VOL. x x m . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY. JANUARY 29. 1940 Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt S«rvie« ef t)w Unlud rm t TODAY’S . NEWS TODAY OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACK As Red Flag Dropped Beliiud John L. Lewis . Lewis u he kddreued (hU gfttherlnf ot the United Mine WorkeM to Coltunbtu. Union Head Rai>s Mrs. Perkins in Columbus Speech BrWILUAMH.LAWKJCNCB ' COtUMBUS, a:, J » . ‘irite ^ S H n L. tSw is'raiP'tee-' Kates to the United Mine Workers convention today that Secretary of Labor Frances' Perkins docs not know ns much at)Out economic problems as “a Hottentot does about the • moral laws.” Lewis. UMW in-csidenl, demanded an answer from Presi - dent Roosevelt’s administration for its “inaction” on the um-mi)loymont problem and asked if they arc not K»*nK to do aiiytliin^' aljont it, "why don't they quit?” A Jew momeiil.i b e fo re . Vlrr- rrcAirteiU Piiillp Murray of tite UMW lind rlinrKi'd tliiit 660.000 un- employed PrnnhyiviUilniiA nre ntarv- Juk to denUt unci had demanded % nrillonttl economlr coiifrrence to «crii Jobs for 10 . 000,000 Idle Amerl- Miirray suld coiidiiiilnK uncin- ixltiymrni eiidaiiKfrcd "llic freo 1 ns- lituUoni of Anirrlfft.” and inl8l»l JrmJ U» \iprtMnH "W ttw, WVlrr ■tille," by nirii who Arric lo provide /or llirir l«mlllrs mig (itn. Iliiuii ti. Joliiihon. lor- tiirr NIIA nrtinlnl-MrHior, Jnlnrd lywln In ntlurkluK N<-w I>rn) fnil- )irri >o Aoivr t>uKlr U. B. prolilriiii Hit drclHird llinl a liiiKir-lxirkrd |)iii|>0 Mil (ot n nulloiiiil vcoiioinin «iMilrrp|i(T to sfi'K irnir<11 rji "lo h')i ••r-scn.ir.' JuliitMin drvolrd ilKist <>| Ii Ih •l>i-rt'h to prnlse ol llif iiiiion, niid Iicwl', wliom he dr»<'illinl nx "llin gri-iilPAl labor Inadi-r of oiir lltiie." loW o{ k c.nutorcur.o liriw m i ('onK>'‘'>A liKlii.tirlnl Or- odii'liiln ixxl tirrrrliiry Ot Ubor IVrijliKi In «ti rrfr.rt lo eujMMlitr a nolullon lo Ihli '•^erlolla problfm" Ho Mid Uie i<^rfl"ry repllrd tliat atir did not hrr nny jMUtlnilur prob- Iriii, llinl llir i;U) wit» cxiitiurnmiiB. and »uld III rlfrt't "jUhl Ki'i' l>>a Dnnociallc- |mrly a lltllr iiioio lima and evrrytniiiK will I> p nil ilKtil." "Altrr two and a iialt iKunn. oiir coininlUre wnil nwny tnlkliiu ti IhrnlAi'lvrn Hoiirv In llir lii'iid- > lu^l ilkn llip Kood «^»iiuin wlio I* •ecrtlary ol lnl>or," l.cHln inil<t. a nlre Indy and I like hrv a lot. 1 lliink ihr'd l>r n ikhkI Iioum'- ker|>er Inil I don't Uiink Hint nli know* aa miicit alKiul ihe eronomln prnhlrmik alfrrtlnii ■>»' roiiiilry a hodrnlot doe* alxiut (lia nioiiil NEWSPAPERS AID NKW YOHK, Jun. » (Um -Ainer- loan nrKnpn|>nrn linvci rnlnrd laOB,- 1i)i till- I'lllnl^lt ri'ilrf fund, llor- |>pil lliHivn. nalliinal cliniiniaii of llir fund. iuin''intrrd, In pnilnlnB tlin pir'^ ni "it Hiiniii Hint linn )on|[ iiikrn llir i< l«|p|^lll|1 In Inimanltar- Inn appriilx ' ' Wlini till* apin'.'l "lo Ainrrlca Kl•^ IH-Hnn." Ml. HiKivn anid. "Ilin ii<-v>Ktm|K-tK l<H>k ««n, and wllliln < ^11 «iiiy>.. iiooiHMi »<••. on iiA «>ay u> 5 Uir jiwlrtrn that linil overtaken ^H1n1^tl "I'mrii; cnil- dim and aanl iiini It '«iiiild have taken «erka lo rimtfi an ortfanlM- Hon »lllio*il lirlji ol tiia ih pajnri" CIIANGK PAYETTE. Ida.. Jnii. 20 tU.R) —Carl WlillAol), Friillioiid, prcsldPiii of iliE Idaho Horll- ciillurnl nKWliition, (olti 125 lu mihuuI coi\\ ct\Uoi\ today the Iditho apple crop "like Uti‘ old KHty mure.'' ain't whnt It iiKed lo be. Wliitiioll Aiild A tolal of 2.000 Cfki.i WAA n lilp p rd In 1D.1D from nn aren thni once prodiirrd 7,000 carff. Movie Stars Converge on Washington rrlpbrnlloiw of I’rf.ildcnt llooneveli nnih birthdny tomnrrnw nlRlU HlRiird lo nid thn drive ngAlnitt fHiitljn pnrnly«b, HluBe and fioreen-atnick W ash, Iniitonlans mobbed Uie celeb^lUea aa Ihey arrived, Dorothy I.amotir, the HaioiiR *lrl, narrowly cAratted Injury wlirti nearly 2,000 mllllnK fani aiirroiinded her at Union ata- llnn ypAterday. Oene Autry and Bill Jioyd, HoHy- wood cowboy nlare, arrived laal week to jwrllripote In a benefit liimr.show nt PI. Myer, Va„ which oftU'UHy ojientrt lh% b\rthday ccle- brntlon. Oilier utarn hrrt or ■ntiFdnlrd lo arrive Ineludn UUa Ijinnlionter, wife of c.'liarlen !.iiii|(hton; Mickey Roon- ey, Ilrrnda Joyce, Olorla Jean. W - wnrd (I. lioliinKdn. onn Munaoii, PaV O'lirien, Jainen OiiKiiey, 'ryione rnwrr, Olivia da Havllland. Kay Kayser. OInny HI m m a, WaJtar O'Krefe. R«d Slielton. Ruth Terry and Edward Everett llnrton, m SERIES iO R m H A N With high state, county and city officials attendln*. and with na- tional dignitaries sending noral tri- butes, funeral services for W. Orr Chapman, promlricnl local attorney and state Democratic ]end«r. wtn held today at the Christian church ■tarUng at 4 p; nr. Mr. Chapman died Saturday rooming at hta hom« tie a m ult ot a heart ailment. He had returned from Bolje Friday evening after at- tending services for his clo.-ie, per- .sonal friend Senator William Borah. In charge of Ihe churcli service# was Rev, Innis L. Jenkln.s. pastor ot the local Ascension t^plACopal church, which Mr. Chapman at- tended. AMlmlnB In Ihe roxponMve reading of Hie Psalmn was Rev. Mark C. CroncnberRcr, pasior of the Oirlntian ctiuvcli. Active paillKBrerR were M. A Stronk, Twin Falls poslma.nter; Calvin E. WrlKht, Ddlne, Plate audi- tor; Frank DeKay. Ulackfoot; R, L, Roberta, Twin Falla; J, S, keel. Jerome, and Lionel T. Cnmpbell, Twin Fall!... lloiinrHry Pailbearrrs Honorary paiiljeiirerj. were Ju.illco Edwin Holden, Jiintlce William Mor- Kim and Chief Jimtire Jauim F. Allnliln, all of lini.ip, and mpmlicr,i of thn Idaho (itipiriiir court; .liulK't W. A. Dabcofk, Twlii Falifi; JucIkb T, Hailey lye, Hiiilpy: Judge .J, W, Porlrr, Twin l"nlK; Judue Jiitiipn R. nothwell. 'IViu l'’ftlls. and MKiriicy Frunk I„ Hlriihnn, 'l-wln F»ll.v Thn fuiiPiiU iwn-Ke inovrii from Hip Willie nioiMiiirv lo Ilii' cliiin-h at p ni AlU'i- the ^piaIith nt the I'huirh llir iiimTiulon niiiMnurd to Ihr ' 1 ‘wlii l',ilh remelPry whnrr burial lo4ik pimr DurhtK Ihr .^<-|vlrl'l\ nl t^i'r rhurcli Mrn. Nrlllr Ohiiiitii (iiiUk "Und Kindly I.IhUI." mronipatiled i>y Mri, D, Ij. Ali'XiOiilri. f«iiip|» Trip Ben, n Wnith Clark, who wired from CltlriiRO ihnl lie would attend U\« C w c d U» C.ftWCl a flyiiiR iiiii i-iik 10 -I-wln Falla when hin wllr iH^'ainn ill. He ex- prowied ill" '>Mii|in(hleA lo mrnii)era of the Chapninii liimlly, and alno to Marnhail Chupinoii. brother of the late Dein'xTiitir inuler, by long dU- tanrr le|r|ihoiir Mr. .. ............... . >^hn wan 40, waa born Marrh II. liittO. in Ht. c in ir coiintv. Mlxfloiirl. white liU parenta were on mmi lliera from their Moiitanit I.....'P. In IIUO iir iiiiurled Rva Jniia KIhKii. a l<xi<l mIiooI Inntiiirlor, at Ctiewehih, Wu.'<lu Hlie dun'lves him (t;.nlln»4 >n Til* i. 41 H E R ENIERS ’SI 10 GE GOP NOM M M WaSHINOTON. Jnn. 29 (l/.» — Gov, John W, BrlckPr of Ohio, a dark horsa Republlcon presJdenllal po^■slblIlly. who is bclirved to have considerable eastern financial back- Inic. niaky his campaign year bow here tnnlght In a harmony act with Ohio'.s other O. O. V. randldate— Srn Robert A. Tail. Brirkpr will be gurst of honor In the Taft home on Ma«,nchusclts nvcpiie to meet Wa.sliUiRton politi- cal MTlters, polltlriaii.i and other*. Lnirr he wllj addre.M fhe Ohio so- cirty hrre. Till' harmony ihcmr K typical of thr Rrpublican pre-ronvcntion cam- palRM so far In Jitrlklng contrast to the i)attle of words and silence which has already cracked the New I>al Democratic front. Demo- crals who object to a third Roose. volt trrm are wiylug privately—i few publicly — that the President Imprrll.i the parly liy refusing to announce his 1940 plans. Cliairman John Ij. Lewis of the Congress of Industrial Organizations has prom- ised Mr. Roosevelt a licking if he run', ncaln and Postmaster James A. Karjpy has been revpohng cau- tiously but- significantly a fact gen- ernlly known here—thut he would oppose A third term candidacy un- Ics.s thr United States were actu- nllv drawn Into war. Ubnr Itself Is split, after having plumped almost solidly lor Mr. Rooscvrlt In 1932-36. While Lewis denounces the second Roosevelt ad- ministration, President WiQlain Green of the American Federation Labor defends it and Sidney Hill- in. vice-president of the CIO and president of the powerful Amal«a> matrd Clothing Workers, sides with Green and the President against the CIO. chief. lIRT APPROVES SALES TItt LAWS ■^'WASKmOTOH;-Jilt The supreme couA today banded down a scTlia ot Important tax de- cisions, Including a ruling that New 'York City's 2 per cent sale* levy Is con.Mltutlonal as applied lo goods moving In interstate commerce. The tax cases produced a aharp division among the supreme court Justices, ip.sulting Jn dissents and split drclsion.i In each case. On the New York sales tax Ih.surs -presented lo the court in a m irs of three ca.srs-Chief JuAllce Charles Evans Hutthps And Justices Jamei C. McReyiiolils and OH-en J, Robcrt-i dl.s.scnted from the majority view. Tlie other laic decisions-, tjphpid Uie applicability of the fedrnii Inheritance tax lo Irrevoc- able trust funds designed to revert to their maker In case of Uie prior deatli of the hcneflclary, IJpheld i-on,illlutlonallty of Kentucky Atate tax on bank de;>osliA which taxpft oul-ol-statfl bank de- poAlLn at a higher rate than tl\o.Hn held in Kentucky banks. Ordered oral argument Feb, 3« the complaint of Wyoming tl (('•nllnatd >n Puc* I. CaUaiii *) Union Made Happy Birthday Defenders Turn Back Soviets on MannerheimLine By WEBB MILLER WITfl THE FINNISH ARMY. KARELIAN ISTHMUS, Jan. 29 (U.PJ—Russia has thrown fresh troops into an offens- ive northeast of Lake Ladoga in a despairing, weakenint; effort to retrieve something from its serious losses in eight days of vain hammering at the l*'innish line, reports from the front said today. Thi.'< was the ninth day of the attack and the Finns, still rcticoiit, seemed now confident that they had smashed th« attack and that nny fresh assaults wonld be-anti-climactic. The Russians were estimated at Helsinki to have lost about 15,000 men. including perhaps 5,000 dead, in the nine days of assault dcsit^ned to fhink the Mannerhelm line on the Karelian isthmus. n was “Happy Birthday" to President Roosevelt from A. P. L. head William Green, who took time oat from testifying before house eommlttee InTestlrttlnt NLRR to present .rake baked by Bakery and Confecilonery Workers' union. Wrapped around eneh of the 58 eandlen was check for $100, donated lo paralysis fund by various labor unions. A F L Leaders Split Typographical Union MIA.MI, Fla., Jan. 29 (U,R)—The American Federation of Labor’s executive council, opimin^r its quarterly winter ses- sions here, totby ordered all its slate and central feder- ations officially to disassociate tliemselves with locals of the International Typograph- ical union. . antion was dfsfi]:Uttdiby:An> President WllUam Cfrcen iu a «l«l) in Uia direction of expulsion and follows, suspension of the ITU nt the national convention In Cincin- nati last October for refusinR to pay a special a.vses,smcnt levied In 1037.. Under this order. Green said, ap- proximately 100 ITU members who hold office in state and central fed- er&tlotu will have lo glvp \ip their posta. Green blamed the ITU'.s rrtii.siil to pay Uie a.s.'.eKsment on ilie "as-<K!l- atlon leadeiH of the ITU had with leaders of the CIO when (he CIO was formed " "The American Fedoration of Lnbor has endeavored to deal with the situation In u H^■nenlll^. piiiicnl and broad-minded v^’ay," he .‘-aid. AFl H E ! RAPS A OFFICERS PROBE lEWEE ROBBERY CHICACJO, Jan. 20 (UR) - IJrut Kyran Phelan of Uie robbery «lilall said toilay "we re invpRllgaHnB" a •33^S Jewpl robbery reported i>v Actressei Constance Hennett anti Anita liOulnr. Scores of sus|wrts wera nuMlliiiiPd and ^elea^Bd. Tl^e m•^lT^>^fl w\lrt live mnAked men "In u diirk sedaiV forced MImi Bciinnll'n linuiunliie to Uir nurli near Ihe ''I.nop" early niiiidny and forced them lo Rive up the Jewels or liBVe Uielr •i)ralns blown out." Iliey siild Ihpir ehauffrur, <leorH» nayiin, iuid Ix'pii sluKRcd. Richard Aliiley, Irndliiv man In Mias Brnnrli's slags prnihicHoii, "Haay Virtue." had t400 In ids wal- let, but tiia tiandits overlooked tiis rsAli, Mias BeiniPlt'n ntiow opens In Hi t,oulA lodikv MIm liduise wn^ rii roulo lo MemnUts, TeiHi,, on jwr* aonal appemanra lour. 2 Are Killed hi (loal Mine Blast M»Ai.Knrai. oil.., j.ii. 1. m.«i — All explosion in a coal minn near MflAlesler today killed Jlmmlo HaiTls, 3S, and Frank Doiinaluie, 68. miners', OfdulalK of the eamvWs cnal Harris and Doni were iiuttlnii roai with an eleclriii niaohlnn wlien, apparantly, liiey Mrurk a |K>flk«t of gaa. NIHNH CONTitACT PilTMHumJH, Jan 'JO i ii m - D r , John Bain Biilhcrland, wlio resign- ed last MB^)ll aa foolbHlI roanh at the Unlvrrally of Pllj^bnrvh, today slgiiart a coiilraet Uj miarh Uio Brooklyn UodtloM In Ilia National ridfcsslonal league. 10 lU sl-Dressed Women Encli Have Wardrol>c Worth Million PAKIfJ. Jun. 3D lUni—Til* 10 best dressed woinrn, Paris dress riiakpn voted i<Hlay, are led by Ilia dtiflhesaes of Kent and WtniUor and in- Rtiule, for the llmi lime. Queen B lsabetli,' Wiinicii, Ihe ‘Irrtw makers deoldeia In Uie aiinuui United Praas jk)II, are l>ettpr i|rr»iPd this season than at any Umn sinee Cieopnlra, dmpllr Iha wiir and Hie in rhonen as dressed Uie besl, all have wardinl>ps plus futs and jrwelry worth mora than 11 , 000,000 earii. 'Hie di-pM iiiaKers voted those women the 10 besl diesnsd; 1 , The duciiPSAPs of K ent and W indsor Hed, 1, Mine, AniPiior Patino, the HouUi A m nlran "lln prliicrsii" 4, Mrs. l)oils inike Oromwell, “rlrlnBit girl In ths world " 5. lieuuiii Ars Khan, / «. MVS O^Uwn Miner. ot u it New York Ihestrlral producer. 7. Bntiimia KuHene d< Rothsohlld. B. Mis . Ilarilsoii Williams of Now York, 0 , Countess Barbara Hutton lUvantlow, heirxM Iha "five-andr dime'' Woolwiirth fortune. ■ 10, queen KlUiibeth, GRANGERS BACK IG BOI0E, Jail, 20 (UPl -Jlir Idnho Grange today gavn full npi>i<>\ii ih t apjX)ln\niniV of .inlm (looding llve^tfM'kiniiii iin'l >iai to the senate |h>sI. inritcii li\ deaUi of Ben, William /ft, IIm.kI. Ray McKnlK, alo/' HkI'I' rommllleeman of lln/(iinMKr, norah told him i>ii1y/rive w.< kh tore hU denlti th j, ■nlcll.^ll^ the best help h« ever had In senate. Borah niniiialiiin'il 'llionias for senalor nlKlit "Borah told me lime an<l atiain Tliomas wan progrrs.ilve. nn Iser, and a power In ih* ,M'n hurt the res|)oci. of fellow ;>ni hnlh parties,' McKiUr ^>nir xreaC mnjorlly of tiiaiiK'i' agriculture has a (Inn iiimd in 'llioinas." Fred Brenrhinan, niillon leRlslaUVfl coinniitlecmaii, W«"li- iiiRton. D, O., wired Mi Ivi.ik proval of aiiomas l>y tin- n.u officers. MIAM;. Fla.. Jan. 29 tO.P>-Eji- prc.uing resentment over indict- menta of building trades union lead- ers by Uie government In its antl- lrui.1 drive, William Orern. presi- dent of the American Federation of Labor, said today Uial the matter would be considered by llie feder- ation's executive council. Labo? U "deeply stirred" over the Inrilrtmenta Or«en said iis lie called ’tiiu council Into Ita winter meeting. More vlRorous In comment was John P, Coyjie, head of I lie AFL's bulIdlnR trades rouncll, who rluirRed Hie anti-trust campalxn was a step by Iho national ad-ninl.itratlon lo "play \ip to John L. l<-«lf nrid the CoiiRreM. of Industriiil OiRiinirn- tlons. " Coyne Is not a niemlM'r of executive rouncll. IE SEEKS BIG FONO WABHlNaWN, Jan » (iJPi mlral Harold R. fHuiK, rhi.-f of naval operationn, uild tlin ii<ni naval affairs c(unmlit<-o (ckIuv that a 10 per cent aiiHmiUrd iiinniAo In the tl, 8, lleel wimlit h" n "linn step" bnt expressed iiuix' (h«< Rreaa would vola the :in |H<r rsimnslon oilaliiully nhi>i<l Hi< Mtid Iho larger hioieasn w»nia ln«va a "delarrent effect" on iihhh ''^<I vc na- tions. Hlark waa rii'ailnl fm irntluumy a(t«r the roiiuiilllpa liiillinipd a dealro to reduce the orliilnal »i,s«0.- 000,000 six year expniiAlnn piiinrnm to tlia MOO,OOU,OIXI w iutii (It Kid|w that aoliially could he siuitr<l in Ui^ iiait iwo yvai*—it;i eoinbamnl vaaaela Including replurrment of overage vuaeU. slil|w already aillli-. orlied, and ld7,000 t<ms of new craft, "1 ahould lilie the oiIhIuaI bill to bccMuo law," QUrk luld. PIANES AITACK 400IILE FRONI LONDON, Jan. 29 (U,R)—Germtin planc.s today aUacked British ship- ping along more than 400 miles of the east coast from the river Tay In the north to the Kentish coast in the south, dropped small bombs on the Shetland Islands and cau.ied a .series of air raid alarms which spread inland. At least 10 ships were attacked during Ihe raids by 16 German bombers. Dropa Seven »omb« One raider was reported to hove dropped seven bombs near the steamer Llan Wern in Uie Tyne- side area but it failed to ecore • direct hit. Another raider attacked steamer Imperial Monarch off the Scottish coast but it fled tn the face of an attack by British pursuit ships, German planes which attempted to attaok ships off Uie Yorkshire coast were driven off by royal air force patrols. Anti-aircraft guns were In acUon a wide area, especially 1 q the Over the week-end, they continued to attack but each thrust was weaker, accord- ing to the Finnish reports from the front, and it was believed that the offensive in which more than 40,000 men participated had been halted for the time being. The RuBslana, according to de- lay(!d reports, had essayed new at- tacks In the northeast lake area, where they sought to'brcalc through the Mannerhelm line, and, by ilonking It oa tbt lake aide, maka ------- It untenable, SOQ Kilted Yesterday Approximately 800 Russians wer* killed and 160 were mads prisoners yesterday In the fighUng northeast; of Lake Udoga, an official Plnnish Japanese Train Crash Kills 186 TOKYO, Jan, 20 illPi JapancAR news agciicv, kKliiy Hiat IHfl pc^Mll>^ < ■tiul 00 Injured, As n( I Doilirl, rrpiii lud i« killed eihiut.ly. rulh wreck In Iha siiliurbA of Ohuku. train, drawn iiy » KaMillne eliRliie, wiin of H irrr nun M<ir<l nf pa^^p|1K■‘ rA, Aoiiie uoiiien, wovkrra on liieir way lo indimtrlul pIuntA. ill.->ni<il trONTKHT KAIMIIIK NAMPA, Idu., Jan. riif. Him aniuiiii llar.i' r(inv<'iiin» Niiinpii lilKii M'liodi Wll.^ n (nihuc t(Hlay an<l Itn iiiniiiiii cldPd thn AtiidenlA huil iioiidnR Imi, trulh to tell. 'Pin coille I dPiidlllin linAAed wlHioul oiin iiiili ii In (leii]iprnlU>n, the pioi t^'nded tlio llriir limit. eral dlsirlcta of the northeast coast. Mo Damaga Reported No damage was reported from the bombs dropped in the Shetland is- lands by the Germans. A boatman who witnessed the aerial activity along Uie sea front said a black bombing plane at one point dived to wllhta M («tt of the top of a lighthouse. Tlie plane then pss.scd low over three ships and attacked Uiem for five mlnuKs, he said. At least six bombs were dropped, the boatman reported, but the ships did not ap- pear to have been damaged. A lone Get-man raider was 2,000 feet over the river Tyne and was rei>ortcd to have dropped two bomba wiUiout doing damage. AnU-alrcraft guns opened fire and two minutes later a QrlUsh fighter plane appeared, Tlie Germans fled and two moro Drlilsh ptacvet went Farther nrth, in Uie regkm of AittojoU. the Ruatlana attaeked-in— what appeared to be an attempt to turn a Finnish flank but wer* thrown back, the communique Mid. "The enemy left more than-450 dead on the neld," the Finns said. Fint\lah aircraft shot down a Bed army bomber at PasUa. on the Im- mediate ouUkirta ot HeUlnkl, dur- ing the fourth air raid alarm of today, whloh was tounded «( 4:»T p.m. Mr VaMa pect a new Red anny bombing cam- ex- p id ^ ta revenge for what appeared to be Russian failure* to break through the Finnish llriet Dorthoast of Lake Ladoga. Two air alarms were sounded dur- ing the morning. No planes were seen and there was no gunfire. Put the city waa on the alert tn the be- lief that the Ravlans would send' fleeta of planes pver southern Fin- land to offset the Lake Ladoga set- back. i A D E R S BOMB flSPIFAl Ovrc Northrakl Coast .Tlie air mlnlRlry in a cnmrnuninue sold German planes had been re- IKirted over th« northeast coast siiortly after 9 a, m, (4 a, m. BBT) iind Uiat "a niimher" of flKhttiiC plaiiM went up and antl-alreraft RiniH ojieiifd fire In the I’yne dint, net, U was awertpd no Oprman plane actuully crosAcd the coail. During Uie alarm pprlod air raid precautions units were on the alert all along Uia noilllruAt, coast, A mine rxplmled nn the uliore nt a Aouuieoat'cnnnt town,' mnkinR a i)rpAch In a new sea wall and break- ing hundre<li of witidnwi. Another mine was seen flDatlng nearby. NORTtt in,MlO TtUIR BOIHtC, Jnn. 'JU OfD Ixiwla Rnlwrls, alAtn Wi'A dimitor ot o)K<riitli>ns, <|p|)flrtpil t<xtay for north Idaho on a tour of projecta. Daan Miller, tinlfl W I‘A head, Kild Robeitn wtmid vUtl Ooeur d'Alene hend(|unrter» and consult wiUi otflolaU, WITH THE FINNIBH ARMY. KARELIAN IHWMUB, Jun, 29 . —Bovlot bonilM struck a R^d Croas mlliUiry hoApllal today, killing 33 persona. Inehidlng four woman. MOAt of the cunualtles were wound- ed soldiers. Ol 30 peraoiiB In Ihe hrsiphal when tliH R«xl’army lx>mljiTi ««nr«l a dl- rccl h it only «flven were siivod. Tlin dead werfi Incinerated in the hos- ]>ltal, which biu'st Into flames as soon aa It was nlrurk. Although Uio hospital prominent- ly displayed a Rr^l Cross sign the Hovlet planrs nwooped tow and drop- p«l a bomb Uirough the center of the building. W ithin a mstl^'r of mlnutsa Uia enUn* stnicture waa ablase. Seven of the dead wern mcn.woundnd M fierloujily In m'eiU IlKiiHnu at Uie fiftiit lU at they ’tjeve lu l»M, Tli'*y had no chance to l-^cal>c either tha explofllon or tha flamer JOHN BAKUYMORE HACK ON NEW YORK’S STAOE NEW YOim, Jan, 28 nm Pierce PowflC-Walera, Joint linrry morn's manager, prevented thn great pro- file rflturnlng promsiurrlv to gay llrouilway today by kiciniii him aretuliy sniunnternd In his l-ong Island hoiiin. > Harrymnra rslurns Wednewlay York luciniora aflar a run uf 10 montlu In niiicago and olher nild- w rat clllas. 'I^ial will ha ilnm t'limiiili for lliB reliirn and foi I’nwri:- Wntars lo liegln worrying, he Intl- m«t#1, Power-Waters hardly gav* Barry- inora lima to |ilni|Nie inldlowti Mun- hattaii last night wiien Hi* "My Dear OhlMren" eompnii)' arrived from DetruU, But Barrymore didn't aeem dlsaplwinted, 'tn ihn same hotise will ba Power-WaWrs’ beau - tiful brunetU daughter, Patricia. 30. wlM has a part in his play and ing, drllghtfui, baautlfiil, lovely, atti- (lendnus, etfl," He looked tired wlmn he lefl, Uia train, but hn wua not to<i tired to; Implant kissen on tha ears and riieeRa of Palrlnla. and niieek nf a girl reporter wiiosn name he didn't know. <l1 ie reporter wrote In her iiewspaiWr: "He kisses aniua- Ingly. It you gel what I mean,") Roaring and snnrling denials ot rejiorU 1m U til. Weaving ever so slightly In tha b«si manner of llie great lover, while a friend, who had b««n wiUi him oii tlie train all day, Insisted he solMT, saying he hadn't had any* thing to drink axcept ''whisky- flavored water." , P om for pliolographere with Pow- er*Waten and a doc which he oUl- •d Zeppo. .......... ....................................... - Prance tlgorwisly to tha auto* wlioni Uairymore liuiika Is "charm- moblla whleh took him to Bftyitd*. WAIUCE LISFS ACREAGE ROLES WAamNGTON, Jan. s* w,m — BecreUry of AgrlnuUura Henry A, Wallace loduy announced Hie for- mula for dntermlning Individual acreage allotmenu for domaatlo sugar boet growers who apiily l>enefll paynienis this year. tlio formula is exiieolrd lo provide an acreage sii/flclent to meet Uie markellng quota nf 1.8M,098 tone tor beet sugar and provide a normal carry-over. Wallace said producers may plant the equivalent of the acreage they planted In 1997, 1MB or l9 » In 6rder to quifllfy .for paymanla. 1 » allotment will b« the hlgtoail Mf»- age plantad by * fam « In tl« Of • t)ie ttiree yMTa. •nw formula fi" a farmer may p on Irrlgatad M aetae oo funii n . ers who iM trhi INO baeta WtUM f ■qulVfttonl lo tM • ------------- - 1^1 JTMT ttw afptrtrntm Httlh- Uahad DC •am. O tM iU i <1 (o aatuatto th« M tknal loW diTlduia •DolinMtU wtm i muU (or IHO.

Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,

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Page 1: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,

VOL. x x m . NO. 34— 5 CENTS. TW IN F A L L S, IDAHO, MONDAY. JA N U A RY 29. 1940 Full K-Hoor LwMd WirtS«rvie« ef t)w Unlud r m t



RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKAs Red Flag Dropped Beliiud John L. Lewis

. Lewis u h e k d d reu e d (hU gftthe rln f o t th e U nited Mine W orkeM to Coltunbtu.

Union Head Rai>sMrs. Perkins in Columbus Speech

BrW IL U A M H .L A W K JC N C B '

C O tU M B U S, a : , J » . ‘i r i t e ^ S H n L. tS w is 'r a iP 't e e - ' K a t e s to th e U nited M ine W orkers convention today th a t S ecre tary of L abor F ran ces ' Perk ins docs not know ns m uch at)Out economic problem s as “a H otten to t does about th e

• moral laws.”Lewis. UMW in-csidenl, dem anded an answ er from P resi­

d ent Roosevelt’s adm in is tra tion fo r its “ inaction” on the um-mi)loymont problem anda sk e d if th e y a r c n o t K»*nK to d o a iiy tliin ^ ' a l jo n t i t , "w h y d o n 't th e y q u i t ? ”

A Jew momeiil.i b e f o r e . V lrr- rrcAirteiU Piiillp M urray of tite UMW lind rlinrKi'd tliiit 660.000 u n ­em ployed PrnnhyiviUilniiA nre n ta rv - Juk to denUt unci had dem anded % n rillonttl econom lr co iifrrence to «crii Jobs for 1 0 .000,000 Idle A m erl-

M iirray suld coiidiiiilnK unc in - ixltiymrni eiidaiiKfrcd " llic freo 1 ns-

► litu U o n i o f A nirrlfft.” and inl8l»l JrmJ U» \iprtMnH "W ttw , WVlrr ■tille ," by n irii who Arric lo provide /o r ll i r i r l«m lllrs

m ig ( i tn . Iliiuii ti. Joliiihon. lo r- t ii rr N IIA nrtinlnl-MrHior, Jnlnrd lyw ln In ntlurkluK N<-w I>rn) fnil- ) ir r i >o Aoivr t>uKlr U. B. p ro lilriiii • Hit drclH ird llinl a liiiKir-lxirkrd |)iii|>0 Mil (ot n nulloiiiil vcoiioinin «iMilrrp|i(T to sfi'K irnir< 1 1rji "lo h')i ••r-scn.ir.'

JuliitMin d rvo lrd ilKist <>| Ii Ih • l>i-rt'h to prnlse ol ll i f iiiiion, niid Iicw l', w liom h e dr»<'illinl nx "llin gri-iilPAl labor Inadi-r of oiir lltiie."

loW o{ k c.nutorcur.oli r iw m i ('onK>'‘'>A liKlii.tirlnl O r-

odii'liiln ixxl tir r rr lii ry Ot U b o r IVrijliKi In «ti r rf r .rt lo eujMMlitr a nolullon lo Ih l i '•^erlolla p ro b lfm "

Ho M id Uie i< ^ rfl" ry rep llrd tlia t a tir did not hrr nny jMUtlnilur prob- Iriii, llin l l l i r i;U ) wit» cxiitiurnm iiB. a n d »uld III r l f r t 't "jUhl K i'i ' l>>a D nnociallc- |m rly a ll t l lr iiioio lim a a n d evrrytniiiK will I>p nil ilKtil."

"A ltr r two a n d a iia lt iKunn. oiir coin in lU re w nil nwny tnlkliiu ti IhrnlAi'lvrn Hoiirv In llir li i 'i id -

>lu^l ilkn llip Kood «^»iiuin wlio I* •e c r tla ry o l lnl>or," l.cHln inil<t.

a n lre Indy a n d I like hrv a lot. 1 lliink ih r 'd l>r n ikhkI Iioum'- ker|>er Inil I d o n 't Uiink H int nli know* aa miicit alKiul ih e eronom ln prnhlrmik a lfr r tln ii ■>»' ro iiiilry a h o d r n lo t doe* alxiut (lia nioiiil


loan nrKnpn|>nrn linvci rnlnrd laOB,- 1i)i till- I'lllnl^lt ri'ilrf fund, llo r-

|>pil lliHivn. nalliinal cliniiniaii of llir fund. iuin''intrrd, In pnilnlnB tlin p ir '^ ni "it Hiiniii Hint linn )on|[ iiikrn llir i< l«|p|^lll|1 In Inim anltar- Inn appriilx '

' W lini till* apin'.'l "lo Ainrrlca Kl•^ IH-Hnn." Ml. HiKivn anid. "Ilin ii<-v>Ktm|K-tK l<H>k « « n , and w llliln

< ^ 1 1 «iiiy>.. iiooiHMi »<••. on iiA «>ay u> 5 U ir jiwlrtrn th a t

linil overtaken ^H1n1^tl " I'm rii; cnil- d im and aanl iiin i It '«iiiild have taken «erka lo rim tfi an ortfanlM- Hon » lllio*il lirlji ol tiia ihpajnri"

CIIANGKPAYETTE. Ida.. Jnii. 20 tU.R)

—C arl WlillAol), Friillioiid, prcsldPiii of iliE Idaho H orll- c iillu rn l nKW liition, (olti 125

lu mihuuI coi\ \ ct\Uoi\ today th e Iditho apple crop "like Uti‘ old KHty m ure.'' a in 'tw hnt It iiKed lo be.

Wliitiioll Aiild A to la l of 2.000 Cfki.i WAA nlilpprd In 1D.1D from nn aren th n i once prod iirrd 7,000 carff.

Movie Stars Converge on Washington

rrlpbrn llo iw of I’rf.ildcn t llooneveli nnih b irthdny tom nrrnw nlRlU HlRiird lo nid thn drive ngAlnitt fHiitljn pnrnly«b,

HluBe and fioreen-atnick W ash , Iniiton lans mobbed Uie celeb^lUea aa Ihey arrived, D orothy I.am otir, th e HaioiiR *lrl, narrow ly cAratted Injury wlirti nearly 2,000 mllllnK f a n i aiirroiinded h e r a t Union a ta - llnn ypAterday.

O ene A utry and Bill Jioyd, HoHy- wood cowboy nlare, a rrived laal week to jw rllr ipo te In a benefit liimr.show n t PI. Myer, Va„ w hich oftU'UHy ojientrt lh% b \rthday ccle- brntlon. •

O ilier utarn h r r t o r ■ntiFdnlrd lo a rrive Ineludn UUa Ijinnlionter, wife of c.'liarlen !.iiii|(hton; Mickey R oon­ey, I lr rn d a Joyce, O lo rla J e a n . W - w nrd (I. lioliinKdn. o n n Munaoii, PaV O 'lirien , Jainen OiiKiiey, 'ry io n e rn w rr , O livia da H avllland . K ay K ayser. O Inny HI m m a, W aJtar O 'K refe. R«d Slielton. R u th T erry and E dw ard E vere tt lln rton ,

m S E R IE S i O R m H A N

W ith h igh s ta te , county and c ity o fficia ls a ttend ln* . a n d w ith n a ­tiona l d ign itarie s send ing n o ra l t r i ­butes, fu n e ra l services for W . O rr C h ap m an , prom lricnl local a tto rn ey a n d s ta te D em ocratic ]end«r. w t n h e ld today a t th e C hris tian c h u rc h ■tarU ng a t 4 p ; nr. “

M r. C hapm an died S a tu rd ay room ing a t h ta hom « tie a m u l t o t a h e a r t a ilm en t. H e h a d re tu rn e d from Bolje F riday evening a f te r a t ­ten d in g services for h is clo.-ie, p e r- .sonal friend S ena tor W illiam B orah .

I n c harge of Ihe churc li service# w as Rev, In n is L. Jenkln.s. pasto r o t th e local Ascension t^plACopal c h u rc h , w hich Mr. C hapm an a t ­tended . AMlmlnB In Ihe roxponMve read ing of Hie Psalmn was Rev. M arkC. CroncnberRcr, pasio r of th e O ir ln tia n ctiuvcli.

A ctive paillKBrerR were M. A S tro n k , T w in Falls poslma.nter; C alv in E. WrlKht, Ddlne, Plate a u d i­to r; F ra n k DeKay. Ulackfoot; R , L, R oberta, Tw in Falla; J , S, k e e l. Je rom e, and Lionel T . Cnm pbell, T w in Fall!...

lloiinrHry P a ilbearrrs H onorary paiiljeiirerj. were Ju.illco

E dw in Holden, Jiintlce W illiam M or- Kim and Chief Jim tire Jau im F. Allnliln, all of lini.ip, and mpmlicr,i of thn Idaho (itipiriiir c ourt; .liulK't W. A. D abcofk, Twlii Falifi; JucIkb T, Hailey ly e , Hiiilpy: Judge .J, W, P o r lr r , Tw in l"nlK; Judue Jiitiipn R . n o th w ell. 'IV iu l'’ftlls. a n d MKiriicy F runk I„ H lriihnn, 'l-wln F»ll.v

T hn fuiiPiiU iwn-Ke inovrii from Hip W illie nioiMiiirv lo Ilii' cliiin-h a t p ni AlU'i- the ^piaIith n t th e I 'h u irh llir iiimTiulon niiiM nurd to Ih r '1 ‘wlii l',ilh rem elPry w hnrr b u ria l lo4ik pim r

DurhtK Ih r .^<-|vlrl'l\ n l t^i'r rh u rc li Mrn. N rlllr Ohiiiitii (iiiUk " U n d K indly I.IhUI." m ronipatiled i>y M ri,D, Ij. Ali'XiOiilri.

f« iiip |» TripBen, n W nith C lark, who wired

from CltlriiRO ihnl lie would a tte n d U\« C w cd U» C.ftWCla flyiiiR iiiii i-iik 10 -I-wln Falla w hen hin w llr iH^'ainn ill. He ex- prowied ill" '>Mii|in(hleA lo mrnii)era of th e Chapninii liimlly, and alno to M arnhail Chupinoii. b ro ther of th e la te Dein'xTiitir inuler, by long dU - ta n r r le |r|iho iir

M r. ................. . >^hn wan 40, waabo rn M arrh II. liittO. in Ht. c in ir coiintv. Mlxfloiirl. white liU p a ren ta w ere on • mmi lliera from th e irM oiitanit I.....'P.

In IIUO iir iiiiurled Rva Jn iia KIhKii. a l<xi<l m IiooI Inn tiiirlo r, a t C tiew ehih, Wu.'<lu Hlie dun'lves h im

(t;.n lln»4 >n Til* i. 41


GOP N O M M MW aS H IN O T O N . Jnn . 29 (l/.» —

Gov, Jo h n W, BrlckPr of O hio, a da rk horsa R epubllcon presJdenllal po^■slblIlly. who is bclirved to have considerable e aste rn financial ba ck - Inic. n ia k y h is cam paign year bow here tn n lg h t In a harm ony act w ith Ohio'.s o th e r O . O . V. ran d ld a te — S rn R obert A. T a i l.

B rirkpr will be gurst of honor In the T a f t hom e on M a«,nchusclts nvcpiie to m eet Wa.sliUiRton p o liti­cal MTlters, polltlriaii.i and o ther*. Ln irr he wllj addre.M fhe O hio so- c irty h rre .

T ill' h a rm ony ihcm r K typical of th r R rpub lican pre-ronvcntion c am - palRM so f a r In Jitrlklng c o n tra s t to th e i)attle o f words and silence w hich has a lready cracked th e New I> a l D em ocratic fron t. D em o- c ra ls who ob ject to a th ird Roose. volt tr rm a re wiylug privately—i few publicly — th a t the P residen t Imprrll.i th e pa rly liy refusing to announce h is 1940 plans. C liairm an Jo h n Ij. Lewis of the Congress of Industria l O rganizations h a s p ro m ­ised Mr. Roosevelt a licking if he run ', ncaln and P ostm aster Ja m e s A. Karjpy h a s been revpohng c a u ­tiously but- significantly a fac t gen - ernlly know n h e re —th u t he w ould oppose A th ird te rm candidacy u n - Ics.s th r U nited S ta te s were a c tu - nllv draw n In to w ar.

U b n r Itself Is sp lit, a fte r hav ing plumped alm ost solidly lo r M r. Rooscvrlt In 1932-36. W hile Lew is denounces th e second Roosevelt a d ­m in istration , P residen t W iQlain G reen of th e A m erican F edera tion

■ Labor defends i t and Sidney H ill- in . vice-presiden t of th e CIO a n d

president o f th e pow erful Amal«a> m a trd C lo th ing W orkers, sides w ith G reen and th e P residen t a g a in s t th e CIO. chief.


■ 'WASKmOTOH;-JiltT h e suprem e couA today ban d eddow n a scTlia o t Im p o rtan t ta x d e ­cisions, Including a ru ling th a t New 'York City's 2 p e r c en t sale* levy Is con.Mltutlonal a s applied lo goods m oving In in te rs ta te commerce.

T h e tax cases produced a ah arp division am ong th e suprem e court Justices, ip.sulting J n d issen ts and sp li t drclsion.i In each case.

O n the New York sales ta x Ih.surs - p re s e n te d lo th e cou rt in a m i r s of th ree c a .srs-C h ie f JuAllce Charles E vans Hutthps And Ju stices Jam ei C. M cReyiiolils and OH-en J , Robcrt-i dl.s.scnted from th e m a jo rity view.

T lie o the r laic decisions-, tjphpid Uie applicab ility o f the

fed rn ii Inheritance tax lo Irrevoc­ab le tru s t funds designed to revert to th e ir m aker In case of Uie prior d e atli of th e hcneflclary,

IJpheld i-on,illlutlonallty of K entucky Atate tax on bank de;>osliA w h ich taxpft o u l-o l-s ta tfl b ank de- poAlLn a t a h ighe r ra te th a n tl\o.Hn he ld in K entucky banks.

O rdered oral a rgum en t Feb, 3« th e com plain t of Wyoming tl

(('•nllnatd >n Puc* I. CaUaiii *)

Union Made Happy Birthday Defenders Turn Back Soviets on MannerheimLine


W ITfl T H E F IN N ISH ARMY. KARELIA N ISTHMUS, Jan . 29 (U.PJ— R ussia has throw n fresh troops into an offens­ive northeast o f Lake L adoga in a despairing, weakenint; effo rt to re tr iev e som ething from its serious losses in eight days of vain h am m ering a t th e l*'innish line, reports from the front said today.

Thi.'< was th e n in th day of the a ttack and th e F inns, still rcticoiit, seemed now confident th a t th ey had sm ashed th« attack and th a t nny fresh assau lts wonld be-anti-climactic.

The Russians w ere es tim ated a t Helsinki to have lost about 15,000 m en. including perhaps 5,000 dead, in th e nine days of assau lt dcsit^ned to fhink th e M annerhelm line on

th e K arelian isthm us.

n was “Happy B irthday" to P residen t Roosevelt from A. P . L . head W illiam Green, who took tim e o a t from testifying before house eom m lttee In T e s tlr tt ln t N LRR to p resen t .rake baked by B a k ery a n d Confecilonery W orkers' un ion . W rapped a round eneh of th e 58 eandlen was check for $100, dona ted lo paralysis fund by various labor unions.

A FL Leaders Split Typographical Union

MIA.MI, Fla., Jan . 29 (U,R)—The Am erican Federation of L abor’s executive council, opimin^r its quarterly w in te r ses­sions here, to tb y ordered all its s la te and central fe d er­ations officially to disassociate tliem selves w ith locals of th e International Typograph­ical union.. a n tio n was dfsfi]:Uttdiby:A n> P residen t WllUam Cfrcen iu a «l«l) in Uia d irection of expulsion and fo llow s, suspension of th e IT U n t th e n a tio n a l convention In C incin ­n a t i la s t O ctober for refusinR to pay a specia l a.vses,smcnt levied In 1037..

U n d er th is order. G reen said, a p ­prox im ately 100 IT U members who hold office in s ta te and cen tral fed- er& tlotu will have lo glvp \ip the ir posta.

G reen blamed th e ITU'.s rrtii.siil to pay Uie a.s.'.eKsment on ilie "as-<K!l- a tlo n leadeiH of th e ITU had with leaders of the C IO w hen (he CIO w as form ed "

"T h e A m erican Fedoration of L nbor h a s endeavored to deal w ith th e s itu a tio n In u H^■nenlll . p iiiicnl and b road-m inded v’ay," he .‘-aid.



CHICACJO, Jan . 20 (UR) - IJ ru t K y ra n P helan of Uie robbery «lilall sa id toilay "we re invpRllgaHnB" a • 3 3 ^ S Jewpl robbery reported i>v A ctressei Constance H ennett anti A n ita liOulnr. Scores of su s|w rts w era nuMlliiiiPd and ^elea^Bd.

Tl^e m• lT^>^fl w\lrt live mnAked m en "In u diirk sedaiV forced MImi Bc iinn ll'n linuiunliie to Uir nurli n e a r Ihe ''I.nop" early niiiidny and forced them lo Rive up th e Jewels o r liBVe Uielr •i)ralns blown out." I l i e y siild Ihpir ehau ffru r, <leorH» nay iin , iuid Ix'pii sluKRcd.

R icha rd Aliiley, Irndliiv m an In M ias B rn n r li 's s lag s prnihicHoii, "Haay Virtue." had t400 In ids w al­let, b u t tiia tiandits overlooked tiisrsAli,

Mias BeiniPlt'n ntiow opens In Hi t,oulA lodikv MIm liduise wn^ rii rou lo lo MemnUts, TeiHi,, on jwr* aonal ap p em a n ra lour.

2 Are Killed hi (loal Mine Blast

M » A i.K n ra i. o i l . . , j . i i . 1 . m.«i — All explosion in a coal m inn n e a r MflAlesler t o d a y killed Jlm m lo HaiTls, 3S, and F rank D oiinaluie, 68. miners',

OfdulalK of the eam vW s cnal H arris a n d Doni

were iiuttlnii roai w ith an eleclriii n iaohlnn wlien, apparan tly , liiey M rurk a |K>flk«t of gaa.

NIHNH CONTitACT P ilT M H u m JH , J a n 'JO i iim -D r,

J o h n B a in B iilhcrland, wlio resign­ed la st MB^)ll aa foolbHlI roanh a t th e U nlvrrally of Pllj^bnrvh , today slgiiart a co iilrae t Uj m iarh UioB rooklyn UodtloM In Ilia N ational r id fcss lo n a l league.

10 lU sl-Dressed Women Encli Have Wardrol>c Worth MillionPAKIfJ. Jun . 3D lUni—Til* 10 b est dressed woinrn, Paris dress riiakpn

voted i<Hlay, are led by Ilia dtiflhesaes o f K en t and WtniUor and in- Rtiule, for the llmi lim e. Q ueen B l s a b e t l i , '

Wiinicii, Ihe ‘Irrtw m akers deoldeia In Uie a iinuui U nited Praas jk)II, a re l>ettpr i|rr»iPd th is season th a n a t a n y Umn sinee Cieopnlra, dm pllr Iha wiir and Hie in rhonen a s d ressed Uie besl, all have wardinl>ps p lus fu ts and jrwelry w orth m ora th a n 1 1 ,0 00,0 0 0 earii.

'H ie di-pM iiiaKers voted those w om en th e 10 besl diesnsd;1 , The duciiPSAPs of K en t a n d W indso r Hed,1, Mine, AniPiior Patino , th e HouUi A m n lr a n " lln prliicrsii"4, Mrs. l)o ils inike Oromwell, “ rlrlnBit g irl In th s world "5. lieuuiii Ars K han, /«. MVS O^Uwn M iner. o t u i t N ew Y ork Ih es trlra l producer.7. Bntiimia KuHene d< R othsohlld .B. M is . Ilarilsoii W illiam s of Now Y ork,0 , Countess B arbara H u tton lU van tlow , heirxM l« Iha "five-andr

d im e '' Woolwiirth fo rtune . ■10, q u e en KlUiibeth,


B O I0E , Jail, 20 (UPl -Jlir Idnho G ran g e today gavn full npi>i<>\ii i h t apjX)ln\niniV of .inlm (looding llve^tfM'kiniiii iin'l >iai to th e se n a te |h>sI. in r itc ii li\ deaUi o f Ben, W illiam /ft, IIm.kI.

R ay McKnlK, a lo / ' HkI'I' rom m llleem an of lln/(iinM K r, n o rah to ld him i>ii1y/rive w.< kh to re hU denlti t h j , ■nlcll. ll th e b est he lp h« ever had In senate . B o r a h niniiialiiin'il 'l lio n ia s fo r senalo r nlKlit

"B o rah told m e lim e an<l atiain T liom as wan progrrs.ilve. nn Iser, a n d a power In ih* ,M'n hurt th e res|)oci. of fellow ;>ni h n lh p a r t ie s , ' M cK iUr >nir xreaC m njorlly of t i i a i iK 'i ' ag ricu ltu re has a (Inn iiim d in 'llio inas ."

Fred B ren rh in an , niillon leRlslaUVfl coinniitlecm aii, W«"li- iiiRton. D, O., wired Mi Ivi.ik proval o f a iio m a s l>y tin- n.u officers.

M IA M ;. F la.. J a n . 29 tO.P>-Eji- p rc.u ing re se n tm e n t over ind ic t- m enta o f bu ild ing trad e s union lead­e rs by Uie governm en t In its a n tl- lrui.1 d rive, W illiam O re rn . p resi­d e n t o f th e A m erican F edera tion of L abor, sa id today U ia l th e m a tte r w ould be considered by llie feder­a tio n 's executive council.

Labo? U "deeply s t i r r e d " over th e In rilrtm enta O r«en said iis lie called

’tiiu council In to Ita w in ter m eeting.M ore vlRorous In com m ent was

J o h n P , Coyjie, head of I lie AFL's bulIdlnR trades rouncll, who rluirRed Hie a n t i- t ru s t cam palxn was a step by Iho na tio n al ad-n in l.itratlon lo "p lay \ip to Jo h n L . l<-«lf nrid th e CoiiRreM. of Industriiil OiRiinirn- tlons. " Coyne Is no t a niemlM'r of

executive rouncll.


W A B H lN a W N , Ja n » (iJPi m lra l H arold R. fHuiK, rhi.-f of naval operationn, uild tlin ii<ni naval a f fa i rs c(unmlit<-o (ckIuv th a t a 10 pe r cen t aiiH m iU rd iiinniAo In th e tl , 8 , lleel wimlit h" n "linn step" b n t expressed iiuix' (h«<Rreaa w ould vola the :in |H<r rs im nslon oilaliiully nhi>i<l Hi< Mtid Iho la rg e r hioieasn w»nia ln«va a "d e la rre n t effect" on iihhh '' <Ivc n a ­tions.

H lark waa r i i 'a iln l fm irntluum y a (t« r th e roiiuiilllpa liiillinipd a dealro to reduce th e orliilnal »i,s«0.- 000,000 six year expniiAlnn piiinrnm to tlia MOO,OOU,OIXI w iutii (It Kid|w th a t aoliia lly could he siuitr<l in Ui^ i i a i t iwo yvai*—it;i eo inbam nl vaaaela Including rep lu rrm en t of overage vuaeU . slil|w a lready a illli-. o rlied , a n d ld7,000 t<ms of new c raft,

"1 ahould lilie th e o iIhIuaI bill to bccMuo law ," Q U rk luld.


LONDON, J a n . 29 (U,R)—G erm tin planc.s today aU acked B ritish sh ip - ping along m ore th a n 400 m iles of th e east coast from th e river T ay In the no rth to th e K en tish coast in the south, d ropped sm all bom bs on the S he tland Islands a n d cau.ied a .series of a ir ra id a la rm s w hich spread inland.

At least 10 sh ip s w ere a ttac k ed during Ihe ra id s by 16 G erm a n bombers.

Dropa Seven »om b«One raider w as repo rted to hove

dropped seven bom bs n e a r th e steam er L lan W ern in Uie T yne­side area b u t i t failed to ecore • d irec t h it.

A nother ra id e r a ttack ed steam er Im peria l M onarch off th e Scottish coast b u t i t fled tn th e face of an a ttac k by B ritish p u rsu it ships,

G erm an p lanes w h ich a ttem p ted to attaok ships off Uie Y orksh ire coast were d riven o ff by royal a i r force patrols.

A n ti-aircraft guns were In acU on a wide a re a , especially 1q th e

Over th e week-end, th ey continued to a ttac k b u t each th ru s t w as w eaker, accord­ing to th e F innish reports from th e fro n t, and i t was believed th a t th e offensive in which more th an 40,000 men partic ipa ted had been halted fo r th e tim e being.

T h e RuBslana, according to d e - lay(!d reports, h a d essayed new a t ­tacks In th e n o r th ea s t lake a re a , w here they sough t to 'brcalc th ro u g h th e M annerhelm line, and , byilo n k in g I t o a t b t lake aide, m a k a -------It untenab le ,

SOQ K ilted Y esterday A pproxim ately 800 R ussians wer*

killed a n d 160 were m ads prisoners yesterday In th e fighU ng northeast; o f L ake U d o g a , a n official P lnn ish

Japanese Train Crash Kills 186

TO KY O , J a n , 20 illPi JapancAR new s agciicv, kKliiy H iat IHfl pc^Mll>^ < ■tiul 00 In jured, As n( I

Doilirl, rrpiii lud i« killed eihiut.ly.

ru lh w reck In Iha siiliurbA of Ohuku.

tra in , d raw n iiy » KaMillne eliRliie, wiin of H irrr n u n M<ir<l nf

pa ^p|1K■‘ rA, Aoiiie uoiiien, wovkrra on liie ir way lo indim trlul pIuntA.


trONTKHT KAIMIIIKNAMPA, Idu., J a n . riif.

Him aniuiiii llar.i' r(inv<'iiin»Niiinpii lilKii M'liodi Wll. n (n ih u c t(Hlay an<l Itn iiiniiiiii cldPd thn AtiidenlA huil iioiidnR Imi, t ru lh to tell. 'P in coille I dPiidlllin linAAed wlHioul oiin iiiili ii In (leii]iprnlU>n, the pioi t^ 'nded tlio llriir lim it.

e ra l dlsirlcta o f th e n o r th ea s t coast.Mo D am aga Reported

No dam age w as reported from th e bom bs dropped in th e She tland is ­lands by th e G erm ans.

A boa tm an who w itnessed th e ae r ia l activ ity a long Uie sea f ro n t sa id a black bombing plane a t one p o in t dived to w llh ta M (« t t o f th e top of a lighthouse.

T lie p lane then pss.scd low over th ree sh ips and a ttacked Uiem for five m lnuK s, h e said. At le as t six bom bs were dropped, the b oa tm an reported, bu t th e sh ips d id n o t a p ­pear to have been dam aged.

A lone Get-man ra ide r was 2,000 fee t over the r iver Tyne an d was rei>ortcd to have dropped tw o bomba wiUiout doing dam age . A nU -alrcraft guns opened fire a n d two m inutes la ter a QrlUsh f ig h te r p lane appeared, T lie G erm ans fled a n d tw o m oro D rlilsh ptacvet w en t

F a r th e r n r t h , in Uie regkm o f A itto joU . th e Ruatlana a tta e k e d - in — w h at ap p ea red to be a n a tte m p t to tu rn a F in n ish f lan k b u t wer* th ro w n back, th e com m unique M id.

"T he enem y le ft m ore t h a n - 450 dead on th e neld ," th e F inns sa id .

F in t\lah a irc ra f t sh o t down a B ed a rm y bom ber a t PasUa. on th e Im ­m e d ia te ouU kirta o t H eU lnkl, d u r­ing th e fo u rth a ir raid a larm o f to d ay , w hloh w as tounded «( 4:»T p .m .

M r VaM a

pect a new R e d a n n y bombing cam-e x -

p i d ^ ta revenge fo r w h at appeared to be R uss ian failure* to b reak th ro u g h th e F inn ish llriet D orthoast o f L ak e L adoga.

T w o a ir a larm s were sounded du r­in g th e m orning. No p lanes w ere seen a n d th e re was no gunfire. P u t th e c ity w aa o n th e a le r t tn th e be­lief t h a t th e R a v la n s would se n d ' flee ta of p lanes pver sou thern F in ­la n d to o ffse t th e Lake Ladoga se t­back.


O vrc N orthrak l Coast.T lie a ir mlnlRlry in a cnm rnuninue

sold G erm an p lanes had been re - IKirted over th« no rth east coast s iiortly a fte r 9 a, m, (4 a, m . BBT) iind U iat "a niim her" of flKhttiiC plaiiM w ent up and a n tl- a lr e ra ft RiniH ojieiifd fire In the I’yne d in t, n e t,

U was aw ertpd no O prm an p la n e actuully crosAcd the coail.

D uring Uie alarm pprlod a ir ra id precau tions u n its w ere on th e a le r t a ll along Uia noilllruAt, coast,

A m ine rxplmled nn th e uliore n t a A ouuieoat'cnnnt to w n ,' mnkinR a i)rpAch In a new sea wall and b rea k ­ing hundre<li of witidnwi. A no the r m ine was seen flDatlng nearby.

N O R T tt in,MlO T tU IRBOIHtC, Jnn . 'JU OfD Ixiwla

Rnlwrls, alAtn W i'A d im ito r o t o)K<riitli>ns, <|p|)flrtpil t<xtay for n o r th Idaho on a tour of projecta.

D aan M iller, tinlfl W I‘A head , Kild Robeitn wtmid vUtl O oeur d'A lene hend(|unrter» and co nsu lt wiUi otflolaU,

W IT H T H E FINNIBH ARMY. K A RELIA N IHW M UB, Jun , 29 . —Bovlot bonilM struck a R^d Croas m lliU iry hoApllal today, killing 33 persona. Inehidlng four woman. MOAt of th e cunualtles were w ound­ed sold iers.

O l 30 peraoiiB In Ihe hrsiphal w hen tliH R«xl’arm y lx>mljiTi ««nr«l a d l- r c c l h i t only «flven were siivod. Tlin de ad werfi Incinerated in th e hos- ]>ltal, w hich biu'st Into flam es as soon aa I t was nlrurk.

A lthough Uio hospital p rom inent­ly d isp layed a Rr^l Cross sign th e H ovlet p la n rs nwooped tow and drop- p « l a bomb Uirough the cen ter of th e building.

W ith in a m stl^'r of m lnutsa Uia enUn* s tn ic tu re waa ablase. Seven o f th e dead wern m cn.w oundnd M fierloujily In m 'e iU IlKiiHnu a t Uie f if tiit lU a t they ’tjeve lu l»M, Tli'*y h a d no chance to l-^cal>c either tha explofllon o r th a f lam er


NEW Y O im , Ja n , 28 n m Pierce PowflC-Walera, Jo in t lin rry morn's m a n ag e r, p revented thn great pro­file rfltu rn lng p rom siu rrlv to gay llrouilway today by k ic in iii him ■ a re tu liy sniunnternd In h is l-ong Is land hoiiin. >

H arrym nra rs lu rn s W ednewlay

Y ork luc in iora a fla r a ru n uf 10 m o n tlu In n iiicago a n d o lh e r n ild - w ra t c lllas. 'I^ ia l will ha ilnm t'limiiili fo r lliB re liirn and foi I’nwri:- W ntars lo liegln w orrying, he In tl- m «t#1,

P ow er-W ate rs ha rd ly gav* Barry- ino ra lim a to |iln i|N ie inldlow ti M un- h a t ta i i la s t n ig h t w iien Hi* "My D ear O hlM ren" eom pnii)' a rrived fro m DetruU , B u t Barrym ore d id n 't aeem dlsap lw in ted , ' t n ihn sam e hotise will ba Pow er-W aW rs’ be au ­tifu l b ru n e tU dau g h ter, Pa tric ia . 30. wlM h a s a p a r t in h is play and

ing, d rllgh tfu i, baautlfiil, lovely, a tti- (lendnus, etfl,"

H e looked tired wlmn he lefl, Uia tra in , bu t hn wua no t to<i tired to;

Im p lan t kissen on th a e ars a n d riieeRa of P a lrln la . and niieek nf a girl rep o rte r wiiosn na m e he d id n 't know. <l1 ie rep o rte r w rote In h e r iiewspaiWr: "H e kisses an iua- Ingly. It you g e l w hat I m ean,")

R oaring a n d snn rlin g den ia ls o t rejiorU 1m U til.

W eaving ever so sligh tly In th a b«si m an n er of llie g re a t lover, w h ile a friend, w ho h a d b««n wiUi h im o ii tlie tra in a ll day, Insisted h e solMT, saying h e h a d n 't h a d any* th in g to d r in k axcep t ''w hisky- flavored w ater." ,

P o m fo r p liolographere w ith Pow - e r* W ate n a n d a doc w hich h e oUl- • d Zeppo.

.......... ....................................... - P rance tlgorw isly to th a auto*w lioni U airym ore liu iika Is "ch a rm - moblla w hleh took h im to Bftyitd*.


W A am N G T O N , Ja n . s* w,m — B ecreU ry of AgrlnuUura Henry A, W allace loduy announced Hie fo r­m u la fo r dnterm lning Individual a creage a llo tm e n u for domaatlo su g a r boet growers who apiily l>enefll payn ien is th is year.

t l i o fo rm u la is exiieolrd lo provide a n acreage sii/flclen t to m eet Uie m a rk e lln g quo ta nf 1.8M,098 tone to r b e e t su g a r a n d provide a norm al carry -over.

W allace sa id producers m ay p la n t th e equ ivalen t of th e acreage they p la n te d In 1997, 1MB or l 9 » In 6 rder to quifllfy .fo r paym anla. 1 » a llo tm e n t will b« th e hlgtoail M f» - age p la n ta d by * f a m « In t l « Of • t)ie ttire e yMTa.

•nw fo rm u la fi" a fa rm e r m ay p on Irrlg a tad M aetae oo f u n i i n . e rs w ho i M t r h i INO baeta W tUM f■qulVfttonl lo tM • ------------- -

1 ^ 1 JTMT ttw a f p t r t r n tm H t t lh - UahadDC • a m . O tM iU i <1(o a a tu a t to th « M tk n a l loW diT lduia •D olinM tU w t m i m u U (o r IHO.

Page 2: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,



Com plete lUnernry for «»slsi*nce to i u t « liirOTnf u x p a y cr i o{ M nslc Valley wa* ou tlln« i lirrc today by V. M. BudRf, field deputy for ihe Idnlio income U x dfp*rtm enl.

Budge announced a trli> rnnging {l om MOUnlaJn Home to Ru[)crt »nd Albion, He nlll nM.l>t tnxpnyers in pri-p*rlng t li r i r sin if n -uirn* and will answer an> queries. S im ila r i r - la n g em e n u announced prevl-ou.-ly by the Irr te n l Income tax deputy lieie

Sclicdule foi tiip - i» ir drpu ty , Mr.B udte.

Ffb . S and 6—Twin Kalli county auriiler'ii office.

Keb. ' and R—G oodlnt. L incoln inn.

J 'eb . 9 a n d l»—Jerom e. N orth Side Inn.

Keb. 12 and 13—Sho»hone. MeFall hotcL

Feb. l i —Sun Valley.Feb. 16 and 17—llalleT. H iaw atha

h o te lFeb. 19 and ?0—Ruperl. ('a tedon-

lan holeLFeb. 21 — Albion S t jte .Normal

ichoof.Feb. 22. ?3 and 24—llurley. N a­

tiona l hoteL Feb. tS. 27 and 28—Buhl hotel.Keb. 29—M ounU ln Home. M ellen

h o te lMari-h I and 2—<;ifnii« Kerry.

C 'omnierrlal hotel..March 4 through .March 1&—Tw in

Kalli countjr auditor'* office.Mr. Bud^e .said Dial blank re-

lUMis have be tn mailed lo a ll ta x ­payers «'lio filed for 1938. B u t the btank-s m ay al&o be ob tained a t ban lu , county audito r offices a n d by dll eel rrque.sl to Bobe.

The»e M uil File • “An Income ta x re tu rn m ust be

filed th is year by everj- residen t of Idaho whose groAs Income am ounted to >5,000 o r over, regardless o f th e source, a n d whose n e t Income a m o u n t^ to <700 if single, o r If m a r­ried a n d n o t living w ith h tu b a n d or

■ w ife." aald th e s u t e deputy. *'For m arried p e n o n s Uvlnc- w ith h iu - b a n d o r wife, ibe n e t income Ii«ur« k S lM a ”

H e sa id th a t tverjr oon -rcslden t w ho nc « lv ed locom e Irom aources w ith in Idaho , reaching TOO o r over lh~1939. alao m u st llle. A new pro- Tlalon In th e law requlrea a ll federa l em ployai t« file a s ta te re tu rn for 1M».

D eadline , a i in the case of the federa l Income tax. U M a rth 19. P e n a lty fo r wUful failure io m ake a n d file & r a tu ra on tim e to n o t m ore th a n ttOO flna, or Im prlaoom ent for n o t m ore th a n alx m onths, or bo th . I n add ition , fl»e to JS per cent o f the a m oun t o f th e tax m ay b« added fo r penally .


M n . M elba Violet Sm ith ijpeirs, 34. 2M IStue L akes Boulevard south, rw ld en t of T w in fa lU for the past tw o years, died a t I a. m todsv

S he wa.s born Dec. 1, 1915, ai F i ih H aven, a n d wa.i a menil>ri of th e L a t te r Doy Solnta c liu n ti

T lie bodj' reaui a i th e Rejnolds funera l hom e pending a rra n ie - m e n u .

Surviving a re lier hu jband . H un t- oon L. 8>)elrj., T »'ln F a lb ; her U - ifier, C n ie it Sm ith . F ish Haven, aiuI two ch ild ren . l> 'O rr SpeUs mrl B lalr Speirs. T w in Falls

Also surviving are the (ollowiun b ro thers and lU ters; Raymoud T hom as, K m es;, j r , and IV>imld .Smith and M rs Raymond (»i>r(tiiK and Mlto M erlynn Rmlili «ll t>f K bh Haven,

News in BriefBicycle Recovered

Police hav« reported recovery ofa bicycle bctmiKum '<> S e ttle Ju n e T a rr . 328 TIiik I iivm uc e ast. T he wheel was recrntly ir im rted stolen.

Win:> Mentiona ie n A . Jnikm.s. C iicvrolct deale r

In Tw in Full.-.' «oi. lionorable m e n ­tion in the im iinii»ide window tr im contefit In «lin 'li 5U0 part* a n d nc- cesjwrics d '-punm ents parU oipated , acrordm e lo “ '" ri ' ' ’•luy frijm F lin t. Mlrh

I Cars U am ated' F-rnest fc U«in Sundny morning

rrporK'il in polic r ihni b c ar driven I by Pnris K.1I1 i ni.'hrd into his m a- I cliuir Ji om tlir rcm as lie stopped ! In the 400 bloc ic of Main avenue I north. Damate^ io bnUi machines

WA. i<ll(!hl.

, D isturbs PeaceLyle Wills, about 32, Bulil. e n tered

Tw in Falls rouniy Jail today u nder i 30-day icn tcncc dt.'creed by J ilstlee

R H. Stew art. Buhl, on c h a rg es of Inioxlcutloii and d is tu rb ing th e peace a t the BnvarlHii Beer G arden . Wills plcudcri Kiilliv.

F ra iler-L em ke Hill New- co u u rulinii uii llic P 'rarler-

Lcmkc tjlll W|(( hr cx iilalned In d e ­tail by an a in h o ru rd speake r T u es­day. Ja n . 30. a t 8 p. iii. a t th e c o u rt house, and tlie public is Inv ited to attend- An niU T iiiin incn t fea tu re will be prr.srntrd liy a T w in F a lh tilRh school grnduRic.

Scouters to MeetA SroiilmnM uis' m eeting will be

held at. 7:30 p. in today a t th e local ufllce.'i, It was annotm ccd th is a f te r ­noon by Qoidoii Day. executive. H lte cn Scoutinasiprs are expcuted to a tten d and dlscu.vi p lans fo r a n - nlvcrsnry week, to be observed Feb. 8 to M. both dales Inclusive.

ln» tructor R tcovtt*A. M. KIclnkopf, In s tru c to r a t

P leasan t Valley school, w as Im prov­ing today a t th e county h o sp ita l a fte r a severe aUaok of pn

In BoiseM r. snd Mrs. Lloyd H arp e r, T w in

FalU. “' f f w eek-end v isitors In Boise

Homf Krum Hospital C D McClain re tu rned S a tu rd ay

rrom Boi-'e. w here he subm itted lo opfiatioii th ree weeks ago. He r 'n .» r in i satlafaetortly .

lioiircl <jt Itevlew A of review for Scouta of

till.-! d liirici will be held a t th e p ro - b u u tou rt room i In the c o u rt house Wednesday a t 7:S0 p. m .. officia ls announced today.

hc*t U lrtclonDirectors of Uie T w in Falls Com -’

inuniiy Chest Will m eet T hu rsday a t I p. m. a t th e city ha ll, i t was announced this afte rnoon by R a lph Pink, president. AU (directors a re urged to a ttend.

O akland GuestMl&s Ella Mae Rom ney, O akland,

CalU-. cousin of U n . O leon E . J e n k ­ins. who before h e r m arriage yester-

wax .ML« R u th Schw endim an, Among the ffuests a t th e wed­


Ureaki Shoulder Mrs. D onald M acD onald. Boise,

.. i s brought fron C on tac t. Nev.. S a turday evening to th e T > in F alla county general h o a p lu l, w here she is being trea ted for a bad ly f ra c ­tu red right shoulder, accord ing to hosplial a ttendan ts .

T lie school will leopcn W ednesday w ith M rs. Lola C. C ockrum aubsti- lu ting for Mr. K lclnkopf u n t i l h is lu ll recovery. Mrs. K lc lnkopf Is teacher for p a rt of th e g rades.

Townsend M eeting M eeting da te a n d tim e for th e

T ow nsend club No. I In T w in F a lls will be 7:30 p. m . T uesdays each week. T he executive council will report ori en terta in m e n t a t th is

eek's ses-tlon.

Motorcycle Found Police today reported recoveo ' of motorcycle s to len from C e d i D os-

vDlt, 202 Se-venlh avenue e ast. S u n ­day evening. T h e vehicle wa.i lo ­ca ted a t the in te rsec tion of th e tru ck lane and W ashing ton stree t. I t w as abandoned.

A t th e Uoapltal Mrs. G ene R u th erfo rd . B u h l;

M arilyn Lincoln, K im berly, a n d A l­be rt D ixon. Tv,m Falla, h a v e been adm itted to the Tw in P a lls county general liospltal. P a tie n ts d ism issed Include M rs. F rank H ane l. M rs. W . H . Sco tt. Buhl; M rs. A sa M lUer, •Eden, and H arry A tkinson, K elchum .'

M inister HMiored Rev. E. W. K asten . p a s to r o f th e

A m erican L u th e ran ch u rc h , le ft Sunday for T acom a to a t te n d th e conference, o f th e n o r th w es t d is ­tr ic t. He will be th e conferei^ce speaker T uesday evening. R ev . K as- len will also a tte n d th e L u th e ra n In ter-S ynod lcal p a sto rs ' In s titu te a t Pacific L u tlieran college a t P a r k ­land . W ash., a n d w ill re tu rn to T w in Falla nex l Sa tu rday .

Jo in * . Lockheed Eltis G ardner, son of M rs. Lysle

O ardner, h as accepted a position as Junior producllon c lerk a t Uie Lock- heed a irp lane fac to ry a t B u rbank , Calif , according to w ord received here. I lls work consl.sts o f Issuing p a it .1 In the experim en ta l d e p art menl. T lte day he opplled for e m ­ploym ent he was th e on ly a p p lica n t of JO perm itted to take th e in le l- llgence le st and o th e r lequ lred am lnations given prospecllve ployes.

Death ( ^ o i n r H l o

( > a r < l i i c r l i i f i i i i lH arvry Ouaiie U iK liie i. inun '.

.'ini of M r niKt Mri> Kail (UH liiri ilied Uundav rollow ini t«n illn e« . He Mas born Aug. l . 193», In Tw in Falls

Funeral se u i.T s will b r i,ri,i Wm I- nc^dR> a i 2.:io (. in m iiir Kalis m ortiiaiy rli«i>el lu ic in im l « lll be In Huiuet McmDiui ihu

Surviving a re the ]Mieiii> [oiii ■ i»iers, D orotliv. Darlene, Norma •lean sn d J r n n n te . and one Im illiri, We.ilry, and liL> KratHipamii.i Mr mikI .Ml-' W allei U a id n ri I'kih Kalb , nnd W illiam H iatt, fnu :

IK>RR()Wi;i)l l i r rar wb> honomnl i,ni

aldlenA\ least thaVa w)iai H n Ktaiis.

who gave lilt ad<1tc*> a.\ tlir ('aIi-. rtonla hotel, lold |>ollre Bun.uv night.

He callsd to leimii his <ai Iik I been stolen, giving ths oiii.ru a coinpleU docrlption Hr <«iini a aliort whllt later tn irpdii un ear a« being fonnd

HU wife, he eajilaiiiol hxt i>ni. rowed U.


AGED B i l t t lL E O B y iE A

HUIil-. .Ihii iM i ic ia l .- W l l-llAin H eniy Biew er. 81, dirrt SalUi ilH) at lil.\ home in (he I.iin -in r ii/. Milt (Mini Hie effec ts ol n piiiAlytK .Mlnki- . 'i l l lr trd lii.it \MTk

H r hiKl I r r n a ri-sl<1rnl •>( HiihlIDH Hr I boiii A|H I

IH.'iH. Ml l.rwUloii. 111. lliriiilicl (>I til l ChllnUi

Ills wite and two son*i hy s l<ui\iri iii-<iiii«ue. -K H IlreMci. t;ni 1)1' . Aiui .) W. Ilrrw fi liiili;, vUr, MS do 21) HI anclclilUll cii kIhI 24 Ki'-«l-i:ii>iuli'hll(h

I hr IxMi; iPiiA Hi Ihe K \,iii ' .mil -hilinviii tiiiinH l home

Dies in ColoradoM l' Ann MrddlnuK iiKiihei nf

tlie la te Mis 11 M. lledM ioin I'wlli ^> 1 ln. (lied th h m n rn ln s ' iMni a t the home of hei d n iiih te i . Iieiie lU ii.li. C ilrelev. Toll il.'iiMunii Hiis iii liin n rd In lu m i i c r i v r d l in e

Ml-. Mediiinii H iu Kcll kiiiiwii III U in ra ils . haM ng vlxlle.l h n e i.rv- a ta l nines a t th e H edslro in home.

h 'liiirial n r iv i.rs will h r helil nl M u. Mi'ddlng's hom e in I'lielili), ( 'o ld . lliuiM lay altriiKHiii

8klers l''racture Legs Mrs- S- H. G raves. Tw in Falls, is

recoverlnii ni the Ts^-ln F a lls county hosp ital from a frac tu red leg su s­ta ined on the p rac tice slope S u n ­day while skiing a t Sun- Valley. A n­o th e r T*-ln F a lls skier, M rs. L isa Molony. sustained a leK fra c tu re w hile perform ing on Baldy m oun­ta in a week ago bu t is no t In the hoepltal.

• ----------------------------------------------I News o f RecordI M arriage Licenses

• ----------------------------------------------

JAN. Z7G lenn E. Jenk ins. 2S. and R uth

Schw endlm an, IB, both o l T«'ln Falls .

T o Mr. and Mrs. Olen A rnhari. Eden, a boy, Saturday a t the Twin f'a lU county general hosplial m a ­te rn ity home.

T o Mr. and Mi.s, W. K. O aens. F iler, a boy, today a t Woods prl- val« san ita rium , 757 Serond avenue e ast.

T o Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kidd. T w in F rI.Is , a girl. Monday a t the 'IV ln F'nlls county geneial hospitnl.

T o Mr. and Mrs. K eith Hunter, Tw in Falls, a girl, ye.^leiday »t the Tw in Fa lls county general hos|)ltal. She has been named Uallv,

I Funerals 0 -----------------------------------------------0

MOON—Funeia l ,M'iM. e,i for D. I’ M oon will be held Tttrsdiiy At J.30 p. m. a t th r Itr.MiiiUU liiiicral hom e, w ith liileiiiiciit ui ih r 'I'win F ulls cemetery. nr> M C t:io n rn - h rm rr . Chrlslliui pasioi. will iilli- r la tc , and Ihe Odd Kellow* lodur will be In ch*t||» n | riieA at the rem etery .

FINAL S E R IE S<Pr»» F»i» Ontl

a s does a daugh(er. O livia Ja n e C hapm an

O lher Kur»ivorsO ther survivors include liLs b ro ­

th e r. Mar:>hall. a p a rtn e r wUh h im In the local law lin n bearing the fam ily nam e.

“ ilegram s expressing regret a t h is pa is ln s were received by the fam ily S a tu rd ay . Sunday and today and eam e from officials over th e n a tio n .

Among th e impressive floral t r i ­butes was one from th e na tio n a l D em ocratic com m ittee a n d Jam es Parley , chairm an of the com m ittee a n d also postm aster general.

Burial was In charge ol th e W hile m ortuary .


T ribu te to the la te W, O rr C h a p ­m an . prom inent 'Twin Fa lls a t ­torney. was paid today by th e d is t­r ic t court w h ttt J u d ja J . W . P o rle t a d journed th a t trib u n a l a t 1 1 a . 'm . un til 9:30 a . jn . Tuesday.

Funeral services fo r M r. C hap m an were being held th is a fternoon.

Judge Porter a d jo u rn e d c o u rt a fte r a 13-man Jury h a d been se* iK t^ d to tr^‘ a civil case in which M rs. Esther T. Aker asks re.tu ju of a 1B37 Bulck sedan from h e r h u s ­band . Elmore A. Aker. N am ed also as defendan t Is Miles J . B row ning, in c .

la s t Ju n e 16 a lthough she a s s e ru s}ie l i th e owner. The p la lnU ff asks e ith er re tu rn of the c a r o r $ 1 ,000 . a n d scck.s al.so JlOO dam ages. H er a tto in ev is W. L. D iinn. O. C . H all repre.'cn ts Mr. Aker.

Ju rym en chosen before c o u rt a d ­jou rned today to honor M r. C h a p ­m an are Charle.s Russell. D. D . Al- vord. K in McCaulev. T hom as B. Speedy. J . M Pierce. S. C anfield , W illiam Baki’r. M. R. Plclslick . Jo h n D . Knmbrlch- Clifford D avis. V ictor W . Nelson. Orville Creed.

T h e cabe is th e first civil tr ia l th e Jan u n ry calendar. T here w no L-rlmlnal trlah .

Seen Todaytiki e n th u s ia s t wiggling uneasily

as he siU in h a rd chair. . . Sam e W estern U nion boy singing the sam e b irth d ay song in th e aam e eitibarraa&Qd way In the sam e of- ricr m entioned before, th is tim e In honor of Emil Bordewlek. . . G irl abou t seven years old am ear- iiifi lipstick over ha lf h e r face, evidently a f te r finding th e little tube on dow ntow n sidewalk. . . Doe H aw kins exhibiting h is own private a rse n a l consisting of th ree sliotgun-s a n d two high-pow ered rifles. . . O ffice w orker em itting peculiar sound, halfw ay betw een call for he lp a n d bleat of fre ight, a-s -he slips on floor and bangs against door. . . Driver opening fro n t hood slightly in order to mcU fro s t off wlnd&tileld. , . And the la te A rt P a rk er 's Buhl police badge given to C laude W iley as keepsake by M rs. P ark er a s she m o\es o u t of courthouse.


O n m otion o f th e p lain tiff, a cM I .swii to r S3,000 danvRRCs filed by F rank U lrieh , stock buyer, ag a in s t po.stal T eleg raph com pany for a l­leged n o n -tran s fe r of funds by te le ­graph w as dism issed in d is tric t court today by Ju dge J . W. Porter.

T he d ism issal was g ran te d “ w ith­out prejudice," m eaning th a t a n - o tiier su it over th e sam e m a tte r could be filed,

t;irlch . w ho buys slock In the Tft’ln Falls. Lewiston and Spokane territories, claim s th a t PosUI Tele­graph neglected to tran s fe r fu n d s by I'elegram to th e Tw in Fa lls Bank and T ru s t com pany. He said h e had •wired ih e m oney to cover checks he planned to w rite In buying stock. The tran s fe r, h e advised th e court )n hU co m p l- ln t. w as au th o rlied la s t May 8 b u t w hen h e n ro ia cliecks la ter he found these were n o t hon­ored.

Tlie m a tte r was one of th ree civil ca?es .set for tr ia l to open th e Jury calendar of th e J a n u a ry te rm . O th ­ers were M rs. ESsther T. A ker vs. Q m ore A. Aker, w hich gets actively underw ay T uesday, a n d W . C. H all

W illiam A. M acF arlan d and

probate c o u rt by M r. Hall.


( r n « Pm * 0«*>Colorado h a a v io la ted, a suprem e court o rd er of IflM by dlverU ng too m uch w ater from th e L aram ie rlTcr. T h e court haa n o t decided w h e th e r It will accept th e suit.

U pheld th e adm lnlstraU ve p ro ­cedure adopted by th e federa l coro-

commlsslon in d ea lin cw ith th ree-w ay figh ts for licenses to operate radio s ta tions a t PottsvlUe, Penn., and Cheyenne, Wyo. T h t FCC m a in ta in ed It h ad a r ig h t t« study th e m erlU of each a p p lic a n t a n d make Its decision on a “com ­para tive" basU. T h e D is tr ic t of Columbia court of appeals, w hose decisions were reversed, he ld th a t th e commission m ust decide th e a p ­plications Individually In th e o rd e r (lied.

lower c o u rt decision re q u ir ln t h e r to pay Income tax deficiencies fo r 1932 a n d 19M of tliJO S .

Agreed to review th e su it of th e governm ent seeking to p re v e n t,S a n F rancisco from disposing of pow er from th e H etch H etchy p ro jec t th rough the Pacific G as <Sc E lectric company.


OOODINO. Ja n . 29 (Special) — A ustin B. S late r, aged 81. ch ief of police a t G ooding for the p a s t year, died Sa tu rd ay a t 7 p. m . a t hU home.

T he body rests a t the Thom psonm ortuary pendl m ents.

Mr. S later, a resident of Id ah o for a nucntKt of years, w as a m iner a t K elchum In th e early days.

T he p ast 18 years he h a d lived in and n ear KeW hum, being e m ­ployed a t various tim es by th e city, and also working on a c attle ran c h .

A year ago he became ch ief of police.

He Is survived by his wife. M rs, E m m a J . S later.

A-,floating fortress, a wooden sh ip siicaihed w ith lead, was used by King. C harles .V. In th e cap tu rc of T unis in 1538. I t carried 50 p ieces of artillery.


h is d eath , a n d M n ^ W a rran g tin en U a re he ld t o abeyance pending th il r anrlTaL

T h e body resU a t th a Tbotopton m w tu a rj .

UUM M INGBIBOD iscussion o f p lana {or th e ir frad >

uatlOQ from th e H um m lngbtrd Blue B ird ( ro u p In to C am p F ire work In F e b n i ^ v a s held d u rtn v m m eet* In* o f th e R unnnh igb trd g roup S a t- n rd ay a t th e hom e o f M aurtne B or­en. A t th e tim e of tra d u a tlo n . M iss D* M ott. Datfajnal execuUTe, «1U be preeent.

I>urlng th e m eeting C am p F ire tiea w ere m ade. In prepara'U oo fo r th e tra d u a tlo n . and ran k s a n d h o n - era v e re discussed. P lan s w ere m ade for a candy and cooked food aale Sa tu rday .

T o close th e m e e tin t Mi«. N. O. Jo h n so n , guard ian . r«ad to th e girls from “0*m * of O*" a n d re fre sh - m e n u .were aerred by th e hostess, a tsU ted by V elm a R oberta.

A eoo trlbu ttoo to th e in fan tile para lysis fu n d w as voted fay m em - bera o t th e M eadow L ark cro u p of B lue B irds a t m m e e ^ n c •n iu n d a y a t th e hom e o f M is. n s h e r . A fter a business ra c e tln if th e girls worked on sewing. R efreshm ents were serv­ed by-L ucille Langdon.

N ex t n u tt in g wlU b e a t th e hom e o f N oU J e a n M lnshev.

R ites Conducted F or H. E. Bailey

Im pressive la s t r ite s w ere held th is a fte rn o o n for H ertw rt E. Bailey, res id en t of T w in P a lls fo r m any years, w ho died J a n . 38 a t a < valescent hom e here .

R ev. O . L. d a r k , pasto r of th e P resby te rian ch ilrch . officiated.

M rs. G erald W allace a n d Mrs. O ren Boone san g “Abide W ith M e" a n d “Lead K ind ly L igh t." a cc « n - p an led by M iss Louise K tm g e l.

Pa llbeare rs were W arre n W il­liam s. A. D. Sherlock. H . T . Blake. Pau le MeuU, P e te r Pearson a n d W . B. B u rtt.

In te rm e n t w as In T w in F a lls ( • te ry .

A ged R esident o f Gooding Succumbs

GOOD IN G. Ja n . 39 iSprciai> — A. E . P r ln e tu aged a b o u t 84. died a t th e home of Jo h n Caaeh th ts m pm lR f.

H e h a d been a res id en t o f G ood­ing fo r a num ber o f yeai5.

Relatives have been no tified of



T e u ’U be sa rprised" a t (be lew prices e f th e U aloa M oU r C » Spee lab fa r tb ic w e A Always ■ e re m iles for th e a o n e y . 'a a d (here's p len ty of a en ice In these. IM % saUsfacUon o r iM % r c f u d


Plym outh Sedan _____ tl9 034 P lym outh Sedan ______ 111553 V-8 T udo r Sedan _____ 11243« V-« DI*. Coupe _______436055 v -ft Coupe, new m otor ....$31654 v-8 D lx. F o rd o r ...............$33537 C hevro let D lx. Sedan ....M75 M C hevro let D lx. Coupe .....M7657 V -l T udo r Sedan . h e aU r >43658 V-8 T u d o r Sedan , heate r 1335 37 V -l D lx. ro rd o r . heate r 8475 37 N ash Dlx. Coupe .........$475


3« Dodge H T on P. U. ......$35037 M ack J r . 4 T on ______ $32538 Fo rd 1 T on T ruck .... ... IMO38 V-8 2 Ton, 158 T ruck •,...$62537 V-8 F o rd T ruck . 158 ....., $47538 V-8 P ickup ......... .........$3SS35 V -8 P ickup .... ........ ....... $195



e x t r a c o o ^ h e s s

e x t r a F t A V O R

in dower-burning Cam els/says Bill Corum^

fam«d tportt writor and columnist

T e i n p c r a l u r c s



K ClU t -

1 5 « to I r . M . - 2 0 C ‘ ^ K Iddlri i O c A iijlln it

( 'n i)llnuoui from I ;IB r . M._ — - ------—

N orte Air 4 undlt^oiird

i i o : x aTODAY and TOMOKKOW

'• lilfftrtnti Tm llllnil •





, C A M E L S A R E C H A M P S ;

WrH M6

l i g h t n i n g -p a s t la th< p im - b o i lW b y , B ill C b ru m 's been k n o w n to file 5 ,000 w o rd s o f s iu l in g co p y d u rin g a s i n | l e b ig ip o n s e v en t. O ut n o speed for b i n In b is sm o k in g - ilo w c r* b u rn ln ( C am els a re Bill C o ru m 's c tca re ite . H e llkea tb a i e x tra m ild n e tt , c o o ln e ii , a n d 6avor.

H ere 's B ill a t « o t k in th e q u ie t of b i l office. B i ll. . . ty p e w rite r . . .b o o k s ...p ic tu res...and Wow-hiirn-lo g C a n e b . * i find ib c m m ild er a n d c o o lc r - a n d th r if t ie r ,” b e layi. A n d . b e in g a C am el fan o f m a n r y ears ' l u n d io g . h a o u g h t to know .

B i l l C U RU M S I tm n t n ew s l in 'l iu t t p r im e d ...it '* t p r i t l i J . ,mt lig h tn in g

•p eed fro m p m i h o s to pre«a a n d th e .Five-Star F inal, liu t « h c n tb e c an d id c am era c a c ih n llill in h it o f lk « w ith -a l ig a r c t t a - w e l i , " N o *|>ved fo r m e in m y sm o k in g ." be

I l i i o w n ro m m o n >eii>c a n d sm o k in g c s p c r ie m e te ll h im w lu i K le«ili»ts h a \a co n firm ed in th e ir r e s e a ^ h la b o ra to r ie s - t h a t " • to w -b u rn in g rig a re tte a a re e«- t r a m lld .c i t ra cool, f rsg ra n i, f a d f lav o r­

fu l." C ig a re tte i ilm t b u rn f i i i ju u natu< ra lly b u rn b b l. A nd n iu liing m m cely w rc ik s th e dc licau r le i iu iit i of llavnr a n d fra g ra n ce in i iiK*ri(ii- » t» ic*s h e a t. Y o u d o n 't w .n t a hot, ( In . iincom< fo riab le sm oke. I he <{tllKliilul mild* iie ii, coo lness . ff»gr*nic , n u l /l«vi»r of C am els a re o sp li in c d hy ild t imj)«r- lu n t find ing-C ^m ncIt (nnvcd m (\« i |\s f/»M >«j/-burnlng ilK ire iia n | ihe lia ieen la rg e it-ie liin g b rn n H tieaietl! s ! H g h l tx p td im I h t i n i . )


M O R E P I ,E A ,S U R 1 ' F R R P U l ' I ' . . . M O R K P U F l 'S P K R P A C K !

l a recen t lab o ra to ry le its , CAMUI.S b urned 2 )% f/«Mwr th a n th e av erag e n f the 19 O ther o f tb e la rg e ii-M tlin g b ran d s te tted —

, s lo w e r th a n *my o f th e m . T h a t means, e o tb e a v erag e , a sm o k in g p lu i equal to



agareffe o f Cosf/terToiaccos

Page 3: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,



W oodchopper Lays Aside His Ax Y


V ATICAN CITY. Ja n . 39 (U.fi) — B eaU ng. to r tu w a n d m u rd er oT p r ie s ts ^ Po\&nd w A a barbarto p ro g ra m of ex t«nn inatlon of P o lu Kener»Ujr were c h arsed against G erm any la a repo rt to Pope P liu X Q released (or publication today by Polish sources by authorlioU on o f A ugust C ard inal H lond. p rim a te of P o land .

T h e repo rt deWlled nam es, towns, reg ions In relating: a s to ry of p e r- seca tlo n or Individuals, groups, and m asses of Poles by th e O esU po. the G erm a n secret police.

P resen ted to th e pope on J a n . 6 th e rep o r t U divided In to sections covering dioceses im d arch-dloceses o f C atho lic Poland.

A llegations of c ruelly , desecrttUon a n d ex term ina tion cen te red In a reas w hich G erm any h a s formaUy a n ­nexed a n d Intends to m ake purely G erm a n - populated, r to m these a re as . U Is charged, Poles a re be­in g deported , destitu te, to o the r a re as—called the "genera l govern­m e n t of Po land’’—w hich have been s tr ip p e d of foodstuffs, or a re b e ­in g s e n t In lo G erm any. Ui concen­tra t io n cam ps, forced labor gangs, o r In th e case of boys a s young as 14 ye a rs to Nazi educa tional ccntcrs .

O rdered to P r»y for H itle r I t charged p ries ls have been or­

de red to p ray for A dolf H itler, th a t th e y h a d lo p reach In G erm an, th a t c h u rc h es could rem a in offcn only fo r tw o hours, on Sunday m ornings, a week, th a t churchc's have been

( dcsec ra ted , th a t c hu rch funds have been seised, tl ia t prlcsU a n d Poles generally have been deported , th a t n u n s w ere n o t spared .

T h e rep o r t said a g roup of G es­ta p o m e n burst In to a convent of th e F ranciscan slaters of th e P e r­p e tu a l A doration.

T h e agenU grouped th e sis ters In s ch ap e l w here th e holy sacram en t v & i expoaed. th e repo rt said, and sudden ly one of th e m en Jum ped on a c h a ir a n d began scrcnm lng the s is ters w asted th e ir tim e In praying.

‘T h e r e Is no O od," he w as sa id to have shouted , " fo r If th e re was a O od we should n o t be here ."

C om inoe W ork In Secret T h e re p o r t sa id p ries ts were con­

t in u in g th e ir w o rl t- In secret a n d a t th e r isk of th e ir lives in some areas.

fD ozens of priests a re In prison w here th e y a re being hum iliated , b e a te n and m a ltrea ted ," th e report Bftld. "A certa in nvunber o f them h av e been deported to G erm any and th e re Is no news of them . O thers h a v e been placed In concentra tion

forced to do h a rd labor If they can ^ n o t P&7 for th e ir food a n d "lodg- " Ing" In p rison, i t Is charged.

T h e rep o r t continued;“I t is n o t r« ra .t.to se^ p r l s t a

am ong w orkm en in th e coun try re ­pa irin g roads and bridgoa. pulling coal e ars . . . even dem olishing aynaaoBueR. Som e jnltR ta h av e been con fined In a pig s ty a t n igh t, b eat­en barbarously and subjected to o tti- « r to r tu res . . . "

FSA Chief lists Three Basie Ideas Behind Farm Camp Here

B U R I ^ , J a n . 29 (Special) — CassiQ county sp ring grain p roduc­ers have am ple oppuriun liy th is year, according to C ounty A gent W . W. Palm er, to secure c rn it le d s»ed for piiintlng, since Uiis year th e re

07 acres o f w hra i, oa ta a n d bnrl(^' w hich passed flcl'l Inspection. Mom of th is h a s now paascd th e iiiKl bln Inspection and is eligible

lo r certified growInK 'l ie com ing yenr.

T here w ere 26.8 acres o l im proved dlcktuw grow n by E dw ard H u n te r, Oakloy. a n d P re d ChrlstPiisen a n d E Nlcliols, bo th of Burley. Also, tlinrc w ere 43.3 acrcA of fede ra tion wIiiMi grown by Ncwri H. Baker, R(.b.Ti Poulson, W Ullam R. GlcrlsCh, ihp S outhern Id ah o dem onstration la rm , a ll of B utley . and O nrrard , Declo.

A. J . Aylor, P . H. M anning a n d William G lerlsch . a ll of Hurley grew 9.S acres o f th e new variety of w h ea t known a s L em hi. T he Mai bro thers, Wlllinm G lerlsch a n d Robert Fuqua grew 14 acres o l cerillled B annock oats, and D. L. Pace grew 3 a cres of certified T reb l borlcy.

Since considerable Inquiry is oc- curruig a t th e p rese n t tim e a t th e county a g en t's office rela tive to c e r ­tified seed g ra in , put’chase rs m ay contftcL th e grow ers or th e a g en t's office.

The now varlot^- Lem hi w hea t, which Is a c^oss betw een dlcklow and (edcratlon, h a s proven th is year to be superior to e ith er dlcklow or federation, T h is w hea l m a tu res as quickly as fede ra tion . Is no t a s sus- cepilble to sm u t a s dlcklow, a n d does no t produce a s m uch foliage a s dlcklow. T lie th ree growers who lirocliiced i t th is year a re e n th u s- iBstle over i t a n d I t Is very like ly th a t federaU on a n d dlcklow will gradually be rep laced by th is varie ty .

W hile w ar ram bles In E urope grow ilronger, th e h e a r t of e x -K aiser W ilhelm grows w eaker. T he exiled fo rm er ru le r o f G erm any , show n above In b is m ost rec en t p o r tra it , is reported seriotuiy ill k t D oom , IIo l-


Buhl Boy Named Cadet Alternate

tJNIVERaiTV O P IDAHO, Jan , 89 (Specia l)—M itch H unt, Buhl, wna se lec ted a s th ird a lte rn a te for a p ­po in tm en t to the U nited S ta te s M il­i ta ry academ y In W est Po in t. H un t, a sophom ore, will be chosen on Rep. C om pton I , W hite 's ap iralntee to th e m lllU ry nrsd rn iy If th e th ree m en abova him fail to piiM tlie e n tra n ce exam inations.

I Selected as th# principal appoln- » te e w as PloyA A lbert H atfie ld , M os-

oflw, son of the la le Limit. Col. F loyd A. HAtrield, head of th e m il­ita ry dep artm e n t a t Uio unlvernlty.

G . M lnarlk of th e P a u l CCC c om p, w ho accom panied 123 c n - rolles to S p a r ta , W ls„ in D ecem ber, r e tu rned to cam p P a u l. Ja n . 20. w ith 14S enrollees for cam p P a u l from cam p McCoy a t S p a r ta , Wls.

J . A. B auer will b ring h is b ro ther, Jim m y, hom e w ith h im ns soon school Is ou t. Jim m y will m ake h is hom e he re w ith h is b ro th e r since h is m o the r’s d e ath .

M r. and M rs. J . A. B auer received w ord la s t week o f th e d e a th « f hl« uncle, F ra n k K /ilser, D ubuque, w ho died J a n . 22.

M any P a u l ]Kople n tfended th e fu n e ra l services fo r M rs. N ina M orri­son a t th e L.D.S. c h u rc h In H ey- b u m F riday . T hose from P a u l tak ing p a r t In th e services were D avis G reene w ho was m a in sp e ak ­e r and M rs. A ndrew P e te rso n and Mrs. H enry M anning , w ho sa n g a d u e t en titled •'Som ellm e, Som c- w here." Mrs. M orrison Is survived by h e r h iw band a n d five ch ild ren w ho live Ju»t sou th of Paul.

D onna M iller was chosen queen of th e P au l w ard for th e S tak e G old a n d G reen ba ll to be he ld Feb. 7, a t th e M.I.A. m eeting M onday n ig h t. O tlier cand ida tes w ere D onnn W heeler. G ale H nlm itren, M artlia Jansnn , and Jen ii Jo rdan .

Mrs. W heeler M cQlll e n te red th e R u p e r t genera l hosp ital T uesday n lflh t w here she underw ent a m a jo r opernllon W edncsdny m orM ng, TJiursdny she was roprirtcd a s g e t­ting along as w<ill a s cou ld be peeled.


ROXYNow show ing — "B lind Alley,"

C hester M orrls-A nn D vorak.Wed., T hurs. — "Jeepers C reep ­

ers." Roy Rogcrs-W eaver Bros, a n d E lvlry; "M bxlcan S p itf ire ," L upe V elei-L eon Errol,

IDAHONow show ing — "H igh School,"

Jo n e W IU iers-Joe-B row n, Jr.W ed., T hurs. — "H e a r t o f th e

N orth ," Dick F o ran -G a le Pnge.

T liree reasons for con stru ctio n of th e farm labor c am p w hich w aa r e ­cen tly com pleted sou th o l th e c ity , w ere lu ie d h e re today In a com- m unlrn tlon received by th e Eve- nltiK T im es from W illiam A. D affy , regloiial d irec tor o f th e fa rm se­curity adm lnlstraU on w ith h e a d ­q u a rte rs In P<>rtland, O l^.

T h e cam p he re U expected to be occupied In th e n e a r fu tiu e . foUow- Ing appo in tm en t of a d irec to r and al-io Insinuation of a dd itiona l equ lp - m rn i Including fu rn i tu re InCBsrv

T tic Uirpp reasons for th e cfemp. 9utiinf*d hv Ehiffy. follow:

.Sraw nal W orkers1- T o provide tem porary housing,

RBnlinry, h e a lth a n d social fac lll- tlcK for p a r t o f th e th o u sa n d s of fa rm fam ily w orkers engaged In sea.wnBl and specla llied cro p ' sec­tions such as f ru its , berries, hops a n d suga r beets d u r in g a fo u r to six m on ths ' season.

2—T o provide m ore e ffic ien t serv­ice for employers of seasonal labo r th ro u g h crouplng of w orkers a n d ron ilng them th rough a rep rese n ta ­tive of th e federal fa rm p lacem en t s e n ’lfe, rstnblU hed In each cam p.

3 ~ T n provide a stepp ing atone from fa rm laborer to even tua l fa rm ow nership for a lim ited n u m b e r of dlRPstaWlshed fa rm fam ilie s forced In to seasonable labo r fo r a liveli­hood, •paihave m igra ted to Id ah o from d ro u th a re as a n d h igh ly m echanized a reas of th e g rea t plains.

D uffy explained th a t th e cam p h e re will provide sea.vm al fac ilit ies fo r 300 famllle.s and 40 hom esteads w ill be available. I rr ig a tio n fac il­ities fo r nardens to be a tta c h e d to th e home-iteads will be p rovided T h e local cnm p will serve a n a rea

ORPHF.UMNow showing — ‘'F ir s t Love,"

D eanna Durbin,W ed., Tliurs. - "B rltl.ih In te lll-

gence," Boris K arloff - M arB nret L indsay.

Women H ear T alk On M ental H ealthFILER. Jo n . 29 (Spcclal) — D r,

J. O, Cromwell, m edical supervisor of tl)p s ta te hosp ita l a t B lackfoot, was giw.-it speaker a t F lier W om an'« club annual p a rty W ednesday Ir th e M ethodist church .

H1.S subject w as “M en ta l Hygiene," cxpreivslng th e th o u g h t th a t a sound mind helps to h av e a sound body, and rela ting m a n y of th e new achlevom rnts o f science In th is field of liyclenc. H e w as Introduced by Mrs. Earl Ram sey, who a c te d as ioa.Mmaster.

Mrs. E. A, Beem , presiden t, w el­comed guests a n d m em bers w ere seni-d a t tab les decorated w ith s il­ver winter bouquets In blue vases, flanked on c ith er side by blue ta p e rc and silver holders. T iny re in d e er also graced th e tab les . .

A quarte t o f h ig h school boys, Arnold Peterson, J a y M lholson. E arl Pond and C lark AWlson, sang " I Love B P arad e" a n d "T h e Old Brigade," accom panied by th e ir In - s tn ic to r, Philip Cory.

M rs. Cor>- sang tw o solos, •'M orn­ing" and "W hen Song I s Sw eet."

Com mittee for th ls 'p a r ty w as Mrs. T . 8- Nicholson. M rs. N. L . L arsen. Mrs. Charles Pox. M rs. E, A, B e tn i. Mrs, R upert WIlllamRon. Mrs, E. M. R aybora, Mt&, G , W . AnU^ony.

ly from o the r secU oiu of t h a i ta t« ) m ay be needed during th e pieak w ork a n d ha rvest requlrem enta.” h e aaW.

CuU Relief Coat C ontinuing, ho said th a t local ex ­

penditures for relief will te n d to be rcduced since tlie cam p w ill prov ide h e a lth a .ulstance and em ergency m edical care for th e occupants, a n d

'1th the coordinated e m p loy inen t service available will in^rM M se a ­sonal earnings through m o re c o n ­tinuous employment. B e tte r s a n i­ta ry facilities will reduce th e ne ed for county medical expend itu res

Incurred by present liv ing con ­d itions of sea.'/mnl workers.

"M eanwhile, t h e fu n d am e n ta l problem confronting n o t on ly th e farm security adm iiiU treU on aa a governm ent agency bu t o f v ita l ccwi- cem to th e en tire Pacific n o r th w es t Is to aid th is large g roup o f d is ­possessed and dl.scslabliahed fa rm fam ilies In again becom ing firm ly rooted to Uie land. One o f th e p r i ­m ary purpM cs of th e m ig ra to ry la ­bor cam p program Is to se rv e os an In term ediate s tep whereby th e fa rm fam ilies now cngnKed t o s e u o tu i l work can m ake the tr an s itio n from farm laborer to farm o p e ra to r In addition to help ing stabilize season - s l labor." D uffy concludd.

mm MPMLEyATIiyPERlRUPERT, J a n . 29 f 8 p « :U l) -T h e

G eorse E. M arshaU poet, No. - A m ertran l.eglon a n d w om an 's i U lan ' will be ho st to n ig h t to the d istric t fonventlon of th e A m eri­can Lrgion a n d auxilia ry .

At Irnsi 125 represen ta tives from Duhl. Filer. T w in Falla . K im berly, Biirlev. Eden. H azelton a n d P au l arc e.’«iy>cied he re fo r th e m eeting which npeiii! w ith a b a n q u e t In tho Odd ’ Fellows hall a t 7 p . m .. a t which H H. Ju d d w ill a c t as to a st- niftsKT <ind M ayor E . E . F luher wUl extend the c ity 's welcome to the visitors.

Among ou t-o f-tow n o ffice rs ex­pected here for th e occasion are sta te com m ander H om er H udel- son; state a d ju ta n t L es ter A lbert, a n d sta te n r r t c e o lllee r VflWam H all. Boise: d is tr ic t com m ander Les Nelson, B uh l; a n d s ta te auxil­iary prr.ildent. M rs. G eorg ia F o r-


th e e as t line of G ooding a n d T w in F a lls counties and will b0 know n

the "Twin F a lls a re a c am p .’"No New School Prob lem "

"Since fam ilies to b e 'se lec te d for th e hom estead sec tions o f t h s cam p a re a lrendy residen ts, no new school p roblem will be presen ted . Som e ad ' Justm enU In cooperation w ith th e c ounty m ay be neces.snry If p rese n t fac ilit ies are Inodcquate. T h e fa rm security a dm in istra tion 1s w illing to provide shelter, h e a t and Ja n ito r service In tem porary school fac ili­tie s by use of th e cam p assem bly h a ll If desirable u n til m ore s a tlt ' fac tory arrangem en ts c an be com ' p lctod. A special k in d e rg a r ten and c h ild clinic w ith Rupervtsed p lay Is m a in ta ined a s -p a rt o f th e c am p for a ll children of p re-school age." Mr. D llffv w rntr.

D uffy olso pointed o u t th a t th e cam p here would n o t be a " tr a n ­sie n t camp,”

"We will no t p e rm it t h b c am p to becom e a. h aven for single t r a n ­s ien ts . persons on relief, or o irt-o f- s t a t e . fam ilies m ore i n te r e s t^ In re lief th a n work. T h e cam p w ill be solely to serve fam ilies a n d form er fa rm fam ilies whose livelihood prov ided largely th rough 'seaso n al ftgrlcuU urnl work. T h e homesteadB will b e exclusively for carcfu lly , . lected famlllns of farm origin and occupation , w rv lng f irs t those re s id en t In -the s ta te , w hile th e Ronal hou.sing fac ilities will c an local seasonal w orkers flr.M, fo r w hateve r n on -loca l h r lp (m ost-

Films on Oregon Viewed by Lions

RU PER T, J a n . 29* {Special)—A specia l fea ture of the d in n e r fo r th e R u p e rt Lions club held a t F re d 's club cafe T hu rsday was a 30 -m lnu t* m otion p icture of the s ta te o f O re ­gon, presented by Marlow C h ris te n ­son.

T h e p ic ture showed th e m o u n ­ta ins, lakes, stream s, coast, p a rk s, highw ays, f ish ing h a u n ts , a n d o th e r rec reational spo ts and scen ic w on­ders o f th e s ta te .

G roup r in g in g w ith M rs. F loyd B r itt a t th e p iano com pleted Che evening 's program .

Among the guests o f th e R u p e r t club T hu rsday were Roy C u n n in g ­h am . Jr.. H. P . Lewis, W iiliam G ib ­son, Joe U rlgan a n d M e rr itt B arnes.

Alhion M usicians Appear a t R otary

RUPERT, J a n .. 29 (S p e c ia l) -A g roup of Albion S ta te N orm al s tu ­d en ts provided m usica l e n te r ta in ­m e n t Icft th o R o tary club a n d t-a-o guests. H. H. Ju d d , p res id en t o f th e Cham ber of Com m erce, and C yril Allen, supervisor o f th e fa rm se­curity a dm in istra tion o f M inidoka and Cassia cotm tles, in a noon luncheon session a t th e C aledonian ho te l 'W ednesday.

T he studen ts w ere M iss H elen D enning, Id ah o P a lls ; R a lp h T ja m - berg, Yakima, W ash., a n d D elbert Lam bing, K im berly ; triim pctls ls , and Miss R u th C rippen , Alwrdeen, p iano accom panis t

O the r e n te r ta in m e n t fea tu res were a ta lk on th e la te S ena to r B orah by Judge H . A. B aker, and

^ b r l e f talk on th e ac tiv itie s of the local Cham ber of Com m erce by H. H. Judd.

R otary club presiden t. TVacy Colt, announced th a t club fu n d s fo r F in ­n ish relief should be le f t a t th e office of A. F . Beym er.

T ribute to B orah By F iler Kiwanis

H L E R , J a n . 39 (Special)—T H buto as paid to th e U t« S en . W lUUm

E. Borah, m ourned by th e n t t t m . a t last w eek's lunchooa m M tlng e t Filer Kiw anis club. In th e M ethodist c hurch T uesday by Dr. J . W. Or**<l. pre-sldent.

Lucille Ellenwood a n d Jo a n o a - . llllan en terta ined K lw anians w ith a n acrobatic dance rou tine w ith P hilip Cory a t th e p iano . ♦

O. W. A nthony announced th a t there will bo a Boy Scou t rally in the g>mnaslum of . T w in F a lls h ig h school Feb, 0 and urged a ll to a t ­tend In prder U> help th e 'P l le r troop win po in ts on a ttendance . T h e m eeting, Uwludlng a court of hraior, will see seven local Scouts receiving Eagle ronkings, an event a lm ost' w ithout precedent.

P tix. C reed Instructed th e a g ri­cu ltural com m ittee, H enry Schodde.N. V. S h a rp and Tom Parks, to a r ­range th e an n u al lam b d in n er for local sheepm en, wlUi a lam b p u r­chased a t th e recen t Ogden live­stock show to be served.

W alter M usgrave, w ho re tu rned recently from a n extended tr ip In , California, was introduced a s a guest. A, c . T ra


• •P A ST E U M Z E D lEvery drop o f T oung ’s D airy Milk U carefuUy select«4 from t» i* d h e rd s t h a t u e p n rra n producers o f quality . . .• herds th a t a re u n der eon* sla n t supervision o f d t j In* spectlon , . . th en , fo r fur* th e r protec tion each drop U SC IE N T IFlC A U iT p«steur> ised in . gleam ing s ta ln ls tf steel equfpm entr

T h a t 's W h V I t '8 " T w i n F a lls ' B e s r



USED CARSA lw ays Priced to Sell. Reconditioned to

Give Many M iles o f Service

$495 $435 $475 $425 $385 $325 $300 $250 $300 $175 $165 $100 $100 $ 35$525 $385 $365 $300

1937 CHKVItOI.RT DKI.UXK TOWN MEDAN,l lr a U r ...................................................t»3Y FORD DI^:i.UXK COUl'K.H eater, s l i ply tire s ................................................i m P1.YMOIITK D RI.tlX B COIIVE, flood roiid., healer IM8 CHKVItOLKT 1H eater ...................i m CHItYNLRIl « - l ) ( ) 0 | t HKDAN.T runk , low m ile a g e ......... ..................i m OIIEVItOLRT < -n O O K ntCDAN,Qood, rond., h e a t e r ...................................IMS CHRVHOt.RT COUrR,H ea te r . .. . .........................m t I‘LY M 0IITH (lOIII'K,H eater1914 CHKVItOI.Kl' 4 -1 )0 0 1 1 flRDAN,

1911 PLYMOUTH COUPE,lU dIn, heale r .i i » r o f i D MRi.iiXR ( ;o ir i 'E ,r a l r oond. , ..................IBM rO H l>COIIPK ..................I9S0 FORDTU DO R WRDAN ________________l» U FO itDCODPR .............................

i m IN TIIIN A TIO N A I. P ldK U P .I speed IranimlM lton , ......IMT INTRItNATIONAL PICK U P. n<KK) «oHd.. heale riDSQ c n i :v i io i . i ;T I 't c K i i r ,I speed Ira iiam lsa lnn ............... ..lOSa TRilltA l'LA N R PIO K IIP. M etnr fernMdUUmd ............ ............

For the B est D eal in Town See

Glen G. JenkinsTW IN F A IX 8




HOME LAUNDRYS u cca tto r to th * W a sh in g Mochin*

S O A K S I W A S H E S I RINSES T H R EE TIM ESI DAMP^DRIES C lOTHESl-a n d all you do la flip ■ switch . . . THA T'S ALLI Your hantla never touch water when you do ymxT waahlng ' In an aulnmatlc BBN D IX . Seeing is believing.

GREAT OFFER GO OD FOR LIMITED TIME O N LYh a n d a . N o m o r e la u n d ry bllia. R e q u e s t 1 0 -d a y fre o tr ia l.

A ra y o u U o u W w i w i th r h e u ­m a tism ? A rth r l t ia ? S In u a o r • k in Infection? A c h e a ? P a ln a ?

Y o u r HANDHi Y m ir YOUTHI Y o u r HEA1.T1II Y o tJr C l^T H K B l A il a r« n o w w v e d to y « u by th a a m asin K a iilo m a tlc B e n d li . O o n a a r e th e lo r tn r e a o t w a a h - d a y a — n o m o re Iw nd lng , lifting , ■ tra in in g w l lh w u te r - ro u g h re d

Huu •OWN pATMnn, nnM tow u

( 1 2 5 Per W M kI IMAIl (AISTM* (MMI

M tof TMf • » WwtM

A ll of w h ic h u re U K gravaled by o r d ln o r y w u a h l i ig m o th o d a . T h a n d e c id e r i g h t n o w to h e lp y o u r a o l f — a c c e p t o u r •p e c lu l lO -d ay ( te e tr ia l ofTer,

DaLiii«Mo<UI H«n- dU wtih tUftmlng »hli* IdMlfof Ant licKii ut*.


W P le a se s a n d m *

SODEN ELECTRIC COElks Bldg. Twin Falla J.

GLEN G. JEN KIN STwin rnllH, Idaho

In Jerome and vicinity Phone 116*W Sand coupon or call at—


Page 4: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,

P ig * Four IDAHO EVENING TIMUS. TWIN FAUATOABO M b B i W , J M n » W ! * . ? » < •

T E L E P H O N E 88

ra n Lmm 4 w in S«rTlt» Unlt*4 Pm< AtaocUtlon.

Fakllth«4 811'D « n i

EDt«nd u 5*eond CLui M xur Ii

Dr rarriM Ptrib)* 1<

Br U til r*y*hl« In Ad.. Within Id«hQ aid Elko Couni)r

I monl)'. W4 1 » montfc*. 11.00; I nuinlhi,Ouuldf Id«h»

1 Bonth. etc; i DonUt. II,e i; I ffionihi,

All MlleM r«flulf»d hf iiw or br ort»r at touri of c llabtd »r«lil>. will h« rul>Ilih«<J in lh» Thor»d«r l*»u» M'lOt 1. C. A. I t» - *• ■'Idol th in te br ChtpUr I


lo -.r . }]0 Buih BU«1, Son

POTS h o t sThe G entlem an in

t h e Third Row

Death Takes W. On* Chupinan |F rien d s th ro u g h o u t Idaho w ill m ouru w ith sincere

reg re t the death o f W . O rr Chapm an, p i'om inent Tw in F a ils a tto rn ey and p o litic ian who w as widely know n as an acconiplij^hed o rato r.

O rr C hapm an w a s one of those s trong iie rsonalities who a re fi^enuinely ad m ired by thei)- fj-ieiids a n d re- t;pected and feared by th e ir enemies. As one o f the forem ost D em ocratic leaders in the in te r • m oun ta in \vest, be w as s in cere an d outspoken in his convictions. In advocating those princip les w ith which he was ev^»r imbued, h^ w as fea rle ss of any opposition.

O rr C hapm an h ad one s te rlin g ch a ra c te ris tic th a t com paratively few h a v e the courage to follow. N o one ever needed to g u ess w here he stood o r w h a t he w as th ink ing . W ith him , i t M-as a lw ays s tra ig h t fro m the shouldei'.

In p leasing re lie f to th a t positive c h a ra c te ris tic , he ])088essed and en joyed a w ealth of b r illia n t hum or, the recollections o f w hich w ill long be rem em bered . I t w as th is com b in a tio n in his m ake - up th a t m ade O rr C hapm an a m an to be adm ired in m any respects.

A lthough he w as b e s t know n th ro u g h o u t th » s ta te fo r h is political lead ersh ip , h e accom plished m u ch a s a

; s e lf -m a d e a tto rn ey , a n d fo r one o f these achieve- ' m ents o r the o ther, i f not fo r both,' he w'as w idely

recognized.Once, w ith the cu s to m ary tw inkle in h is eye, he

, repea ted as follow s w h a t a prev ious p o litica l a d ­v e rsa ry h ad told h im w hen th e la t te r so ugh t to engage liifi legal sei*vices:

“ I h a te y o u r politics, bu t r ig h t now’ I ’m m ixed up in c o u rt and th a t ’s a d iffe re n t atoi7 . W h a t I need now is a good a tto rn ey .” .

M r. C h ap m an ’s serv ices w ere extended, an d a good a tto rn e y he proved to be.

U ny ield ing D em o cra t t h a t he w as, h e neverthe less h a d m any in tim a te f rie n d s am ong p ro m in en t .Re­publicans, ch ie f am o n g whom w as th e la te S en a to r W illiam E : B orah . I t is s ig n i f ic a n tth a th i s f |n a l m an ­ife s ta tio n of c h a ra c te r w as in a ^ p rw ia tio n “ of the perso n a l f rie n d sh ip h e enjoyed w ith S en a to r B orah f ro m whose fu n e ra l in Boise he re tu rn e d the day be­fo re he died.

Such a m an w a s W . O rr C hapm an.

T ru th Takes a DisguiseI f the people o f R ussia a re u n d e r som e misconce))-

tions ab o u t th e R u sso -F inn ish conflict, h e re a re a ft>w reaso n s w hy. T he follow ing excern ts a re from l*r;iv- d a , offic ia l C om m unist p a rty o rg an :

“ O u r people love th e Red arm y an d sp a re nuiliing fo r consolidation of its m ight."

“The Soviet people will read w ith love an d ad in ira- • tion the nam es of its d a rin g suns f ig h tin g u n d e r tiic

v icto rious b a n n e rs of thi« Red a rm y fo r lib eratio n of F in la n d ’s to ile rs from oppression of the M annorheim g a n g and fo r the security of o iir n o rth w es te rn f ro n ­tie r s .”

“ Kvery w a r r io r iiK hling a g a in st th e W h ile l-’inns perfec tly realizes his honorable in te rn a tio n a l d m y .”

“The to ile rs of F in land reg a rd the Red a rm y iis th e ir liherato ru fro ili the num strous oppression of F in ­n ish capitalisU j, landlord's, and Iheir in sp ire rs , H ritish a n d F rench im p eria lis ts ."

T h a t’s Joe S ta lin ’s idni of llic tru th . I t 's the only k in d of “ new s" th e Kun.sinn people a re p e rm itted to rea d . •

I Be INiee l<> ihe Ceusus-TakerW hen T h » t M an (»v w om an) cornea to y o u r d(H)r

an d begins a sk in g a lot of questions, y o u ’d lie tte r a n sw e r them . T h a t in. if you w a n t to s ta y out of jail.

You m ay feel th a t he’s a little nosey, n u ttin g into y o u r a ffa irs an d w a n tin g to know a lo t o f silly tilings, h u t th a t ’s the job o f the census-taker— llndinjr out how A m erican s live. I f you don’t a n sw e r his (pies- tioiis, you m ay he liti(;d $ 1 0 0 o r .«ient to ja il fo r <50 da;/». I f you give him inlenlioiuilly in co rrec t in fo rm ­ation , the a n te m ay be i-aimHl to $500 o r one y r a r in the jujj:.

liu siness men who n 't use to subm it rep o r ts foi- tli(‘lr firrn e m ay be 'fin ed $501) ov siintenecd to tU) day .s; and, i4 gjyj, in accu ra te hit'orination, the f in e 'm a y boi f$10,000 or the sentence, one year.

E ven though the (luestions m ay not m ake niucli• a e iu e to you, th e govei-nment will |)robably cnllect a

lo t of VAluablu in fo rm a tio n . (Inele Sam isn 't worriini; aboutpeoplo g e tt in g d efian t. Only ra re ly , d u r in g the

p M t 160 yeara, h aa it been necensary (o h r in g (’h a rg (‘M. : CenBUB'takers w ill probably find , a g a in , th a t m ost ' people are w illin g to co-operate.

' Isn ’t it about tim o to s ta r t o rd erin g seed ca ta logs• and equipm ent fo r th at g a rd e n you’ll never p lan t?

i ' U hleae N o rw a y a n d Sw eden (ju lt d efen d in g them - IjMlvM, S ta l la l a y t h i i t Ukely to n^ot v e ry lo ie .

The General Is Very kate

Pul ShoLs. like P « u i R evere (only p don ’t ride a hor>e vtTy well)

dnj)ies aindty liito p r in t today to warn iho E^cUmes e d ito r ia l d e p a r t- m tn t tha i <he sold iers m ay a rrive nny inltuilc.

We iicJvlie llic ccliior a iid h is a id e lo tiee In to th e hll[«. leaving r’ui .Siious 10 liold Uie fo ri b ravely II., l)v iilmseU. Because we've been iliii'A tfnrd 80 oHeii th a t a few to l- dipfh don 't bo the r ii&.

Renton for o u r w arn in g w 'the cdiioriul s tiifr U U nit ih e very inrijr^t m oguls o f th e Idnho

B 'latd a re d e tr^ y In w lted . T hey are Irate, "n iey a re conBlder- )ng calling o u t th e m ach ine gum . arU lleiy and even th e cava lry . A nd a ll twcuiiiie th e E vetlm es apcclal pho tographer a t Poca tello d id n 't sent! th e nam es o l th e fwo o lllce rs acting gua rd of h o n o r fo r 8en> a to r Borah 's easket In those ex ­clusive tra in p ic tu res p r in te d la s t Thui'sdny.

liiT c’h th e rep o rt th e P o t Sho ts secret agen t a t Boise, M ax 7Un>ce. sen t to us today in carefu lly - giiardc<l code:

•'Adj. Ocn, M. O . M cConnel Is ready lo f igh t.

•T he cnptlon on th e Evetlm es B orah tra in p ic tu res o f T hu rsday called the two officers gua rd in g tlie caskei 'n iarlnes.'

•'They nctunlly a re G en . M cCon- ncl and Col. P rlt2 H u m n ic l~ ln fu ll a rm y drc.s.i uniform s.

“Amiy <lress now Is’ blue—tm l- form^ very sim lliir to m arines. B u t you'd b e tter V ise y o u r photog b e ­fore the no tional gu a rd gets 'lm !l"

So there you are.• B ut the no tiona l gu a rd be tter

w atch o u tr - tlie Evetlm es ed ito r soya he 'll ca ll In Uie m a rin es to p ro ­tect him .

PERILS O F ATIiLCTIC-SAs tlxe M onday M orivluj Q uavtcr-

buck. P o t Sho ts po in ts o u t some of th e dangers ol iithletlcs.

Bob W arner, th e Jayccc big cmcrKcd unscntlied from Ice sk a t­ing. 'fh e n h e sp rained h l i big toefiut^ffayMplay^nt _

Lisa M oloiiy took a w eek's vaca­tion to go skiing up on S un Vnlley hills. S h e fiac tu red a Ior In.si M onday—a n d ro u ld n 't sk i a ll week.


D ear P o l Shoto:Je rry C rlim an wms iiliniK '>ohn

K rier th a t a new m einbcr .>i 'n tneh-N ew s ndveitj&ing ilr|)iii(iii<'iii h n d urrlved in tow n irom Mosrnw.

M iirjorle DriM'Oll o v r tlin i itl. iind llic f irs t th ing »hc wuniecl m know w as " Ik he n ia ir ira ? "

'llint'fi w h at n Kuy liah to luce when h e h its ii iirw nelBhtioiliood . . . especially II lir is vlisil)).' , , . a n d m ore esiirrliill> if it h a iiiin n in l« Leap Y eai.

—H *ydlr .'<fsU

KOMANCK l i t n s ON T ill .I IIO ll NCIIOOI. I 'R O M

a e e . l*ot»;Love M U ST hr k i.n id l o n e .r

ta in hliili K hool <'c>n|>ic (tun i no tice th is cold n rH tn .t. To-wii

■flwy c a n t>e miMihliuiiil in hniid wnikiuii liliiin aU m K -and sh r i .u u u . tin h r doesn 't even put Iha ( i r r Iikiki h l i pocket.

A ny o the r iiiiir » i i .n h i i > a lone, sh» cnn . r n i u rm i glove*, lie w ith Ii.uuM m im, Krt.s!

Now, I ask >Kii Hin i io>r Ki.md?- I . K . M.

P . e . - N o ix.mr> u u r u D tr r „ c e r ta in R lch u n U iin 'in r vin»; i <mi|<|

" Jn n o In .tmumi v '

ITKM ON ^1^•1^H^,^A lter It thliif! t;m ju i -u l,u .

we th in k mimvUUhh nunhi tn l>r dune ubout It

00 w a're doliiR MMnrihn.u lOiuiii It, verbally all>>^•^. '

We iiin in j)iriiii<~ »i ViM>n r ,u l - non In th e iV ln rw i. W r h in r n - lli- Ing a g a ln it Vlvinn. Himin w irim irtAS o i« Hi Ih r ilin n iilm . miuiikladle" In the.rr |m i(a limpect Vlvlsn h ri»elt is RetnnK iik '<IMl kl'fllllU llUl tSM' IJI Nil' [VllllAfl A nd .luino u( Ihe u lhei liiihiIi imui r»

'V'wlnrWK ntiikV hSM' n I iiihmiik to iirh

d o in g liiirk nnh h> J a n | j n n tx>ys have p iriu reii iiir {.,n ta iy nil le u Uihii l ln r r inn u il I'in, twii plufi oiipi liiiKi Ih n i jiul.i lin- n MiHilP ahriiil <ii -im )vck) , |c' i m ini' O nklrv Meiiilil Ami H im w n ,' „nr «ir two l>efoie Ja n 12

Score:Vivian -T h ree m T « in r-« , lu 1&

dnyji.Joe-K T h ir . II. iii H.icl in

21 ilo tv

l t l i . l , l . l l . \< I I .A s l l '■Ii>r K iirlitri Idihi'^ itliri<c|| MuMif

lake* lenit lit m r r lAivlval u( (;iinilr>- IIm iw iis p « k -

ley paper lav ritli Juo ■ (m d Itemn-



YEITEBDAY< fcyato >•■m I1*4 aB4 pa«P*r*a 4a « sk i« r >(II tQO.lBdalBrBl U c h » r .--- — —• h*''*_p*B •«*

■ "’I ? ; . '* ? . ' /. .............j»K S

MaH« 4r**«. Daa •* ■(HMk


T I |I K i ; D O NO V A N stood c n the deck o f hl3 houseboat. T h e

K a th e r in e , s ta r ln * o u t tow ard E diato la lan d . T h e w arm M arch *un fo u n d % b c i ^ l re llw t lo n In th e green r iv e r w a ta r . A iho re , th e fronds o f pa lm s sw ayed lazily in th e g e n tlo sp r in g b r e e u a n d from Iho fie ld s cam e th e sound of Ncftroea ahouU n* a t tb e lr mutes!

M ike lean ed o v e r th e r a i l os a am alt g roup of m en a n d w om en op pearcd on W haley 's dock , laugh-, in g and tatk ing-

‘ T h e w ho le b a tch o l th e m a rc g e t t in g In to th e la u n c h now , K a tie ," h e y e lled dow n to hU w ife. “ D o n 't b e slow ."

‘'A ll r ig h t, M ichael. aU r l ^ t ” ( I t w as M ichael, n o t M ike, w hen com patiy w a« c o m in g ). “I ’U be d ressed In a m in u te a n d for H eaven 's sake, d o n 't c a ll m e K atie be fo re th o se people."

Mike a d ju s te d h i t com m odore'; cup a n d h u r r ie d to w a rd th e com - p sn io n w a y to au7>erintend th e a r r iv a l o f h is lu n c h eo n guests . T he T om Sherw ooda a n d th e P ra n k M urrays, w ho ow n ed w in te r hom es on th e S o u th C tiro lina is land , w ere th e r ea so n fo r the p n rty . S h e rw o o d a n d M u rra y bo th se rved on b o a rd s o f com panlae in w h ich M ike o w n ed th e con tro lling stock . T h ey w e re b rin g in g th e ir v /lvcs a n d h o u se 'g u e s ta w ith them today .

A FA T , b a ld -h e a d e d I rish m a n of " 88, M ike D on o v an w a s eccen­tr ic , e x u b e ra n t a n d d e ligh tfu lly ingenuous. R ich e n ough to ow n th e b lg g e tt a tea m y a c h t a flaa t, he s tu b b o rn ly c lu n g to h is .o ld - fashioned* ho u se b o at, b ecau se he had se t h is m in d , w h e n h e w a s a k id liv ing in B rook lyn , o n ow n in g buch a b o a t as soon as h e could m a k e th e m o n e y . W hole fiocka o l tliem used to a n ch o r in S heeps- heod Boy in le t j d u r in g th e su m ­m ertim e . T h ey h a d re d a n d w h ite a tripcd a w n in g s o v e r th e decks and Sw iss c u rta in # a t th e w indow s.

•T h e In te r io r d e c o ra to r K o tla h ir e d w o u ld n 't le t M ike h a v e th e m on th t5 boat.

H is p assion f o r th e sea show ed in hl.^ c lo thes . T o d ay . In a dd ition to h is com m odore’s c a p —h e he ld th n t o ffice in th e O ceanb reeze Y acht C lub— h e w o re a b r ig h t b lue

• ja ck e t tr im m ed w ith sh in in g b rass bu tto n s a n d n e w w h ite f lan n e l trou.<;crs. H e h a d n 't e a t dow n since T a k i , h la C h ln e w va le t,

helped h im in to ttaem a t 19 t t n t m om in* . w ons t o ^ o c sa , U th e y w e t« a UtUe to o ond he*d JiM t p u t th « n OB t o r t tK f irs t tim e .

Mr*. D a a o v sa poked f a s -------out. a s th e d is ta n t p u t- p o t o f lau nch aoQBded o » w th e

■I'm h e re . M5kfc“ ’W hen A * excited , sh e lapoed ta le fam lltar "BUke.” ___

"Go ba i^** b e a n sw e red . p ro p er f o r tfae M issis t» re c e iv e t o the sa loo o n e b o e f

S he U ked to b e i n ____ _but to d a y sh e h a d b e en h t e f a ^ cause s h e c o u ld n 't m ik e o p h e r mind w h a t to p u t qd. T U i in d e - cisioD ru f f le d h e r . S h e e ra s n e S u ra lly BMtfaodlcal. S l t t i s c fully d o w n o n o e e o f t t « c _ . u p h o b te re d lo u n c e c h a ir s , a b e sm oothed h e r p io k f ta n n H beneath h e r a n d tf tte d h < r v b i l e felt h a t to th e l e f t

She m u s t h a v e b e e n p r e t t y w hen sh e w a s • ( M b a f w i Her n a tu ra l |o o d le e k a etO l showed th ie u g h a r t i f id a l sions to b e a u ty . M afc 50UKht to conceel t h e f M t f l a t ib e irived h e r h a ir ( i t w e s th e honey y e llo w w ith B iee tin ts) a n d sh e w « s ( re a k e b e a Inc p le n ty o f She sa id i t

t i e ? - h e tm u i re d . sip p in g U t K h I M . • p re tty U d « n d ~( M T ta f tK ^ v A lo ts O t dough .- ■ -D m n e e d s eBy.” H e U u g h ed .

• w t v o u ld b e a p re tty good — n c r s e r — •*«*

— oooU o a n w t a e_____ f tu l t a n d cofle*■ a n W r t t o a n d C tc a -

She th o u g h t A * n i le d b a r band, b u t h e h a d b is o w n U e e s « b the s u b je c t

H er b o d y te n sed a s tfae la o o d i Mopped a n d sh e h e e id I Q k e A o o t . •'Hello, fo lk s. W ek o e ae t s Ih e K M h erise . C t c o e e b o e i d n d n e e l K atie."

A M O M Z N T l a te r t l « p v t y ^ c ro w d ed tn to th e s e k a . U n . D onovan w ish e d s h e ^ f c r t ifledherse lf w ith e cocktaO . a tr a id o f th e w se tf< « ss iin . m n noered p eop le . T b e r elwecr* ta lked ib o u t place* th e b a d o e n r becn atMl th in g s s h e 'd n e v e r h c v d of. B a r H a rb o r , fo r tn s ta n e e . e e d w h at a o - a n d ^ ' s U s t aq o M h K v e

s a t th e R a cq u e t C lid t.H ow d o y o u d o r T b m Shez«

wood w as say ing , “ M rs. D o n o n a . m y w ife a n d o u r b o u s e - c e e ls . U r . and M i s . B n d la y J a n e a . T e n rea d y k n o w M r. a n d M rs . K b c re y . T hese a r e th e P e rc y T b c a n ta w w h o te s ta y in g w ith them **

N ervously ^ ahook h a o ^ so g la d y e o e o i ^ com e. S t a l l e re

ire codctaU s h e re o r e n AeckT* 'I t 's to o da»3sed f in * e te * lh e r

to s ta y lndoo n |.* p u t h i M ik e . B e punch ed a b u t tm o v e r th e fhe*- p lace. ‘T a U . ’* to th e Q d a f e b e r who m a d e e n d saleas ai ••bring th e d r in k s on porch.” H e w in k e d a t ••That’s a n i t reaB y i*.*

On de ck P ra n k M un Mrs. D onovan . ••W hat’s ab ou t y o u r boy a n d L y a d * K e r>

I sa rcasm in V t. __ list. D onovan d id

a a l B0t k « i i t ' _• I c a n s a a ^ t h t a c tm

d i l l d m v p e a k t o r• riM s a k C b u t th e r e

r io o a p le esu i* in h e r n u o -______ »"— «»■-« o f such a m a td se a r t e , b o y . *D en sp e n t la s t w ee k ­e n d w i t t t Q i. b u t n a tu ra lly 9(«

I T v e s a O c r S w b en th e p a r ty *■ b n k e ^ M rs. D onovan s ig h e d w it t i ( r i i e t a s A e la y ba ck in t h e w td o y d e c k c h a ir a n d s lip p ed o t t

*W eD . F M < la d th a t 's e r c r ," a id .

h a d a good tim e ." _ 'T h e y c e r ta in ly

nedc T w g h cham pagne."" D id y e n h e a r f r a n k M u rra y

a s k BM e h o q t D an a n d L y n d a M u t l a r * T h e te w as a p leased e z «

te es iea e n M rs. D onovan 's face .H ik e l i t a d g a r e n d

s e t t le d d o w n o n a le a th e r s id e i t ’s serious? '”

n h o p e so . I t w ou ld b e • n ic e N o m ooey sp a re d a t th a t

S tag ." S h e gazed h a p p ily t s K w d ( h e U u e sea. v ia b le ^ tw eeci t tw w h ite s tr ip s o f s a n d th a t M a e d a n in le t. •X et 'a a n -

e ig h t, M ike . Xfa

B e p o D ad a la rg e oU .fashkK M d o p e n fa c e d f o ld w atch fro m h is

* - - C a n td o l t ,K a U « .WeTve c o t t o p o sh o n a s soon a s th e b n x h tc tu n u . F m le e v ln f t e b e e t a t C harleston . S h erw ood

t t o e d aom e t U n n th a t a tw w r t e M e d e d « t th e office.”

B e t o t o p . H e r e ' s th e la u n c li aer. * V e H b e s ta r tin g r ig h t

a w a y ."• m t r i l T a U to pa ck y o u r a ^ * M r* . D onovan ra is e d h e r

v«ace a b o v e S ie no ise of g r in d in g poOcT^s a s th e launch w as ho isted to th e to p d eck . * ^ ' s b ro u g h t

( a o n e n u n . "S h e r o s e a n d stro lled to w a rd th e l ik r .• T t 4 e m m f o r you . M rs. D o n o -

T u . '* h e aald .S h e t e e che d f o r th e yeO ow e n - d e fK , o p e n in g i t eagerly .I W f ro m D an ." tiic excla im ed .

-O h . M ik e , rra so glad . I t ’s a ll s e ttle d w it t i h im a n d Lynda.'* S h e

rra rtin ff a loud .“ D e a r foD o. n - e found th e g ir l

H a f o ^ to m a rry . Dan.**C Ib B e O eatiam ed:


B vealag I tm a a W aaU agtonC o m ^ m d e n t

W ASBIN OTO N . J a n . 39 — T h ere is ft dU tlne t chance th a t P residen t

'R oosevelt will m ake a fa r -rsa eh lo g m o re fo r peace In Europe before .v n o 9 -

M any “Ifs” a re Involved a n d no declaloa h a s been reached. I t la know n, how ever, th a t th e P residen t h a s ft peace m ore In m ind.

T w e ta p e r ta n t fac tors a n a n - den rteed te be m e tin g h im . T hey

h T h e ta c t th a t in recen t w eeks h e h sa d e re ted m ere a n d B a r e o f U s theoglite te th e p reb - lea» of reaterinff peaee. O ne re­c e n t W hite Heoae ealler, fo r in - a tance, to ld fHeoda th a t ■nCo. rep e Is ge tting praetlcatly a n of h |a f tite n tie a nowadays.”

L T he grew tng belief th a t a te rr lf le O erm an offenslre wtU be leeeed te th e spring.

A d irec t o ffer of medlaU on U a te a l poaslblllty. Before such a n o ffer cou ld be m ade publicly, o f course, ft g rea t deal o f (luiet nego tiation w ith th e ( o i e l ^ natloQ i involved w ould have to ta k e place.

T h e o ffe r w ould no t be m ade if I t w ere found ,U ia t the re w as no c h an c e to g e t i t accepted. I f n u d e a n d accepted , how ever, su c h a p ro ­g ram would m e an active partle lpn - tlo n by th is coun try In a fu ll-d ress Buropean conference.


I n th a t connection It is w orth n o tin g th a t la s t AprU P residen t Roosevelt in substance offered p re ­cisely th a t.

I n h is fam ous peace appea l to AdoU H itle r , th e P ieU den t a sked th e fu eh re r to m ake a se ries o f non-aggreaslon pledges fo r specified B uropean na tions, a n d prom ised t h a t if th is were done he—p resi­d e n t Roosevelt—would g e t sim ila r p ledges fro m those na tio n s In r e ­sp e c t to O erm any. A fter th a t , sa id th e P residen t, th e U nited S U te s w ould sim im on and take p a r t tn a w orld conference for a rm a m e n t r e ­duc tion a n d th e abolition of trad e be rrie rs .

S hould th e P residen t m ake such a move th is w in te r he w ould get th e active suppo rt of th e m a jo r peace, societies, w hlgli^^ought h im b itte r ly la s t fa ll on 'rev ls lon of the neuUrallty law .

F r e d e r tc r head of th eN ational ^ r f i c l l fo r th e P reven­tio n of W ar, h a s been working a c-

Uvely fo r m M latioo since la s t Sep­tem ber, H e believes th a t U such » move IS to be m ade I t m u st be m ade

>n.‘A U rrif io a tta c k b r land , sea

a n d a ir U com ing, a n d by ftU ac- c o u n u th e dead line Is a round MArch I ." says M r. Llbby. - T h a t gives u a abou t sU weeks in w hich to p reven t a n In fin ite tragedy."

F E A B F R S N o ilN m M N D B "MAY PB O LO N Q W AR

M r. U b b y po lnU o u t th a t cBce th is m u c h ta lk ed -o f offensive gets u n d e r w ay, e ffo rts to sto p th e w ar by negoUaU on w ill be a la u s t hopeless.

T h e F re n c h e re understood te be p rep a rin g to dem and th a t O erm any be “balban lsed ," w ith B a v f t r l a Joined to A ustria , th e R hineland tra n s fe rre d to P rance , th e O sscho- slovaU a a n d P o land reconstlt^ ted . ^ S u ch a p la tfo rm . I t is a rgued , w ould keep th e O erm an people un ite d be­h in d H itle r a n d w ould m ake fo r ft long w ar.

A nd in a rea lly long w ar, I t Is a rgued , th e u ltim ate w inner weUld likely be a taU n.

O ne poesihlllty w h ich is rum ored in W ashington—e n d so f a r I t is on ly ft ru m o r — is th a t P residen t Roosevelt m ig h t cooperate w ith M ussolini In seeking to resto re peace on a basis of se ttling th e w ar In w estern E urope f irs t, a n d th e n ta k in g u p th e R uss ian sltusltion.



H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City & County

The Familyj Doctor

15 Y E A R S AGOJAN. t« . m s

M n . C harles H, n u r io n wa/i host- ws 10 ilio W ednesday liildi;? club. Irs. Alim P. S en io r wun ilic Jt.vor r lilRh K ure.

M rs. O . r . O u im rile wsa hnslrss nl a drIlghK ul flve-coursu d inne r W rdnesrtsy In honor or her b lith - (Iny, Cluestji were M r. am i Mrs. Chiti'leN SlmpAon, Mr. iind Mi>. J. W . P o r lr r . M r a n d Mr* A D B r\l- «my, M rs. Ju u ii lia W M vri snrt Mr. O im ne tle . Follow ing riliiiirr ihe eve n inn w as spen i M "Ye Oltle IVme' dancing oluh parly .

MUs l.u ry Mull.^^n li*> uiine to Allilon to a tte n d Ihe Albinn f lla te N orm al school.

27 Y E A R S AGOJAN. 29, 1911

N ext F rid ay evening! J sn . 31. a t th e h igh school gvm nn'luni. occurs th e gHine div id ing ihe jirobniiic Ijiia- ke tball cham p ionsh ip c>( MuiUi'-rn Id ah o I t V.IU be T w in f a i u hi«h srlinol vs. H eyliiirn high w-hiHil ll<'y- b u rn boys hAvc won i-vrrv k-i"' U ielr v icinity ui>d.ln Twin ihey m eet th e only oUier iinde(eAtr<i tr sm In th la section.


FAMIMIK I.ANI' I.INK . . M est ye«i d rIH Ie p l ^ Mites

Ml Ihe nigT . .l l l l i ; «KNTt.K,>IAN IN

I t l f t T U IK D &UW

About p w P '^ -87,000 men *nd n.OOO w t w n —<i'

ver>- yt-iir imm I'niiter T5r,e X c .- r- lean Soi U'tv for the Control ot C tr -

ll t. li» ir l;:i|X)rlant '■er'" »"-in cnntrolliiin lliu dlsea-'e:

I. W atch lor am ' »>=•>-tom and report to your ph,\3ii:a-- i: th e m e r r i i »u»ptctoa of a th a t m igh t resu lt In cancer. V- : c a n n o t pay for cart*, a sk your p ^ '- slc lan to ndvtse you how >ou o b ta in free tren tm ent.

3. Hiive a com plete p h y sx a l n - em ln a tio n one t l i a t c tn e n aU arean In whicl) c an cer to likety develop—a t least once a y e v .

3 In fm n i your fam tly a n d A( Uie lrr<tim«nt th*t ts now • «ab le fo r ciui<rr. W arn themcem ln g quacks I A S K C T O P n tK N C B

4. T alk sensibly a n d a c t ‘ K ST O L CT IO N K lUabou t citiicer. C ancer ta * dan«« -. j E tacagm cl} 'O lfreren t a n d tenderly ous d isease bu t i t ia cM «ociu«u.<.a. 1 m etartw i ts T tw odcra O ehon'a story M any of rhe death s a n te .‘-je ' c t F m ic h Revolution, ''H eroic fac t th a t tre a tm sn t la n o t |d q s s * m * c jn tlla n : glAO). T here areSoon enough. a r m e e f books on Ute u r r o r th a t

T h e fine new hull of Ihe Ix>ysl Or* (ter of Moose was dedicated la st T uesday evening wlUi ceremonies be fitting Ihe iH'caxion ‘lli '- n tfalr was one of Uie la rgest aocUI N«iher' Inga w htoh t\aK ta k e n pU< e th< Ally nnd w as In every wsv befu ilng th e K rest grow th of the nrrtr th U f l tv .


H ie R e lie f sorle ly of ihx I .n .S , rh u ri 'li m et I'liesilay s t th r iimqe o( Mm. Itiiyinon I l n i n . w iiu Mrs. Kdd M ttle, p irn lilriil, |>i rililliiu « t Ihe busliiesH m eeting, A le u o n on noolal sri'vlce h nh led l>v Mrx Henry.

TJie Just*A -M «rs b ridge'chib were m te iln l lie d Wedliewliiy ii( Ih r hinne ,iit M rs. I r s Uaveii (liirsi«Miss Adelaide WelMirr anti Mrs. C H U avln. I 'r lse s were aw sxled to Min. CniliiK Kn IliiiiH . M ii D or- don Newbry, M is. Vermm l.siiCf nnd Mrn llnvinnit K ri in

MISS N orm a Held, Js ium e. m vtsiu>r he re th e p ast werli with Miss tle tty Jo ltanseit,

Mrs. A. W, M iller eiile rlalned a t lirldge T lm isdsy , I 'i I/ch x w a td n l lo M rs. (h ir th M'>toa]f, Mia. H eilM rt Cooper aud alU oul piir<> tn M rs. B. .)i McNre.

C larence E shani lins relnriim l to h ts Itonie from a tw n in iin tlu ' slay In C aliru rn la.

R IA D 'n n i T I M M W ANT AD«.

By DR. M 0RB 18 1 E ditor. J a v n a l eg th e

M ed*al IlygeU .the H reH hM

You May—Not Know That—

By K . L . CRAIO A l l t h a t i s k n o w t o e x i s t

o f t b e j o u r a i l o f W iln o n I P r i c e H u n t i n w h ic h h e r e -

c o r d e d * h i s e x p l o r a t i o n o f S n a k e r i v e r , i s a F r e n c h r^“< ia c i io n p u b l i s h e d in P a r ­i s i n 1 8 1 9 . T h i s v e r s i o n , . i b r id f f f d a n d m u t i l a t e d b y t h e F r e n c h t r a n s l a t o r , h a s b e M i r e t r a n s l a t e d i n t o E n f f -

' . I t f o r m s a p a r t o fP r r tf e a ts o r R o l l i n s ' b o o k “T h e D is c o v e r y p f t h e O r e - K o o T r a i l . "

M r. a n d M rs. Sam uel B a n n er re ­tu rn ed from a m onth 's s la y tn O gden , w here M rs. B anner received ft m a jo r opera tion . S h e is i valesclng sa tisfactorily .

M rs. Levi H alford has gone to S o n G abriel, Calif., to visit h e r d a u g h te r . M rs. Lloyd G underson a n d family.

Mrs-. Ja y S to u t has re tu rned from ft 1 0 -day visit w ith he r m other. In Sp a n ish Pork, U tah , w here she la convalcK tng (rom pneimibnln.

— M r. tnKl~ M rs.— H arold Cheney, H eybum , a re m oving Into Ihe smull house on Uie Sam uel B anner home.

M r. a n d M rs. J . B auer have re ­lu m e d from a th ree m onths ' staj- In various cities of cen tra l .O alt- fom la .

Miss E lm a C rane was T}nlty w ard M .lJ^ . queen a t th e Burley sU ke dance W ednesday. Tliose who d an c ­ed th e new da ru e from th is w ard were Z enda Johnson and Enrl M at- ht'wx. Mary Lou C rane. K eith B ing­ham . RAChel M athew , R alph C rane. Sh irley P rice, N olan B urne tt, M elba Adams, Jo h n D anner. Lois R obin-

Jack Boyce. Deasle MaUirws. C ja lr M athew s, M innie C rane and Ju n io r Allen.


. . P n a o e a s th e old rridm e and fell, tn it th e y a re filled

a m h n a n t i in g . stng lng sansculottes , w iu i tb e o n tn o ia th u d of th e gull-taUTM'.

sew » -H ero le Duet - T hU t* th e ticc-’ « Ihe R n ^ u tJ o n a s it affect-

,, r d po a san u . o t N onnaiidy, and

Pew people realtae th a t * • trx' f a r m ore toda r abou t c an cer e .a we useit to, Ciiiicer rvp rrm x i» i; .i orderly , uncontroll^il s r o ^ tn ■ oelts o f th e body. 'R ic bi< prc«.fc In c an cer Is lo ttnd o iit « tl«^ cells on th e ir lawlena j-nex t w h at poaslbllitles m e ) riL..-. :c ,, _ ............... ..............................reveralng th e lawleaa grow th (x o c o a .: u m w vw haat t h e ^ k s ln g struggle

W e do no t h a re now an? jc sr^ieiw th e m onarchy,m edical trea tm e n t fo r e a r t . ; - t u v U lk , tK h o n 'a atory otwe do know th a t th ia gRM -n e « a , L ouu-A vgvstc e n d A lexandrine Is be con tro lled m lie eerty epteedki a n d oorera anth e use of X -raya, by rad a im b r c M n ) \ -} r^ h y p en o d extending pro |)er nurgtral p ro red tu e a n k h r i v a ii<«ai (M idhood to m arrlftge. cuU aw ay th e grow th a n d •» - v , tw apn-nses e n d sym pathy of lU sp read. j*BU»>al n a k M u p loe Mn

A pril. 1940. h as b e « i anre-u-are^14,:»,jnac>ra tn « w H nulty . U n d e officia lly a« “C ancer C o a t t a l s - i rtihe r tre e tm e sJ th e r story would m o n th " lli ro i ig h o u t tb e (uurVY a ' h*<« e*«ai ttw em plrte. g(otip of Intelligent w o o m t k a o « & | i i n m th e early days o( th ea s th e W om eii'i P letd a rm j beei\ uc(atkla«d to lead t(\» t:>i •g a in s t cancer a n d lo eoratu,".Intenalve e d iirattnnal an>t t- m e n t c am p a lin .

TO a id tlioae who w an t tv tir ‘ m ore abou t ra tire r. Ihe A tiu i Society tor th e CooU ot oC C.> h a s m ade available a nurrb*;- o l [ te « «

.. . . . i t m w h e n A lexandrine, (4 ft hbera l. t i n t visits

| ) « i :> s ir .u a t IM sdeeert. 1 Ah t )^* swiHMee th e role o( pro- te<4«r »nd p laym ate of h is little c:>rr,i R u i th e RevoluttonftTy

o u tU a in g churchee FctriAA. RMkw a m a n of t l t s ^ j^ Q ^

leftfleta which a re d tsU lb u ttd »ly for th e cost of nftUiB« U _ ___ _ _ _ ___will w rite to th e aocteCy e l w o 1 brrvow a m e n a p d m t n involvedleon a»»nue. New Xosk C i-j. , e , u » H B ,m l« ta tr tg u e , flg h ls With w ill se n d yoti coptea o t >V> ^SMntcrn -nmm— t ftOd w ithr ig h t o t Ihe w om rn 'k r ie i a m -jx} . , ruiniaWs L ouis d e Vlrotte.(3) •'C ancer MortaUty by fii.. .-k> a m b tn Z e U i bsfO(« a fUtng ■nrt (3) ”U t U s'T fttt About Cms .

" ____ . ■ T».e n s e e» N ftoaieen I rss te re dA nother U allet. “W h * l to Koow rttnm t a peace, * n d « U le d Louis-

• n d V Ih a t t e Do A bout CftBcer - h * t ---------- -------------------------been p rep a re d by th e I ta l ie d B « a it. publle h e a lth service e a d n a e* o b ta ined for |1 per IM> c o p io rn.m


S S S T d"prtn ilng offire , W n c x . ; i i * ^ i

>CJ» D rtw n brtnga h e r e to ry up " i . 'f s n n (« n tu ry w ith h e r dedl- iiiMi so a W ertd w ar

T h e on ly A fr k a a p

oooU lned tn Ihe P td tede tph i* st->u> w hich a lso housea th e e M tu h e n M g lbbea l> e e p ih l* .

I• -

M rs. I rw in C risp , assisted bjr he r sis ter-in -law , M rs. C laude C risp, e n ­te rta in e d th e 20 m em bers o f th e L uce rne Social club W ednesday.

M n . W alte r O lsen e n terta in ed th e Syrlng* B ridge club W ed n sid V . A h ig h lig h t o f th e afte rnoon w »s th s p ink a n d blue show er given M rs. H en ry E ggleston, * gusst o f th e elub. ^ O th e r guests w ere M rs.B d Savelberg. m M rs. Ja m es H a r t a n d M rs. J im M oore. H igh honors fo r ca rd s w ere given M rs. O tto H ahn , guest p r iss to M rs. Savelberg, traveling to M rs. R .L . T um ipseed . a n d e cn so lttlo n to M rs. Carlson .

M itchell H un t. reosnUy. was e lec ted social ch a irm a n of W ills Sw cot h a ll on th e cam pus o f th e U niversity o f Moscow. T h is is one o f th e la rg est college m en 's orgsnl> u t lo n s In th e w est a n d In th e posl- Uon to w hich M ltcheU h a s b m choscn. h e will be responsible fo r th e social acUvity o f a g roup consisting of over aoo s tu d e n ts o f un iversity age.

P . j . B lonnaker le ft T uesday lo r W ordenvUIe, Va.. to m a k e h is horns.

A. L . K lrch e r w as called to High* lan d . 111., la s t week by th e serious Ulness o f h is m o the r, M rs. Laulss K lrcher. W ord w as received la te r th a t sh e h a d died,

O tto A llm endlnger le ft T uesday fo r P u llm an , W ash., to visit h is son, D avid, before re tu rn in g to h is hom e a t W enatcliee. W ash . M r. AU msnd- inge r haa been visiting h is s if te r, M rs. L oube McClusky. ^

M rs. A . E. Pe rk in s e n te r ta in e d V Rcbckfth K ensing ton T uesday. As- slsU ng hostess. M rs. L . O . U c y , w as unnblo to a tte n d th e m eeting be> c ause o f U ln e s s .^ s . Roger's d a u g h ­te r, M rs. L arson , w flslrgnest.

M odern W oodm en bf A m erica cam p o f G ooding w as guest a t B uh l cam p W oodm an m eeting M onday In th e r. O. O. P. ha ll. G ooding team officers p u t on th e degree w o rt fo r a large class of candidates .

M arlese Nelson, da u g h ter o f M r. a n d M rs. Lee O . Nelson, h a s accep t­ed several singing engagem ents la te ­ly, R ecently she sa n g In th e D uchln room a t 8 u ti V alley, a n d ,w a s Itv* v lted back fo r a n o th e r appearance , Tue.idsy she b roadcast over I tS P D . broiidcnst sta tio n In Boise. S he also sa n g th ree num bers a t th e G enera l E lectrlo sales convention In Boise T uesday.

INDIAN HEROINEA M w ef t e r re r le iM P a s s le ‘H O U Z O N T A L

1 D augh ter of th e Ind ian d ile fP ow ho tsn .

to She sa v sd th e------ ofC a p ta in Jo h n Sm ith .

14 T o p le re e w ith a kn ife .

15 Red cosm etie. le illu s tra U o n .17 Snare.Ift T hree .XOTo touch. a i K ncountered.13 Sandy . ........ .......34 P a tte rn blook. 42 Indefln lte ________8« M easu re o f a rtic le . V l lT I C A L

43 C hurch UOe. 1 P o ^ r l ^11 f o r m o t "be ." 4& Sp rink les w ith 1 Pish-3g W hile, t o O nto,I t A stir. a iD eO nK *

e rtlc le . S « T » ebb .I S U r g e bm .10 Ire lan d .IT P e rio d e<

tim e.11 A nd.

flour.SO A n c ie n t D lS lrlfe .&a Sp h e re ot

ectlon .M RusUe. fts Slender

p rick le.8« T onic spasnv 87 8m sU horse. B9 She w as

m am m al. t W e te tk 4 C a m e l's h e ir

c lo th , ft E ithe r, a M usical

c h a r s d e r . 7R o(aU on. a M oney

c h an g tn f . ftS o u th ess t.

le C a r ic a tu re d 30VTtmies.31 S h e —

Jo h n R oO » '79 T o reform .SS S h e w as

received a t c o u rt i n — * ■

37 M achines foe dyeing.

«« B rief.I I T enn is po in4 18 G reek le tte r.80 Portress. 4 3 I ^ g th w ls e ,44 C hinese eed M 4 « 0 o d o t l o f e .47 M en's

reed ingroom s.

41 A n te k p e . 4 » r r e e d e a l r o « P

cere .SO A rotaa, B IH urrleA .MMonkor.B S S pe iS IkD IY o a


b r r n□rJ H ; i B dmm a i M p — - i f i i a■ J M B

Page 5: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,

Hodday, Jaitnaiy 29, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ■

Sociai— C iuLs—<jCod e6Cawnpore Teacher Says India Using

War Aid to Achierve Dominion Rank

Potatoes in Limelight

B r JE A N D IN K ELAC K ERIndia h a s served notice on

G reat B rita in th a t she will not aid h e r in th is p resent w ar unless she has th e assu r­ance of dom inion statuB a t the *nd o f th e conflict.

To convince England th a t th e people of India mean w hat they say , all Ind ian gov­ernm ent offic ials resigned from o ffice in th e seven provincbs in November, ju s t before M isa Haze^ Wood sailed fo r th e U nited S ta tes from a sfeven y ears’ s ta y in th a t co un try , she said y es te r­day m orning .

Misa W ood, vice-principal o f a board ing school in Cawn­pore, in th e United Provinces, cen tral In d ia , is in th e U nited S ta tes on a n 18 m on ths’ fu r ­lough, and- Is n t p resen t visiting he r sis ter , M rs. W llllftm Bca-Mey, 631 M ain avenue w eit. a n d o th e r re la ­tives a t K lm bcrty . T h is Is h e r sccond fu rlough . H er f irs t iiervlce In Ind ia v a s lo r a s ix -y e a r period. ML<» Wood la ■ form er re s id en t of K im berly.

W ar-A w areneM People In In d ia , a n d especially

E uropeans, a re p a rticu la rly w nr-con- Bclous, acco rd in g to Mls.s W ood.W hen th e w ar broke. cvervthlnB slopped; th e re was no m a ll from A m erica de- Uvered fo r twQ m onttjs; th e h igh ly sa tisfac to ry a irm a il scrvlcc from E ng land ceased , and bu-ilness houses suffe red In consequence.

.A ll O erm a n s were In terned Inim e- AlftWy a n d a a th e r « u U . m a n y busi­ness houses c losed, M iss W ood com ­m ented . S om e of h e r friends were am ong those w ho w ere In terned

She p ic tu red th e ru th le ss exploi­ta tio n th a t follow ed; th e sky -h igh rise In p rlccs on E u ropean goods, a n d a dded t h a t n o fore igner w as p e r­m itted to leave th e c ity In w hich b e was a ( th e ou tb reak of th e u n til h e h a d been given perm l:

' by th e police.T ra n sp o r ta tio n becnm c restric ted ,

a n d Miss W ood w as obliecd to c an ­cel passage on a n E nglish boat. How­ever, th is tu rn e d In to th e opposite

’ o f ha rd sh ip .H er tr ip hom e on an A m erican

fre ig h te r, th e only passenger ( bont m a n n ed by a crew of 40 i w as som e th in g to w rite abou t—and IVial’s e x ac tly w h a t she in te n d s to do.

‘■The m en w ere c andid ly , frankly A m erican, a n d w eren 't going to

H ere F rom India

MIm B ase l W ood, now on 18 m ontha furloDgb, w ho was In I n ­d ia w hen O n a t B rita in d t t l a r td w ar on G erm any. She retu rned (o the U nited S U le i aboard a fre lfh te r m anned by an American

(Tim es P bo(o a n d E ngravlnf)

cept a m ls s la ia ry a s such unless they h a d to."

My guess Is th a t sh e tu rn ed Ioom ..jm e of h e r doub le-barre led charm , two Ingredients o f w hich ar& ^her thoroughly friend ly sm ile a n d the hum orous expression of h e r eyes.

E x eltin f T r ip Home She go t a long rem arkab ly well

H th a t tr ip , com ing hom e by way t S outh A frica, becaav ; nil M ed­

ite rranean ro u tin g h a d been cellctJ. *nie AmeilcaTi consul se n t orders th a t re tu rn in g A mrrlcn mu.st c ith e r U ke th e Paclllc South A frican rou te.

Four large A m erican flugs pn liit- ed on th e fre ig h te r, w hich w as well- lighted a t n igh t, de signated It neu tra l ship, a n d assured th e p a s­senger and crew protec tion.

Twlca In U ia t n in e weeks’ voyage they w ere w ith in 24 hou rs of ba ttles, and were qu ite awnre of sh ip m ovem ents. A fte r leaving Co­lombo. Ceylon, th e y d id no t touch po rt for ,49 days.

Mine sw eepers w ere In evidence a t Colombo, a n d fro m tim e to' tim e on the Journey they saw num erous sh ips pa tro lling th e w aters.

Once a B ritish bom ber fie In sa lu te , thewnve.s a n d th e fre igh te r tooted whl.<it)cs In greeting.

"If the w ar doc.sn't------’’ :phrase th a t c reeps Into th e d iscus­

sion of MIm w o o d 's p lans ^ o r the fu tu re . She a n d m any E uropeans, as well as th e th in k in g people of I n d ia a re acutely aw are of th e te r ­rible setback ( th a t w ar can bring to Ind ia .

G andh i B leadfastF o r tw o a n d o ne-hn lf years now,

th e In d ian congres.-i h a s been the form of governm ent in In d ia . G a n ­dhi, th e best friend t l i a t B rita in has In th e e ast, is endeavoring to hold th ings steady , a n d to pe rsuade the In d ian s and th e E nglish to work o u t toge ther th e ir d iff icu lties con­cern ing adm in istra tio n .

In d ia objects s trenuously to bejng th e on ly pos.<csslon of G re a t B rit­a in s ti ll u nder Im pcrtallsU c govern­m en t. a n d Insists on becom ing one of th e com m onw ealth of na tio n s, as

ro th e o thers.O ne of th e H indu friends o f Ml.u

W ood, w ho received his education in E ngland , sum m ed up th e s ituation in rem arkab le c larity , believes Mls.s W ood, w hen he sa id •'B rita in hns done every th ing fo r In d ia excep t to be friends."

Com ing back to th e U n ited S tates c arries one bu rden th a t M iss Wood Just c a n 't seem to a d a p t he rse lf to. a n d th a t 's w earing "those silly h a ts" th e A m erican w omen don 't know any b e tte r th a n to w ear.

T h inks H aU H orrid!'M y style consclou-sne.w a n d m en­

ta l outlook m e t w ith u p - to -d a te rr- qulrem ents, I found w hen I landed in New Y ork, b u t I d o n 't like the h a ts I" S h e w as em phatic.

H er d issertation on h a ts a n d how she tried on doten/i, a n d th e n the fina l one exactly th re e tim es before she could bring h e rse lf to pureha«ip It, called fo r a look-see, a n d Miss Wood obliged

T h e so ft B late-blue h lgh-crow nod fe lt postillion, w ith Its perky b u r­gundy wine Is w orn w ith a dash by M iss W ood, w h eth er she llltes It o r no t, a n d is a softening, color fo r h e r sligh tly gray ing ha ir.

MIS.S W ood, w ho received h e r M. A. degree from th e U niversity o t C h i­cago, will spend p a r t of h e r tim e s t u d y i n g Im proved educa tional m e thods w hile In th e U n ited S tates.

R u ra l u p lif t a n d vocational work have a ttr a c te d trem en d o u s In terest In. In d ia in th e pa.st few years , she has observed. T h e school o f w hich she Is an official. In th e M ethodist m ission scrvlcc, is co -educa tlona l to the fo u rth s ta n d a rd , w hich pares w ith ou r f if th g rade , a n d a f­te r th a t , a g irls ' boa rd ing school, w ith .some day pup ils a ttcn d ln g .

In add ition to study , M l» Wood, w ith h e r secretorj-, will go on i t i n ­e ra ry p a r t o f th e tim e she is hom e, and will sp e n t th re e m o n th s "Just resting—and g e ttin g used to those ha ts."

Mr. Morgan Feted On 86th BirthdayJ. A. M organ , 80, celeb ra ted his

b irthday a n n iv e rsa ry yesterday a t h ts hom e, 230 F o u r th avenue eiuit, a ll b u t one o f hU ch ild ren , and a ll o f h is g ran d c h ild ren a n d grt'at* tn-andchlldren Joining In th e fc.sllv- Itles.

TlJO g roup pre.iented h im w ltli a read ing lam p . M r. M organ prides h im self on keeping up w ith the tim es, a n d bc tw crn tlic newspm nTs, th e c u rre n t n iagiizlnra and tho radio, th in k s h e " d o rs a p re tty good Job of It."

A ch icken d in n e r waJ served a t four U bles. T lie arte rnoon was spen t socially.

Only d a u g h te r no t p rese n t was Mr.s. U. C, New kirk, w ho lives In New O rleans, i j i . O th e r Ijuests were:

M r. a n d M rs, V. K, M organ , son a n d dnuKh(«T-ln-Iaw; M r. a n d Mrs. K. E, O ruhlreo and Mr. and M rs. 11, K . A loxander, so tis-ln -law and daugh ters .

Mr. and M rs Le.ille M organ, Mr. a n d M ia. WUIIaJu MorKuJi, M r. mid Mrs. I-oiih H ack and Mr. a n d Mrs. J , T . A nilernon. j r , g rande lilld ren .

Jan lc i’ a n d KHmIxiIIi Ann M or­gan a n d Ixnilsn Iln rk a n d Ellnn M or­gan, great-Kran<l<'lil1drnn,

Second Ward MIA Sets Two Eventso r ilr la in of (he nenjiid w ard of

tlir c liiir i'h Kxiay announced Iwd iMitUrn, nchrduliid for 'H iosday nvriilnK,

'Ilin a d u lt i l a u of th e M.I.A. will a l i r n d a p a i iy n i i lir Imnie of Mr. and Min. I,. (I. K ltkiiiaii, following a p ir llin ln a ry iiroKniin a t rliit|>e|, I’ondiiu ted l>y tlis wiiioen of tliK M.I.A.

'I 'ranniK irtatlnii to th e K Irkiunn hiiiiifl h hrliiK iiiraiignd. Mm. I t r r t liollngliiokn a n d Mta, A. M, Uell a t« in e.hiUK* «( tUa eivenV,

■nio M -M nu nnil (M eaner G irls will att4-nd a sk a tin g p a rty a t tlm 'IV ln I''alln l>lniisinn H kallng rink following 'a iire lin ilnary prograin.

Mrs, I,. K. WiH>d a iid MIm M nrla Baliiioii arn <tlrr(t|lng tlm evriitn,

O the r e la ss rs will a tte n d regular a ludy sewilonn,

« « ¥Al'l'K AK A T I t l i l l l ,

AnuitiK thn Tw ill I'nIUi liuplU of Mm, N rllle T , O ntioni Who apiM arrd lit a icc'ltal a t l lu h l la s t week wara:

Mnrinn H nllorli. V irginia W alker, }l<ilil)V Males. l.ola A nn Rrlr.luton, I 'a lilr la P w y rr , Uiln ao p er. H arb ara Ilniilt'A , .Iiin rt ( ll l l rs |] |0 , M aurlm Iidicii. Iii>iiiiu Ifiir iliiglfly, liiiddy llntil''v , I'liin Dilnc'oll a n d K eith

. Havllle.¥ ♦

TO Itl:lM<»VK HTAINH iriiiiivo ninrliliiB nil nr ta r from

' w aaltablu niulxiluU . a a lu ra U L n ia in IhoroiiHldv wHh kerosnna lard, Hull ge iilly , l lien w ash In tiilPk iMdn, rhino and dry aa u iiial. T o keep wooinn g a n n en la ao ft a n d H urry, add a rew d in |is of « ly rerlne to tb a la s t r lu sa w atar.

Mrs. C ham berlain Tells How to Bake Cake M inus Sugar, B u tler

A (able a e ttin r. a rranged by th e home eronom lci d e p a r tm e n t o f th e Unlveraity o f Id ah o ex tan ilon division, under th e d irec tio n of Miss M arl?n H epw orth , w as one of th e display* (h a t ,a t(ra c te d In tereat during Ibe Inspection of (he U nion ra r ld c po ia(o ( ra in h e re S a tu r ­day. Use of po(a(oes In (he roena wa.s featured. AU Item s o f (he m eal w rrr w ax m odels rxeepV th e baked poiatocs—a n d th e y w ere th e "genuine Id ah o a rtlfle ." (Times Photo a n d E ngraving)

Many Prizes for* President’s Card

P a r ty BenefitM erchants and Indiv iduals have

been m ost generous in o ffering pHres and In o ther waya cooperating w ith th e com m ittee oo a rran g e - m enU for the Pre.sld*nt'B b irthday card party today a t 6 p . m . a t the E lks hall. It was announced today. P roceeds will go to th e in fan tile para lysis fund being co llec ted for th e control and trea ,tm e n t of in- fanU le paralysis.

Individual plnyera w ho do n o t have p a rtn e rs m sy nit4-nd th e p a rty , a s a few tab les will be a rra n g e d for tliose who a ttend sing ly , th e com ­m ittee said, and also called a t te n ­tio n to the f a d th a t a few tab les a re also being placed fo r th o se who have no t m ade rDservc‘lons to date.

Pinochle, cotvtrpici a n d auction bridge will be played, a n d In add i­tion to the card gam es a n d re - fre sh m en u . a p rogram w ill b* fea ­tu red .

A quarte t. Weldon H ask ln i, Mrs. F ra n k Fonda. MLm Bessie Carlson a n d Mrs. H arry B arry , will sing, accom panied by M rs. M a rg a re t Peck.

Mrs. M arie D unn H elm will p re ­sen t several of he r da n c in g pupils in specialty numbers.

Miss M ary Virginia B enson will give a varied rhy tlu n d a n ce ; Ju n e M orrison and D onna Yotm g. an acrobatic duo, and B illy W a tts and Nola Jean Mlnshew, » song and d a nce number.

James Barnhart and B rid e V isit B rieifly

Week-end guests in Twin Falls were Mr. and M rs. Jam es Rolicrt B arn h a rt, who were recently m arried in C hadron, Neb. Mr. B a rn h a rt is the son of Mr. and M rs. J . D. B arn ­hart, and M rs. B arn h a rt, formerly Miss G e rtru d e Vogel, is the d augh te r of Mr. and. Mrs. George Vogel, Chadron.

They w ere m arried Jan . 24 a t the home o f th e b rid e ’s p a r­ents. Mr. and M rs. B arnhart who arrived S a tu rd ay , con­

tinued j’es terd ay to N am pa to calaWi.sh residence. M r. B arn ­hart is associated w ith th e Gamble hardw are com pany.

Following h is g ra d u a tio n fro m th e University of Colorado. M r. B a m - linn »-as associated w ith th e G a m ­ble H ardw are com pany a t C hadron for two years, w here h e m e t h is future bride.

Mrs. B a rn h a r t w as a te ch n ic ia n a t a C hadron hosp ital p r io r to h e r marriage.

Mr. and M rs. C arl I rw in w ere liostA a t d in n e r S a tu rd a y even ing In honor of th e b rid al p a ir .

O ther guests w ere M r. and M rs. J . D. B n m h a r t a n d M rs. T . H. Irwin.

By JO SE P H L. MYLEIlNEW Y O riK , J a n . 27 (U.Rt—Mrs,

Neville C ham berla in of London — her hu.ibnnd'a th e Drltl.sh |irline mlnlHter — h a s evolved u w arilm e cnke recipe calling for no b u tle r and

biigUr. T liu s Mr.s. C hom bcrluin have h e r cake and e a t I t, (oo,

for a ll th e ra tion ing rules.Cake w ithou t b u tte r o r sugarlAnd now go on :

Oloucc.ster, K ing Leopold of B el­gium , Lnrd IhilK ux. A ntlioiiy Eden, ind Hie form er K ing of Sinin,

rLKASK DKHIHT, MIL JO N i:S NKW Y O U K -T lie U nion League

club Is show ing Uio "U nion L«a«ue," purple o rchid, very expensive, one

ot m any collwUrd by m em ber Jlo<l- ney W. Jones. "Y ou 'd d rop deiid," Jones Mild. "If you knew how m uch money I was o flfre d by a cornm crfla l grower for two plecc,'* of pollen from U)fl 'U nion X xague.'"

HOW TO AMIIbK A KAItY TONAWANDA, N. Y.- -I-’o u r-y e a r-

old Curll»H K orff, Jr., begun to cry, llln n io ihe r pIcKcd up a n old .3‘J- callbre rrvoH er a n d playfu lly waved It In fro n t of h e r son to am use h im . 'i liu gun w riit off a n d a bu lle t s tn iek th e ch ild 's hand , l l i e n C urtis s really began to pry.

(■I.AHH l)IHnilHHKI>aPllIN O W A 'lT-JU ,‘n . Y. — n u r a l

ncbool No. IH rl()M.'(l today bcni the stu d e n t iHHly - one girl - - tru ferred lo th e village of W ayland.

KNI> OK A CARKKR1X5N1WN, - Jo h n T hom as H arris,

H7, died KKlny. P'or 00 years h r hail b rn i top lin t b runher to Kton eollegc l>oys, am ong (hem th e duke of

Catholic Women ' Give Card PartyRU PKllT , J a n . 30 (HpeclaD—’P ib

wnrnrn of HI. N leholas Oathollo ohu rrh c iite rla ln e d W ednesday eve ­ning w llh a r a rd p a rly a t tlin Mmme hull. HUtenn tab les were placed for IKK), pinochle a n d bridgo.

iloberts; In pinochle to Mrs, Glein Btuder a n d W illiam H ennohrld, Jr.; and In bridge lo Mian DoroUiy Man ClflUy and Dill I tu inn ilng , l> tor prleo went to M rs, O . M, M llchell,'

'l l ie evanlikg ooiioluded w ith re - freshnienU aerved by th e hostessea who were Mra, A dam Hchell. Mra, 'I'ed M errill, M isa V erna Pnralien, Men, KollUellH^r, M ra. r r a h kllldgaln , M n , H enry O 'D tm nell and Mra, Joe Cleorgea.

rO TA TO RIi lUCMOVK B A l.t Boups, aaurea, g rav ies a n d s tew i

w hich a re loo sa lty can be aaved l>y adding a few ill re d raw im taloes. Oook for aevnral m inu tes a n d th r n remove llie imtatoea. I l ie y should have abaoTtxni th e M eets sa lt.

THIKVKN M(M)K tfllB ltirr UOW I.INU OHBBN. O, (UR) —

W hlla H herlff A rnold laeh a n d I’ollcD Chief A rnold O alllh er at* tended * ohurcii lA nquet, thievea pilfered Uie pooketbooka o f #o<ne Ilf th e w omen p rese n t a t Um ccle ItraUoa.

C M M ns TO H E R DKATIIEl-IZAIJICTH, N. J. .. Mr.i, G eorge

A ldenian. Ill, clim bed w earily up the flrnt fllKlX o( s ta irs lo Ihe aud l- to tium w hn r the bingo gan ir -was In lirogicN.s. "W lirw." &hu imiiU-il lo an ici|Uiilntiiiii'i'. "If I liiivr (') rliinb

a n o lh e r fllKlil I'll d rop d n id ." A firr sh o r t re.si »lir m ounted I lir l o t of le wiiv. A( Ihe loji nlir nilliipsed

and died <if u h e a r t att^tck,

THANKS H H l N O T IIIN nHOH'l'ON llrforn Iciivlng w ith

Iholr liNii. Ilie Iwo rohlieis forced 1‘rop rlrlo r H airy Ju lln mid n ine cuMoniri.i In clhiobn In Ihn ri-a a Itoxbiii) vi.iiriy s to ri'. " llc lic r no t folli.w u-..' Ihry wild, •'It's p re tty cold ou 1 )-lili' ■'

KOUTMKIIN IIO H riT A IJT V TNAHIIVIM.K. 'I’enn . • 'I lio l«m -

pcratiiKi in n Ill'll a low o( fou r do- urei'fl hrhiw f i o a l Ihn ilow nlow n wnallier hiuciiu a n d Ih hiOi>w a t the airp o rt w n iilin h u rra u liisl n igh t. Arcllo K \|iln iri Mir H ubert W ilkins wan lu liiwii

U. S. and Europe Compared a t Club

*lltlM l,, Jiiii W <Hi>eclal)—Sixteen mmnlN*rn mid tw o guania o t th e Hunny Hlilr Horlal club w ere e n le r- lalncd Wriliir.'.ilay a t th e hom e of M is. M. II. WllMiit, 'l l in giienta wern Mrs. liiila Andi'tnon, Uoxlmrg,Mrs. (leiiigc- liaxU 'r, M rn,‘ F rank T hatclii'r i)U 'iriiled a a lio r t pro- g ran i on llm subject, "W e A re N ot I’oor."

InteresliuK nrllclea o f encou rage - tn e u l were tn id by M m. 'lltatc.Unr and Mrs, l.iiilier H ow ard, 'H ietlclen ciinipiued aJtuatlotia In .....country lo iliosn a b road In ootigesl- ed aronn and In rltlea .

A t Ihe n c s l m eeting, P eb . 7. Use aniiim l hunlmiids' n ig h t beginn ing w llh a 7 ofliK'li d in n e r, will Im serve<l. liotli p inochle a n d lirldge will IM played du rin g th e evening

Mrs. R. Widmier Honored in Paul

PAUL. J a n . 29 (S p c c la D -A mls- celliiiicous show er w as held a t the L. D. S . c liu rch T liu rsd a y In honor of Mr.s. R obert W ldm lcr. who was form erly M iss T h e lm a Sanford.

h program w as d lr tc te i l by Mrs. Chris H ansen, w llh th e following num bers; Song. "G od Bless Amer­ica," by M rs. E d ith Corloss, accom- pan lcd by M iss D o n n a W heeler; saxophone d u c t by V erne R. Thom - a» and D crald Q reene , accom panied by Miss D onna W h ee ler; vocal m)1o by J a n e t Barclay , accom panied by MlsA Jcnn J o rd a n ; read ing , "Tlie Honor of Uie ro m lly ," by Mr.v j .

Fridley,P lnno iolo by B e tty Lou D iiiur;

"M ldnlte Fiinta.sy," by Doris uiul D onnii M iirRne; rcadu ig , "How t< Cook a Hu.sbnnd." by Mr.s. n . K Corle.vs; .Koiig, "Sw ecthenrl-i Kiir ever." by Mrs, E d ith Corle.«; pi;iiir fiolo by Miixlne M u rray ; trio, Miis Oiile H olingreen, M iss Louise Tam- llhoii and M bs D onna W heeler, nc- coinponli'd by Miwi J e a n Jortlftii, song, "Houlh of th e Border," liy M ary Hlch a n d L ucille IUIIIiik- ton , nci:oiiipanlcd by M rs. Hobcri Wlilmler,

n i e b ilde wan a&slslcd In oiX'ii- Ing her kKIa by achool' nmtes. Ow cndolyn M a rtin , L uclle DIIIIhr- ton . Mary Hlch a n d M rs. M jrtle ICKiiii, Hurley. Hostesnoa r>ervril fre.\t\met\lR to Kuesta preseiM. Tlwy

Mr.i. D avis O reene, Mrs, Veriir nan, Mrs. C h ris Haiu«-ii, Mis,

K . 0 . MeVrlll, M ra, Jew e l Ciiivn l''rcd lUuih, M rs. U. U. l.o.iui Mi.i. M orris Iloyliiiicc. Mi

Jew e D lllliigton. M rs, W . C, Cm vii Mrs. Alliln Urown, Mrs. l lm ry lliu'kiiuiri, Mrs. Jack M iirlln, Mm.

(irei'iiw ell und M rs, Clyiln aree iiw rll.

Dll. G. W. HUUGKSS.Ih# rem eval ever R In g i.o t hla airioae

b n r r ’a te

11 4 h i i o Ni i o n b S 'T . w .( ir e iin d r io o r r * r r tn e llo U l BM |

BPW at Rupert Sponsors Dance

RUPEKT, J iin . 20 iSpeclal) — R u ­p e rt DiL'Ine.vn and Prole.vslonal W omen's club and th ree gueAta, Rev. D. L. M cElllgott. O . M, M itch­ell and K . O . Sedgewick, m e t a t Pretl's Chib cafe T uesday lor a tu r ­key d in n e r, a t w hich Mrs. O, M. M itchell und M rs, k , O, Sccigewlck aclet} a s hostesK s.

In th e bufllneu se.t.slon, n t w hich the v ice-presiden t, Mlo.i Ora Joe Hank.^ p resided, planx w ire com ­pleted fo r th e atinuiil Hi Valen- Une’s day d an ce w hirli n lll be giv­en W edne«tay . Feb. 14, tn d ie m u ­nicipal aud ito rium , A iH'lltloii waa sen t to Uie governor a^knig th a t Mrs. B orah bo ap|M>lnlc-d to MU'ceed the la te H enator W llllnin K Ilo rah In tho U, 8 , se n n tr .

A t Uie c o n ch u lo a of the ni()ul the following p rog ra iu won Kivrn. 'IV o vocal selec tions by MLsn Doni Paoll and MIm A da S’noli, ni'runiintiiled by Misa Ju n e C oll; d ance luiiubera

' by MIm M i^rjorle .lamernnn. w ith Mrs, R ay D. AriiiBtioiig nl Um p i­ano; M'vernl violin ^elr'c'llc)|n by Hev. McKlllKolt, iH'('(iiiijii»il<'il by Mrs, A nnslrong ,

CalendarM. 8, and 8, d u b wUl m e et W ed­

nesday a t 3 p, m. w ith M ri. M ary Miller.

¥ » ♦U nion Pacific. B oosters c lub of

T w in F a lls will m eet In th e Id ah o Pow er com pany a ud ito rium for a i» t- lu c k d inner T h u rad a y a t 7 p . m . A program a n d e n te r ta in ­m en t wiU be pre.^ented.

* ¥ Jun ior-Sen ior P .-T . A. wUl m eet

in Uie high school au d ito riu m to ­day a t 7:30 p. m . fo r a p rogram presen ted by th e Boya* c lub of Uie h igh achool.

* ♦ ♦All Royal N eighbors o f A m eri­

c a a re requested to m e et a t the Reynolds funeral ho m e T uesday a t 2 p. m . a t a tten d fu n e ra l se rv ­ices for D . P . M oon, f a th e r of M rs. L ora Doss.

¥ « ¥T h e executive boa rd of SL E d­

w ard’s P .-T . A. will m e et T uesday a t 8 p . m . a t th e hom e of Soph ia RUse. 728 Second avenue e ast. T lna l p lans fo r th e benefit c a rd pa rty irill be m ade.

¥ ¥ ¥Com m unity c h u rc h I s l e s ' AM

society will m e et fo r ' a pot-luck luncheon W ednesday in th e c hu rch b a se m e n t H usbands a re inv ited . M rs. M ildred F uller will be th e hoatesa.

¥ ¥ *U nity club m em bers will enter*

ta in th e ir husbands a t (he annual d in n e r T uesday a t 7 p. m. In the Id ah o Pow er com pany auditorium . E ach fam ily Is asked lo bring a q u a rte t tab le and tab le Aervlce, aa well as th e ir favorite game. M em ­bers are a lso rem inded to pay 38 c e n u to com plete the club'a fund fo r th e scenlo drive,

Jenkins ' Schwendiman Vows Pledged Sunday

Before th e fireplace, flanked by ta ll ivory baskets .of pale pink and w hit« carnations, an d w ith cedar boughs AOd w hite tape rs arranged on th e m antel, a t th e home of BIr. and Mra. R . J . Schwdtadiman, 1016 Shoshone s tre e t east, th e ir daughter, Miss R u th Schwendim an, and Glenn E. Jenk- in.s w ere united in m arriage Sunday m orning. T he bride* groom la th e son of Mr. and M ra. Glen G. Jenkins.

Rev. G. L. C lark, pastor of th e P resby terian church, re ad the single ring cerem ony in th e presence of 30 guests from T^vin Falts, Idaho Falls, B lackfoot, Boise and California. They la te r attended a wed- - ding b reak fast a t th e P ark hotel. M rs. J . G. W illiams,Idaho Falls, g re a t-g ra n d ­m other o f th e bride, was am ong th e guests.

Gow ned In Blue “n ie bride was gowned In a sky

blue afte rnoon frock w llh w hich she wore gold aoceasorles a n d he r flowers were J o a n n a Hill rosebuds In a corsage bouquet arrangem en t.

Miss Je a im e Schw endim an. he sister, who Is a tten d in g th e U nlver- sliy of Id ah o , ao u th em b ran c h .Pocatello, a n d M iss T helm a Jenk in s, sis ter of th e bridegroom , were bridesm aids, a n d th e duties of best m an were assigned to G all S incla ir,

H igh ligh t o f th e wedding b rea k ­fa s t a t th e P a rk h o te l was th e c u t­ting of Uie w edding cake by Mra.JeiUcliu. W hite tapers In silver cande lab ra flanked e ith er s ide o f th e cake , a n d w hite tapers , a l te r ­na tin g w ith low bouquets o f w hite sw eet peas, ex tended th e le n g th of th e table on e ith e r aide.

W hen M rs. Je n k in s le ft on a 10- day w edding tr ip to B alt L ake City, she, w ore a m aroon s u i t w ith m a tc h ­ing ' accessories. M r. a n d M rs. J e n ­kins will be a t hom e a t th e S ta te a partm en ts a fte r Feb . 10.

F rom O at-o t-T ow n In addlU on to M rs.

Gem State Club Plans Surprise

M em bers o t th e Oem S ta te B tudy c lub a n d th e ir husbands a ttendad

surprise housewarm ing in honor of M r. a n d M rs. C. A. Bickford a t U jeir new hom e on F iler a T eau t la s t evening.

T h e group presented th e honoreet w ith a n a ttracU ve g ilt fo r th a ir home.

P inochle w as th e d lvertlsam eot o f th e evening, p rise s going to M r*. E a r l B ickford. C . A. Blckfotrd a n d M rs. B ickford.

A m id n ig h t lunch w as aarved a t f ive U bles.

M rs. R ussell H am m , U ra . I r a n Linco ln a n d M rs. D. R . ' w ere In c harge of th e a rra n i


Z u Zlms. have s e t the f in a l pledg­ing da te a s Feb. 18. i t w as annfflinctd today , follow ing a bustneaa n w lon of th e club yesterday.

C larence D udley was h o r t te

Casey, club sponsor, w as preMQt.

of-tow n guests Included M r. a n d M rs. Fred Schw endim an, g ran d ­p a re n ts o t th e bride; M r. a n d M rs. Rex Scliw endlm an a n d M r. and Mrs. Lynn Schw endim an, a ll of Id ah o F a lls : Miss E lU Mae R om ney, cousin o f th e b ride, O akland , Calif.; Mr. a n d M rs. H. D . R ichardson a n d

K ay . Blackfoot. a n d M r. a n d M rs. O . O. V aughan , Boise.

M rs. B uchanan , g ran d m o th er of Mr. Jenk in s, and M r. a n d M rs. R obert H elfrech t.. uncle a n d a u n t o f th e b r irth e w edding guests.


D ry celery leaves In a p a n In th e oven. C rum ble and s to re in a cover­ed g lass Jar. u n til needed to r f lav ­oring .dressings, soups a n d a teva , and to com bine w ith o th e r sa lad he rb s.


o o THIST o help preven t colds d e v e l^ ln g . use thU s p ^ l - Ized m edication a t 'f i n c w arning sniffle ccV ic k s ---------

Va-tro-n o l

REMODEL-it's ju st like having a new home . . . :

R em odeling your hom e i i a good in v e s tm e n t' providing th e w ork U done by le p u t- ab le w orkm en 'W he know how to S8 T0 you m oney w itti- o u t a sacrifice of ip ia lt^ . O u r y e a r a of e ipertenoe en ab le u s to give you Juak ■uch a low cost aerrloel

. MontoothAnd Son

Phone S78-W

w a a it3Hearty ^ KecoHimenM"''

I n d e e d , w * b c a rH ly ro c o m n ie n d U fa / i . KINCj C O A L

b e c a u a * w * b e l ie v e y o u w o n t c /e a n « r c o o L U ta h

K IN O C O A L la Im ly th a t — (o r !!*■ w a s h e d , d r i e d

■Ised . b l e n d e d a n d w n x ed . T ry a l o a d

Y ou 'll U M U la h XING C O A L a lw a y a .

UTAH KIN<i COAL Is avallaliki only Ihrfiugh tbeee etlatilbhed rail dealnroi

WAIIIt^:lt» nKOTflKUN - l-hnii« 146 lllrr lUtelloh

ril.KIl hl,KVATOII IIAZRin'ON RI.KVATOB......... U y Phone IN




THIS ADrun Just once In th e T im es a n d News c a Ja iiim ry 9. 1030. T h e n e x t day th e dog WAB re tu rned to It^ m a s te r.

THIS is Mr. J. J. Boyd’s answer". . . . an<l I rnn hh a<i In tho Tim es and Kawi Tiirnday and Kot my dov Imck Wodnusday. Now tliU (a efficUmcy lo the hlKl\ent tluKree aivd 1 wnnt to commciid your piiporB on th e offoctiva. ni'fli of their advortlalng cofumni

Again Thanka Aa Ever,J. J. BOYD.

Buhl, Idaho

I f you w a n t reaulti p lace your,


Page 6: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,


S P O R T SDUCK HUNTERS DEMAND CHANGE IN HOURSWestern Nimrods Ask Earlier and Later Time Limits

W A S IIIN (n -()N \ J a n . 29 (U.R) — S < tr .‘ta ry o f I n le r io r H aroM L. Ickes m ay acq u iro d a now lu 'ad ach e w h e nP re s id e iil RodsovcU i r a n s f e r r e d th e h iin 'a ii o f b io lo g ica l su rv ey fro m Ih e d e p a r tm e n t o f n ^ r ic u ltu ru to th e d e p a r t ­m en t o f in te r io r hiHl .sjirinfr.

T h e h ead ach e , i t a p p e a re d , -w ent hu iid-iii-haiid w ith th e b u re a u ’s rc^ru latory p o w e rs o v e r duck h u n te rs , w ho ' f r e ­q u en tly a re inc lined to d is ­a g re e w ith th e b u re a u o v e r w h a t re g u la tio n s sh o u ld be im posed on th e i r a c tiv ity .

NoUcr V05 served on the bureau by Oernld W. Movlus, sccreuiry lo Sen. Gerald P. Nye. R .. N. D .. that the teiiBUir',s constUueni duck- hun lcrs-ns wcU us s.onie several hundred oUier duck-liunters 111 U».c

■ northwest—were bcelmihiu ft cam ­paign to chnngc the rules rrlnttve to Die UmB or day wlieii they may enjoy (heir ftvocntlon.

T lie bnrenii, Movlui cxplnlncti, for scvernl yrftrs iia.s' promulgated a rule provldlnB Ih a l duck* may be hunl*d only between the hours of 7 a. m. and 4 p. m.

"T hat." Movliu said, exp lain ing U ial he i>ersoiiBlly was no t a duck hu n te r, "prnctlcftlly proh ib its a n y ­body from gelling In any h un tm g ."

W ant Earlier Hour*W hat th e duck-hunU irs w an t, he

aald, was to M art h un ting ducks r h a lf hou r before suiuU e and Im n l un til noon, or s ta r t a t noon a n d h u n t u n til a haU h o u r a f te r eun - down. '

"O ut In th e northw est,” Nye ex­plained. ■•most o f th e fellows w ho h u n t ducks a ren ’t r ich m en. llko they have hun ting ducks a round tliU p a rt o f th e countrj-. T h ey 're iu s t business m en and m erchan ts , w ho have to w ork a ll day.

"M oat o f these feUows would like to be able to aneak o f l early In tlie m orning a n d bag a few ducks, a n d then go to work, o r knock off w ork a h a lf h o u r or w early In th e a f te r ­noon a n d go look for ducks. B u t they can ’t do th a t now. because of th e hou rs restric tions."

Biological survey offlclaU ex- p la ined th a t th e hours-of-shooU ng regula tion was .u n ifo rm over tbe e n tire country, e n d ih a i th e ru le had been in e ffec t several years.

T h e ru le, they explained, used to be from daw n to sunseU B u t w hen th e d ro u th i cam® along they played havoc w ith th e n a t lo n ’a duck popu­lation, a n d th e c u rre n t hou rs regu­la tion waa prom u lga ted to aave th a t population.

D ocks ' P lea tirn i Now"O u t In ou r co iu itry ," Movlun re ­

to rted . "m oat of the boyi vo luntarily atopped hunU ng ducks a t th e tim e of th e drou th s to »Ave th em . B ut th e re are p lenty of ducks now ; be­sides. m ost of th e ducks In the country breed U> th e northw est, imd wc get th e w orst clm nces of any section to shoot them ."

M ovlus exhibited a le tU r from nn u n ld e n tlllrd N orth DiikotA duck h u n te r w hom h e described as "a leading bunlncHs m an," advocitllng the prpponed new houia , Miylna th a t if the ' ha lf-hou r-tK lo ro -daw n-to - nooii or ItA u lirrn iiilve rrKUliiilon

.la iiclu|)tc(l. "initybe 1 1 will be ilble then lo hhoot a few of the ducka rn .ro u te to Texiis w here they a re alautihtrred w ith eaae." 'H ie le ltr r , hn anld, w ns one of m any. ■

M(jvlii% Milil Ik ' IiikI Ix'en Informed lli;tl iirtllloiit. wri'c hring rlrn iU lrd

' auiiiiiii iiorlliwrnir'in duck liuniera urKliig n<l<iiitlrni »r Ihe new hiniri, anil lliiil. iin MKin an thry hip rum- lilMccl Nye will present lli^iii (n Ickm,

Mr Mtlil lie lOir-iidy had In krii Hip queMlon iii> w ith bloloHlcnl niiivry Oflli'lnln, l)iiL lim t nolhlhK' yi'i liiicl Ik tu iluiui about mnkliiu ntiy Chnngrn. Me nald o lf lr ln li lind cm iiluinlm l that Uie n i r r r n l (rr lliig would 1)0 to rontlniin llin itk iiU iIIh ii. )lo nald thry adm lUril lliu l Ihcv Imd rrcrlvrd coiniiliiliiln iilxmi tin' pun rn l nilo from iiu)%i Acriimn of (hu I'o iiiiiiv , howevri'.

DUMONT It^lKl.KtTKIIt.'IIICA dO , .tan. JO (Ufi>-Rav l)i|-

IlK ilil, Wl<'lill.i, K im ., Win I f . l i i ln llir i'.ililn ii Ilf lliit Niillcmiil {leiu l-l’ u) lim rbnll I'ongrr.vn ii.i ilie tloii rliMrrl Its lU ih iiiiin ia l wliiler inevllng loduy,

Sutherland Will Sign to Handle Pro Grid Outfit

P IT T S B U R G H , Jan , 39 (U,R)- Pormer P ltl conch Jock SuUier- Imul iind Dan Topplim. owner of the Brooklyn DodKcrs. w ill con­fer once more today lo Iron out detnlls ot a contract for Suther­land 10 coRCh the pro football team next scaM>n,

Sutherland and Topping came to a (eiilatlve acrerin rnt In S t . Louis, but neither would divulge Uie deUilU.

Utah Agjjies Lead Hectic Cage Scramble

SA LT LAKE CITY, J a n . 30 (U.PJ— A hectic w eek-end of b iuketbaU to ­day h a d left only one te am —U ta h S ta te —u ndafeated and m poeaeaslen of f irs t place In th e Big Seven con ­ference;

H ighligh t o f two n ig h u of h a rd a n d fa s t gam es cam e F rid ay w hen th e t ; i a h Red.sklns were d e f e a t^ fo r the f irs t tim e in U gam es by U niversity of Colorado, defeni c ircu it cham pion . 42-S8,

S a tu rd a y ’s re,Milts w ere; B righam Young defeated WyomlnR, 34 to 29: U ta h ^S ta te trounced I>enver. 39 u> 27. and U n lven lty of U ta h dow ned C olorado S ta te . 4B lo 41.

T he U ta h Agglea rem a ined on o f the he ap by a llow ing D enver to acore only tw o field goal.i In th« flr.it h a lf of th e ir t i l t n l Logon. T h e Agglea led a t th e halfw ay m ark . 23 to 10. T he P ionee rs outscored th e Aggie* In th e second s ta n ta bu t could n o t overcom e th e L o f in boys' lead. H lghpo ln t m a n was Ployd M orris of U tah S t a te wlUi 11 tAllles.

U tah rem ained In th ird place, be­h ind U U h S ta te a n d Colorado un l- vcrfilty, by trouncing Colorado S ta le n t .P o r t Colllna, U ta h led a t the half. ]8 to n . V al flhefrii'ld was h igh aoorer wlUi 31 points, ha lf t;ta h 's to ta l.

Burley Forms Gun Club

BU RLICY. J a n . 30 (Sprclnn A m ile and Pl.Hol rluh for B iirlrv ri'Mldeiits wfta or«tinlsed litre this week w ith Dr. iliiRh E , Dean elerled aa prrnUlenl, C . H . McDonald, v irr- prenUlpnt; F rrd Thonjpson, tioas- iner; (lem Ul Curfew , aeoretary, and llov 0 )iv c x m illv c officer.

T liB rUib nlel'(,^ every fluiiday at 11 a, rn. ul l l i r National CHn anmiry rirliiK rmiRe for prnci nhcxiilMR. T t t f i i iv men attended iho fll>t lUri'lhiM.

T lir jiiiipose cif l l ils orBaiilmilloiv arctirdinu to lir Domi, W to n , . couiaHO oiKfthl/i'rt rifle iiimI i>iih>I kIiiioIIiiii iinioiiK c lllreiiii nf tlnllr<i Hiiiic.s w ho a iP tenl<lniK of IIiIa I'liiiiiiiMiiltv to llic' end ilwil i liPtier )(ni)w|p<lKe of th e ante hand l li)» and pm iier r a r e of lliean ti.t li< iiiUitiired, 'I lie i lnli will al'i> nroli in ilrvr|ci|i ( liiiriK'tri lAtlrn nf lioii K<MMl trilow ahin, nnlf diaolpllite. Irnm Jilnre iind "elr-rellnnce.

Mniilin'Alili) Into the (ii'uiuiitsMnn rc(|u1ien the ii|i|>||cftiit to lif it riiitpu nf Ilia United Hlalea, i . l lenM |fl yrniR of iiKP, am i on a vote of the r \e n illv r I'nintiilUen und tlir p n j. iiK'Hl or In llla lldn frn and diien.

1IKM> n i r T IM 1£« WAN I' ADfl,

Young New York Pro Captures Bing Crosby TourneyEd Oliver Cops First Prize Money of $500; Vic Ghezzi Wins Second

Oregon Cagers Loom as Team to Beat

SAN FRANCISCO. J a n . SB OJJ!>— Southern C alifo rn ia a n d O regon S ta te baxketball team s lead th e southern and n o r th e rn divis ions o f the Pacific C oast conference , b u t th e tenure of O regon S ta te a p ­peared brief,

T lie Trnjiin* con tinued th e ir u n ­beaten way w ith a p a ir o f victories over Stonford la s t week w hile O re ­gon was panting on th e tr a i l of th e Beavers w ith tw o w ins ove r U n i­versity of Waslilngton,

u s e plays ho conference foes th is week, while S tan fo rd , thu m p e d by Kore.-, of 51-16 a n d &3-M. goes o u t o f the conference to m e et S a n ta C lara Prlday a n d S t . M ary 's S a tu r­day. M enaw hlle. C a lifo rn ia a n d sm all brother B ru in from UCLA meet in a pair a t Berkeley.

OreKon. rega in ing som e of th e form th a t carried It to th e na tio n a l chnniplon,Oilp la s t year, m eets th e league leading B eavers in C orvallis Friday and S a tu rd ay and if Its 63-44 and &0-43 victories over W ah lng ton a rc any criterion , could u p se t th e leaders this w eek-end.

W ashlnKton. p rac tically finished ■ a contender, faces O regon S ta te

ton igh t and tom rrow a t Corvalhs. th e n en terta ins th e tr a i l e n d Id ah o V aitdals a t S ea ttle F r id a y a n d S a t­urday.

I n a game a t Moscow on S a tu r­day. W kshlngton S ta te h a n d ed th e Idaho , qu in te t I ts w orst d rubbing of th e year—a M-42 se tback .

T he first h a lf o f th e gam e w as fairly even, w ith th e co u n t a t 39-33 for Ute vlaltors w hen th e re s t pe* rlod camc. F rom th e re on l i was a .Mauffhter w ith tb e Cougars r in g ­ing In the slwt.i from a)! angles. W ash. S U ie (M ) FO F T t r f r Chase.Sundqulsi. t ....Q ebert. f .........Aklna. f ...........V erdqulst. f ...Jenn ings, g ....C hon , g ...... .O entrj-. g .....U ndem an , g . Hooper, g ......

ToMU Idaho 142) R am ey, f ....H arris , I ....H opkins, f . H ilton , e .... E nglish, K ... Atkinson, gLynk. g ......Nelson, c ....

_____ 1, . 4 S 0 11

T oU U ...................... 1ft 13 14 43H alftlm e acore; W ashington S la te

29, Idaho 33.F ree th row s n u u e d : ChaM 3.

S undqulst, Jenn ings, O ento* 2. Llndem an 3, V erdqulst, Ramey, H arris 3.

O fflclaU : P e rn - M itchell. Renton ; Dick M unson. SeatU e.

B ow ling Schedule

CO M M IB C IA L I.EA«tJR <All*7 a I an4 II

Man.. J a n . <9—b la d rb a lir r v*. Behllta 141.

Tuea„ J a n . 3fr-t> rir» t i , ruhi t9l.

Wed.. Ja n . t l —N ational l,sun - dry va. r .lp -W a ; its i .

Thura,. Feb. I—N ah a I 'one r «>. Hege Milk ( K l.

CITY I.KA til K lA llf ja 1 a i»t 4)

Mon.. J a n . 29—O ra tii r Traoa- pu rla tlo n va. rc r r l iir llo lr l i i : t ,

T u ta ,, J a n . 30—V lrrtlone «t. Iro n I 'lrem en iZIi.

Wed.. J a n . .11—W llMn’k Htare va. Tw in t ’a lla »iour lU ,.

X lm n.. r r b . 1 —lla llr '»*«. T w in r a i l s l.um bet i2 0 ).

nU nL K Y CUM.MKRt lAI,I p. m,

Mon., Ja n . I t Ju ii« and llnin 's v», llitlHlil M otor; l la iiie l Motui D an a O, K. T ire

t p. ■«,Mnn.. Ja n . 30 Hui«pi Crenm

U o n ard '* ; Ciena » v« H rh liu .

Ho, Hum —What’s the Use?

Jo e Itelslog. S e a ih e m C a llfem la ren ter, pops In a e loae-up sh o t against U. C. L . A. In Lea Angelea as four Bruins t r r vainly to atop h im . I I was tb e Brains* 3(Hh eonacentive Paelfir Coast conference de fea t a n d th e ir 27lh s tr a ig h t se tback by tb e Trojans.

Wendell Boxers Meet Kimberly ThursdayJerome Boxers Win Over Wendell Club

JBK O M E. J a n , 29 ( S p e t la l ) - Je rom e h igh school boxers showed to good ad v an ta g e h e re on Batiirilny n igh t by drubb ing th e ihvitdlng W endell m it t aggregation by a count of S-3.

T lie c a rd w as wUne^se<l liy n liirni- crow d a n d Included two ixh lb ition m atches.

ConjpleU resu lU follow:T im m . 106. Jeroiiip, Rtoii])pd lire -

vlrk, lOS, W endell. In Uilrd miuikI,Jn rkson , loa, Je m in r. ,s.'orril In h-

nW-nl knockout over P rire, I1D, W endell.

V fta ll, 13(1. Jrio t.iP , clpi'lMOh-'d lle w im , U l, W endell

V K ing, llfl. ilrrom r, dp*-isii'iiid D \irlre, IIB. WenilPlI

Hmlth. 11« . W endrll. drrlsloiiP fiwulm ton, I I S . Jeroinr

W . K ing , 140, J rto n it, dPclMnnr «h l\e ly, U S . Weli.lpll

Hll. cK-k, 135, W n iilr ll wmi dr. |.|n over <1. H a ll. 1J 4. J rlo n ir

Holloway. 120. .Jei.iniP, .In .........DIIlP , ISO, Wendrll

hAhlbllloll iHiiits wrip MhkpiI 1 <-ole. 149. and Hlnliop. 1.%U, Ixilh • Jrro ine, and McXiu-. m . i.iid b li wi Imid, 1J1, bolli or Weiidpll ,

A II , C n iiirh aa* tli« ir l r i r e lu. lmlae« were C W . Crawfoid an IH-Ino AtcMalion

McLemore Declares He Is “Low” Amateur Of All Golfers in Bing Crosby Tourney

B y IIKNKY MrMCMOKK . DK,ti lf4AH. C al|f,, Jan , 39 lURi -■

I was thft low aiimti'ui' a l ilingOroiby'a 13,000 golf ......... ....

‘M any nl Ih r a iirctutinii who fol­lowed Ihe |)lay over th e R an rh o i a n l a n coiime sniil mv |>er- fO rm tnce q u a llf lrd m e aa' Ihe low- M t M lltU u r of a ll llin e .^ 'rw o o t U it golf n p e r t a w ho ag reed with th U obaerrfltlon w ere Jim m y T hom io i) a n d H orton tim lth , itoih o f w hom played In m y fouiaonip, • n d w tr* In th e line o f fire U iroughout, H orton aiimmeci up m y t a iM w toui. i J t « r th e / i r a t i i ho lH M M id ti i e ftnly eoinpll* iM o i It* hM l t e m Abie lo V«y *"• M l d*jr WM o u t, H en ry .", I w u 'lQ aura iram Uun • n ua*

man kMiitff Dim • 1 O r w im ■ h a j u e n r . a n d

1 up M m anjM iriiea th a t m y.......... - ) £3 t TWm • d | .

roininr.'ifiioii rhiiinlKT to lioii) tho lirniln. W hen the o lllcla l M'orer aakml nia In algn my card , 1 ju i l added a n o th e r "X " in Uie liipvloim lA. T h a t m ade nia i l over oven ’’X ," a n d enabled me til (iiliri i my iw odo lla rK aM aii l>tl will! t irn n tla n d R lre a ll lliree »n)n, aa Ida acorer h a d neglerlod Id m atk OIIQ of h is "X 'a " 'H iey a ie now ealling m v wife "M adania

,X ’ aroiMiil Iho hotel. 'Al tha end of Ih r f lia i ' IB hulea.

Ihe hull Hity mark for Ihe toilina- it in il, ’riiciiiiMin and H in llh « lie d the ijrCAliImt <tf llie I ', t l A In (.'hlciiuD to tliKl nut II II wnie

C Ible to nhange aniateurA In mlildlft nf a Kireain, which In

eaaully w liein Jtioe a n d I wvie a t th e Ume, lying e ight, T h a answ er, In 10 Worila waa no, a n d ttm lth a i)4 'n iD m w n th e n asked ua if w* tn oiir s |K irt w riting nareere h a d ever know n of a roan In which M M M u n «Ull WIN. W« took Uia

1 the 30th hole, a|i<l qmi.

gave us a roueinK hand- as « e headed b a ik M> ihe rliiblioiixe iiiir lild for iloi-y goiir W ail) ot ) 0U really love golc \o ii would hn«e been ahoi'ked at llie «»v « e »|>»kr of th e la in e on nui way lia< k la IJia locker room, t » a a pa rttrn l- a ily b itte r aR aliu t uiii>1a>«lile lie* w hirl) take thn joie devlvic mil ol the Mtiiiie, aa a r ie n r l i |) io told iii« w hrii ho qu it me on Ihe Ih lid holn III a ii 'o -a in a lru r (ven t a l | u h - Irmabjp Ht. Cloud t whk pnr- tU 'ulailv Idlter atialnal Ihe giilf ru le whlnh |M>nalUe« a player a a lioke even When he iln rt nut touch 1he iHill oil hla a » lrt |. In th e ael 1 uaiially play w hai we alw ays cull a whiif, a |itac lire •troke . H in official ecnrer w ho acT(Mnpanlea p layers In to u m t- inenU nniii>>'i, Iiki A iiiHn'a l ta |i li J>U castle, i feel, a n d » M t d«M

In tlw re la nolKiih'a' I ium h '" ' II te ila ln ly never added lo n iiinn i | ir .u e of. m ind lo liio r mi mIIIM.iI a iand lng m t Uie irap 'a rim and ro in illng like a l e t r i r r u \r i ,i a iileken f lg h le i. 11 » a ftliii nn n niitii'a lionrxtv. aiitl beshlm om rn ii t Ihtnw the I>ri1l (nii I h e j 'ie a ta in m a l you all tha lime.

1 a m n o t « i ly h<>iih i«> ainrl a new p e ra g ra p h . b u t a new iunk k»lng a s well, T lie one ] | ia\ o Ar rn i i lo be (TMkI (ot a Int ol laiigha. b u t Is gettliiK me In to iim a m rn t golf tlalng mi a^■ aunied nam e I am nohiK ii> 1‘h o e n li n e a t week for llie pro- a m ate u r touriM inent ttio ir And some gu llltilt profeaalnnai la In for a nasty aho rk w hen iiiid II lie find* oMl lA t t U>« M ilton J . Hon- l a t a w tth v tto m h a U paired Is r ta i ly H en ry M cLemore, Ihe fel- low for w hom Ihe eaiiroMlon no a * n l ' w u MUted.

New Argentine Heavyweight Fights Tonight

NEW ARK. N. J.. Ja n . 29 dJ.R)'— V alen tin Campolo, A rgentine “w hite hope.” launches h is U nited S ta te s heavyw eight cam paign to n ig h t a t L aure l G ard en s w here th e g rea t L uis A ngel P lrp o w as unveiled 18 yeora ego.

Campolo, a im ing a t Joe L ouis' crow n, will tee-o ff a g a la s t Jim Eoblnson of P h ilade lph ia In a scheduled 10-rounder. In Robinson 's la s t a ta r t. h e was stopped In th ree rounds by Lee Savold. th e Des M oines dynam ite r, because of a badly swollen le ft eye.

A large rep resen ta tion of th e f ig h t m ob from New York and o th e r ea.itcrn c ities Is cxpccted to be a t th e ringside to see If Cam polo h as any chance of being a n o th e r "wild hull of th e pam pas.” like F lrpo , his c ountrym an.

V alentin , a big, lough-looklng b lack-halrcd c h a p of 27, w as Im- pres.slve w hile tra in ing a l New Y ork's P ioneer gynuia.slum u nder M anager Jim m y Johnston .

H e’s a huge fellow, packing about 224 pounds on a six-foot fou r-inch beam . He has a sm ashing le ft hook to th e body a n d a fa ir r ig h t. He seems to take a punch well, and dU plays a yen for bnltle.

Campolo arrived In New Y ork In la te Decem ber w ith u record of 18 knockoulA In 22 p ro lev lo n a l Iwuts.

W EN D ELI,, Jan , 29 (Special) - Wendell Trojnn boxers w ill gel an­other big U'it here on Tliuradny, Feb. 1, when ih r Invading Kimberly Dulldoga. a l a l e Golden Gloves champions. Invade (he local rlnn for a serle.1 of 10 niiitrhea w ith Coach W , A, Doerlng's mlti-swlngera,

Tl»e home club. wUh a ll Inexperi­enced men on Ihe squiid w ith the exception oI luie. w ill be tlic uiidiT- dog, but Coiicli Docrlng prombua that hU men will pul up good fights.

Only boy with iiny ex|>erlence on the local club will he Norman Bro- vlck, lOU-pouiul im itler who incri4 Olla Uughr^ lu the nccond to lii.1t bout ol Ihe evenliiK.

T ile m alchri w ill l>n held In Ihe high arhool gymnaidum and gel under way at a p. ni.

Llneupa and order of progrnin followa;

Kelil l.lndPKien, W e n d e l l , ;a. Leonard l■■'tel. r>ll, K im berly, IU4

Lee Jiirotnoii. W rndcll, l i l- gene Morgan, K im hvrly , 12J,

Wuyne H liivriv . W riu lvll, vv .liiim Norrla, Klnit>eilv, IfiU.

Don Yules. W riiile ll, V*. K<'lth Bhewinakei, K liiilic i ly , III-

Uyron H iiiik lr ind . W riu lrll. u Kay Iliillr-r, K Im lin lv , i ; i3.

Coo McL’iea, Wi-iidell, vn, (• ln iii p lska , Kim berly, 133

G ala Hllc<N'k. Wpiidnll, va, (.’liK iln Dean. Klrnlx-rly, llin.

Benny McCov Remains Free Agent

GRAN D R A P ID S , Mich . Jan , 29 (U,R)—Denny McCov. ihe one-time Detroit. Tiger rookie, wa.i Mill a f:ee agent loduy and only hU IndecUlon kept him from becomln,; bssebaU’s highest priced 1040 player.

Three clubs, ihc Philadelphia Athletic,s. Ihc Brooklyn Dodgers ar.d Ihe C lnclnntill Re.-K, lr<l the bidding for McCoy, w ith the A's reportedly making tlie best offer of a $40,000 bonu and a <10,000 annual sa ltry for two years.

McCoy .<:ald he probably would nol .sign a cotiLriicl before liiic today or Tue.>i<lay, Hn said he line! piOinls- ed to tek'jihone lep rc jc .iia tlves of Ihe Wa.>,hlngton Senator.«, i I .l Pltts- bursh Pirates and the Bost<m Ber.s Iioforc mnklnn a final do. l.nlon. and h« wiun to .see I . iir iy M acP lia ll ot the Uf)dRer.s to<liiv. Ea rlie r he hud tVk- wl w llh Earle Mack, B'>n oi ihe A t'i. li'llr,s’ manaKcr, and il l l l M cKcfh ' llie, ni.'ds' iniiiiiiyi'r, wiio caini’ here diirliuj llie wcelc-end.

McCoy, whu Wiinvcd a Sli>,000 b. iJH pluh a >IU,UUU annua', sa lary for

ih rre years, w iii made ii fn<) agent by a rm 'iu rullnu of na.''C'0. i ll Com- mls.slonrr Kenei<aw M, La .id ls . alon^

■Ith BO oUier TlKcr^,

U>ul D lllr, Wri li'li. . K hli.uitQ uennell. K liu lieth .

N orm an Jlrevick, W endell, vi. o n HiiHhea. KlrnlM-rlv, UM

llnioUl H m lih. W f i i d r l l , v: K rankle Hiiiiigri. Km iiicrlv, H'l

Rangers Increase Ice League Lead

NKW Y O RK . J a n , 21) (URt Win nera of Ih gamen out of iheli l. 18. Ihe New Yoik U antiera hnvr flve-iK dnt inarKlii In Ihn Nnllmu Moekey league ntand lnga ovei ili H tanley cup chaiiiplDii liootoii lliji Ina. Ihe only rliili th a t irm a iin nerloun chnllenKcr.

l^K l n igh t, whiln th e lla n x ii wora smackliiK tiielr ln lia - i 'l i \ n vals. the A iueilniiia. i- 'i , llie llm Ina ware bowing to tin t Detroii Hi-d W ing* liy the aam r m-ore.

T tie (Thlcaio R lark Kawka Imd Held day agaliinl Mim lreiil t'nm diena, w orlng alx gnala In the lii>,i| period lo rlone dul an fl-1 trlimniji.

FOUND, l l i p p i ' i f t ‘i' 1 w«y 111

clflim , all fub rlca ,

' C a l l t h o r u r l u l n i i .

I IlU '. I 'l ld llf t


Burley Elks to Play Two Tilts In Single NightHUIll.KY. Jiin. 30 lap ecla l) —

liuili'v MIKs, wiiiiit'i' of the Uoodliig and liinlcy oiiilaw loinnamenla la.’.i M'liMiii mill llie c iirrrn l leader III the l^mike Vuiley Outlaw league, uiil jiike on ihe Colored Uhoata,piolr.’ '.11.11111 tia\r|liiK NcH‘ o '■age< iiii> liPin In mi nahlbit iiiKid a l the high school gym-

l'h<' vlhlhH^, llie (111

min III llir miiion. will pieaent n>t |>ll^ lll|: rliil) and nome of Ihe <1 iiiiHiilntf l)i>HKetliall '•I I" be clir.iiiiivcd on a basketlmll ticir Ihe ilhoalA are known a ll over II' «i'.st f(ii ihelr cage Irlcka.'Hi-' nmne will be Ihe Ural half

II ilniil)li'-li<’iidrr for Ilia Rika, I tl)r iiiiiii ctmtent of the evening I'' iiiimii liiib lakrn on Ilia Oood- iK .liureen in a rrgiilallon Snake .illi-\ oiiiidw Irrigue contest.

I tlli i iS WINH ( ’KOWN WIMT I'A l.M nrAO M , Kla., Jan .

l!li iiiPi Niiilonitl U ham pion Hobby l(iKU\ ^i>llkil1u off hta oa ily w lniar le thaigv, won hla flrnl U U c o f UT* Mrii|M'fimi ch'iMdt w llh a f l- l, 7-1, n-:i ¥li'i<iry over H enry Priuioff. 8«- allle , Himdny In Ihe flnnl o( Ihe nimtli I 'lo ilda tenn is chainplonalilp .

Free Agent


Robellb GetsRelease FromCardinal Farm

POCATELLO, Jan , 25 (U,R>—Tony Robello, holder o f th e P ionee r league hom e run record and p laying m a n ­ager of th e Pocatello C ard inals .last season, w as,a free agen t today.

He w as given uncorldltlonal re - leo.*e Sa tu rday by A rt Routzong, C ard inal business m anager. Robello, w ho played f irs t base a n d tM lied .404 la s t aeo-son. Is de.ilrous of miTt- Ing a co n tra c t as non -p lay ing m an^ ager, Routsong said. A new m a n ­ager h a s no t been chosen, h e added.

Hostak Meets Tony Zale in Cliioago Match

CHICAGO. J a n . 30 (U.RI—T lie moat sough t-a fle r f igh ter In the business —m iddlew eight cham pion Al H ostak of S e a ttle —parades h is deviuitcallng punch agalnal H ooaler Tony Zale In an overw eight m a tch a t th e atad* lutn ton igh t a n d he hopes to m ake It lmi)reMlve f o r , tho d istinguished Ruesl In fro n t row cen ter. P rom oter Mike JacolM.

T he be tter he looka, th e be tter III* bargain h is handlera c an m ake for relaaaing him to C eferlno G arrla of the Philipp ines In a ba ttle o t rham plona u n der th e prom otional d irection of Jacob,i In Nnw York nex t Kurnmer.

JacoUa holda exclusive prom otion f ig h ii on O arcla, who Is recognlced an m iddlew eight cham pion In New Ynii( and Californ ia. N ate D nixm an of isn iiile holds alm llar rliihln lo lioolak, llie N ational llo i ln g aAso- rla ilo n cham pion, a n d a com pio- iniie la leported near.

DEL MAR. CoJtf.. J a n . 29 (UA— Young Ed O liver of H o m ell, N. Y„ today pocketed 1500 f irs t p rize In Bing Croeby’8 an n u al I3 M 0 in v lU - tlonal to u rn am en t over th e R ancho S a n ta F e course.

The 23-year-old p ro c lipped five o ff p a r yesterday for a 87 and a 36-hole to ta l of 135,

R olling In ah ead of a fog th a t b lankeled th e R ancho S a n U F e course a n d the la rg est ga llery In th e h isto ry of the toD m am en t, th a 33-year-old, 320-pound professional ended th e lo u r nine strokes im der p a r o f 72 a n d collected to p m oney o f tsoo.

F e a rs th a t th e to u rn am en t m ig h t wind u p In a Ue w ere d ispelled w hen th e form er R hode Is la n d sh o t m aker finished th re e s tro k e s in f ro n t of Vic G hezzi,. D eal. N. J , and fou r shot.-> a head of B en H o­gan, W hite Plotna, N. Y „ a n d H a r ­old M cSpadcn, W inchester, M a u .

O liver en tered th e f in a l ro u n d tied w llh M cSpaden and N ational A m a­te u r C ham pion M arvin (B ud) W ard , Spokane. W ash,, w ith 6a. a n d w llh 11 p ra i .pressing one stroke beh ind , bu t he .signalled his tr iu m p h on th e first nine holes w ith a 33, th re* u nder p a r. and came on in w ith 34. Plirytng w ith him, b u t p u re ly fo r fun, waa th e lo u raa m e n t h o s t, Croa- by.

W ard fell back w ith a n Ind iv idual 74 for 142. a n d B ruce M cCorm ick. Los Angele-V form er n a tio n a l public links cham pion , look a m a te u r m ed ­a l honors w ith 73-68-140,

FENCING MASTER D IESROME. J a n . 30 (U.R)—"n ie fencing

fra te rn ity m ourned one of ilA g ie a t- c.s; ma.'ttcrs today, fo rm er I n te r n a ­tional C ham pion Ncdo Nb»1I. 43, w ho died a l h is hom « ' h e re la s t n ight.


Al Nettlow of D etro it litfhl.s Bob M ontgom ery of P h lladeliih la he re ton igh t In a scheduled lO -rouhd boul a n d needs a victory lo i a p rom ­ised sh o t a t H enry A m u tru n g 'i w el­terw eight tlUe,

C O A L' M any homes a n d bustneea

houses are tak ing a d fim t- ag* of our quality ooAla.I f you are no t a user, t h w we u k th a t ymi o o in p a n our prices, quality and •ervlce w ith any o ther eoal you have been using and aee w hat a handMOte aav* Ing you can h a re to « r- derlng your eeal froaa ue.

Idaho Bean and

Elevator Coropanj



Announcethe appointmont of

C, R. NELSON, Inc., >

AR fiintrlbiilor n f iin prodmMa In 111* roun- llifl of Twin Kails, Goodliiff, ,l8rom«, Lincoln, Mliildnkn, CnaHlii nnd Klmnr* will) b u lk plnntn located in tlir> c H Iua of Twin Fnltn, Otfodins mid Hiirli-y.


Page 7: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,

V m i t . l m n t n « . » «a g - B S S g B s s s r . T J V ' i

Freis-Hagler Win Doubles, Callis Singles—

A oomblDBUon of< Ray P rc ls tn d S im o n E M l n rolled a to ta l o f l.iso p in t In th e a n n u a l doubles comp«- tiUoo a t S to n e 's BowHns alleys over th e w eek-end a n d added a han d i­cap o f n pin« to annex f irs t prize Bioney.

lo th e singles. P au l CsiUs got a m t o u l w ith 33-pln handicap to U ke f i r s t place.

In M cond place In th e doubles even t were Vey O W i and Johnny W sgnnr. w hile th ird w ent to Jim m ie M ullins and Roy W eller. Second p rlte In slngle.i w en t to M ax Spohr, w hile y ra n k VMlka coppcd th ird money.

Com plete result* follow:tlinilM T .l.t

IU«1 _____—.......IM -- -


n, MrCr.rkPItCirlxin . ...tr. Sipbrr ...... .Si>ohr .............

lUslrr Vcxlk* . -Sl.in*


W eber CM Iei* AlM os N orm al15.

O rc fon M. W aah lng ton 43. CallforrUa M . S t . M ary 's 41. CaUfornia O. S lao fartI St. Tennessee U. V anderbU t 11. T em ole 42, U te ta ic M 8 U U 40. O klahom a B«. N e b rs tk s 41.N etr* D M i* M . N * rth w a .te n i t1. U tah S U le A ir io a l tan U CoUete 3«,

>er«l(T » .B riih a m yow »» O ulrertH y

U nU ersliy pf W yom ln f tfl.M m U a a M. M o n ta n a M ine. Z7. U U h 49. CoJorsd® S U te 41.Id ah o F reshm en SI. W ash in tton

S tate F reshm en t».

Twin Falls Girl Wins Riding Honor

D ENVER. Colo.. J a n . 39 (Special) —M iss Alice R eed . Tw in Falls, a f re shm an a t C olorado W on\an 's col­lege. D enver, w as am ong th e riders chosen to rep rese n t th e college a t th e N ational W es te rn H orse show recently.

se lec tions w ere m ade from th e riding classes by a n ou tside Judge solely on th e ba.tls o f horsem atuh lp . E ighteen C. W . C. equestriennes p srtlc lpa ted In th e show , w hich w ss novel In th a t th e r id ers had never seen th e ir horses before.

JElks Win Over Shoshone in Sunday Battle

aHOflHONK. J a n . S9 (B p e cia D - T h e Bhoahon* R edskins continued th e ir down-wmrd fa ll in th e Snake V alley O utlaw C a g t league here yeN- te rday afte rnoon by dropping » S7-3S tu t to th e Invading Burley yiit« T h e victory p u t th e Cassia county crew f a r In th e lead In the an n u al race (or to p honors.

T h e Elks held only a one-polni 18-17 lead a t Uie h'«l^ b u t spurted In th e la st ha lf to tuck th e g sm r aw ay a s Fred Judevlne and E m if C ra n er led th e t e r n to victory T hey had 11 and 10 po in ts re sp e c t­ively. H addock and B eltla each got e igh t fo r th e hom e team .

M anager Monral R utherfo rd a n ­nounces th e foUowIng schedule for | the Redskins du ring th is w eek; |

Monday ( to n ig h t)—Shoshone nt Jerom e. I

Wednesday—Burley S p o r t S hop a i I Shoahone.' T hu rsday—F iler-T w in F a lls nt Filer.

T h e local club has new sweat Jackets—brigh t red. sc a r le t lea the r sleeves w ith th e body of th e Ja ck n made of m aroon wool suede. O n fro n t a re th e le tte rs of th e team 's nam e In w hite , w hile on th e back Is th e sponsor's nam e.

Lineups fo r th e Shoshone-B urlty Q k s Ult:

Shoshone — H addock (S) and C row then (J)^ fon«?ards; T hom ason ^


H aR ler-Prels ................W agner-Q lsh ................M iilllns 'W cller ...........Jones-B rlncga r ............H om llng-F lsher ............Ne.^by-Tanner .............PuKllano-Sprout.s ........\V. I. Jo lin son -S el/ .....need-Cow aiiE m rrlck-C olcm an ......H. B ooue-C arlson .......A. B oone-Stonc ...........M ullen-H . W ood .........W esicrgrcn-P auK on ...A llan-R leke .................S iebcr-S ione .......................G. Dctv.«Uci-W cadlUig ------------CallU -JoncsC ox-K aslcr ...........................M lller-Groves ...................................C urtls-R nyS p rou tS 'B rlncgn r ............ .............Dlx-Rosn ••

'£m erlck-A lln ii .................................F o rd -Jenn lngs . - .Bpohr-Frels ............... .......................C a rlson-B crtsch .............................PugllanO -Callls ...............................C olem an-T ow an .............................Cox-FlllmorK ......... ......................E inerlck-W eilcr .............................Ford-SpohrH ut-M ulllns ....................................S o g n -S w li« r ................. .................Oroves-t'a llLs ..................................Flslier-A lnsw ortli .........................K. Colem nn-C . C olem an .............W tlls-N - O. J o h n s o n ..................P. V oslka-F tllm ore ......................D. B e ru ch -W . B ertsch .... - ..........

DOUBLESF irs t Second T lil rd H ndkp . T o ta l

.................... 383 384 411 68 124S

.. - - — 92

.. 364 300 416 84

.. 325 362 378 72

- r r .......... 385 317 382............... 382 370 351

-------- 315 284 312

(3), cen te r; B eltla (8) a n d Berri- ochoB guards: substltt;tcs — Beall. Chess. O rlsham . O neida.

Burley—C raner (10) a n d Marqui.->.s .v(4). forw ards; Peacock (fl). cen ter; H oggan a n d Judevlne d l i , guards; substitu tions—Parish a n d 'B a k er .

Burley Q^wl. IClub Downs Halle’s Quint

j terday a fternoon and sdded 3 pins over H alle's Conoco 5 Tw in Falls. _ . _

HIrIi .vorlng honoi.s for the .sitIps o . wcm to P au l SURUMI ot Uie Burlc-y j qu in te t w ith I game of 215.

Fo r Uie vl.sltors. K. Colem an had a 53.5 totfll for tlie serlM.

Uneiin.s;. KAH ANn JIM'R

Hill... . . . . ?0. un ,7« S4«

.. 302 . 315 337 100 .

Mild Weather Fails to Halt Ketchum Skiing

KSrrCH UM . Ja n . 29 tappcln li - D uring th e p su i week eM-rpllonally mild w in ter w ra lli rr has been the rule. L ittle o r no m ow prrvailed th roiighoiil mo.^t of thiK lmm<'(llnlo region, especially in th e W arm Springs a re a , w here th e w eather tem per !• som etim es a lltlle severe, The road Is open for a ronnlrterahlr d is tance up tli» rsn y o n . wny brynnrt the llrk e t o lflrn anil te rm inal of the Baldy m o iin taln ski IKl o f Hun Valley, and while It Is poMll)le In use bobsleds w ithout en rnunlerlng loo th in enow, car* are still av sll- ■tite a n d a conrlderah le rn n tln te n t nf ski devotees Are enjoying w hat snow th r re is (or r<vk1 n m n ln g mi tKilh sides of the Ifinif way. M sri- InK on llie K eti'h tm i end.

W ith a few Mmit Minw.vgiinlls d r rr huvfl coiDineiK'nl mnvinu aualii nuit a few are nnterl in the canyons,

»'ot, li\ vrojwiittcHi to the luim hrr "'•'•n at Ihe niicnlUK <if the sfimon. O ne th ing of Interr.si hii» hern ob-'iTvefl hy sportMnrn Mniiy iniiilard diickK n tr ffcen diillv on W arm Sprlngn rreek , n r irrinun ian re no t iisitslly wltneiuird, anil It Is p irsun ied llirv iite f rr w lnte ilng w IiriT tlir wril'-r h w iiini and tlie lerd Rooil, whirl) ts liarrllv tli r orni* tlllic.n in th r low rr hn'tinti of the din'trlrl It apppiirn Jrnni all pr^.i- ent Ind lra tlons nnil Ihe opinion of niildoiir l>e«i|ile genprallv >hal tlin ciiK>n w in ter will rn iitlim e wlUimit any m a teria l abatem ent. TluniiHh* ou t tllin Arrllnn It hah nn t l>ern llie n ile to nn i atmiil In om-'h hlili't- slofvnn th r la l t r r pnrt ol .laniiniy, hike over Uie hlHs. pick w ater rrcM. nnte th e wIIIowa hiidding and g rn u eproiitlng, w llli llvrntork Kraalng im llie hlllslden. anil sim ilar iKciir- rences generally ansonlalrd with miinh w arm er w ea th rr. W hile th is does n o t m ean th e re a re no cold nliihtJi and ev rn some (ilglil days, w llh p len ly nf Ire and niilte a little n n o w -say a foot o r 14 Innhes- It does spell a n exceptional b it of iniKlest w eallie r for th is nenson.

II Is s la ted on autliiirlty th a t lli ire Is a lreadv eniniRh w ater In l|;i* hig rrservnlr* lor Ihe rom lng eeseon, but Ih ls does no t prm'irte for Ihe hills a n d a Rmr.hig 'nipply for the snm iner ahead , and ap|>enrs In be Ihe neril aheHd In fiice nf llin present lighl 'uow ln ll. 'I1ie w atei- wAvs will need It.

W llh Ihe o|>enlnn ol Ihe spring seeson less I lian Iwn n innthn away Kli\«- Wliilei- win hsve lo do his etuff ir niiv n|> |iiri'lahle shnwlng iFi inniip liir ilil-i wlntet-, InMilar a* •ntiw In m iuTrnrcl

I'OI.IHII I.JN M t • tm n iA N "ION IK )N illHi -• 'H om ew hore In

L K nulaiid," lies In dink an orplm n liner. I t was one nf " ftee I'n land 'a" la st nroductlon i. In July, carry ing 1,0 0 0 paMen;:erA, th e liner had «> triu m p h a l »«nd-o{f from O ydnl*. I te tu rn ln g fro»n a »oviige lo Hotilh A m irlea Itie sh ip was Alranrteil by

Boise Cagers WillPlav Gooding Quintj;

O O ODINO, J u n . 39 (Si)erlal) — j‘ Coarh A. W. lA p i B erg, m en to r nf the CinndliiR h ig h school flenalors, today announced th a t he h a d sched ­uled th e Boise B raves fo r a regtila* tlon Clas.n A co n tes t In th e local gvmna.iliim on W ednesday n tgh t. Jan . 31.

Tlie cap ita l c ity Kang Is exi>e<t- n l lo present one iif th e o tits iand - liiK hiRh Achnol rag e rju ln le ls In Ihe I stale to south Id ah o funs ol th is ‘ area and C oach Hpik believes h is > re-vam ped H rna to rs will give C oarh > U iirwln Durghi-r a ch ib a good ba ttle .

IlerK has JiigKled hin lineup and hlH Istimt rnnve wiin lo k irk o il th e i M]inul l ln r e youngntrin for l)retilr- > tng tralnhiK nilen by lute lionrs. T h e ) probuble ( lood lng ' s ta r tin g line - / 1!)) Will are O arr ira and HttnUm n t forw ards; Pau ls a t r e n te r and H u t­ton and IlolMtey a t i _

An ad d rd a l t r n r l lo n a t th e gunte i will be a S n a k e Valley O utlaw ' li'BRiie ba ttle be tw een th e CJoodlng 1 Jayoeeii a n d th a Je rom e Jayeeen, F irs t gam e will s ta r t a t 7:10 p. m.

Baum Captures |l $4001st Prize In Dog Race

I lK in V , Ida.. J a n , 29 (UR»-Colay Baum, A shton d riv er, m tuhad Ih s gruelling iR-mlle course In th e f irs t annual C edar Uutt«< dog darby la ta ycstcHlay In 44 n ilin ites, ao seconds to take |4tH) fira l p rise munuy,

Ilanm 'ii' h i th s f irs t h e a t ot seven i^nd o n e -h a lf miles na tu rd a y Will 22 inlliuU n. 3& M vondi, w liirh wan c u t to 2‘J nilniil/'A. fivn seron<lA 111 il i i (Inal ru n N im day.

O th srs III th e m oney w are l>mn Fu inan .lls , I tirle , i7 ;40 ; l.loyd Van NIriile, n t. A n thony , th ird ; H w lght tlteveiM. .ISfkson. W y o , fo u rth ; t v e re ll H ssm an. T w in Falls , f il th ; D elbert ClriKiin. R igby, sIsUi.

IlHzclton Mnn Faccs H u n t c n c c i n J c r u m cJCItOMK, J a n . 39 iH|ie< lAl>

ttlrh n rd Vanne, M u/rlton , ohargsc with pe tty la rre a y , was sen tenced l< eervo 20 days in c oun ty Jail, B a tu r day, a f te r ha p leaded gu ilty to th a charge befora i^robata Jiidga lle b a r N. ra lk m an ,

Vanca ad irtlltvd a n tann ff th e H. ITioraaon resldanea In H a ta lto n Ja n . 21 and ta k in g a ,9 i autom aiJo

olver, h o ltle r a n dr olver, h o ltle r a n d ra i t i ld g a b«lt( " li b atan tin i M M r. ThM M on. M'

Unemployment Pay Drawn hy Ball Players ‘

JKI'T’KltituN c i ' l ’V. Mo,, J a n . 39 (IM'i Mfiiiliers of th e Ht. Ix>ms . Ilrowns and itie K nnsaa C ity Blues profesAionsl liB»eball team a a ra re- f p lv in g . m irm pi'fym ant com pensa- tinn in MiBso'iil, jftndrew J . M prphy. ,

I’nvm ents rsngs up in giA a week, cir III* p liv e js a ra on th a Katii

(:|tv eliib roster.Min-pby said Uia ooinmlM loii had

held th a t the omn|>eiisalion should be paid lo players whoaa o o tu ra c u rover only a >>*rl of Uia year, leav­ing th rm free lor oU isr work* d u r ln i , Ihe off'sesson..

(IKAN1Kt> l>IV O R<« J,O N nON . J sn , 3» W BI-AfllrcM

Jill KsmoiKi ' ' • a i r a n i a d 4 d lv o rra i from l.auien«a O llvlar, a c tw , on th i gniunds of adult«rjr today . Vivian 1 U Ig h . s ta r of th a m o tion ptoture, ■Hona W ith >h« W ind ,- was uameU

Page 8: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,




l>n» KiJ t«.dig. «b»Ul llctclr; |>r:

Shmi: Il.mU I,

Sh«p; v.iinn: nrrrctmnly Ilow; ii

l ‘u.14 to ia.A".”I-(IKTI.ASI) i.ivkbtik;k ,

PORTI.ANI) ll-ii.: 2,«00; .Ir.dy ; f u , . |; to fhoirr IV& to Jin Up. .lrlxln> Id.IO u .!

■ |C .» : 130 to lb. .rlRhU ».25 to '14.75. , • 1

l E A T M G E S N A C M S H L E S

I. -..rr : t f S . lais r

Inwir. U*r




No. ( «SHc. , No. I n'l.


top tS.SO: I4U lo 160 III. IlKhU ind■ nd 270 lb. bulrh<-n t&.VO to Ik.

I.IOU; a.»dium I., u.-xl


LOS ANRKI.tS-liovi: Silibl* 1,000; • law, lie 10 mu.tir :iir hlihtr lh>ti FrI-

• d .y ; Bood to fhnlc# llBht trucking I8.J& le frw tS.iS to IS.I&: itvrrnl drck>(M ltrni Kcid 11.60; uff welnhu IS.:& lo W .n; u - i t( .td r ■( I4.M U K.7&; ton,, hdd Mthtr.

Catlld 8«labl* 2.900: ilo«. ctntrtllir aakfpr iUonirr; earl/ ««Im Itvldr bul •oBt bid* vrik to lowrr; bx-f lr*d« ilaw ■Dd hid* m«rk*t tu»*r. iirrauntinic fur

»«ker trend; loud mrtlium lijh l il« t«ffiS- h n t I> bid d o IB: helf*rs

*7 to M .« ; b n t h«M e....... ............. ..........fowi U.(0 lo *7.10: «nn«r« »nd eulterm U to I5.M; odd bull! to $7,28; •om. hrid hKKtr; U u Frld*y lo*d kou<1 to choi«c

•1,071 T « iu fMd .tM n I 10.2S;' eilve*. MithU (00: ilow; r«« »le« ; o.l<lvrtWr* to I IJ : noUiInc doni on eirlolCtlVM.

Shrrp: S«Ubl« 1,:00: 104 lb. Umix Hiilurd*7 wid today around 2‘c higher; n»dlum lo thoire lOt lb. Idahn lamhi Itt; sood to rhnlc* IfihUr wtlghta quntnl 19.2& or poMlbly ■bov*: f«» m>dlum «wm tS.SO.

WOOLBOSTOK-Th* IkMloti <r»o1 mirkel w*>

v«ry quid bHity. guotiitloni »rr« ilrtily _ lo f»lr_on Snuth Africin.tnd Suulh Am»r-.

lean wonli, Atkins price* mtt* about itrady on dsmetUe wooli.

I L o c a l M a rk e ts | • ----------------------------------•

B u yin g P r i c a

Onal Nc.r Ureit Nor

(Ten rte«1er« cpjnieii: cma i\Hmall redi, tin*...................Hmall tr.li. Urt. ........timall tnl», Ul> . ...

lTs.o^dc«lfr.^ .|ii,iIe.l II


(On* Ilrairr uoi.lrdl.Netted (lemi U... 1 ........

«»m. Mo. 7 .

HKU CM>VKNFmkiIi ...............

(On* dfklir guulxl).yound ............ ....

(One dealer >|u»lidl.I'OIILTKT AT «ASCIl

SES 9 - - - .....■^lond hen>. under i Uahorn brollert ....

i-"" a'sr Iv



Ja n . de livery : No aatcs; clcalng oslc. 11.85'.

M arch de livery : No sa les; cluiiliig ask . tl.98.

CHICAGO 1‘OTATOEft CIIl(*A<iO-'Wr«lhvr cUiuity, lemperalui

14. Shliimenia 1,UI3, arrivalt lt»h, iriiL IVI. UM lUxk lupplln rathvr llUra

wuhrd. No. I I1.3U and No. 1 Vt»t\w»n, trro Irtnn cuti lait Sal-f r « Vr-m '''uu *1 r « i V r ' ' ' ' ' ’’I car ll.«2>,,.’l car $l-«l>,' ci.lo.'lle.1 Uc- Clurr*. cull»n Mckn. «ra<l nijiir. I car

I car ILXU. I rar il.7&.' burlap •■ rk i.- f« lr- fn lo rr rv » f* 1.fi0, I iar Jl.lu,

fl.l>7ti. I c«r ll.0S ;‘ 7fi hi wi pi'r'\'frtl II, S. No. I Iiiiallty, uiiwaihKl, I rar SI.6&,J.IO,

l i : ! ”' ' ! ; : : . . , .... ......•^ Ii.07 |a ; 7ft to j.er reii

. . ------- . ...r 11,1..,volley i;«>U('ler>. I v>t ^ f

.. N». I <|uaUly ll.ao; I ,ar ui wai -.l ll.U&; rh(|ii«rj.i., 1 ci

5|l‘MlflV.l'NV*^f^’ka‘r i r u l . ’!.'.*'m,'l WhiU,' l" 'e .r '‘"‘iul’...l(r.

CocnmeecUUla Irada

Batll M l*.

Underwelihl kuloher.. ItrauiiiUn ............... .

racking •»>*, li.atf . ra(klnt >«Ki, Hiht — ■i»*n

W ' t . . ....VealeriCuller* ........{^"tTnt*Unb«

HILL r is:s iS k :;3; : :Hloali r*ed. ion |N,und. .



&«Ml WkoiMak fUt* ll« | lil»leu l»rt«

Markets at h Glance

fdaho F a lls PotatoeH

iKve lllx-ral. »lri< liKiulry rxir. .(r.


', ‘ l ''‘ t

Icl.l,,, .h u e . II.:


Perishable Shipping

Iniri«'ar rr«d V. r*rmer, tliilun fMrinc rrelihl •lenl,

Twin r«IU

Ut«li itlotrlr.l. r(i(nt/)f* I, nnlo)U2.

Idkhfl |<^IU-l>iitnl<irx las,'I'wlD rnllit- ISitnlor* lOJ. oniunii

0. mtnrrt vr|t<*tBl)lr» I, Oalitwdll-rntatori 'j. niiloiii ».

•p p l* 7.N y iu - P o ( * (O f o 3, niiloiii l. B liipm enia /n r Jn ii, 3A;Idaho f t i u —rouitiM a. >


NEW YORK. Jan . 39 OJ.B — The m arket dosed Irreg u lar.Aloskft JmicttU .................... ............ 6 ',4Allleit C h o m lc a J ---------------------A11I.S Clmlmcrs ----------------------- 37Anipricun Cun ................ ..............116'^'Ajiierlcaii {Uidlator ___________ 0 %Auierlcini S m ellin gAmcrlCRii T elephone ---------------170%A m erlraii T obacco B ------- - 8 8 HAllaeoiirta C o p p e r ........ ............... . 26TiAU'hl.'.nii, Toj>clca & S a n ta Pe _ 23UA uburn Motor# .......— ........... .. 2 5 *Qalllmore 4; O h J o -------------------5f^B rndl* A v ia t io n _____________ 30HBethleliem S tee l J ...... ...........— 73*4Borciflii Co ___ ______________ 23J . I Ca.^0 Co ................................. 71C h i, Mil - a t . P a u l i t P acific

.............—........... No salesChr>'-‘'l ''r C o r p ........................ ........ a2?4Cocu Cola ............... ...............No salesCommercln) S o lv e n U .................... 13!4Coinm otiw ealth & S o u th e rn ___ 1 14CuntiiicnUil O il o l D elaw are . . . 24 ',4 Corn Products 64i4Du Pont d« N em ours .. ............... I 8 IEii.stinnii K odak ......:__________ ICIUElcctric Pow er Sc L i g h t _______ 6HG eneral ElccirU 38’,O enera l l-’oods 48Cieneral M otors _ 52T4Ooodyeiir T ire 22',*IiUcrimtionAl H arv es te r ______ 66UIn te rn a tio n a l T elephone ....... 4Joliiis Maavtlle 72^K ciinecott C opper ........................ 35 ',jMontgom ery W ard ____ ______ 61Nosii K clvlnatoi 6 \N allonai D airy P ro d u c ta ............ 1 0 *New York C e n tra l ........................lfi?iPackard Motor* 3UP aram o u n t P ic tu re s ___ ______ 7 *4J , 0 , Penney C o 01Pcnna . R. R ...... _ 2l',jPu re Oil .......... 8>.iR adio C orp....... 5 ’*R adio K eith O rp h e u m ...... ......... i»»Reynold.^ T pbaccq B ...................... hohS ca rs Roebuck 83 ■*S hell Union OU..„................. ......... 11Simmon:^ Co. ... 22Socony Vacuum ........................... l l ' iS ou thern Pnciric ......................... 13UStan d a rd B ra n d s ................. ......... 7SU ndord OU of C a lif ................... 24>iS U n d a rd Oil o l N . J .................. .. 43-i*S w ift and Co. . 22ST exas Corp........ 42’tT raiis-A nierlca 6 SU nion Ciirblde & C a rb o n ...... .....80'»U nion Puclilc . B3'aU nited A ircraft 4 7 ^U nited Corp. ... 2'.*U. a . Sicel, com .............................. 5 7 ^W arner Brcu. ... 3 ^WesUTii Union 23'.*W estm ghoubc E lcctric ................ 108'.^F . W. W oolwortlj Co ..................... 40',,A merlcnu R olling M ills.............. 1 5 ',Arm our ........... 6A tlanllc R e fin in g ........................ 21BoelnK .............. 23-'>iBrlKCi M a n ufnc iu rlng C o ........ lOTnCuril.vi W rig h t ........................... 10*4E lcctric A uto Lite-.-.-................... 3 5 '.llou.slon O il .. 5 \N ntlnnal D lsU llers ...................... 2 3 \N orth A m erican A v ia tion ........ 2 5 'jSafew ay Store.s ............................ 47’*Schenley D istille rs ...................... 12^.S tu d e b a k e r— 0 4U nited Airllnea 1 5 \W hite M otors .......................... 11'sC hicago P n e u m a llc Too! , No snleaO h io O il ....... 7Pl)llll|xi P e tro le u m ..................... 40".R eim bllc S tee l .................. ........... I ll ‘ 4V unadiiim ' .... .............. 30

N. Y . CUKII t':XClUN(i»:AmtTlcBn S u p e r Pow er...............C ities Service, new .............K lectrlc B ond A: f lhare .............t-Drd M otor. LUI.....................No ^


Budler-Wegrner A Cumpusiy Klka Bldgl-f'liune UlO

INVESTMKNT TlltlSTHPunii. Iiiv ...................................... tlH^Hfund 'lYutit, A ,\. ........ t .\,14Corp, 'n iint .. . t J M) Qiuir. Inc........ ............. » 7,uu

I\IININ<i MOt KNMtn. City Copper |;i suI'ltrk Clly Ciii>r.ulul<ii>xl I J . '■ Silver Klntt C<>.ill(l»n NuMilrn

lllne Mllien,ir aiiiniinrd »:hu)-»si}0d(»- (lold I.- - i ' . r

,<.>ll> ».IA. f.\M> New Yn.k M«| K..1 M I.

L I S M P ,-U ,PR (IG M M

Twenly-riVB hoyn rtciin IR ilrpnit- meiilA <if ’I'win f'uli^ lilHh M'hool will prrneiit n |>ri>tirniii Iru' lha .lunhu- Hciilor Pain iit-T «'B <lirr nnniH'Inlloii IhU flVdilng. HlarlliiK at 7:90 p. n i . iin llin Hiibjmn of pm ent-dnv «dii- rntlon and with Ilie llieinn. ‘ Iliillil- iiig l^iiiiro Amrrlc B,"

Aiiionii lli« Itoyn whii >vlll tnkn p a il ni<i len d rii lit »<Ikhi| Mir, In- rliKlIng the tiiealilrnt nt Ilie ntiulpiit iHKly, the Kctltor of Ilia aiiliiMil paper, aikI lha prenldoiit of lha llcivn’ rUili. llilc.K Kvaiva, v<lm » ll l IhIhmImv® npenkem.

Ill rlmrgfl nf Ihn ptHHtNin will Im llio nitvl-ieiB of ttin lloyn' cliili, W, K, lliiwoll, l>«l{oy lliiK lir* niul (tcralil Wallnr*.


waek .ith price, narn.

“ S t . , ,

wa* aialnStreet re*i

l.ori (ealurad and

The American Iron A Sleel ln»lllul« rjxirled >rhc<lLjled tteel op^ratlune thli

pJj rent h^^h^ir«.loM ***


Fifteen Boy Scouta. m em bers of troops located In C astleford , M ur- tough. Filer a n d Je rom e, th is a f ­ternoon received o ffic ia l app roval on epplicattons m ade lo r Isw ance of 14 m erit badges a n d tw o ra n k advancem ents. I t w as announced by officials tn th e executive offices here,

T lie aw ards, as approved, follow : Castleford; T roop 7. W ilbur P e t-

rson, m erit badge in pe rsona l h ealth ; Leonord PeterSon. m e rit badge in h a n d ic ra f t. S c ou tm aste r of th e troop is H, E. Culley, w hile ex ­am iners were. C. A, R a « , S tep h e n Brobb and M. N Ihart.

M urtaiigh: T roop 101. m e rit ^ndges lo R obert R am bo In w ood­work and music. Scoutm n.ster o f th e troop is K endal E , D ayley. w hlie exam iners wore R . H . R am bo a n d J , B. Darling,

F lier: Troop 30, C harles W . M o- gensen, advancem en t to f i r s t c lass ; m erll badges to D onald T rav is in f irs t aid; Jack W aegelln In pou ltry keeping; D elm er M alone, poultry kei'pliii;: Archie M ulone, h o rsem an ­sh ip and an im al Ind u stry ; D ale Ha.sl). personal h e a lth ; D w ight Johnson, p a th fin d ln g ; Jo h n M ogen- sen. fiu-m m echanics; W ayne S ta a ts . jw ultry keeping. Lyle T h o m as a n d Lynn Thom as, ad v an c em e n t to sec­ond class rank .

Jerom e: T roop 40. Boyd P ice m an . m erit badge tn « h o ln r sh lp . Scou t­m aster is Sam H a tm ak e r, while ex ­am iner w as O w en Davis.


O rganl7.nnnn of a new K roul trcMip near Jerom e, to be know n as troop 41. WBj announced here thi.s a fte r ­noon by S nake river a rea rount-ll officials.

T h e new iinll. Is KjHinsored by Ihc Rom dell b ranch o l th e I.. I). B. church. B coiitniasihr In Ralpli M, King, w hile a.n^lsiunt H couirnaster will be DeRoy Tlinmi»<>n.

Chairm iin o f th e tiiHip cn inm liire In Jo h n E. Hilllnrn. O lh '-r inein- Ixtrs of the oom m lltei' Itii liul. J.mn-n C. T liom i»on a n d lluSjih rnllhiKS.

M nnbers of Ihe new uiiil a re K enneth Irons, nen iiln Miimui. (leorKn Manon. Verl Kliift, Nom m n

iilnnton, AlUerl .Swiiinsion, Mi>r- Hwalnnton, Wiiyiii' 'ni»iii|>Min.

K ellh 'HiompMiii and l.eoim rd Oakgn,


A'n.ANTA, Oa. lllRi • A new Coiifoderaoy U being formed in i1is

itli ~ not lo fight iiiid kill in liiUIIe, blit to end llir evcr-Kiuulng menace oT draih im Iho hlKhuiivn.

Hundreds of tourlnts are killed ami other tliouMindn mo liijuied every year tliiiniKh tlip lurk of uni­form speed and salely l.iwn and in- .•ornpleta enforiTinenl ol r)>ii.iinK reKUiatloiui.

'I'll curb Mils toll c)( nl•>l<>|| lfl,Cleorgla Safety .. ......... U>nK. Sullivan hai Bought iiml nmiid thn cooperallnn of other slittn law enforcement offUvrs in a drive on highway falallllra.

l 1 io MiuthwUle niilrtf iiKivcmrnt Is dlrocled en|>e<'lallv ’ towmd AIk- llama. 'I imcwtner, Houili (.'iiHilina, North Carolina, Vimlnlu’nmi Kni- liicliy, whiiih I'ateh Ihn liiilk o( the annual migration to nnd esmlua Iroin itoulhern nemnuiil leMritn

In (ieorgla, unKorinea |ii<ii<iliiinii me KtattQiird ihuuiKluuii iiir tiny Mid night wliero U. H. tilKhwiiyn I. 17 and 41 enter the alnte, slopping every (oiirlsl rnr tn aiqunlnt thn driver with itate irurfle Uwn. Mneh loiirlil U aent on hLn way wlih a iMMiklot (It) aucliirnl prrvnitldii

Thn Uafflo ilHnal tor (leiuKh, u Uin firat iifltlnealile dvop In leiii- l>erature up norlh. Ihe vohinia flnr- luatlng until the iiotth-lMiiiiiil iu/.it In the »i>rhi| la over, 'nOs Matn u the ballleneuk for the ilner prln- I'iiial highway* In I'loiidu. u. a. highway 17 haa ranled u> lumis na S,5U(I cars a day Uiiough Oeoigla.

Wim the cooixraUon ot other stalM, IntA wnlrh ihe Iniftla spreada after leaving Ihe (tnirgla koUlfiieok. U ta tiui..d Uiat new

RAHEOLOGIZEO By IDS OFFICIALHigh trlb u t« to tn e loyaltj' m id

Idealtsm of th e Iat« S ena to r WU- lliiin E B orah , was paid by A postle Sylvr.iter I. C annon. S a lt L ake O tty. for him self a n d the general au ttaor- llles o f the L. D. S. ehurch. w hen he addressed th e quarterly c o n ler- enre of th e Tw in Pnll-i atake h e ro yeMrrday.

Hp re la ted an inc iden t w hich d e - nioii.stratcd th e klndnewi show n members o l th e L atter Day S a in ts church by th e late 'Idaho Lion." nnd m ade a plea for people to obey laws of th e land and m ain to ln f a ir ­ness and Justice.

A church priesthood and w elfare meeting w as called to r 8 a.m . Sun* day. and B tshop Noah W. A rring ­ton. Bishop C laude Brown. B ishop Edward Johnson , August F . B loser and Mrs. C a the rine K irkm an m ade reporw on local welfare progress. .Tliey received instructions from th e nuihoritle.i.

Flier OriinliedAt th e 10 a jn . session, the m usic

was fu rn ished by the sccond w ard choir u nde r th e d irection of C harles Shirley. P residen t J . W. R lch lna pre.Udcd, P residen t J. E. A llred spoke on th e “R estoration oJ th e Go.spel." a n d C lifford B arrow s, pre.sldent of th e s ta te m ission, re* ported th a t a b ranch h as been o r­ganized a t Filer.

Mrs. C laude Brown repo rted on the A ustralian ml.ssion. a n d c ited pc isonal inc iden ts bringing o u t th e ou ts tanding priesthood work being done there.

Apostle C annon told of h is m is­sion work In th e D utch m ission, saying th a t .h e had supervised th e tran s la tion of th e church books In­to the D u tch language.

M ark A ustin , of c en tral com m it­tee of c hu rch welfare, told o f th e growth and developm ent of th a t d e ­partm en t, and told of th e bu ild ing of the g rea t organ in the S a l t L ake tabernacle, declaring th a t " th in g s can be done If we are on th e L o rd ’s side, rendering service lo o th e rs ,”

At th e a fternoon se.-alon. P resi­den t A llred susta ined o flicers a n d general au thorities. P re sid e n t fo l­lowed w ith a repo rt on th e develop­m ent o f Idaho , and a.'^ked fo r th e rehab ilitation of u n fo rtu n a te c h u rc h mmebcrs by priesthood cooperation .

p a tria rch L . O . K irk m an p ro ­nounced a blessing on people o f th is Slake In connection w ith h is ta lk on pence.

Duane Perk ins, form er w estern state.s m lsslonarj'. said "Persecu tion has m ade us a m ighty people."

rrie s lh o o d PraisedPre.sldent R lch las sa id th a t the

prie.sthood was by fa r th e m ost im ­p o r tan t fac to r in th e c hu rch and a^kcd m em bers to "live a n hone.st life and m agnify th e priesthood of God."

A nnouncem ent wa.s m ade U ia t th e nex t cjuarterly conference would be held in April.

Tlie sccond w ard cho ir rendered .•.everal selections during th e a f te r ­noon, including o fferings by a m ale chorus.

T h e aud itorium was packed for th e "Poetry” program of th e M , L A, U iat evening. D epicting lite rary geniuse.s of th e past, th e pe rfo rm ers In appropria te costumc.s. seem ed to s te p down from, p ic tu re fram es, T liey spoke from a ra ised platform ,- Effectiveness wa.< added by th e fac t lh a t Uic auditorium w as In sem i- d a rk n e ss and Ih e speakers w ere spo tligh ted .

Mti.Hlc lit the evening session In­cluded a duet liy MiirKurct D aggett n n d T ony rra iu -K Iliih l; a n d a trio. M rs. Euelilii Howeii. M rs, M y r n B arlow ond Mrs. B ertha M iller, ne- com panled liy Mrs. K a th e rin e M er­rill. w ho MuiK "L ift "n ilne Eye.s."


Minn Leona Prnedrlch’s s i x t l i grade giive a iiroKnim on health ill thn Junior lilgli gyin Tuesday. Prn- griim Included snng* by the N'/.i' and girls’ ehtmisen. first aid deni- onstrntliHin, a piii>er on Ihr life nf ■Dr, Morion, « U -l Cr<«s pUy..a «al- vntlon Army r'»v, ••llealih TliroMRh Ihn Ages" nnd '"nir Olums Lei.r n l .iMin." I'liiys were written nii directed hy the puplln, with (he m- tumes and stiiKe BeitinRn, Afti-r Oi program motlirm vi.stied the wliix'l room wliero hriilth (Kisters weie ill.i- played.

Uaplht I.ii(llen' auxliliiry met i«i Uie Cady home Wrdnewlny wl'li Miss Oma Cnily and Mrs. Alvrtm Cady as liontes.M-s. Vlee-prrMrlml, Mrs. Fred Mouni'e, presided. I ’ mn wern made for a m1nnli>nai-y studv class to l>e held t^indiiy iti (lu- chureh. I>'Viithiimln were dimied by Mrs, H. A. Whitten, and the pro gram givrii by Min, Jack PeleiMir OU inlMlon Wi.ik niumig the Nenr.ip^

Senior Aid of Ihe Chii-nm church met al ihr home <il Mis OeoTga Wilwnka WeUueMlay.W. J . Ohlhmer presided, I’ li.n were discussed for raising tuuik'' and a cooked fiXHl nnlr «nn Mlird iiled. IWiilloimIs wern Ind hv Mil0 , r . HanderiMin. Mrs. Ernr. l ini banks was ns lntaiit hontesa.

Junior Aid met with Mrs. Ix-.tn SImonton Wediiesduy, Mrs, Kd Ad ams led dnvntlonals. using as )>n •Iihjeel. "Finding Onesnif." Olfiren were eleeleil and Installation wn: conducted by Itev, H. J . Hevimldn Orrieers are Mrs. Irving KrdjiiiMni president; Mrs. Denton Adnmi vlce-prenldenl; Mrs. l.enier (i<>nitii ton. neeretary. and Wanda Ynim treasurer, A rominlltee was np pointed lo arrange the j»r<igrnm for the year.

A fallier-son han<iiint. *|K.n«tire by Ihn Men'n rluli of the MeituuUi ohuixh is }i1iinnrd for Jan, ;t(i I'n gram Is to be "ihlnfs we do |r felher,"

n n i iB i .r K iN H iiir a t o n c i ;c o i.n w A ’m i , M ,ioh , lui'i

Ohnrlns fj, Curry o( Coldwatrr tir came sle|)lalher and falher-lii-la at one Uine when hla aon lUiold n ta r r ln d K. I’aullna Ihtmrll ol Wnlerltm, Ind, Onrry, who nitmd' ed Uin wedding, ei rlier had mar. ried the hildn'n mother,

uniform aafely and ap«ed lawn H|M etiforeninenl ran l>e effeeted and Uiiia aave the Uvea ot (huua. •vary y««r.

, Beach Brevity a La Sonth Seas

Hond«]r. January 29, 1940


A pplican ts fo r th a tT la tlo n ground •chool course to be Inaugu ra ted soon In Tw in F alla m ust subm it Uielr > 10 fee w ith th e applica tion , a n d Uioee w ho tu rn ed in th e b lanks w ithou t th e m oney should bring th e cash tW a -week. Sec re tary Vivian Carlson of th e C ham ber of Com ­m erce sa id th is afU m oon .

"W ithout th e fee se t by th e gov­ernm en t fo r th e ground school train ing , th e appUcatloh blanks a re void." the secretary announced .

_ F irs t 00T h e f irs t 50 applican t* w ho have

th c tr money In a l o. of C. offices will b;e chosen to toko Uic g round U ain lng . From th a t group, a t c o n ­clusion of th e course. 1 0 will be chosen for flying Instruction .

"Anyone Is eligible fo r th e ground school." sa id M rs. C arlson, " b u t If

th e rules applying to th a t phase of th e program . I f qua hflcatlons do n o t m easure up to those dem anded In th e regula tions, th e appU cant should apply only for g round school."

A pproxim ately 30 b lanks h a d been ta k en o u t today by prospective file rs u nder th e federa l non-college a v i­a tion tra in in g w hich will cen te r In Tw in Falls. O f lh a t to ta l, a do ie n blanks have been re tu rned . T hese come from Buhl. Boise, T w in F a lls and K imberly,

RulesTlxe ru les governing com petiU on

for th e "fligh t scho larsh ip s” — th e ac tua l flying porUon of th e p rog ram —Include citizenship; age from 18 to 25 inclusive; m ust never have held pilo t ccrtlflca to issued by civil a eronau tics au th o rity of p rlva lo grade or h ighe r; m u st pass c iv ilian pilot tra in in g m edical exam lnaU on; successful 1 0 app lican ts m u st pay w ith in seven days a f te r app o in t­m e n t no tice »14 lee for personal In - .surance du ring f ligh t tra in in g ; m u s t ^ be legal residen t of Idaho . 9

In » eostume more than faintly reminiscent of the South Seas. Miss Jane MacDonald of Buek llUb Falls. Penn., poses in the sunshine at the Sun and Surf elnb. Palm Beaeb. It Includes shorts, a bra-(op wllh shoulder straps of rubber flowen and a foil, short skirt. Miss MacDon­ald's sandab, with low areh-w*dg» heels, are of white canvas, and the med|nm-slze bearh bag to ot natchlng materlaL

Motorist, 71, Pays $100 on Driving Claim

H e w as two miles n o r th and half m ile w est of F iler—bu l officers

sa id he th o u g h t he was- n e a r th e H an.-^n brldgo on h is way hom e to H ozclton.

So A llen P ender. 71. pa id a fine of $ 1 0 0 nnd cGsls today a fte r pleading gu ilty before Ju.stiee R. H , S tew art a t B u h l to charges o f d riv ing 'w hile u n d e r Influence o f Intox icating liq­uor. T lie elderly au to ls t h a d his d r iv e r Ucetise a n i h is litjuor p e r­m it revoked for one year.

L ieu t. "P e rk" Perk ins, s ta te ijoltce Officer, sntd Pender wn.s nr^e^Ied iit 10:45 p. m. Saiiinliiy . He hiid back­ed o u t of a drivew ay, a.vsertedly w ithou t lltilii.r mill hl-1 c a r wii.s struc-k l)V a inm liine driven liy F rank HiistliiKs. l l i e Hnstltii!!. au to was damiiKed lo the ex ten t o f J23.B0.


T lie L . n Wiill n ihh Kroceo', fo r­m erly lo»-iited nt IS7 M ain iivrniie we.st, lo*l«v .ojMned for biislnevi Ina new ................... I th e m iddle of thn10 0 tili>rk oil Hliofihone s tre e t ooiilh.

'I lie o}M-rallons o f movliiK from the old lo tlir new locnllon w err m n ip le led over th e w eek-end.

At th e Mtnie lim e Scott Sm ith . Jr.. ow ner o f H<ritfs lunch room n l 163 Miiln avenue west, announced the eafe would ocriipy th e qu a rte rs fo r- iiieily had t)v th e Rm rery ro n re rn ,

’Hio move from th e presen t lo ra- tiiin to Ihe new q iin rlrrs will m orr Ihiin ilnutile Ihe ru fe ’s nealing ca- pa rllv . New e<itjlpmenl Will al.v> l>c iidited tinil th e move will be m ade In tlie Inim edlnte fu ture.


I'olU'c tmluy had been asked tn Iw on th e IiKikoul for 600 to 700 Held liiittn w hieh were itolen Sunday tioiii the old dehydrating plant Wurehiili.se.

’n»r> liuRn were reported as mi«i- liiK l>y mil UinK who aald thoy wera the pT(i|>erty of JL II. I« ig .

V alue Ilf (he bags was placed » l nitm pd IflO,

o n dt M erriiry as a morning star,

named i t Apollo, not knowln* it name body they alr«*dy

d as an evening star.had

T W I N F A L L S M O R T U A R YB«*aUy O. riUUI#*. M«*>

f i r . . . r» * » ANu w miiT r n o w i n

’E O E S M N S H Il B y A U IO lB IL E S

Tw o pedestrian s w ere s tru c k by au tom obiles In T w in Fa lls , one be­ing h i t S a tu rd ay a fte rn o o n n n d the o th e r S un d ay afte rn o o n , reco rds a t th e police s ta tio n ahow today.

S a tu rd ay a t 4:12 p . m . C lay Sm ith repo rted th a t a n un id e n tif ie d wo­m an w alked in to th e side of th e au tom obile h e w as d riv ing on a dow ntow n s tre e t. T h e w 6m an. he saltJ, w as a p p a r m lly M nlnjnred a h e .slopi)cd to Investigate.

At S:.‘)2 p. m . S u n day Ja m e s Rod da . 351 F i l th uveiiue ea.sl. re|X)rted

(Killer ih n t he w as operntliiK h is r tow ard th e c ity c e n te r on Sho- :iiie s tre e t a n d lh a t n t Serond ctiiie n o r th he s ln i i 'k M rs. Clai

Reynold.s, C astle fo rd .He n islied th e w om an to tlie ho;

pltnl w here she w ns trea te d fi m inor In ju ries a n d relen.sed.

^ A C E Q U IA

Mr.i K E. SnilUi, MLvw.iiln. Mont., wtio wa\ a giie.sl of her parents re- -enilv, WH.1 nceomimnlcyl as lnr ai ■*wniello by her mother. M ir. W. J. MoAlLMer. her rr lu n i liomi*. They ito]i|H-<l for It vl!ilt will) nnoil il>1er of Mrs. Hinlth's. Mrs. ICuhi Dcno and fionily.

Arequla OranKe nieellng wa.'t held ’nmrNiay wiU) Mr. nnd Mrs, Marlas Girard as honts. After a biinlne

llnic a iKK-lal hi.iir wili "IM'Ii I at plnoehle. with rrfr(v.luneritn a l the clc»se.

Mrs. J . F , Winnlfnrxl wa* hon with a blrlluUy dinner hy a few of her frletidn litni week

MKs l.e<inr Iludjier ra|i(ured first jHltP given hy Mr.i W C MlU hel (eneher In lypliiK ond shorthaiu

a contest In brief forms In tli shorlhnnd class last wei'k. MM Hn sel Johl•n.^ n won second,

1. 1> H ^lllke tiilx-iniii le iM-neflt iiu'e held In Ihe IiIkIi M'hool |iyiii

Krb1i«y ihew a laige erowd. Chill, ler neani. pie, r<n(w and home in»d> eaiulv Wern »»l<l by Ihn cominltteo In rhnrKe

J . r I'hiM^n. who wns seriously In lined while woikiiiK on Uin nnv hlKhwny at Minidoka <lnin last week. Is re|K>ru-<l lo l>n sIlKhlly lin proved hut allll In * critical coiidl- Uon

MIm Maxln* Parker reliimod Frh day tron\ thilse wh«r« sUa ajwnt Ihreo weekn wlUi her ilaler. Mrs. O. a , Sullivan.


No le.w tlian seven m o to rists were c ited h ito cou rt fo r law vlolollons a s resu lt o f a n au tom obile ilg h t c heck-up staged a t K im berly S a t­u rday n ig ljt by s ta te a n d K im berly officers, accord ing to P e rry B rew - Inglon. s ta to p a tro lm an here .

'H ic chcck-up on defective llgb ts brought Uiese c ou rt com plain ts:

Five d rivers c lt«d In to police court a t K im berly fo r ligh t defects.

O ne d river c ited In to JusUce c o u rt a t K im berly fo r lack of a d riv ing li­cense.

O ne truckm an cited In to Juatlca c ou rt a t K im berly for these varied Infrac tions; Defective clearano* llghl.s, no flares, no re a r view m ir ­ror. no truck reflectors a t th e re a r of Ills vehicle.

Only m achines w hich show ed d e - ( J |- fec ts were stopped in th e su rp rlsa sa fe ty Inspection, th e s ta te officer said. O f those s topped on ly ooa d river carried a valid O, K . c e rtif i­c a te prescribed by law fo r a ll a u to - Ut.s, T lie certifica tes, good for M days each, e lim inate a r r e s t h i case of a ligh ting defect a n d th e m o - • to rlst In «im]>ly told to h av e repulr made at once.

BORAHMayor Jon K oehler will "sug-

Rest" a t tonlKhl'n council »e,Hsi(in tlu il llu ' mime of Jiiycee jwrK, the baseball Krounds, be chnnned to llorali imrk. In honor of Uie Into U nited S ta le s senator,

“I w lir m erely k u rrm I th a t lha chnnKc In nam e Im m ade," tiie niiiyfir said, '•Such a move, of course, would no t even bn coimM- ri<-<| unli'».-> 11 m et w llh th e a p - pioviil of till) oUuT m em bers of Uie rouiirU ' and a h o w ltti Uie memlietshlj) of thn Ju n io r C ham ­ber of CdiiimeiTe."

I l i e Ju n io r Chimitier gave th a land 1 0 tlie rllv and for tliLn r ra - »mi Mil' Held w i« drM gnM nl Ja y - i-ee Park.


P U n M C N O T I C R

M R e F A R M E RQuInn Wllwm han purchased H IE OIIAfi, W. IIAIU/:iW CO. of TWIN FAU/8, IIJAHO. the

^nama and the un« thereof, ihn aWeU of aald Company and haa aaaumed H li lUbllltlea.

lie will operatfl ns »o|e «*ner nr In c»m|Mny with odieia jia he »o electa but not as a cor­poration as previously set up. It la a small outfit which hopaa U> deaerre your oooperatlon and lo earn a oommnnaiirato profit In the handling of your products,

Q U I N N W I I ^ O Nriioaa S4» 426 Sho. SI. W,



GOOD ' Low Prices

$595$ 2 5 0


iu;i7 DOlMiR Sedan. Rrhullt and ntw paint)c*> ....................lOJA n o iK lKOoupo ......................1D37 r i .Y M O irn i DeLiixe Sedan , lt>3fl M .YMOIITII DeLuxa Coui>*.

........$575IU30 cllitYN I.I'.K a Sedan, lM>ks

$ 4 7 5m u PONTlAd Bflhn. M u h « l-

$475 $350 $2x5 $250 $250

Olher rtars Prlefd IM.M dp ,


CTbmter P h . W Plym oBlh

defnw teis ..............IU3fl |-<»ll)COIIIKI . .............io:iii r o K i )Heilnli io:n F<HtI>'I'liilor ......................if ij t n . v M o i r n i Coanh ......................


Page 9: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,

i j w t o y . J « i r a » n r » . IM O IBAHO SVfcNlNG T1MB8, TWIN rA L tS. IPAHO■'•■• '• ' ' ... ... .... . ■ ' ■ ■■ '■'■■' I I .1 ........... I I II I ■ I I I u p w m

Stoves and Heaters Sell Quickly When Advertised in the ClassifiW A N T A D R A T E S

For PubU etU oa In Both H U E S a n d NEWS

RATC0 r i B LIKE PE R PA Y :SI9 to r* . U o i per l U j ------- UeT b n t d i j* . p « r Una per d» 7 . . . . I tc O a« day. per U » » .......................... 24o

SS 1 /3 Discount F o r Cash

C u h d iscount allow ed U advcrU ie- m ln t paid (o r wUliln s tv e n day* of (lr*t InM rtlon.

U n a o t classUled advertU lnB com- puU d on basis o t (Ive m edlum - Icn f tb words p e r Une.


IN JERO M E Leave Ads a l K & W Root Beer

IN R U PER T Leave Ada a t Realdence of M ra Id a W heeler, U S B 8U


BO X N U M B E M T he T IM E S a n d N EW S wUh to

m ake U c2sa r to th e ir rea d ers th a t "blind ads" lad s con la lo lng a box

• num ber In care of th e two papers) a re s tric tly confldenU al a n d no In­form ation can b« s lvcn coocern lns m e advertiser. Anyone w anU ne to answ er a classified ad carrym g a T IM E S-N E W a box num ber should w rite to t l ia t box and e ith e r m all o r b r ln s I t to Uie TIM E S-N E W S office. T here Is no e x tra charge fo r box Ijum bers.

SPECIA L NOTICESW A N T E D -Y our rep a ir w ork th is

w inter. R E PA IR NOW a n d have everything ready to go w hen spring comcs. Wc specialise In blackitmlthing, w elding, m achine work and Iron w ork of a ll kinds.


. . . in the W ant Ads f o r V alues

that can’t be beat!

5 0 0Seaullful M aple s h id e l i w arc lying In Tw in P a lls from C hlor- jsls. L et us save th em for you.

GLANDON SA LES CO.rw in P a lls Phone M37

NEW! Am aslng! M en's sh irts, low as 3 fo r I3.M. Big comm. High q uality . S h irts free as bonus. Tree o u tfit. S tylew car, Dept. AH-30, E^rle, Pa.

GOOD TH IN G S TO EATSPU D 6. m ilk, w hip cream . 0483-R3.

MO. sorghum . Pub . M kt., 4M B. L. N.

SEA foods a t PubUo M arket.

A PPLB6. 35c-50c. D. B. Vosburg. 1», E. of Tw in on K im berly Rd.


BATH AND MASSAGEMALLORY. 114 M ain N. P h . 118-R.

SCHOOLS AN D TRAIN INGW E W ANT, to .g e t In touch w ith

m echanically inc lined m en with c h a rac te r refcrencM , muAt be em' ployed, reliab le w ith fa ir educa^ Hon. who w ish to belt(*r them - • r lv r i by tra in in g In ap»r«i time a t hom e artrt la tr r In ou r shop for E lectric Rclrlg rrH tion nntl CondltlOMlnB. W rite fully. U lll- Itles In s titu te , c /o News-Tlme.v

LOST AJ^D FOUNDLO ST; C ar keys In brown le slhe r

case. Reward, la? M ain W. or Ph. S63. K aym uiul H. IluKltea.

_ _ PKRSONALSWANTET>—rifir lo Porllnnrt or will

U ke piissniyi-ia. IniviiiK Jun . 3latPhoi < lA^. CliNxllng.

’ BK A U tY sn O P SO IL perm . rom p. II. Professional

operators, a33 l l l i Avr. N. m -i-W ,

HELEN O’C onnor, over Hiinwball's Ph. 3HU-W. P e rm t l ftO u)». Mau* reen lliilet. Ann Petei.vm . G ladys McRae.

S P r-JIA I, - If l wave to r I3.'50, M and 1.1 ftftvr.i 'v j)ilre. Iriitho Barber 6t Heniily Hhuj). t*h. « * .

BKAUTY A l t r a ACADEMYO IL HrriuiinniiiA aa Inw ns tl.OO.

Jun io r HliKlriit work firo . Ph. 303. iSB Mnin Wrnl,

M ARUJM.L’H, litl 'l l i lrd Ave. N. 'Hie ahoj) of iinufliinl pprinuneiils lasllnti fliiti<'r wuvi's. o i l slim and (liiKcr wave. flOc. KvnilnKs liy appolntm oiii. Phoiia 3H3.

‘T lfU A T iO N S W ANTElS"HKWINCHM 3r<I Avt. N, J-li, 3M-U.

NSAT. rnliiird lady of M desli»» houMl(oe|>lin, i te ( i. M rs. W irner, l l t s H liniiiun, Drtivnr,

MARIIICU iniin wnuU f» tn i ]c>ti, flood w ilh imi'.toi o r iiorsoa. JHCk O rr, HO llrM Ml,, B, Park.

" M A L K 'h E L P W ANTEDW ANTED; E xperloiiced linoleum

layer, W rllo Box 33. Tlnies-Now s.

PARM h and , handy w ith trao lor, able to Irriga te. All year Jdli. Hel'a ref|iirstBd. W riln pox, " N ews-'llmr*.

MOVIK i.i» ra lo rs aiKj manaHerA— T w in ' ru lls ni>t Mnvln cirniill WOlk Konliim. I*. U. Him lOUl, Meiniililn, 'I'l'iiii

W A trrK O ; M a n lr .1 m a n to rh o rrs for tiouAr irn t , nnit r im m clKokn. WlUn 1I»A ;i4. N«WS'''niiirA,


WEPtKLY - a ro w M ushroonu. o«)l«r, ah td . W t buy. aOo Ib. W orld'a largcat rotnpany . FRBB BOOK. M usliii»)tns. 1B37 ‘n i lr d 4*mui^ Wuk.


PHONE 38 or 32A sk for the A dtaker


80 ACRES. Ideal locatton. n e a r Tw in Palls. G ood soli, m odern hom e. W ilt* Box 21, N ew i-Tlm es.

>0 A. ran ch , SS A. cultiva tion . R e­served r ig h t (o r 6 i ticad c a ttle . P. S W hitake r. R t. 3, Burley.

FEDERAL LAND BANK PA R M 6 S«e J . W. McDowell .Twin Palls, o r A. P. C onrad . Oooding. a t Pederal Land B ank office.

80 ACRES. 30 acres good w ll u n der M ltlva tlon . 4 mlle^ N of O ood- tng. S m alt I m p . $1,800, terrns. d is ­count (o r cash . lmme<i. poss. Rev. P ra n k S tln n e t te , Honiedale. Id a .

o r r one o f these pU rr.i w hile they In.st—pay m en ts like rent!<0 A. B uhl, un lm p. »32o dn . 4 n .1*0 A. So.. K tm berly. imp. MOO dn. SO A. So., B uhl, un lm p.. MSO dn ..

3%.ISO A. st«ck ranch . Irr. S1350 dn..

A F ine 1100 Acr« STOCK RANCH

Well Im proved. Located n e a r H orse Shoe Bend. Ida . 300 acres u nder cultiva tion a n d more available, free Irr iga tion wnter, va luable g ra tin g r ig h t In N ational forest ».'< Kell a s u nder the T aylor Act. T ills ran c h sold a t one tim e for *40,000. O u r price now 117^00. Ea.V te rm sl

J . E . ROBERTSR ealto r T w in Palls , Ida


NEW tr . house. A dults. 333 Jackson.

2-RM . p a rtly m od. house. P h . 390'W .

2-RM . house. Inqu ire 160 Qalncy.

B IO un ifo rm mfg- seeks local m an to co n tac t restaurant.';, ho ld s, beau ty parlors, doctors, nurses, o thers. Excel. Inc. Leads lu rn . P e rm , etjulp. Irce. Hoover. Dcpv. 1765. 251 W. 19th. New York Cliy.

TW O m ). house. A dults. 803 M ain E.

5 RM S., p a rtly m od,, double garage $15 m o. Inq . 366 V an B uren.

A MAZINO new opportunity . De» m onstra te for nationally known ta ilo ring Co. S ta r t O S wkly. No canvass. Perm . pos. Rapid ad ­vance. Y our own clothes free. W rite fully.- CE R TIFIE D . 1300 H arrison , D ept. 5321, Chlcngo.


CARD and B a r room. Good business opportiuilty . Sacrifice pilce. Phone 327 Jerom e. Idaho.


3-RM . office suite, desirable dow n­tow n location. Inquire a t News- T im es nfflce.


4*RM. mod. apt stoker. G uihk'’.


2 RM.S,, «lr ojiiil, 605 3ud Ave. N.

3 RM. Apl. Ailult.^. 312-lHi Avr. L’.

2 RM. Apt, 210 6 th Ave. E-

PR O N T ;!-llu J.’>3 Vlli A\T. K.

3 RMtj. furnnce lin il Mulii W.

COZY, healed njil. 4IA Uud Avr. N.

2 ROOMS. Adult.i. «12 Main Ave, a.

H T D T m T s jS 4lh Avr“ i PhTliaOR

JU tfl'A M E liR Inn Pll 156 Oilsls U71

APTB. Tlio O xfoiil, « a Main Nortli


I. ap t,I m rn . ana a m avo. f;RM

3-RM . apt., roniiiletrtv mod., (irlv, e n lr. Ililwd. I 'h . 031M-JJ.

2 LAItOK im s. iiliTly (urn. Mini, Hlms .lau ;iii(l Ave. N, l*h IIBo!

2fUOUM 111)1 ,, M 'lrened lu poreli. No c lillilin i. 2»i 4th Ave, W,

IHT Hr.. tiHxl. H|)i , rie r «iovp, ir li la Alsn Slid fir. ap t. 'J55 4th E,

NICK I im . ai\A kUcheneUe. u7gn >'loi>rI, furniirn h n it. (.'Idac Id |>|| MR-,1 0 1 3ft:i 3i(l Avo. N

HO USEKEEPING H 00M 8H/JKI-CI, or M|.«. rni, m ' i u T i r

LOVELY room, fiirn,. or iiu ln m lor llglil liciusrkcdplnti, TIi, 10 J 7 ,

ROOM AND liO A R I)'KM. and l)d. I'W Olli Ave, No.

RM, u bd. 322 Otli Avr, K. I'll, tUB-.r

KOOM anil bonrd, Mrs. I?, P, Olark 717 Sh<»>>one N. I'h. nfl7

NICK rin. with lid , lo r Priv, lii.ilr H ome pilvlleH>'i>. «euK. I3:i7 ilth k .

^ FU H N lSH Iil) ROOMSirw .. outside nit), ivi. ajB 01 NIUK rm . Stoker ill . l id «tU N ~

N IO K alerjilng ruom, 2 flO(llh AverN.

NIUK flu n i l)<<<hi?<ini. 3I'J 4ili Av,

LOVCLY ftm il im . vary i.lnaly (urn . Olo*o III. 130 a ih N. ia92-w .

/4IUELY (urn . Mil,, iiiitslilo Piitr,, • U t n III.. K l« . w h U m 101 I.J .,

4 AND 5 rm . houses, newly decorat­ed, m od. oxcept he. in q . 414 3rd A'vc. W.

N IC E m od. 6 -rm . house, breakfast nook a n d sleeping porch. Stoker heat. L oca ted M aple Ave. P h . 2071.


8M . hou .« . A dulls. t

2-RM . cab in , IIS , 234 4 th Ave. W.

4.R M . house, close In. Ph . 0286-R2.


HAVE youi.sfll .-.oinR In leip st money ii’ flimnriiiR lit


LOANS on FARM S and HOMES Prixl P H ntr^—N orthern M(b ins Co., Pfiiv.'y-TiilH-r Bldg, Ph, 1370

n o .M i;s r o R s a l e

8.RM . mod. hoinr. 4 th Ave. E. 13000 I ,a ir r iir o r (3f>0 down Inquire ••)51 3rd Ave. N orth,

tn.I^ U R N IS IIE I) Duplex. flohP Htokcr. W ill pay 10% net ou Ihtl iiveitn iriii. Iinniedlutr poMesslon

ClDod ft-ioom lii.unp, rinse in , 13300. T tih Is a liiiimilnl

r ‘ c flllAVI-JH A SON 150 M iiiii Noiih Ph. 116

I house, new roof,l:,|ird lliHiiiKhUDt.I’l i r r »Mi!0 -i;i20 nu iu th . l’<»nesnloi>

ino ilrin home, 3lIllWIHXl (I<H1|'S, rp-'•lit w lili liiimiiry

iiiv;, imif Mil mil IV Hoiid gar-* KC s.t.il"! I'oriflrKMoii,At.'in.fi. fun iniprovpmeDts,

itii\ liitiii 10 rows, Klectilc- tv, iirrp uril i im iiu e aysirin,....... .... . 1131)0 ciish (ir willnull' Im lu in igp . I’onscnsliin. IlliAllL'llAM I’ Ac ADAMS

1 .1 A HhiiAhone South



G O OD 48 ACRES ttOO C ash R e n t

D eW IT T 6c M U LLIN ER. P h . 427

FARM IM PLEM ENTSK REN O EL p o ta to so rte rs a n d K ren*

gel pliers, stu rdy , steel co n stru c ­tion. G u aran teed in every way.


A.C. T rac to r on n ibbe r. G ood cond. used 2 yrs. W ill take cash and team In trad e . R ob 'l. M cClalii, Eden. I ' t m l. E , R ussell L one sch .

A-TYPE h a y derrick . Ph . 1426.

FO R SALE by o w n cr-M o d e l F-12 Farm all trac to r . 2 ycani old. used only one season . R ubber tires. P e r ­fect condition . W rite Box 17, News-Tlmes.



By William Ftffftuon

S L E E P l N e U KE A 1 0 I > '* 'A C T U i M i i / v W E A N iS

A10JLjE ,Ar r c O ^ ^ E S FR O AA TH B P B E N C H

*£>oe>*f/RpMiMeA N D " ^ A U P S 'W A S C O N - P U S B P W IT H T W E E N € » U 6 H


r o o t ;A P 5 A R T O R T H E P L A S J T

T H R O W N A W A V B y A M E a C A N S .IS R B < 5 A J 5 C > e o

A S A D E L I C A C V B y E U R O P E A M S

O n w w a t p o u r .O P T H E V E A R .

D O S U N D I A L S <3 I V E C C > B t? e C T T I A A E P

A N SW IR ; AprU 16, Ju n e 14, Septem ber 1, D ecem ber 2*.

LIVESTOCK FO R SA L E30 HEAD horses a n d m ules. IH S. of

E. end M ain. C arl Woolley.

SEVERAL hun d red ewes to s ta r t lambrng r ig h t aw ay. W ill se ll any tvumhet. Ed W ells. IW . 2 N . o tCasllcford-


HAY. GRAIN , F E E D2 SMALL sta ck s hay . Ph. 1431.

35-Ton hay . 6 m l. S .. U W . o! S . Pk.

WHEAT, barley , hay . P h . 0395-R3.

WH. U g h o m cockerels. 252-J7. F iler


17.00 and M.90 .p e r 100300-fsg. R. O. P . sired ...... - ...........13cPullets ....................... 14c, 19c a n d 26c


r aO H E S T prices paid (o r you r (a t chickens and turkey*. Independen t M eat Company.

BIRDS. DOGS. RABBITSAUSTRALIAN a h tp h e r t p u p . ph.

Real T ra n sfersiB fo n u tlo n {onUabed

Twto nsh n u « aa< A b atn o t C o n p a ay

Wadiuctey. Jan. UDeed: C. A. L tn e n to C. Larsen,

11. SE>i 31, 9, IB,Tax deeds: C o n B. fitevens. coun.

ty treasurer to T P county . 18.77. L o u 10. 11. B lk 163. T P ; 15.63. Lot T. Blk. 3, S o u th P a rk A ddn., TF: <4.33. Lots IS a n d 14, Blk. 16, Filer; S2.B3. Lot 1, B lk. 10. Rogerson; Men w n w a, 11, n .

Deed: J. Crocker. T rustee. Costello, to W . T . S e a l, 1500. Lots 23 and 34, Blk 117. T P .


W ANTED TO BUYT R A IL ER house . CaslL W rite box

20. News-Tlmes.


PH O N E 0282-J4

GO OD skis, h ad iess . 751 2nd N.

B usiness and Professional

DIRECTORYA tto r n e y t

J , H . I3arll^.^, Itiwycr. Rm . 7, Sm lth- Rii'e ni<lg. P rasle r-L em ke Con. Com'r.

B u ild in g a n d C on trac tin gBETTER~BUTLT^HOMES '

See M otenkam p. 330 0th Ave. N orth.

i iic yc le R ep a ir in ga l A a i u s c y c l b r y ’!^ Phon# la i.

C a rp en tersExperienced, reasonable. Pli. 1412

C h iro p ra c to r

O Jonca for louna on lumiea Itoom 5. B ank U T ru st BIcig Ph 3041

Dr. W y u tr i jieriwiial a tie iu iu u » Klvn ymi rx p rr t ih lro p rn ri li m rl<T lio[lirinpv. A cute uikI rliim li idnc llllo iu lie a t rd , 1.11 rim Avr. iion ti. I'h i.iie 1377.

Coal a n d W oodAllEROICEN COAL

Moving, tran s fe r MrCoy Coal T r a n t ln P h o n t 3 or 300

Cur/flirt 5/topsCustom (iinpery se rv irr C u itiiu i t t

Drupoiv Mlicip 4(14 4th K Pli Bfl2,

D iiiv l'ry .S't'i i'iVrClly Ih-llM 'iv h riv lriv I'h iini' IH1.

Floor S an din gFloor sanding . H. A lie lde r yo.lH-J


lid r r . riiii ilm i" on T aylor bt,, lllue l.Bk<'« w , I'.’txi. nwiiii inv . Co.

IM P A J ml. K. I, N. of K lm - b n li-. rniiiA H A, J’a ito n . Kimb,

r o l l HAi.i; I I

4 MODElIN hoiinrA In lillh l, 4 to S umiiifl. Will Hade for 'O i n palls p io iiriiv *■ A, Moon. Pll. 6 o r 21

R EA L ESTA TK JV A N TEDWAN'l' III iK'iii Iroin ow ner Af land

foi’ xiil'' Ini' '’P i ln i delivery. Wit- luiin Miiwlrv, llnldw ln, Wla.

W o l ln v B B u y e r «for iw x l A ......Ill niod. hmjses, Miial

Im n<*w or (i«iily iiaw j Also aevflral liiiyem (c.r dii|iU a dw elilngst a U a 1IR vool IlMInu tm layl

I'. (1. itltAVlSU & BON IM U alA Av*. M,

Jo b P r in tin gQ U A I . I T V .1011 P U I N T I N I J

L ftlleihrart,' . . . M all PK irv Bualnev. C iu iti Knlil>u

H tm ioiiei)NKWM nild TIMK.1

COM M EItU lA I. P H IN 'lIN d DI'.IT.

hiHuranccGo. l t» . PluHi* M l.

J a n ito r iitip p lics

h e y S h opPLA fllU S CY01.KnY Ptioiia 1B1

l.aundrlcnP aris ian l.u iiniliy I'liuna b;>o

H o m y to LoanV arm and o i l ; loans. I'loiiipl

acU on. awlm «n». Oo. P h 6«i

Heo J . r w iillfl f h s t fu r Itwii'i iiu incs or b iulncM inope ilv . l<uw aalM , ^ u ta k M n rk w , I N Mai

M oney to Loan

Auto LoansC ontrncts Rpdnuiicid

PAYM ENTS REUUCI.D 10 M lnulu Srrv lcc a t RrnA. RatesW E i T E H N F l N A N l ' .K C O .

N ext to Fidelity Bniik

BEA U t-IPU L, genuine Niivujo I n ­d ian r«ge . D U cct Itoiu if;.urvatlon. L ifetim e quality . In(|. Apt, 3, Odd Fellowa ha ll. B uhl. Iduho.


776f u r f u l l ilcliiilM

o n o \s r

-%'5 to m ) L O A N SC A S H C R K D I T C o .

Roonui 1 ^ 3, IiurklioUIrr liUlg.

O dteopa th ic P hysician

W A L L P A l 'K U C L E A N - U I ’ S A I . i : :

'/•* PriceL argn selBcllon of pu lir iiis

w hich to choose!M O O N S

O r. JC. J . M iller. 412 Main N Ph. 1977

O r. O. W Roa«. 114 M>m N Ph BST

Paln ting-D ecoraU n guy a ILm Plum* 18U7-W

It L S h a ffe r Phone U 03-,l

P lu m b in g and H eatingP lu m b liu rrpalrn n ^|>nUilM'’ Ab

boU Plum bing Co, I'litnic Uh.

R a d io R epairingPOW KLL llA U IO -n U iN l! : 809

O V E K N 'yA ’r i t a " n m n # 701

R ea l B n tate-lnaurance6 . Q i M V ^ a n d buns I'lum e 1 1 1

Shoe R epa irin gI ■, T u rn e r a t Hiiils<m-Clark‘a

f r a t k nT ra ile rs fo r re n l 2SI IV iirth Wes(

T r a i ln Uuusaa. G am . T rallar Co,

T u p e w rltc r tBales, ren ta ls a n d lervice I'lione BO.

ilp h o la te r in glU pa lrlng , redn lshh ig . Cirtm U H ni-

ley r u m . IJO in d St. «• PH. »86.

V eM tla n B lln d tR ealdantlal V enetian

. (I.. liM lalledlu ia , auo M. (I., hu la lled n M N I t m T w in f a l l a


T h u rad a r J a n u a ry IS Tax Deeds. C ora E. S tevens, Coun­

ty T reasurer to Tw in Falla County: PI. SW>4 7; P t . SW N E 8: W>.4 NE SE 8; SW>4 14; SE S W ; SW SE 18; E 'i S E ', 20: E H N W U 22; S W ’4 27: SE U 28; N EU 31: SW U S3; NE'.* 35; All In I I W; 8 B 8 E V. T ax No. 356 0; 11 30; SH N E W ; NESW; NW: NWSE; 34 la 16: P t . SE SE 20; N’iSES; 22; E ^ N E S E 27; W>4 SEU 27; W 4 31: SE N E 34, AU In 12 16: S>, NE>4 3 12’17; L ots 3 and 4; SENW ; NESW ; 3 13 15; P t . NENW 13 14 13; W H N E ^i 11 14 18; L ot 4: S 'iN W N E iiB W iiW V iSEU ; SW NE; 2; W SSW U l l ; E ' , 14; NW U 14; L o u 2 at 3; SW N E ; SENW 18; SEVi 19; 14 18; SW N E : E liS W ; W ‘i SE; 13: N E N W : SW N W ; SW<«; IS: E '.iS E i; 14: e h n e \ « ; n e s e :23; 15 18; W 4 N W U : W >4SW \;: 16 16 14; L o u 1 a n d 2; S ‘iN E ; N'.j S E U ; 3 18 16; K b 9 16 18: S l iS E i i S'* 15 18; N E N S 13; EU N ESW 24;9 14: Lois 3 a n d 4; SW SW : SESW ; P t. lo t 3; SW aW : 2 9 18; SW SW 110 12: E 4N W ; N E S W : 21 10 13; Lot No. 106 8 10 16: N W SW 28; SESW 2C; SESE 27: SW SE 32: 10 19: E ’i SW ; SW SE 13 11 18; S l jS W U 1311 17: SW SW 17; NWNW 20; 11 18; N S S W 'i ; 6W 8W 4 ; SESW « ; N E NW; L ot 3: SE N W 7 : U 19; L ot 1 to 4 Ind.. Blk. J ; L o ts 2 to 11 Incl. Blk. 3; Lots 1 to 4 In d ., Blk. 4; Lots 3 nnd 4, Blk. 6; Lots 1 to 5 Ind., Blk 6: LoU 6 to 15 In d .. B lk. 6; L ou 16 und 17 Blk. 6; Lot.^ 18 to 2J Bllc. 6; Lots 1 to 11 In d ., Blk. 7; Lois 1 to 23 In d ., Blk. 8; LoU 12 to as mcl., Blk. 9 ; All Blk. 11: LoU 1 to 10 liK l. B lk. 12; L ots I to 23 Ind., Blk. 13; Lots 1 to 4 In d ., Blk. 14; Lots 1 to 20 In d ., Blk. 18; L ot 1 Blk. 18: Lots 2 a n d 3,

Blk. 17; Lota 1 _ . inci.. Blk. 18: L o ts 1 to 20 incl., Blk. 19; All Blk. 20: All In T s of B erger; Lot 6 Blk. 1; LOU 1 to 9 In d ., Blk. 2: a ll M erchaoU T rad e Jou rnal, Hollister; L ot 13 Blk. 67; L o t 9 and 10 Blk. 68; L ot 15 Blk. 76; Lois i to 8 Ind., Blk. 80; L o u IS Blk. 87; Lots 1. 2. 3 Blk. 91; L o t 8 Blk. 91; Lots S. 10. 11 Blk. 91: L o u 1 a n d 2 Blk. 93; LoU 4 and 9 Blk. 93; L ot 26 B lk. IW ; L o u 27 a n d 28 Blk. 106; All In T s o ( H ollis ter; L ot I to 5 Ind.. Blk. 13; S ' j L o t 19; All L o u 20 and 21 Blk. 13: Lots 12 13 14 Blk. 31; Lots 1 and 2 Blk. 22; Lot 4; S \ i Lot 5 Blk. 26; All In T s of Rogerson.


PrlsoUla d ttb n u t la « t « M k 1 the honM o f U n . O eo r t* M lM . . i "

MTS..U W . Sanbarg . w aa h M tM ' ' WedncKlay to h e r b rldg* d u b . '. Prizes were aw arded to M rs. I t i a k r Thomas a n d Mra. L . T . BordklK —

Mr. and Mrs. O. D. BaU n e H n A word la st week th a t M r. a n d U T i. ■■ Howard M ercer a n pa r«n t> ^ twins, a boy and a K trl bom 23. Before h e tm a r r la « « M r a .U « r - cer was Mlsa Ofctelle B all, -

D. O. Boyd, M U ildolu. h a i bM& transferred to U ke th e poeltloo id s u tio n agen t here. luceacd log U r« Rugh who was reoentljp t r ta a f t r r e d here. Mr. Rugh rcpU cad TMB Cocke, who w u se n t to B u p a rt. Rugh has been U ans(e rred to w e n .

Admissions to S t. V aleQ tlne’a boa- pltsl a t W endell recen tly w e r t Mrs. A. E. U ttle , E den, J a n . 19; T u - rls Culllmore. m anager o f th a Covay Service sU tlon ; M rs. H a t t l t B . ' Lyons, a n d John D . O o tt. J a a . 33. dismissed w ere R . E. S hepherd , J a a 23; Charles O tto, a n d R o«er O atler.

Miss Ju n e D ew h ln t w as hoat«M Tuesday to T e a c h e n ' b r ld g t club. Mrs. K enneth P t lk m a n wa* (U ta t. Prlies were received by M U i Ver* nice Wilson and M iss L eah Dun** gan.

Mrs. SU nley S la te r a n d M r« Kennetti W alker w ere co-hostessel a t a dessert brldga a t th « B lata l home W ednesday. P rU ea v t r * awarded to Mrs. Sugeoe W httm an . Mrs. W ard How ard a n d j 'Jensen.

Mrs. W ard Imembera i______ ________________club. Mrs. K enne th W alk e r u d M n . WUIIam Booth won h o n o n .

Co-hoetesses a t th e second ' t a d th ird In a series o f b ridge eeeaalong last week a t the S m ith ' realdenee, Mrs. H. B. Sm ith, M rs, D . A. L 'H tr - lu o n and M rs. P r a n k T i tu t e tite r- talned a t se ren tab lea ‘n m n d i v evening and F r id a y a t ta m o a a . Prlze.A a t cards w e n aw arded ‘R iura* day to Mrs. A nna M ae H atm aker, Mra. Howard a n d M rs, S e n n a th M rD owell.--On F r id a y a f t t to o o n p r l« w inners were M rs. H a n y C a r- bulin, M rs. A. H . H arU h o m Mrs. W. O. H arm an.

^ 8 E T 3 O P U8KD IIAKNKH.Ssio to i:!.’’!



LATE K lectroliix, ino.ifi. lU,^0-^^

NEW etec. h rn te r . Hcii.s 2<:i l.oc 1l^t.

B l .ia n 'IX Y lined elnv irfiiK riu lnr. liiner-A |irln( nialiiriSK. (IduIiIh rull springs, roal rang r. pii. lf)97.J

H O T -P O IN T e lw tii. i niiKU'. whtliliig nihtii ItU tvaluv, 123T 80i f

LINOLKf.Mr i'l lll, |M'I lUllIlllIK N'<'l Inlaid, pnr rijiiiiliii; lnnt

M O O N ’S

D o n ' l W i i i l' t i l S i i r i n g

Urdocorulu Itn: in«i<l«i i)f y in ir limiu' iuiv\ I

l^>r roiii|ilcto llull^In< iiiMi r>ee iik (a M cM uitiy I’liliiU mill Vnriilhliea, Muri-si'u Knlnoinliir miil lllll^llr, Wullpiuwi.— pi1i:bI t'iC6 )>Ull n ing ativ icn i

M O O N ’S


B Q U llT 111 1U40 (It body and Jol> Box x Nrw*-‘l Imrn,

to Mrs. E ugene W hitm an , rd How ard a M > ( r a . O rri*

i tr i H ow ard/w as hostasa U I o f th^ - T h u n d a y brtdga

Mr. and Mrs. R. D . Cook h a re n - turned a fte r a enjoyable n in e weeks* tr ip 10 California. T hey visited Ih e lr son in Los. Angeles: a d a u fh ta r Ift San Diego, and o th e r f r le n d i a n drelatives In Fu llerton and

w tlh friends in S a lt L akeCsllf. Cn rou te ho m a t

also spen t a brief U m » -a l 1 dam.

R l-L and sewing club- m e t 1 a t the home of M ra. D ora ^ P resident Mra. V elm a A nderaos p n - sided over the buslneaa seaalon. N i definite plan was m ade fo r th a an* nua l husbands' ban q u et, b u t a n ­nouncem ent will be m ad e la ter .

Presbyterian L adles’ A id aoclety m et T hu rsday a t th e hom e oit M rs. Oeorge Olllesiile. w ith M r*. G eorge l^ w sh e acting a s a s s is ta n t hoa*' less. Mrs, Roy S m ith h a d c harga of

M r. and M rs. Chnrlr.i P ierce le ft Saturrtny (or Hollywood. CnUl,, to visit th e ir dAiiKhtcr. .

M rs. Mae We.it a n d M rs. A. L. S tow e were week-end K uesu of Mr. nnil Mr«. R. H D em on at, th e ir cab in nt Sun Valley.

Mr. and Mr.s Kr«*mont K rm pton , DiiBolK, are vl«)tiiig Mr. K em pion 's pa renU , Mr. and Mr.s. O. f i K em p- ion. F rn iio iit K '-mpton Ik a radio o |)ern tor on ili<' U. S. alrw iiys a t U uliols.

A cubln ((x)t of aUiinlnum weighs only 16 2 pounds, while a rub le foot of gold wriKin I'JO.I pound-v

T lii ic T a ll ie s»•« loMlni I'hni.nh Twln'rulli?^ ****



.>rlUi.a ...... . ........

WK1.I.I1 IIKANCII (Dtllr Mun^arl

V.M.I.II Ihcl liood

A llTOS FOR SAI.EO O OD '39 Dodge sed I7H O 'C onnor,

'IB Bulok apM. i«Kl., 1I,U(HI ml.. I»7A 'SO I'ovr. fliinvsrlililn <'oii|h< 1)76 ' n UllBV. 4 -dr. »i'(1., rx. cl. roiui, Foui' 830 r a n (Will iimh

MTATB M D lO lt CO,IW I n d Ave. N oith . Ph. 7U

orU U K llA K K It , CK IITIFIK U D ll t l ) i;AUS

114 Fo rd V-# de lu se aednn 1136 **? I .aF ay r lte dlx rmii)*, new

w hita Bklewall Urea. dU . h ir,.O, U .............................................. *836

I T B tude, 4-door tourliiK s«d«n, new p a in t, now liras, healer,„ .|«76

T W IN FALLS M O 'l'O li T « tB f« U a V b p o iM

' I

l.«iky>a .............. ... I Iiu II,l.fxrt |H„I„ ........ Situ (I.Arrtv*« ....... _... MiDd v.

.. ............... l l i ln p..rnvijif «t 4 itt ■. m,

A ir lta .................. - ............. I iiD rAril««t .................. ............ liSO fArrivf. a*1mnn, Mun . in4

rrliU r ................ .. BilO,»t«*T* Iii1n„,n 'Ihuit..

kid asliinUt . . 4 i l l aRixilal

Wllllir l»olt II.MUI In H.III Vtllf? U Tnin ^alli 7 • m. «ii<l talurnt Si* •I. M<l< nui,d*r *n<l iKilliUr,

. I. a n d M rs. Cllanuon . president, p resided du ring the business m eeting.

N eedlecraft sewing d u b m e t W ed­nesday a t th e hom e of M n . f a r l P , K ennedy. Membera p lanned ft banquet to be given som etim e tn F eb ruary In honor of th e husbanda.

F rid ay afternoon M rs. H arvey Coggins e n te ru in e d m em bers o th e r bridge club. Mrs. B uffy S m ith a n d Mra. A rdeth Shlm m ln w on priw a.

M rs. Wilson B. C hu rchraan , a»- Hl.ited by her m other, Mr*. J ia * Huey, were ho.itesses T hu raday to m em bers o f the Calhollo W om en’a league. Miss O ertru de SheiA w nl gave an InU restlng re su m e ,o f h e r tr ip tro m New Y ork to M ora SooUa, L abrador and sou thern C anada.

Mrd. M arie John son a n tarta ln ad a t a kenslngton a t h e r hom e F rtd ay honoring Mrs. E. O , Q auas, Long B ead). Calif., who U vU ltlng he re . O the rs p resent were M n . Joe Law ­rence, S a rah OUl a n d M ra. M. D . Cook,

Job 's D aughters c h a p te r o f v ia Jerom e Bethel enjoyed a soolal ave* n ln g ' a l playing gam es following a brief biulness session T huraday.


Jo h n Quurley, son o f M r. a n d Mrs. Julin Uourley, who ts a tte n d ­ing WooObury college a t Loa An-. gPlBs. was elected secre tary of ch ap ­te r Dell XI of P h i T ^leta PI f ra - teriiity .

M rs n iiia a h o l te n h as received wind «I tlir death o t h e r b ro th er- lii-law, Oliver A pplegate, Portland, Oio., who <1itd Sunday of a h e a r t a ttack . .

Ml*. K M. reiTol and son, D w lih t. I d t TueMliiy (01 U « Angeica, where Dw ight \«lll a tieiu l a Bible liuti* tu te luul Mrn. rv rre l will visit r e l­atives.

M rs. lle in y B diodde w as hostess to her bridge d u b T hursday . Mra. J . T AndPison and M rs. Owen M ll- l«i' woie UtgU and low score holders.

O. J , Cliilds re tu rned F riday from uiilcaKo, Mhcrr ha a tten d e d th e caim eiV iioiiveiitlon,

M r, and Mrs. J . A. L ym an a n d Mr. anil M r.. L, W, HawW na * e w guesU of honor a l a faraweU p a rty llvoii by a group of ne lihbo re a t th e home o( Mr. a n d M n , Jay Hftrkott, last week, M r. a n d I o n ia n , who have been f a m t o i

k .r*Si«ft F, » ,»l«p.ri ........T ill r. aiFr«« Rsrtrl. K«>l*r. ••».Hui^ri ..................... ^ ai

OLOitNq nM i~rnH MAIt. |)lRi>ATCHRB

: 5

la y (o M r. iH, o . Click, who w m m a i w ' h ; r«rn» for Uia coming year. I f f . M d Mrn. Hawkins left Sunday fo r T w in Falla whore they will reside In t ta court house, Mr. Hawkins ^ newly appointed ih e rirf of Tw m FalU Gounty.

M(aa Ju n e V tnoant. d a u f h t i r « t ,l” ^ n d M n , P H a r .V ta w M fiM K oiitly UtlUated I n to . tM O M M

Page 10: Full K-Hoor LwMd Wirt RUSSIANS LOSE 15,000 IN 9-DAY ATTACKnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF05… · VOL. xxm . NO. 34—5 CENTS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,

Page Ten ( IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN PALLS. IDAHO Monday, Ja&tury 29, 1940


H lim f l lS A L SOK FUIURf PLAN

W ASHINGTON. Jnn, 29 (U.B Scircm ry of SUti* Cnrdell Hull wlU be ftskrti to outline tiip nrtm ln lstra- llo n ’s fnr pnMrrii i>oliry W ednesday to liic r.piiai»- forplun r.'im ions com- m itirc whrii II Jiirei-s to consldeiproptwiil!. lot, <>na<-iin* on m b n rst ftgniriJit .lapni




ui Kpy P itt.lie nnnounce- n Ills r e tu rn n iM rr j m cet- I A "pek a f te r m y tim t h as loiiN bciwoen I Jiipan since

uiliorimposeJnpnn . R efcrrm c lo Ilie rom m lttee '* pliiti 10 licar Hull iitid o ilier h igh * inie dopiiitnu 'm offi.'inis. lie aald :

"Wc Bill w ant 10 kiio''' iiow otir clUfCHi luv lioiuu tvcuird now be-

on the piiibiirgo pro-•posi

HP lie ^tiitc d c p art- niiy (iitiirq trade Jnpan m u st be of .Jnpanpse d ls-

I CKf;


biiscri on c. crlinliindon r rn s nnd th r lr ilnliis In Clilnn. Tlic s tn ic d rim rin iriit. iiU’nn''Vlillf, con ­tinued Ilf- policy of .vllciice. T liere \vi\b no IwilCAiioii ofJlclftls- h a d t i ­tered the pl•cvlou^ly announced plan 10 conllnuc linde relations w ith Jsp a n ou a diiy-to-dny bA.sls. "pend ­ing fu ture drvplopninit.s."

Mcnnwlillc. ncp. G eom f H, Tlnlc- hnm . R„ Mass.. clinrnrd Hint A m cr- ictin. iind Drlllsh policy In the Slno- Jnpftnesc w ar wn. "clear evidence and totnpclllnB p ro o f’ of parallel ai'tion by "tlic niUns heads of O re n t B rita in nntl Oic I'xccullvc b ran c h of ou:- Rovcrnmrni ■' Hn branded auch

. tactics n.<i "flaijrntii vlolnllonii of n fu lin llty ."


- • -TJie local Townsend club, w ith

tlie pre.sldeni. George w ! Cole, pre ildlng. m et Tuesday evening In the

•Junior Odd Fellow.^ room. Planii were njode for a m cm btrslilp drive which will continue until M arch 31. For Ui« purpose of carrylnR o u t th e

_cam p(ii8n, th e eptgnnSiaUon til- vl'ded Into tw o group.s, ■•Red," with M rs. Jo h n Drew capU ln : a n d "Blue' w ith W. J . SmlU). cap ta in .. Plarw Jor th e o rg an l» U o n of a Tow nsend Y outii club In Ihe n e a r fu ture were al.<iO dLscu-ucd.

M rs. E leanor Leonard, who served several years In C hina a.i a mlwlon- .a iy , spoke a t the local Pentecostal church SundHy

M rs. R oland Jonc.i wa.s hoetcM a t h e r hCMno W cdne.vlay to m em bers of (lie Pansy club. A speclnl program, In charge of the prasKlent. Mrs, A nna H ite, consisted of interestlnit faclft conccrn ing U . S . ?te&id«nU whoso blrlhdftys come in January, and a (n p e r on th e late Senator W illiam E. B orah which was read In .short sections by the group. In competltlvo gtun&s Mr.s. M. E. WlIII.i and MrH. C. H . B urgher won prltes.

Ebel co n tra c t club members and two gue.st.^, Mr.t. R obert Cnrl.ion and Mrs, A rtliur W. T yrer, w ers enter- la tncd W ednesday by Mrs. Clinrli" MendenhiOi o l h e r hom e wUh des- M rt bridge. PrlM for high .'core waj aw arded to M rs W nyne Newcomb.

M embers of th e 309 club met Ir A d in n er se.tfilon n l the Cnledohian hotel Tur.srtay w ith b tldae a t Uip W ard W oolford hom e la ter. MIkIi scoi-n priten were awarded lo Mr. and Mrs. W oolfoid.

Mrs. A lberta n . NA.^h. Westwood. Calif.. Is n Rur.nl of h r r sister. Mrsi O, A. Runvan, and family.

Mrfi. Toiiv Hnvdcr Wad ho.^I^1 » ai her home Tue.stUy to mpmb<•r^ of Ilie n Y. S, <liiU and two rucm Mrs. Herriiaii H rn.>rhrld and M r

Hnvilt-v r iv f hunrttfrt jirr

.Potato Is Food for Everybody!

MIsi M arga rrt Ankriiy. T w in Fall*, encountered to m e th ln g u n u in a i on (he " ta te r t r a i n " In Tivin Falls S a turday a ftrro o o n . H ere you aee her feeding • Ml of pnMto to a tam e w hite r a t w hich U f a t a n d tleek— because i>puUs a rr In Ids recu lar d iet. N eglected a t (he le ft Is a n o th e r w hite r a t. sninKrr and not nearly so hearty o r s lrck . . . whose d iet does no t Include ixiUtnes. (Times P hoto a n d E ngraving)

2,125 See Spud Train’s Many-Sided Exhibit Here

noon. IHkIi srore pri• '" I ..........

re was awnrdrcl Ihr iniinber ol anr.s lo hr -.n-.lo Mi.>. (:ha l1r F i r 1l.einer: lov, to MKIllllK Ihr 1ipphi'Hiion mill i>i<<M is . Joe Momhrr and nll-cui to IllllKII 1 <l 1. nullin ' M ale. ■Mis. .Inhn Mcflar»e\ ^o^l mill I'd ir■l«Kr ol ru.ll KIMIII,

Members of the Helping HkikI lake 1(1(0 <11iisUh'ialliin pioiliticliih iiirl ’I'lmi.Mlav al, Hie hoiiir of ol Ihr liKllxK lual laini loi II,e |Mr.N, Mollie lin ker 1!or a MM'lal all- U o \eais if Ihe «ro«ri mak.-. >ejuooii over liHiuIwirirk which eon. llih iiia iirr n Ttail of hln yeailv l,<eluded wllli irfieslii m-nl. MTved bv IliK ovn a |im o d ot yeal^ lir iIho ho l('.\s anil hrr dauvliU-i. Mi>. exiiri'l III ic'iT lve hiilriunillr.^b il l l l Cleveiin.-r, lo lil.s pirniui inv >iiul he will Im-

Mra. Jam es Rov1 waa ho^iTM fioui n u p falliires Hnil iitlinTlniraday to inenilM'ia ol the Sun- miKhI Ik- loo lieavv lo alaliil. 'ahlne biidK* club iand one fuen. Willie a riK 1 1 1 ski Hip In Him 'Mis. J , NomikuKlxu. Itftlley. In U-v Uilri.-st«";t M l. Ml^Hlierliooii Kal1l''^ lio n o i' went lo (;olilin> Mill (lie..... .. Va . Ilieil nMifl liosella Ilrniir 1 and M i .n O Ol>J.-,llM- 111 naiilliii 10 IilalioM. .Mllrhell, each ol whom re( eiveil sea.Min Has i< luniliiig anil li..i• inlrr trip In the niaiiy aei'lloiia ol

•niurMiay hfUlgeafiru ii nl ih r li

lib m rl lliAl of Mis M X

lirl/u awivrd-. High M''I rrt l<i Mrs, Cidrv.I A. a lourK'^.v to Mi.>, Fi

Wllfion, Mi». W. A nictilV lUK Iwnis PeVroWV oj MhlMiAi ram p, and Mr». A rthm Kii«liitid of th« Paul i'ntiii>, Mrs, .laniP ' A a u lfo f iu e r tn lr in l a t ImirliPdi ha r hom p Tliiir».rtiiv. 'nii* a ttnn waa apont plnyliig Chlnl■^a eh •ra w itli liigh w o r n Im-Iiik Af r i , Blohly a n d Mia. Prlso ld i

U w la It, H all. ovan«rlUii *m i h e r* tindar the auspUes of i O hui'ch n f 'th n N aiaien i', will hi-Hin a rtiviva) Uuiulay evrulnv in

I P riin lllv r llapllAL church on lh«OH- o t PUUt a iu t O aUoflA

M n . J . B. McNePly eiit«T«l M u p n i la n a ra t hosp ital Thiirsdav wUh A a«¥cr« cm # of jmeuumulR,

M n . M a i H ale Jriuten. Aftoi W y a, k ft lu e a l o f h e r iw rrn ia, Mi • n d M n . A. o , Hyde,

JAffiM B«)l. M inidoka county w e«l ogntroi n ip trv lso r , waa lii BoUa taal WMk I t ft itf tle m eaU ni of wted e cn tra ) m ipa-vlaorf.

M o r o B c n r o u r o i i c R . a n p w h y8T , L O tn a (UR>-Moioroyol* polio*

iT tn 't M tsu f ta , u y i Pairolniftn JOMph W. H u n t, f tdd liif U ia t Jiiat" .........1 U m r lU ek o u t ymt

lURia t h t r ' n m ean . " T h a t 1 oh ln ju a l in d io a ln • do*

1 to «Uok tn th « u d d le ,

This, 111 four sliori pl1 I•a.^cs, Ls tlic alor.v of Hie Unmii PmciHc's po ta to ira lii w hich wa.s visited by 2,125 per- .soiis diirhiR it.s s lay near the pas­senger depo t Snturtlav.

C ites D an te r iA.s lo how Id Kiow 'em, th e spe­

cial tra in ,'howcd the vUitliig ftirm - ei.s, by inenn.s of vnrlom exhiblt.s a n d alf>o locturc.s. Ju.'.i w hat to do a n d what. \iot to rto, Aiso shown were exhtbll-s w hich explained, and w arned agn tn st, some ot the dangers c ron fon ilng th e ".spud" giower.s. I n ­cluded wa.s a graphic UhLMratlon of "litt le devils" ibuRsi « liich would "pu.sh you r s ta ir off th e po ta to m ap."

How 10 keep >m was adequately cared for In th e re lr jg e ia io r car exh ib it, w hich al.so look cure of the problem of how lo .Hhlp 'em.

In oUk t sc ftlons of the tra in Uie f a r m e u were al?o shown the cor- r rc t methn<l.s to s to re (he liibers a t th e ir ow n farm.s, m ethods which

have bci'ii iried a n d t*'.sicd and w hich have Ix'en proved lo be "ihe to Sis."

How lo i-ii'. n n wa.s also fcitluicd, Bnd In one c a r a com plete d inne r w as spn-ad out before ‘the onlooker — featurlns: iwtAtoc.s o f course.

In addition, those pa.sslng ih rough th e tra in partook of a baked po ta to prepa red ihrougli cooperation of va rious local concerns. T he tubers Riven ou t wpie ".smoUierKi" In b u t­te r and a cup of coffee ww» provided a s I h t ciOMiliig leaiM re.

- Equltimen( ShownOutj»ldc the tra in , local dealers

dlspuiycd Ihe latc.st h i farm equip- m enr.

F ac t tliiil fAimcrJv were vtlally In- tc rc.si«l • In Ihe proper metliotls to grow and care for po la loes wa.s Idcnced by Ihc fac t th a t lium lreds o f them fUled o u t card!^ whicli will r rs i ih In th e ir recclvlnR various booklet.^ rela tive to Ihe crop.

'P . S . T lic m ore m rcliunical m ind ­ed of th e farnpiTs also ln.-.pectcd Hie locom otive w hich was pulling the specia l tr a in ).


tVI Lov a n d P innk M urphy, con- necled w llii p ro in lu rn l f iin is -of film d islrlb u lo rs , were v isllois at vnilous |>oini> of lnU'lr.^t In this county du rin g tlie earls pnri of Hie week.

T he H ailey Dcli)lit.in sm h 'Iy hrld the flr.sL s tudy m e n in g «l th e K ct- chum htJiool hiilldliiK Tliuisdiiy. Mrs. a iu n iey Slih iK hum wits the leader for ih r day,

AcnirdhiK In a hulli-lUi l^surd liv Wlllhiin .1. liuh li'i . I'halrm ttn of ihe nia ine rou iity .AAA conniUIIcc, n o p In snranre will 1h- ra.sy to flnaix e ih u year, lie raiise lu n n lu u is may lie luiid In ca^li 0 1 ihpck , in w airhou:!' ir- rrijH i (or a c tu a l w heat, oi « i i |i a rhaiK '' iitialnsi puymeiil.s lo li<- nirll* rd u iu ln Hir nKllCilltUlnl coiisrixa- noil v»'Kvnm. 'n \p li\M»Tnwr vnn tw pm into r f f e r l sim ply hy indici.iiMK


tnmi-il for nulduol s p o iu I'liry speni llii'pp m oiillis In Idaho , lliri'fl' necks of w hich wrr«y.(iii llip nilddlr folk ol H>r H ahnilh. w llli .Mikr Mix h. DiiriiiK Ih r up land and ,Ui< k nruMins lliry ilr ll lrd Inlo iJic Imvn rlr \« tli> in w hrrp .lark llccldni KUldcil Ih rin lo ro iisl(lnat> lr t-void, nnd llipy had n g real llin r wiUi iiir (lucks and pliraMOiIn ’n i r \ Iimva rrlun iP tl (<i (h rlr liouin In Ih r .moiIU.

'H in ■cwlim f lu h tV'"' nl Ml*. l.opHer W mhipsdnv. and ilii ('(i-honlrKs wna Mrs. K lnrpiirr I(<ih- Inson, - n ,f l i r s l sei»i1oii « lll Ur at «hr honir of M is, C laude liiliiPKm

A l)ipi>k In P lec lilr power raUKrd dlsiMli'inl of Ilio grndp sriiool 'lliiirs- day, hen) b ring leqiilrcd.

Mr. nnd M n . HamKt rim riii, n « r lfw c d v w rie cx ieh d rd a rh iiil- vail iriT iiH v. l.niM Oi* knmr jiniiv |f t \» ft iKlM'rlUiiriAin » iititirt nni) Ihe bi l<lA an il kkxiim weie Hie ir.'iiil- •n is of iiMUiv UMifiil prrsrniA

Mr. am i Mi> l,oii Hill dhl not m ake Ih rir prnjnM ed tr ip in I.avi iin t 6|>r1ngs th e p ast w rrk . Hie balm y w ra lh r i of K plrhu iii indiii'- ing theiVi to ipm nin a t hoiiip, o lh rr in le ir i la alao ocm ipyln i lliPir a d e ii- llon.

Mr. and Mi». .lu lln i Kri'il an- nounoa th e h ir th nf a girl 'l lirsday . Jun. Ifl.

Mra. K a ilie r ln a I^rwli and Agnr* pari-y ip a n t tlia la |,lri p a n of Hia w«*k v la llln i I’o rato llo frln rd i.

A labam a waa originally a p a rt of O eornln.




l l l r ( in ltrd rie«MW hen th e ea^t .'.iuvci.k

la s t -week's cold .‘«|><-ll, I’a .sttullu w iu happy , W m icr ; WnHhlnBtoii a n d niilium i nt-edpd In Hie rilmiiiK of TuckcrVi novel; "Mivs Hu.- Hollywood set.H and ^o; d r if ts w ere plannI^I lii ic r cam e lo Ilii' nisi trcw.'t iirom pH y look and se n t them H olm UM- in Ihe p ic iu ir

n i t r ia y e r .Marv llrriiii..ii h. asheit J o a n fraw tn K l fnt us» Ihe nam e l.u r ill r Ir .S i.n , und K h lrh Mlaa ('raMt<iid was lun h u t IhP one »hr dlM»r<lr.l » Im she iM-ramP a Him i.I .u rr. .Ml H rpnnan (h ln k s MK-i < r,inl> o r l |ln a l nam e alioiiiii lidnji lu rk , loo." M lu Crnnfi


trgal ro m p llra tlo n s m il p r r t rn l h e r liv in g aw ay Ihr iii«l<irf nanif.

WvlXoil. SVi.iiin hinihcT- Mail<-(. and ltu<l<d|>li K<'lii iiim <<|. lic.i-, wrrP inarrli>il In CanoKa ji.ul. \ r s lrr d B y -h iil aluilio «oi)i p irvriil. pd an immedlalo lioiirMmH,,,

T r l .le I-'rlganra, 70. »r«, .r.t.t v .u d p .U Ir, m iisl.a l r.m .rd r anil N 'rrr ii cD m rdletinr. t><i( h r, ii,.mr up (nr sale today, au rilo iird hr^ a r t nh jerla, a n d la r* an ay hrr V w elr j a n d fum to frlrndK and

" ^ U l lv f * . She 's |o lO | lo ih«rest n( he r life I ra tr l ln i ,

Noi K pi llo:iv

Kiveii up iir lv lng nnihidanirji ((>r iiir AiiKlD-Anirilcaii nniiiulnuip c u ip , at Nice, r r n n c e - a n d linvp JoUumI ii i.- K in i ih fciiiilKii IPHion l . r .a t iv *,■

North Side I’lipIlH (iv t Ininiiiiii/.HlloH

.IF.riOMK, .INII 29 .^ l |„ , |n l l 'I 'w i-nty-slk high siIu.dI •tudcnla anil puplla n f Ih t n ii-n nnd lla r rl- Ion schools recplveil ninall|Mii viir- c inn llon a n d A3 rn rrU rd hnimiulra* Hon a g a ln il dlphliiM in | | anx an- iicHinred today by Misa Man let Itussrll, Jo ro n iP c o u n h |)iitdln h ra llh niiian. T h e va ri'lnn llou juogiam was dona liy Dr, O, M. (laven and Dr, H im m i H U tijn w , w ith M)»» Hnr- rirl I tussrll a s s i . l in i . Hie v a .rii ia . Ilona weiP done a ll day Wpdnesday,

^ ^ S H O O X : - :^for .rec re a tio n . W in ra sh p r iu a

In ik lll contea tJ. I tlf le i and pUAolt

T. r. niiooT iN O OAM.xitr rerrtna ItoUl Hldg. Nhoahana HI.

W ASH IN G TON . Ja n . 29 (U.(>> — T h e A m erican Fcdein ilon of Latxjr es tim ated today th a t 1,357,000 more m en work h i D crenlbrr. ID39,th a n In tJoccm ber, 1938

T his im p o r ta n t em ployinciii uain. th e fcdcrniion sa id , h as redtircd the num ber of unem ployed by nearly800.000 I t estim a ted th a t enough new Jobs h a d been c rta lc d lo pro- Vide for m ore th a n 550.000 added to th e working popula tion , and lo give work lo nearly 800,000 ol the un ­employed.

In D et'cm bcr. 1939. iiic AFL esti­m a ted . th e re w ere <4.335.000 a t work and D,379.')00 uncm plovrd. In Dec­em ber, I0.'?8, th e Jpdoratlon .■•aid. the re w rn- 42.817,00(1 al work and1 0 .168 .0 0 0 unenipioyrd.

K riviiiiw Rites Hold ill Kiiport

RU PER T, Jiin- :!9 (Spcclal) — L as t rite., lor M rs. F rank K rivanec. who died Ja n . 22 a fte r an lllnes.s of tw o y e a i ' du ra tion , were condurted Thursihiy a t Hie F irs t w ard U D. S. chiircli.

Chnr'*"' N. Cam pbell, (Ji.sliop of th e ae<-oii(l w ard, wu.s m chargc of the rerenioiiv . O th e r .spoakeis were R. C. May, p residen t of th e M ini­doka .stake, and F ta n k L. 'H aimuon. Invocation wiis given by LeRoy Blacker a n d benedic tion by H enry Ra.snuissen,

Music was furnb>licd by a mixed qua ric t. G eoruc C aim uli. Zclin H um­phries, A rabcllc C a tn iu ll a n d G ran t Cftunull. who, unaccom panied , sam:, "Shftll We M eet?" • 'B eautiful Isle of Som ew hcte" and "Oh, My F a lh -

"''pj.Hix-.ucrs w n e H . H . JtttSd, M ar­low Ctiri.sien.scn, F innk lln Flint. Earl OLsen. O n iiit Schiiiic and Carl Lowder, bii.-^incss n-s-soclatcs of Mr. K rivanec in H ie 'H iu w l Chevrolet M otor com pany p lan l.

Flowers were In c harge of Mra. E. J . H nnrel w ho w ns ns-M.sted by a group of high school girls, clo.se friends of Hie younger m em bers of th e Kli-vanec fam ily.

In te rm e n t, u nder th e siipervl.slon of the G oodm an m o rtu a ry , was In th e R u p e r t cem et£ry h i a grave ded­icated by L ym an Schenk.

M rs. K rivanec Is survived by h e r husbanti. PraAW K rlvancc. n n d U^eir five daughters, and tw o sons. A nna. Virginia, Em m a, D orothy, and C lara and P rank . Jr.. a n d Clyde, her pareni.s, Mr. and M rs. Je .«e P . Holt, S a lt Lake C lly. th ree s isters. Mrs. LewLs E inst. P ocatello ; M rs. Mary Eads. Sail Lake C lly; and Mr&. Omie Fam sw orth . S ac ram cn lo . Calif.; a n d Hirce b ro thers . Bill H olt. T n ln Falls ; Jo h n H olt, F e rnona, Calif,, and DliTi H oU ..Pocate llo .

Mrs, E^n.si ntSd tw o broHiers. Bill and Dick H olt, w ere here fo r the funeral,

T rio In ju red on Way to Funeral

JES^OME, J a n . 29 i8)>eclaH — BllUe L es ter, hister of Mrs. Sylvia Pa rad is , BU.stained a broken iii»'-

a f ra c lu ri 'd xhoulder w hen sli'- . th row n from tin- Paradl.s niiu'h- a f te r it overliiriied o n 'H ie o\ii-

Nkirts of Boise wrek.Mr. and Mr.s. a rad is . Jn o n ie . wi'ir

traveling to Hnlsc W cdiirsday. ai . rom paiiied by Mlvi I.rsii-i'. uhrii- Hicy w ere tn a tlen il th e funeral of Jo h n S c h m id t, f a th e r of Mrs. I'm u- dls.

'H ie m ach ine s tru c k th e lev phnc I Ihe h ighw ay and .skidded on iiir irvr. o v e rtu rn in g tli r r e titnr.^ n iiri

1 1 rnlind off tiie em bankiiiein .M lu I .es ler W'll.' I rraieii ai a

Hot.M phyn lrlan 's n ffire and p larcd on a hu.s w here Mir «i<% ir . tii in rd to Je ro m e anil ircriM-d jn rd . Ileal iren tm en i here a t P r c iim F, 7 ,f» ar 'a o ffli 'p , Mr. nnd M n 1\um. dis su ffe red shock iiud hn ii.i - h.ii I 'onlliiued on lo Hoi'.r

A pproxim ately $M)i) daiu.iKr »,,• dinir 10 Uie c ar,




By U nited Press TOKYO — Ja p an may m ake a

rnrrxal d e tiu n d th a t G tpal Bril* all! r r lu m 21 G erm an seam en ..rUi-d from th e Ja p an r^ r lin e r As..mi M aru. Y aklrh lro Sum a, f.irricn orrice spoke>mAn. uUd

I o n d o n - o il ha.K I)^^! found In fill'. ;;.u Crimeo, on ihe Black sea. I«r 'h r first time, Ihr M»sr-ow radio sjii'l t'xlny and there 1' a prospectnr mmerial relnforeeineni of R u s­sia oil oulpUl

MANILA — A bill was Intro- durr-rl In p a rliam en t today t« r th e estuhlishm ent of a Sl.000.009 na - (Innal a irc raft factory for mD ltary and r«m m erclal c raft, .ind fa r

m 'C H A R E ST . R vm w 'U — T h e nuiiilvT nf pas-iencer tniln.i betw een n i»h ix 'st and Biichare.st lias been i.<ti;crri to two daily, oiir irom eoch r;iiii:al. It wa.': reiw ried today. I t v.;i, understood tra in s all a long th e line had been rednreri 1r> maJcf room' for nil train.>i fnr O erm any (roiii Rum ania.

I.ONDOV — Flrvt shipm ents o f I.orkbeed tw m blng planes, pu r- rhased In th e U nited S tates a fte r the nulbreak of w ar. have a rrived in K ntland, i t was reported today. .\flrrnoon new spapers p u b lis h ^ ph«ttv*r»ph< o< th e p lanes b c tn t unlnadrd from a ship.

SACRAMENTO. C alif - A b itte r [liiriv tiL-ht split th e C aliforn ia leg- :'la iu rr today as th e law m akers m e t in special se.vlnn to consider un^ i-ni|)lovment relief, new taxes and I? o ther u reen t mca.surcs subm itted jy t!ov CulbeH Ol.son.

VAl.MOT'TH. M ass.—An e a r th ­quake. which ra tt led dlshea and r ra rk rd windows in a ?DO-square- mile area In sou theas tern M a ssa - . rh u srtts last n igh t w i» caused by a -sHp In th* ta r th '* crtist som e­where In B uxtard 's bay, tc len llaU believed loday.

I-ONDON — T lie .severest w in ter we.Ttlier In years harassed G re a t Brita in today. T housands of L on­don workers were la te at th e ir Jobs o r couldn't get to th em a t a ll, A'hlle tram « buse.s. subw ays a n d s tre e t cars w rre .stalled o r ran on I rreg u ­la r srJiedule.s because ol ab norm al' ly heavy .snow falls. .

I.OVnO^’—A sm all D utch Ship, the Nora of 298 tons, struck a m in t «t( the sou theas t CM at to ­day. The erew was believed saved.

BRUSSELS, Belgium - A wide­spread apy-rinfr-w jM -bellevcd u n ­covered today w ith th e a r r e s t o f tw o m en, one of whom h a d claim ed, ju.st before his a rrest, th a t I t was h ts rrvelaiion.s lo the B elgian arm y th a t cati.sed the re ren l m obilization decree.

MICHIGAN RfX 'R UITS LEADD E TRO IT 'UP’ -M ich igan ' rank.n

f irst anioiiR Hie tia iion 's s ta te s In th e arm y.s enlM m eiii d rive, accord- hiR lo a iu iy auilioiltles. T lic ratln i IS on a pro|>orilonal ba.Ms, S In te Oc lober. M ichigan has clim bed from ^ectind place liilo Hie lead In the s lx lh corivs area. whlMi conslsia of M ichigan, Wlsconhin an tnm »ro li

SAN D IEO O , Calif., J a n . 29 (U .B - A m onum en t com m em orating th e spot w here th e X&moua Morm on battftllon cam ped a fte r lt« 3,000. m ile m arch across th e co n tinen t waa unv e lltd a l cerem onies held he re yesterday . .

L e a d e n of th e M ormon church from S a lt L ake C lly and officers of U tah pioneer societies w ere am ong 5.000 persons w ho a tten d e d the services.

T h e m onum en t honors the M or­m on ba tta lio n th a t w as organized a t th e Hme c h u rc h m em bers were s ta r tin g th e ir w estw ard trek . T he com pany ol 500 m en a n d several fam ilies le ft Council Bluffs, Ia„ Ju ly 20, 1846, fo r so u th e n i California w here i t w as to tak e p a n in m ilita ry m aneuvers ag a in s t Mexico during Uie M exican w ar.

T h e M orm ons m ade tlie tr ip in six monilM a n d te n days, th rough hostile In d ian c oun try and o ften w ithou t food. T h e ba tta lion , whose m arch was com pared to o th e r fam ous m illta ty expedltloas. never fough t a b a ttle and was honorably dlAcharged a f te r being in C alifornia for six m onths.

P residen t H eber J . G ra n t of th e L a t te r D a y ' S a ln u c hu rch was th e p rincipal speaker a t th e dedication.

O A K LEY rM rs. F re d M annken , .C om pkm .

Calif., v isited rela tives in Oakley and T w in F a lls la.st week.

M rs. Jo h n Sullivan was 111 a Xeyr days la.st week. Hie resu lt of Inlial- tn g m onoxide gaa w hile opera ting a w ashing m ach ine w ith gasoline a t h e r hom e n e a r th e O akley re s ­ervoir.

Russell T o lm an, who is to leave•on on a m ission for th e L. D . S .

c hu rch to th e n o r th ea s te rn s ta tes, will be given a farew ell pa rly a t th e h igh schoo l-gym nasium W ed­nesday evening, J a n . 31.

D inner guests of Mr, and Mrs. J, W . S ou thw orth Tuc-sday were M r and Mrs. P h il Bhaw. Mr. and M rs. C harles E llio tt and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. C ranney . A large w hile bowl of yellow jonquils graced th e table. M t, C ranney a n d M is. ElUoU w eie w inners a t card.s.

M rs. Alvin E rickson h a s been In Declo U k lng care of M rs. Sophia Erickson, w ho is recovering from an a ttac k of In fluehsa . . .

Ml&s Z clda E llson, a s tuden t' a t H enagar’t business college. S a lt L ake City, w as o p e u ^ e d on for a p ­pendicitis th e re y q ^ ^ n e s d a y . H er m other. M rs. G e o ^ e Ellson, w ent Irom he re to be w ith h e r.

M o . Jo seph W ilson and Mrs. Low- ell WlUon a tten d e d th e funera l of Mrs. R lebe rt W ilson, O gden, one day this week.

E dw ard H u n lc r is repo rted rlously ill.

20 Tons o f O re Sent lo Sm eller

KETTCHUM. Ja n , 29 (Specia l)— W ade G ulches and Roscoe H ew itt a re hom e from S a lt L ake, to w hich point they conveyed two truck* of ore, th e fina l tr ip of a 20-ton sh ip ­m ent lo th e sm elting p la n t, A iide from th e old flays w hen life rond was regularly kep t open for ore liaulinK th is Is believed th e record load hau led th is la le In Ihe sea.son.

T he ore cam e from th e Lucky Boy claim opera ted by F ra n k O ulchea near K ctchum , h i W arm Bprlngi eiinyon, M ining m en a re expected tn visit th e p roperty th U veelc.

NAMESIn th e

NEWSB / u a j te d Prcaa

Led by Sen. S be rldan Downey, D .. Calif.. cm gK M tonal T ow nsend p e u to Q p U n ad fo c atc a sa id today they w oold Introdnee o e s t m on th a bill fo r a rerlaed nallOBwlde old -ace pension p lan to be f in - ane«d by a ta x on Ineom et over

*250 a m o n th . . .U. S . A r b a isad o r NeUon T . Jo h n .

8 0 Q arrived a t H ankow a board the gunboa t L uion , com pleting a n in - specU on tr ip from S h a n g h a i w hich failed to develop a Ja p anese-repo rt- ed a tte m p t by th e Chinese to -a isas- s ln a te h im . . .

D r. WilUam D avid H aggard . 67. fo rm er p resid en t o f th e A m erican M edical aasoclaUoti. died of a h e a r t a t i a c i a t P a lm B each . P I* . . . A n­o th e r d e a th waa th a t of W illlan) P fa ff . 68, w ho w en t to w ork a s a p r in te r's davll a t 1 1 a n d became p residen t o f th e U nited T ypo the tae of A m erica . . .

P residen t W illiam G reen of the AFL ta id labor w as being ."deeply ■tirred'’ over th e a n t i- t ru s t drive by th e d e p ar tm e n t of Jo itice bon d ­in g trad e s tm lon leaders in tlx clU et . . .

P residen t and Mrs. R ooievelt will addre.ss 3,000 m em bers of th e Amcr- lean youth congre.ss a t W ashington Feb . 10 . . . Rep. J . W illiam D Ittcr. R., Penn., ch airm an o t th e na tion al R epublican congressional com m lttce, pred ic ted governm enta l economy w ould be tlie m a jo r Issue of the 1040 congressional e lections . . ,

T h o m a s E . Dewey un d ertak es his f irs t crucial te s t I n -h is cam paign for th e R epublican pre.sldentlal nom ina tion April 9 when h e en ters th e p residen tia l p rim ary W IlllnolR, w here R epublican leaders hope w send un in stru c ted delegates to th e ir na tio n al convention . .

Joe G lenn . S t. I.ouls Brawns c a tcher, a d m itte d he h a d a p ­p lied (or unem ploym ent compcn.

itlon b u t sa id he hadt« give i t a ll to a C atholic church in h is hom e s ta te of P ennsy l­va n ia . . .Sen . H . Styles Bridges. R.. N. H.

a can d id a te fo r th e R epublican p residen tia l nom ination . urgt>d th a t th e 1940 R epublican convention be ‘‘stream lined" by reducing tim e d e ­voted to nom ina ting speeches and by tn-rttlng a « c an d id a tes to aW rt& s th e convention a n d the public by rad io p rio r to ballo ting . . .

U nity V alkyrie ||-ecm an-M U (ord , A dolf H itle r 's person ification of the 'p e rfec t .A ryan beau ly" will und er- .[0 X -ray exam ina tions a t Oxford, Eng., to de term ine seriousness of two bu lle t w ounds In h e r head . - .

D onald L am en t Brown, 49, p resi­d e n t o f U nited A irc ra ft Corp., died In New Y ork . . . R aym ond H a t­field G ardner. 94. fam ous In d ian lig h te r a n d arm y scout, died a t S an A ntonio , . . .

8en. J a m u M. M ead, D., N. T., h ID th a t th is week he w ould In.- troduee a bill to »et np a #300,- (MM.OOO program of tw o-per cen t, 50-year federa l loans fo r con- ■tructlon of hoaplU ls a n d la n l ta - tlM fac lllllet.


W hen th e la te P residen t Calvin Coolldgo lived he re , he a n d form er M ayor W illiam H. Fc lke r were ' • te r political foes. Now Fe lke r h ported to be w riting a life a lory of Mr, Coolldge because of h is dislike of a '■crlilcal book on h im by Wll ham Allen W hite.''


R ank ing as one move In th e fo rth ­coming group of business ch an g es In dow ntow n T w in Falls, th e M . H. K ing com pany haa acqu ired th e location a t 317 M ain avenue eas t a n d la hav ing a n early*day la n d ­m ark to m dow n to m ake w ay for a m odern building.

T he landm ark la a sm a ll w ooden building w h ich h a s recen tiy housed th e P a rro t f ru i t s to re a n d R eliab le Shoe shop. B oth concern* have moved to d i;fe re n t quarter* .

P a r t o f “M igra tion”D etails ol th e M. H . K ing plans

re no t y e t ready for public a n ­nouncem ent, th e E vening T im es wo-s advised by Mr. K ing, a B u rley resi­den t. T he T w in F a lls s to re , how ­ever. m ust move to a new location because of th e fo rthcom ing M ain avenue changes w hich will b e so . extensive by sum m er th a t th e m ove­m ent. Is a lready n icknam ed “the g re a tm ig ra t lo n ."

InlH al s tep waa ta k en today w hen th e W all grocery com pleted rem oval from 157 M ain avenue w est to a Sho-shone s tre e t slic beh ind Ihc B ank and T ru s t com pany.

H istoric B u ild in f T lie landm ark now being to rn

down for th e oew K ing bu ild ing was th e m eeting sp o t M arch 0. 1905. for th e pioneer g roup w h ich la te r (orm bd th e T * 'in F a lls Ct>mmcTclal club. I t was f i r s t th e Bluo F ro n t cafe, ow ned by C. B. T ay lo r and opened Ja n . 27. 1903; th e n w as sold to th e O and B C lo th ing com pany, Charic.s E. Cole, m anager.

T ills firm sh a re d It w ith th e f irs t c igar s to re in tlio c ity , th e L iberal. cstablLslied by Jo h n E . H ayes ond A. N. Frankcll.

Stovepipe Cause Of H ouse Flames

Roof b la ze ' caused by an over­heated stove pipe caused little <!nm- ag'c a i a sm all hoase on th e alley a t 561 M ain avenue we.st a t 7:50 a. m. today. F ire Chief F re d Perry said.

T lie house l.s occupied by W . E. D arrlckm an. T h e ov e rh e ate d stove­pipe waa n o t in su la ted w here It passed th rough th e roof. H. L. C lark Is owner o f th e s tru c tu re .

A»X J6\j t \ tbe merer ol a inim r. Xlaneear. imothrrr head eold?....----- --------jmuehmlierfT Alliue

applied m each no*-

........ rolrtclL.Ilift fcrehaad


m/RMCY, Jan 39 'h i..<i,,hn u ie ra l acrvlre.s w n e hriil I'liMi--•1a\ a t 11 a. in. ail Ihe M.illa M l ; ,rhiiieh to r M is iMlhl-l Hllll'lllMII,

c oun ty ploi leei «ho (llril 1,.mwi-ek a l h e r honH-: yeara. IMsliop' John O. ".“ niil'hoHirlaled,

A ip iav le t, <tli eclid l,v l:,,...],-Hiniili. a n n u Uoineliiiir \Villiiilrisln iu l.'’ anil cipi'nint; |>i,it

, ivas offerod by t, ,1, Ne.WuWiih Me" and "N.•aiei Mv•riirf- were the oil irr iiMKilrl>r| , and M l, and M ia .hri'avna sang "Hiii,1 ol NO'lilslun* Orsonllaip er wore Ihf1 spraXr.Josri.h T , Horn* Hi* l>riiiiiriion.

ilu ila l waa iiiaih9 III Hie HuUli• rnielery under (llin llo n ol 1

WANTED(lead * r All»». Iloraea, t'nwa,

a h o c p a n d Mof*


C all Collr. t TW IN FA I.t.n (iO D D IM l

'M i 47AUoi Wa nHT Mldrs. I'rlt*. r u r , W ool a n d Ju n k . It<in«k,

' Tallow

M ann tiM ilu rm «r O olden B ra n d M eat bnap* . H o t T an k M * a n d Don* Meal

tB ^alra M Ym h N oaraal l» r .k r

Studebaker Beats All Other Cars in Official Economy


29.19 Miles 24.72 Miles 23.40 MilesPer Gallon Per Gallon Per Gallon

Certified By American Automobile Association Officials

Twin Falls Motor-MeVey’s