Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 123, 447–465, 2012 FOURIER BASED COMBINED TECHNIQUES TO DE- SIGN NOVEL SUB-WAVELENGTH OPTICAL INTE- GRATED DEVICES L. Zavargo-Peche * , A. Ortega-Mo˜ nux, J. G. Wang¨ uemert-P´ erez, and ´ I. Molina-Fern´ andez Departamento Ingenier´ ıa de Comunicaciones, ETSI Telecomunicaci´ on, Universidad de M´alaga, M´alaga 29071, Spain Abstract—We present a tool to aid the design of periodical structures, such as subwavelength grating (SWG) structures. It is based on the Fourier Eigenmode Expansion Method and includes the Floquet modes theory. Besides, the most interesting implemented functionalities to ease the design of photonic devices are detailed. The tool capabilities are shown using it to analyse and design three different SWG devices. 1. INTRODUCTION According to the effective medium theory [1, 2], subwavelength gratings (SWG) are periodic structures that can implement homogeneous effective medium. This characteristic has been used to implement several structures, such us mirrors [3], fibre-to-chip grating couplers [4] or low loss and low crosstalk waveguide crossings [5], or high-pass filters [6]. The design of devices with periodic sections (e.g., SWG, photonic crystals [7], etc.) is usually performed using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) simulations. However, analysis of periodic structures using FDTD is computationally very expensive, so a different approach is preferred in order to streamline the design of these nanophotonic periodic devices. Eigenmode Expansion Methods (EEM), used together with Floquet mode theory [8–11] allows a significantly reduction in memory requirements and computational time when compared with FDTD. The first implementations of EEM used a classical Finite Difference Received 29 July 2011, Accepted 19 October 2011, Scheduled 6 January 2012 * Corresponding author: Luis Zavargo-Peche ([email protected]).

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 123, 447–465, 2012


L. Zavargo-Peche*, A. Ortega-Monux,J. G. Wanguemert-Perez, and I. Molina-Fernandez

Departamento Ingenierıa de Comunicaciones, ETSI Telecomunicacion,Universidad de Malaga, Malaga 29071, Spain

Abstract—We present a tool to aid the design of periodical structures,such as subwavelength grating (SWG) structures. It is based on theFourier Eigenmode Expansion Method and includes the Floquet modestheory. Besides, the most interesting implemented functionalities toease the design of photonic devices are detailed. The tool capabilitiesare shown using it to analyse and design three different SWG devices.


According to the effective medium theory [1, 2], subwavelength gratings(SWG) are periodic structures that can implement homogeneouseffective medium. This characteristic has been used to implementseveral structures, such us mirrors [3], fibre-to-chip grating couplers [4]or low loss and low crosstalk waveguide crossings [5], or high-passfilters [6].

The design of devices with periodic sections (e.g., SWG, photoniccrystals [7], etc.) is usually performed using Finite Difference TimeDomain (FDTD) simulations. However, analysis of periodic structuresusing FDTD is computationally very expensive, so a different approachis preferred in order to streamline the design of these nanophotonicperiodic devices.

Eigenmode Expansion Methods (EEM), used together withFloquet mode theory [8–11] allows a significantly reduction in memoryrequirements and computational time when compared with FDTD.The first implementations of EEM used a classical Finite Difference

Received 29 July 2011, Accepted 19 October 2011, Scheduled 6 January 2012* Corresponding author: Luis Zavargo-Peche ([email protected]).

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transversal discretization technique [8]. More recently, severalimplementations of the EEM based on the Fourier series expansionof the fields have been published [9–11]. These techniques are usuallyknown as Fourier-EEM.

In this work, we have used a Fourier based Eigenmode ExpansionMethod which includes perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbingboundary conditions to deal with outgoing radiation and the Floquetformalism to efficiently analyse periodic devices. Using this highlyefficient electromagnetic core, we have developed a CAD tool thatfacilitates the design of photonic structures with periodic sections. Theutility of this tool has already been demonstrated with the successfuldesign of a fibre-to-chip grating coupler for micrometric silicon ribwaveguides [12, 13].

The main objective of this work is to show that the proposed tool isalso a valuable resource for the design of state-of-the-art nanophotonicSWG devices, such as the multimode interference (MMI) coupler withsubwavelength structures recently published in [14]. This paper isorganized as follows. In Section 2, fundamentals of SWG structuresare briefly described. Special attention will be paid later to explainthe basics of the numerical method (Section 3), and the capabilitiesof the CAD tool (Section 4), which includes a complete set of designfeatures (e.g., multiport definition, scattering matrix analysis, field andpower monitors, optimization of physical and geometrical parameters,etc.). Finally, in Section 5 three different SWG devices (a directionalcoupler with SWG parallel waveguides and two MMI couplers withSWG claddings) have been designed. These examples show not onlythe capabilities of the proposed tool, but also the huge computationaladvantage of using Fourier- Eigenmode Expansion Methods whencompared with FDTD techniques.


A SWG is a periodic structure with a period short enough to suppressdiffraction effects. When properly engineered, SWG structures canbehave as homogeneous media, whose refractive index can be tuned byadjusting the SWG geometry [1], thereby allowing for completely newdesign approaches [15].

The SWG concept is shown in Figure 1(a), where a stratifiedmedium composed of alternate layers with refractive indexes n1 and n2

is considered. Note that the medium extends infinitely in the X andY directions. If the period length Λ is shorter than the shortest Braggperiod, the stratified structure behaves as a homogeneous medium [1].Note that, even when the constituent materials are isotropic, the

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0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2








0th order


(a) (b)


Figure 1. (a) Behaviour of an SWG upon an electrical field parallel(E||) and normal (E⊥) to the interfaces. (b) Equivalent mediumrefractive index, n||, for n1 = 3.476, n2 = 1 and G = Λ/2 atλ = 1.55µm.

Figure 2. Geometry of a SWG waveguide.

refractive index of the equivalent homogeneous medium depends onthe incident field polarization, which can be used to engineer thebirefringence [16]. That refractive index can be expressed with thezeroth-order approximation [1]

n2|| =



1 +Λ−G











for the electrical field parallel (n||) and normal (n⊥) to the interfaces.In Figure 1(b), the equivalent refractive index n|| of a stratifiedmedium, composed of Silicon (n ∼ 3.5) and air (n ∼ 1) layers witha 50% duty cycle, calculated with the numerical tool presented in thispaper is compared with the zeroth order approximation [1] and theanalytical value [17]. Two conclusions can be extracted. On the onehand, the zeroth-order approximation is only valid for electrically shortperiods (2Λneq/λ ¿ 1). On the other hand, our numerical result andthe analytical one are indistinguishable.

While the stratified medium is a convenient structure tounderstand the SWG principle, many current practical applicationsuse SWG waveguides instead of stratified media [5]. An example ofa 2D SWG waveguide is presented in Figure 2, which, in fact, is astratified medium with a finite width W . In a first order approximationthe behaviour of this device is similar to the one of a conventional

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waveguide with a homogeneous core [15]. However, SWG parameters,i.e., Λ and G, can be used to engineer the refractive index, thedispersion and the birefringence of the waveguide. If W is not largeenough to consider the SWG waveguide as a stratified medium, itcannot be modelled analytically, so that numerical tools are requiredfor its analysis and design.


In the literature [18, 19], several strategies and methods to analysephotonic devices can be found. They can be classified attendingdifferent criteria. In this paper, we have chosen the F-EEM [10, 11],which is a spectral method that belongs to the group of eigenmodeexpansion methods. It considers structures as longitudinally invariantsections joined by abrupt discontinuities. We have also applied theFloquet modes theory [20, Ch. 9] to the F-EEM. This techniquedramatically reduces the computational effort in the analysis ofperiodic devices [8, 9, 21]. Since SWG structures are typically periodicand exhibit abrupt discontinuities, this method is particularly wellsuited for their analysis. Below, the F-EEM and the Floquet modestheory are detailed.

3.1. Fourier based Eigenmode Expansion Method

In the F-EEM, we first divide devices into sections in which therefractive index does not depend on the longitudinal coordinate(z ). Then, we calculate the eigenmodes of each invariant sectionas a discrete sum of Fourier coefficients. The complex coordinatePerfectly Matched Layer (PML) boundary conditions are employedto absorb the radiated fields [22]. To propagate the electromagneticfield along the longitudinally invariant sections, we expand the fieldinto the calculated eigenmodes and we use the well-known analyticalexpressions for mode propagation. The discontinuities are solved usingthe Mode Matching Method [24, Ch. 9] that matches the tangentialfields at both sides of each discontinuity.

So, the first step of the F-EEM is the calculation of theeigenmodes. The simulation tool presented in this paper is basedon a 2D version of the F-EEM. In this case, the eigenvalue problemthat determines the eigenmodes of each longitudinally invariant sectionis [10]

MiTi = −Tiγ2i (2)

where the system matrix Mi is determined, depending on the light

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polarization, by

MTE = P(s−1x )DxP(s−1

x )Dx + k20P(ε) (3)

for transversal electric (TE) modes and

MTM =[P(s−1

x )Dx



x )Dx + k20I

] [P(ε−1)


for transversal magnetic (TM) modes. The diagonal matrix γi isformed by the complex mode propagation constants. The m column ofthe matrix Ti is the Fourier expansion of the m-th mode electrical field.The matrices Dx and P() are, respectively, the derivative and productoperators in the Fourier domain [23]. The matrix I is the identitymatrix and sx is a function determined by the PML [22]. The functionε = ε(x) is the relative dielectric function (we omitted x dependencein (3) and (4) for clarity) and k0 = 2π/λ, where λ is the vacuumwavelength of the electromagnetic field.

Once the eigenvalue problem (2) is solved, the field Fouriercoefficients can be calculated as

Φ = TiΨ (5)

where Ψ are the field mode coefficients and Φ are the electrical fieldFourier coefficients. Then, the propagation of the forward wave Ψ+ ina longitudinally invariant section is analytically determined by [8]

Ψ+(z) = e−γi(z−z0)Ψ+(z0). (6)

Note that (6) should not be used to propagate backward modes asthe resulting positive exponential can cause numerical problems. Tocalculate the backward wave, in the tool presented in this paper wehave used the reflection coefficient [8]. The reflection coefficient R isdefined as

Ψ−(z) = R(z) ·Ψ+(z) (7)

and its propagation along a longitudinally invariant section is

R(z0) = e−γ(z−z0) · R(z) · e−γ(z−z0) (8)

which is attained using negative exponentials that avoid numericalproblems. Therefore, once Ψ+ and R are known at the beginningand the end of the longitudinally invariant section respectively, we useEquations (6)–(8) to calculate Ψ± at any point in that section, solvingthe propagation problem. Note that the propagation in (6) and (8) isanalytical.

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(a) (b)




Ι ζ+










L /2 L L1 2 3 L /21

Figure 3. (a) Multiple discontinuity structure. (b) Period sample,letting the period length Λ be L1 + L2 + L3.

Finally, let us detail the implementation of the Mode MatchingMethod used in the presented tool to solve the longitudinal discon-tinuities [24, Ch. 9]. Consider the interface between two different z -invariant sections A and B where the electrical field is determinedby the mode coefficients Ψ±

A and Ψ±B respectively. According to the

continuity condition, we obtain these equations [8]

2Ψ+A =

(eB + hB


B (9)

RA =(eB − hB

)(eB + hB


where eB and hB are

eB =(T






(I + RB

), hB =



i YA




i YB


(I− RB


letting YA,B

i be the characteristic admittance matrices [10].In conclusion, with the expressions (6)–(10), we can analyse

waveguide circuits avoiding numerical problems. To do so, considerthe structure depicted in Figure 3(a). We first propagate thereflection coefficient RC(L), from the device output to the input usingEquations (8) and (10). Then, the forward wave Ψ+

A(0), is propagatedfrom the input to the output using (6) and (9). After these two steps,we know R and Ψ+ at any point of the device. Only Ψ− remainsunknown, but we can calculate it using (7). Note that, using thisalgorithm, we are able to analyse the whole device without numericalproblems and using analytical expressions in the z direction.

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3.2. Periodic Devices: The Floquet Modes

The SWG devices that we want to analyse in this paper consist ofa periodical sequence of homogeneous sections. Even though thealgorithm presented above can be used without numerical problems, wehave to perform the mode matching method at least twice per period.As the number of periods may become very high (hundreds or eventhousands), the computational effort becomes huge. Floquet modescan be a versatile and useful tool to dramatically reduce the numberof operations required to analyse large periodical devices [8].

Floquet modes are the field solution of a periodic struc-ture [20, Ch. 9]. A very intuitive way to calculate the Floquet modesof a periodic device solves an eigenvalue problem based on the transfermatrix relation between the modes at both ends of the period [8]. Al-though this method works fine when the period length is short, it showsnumerical instabilities for long-period devices. This serious drawbackcan be solved by using the scattering matrix formulation [25], so wehave decided to adopt this approach. In our work, we have chosen thelatter method so that the presented tool can analyse also long perioddevices without numerical problems. The actual generalized eigenvalueproblem to be solved is[

−S11 I−S21 0

]X =

[0 S12

−I S22


[e−ΓΛ 0

0 eΓΛ


where Λ is the period length and S is the scattering matrix ofone period, that is calculated using the algorithm presented in theSection 3.1 and is defined as[




[S11 S12

S21 S22





where Ψ±I,II are the mode coefficients at the left (I) and right (II)

end of the period, represented in Figure 3(b). The eigenvalues of (12)

are the elements of the diagonal matrix e−ΓΛ, where Γ is a diagonalmatrix whose elements represent the complex propagation constant ofthe Floquet modes. The eigenvectors are the Floquet modes waveguidecoefficients, arranged in the columns of X, letting the relation betweenthe Floquet modes and the waveguide modes be




]= X ·




[X1 X2

X3 X4





were ζ±q and Ψ±q are, respectively, the Floquet and waveguide mode

coefficients at the beginning of the period q, as depicted in Figure 3(b).

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Besides, propagation of forward Floquet modes ζ+ between the leftends of periods q and r is

ζ+r = e−ΓΛ(r−q)ζ+

q . (15)

Again, numerical problems arise if (15) is used in the propagation ofbackward Floquet modes ζ−. The Floquet mode reflection coefficient isused to avoid numerical problems [8]. The Floquet reflection coefficientξ is defined by

ζ−q = ξqζ+q (16)

and its propagation is expressed as [8]

ξq = e−ΓΛ(r−q)ξre−ΓΛ(r−q). (17)

From (7), (14) and (16), the relation between waveguide and Floquetreflection coefficients is



)−1, ξ =



). (18)

Finally, we describe the algorithm to analyse the whole device.First, the waveguide reflection coefficient at the structure outputis transformed into Floquet mode reflection coefficient using (18).We transform the output Floquet reflection coefficient to the inputwith (17). Using (18), we get the waveguide reflection coefficientat the input. It allows us to calculate the field distribution at theinput once the incident field is known. Then, using (14)–(16), wecan determine the field distribution in the whole device. Note thatnumerical problems are not expected as positive exponentials have beenavoided and the S -matrix formulation has been used.

In conclusion, we have detailed two techniques to analyse photonicdevices. On the one hand, the F-EEM is used on a generic structureand is specially efficient with structures formed by longitudinallyinvariant structures joined by abrupt discontinuities. On the otherhand, the Floquet modes efficiently analyse long periodic devices,giving a better physical insight of the device performance.


In this section, we present the Fourier EXpansion simulationENvironment (FEXEN), which is the simulation tool that we presentin this paper. The electromagnetic core of this tool implements theF-EEM with Floquet modes theory, already detailed in the previoussection. Besides, it includes a set of functionalities aimed to easethe design of photonic devices and, particularly of SWG structures.

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The overall result is a set of MATLAB functions implementing a2D CAD tool that, up to now, has been successfully used in theanalysis and design of several photonic devices [12, 14, 26]. It isworth mentioning that the reliability of FEXEN was demonstratedelsewhere [13, Figure 3], where the results of this tool were fairlysimilar to actual measurements on a real device. To understand theset of functionalities offered by FEXEN, we will classify them in threedifferent groups: i) electromagnetic simulation features, ii) automationcharacteristics and iii) simulator output options.

The main electromagnetic simulation characteristics of FEXENare the same of any other CAD tool based on the eigenmode expansionmethod. On the one hand, modal analysis of longitudinally invariantstructures can be calculated. On the other hand, the electromagneticfield propagation is simulated. Besides, when periodic structures areinvolved, Floquet modes can be obtained. FEXEN can also handlecircuital ports that, combined with the previous features, let thedesigner efficiently calculate the scattering parameters of multi-portperiodic devices. As a final detail, the tool offers some smart optionsto customize the input field and the load condition, such as a weightedsum of port modes or a Gaussian distribution for the input field,and a perfect mirror or a semi-infinite periodic structure for the loadcondition.

Automation features let the designer evaluate many differentdesign options with a single instruction. We have provided FEXENwith a sweep system that allows the simultaneous variation of all thevariables the user may define. This feature was essential for the designof the MMI coupler with 2D SWG cladding that will be presented inSection 5.3. The designer can also automate the structure definition.To do so, this tool allows the user to divide the whole device in zones.Then, several zone types are provided and each of them allows thesmart definition of different structures. In the Figure 4, we presentthree different structures automatically generated by FEXEN: a) aperiodic structure, b) a longitudinally variant structure, and c) acombination of both of them.

Finally, let us focus on the simulator output. It is determined bycustomized simulation scripts that define the analysis to be performedon the photonic structure. Therefore, depending on the executedscript, different results can be obtained. The use of scripts providesFEXEN with a representation versatility just limited by MATLABcapabilities and the designer ability. The tool includes predefinedscripts to calculate usual characteristics, such us Floquet mode effectiveindices, scattering parameters, electromagnetic field propagation orpower flux along arbitrarily defined segments. Note that more

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(a) (b) (c)

0 0.5 1 -0.5



Z (µm)

X (µ


0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.5



Z (µm)

X (µ


0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.5



Z (µm)

X (µ


Figure 4. Three different automatically generated structures: (a)Grating, (b) taper and (c) SWG taper.

complicated figures of merit can be obtained. For example, the phaseerror and the common mode rejection ratio in a 90◦ hybrid [14] or thecoupling efficiency between a radiating grating and a fibre [12] wereobtained using customized FEXEN scripts.


In this work, we have used the presented tool to analyse three differentstructures comprising SWG. The first one is a directional couplerwith two SWG waveguides. We have analysed this simple device toshow the SWG behaviour and to validate the presented tool. Thesecond analysed device is a recently designed 90◦ hybrid receiverimplemented by a multi-modal interference (MMI) device that includesan SWG cladding to engineer the index contrast and achieve a betterperformance [14]. We use this device to show the capability of FEXENto aid the design of novel devices comprising SWG structures. Finally,the third device is an improvement of the previous one. It will beshown for the first time that using a rather involved 2D SWG cladding,the fabrication tolerances can be doubled, compared to the previouslyreported design [14]. The use of an efficient design tool is indispensablein this problem, since the number of geometrical parameters to bedesigned is significantly greater in this case.

5.1. Directional Coupler with two SWG Parallel Waveguides

The conventional directional coupler is a well-known device that hasbeen analysed widely in the literature, e.g., [27, Ch. 3]. It consist of twoparallel waveguides separated a distance Wg, as depicted in Figure 5(a).When light is injected in one of the waveguides, at the coupling lengthLπ, light has coupled to the other waveguide. The coupling length is

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(a) (b)

Figure 5. Directional couplers: (a) with homogeneous waveguides,and (b) with SWG waveguides.

-2 0 20






X(µm)-2 0 2













(a) (b)

Figure 6. (a) Even and (b) odd supermodes of a directional couplerformed by SWG (dashed line) [Figure 5(b))] or the conventional couplerwith EHW (solid line) [Figure 4(a))].

a function of the structure refractive indices, the waveguides geometryand the separation between them.

In this paper, we substitute the waveguides with homogeneouscore of a conventional directional coupler by SWG waveguides, asshown in Figure 5(b). Thanks to that, the effective index and thechromatic dispersion of the constituent waveguides can be engineered.This could lead to novel applications such us filters. In Figure 6, werepresent the supermodes of the conventional and SWG couplers. Thedashed lines represent the even and odd TM supermodes of the SWGdirectional coupler letting WA = 0.5µm, Wg = 0.3µm, Λ = 0.1µmand G = 50 nm. The free-space wavelength is λ = 1.55µm, thecore refractive index is n2 = 2.85 and the cladding is n1 = 1.58. Inthese conditions, the SWG waveguides are equivalent to homogeneouswaveguides of the same width WA and a core refractive index neq =2.25, that we calculated using our tool. The solid line in Figure 6represent, at λ = 1.55µm, the TM supermodes of the directionalcoupler formed by the equivalent homogeneous waveguides (EHW)with neq = 2.25 [Figure 5(a)]. Both supermodes are in a very goodagreement.

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0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6







=0.1µm WA=0.5µm

G/ =0.25

G/ =0.5

G/ =0.75

(a) (b)






Figure 7. (a) Field propagation in a SWG coupler. (b) Couplinglength versus waveguide separation in a SWG directional coupler.Curves calculated with FEXEN while markers calculated with anFDTD commercial tool.

We have used FEXEN to predict the SWG coupler coupling lengthagainst waveguide separation [Figure 5(b)]. The field propagation ispresented in the Figure 7(a), where the power transfer between bothwaveguides can be appreciated. The coupling length (Lπ) can beexpressed as Lπ = π/(β1 − β2), where β1 and β2 are the propagationconstants of the even and odd supermodes respectively. Note thatthese supermodes are Floquet modes. Programming an appropriatescript, the coupling length against waveguide separation, shown inFigure 7(b), was automatically plotted by our tool. To confirm theseresults, we simulated the same coupler on a commercial 2D FDTDtool (RSoft FullWAVE). FDTD results are marked on the same figure.As can be seen, both results are in a very good agreement (maximumerror is 2.8%). It is worth mentioning that each FEXEN simulationpoint was calculated in less than 10 seconds using an 8 core @ 2.8 GHzwith 8 GB RAM PC while each FDTD point took from 10 minutes inthe shortest simulation to 24 hours in the longest one. These numbersshow that EEM is better suited than FDTD for analysis and design ofSWG structures.

5.2. High Performance MMI Using SWG

An MMI is a well known structure widely used in photonic circuits,such us Mach-Zehnder interferometers [28] or 90◦ hybrid for coherentoptical receivers [29]. As shown in [29], MMI performance can be highlyimproved optimizing the index contrast. While this solution requiredtwo etch steps, the use of SWG can reduce the index contrast employingonly one etch step, which reduces the fabrication complexity. Based onthat concept, FEXEN was used to design the novel SWG based 2× 4MMI shown in Figure 8(a) [14].

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(a) (b)

Figure 8. High performance MMI for coherent optical reception using:(a) SWG structure cladding and (b) Homogeneous cladding.

The design process of this device, detailed by Ortega et al. [14],is summarized as follows. First we design an MMI with homogeneouscladding, as the one depicted in Figure 8(b). Then, we calculate theSWG structure that synthesizes the homogeneous cladding. Finally,we adjust the resulting device [Figure 8(a)].

The first step does not involve any SWG structure, so we will justindicate the results. Considering the working wavelength λ = 1.55 µmthe homogeneous MMI parameters are WA = 1.5µm, Wg = 0.5µm,WMMI = 7.7µm, LMMI = 116µm and neq = 2.62. The refractiveindices are n1 = 1.58 and n2 = 2.85, which have been calculated usingthe effective index method on a SOI waveguide formed by a SiO2

bottom oxide (nSiO2 = 1.444), a 260 nm thick Si core (nSi = 3.476)and a SU-8 cladding (nSU-8 = 1.58).

In the second step, we design a SWG structure that synthesize arefractive index neq = 2.62. To do so, we first use FEXEN Floquetmode calculation to obtain a set of curves that relate neq with the gap(G) and pitch (Λ) of a stratified medium. These curves are presentedin the Figure 9(a). Depending on the gap size chosen, we get differentoptimum pitches. Then, we select a pair (Λ, G) that implements thedesired neq. In this case, we elected G = 80 nm which leads to a pitchΛ ≈ 270 nm.

Finally, we finely adjust the resulting device. This adjustmentis needed because the actual device is different from the problemconsidered in the previous step: the SWG is not infinitely wide and thefundamental mode in the SWG is not a plane wave. In Figure 9(b), wehave represented the modal phase error, as defined elsewhere [29], forthree different pitches. To obtain high performance MMI, the modalphase error should be as low as possible. We found out that theoptimum pitch is slightly shorter than initially predicted. Again, aCAD tool supporting Floquet modes, such as FEXEN, can efficientlycalculate these curves.

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0.22 0.24 0.26





neq G=70nm



2 4 6 8 10 12 −50



Phase e




Mode number




(a) (b)





Figure 9. Figures to aid the design of the SWG part. (a) Equivalentrefractive index of a stratified medium versus its pitch and gap sizes.(b) Modal phase error of an SWG MMI: WMMI = 7.7µm, G = 80 nm,n1 = 1.58, n2 = 2.85, and λ = 1.55µm.

1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57−7.5























1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57−4









6 5 −90


4 −180



(a) (b)



∆θ −∆θ


Figure 10. SWG MMI behaviour in (a) amplitude and (b) phase,where ∆θi = ∠(Si1/Si2).

Choosing Λ = 260 nm and an MMI length of 446 periods we usethe FEXEN functionality to calculate the scattering parameters of amulti-port periodic device. The device features are shown in Figure 10.On the one hand, Figure 10(a) shows the amplitude behaviour of thedevice. The optimum value is −6 dB, as the power is divided amongfour ports. The resulting power imbalance is lower than 0.5 dB in thecentral wavelength and the maximum insertion loss is lower than 1.5 dBin the C band (1530–1570 nm). On the other hand, we can see in theFigure 10(b) that the device phase error is very good (lower than 5◦in the whole C-band).

5.3. MMI with 2D SWG Structure

Even though the device presented above theoretically performsproperly, the actual fabricated circuit may differ from the nominal

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design. The tolerance analysis of it concludes that gap (G) deviationslarger than 5 nm make the device not satisfy the coherent photonicreceiver specifications [30] in the C-band bandwidth. To improve thetolerance to fabrication errors, we propose the new device presented inFigure 11. It presents a larger critical dimension than the previousstructure, reducing the dependence of the device behaviour withfabrication errors.

The design procedure is similar to the one specified for theprevious device, but there are some differences as new degrees offreedom appear (GX , ΛX) as shown in Figure 11(b). We have firstchosen ΛZ = 240 nm as it is close to the largest pitch that allowsSWG behaviour. We have also forced GZ = GX , i.e., squared holes, asthey minimize effective index deviation with fabrication errors. Then,we have programmed a script to calculate the bandwidth where thementioned specifications are satisfied and we automatically evaluatedit in reasonable combinations of GX = GZ and ΛX . The resultsare shown in Figure 12 where appropriate devices are represented bylight colours. Note that these figures summarize the S parameterscalculation of more than one hundred different devices at 21 differentwavelengths. The total computation time in the equipment previouslymentioned was shorter than 24 hours, which is a very reasonable time.According to these figures, we chose the following design parameters:ΛZ = 240 nm, GZ = GX = 130 nm and ΛX = 420 nm. Using them,we obtained the behaviour shown in Figure 13, where it can be seenthat fabrication errors of 10 nm do not reduce the bandwidth below40 nm, i.e., the C-band bandwidth. So, using the advanced automationcapabilities of the presented tool, we have been able to design a device,with two more degrees of freedom, that duplicates the fabricationtolerance of the previous one.

(a) (b)

Figure 11. Representation of a 2D SWG MMI. (a) 3D view and (b)top view with parameters identification.

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400 450 500 550







BW compliant CMRR (nm)








400 450 500 550







BW compliant Phase Error (nm)








(a) (b)Λ Λ

Figure 12. Bandwidth (BW) in which the device satisfies (a) CMRRand (b) Phase error coherent receiver specifications [30].

1.5 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.6-40


















1.5 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.60










or(° )




(a) (b)λλ

Figure 13. Device performance: (a) CMRR and (b) phase error.


We have presented a tool to aid the design of periodical structures,such as SWG structures. It is based on the Fourier EigenmodeExpansion Method and includes the Floquet modes theory to efficientlyanalyse periodic structures. Besides, the most interesting implementedfunctionalities to ease the design of photonic devices have beendetailed. We have finally shown the tool capabilities using it to analyseand design three different devices with SWG structures. We have alsoshown that the proposed method is better suited to analyse and designSWG structures than FDTD, typically used in the literature.

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This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio deCiencia (project TEC2009-10152), a Formacion del ProfesoradoUniversitario scholarship (AP-2006-03355), and by the AndalusianRegional Ministry of Science (project TIC-02946).


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