frontline news January/April 2009 January| April 2009 frontline news BUILDING FAMILY FRONTLINE’S DNA DESIRING INCLUSIVE CHURCH MOVING HOUSE

Frontline News - Spring 09

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Spring edition

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�frontline news January/April 2009

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�frontline news January/April 2009

January|April 2009frontlinenews

Frontline ChurchPO Box 38, Wavertree, Liverpool, L15 0FHGeneral Enquiries0151 733 [email protected] DepartmentEmma Prior 0151 733 3373 ext [email protected]

Youth DepartmentDan Rogers0151 733 3373 ext [email protected] WorkJack Mariner [email protected] CounsellingClaire Wilner0151 733 [email protected]



Let’s build up our familyDave Connolly

Welcome to this edition of Frontline News. I am excited to tell you that the magazine you are holding in your hands is powerful stuff! As you read this edition, filled with inspirational articles and true stories of men and women of God, I hope you are encouraged. Know that our God is bigger than any difficulties we face!

I urge you to continue sharing testimonies in your cells and amongst your friends and to use this magazine to inspire others. In so doing, we can build up faith in our church community. As a church family, we should unashamedly celebrate God’s goodness and our achievements, as well as committing to face the challenges that lie ahead of us.

And there are challenges. We are living in a day when everything in our society appears to be shaking – the economy in turmoil, families having difficulties and churches struggling. As we look around the world in these troubled times, it can be easy to feel undone or vulnerable. But Ephesians 2:20 tells us that God’s household must be built upon a solid foundation – the truth. If our foundation, both individually and as a church, is not Jesus and God’s word, then we are building upon shaky ground.

During September, October and November, Julie and I had the pleasure of being on sabbatical in Canada and America where we were able to attend three international conferences. We heard story after story of men and women who were able to press through financial, physical and spiritual trials and difficulties and see the things that God had laid on their hearts come into being.

We heard how God was using ordinary men and women to do extraordinary things; stories of God’s faithfulness in the midst of trial and tribulation and how, through these difficulties, God was bringing a new depth and breadth to people’s relationship with Him.

Know this - We may be living in a day of shaking, but we, the body of Christ, are able to stand firm as individuals and as a church because Jesus is our rock. Instead of difficulties leading to unsteadiness in our lives, they can produce in us an even more solid trust and foundation in God. And I believe that as we solidify that foundation, He will use us even more in these days to transform the lives of people around us as we express His love.

We (Frontline Church) are a community that is attractive to the world because it is a united body that is overflowing with God’s love. So, over the next weeks and months, keep investing in your personal relationship with God and in your relationships with each other. Encourage and inspire each other to love God and to follow Him more closely than ever. Let’s commit to building our lives on the Rock, Christ Jesus, and we will withstand any storm that comes our way.

Contact Frontline NewsWe welcome your feedback! If you would like to contribute a letter or testimony to the next Frontline News or have any comments on the content of this magazine, please email us at:[email protected]








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Your Alpha stories

Expectations blown away

“Last term I was involved in the youth Alpha group running at our school on Thursday lunchtimes. It was led by two vicars, with girls in the sixth form leading small groups of younger students to explore God-related issues.

“Before we started out, we weren’t sure we would have enough people to fill the room we’d been allocated, which was much larger than in the previous year. But even at the first session the room was packed out! So many people turned up in fact, that someone came in concerned we may exceed health and safety regulations for the number of students allowed in a room of that size!

“About 145 girls signed up and around 90 students came each week. I’ve learnt that God can blow away our expectations and that He wants to move radically within our schools and workplaces.”Emma Slattery

Central Alpha course

“There has been a tremendous sense of God’s presence on this Alpha Course. On average there have been 15 or more guests coming each week into the Frontline building and many have made significant steps forward, either in drawing nearer to God or in walking closer to Him. I also want to say thank you so much to all the helpers for your hard work.”Paul Edwards

Men’s Nooma takes off

“The men’s event we held here last term was a real success. Between 30 and 60 blokes came each week, about a quarter of whom were ‘seekers’ (i.e. non-churchgoers). We just ate pies, drank ale, watched a Nooma DVD and listened to a short talk, with plenty of time to discuss and chat about what we’d heard. We had some great responses and everyone involved had a really good time.

“The evening served two purposes really. It was a good opportunity for guys in cells to hang out and socialize. And it was an informal and accessible way for guys, who wouldn’t feel comfortable coming to a Sunday service yet, to be introduced to Christians and to our faith.

“We’re hoping to run this kind of event again in future, perhaps as a regular monthly or termly event for men in church to bring their mates to. Keep your ears to the ground, more details soon!”Dan Rogers

Frontline wins Community Award We were delighted to be one of the winners at a Community Awards evening last term. Jon McCowen, who was head of Frontline’s Youth Department at the time, accepted the award, which recognised our valuable work with young people in the local community.


Kidz Klub funding success

Frontline recently applied for some funding for Kidz Klub. Over 70 Christian charities applied and five were chosen to make a presentation. We were picked and ‘Captain’ Dave Sharples was quickly dispatched to London (with Jon McCowen in tow

to make sure he didn’t get lost!) to promote the work of Kidz Klub and the Mighty Men project.

The event was hosted by a group called Cross Pollinate, who introduce potential funders to worthwhile Christian projects. The evening itself was held next door to Claridges in Mayfair, London. Dave said of the location, “It was proper posh with foreign embassies all over the place. The only other time I’d been to somewhere like this was in Monopoly!”

Dave and representatives from the other charities only had six minutes each to tell 50 business people about their projects in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style meeting with questions afterwards. Forms were then filled out immediately, with donations for each project written up on five separate flip charts. Dave said, “I was a bit nervous but could see we were doing well. We ended up with around £30,000, which was nearly 40% of all the money given on the night. This is such an answer to prayer and means we can now focus on the Kidz Klub relaunch in Spring 2009 and reaching the next generation

of kids in our city.”

For more on the relaunch of Kidz Klub, go to page 13

End violence against sex workers

As head of our Streetwise project, Julie Connolly was recently asked to speak at an annual event for International End Violence Against Sexworkers Day. Representatives from the police and other agencies, along with the parent of a murder victim, gathered in December near Crown Street.

When she spoke, Julie encouraged society to value sex workers’ lives just as they would anyone else’s. She had the opportunity to share some of God’s heart for these women and to pray for an end to violence against them.

It was a privilege for represent-atives from Streetwise to be invited to attend and speak at the event and this demonstrates the increased recognition our outreach is gaining amongst other agencies.

Streetwise is our Friday & Saturday night outreach project giving out hot drinks, sandwiches & contraception to sex workers in the city centre. It aims to love the women and show them that they are valued, not forgotten.

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Have you ever gone on a journey without a map or directions? I have. Some people would say that it’s fun, exciting even… No! It’s stressful. If you do make it to your destination on time, you gratefully sigh, “Well, all things work together for good for those who love Him.” But really you know that those things would have worked a lot better for good if you’d thought them through before you set out!

I know there are some adrenalin junkies out there who enjoy making life as difficult as possible for themselves just so they have more problems to solve and crises to fix en-route. But thankfully, they are exceptional cases. Most of us aren’t like this and would prefer to know where we’re going and how to get there.

That’s why Frontline is going through a teaching series on our Purpose, Vision and Values during this academic year. These are simply the ‘where are we going?’, ‘why are we going there again?’ and ‘how we will behave on the way?’ questions of our church community. If we go with the

idea that we are on a journey, this teaching series is designed to help us think through the important questions of that journey, both before we set out (for those who are new to the church) and as we are on our way (for those who have been around a while).

Clarifying our directions before a car journey helps us to be more efficient, stops us taking wrong turns and minimises our stress. Clarifying our direction as a church helps us to focus our efforts on a few shared goals and stops us making the mistake of engaging in lots of random, unproductive activities. It also minimises conflicts within the church, as we all learn to pursue the same dream and work towards its fulfilment in a like-minded way. LEARNING THE MAP

Now, at some point in this teaching series you may find yourself unable to answer one of the preachers’ questions, as they probe our listening skills from previous weeks and test our ability to recall what has already been said. If that does happen to you,

please don’t worry – we know it is a lot of information to take in.

That’s why we’re putting several things in place to help everyone understand and remember all this information:

1. Look out for the new massive posters in our main hall with key phrases on our vision. Coming soon!

2. Read our full vision statements here and online: (www.frontline.org.uk)

2. Check out the talks, videos and teaching notes on the church website

3. Go on E2, the newly-written, 3-week training course later this term which explains it all concisely

4. Attend cell, where the purpose, vision and values teaching will be worked out practically over the coming months


Some may be worried that a teaching series on purpose, vision and values is overly theoretical. But the difference this series could make depends on the difference we let it make in our lives through personal application.

In other words, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to be passive listeners, critiquing every statement and value, brushing off bits of teaching and choosing to not get involved? Or are we going to get on board with a vision that is greater than ourselves, build our faith to believe in it and commit to be a participator for the long-haul?

Either way, there’s no guarantee that everything will go smoothly on the journey. But with the second response we are more likely to get there on time and to enjoy the ride together.

I challenge you to make a personal commitment to the vision and values that are being communicated this year. As we each make that choice to become a more harmonious body of

believers, we will grow in faithfulness to one another and in influence in our city. Let’s be committed for the long-term, for better or for worse, and let’s trust God to do great things in us and through us.

Dan Rogers


Who are we?We are a church with a purpose:

We are here to honour God by building a church of wholehearted disciples; committed to unlimited growth and influence.

We are a church with vision:

Reaching IndividualsWe see multitudes of men, women and children turning to Christ and being formed into true disciples.

Building ChurchWe see a dynamic flagship church which is diverse, innovating, and culture-shaping.

Transforming our CityWe see our city transformed by kingdom of God people and values.

Impacting NationsWe see our nation and other nations impacted by the influence of Frontline church and its members.

We are a church with values:

Relationally ConnectedWe want everyone to feel valued and involved through a network of relationships; for families and individuals to feel part of the Frontline community.

Love MotivatedIn line with the great commandment and the great commission, we want all we do to spring out of our love for God and for others.

Faith FilledAs we put our full trust and dependency in God and His word, we will have success. Faith will also release the supernatural dimension in all we do.

Vision LedEverything we do must be in line with our vision and pull us toward that end.

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I was recently reading a book by Paul Scanlon, the leader of Abundant Life Church in Bradford. In one chapter he talks about being inclusive and says this: “Jesus fed 5,000 people, including many who were against him, didn’t like him and would one day shout, ‘Crucify him’. When Paul and Silas’ chains fell off, so did everyone else’s. When God rescued Paul from his shipwreck, he rescued everyone on board. These and many others were all-inclusive miracles, miracles people didn’t get to choose to be a part of. God just included them because that’s what God is like - he includes people.”

Imagine a circle. Inside the circle are all those who God includes and outside are all those who God excludes. When it comes to finding relationship with God who’s included? Everyone! As 1Timothy 2:4 says, God “wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” When it comes to salvation, God’s circle of inclusion holds inside it every person alive and every person who will ever live. Not every person will decide to choose God, but God wants to be in relationship with every one of us. His circle of inclusion holds the whole of humanity.

Limits in our thinking

The first way we can enlarge our circle is by removing limits in our thinking. It’s encouraging to see how God had to take the limits off Peter’s circle of inclusion. Peter struggled with a limited circle – he included the Jews, but excluded the Gentiles. God didn’t want to leave Peter with this limited circle, so he set about enlarging it! God set up a dream and a divine appointment with a Gentile called Cornelius (Acts 10). After realising that the gospel was as much for the Gentiles as for Jews, Peter said: “Nothing could be plainer: God plays no favourites! It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from—if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open.” (Acts 10:34-35, Msg)

The limits were in Peter’s thinking, and the same can be true for us! What are the limits in our thinking?Is there anyone who we’re putting outside our circles of inclusion? Are there people we know who we see as ‘too difficult’ for God to reach? Are we categorising people as ‘easy’ to reach or ‘impossible’ to reach? When we meet a new person do we automatically put them inside our circles of inclusion?

Limits in our actions

Secondly, I think we can enlarge our circle of inclusion by removing the limits on our actions. Think about the story Jesus told about a net. He said: “The kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net that was thrown into the water and caught fish of every kind.” (Matthew 13:47, NLT)

There are a few ways to catch fish. I used to go fishing occasionally with my two brothers and we caught our fish using a fishing rod. A fishing rod is a pretty effective way to catch a fish. You select your bait depending on what kind of fish you want to attract, put the bait on the end the hook and sit and wait patiently for a bite.

However, when God goes fishing he doesn’t use a fishing rod, he uses a net! Now, a net is a very different approach to catching fish. Instead of waiting patiently for one bite, a net scoops up all manner of things.

A net isn’t choosy or careful; it makes no attempt to control what it catches. It includes first and the fishermen simply sort the contents later.

Catching fish is an image of reaching out to people who aren’t Christians yet. And the tools we use to ‘fish’ (reach out) show how we often limit our circle of inclusion by our actions.

Let’s ask ourselves some questions to find out how inclusive we are:

° Who we are actively praying for to become Christians? Are there people we’ve chosen not pray for because we think they’re too hard to reach?

° Who do we share our personal salvation stories with? Do all of our non-Christian friends know our stories?

° Who are we including in our friendship groups? Who really gets to know us and see our relationship with God close up? Are we content to limit our friendship groups to church friends?

° Who do we offer to pray for / with? Do we only offer to pray if we think the person will agree to it?

In answering these kinds of questions, we can each identify ways that we can act more inclusively. The truth is, the more inclusive we are in our thoughts and actions, the more we can act like a net and more people can come to God as a result. The larger our circles of inclusion, the larger this church will become.

As important as a close and united church community is, we want to remain open to growth. The danger of becoming exclusive in our thinking, friendships or cell groups is a real one that it is imperative we avoid. It is my hope that every church member makes that choice to remain actively inclusive, to share God’s heart for a diverse and growing family.

Jesus is a great example of this. In his day, no-one else was fishing for the poor and needy. But Jesus was so inclusive in his actions that thousands of them swam in to His kingdom net! As Peter said, “It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from — if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open.”

Let’s have the same attitude. Let’s enlarge our circle of inclusion!

Bel Reynolds

Inclusion simply means: including everyone. No one is left out, everyone gets in. It’s a very ‘current’ word, but it’s not just a current concern. Including everyone has been God’s concern from the beginning.

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Most of you should be aware by now that we are planning to move buildings in the future. This is no small feat for any church, but it is an essential change that we are keen to make considering that we’re already bursting at the seams in our current facility.

Think for a moment about a young family. After a few years living comfortably in an apartment or small house, they start to think about having children and dreaming of what their family will look like in five or ten years time… It soon becomes apparent that they’ll need to move into a bigger property in order to have the space they need. Then they start to think more specifically about the facilities that would best suit the way their family works. They start to dream of the possibilities. Then they start the house-hunt with all these considerations in mind. We are in that same moving process. We desire a growing family, have considered our needs, have dreamt of the possibilities and now may be on the brink of moving to a much larger house!

It is exciting news, but it can also be a little scary. Change, especially big a change like this, can be difficult to adjust to. However, we can start to prepare ourselves right now by taking some simple steps to help us maximize our enjoyment of the move:

Step 1: Remember the whyFirst, try to keep in mind the reasons behind our move to a new building and the benefits that will come as a result. Anyone who came to our Christmas service will know that we can barely fit into our current hall. But the benefits from moving go far beyond just ‘having more space’…The potential for church growth increases as available space increases, so by moving we will increase our ability to grow.

Moving to a new area of the city also opens new doors as to who we can reach and impact for God. Our new building could have a wider influence on the city because of its location and we have the potential to directly invest in whole new areas. And, as well as more rooms for community projects and church activities, our new facilities could even mean we all have parking spaces! The list of potential benefits goes on and on…

Step 2: Use your imaginationNext, take up the challenge to start dreaming about the new site. Imagine yourself worshipping in new surroundings with your church friends and fellow cell members. Start picturing the possibilities for the years ahead in your mind. Picture the faces of new people that we are meeting and reaching in our new neighbourhood. Picture the increased size and professionalism of events like the fashion show. Picture your cell growing as you welcome in new people who are meeting God each week.

Step 3: Embrace the changeThere has been talk of moving buildings for several years now, so it’s tempting to think of it as an event far off in the future. But it is now time to realise that this move is going to happen. We have appointed project managers, negotiators and architects, are liaising with planning and other authorities and are press-ing on towards purchasing the land.

Remember though, our location, size and the way we operate may change, but the heart of Frontline will always stay the same. That’s why it

houseWhat do you see?Frontline News asked two church departments to imagine what facilities their ultimate dream building would have. This is what they came up with:

Emma Prior, Families Department“When I dream of a new building, it has purpose-designed rooms for each age group of children. All kids from the tiny babies to top juniors have a place and space to call t heir own. There’s a big room full of soft climbing equipment and an outdoor play space where kids can run around together. I see guests who are so impressed with the level of care their children receive that they automatically want to keep coming back…”Dan Rogers, Youth Co-ordinator“At the moment we have more youth cells than we have rooms, so the first thing that comes to mind when I imagine our new building is more rooms - enough for us to grow and expand as new cells open. I see an open activities space for us to do games and sport every week and a youth hall big enough to accommodate activities for the up and coming church kids on a Sunday. I also see more social space for young people to hang out, a place that would encourage their social development…”

These are just some people’s dreams. Why not take up step 2 and use your imagination now – what do you see?


is important to focus on our purpose, vision and values this year – so we can carry our heart with us wherever we go.

Step 4: Know that God is goodThis is the step that tells you not to worry! Yes there may be uncertainty sometimes and there may be some inconveniences, but it is all worth it when we remember the plans God has for us in this city. Know that God’s future is always better than our present or our past.

Step 5: Support each otherAs we get closer to moving, there will be more opportunities for you (church members) and other service users (those who benefit from our community projects) to raise questions, give feedback and help us prepare practically. We want to maintain a supportive environment and make sure no-one gets left behind.

We hope you are excited as we all prepare to take this momentous step together and move into our new house as a family!

Grace Snow

PRAYWe are doing everything humanly possible to make this move happen. But, now more than ever, we need God to take the lead as we step into His destiny for us as a city-changing church. Please pray for favour in funding, in meeting planning requirements and in all aspects of buying the land.

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Cells – does that mean prison cells or biological cells? Hopefully, the picture of the church being a body should give you a clue! The biological cell is the basic building block of the human body. Each cell carries the same DNA that defines the identity of the person. Similarly, we expect every cell to carry the DNA of Frontline at its core –the values and vision which define the church. Without cells, there would be no human body. And without cells, there would be no Frontline.

Cells are also the point of growth in the human body. Again, they play the same role in church. Cells are the place where new people get connected into the lifeblood of the church and get rooted into it as ‘home’. Without cell groups, especially in a church of our size, new people would simply drift through and find it hard to become a part of the body.

However, human cells don’t just grow, they multiply! This is one of the key distinguishing features about Frontline cell groups - people are mentored and raised up to become leaders themselves. As cells grow and the people within them grow in God, many reach a point when they are

ready to open their own cell. That’s when a cell literally ‘births’ new cells, each carrying the same spiritual DNA. Our cells really do multiply, just like biological cells - I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty exciting!

Unity is the other key factor in the way our cell groups are structured. Yes there is unity amongst members in a particular cell, as the bonds of friendship are formed and as committed people journey on with God together. And I have already mentioned the DNA – the shared vision and values – that all our cells carry. But there is also a unity that comes through the way our cells are networked together, with every piece of the church linked to another, just like different parts of the body.

Or to use a different analogy, we are like a family tree. Every person in Frontline is discipled by a spiritual parent - their cell leader. And every cell leader is also part of another cell and discipled by a spiritual parent of their own. Cell members are their spiritual children, either by new birth or adoption. Then, as their cell members start to lead and invest in others, they have grandchildren. And

so on… The important thing is that no-one is left out. Everyone has a place to call home and a ‘mother’ or ‘father’ at their side, feeding them, helping them grow and cheering them on.

There are so many who would jump at the chance to be part of this type of loving community where friendships are formed, needs are met and God is encountered. The challenge is for us to remain outward looking in our cell groups rather than becoming introspective – holding on to God’s heart to reach out to the lost, the least and the last. That way, cells will continue to grow as they attract new people.

I hope and pray that cells never feel like a prison cell, to either leaders or members. A healthy dose of fun and laughter goes a long way to reminding us that cells are there to release us into our full potential as disciples and disciple-makers, not to lock us into a system or structure!

Cells are here to serve GOD’S purposes and OUR needs.

Nic Harding & Grace Snow

Fun times! Over this term we are encouraging everyone to invest in their relationships and work together on building community. And a big part of that is enjoying social time and having fun together!

That’s why we’ve been working hard over the last few months to gather a load of exclusive deals for Frontliners that you can then use in your cell groups. There are activities to suit all ages, tastes and budgets - from restaurant deals, to dance classes, to power-boating trips. So, this term, go and enjoy socialising with people in your cell and why not invite your non-churchgoing friends to join in the mix!

Your cell leader should have a full list of ideas and activities, along with details of the discounts available for your cell.




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months now. I can honestly say I’ve never been happier. My relationship with God has become really strong and I’m now sharing my faith with others and showing them God’s love like people did for me all those years ago.

“As well as getting stuck in at cell and church, I’ve recently started serving on Streetwise. And I’m discovering a real passion in me for worship, which has led me to join Sanctified Gospel Choir myself – my story really has come full circle!” Sari Parson

How I became rooted in church

“When I moved to Liverpool five years ago, I quickly made friends with one of my housemates who had recently started going to church. She introduced me to Anna Beaumont (now my cell leader!) and I decided to go check out church with them.

“That first time I came to Frontline, I thought it was very welcoming and friendly, but I just didn’t feel any connection with God. I went a few more times, but still felt nothing. Then my housemate invited me to a service with Sanctified Gospel Choir playing and it was amazing! I really felt God’s presence for the first time! It was like Jesus had come along with a sledge hammer and smashed down my walls.

“I wanted to know more, so joined Anna’s cell. Everyone was lovely there, but I only went every now and then. It was a rocky start because I wasn’t ready to give God my all at the time. Looking back, I was quite stubborn and still wanted to do my own thing.

“But about 2 years ago, I realised something had to change. I decided to give God a proper chance and put him first like some of my friends were doing.

“I’ve been fully committed to God since then and have been back in cell for about 18

Cells: Frontline’s DNA

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Thank you, cell leaders!


Connecting with Liverpool familiesOver the last 15 years, a crew of volunteers from Frontline have made over one million home visits in inner city Liverpool. Here, Dave Sharples describes the affect Kidz Klub has had on the volunteers, the kids, their families and the community as a whole.

To many people it can seem a simple, almost trivial thing to do. Why walk around in the freezing cold handing out colouring sheets to a bunch of inner city kids? It doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Wouldn’t it be far easier to just hand them out after each session of Kidz Klub or, better still, get the Royal Mail to do it instead?

Well, the reason we visit the kids and hand out flyers is because it is one of the most effective ways to build relationships with families living in our city. For over a generation, the work of Kidz Klub has brought God’s love and hope to so many people and in return has helped give the church credibility and respect.

I believe that Kidz Klub is part of God’s plan to bring justice and hope to our communities and to help protect the ‘right of innocence’ of children so that they can become the people God wants them to be. I also believe in giving people, no matter what their circumstances in life or how they came to be there, a second chance. For me, Kidz Klub does all these things and more, because it helps us, the church, to build bridges with the community.

I suppose the first person Kidz Klub changes is the person actually doing the visiting! Countless volunteers give up their free time every week just to make sure they are out there visiting their kids.

Dan Anderson, who started visiting last year, commented, “I was a bit nervous at first, but it soon became the highlight of my week. It is so rewarding when the kids run up to meet you from down the street. It takes a while to learn all their names, but I’m getting there!”

Not so long ago, another volunteer went out visiting for the first time. She was slightly apprehensive as she pulled on her Kidz Klub hoodie and stepped onto the

bus for the short journey to her visiting round. To her amazement, as she walked down the aisle of the public bus, the whole of the bottom deck gave her a huge round of applause! This story, more than most, shows what an impact Kidz Klub is having on our community and how relatively simple it is for us each to play our part.

Jesus said that anything you do for these little ones you do for him. I believe that all Heaven is watching and waiting for the next generation of volunteers to begin to understand the desperate need that is on our doorstep. This understanding will, in time, lead to a greater compassion, which is essential if we are to truly put our faith into action.

Right now there is another generation of kids waiting for someone to offer them hope and to show them the way. Working together we can get the job done!

Dave Sharples


What do you value most about your cell leader?

“The quality I value most in Shane is his endless devotion to seeing us become as big in God as we can possibly become.”

“God definitely sent Tamsin into my life to spiritually run alongside me, causing me to pick up my spiritual pace and run a little faster. She is an awesome cell leader and to run beside her is a privilege.”

“I’ve known Kerry since we shared a house in 1992/3 so she knows me well (the good and the bad) and gets where I’m coming from. She is always there when needed for support, encouragement, discipleship and friendship.”

“Nick is always there for me and seems to know exactly what I need

- whether that’s encouragement or (sometimes) a proverbial kick!”

“My cell leader has godly pearls of wisdom, a great sense of humour and always takes time out for us. She makes me feel valued and encouraged and I love that she releases us and lets us take the lead in some areas of cell as well.”

There were more responses, but we’ve run out of space to print them. Instead, let’s all just say THANK YOU to our cell leaders today!


Here, Nick Evans talks about the highs and lows of cell leadership and shares his experiences of getting his cell off the ground:

“I started leading my cell around four years ago. At the time, I had the same fears and insecurities that most people face, questioning what I had to offer, if I would be a good leader, and so on... But I have always had a drive to do something of eternal significance, to see real lasting change in people’s lives, so I decided to go for it!

“Out of obedience (and a little faith) I prepared a talk for my cell. On that first night it was just me and three others in attendance - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! But I didn’t give up. I prayed constantly and, little by little, I met people who wanted to join my cell. It was hard work but incredibly exciting as I saw God work to build His cell.

“I heard recently that if youth are saved, there is a 9% likelihood that their family will get saved. If a woman is saved, there is a 29% likelihood that the family will get saved. But if a man is saved, there is an 89% likelihood that the family will get saved! THAT’S why I am so passionate to raise up the men in my cell as leaders. God has given me a passion to see men move past passivity and be bold in sharing

their faith and seeing their families and communities changed.

“Over the last few years, I’ve seen men come into cell with life-controlling and debilitating issues then be changed by the love of God and be sent out healed and whole. It is a privilege to play even a small part of something with such eternal significance.

“There have of course been harder times. Once or twice I’ve done all I can to help a guy keep looking to God, but he’s still turned his back. Cell leaders can pray and cry for them, but sometimes people still leave and that’s painful. Yet while this has broken my heart, it also challenges me to believe God for more.

“Now, after years of pressing into prayer and investing my all into the guys in my cell, one of them has opened his own group and two others will soon be doing the same. It’s so exciting to see them stepping up to become the leaders they were born to be. I’m so proud of every man in my cell and am excited about where God is taking us.”

Nick Evans

“Wow! You cell leaders play a truly amazing role in the life of the church here at Frontline. Your support of, input to and shaping of lives is at the heart of our calling to raise and disciple a people for God. You are on the front line of our strategy to multiply and you are the backbone of our communications. We so appreciate all you do and all you are. Thank you so much.”

The Vision Team

is back!After

several months of restructuring, Kidz Klub will re-launch in Spring 2009. We’re starting with two Kidz Klubs per week (one after school and one at the weekend)

We need your help!

Please consider volunteering for the new and improved Kidz Klub. We are looking for term-time volunteers to do neighbourhood visits (one hour per week) and/or help at the clubs themselves (three hours a week: Friday, 3–6pm or Saturday, 10am-1pm). If you think you can help, please contact Celia Thurgood ([email protected]).

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Building bridges

How did you become a Police Chaplain?About three years ago I started to notice (in the media and from people in general) a negative and disrespectful attitude towards law and order, which upset me and I knew wasn’t God’s will. As I prayed about this, God started talking to me about chaplaincy. The phrase ‘operational chaplaincy’ kept coming into my head. At around the same time, I had the opportunity to meet Chief Constable Bernard Hogan-Howe and was able to talk to him briefly about volunteering at Merseyside Police as an ‘Operational Chaplain’. It all went on from there and I have been able to take on this unpaid position as a pilot scheme.

Why did you want to do it?My main goal was (and still is) to help build bridges between the community and the police, to break down any barriers of mistrust. I also wanted to get alongside police staff and build friendships with them.

What does your role actually involve?I go out with the response team or neighbourhood patrols in uniform, but as a Chaplain, not as a Pastor from Frontline. That means my role involves ‘being there’ for people: either to help diffuse situations and calm people down, or to comfort victims of crime at the scene.

But also, because I’m known in the police and have built up relationships with the officers, they can come to me for personal advice or when they need someone to talk to in times of great stress. I am there for the staff just as much as the public.

Matthew Baggot, Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary, once said: “The day to day work of uniformed police officers, actively seeking to understand and resolve local concerns, is one of the most powerful influences upon social cohesion in modern society. We must not underestimate this influence, or the immense responsibility upon the police to fulfil such public expectation.”

I agree with this statement and return to it again and again. Police officers and community support workers do such an amazing job and it is an honour for me to be able to invest back into them after all they do for our community.

Community linksWe have developed a great relationship with neighbourhood police and you may not be aware that our building is used regularly for police initiatives and other community events.

For example, Frontline Coffeeshop is sometimes used as a “Safe Place” in a joint initiative between the police and children’s services to protect young people, prevent youth crime and to reduce antisocial behaviour. On those evenings, vulnerable young people or those at risk of offending are brought here and kept safe until their parents are able to collect them.

On other occasions our main hall has been used by organisations like Age Concern to host community-building or social events. Community Support Officers also hold regular drop-in surgeries for the public at Frontline.

These are just some examples of how we are partnering with others to actively invest in our local community, a practice that we hope to continue long into the future.

At Frontline we encourage everyone to serve and be active in their community, an ethos which both of our Senior Pastors model to us. As well as their work in the church, Nic Harding serves as a local magistrate, while Dave Connolly volunteers for Merseyside Police as a Police Chaplain.

Frontline News interviewed Dave to find out more about his role:

Dave Connolly with Constable McNally

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E1 Training starts: Establish Thurs 22nd Jan, 7.30pm A 6-week foundational course for new believers

Marriage Course starts Thurs 22nd Jan, 8pm A marriage enrichment course running every two weeks (for couples married 2+ years)

Ignite Sat 24th January, 7.30-9pm Monthly student equipping

Open Heaven Prayer Week 25th Jan - 1st Feb For seven days a 24-hour creative prayer room will be open for you to pray for our church and city

Open Heaven Prayer meeting Fri 30th Jan, 8pm A prayer meeting for the whole church to finish off our week of prayer

Baptism Class Thurs 5th February, 7.30pm A short class for anyone who wants to be baptized this term

Messy Church Sat 7th February, 3-5pm A high-energy family service with crafts and tea for families with pre and primary school aged children

Women’s Encounter 6th - 8th February A weekend away of excellent teaching and ministry for women. Cost: £50 including all accommodation and food

All-members’ meeting Wed 11th February A short meeting for everyone in the church to find out what we’ve been up to over the year and what’s in store for the future.

Ignite Sat 21st February, 7.30-9pm Monthly student equipping

Baptism Services Sun 22nd February

Unite birthday lunch Sun 22nd February, 1pm A celebratory lunch with a speaker to celebrate Unite’s 2nd birthday! (for widowed, divorced and older singles)

Space Liverpool Fri 27th February, 7.30-9.30pm Youth event with live bands, DJs and a gospel message Tickets £5

All cell leaders meeting Tues 3rd March, 8pm An evening for cell leaders to receive valuable input and training

Godseekers Fri 6th March, 7-8.30pm Come and join in at this monthly prayer meeting

Unleash Conference 10th - 12th March Featuring guest speakers Larry Stockstill and Jimmy Dowds

E2 training starts: Envision Thurs 19th March, 7.30pm A 3-week course for those new to Frontline about our structure and vision

Healing Rooms team gathering Thurs 19th March, 6-10pm Termly training for everyone on a Healing Rooms team

Ignite Sat 21st March, 7.30-9pm Monthly student equipping

Messy Church Sat 21st March, 3-5pm A high-energy family service with crafts and tea for families with pre and primary school aged children

Godseekers Fri 27th March, 7-8.30pm Come and join in at this monthly prayer meeting

All men’s cell meeting Wed 1st April A meeting for all the men in Frontline cell groups, led by Nic and Dave

Easter Service Sun 12th April, 10.30am An evangelistic service: invite your friends and family

OTHER NOTICESFor student, Unite or youth-specific activities, please check our website and read church notices regularly.









We have a number of different cell groups running throughout the week for adults, students and youth. These are a great way to get to know people and get more involved in the church. If you are interested in joining, please visit the information desk after a Sunday service or phone reception on: 0151 733 3373


* No children’s provision at 9am or 6pm services

“I’m definitely coming to the conference.

It’ll be an opportunity to get an in-depth and

current understanding of what God is saying

to the church at this time. It’s important we

grasp the momentum of what’s happening,

of what God is doing, and be a part of it! I

think it’s of utmost importance that every

Frontline member comes to this.”

DJ Taylor

“Larry Stockstill is brilliant. I have so much

respect for him. He’s a great Bible teacher

and I think people here will be impressed by

him. He makes the Word of God come alive,

he’s really encouraging and he’s got lots to

teach us. There’s an impartation that comes

from just sitting under the word of God and

I believe that when Larry visits us our

church will be totally blessed. People who

miss this are going to miss something major

and then wish they’d been there!”

Dave Connolly

“We booked our tickets at the start of

December. It is a big commitment for Andy

to take those days off work, especially when

we’ve got kids. But we both think it’s such a

vital investment for our future and for the

year ahead, we just can’t miss it!”

Sue & Andy Uddin

“I just think we are so privileged to host a

speaker like Larry Stockstill here at

Frontline when he’s used to speaking at

huge conferences to thousands of people. In

fact he speaks to thousands just in his own

church! I can ‘feel it in my bones’ that he’ll

bring really key words for us as we move

into this next stage of church growth.

I’m excited!

Katriona Beales

“Frontline conferences are amazing. I’m

anticipating an exciting time of meeting

with God through the worship and through

messages from the vibrant speakers who are

coming to the conference. I would

encourage you to come and be part of this –

you don’t want to miss out on what God will

do among us over these few days.”

Lucy Mobley

Book in now!10-12th March 2009

£55 full conference

£25 day ticket

Tickets available online at

www.frontline.org.uk or through

the Bookshop. Evening-only tickets will

be available in February (Online only!)

Why come?

Frontline Church Conference10th - 12th March 2009

Page 11: Frontline News - Spring 09

E5 ENRICH Toolkit for cell leaders – initially looking at specific pastoral issues. Last Thursday of every month. Starts January 29

E4ENABLE Practical input as people open cellsStarts March 26* (phased teaching)* Provisional start date

E3EQUIP Grounding in the essentials: living in Christ & being active in supernatural Starts April 23 (for 8 weeks)

E2ENVISION Vision for those new to FrontlineStarts March 19 (for 3 weeks)

E1ESTABLISH Solid foundations for new believers Starts January 22 (for 6 weeks)

Some E numbers are good for you

Marriage courseFor couples married for 2+ yearsStarts January 22 (runs every 2 weeks)

Parenting courseInteractive sessions on Christian parenting Starts April 2009 (6 weeks)

Some dates may change. Training runs term-time only.Speak to your cell leader or contact [email protected] to find out more

New Thursday night training courses for 2009