THIS MONTH…. Virtual Reopening Task Group mtg--Mon, Feb 1, 6:30pm Virtual Finance Team mtg--Thu, Feb 4, 6:30pm Virtual Church Council mtg-- Mon, Feb 8, 6:30pm Ash Wednesday, Feb 17 Bold Women Sunday, Feb 28 Virtual Reopening Task Group mtg--Mon, Mar 1, 6:30pm Virtual Finance Team mtg--Thu Mar 4, 6:30pm Virtual Council mtg--Mon, Mar 8, 6:30pm Palm Sunday, March 28 February/March 2021 From the Pastor…. The Lenten Call is Upon Us Lent is a call to renew a commitment grown dull, perhaps by a life more marked by routine than reflection. Last year shook up our lives and was anything but dull. For the ones yearning for routine and maybe even dullness, Lent is an opportunity to renew our hearts, our minds, and our souls. This year... Ash Wednesday February 17 A 40 day gift to reflect and renew ourselves. Our service will be recorded only, to be available on Ash Wednesday. You will also have the opportunity to pick up your ashes on Monday February 15th, Tuesday February 16th, and Wednesday February 17th outside of the main entrance which will enable you to participate fully in the service on Ash Wednesday. There will also be a meditation every week after Ash Wednesday in Mondays eBlast. My hope is that this Lenten time will be a spiritual blessing to all of us, especially during this year of worshipping apart. Blessings to you and peace. Pastor John

From the Pastor…....“be thankful in all circumstances, this is what God wants of you, in your life in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 One of my daily devotions comes from

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    Reopening Task

    Group mtg--Mon,

    Feb 1, 6:30pm

    Virtual Finance

    Team mtg--Thu,

    Feb 4, 6:30pm

    Virtual Church

    Council mtg--

    Mon, Feb 8,


    Ash Wednesday,

    Feb 17

    Bold Women

    Sunday, Feb 28


    Reopening Task

    Group mtg--Mon,

    Mar 1, 6:30pm

    Virtual Finance

    Team mtg--Thu

    Mar 4, 6:30pm

    Virtual Council

    mtg--Mon, Mar 8,


    Palm Sunday,

    March 28

    February/March 2021

    From the Pastor….

    The Lenten Call is Upon Us

    Lent is a call to renew a commitment grown dull, perhaps by a

    life more marked by routine than reflection. Last year shook up

    our lives and was anything but dull. For the ones yearning for

    routine and maybe even dullness, Lent is an opportunity to

    renew our hearts, our minds, and our souls. This year...

    Ash Wednesday

    February 17

    A 40 day gift to reflect and renew ourselves. Our service will be

    recorded only, to be available on Ash Wednesday. You will also

    have the opportunity to pick up your ashes on Monday February

    15th, Tuesday February 16th, and Wednesday February 17th

    outside of the main entrance which will enable you to participate

    fully in the service on Ash Wednesday.

    There will also be a meditation every week after Ash Wednesday

    in Monday’s eBlast.

    My hope is that this Lenten time will be a spiritual blessing to all

    of us, especially during this year of worshipping apart.

    Blessings to you and peace.

    Pastor John

  • “be thankful in all circumstances, this is what God wants of you, in your life in Christ Jesus.”

    1 Thessalonians 5:18

    One of my daily devotions comes from the Women of the ELCA. The meditation for

    January 29th was titled, “BLESSINGS OF THE PANDEMIC”. You might (like me)

    question that title. However, if I am honest there have been many blessings during

    the past year. We have had more communication with our children, grandchildren

    and friends. We shared special moments with them via Zoom, Facetime or House

    Party. We were able to see our first great grandchild via Facetime and pictures.

    Some of the things mentioned in the devotion are the gift of time, the gift of baking,

    the gift of taking walks outside, the gift of technology. No doubt, some did not

    consider those things mentioned above as blessings because they were alone –

    lonely and isolated. Paul encourages us to take inventory of what we have, and give

    thanks. Do we recognize our blessings?

    As I take stock of our financial situation at Christ Community Lutheran Church, there

    are so many blessings that occurred in 2020.

    We raised $12,963 for the needed building improvements

    We raised $4,200 to upgrade the sound system

    We were able to keep our daycare ministry going through the year and received

    a lost revenue grant from the State of Wisconsin. This covered our expenses

    when our census was very low.

    We finished the year with a surplus of $20,604

    We received 16 pledges totaling $45,840 or 46% of our budget for Current and

    Loose offerings. (Which means we have our work cut out – to raise the

    remaining 54% to make budget.)

    All of this occurred because of the generosity of all of you, and for that I give thanks

    and am grateful. As we move through the new year, my prayer is that all will be

    blessed with good health, that we will again be able to worship together in our

    building, and that we will never forget to be grateful and “give thanks”.

    (continued on next page)

    Message from the Treasurer

    The Good News February/March 2021

  • As of January 31, 2021, our current and loose offerings were $532 over budget.

    Childcare tuition is $1116 behind projection for the month but their expenses were

    also $263 below projection. Our overall expenses were $660 under budget. The

    $3,000 borrowed from savings has been transferred back into the savings account.

    We ended the month with a surplus of $172. This is a good start for the year! Let’s

    keep it up. I “give thanks” and am “grateful” for all of you!!

    Cathy Sell, Treasurer

    Message from the Treasurer continued

    The Good News February/March 2021

    Humor for the Day

    You come from dust

    And you will return to dust

    That’s why I don’t dust….

    It could be someone I know.

    Lenten 40 Day Challenge

    What will it take to end hunger?

    You are challenged along with others in our synod to walk

    40 miles over the 40 days of Lent and to give at least $40 to end hunger.

    Donate to ELCA World Hunger.

    Who else can you challenge?

  • Spiritual Life

    Faith Formation, Bible Study, Worship

    Life Teams

    The Good News February/March 2021

    Parish Life Hospitality, Care Teams, Fellowship

    In Sunday School we started out the new year by learning about David and how God

    chooses the right person because of what God knows about his heart. We drew

    hearts and wrote things about ourselves inside that people can't see.

    The next week we talked about how David was fearless and surprised everyone by

    defeating Goliath. We talked about times when we have surprised people because

    they didn't think we could do something.

    (continued on next page)

  • Spiritual Life

    Faith Formation, Bible Study, Worship

    Life Teams

    The Good News February/March 2021

    The following week we learned how King Solomon built a sanctuary for God and it took

    him 7 years to complete which really surprised the kids since some of them haven't

    even been alive that many years yet or they are just 8-9 years old. We talked a little

    bit about our church's history and built our own sanctuaries out of blocks.

    Last Sunday we read the song that David wrote about how God cares for us like a

    shepherd cares for sheep. We talked about who takes care of us and who we take

    care of. Then we played a game pretending that we were the shepherds and cotton

    balls or marshmallows were our

    sheep and we had 30 seconds to

    herd them in our cups. The first

    time they tried no one got them all

    in we had a few lost sheep, but by

    the third time everyone got all their

    sheep in. We also enjoy singing

    and dancing to songs about God

    together each Sunday.

  • Life Teams

    The Good News February/March 2021

    Community Life

    Outreach, Service, Evangelism

    Can the Mortgage

    During January there was about 20 pounds of aluminum cans

    taken to the recycler generating $7.10 for our Can the Mortgage

    program. A reminder if you are dropping off bags of cans in the

    rectangular box behind the church trash bins that there is no

    other trash in the bags. This past time one bag had four glass

    beer/soda bottles in the bag. This was a problem when we

    dumped the cans at the recycler.

    Thanksgiving Food Drive was a success!

    During November we collected 299 food items for our annual

    Thanksgiving Food Drive for local food pantries. This included

    84 items given by the childcare families. We exceeded the

    2019 figures of 215 items, including 35 from the childcare


    The food was divided and distributed to the church food

    pantries at Grace, Trinity and Calvary Lutheran churches. We received this nice note

    from Jeff Koehler, food pantry coordinator at Grace:

    Thank you so much for the generous donation of food to the Grace Lutheran Church

    Food Pantry in Green Bay. We are very proud and thankful to be the recipient of your

    very kind gesture. It is extremely generous and will be used entirely for the visitors to

    our Food Pantry, which serves mainly the residents of Brown County. Thank you also

    for CCLC’s ongoing mission to serve fresh vegetables to our Pantry visitors. Their

    eyes always light up when they see that fresh produce on display. Thank you for

    thinking of us, as the community we serve is always in need, and your donation does

    make a difference

  • Life Teams

    The Good News February/March 2021

    Again this year we will be collecting NEW hygiene and

    cleaning items for local crisis agencies through The

    Family Radio’s annual “Help for the Homeless” hygiene

    drive through March 7. Please bring your donations to

    the collection table at church, or make a financial

    donation for the purchase of supplies. Supplying these

    items to local shelters will help them direct their limited funds to providing qualified

    staff, counseling, food and shelter to those they serve.

    Most urgently needed items are laundry soap, kitchen size trash bags, shampoo,

    cleaning supplies, diapers, toilet tissue and feminine care. There is a more complete

    listing of needed items on the collection table.

    Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive

    Despite the cancellation of in-person church services we have

    just completed another very successful Super Bowl of Caring

    soup drive for local church food pantries. We have surpassed

    last year’s total of 146 cans/packages of soup and related

    items. Thanks to everyone who stepped up during this special

    time of need in our community.

    The soup will be divided between the food pantries at Grace

    and Trinity Lutheran churches.

    Souper Bowl of Caring

    Community Life

    Outreach, Service, Evangelism

  • Miscellaneous news

    The Good News February/March 2021


    I wear a mask to protect you

    You wear a mask to protect me

    That’s how it works, and it’s simple.

    Without your mask, you are telling me

    And everyone around you

    That you don’t care about others.

    Christ Community Lutheran Church is in

    desperate need for substitute teachers for the

    Childcare kids ages 2-7. It is an “as needed”

    paid position to fill in for sick days and

    vacation days for our Childcare teachers. The

    requirements for being a substitute teacher

    are to have some experience with young folks

    (Moms, Dads, Grandmas, and Grandpas qualify as experienced) and be able to pass

    a criminal background check. Please contact the Childcare Director at 920-469-3178 if

    you would be interested.

    Please pass this information on to anyone you think might be interested, like high

    school and college students, family and friends. This is not a huge commitment and it

    could be fun!


    The Good News February/March 2021

    CCLC has a Prayer Chain and we are trying to update it. If you would like to be on the Prayer Chain that is notified when a prayer request is made, please sign up on the sheets located in the fellowship area and indicate how you would like to be contacted: text, email or phone call. If you would like to make

    a prayer request please call or text Mary Hammer at 920-360-7987. If texting, please identify yourself in the text. If you are making the prayer request on behalf of someone else, please get permission from that person to proceed. If you are unable to sign up at church you can call or email Mary Hammer, [email protected] to get on the list.

    Prayer Chain


    Mary Hammer, President January 2018 January 2021

    Bob Simpson, Vice-President January 2020 January 2023

    Paula Dupont, Secretary January 2021 January 2024

    Cathy Sell, Treasurer January 2020 January 2023

    Gary Duquaine January 2019 January 2022

    Del Whitmire January 2019 January 2022

    Doris Burdick January 2020 January 2023

    Kelly Delwiche January 2019 January 2022

    Betsy Ferrebee January 2020 January 2023

    Luann Simila January 2019 January 2022

    mailto:[email protected]

  • News from the Synod

    Women of the ELCA

    Join us for a Black History Month celebration each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

    Join Women of the ELCA’s Racial Justice Advocacy Network for a conversation series celebrating Black History Month. We’ll hear from four leaders in our church representing diverse specialties. They will share how being an African American woman in the United States influences their work and faith.

    Watch via Facebook live on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. CST after joining our Racial Justice Advocacy group. Mark your calendars today.

    Speakers and schedule:

    Feb 9: Apu Seyenkulo, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Charlotte, N.C.

    Feb 16: Linda Thomas, Ph.D., professor of Theology and Anthropology, Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, Ill.

    Feb 23: Antoinette Butler, music director, Shekinah Chapel, Chicago Ill.

    March 2: The Rev. Nicolette Marie Peñaranda, MBA, M.Div., pastor at First Lutheran

    Church of the Trinity, Bridgeport, Ill., and candidate for alderman, Berwyn, Ill.


  • February 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


    6:30p: Virtual

    Reopening Task

    Group mtg

    2 3 4

    6:30p: Virtual

    Finance mtg

    5 6

    7 10a: Livestream



    6:30p: Virtual

    Council mtg

    9 10 11 12 13

    14 Valentine’s Day

    10a: Livestream

    Worship -


    15 President’s Day

    Pick up Ashes

    outside main



    Pick up Ashes

    outside main


    17 Ash Wednesday

    Worship Online

    Pick up Ashes

    outside main


    18 19 20

    21 10a: Livestream


    22 23 24 25 26 27

    28 10a: Livestream


    Bold Women

    Sunday, Message

    given by

    Cathy Sell

  • March 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


    6:30p: Virtual

    Reopening Task


    2 3 4

    6:30p: Finance

    Team mtg

    5 6


    10a: Livestream



    6:30p: Council


    9 10 11 12 13

    14 Daylight

    Savings Begins

    10a: Livestream


    15 16 17 St. Patrick’s


    18 19 20 First Day of



    10a: Livestream


    22 23 24 25 26 27

    28 Palm Sunday

    10a: Livestream


    29 30 31

  • Christ Community Lutheran Church

    1742 Servant Way

    Green Bay, WI 54311

    Phone: 920-469-5585

    Web: www.christcommunityelca.org

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Like us on Christ Community Lutheran Church-ELCA

    is a monthly newsletter sent to members and friends of Christ Community Lutheran Church.

    Christ Community Lutheran Church 1742 Servant Way

    Green Bay, WI 54311

    The deadline for the April issue of

    The Good News is:

    ~~Monday, March 15, 2021~~