From Encounters to Experiences From Encounters to Experiences Using Design Thinking to Exceed User Using Design Thinking to Exceed User Expectations Expectations Indiana University Libraries Annual Librarians Day May 30, 2008 Steven Bell – [email protected] Associate University Librarian Temple University

From Encounters to Experiences - Steven Bellstevenbell.info/pdfs/indianauslides.pdf · From Encounters to Experiences ... Compare ADDIE and the IDEO Method. ... Wiki Case Study 1

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From Encounters to ExperiencesFrom Encounters to ExperiencesUsing Design Thinking to Exceed User Using Design Thinking to Exceed User


Indiana University Libraries Annual Librarians Day

May 30, 2008

Steven Bell – [email protected]

Associate University Librarian

Temple University

Even Our Students Know


The Age of User Experience

What Defines It?What Defines It?

• Make it simple

• Complexity/Confusion are deal breakers

• If you have to learn it – we have a problem

• Good design is critical

• Features get used if they provide a good user experience

Source: EWeek.com -http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1914495,00.asp

� Simple

� Satisfies instantgratification

� No unnecessary features

� Millennial seal of approval

� Complex

� Takes time to learn

� Many features

� Added value

� Better quality

� Personalized help

Google Experience vs. Library Experience


Simplicity – Complexity Conundrum – how to resolve the tension between the two yet encourage quality research and education

What Do Libraries Offer? Fear of Complexity

Marginalizing Trends

*2005 OCLC Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources report


“College students use search engines to begin an information search (89 percent). Two percent begin an information search on a library Web site. (Part 1.2)”



Source: BusinessWeek IN Supplement June 11, 2007 http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/07_24/b4038405.htm

Only The Paranoid Survive

Andy Grove, Founder of Intel, wrote this book about surviving competition and change

Wrote about the “inflection curve”

We have no control over the “forces of change” but we can control our strategy

Library anecdote – “This is broken”

• See Seth Godin’s blog or his presentation at GEL2006

•Finding Time in the Penn State LibrariesThis video documents a search for Time Magazine via the Penn State Libraries web site. It was created by Ellysa Stern Cahoy for the 2007 CIC Libraries conference, as part of the presentation 'Interface = Instruction.'

What’s Broken At Your Library?

How might we design a better user How might we design a better user

experience at our libraries?experience at our libraries?

Identify “what is broken”


What’s Broken - Activity

� This is a 2-4 minute activity

� Think about something at your library that you think is broken. Either something that doesn’t work or a solution that has no problem attached to it. Or a bad user experience.

� Just jot down a description of that on a sheet of paper

� Also – why do you think it is broken?

� Put that sheet aside for now


Word Association

What comes to your mind when you hear the word



Do you think librarians are designers?

What is Design Anyway?What is Design Anyway?

What They Have in CommonWhat They Have in Common

The Design Approach!

� empathic thinking

� identifying the problem before the solution

� brainstorming process

� prototyping process

� formative/summative evaluation

• Identify the problem before the solution• Understand the users• Work creatively to identify and develop the solution• Bottom Line – it’s how designers approach challenges

Key Points:

Design Thinking

� Approaching library problems the way designers approach design problems.

� “Librarianship by Design” draws mostly from instructional design for influence

� How is it different?

◦ Thoughtful process to create new services

◦ Integrates needs assessment and evaluation

◦ User-centered not technology-driven

Thinking Like A Designer

Stage 1Reflect, Analyze,

Diagnose & Describe

Stage 2Imagine &Visualize

Stage 3Model, Plan & Prototype

Stage 4Action &


DT vs. ISD

� In what ways are design thinking and instructional systems design similar

� Compare ADDIE and the IDEO Method

BLAAM – Design Thinking

� Identify Learning Gaps

� Determine Learning Objectives

� Create Instructional Resources

� Implement Instructional Product

� Conduct Formative & Summative Outcomes Assessment

Design Thinking

� Empathic Design

� Prototyping process

� Formative and summative evaluation

Technology ImplementationWiki Case Study

1. Identify problem – possible solutions2. Wiki identified as technology with potential3. Learn more about wikis4. Practice editing a wiki5. Obtain a wiki account for experimentation6. Show staff but allow time for acceptance7. Identify compassionate pioneer8. Allow pioneer to experiment and discover9. Develop strategy for implementation10. Incorporate staff training/learning11. Implement12. Evaluation


Designing A Better Experience: The Experience Economy

• Book about designing user experiences

• Moving from commodities to experiences

• Make it different and memorable

• It has to work

UX: What is it?

A Definition:

UX is the quality of experience a person has while interacting with aspecific design.

He asks: “So, what are the experiences we create

in libraries and our communities?”

UX: The WOW Factor

• One school of thought

• UX as highly unique

• UX as unexpected

• UX as impressive

UX: The Totality of the Experience

• Not just one fragmented experience

• More than one WOW

• Must be designed into the larger library service operation

• Creates equal expectations throughout library

From Encounter to Experience

• Start with core values – design from there

• Focus on relationship design – build trust

• It’s more than customer service

• Must be useful and usable (simple/complex)

• Think about UX as the brand

• Design for local audiences

• Design for personal experiences

• Design for outcomes not features

• Design for success stories

• Design for user education

Design a Better Library User Experience

Next Steps

• Talk to the users

• Talk about the core values

• Talk about the design

• Talk about the “tolerance level”

Add Your Voice To The Conversation

Further Reading

“Academic librarianship by design is about more than confronting marginalization. It is about an approach to librarianship that is guided by creative thinking and contemplation about what we do and how we do it.”

“We anticipate that it is only a matter of time before design thinking appears in academic library job descriptions along with traditional qualities such as being dynamic, creative, innovation, and forward thinking. From our point of view, design thinkers represent all these qualities.”

Academic Librarianship by Design: A Blended Librarians Guide tothe Tools and Techniques. ALA Editions 2007.


How might design thinking impact on you?

A story about a new product or service where design thinking could have helped?

Thoughts about good library user experiences

How could you create “sticky” messages about design thinking?NOTE: go to http://stevenbell.info/design.htm for a 5 minute video on DT