Study Guide: SLMUN 2013 FSC: Futuristic Security Council


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Study Guide: SLMUN 2013

FSC: Futuristic Security Council

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FSC: Futuristic Security Council

The Futuristic Security council is quite easily the most unique committee at the Sri Lanka Model

United Nations 2013. Like the committee name states, FSC will be a simulation of a futuristic

Security Council of the United Nations. As a delegate of the Futuristic Security Council we

would expect you to remember the following:

You are in the simulation of a committee based in the future, so you will be expected to

think like a diplomat of the future and adapt accordingly.

Carry out thorough research on the current affairs of your country. After all your past

shapes your future.

Your foreign policy is your holy grail. Stick to it at all costs.

Your allies and foes may have changed in the future. So make sure you understand your

countries policy towards all other countries at the Futuristic Security Council.

Make sure you thoroughly understand the background story for the simulation. Your

understanding of the situation will be the key factor towards a good debate. If you have

any questions feel free to ask your chairs.

Delegates, we are expecting a lot from you. As delegates of FSC we expect you to be

diplomatic, we expect you to think on your feet and we expect you all to debate your hearts out.

This study guide contains all information pertaining to the background story of the futuristic

simulation and a timeline of events up to the date at which the FSC of SLMUN 2013 is been


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Date of Simulation: 5th to 7th August 2049

Head Table

President: Sonal Sukhith Jayawickrama

Vice President: Rukshana Sundar


Time line of Events

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20th April 2010 – An explosion occurs on the

Deep-water Horizon Rig belonging to British

Petroleum, and it was considered as the

largest marine accidental oil spill at that

point of time. This oil spill claimed 11 lives

and the total discharge was estimated to be

4.9 million barrels (780,000 cm3 of oil).

15th July 2010 – A sea flow oil gusher

flowed for 87 days until it was capped

temporarily on this day. The President of the

USA at the time, Barack Obama,

immediately orders an investigation into all

29 oilrigs in the Gulf Sea, and suspends any

drilling licenses until the review is complete.

British Petroleum downplayed the incident

until reports revealed the massive extent to

which marine life would be affected, and the

estimate that it would take close to 8 years

for the oil to dissipate. In late May,

Greenpeace activists in London scaled BP's

company headquarters in St. James's

Square and unfurled mock BP logo banners

imprinted with oil stains reading "British

polluters”. British Petroleum are fined closed

to $42 billion for the whole incident by the

US federal government.

3rd April 2013 – Numerous studies conclude

that large areas of the Gulf Sea were

already oil free. The studies concluded that

the Gulf Sea had an abundance of oil eating

bacteria, which contained the 2010 Deep-

water Horizon disaster. These oil bacteria

were naturally present in the Gulf Sea.

15th June 2014 – The Republic of South

Africa set up a secret government facility,

which carries out research on the oil-eating

microbes. At the same point of time, North

Korea continues to threaten South Korea

and the United States of America.

6th November 2016 – Hilary Clinton wins the

US presidential campaign and takes up

office at the White House. She is faced with

a daunting task of fixing a failing economy

and tightening lax gun laws amid massive

pressure from groups around the country

after numerous shoot outs at public places

including schools and universities.

23rd of March 2019 – Twelve accidents on

numerous oilrigs around the world lead to

massive oil spills over the past 6 years. It is

estimated that these 12 accidents in total

released over 15 million barrels of crude oil

into the ocean. Greenpeace carry our large-

scale protests around the world demanding

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the immediate closure of all oilrigs around

the world. Large scale advertising on

international television networks and the

Internet cause massive damage to the

brands of all oil companies. Certain groups

raise questions as how to Greenpeace

could afford such a massive advertising

campaign, but these concerns die down as

oil companies give into the pressure. On the

23rd of March 2019, the top 15 oil producing

companies meet with the Greenpeace

representatives and agree to allow

Greenpeace to conduct yearly audits on oil

rigs around the world.

2nd August 2019 – The Republic of South

Africa discovers oil fields just off the coast of

Cape Town. However this information is not

released to the public..

6th November 2020 Mitt Romney is

appointed as President of the United States

of America amid massive allegations of

corruption during the election. The

unemployment rate was at 32%, with a

majority of the states reporting lawlessness

as armed gangs begin assuming control of


15th April 2023 – The General Assembly

adopts resolution 2345, which declares

Tibet as a neutral zone amid increasing

tension between India and China, with each

country threatening to go to war over the

small mountainous region. The resolution

passes with overwhelming majority. The

UNPKF is deployed to Tibet to ensure that

the conditions of the resolution are met.

4th June 2023 – The Fula oil field in South

Sudan which had a total of 550 000 million

barrels of proven oil reserves report that it is

cutting this estimate down to 200 000 oil

barrels amid a situation where daily oil

production had dropped by 45%.

6th November 2023 – The Fula Oil field in

South Sudan dries out. The government of

South Sudan does not respond to the

situation and it is believed that the

government is not aware of the cause of the


25th November 2023 – Nation wide riots

take place across the United States of

America as rising unemployment and

poverty grip the nation. President Romney

accepts that the government is beginning to

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loose control. Large organized gangs begin

gaining control of cities as widespread

bribery cripples the US police. These gangs

begin stock piling large quantities of


28th November 2023 – Minor clashes occur

within the now neutral zone of Tibet, as

India and China both publicly admit a

neutral zone wasn’t the best way forward.

3rd March 2026 – Top officials of the

government of the Republic of South Africa

secretly meet with Sharp End International,

a Private Military company based in New

Zealand. Sharp End International was hired

by Greenpeace to provide its auditors with

security. The outcome of the meeting had

Sharp End International helping the

government of South Africa to release the

canisters containing the oil-eating virus

during the Greenpeace audits, in return for

an undisclosed sum of money.

February – June 2027 – The security

contingent belonging to Greenpeace

release the canisters, which contain the oil-

eating virus on all oil fields around the world

during the annual audits carried out by


5th August 2027 – All oil fields and rigs

around the world report an immediate drop

in daily oil production rates. Reports are

also released of how oil reserves in the oil

fields seem to be depleting at alarming

rates. OPEC decides to take immediate

action by carrying out tests on some of their

oil fields.

5th November 2027 – The tests, which were

carried out by OPEC, reveal a highly

mutated oil-eating virus had affected the oil

fields. However the scientists in charge had

never seen such a virus that multiplied at

such alarming rates and was doing so by

only feeding of the oil.

3rd March 2028 – Oil producing countries

around the world panic as they do not have

a response to the oil-eating virus. Water

sources, food sources and all imports are

thoroughly checked for contamination by the

virus. Airports around the world set up tight

screening processes to ensure the virus is

not transmitted through humans.

31st December 2028 – New Year’s Eve. Oil

prices have sky rocketed and most

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households are without power as electricity

costs have increased by over 400%. The

OPEC announces it is close to developing a

counter pathogen to the oil-eating virus,

which is almost impossible to contain.

However, at this stage reports surface that

over 55% of earth’s previously reported oil

reserves have now gone. A Tibetan scientist

working in South Africa returns to Tibet for

his annual vacation. On arrival in Tibet, the

screening process set up flags the scientist.

He is taken away for further investigation.

1st January 2029 – North Korea, which had

been one of the least dependent countries

on oil, show strong resiliency to the sudden

oil crisis. Over the past 15 years it had been

continuously threatening the United States

of America and South Korea with nuclear

war. However on this day, North Korea

finally successfully test a 10-kiloton nuclear

warhead on a remote island off the Korean

Peninsula. South Korea immediately

requests the UN to intervene. The United

States of America, which is almost

completely lawless with gangs taking control

of the country, barely responds.

2nd January 2029 – The Republic of South

Africa begin preparations to set up oilrigs on

the oil fields just off its coast. Only top

government officials are aware of the

project and tight security and secrecy is

maintained around the whole project.

2nd February 2029 – After numerous tests

carried out by labs in Tibet, officials claim to

have found a string of the oil-eating virus,

which had never been seen before. Some

scientists predict that it may be a counter-

pathogen to the virus and this information

leaks to the media.

4th March 2029 – All oil producing countries

release a statement that all oil supplies

would dry out by the end of 2029.

13th March 2029 – India demands from the

United Nations, that the Tibetan scientist

with the claimed “counter-pathogen” to be

immediately sent to India for further testing.

However, China enters the fray stating that

since Tibet is a neutral zone, China had as

much ownership of the Tibetan scientist as

India. Both India and China immediately

begin to threaten each other till the use of

force seems a distinct possibility. However

the UNPKF in Tibet, refuse claims from both


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1st May 2029 – Almost every country save a

few descend into total chaos as oil and

petrol supplies come to a standstill.

Transportation systems are disrupted or

completely shut down. Food and water

shortages arise in almost every city and

town. The Middle East economy, which

depended so highly on its oil reserves, is

the first to suffer badly. The economy is

crippled immediately. Transportation

systems, military installations, all which

depended purely on fossil fuels, come to a

stand still. As riots and anarchy sets in,

government begins to loose control of their


3rd May 2029 – All found and proven oil

reserves on Earth are totally depleted.

5th May 2029 – Russia begins selling

uranium and nuclear technology as means

of protecting its economy and financial

system. Its biggest buyers include North

Korea, Iran and India.

15th May 2029 – Economists predict

irreparable damage to economies around

the world. Chaos ensues as not a single

country was prepared for a crisis of this

proportion. It was only a matter of time

before anarchy set in around the world.

Electricity and power to 98% of the world

was lost.

20th May 2029 – North Korean forces invade

a crippled South Korea and claim

ownership. The New Republic of Korea is


4th June 2029 – The birth power of a super-

power. After almost a decade of secrecy,

the republic of South Africa finally release

reports that it has proven oil reserves of 267

billion barrels. The rest of the world accepts

this news with immediate appreciation.

15th June 2029 – All 97 oilrigs in the republic

of South Africa go online and daily

production is estimated to be between

13,000 and 18,000 barrels. An oil barrel is

sold at $6713.45, a 325% increase from the

price of the last barrel of oil sold. The rest of

the world having no other option,

immediately adjust all their budgets to

accommodate the oil. Demand for oil had

never been higher. The rest of the world

falls back into a sense of false security.

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1st July 2029 – Iran now makes a very

unexpected move. It carries out a full-scale

invasion of Israel and the Middle East. The

people of Palestine are restored back into

Israel, while Iran takes control of the Middle

East using its strong military backed by its

nuclear force.

28th July 2029 - The people of Palestine

settle in Israel. The Jewish people of former

Israel are pushed into the Gaza Strip.

5th August 2029 – As USA falls into more

chaos, it is clear that the Presidency has

lost total control of the country. As border

control breaks down, Mexican gangs flood

into the United States. Almost every major

city and town is now under the control of


3rd September 2029 – South Africa’s

economy grows by an unbelievable 42%

within just 6 months of beginning oil

production. The South African Rand soon

becomes one of the most highly demanded

currencies in the world.

18th September 2029 – The UNGA meets.

As the General Assembly is bombarded

with issues ranging from the Middle East

invasion to the Korean crisis, the Republic

of South Africa raises a much larger issue. It

questions the security of the nuclear

warheads in the United States of America,

as the government no longer has control of

the country. It leads the creation of a

resolution, which stated, that since South

Africa was one of the most stable countries

in the world, it would secure all the nuclear

warheads within South Africa itself. There is

a massive uproar from the delegation of

USA and its allies. However through popular

consensus and using its bargaining chip of

oil, the republic of South Africa secure 145

votes to pass the resolution. The resolution

orders the USA to immediately hand over all

of its nuclear warheads to the Republic of

South Africa. On the same day a landmark

resolution on Security Council reform

passes through the General Assembly. It

removes the veto power from all nations of

the Security Council, and states that all

members will be elected on a temporary


25th October 2029 – Iran has gained total

control of the Middle East. Iran also claims

responsibility for the oil-eating virus, which

affected oil, fields around the world.

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31st April 2030 – The South African

economy continues to grow at an

exponential rate. By April 2030, it becomes

the largest economy in the world surpassing

China and Germany. The South African

Rand becomes the most powerful currency

in the world, and becomes as influential as

the US dollar was in the early 1990’s.

31st December 2032 – New Year’s Eve.

South Africa is now the most influential and

powerful economy in the world. It also

establishes as the richest country in the

world. To further enhance its status, the

Republic of South begins to expand its

military capabilities. Due to its money

power, it spends large sums of money

developing the latest in military technology.

Poorer African countries, unable to afford

the oil slip into deeper crisis, with

widespread poverty and malnourishment.

However South Africa makes a very bold

move on this day, it releases a general

statement to the Africa continent. “We are

Africans, we have always stood by each

other through thick and thin. We have seen

the world discriminate us, not care about us.

However, South Africa has been able to rise

from all this and turn the tables around on

our enemies. But we understand, that not all

our African brothers and sisters have been

successful like us. So we offer you a unique

opportunity. South Africa is rich, powerful

and has the strongest military in the world.

We realize there are so many nations within

Africa finding it difficult to make ends meet,

so join us. Join the Greater South Africa.

Under our leadership you will prosper, you

will be able to feed yourselves and your

families, live like kings and queens. Join us,

we can help you, together we can make

Africa the most powerful continent in the


1st January 2030 – The Greater South Africa

(GSA) is born. A majority of the African

countries immediately see South Africa’s

offer as the way out. 42 out of the 60

remaining African countries agree to South

Africa’s proposal. This newly formed bloc of

countries is renamed as the Greater South

Africa. The Greater South Africa would

retain the current South African president as

its leader, however a member of each

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country was allowed a seat in the new

centralized government.

5th January 2030 – In order to immediately

establish dominance, the Greater South

Africa files a strong case for the relocation

of the United Nations headquarters. With

the USA been in a state of lawlessness, and

with the GSA establishing itself as a

superpower, the United Nations has no valid

reason to object. However, China and the

new Republic of Korea raise objections.

25th January 2030 –The military of the

Republic of Korea carries out a full-scale

invasion of the United States of America

backed by China. With the current states of

the USA, ROK forces wipe out any threats

they face and take control of the country.

1st March 2030 – The United Nations

headquarters is relocated to Cape Town in

the Greater South Africa.

30th March 2030 – The GSA announces the

creation of a free trade zone and offers

invitations to any country around the world

to join the free trade agreement.

Immediately the European Union is thrown

into chaos, as there is a division between

the nations as what needs to be done.

However a group of countries including

France, Poland, Turkey, Belgium, Bulgaria

and Ukraine do join the GSA in their new

venture for the sake of saving their

economies. However nations such as the

United Kingdom, Netherlands and Germany

stick to the European Union.

2nd August 2030 – The Republic of Korea

announces it now has full control of the

United States of America and deems the

USA as a colony of the Republic of Korea.

4th March 2032 – Clashes continue to occur

between forces Indian and Chinese forces

in Tibet as both countries strive to establish

dominance. India which had purchased

large quantities of uranium from Russia,

now claim to have an arsenal of nuclear


2033 – The GSA continues to grow while

providing support to its African counterparts

to develop at the same time. The GSA

garners worldwide support thanks to its

sympathy towards Africa and also due to

the free trade zone it created which helped

a number of countries gain some sort of


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2036 – The GSA recognizing the fact that its

oil reserves were dwindling, immediately

focus its resources on the development of a

form of renewable energy source.

2037 – Brazil releases an official statement

that it has developed a cost effective

hydrogen fuel cell. Brazil had been working

on this technology for the past 12 years,

and after numerous tests and failures it

successfully showcases the Hydrogen Fuel

Cell to the general public. The Hydrogen

Fuel Cell is immediately placed as the future

for future energy as it is clear, that the oil

from the GSA is about to dry out.

2nd June 2038 – The Greater South Africa

releases a statement that it officially is

stopping oil supplies to the rest of the world

as it wishes to leave an oil reserve for 3

years to support its own nation.

4th July 2038 – Brazil begins commercial

production of its Hydrogen Fuel cell. Stock

markets in Brazil immediately hit a positive

note, as investors believe Brazil is now on

the path to becoming a very strong


2043 – Brazil’s economy continues to grow

exponentially thanks to its development of

the Hydrogen Fuel Cell.

2045 – Brazil successfully tests and sends

to orbit a weaponized satellite capable of

striking any given point on Earth in less than

a minute. The GSA raises great concerns,

saying such a move is a violation of the

sovereignty of other nations and a violation


4th August 2049 – Brazil releases a

statement that it is about to send 250 of the

previously developed weaponized satellites

into space.

Security Council as at 5th August 2049

Temporary Member Nations elected for a three term (The veto power has been removed):


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New Zealand

Republic of Korea



United Kingdom

Greater South Africa (Location of the UN Headquarters)

How it all started

The outlook of the whole world has changed in 2049. Former super powers now lay in a state of

chaos, while some countries have ascended into states of unbelievable power. All these events

can be traced back to one event in 2010, the Deep Water Horizon oil crisis. Hailed as the worst

oil spill of its time, experts predicted that it would take more than 10 years for the oil that leaked

to eventually dissipate. However in 2013, scientists found out that most of the oil had

disappeared, and it was concluded that the Gulf Sea had an abundance of an oil-eating

microbe, which helped clear up the oil spill. The rest of the world do not take any sort of interest

in this microbe, however the Republic of South Africa sets up a secret government research

facility to carry out further research on this microbe. This is the starting point of a series of

events, which would see the whole landscape of world dominance and diplomacy turning on its

head. However these series of events can be broken down into 4 main different sub-categories,

which lead to the day of the simulation of FSC at SLMUN 2013.

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The Ascendency of the Republic of South Africa to a Super Power

The Republic of South Africa in 2014 set up a secret research government facility to carry out

research on the oil-eating microbe, this is an event which redefines the country’s future. Then, in

2019 the government discovers it has oil reserves just off its coast. It does not reveal this

information to the public. It is at that point that it sees that it can use the oil-eating microbe and

its untapped oil reserves to its advantage. The government orders the development of an oil-

eating bacteria. Its initial plan is to spread this oil-eating virus amongst oil fields around the

world and to then to sell its own oil when the rest of the world needed it the most. However,

confident that it would not fail in this venture, the South African government immediately begins

devising a mechanism to spread the virus. It decides to use the international environment

awareness promoting organization, Greenpeace for this purpose. The South African

government funds a multi billion dollar marketing campaign for Greenpeace against all top oil

producing companies. The campaign hits these companies hard, as numerous oil accidents in

the past had already affected their reputation. Fearing a slump in business, the oil companies

give in and agree to host talks with Greenpeace. In 2019, after numerous conferences between

Greenpeace and the top oil producing companies, both parties agree for Greenpeace to carry

out audits on every single oilrig around the world to ensure it is not affecting the environment.

This is one of the biggest successes Greenpeace achieves since its inception. In 2023, scientist

at the secret research facility finally develops an oil-eating virus, and the government wished to

test it immediately. Since it did not want to test it on a nation, which had the capabilities to carry

out a proper investigation on the virus, it decided to try the virus on the Fula oil field, in South

Sudan. The test is a success as the oil field eventually dries up after a time period of around

three months. Like South Africa predicted, the government of South Sudan doesn’t not have the

resources or the capabilities to understand the situation, thus the event is passed off as a freak

event. The government of South Africa then contacts the Private military company providing

security to Greenpeace auditors who carry out the yearly audits on oilrigs. It strikes a deal with

the PMC in return for the distribution of the oil-eating virus around all the oilrigs. The plan is an

overwhelming success, as the virus spreads across oil fields around the world. Every country is

taken with surprise, and even by the time tests begin to start on the virus, almost half the oil

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reserves around the world are depleted. Eventually, within 3 months all oil fields around the

world dry out. Chaos as never seen before grips the whole world. Everyone knew oil would one

day run out, but no one was prepared for a crisis of this proportion. As the world descends into

more chaos, South Africa taps into its oil reserves at this opportune moment and sell the oil at

high prices. The rest of the world has no option but to buy it. South Africa soon becomes the

richest country in the world, and its economy grows exponentially. It eventually becomes the

most powerful country in the world. During this period of time, while a majority of the African

countries were facing an economic crisis, South Africa offers a way out. It offers nations an

opportunity to join forces with South Africa, and to work under its leadership. Using this guise,

South Africa is able to convince 42 out of the 60 African countries to join it, and “The Greater

South Africa” is born. Its first act as a super-power, fuelled by the vast amounts of mineral

wealth in the region, is to attempt to relocate the United Nations headquarters to the GSA in

order to garner more influence within the United Nations. With the whole African continent

backing this move, it succeeds; the United Nations headquarters is relocated to the GSA.

However the GSA does not stop there, it then plans to create the world’s largest free trade zone

with the European Union. This once again, is a decisive move. The European Union was

already in trouble with a very weakened economy and high rates of unemployment. Therefore it

was a question of loyalty towards the European Union, or the question of taking the easy way

out by joining the GSA. The GSA continues to grow while showing great support for its African


The Decline of the United States of America

Ever since the recession in the late 2000’s, the economy of the USA never recovered. Although

there was optimism of the economy recovering, unemployment continued to rise and the

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economic situation continued to worsen. However, the persisting issue of lax gun laws was

never resolved either. Riots and demonstrations become a common occurrence across the

country. Slowly but surely the government knew a revolution was coming, however it lacked the

power to do anything. When the oil crisis hit, USA was a country that suffered greatly. Its

economy almost came to a standstill. Civilians began wide spread protests and riots. Mexican

gangs flooded into the country amid weak border control. As the situation got worse, cities

slowly began to fall to organized gangs. These gangs began to stockpile weapons and take

control of the food supplies. The USA eventually descended into a state of lawlessness and the

White House had totally lost control of the country besides a few high priority cities and the

many military bases housing nuclear warheads, which too were under constant attack by the

many gangs running rampage across the country vying for supremacy among each other as

well. Identifying the issue of the nuclear weapons of USA falling into wrong hands, the GSA

sponsors and passes a resolution allowing it to secure all of USA’s nuclear warheads. The

newly formed republic of Korea eventually invades the USA.

The New Republic of Korea

North Korea was always deemed as a failed state, however no one was really 100% sure as to

what was happening within the country. North Korea’s economy was never too dependent on

fossil fuels. When the oil crisis hit, North Korea began to switch to its highly developed nuclear

technology. It was supplied uranium by the Russian federation. Thus the oil crisis did not

majorly affect its economy. Using the uranium it had now received, North Korea developed and

successfully tasted a range of nuclear warheads. As a result of the failure of the USA, South

Korea was very vulnerable. Its economy suffered drastically due to the oil crisis, and

unemployment and poverty was widespread. Identifying the opportunity, North Korea carried out

a full-scale invasion of South Korea backed by the Chinese military. The Republic of Korea is

born. Given the anarchy and lawlessness set on by the oil crisis, the people of ROK almost

welcome the North Koreans. It then turns its attention towards it long time adversary the United

States of America. Identifying the fact that USA was in a state of lawlessness, and also seeing

that it was now weakened as the GSA had secured it nuclear weapons, the Republic of Korea

carry out a successful full scale of invasion of the USA, again militarily backed by China. The

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invasion goes as planned, and the USA become the property of the Republic of Korea. The

Republic of Korea is currently a stable regime, backed heavily by China in terms of its economy

and military.

The Middle East

Ever since the Arab Spring, the Middle East had never been that stable. However thanks to the

GCC (Gulf Cooperation Countries) and the OPEC, the Middle East had some flourishing

economies such as that of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. However, the Middle

Eastern economy was heavily dependent on oil. Therefore, it was the worst hit when the oil

crisis hit. Most economies immediately failed, as these countries had no back-up plan in case

their oil supplies dried out. On the other hand, USA’s biggest ally in the Middle East, Israel, was

facing bigger problems. Ever since USA fell, it had lost its sense of security. It didn’t have its

“big brother” to protect it anymore. Russia had sold its uranium and nuclear technology to Iran

as well. This meant that using its current technology; Iran was able to rapidly develop as nuclear

superpower. It had a very powerful military. Iran then carries out a full-scale invasion of Israel

and re-instates the Palestinian people to their original land. A mass exodus similar to Biblical

times ensue as the Israeli people are forced from their homes It then mobilizes its forces to

carry out an invasion of the Middle East. Using its military and nuclear power it successfully

takes control of the whole Middle East. Iran then releases a statement to the world saying, “It

did not invade the Middle East, it merely wanted to cleanse the Middle East of extremist and

terrorist groups”. Iran then immediately accepts responsibility for the oil-eating virus that was


Date of Simulation: 5th to 7th August 2049

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We sincerely hope that you will expand your horizons, make unforgettable memories, meet new friends and enjoy every second of SLMUN 2013. All the

very best!