From the Ground Up: Case studies and theory in the emerging field of social entrepreneurship Presentation of the Thesis requirement for a Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies Dartmouth College Masters Candidate: Lauren Meiklejohn

From The Ground Up

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Brief presentation of case studies, theories and conclusions.

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Page 1: From The Ground Up

From the Ground Up:Case studies and theory in

the emerging field of social entrepreneurship

Presentation of the Thesis requirement for a Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies Dartmouth College

Masters Candidate: Lauren Meiklejohn

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Presentation Outline

I. Introduction to social entrepreneurship (SE)

II. Central research question

III. Method of analysis

IV. Case study presentation: La Mujer Obrera

V. Discussion and conclusion

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What is Social Entrepreneurship (SE)?

• A single specific academic definition has not yet been agreed upon.

• All definitions contain two basic characteristics, combining in some manner:

– A socially driven mission – Revenue generation

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Central research question

• Is it possible that SE represents a shift in the relationship between civil society and the market, at both a functional and theoretical level?– Reprioritization of objectives? – Shift in expected standards of social responsibility of institutions that make up the market?

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Breakdown of the central question:

– How SE has impacted wellbeing, social cohesion and civil society in communities where it is being practiced (Wallace, 1999)?

– Does it stimulate development by increasing local access to global markets and more equal dispersion of global business/access to capital?

– Is SE a signal of the emergence of a new ‘sector’ within the existing socio-political economic structure, or is it the beginning of change in the larger existing structure?

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Working definition

• “Innovative and effective activity that focuses strategically on resolving social market failures and creating new opportunities to add social value systematically by using a range of resources and organizational formats to maximize social impact and bring about change” (Nicolls, Cho 2006).

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Case Studies

• Tapetes de Lana-Mora, New Mexico

• La Mujer Obrera -El Paso, Texas

• La Cambalacha -San Marcos, Sololá Guatemala

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Case Studies

• Tapetes de Lana-Mora, New Mexico

• La Mujer Obrera -El Paso, Texas

• La Cambalacha -San Marcos, Sololá Guatemala

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System of organization analysis:

Organizational profile

Social contextprofile

Institutional analysis:-formal -informal

Theory of structuration(A. Giddens)

Organizational analysis of case studies

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Organizational Profile: objectives and operational models

Figure 1.3 Organizational Profile: Infrastructure, objectives and operational model

Organization 1 Organization 2 Organization 3

Catalyst/ reason for formation of SEO

Decision making structure: consensus or executive

Population served by SEO

Sources of funding

Community outreach

Civic participation

Type of product or service offered

Impacts on local economy

Relationship to global economy

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Social Context Profile

• Human Development Indicators– local– regional – National

• Is socially oriented public policy present?– local– regional – National

• Government support (y/n) & type of support for org.• Strength of local civil society

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Social Institutions

FormalGovernment: Federal,

State, Municipal

Economic System

Legal System

Religious Organizations

Civil Society Organizations

InformalAttitudes and behaviors formed by persistent, long term poverty

Presence of systemitized social prejudice not explicitly endorsed by the state

Corrupt exercise of power

Normative societal perceptions of government, the economic system and civil society

Participation in civil society

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Theory of structuration


Market Insitutions




Social Institutions


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La Mujer Obrera - El Paso, Texas

1. History and photographs

2. Social Context Indicators Table

3. Organizational model

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Fig. 2.1 Human Development Indicators Comparison U.S Texas El Paso

Av. Household Income

$50,007 $39,927 $32,046

% of Population with High School Diploma or higher

85.9% 75.5% 68.9%

% Unemployment

7.2% 6% 9%

% Female Single-head Households with children <18

7.9% 10.3% 12.1%

% Persons Below poverty line

13.3% 15.4% 24.6%

% Children below poverty line

18.3% 20.5% 20.2%

Source: 2000 Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Case Study: La Mujer Obrera, El Paso Texas

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SE Organizational Model

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are needed to see this picture.

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• Emergent from local level led by an individual or community initiative, reflecting at least to some degree the local culture and customs.

• Each specific organization is affected by, and is a response to, the process of globalization in distinct and sometimes indirect way.

• Balance of social mission and revenue generation reflects the needs and mental model of each specific community.

Observations derived from the case studies

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Points for comparison

• Innovative, resolving social market failures and creating new opportunities to add social value, using a range of resources and organizational formats to maximize social impact and bring about change

• Each organization was started by women and are directed by women

• Each organization has achieved various degrees of self sufficiency

• Each organization reflects local needs and culture

• Each organization focuses on education and leadership skills

•Business•Civil society and leadership•Employment opportunities

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In conclusion

• Evidence suggests a growing interest both at the community and academic level in the emergence of a more ethical, multifaceted approach to economic development

• Social entrepreneurship is developing across the globe, predominantly as a response to failures in the provision of social goods by both the market and the state

• Increased will to develop and implement organizations that follow a socially entrepreneurial model

• Social entrepreneurship, represents varied types of organizations that have diverse missions, operating strategies target populations and funding structures. However they all share an underlying foundation, each of these organizations provides social services in underserved communities using innovative and non-traditional strategies

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Social entrepreneurship is an attempt to shift the role of the economy in society; from one in which people are at the disposal of the economy, to another, where the economy serves to develop people and their communities.