Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014 Table of Contents Report Book Worm Corner Katarina Ruflo 2 My Triathlete Sister Iñigo Gonzalez 6 Planning Events Cassandra Sevilla 10 Fiction Ready, Set, Go! Julianne Paderanga 8 Journal My First Year At Fröbel Dawn Raine Dy 3 Learn Your Six-Strings Ma. Therese Silfavan 4 1 Fröbel Stories An essay and literary journal to showcase student writings. Summer Writing Workshop

Frobel Stories #1

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Our inaugural issue, a venue for essays and literary works by students to get published and shared with the world. This issue contains works from our current Summer Writing Workshop.

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Page 1: Frobel Stories #1

Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

Table of Contents


Book Worm Corner Katarina Ruflo 2

My Triathlete Sister Iñigo Gonzalez 6

Planning Events Cassandra Sevilla 10


Ready, Set, Go! Julianne Paderanga 8


My First Year At Fröbel Dawn Raine Dy 3

Learn Your Six-Strings Ma. Therese Silfavan 4


Fröbel Stories!An essay and literary journal to showcase student writings.

Summer Writing Workshop

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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

The Bookworm’s Guide!by Katarina Ruflo, Grade 6!Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children is a debut novel by American author Ransom Riggs. An island, an abandoned orphanage, and a set of old photos are what awaits readers to discover in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.!

The book’s cover is really eye-catching, because it’s a black and white photo of a little girl. If you look closely, you can see that she is actually floating. The book’s interior is equally interesting - black and white photos are scattered throughout the book, and the black pages give the book a eerie effect.!

Our story follows sixteen-year-old Jacob Portman, who, has listened to spectacular stories from his grandfather about his childhood. After witnessing the horrific death of his beloved grandfather, he sets about to travel to a dismal town off the coast of Wales to learn more about his grandfather’s childhood and see if the spectacular stories he’s been told are true. He discovers that the children his grandfather talked of might be dangerous as well.!

It is an amazingly unique book with interesting characters, an amazing story, and mixing in the vintage photographs bring this story to life. I also hear it is being made into a film to be directed by Tim Burton, so the time to read it is now!!


A tale that combines dark fantasy and old photos in an exciting journey. This book does not disappoint, and is one of the best young adult literature I have read.

L: Book signing 4/27 M: Book cover. R: Autographed copy in the library.

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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

My First Day at Fröbel iSchool

By: Dawn Raine Dy, Grade 6!In June 2013, I was officially transferred to Fröbel iSchool. I say officially because I was here in April. Fröbel had extended their school year into April while other schools had already gone on summer vacation by March. So, free from my old school, I was just sitting in the class as an observer. I started off that first day by introducing myself. Well, that’s what people usually do. I wasn’t sure then if this was the school for me but I adjusted to the people here in that short summer month. However, adjusting to the lessons were a struggle! But then, Teacher Cha was by my side, and she taught me the lessons. So that summer went well.!

It’s been after a year now since I’ve been here, at the Grade 5 level. I’m glad I had that first summer here so it wasn’t much of a shock anymore to start here. Here are a few of my impressions:!

First of all, I found the people in Fröbel are nice, fun and great to be with - like my classmates Hannah, Cassy, Julianne and Kat! Compared to the previous school that I was in, they are really genuine and don’t act as somebody else. I am a 12 year old girl who is kinda weird and, you know what, they accepted me for who I am. The teachers are also approachable and have a sense of humor that makes the class lively. !

Second, Fröbel School is harder than I thought it would be. Well, I am just a normal person who studied previously in a basic school then suddenly transferred to an advanced school. It was hard for me to comprehend the lectures. I find it’s like high school level already and I’m just in Elementary! On the other hand, it’s good that you are learning the hard topics since your knowledge increases. And that’s a good thing! When you have a better mind, it can make you a better person. !

Last, I also enjoyed the additional activities here where you can discover and learn new things, such as camping, which made me new friends from the 4th and 3rd Graders. From field trips, I also discovered hidden histories of the Philippines. Fröbel School is obviously better than my previous school because although it may be a little hard, it made me smarter. That’s what makes Frobel School DIFFERENT.!


Fröbel iSchool is named after Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel. Fröbel is famous for creating the Fröbel blocks and puzzles which is known as Fröbel Gifts. Today’s Fröbel is now into technology and still the place where children’s knowledge and growth is guided.

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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

Jump Start Your 6 - Strings!Ma. Leonille Therese D. Silfavan, Gr6!The guitar is easy to play and learn. It's also very handy and light. You could bring it anywhere you go. It also doesn't really need electricity to play it. Successfully learning how to play the guitar is in the grasp of most people (pun intended).!

I have only played the guitar for a year but I think I play it well enough already. You can see for yourself our school performances in Youtube. The first thing you need will always be patience - you can't just learn it in one sitting. Don't worry about not getting it correctly at once, it will sink in sooner or later. Here are some tips on how I learned to play my guitar.!

The Guitar Before you start learning how to play the guitar, you first have to learn the parts of the guitar. Learn the names and the functions of each part. Learn how sound is emitted by the parts. Learn how tension affects the strings of the guitar. Spending at least half an hours on this basic understanding will help you learn how to play the guitar faster than expected.!

Chords Chords are 3 or more notes that are put together and creates a harmonious sound.

Let's start with the 5 basic chords which are mostly being used in songs. These chords are A, C, D, E, and G. It might be hard placing your fingers properly at first but once you have mastered placing the chords properly, it's a piece of cake. Please click the link: http://www.learnguitarfast.com/chords.php!

Once you have mastered the basic chords, you can now move on to minor and major chords. Each chord has another version or set of notes but a bit different from the root chord. (Example: Am, Cm, Dm, Em, and Gm ). You can practice these later.!

There are also Barre chords, or mostly known as bar chords. Now, you might not get these chords as fast as the basic chords but believe me, once you've learned it, you’ll sound like a pro. Did you know that songs could be played on the guitar with only 2 chords?!!


Learning to play the guitar is as easy as 1-2-3-4-5-6!

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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

Strumming Your Strings Strumming has downstrokes and upstrokes in various combinations, striking all notes evenly and rhythmically. It’s what makes the tune for your song.!

Learn to strum each chord first. Then learn to strum 3 or more chords in a pattern. Once you get used to strumming while playing chords, it would be easier for you to then start learning to strum song notes. !

Sticking With Your Fingers There will be a time when your fingers feel numb after playing for a while. Sometimes you might also feel pain, like when you try to grasp some chords it would feel like your fingers are being cut. Just stop playing the guitar for a while, because the more you force the worse it gets. Sometimes it might even bleed. Don't abuse your fingers as it could prevent you from playing the guitar. As time passes, callouses will grow on your fingers that will greatly reduce the pain.!

Learn from Others One of the fastest way to learn how to play the guitar is by learning from other guitarists. Listening, watching, and mimicking others techniques is the best way to learn how to play the guitar. Each guitarist might have different techniques, so learn it all!


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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

My Triathlete Sister!Iñigo Gonzalez, Gr6!Nowadays people are into sports like running, swimming and biking to stay fit and to live a healthy lifestyle. Triathlon is the one sport that’s becoming quickly popular. !

It’s not easy being a triathlete, though. So I interviewed my sister to find what it takes to be a triathlete. This is what she told me. !

Me: Why did you pick this sport?

CJ: I didn’t pick it, the sport picked me... just kidding. Before being a triathlete, I have been part of my school’s swimming team for 9 years. During my third year in college, my dad brought me to a half Ironman event. Seeing those who crossed the finish line made me decide I wanted to be like them. Since I already am a swimmer, I bike on weekends and occasionally go for a run on the track, I don’t have a zero idea about the sport, too.!

!What are the challenges do you encounter as a triathlete?

I have trouble waking up early in the morning and I have to be extra careful and watch every step I make so that I don’t get injured for my upcoming races.!


I find my sister amazing and here’s a glimpse of her being a triathlete.

Triathlon is a multiple-stage competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance disciplines. While many variations of the sport exist, triathlon, in its most popular form, involves swimming, cycling and running in immediate succession over various distances. A person join in a triathlon race is called a triathlete.

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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

Why is being a triathlete very important to you? !

It’s very important to me because it’s fun and keeps me fit. I get to travel and meet new friends. !

!What is the key to winning the race? !

I go for the kill in the swim leg or go all out. If I have the lead, I maintain the pace in the bike leg. Then I go as hard as I can in the run leg. !

!How does winning feel like?

I feel happy every time i get a podium finish because it boosts my confidence level. It feels wonderful to fulfill my goal at the same time. !

!What do you have for any advice for others who want to go into the sport?

Prepare your pockets because you have to spend a lot for each discipline. Like for swimming, you have to have the swimming caps, goggles, suits which would not cost below Php400. For biking, you have to keep on tuning it up for maintenance, upgrade some parts, make the bike lighter. And for the run, you have to buy shoes. And all must be in great quality for you to have a quality training which in turn would lead you to a quality race. !

And you have to dedicate more time on training than being at parties. Haha!


Some of CJ’s Triathlons

Bogo8080 Triathlon

1st place overall, Women’s Category, May 11, 2014

Vaseline Men Xterra Off-road Triathlon Series ‘14

3rd place, Women’s Elite Category, March 15, 2014

Cebu loves Tri Team Championship Series ’14 – Leg 1

1st place overall, Women’s Category, February 8, 2014

2nd Talisay Triathlon

1st place overall, Women’s Category, March 17, 2013

Vaseline Men Xterra Off-road Triathlon Series

3rd place, Mixed Relay Category, March 2, 2013

Cebu loves Tri Team Championship Series – Leg 2

1st place overall, Women’s Category, February 3, 2013

Cebu loves Tri Team Championship Series – Leg 1

2nd place overall, Women’s Category, November 25, 2012

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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

Ready, Set, Go!!Julianne Paderanga, Gr6!When my parents saw the tarpaulin that contained the words ‘Singing Competition’, they suddenly thought of entering me in it. It said to sign up at the plaza. It also said the competition would take place there. I refused. This is what happened.!

My parents had to drag me to the plaza. I kept holding on to stop signs, poles and stands. Even ice cream stands and people! But they continued dragging me towards the sign up.!

Finally we got there. As my parents signed me up, I frowned. But when I heard the prize was a nice set of makeup and with a cute puppy with it, I changed my mind. I want to enter the competition! They said the show will start the day after tomorrow. We rode a taxi home.!

When we were home, I saw mom peeking into my closet. “Mom, what are you doing?” I asked her.!

“Oh, me? I’m just choosing clothes for the show. Since all of your clothes are old, I’m going out.”!

“But mom, the show is still on Saturday.”!


My parents had to drag me to the plaza. I kept holding on to stop signs, poles and stands. Even ice cream stands and people!

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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

“I need to shop for more clothes for the show. I’ll be taking care of your makeup, too.”!

No matter what I do, she won’t listen. I just tried to ignore her. So I went to dad, hoping he’s not preparing so I could have fun all day. But sadly, he was preparing the shoes I was going to wear. “Dad! Could you please stop preparing? It’s still so far.”!

“Sorry, I can’t.” he said. I left them to prepare.!

Next day, I asked them if they were done preparing. They said not yet. Minutes later, I finally convinced them to stop preparing and we prepared our swimming wear and went to the beach. We ate dinner there. When we were home, we were very tired and directly went to bed.!

I woke up late on Saturday not thinking it was the singing contest. My parents were already rushing and kept shouting to me. My face was covered with their saliva. They told me to prepare my song. When I was done preparing, we ran to the streets and called for a

taxi. But when we got there, we only saw a janitor sweeping the area. “Don’t tell me it’s already done!” I yelled.!

I was very sad when I heard it was too late. I shouldn’t have taken it for granted. I was waiting for the day to come. I wanted the puppy and the very expensive makeup so much. I cried all night. And now, I would try to get ready next time.!



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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

6 Important Things in Event Planning!Cassandra Sevilla, Gr6!Parties and events are a huge part in the industry. They are used to celebrate the major events in our life, like birthdays and weddings. These things don’t happen if we don’t plan it. Event planning is a

huge job that’s why we’ve got event planners to help. But events don’t necessarily need to be done by an event planner. Suppose an event is coming up, and let’s say you’ve got to plan it. Well listen up, event planning isn’t so easy. So here are six things you need to know when event planning.!

First things first, you’ve got to set the date.

There is no party without a date. The date helps in getting the venue, especially if it’s on a holiday because the place might be fully booked already. It also sets a basis for your theme, like if its in Summer, then the theme could be a pool party, or if it’s around Winter or December it could be a wintery snow theme.!

Next would be the theme.

Themes are really important so that you would know what food, giveaways, and outfit to buy that would be perfect for your theme.


Parties and events are a huge part in the industry. They are used to celebrate the major events in our life, like birthdays and weddings. These things don’t happen if we don’t plan it.

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Issue No. 1 The Inaugural Issue Summer 2014

The invitations could also relate to your theme for the designs and styles. It also sets an idea for your budget because once you have the theme you’d probably already have an idea on what to buy and buying means money.!

Third would be to have a budget.

Sure, parties or events could be spent on credit cards if you prefer, but having a budget doesn’t deprive you of anything good for your event, unless you don’t have enough money. That’s why a budget would help so you could think twice about something, such as party favours, and it reminds you of your limits so you won’t waste your money on unimportant things.!

Now is the time to think of a venue.

You’ve got to make sure the venue is fit for your theme and, most importantly, your budget. The venue must be big enough for the number of people you will have or think you’ll have. It should also


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have enough space if you choose to have more decorations, or an extra like a bounce house for your kids’ party, or space if you’re hiring a band.!

Then comes the invitations.

The invitations could be designed by you or you could outsource it to someone to design and make them. You should have at least five or more extra invitations just in case you decide to have some as a souvenir or have more people you forgot to invite.!

Last is the food.

It isn’t a party without food. The food should be enough for the number of people at your party, and preferably there should be more just in case some of your guests bring a helper and if some of the guests bring kids (be clear in your invitations if you will have an adult-only party).!

With all these done, your party is most likely to be a success. But if you think you can’t do it you may inquire around for an event planner so that he or she can help you.!
