from The Thousand and One Nights “The Fisherman and the Jinnee” Image courtesy of: www.gosanangelo.com

from The Thousand and One Nights

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from The Thousand and One Nights. “The Fisherman and the Jinnee”. Image courtesy of: www.gosanangelo.com. Aladdin video clip. Image courtesy of: www.en.wikipedia.org. The Thousand and One Nights. Collection of unrelated tales pieced together into one long narrative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: from  The Thousand and One Nights

from The Thousand and One


“The Fisherman and the Jinnee”

Image courtesy of: www.gosanangelo.com

Page 2: from  The Thousand and One Nights

Aladdin video clip

Image courtesy of: www.en.wikipedia.org

Page 3: from  The Thousand and One Nights

Collection of unrelated tales

pieced together into one long narrative

Connecting framework is the tale of King Shahriyar whose wife’s betrayal has filled him with hatred for all women

Every night, motivated by vengeance and fear, he marries a different woman only to put her to death the following morning.

The Thousand and One Nights

Image courtesy of: www.en.wikipedia.org

Page 4: from  The Thousand and One Nights

Finally a young woman named

Scheherazade devises a scheme to stop the bloodshed.

She weds the king, and on the first night of their marriage, she tells him a spellbinding story.

At daybreak, she has not yet finished, but promises the king to finish the story that evening.

Captivated by the tale, Shahiryar agrees. That night, she finishes the story but

immediately begins another exciting tale.

The Thousand and One Nights

Image courtesy of: www.bookdrum.com

Page 5: from  The Thousand and One Nights

She enthralls or

mesmerizes the king and prolongs her life for 1,001 nights

By the time she has finished telling her final story, almost 3 years have passed and the king, now in love with Scheherazade, decides not to kill her.

The Thousand and One Nights

Image courtesy of: www.booktryst.com

Page 6: from  The Thousand and One Nights

Poor fisherman casts a net and

finds a jinnee (genie) in a bottle the 4th time

Jinnee refused to pledge obedience to Solomon and was cast into the sea

Jinnee wants to kill the fisherman because he is bitter for having been cast at sea for so many years without being rescued

What will happen? We shall find out!

The Fisherman and the Jinnee

Image courtesy of: www.uexpress.com

Page 7: from  The Thousand and One Nights

Part of the oral tradition, the body of

stories, poems, and songs that are passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation

Most folk tales include A lesson about life Magical or supernatural elements Characters who possess one or two main

traits A clear separation between good and evil

Folk Tales

Page 8: from  The Thousand and One Nights

The way in which a work of fiction is


Narrative Structure

Page 9: from  The Thousand and One Nights

Stories within-a-story

In A Thousand and One Nights, there are several stories within the larger story of King Shahriyar and Scheherazade

Within “The Fisherman and the Jinnee,” there are the stories of: 1) The Tale of King Yunan and Duban the Doctor 2) The Tale of King Sindbad and the Falcon

Can you think of any movies with frame stories??

Frame Stories

Page 10: from  The Thousand and One Nights

Pay attention to the

elements of folk tales Think about the narrative

structure Think about the frame

stories Think about how you can

summarize the story

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