1 August 2018 Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church, PCA Volume 13 Issue 8 From the Pastors Desk By Rev. Freddy Fritz Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church Staff Rev. Freddy Fritz, Pastor Melissa Bayley, Office Administrator LeeAnn DeStefano, Office Assistant Joanne Campbell, Bookkeeper Ashleigh Kemp, NTCA Administrator Marianne Cali, Nursery Millie Myers, Music Director and Pianist Chris Christopher, Custodian Adult Bible Fellowships at TBPC You may have heard that the Session would like to implement Adult Bible Fellowships at the Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church this coming Fall. Let me tell you briefly about Adult Bible Fellowships. An Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) is a group or fellowship of people committed to know and apply the Word of God together in a caring fellowship, with organization to bring about pastoral care, discipleship, and outreach. A quick explanation of terms tells us that these classes are for adults (i.e., they are designed for college age and up, to meet their special needs), a focus on the Bible (i.e., the ABF will major on the teaching and application of the Word of God to daily living), and a focus on fellowship (i.e., the emphasis will be on relationships and caring love for one another). Up until now, the Session has provided elective classes on Sunday mornings for adults, which we have called Christian Education & Fellowship. Members could choose which class to attend based on the topic/class offering. There will no longer be elective options for ABFs. ABFs will be based on our Shepherding Groups, and we plan to offer two ABFs: one will be led by Ruling Elder Ed Jordan, and the other will be led by Ruling Elder Rich Thompson. An advantage of having the ABFs based on Shepherding Groups is that it will help the Elders shepherd and care for those in their group (at least those who attend the ABFs) more effectively.

From the Pastor s Desk - Tampa Bay Presbyterian Churchtampabaypresbyterian.org/images/newsletters/Aug2018... · 2018-08-09 · We meet in the Youth Room. The dates for the rest of

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Page 1: From the Pastor s Desk - Tampa Bay Presbyterian Churchtampabaypresbyterian.org/images/newsletters/Aug2018... · 2018-08-09 · We meet in the Youth Room. The dates for the rest of


August 2018 Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church, PCA Volume 13 Issue 8

From the Pastor’s Desk By Rev. Freddy Fritz

Tampa Bay

Presbyterian Church


Rev. Freddy Fritz, Pastor

Melissa Bayley,

Office Administrator

LeeAnn DeStefano, Office Assistant

Joanne Campbell,


Ashleigh Kemp,

NTCA Administrator

Marianne Cali,


Millie Myers,

Music Director and


Chris Christopher,


Adult Bible Fellowships at TBPC

You may have heard that the Session would like to implement Adult Bible Fellowships at the Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church this coming Fall. Let me tell you briefly about Adult Bible Fellowships.

An Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) is a group or fellowship of people committed to know and apply the Word of God together in a caring fellowship, with organization to bring about pastoral care, discipleship, and outreach. A quick explanation of terms tells us that these classes are for adults (i.e., they are designed for college age and up, to meet their special needs), a focus on the Bible (i.e., the ABF will major on the teaching and application of the Word of God to daily living), and a focus on fellowship (i.e., the emphasis will be on relationships and caring love for one another).

Up until now, the Session has provided elective classes on Sunday mornings for adults, which we have called Christian Education & Fellowship. Members could choose which class to attend based on the topic/class offering. There will no longer be elective options for ABFs.

ABFs will be based on our Shepherding Groups, and we plan to offer two ABFs: one will be led by Ruling Elder Ed Jordan, and the other will be led by Ruling Elder Rich Thompson. An advantage of having the ABFs based on Shepherding Groups is that it will help the Elders shepherd and care for those in their group (at least those who attend the ABFs) more effectively.

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TBPC Ministries Adult Christian Education & Fellowship Ed Jordan Children Vacant EmptyNesters Sandy Neal Greeters & Welcome Table Brian Carrier Growth Groups Session Hospitality Lesley Schmidt Men’s Bible Study Jeff Beams Men’s Ministry Brian Carrier Missions Rich Thompson Music Millie Myers NTCA Ashleigh Kemp Nursery Marianne Cali Outreach Vacant Pastoral Care Rev. Freddy Fritz Ushers Lenny Chew Women’s Bible Study Eileen Fritz & Debbie Jordan

Women’s Ministry Suzanne Swenson Youth Richard Hunter

Some may wonder why we are implementing Adult Bible

Fellowships. There are a number of reasons:

1. Fellowship: Adults can get Bible teaching from sermons, CDs,

DVDs, the radio, home Bible studies, Sunday school, etc. Yet in

surveys all over the country about why adults come to Sunday

school, the number one reason is fellowship. Relationships.

Getting to know others. ABFs are organized on Sundays (and

hopefully later throughout the week) to provide that fellowship.

The Sunday session time is built around it and so is the Bible


2. Bible: As with most adult Sunday school groups, or Bible

studies, the Bible is central. ABFs challenge adults to study

God’s Word and apply it.

3. Outreach: A church of any size needs outreach. The ABFs

include a plan to bring those on the “fringe” of the church or

those outside the church into these ABFs.

4. Pastoral Care: In any group over 70 or 80 people will get missed.

Studies show that when a church reaches that size, people easily

drop out or conclude that they do not fit in with the main

group. One pastor cannot do it all. ABFs include a system of

utilizing the Shepherding Groups for caring, hospital visitation,

and meeting of special needs. No one will be left out.

5. Ministry: ABFs involve many more people in ministry than the

average adult Sunday school. And it is not just busy work. It is

fulfilling the commands of the Word of God related to caring

for and about people.

We plan to begin ABFs on Sunday, September 9, the day that all

Sunday school classes begin. The Elders will explain during their ABFs in

great detail what is involved and planned for their ABFs. Also, since

September 9 is the second Sunday of the month, I plan to preach on the

topic of Adult Bible Fellowships during the Evening Worship Service.

If you have any questions, I invite you to attend your ABF on

Sunday, September 9.

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Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church New Members

The following new members were introduced during the worship service on Sunday, July 22:

By Certificate of Transfer

Jason and Colleen Knecht

From Trinity Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, Florida

19 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. Ephesians 2:19-21 (NKJV)

Taken from “Discovering Church Membership, Class 101” by Rev. Freddy Fritz -

Key truths:

The Church is a family;

God expects us to be members of a family;

A Christian without a family is an orphan.

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By Suzanne Swenson

Women's Bible Study~ Learning to Love the Psalms

with Dr. Robert Godfrey

Our study this fall will touch not only our minds, but our hearts. We are encouraging all TBPC women to prayerfully consider joining us for this 12-week study. Please feel free to invite someone else as well! The two WBS sessions will begin meeting on Monday, August 20, from 6:30pm until 8:30pm, and on Tuesday, August 21, from 9:00am until 11:15am, except for Labor Day week. Please write WBS on the Welcome card to let us know you plan to attend.

For more information, call or text Debbie Jordan at (813)368-7513 or Eileen Fritz at (813)731-0457. The fee for the course is $10. Babysitting is free with reservation.

If you would like a sneak preview, here is the link. Just remember to scroll down...


Blessings! Debbie & Eileen

Hello Everyone, I hope you are having a safe and fun-filled summer. The Women’s Ministry took a break in July but will resume in August. Ladies, please add these dates to your calendar: August 4, 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., Sister to Sister event at Karen Guest’s home, 1924 Rensselaer Dr., Wesley Chapel (Wrencrest gate code is #0280). RSVP to Coleen Knecht, 941-809-4828. There will be another Sister to Sister event in October. Details will be in the bulletin. August 12, WM15 kick-off planning meeting for the remaining 2018 events. Note: the WM15 meeting is held on the second Sunday each month after worship service. We meet in the Youth Room. The dates for the rest of the year are: 9/9, 10/14,11/11, and 12/9. November 3, Brunch Planning Meeting. A time when hostesses and committee chairs get together to finalize our big event of the year - the Women’s Ministry Brunch. December 1, WM Christmas Brunch to celebrate the beginning of Advent. Ladies, I am looking forward to seeing you at the various events.

Blessings, Suzanne Swenson

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ESL starts September 12th

Wednesdays 9:30 - 11:30 at TBPC

The English as a Second Language Ministry is looking for new volunteers. In addition to helping internationals improve their conversational English, the ESL Ministry offers friendship and bible study. For some, this is their first opportunity reading scripture or even stepping foot in a Christian church.

Thirty adult students attend on a weekly basis. If you know someone who would benefit, please share our program information. Childcare is provided.

Volunteer Role: Volunteers prepare a weekly English lesson from a detailed teachers guide. No teaching experience is necessary. Patience, encouragement, and prayer go a long way. Two volunteers work together in each of the levels. This partnership allows volunteers to help each other and cover when there is an absence.

If you have time on Wednesday mornings, please consider being a part of this mission. Please contact Holly Hawkes ([email protected] 813-360-2077) for more information.

Deuteronomy 10:19 "Therefore love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt."

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Happening in August

SISTER TO SISTER WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP EVENT: Italian Themed Saturday, August 4, 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. at the home of Karen Guest, 1924 Rensselaer Dr., Wesley Chapel (Wrencrest gate code #0280). RSVP to Coleen Knecht, 941-809-4828. MEN’S BREAKFAST & SHORT DEVOTIONAL TIME Saturday, August 11, 8:30 A.M. RSVP Men’s Breakfast on Welcome Card. $8.00. NTCA PLAYGROUND MULCH Saturday, August 11, following the Men’s Breakfast, weather permitting. Please bring shovels, rakes, and/or wheelbarrows if you would like to help. Your participation would be greatly appreciated by the children. WM15 KICKOFF PLANNING MEETING for the remaining 2018 WM events. Sunday, August 12, in the Youth Room after the worship service. NEW MEMBER’S CLASS Sunday August 19, 3:00 P.M. Anyone interested in learning more about TBPC is welcome to attend the New Member’s Class from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., which includes dinner and childcare. Please write “NMC” on your Welcome Card, contact the Church Office, or see Pastor Freddy.

SUNDAY SECONDS. Sunday, August 12, 6:00 P.M. All are encouraged to attend this monthly evening service.

STATE OF THE CHURCH ADDRESS (SOCA), CHILD CARE, AND LUNCH Sunday, August 26, 12:15 P.M. Our annual State of the Church Address will follow lunch at 1:00 P.M. All communicant members are expected to attend. We will receive ministry reports, adopt the 2018-2019 budget, and learn what we believe God is leading us to accomplish for the expansion of his kingdom. Please write “SOCA” on your Welcome Card by August 19 to let us know you will be participating. Please bring the following suggested dish by last name: A-C, salad & salad dressing, deviled eggs, veggie tray with dip, fruit salad, cheese platters

D-G, 2 loaves bread or 2 dozen dinner rolls

H-M, cold cuts, cold chicken, cold ham, hot dogs/buns

N-R, SIDES: macaroni salad, potato salad, cold bean salad, baked beans, jello salad,


S-Z, dessert

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August Birthdays

Jason Skopp August 01 Joanne Campbell August 06

Lillian Ordahl August 07 Deborah Osibodu August 08

Lilly Porter August 09 Verity Hawkes August 10

Averil Massie August 10 Emily Connell August 11

Anup Kagalkar August 14 Sarah Kagalkar August 14

Kyrsteen Webster August 14 Olivia Chew August 15

Lenny Chew August 15 Kim Cozzolino August 15

Billy Jeffries August 21 Wicke Egbert August 24

Wes Mollard August 25 Mary Ann Peterson August 26

Peter Wu August 26 Joe Burns August 27

Robert Barber August 29 Miles Webster August 30

George Noel August 31 Suzanne Swenson August 31

August Anniversaries

Jonathan & Averil Massie August 01 19 years Larry & Barbara Hess August 06 52 years Bob & LeeAnn DeStefano August 14 47 years Ken & Betty Pothoven August 14 54 years Bill & Sandy Neal August 16 Rod & Andrea Proctor August 20 03 years John & Bonnie Hutton August 21 47 years Craig & Meghann Nickoloff August 21 14 years

Craig & Jane Tyler August 21 14 years

Jim & Linda Childers August 28 47 years

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Road Entry and Parking Area Improvements Announced

On Sunday, July 29, Todd Bayley announced the welcomed upcoming road entry and park-

ing area improvements that will be starting in the near future.