Analysis of alternative indie genre magazines

Front cover contents and double page

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Page 1: Front cover contents and double page

Analysis of alternative indie genre magazines

Page 2: Front cover contents and double page

Buzz words: this has been used to catch the audiences eye to believe this magazine offers more than what other magazines offer. They have done this by using “special” and making it a different colour to stand out from the magazine.Masthead: the masthead is “Spin” which is short and catchy. The masthead is within a red box which makes it stand out more to the readers. Red being angry, danger and fearful makes it catch your attention more and wonder what is inside.

Teasers: “ARE YOU BEING CYPERSTALKED?” and “WHAT MAKES U2 RUN?”. These are here to tease the audience about what type of articles are within the magazine to get them to read themCentre image: this indicates that the main article is about them (U2) which also has a teaser next to it about the article. The image will interest the audience more so they know the main story is about them. The picture is a dark image which makes them stand out from the magazine and black connotes dark/gloomy/scary which could give information about the article.

These elements target their audience as it gives them an insider of what is within the magazine so they can choose whether it appeals to them or not.

Page 3: Front cover contents and double page

Centre image: the centre image is a black and white theme, which helps the text stand out more. Due to the text being red this connotes danger and anger which could be included within the quote “id lick him from head to toe”. The bright red text is the names of the bands which can help the audience quickly find out what sort of bands the magazine is including to help them realise if it is appealing to their genre of music.Masthead: The masthead is bright red and stands out from the rest of the writing. It is a bold big font so it makes it easier to point out from other magazines.

Buzz words: “Free” posters are within the magazine, this shows that they are offering more than other magazines.Pull quotes: “What would I do if I met lennon? Id lick him from head to toe” this makes the reader more involved within the magazine and gets the more interesting in the article due to the strange quote.Skyline: This shows the audience that it is big news for the magazine, and trying to get the audience involved with gigs/festivals which they may have no heard of before.

Page 4: Front cover contents and double page

Rocksound Magazine Front CoverMasthead: the masthead is the main thing that draws your eye to the magazine. Due to the magazine being colourful this helps the picture stand out as it is dark colours (nearly black and white). The colours are purple, yellow and blue which are bright and using bold fonts. The “DEFTONES”is in white which is the main article which relates to the picture. Having this cover line in a different colour stands out and helps the readers work out what the main article is about so they have an idea about what is in the magazine.

Flash: a flash is used “WIN VIP TICKETS” this stands out from the rest of the magazine and shows that there are competition the readers may be interested in. In the Bottom right corner there is also some teasers showing that there are free posters inside the magazine which will also help the readers see what music is within the magazine. The Cover lines stand out and let the readers know what sort of articles are within the magazine to see if they are interested or not.

Page 5: Front cover contents and double page

Masthead: the mast head is big and takes up a lot of room on the front cover. The colours stand out but also blend in with this issue. This will help the readers quickly find the magazine. Cover lines: the cover lines are interesting and make you want to read more into them to find out what they are actually on about. “16 page GIG blow out” this may be something people are interested in. It picks out the most interesting articles people will like to read for the cover lines

Pull quote: “I FEEL SO ALONE” this pull quote is in large font which will attract the readers attention and want to find out more about the quote. Flash: The flash also has a pull quote within it. Around the edge is says “New Column” this shows that it is new to the magazine.The colours used on the front cover are red, which stands for danger, white which stands for purity, and blue which is a calming colour. This makes the image seem firey but calming and pure at the same time so the readers know it’s a mixture

Page 6: Front cover contents and double page

Mojo Magazine Front coverFlash: a flash is used on the top left hand corner to include information with buzzwords to attract a reader. The Flash Is joined within the colour scheme of the magazine which is black, white and red.Pull quote: a pull quote is used “There was nothing I wouldn’t try” this makes you want to find out what is was Bowie was trying which makes the reader want to read into the magazine.

Masthead: The masthead is bold and bright and stands out which catches the readers eye.Skyline: there are two skylines on the top of this magazine. One of them is a quote about what is thought about the magazine. The other is a buzz word “PLUS” which makes it seem like it is only available within this magazine.

Page 7: Front cover contents and double page

Spin Contents pageCentral image/teaser: The image is of duffy. This is a warming photograph using pastel colours and high key lighting which creates a calm atmosphere. The pull quote in the right top hand corner which is from the articles about duffy helps the reader get an idea of what the mainarticle is about. The features also include Duffy and give a little description of what the article is about. All of these link to one article so the reader can get an idea about whats in the main article.

Masthead: The masthead is behind the central image slightly. The colouring of the masthead stands out from the rest of the contents page.The articles are bold and have information underneath them saying briefly what they are about. This helps the reader understand what sort of things are within the magazine. The titles, which are artists names, also vary, for example from Duffy to My Bloody Valentine, which shows that there is a wide variety of what music is within this magazine.

Page 8: Front cover contents and double page

There is a teaser in the middle of the page which also gives information about the main article within the magazine. It stands out which catches the readers eye. The colour theme is black, white and red which are bold, outstanding colours. There is a flash at the bottom which refers to subscribing to the magazine. This has yellow text to make it stand out from the rest of the magazine. There is also a flash in the arror reffering to the “NO1 gig guide” within the magazine which the readers may be interested in.

Page 9: Front cover contents and double page

The colour theme is red, black and white which are bold outstanding colours which attract the readers and is not a sexist colour. “OASIS SPECIAL” Is a buzz word that shows there are certain oasis articles which are a special feature which you cant get in other magazines.There is a review at the bottom of the page with a graphic feature in. This is a review box which may get the readers interesting into reading the rest of the magazine.

There is a teaser on the right hand side of the contents page which relates to one of the main articles about the courteeners. There is an anchorage at the bottom of the picture so the readers can easily work out which article the picture belongs to. This helps the contents page look more visual for the reader so it isnt just text and they get bored. It draws them in to want to read more.

Page 10: Front cover contents and double page

Mojo has a pastel themed background. This makes the teaser stand out due to its bright colouring. There is a pull quote at the bottom which relates to the photograph. “My doctors tell me that this is brilliant for my health”. Due to it saying “this” makes the reader want to know what “this” is so it makes them read into the article. The colour scheme is yellow and black which are bright and bold colours to catch the readers eye.

The articles are in bold font which makes them easy to read and stand out. The cover story is titled separately at the bottom so the reader can easily identify what the main cover line was on the front cover. The issue number and date is also on the contents page so the reader can easily identify this.

Page 11: Front cover contents and double page

The central image is of the vaccines so the reader can easily identify of who the article is about. “The Vaccines” are in big bold writing which stands out so the customers can easily know who the article is about. There are drop caps within the article which stand out, this makes the layout look more appealing to read. There is a pull quote which is a bigger font and different colour to the rest of the article so it stands out. If the reader was to flick through the pages they may see the pull quote and want to know what its about which will then attract them to the article.

Page 12: Front cover contents and double page

There is a pull quote “Be there, be there now, be in it” this attracts the reader as it is in big bold font with gold in it which stands out from the black and white colour scheme. There is a bit of information about the article before the main article starts. This gives the reader a bit of information about what to expect from the article. There is a drop caps at the start of the article which makes the layout look more professional. The central image is of Neil Young playing a guitar and singing, this shows that the article is about him. There is anchorage in the bottom right hand corner telling you a bit about the image, when and where it was taken.

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The title of this article is clear and bold in a red box which stands out so the reader can easily identify what the article is about. The central images also clearly show Brandon Flowers in the studio, which is what the article is about. This makes it clear for the reader. There is a pull quote “I don’t want people to think its narcissistic” this is in red font with a red line above to make it stand out. This will catch the readers eye to make them want to find out more about the pull quote. There is a drop caps to break up the text to make it more visually interesting.

Page 14: Front cover contents and double page

This double page spread is about the top 10 albums to buy. There are graphic features of the albums to help the viewers know which album they are on about. Underneath each image there is information about the album and reviews. The left hand side shows the number one album, the picture is large so it stands out from the rest. It clearly states it is telling the reader how to buy the album as it is in a white box with black and red font which stands out. The title of number one band is in big bold font which stands out. There is a drop caps in a different colour to make it visually interesting to read. There is a red panel saying “How to buy..Your votes” this clearly states what the text below is telling the reader.