""'" tu'C'• and to('"IJ bd a \ah-alt('d pair n.f F«to·s h11 ... ~ '"""' ,.,,,... &nfl did C'llht'r . Art llUll\' b¢- in 0. c .. ~. whm Uds 1t pubhJM!d.

(: 1; 1~. · 1 H0\1,A~ :\ . Sttl.i"EY '101\ Nnnh C:i.rJ"'u Sc.rtrt <'.Ot.lJ!lJSJA, &IC.~l.$Sff'M

Tomin,. ti hJt fdlow •·ork· r 1.,; toow hhn. aucoded c.:n 1r.1I t-llah St.hool at O,,lumbfa., i\h•u.:ippi, :i.nd,li'M'ft tool up rlttn1ol •o.tl bcro'"" mcaina: i11110 1tw Ant1r ab<Kn fourtttu IMlftth• qo. He hu 1be- A. \(, ~ and u l:rs a ~s u,. '"""°' in dw •l':lbre ol .> '"" t .tJ!.

E N L s (1•t.. .\t.\IS J. ~u;rn.

'"'' "llttl ,,~ 0-.H l.C)).tt , \\ UOO'O'.SI"'

\I au('Q(kd OihL~ Sutit I oc.tk"n Col lorv w-Jworr M 1>1•!f'lll foocball and ba .. lt1ball, Jo1MI lll"lrooa:td tn 1br rrridr:in "<K:tc1) . lhs 6T'Jit malitar, ~ hoit., '"">' thr SJi\lll Air Re. "l'''\t' ln1t 1ransrC'rrt:d 10 I.he Allll\ Jinnwtimfl b 11'T. Ii i" VIC'l11 10 :111 rJlilOC' nH."('11:.nlC lll.h<W1I 1111 K,.....,J .. r f ield Joncl •l-<1 ll·2il K hool 111 Balthnn rc-. Al 11 !rd thf' h rinK l':lf~t! aud tou11r "I• whh a bill 182 to •1t1.1lllv .. ~ •')t.p1•1t. Ht> "'''"r.i t ,., i.ltpl • .rw nwdrnnk nird:il :1114' ti••);t 1o udutt :ind <'X. 11 .. ri ril'kman'' mctl;1I,,

f'l'L. '11c11ous R . ~l\\l(C.DlATII

491i ="nrth CDwfnnl °''."'™' ('Hl(.«;0, lt.U.'-OIS

'°"" 1w- QrriuL ltdorr lht •.111 ' k -.~ a .;;pn.iatitt in lnn1n•llM' bra11f .. -a ChfQIO bNutt<ia11. But -=""" im't at all 11'-.r • h..Jit wio •ll"tu nP«t It l"OU L:n~ ide.u 1buut bc-Ju1lc111n.. Out.tidt' tbt' t>hOl>P" hf''• a n1.1n"1> mlln­.111 vutdo1-.ur f'n1hu.;;i:;i.;;1, ~In& 1111 amti lrur fi.,hf-1111111.1 uf 111>u1:.i.1tn11 Jo00 a woodmian ;u •l.i111> :'!II a Clii\!ldi:u1 "-uidl':. I IC'! I• '""'' 11n alrr fan<e 11•ec h:ink.

1'1.(:, ROtt~lt'I' F.. S HAW\'l':ll

a. 1l. No. " ,,_.,1.,-ro~. 11.1.1""01i

lob .,,,., fro• f:u111ina- ut I\ '' '<hoot at Culfpon, ,,_,_a. ,-.,DOi. ~ow a lllC'C'hllni(. hr Ji t0 call chit he k aJ.,,.,,,. bu•pi•tt hit k.w:l whrn •ort.tr1& 1rouM pbncs:. llut ht"• a p>Od -.erluriic. h tw """"' n:oon~ tha.t duriq a t10t;ind '°I onlv hit he':id •'">~ ~«"d h!M>\1ftl around ~ nm1>. '\ bh -~. • e "f·

11 .. ( ; , fAKI .. I. S1·1t:t•f"[.R nu,u11u1ui, P•·"'"s:n'L\'.A.s1" II ;n f ns bttn a 1ttt kr $l:i

1lon 1n:i11 h«forc: cominS' ioco thC' t\nn)" Shoto ju,,c. sutur alh tot huo 1hot' a'IQCOr pool :u. a drhtt 11wduo.k. llr dbttlbb llhn~H ~• •·juSl a tu.pp .. ...,.hKlf,'" al'Ml tw ii Jtht 1lut In 2 \ftY (;aq)r3bk-



Page 57: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


( .t•L IA\ \I' I .. ~'' Dta. 19M Pntlktd 5fT"1

l"ltll.Alllf"l.PtH", p,-,,. A.l.t •• T,\\',A. •• K.C. ~o,

thcoc; ••< 1l0t ··n .. .s·.·· .....,. 9rtn but ont,- lhf' Khoob h( 111lmd4'd in dw- Arm,·. "111urJ11ly m«h1nkallr 1n· dhH!t1. t\ud ro1nplr-tf'(! 1lw-101nOM :.1 thN 11<hoola to {Qin(' lu1n 0111 r n1inl'C'rln1 _.t~Jfl •~ 11 hl'(ltaulic tp.•dfl l• ht, ll tr I• tit tpln11 10 niairi· 111ii11 l hC' cpkudld h'(fucl our Hutt ocw h :i.c llt hlt<tc•d by hi" ~li llllt'IU ,.Ork . ;\(11•1 a Jrnrd 1t.1)" work llud ..-11jor'4 b('in1 1111 ('l\lllrM"C:-1 011 flOmtliil iC


'C.r, jA\tt"' f . 'lf'1TZO. 7S2S \ .bb.r l"lM~ Cl"-CS"'"ll• Otuo

JfM St'b a qdiw!k dri:ttbl IQ blmo inl ltw ho, .. OUI of bto1 '"'h '11rilt. luir-n1ihlc tdhn.q1w Oft the- C.Q:1 •hl~JC', »I • hkit II~~ h.U uht'fl bn'n •l'l<M lit "il.h C.I. J~. II~ r, 1 mnnbrf or 1bC' Kn lJhh of Col1.1mbu•, iind i<1 a11 ''All 'iquailrcm.. 111hktC'. Jlm't -..1wa,1 hl1t1 .-1•irib l ....-p tl1ina:it lht>ly, I IC' h :u roadt" ' "'1) fn1('!1n 1rfp. a1 a ndin OIJ<'.l'll lor,

1•\'0r. Ni;1.sos f.. SrAN ros

&8 K 1lttlll1t1.I Strttt t DGf .... 000. Rt10ot bLAJr'O

•• Acr:· OM of our ~N:· nc A '' '•· atDf inlQ 1hc Ar•r d•rr«ly (TOm. hil:t. Klool In Rbod«" hbnd. • h<n­lw ~bh'-""I a rrput<11t.on of bci.n& a encl Kr bock,..­pb,u. [.""' cbf hr tttm1 10 brt IOI,. on a ~ic'. liJhl and bu I tl.k "'hidll hh lnllM.Jilft. •U•l hnr. A tlon·NI Id'°"· A«"'• onlr \kC' JC'lmlil 10 ~ 0\tnkepin.g, hllt ht "j;('oO hl1 fonrttT mid ab1Lllr lri 1~cl1ln1 ti~ ~ngJ.T on time.

l1v·r. \\l l L l.IA~f f . " TOCK 677 Car11011 S4rrrl

St . l'AUI, , ~h'li!NUOTA

l'rh.-.at~ Scoclri. l<1: aoothtt ot 01.11 alrbrln1 "'"' who, ll• rnalnn:r'I-, 10 to (;iin-.~y pl.lCn. H C' bu dv ri~ ul the Allkrion. African, a..ct •·u,n.r-n ,..,....,~ 1'111 •-• '° tc:t-hnklil N"hoob ~• U. coin, :i-.te.n.J..Ji. :aod :at c:JQ•utr rwld. IU1..ob He b a fornw1 fll ltinlua.


\I/~. Cit.\,, f . Wkt..'~'

M.oult .S> I B•lC:• . \\t..-0''''

.)l1m u: "" ,.....,_,.. ... ,"' i11 thi" man'• \rnll ti.a.1111: abt-.t1h 'W'fll lout \ean' .,.nkr In ti~ Au- I or((', Colll 01 II\ fn:un l»n1e lk,u h. C:al r.-.n1ra. :ol1m ";1• a 1 h.11tl'r rncmb1 1 '' ' l)!vlt't.t lhirt)' l lflll ;11 \ \ 'f'q Palm lk.1<h: th~n c.an1e .~ll~h \i llc .iod 1!.c 1!flth 111a11:1dr.-.u, 1 lh rlu llr• •t 1-adlv n1w1:1h) 1 ti .. •c ml.en llh11 111 cwc-r 1hc lfl(irld, anti he , 11 n rt<11lh lpiu •• r .. ~ )'11111" 11bour 11t:1'1 l11111f1( '"" In tht 11lol 'I:••"·

( :l"t.. \ \' 111 J \ ,, J. \l,\,)r.t\llC ll

Rt.AD:\.0-U, \f"a\tO''T

W..11 " a Ql'eitt .a•;).b&r frl. lu" frum \~ "hoim •<Ml ~ w.,.,. ti111o("ll :ln:Mlnd tltC' \\ otht• ;11nd ~l0t.Me l)f'· ~rtmnu ' in<l" cn1N.j11:1 1hc­Art11, b4! h•• tuHj Quilr • ••r.ro onttr, 1t11rnd1ns: A.\I. •hool .. 1 rh1l~dr pn1a. PC'nn· 1•h<1nl.a, -.nd hOl<i11n1t l ht> (ol lcwlu1e c l•~•l1ra1l11n•: 11lrrlanc: :incl t'lllChl>f' tnnlmul~. :1ir trait dicc l .. r. •1wl :ilr u11n1>­p(n1 lctt1nltl.111.

CJ.'l,. <:tOM(:t \ \'. SI ...... ,~

Routr .f D~T\Jk. lr\A,

)c(1lhrru aunw:W 1lw 'onh Tll'u.• \•nn1l1unl Co~ proum.illbh to ksni 10 hrlp wilh the ma~c ol hb fatM1 1 n1ntb and l.ar-111. "4).r\rr, hi( mkttd lhr At•• Im.cad, aMI -~· W'hl 10 lhr ~n.1n School of ,\('f(MUUlkf al I ;tbti 11nd lhr C:uttr*•\\"tt1hl '""kC' 'lo(hool at 1-*Mbf'n t 1oekl Ill" h now an llir,,111nr nH:'Cjlllnit,

l'\~I'. \ l t lUtlLl \f, ~·lt)\'Al.L

St.rt Ll. KlX'f'I J(:lV

!!itu,.111 l('ur:hN hi' auphnr mttfu.Att• 11b1l11• In th1l1an bft:. At Oftt IUW a.pfn., ........ ·~~ ........ .._. •uU li$t llopr ot ~· b¥t t•to 11.mhl(L' •"" brln1 Ol'W'

l'n~r Fifly· fi,•e

Page 58: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

SG'l'. J. 1\ ·rAcL..1A\''" ~ Allen t•la e-'t:

P1 rcueuKc. )l.\SSAtuu:sen·~ T;in is a rndio OJ>trator

aod tnechau.i..: wlm 11..:11' enad e dir« irip$ across th<' watC'f" to tnu)unlt!r th~ Eun>~a.1' :ind Airican tb~:Hr« of w-ar. Ht 1lai1 louked d('1wu '"' mue.h of the UnJt<'d St~1cs too. ,;i1u't' he b:a!' lti1wn <ht:r th irty. '"''o .u;nes. ·rau h:t$ 111~ 11::1>i'>d u>ndutt m~fal :uld 2 technid:in·s b:idgC',

S/ScT~JA)tEs C. Tuo.\tAS 1654 G1't'tn l.iwn An!nll~

AKROZ:, 0 1110

·rommy, a r.adlo op('l'ator wilh t ht1.-c ro~i.11-1:1 trip_, 10 biJ t redi1, 1•;:u a mcmb<'r of the C"r(:w (•I tht! iU·fatt'd B ·26 \dM'l$C 1n j3hap i$ r«011n1ro d~whl"l'it lu tl1iJ book. Coing t hTOIJ&h .ttich an CXP<'rknC'c as btirig dragged from a fl::lming :i.ir(r:ih and ~ln2 t1l'O tnontbt ftt0\ 't'1i111; ( roih )i(>\·tn• b 11r11,, :and 6n1ist-:c in ao AJriaii\ b~pilal migl1t :llfnt :1n1· 01f1~r 1n:1n, hut no• 01u ' foniiny.

p \'T. CUF.STF.R. ( :. ,.O~fPKINS

S'tiHtE~. RJ?:l"·rucl\Y

··r)(x'' 1rrath1:nod from air· pl:inc mochan ie·" jChOOJ and iJC now .. flt1h • cna:inttr. lie wa~ an auto otech:u:i ic in civilian Jife. H<' has lx¢n in 1hc Army n iuetffn 1no11tJ1.1.

S/ScT. H OBERT G. \ \!Al .TON

Ct\~(f'3fl..l..S"OkC, l,"l>lA~t\

A rt>..:i l [iol"lftr- in tlK-(OOl:l.nir; 6d , Hobert ,,urtec1 b:ick a t B('IT}' fil:ld in Na.sh· l'illc. He is our n~ m""'3 sitrge:lnl: iJC m:1rri1:d ;ind li\ t:S in ) {t'mphls.

l'agr. Fifty-Si.~

E N L s

S(;T. JA~I.~ o. "f t-.:.."'iBRUNSEJ...

1010 \\'est :Eastland AH':ll lle XA$1H'Jl.l.£~ 1.£.'lSt::sai,;t

l't:r11l )' h :1 gr:idu;i11: of 1h1· fatltt'r R.ran Hifch Sc:bool io ~a,sll\·illc:. :inti fonn('r lv .,.·orkcd fo r VuJt('(' Airt:ra(t in th:u t°i!Y. Sergt:n11 1°n1ny oo.,.· i3 a d;,>rl:. i 1:i Lhe 0fdE"1 I)' Room.

l"/SGT, R EGINALD L . 'f11o~rPSON


Rei;@:ie is unrJ<·111b11edl)· one: of 1hc ablest r:tdio toeo in 0111 lea.s;uc :ind ha..' IKJ prQ\"'f'n in 1he oour.5<' of four rorel,Sln trill$ ·,.,.hid• he h:I.$ ntal,fl". Rtfor<' entcrlo2 the Arnn , l 'll't'Ulf IUC)rllh$ : ... >. Rf'ggil" a11t-nded Jam~town C.Olk'il:<' a od ll1c11 w:a~ :iffili;ited with a,, :autornoblJ~ fi1}3n« lOn• cent.

PFC:. l'kf,J) R . \ ltH:N(>N H0 1>Ces, t\UDJ\).IA

Frl.'d ~1;oh·('(( b is trainioi as an airpfane rnoch:i.n.k :and flight rng:lnttr (n:irn. !'<bool at Culf!)01't a nd Alilerican Air· J;ne$. f.tc b:u the alrpl;iR( n1~haoic ioed:d.

.\l / SCT. f RF.D t . \ VAkfEL R.R. I

Towz..:o. ILU:-101$

t·rMi, or "$1)(111)""" as h<' ii l;DO\oti} to h i:1 n larly f rit•nd• o n 1h., 6('1d, ('nttTcd rhc stl"l · Jtt SC\'~ lilcJutlu ~fore r.-~1rl l-l:arbl)r. I-le j!) a hard work· C'r, ;i.nd if be wCJ r l.:$ a_<. h:1r4 :at r:un)in& :.i.s be dot$ on his p1a.oes. h~ ihi>uld h~we <me nf the 6111$1 farms In ll lino1;s. Shony is crew d1il..of o n rhC" (;.60 run~ rron1 ~1e11lphf.s 10 ~ll:::imL


Page 59: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


:>GT. 1 JH) \IA\ R . \\'AT'>(>'

\U.--UH.\. 1-0t '''"'"

r°'" lnntM to hr an .1ir. pldM 11M:dutiu .11td t'n;1u1ttr :iit 5hf'))p:inl rk-k1, I t''\ll.• \t rirtsttit br h <1 Ut-nllln1t a.n ••lhf'r ~dW)()I, hue ht" ll. 11 n..,io,1& I" lf<:l b:i. I. 111 l h4' io1.11rnd1c>u -.o rh:11 hr c:1n 111 ~1.e .!-Hnle 111<11"<: lripi\,

l / Sc':T. jA\11·1' 0 . \\'11\\I f<JU,"l'Atr- 11,.N, "' L .

hous h-. ~ bl"C·n in U14' 1\1Ul}' :i bvul thrt•f! t • >11h, o1n1I. lilw '-1 n):i.n) fdlo"":4 In t hr- \no~-. hill j(tb j,.; _,, , , ' "'" d1f11 l"M11 r'fllm 1h~1 "lli(h I~ t1C1fbrn1<d •• a dlUbn lltMJ• ""-~ ii d rac ckrt. ' en. he' ftkt u1 bo111bn> ;a, a oo .. •~tot. '\1 dJ< d~ lh\.. l l. bt->11a "° fJI ltn f()rlOhrr 10. 1 .. 4'\1. our nn<kt'co .. n ~·~ rl'pon 1tu11. Dou,! i:. lw1 OIJ l1to1 rrwll u 1 ) f('mpbls. Con1rr.itt1l.11lons .uu l all 1h:11 M"lrt u f 1l1111al

CPL. llF.lJif I_ \\'10 I lb\ .fS C.rtt'ft "Hr-"1

&cM , .. ~, 1111 Pt'~·

\\'hik :lll('1'Ml11iir h1ch ..chool. R.,._.,,. ~n u11 :1n ('n·

\ i;;ablC': fe\:Ohl In \\l.fMlll' 11~•ru. 111• i.ur111lc-.t Srolt F kid tn lllhltl i .. , 111\tl ~1:nh& • :i•cd :u IUI 11ir1·r:1fl 11\C'I h .11ti('. II«.• J1'1$ mad e a Hl1; •v Afrll.il. ;iifl d u l'(ln 1hr e11111plt hm1 of il h< "'<IS M"lll IO 1Mha11tn! 1;..1.d io id)O()I in \.JiJ1.J1(h1 con· d~n<'d th thC' k A I . R n'W hos- '° n 'OHn <oOA

1n th.r ~«I '"""' ol 1•N111 "'"h:anQ &o U\(' •P lhfo •Ml: h" k11 ol' "'kn ht lic>nlltd chr -\m1y.

Sc::T. liARkl~' l_l. , \\'JLIHI(

; 119 \\.Dot T hi11' f ootth ~r . 1,n1~ Roe .. \at.''-'U \\.ild('r • "li o1 1n,rlms '-iJn

lll;li1t in '-i.-ili:u1 l1ff'. aJM.I wfwn ht: ""'"nl 11'1" \nu\ h~ ,. .. , :.t1H In \\'.i•l1ln~lnn 11nd Jrfftnon C•l lln w . \\ :1$h lri.-10 1), l'l'illl•l h :111I:., "" hrN' h t• <"lll(li1'(1 dlH~l!i(illM)ll ... C)JJ.. , \ \.'i ld C-i l tJ)U'>l' ll h 1111' l!ll rd Squ:ulrnn :i~ a d ..... wu11i\Qu ~J.tUt:a lbl in <:10 1111 l 't·r•11flnc•I.


l' \'1". J O ii)\ I) , \\" .. \\ta 117 Clur1;<;0n \'m~

lt\(;t:ltS1'0h·~. ~ • .-..,. ,,.,

\ .J>on ti.... afln hn 1n. d11oi1Pn John ~nf'ftdc<4 " \I ~bot:oi at , _ Orlnint.. r .... j .. kuu, :and llJ)Ort. sr.odu,1 lnir rnt"t.-d hh d:a,.lhr.11.nn cir \irpl:ln~ :11"t<I ffl:tln4" \\II' th.nnl. I n t:h iii.in IJ(I' J11hn "" II• ;. •h1•.:-1 llH'tJI "" <11 l.n '111\I It .hi ,11~ <Utnpl1•tc-.I 11 1t•1111 11 r 1•nli•tm.c·o1 Jn lil t· t: ( ' C.

l'\- r , LILL:\RH f.'. \\' 111:£.Ll.J(

R. f '. I>. ~o. <I f l\:1,GI0:-0, J t:N' l '-~1 1~

\\httlc-r "'~Sa •0111.iu 1114.' C hil_tht: Ull tJ"C fic<"t bc11lJC" lltf' \ mtt• dttickd 10 1111~1.t 'J• a G.I. rur "(lftl(" h,.c tw '"JIJ O.C mnlu1uc nn 1k p&.,_ttt:.,. of 11tr <.a ... ,.;.rwhnt f;lf1«r of 1M :ia.oud ' '"''­\\ lwrkr i< m:irrint and h1t"I 1'111 of th<" 1·~.

'<.1 . H~' 1utY T . \\ 10 rt 1•1 nllal.u.tt. rr,,),t\ ''''

U;iill"}' ~;ill :i m:;ichir1hc hr· f., ,~. ,..,. (fltc rn1 the A 1111), .11111 W•1' .. nit bt· ' ''" Armr co tha11u1c f'i d d 10 1'1JC'l 11lllC' 1n ;11• aLrpl::u1c m;ulllnl~t . <\1' .tu <'ntlntitr. 11.:.ny ni:1l.1'• lvu11. 1ri~. 111 .. ahlllo ;h ~ hu1~ pitd•~r "'on tu1 llw.• •t'tl'J LIJC' Pc;,.1 1 h:iu11i9'1nol1•1> ltr I~ to ti~ t 1 .. 1nn .. 1 Onk-t- uf F.:ttlr<>-

('1•1 •• \\100DRO\\' \\•. \\"11~., ..... ,

\h.:.mn.ti:n -.1 rtt'4 ltt1\olno-.. Pt:..'''''"'''

\\-nll(I\: K ~· h1$1'UW"W'lr •U• c--k tc'fl mM)nlm nf \mo 1.1, khhtrl him, H e ob1:urM'\t h1~ ,1!q,l.u1~ triei:h~nfc< tn1111lt1tr at l>tht'd" 1'.-.d1· :M..huol •n /\r._ l)rJ""''-'· a ll" W)lli an llUI U 111<, h :ini f' lo lhili..1• ur .. Ah.-r d~H:u 11ion1h, fir "'" le(' \ \'u11ch w;is 11stoundt-cl In 1.-,1rn lh;)t hf' "' '" •1111 :i tflt1l.w- .llnd b~ 16 t:il.r h l­h.h>t U .. tri ing.

Page 60: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,


Cr&... H O\\IARD J . \\' 11,1 .. ~N Blo~<W>m Road

El.).tlt., Nt·w voait 1-lu v.•ard t1!0C'd 10 be :1 H1h11l.•

lttT firnn:in in lib b1>me 111,.•11, :and 2. lj() v.·ork((f in tlM" l·o1d Motqr C..omp:tnt'. H C' ro<I<' II 1ourorc,ck :.i.br>u1 1hl! t'O"""' d.-nna hi' ~1~ umr VTtiru:. ~ bu_ntina :and fnhint ~ The gl)\t'llUl'IC'tU V'l'I hu• co ~uu· rwtd to <,flld1" <llUIQ mftbaa""- Hr h in IM" ~ pool 00•.

' SGT. l --1::\\'I~ E. \\' II SON

Bo~ 2CH 1101.us. Oi;;uuo"'"'

\'\' il.m luiJ a pl<nir~1.1.-0l.J.~ho1111a Mtt'nt tb•t quhr C"JplU~ t.M ~"'S. He- pb1" 6oocba.H. ~JJ .. and ba_~t1· b;all all ''ft' .. di. I• ,;, ilU• lifr ht- W">! ;a brmtt, thtt no .. tw- i• :t light ~. He k .. Mart..'""1n .-i1h 1M t:ubinr. h4'' m:M.:lr r.our fo~ipl 1ri.,,._, rind , .. 2 mt"mbrr ••f 1l1<e :oo.hnrt ';nnrtrr Club.

s T E


. o. ' ,,...,


.~;T. \\'OODllO\\. \\'U..SOS' 1.).\0 Th~rd Sutte

:u.vr" ~lv,,C\, CAuroato01.'\ ' ' \\' oodir" •·as a ,·akt·ttt·

rrt:a1 )' fur · r"''C'nti('th Ct'ntury· ~'ox, \\'arne .. Brothen. Para· 111(111111. :ul(I Columl:>i;a Stud ir.ili. llC' bt'"->n,r ta 1h e Holh ''i'·-OOd Auor'i Club. Ro,·•I f,.agln, Spa;11hl1 Club . ru!.tth Club, C:lull Alina, fk\·n-ly H iUi Ol)111pk Club. :u._J-.,· tU. 'l••e •rt': ~Opt>int rlahc ht:u ht' (a1u_. \\'oodiir it tM dubinl fluOOuo in tht fr"nT Cam iM.-d llf' au'-""lkd Ha"--ard :lllld lJw l D(\"itf'Jil'" n/ Cali• fomy llf' ~ madt ~"""' iorc.~n lTI.._ ~Ju:Uig and rtpwt 1 n1 a Ctt:ean '" b­ia:.aurw off 1ht- th:uilbn toa:til d111ln1 u~ ol tbtm .

11t-C. l .. F.kBEJtT ~f.

\ \TRl (;HT R, f . n. Nn. I


U rrll u~ 10 be tn bu'i ~ • hh h i• blhn- distnl~U· 1n11 houll(' lftikn -~ LM \ nn, QU&hJ up • itb hi•. ;u~ ~l ~t.m lO )ltnphr. \UI Ctunutf' Fidcl-ftOl In a lr.t1kr. Hnb tf"M an 11irplaiw IO«lu.nic- and a lliatu ('JI.· s rMn. t.u1 k's nqw a lin.l 1r•IMT inMrudOt. 1-1~ • ill o0nwd.1,. rdoln hi• bthf-r io buo,.lnf"l• \\'ill lbtl be- thlnc lf',ukr~. Ht:rb?

Pre. ).ta.,,!" L. 71\1'-fCR..'-IA.~ R. R. Xo. !

Foum. lt.u:"<M$

' Dut'-h.. ""Ml 10 .:\_\I . "-hool 1u r.ulfport, )lbii56ippl. from a ch ili:a.n lire- of fa.rm bur: in ll linoit.. Ht- h now a h1ll·fkl'8ni airpl•ne 111t"• ~hank, A11 a bobby Dlu r-h b11illb modcb.


l. •BA..'"· OHIO C': l'I. , I l• R." 1.AN A . BOROSKI

Boli 50:? ou. L.OS\'Al.£, OHIO

S<;i . C l .AIRE 0 . OEVOW.. I )!) Kh nbAll Sllttl

l'lA'M'1.! CM.~tt:., ~fJC:Uf(:AS

11VT. _R OY J. D UPUY 447 Hickory St.reel

11AaA1lA~, Lout~"A

p, T, JA'-ILS P . Ef'f'i".Rl.\' Routt" C

0\,\lu.f- VlllCl"U

Pt(' .. JOHS ,, .. FL~LL"\'$(l~ 2200 G 5ttttt

RllU"(~~l<:llC .. CTO-.CIA

P•&• Fi/ry-£ighl

l't·c . (.t()' P. (.A\.'TTI[K Ut2 t;cHith Main Sllttt

i\t'll (ll''"· """\l;lll~Tl'S

CPI .• Fk,\ NCIS J. CDll}K_~K1\

'G~G \\TatJOfl A \ CIUIC ·ro1 1ioo. 0 1110

~t/SC'r. AR'lllt...M ~l. CJt..,\Y '" Kin1L-o1011 SL1M

ltF..A.Dl!'oC, \l.'\S.'\Clt\,.SnTI

,._,, , \llLTO~ U.

llA\l»"ttlat IOI& :0..01tb Ulah Scmet \f "'t"HUl'J.a , ()1110

.c;c;T. EAa L P. ~ llU. 61 1 l AWUot MTttl :\TL\ll>"llC, IOl\A

f\"'I , \.•IARUJt 11. ~(C~IA1101'

Route I SAl.1'~ flUMr., ··~NN!i\ L\'A~IA

P VT. J 041tPll I. ~fAK()\\lllir:.I

'61' lkrn\lin" .\\C:tlut: ('..1 .. rYtl..A.)1>, OuK>

C".PL CuSJOMD \I. \fOJtCA.\"

1191~1 Sl1ttl l\00.SE\ ILIJ, \Jl'"i.~1'1'1

PFC. jA.)I~ I\, PAlL IOIS $outh \\ at l~th C"oun

~IL\'"· r w a10,,

l'\T, 1\:<ri'fH')!\\' .\A\'QCA 29 Jcanc-uc- i\u•nut'

SfATJ;llo' ISl.A/110, 1' t W \ '{Ht t:.

Pf'C. \ VAkREN c. S1•t:NSl'k Raulf! 2

v .. u.LE\• STA1"J0"'1. Kf" .. 1lC .. \'

(:VL R.0 8.Elill f, "it TTOS STI:J:u:. ~lb!IOI Il l

Pre. JACK \\'. TA(.(.AJtT 5'01 ~ ~obk Au·n11t Ct..--rtlUf.. Oc1..-.uO\I..\

'f/SGT. JAY 8 . \\'l.A\ 'FR SL\TTl.lt. \\'AS>U'Cln'

P\~I'. K m1'TTI I £. \\rf:A\l [ R

ti2i North Fino Strtf'I or.stso!", 0 1uo

l'fC. <':.~kL I\.. \V11n I" 24!11 Lal.t' Road Ct.to. M.ctil(;.AS

Ser. HA1tOt.n C. \\' IJ..l.LUISO.llo

M..Otillt" l )IC.\.t.fSTC&. 0CUHCWA

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On \la} 28. 1!)11. 1he Pre:.idem ol 1he

l ' 11i1 c<I Sr:ut:s ino:.ttll(ll.--'<l thC' SL"CreLa11• ot \\tar

to 1:1J..t O\ ('I' 1 he (c;1•t yiug of all _Bri1 i~h lend·

lc:1')1.' planes. In conior111a11ce \\' iLh th i,, lhc

Fer1)ing (:Onl1na1u.l (.t, tht: . ..\ir l'ran,port

(:01111nand n-a'> then l..n0\\'11) ,,·as ani,._ut·d on

Jum ·,, 1!111. under ohc l:11c ,\ faj. Gen. Rohen

.J. O ld" llwn a colonel.

Prior ~o the rorui:uion o( the a:~1Tying

Cc:n111u:and. lend-le.41\(" plane..~ had lx._..._·11 flo\("11

10 the· Canadian bo1dcr. and in 0 1rlc-1 1ha1

"·e \\'Ou ld not violate our 11(' u1T;al ity. 1hcy \\tCr e

10,,·cd a<-'ross. r\ b soon a;;; 1he pla ne~ '''L·re on

(' .. anndia11 :soil. tltC) ,,·tre talen O\c..'r by the

R. \ . ..... ferrying t:on1n1and and tlu.·n flo,,·n

s\\·if1l y 10 Ne,,•fou ndJotncL ,.\ fter a thoroug,h

c.h t•rking over, Ll1c pla nes 1ook off a nd fh;\\f Lhc

lta1ardo11s 1\' or1h . \ 1la111 ic to England ...

and the \\«lr.

When the l lnioccl ~rn1c-;, Look '""o' oho

fcTl'ying o[ Lhcsc ph1 ncs l~t." lran~f)OYl :u ion

0£ c ;1 l');'tl :incl )Jer~ouncl \\"a.S I he ('S'.CCJJlio11

rather than Lhe rule. 11 \\·as onl) on rare

OC<••\i<HI~ that an)lhing t.Hher than a f(•\'' 1nail

poutht, ,,·as r.arried a nd pa~M:ng~r; ron,iitted

or oii lit:1ry and d iplo1na1 ic officialii>.

It '''a'i not unlil after our :1rlual t'nlt) i11to

1J1c \\"Jf 1ha1 large ~1Jc: 1110\e'lll('"lll~ or IU~tlcrial

and pc.·1,onnel hecanH • .' .t nt.:ccssi1 y. ~, h(• \"\ l'lllS

Lli;11 lol l owed Pca1 I 1 larhor gan: o he Fro ryi11g

Co11un a 11d rnany a prohlP111 a nd hc:uJ:u he.

.. J'lu· plan~ ,,·efc o(tcn O\·erloacled :a11d the

ere''~ ,,·ere co11sta11tly O\t-r,,·orked. Nt•t<.~si1y

ntadc: it i1operati"c th:ll reg1ilar a ir J"Ou 1t·s he

e.s1 :i!,lio;hell throughcJUI 1 he ,\ll icd N:t1 ions,

b111 1hc· Un ilC<.l Stalc:t \\' :ca'i c-lanlori11g- for ron1-

bat plan~ antl the 1ran10ports 011 h.uicl \\·ere

P<1ge ''''>

lar loo re\\', ~luth of the tra11\por1:u ion of

,j1oel rargo in 1he \\'al' 100~ ,,·a~ tlo11c in cont·

l>at )>lanes by pilo1~ \\'ho. bu1 a re:\\' hours

e:-1t lier. \\·ere battling \\1i1h Ilic C'ne1uy. 1 ... his

\\l'<t\ lhl· Fcrryi11g Cu111111a11d's "adolt·itrr1u ~ge··

;.1 11d 1nnny a gro,,1i11~ p:tin \\·a.s £c.:lt tluring 1his

pc:riod of enfor(cd l''))..11lSion.

\\'hen lhc FcH·yin~ C.:.On1n1anrl ,,.,., :lCli' ated

in l !MI, io had a hij\li priority 011 1wrsonncl

;.1 11c.I n1:-i 1erial. l1111Hl:d i:ucly afu.~r Pc.•:trl I lar·

l>e.>r. hO\\'t.:ver. 1he n<·<(.·,..,ilies o( ,,·ar 1nacle 1his

unfc.t,iblc and th« Frrt-) ing Di' i-,ion had 10

rc~ l y on its 0 \ \'11 i11i1h11i''' ro procu re 1hc 11cce.""'

sary pilo1 ~. Si1u:c the 111il i1 ary 0)1 i11t( o;chools

rould not supply the \'asr <le111and fen· pi lots,

th~ Fer~ in~ 01\ i'ion c:1Jled upou the ex·

pcric.:ncOO ci' ilian pilo1~ of 1he (.ou111ry.

1 hou,:111,ls of lht''t' :1 irn1cn \\' t~J l" r;irc-fully tt'\lc;d and c~x:11ni1i..:d and only tltc (111c·s1 \\'Cre

:1rr<'p1ctl a 11<l gi"c11 ro1n111i\Sions a~ Service

Pilo1,. ~ro 1nai11t.tin :a high "tland~ud of pilot

Page 63: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

C!ft ic ic11t) :ind oh1a1 11 \:iluahll' fl\ it1g l.')ilX'li·

t>ncc i11 ~di I) pl'\ ol ,h ip,, ho1h 11lil i1 a1 > a11c.1

"iC.'r' ic:c p i IOI\ J>a rlic. i p:11 c.• i u I he· '"l'r.t n:tit ion

~l.'C I io11 '' 01:1 i111 ;i inL·d h)' \;:l( h ~T011 J> .

\ \'liilc· it i~ d H: priuia t y f11 1u;lio11 of 1h<' .\ir

] ""1an '1>or1 Cc1111111ancl t<• 1rau .. por1 pc·r"ionncl ,

1n a tc:ri;1l. and 1n a il 10 1 1hc \:trio11 .. \\' :1r [) cpart·

111t>ttl . .\gc11t i<.:,, tht Ft:rryiu,.:, l)ivi,io 11 i~ c' "i4.'11·

tially iutcrc-,led in 1ht• del i\ Cl ) o f 1nili1 ary a ir·

craft \\'ith in 1hi' tolllHI \' .u H) to clc·,1 ina1 io11"

ouu~i<lc ol tlu l fnill·t.l l.,,t :ur'

Front it"t ht Jclt(lhlltlt" ln ( :1 nri1111.ui. Ohio.

the fe1-r\il1J.; l)i\i')H)ll 0£ lht \ ir I 1.l11~po1I

Conunancl. under tlu.: di1t111on nf Jl1 ig.-dicr

General \ \.illi.1111 I I I u1u1tr 'iiUJ>t:r'i~, the

111a11~ OJ>C r .. u ion., of 1 h\· '. riou\ 1-t."IT\ ing

(.roUJ1'. I hc.'4.· group\ .ut· \tl,UfRiC:tll\ lcKatn.I

1hroughou1 thl" tou1111 ~ .and \t'.Ot.' tu c.o­

ordin:ttc 1Ju: .u;t1\itil-, ol Jn()(iuaion and di,.

1ributio11. l'lant\ .o c: rt0\\'11 (-0111 thl' '<ti iou.,

t;ictoric~ to 111oc lifica1ion ct:n1t·1' ,,he1c 1ht<~

ll lldcrgo Ht.-X.t•\...:11 ) ( h.111~('\ 10 r11 lht'lll rur ii

particular t<t\ l.. in c.«Hh h.udl· 1onr. ,\ lier

1Jci11g- 1uu<lir1t:'cl l hl' ~h ip\ ;u"C tlo\\11 10 n1an)

p~u·u of 1he \forld ,,·lu:tc they a ncl 1hc.•ir rrc\\'S

d o n1o rt' than thl.'ir .)hare 111 th e fig ht foe


On June ~O. 1912, the Ft·1•> 111g l.1C> 1111n~11t< l

\\·a., 1t>rlesig11atl-CI 1he .-\ir ' 1'1·a n'J>0rt Co1111nt11ul

a11d under .\lajor Grncrdl 1 larold L. Gtori:l

("ho ;11cct'<'<led Gc11eral Rohen J. Old' on

.. \ pril 1 o( that >c-.tr). there ,,.as an 01got11i1t.:fl

and succc..~fnl clfort to n~ cargo 0\ tr tl"glllotr

ancl t..'StablishC(l routl..,. lt ,,·as (,cnl'r.11 Gro~c.·

\\'ho tu1·ned 10 tltc l 1ni1ed ~tatt..~ .\1rlin<;' fo1

1hl' t•xpericncc that "'-a'> w s6rc..·I' nt'\-'(h-'(t ;nut

tlu: ::iU(tC°'S of the . \ i1 Trans1-x>rl Conu11a11d i,

l~tl"'gel) due tO lht' e001-1~ O( OICll 'lllh <I\ )~ri1-t•

Ccn. c:)r US R. S1ni1h (.\nttf"il~I H \ irli nt·,).

L~r1 y F1;u (T\\' \ ). Col 1--l:i rol'I R . 11;11 ri,

(Ponagra). Col. Ra) JrdaJlCl (Ll n i1t'<I). Col.

C.M rgc G ardner (:'ionhwc-.l Airli ne')• Col.

(.r;rnl ~J ason (l'an·.\m). and Col. Jame> G.

Fl y11 n (.\mcrica.n).

By 1 he e nd o[ I 915. 1he • \ ir Tr;11 1>po11 Co111·

nla ncl ''' ill l>t ten t i·n es as la rge a~ all uf t h l•

a ir lin es ol' lhC pence1inl<-' ,,·orld con11Ji11tc..l :ind

wi ll log o\'er 3.000 ,000 milt·> tl;i ily.

Ll. Col. joh11io1J

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A Ship DELIVERED \ ,\ t(''rc probabJy ~ilti11g arouncl the harr::u·ks.

enjoying a gante of ch a nce. ,,·ith perhaps a coke, or rloing a bi1 o( bunk faligu<'. and the rcn1ou.·st tiling fron1our111in<L'l ~l. 1he n1on1c n1

is 1he >ight of foreign shores. Suddenly, you arc rallecl 1·0 the Operation$ Office and in · for111cd 1h;:it you a1·e sch.edulcd for a foreign ferrying 1rip. Jmmedia1ely, -~ whole flock of ques1 ions spring np in your 1nind: 'J'o '''hat er<.:''' arc: you assigned? \·\fha1 are 1hey l ike? \ Vhat type ol sh ip is it? ' '' ' here arc you gojng and ,,1JH.'ll ;.i re you lc;.1virag?

T hrough the hustle and l>ustk of 1lte Opcr· :11 ions Office, you soon rea.liie that you ran g·c1 ''<~•')' l ittle inforn1ation. Fi naJly. your J>ilot sho,,·s UJ> and aft-er getl ing acquai nted \\' ill1 h inl an(l the other n1c1nbcrs of the ere'"· ~'Oll begin firing a steady streau1 of questions ;1L h in1, because he \'/ill be Lhe one to kno\\'. 'l'hi.s is not Lhrough 1nere curiosity or ~t ntici· pa lion on you r J>arL, buL you \\'Oul.d not par· iicu larly care to . burden yourself "1i1h heavy \\1intcr Hying eq uip1nent if you arc going via the SouL.hcrn Route, \\•!te reas this \\rould be an esscm ial it you were beaded for the North Atlantic ru n. The pilot supplies you with all the infor..-n;i.tion he can a nd things begin ro clear up a biL.

Page Sixty-Two

\ 'ou arc pretty lucky this lin1c! , .011 a re pull ing :1 B-24 Lrip ancl this is already good nc\\'S, espcci;ill y \\1hen one has lJctn 11 1aking previous 1.rips in such '"ei1'(I contraption:-. as r\·30's a nd B·2fl'sl l t':> nice lO hc1ve .:' four-fan job now and 1.J.ien . . . jus1 lO break the n1ono1.ony.

Your plan is 10 Jca'e c .. rly d1c ucxl 1norn· ing, so you make a macl dash for Air Corps Supply and dra\\• \\1h;11c\•er equ ip1nent tnight l>e lacking. T hen lO Ordnance, l'or 1he gu ns a nd a1nn1uni1ion, a nd \\'ith a ll Lhi$ b;:1ggagc in tO\V you go on the line LO look over your sh ip. She·s a dandy! Looks migh1y imprcs· si\'c oul there on Lhe rarup-shc spells no good [ol' the nea.rsjghted l itcle nlau on the '"hitc horse ... she has the lines o[ a h<>xcar, ln1t you kn.o'" £ro111 pasL expel'ience Lha1 she is an a il'\\'Ol'thy crafl ::ind \\•i ll fly and Jnaneuver and clin1b like a ltontesir.k :ingeJ. The engineer g ives iL a Lhor ough check \\1h ilc.: Lht: pilQL runs u1> her engi nes. ;-tocl you. being the radio 01>erator, tinke-r \ViLh your cquipinent. giving it as thowugh a check as you can on the ground.

T he ship is finally loaclecl a nd all cha1 is lacking is you.r personal baggage. Back 10

your qutir1ers, ;:ind you have a scheduJctl five

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t\.:11. t•keolf. You spend a few fe•ed,h hours rounding up )'our clothing and equipmeni. ll)• the tirnc you ha'e all ~our fW''P'Vln:al h,,...

longings together. iou find 1ha1 your B-1 bai:.

which ;, going 10 be your "home" fc>l 1he duration Q[ lhe Lrip. is bulging n1enac:ingl)'.

Come'> the dawn and iakeoff. The big hii·d ii. p11r1·ing 111agn ificently - roaring it, four· engined challenge LO •II as ii ial<es Lo 1hc hl11c. The fiLst leg· of Lhe Lrip is unevcnt£1d. ' '011 rn igh1 be heading for lhe \\'arner-ll.ohin'i .\ ir Ocpcu or one or lhe other stag-iug poi n1 s.

When you ge1 there you mee1 SNAFU. The c11giru.-c:ri11g officer 3l .. X " Field J>IOb·

:tbly '''~lfllS to lno\'' \\'hat in Lhc hcl1 )Oll a 1c

doing ihen: in the firs1 place! The piloi fla,hcs orders "hich dire<"• )OU 10 " X '' foo ru~l·td11L. .1llt:ldtio1t). H t: ltd-" UC\CI hc .u-.1 ur

any >UCh order>. and dght there SN\ Fl' i' promoted 10 TARfU. So iou go along )Ollr 1ncrr)~ old ,,·ay \\'ltiJe .. x·· and \\~a~hing1011

:arc bickering back and for1h on your SNAFl f •natu~. J'his a11 lakes a grand total of " 1hrC\,·" clay~. ,,,h ile you are n1ost busily cng;igcd in C~l ahli~hing rric nclly relations \\•ilh lhC pOpU• laliun or " X ."

Filull ly it i~ clcciclcd Lbat your ta nk1i arc all 1 iKh l allcl' all and that you should hrad i11

for ll'c>t Palm Beach and ~forri«m Ficlcl. ,\ nd iou'n: oil again! ,\1 :llorrison field . the 11'11al routine is a,,·ai1ing you. ..\, you land. )OU •I'<'. besieged h)' a thousand and one liulc feather 1nerchants. those i11du:i.1rious ci\ ilian' \\'ho l et"I> the reathers on a pilot·~ ,,•ing'°. ' OU

< h<."t'.'l in at Opcratiou.s and ROK. Thr C'Tt'''.

j, told to be ready to lea,·e rhe da) ar1 cr 10· morro"" Here your liule hlark book will fOlllC in 1uighLy ha1ttly, ror you :t1'C no 11C\\._ t'o111cr to \ ·Vest Pa1t11 Beach and 1hc " ( ;c•org-c \ V:tshin,.;tun." r. nd feel 1ha t you arc e ntith.·tl 10 at Jeao;l one nlore good hangover before lea• ing these shores.

"I ' he next day. " ·llile your enginL"Cr ;, pull · ing a C\,·c.nty·fi,·e hour inspeaion on 1hc sh ip. k. ll<.'<"·deep in grease, face SJncared '''ilh Oi l, anct look.i11g ' er)' indu.s1riou.s, Lhe rt.~l of u' go to P"Y J call on 1he Briefing Officer and Jn. 1clligence. This session is usuall) good for • C:Ollf:>lc of ltout~. .-\ll lhC' oa\'igational ai(i,,,

\\'tathcr and route inC0111lalion, and radio racili1i~ arc gi\ell to us. Soon 1hc ~hip i\

rraJ, to 0). The final 1~1 hop i\ 11t~tdc. the lo111pi."l.SS is S\\'Ung. and \\·e an: rc;u.l\ 10 ic1J....e oft ai 2300 o'dock.

This is onli the beginning or tht• mi l tt'St. 1hrough the s1illness of 1he nigh1 1ht engines

roar. 'Susy hands arc 1inkcring about the ~hip, 1uaking tJ1ose all·iin1.>0r1:11lt fi nal :1dj 11 ~t· n•tnt~. ) 'our confidentia l ccpdp111t•n1 i~

brought IJ<ttk aboard fron1 tht· sa lt1y \';1u lts1

and then you start slid ing do\\lll 1he l'llll\\'~)'

11 1id~t Lhe eer ie l ights ca11t hy )'OUr la11tling" lii;hts in 1hc bac:k,,ra.sh or the J>l'O)J't.

During the first hour or lliglu, tht· ,hip is <:01111"'-tr..eli,·eJy a beehi,·c of ac.ti\ ii) . J here is a ten-hour hop ahead of u:i.. )() '' e ' 1ri\c: to n1aJ..c our..tel'~ ~s <on1ru.-1._thl11: a, 1xM1blc under the c-ircun1stanc<.-s~ ---rhc 11a' it;.•tor- h~,..,

rrtirecl to lib .. office .. in the no)( of th(: ~hip. and i) prc:-,entl y oc:cupied 111id)I ~hc._l\ C~ Q[

JXIJ>Cr. 1n<1ps. and alrnanac:s. 1aking his hr~l

~•:ir .shots. !\ fcanh·hilc. in lite cockpi1 , 1hc in~t1u1uenl

rx•ncl, 'vith its 1uyriads of green lighcs :tncl a1·ro\\'S al l aglO\\', is rccei,•ing 1h<· undi,·idecl a l tenlion of Lhc pilot and <flpilo1 . :\tu.·r the engineer ha!) g-i,•en hi.s rucl 1r:tnl\rcr ~)'blC.:111 a going O\C:r in the ho1nb bay11. you KCt on )our trans111itter and contact ~ forriwn Field and l"Jtablish a scheduJl' of co1n1nuniration" ,,•ilh thenl. bt."C'.tuse they nlus1 ht" ronstantl~ in· formed of your progre<• h) a periodic position n:porl.

The course has bee11 Sci fo1 " X," and "George," the auton1a1ic pilot, th:•t un~ung

Page 66: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

:-i nd u 11c ·o1n1ui)~io11tc1 ht•ro of 111:tll)' a fligl11, is fl ying du.· ~hip n o \\T. ..I .h e 111inutt\ a nd 1 he hour.; ~I i p !Jy n1uno1 onou ~Ir. llcl '''t"('ll y•n,·11~.

a tft inl or (Olcl \\' :J I Cr f10111 the 1hc-11110,.: lxutJc: i:) l)._'1,\t"d around.

f)a11u11it. hut it\ lt;1rcl 10 keep a\\ .. 1l c "ith the: l\ill~~ong cJ1;11u of t lH,·se four cng'illl'' hea r. i11g :u you r cat's ' ''ith :'l 11 1addcni 11K unbroken rt:"~uJa1 ity! "l .. he r igarcu c bu LL'\ a rc hrgin ning IO ro110 :1 rather int)>IC'~~i\C array in cJu.~ a.sh· 1ra) . \ ou cast au t:l1\ iou'> tool :11 1ht: cugi· nct·r. ''ho by thi-, t itne has curled up in a cornt·r llt·h i11cl you :l nd is c:atchin,g ;l hil of ~hu tt'y<'. u~i ng; hls i\ lac ' Vest as n 11l :1 kl''ihi fl

p illo"'· It\ 1h~ naviga.tor 011 t he: in1e rphunt._· 110''"

gi' inj.; hi'i latest 1><»i11v11 1eport for \Ou to radio inro ;\ forri'°n a11cl ~ou start IJC>undin~ 1 h ~ l C)' ag<1in. You 11oi1'1 be h iu ill!( l' ucno

Ri<o 1hi~ trip. but ) OU ha,·c 10 cdll 1hen1 and iclr n1iry Liu: ~Jlip a~ it 1>0.1.!;sc~ " ·ithin ;i rouplc f>I ht1 11t l1-c."<.l 1n il~ l'rtnH ll1t' i~l~1nd . Sure \\·i..-,h 1h:n I '''err hcndccl for ~·x .. Fielrl tl1011J.th. Lo g'OfKt.: lll )'Sc.l f once IHOI ~ Oil one o l lhl' lllU~l J;fanclio\.C spc<:Kl<lei. tha l OllC Gill 't'C r 1on1

lhe air: the: rit·h and colorful \l~tt.1tiun of the i'lan<l as ~ou 1n:tlt' 1ht> appr<>:u h. ~, h:u clH>\Y' and those Ii\ ing <1uar1crs arc IHJ1hi11g to !\nccr a1 c:ilher ! So i t'l) good ·b ye 10 I lappy 1--t i JI , J nd its happy l\C.: IH iberudd lcd Ull't11urifs.

l .. i);IU hegi11.5 lu '!ill't,-'~11n Lhrough ;1\ )OU l!tlluAAlt' ,,·ith the tc·lcgraph ke) :and Iran~·

miner to get through to " X:· . \ <r<>:><I} gush of ~ratic: IJlasts a1 your l';u-s. \ 'ou'rc UcinK crnwdc'tl off thP frc1111e11ty. Fina lly you >UC· cccd in KCll ing in your l \\'U cen Ls• \\'nrlh. sl ip· pin~ in a '"ord l'tlgc'''i".l>t:. and ,,·iLl1 :t :\igll of

Page Si1''1·Four

it:lil'r, ~\\'il<:h oJr t h e u :1n,1ni11t·r :t 11d sLti p I ho~(' l'arphonC:i> r 1 Olll )'Oll l' he;-tcJ.

Pt·tc ii, a,,·ake no'v and <:tpprj.:\("~ 1ht rest of

1hl' <Tc,,· of thi~ h y (;1\Ling a dcpreca1011 re· 111.ul :1lxu11 s1a1ir c-h;1~1') in general ancl t.hi~

011(• in panicular. \·ou parry th<· l11ru~1 IJv \CJiri 11g your· opin ion of p;r ea..'i<" 111 011kcy:\, "1h icl; )'0 11 cla:,.sify as dcac h \Tcight o n an :t i1·c1·:i r 1. T he

a~t·-oltl ft•tul is 0 11 ag::•in. Goo·d·naun·t'.'<I ri b· hin~. For a fe,,· 1ni11utt.--s it's a 11i1> ;111d 1uck

alf.tia a .. ~ot• both prcJCCC'\I lO cri1ici1<.· in 111ost 11 11l..i 11d Lc1n1s tht..· 111cri1s of }'Our rc1pecti,•e

01c11 p.11 ion.s . . ~\11y1 h i ng 10 klll 1i1nt: .... 1-\ coke \\'CHI Id co1nc in 1n igln )' 11 ice right llfnvl . . . \ '011 t:1ke a stroll throu~h 1he lxnnh bar:\ a nd i1110 the rear co111p.11 tn1e n1 10 lintbc:r uj, your n111'>llc:\ a bit. . . . O:t) i~ really l>1·£'al..ing no,,· a'i 1hc i,hip cu1~ i1, '''ay through 'l»"1tc a nd <' loutl~ \\'id ti doggt·d dcu: r1n i11at io11 . . .. ' 'ou ht\V(' ~I rccl:ing or pride abOlll l h:U ~lt ip . . )Ollr ... hip .. . ii'.., you1 baby and )Oll kno' '' th:u ...on1cho\\' ii ''ill ~ )OU 1hro11gh .••. Jts \\'hole huge c~rC'a\\ 'ibrating \\'ilh ... p:1~nts of pO\\Cr \\' ith f\'Cf) rr,olution 0£ th(' props.

~ 1 01 c ho11rs cr:t\\'J by and al h1~1 you arc lc.·1ling- cJo\,·n 0Yr1· Ja n<l 0tgain. \ VC' h:1,·e been Oying for o,·er lcll hou1~ and the ,,·hole ere,,· h» worLro up a prcll )' good ap1x·1itc. We'll ha\ C an O\.C:Tni~hl \IOJl here. I he C r s at 1hi, Ua".l>t: l~Hl tell )Oll so1ne prc1t> tall sub-111:11 inc chasing )'arn~ O'"Cr a brc:,,· 01· l\VO in 1hc P . X. ;11 11 igh1. • .. \ 'ou spC'ncl :1 11 hour or l\\'O lr<1cki11g dO\\'ll :J bu<ldy 0£ )<>111~ \\'hO is <iaiioncJ here and for who1ll yon\·~ brought '°lllC a·t.:cenr maga1i11c' and a rouplc or Florida 11c'''l':1p{'~ .... I ' " 'l't'< I the fcllo'" gets a bit ho 11 1tl\ick every t i1nc ht:' secs u.s co111iuJ.li in :i nd Oll I : 1 ~~ii ll.

\ ) rou J1t:ad h:u k to 1hc <jU(J r tc:1-.. 10 go 10 lx:d . the.~ nati'e f,;U:lrd rhallengc~ ~ou ,,·i1h rhe unrn~cltalJle: .. \\' ho dal 111an:" •.. ,\ ~ho,,·cr aocl )OU h i t the bunk. ..fhe n1u~f(Uilo ne t is ;1dju,1L·d ;ind you' re o ll tu sleep. un111 i11dl ul of 1l1t..• 11iKht sound!-. o l 1hc jungle hcyoutl. ' 'uu've had a preLL)' g<)(XI clay's \\·ork 'iinc1;.• eJe,·cn o'< locl la.'it night. ... No nl"e<.I to <.ount sheep her e ....

111 dtc \\.·ec hou1i, of the n1onii11g the C.Q. w:1kt> i·ou . . .. God hlc>s h im , , , and with in :1 c:..ouplc-· o f hour~ " X. " Field is \\'('II ht~h i nd

yuu :ind t..he clear:1ncc J>:.tpers read ' 'X." \ Vc'rc

Page 67: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

hilling son1e pretty rough '"ca1hcr o n tJds leg of the trip. . . . T h ere's Devil's Island ~lo\rl\ belO\\', • , . No'v ' vc'rc: crossing lhc

e<.1uator. . . ()Jd routi ne no"·! ... I re1nen1.

ber the first tirue I crossed Lhe eq uator and

received rny 1;-erry Co1n1nand in itiation. Cap· tain Chandler had scared tJ1e very '"its out of

me. T thought all hell and fury bad cu t loose as the ship. an A-30 (to li>oot}, swayed crazily ft·on1 one side to t.he od1er. T radition. you k nO\\'. ...

()ut of pure 1nischictf, you conLact '"X" by ,·oice and rec1ue~t coded advance \vea ther in · rorn1ation, just LO hear 1h.e 'firazil ian OJ>Cr<llOr struggl ing with the Engl ish phonetic a lphabet as he staggers Lhrough rhe 1ncssagt ... ' 'Charlie ... Baker ... T ear ... " As you copy h i1n you 1notion to Pete and he puts on a !>et o f car1>honcs and listens. '\'e ca nnol help bul crack a sn1iJe as the Senor carries on , eager to help. Pete's only c.omment is a blank su1ile accon1pan ied by a very expressive gC's· ture, ,,,h ich consists in L\\o<irling Lhc [otefinger se,•eral tin1es about his car .. ..

You've picked up tl1e "X" ra nge by now. T here's nothing like a tropical from and a

kw well dispet'Scd clouds l.O upset an other­\\•ise perfectly nor1:nal sto111<1ch.

The crew is in fine fettle today. ' Ve're schedulc-d for a one-day layover at "X." Si111ps.on is on the in ter1>hone singing fro1n a song shee1. So you join in an<l ha11nonize ... at ~),000 feet. ... Again Pete and the charactcristjc gesture! U na pprCciative, 1ht1l 's

all. ... T hat's a p ump wobbler for youl ' ' ou linger lightl y Lhrough a niagazinc, tl1en

restless, you ha\'C a hit of janl and crackers. Ohl oh ! thi11 was a bad move. T he rest or the c rC\\I has spottc<:l you cbo,,r ,!;iounding, antl for the next [e,• minutes you are busily engaged jn n1aking jarn sand,,1 ichcs and ponr·

ing J>incapple juice. over your protests that a radioolan \lfas never intended to double as steward! , •. Bu~ to no ava il . ... Anyway, you'll ge1 even wilh Pete by pulling a d is­appearing act when the sbip lands and he'll have to dean up t liis mess all by himscH.

Sjn1pson, our st.a,rgazcr, cra,vls o ut o f his greeuhouse to join us on the flighL deck, and tries in vain 1.0 drum up a blackjack game. " George" is still flying the big Libqator on its unerring course .... Final ly " 'e're on our base leg and now the twenty-eight w ns of inight is hitting the runu1ay. T he sh ip is taxied to its parking space. following the diJni nuli,•e jeep \\l'h ich has hcen sent ou L to n1eeL us.

The navig;uor has '"on his bet on tJ1e exact· ness or his ET.-\ a11d h; prt'Stntly t:ol lecling h.i~

pound of flesh Crom the copilot .... Trans­p<>rtation a"•ails us as ive g rab o ur bags anrl head for the bille ting office. A shower, a bit o[ food, or at ]east a reasonabJc racsi1nile o f sarnc, and \\'e reel l ike nC\\' n1cn. i-\n ex­cursion into co,vn. . .The clerk at tb e Hotel Grande ''1 ill cha11ge your .t\.rncrica n curr ency inlo 1nilrcis. 'l'ou lose a bit. in 1hc exchange_, buL you charge lha1 off 10 the G<xXI Neighbor policy, •nd to Pa n-American solidarity; be­sides you re1ne1111>cr thal tllcre is one born every i-n inuLC, q uote Barnu1n ....

11.·~ hot in t0\\1n hut 1hcrc is a n ice UrcC'ze blo,ving in from Lhc " 'atcr fron1. \ 'ou sboot a beari ng on the ncarc..-st cafc and stroll in "' i1 h PcLe in Lo\v, , •• '''e set do'''n 10 ::1

botLle of thaL des pica ble "gook" beer .... Better lhat \\'e don 't cat in lO\\'n, because

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' \\'c\·c been \\'arnct.1 thal dy~c•HCt'}' is r.=in1pant

there. '\1c are bu"y ''':rrding off Lhe flies ancl 1he beggars, or .11 •gt\ ;iml dc>e:riptiom, ll'h())C indi,·idua1 tal~ o( ,,.O(' run the gaolu1 of 11uu1an 1ui!>('ries .... ·• \111igo. \ntericano, gi'e prCM:ntt: 111e! ..... lhc )hoeshine ho}~- ... Then we ha\'e 10 con1c11d with the peddle" who approach us with 1heir muhifariou~ \\1arcs: \Vatchc\, \V;1llCL~. pe1-fU01CS, and, of course, a \\l'Cll·<'onrc~tlccJ knife \\l'hjch is 1 he infaJlible .. J>iccc de 1'Cbibtauce." ... ;-\ pilgTin1 · ag-e 10 ihe ''\\fondcrlnu~·· ... and ,,.e stand on tlte porrh and tl1ro'v 1niJl"eis at the nakc<l l.i<l_., l>aLhing in 1he ri,cr belo\\'.

The nexL ntorning ''c ~et up quite late (or

a change as the shit> i> undergoing a ftfiy-hour insp«tion, and '''C );\:l briefed for our next hop, which b to 1he "Rork," undoubted!) one o( lhc ble;•J...t•,l !'>pot~ in creatjon. \\'c­leave ··x" in 1.hc <'' <·11i11g a11tl head ou1 co sco;L 1~his is a 101 of \\'HH.:r l<J l1c crossing. a nd 1ha1

i"land is ccr1ai n ly :1 ' ~I)' 111in111e "POI, buL, "' your na,;g..,.tor is on d1c IJall. arter a seven.hour hop, ,,.e sight tht: i11la11d •. t 1uos1 ,,·eJcon1c ~iglu to n1any an ai.r1u:111 ''ho ha~ had 10 s,,·eat i1 out .. ..

There is a flurr) of l>ird.s to grc.-et u~ a~ ''<' prepare Lo J;:ind, and '''hen '''C are about lo toudt lhe J'Ull\\'ay iL SCCIUS tl1aL the p:i,, \VC :-ire in is so narro''' that our ''' ing-t ip<1 ,,•ill touch the rocks. \Ve a rt f'irst struc:k by 1hc 1otal Jack of \tgcrnlion on the island- a ll i> rock and dirt, and 0101 <: dirt, and all around 11> the iilll11en;e w3,1c. of the Atlantic \\'e have hreakfast :111d th~n n·c are off again, headt-d toward> 1he \h i<.111 toast.

Page .)i.'Cty·Si~

Goines 111id-af1en10011 and 1he Rri1ish Gold Coas1 of \rest .\(rica. \·ou arc tired by thi~ ti111c. as you ha'e been fl) ing (01· a good 111an) hou~. b11l being a lran'\it:11l. you don·l t<:t:ei\l' 1uuch consi<leration l ron1 lhc Uillc:ting officer :111d 1 he bes1 tha1 you c::i 11 rate i!) a rope brcl \\'ith a hla nkeL in lieu o r IHatll'(::!)!) a nd Sh C{'ll\,

" ·ith your drca111~ tor a pillO\\'. l t'~ al'''a)'i oa plc~urc to lca'e "X'. and all its s111cll behind. The ne-. hotl lilke< you 10 1hc ,,aJlcJ cit} " 'here lhl" c111:irtt..·N and the ntcal~ .a1·e good. and 1he hou\thOl"\ arc cfficicnt.

The next n1orning ,,.c·r-c oft Lo Anglo· Egyptian ~udan. \\'htn \\'!' :-11 rive at " X." you f1 11d LhC a1cat t1 11hC;ll ;11)1(•, huL [ortunatCJ)',

:1gai 11 your quar1r 1' ;11'(' f11 u•. But 1haL Spa111! ... Jn 1l1e even ing an ('Hlldoor 111ovi<: ~tud

c:anadian beer. .\ncl :u la•a. auotllt'r sJ1or1 hop an(I you arri,·c in Eritre~'·

-rhis is certainly <1ui1c ·• '-hange front \\'hat 'ou ha\c been actt1)101ut"(l to! .,-\s chis is the lint ti1uc in '"X:' }Oll arc i1nn1edia1ely sirurk l>y a fc,\' dtt<tiJs '''ot thy of rHPntion. The food ;, good and is prepared h) Ita lian prisoners of \\'ar. At n1ea ltin1c \\'C arc cnterlained b\ c:-1nned n1 usic blas1 i11g fortli [ro111 a louti· 'Peaker. No K. I'. fo1 CI'< here! ' fruly a M>ldic:r's hea\·en. as f<n·c-~ign service goes. 1 .. he halia1h do jus1 ahom all the work. A modern htundr~. featuring t\\'Cl\t:•hout se:r,·ice. a 1n1c god>end 10 Fern-men. .\ modem eigh1<hair barber 'hop. a shoe rcp.ur 'hop. a dry deaning plan1. a neat little P. X. '' hrre }OU may pur· tha~· C<)k~ and ire: tl'C:<nu! 1\ ll the plants an: 1 11 ~1 1111cd by the lt:llian.;, '''~h:> go about their 1Hl'rr y \Va)' •tnd SC(.'lll (J{'l'fC('tJy olJliviouS or their ~Latus as prisoners o l \\1a1', ~11ld :.ho'" no tollct'rtl ,,·hatsoe,•er for the \\'ar. :.\nd 1heir 'c1 \'ices. n1encioncd abo\(,\ are aJI free or charge.

\\•e spend fou1 gloriou~ tlJ\') here ,,·hile tlu: li11e1ncn a:rc pulling a hundrl-d·hour Ut-'>pe<.· tion on the )hip. Thr inltru111c11tl ha,'e gone h.1y,,·ire 011 the la.')c ho1l • .)() thal ha:i to Uc :lltendc<l L<> . .. fhc cl ini:iLt· j, \\10 11dcrfu1. as " 'C a rl' 011 ~· platen 11 :ind i l i" cool. J t is an hour's ride i11to t0\\111 in th:-1 1 old dih•pidated Ttalia n Uus. Cactus \\1int and ,idt'\,•aJk raJcs . . " X'' has all thl' ca11u:.11L, or ;1 111odem to,,·n

:md we spent many .1 happy and carefree hour there. t~or:. fc-,,• ,JullinlP you can buy a c.1g--.a.rcttt: ligh1er n1aclc f10111 :..n ltalian ait·

Page 69: Full page fax print - Wikimedia · 10!(8W0!('1J * J,Y e herein strive to fnesent a grajJ/1ic impression of the 93rd Fel'l'ying Squadron, to fJicture a cross section of tlie life,

]>ht 11c propeller. ' 'ou c:u1 btC a ft\\' Jast vestiges of pa.st 1Lal i ~1 11 dtnui natio11 IH.:rc :tttd

1hcrc. l'a>cb1 e1111Jle111>. ;Hid in5<'rip1ium un ,,·aJls and fences: \ ' i'a II Ouce! \ ' i,·a Fasci,ti! Vi\a Jwlia! \ nd mo;o of 1he halian gioh are nol h:od lo look al eithe r . •. . T axi d;:inre ha lls a nd night clubs .... So111eho'lf you hate lo lt;'avc this oasis, h111 1here is a .ship 10 deli,·cr. •o io "s good·b)e 10 '"X" and the Hou<c of ~lirror~ ....

. ·\ nvthtr long hop anct ,,.e arri,·c in . .\rabia. "rhe 1rip i~ " 'i1hou1 inricl<·n1 unti l " ·c: rc::1ch the a irdron1c. \Ve have lo circle the ficl cl O\'('T :incl O\ Cr af,.-ain ror fi fu.;cn llli llUle~. \'lhile on d 1e J(fou ncl 1hey arc bt1\}' cha:,ing the (:11nel:-. off 1he run,,·ay so that ,,.e <.an l:1nd.

llpou lca\"ing Ute ai11>lane. we s1><>• a wild dog. dta<e him in the O . D ."< jeep , and <hoot h i111 . • . 11.'s open season on '"ilcl dogs aL a ll titnes ;1:, oc"asionally 1h~y try 10 break into 1hc: 111t.~~ hal l in packs. Th01 1 nig hL \\·c hc~tr lhe 111

ho"·ling ... thel'e 111ust he fro1u l\\·cnt\ ·fi'c to thirl)' Of thClll, Until M)IUL'Olle \\'ilh a flash· l ight and a Thompson >l.>r;i ~s 1hem wioh lead. Then \ \'C c:au sleep. T he British rtuions

,vltich \\'e get to ea t arc n poor sen1bh1ncc or food. but we ca nnoo a fiord to be ve1 y par· tir-ular i11 thi.., Goc:l-£0Tho-1kcn area. ~e"t da). '''e arri'c in Ind ia and SJ"M:lld 1he

nigh1 1herc hcforc embarking on ohe ""' bp o( our 1rip, \vhich 1:·1 kc~ us to ··x" in Ilic interior. Upon arr iving 1 here \ VC turn ou r sh ip o \ CI' 10 1he Air l)cpo1. an<l Lhe H·24 i> off uur hands. no longer 01tr r~pon,ibilil)o l mmL.Ji:ucly the pilut II )< 10 book tr;111,por­tation b:1ck to the Statc"t, hu1 a.s it tur11' tl111. they ha\'C a li11le surprise in ~tore fo r u~ there, in the for1n of a n o ld h:ttLercd tlo\\' 11 U.J7, veu: ran of n1any a raid. \'\1h ich Lht·y \\' i.llll US to crt:,,· h:1rk to the: ~tatc.... "'fhe gener·al ton· sensu\ of opinion a11tong'"'it us a£ter 'it''' i11g 1h i~ n-.u<• i~ that ii nn1~t l.>e consig ned 10 1he S1ni1hso11iau Jnst iuue. hut there is no " 'ay ,,.e can .sh:ike ufl' this deal. .. . 1~hcy ,,·il l 111:. kt· h<•r ready !or us. . . ·rhis oake.s all of 'wclvc helli<h d:t)"S spem here. ' I h< beat •"" ohe dan1p11to'\'i and t11e Hit') and the ant~ :etc 1111· Lu:arablt·. ~lore rope IJ.e(I :.~ ... Fine ~''' in1n1ing pool in 1hc Cecil Ho tel in t0\\111 .. •• Zo1nh ies . . . . We l'i,iL the Taj Mahal and the P:il arc and thal kiJI~ a day. N<.•xt t.1(4 )' " 'ego oil liiuiL'i to the ~IHC'll) area o( 1h1,_• hurning grountb

'''here. l'ru11 1 a t lisL<.111 rt', \\'C \\tatch the 11at i vcs

burn i11g 1 hril' dead 011 rnakcshift pyres ....

ll'c arc lor~ver haggling wi1.h peddlers or 1ner(ha111~ or tonga rlri,·ers. \\'ardiug olT the diseased and repubi,cfy crippled l>e)lg-at-s. 1he fi lthy :a1HI 1·:agged bra<> follow us for block~ Lo shine our shOf's: .. Sh ine ~hocs.6- Sa hib!" They cJi11g to u s l ike gn::ll~- Shi)> thenl. k.ic.:k 1hcn1. an)lhin~ to )hake thc1n ofr. Ir yoursJ•oc; art: polished, 1hey will try 10 put din on ohem . .. ~hrc,\·d hu,iness .. .. \\'c st."C the ca11le in the hou~C) ... 1..he s.acred 00\\'S .. . a hun1ing trip '' ia '''ca po11s caaTicr. the score: t \velv<! qua i i , :,even dove, ''"'O pe:itutk:. .. ' . Lho.'ift pcarock [eath<r. will make a 111igh1y proud hat for liule Connie back in the 51a1es. ,.\ >hopping 1our ) ields a few i'ory knick-knacks. a couple or Ghiiker knj \ eS. a 111ini:uure of the T~j , and a b lar k velvet C\'e 11i11g hag \\'hich \\1ill 111akc then1 ra1ch their bre:uh in che S1a 1es.

Finally the sl1i1-.. b read y 10 flv and we •Ian

Ute long dri\"e back horn<. \\'e get the .hip back a ... far as South 4\1nc:ric.1. ancl finally ab:111dou it tltcrc as i1 1>0~i1i,ely rc:fu~c~ to fly any further. On every 1101>, one or l\\'o engines a h,•ays conk oul ... the hydra ul ic syste111 goes ha)'\·irc. \\'hicll i~ h'hy '''t've christened this patriarh or all 5.e'\Cllll'\.'I\'~ • ....-rhc Derelict."

WI' dimh in tha< C-46 at '"X"' home\\;trd bound :-t1' pa.sscn~f'I $. 13uckc:t seal:, llC\ Ct

look.l.·d o r [cit so good 10 us. Ou1 u( l'lhecr g ratitude and bcncvolcnrc, \\'e ca n (.'\'Cll bea111 a ~111i le o n Lhat inqui:<..i1ivt• <..:11sto1ns Officer at

\l iarni as we 1ouch te11-a finua again .... 1 -hat 1c ndcrloi11 s1co1l. ft>r1ain1y l~t)tC) good. . .• , \ 11d t\\·o "ll11d.s1•• please .. .. 1\nothcr d~y a nd v1c'rt..· in ~J c:1 11 plti ,'\, ....

No•• for 1hat fi,.c-day resL leave!

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We !Jombed <:ok110

One gray cold day lall' in February, 1942,

all 1he officers and enli,1e<I men or the 17111

Bombardment Group \\Crc called imo 1hc

h angar ~t our b:.\;e in Colun1bi::a., Soulh Caro-

l in a. and ''1cre 1old chal ' 'ofun1eers "'ere

nL'l'dc<l f•Jr a \Cry h;11: 1 rclou~ 1nissio11 . I t h ink

"'iLhou1 cxcc1>1ion t:\ t' I y 111<111 ,oJuntcere<I, buL

only the n1cn ·"··i1h the 010~1 ti111c in 8 ·25"s

,,·ere chosen. I ,,.a, lu<l) to land a co-piloc's

berth wi·b rilo1 LL Tr.";, Hoo.-er of Ri•·cr-

sidt•. Cal{ Corn ia.

We were senL co Eli;i11 Field, Florida, for

lhrec ,,·eeks' s1xcia l 1r:tining consis1ing of

prJ.cLice c.trrier 1;1ke-ofT), lo''' altitude bo111b·

ing. gunnery, and ga> cousurnptiou tests. This

Pagtr ~1xty-£i,ht

Lr~Liui ng period occupiccl l h(.: lirsl three '"eeks

o[ March. We !lien fle"' to the Sacraroemo

.\ir Depol in California wh<..-e our planes re·

<ci'<~l a final checl. On .\plil ht we loaclt~l

our plones aboard the l '. S. S. Hornc1 at

T hat nigh1 "'C \\' t 'J"t' ;_di g iven shore

lc:tve in San 1::rancisco. Ntt•cl lt-ss 10 say il '''as

one glorious evening :lfrl '"C did 11ot k 110'"

\\'hen \\·c \\·ould ~pend anoLhct 1n tJ1e .)ta1es.

The nex1 morning as 1he Golden Gate

llriclgc >lipix't'l bchiml '"· ruy lx.-s1 lricncl and

J \\'atchcd it di'iappcar into 1hc nlist a nd \\'On­

derec.I "'hen '"e '''oulcl sec it ng:tin . l\ ry.t:ricnd

'"as Lt. Dean HoJl,,1ork ot D:tJl:Js, ""r exas, and

he has ne•·er seen ii or any pan of 1he Uui1cd

Stat<.'$ a.gain as he " 'as one or th(' fe'"t captured

bi• lhe Japanese.

I he second day ou L " 'C \\'Ctc tot ct '''hal our

ol>jcCLives were. Up unci l 1h:1 L time we had

on ly guessed. No,,1 '"c k11e'''· lt ga,·e us a

big 1hrill and a hollo''' ft"Cling in our stomachs.

\\1c kne"' our chance had realJy oonie-our

hnt 111ission against the cncn1).

\ \'e had a ,·e.ry plt:asan L and une,cnt£ul tri]>

o\'cr. O ut· t i1ne '"as 111ostl y occu11iccl by study

or our 1argets, d ra,,·ing 0111' n.:-1p cou rses. ::ind

l'c.'<Ci' ing info1,nation al.K)ut Lhe indusLrial

.111d utilitary semp of Jap;111. During any

•pan: time poker and craps r<~-ci-<•d a bi; play.

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Early on lhe 1norning o f Apri l 18 our scntt'y

pla11cs p icked u p a .Ja panese sh iJ>. l :i1un<>

d iat.ely. one of our cru isers 'vas sen1 o ,·er 1.0

la ke care of i1. ""e cou ld sec Lhc cruisel' firing

al the shi p but ,,•ere u nable 10 st:e the c;1rgcc.

Soon, ' "c ' ''ere ordered to take off. all t, ough

l\re had nol i 111 en<lecl 1.0 st.ar t u ntil the foJIO\\'·

i ng day.

We [ollowcd General Dooliu le on the take·

oH. Jt <:Crta i11ly ,,·as a lhrill to see h in1 leave

1he Hornet, a.s il \\·as tJ1c fi rst thne in h isto ry

a bo1nber of 1ha r size had C\'cr t ake n off fronl

the <leek (>( a ship. We a ll got off 0 . K. ~mtl

hearlecl ror our targets ind lvidutilly. It hap·

pened 1ha1 our La rget, a (>0\\1<ler £ac1ory in

Tokyo, \\1as neat· Genera l Doolittle's, so '"c follo,vtd hint in all 1he "'ay. I .eaving the

Hornec about 8:30 .i.\.~J ., ' "e arrived over our

rargc1 at J :OO P.~11. On the " 'ay i11 \\'C ,,·ere

fi red on by a J ap \\1ea1ber sh ip. \ Ve sa'\' a sur·

(;,c:ed sub1narine. a flying boa t. and hu11clreds

o( fish ing boats. We 1.hought that these had

surely rad ioed our approad1 to Tokyo a nd

tha L Lhere \1..-ould be a \\'arn1 rec:eplion ci' "'alc­

ing us. J-lo \\'Cver, son1cth ing n1\1SL have gone

\•,.' t'ong for there \\'a.S 110 inte1·ce1)tion or o ur

fi rst ships. \ ·\ re d id see a fl ight of t\vclve fight·

er planes above us b ul evidentl y 1hey rlict nol

.sec us.

F lying 1cn'i all Lhc tin1c gave us better gas

consun1ptio11 . ' '\!hen '""e c~ul\e in o' er the

bea_ch, norrh of T okyo, there ' ""ere a nu1nbcr

of people on the sand who j ust looked up at

us aru.l \\'avcd. \ Ve couldn'l ha ve been over

fo1·t y feet above thenL \\7c stayed ()11 the l ree·

tops all lite \\·ay in so as co he less v isible and

offer a poorer target. :\t our Jo\,. alt itude,

we could sec the faces of 1he people in 1he

stree1s. '1 .. here \\•:is no p :1n i«. Th<"}' 111u~1 h:'tvC

thought "'C \Vel'e .Ja pa nese, a ll hough our "'h ite

siar was painted plai nly on our ships. Ou r

ta1·get '''as q uite easy to find, ;ln<l 0111· bo1nb::u·d·

icr, L t. Dick ~ l illcr of Ind ia na, did a wonder·

ful job. Our gu nner. Sg1. Douglas' R<xlncy of

l\Jcx ia, "rexas, sa 'v our first ' ' ''O bo1nbs score

dirc<:t hits on bu ildings, and chc th ird bon1b

Janel Uct'""ecn t h'O 01.her buiJdings. Sgt.

l~ odncy s~tid, ''The sides or 1he hu ildings

see1ned 1.0 bu lg<: Jikc a barrel and then rhe

roof cave<I in." ()u r incend iaries had ni('e

CO\'ernge a lso. ' Ve cnc:ountered a srna11

au1ount of ineffective an ti ·airc:r~1rt ancl along

t.hc r iver a nd bay fro n1 a fc,,· ba lloon bar·


J''agc Sixly·Nine

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;\flel' du1nping our bon1bs. v.1e '''ent out

over Tokyo Bay and stayed just out of sight

of Janel all the way clown the Japa nese coast

lo the southern tip of .Ja pa n. Then we beaded

across the Ch in a Sea for Chi na. The entire

trip Lhus far had beC'n in perfect '''e:uher. but

:1s \\'e entered the c:hin::i Sea ' "e cou ld sec had

n1calhe1· ahead. \ ,\Fe \\•ere expecting a h<•ad·

''' ind in lhe Ch ina Sea. but for so1ne unkno,.,.11

reason \\1C hac.l a brisk tail l!Jind that carried

us '":roS>. Since we took off long before we

expected to, 1 a1n sure none of us \\'Ould have

r <.:-f1 ch ecl C h ina h ad il oul been fv 1 t.h i:) u 11·

ex pected help. As we gm fanher in10 1he

CJ1ina Sea the ,,·cather got '''orse and \.,..C had

to stay r iglu C)n the wa1er 10 keep under the

overcast. Just as 've sigbtecl \\•hat '''C hoped

'''as 1he Cl\inese 1nai11land, our engines cu l

ou1. Kno,,1ing ,,.e c;ould not go up over the

overcast to clear lhe mou ntains ahead, t11e

only thiug to do was lo find a likely place 10

' sit do\\'IL Luckily, " 'c spottl"Cl one right a'''ay.

and L t. Hoover inadt a S\,1ell ''1heels·up land·

ing in a level rice J>at[}' a long the sl1ore. \\re

PiAge Seventy

all got ouL 0. K. a nd immccliately fired the

plane. Nol kno\ving ''1hethcr ,.,,e ' '11..:rc in

occupied territory or nol, ,.,,e Jost no dine in

seuing off, leaving our luggage beh ind as we

'vanted nothing to cu t d O\\'ll our traveling

speed. We took only emergency rations, the

liule water we had left. candy bars. a nd

cigare1ccs. Tt '''as just at dusk. ,,·hen "·c )a nded

a nd \Vas s1 ill ra in ing h~rd, so our j)rogress \Vas

slow. To add 10 ou r 1roubles the fire in the

plane had sec off our machine gun bulleLS, and

Lhcy '"ere ' "•h izzing all a rou nd us. IL ,,rasn't

exac1ly healthy. We spotter! a h ill some dis­

ta nce off and 1n;icle our '''ay lllet'e to spencl tJ1e

night. It's preuy hard to walk Lhrougb the

Chinese rice fields as there is noiJ1ing bnl n1ud,

soft ground, ancl irrigation ditches. \ Ve

spen[ that night in the rain on top of the hill.

The nex t clay we SLayed in a pillbox as we did

not \I/ant to travel in daylight.

After wandering al'Oond for Lhree days a nd

nig'i1Ls i11 a slead y do"1n1X>ur '" itl1 no food

and only 1he ra in wa1er we cou ld sop up with

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our handkerchiefs for drink, we came upon

;ome Chinese gucrill•s. .\ f<er fmaUy con·

'incing then1 ,i;c ,.,,ere A111cricans by dra,\1 ing

piclurcs, tbey took us 10 1hc Chinese 'filiiary

fl radquarte,.. of that Oi1t ricL From 1.hen on

''"~ had a n1ilitary CSC'Ol l and ,,·ere trealed

toyally. \\'e ,,·ere \\1int•tl and dined at e,·c11

\top. and the Chine'(' hospitalit) is something

l shall ne, er forget. .\!tcr about th ree weeks'

1r .. ·ef by foot, uamhoo rha ir, a nd r icksha . we

reached the airfield ,,rhich \'las o i1r dcstin:t-

1 ion.

We h;ul the longt!1t journey 10 make and

upon our arri,·al lound 1h:tt 111ost of the other

>llnivors had checked in and departed. We

l ~1tcr caught. up '''ith SOJ))C or 1hc111 in C~hu11g·

king. China, and 01hcr~ in Calcutt:i, Ind ia.

)(ost of the 1ntn ,,·e1·e ~nl hon1c and later

,,·cut l>ael to :Xorth .\ frie:\ and a fe,,· of us

1·c111a incd. in India and China. I ,,·enl back to

China with a R-25 outfi t belonging to the 14th

i\ ir Force comma nclccl I 1y Major Genera I

Chennau lt .

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Forced Ordcn came 1hrough for mi crew 10 dcli.-er

:I bomber to a foreig n destination. Quickly

load ing our baggage on a jeep, we hustled

dow11 to ou r ship. The day, a l>c;wliful dear one in June. amidpa1io11 of a long irip, and

mani interesting <igh1> bad us all in a jolly

good humor.

1\1 firi;L cveryLh ing ran snloOlhly. '"l'llc cre,,r wo1 h-d like clockwork. We readied our first

' refueling poims, landed. R . 0 . 1'.'d, and took

off from each in record tiwe. It looked a; if

\\'C \VOuld l1ave a t1u i<.ker trip d1an u'u al.

\ \ 'c cnrc)uOlered our fLrst real 1roubJc a1 a

field so1nc,\1'here in \\·es1 ...-\frica. \\'c ,,·ere

Landing :iboul to take off Cor a destination in Norlh

t\ C1 ira, "·hen I no1 iced 111y left engine acling

up. ' fhe engint:C'l'ing n1en on 1hr field in1-1ncdi:1te ly \\·ent 10 \\'Ork o n jt, Af1cr thorough

in,·~tiga1ion. 1he)' docided 10 in~1all a nC'\\1

engine. FolJo,\"ing a tt..~l hop. ,,.e "·ere once

r11orc rca<l)' lo continue on our jountt).

\Ve tOQk off ' "it h .1 11ii11 in1u1n ccil i11g. but flt •\\' ~1 bO\'(' lhe O\C-l'(aSl ror better COndi1io11s.

.\bo111 an hour ou1 and at 9.000 fee1, 3 •udden

loud report came from 1he left engine. The

>hip iawed coii>iclerobly to the leh, 3 •ign that

.-n y lcfl engine ''' :t i\ oul. 1 1rin1n1cc1 lhc ship

and 111ade a gentle 1urn to L.he rig·hc. heading

back toward 1hc field from which we had just

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dcpari<~I. Aher double checking the bad

engine. I finalli feathered the prop. Tire ;hip

,,·as lo~ing 3hitude rapidly. so ,,.t• rlropfX--d our

bonlh ha) 1anks. This in11>rol·("(l lhP .)itu:i1ion

; lii;lrtly .. \t approximately a thou,and feet we

brokt• ou1 of 1he O\·ercast. Kno,~ing ,,.{' '''(,Ht l<I

S()t)11 h;i,·c 10 l:1nd. 1 or<lered 1he crt'''' 10 !'l:inrl

by ror " cr;bh landi ng.

1\ ft{'I' sld1nrn ing 1he 11'CeS (or a f ('\\' 1Hii1tllCS,

tJrd <:red the c:o·pilot to c.lrop Lull f1 ~1p\ :t nd

r ut 1hc 1hro11le and ign i tion )\\'ilC.hl·~ in

hope' of pre,·en1ing lire. r\ her our fi~1 (Oii·

l:llt ,,·ith. du.: ground l lost conKiou,nt_~. ancl

,.·hen 1 .-ame to found myself hanging b) rhe

).;1fC1)' l>clt in an in,·cnc._-d position. I tri(.'tt 10

untangle 1ll)self but rouldn'1. L1. \ ,hhi• C.

Ryer~. 1hc oo-piJo c, \fas cta1Pd ,,.11,~ 11 h<• ,,,;-i.;

th ro,,rn c1car of the ,,·rc:cked ship. Il l' ~oon

rccO\'Crcd and cra"•led back to pu ll uir d e:u·

of lhC \\1rerkage. \ Ve \\'ere no SOOlltT r f< .. ar of

the pl:111c 1ha11 it bum into flamrs.

The engineer, Cpl. Kenneth \/. Blt'S,in!('·

''ho hacl gone back 10 1he 1ail before th~ , hip

hi1. c...apc..'tl through the rear hatch. I l e the n

dragged l.t. Loui' I.. Clemons. the• 1i:"iga1or

who had a broken back. dear of the \\n."<Lagc

and !wiped S/Sgt. James G. Thomas. tlw r;ulio

OJ>Cr:u or. \\1hose £oot '''as entangled in M>UU:

rabk<. They finally manag<"<I to get rkor•

bu1 1101 be£ore Lhe radjo opera Lor had l c.'<.4.:h l .'cl

:..c r ious hurns arou nd 1he head ancl <1rn1i.. Soon

1 he \\'l't C'kagc ''1as a 1nass o( lla1ncs \\1 il h :11n·

n1u ni1io11 going off in all <lircctio11~. Uuc LO

the rapid ~prcacl of the tlan1cs \\' t ' '"t'rc.· u n a h l<'

to \al\age the first aid et1u ip1Hl'llL \\'hith ''':•,

V)rcl y n1i'5C<l.

~\f1cr h~u.·king- tltrough a <1uartcr·111ilc nr clcnM: jungle. na1i\·es fron1 a near·h) 'illage

r.1111c 10 our rescue and carried us back 10 1heir

'ill:igc. Being unable LO ge1 1nedical ~tLLcruion

thc·re. T S('I Olll \\'ilh a na1ive g11icle ror the llCXl

'ill::ige. :\ f1cr ,,·alking lhrough n1:ir,hc( :t nd

ju 11,gJc lr3iJS £01 abotll nint> 111 ilCtt \\'C reac..hcd

1hc ,·iJl:ige. :\n African trader took 11 1e 10 his

honlc and trcate<l 1ny '''Oll lld(, 11<• hnd :i i·

rc~dy hen rd of ou1· <'rash :Lnd sent lo1· a doctor.

I.au.: dta t night the re"1 or 1ht' ere:'" \\1a~

broug hl in hy nati\·c ,u·ct< her beare r,.

Th<: next day an R. ,\ . F. !l yi ng ho . .i rirrled

1he \ill age and af1er sigh1i11g our franric

\\3\ ing and the strips or wlri1t· clothing which

we had laid on the ground. the >hip dro1>ped

111t't.lil--aJ ~upp1i<"S and rinall)' landrd on a ri\·er

which was near·by. Tire rc'cuc party arril'ed

:i 1 1hc village ,vJierc ,,·e " 'er-c J,>(-;tl l·d ~'eral

hou rs lalcr, a111011g ,,·lton1 " 'a" :l fl igh1 SUl"J;COll

,,·ho ad1ni nistered fi1-s1 aid. \ \'(• h't·rr thrn

1al:.cn 10 1hc shiJ> by 1hc rcsfUl' p:tr1 )' ancl put

aboard wi th the help of life r:.t1 1, , Despite

1hc fact rhat 1he ri\ er die.I 11o t ofl c·r a long

take-off run. th.: p ilol ,,·:•~ :1blc: It) 11•ale a

"nooth 1:.kc-01£ wirh lull h•ocl al>c'1rcl.

\\'e \\'ere hos1>itali1rtl :u " X" Hdd ll0>pilal

wnle,~·here in :\ frirJ: ,,·hc.·rc <""<t.-·lh .. ·nt 1re:n.

n1en1 and attention \\·ere: gi,cn ll'. 1 an1 sure

none o l u.:. ,,.iJI e ' er fu1-gc1 thi, harro,, iog


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· BA SEBALL rrhc 9~r~ \\"a:, ,,·elf rt.·pre~~tecl on the Post

J3a,t;l><tll I c;.Hl}i :}t ont• L1111c <'1Khl of our 11 1en.

includ ing nffif"ca·)\ and cnlistc·d rnen, p~Lrlic::i· pa1ed in 1he game' f>l ayed . T he •u<ccssfu l :,eai;on ,,.a!t culn1ina1ed hy our tean1 l:J king Jl.+11 t in the ~ational ~·tni-pro ~ational Tour· nan1e111 ancl rctu111i11g honte ,,·i1..h four tro­phic..,- one for Lhc be~~ 'l10r~n1an~hip in the league, •l nother for fin 1sl11ng 1n se' t..' llth place. Lhc 1hirrl \\'ent to .~in11ny Rro\\'ll, fo1n1cr C:ard iual st'('Ollcl b<t\CIHaU. £or bf'ing C'hoitCTI All-America n C"-oach, :ontl the las1 wa1 pre· ~nled lo Hal Tone .... £or1ner Chattanooga pilchcr. ''ho ,,·as picll'tl £01 the . .\11·.-\nu:rican T eam. 1 he following pla•ers were from the !jjnl: Lt. Berru lis, ourhddcr: ~l /5g1 . Hlaloc~. pilchcr; ·">KL l)urr. oulf1cld~r; l ,1, f-l.11-111ou, first ha,c: T/Sgt. ll ik. outfielder : Sg1. Kell.

Squadron tall her: M/Sgt. L:indrin. second b:o'!(': and .Sgt. Pe l I icore, $Ccontl Vase.

SOFTBALL I he >Oft ball I eague prO\ idc-d Wille or the

010,1 exciting pla) o( che spring and .. uu1111er. 1\ c1i,a1t.-cl i n June, the 93rd \\1o n the second lrn l[ and in 1he pl:i y·off los1 rheir only i:ame of the ~ason 10 the 26th. i\'fe111hc·rs o( LhC team were: .\lien, Blalock. Uookmeyer, Duffey, Dur.true. DtnT, F len1ing. I-lasting~. Jiinucbcr, llik. Kell. I.andrin, O"Counor, r ellicore, Schcttl. and Spi11er.

BOWLING Cc11ing off to a ~Jou· "ilan. tl1c l.H>\\•ling 1ean1,

umlr1 Captain Long. won picked up and at the tlosc of the fir~t )Crie~ of intra\((Uatlron co1npc11uon held >econd place. .\ s the new «:ric'i begi ns. the vac~ane;y on che u•ain. t aused hy 1 he los; of Sc1xcant McGuire, has been f1llc-<1 b) Stock. The learn is better org;m izcd. i~ ('01l1J>OR"'<l of 111en \\1ho~ OOu·ling a' er;ige is one hundml a11d fill\ or bcucr. and p1 O\pects arc e"dlent for foni,liing in lir.it place. \lem· OCI» or 1he team were: Koval. Lo11g (C~pt.), ~laufi-ed i , l\ lagl.1irc, ~lcQuirc. Spirier, and Srock.

{ ''°\\ ~~ .. ...,, . . . ................ ______ ...

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Athletics BAS K ETBALL

T he 93rd is contrib1.uing ~ nu1nhcr of cand'id:ue~ 10 1he Pos1 basketball lea nl an1ong whom are: l)onalclson. Bojinoff. a nd Sheul. Jn the lnu·asq ua<lron (_eaguc.: t lte squadron 1ea111 has \\'Oil the fiJ'S t r.,·e ga1ncs a nd cxpt·t:t!l to ,,·in Lhc Pos1 chanlpirJnship. ~l etnbcrs of lhc 1e;:im ;u·c: l~n.: ,,·cr . llridge1 t , llojinolf, Courchesne, Donaldson. Kell. Landrin, Schell!, l l inuebcr, and Bookn1cycr.

HORSESHOES O ur champJon horseshoe: t1.:au1 had a record

of seven "' ins and o nl'. lo!)s. For lhis they re<.:cived the Posl l 11 rt.crsquac.lro11 League 'T'rophy. i\ [eo1bcrs of 1l1e 1ca111 '''<.:rc: Flc11ar. Landrin . J\lc.\Jahon. Mu rphy, a nd White.

PING-PONG (.;e11 in~ off 10 a slo\v start the J>ing·l'ong

lC<tlll t:~t ugh1 lil't' l\C:11' lhf' n1 iddk: ol Lh <.: SC~ISOl l. ~11'1el lro1ll ;.1 spo1 near 1hf' ho1ton1 ended up in Lh ird pJace. ~ l eo\hCl'S or 1hc le :1.n1 \\'ef(' Rl::i · lork. Bojinoff. Dlln". llik (C:tp1.), Lo ng, a nd ()'( :Onnor.

VOLLEYBALL In ,·olkyball, Lhe 9Srcl completely do111i­

natcd rite league, '"inn ing aJI eight of its g':-tJlles LO achic,•c an u ndt'fea tcd season and the J)ost ch~11npionslii1>. "l\lernLers of che 1.e~11n \\·ere: -Sla lock. Bridgett, Ca1·roll. Flc1riiog. f-luf;hcs, ()'Connor, Pcd t·1:sc:n. Pel lirorc, :;d1cttl, Spir1.e r. and . ragl iaYia.

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[f{l ©'if ~ a, 1.00 ANO UP

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p R I v

Fu n is fun and red (ape i§ l"<'<-l 1:q>c and

11"1 llf h or Uotlt \\'<.:re in C\' idcn ('(' I h is \\'c,.'(•}.. :t ~

''''O " p1·iv:11es" '''ere relurnc<l to the· :H)r>t h l)y

the 93rd afcer a most pr<Jper cxdi:rni;c <Jf

ofric:.i:t l ro1·rcspondence through ch;1 1111cl~.

No,,•, ir seenls. since il is official an<l p:trt

of chc rcconl< of hoth .squadr<Jns. "'"· .\I"" :and Joe Goldli>h are back to sta) in che r,,r.. bcl\\l of 1hc :l<)j1h, de-;piie ihc 93nr~ romtn· t1on of "cro,,·dcd conditions."

The 95rd s1aned this "cauw celeb1c·· by 1naking f)ff ''' iLh 1he goldrish ouc night; Jc:tvinK

nu l)ffitinl lclli;:r lo the effec1 1ha1 Moc and

.Jc)<' '''ere being 1 ra ns£e.r r<:<l to 1nore su i 1 ab le <J"nrccrs. 'l·hc leuer began. "SU BJ f.C:T :

Trnn~l'cr of Enlisc<'<l Goldfish." and s:i id chr

ac·tinn '"as 1ak.cn .. in vic:,,· of che cro,,•de<:l to n

dition' and existing en\'irourncnt at the-ir

former a;signincm. The original top) of

ord er< senc co 505th. and goldfish hereby rc-1110H-<I:' The le11er wa> signed h)· Major

James !:.. Jolumon, C:-.ommandins Offirrr o(

the 93rd, home of t11e home for hv111elc.s l1d1 .

ll111 Capt. \/. Edward Sn1itb. Comma nding

A T E s

011.iccr o f 1h c 305t h. is no 111~111 10 be ll1\\1:tr1c cl

hy official JctLcrs. He prompcl)' sent " letter

of his O\l/n LO the Conunandi11K ()flit"rr. four th

l'i'rrryi ng Croup. pointing out 1hat "'1hi-1 1 ran~-

•lfHJ r-~H- _ .....

n,,.,..;; - - ,.,._, ~ .. ~••C••Q. •••-t -·· ... -....

S".ll.."IC~ h-t• +t a.l.tn .. GtUt'lot.,

10 t c....:....lbli; Otn"w • llO. 1'""1'\"f °"""' ,..,.,.. .. )&~fiM, ..d'C, »a.tc.r.;.l •~•'1•"'· • rt>M•, t-1Mt,

l . !•~••" .IM..,l\11. h tllo -.;lo)' tw ,._ II~\• .. •HI> ,.,_i..n '• \llit v .... r .. et 7'-1. In • • Ill• O.l&rhll ,,.. \11• )~\II ,,,,.,,.., '""WIU"" '" w t}ri . , \l>• l.r ..... ,., .... ,.

t . fM o t cu .... ... tlOUn 1 «1 ~IW 11 U.. t r t"'1 ... tttUUtu ...t uhn,,. ,,...,....., .. , u '~"'' ro,.. •••••--"'• n .. .,,,,_, ·-., <nm NU" "'"~~

._ ...

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M 0 E A

k1· was uoL 111ade for Lhe sole benefi L of Lhe

go,·crn1ntnt, ~tnd ,.;;ls nol subn1itt<:(l to Lhis

hcadq uan ers for approva l. " He a lso called

aLLenlion 10 lhe '' iol~nio11 of an :\ ugusl 27

dirc<:tive. SUBJECT: Transfc1-..

~lat, JO)!S l'llXl'!C ~"I". litoalel~l •l:r~\• ~o, t-·-· ' a., ...... ~jfi) ,

!01 C.-.iu.i ott••~ . :t.Q hn71.Ac --· tll, .a.te, lluScl~ " lTW\, ....... h . f-..... .U\oo.\l .. ul lao..-:'\lH fu .A.a!AhU•~lA• .

l , T- ·~-U.n. 1t l a.-lw.£ to 'Moh -iuttf•• 1'hh 1"tu..t• • • u\ - · •rw w .,.i. i..w1u ot ~ .. -•· ..a - on -Uod U.lo 11........-o t., tlff~lo

:, a.q...ot ap;-.i•1•W ..e'1M. '1-"' • rflf>I la t .,.,.,4. W W o uu ........... '1.ti.o.• k• • 1 ~ Urff1~ ... -.a tf ~·'· l ;ll). -~J ... '* ~·-·-··· ~ ~

l bet. l=l. 1 - C..:t HU4 V'OI• ~

_,0 .. L~ J)__ ,CVAJ0$11J!!

t.;\ol>SO, AU c.o .. ,... -. ... l "'-' ~l>J"' ' "T~•.rco•

N D J 0 E "1""'b at.'' 01>in ed CaJ>l. S111ith, .. ,vou ld :;ho'''


,\ nd it did. From headquaners came "

copy of the directive, ,,·ith the 1>er tinen t r~ir.ts

underlinc'l in red ink. 'T'hal one '"as signc'tl hy J\fajor t.ouis llosen, Execu tive for 1\ drni n·


1-ransfers, ac<:ording LO tht: d irc~ctive. nlUSl

not Uc n1ade so lely for the conve11ic11cc: of

Enl isted Men. Funhermore. " nil reques1s

h;1 vt to be a1>1>rovc<l l>y every echelon of

COllHltand beginning \\' i1h lhe squ adron:· Transfer dcnil'<L _·1·1tc fish 1nust go back.

T hus iL happen~ 1hal 1.he \\1aLer in 1.he

305ch's fishbowl is faltcd by Lht 1cars of M oc

and Joe (;ofdfish, Pri,•a1.es, ,.,·ho tried to lt'ans·

fer u nolJiciaJl y LO Lhe pa Jacial aqtt::ll'illtl1 of

the 93rd.

C PL. NATf. ,\lALcmrAN.

nlkf : ,...,.., ...

!ti eo-M.l&4 orn .... , u 1 ~ .,., "-~"

l . : a 11..,u.c wt\llo l.l.•wvn,,_ n-- l""Ttac: :Ohtoua, ao ~•h !•t v..ul'ltl' .. u1 lloo .i=o1'oH<I t,- W• ~or• _ , _.. opoOnc• ~~U=- ! ,... 7""7lr,c Pitto1-~t•••

1 , J.lo" nC>Opt i<oH " ~ .-.. ,.UQ' " Ill fi9'N t• lioo \60 ...

::" .. ~ .. ot'::i:;!(:; ,ffi~~!?J'.!'! en•..,} "M

). m ,,.~no ~lt)Ui& ...O.• Jllil'6CI' .. ct ..,.. wUl "*"" t• .. ~""'°" \>' .... .., OdlOl• d 00-4 \IN1.oc!.As- '1.\11 , .. •f='!!C• ...,_ off .. ot t.t...,,,._t C:o?oul ~.

~·'.~ ­~~

ht l.'1:,. J.U G,,1'J>9 ..,. ... ,

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