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Page 1: Full page fax print - upload.wikimedia.org · Only o minoriry of the Air Corp's voS1 number of men ore able to satisfy that inner urge to be at the controls of the plane. For eoch
Page 2: Full page fax print - upload.wikimedia.org · Only o minoriry of the Air Corp's voS1 number of men ore able to satisfy that inner urge to be at the controls of the plane. For eoch
Page 3: Full page fax print - upload.wikimedia.org · Only o minoriry of the Air Corp's voS1 number of men ore able to satisfy that inner urge to be at the controls of the plane. For eoch

Page 4: Full page fax print - upload.wikimedia.org · Only o minoriry of the Air Corp's voS1 number of men ore able to satisfy that inner urge to be at the controls of the plane. For eoch

Only o minoriry of the Air Corp's voS1 number of men ore able to satisfy that inner urge to be at the controls of the plane. For eoch pilot in the cir !here are necessorily dozens of "Unsu09 Hero's," who must be content to do their port on the grouhd. The mechanics who see that the planes fly make up the majority of this group.

W11hou1 their constant, untiring efforts, the striking power of our Air Force wnutd h<' ,,;i Pilots could not be trained. combat missions could not be occomplished, end Victory could not oe ours without 1he support of rhe gra..nd crew.

Altho119h we ore srill fledglings, we recognize 1he true volue of their support, end so we proudly dedicate our clossbook to the men who, "Keep 'em flying."

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Page 8: Full page fax print - upload.wikimedia.org · Only o minoriry of the Air Corp's voS1 number of men ore able to satisfy that inner urge to be at the controls of the plane. For eoch




"Parade Rest, Mister . . . Sound off Mister .. . Is thot the way you stand at ottent;on, Mister?"

For nine lull weeks these men hove d•illed into our heads, hoping that their words would make us strong ond military. J t was hard for /hem at times, and it was hord on us, but we were here to lt!or-n, and be disciplined, so that we will become good officeu os well os good pilots.

LT. L. R. HOLLAND Au't Commoodont of Cadets

MAJOR W. D. HOSTETLER Commandant of Cadets

Dance Bahl

LT. R. G. BURSON Detachment Adjutant

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LT B T. HALL 5'1uGdron 11

LT. V. 0 TAYLOR Squa~ran 22

Tactical Officer

LT 0. W. STARNER Squadron 33

LT. R. A. PRINCE Squadron 44

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LT. J, B. KELLEY Cadet Supply Officer LT. R.H. ATKINSON

School Secretary

Standing.: Lt. R. W. Starr, Lt. B. 8. Abel, Lt. F. D. GOodkoecht, Fl o C. A. Lindberg Sitting: Lt. A. l . Johnson, Lt. D. W. Starner


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LT. COL. L. D. VAN MULLEN Director ot Mointcnonce ond Supply

MA.I. V. E. MASON Director of T rofo1ng

CAPT. J . N. CROWLEY Director of Flying

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LT. J. 8. KELLEY Cadet Supply Officer

LT. R.H. ATKINSON School Secretory

Standing: Lt. R. W. Storr, Lt. B. 8, Abel, Lt. f . I>. Gooclknecht, f / o C. A. Lindberg Sitting: Lt. A. l . Johnson, Lt. 0. W. Starner



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LT. COL. L. D. VAN MULLEN Director of Mointenonce ond Supply

MAJ. V. E MA~ON Director of Training

CAPT. J. N CROWLEY Direclof of Fly1n9

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0 M M·

• A N D




R s


R 0 u


CAPT. JAMES E. KIDD Bombordment

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c .. n THOMAS H HO.UNO ,..,,


CAPT CHd llS tAT[S Secot1d -



LT DONALD I llAL ,,,,.

C.VT ~lN.,lTH H , ( NNUL Fourth

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LT. Pl~STON S. HAU MAN ... . of lst

LT FU D H. IAILEY, JA. "A""' 3,4

lT. l OGU W, MANTEUFFU .. c .. of w

LT. ILAINl 0 . ST>OLTZ ~of 1Jt



... • .. ct oss


LT. aoy L MlUH " II" el Zo4

(;APT. K>HN S. IOCKWALTfl .... .... hcl

. j

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0 c



lT. AUU T M<HUl' •r- ol Sth

s R



lT. NATHAN C. HATHlS ")(" of St\

l T KtHHtTH !. PAHlSTIOM ·o· o1 4'•

lT. IATMOND l. flSH£l .... .. .. 4te.

CArT. HOIMAH ' · rATll< "A"ot 61•

l T .IOHH I HUflAUU .. , .... ""

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· Flight Instructors First Flying Squadron

0 ~

~ <

Lt. C L. Bennett , Lt. J. L Hill, Lt. H. R. H1elm1 Lt. H E Horken, LI. Lozorony, Lt. Mobley, Lt. L K Potter$on, Lt W. F. Pcrkolo, Lt. Pugh, Lt. Robin•on, Lt C. E. Russell, Lt. H. l Sho•'. Lt R. E. Shum'Woy., Lt . E N STEIN, Lt . R. J Stevenson, Lt . J. l. Turner, Jr., Lt. W. M . Waters, Lt. R. l. Wood

. .

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Second Flying Squadron

Lt G A. Belzons, Jr , Lt. W. K. Be•eridge, Lt. W T. Bramlett, Lt. R. W . Brooks, Jr . Lt. K. A. Chatfield, Lt ' · L. Doherty, Lt 0 C. Eggleston, Lt G. E Erickson, Lt. G. H. Ferguson Lt. H. C. Foster, Lt. R C. G1bson,tlt. E L fo1 nermgn Lt . C . R. Fraint(. Lt. D. R. Miller, Lt. R. V. Mitchell, Lt. L. Meltz, Lt. K. I. Morse, 1..t. N L. Morton, Jr., l.t. 0. B. Myers, Lt. K R. Nehrboss, Lt. L. J . Nelson, Lt. C. A. New. k"k, Jr., Lt. A. Orionchck, Lt. J . M. Page, LI . F. 0. Perry, Lt. E. B. Ronncy, Lt. R. L. Schclfhout, Lt. W. E. Scott, Lt. C. F. Sleight, Lt. L. E. Smith, Lt. R. M. Smith, Lt. R. L. Swartz, Lt. R.. P. Turner. Lt. F. M. Wanless

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Third Flying Squadron~ •



Lt G A Anderson. Lt A E Brown, Lt. G T Connell, Lt H M Cooper, f o C C. Greeor, Lt W W Giomotiky, Lt H R Hedstrom, Lt F A. K1991ns, Lt W. Krcnc1prock, Lt N. Loroso, Lt R G. Levert, Lt. McAtce, Lt. R L McCullough, Lt R. P Moore. Lt Morns, Lt G R Nelson, Lt 0 M. Peterson. Lt 0 . P Pike. Lr R A Poxoo, Lt R H ~iche, Lt S L Rogers, Lt 0 P Socco, Lt C M Sheeder, Lt 8 R Simon, Lt H. G Smith, Lt 0 . L Steorns. Lt J. O Stephers, Lt C B. T1to••. Lt. J. C. Woshburn, Ir, Lt. W. H. Wc,tfoll , Lt W. E W1lloughcy

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Fourth Flying Squadron ~ ~ ~ ~


LI R E Aldca, LI P. W Bethea LI R A Can1pbell. Lt. D. A. Crowe, Copt W C Dodds, Lt K. E. Fonger, Lt L R Forth, LI R Goddard, Lt. W A Goodson,

+ L1 0 8 Groxellc Lt C. K. Holl L1 J N Holloway, L1 R. P Huffman, l1 W J Hunter. Jr., LI M C Lo$dtons•y. LI H E Moy>. Jr LI. P F Meyers, Lt M J Mombrto, LI K. H Pennell, Lt E f Pierce, LI J F. Pollman, Lr. M R Reed, Lt R P Rod• .. ck, Lt K. F Scotte•good, Lt A H. Schoclc., Lt C. W Sc•cy, LI E. C Sonks, Lt E. J. Toggar1 Lt J H Woller>


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Fifth Flying Sq11adron

.o t


Lt C R Bou"' Lt D I 8col, LI A W Broqnull. Lt V L DtM1ho, Lt J f Farr,., Lt J R Ferrell , Lt A 8 Fmch. Lt P F Jones. Lt f f Robinson Lt . J Schofn1t• Lt J G Scott, Lt E M Smith. Lt E '.V. Smith, Lt R V Spencer. Lt L E Vest, Lt Poul S Warren, Lt G M Watrous, Lt H Wrotcr


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"A" Flight




\V l N

N G I N E "B" FI i g h t

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Cadet Officers Wing Staff -~

R. It MILLER Commonder

Group one

H E. JOHNS Commonder

Group two

J. W. RIEDEL r~=::i~

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•• -'- "'-,.b__ -~ -

- "" ... :.~- / ~th .,.. t t;' ........ .i 1. .... L.. -.

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• TOW•I. .._O ... OM•. &KO. ON61 I'\\. ... , ¥04.l•Lt.. Jft f ttt IMM ... YOW 11•• WM1' I t tt.. ... 111. 1•

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Student Officers

Lt. S. Aronson

Lt. E. J. Ood~on

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Lt. G. M. Duel


£. M. Harford

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Lt J. L l'eodleton

Lt O M Rumysh

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ROUllT S. AOAMS 111 l Evc.t.ld A•t,.ue

C"telond, Ohio

JOHN T. 8Rll'INAN 1411 klmorol Avc-n."c

Chl.Cogo, llfiftois

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KlNNETH L. BURSON 321 N. Mol>lt St

£vrir: .. ~, K.011...,~

WG1i'<E C. CHASE 70J WcJf- F'ovrtil

Spencer, fowo

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WILLl;.M l . CLUEr< 312 AtnoJd Dn"~

0Jttot.e~ ~it-y, Old.ho""~

OTTIS S COOPEk, JR, 92Q ZS1k S1. S w.

81tMln9ho111, .-.lo\,oma

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DAU N COVER 2'32 Jtff~rwn A•!!. l(,.e•~ine. 't"""4:'""""

~AYMOND H. CRIST 63 Stote .St~

N-orwol\, Ohio

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HARRl T CV.HU, JR 641 W C•llc-9e St wi..1Ht1 Cth'°'"'HI


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PHILLIP F. 0.HAAS 5615 Wost Cophot o,; ... ,

Mllwowli~e-, W~ ••

ANDREW J OILIDDO i134 No.rt1'fie1cl A••· £

CJ~clond. Ottio

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llUNlll I DU,UIS IOS t W Hte"o'r Strttt

Kol'lk•""· lllllMMI

WllllAM [ llllSQH •-..1e l

'•robv11. T •110)

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GAUIOT W !tPL[Y 2ll<t (a,t T._cdlth SI l111d,.lfopof1,, '"''",..

OOUGU~ • fOGUSON 2)<JOS Woodlo•d loolf S

l11tn1l'lgl,om. M1·duqo1t


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JOHN M IOX 202 M P1o~pt"(t A'c

Mod1flil>f' W ••<IW'M"

THOMAS P fRITI< 121 ' ••d Sr

Lokct Chotl('}, lo

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LESLIE G G£ARY, JR lrd 80• 2~ Alo~o ld

'Welf'IUt Ct•<\. Col1f

LEWIS l GOOOE 1012 N ,_,. N £

Atlonto, Go


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IURlllGH II GRtffllH Cosit" C~rJ"'· V'r''"-o

.. OHON I HANSARD ll1 M4d•"4,t" A•c.

O«n tol'lo lc-o(;" Flo

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t. Y HllSSUR

0 t. HENSHllW

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C!Cll G. HOEGEMEYER Rt J, ISolC l'l1

Co,pus Christ~ Te,-01

HAROLD l . ~GRlY it I. 801; 'f63~A PerroGo let

W1ct~ito Fo(k. Toxos

' .

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Corpus Chil)-ti, Texos

HAROLD l . HORlY RI l , ~ 461·A- Pet1olio ld.

Wi-C'hfto folls, Tt!lt'OS

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HARLOW G. HOST 1}9 "So. Mo.,hotto11 Pl los Aftgeles, Colif.

!RYCE 8 HUNT I~ l+tk St

Sonh:i Mo"ico, Cohl.



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DONALD R ICKfS l3- 12th St s w Mo~i1lkt"j Ohio

CLINTON E /OHN50N I 700 So 6food St

Tt("ntqJI, Ntw l0tsct

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EDWIN K. l01<£S 22Gl Lee St South ~odolk Ei, V119i1Ho

WILl!TT C. KAl<EHl RFD No.. 1

lockpott~ NC'<' Yorl


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8USHHlll KIRU 2920 c.,. 1:4

Shokff ~itfl''· CM.to


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WALTER C. l(NAPP 130 E. Wtlflom St.

k.~nt Oh;o

LEONARD J noKo Rf D Ho 1

Shorp1;~111~. t(Mta.

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THOMA~ l lANORlf 7lS T~t\' St

Tt.1lcdo Otii.

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WAYNE T lll~ 8rookddc Ouv('

Hood Rl .. e.1, Oregon

JQSt'H LVDOZVNSl<I Bo>. 32.l

Bon~ley•1Uc . f'tfntn


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fV(tCTT , M<C1' y ••• 211

PotO\'koki. Ohio

lAUUMC[ I\ M<GIMUY 10 Wode A"t•\lt'

Wtu:cttlti, Wf"t Vtrg•n•g

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MAX A. "'<Mill.AN f ormoso. Ko1'sos

l YLE W MARTIN SlO S.. Po•k St.

SOp11lpo, Ollohomo

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TttOMAS C M!Gl.EMIE 122 So fcs.• A .. c11;10-

ltoom1w9folll,. hwl•H

THOMAS W Milt.El $hottoc'-, Okloliorl'o

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JOHN L. MOHR +43 Chor'°tto St.

loftcoder, PO-

ARTHU~ J NfCHOI..$ p, 0 l!o• 376

t·h:r~1mc1, M~.,,. Y:of\;

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Jo(k1oonv1ll~ . flo

WILLIAM D 'AISllY Gtnttol Ot.l1teff

Jton,.cftt 'o

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EDW,i.RD J. P,i.R~ER, JR. 231 E. 1)5 St.

How~hornc, Coli~nfo

~.llOLD £ PHERSON 1119 E- 20th St

Oo"kn1d, Califou1lo


r I

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ROUU 0 PKILLl,S 1009 Abton ""' Fi W~th, Tc.icos

DONALD « POTTER Lcetf'ordtbu(g. Otuo

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DONALD W ~AESE Oov1\, Wt-$f Vo

JAMES C. RITCHIE 2152 Grccri Sr

.SOii LaJu1. Clty, Utok

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JOHN D. RODEMAN 974 North Howotd St.

Akro11. Ottlo

CARLETON I(. RGWE ~19 Colloq• A<"

Co"on City, Cotor1'do


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WllllAM ' · SAffEll 206 S. Jcffc:r"" St l•ac:·hoA C1tr. KPH_.

GEORGE ,.,, SCHULTE Sog ,..o,bor Rd

Eo\ t tiom.pto11. No.v Yurt

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CH£5TEA U. SEllG 6044- S,, .\rrtt.\on Cl\Kogo. llliAo~s

EA~l 0 SMITli l..J03 Mo~ochc Or. 011.dol.e, Cohfoffna

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THOM>,S G SPICER JSS7 M .. '-•rt Rd

CrncUi.n'Of11 Ot110

ROBERT A. STOFFUT 2349 N Ttctt0610 lv•­

Mi. .... ovlu:..-, w.,,,

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11\A G. THOMPSON 2570 26 An.

So" Fra,.e•s.c•, Ce~a ..

GEORGE S. WALLINGfOA.O i26 S. Pltoe11t.

Tuko,. Ol&o.

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a1'YMONI> V, W1'RI>, JR. 8 E111st 4 St.

L.t•111gton. North Co.-0'111-0

JOl·OI C. WlLKINS Pvh:i~l.. I Rd. l . 0 Ho. l

New Coit~t. to.

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CAPT. R. W. LANKFORD Post Chaplain

LT. H. R. LORING As$' t Chaplain




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LT. COL. M. P. HUNTER Post Su rgcon

CAPT. D. S. HALL Flight Surgeon


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The stoff of Grourid School includes the following officers ; seoted­Copt R E. Colonche. Front row, lef1· to right-Lt. C. B. Lounsbury, Lt K B. Adolr, Lt R. H. Lope, LL W Lawson, Lt W. L. Deck, ond Lt. S. E Owen

Bock row. left to rtght- Lt. L. E. Ketner, Lt. B. A. Kettner, Lt , A B. Swenson, Lt T T Saxon, Lt. K E Monroe, Lt. W. H. Spurgeon, LI. R Yeokley

Not pictured is Lt. A N. Ohnstod.

Ground School •

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A.lwoy5 ready to answer a. perplexing quost1on., the instructor sacrifices a smoke to star behind during the le• minute brook to explain a problem to questioning s tudent1 .


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The cen ter of in terest in tho ground school building 1s the weather bulletin. EAGER t ? I Cade ts determine wheth er conditions will be favorable for fly1nq, olso whethe r or not ve hove P. T •

Kno .. ltdge of the mv.•er•es of floght com(l 'o us. from the c lo\s'ooms of Grou"d School Ahhovgh "'" 9''P<I obou, ho .. ng to t1s1en 10 1nnumeroble lee lure~. we reol•te ,he uY>portonce of being pr<pored 10 mee, ony hond1cop thot m19ht confronr u, 1n days 10 come

Throuah lhe d1fog<• I efforts or our Grou<1d School ns1ruc1:.rs ,.e ore rop1dly b!~om1ng more end more cop able of lulfy corryong out our dut•es O> o fut~re officer and flo<r

These coger Lads aren't neorl1 so camfortoble as 1t might seem They're trytng to denpher ooe of the famous "GCAAF" code tapes


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Physical Training, like medicine, is hQrd to swallow, but good Im you once you've QOt

1! down We present here o few typical scen.,s, so that, in days to come, the

members of 44-G con relax their softening muscles ond protrud-

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ing stomachs into on over­stuffed cha1r, ond remi ­nisce bock over the days when they were youn,g

and hard and ready .

Physical Training

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0. S. FERGUSON - Editors - R. D. E. FREMO



J l NUNNALLY layout

R. l JONES Layout

H. K. MORRIS lay0\11

C. 0 . LONG Artist

J. M. KRISTOFF lo~ut


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