ROBERT GRIEVE cl). Kmr WciBwiay Morn In;-;- , AiIlXE DOLLARS PEH ANKTIMl rj bhf ry ataxce. i 'LATEST FOREICN NEWS, k kr rcr: of PLSS. jtvfmlM in port (8. in, w btvr been with r dates auc raail to the 25th tilt, O.SS tsfeich amred on the 1lll to tbeSftk cH, have been received. it ytraaUia litcs of foreign Lowoll wwapaay, Yraaeisco BaftM$aar. meMBoaatKv instructions w thrmteeed Spam. Till I Til Bin fcn.unn.il 1ft supplied Mrifv cwocrescd amte flufimlluc to the Mu- - has 3ed to Cali- - Sim Sex- - at his ova crew in Laafe Kftaid the Irish registm- - IllH 5o batW reilroad on CX. TOtMa three years. cd iwn riate the nonh'wst tiw uresem ftt ISiS. have been Omhi Tales-re-:- office at aiua-ie- d the bending Seadav, Aug. 391b, in and Aasttnns. rein Fatter itiotdan asooad- of California will take Nth. Baeeme has fioae to Carlsbad. down from dyspepaa and drtpres- - doeftar has been called to is btatzemsi lately. ef Three the vwrsty of rfeme and i Sre by ligi-ttiirt- f-. the mforator, eerlv in 1S2 sent t to s&eet VVikb S. Forstcr. tfckf SerTmwT iac iraktad, bet their courage yeUov iTer, choierft, end havoc in portions of t Saxeat Hill. Mass Am? 14. 3Wia.Xga. Pteistd. ana Hauiiuoutt. to nrst-nani- ksiMtiasthe peopie of Faroit feo6t etoisc greet datnapi in Maiue. OD tin m 8o kil-- d infotmer Cgr&y. is to be Xftoti, with his trja. had arrived Sa 2vf York u Kansas cay, S. Y. MitebeOand i m iron; lMssver. ijaoe and Mitchell go tsta atssjve traininr for their at new for tri-ic- c has been Ttemt-- g ISth to the Uth. to be 1 3St a&ues at aas aty or Otsaha. Jv. X Aaast IT.th. K&nlan won the I nee tnis afteraoon. three c-il- es with caw in 2a: ttoee iencrhs ahead, Hosmec second Cftttoee S a. pood thmL Liee tmt. Tear ghee urtut of the VJS, rreasorr has received ube. lb Collector of Casto-a- s at San gaoeeraiag the importation of cattle i Aft Tlratii, and asks rrfctrrrcuoos in regard to quarantine tor tsetr acoonicioaa- - le GoiMcsor was moracred so provide tic - niUMBu tor tae ca-- a aim spelter o: tne i mt tbe expense of the owners. as Ctjr. An. 3$. Herbert Slade. with his . left uafapendenee to-da- and it is stated bk to Atcaisan. Kan-qis- , to arrange for the ; noae 3H-- h This takes the case oat of b of tbr Xisoftti aftthoritief. Aa 29. The staamer Maid of the IfiA. trneh has been boildmt: on the dek at et k nwarfy completed, and will be i toe smit()Mi rapns x&nrsdav. fep- - . s as esptsnmestt. mniimununuo-i- . Neufcimte?. TeaEyck, Atacsst 33d- - A eorraspaadeat tele- - i foam HoBckoug that on the 17th instant : -- sas a-a- by me rreot oaliHl -- Uzocnc aa the imciae of Sonttj. a ttrom; post seven ntfln mi Ha-Ko- i. The fnanch force was 2,000 smmtm.. and the toeax aiMsbered la,C00. The jijjika -- sas earned, hot foend untenable, and a acaaB of she troops returned to the river oovared ig JIBft boat;, wfalie the ret went in the direction of Sa-jC- oa There ha-r- e been terrible floods, ; Mas at me in tsc vramtv ot ilx-Ao- i. . Assest 2Sd. One-thir- d of the bnil- - Srabestec are in rmss. Twentv-foc- r iniii an uuau. wii ei. menonea, owing to xlMBr iraarfBi iststSaaon by the storm. The storm acta tftiutL Dodge and Aimstaad counties, iin-a-- r; drter oestrocrion than at first supposed. The damiy in Bochester will reach fally sSl1003. VThe-- s. the stone street the Coiisregatioaal chcrch Uam-ST- nr children had jost returned from the jaaBc bat none were hart. By the weeftt cydooe in Minnesota 035 hocses wmt is the city of Rochester, 31 pej-tw- XAed ad HO woaaded, a number fatallv. Oawiiilaii kfttc been issaed for distribeiira Hiiiiftjlawil the State asking aid for the destitute OBKftoo. Aserosi 29th. Dr. L F. Tisdale of HoMtc K Kopfsre; at the Tremont House with he faanly. and &a the Doctor is largely interested sb mx csdtttic. owning several plantations in the Hwiftwi fctaads. a reporter called upon him to ask shoot the ooadition of the traffic, and what gtsms&z then vee for the charge that Chinese itacmrt; were naxrtec iree o: mty via tlonolulc ? tte Tf-aa- said : -- There is absolutely nothing akttese- - It wodd be impossible to carry a sabesse into execution, for besides the dinf-ccn-y iUinitiaf. the tninsfers of cargoes, the Amencan Mrotnr and American. Consul at Hon-xd-- i. -- saoald have to be broaght np. as well as the faauai Hoas anthorities at San .Francisco and 1'ortlDsd. Oreeos. Another point is that our crap etdy araocnis to about G1,000 tons, is a mere drop in the sugar market. A r ann im has best eat thre to inquire into the vtiole 'VTat their report may be. I can-s- ot laxato. The present treaty was' for seven -- rar. and thee at the- - expiration of one year from it cod of the seventh it cotdd be closed by either party. Tot seven years finished in September dot ume. and there has bees a great erlort on thie aecocnt to produce as large yield as possible, ihjs Tears crop wilL therefore, reach 65,000 tons, ia u will be the largest crofi ever msde before or htregfujg. for ahhopgh old lands are being rapidly xhaasted. Yon will find that the sugar vKld of the Ha-aiia- Islands will never surpass "the postal ssres." Facts. Aucast 25h. A telegram was received by she Hiaister of Marine from Sagon to-da-y, asaioBacsDg that the Preach bombarded and caisred the fort and batteries at the mouth of ihe He river, after a brilliant land attack. The operstMos occ-rre- d on the 25th. 19th. and 23th. V tea, hcadred namites were killed during the easBcec-et- . The ccly causalities suffered by the Frteefc were several men slightly wounded. The Anamae Cocrt is greatly alarmed at the move-xaents- of She French. Stearjeer i'y sflimm British u ilunro, which arrrced s: Xew York, Awrusi 2th, from Liverpool, mad the passsce from Fcsnet to Firt Island in days. S hours, sad 50 mfr.ates. ThecassesOf Cocnt de Cnambord's death were caaeer of thestomzch, ulcers and atrophy of the tad derangement of the blood vessels, Bv the fTr- - of a scanold at the King of pahtce." Friday, at TjakeChiem, 23work-rae- r were kSled and seventeen injured. s, AtustSa. The Queen's speech pro-loj-ai- ng Fariisment, refers to the continuance of har-aonio- relations with foreign powers. The adsBmstratrve organisation of Egypt, though re- tarded brthe outbreak of cholera, has steadily adrmacei Her Majesty reasserts that the occupa-tio- e of Ervnt is onlv temporarv. Communications wah France cccerring the sfcip. aad the Queen has no doubt will leaa a q-.ftn-f.T xesslt. xne conoiuon 01 ice ciasea j is the Kingdaa ssSering from the depression of i k in most respects shown some de- - j iix. nsd-ist- rr is sorrad. The Queen says she can rsitr with greater satisfaction than on some for-ao- ss occasions to the condition of Ireland. The cs of the Land Act had been brought auo -- sriae operation and the late combination agaast the fclfillrnsnt of contracts, especially for rent, hive been in great degree broken np. There is a marked diminution of agrarian crime, -- ad associations having murder for their object haw been checked bv the detection and punish-rae- at cf the oSeriders. Her ilajesty refers to HarsoBrt's rneasares to which she had given assent, -- sijj which She hopes will advance the .ntereKs of aH. She refers to the legislation of -- Ux esos in regard to Ireland, as evidence of tae aimetv of Parliament to momote the pros-Iserit- T of "that countrv. The House of Lords, at sh lis: rrajraent agreed to the Agricultural Ltnzisfs. August 2G.Kioting between Orange-- renewed Satnrdajr, and '22 persons were arrested. itrtr real cjspwEzers uiougn :i2T iiepo&ed persons may offer sin- - cerc coBgnalatioas. Fortanately, feowcrer, ise mlmmm af ffinliar in ekber direction mi tfae ariiiwry expeneacee ot Hawaiian Gazette Supplement Sept. 5 Ijokdox. Amrust fK. A rallicirm o'cloct this morning, off Eddvstono licht, in the " vt mreu lijt: xxu.iii steamer of. Germain, from Havre for Xev-- - York, and the steamer TfiKxHufi-n- , from the East bv way of the snar f?-- al it. , t - ,t - r- . . , -- - xuc Kopra unmraimeiv sanK, nnd eighteen of her crew were drowned. The 5. Gtrmoin vras disabled," but arrived nt Plv- - moninana lanaea the passengers saved from tho The Kniehts Temnlir's Cisco has ended, nnd on the 26th of August knights irere retnrninR to their homes. The (De Molcy) Kcatncky Goramandery iron the fist prize in the Bimiuuoa unit, unnni; uie senson ot reunion the corner stone of a monument to be erected in memory of James Ahraro Garfield, xras lniil Golden Gate Park, the ceremonies attended by 10,000 knifihts. Tho machine on vrhieh Terrv emisM thf Knn. lish Channel is a trievcle. nn invention of his num. and which is so constructed to bo capable of ; ine irameworii ot a boat, xne boat is 12 feet long, and S feet 9 inches cide, and 2 feet deep, and is formed of a simple covering of tar- - pnuiiu. j.uc uHicr lunusuai .iin a piuroi senile, all of which near he carries bv road VlKXXl. Ancust 2G. The bodv of Count de Charabord has been embalmed! The fninrJ will be on September 1st. London. Aumst 26ih. Deaths from cholem o- - Saturdav 120 in Upper Eypt. and JS in Lowt Ecyp- - Liseok. Anmst23. It is renorted that TTrnn iT. Stanley has closed tho Upper Congo to com merce. -- -. X. CAUTEC s. t. cr-ini- S. B. CftRTfB AND COMFY iiS Si King St., Hooolnln, II. I Eetail DciUt - is Firewood Coal and Feed. VTe would notifr the rrnblic andbcKi?rkinr"r in mr-- ticabr, tastwe keep on hand and for sale quan- tities to fait and at lowest rates Fnel as loilews: iiarc awl bolt woods. cu:snylenrto5;Char-CBircoa- l. .S.'W. Newcastle Uoals, softtti Coal? . and the Celebmed AVdlinston illne Departure Bav Coals;.also. BbcksralUis" Coal. Tin- - above can be ordered by telephone or otherwise' and immediate delivery guaranteed. GIVE IS A CALL Telephone Kb. 305 WE ALSO KEEP IX SliOCK Kay S4-23.C2- . Oats, California and Xcw Zealand : Com. Whole and Grouned ; Bran, Barley, Whole and Ground; Wheat. Middlings, and other Feed. Order the above through TELEPHONE KO. 305, and we warrant quick deliverp, and fvll weight. Orders from the other Islands solicited. FREE DELIVER Y to all parts of the city. Itemember S2 Eins Street, and Telephone Kb- - 1ST. 953g Invite Special Attention To their present Stock, contaicinc. as it does, the lar- gest amoant tlity have ever had at any one time, consisting of as follows:" Kor'Westi: Eed wood Lumber, OF ALL SIZES; Eastern White Pine, Port Oxford Cedar, White Wood, Oak, Ash, Black Walnut. Eoa, Redwood and White Cedar STi i n gles, KEDWOOD and "WHITE CEDAR 7 foot Posts. KAILS 3d fine zo 60d also. Clivit, Finishing & Galvanized. BUILDERS3 HARDWARE "Wall Paper and Ceiling Decorations, ATL.VXTIC, riOXECK, lirUBCCK'S. AJV'D ECitEK.V Patent aiid French White Zinc, IICJ1BUCK UOILE1) AM) It AW A Large Assortment of COLORED PAINTS EM 0! 3 s Li Paint Brushes, White "Wash Brushes, BARRELS OF WHITING. Paris "White, Yellow Ochre, "Venitir.n Red and Privecs" Iffetallic Paint. AVe have also just received a Large Stock of Pacific Rubber Mixed Paint. Tins from lib. to 5 Gallons.oind of a Great Variety or Shade EST TRY IT & Claaiices Q-las-s ritOM TXO TO lOXol: IXCHES, .tc, Ac. L ewers & Cooke, j iS35 itn 6) i satMada-- ! T7XIrpT?D DDTC-1- 7 T?L?T?T fA hare been conducted in a spirit of fnend-l-rj Iliil. 1 lllOli rillliU l. to icncaitcre a in as in purchasers Cor. Qoecn and Edinburgh Streets, HonolnlE. H. J. Agnew, Proprietor, Informs his friends and the public generally that he has opened business at the above stand and has made complete arrangements for a coatinucas supply of FRESH GOODS OF THE VERY BEST QUALmr, Which he will offer for sale At the Lowest Possible Prices. He hopes, by giving his best attention, to please the paWtc and locaerit a part of their patrnnare-- A LARGE STOCK OF Wheat and Oat Hay, Whole and Ground Barley, California and Oregon Oats, Bran Middlings, fee- - Sec, xovr ox HAXD. . C3T Orders solicited and satifaetioa guaranteed or nopayasksd. Telephone.280. ' S57g j At Eobissoa's Wharf, Dealers in Lumber ant all kind of Building. Kate rials, Pairts, Oils, Kaili, &c, &c. &e., ACESTS oriCHOOSXES 4 J HALEAKALA, invoioi of lew I A 1 " V j . 1 - J W If - I ir ' f t bbww- - V TEEE ABOVE CUT REPRESENTS A Two-Seate- d Cut-und- er Family or Express Carriage MAXtFACTlTRKD fiXPKKSSLY FOR THE KoiLoliilu Carriage Ileiiository, XOS. 50 AXD 3 KIXG STItEET, OPPOSITE THE POLICE STATIOX PRANK JT. HIGGINg : : JPi-oprieto- r, BY THE FIKII OF Ec F, Briggs &; Company, of Amesbury, Mass., OSE OF THE LA KG EST AXI MOST UELIABLE CAKKIAGE JIAXUFACTBnEBS Tt-- 1 tHo ci Statos. Read the AVEI.E-KXOW- X Following, Journal From the of Commerce M "Tho firm of IS. F. B1UGGS & CO. have their Factorv at Amesburv. ilass. It comprises four largo buildings, all connected by an elevated bridgeway. Tho'nrst large building, 130iS5 feet, is the factory for wheels, todies and gear. It contains all tfie latest improved machinery for producing all tho dif- ferent parts that go to make np carriages and all other kinds of vehicles." Of tho second, a brick . . . . . . . . . , . l "i i: rn m r 11 i n - .t t t jri minimis; AouiUM luti. uie lirti noor is occupiea as lud oiacKsaiuiiing suop, wuere luuru ucu run uuiy thirty fires. AU the ironing of carriages is done here. The second department is used as a leading and hanging-u- p room. The next two floors the third and fourth are used for gear finishing and trim- ming of bodies, and as varnishing rooms. The third brick structure threo-Storie- s high is a packing and store house ; when full it has a capacity of storing 500 carriages. The fourth and last tbree-stor- y building, 0x45, is the section devoted to painting the bodies, g and general blacksmithing. This factorv is comclete in everv nart. It emnlovs one hundred and fifty mechanics in the different departments, and turn out from 2,503 to 3,000 per year, consisting of some forty different styles of Teuicies, using uie very oest material. J.ue sposes ana ienoes aro niaue trom ino oesi secouu-groi- u white hickory, while the hubs are made from tho best gum, white, and vellow elm. AU their wheel stuff is from the foot-hill- s of the Blue Bidce mountains, in Xortk Carolina. The factory turns out a variety of fine carriages, buggies, phaetons and wagons, and with tho facili- ties and experience of twenty years the proprietors are enable to produce in styte, quality and finish as fine a carriage for the money as can be found in the United States. In our visit a fow days ago in the branch house in San Francisco we found a complete stock of carriages and buggies, and new goods arriving and on the way. all of which are especially made with a view to standing tho climate of the Racine coast. Also on hand and to arrive per Strar. Suez, a full Assortment of Fine Carriages fe Waa'oiis coxsisTrxu or Tlu-ee-Seate- d Extension Top Cut TJnder, (SEATING PEOPLE). BRAKES FOR HOUSE-BREAKIN- G WITH Olt WITHOUT POLES OU SHAFTS. Carriages, Buggies, Phretons, Hack Carriages, &c, on Sah Whips, Saddles Carriage Furnishing Goods Always Francisco Sand -- tsa 3-- My CAHBIAGES arc all Manufactured with a view to esc jn this Climate and J.'"Ja,T5jJ52nl i0 tending Purchasers before Buving elsewhere Every CARRIAGE Warranted to Give fcATIbFACTIO. GOODS. Honolulu Carriage Repository, AJos. 50 and 52 King St., Frank J. Higgins Proprietor HOLLESTER lb CO. A Large Invoice of the Celebrated CEIiliUIiOID TRUSSES Dii'ect DF-x-ox- a. tlie Factory. We. Bavo Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES. Hollister & Co., Core Fort and Mercliaiit Sts., 59 NuuanuSt Perfumery i --BY- SIX Perramery ! OX. LIST Perfamery Have Just the l LOT OF PER Goods ttHIif, Perfumery & CO. Received argest FUMERY EVER DIP0KTED INTO THIS JIES'GDOM, COMPRISING Over Fifty Different Odors of tiie Celebrated Lnii db org Odbx-Case- s, Fancy Boxes, Bottles, &c. Hollister & Co Agents forHawaiian Ti n gcaLoro. 59 Nuuann St., and Cor. Fort and Merchant St; : - (3 67 OONGHEE & AHUIVG FORT STREET, ABOVE KING, and ' a. tixrixui uuirv-anu-uiiC- CIi ox ii a s o Ai-- t niRUi CGXSTAr.TJ.y known Waimea Taauery, JT. P. Yorker, Prop'r. Hilo TaHHery, F. 8. tymaa. Profrlet-- . 33- - ly A. S. CEEGHOBS & CO.. Agents. "Pioneer" Line FROM LIVERPOOL. THRO. II, MYIR i CO OFFER FOR SALE From the Cargoes OF THE Ship GLEOTERVIE,' . AND Other recent Vessels THE FOLLOWING- - DRY GOODS 6ND CLOTHING Prints of latest styles, fast colors ; Bluo Denims, Whito Crodou Sheeting Uorrock'a Long Cloths,llrovn Linen Drills Waterproof Tweeds, Towols & Toweling, Glass Towols, Table Cloths, do. Napkins, Pnro Linens, Shawls, Grenadiues, DRESS GOODS, WHITE SCOLORD SILKS Colored Satins, Grass Cloths, Artilici.il Flowers and Feathers, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Woolen Tablo Covers, Col'd Sattecns & Orapet FancT. Mixture, Bluo and Gray Flannels, Victoria Lawns, Brooks' Spool Cotton, Lace Curtains, blno nnd white; Check Lisladds, Fancy Dress Goods, Fancv Plaids, ltegatta Shirts, Wool Shirts, Whito and Colored Cotton Shirts, Pilot lleefers, India llubber Coats, Capes and Leggings, Men's White, Brown and Colored Half Hose, Ladies' Hose. Men's Heady Mado Clothing, Men's Hats, Blue and Gray Horse Blankets, Woolen Blankets, all colors, sizes & weights; Yclvct Carpets, Velvet RugSj Yolvet and Tapestry Door Mats, SADDLERY ! A Full Assortment of Gents', Ladies,' Girls' and Boys' Saddles. A few JOCKEY SADDLES, Bridles, Saddle Cloths, Chamois Skins, Sugar DAGS, 20x36; Coal RAGS, 2Cx37; RICE BAGS AND TWINE, GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFING lu 6, 7, 8, & 9 ft. lengths, (il guagc), Screws & Washer GALVANIZED RIDGING, Annealed Fence Wire, Nos. 4, 5, G, 7, and Staples, tialv iron iiucitets, nil sizes; Galv Wash Basins, Galv Garden Borderings and Nettings, Tinned Iron Saucepans, all sizes; Tea Kettles, Ileal Japan Blacking, PAYING BRICKS, GARDEN TILES Garden Hollers, Lawn Seats and Chairs, Umbrella Stands. Iron Scraners. Hat Hooks and Bails. LAWN TENNIS SETS, Clothes Baskets, Hand Baskets, Work Baskets Crockery and Glassware, Fancy Glass Flower Stands, Fern Baskets, etc ORTLAND CEMENT & FIRE BRICKS Fire Clay, Whiting, Chalk, Yellow Ochre, Roofing Slates JUJ Liverpool an if Bock Salt, ZINCS. PAINTS AND BOILED OILS Worcester Sauce and Groceries. English, American & Hawaiian Flags 3, 5, and 7 yards lengths. TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINS Admiralty Test sizest Jf, , and 0; Powell Dufiryn Steam Coal STATIONERY, IRON BEDSTEADS, ENGLISH LEATHEIt BELTING, 3 to 12; FLOOR OILCLOTHS WINES AND LIQUORS : Pig Brand Stout, Blood, Wolfe & Co's ALE, in pints and quarts; Bass' Ale, in pints nnd quarts; Fine French Brandies, in bulk and cases; Hennessy's Brandy, and , in cases; Cases Scotch and Irish Wbiskey3, Duplcssis "Bed Bar" and other Clarets, in cs; Best Sherry, in bulk and cases; Champagne, in quarts and pints; STEEL BAILS, ISO. Length!; 161b. and 161b. pet Yard. Fish Flates, Bolts and TTtits, n.vii.r.oAi) spikes to match ONE SIX HORSE-POWE- R PORTABLE ENGINE ALSO, ONE THREE HORSE-POWE- R VERTICAL EftCSNE &c! &c. &c. TUEO. II. DAVIES & CO J. D. RAMSAY, Grocer AXD Provision Dealer, XO.G71IOTEI.ST. : r i JIOSOLUIAT. Goods Delivered to Customer's Resi- dences, Free of Charge. 3 Just Received ex late arrirals. a fresh line of Garden Seeds & Fresh Groceries. VST ALL ORDERS FILLED W1TH1PB0MPTNESS. -- 53 163 ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED tf uuiiuiuiu uicaui nailing lunio, EsUiade4 HshsIhIh, Mi I. XasBfactare a'lf kinds of Muldfnss. rackets. - ... Cy c f .. POST OFFICE NOTICE ! Suggestions to the Public, with Regulations Relating to the Mailing and Registry of Letters PAPERS, PARCELS, A'D- - Rates of Postage to Co tin tries la and eat' of tho Postal TTbIob. 1 ' 1 Mall all letters, etc.. nt nrrlv at noiliblt. It when r ent in Isrce number?, as I frequently the c.io with newspapers and circular. The labor ot the post-odlc- c Is much diminished If letters, when mailed in largo numbers, are tied In bnndles, with the ad- dresses all In one direction. 2 Make the address on alt forcfcm letters legible and complete, elfins; tho name ot the post-olOe- the State, when addressed lo the United States. The name of tho street ucd number of the hoose should also be clvcn, where letter-carrie- are employed; while the letter will eventually reach its destination without number, tho omission is often a cansc ot hesitation and delay. In the ease ot letters for foreign coontrles, and especially In Canada, in which conntry there are many post-oQlcc-s bavins the same names as rxut-oSHt- In the United States and JSncIand. the name of the country as well as tho post-offic- e should be gtTen In full. Letters addressed, for Instance, merely to " Lon- don." without adding " England," arc frequently sent to London. Canada, and He Tina, thereby eansl&p delay, and often serious loss. Letters addressed to Dnrllngton, JT. S. (JoTa Scotia), often co to Burling- ton, J(ew York, on acconnt of the resemblance between S and Y when carelossly written il Always write the addrps with Ink. and not with pencil of any kind, as pencil marks often become' erased and the address rendered Ulejlble. 4 Avoid, as mnch as nossible. mln? cnvflones nude of thin paper, especially where mora than one ihcetot paper, or any oinct article than paper, is' enclosed. uein often handled, and especially in the overland mail bags carried on horseback, inch envelopes notnn- - frcoucntly EDlitoDcn.eiTlnir cause of comnlalnt against ofUcials who arc entirely Innocent In the matter. 5 Never send monev or anr other article nf ra!n- - through the mall, except either by the means of a" money-orde- r or In a registered letter. 6 Postage stamns shnnlit m nl.trptl nn th nniw right-han- d corner of thcaddrcsssldeotthcmall matter. 7 Tho cnttini: of Dostacc stamos in two or mora pieces is prohibited, and no letter having a mutilated stamp on It will be forwarded. 8 Postage stamns are retrarded as cash, and the of them on credit is strictly prohibited. 0 -- Anrthluir In addition to an address written n.- - printed on tbc address side of nostal nn! rrm! them unmailablc. 10 To insure a domestic letter belne forwrtril In the mails, it mint have not less than two cents In postage stamps affixed. If less than the full postage :ias been paid, double the amount dnc mnst he nalri hr the pa,ty rccievlng It. It A subscriber to a newspaper or periodical who anscs his resident and nost-ofllc- e shonld at nnrc notify the publisher of the change and have the publi cation sent to his new adJress. 12 Publishers and news agents mjllini- - nrlntnl matter In quantities will faciliatc its distribution, and often hasten its dispatch, by assorting such matter br btatcs and Territories and tho larrcr cities. If forelrm. or by Island, if domestic 13 All Inquiries, whether from postmasters or the ubllc, relative to lost or missing mall matter of every cscription. both forclirn and domestic onllnsrr mil registered, should be addrctsed to the General 'Post-Oillc- c, Honolulu, and losses or irrcgnlaritics should be reported as soon aj knowledge is had of their 11 Send all letters. newsnaDcrs. nnd mull mrrrU to the nost-ofllc- As a rale thrv mil nn KifWitml reach their destination more quickly In the mails than when sent in any other way. Most of the complaints about the of letters are traceable to their ocing sent dj cnancc conveyance outside the mails. 13 Domestic postal cards, costing one cent nrh. can be purchased at every pbst-offlc- Also, two-ce- postal cams, mauaoie to tnc united States, Canada and Mexico: and three-cen- t postal cards, mailable to anr country In the postal union. 10 Donblc postal cards, called "return HHtaleani" - Intended for an immediate reply to a correspondent will soon be prepared, the cost being-- ! ecnU 1 cent lor inc inquiry cam, anu I cent lor the return card. 17 Letters and naners addrc4fM tn nrvm rt'1fir in Honolulu should have the street and number, or some other designated place of delivery, as it Is the. purpose of the Department to establish letter-carrier- s in Honolulu as soon as practicable. IS The Issue of moncv-o- r Jors on ermllt Is trlrtl prohibited, and no money will be received bv a post- master In payment for money orders issued, except that which Is legal tender, or bank checks, orders and certificates of deposit. 19 Letter boxes will be orenarcd as soon as nraMI- - cable, in all tbc post-offic- in the Kingdom, and all persons who are in rcgniar receipt or letters andncn? papers will find It greatly to their convenience to have boxes. g 20 A letter deposited in the mall can be recalled ' only by tho writer, and then only on giving a written receipt lor mc same, -- iicr a letter leaves tnc otUce where deposited It becomes the property of the person to whom it Is addressed, or his legal representative, RATES 0FJ0STAGE. Domestic Postage Bates : ii Dnor Letters, or circulars In tealtd envelopes, to be delivered at tho office where deposited, t cent each halt i ounce. 9f. f Domestic Letters, to any part of the Kingdom. 2 cents, if less than li or., and Scents for each addition- al J oz. XEwsr.U'Ens printed in the Kingdom, and nulled' to subscribers from offices of publication, are free inter-islan- d mails. Hulls of papers sent to agents, and not to bona fide subscribers, cannot claim the benefit of the free postage law.- - Kooks. (printed or blank.) cards, engrayln;s. watches. t jewelry, roots, bulbs, cuttings, samples of dry sugar or rice, photographs, medicine, except liynlds. articles of clothing, samples of merchandise of any kind, and all articles not included in class 1 or 2 of the laws of 1578 when weighing not more than four pound or 61 ovnus, one cent an ounce or fraction thereof. All articles likely to damage the malls are strictly pro- hibited. Packages asij Paecels, containing books or malt-abl-e merchandise of any kind, any letter, newspaper or parcel that may be mailed, may be registered, on pay- ment of a fee of 10 cents In addition to the ordinary postage. NEwarirEns, pamphlets, almanacs, calandars, hasd-- f ! , bills, magazines, maps, occasional and other pobllca- -. Hons (not bonnd), t cent for each 1 ounces or fraction thereof. Circulars, in unsealed envelopes, 1 cent each. Pauceu of merchandise of any kind will b received and forwarded In the Inter-islan- d mails at the rateiofv one cent an ounce. This regulation does not Include f the foieign mall service. All lntcr-ulan- d parcels can be registered. Postal Union Bates. PETIVATIO.V. United States of Amerl ca. Dominion of Can ids and Mexico:.'.'.:1 Japan. Porta In China havln Postal Union offices. Straits Settle- ments and Manila. .t; Ureal urltaln. i ranee, German vjnd all oth er countries and Col- onies in theUnlversal Postal Union t 10c 10c. 5 p--n Boots 2 Printed .nailer. 5 M I Samples "5 rr "s g aj&3 3-- 10c" icjioz. -- c aoz. act 2 10c. ic ioz. 2e. ids. 2c, 10c.gel2oz. 2 c aorja c Vhere a return receipt for registered matter Ui." wanted. 5 cents extra Is ensrged, makinz the regulation J fee 15 cents. tVCitb a minimum charge of five cents for books and printed matter, and 2 cents for samples. Postage to Countries not in the Unioa. To the Australian Colonies. .....12 cents for each ox f To Xctv Zealand 12 cents for each J ox To Tasmania (HobartTown) 12 cents for each X oz To Samoa 12 cents for each ii oz To Fiji 12 centi for each y, oz To Slam, vis San .Francisco IS cents for each ii oz To St Ilartholomcw 19 cents for each H oz To Cape ot Good Hope 21 cents foe eaeb oz To Madagascar J3 cent) for each ii ex V To St. Helena SI cents for each !ioz KETrararxEs, etc. The postage on newspapen to Australian Colonies, New Zealand, Fiji, uid Samoa, it 2 cents each paper. On books and other printed mat- ter, 1 cents for each four ounces or fraction of four . ounces. For the other countries named, special rates are charged, which can be learned by inquiry at the office In Honolulu. XSf All pottages to any country in or out of the ' Postal Union mast be paid la Hawaiian Stamps only. ssstm h. W. Whitney, P. M. C. TPT.T GrQSSTJP. RE IS NO IDIE GOSSIP TIIE that the undersigned will taks Portraits la any style or views to order la the best cryle t tfce Photograpbic Art,andoa the most KauuMeTerar' bnt it is Idle gossip which says " he wIH sot try W , please," for be always was and wfU be will tog to liesicg everyone who can be tailed; and never treat4 aafoaaf, out of the way, and never will treat mtokc sOter! than in a proper manner. Do not llstea tojoa4,Vt come and see for yoarself there U alwaj-- two sWea to a story. (36! 3m) U. L. CHASE. xtus New Engl mi Mutual Lift kmim Ci. Of BOTMf, XaM O I508SFCXATM, 183. V!!, 4," . a rli nay 'iff titavfr tarn w imkt tsiassv j yj- - MUtHKMKlMIGHiK. S4.1 Kcsij to.' 8. UwJ T 4

FROM LIVERPOOL. post-odlc- MYIR i iiSevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/21225/1/1883090501.pdf · Gtrmoin vras disabled," but arrived nt Plv--moninana lanaea the passengers

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ROBERT GRIEVE cl).Kmr WciBwiay Morn In;-;- ,


rjbhf ry ataxce. i

'LATEST FOREICN NEWS,k kr rcr: of PLSS. jtvfmlM in port


in, w btvr been withr dates auc raail to the 25th tilt,

O.SS tsfeich amred on the


to tbeSftk cH, have been received.it ytraaUia litcs of foreign



BaftM$aar.meMBoaatKv instructions

w thrmteeed Spam.

Till I Til Bin







flufimlluc to the Mu--has 3ed to Cali- -

Sim Sex- -

at his ova

crew inLaafe Kftaid the Irish registm- -


5o batW reilroad onCX. TOtMa three years.

cd iwn riate the nonh'wst

tiw uresemftt ISiS.

have been

Omhi Tales-re-:- office ataiua-ie- d the bending

Seadav, Aug. 391b, inand Aasttnns.


Fatter itiotdan asooad-of California will take

Nth.Baeeme has fioae to Carlsbad.

down from dyspepaa and drtpres- -doeftar has been called to

is btatzemsi lately.ef Three

the vwrsty of rfeme andi Sre by ligi-ttiirt- f-.

the mforator, eerlv in 1S2 sentt to s&eet VVikb S. Forstcr.

tfckf SerTmwT iac iraktad, bet their courage

yeUov iTer, choierft, endhavoc in portions of

t Saxeat Hill. Mass Am? 14.3Wia.Xga. Pteistd.ana Hauiiuoutt. to nrst-nani-

ksiMtiasthe peopie of

Faroit feo6t etoisc greet datnapi in Maiue.OD tin m 8o kil-- d infotmer Cgr&y. is to be

Xftoti, with his trja. had arrivedSa 2vf Yorku Kansas cay, S. Y. MitebeOand

i m iron; lMssver. ijaoe and Mitchellgo tsta atssjve traininr for their

at new for tri-ic- c has beenTtemt--g ISth to the Uth. to be

1 3St a&ues at aas aty or Otsaha.Jv. X Aaast IT.th. K&nlan won the

I nee tnis afteraoon. three c-il-es withcaw in 2a: ttoee iencrhs ahead, Hosmec second

Cftttoee S a. pood thmL Liee tmt.


ghee urtut of the VJS, rreasorr has receivedube. lb Collector of Casto-a-s at Sangaoeeraiag the importation of cattle

i Aft Tlratii, and asks rrfctrrrcuoos in regard toquarantine tor tsetr acoonicioaa- -

le GoiMcsor was moracred so provide tic- niUMBu tor tae ca-- a aim spelter o: tne

i mt tbe expense of the owners.as Ctjr. An. 3$. Herbert Slade. with his. left uafapendenee to-da- and it is statedbk to Atcaisan. Kan-qis- , to arrange for the; noae 3H-- h This takes the case oat of

b of tbr Xisoftti aftthoritief.Aa 29. The staamer Maid of the

IfiA. trneh has been boildmt: on the dek atet k nwarfy completed, and will be

i toe smit()Mi rapns x&nrsdav. fep--. s as esptsnmestt.




Atacsst 33d- - A eorraspaadeat tele--i foam HoBckoug that on the 17th instant

: --sas a-a- by me rreot oaliHl --Uzocncaa the imciae of Sonttj. a ttrom; post sevenntfln mi Ha-Ko- i. The fnanch force was 2,000smmtm.. and the toeax aiMsbered la,C00. Thejijjika --sas earned, hot foend untenable, and a

acaaB of she troops returned to the river oovaredig JIBft boat;, wfalie the ret went in the directionof Sa-jC- oa There ha-r- e been terrible floods,

; Mas at me in tsc vramtv ot ilx-Ao- i.

. Assest 2Sd. One-thir- d of the bnil- -Srabestec are in rmss. Twentv-foc- r

iniii an uuau. wii ei. menonea, owing toxlMBr iraarfBi iststSaaon by the storm. The stormacta tftiutL Dodge and Aimstaad counties,

iin-a-- r; drter oestrocrion than at first supposed.The damiy in Bochester will reach fally sSl1003.VThe-- s. the stone street the Coiisregatioaal chcrchUam-ST- nr children had jost returned from thejaaBc bat none were hart.

By the weeftt cydooe in Minnesota 035 hocseswmt is the city of Rochester, 31 pej-tw-

XAed ad HO woaaded, a number fatallv.Oawiiilaii kfttc been issaed for distribeiiraHiiiiftjlawil the State asking aid for the destitute

OBKftoo. Aserosi 29th. Dr. L F. Tisdale ofHoMtc K Kopfsre; at the Tremont House withhe faanly. and &a the Doctor is largely interestedsb mx csdtttic. owning several plantations in theHwiftwi fctaads. a reporter called upon him toask shoot the ooadition of the traffic, and whatgtsms&z then vee for the charge that Chineseitacmrt; were naxrtec iree o: mty via tlonolulc ?tte Tf-aa- said : --There is absolutely nothingakttese- - It wodd be impossible to carry

a sabesse into execution, for besides the dinf-ccn-y

iUinitiaf. the tninsfers of cargoes, theAmencan Mrotnr and American. Consul at Hon-xd-- i.

--saoald have to be broaght np. as well as thefaauai Hoas anthorities at San .Francisco and1'ortlDsd. Oreeos. Another point is that our

crap etdy araocnis to about G1,000 tons,is a mere drop in the sugar market. Ar ann im has best eat thre to inquire into the

vtiole 'VTat their report may be. I can-s- ot

laxato. The present treaty was' for seven--rar. and thee at the-- expiration of one year fromit cod of the seventh it cotdd be closed by eitherparty. Tot seven years finished in Septemberdot ume. and there has bees a great erlort onthie aecocnt to produce as large yield as possible,ihjs Tears crop wilL therefore, reach 65,000 tons,ia u will be the largest crofi ever msde before orhtregfujg. for ahhopgh old lands are beingrapidly xhaasted. Yon will find that the sugarvKld of the Ha-aiia- Islands will never surpass"the postal ssres."

Facts. Aucast 25h. A telegram was received byshe Hiaister of Marine from Sagon to-da-y,

asaioBacsDg that the Preach bombarded andcaisred the fort and batteries at the mouth ofihe He river, after a brilliant land attack. TheoperstMos occ-rre- d on the 25th. 19th. and 23th.V tea, hcadred namites were killed during theeasBcec-et-

. The ccly causalities suffered by theFrteefc were several men slightly wounded. TheAnamae Cocrt is greatly alarmed at the move-xaents- of

She French.Stearjeer i'y sflimm British u ilunro, which

arrrced s: Xew York, Awrusi 2th, from Liverpool,mad the passsce from Fcsnet to Firt Island in

days. S hours, sad 50 mfr.ates.ThecassesOf Cocnt de Cnambord's death were

caaeer of thestomzch, ulcers and atrophy of thetad derangement of the blood vessels,

Bv the fTr- - of a scanold at the King ofpahtce." Friday, at TjakeChiem, 23work-rae- r

were kSled and seventeen injured.s, AtustSa. The Queen's speech pro-loj-ai-ng

Fariisment, refers to the continuance ofhar-aonio- relations with foreign powers. TheadsBmstratrve organisation of Egypt, though re-

tarded brthe outbreak of cholera, has steadilyadrmacei Her Majesty reasserts that the occupa-tio- e

of Ervnt is onlv temporarv. Communicationswah France cccerring the

sfcip. aad the Queen has no doubt will leaa aq-.ftn-f.T xesslt. xne conoiuon 01 ice ciasea j

is the Kingdaa ssSering from the depression of i

k in most respects shown some de-- j

iix. nsd-ist-rr is sorrad. The Queen says she canrsitr with greater satisfaction than on some for-ao- ss

occasions to the condition of Ireland. Thecs of the Land Act had been brought

auo --sriae operation and the late combinationagaast the fclfillrnsnt of contracts, especially forrent, hive been in great degree broken np.There is a marked diminution of agrarian crime,--ad associations having murder for their objecthaw been checked bv the detection and punish-rae- at

cf the oSeriders. Her ilajesty refers toHarsoBrt's rneasares to which she had givenassent, --sijj which She hopes will advance the.ntereKs of aH. She refers to the legislation of--Ux esos in regard to Ireland, as evidence oftae aimetv of Parliament to momote the pros-Iserit- T

of "that countrv. The House of Lords, atsh lis: rrajraent agreed to the Agricultural

Ltnzisfs. August 2G.Kioting between Orange--

renewed Satnrdajr, and '22 persons were arrested.

itrtr real cjspwEzers uiougn:i2T iiepo&ed persons may offer sin- -

cerc coBgnalatioas. Fortanately, feowcrer,ise mlmmm af ffinliar in ekber direction

mi tfae ariiiwry expeneacee ot

Hawaiian Gazette Supplement Sept. 5Ijokdox. Amrust fK. A rallicirm

o'cloct this morning, off Eddvstono licht, in the" vt mreu lijt: xxu.iii steamer of.Germain, from Havre for Xev-- - York, and thesteamer TfiKxHufi-n- , from the East bv way of thesnar f?-- al it. , t - ,t - r- . . ,-- - xuc Kopra unmraimeiv sanK,nnd eighteen of her crew were drowned. The5. Gtrmoin vras disabled," but arrived nt Plv--

moninana lanaea the passengers saved from tho

The Kniehts Temnlir'sCisco has ended, nnd on the 26th of August knightsirere retnrninR to their homes. The (De Molcy)Kcatncky Goramandery iron the fist prize in theBimiuuoa unit, unnni; uie senson ot reunionthe corner stone of a monument to be erected inmemory of James Ahraro Garfield, xras lniilGolden Gate Park, the ceremonies attended by10,000 knifihts.

Tho machine on vrhieh Terrv emisM thf Knn.lish Channel is a trievcle. nn invention of his num.and which is so constructed to bo capable of ;

ine irameworii ot a boat, xne boat is12 feet long, and S feet 9 inches cide, and 2 feetdeep, and is formed of a simple covering of tar--pnuiiu. j.uc uHicr lunusuai .iin a piuroisenile, all of which near he carries bv road

VlKXXl. Ancust 2G. The bodv of Count deCharabord has been embalmed! The fninrJwill be on September 1st.

London. Aumst 26ih. Deaths from cholem o- -

Saturdav 120 in Upper Eypt. and JS in LowtEcyp--

Liseok. Anmst23. It is renorted that TTrnniT. Stanley has closed tho Upper Congo to commerce.

---. X. CAUTEC s. t. cr-ini-

S. B. CftRTfB AND COMFYiiSSi King St., Hooolnln, II. I Eetail DciUt - is

Firewood Coal and Feed.VTe would notifr the rrnblic andbcKi?rkinr"r in mr--

ticabr, tastwe keep on hand and for sale quan-tities to fait and at lowest rates Fnel asloilews: iiarc awl bolt woods. cu:snylenrto5;Char-CBircoa- l.

.S.'W. Newcastle Uoals, softtti Coal? .and the Celebmed AVdlinston illne

Departure Bav Coals;.also.BbcksralUis" Coal.

Tin-- above can be ordered by telephone or otherwise'and immediate delivery guaranteed.

GIVE IS A CALLTelephone Kb. 305


Kay S4-23.C2- . Oats,California and Xcw Zealand :

Com. Whole and Grouned ; Bran,Barley, Whole and Ground; Wheat.

Middlings, and other Feed.Order the above through


and we warrant quick deliverp, and fvll weight.Orders from the other Islands solicited.

FREEDELIVER Yto all parts of the city. Itemember

S2 Eins Street, and Telephone Kb- - 1ST.953g

Invite Special AttentionTo their present Stock, contaicinc. as it does, the lar-

gest amoant tlity have ever had at any onetime, consisting of as follows:"

Kor'Westi: Eedwood Lumber,OF ALL SIZES;

Eastern White Pine,Port Oxford Cedar,

White Wood, Oak, Ash,Black Walnut. Eoa,

Redwood and White CedarSTi i n gles,

KEDWOOD and "WHITE CEDAR7 foot Posts.

KAILS 3d fine zo 60d also.Clivit, Finishing & Galvanized.


Ceiling Decorations,


Patent aiid French White Zinc,


A Large Assortment of





Paint Brushes, White "Wash Brushes,


Yellow Ochre,"Venitir.n Red and

Privecs" Iffetallic Paint.AVe have also just received a Large Stock of

Pacific Rubber Mixed Paint.

Tins from lib. to 5 Gallons.oindof a Great Variety or Shade

EST TRY IT &Claaiices Q-las-s

ritOM TXO TO lOXol: IXCHES, .tc, Ac.

Lewers & Cooke, j

iS35 itn 6) i

satMada-- ! T7XIrpT?D DDTC-1- 7 T?L?T?T fAhare been conducted in a spirit of fnend-l-rj Iliil. 1 lllOli rillliU l.







Cor. Qoecn and Edinburgh Streets, HonolnlE.

H. J. Agnew, Proprietor,Informs his friends and the public generally that he

has opened business at the above stand and hasmade complete arrangements for a

coatinucas supply of


Which he will offer for sale

At the Lowest Possible Prices.He hopes, by giving his best attention, to please the

paWtc and locaerit a part of their patrnnare--


Wheat and Oat Hay,Whole and Ground Barley,

California and Oregon Oats,Bran Middlings, fee- - Sec,

xovr ox HAXD.. C3T Orders solicited and satifaetioa guaranteed ornopayasksd. Telephone.280. ' S57g j

At Eobissoa's Wharf,

Dealers in Lumber ant all kind of Building.Kate rials, Pairts, Oils, Kaili, &c, &c. &e.,


invoioi of lew

I A 1 " V j . 1 - J W If - I ir ' f t bbww- - V

TEEE ABOVE CUT REPRESENTS ATwo-Seate- d Cut-und- er Family or Express Carriage


KoiLoliilu Carriage Ileiiository,XOS. 50 AXD 3 KIXG STItEET, OPPOSITE THE POLICE STATIOX

PRANK JT. HIGGINg : : JPi-oprieto- r,



Tt--1 tHo ci Statos.Read the



From theof Commerce M

"Tho firm of IS. F. B1UGGS & CO. have their Factorv at Amesburv. ilass. It comprises four largobuildings, all connected by an elevated bridgeway. Tho'nrst large building, 130iS5 feet, is the factoryfor wheels, todies and gear. It contains all tfie latest improved machinery for producing all tho dif-ferent parts that go to make np carriages and all other kinds of vehicles." Of tho second, a brick

. . . . . . . . . , .l "i i: rn m r 1 1 i n - . t t t jriminimis; AouiUM luti. uie lirti noor is occupiea as lud oiacKsaiuiiing suop, wuere luuru ucu run uuiythirty fires. AU the ironing of carriages is done here. The second department is used as a leading andhanging-u- p room. The next two floors the third and fourth are used for gear finishing and trim-ming of bodies, and as varnishing rooms. The third brick structure threo-Storie-

s high is a packingand store house ; when full it has a capacity of storing 500 carriages. The fourth and last tbree-stor- y

building, 0x45, is the section devoted to painting the bodies, g and general blacksmithing.This factorv is comclete in everv nart. It emnlovs one hundred and fifty mechanics in the differentdepartments, and turn out from 2,503 to 3,000 per year, consisting of some forty different styles ofTeuicies, using uie very oest material. J.ue sposes ana ienoes aro niaue trom ino oesi secouu-groi- u

white hickory, while the hubs are made from tho best gum, white, and vellow elm. AU their wheelstuff is from the foot-hill-s of the Blue Bidce mountains, in Xortk Carolina.

The factory turns out a variety of fine carriages, buggies, phaetons and wagons, and with tho facili-ties and experience of twenty years the proprietors are enable to produce in styte, quality and finish asfine a carriage for the money as can be found in the United States. In our visit a fow days ago in thebranch house in San Francisco we found a complete stock of carriages and buggies, and new goodsarriving and on the way. all of which are especially made with a view to standing tho climate of theRacine coast.

Also on hand and to arrive per Strar. Suez, a full Assortment of

Fine Carriages fe Waa'oiiscoxsisTrxu or

Tlu-ee-Seate- d Extension Top Cut TJnder,(SEATING PEOPLE).



Carriages, Buggies, Phretons, Hack Carriages, &c,



Whips, Saddles Carriage Furnishing Goods



Sand --tsa3-- My CAHBIAGES arc all Manufactured with a view to esc jn this Climate and J.'"Ja,T5jJ52nl i0

tending Purchasers before Buving elsewhere Every CARRIAGE Warranted to Give fcATIbFACTIO.GOODS.

Honolulu Carriage Repository, AJos. 50 and 52 King St.,Frank J. Higgins Proprietor

HOLLESTER lb CO.A Large Invoice of the Celebrated

CEIiliUIiOID TRUSSESDii'ect DF-x-ox- a. tlie Factory.

We. Bavo Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES.

Hollister & Co.,Core Fort and Mercliaiit Sts., 59 NuuanuSt





Perramery !



Have Just the l





& CO.Received argest


Over Fifty Different Odors of tiie Celebrated

LniidborgOdbx-Case- s, Fancy Boxes, Bottles, &c.

Hollister & CoAgents forHawaiian Tin gcaLoro.

59 Nuuann St., and Cor. Fort and Merchant St;: - (3 67



'a. tixrixui uuirv-anu-uiiC- CIi

ox iiaso Ai-- t niRUiCGXSTAr.TJ.y knownWaimea Taauery, JT. P. Yorker, Prop'r.Hilo TaHHery, F. 8. tymaa. Profrlet-- .

33-- ly A. S. CEEGHOBS & CO.. Agents.

"Pioneer" Line




From the CargoesOF THE


Other recent VesselsTHE FOLLOWING- -

DRY GOODS 6ND CLOTHINGPrints of latest styles, fast colors ;

Bluo Denims, Whito Crodou SheetingUorrock'a Long Cloths,llrovn Linen DrillsWaterproof Tweeds, Towols & Toweling,Glass Towols, Table Cloths, do. Napkins,Pnro Linens, Shawls, Grenadiues,


Colored Satins, Grass Cloths,Artilici.il Flowers and Feathers,Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs,Woolen Tablo Covers, Col'd Sattecns & OrapetFancT. Mixture, Bluo and Gray Flannels,Victoria Lawns, Brooks' Spool Cotton,Lace Curtains, blno nnd white;Check Lisladds, Fancy Dress Goods,Fancv Plaids, ltegatta Shirts, Wool Shirts,Whito and Colored Cotton Shirts,Pilot lleefers, India llubber Coats, Capes and

Leggings,Men's White, Brown and Colored Half Hose,Ladies' Hose. Men's Heady Mado Clothing,Men's Hats, Blue and Gray Horse Blankets,Woolen Blankets, all colors, sizes & weights;

Yclvct Carpets, Velvet RugSj Yolvet

and Tapestry Door Mats,

SADDLERY !A Full Assortment of Gents', Ladies,' Girls'

and Boys' Saddles.A few JOCKEY SADDLES,Bridles, Saddle Cloths, Chamois Skins,

Sugar DAGS, 20x36; Coal RAGS,2Cx37;



CORRUGATED ROOFINGlu 6, 7, 8, & 9 ft. lengths, (il guagc), Screws & Washer


Annealed Fence Wire, Nos. 4, 5, G, 7, and Staples,tialv iron iiucitets, nil sizes;Galv Wash Basins, Galv Garden Borderings

and Nettings,Tinned Iron Saucepans, all sizes;Tea Kettles, Ileal Japan Blacking,

PAYING BRICKS, GARDEN TILESGarden Hollers, Lawn Seats and Chairs,Umbrella Stands. Iron Scraners.Hat Hooks and Bails. LAWN TENNIS SETS,Clothes Baskets, Hand Baskets, Work Baskets

Crockery and Glassware,Fancy Glass Flower Stands, Fern Baskets, etc


Fire Clay, Whiting, Chalk, Yellow Ochre,

Roofing Slates


Liverpool anifBock Salt,

ZINCS. PAINTS AND BOILED OILSWorcester Sauce and Groceries.

English, American & Hawaiian Flags

3, 5, and 7 yards lengths.

TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINSAdmiralty Test sizest Jf, , and 0;





Pig Brand Stout, Blood, Wolfe & Co's ALE, inpints and quarts;

Bass' Ale, in pints nnd quarts;Fine French Brandies, in bulk and cases;Hennessy's Brandy, and , in cases;Cases Scotch and Irish Wbiskey3,Duplcssis "Bed Bar" and other Clarets, in cs;Best Sherry, in bulk and cases;Champagne, in quarts and pints;

STEEL BAILS,ISO. Length!; 161b. and 161b. pet Yard.

Fish Flates, Bolts and TTtits,n.vii.r.oAi) spikes to match



VERTICAL EftCSNE&c! &c. &c.


J. D. RAMSAY,Grocer


Provision Dealer,XO.G71IOTEI.ST. : r i JIOSOLUIAT.

Goods Delivered to Customer's Resi-

dences, Free of Charge. 3Just Received ex late arrirals. a fresh line of


uuiiuiuiu uicaui nailing lunio,EsUiade4 HshsIhIh, Mi I.

XasBfactare a'lf kinds of

Muldfnss. rackets.

- ... Cy c f ..


Suggestions to the Public,with Regulations Relating to the

Mailing and Registry of Letters


Rates of Postage to Co tintries la and eat'of tho Postal TTbIob. 1 '

1 Mall all letters, etc.. nt nrrlv at noiliblt.It when r ent in Isrce number?, as I frequently thec.io with newspapers and circular. The labor ot thepost-odlc- c Is much diminished If letters, when mailedin largo numbers, are tied In bnndles, with the ad-

dresses all In one direction.2 Make the address on alt forcfcm letters legible and

complete, elfins; tho name ot the post-olOe- the State,when addressed lo the United States. The name oftho street ucd number of the hoose should also beclvcn, where letter-carrie- are employed; while theletter will eventually reach its destination withoutnumber, tho omission is often a cansc ot hesitationand delay. In the ease ot letters for foreign coontrles,and especially In Canada, in which conntry there aremany post-oQlcc-s bavins the same names as rxut-oSHt-

In the United States and JSncIand. the name of thecountry as well as tho post-offic- e should be gtTen Infull. Letters addressed, for Instance, merely to " Lon-don." without adding " England," arc frequently sentto London. Canada, and He Tina, thereby eansl&pdelay, and often serious loss. Letters addressed toDnrllngton, JT. S. (JoTa Scotia), often co to Burling-ton, J(ew York, on acconnt of the resemblance betweenS and Y when carelossly written

il Always write the addrps with Ink. and not withpencil of any kind, as pencil marks often become'erased and the address rendered Ulejlble.

4 Avoid, as mnch as nossible. mln? cnvflones nudeof thin paper, especially where mora than one ihcetotpaper, or any oinct article than paper, is' enclosed.uein often handled, and especially in the overlandmail bags carried on horseback, inch envelopes notnn- -frcoucntly EDlitoDcn.eiTlnir cause of comnlalnt againstofUcials who arc entirely Innocent In the matter.

5 Never send monev or anr other article nf ra!n- -through the mall, except either by the means of a"money-orde- r or In a registered letter.

6 Postage stamns shnnlit m nl.trptl nn th nniwright-han-d corner of thcaddrcsssldeotthcmall matter.

7 Tho cnttini: of Dostacc stamos in two or morapieces is prohibited, and no letter having a mutilatedstamp on It will be forwarded.

8 Postage stamns are retrarded as cash, and theof them on credit is strictly prohibited.

0 --Anrthluir In addition to an address written n.--printed on tbc address side of nostal nn! rrm!them unmailablc.

10 To insure a domestic letter belne forwrtril Inthe mails, it mint have not less than two cents Inpostage stamps affixed. If less than the full postage:ias been paid, double the amount dnc mnst he nalri hrthe pa,ty rccievlng It.

It A subscriber to a newspaper or periodical whoanscs his resident and nost-ofllc- e shonld at nnrc

notify the publisher of the change and have the publication sent to his new adJress.

12 Publishers and news agents mjllini- - nrlntnlmatter In quantities will faciliatc its distribution, andoften hasten its dispatch, by assorting such matter brbtatcs and Territories and tho larrcr cities. If forelrm.or by Island, if domestic

13 All Inquiries, whether from postmasters or theubllc, relative to lost or missing mall matter of everycscription. both forclirn and domestic onllnsrr mil

registered, should be addrctsed to the General 'Post-Oillc- c,

Honolulu, and losses or irrcgnlaritics should bereported as soon aj knowledge is had of their

11 Send all letters. newsnaDcrs. nnd mull mrrrUto the nost-ofllc- As a rale thrv mil nn KifWitmlreach their destination more quickly In the mails thanwhen sent in any other way. Most of the complaintsabout the of letters are traceable to theirocing sent dj cnancc conveyance outside the mails.

13 Domestic postal cards, costing one cent nrh.can be purchased at every pbst-offlc- Also, two-ce-

postal cams, mauaoie to tnc united States, Canadaand Mexico: and three-cen- t postal cards, mailable toanr country In the postal union.

10 Donblc postal cards, called "return HHtaleani" -

Intended for an immediate reply to a correspondentwill soon be prepared, the cost being-- ! ecnU 1 centlor inc inquiry cam, anu I cent lor the return card.

17 Letters and naners addrc4fM tn nrvm rt'1firin Honolulu should have the street and number, orsome other designated place of delivery, as it Is the.purpose of the Department to establish letter-carrier- s

in Honolulu as soon as practicable.IS The Issue of moncv-o- r Jors on ermllt Is trlrtl

prohibited, and no money will be received bv a post-master In payment for money orders issued, exceptthat which Is legal tender, or bank checks, orders andcertificates of deposit.

19 Letter boxes will be orenarcd as soon as nraMI- -cable, in all tbc post-offic- in the Kingdom, and allpersons who are in rcgniar receipt or letters andncn?papers will find It greatly to their convenience to haveboxes. g

20 A letter deposited in the mall can be recalled '

only by tho writer, and then only on giving a writtenreceipt lor mc same, -- iicr a letter leaves tnc otUcewhere deposited It becomes the property of the personto whom it Is addressed, or his legal representative,

RATES 0FJ0STAGE.Domestic Postage Bates :


Dnor Letters, or circulars In tealtd envelopes, to bedelivered at tho office where deposited, t cent each halt iounce. 9f. f

Domestic Letters, to any part of the Kingdom. 2cents, if less than li or., and Scents for each addition-al J oz.

XEwsr.U'Ens printed in the Kingdom, and nulled' tosubscribers from offices of publication, are freeinter-islan- d mails. Hulls of papers sent to agents,and not to bona fide subscribers, cannot claim thebenefit of the free postage law.--

Kooks. (printed or blank.) cards, engrayln;s. watches. tjewelry, roots, bulbs, cuttings, samples of dry sugaror rice, photographs, medicine, except liynlds. articlesof clothing, samples of merchandise of any kind, andall articles not included in class 1 or 2 of the laws of1578 when weighing not more than four pound or 61ovnus, one cent an ounce or fraction thereof. Allarticles likely to damage the malls are strictly pro-hibited.

Packages asij Paecels, containing books or malt-abl-emerchandise of any kind, any letter, newspaper or

parcel that may be mailed, may be registered, on pay-ment of a fee of 10 cents In addition to the ordinarypostage.

NEwarirEns, pamphlets, almanacs, calandars, hasd-- f ! ,

bills, magazines, maps, occasional and other pobllca- -.Hons (not bonnd), t cent for each 1 ounces or fractionthereof. Circulars, in unsealed envelopes, 1 cent each.

Pauceu of merchandise of any kind will b receivedand forwarded In the Inter-islan- d mails at the rateiofvone cent an ounce. This regulation does not Include fthe foieign mall service. All lntcr-ulan- d parcels canbe registered.

Postal Union Bates.


United States of Amerlca. Dominion of Canids and Mexico:.'.'.:1

Japan. Porta In Chinahavln Postal Unionoffices. Straits Settle-ments and Manila. .t;

Ureal urltaln. i ranee,German vjnd all other countries and Col-onies in theUnlversalPostal Union t



5 p--n Boots2 Printed

.nailer.5 M I


"5 rr "sg aj&3 3--

10c" icjioz. -- c aoz. act 2

10c. ic ioz. 2e. ids. 2c,

10c.gel2oz. 2 c aorja cVhere a return receipt for registered matter Ui."

wanted. 5 cents extra Is ensrged, makinz the regulation Jfee 15 cents.

tVCitb a minimum charge of five cents for books andprinted matter, and 2 cents for samples.

Postage to Countries not in the Unioa.To the Australian Colonies. .....12 cents for each ox fTo Xctv Zealand 12 cents for each J oxTo Tasmania (HobartTown) 12 cents for each X ozTo Samoa 12 cents for each ii ozTo Fiji 12 centi for each y, ozTo Slam, vis San .Francisco IS cents for each ii ozTo St Ilartholomcw 19 cents for each H ozTo Cape ot Good Hope 21 cents foe eaeb ozTo Madagascar J3 cent) for each ii ex VTo St. Helena SI cents for each !ioz

KETrararxEs, etc. The postage on newspapen toAustralian Colonies, New Zealand, Fiji, uid Samoa, it2 cents each paper. On books and other printed mat-ter, 1 cents for each four ounces or fraction of four .

ounces.For the other countries named, special rates are

charged, which can be learned by inquiry at the officeIn Honolulu.

XSf All pottages to any country in or out of the 'Postal Union mast be paid la Hawaiian Stamps only.

ssstm h. W. Whitney, P. M. C.

TPT.T GrQSSTJP.RE IS NO IDIE GOSSIPTIIE that the undersigned will taks Portraits la

any style or views to order la the best cryle t tfcePhotograpbic Art,andoa the most KauuMeTerar'

bnt it is Idle gossip which says " he wIH sot try W ,please," for be always was and wfU be will tog to liesicgeveryone who can be tailed; and never treat4 aafoaaf,out of the way, and never will treat mtokc sOter!than in a proper manner. Do not llstea tojoa4,Vtcome and see for yoarself there U alwaj-- two sWea toa story. (36! 3m) U. L. CHASE.


New Englmi Mutual Lift kmim Ci.Of BOTMf, XaM O

I508SFCXATM, 183.

V!!, 4," . a

rli nay 'iff

titavfr tarn w imkt tsiassv j






XorctSi? Memories oT Eis Boyiood.

w publishing iu

aatasBts t fee TetttSeqfr- - some of the chaptersT3h5 Spr&oosiiD!: vrilcHie,tbe fonrtb and last,TiHS He5Eone? Ie new xolnme will be

Raaesrfcst ostofondor, ctrooolori rally viewed.It-oi- fl aeel ddasivtlj with ibe reminiscencesdf3ks bevaeod aad Tocth, so that in the

his great personal rec--k

of Xhc Mstsrv of oor century, and of hismvm nfcce a5 pari ia it, his l&nrcsl piece of--srfc --ctJ alnrriUj- - take precedence of ihesfcece earlier issaes. Kossnth tells as, anions

ebercAocics, tkctais chief iastrncJor in lawst ?& was fsaons Hungarian jurist.Alerxader Xtrry. After Kovy had examined

Esss& aa DexesMBji at tbe end of the firstscnacslrr,'"' cc Tmiversitv term, the gruff oldBMssa?exclakMC, these two lads understand

larsr feacar tfecn all tbe bis lawyers on thejndl Vane!" Sassodi describes himself asMB f tiw ssricbdiac&s and mischief whichii. Mil iT cimrsderirie academical youth.One fhy, after tbe stsdeats had manifestodheir iwiaaeaoe at tbe leagth of Kovy's

Iconrr by lirr iocssssnt aotsy scraping of&ar feat, tbe professor suddenly stopped,

Insert ias buds down apon bis desk with aMale crasb, caBed oot angrily, 'Yob impn-ts- A

seevMreU !" sad left the lecture-roo- m.

Ifce des, aader Sassath's leadership,aad rated that apologyhM a aMdar, an

f&eaH be dcaaaded from the professor.Sefere Syy begas bis next lecture, Kossuth

Etm op. --id said to tbe learned jurist, in thebssm of himself sad Ms follow-stndca- is,

Professor, we have come hera

i leira from yoc, and not tc be insulted bytwc with approbrlons names. Ton hareniltrl n- - 'scocacrels-- ' We hare nnaimoaslyresrfved to withdraw from this class unlessvwc retract this calarsnwus expression.TSjmt oonmit a srspidity," replied the pro-

fessor, 'C which I shall take no notice." Hetagaakis lecture. Kossnth and his fellows atoaee jwse, aad a formal secession took place.Dbe jmfessor was left to address the emptyliMnSit. Ibe next day Kovy met young

ad said. -- 'Come to tbe fcctnre-roo- m

Mi i iio". and we will see what caube dooe."Of coerce ibe sUmobIs ilocked in, and Kovy

besea: "Tbe other day there was a littlealdiventure is ibis room, which I heartily

sojrat. I saspected you of a malicious plot,aai aotaratty was Kdignaai. After thinkingAn xastter well over, I am convinced that thearaiest was ao token of your personal illoal Jowsrd yoar teacher. Let us one and all

faciei tbe besaaees, aad lose no more of ouryrroiocs rise." The stenants were charmedwife bis apology, for as such they agreed toSMCgft it-- After the lecture the old manpointed to tbeir leader, and said, in the hear--g

of the whole class, "As for the DominusKesssti there, he will some day be a rebel

a higher authority than mine in thislasi!" The forecast was prophetic. Kossnth,Mlaoag ibe story in his old age, denies that

tW Mtltr aninst the nro- -iessec ia ibe university or against the land ofaeogary. la aotb instances, tie says ue siooq

wbebslf of violated right. "The arbi-trary spirit, in school or State," he says, de-acs- ds

a blind homage, sad when it is refesed,she jrecssaiit is called a rebel. AThether thetkle sticks to him, or whether it recalled, de-

pends upon die failure or the success of icbel--

E.IDG--E HOUSE,Soutb. Sona, Hawaii.

rDEHSIGX12D I3EGS TOTHE bif frirad; mui the poblic in sencral thstisdi-ksov- x BOVSB is isiz ready to receive

i titmaXti : miWf inland from KeelakekiuJvif.x an (kwm or aboot fect and offers a

thai it i- - fiw in sddiUoo to tbe rrer arc andr air of tltr dirtnel- - the drlirbt of both toufet and

Baia Haaxes cotuiectd with tee estaWi'h- -t. Kepecttnllv.ilj 1. II. TODD.




Has Received, Per Late ImportationsA Laie and Var.cd Af jorunfnt of

Optical S-oo3.- s?

Spe tiit. jwcacitt. tbooUrs Glasicf . etc.

ar E --w blr --sr,It Irpki ;lTer acd PUsed Ware, and of the


WatchesTtM. w. iac;or.:i of ".Jit Hos Approv-

ed STairrs. m Goid and SilTcr.

CURIOS From All Parts of Oceania.CALL AD EXA3ITSE MY STOCK. lv



Varied AssortmentTO BE

POUND m HONOLULU !Wejirr Conflsntlv ix Receipt of

Kresh. Supplies !


Most Reliable ManufacturersIA" THE rXITJID STATES.


P. LoriUard & Go.5sTin Tag-- Tobaccos,

Vanity Fair Tobacco andCigarettes,




axdSlX'i.BJF jEPIjo es, cfcc, cfcc

Hollister & Co0"Wielcsalc aad Retail Toliaccoaists.


aWaj ibe fortune Sand the homo.!. Hcn or4women-betray- , and life loses. all that made ait.worth .hayincThe jistol,Jherhxr,flit


Importers and Dealers in



JUSTor ai.x. kixps.

-- EX-




01T 11-- iFf 'ST






?EKGIHG AHDio, on x-x-ri

A Most Complete Stock of







Scantling; Plank, surface and rough

Boards, surfaced and rough ; Battens,Pickets, Eustic, Lattice, Clapboard.


Pant andAVhitewash Brushes,WHITE LEAD,







Of Eastern and California Make.FOR SALE IX QUANTITIES TO SUIT



E. O. Hall & SonDEALERS IX

Hall'sSteelPlowsCnttins from 5 to 16 inches; made for them j

thcWloline Plow Co.


IMPLEMENTSofcrery dcscripUon needed on these Islands.




all Muds;

PAINTS AXD OILS of all Idnds;IiCBBICATUvG OILS best stock in the market;KEEOSEXE OIL Downer's, Koonday & LustraljSILTEB PLATED "WARE from Eeed & Barton;SOLID SILVEK "WARE from the Gorham Co.PO"WDEES all kinds, from Cala. PoTrder "WorksCARRIAGE AXD MACHINE BOLTS all sizes;



A. Splendid Assortment:

LEATHER Of All Descriptions;X2T Oar Goods are of the "best quality; sue bonsht

for cash; are always netr. 1'orparticalare,cnsMuners and FBIEXDS to OUR NEW DESCRIPTIVECATALOGUE, which ire will send tcany one upon appli-cation, or call and examine oar Splendid Stock of GoodsAT OUR VAREROOMS, corner of Fort andKing Streets, Honolnln. SG2



S For Sale byUN KOLLES & Co.

wltioat rereace to dates, mx acquittals

jjlc homicidesand no wecutionnliirSeDtem. I ?T ItEOEIVED PER" '


soiP.i10. 113 FORT ST., HONOLULU, H. I.

--Wo arc now manufacturing a lino of--

AERATED WATERSSuperior in quality and flavor to anything over before produced in this Kingdom.

OUR SODA WATER is UnrivaledOur Ginger Ale is eqnalcd only 1)3 tho imported. Our cider wo guarantee to be mado from

the puvo jnico of tho apple. These delicious drinks are increasing in popularity and aro takingthe place of light wines for tablo use. Our cxlremclv" low prices bring tbeni "within the reachof all.

Soda Water, per doz ...50cSarsaparilla ' i 50cCider.. ...: 50cGinger Ale- - ."-- ;.: : .' 75c

The patent wire stopper used by us on all of our bottles does away with corks entirelyand for cleanliness and ease in opening is unequaled. Our bottles arc brauded

CRYSTAL. SODA WORKSWe deliver our goods to any part of the city and ship to anv part of tho Islands.


965 PALMER & THACHER, Pharmacists.



is now Opening a Splendid Stock of



Ricli Satins,

Dress Silts, &c,

Just Received from Liverpool,

cxDark TJLLOCIC, and expects per Zcalandia,

All tlie Latest Stvles

Millinery G-ooil- s

Ladies Underwear, etc.,

Carefully Selected by Mrs- - Davis in

Person, in San Francisco,V.'aosc Taste and Artistic Skill has heretofore nic. ae

hearty approval cf the Ladies of this City.

Particulars in future Advertisem't933

GINGER ALE,Soda Water and Sarsaparilla

Have never been Equalled or Excelled forFnrily or Excellence of Flavor.

Only Pure Fruit Acid

Pure Fruit Flavors, and

Pure Filtered Water,CSF.D IX TI1X 1'BEl'ABATIOX OF


IP x-- i c o s; :

.GISGER ALE..... ...73 Cents per Dozen

SODA WATER 50 Cents perDozcn,SARSAPARILLA 50 Cents pcrDozen.




Tobacconists,90S OO XOUAXU STKEET.

Beaver SaloonHi J. NCTE, : : : : Proprietor.

Begs io announce to his friends and thepublic in general

That he has opened the above Saloon'where first-clas- s Refreshments

will be served from S a.m. till 10 p.m., nndertheimmediate snpervision of a Competent Clufdt Outline


Tobaccos,Cigars, Pipes and

Smoker's Sundries,Chosen by a personal selection from firE'-cla- mann-factoric- s,

has been obtained, and will be added to fromtime to time.Or.s of Brunswick & Balke's

Celebrated Eilliard Tablesis connected with the establishment, where loversof the cne can participate. 951


235 BOIXES d CO.


Ex Suez, Kaiakaua I City of Sydney,

Ship Chandlery & Ship StoresiCordagc, Hemp Manila, Cotton Dock,

Flax Canvas, Flax Sail Twine, Beeswax,Blocks. Oars, S to 24 ft; Shackles,

Bales of Oakum. Hooks and Thimbles, CJnb Blocks,Snatch Blocks, Iron Strap Blocks, Row Locks,

Mast Beads, Mctalme and Patent Bashings,Sliievcs. asstd. sizes: Stockholm Tar,

Pilch, Coal Tar, Tar Oil,Bripht Varnish, Black Varnish,

Wire KijKinsr. Marline,Seizing llonselinc, Ratlin,

Spnnvarn, Caulking Irons, Copper Tacks,Iron Tacks. Connecting Links, Marl in Spikes.Canlking Mallets, Mast Hoops,Hand Spikes, Pitch Mops. Tar Brushes, &c 4c.

Paints and Paint OilA Full Assortment of All Einds and Colors :

Pacific Rubber Paint, a new lot, including all thevarious colors;

33 3L XT 331 33 E3 !Paint. Varnish, Pencil,

Whitewash, Paste. Artist,Shoe, Scrub and Sash,


Ases cfc .OTcxtolieits IWOOD AND SHINGLING ;

Pn LANTERN'S AND SIDELIGHTS T:ic Regula-tion Article;

GROCERIES & PROVISIONSA Full Assortment of Fine Groceries, including

some Choice Varieticsof CanncdGoods:

Table Pie Fruits. Jams and Jellies, a new article, putup by a new Cim, and we can highlyrccommcndthem as being something really nice;

A New Lot of Teas, including some superior Japanvarieties ; SUGAH-Hefi- ncd and Raw;

Hams, Bacon, Lard, Smoked Beef, in tins, new article;




Codfish, Cheese, Oxford Sausage, in tins;Raisins, in J,', X and half boxes ;

" wunama 1U 4 & I 10. tins;Pickles, in 1 gal., hf. gal., qts. a:id 5 gal. kegs;

JIacaroni, Dried Apples,Prunes, Plums,

Peaches, Pears,

Flour c&5 Bread.Golden Gate Extra Famib",

Eldorado, Golden City,G,ranam. Oat and Corn Meal,

Medium Bread, Crackers, an asssrtmcnt;Ginger Snaps, Taffy. Saloon Pilot Bread.


SPERM CANDLES, 4s and 6s;


Sold at the Best Market RatesBuyers arc most respectfully invited to call and

Examine Our Stock.

330X1133 cte OO.THE WOMEN'S FRIEND !

Washing Syiade Easy,By the KALAKAUA Al.

Washing Machine !

Patented and Manufactured by "the

HawaiianWashingMachine Man'fg. GoShould yon want your

Clothes to wear well.Get this Machine

And have no fear.It will pay for itself in less than a year


IB. O. Hall Son.Cor. Fort and King Streets, Honolulu. H. I.,

To whom all orders should be addressed: (033 1

ICE O 33. 33 JL. 3VE i

MR.E. A. HART HAS JUSTfrom San FranrUrn nr)T.e j

lee Cream Saloon !



THE ASTOU HOUSE Messrs. nart Bros, haverenovated THE DIXIXG PAHLOIES," and theirr 0"snmentsa?JE'0 the Filest in the

. ....i.-.t.- -

"j unnt lJlIU..onrIetor8"DAISXIsS A2TJD CUllRATS. SUI,- -

munuB anaranu i;orran, m 4ta and 10tS126 BOIXES 4: CO.

MiAiaa. 15,5-- i

No. & 107 Tort street

5 .



LYOAN & JOHNSON havo just recoived a beautiful lot of Parlor Suits, tirAMlstirt--

in Silk, Silk and PIubu, Plnsh and Haircloth, Haircloth and Reps, that thoy wHl a aij --Jtho lowest pnecs possible

LYCAN & JOHNSON havo just received ox Suez, a largo assortment' of ITel

Steamer Chairs, that should bo inspected by every one contompmung a eca voyage.

4 .'

. . --i . i , mi . i i l -- r..." 2s- - JSAT LxUAN ft JOHNoUJN'S can Bo tounct an oi iuo miusi. iuusit, juau leuatea exSuez and Australia. .

Is ;

ijXUAiN X JUrtixourt unvo n largo associuioui 01 xiiiuj uanwji.o anEbcking Cradles, Cribs, high and low Chairs for tho little folks. i " .

t2 t

.LYCAN it JOHNSON have some very cheap and somo expensive Bedroom Ssite:

. .. . . . r . l T t r . .

LYCAN & JOHNSON havo tho only assortment ot small iMusicai insimmeHis aere.t

LYdAN it JOHNSON have tho only assortment of PIANOS and ORGANS' .ielfound in this Kingdom.


LYCAN it JOHNSON sell more Pianos than all tho other dealers becauso .theya6aIL

cheaper, sell on tho installment plan, take old instruments in exchange and lease tkeallowing tho rental to bo applied on purchase.

LYCAN it JOHNSON keep everything in tho Mnsic Line.

j. JLYCAN JOHNSON havo tho celebrated Herring Patent, Eire and Burglar.proof 1

Safes to sell.

LYCAN JOHNSON keep constantly in stock tho largest assortment ofand Clock Shelves, sido and corner Brackets, etc.




v LYCAN it JOHNSON havo a large assortment of Centro Tables, and everything ,tor f4 '

put the Centro Table. "P ', ; ,

LYCAN it JOHNSON havo tho only assortment of Japanese "Vases; Japanese Dishes,Fans, Screens, etc., etc.

LYCAN & JOHNSON havoa large stock of Toys, Dolls, Tool Chests & Doll Carriages.". IE? ,

LYCAN it JOHNSON havo tho only largo stock of Picture and Cornice Moulding to .be found in Honolulu.

. r isLYCAN it JOHNSON havo a very large assortment of Paintings, Water Colors, gs

and Chromos, that they will sell below auction prices.

LYCAN it JOHNSON havo in their employ Mr. W. Q. "WOOD, who is tho only pro-- , .

fessional house decorator in tho Kingdom. If you want everything to harmonize,consult him.

LYCAN it JOHNSON manufacturoLombroquin's, Cornices, and keep Cornice Mould-ing, poles and rings in Brass, Ebony and Walnut.

LYCAN it JOHNSON will furnish estimates for the. complete or partial Pnrnislilng;;of Residences. .

LYCAN JOHNSON sell and rent Chairs cheaper than anybno else.

LYCAN it JOHNSON propose to sell all Goods handled by thorn at only, a fair ;profit, and not at the high figures usually asked for Goods in their lino in Honolulu.

LYCAN it JOHNSON havo tho best Sewing Machines for family and manufacturing1-purposes- ,

and sell them at from $20 to $45 each. ' 1


LYCAN it JOHNSON have all Goods plainly marked, and will deal justly by-ever-

one. Answering all of their correspondents and Shipping Goods to tho other Islandspromptly, and do all in their power to pleaso in prico and qunlity. 971


Agents fop the Superior' StoveDEALERS IN




: PIPES FITTINGS, aii ifzelfiSiiaSgS?; SoIeAzentaintheIsInP,!.,


HAWAIIANFurniture lamifactoiT







Ml 2VTado by TUTaclilzicryAND OF THE


No Pains will be SparedTO GIVE

SATISFACTION TO HIS CUSTOMERSUpholstcrliifr Done to Order.

Coffins Always on Hand.

BLOCKS AND MAST HOOPSiFFtSFt ,koik strapped ntocus

Ftln BushinV,", fnmeJa?en! UuAb"818 OLLES

ani jelecttawr v"5

STOVES AND RANGESAlso, Every Description of



iimifiiiymuiETC., FOR.









mmm joy

n Has a St. and Cor Fort A XwciMHt


