HONOLULU COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE PACKET 874 Dillingham Boulevard • Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817 FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition FALL 2015 Schedule ON LINE COURSE WEBSITE: http://coursecontent1.honolulu.hawaii.edu/fshn185/ PASSWORD: fshn185fall2015 HCC CAMPUS Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 am - 11:15 am 11:30 am - 12:45 pm ALL CLASSES: Bldg. 27, Room 206

FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition - University of …coursecontent1.honolulu.hawaii.edu/fshn185/packet/2015 FSHN185... · FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition ... questions

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874 Dillingham Boulevard • Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817

FSHN 185The Science of Human Nutrition

FALL 2015 ScheduleON LINE COURSEWEBSITE: http://coursecontent1.honolulu.hawaii.edu/fshn185/PASSWORD:fshn185fall2015

HCC CAMPUSTuesday & Thursday10:00 am - 11:15 am11:30 am - 12:45 pm

ALL CLASSES:Bldg. 27, Room 206

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This packet contains the following items:

Course Syllabus - telecourse 1-6

Causes of Death 8

Anatomy and Physiology of Digestion (Detailed outline - Lesson 6) 9-15

Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems 16

Lacteals 17

Osmosis 18

Ph Scale 19

Dehydration 20

Water Recommendations During Activity 21

Carbohydrate Modified Diet 22

Energy Storage 23

Metabolic Furnace 24

Family Tree Worksheet (Lesson 14) 25

Hawai‘i Foodbank (Lesson 17) 26

Food Safety (Lessons 22/23) 27-30

Readings for Lesson 24 31-40

Assignment #1:Assessing Dietary Intake: Food Frequency and Using Food Guide Pyramid 41-57

Assignment #2: Understanding and Using the New Food Labels 59-74

Assignment #3: Determining a Daily Fat Budget 75-80

Basic Calculations 81-83


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Required textbooks and packet are available from the Honolulu Community College Bookstore by mail, by phone, or in person. Phone 845-9105 to pay with credit card, or to get information to pay by check.

Video programs for review and make-up are avail-able at all community college libraries and the web.

HELP is available when you need or want it. If you are having trouble with the course or have questions or comments, please call 845-9475.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONFSHN 185 is a 3-credit beginning level biological science course that integrates basic concepts of science with the study of human nutrition. It is designed for the person who wants an introduction to nutrition and who may later choose to major in it. No college- level science background is required; rather the course will provide elementary aspects of the several biological sciences that are needed.

Course content includes information on what nutrients are and what nutrients and foods do for humans; how healthy people can best get the amounts of nutrients and foods they need throughout their lifetime; how people and the environment change foods and their nutrient content; and nutrition issues of current interest.

The primary objective of this course is to provide a science-based nutrition background that will help you make appropriate, informed choices from the vast array of foods available in today’s market-place.


Upon completion of this course you should be able to: 1. identify factors that influence why you eat as

you do and how to make changes in your diet.2. compare the various types of nutrition

research with respect to type and reliability of information produced.

3. use the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and Food Pyramid to evaluate the nutrient adequacy of your diet.

O n L i n e S y l l a b u s

The Science of Human Nutrition FOOD SCIENCE and HUMAN NUTRITION 185

FALL 2015


Professor: Karen Hastings, R.D. (Registered Dietitian) Office: Bldg. 27, Room 210, Honolulu Community College Phone: 845-9475 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday: 12 noon - 1pm or by appointment

Required Text: MB Grosvenor and LA Smolin. Visualizing Nutrition: Everyday Choices 3rd edition. Wiley. 2011

Required: Course Packet for FSHN 185


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4. Use and understand the components of a food label.

5. describe what nutrients are and state basic information about each of six categories of nutrients (e.g., functions in the body, risks of excesses/deficiencies, sources, guidelines for in take).

6. identify which nutrients are sources of energy for the body and how an excess or a deficiency of energy can effect the body.

7. define malnutrition as over- and undernutrition and discuss its causes, cures, and associated health effects.

8. discuss current issues related to the safety of the food supply using concepts from toxicology.

9. describe physiological changes that occur during the life cycle and explain the chang-es in nutrient needs that accompany these changes.

10. discuss how alcohol and other drugs interact with nutritional processes.

11. evaluate nutrition information in the popular media critically, with respect to its correct-ness.

COURSE GRADE: The final course grade will be based on three components: Two examinations (80 pts. each) 160 Average of 3 written assignments 40 Final Examination 100 Total Points 300 A - 90-100% = 270 - 300 points B - 80-89% = 240 - 269 points C - 65-79% = 195 - 239 points D - 50-64% = 150 - 194 points F - 0-50% = 0 - 149 points No “I”(incomplete) grade will be given

EXAMINATION: Two exams and a final will be given to provide the majority of the input for evaluating your learning in the course. Mark your calendars for the correct dates and times.

EXAMS: EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN AT THE UH and Community College TEST CENTERS. http://www.hawaii.edu/dl/testcentersYou are required to select a Test Center and notify your instructor which test center you have chosen to take the exam.

All test are open book. The time limit is 2 1/2 hours.

TRANSFERThis course transfers to UH-Manoa for 3 credits as FSHN 185 which fulfills one of the biological core science requirements.

This course may also be used to meet one of the science requirements for an A.S. or an A.A. degree at HCC and the community college system.

The following will be found in your packet: 1. Assignments 1, 2, 3, 2. See table of contents


1. LOOK at the Course Schedule.

2. READ the Overview and Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter to see what to learn.

3. SKIM Quickly through the TEXT’S read-ing assignment looking at the headings and pictures.

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(cont. Student Learning Outcomes)

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4. READ the TEXT’S reading assignment as you watch for the answers to each Learning Objective.

5. VIEW the Video for the lesson Unit and listen for more answers and comments.

6. When you find an answer, or interesting point, write it in your notebook (in your own words). Also write the page number where you found the information.

7. PUT a big question mark next to any Learning Objective you can not answer clearly and call the instructor, before the test.

8. WRITE NOTES on everything important said in each video lesson and review class.

9. BEFORE each TEST review the text, video, and your notes. Then look over the Objectives and try to answer each from memory.

Exams: EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN AT THE UH and Community College TEST CENTERS.You are required to select a Test Center and notify your instructor which test center you have chosen to take the exam.

All test are open book. The time limit is 2 1/2 hours.

WEBSITE: http://www.hawaii.edu/dl/testcentersAssignments: Three (3) short written projects will be assigned during the semester. The assign-ments are provided in your packet. The schedule of their due dates is provided below. Assignments must be received on the day they are due. No credit will be given for an assignment turned in after its due date.

The Science of Human Nutrition 3

Do you want to receive your corrected assignments? If you do, you must include a self-addressed and stamped envelope.Hint--If you drop the assignment off in person, simply put it in the return envelope.

Please put assignments in instructor’s mailbox or mail to: Professor Karen Hastings Honolulu Community College 874 Dillingham Blvd. Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817

Items placed near Professor Hasting’s office have been lost. Due to the large number in the class each assignment and exam must have an envelope. We cannot return 2 items in one envelope. You must keep your returned papers and exams to verify your grade. Grades will not be given out via telephone or email.

Assignment Due Date

#1: Assessing dietary intake: Food frequency and Using Food Guide Pyramid Wed - Sept 16 (packet pp. 41 - 57)

#2: Understanding and using the new food label Wed - Sept 30 (packet pp. 58 - 73)

#3: Determining a daily fat budget Wed - Oct 28 (packet pp. 74 - 82)

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Aug 24-28 1 Behind the Headlines

Aug 31-Sept 4 2 Supermarket Science

Aug 31-Sept 4 3 Rice or Mice: The Cultural Connection

Sept 7-11 4 The Power Diet

Sept 7-11 5 Variety: The Price of Life R.D.A. (Text Cover)

Sept 14-18 6 Internal Food Fight (outline in packet)

Sept 14-18 7 Tap Into Water

Sept 21-25 8 Carbos Makes the World Go Round

Sept 21-25 9 Sweets and Grains

Sept 28 - Oct 2 10 Avoid Fat Traps

Sept 28 - Oct 2 11 Affairs of the Heart

Oct 5-9 12 Growing Power: Proteins

Oct 7-14 EXAM - (Will be at your chosen Test Center Site)

Oct 5-9 13 Investing in Energy

Oct 12-16 14 The Weighting Game

Oct 12-16 15 Weight: A Heavy Burden

Oct 19-23 16 Deadly Diets: Disordered Eating

Oct 19-23 17 Our Hungry Planet

Oct 26-30 18 Edible Love Letters: Vitamins

Oct 26-30 19 Strike out Cancer With Diet

Nov 2-6 20 Nuts & Bolts of Minerals

Nov 2-6 21 Designer Genes: From the Farm To You Face

Nov 9-13 22 Safe at the Plate I

Nov 9-13 23 Safe at the Plate II

Nov 13-20 EXAM - (Will be at your chosen Test Center Site)

Class Schedule

LessonNumber Title Assigned Reading

Preface to the student, textPacket pp. 1-8

Chap. 1, pp. 2- 29; Appendix 576 - 577

Chap. 2, pp. 30-61; Appendix 545-547; 551-568; packet pp. 58-73

Chap. 3, pp. 62-97packet pp. 9-17

Chap. 8, pp. 256-265; 269-272packet pp. 18-22

Chap. 4, pp. 98-131 (CHO modified diet in packet) pg. 22

Chap. 4, pp. 98-131packet pg. 22; Appendix 569-572

Chap. 5, pp. 132-165 packet pp. 23

Chap. 5, pp. 132-165 ; Appendix 544, 548-549

Chap. 6, pp. 166-199

Covers Lessons 1-12

Chap. 9-10, pp. 308-387 Appendix 574-575; 538

Chap. 9-10, pp. 308-387 worksheet in packet 25

Chap. 9, pp. 337-351

Chap. 14, pp. 504-532 packet pg. 26

Chap. 7, pp. 200-255

pp. 154, 295

Chap. 13, pp. 464-503 packet pp. 27-30

Chap. 8, pp. 265-307

Chap. 13, pp. 464-503

Chap. 9, pp. 308-336; Chap. 10, 352-387;packet 24; 74-82

Chap. 1, pp. 2- 29

U.S. Dietary Guidelines & Labeling assignment Chap.2, pp. 30-61; packet 41-73; Appendix 533-538

Covers Lessons 13-23

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Class Schedule

LessonNumber Title Assigned Reading

packet pp. 31-40

Chap. 11, pp. 388-426

Chap. 12, pp. 443-463

Chap. 10, pp. 352-387 packet pp. 20-21

Course summary: notes;

40% - Lessons 24-39

60% - Comprehensive

Chap. 12, pp. 428-437 Appendix 539-542

Chap. 12, pp. 438-442

Nov 16-20 24 Duck the Quacks

Nov 16-20 25 Eating Expectancy: Pregnancy & Lactation

Nov 23-27 26 Diet of Little Champions

Nov 23-27 27 Food in the Fast Lane

Nov 30 - Dec 4 28 Searching For The Fountain of Youth

Nov 30 - Dec 4 29 Muscling into Health

Dec 7-11 30 All the Right Stuff

Dec 8-14 Final Exam (will be at your chosen Test Center Site)

COURSE WEB INFORMATION WEBSITE: http://coursecontent1.honolulu.hawaii.edu/fshn185/ PASSWORD: fshn185fall2015

Each course is password protected. Students need to click on the campus to find the FSHN 185 link.

Students registered in FSHN 185 need to type in their UH username and password to access the class session.

To meet copyright demands, each class session's videostream will be accessible for two weeks after the first cable broadcast. However, videostreams during the last two weeks of the course are accessible only until the end of the course.

The Laulima link: https://laulima.hawaii.edu/portal is the primary way that students participate in the course everything from messages to exams.

Note: Every effort has been made to insure that the material in this syllabus is accurate and complete. However, occasionally changes must be made in the printed schedule. Thus the instructor reserves the right to make any changes in the contents of this syllabus that she/he deems necessary or desirable. These changes, if any, will be announced as soon as the needfor them becomes apparent.

“The materials on this course web site and/or cable programs are only for the use of students enrolled in this course for purposes associated with this course and may not be retained or further disseminated.”

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Page 81: FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition - University of …coursecontent1.honolulu.hawaii.edu/fshn185/packet/2015 FSHN185... · FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition ... questions
Page 82: FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition - University of …coursecontent1.honolulu.hawaii.edu/fshn185/packet/2015 FSHN185... · FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition ... questions
Page 83: FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition - University of …coursecontent1.honolulu.hawaii.edu/fshn185/packet/2015 FSHN185... · FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition ... questions