Appendix 1 Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation between India and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (9 August 1971) Desirous of expanding and consolidating the existing relations of sincere friendship between them, Believing that the further development of friendship and cooperation meets the basic national interests of both the States as well as the interests of lasting peace in Asia and the world, Determined to promote the consolidation of universal peace and security and to make steadfast efforts for the relaxation of international tensions and the fmal elimination of the remnants of colonialism, Upholding their firm faith in the principles of peaceful coexistence and cooperation between States with different political and social systems, Convinced that in the world today international problems can only be solved by cooperation and not by conflict, Reaffirming their determination to abide by purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, The Republic of India on the one side, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the other side, Have decided to conclude the present Treaty: Article I The High Contracting Parties solemnly declare that enduring peace and friendship shall prevail between the two countries and their peoples. Each Party shall respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the other Party and refrain from interfering in the other's internal affairs. The High Contracting Parties shall continue to develop and consolidate the relations of sincere friendship, good neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation existing between them on the basis of the aforesaid principles as well as those of equality and mutual benefit

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Appendix 1

Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation between India and the

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

(9 August 1971)

Desirous of expanding and consolidating the existing relations of sincere friendship between them,

Believing that the further development of friendship and cooperation meets the basic national interests of both the States as well as the interests of lasting peace in Asia and the world,

Determined to promote the consolidation of universal peace and security and to make steadfast efforts for the relaxation of international tensions and the fmal elimination of the remnants of colonialism,

Upholding their firm faith in the principles of peaceful coexistence and cooperation between States with different political and social systems,

Convinced that in the world today international problems can only be solved by cooperation and not by conflict,

Reaffirming their determination to abide by purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter,

The Republic of India on the one side, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the other side,

Have decided to conclude the present Treaty:

Article I

The High Contracting Parties solemnly declare that enduring peace and friendship shall prevail between the two countries and their peoples. Each Party shall respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the other Party and refrain from interfering in the other's internal affairs. The High Contracting Parties shall continue to develop and consolidate the relations of sincere friendship, good neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation existing between them on the basis of the aforesaid principles as well as those of equality and mutual benefit

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Article II

Guided by the desire to contribute in every possible way to ensure enduring peace and security of their peoples, the High Contracting Parties declare their determination to continue their efforts to preserve and to strengthen peace in Asia and throughout the world, to halt the arms race and to achieve general and complete disarmament, including both nuclear and conventional, under effective international control.

Article Ill

Guided by their loyalty to the lofty ideal of equality of all peoples and nations, irrespective of race and creed, the High Contracting Parties condemn colonialism and racialism in all forms and manifestations, and reaffirm their determination to strive for their final and complete elimination.

The High Contracting Parties shall cooperate with other States to achieve these aims and to support the just aspirations of the peoples in their struggle against colonialism and racial domination.

Article IV

The Republic of India respects the peace-loving policy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics aimed at strengthening friendship and cooperation with all nations.

1be Union of Soviet Socialist Republics respects India's policy of non­alignment and reaffirms that this policy constitutes an important factor in the maintenance of universal peace and international security and in the lessening of tensions in the world.

1\rticle V

Deeply interested in ensuring universal peace and security, attaching great importance to their mutual cooperation in the international field for achieving those aims, the High Contracting Parties will maintain regular contacts with each other on major international problems affecting the interests of both the States by means of meetings and exchanges of views between their leading statesmen, visits by official delegations and special envoys of the two Governments, and through diplomatic channels.

Article VI

Attaching great importance to economic, scientific and technological cooperation between them, the High Contracting Parties will continue to

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India-USSR Treaty 301

consolidate and expand mutually advantageous and comprehensive cooperation in these fields as well as expand trade, transport and communications between them on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual benefit and most-favoured-nation treatment, subject to the existing agreements and the special arrangements with contiguous countries as specified in the Indo-Soviet Trade Agreement of December 26, 1970.


The High Contracting Parties shall promote further development of ties and contacts between them in the fields of science, art, literature, education, public health, Press, Radio, Television, cinema, tourism and sports.

Article VIII

In accordance with the traditional friendship established between the two countries, each of the High Contracting Parties solemnly declares that it shall not enter into or participate in any military alliance directed against the other Party.

Each High Contracting Party undertakes to abstain from any aggression against the other Party and to prevent the use of its territory for the commission of any act which might inflict military damage on the other High Contracting Party.

Article IX

Each High Contracting Party undertakes to abstain from providing any assistance to any third party that engages in armed conflict with the other Party. In the event of either Party being subjected to an attack or a threat thereof, the High Contracting Parties shall immediately enter into mutual consultations in order to remove any such threat and to take appropriate effective measures to ensure peace and the security of their countries.

Article X

Each High Contracting Party solemnly declares that it shall not enter into any obligation secret or public with one or more States, which is incompatible with this Treaty. Each High Contr:11cting Party further declares that no obligation exists, nor shall any obligations be entered into, between itself and any other State or States, which might cause military damage to the other Party.

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Article X/

This Treaty is concluded for the duration of twenty years and will be automatically extended for each successive period of five years unless either High Contracting Party declares its desire to terminate it by giving notice to the other High Contracting Party twelve months prior to the expiration of the Treaty. The Treaty will be subject to ratification and will come into force on the date of exchange of Instruments of Ratification which will take place in Moscow within one month of the signing of this Treaty.

Article XII

Any difference of interpretation of any Article or Articles of this Treaty which may arise between the High Contracting Parties will be settled bilaterally by peaceful means, in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding.

The said plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty in Hindi, Russian and English, all texts being equally authentic, and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done in New Delhi on the ninth day of August in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one.

On behalf of the Republic of India:

(Sd.) Swaran Singh Minister of External Mfairs

On behalf of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: (Sd.) A. A. Gromyko Minister of Foreign Mfairs

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Appendix 2 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation

between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

(3 November 1978)

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,

Proceeding from the close cooperation between the two countries in all fields in a fraternal spirit and from the unshakable friendship and solidarity between them on the basis of the principles of Marxism-Leninism and socialist internationalism,

Firmly convinced that the efforts to consolidate solidarity and friendship between the the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics conform to the fundamental interests of the two peoples and serve to consolidate the fraternal solidarity and one­mindedness among the countries of the socialist community,

In keeping with the principles and objectives of socialist foreign policy and the desire to ensure the most favourable international conditions for the building of socialism and communism,

Reasserting that both parties acknowledge their internationalist obligation to assist each other in the consolidation and preservation of the socialist achievements recorded by the two peoples through their heroic efforts and selfless labour,

Determined to work for the unity of all forces struggling for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress,

Expressing their iron determination to contribute to the consolidation of peace in Asia and throughout the world, and to.the development of good relations and mutually beneficial cooperation among countries with different social systems,

Hoping to further develop and perfect the all-round cooperation between the two countries,

Attaching great importance to the continued development and consolidation of the treaty basis of the relations between them,

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In keeping with the objectives and principles of the United Nations Charter,

Have resolved to sign this Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation and have agreed as follows:

Article I

In keeping with the principles of socialist internationalism, the two Parties signatory to the present Treaty shall continue to consolidate their unshakable friendship and solidarity and assist each other in a fraternal spirit. The two Parties shall unceasingly develop political relations and cooperation in all fields and endeavour to assist each other on the basis of respect for each others' national independence and sovereignty, equality and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

Article II

The two Parties signatory to ths present Treaty shall join efforts to consolidate and broaden their mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic and scientific-technological fields in order to push forward the building of socialism and communism and to constantly raise the material and cultural standards of the two peoples. The two Parties shall continue to coordinate their long-term national economic plans, agree upon long­term measures aimed at developing the most important sectors of the economy, science and technology, and exchange knowledge and experience accumulated in the building of socialism and communism.

Article Ill

The two Parties signatory to the present Treaty shall promote cooperation between their State bodies and mass organisations, and develop broad relations in the fields of science and culture, education, literature and art, the press, broadcasting and television, health service, environmental protection, tourism, sport and physical training, and other domains. The two parties shall encourage the development of contacts between the working people of the two countries.

Article N

The two Parties signatory to the present Treaty shall consistently strive to further consolidate their fraternal relations, and strengthen the solidarity and one-mindedness among the socialist countries on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and socialist internationalism.

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Vietnam-USSR Treaty 305

The two Parties shall do their utmost to consolidate the world socialist system and actively contribute to the development and defence of the socialist gains.


The two Parties signatory to the present Treaty shall continue doing their utmost to contribute to defending world peace and the security of all nations; they shall actively oppose all schemes and manoeuvres of imperialism and reactionary forces, support the just struggle for the complete eradication of all forms and manifestations of colonialism and racism, support the struggle waged by the non-aligned countries and the peoples of Asian, African and Latin American countries against imperialism, colonialism and neocolonialism, for the consolidation of their independence and the defence of their sovereignty, for mastery over their natural resources, and for the establishment of a new world economic relationship free from inequalities, oppression and exploitation, and support the aspirations of the Southeast Asian peoples for peace, independence and cooperation among countries in this region. The two Parties shall unceasingly strive to develop relations between countries with different social systems on the basis of the principles of peaceful coexistence, for the purpose of broadening and consolidating the process of easing tension in international relations and radically eliminating aggressions and wars of aggression form the life of the nations, for the sake of peace, national independence, democracy and socialism.

Article VI

The two Parties signatory to the present Treaty shall exchange views on all important international questions relating to the interests of the two countries. In case either Party is attacked or threatened with attack, the two Parties signatory to the Treaty shall immediately consult each other with a view to eliminating that threat and taking appropriate and effective measures to ensure the peace and the security of the two countries.

Article VII

The present Treaty does not affect the two Parties' rights and obligations stemming from the bilateral or multilateral agreements to which they are signatories and is not intended to oppose any third country.

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Article VIII

The present Treaty shall be ratified and shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of Instruments of Ratification, which shall take place in Hanoi as soon as possible.

Article IX

The present Treaty shall remain in force for twenty-five years and thereafter shall be extended by tacit agreement for successive periods of ten years if neither signatory party declares its desire to terminate this Treaty by informing the other party twelve months before the expiry date.

Done in duplicate in the Vietnamese and Russian languages, both texts being equally authentic, in Moscow, this third day of November 1978.

For The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(Sd.) Le Duan Pham Van Dong

For The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Sd.) L. I. Brezhnev A. N. Kosygin

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Adhikari, G., 281 Mghanistan, 263

and India, 40-8, 51, 65, 84, 86, 254, 256,270,276-9,282

and Pakistan, 144, 154 and USA, 108, 110-1 and USSR, 5-8, 13, 15, 19, 24, 25,

33, 36, 52, 57, 79, 83, 87, 104, 107, 122, 156, 177, 257, 260, 279, 292, 297, 298

Africa, 2, 16, 25, 103, 279 Akhromeyev, S. F., 50 Aksai Chin, 50, 77, 107 Albania, 13 Albright, D. E., 5-6 Algeria,2 Aliev, G., 225 All India Council for Scientific and

Industrial Research, 252 All India Radio (AIR), 249 Andaman & Nicobar Islands, 76,104 Andropov, Y ., 6, 78, 79 Angkor Wat, 248 Angom,2,4-8, 13, 19,22,26,122

n108, 187,292 Anh, L. D., 253 Arab-Israeli conflict, 2, 71 Argentina, 13, 72 Arkhipov, I., 60 Armitage, R., 128 n128 ArunachalPTadesh,77

Aryabhata, 75 ASEAN, 2-3, 13, 25, 118,256-62,

267. 294, 296 Asian Development Bank, 38 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC,

India), 152-3, 162 Australia, 132 n145, 158, 201, 256,

262, 294 Austria, 47

Babiy, A., 77 Bach, T. X., 81 n32 Bajpai, K. S., 242 Baker, J., 164 Baltic republics, 25 Bandung Conference (1955), 33 Bangladesh, 27, 71, 210,236,256 Bangladesh War (1971), 37-8,91,95,

109,111, 123, 140,276,282 Basu, J., 243, 268 Batitsky, P. F., 119 Bay of Bengal, 91, 106, 108 Beazley, K., 105 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 141,

162 Bhabha, H., 136 Bhandari, R., 63, 73, 257, 263, 275 Bharat Heavy Electricals, 212 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, India), 165-

6 Bhaskara-1 and -11, 75

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308 Index

Bhattacluujee, R.N., 251 Bhutan, 27, 77 Bhutto, B., 64, 115, 278 Bhutto, Z. A., 42, 138 Binh, N. T., 242,243,255 Blum government (France), 28 Bowles, C., 87 Brazil, 71 Brezhnev, L., 7--8, 15, 39, 42, 75, 78,

106, 152, 220, 241 Asian collective security proposal,

36, 38, 49, 59 death of, 6, 79, 87, 275 third world policy, 5, 60 visits to India, 38, 45, 49 n77, 108,

169,172,277 Britain, 34,48,51,90,92,97, 104,

138, 159, 170, 188, 211-2 Brutents, K., 71 Bulganin, N., 33, 57 Bulgaria, 85, 214, 289 Burma, 33, 57, 257 Bush, G., 66, 154, 164, 280

Cam Ranh Bay, 61, 116, 121, 126-31, 133,254,269,288,292

Cambodia, 13, 25, 57, 80, 121, 131, 254-66. See also Democratic Kampuchea, People's Republic of Kampuchea and India, 244, 254-66, 270, 276 and USSR, 6, 79, 187 and Vietnam, 133, 265,292, 294,

296 invasion by, 3, 5, 61, 121, 123-5,


Cameron, A.W., 57 Canada, 137,151-2,251,256,264 Carlucci, F., 110 Carnegie Endowmnet, 140-1 Carter, J., 22, 108 Castro, F., 52 Chagla, M. C., 139 Chanda, N., 123, 129, 253 Chau, L. V., 251

Chauhan, R., 179 Chavan, Y. B., 94 Chemenko, K., 27, 49,78 Chemobyl, 153 Chidambaran, R., 141 n12 China, 1, 13, 56, 74, 80, 107, 117, 282

and Afghanistan, 40, 42 and Africa, 2 and Cambodia, 60, 67, 121, 131,

224, 267 and India, 25, 36, 62-3, 86, 91, 139,

147-51, 256 and Cambodia, 26~ normalisation, 38-40, 64, 239,

245,298 and USSR, 30, 34, 38-40, 89, 94,

123, 220-1, 241, 269, 272, 277--8,295

and Vietnam, 231-3, 241, 244-7, 252,254-5

war (1962), 34, 58, 93-4, 143, 224,235,240,258

and Indian Ocean, 105-9 nuclear policy, 35, 138, 142-3, 155 and Pakistan, 35, 64, 159-60

and India, 240 and USA, 45, 113, 145, 156

and Thailand, 265 and USA, 36, 37, 289

and USSR, 77, 119 n99 and USSR, 20, 25~. 28, 36, 37, 40,

49, 56-7, 70, 85, 150, 156, 198, 220-1,296 conflict, 29, 59 and India, 53, 244 normalisation, 62-3, 67, 77, 79,

298 and Vietnam, 60, 72, 77, 79, 87,

89, 119 n99, 121, 125, 128, 132-3, 174, 221, 224, 230, 244,246,269-70,287-91

and Vietnam, 25, 55, 88, 131, 133, 203,265,293-4 aid to, 58, 116, 185, 191, 192,

194,287 n37

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Index 309

China and Vietnam (cant' d) and India, 58, 224, 235, 260 n~Uation, 79-80,245 trade, 173-5 war, 3, 61, 121-6, 132, 167, 186,

195,225,239-40,255,257 Chinese Communist Party, 29, 56 Chinh, T., 79, 242, 244 CIA, 100,292 CIMMCO, 243,249,251,252 CMEA, 8, 13-14, 61, 69, 121, 168,

175,184-6,194,195,201,218,222, 224-6,230,245,269,288,290

Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), 261, 265, 267

Colbert, E., 128 n127 Cominform, 29, 55 Comintem, 28, 53-6, 69 Commonwealth, 238,275 Communist Party of India, 31, 74, 242,

243,245 Communist Party of the Soviet Union

(CPSU), 31, 33, 56, 60, 87, 130, 197,287 party congresses, 3, 5-7, 38, 74, 80

Confederation of Engineering Industry of India, 218

Cong, V. C., 268 Congress Party of India, 32, 35, 38, 44,

46,70, 74,143,165,206,233,243, 257

Crowe, W. J., 129 n133 Cuba, 8, 281

and African involvement, 5, 7 and CMEA, 13, 269, 289 and India, 52,214 and USSR, 1, 11, 14, 29, 116, 171, 18~. 198, 210 n10

and Vietnam, 162 Cuban missile crisis (1962), 72, 224 Czechoslovakia, 8, 19, 35, 39, 44, 75,


Da Lat Nuclear Research Institute, 161 Danang, 127,269

Dasgupta, C., 243 Datt, B., 243 Defence Resean:h and Development

OrganUation (DRDO), 91,112,142-3 Delhi Declaration (1986), 72-3 Delhi Six, 72 Democratic Kampuchea, 60, 67, 261.

See also Cambodia, People's Republic of Kampuchea

Desai, M., 39-40, 152, 239-40, 254-5, 275

Dhar, D.P., 36, 171 Dibb, P., 130 n137 Diego Garcia, 106-8, 158 Dobrynin, A., 50 Dolgikh, v., 225 OOng, P. V., 79, 80 n27, 162, 239-44,

253,268 Duin, L., 60, 61, 79, 87, 120 n101,

197,241-4, 267 Dulles, J. F., 32 Dung, V. T., 242, 253 Dutt, V. P., 240

Egypt, 4, 13, 15, 19-20, 33, 58, 120, 177, 187

Engels, F., 9 Ethiopia, 4-8, 13, 19, 22, 187 Europe,28,29, 56,66, 83,154,198,

201 Europe, East, 4, 14, 25, 69, 88, 183,

215, 270, 280, 282 changes in, 8, 78, 81-2, 87, 200,

277,289-90,296 andlndia,100, 169,173,209,285 and Vietnam, 116, 185-6, 191, 196

n84,222,229 Europe, West, 7-8, 25, 45, 214, 284 European Community (EC), 11, 67, 256 European Defence Community, 71 European Free Trade Association


Falklands War (1982), 158 Festival of India, 51

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Fforde, A., 223 n59 Finland, 212 Firyubin, N., 61 n131, 123 Ford, G., 238 foreign aid, 15-19 France, 51, 56, 71, 76, 92, 96, 97, 142,

159,201,212,233,251,283,294 French Communist Party, 53-4, 56 Friends of the Soviet Union, 46, 7 4 Friendship Treaty, India-USSR, 36-9,

42, 44, 46, 50, 68, 122, 171, 236, 288,292,296

Friendship Treaty, Vietnam-USSR, 61, 68, 77, 116, 122-5, 131, 168, 175, 185, 194, 197, 224, 288, 292

Fukuyama, F., 272 n8

Gadgil, V., 243 Gandhi, Indira, 35-40, 75, 110, 172,

201,220,275,277,281,297 and Afghanistan, 42-6, 240 and Cambodia, 256-8, 261-2 Emergency in India, 38, 239 nuclear policy, 139, 152 and USA, 52, 111,235 visits to USSR, 33, 37, 38, 46 n62,

106, 236-7, 241 and Vietnam, 235, 237-8, 240, 244-

7, 251 Gandhi, M. K. (Mahatma), 33, 239 Gandhi, Rajiv, 40, 46, 49, 76, 90, 110,

169, 198, 264, 275 economic policy, 167, 173, 215, 279 nuclear policy, 12-3, 140-5, 152-3,

163 and USA, 52, 65, 280 visits to USSR, 27, 49, 51, 75, 152,

153, 172, 212, 218, 272 and Vietnam, 242-5, 248, 262-7

Gandhi, Sanjay, 258 Gandhi, Sonia, 244 GATT, 228 Gayoom, M. A., 90 Geneva Accords on Afghanistan (1988),

47, 279


Geneva Agreements (1954), 233,234, 236

Geneva Conference (1954), 56-7,234, 244

Germany, 71,97,280 Germany, East, 75, 289 Germany, West, 170, 199, 201, 211-2 Giang, V. D., 261 Giap, v. N., 121, 243, 253, 268 Gidadhubli, R. G., 214-15 Glenn, J., 164 Goa,33-4, 71,276,297 Gonsalves, E., 256 Gorbachev, M.S., 8, 19, 30, 40, 49,

50, 77-84, 169, 173, 198, 219, 225, 228,272,276,280,290,294,296 and Afghanistan, 46, 48, 279 and China, 50, 62 Krasnoyarsk speech (1988), 51, 73,

109, 130, 278 Merdek.a interview (1987), 51, 73,

109, 273 new political thinking, 73, 78, 108,

130, 278, 290 and nuclear policy, 12-3, 163 third world policy, 6-7, 271,279 and Vietnam, 196-7, 292 visits to India, 46-7, 49-50, 53, 113,

152-3, 172, 264, 272-3 Vladivostok address (1986), 7, 26, 49,

62, 78, 130, 278, 286 Gorbachev, R., 50 Gorshkov, S., 98, 282 Gosplan, 171 Goyal, D. K., 243 Graziani, G., 185 Greece, 72 Gromyko, A., 38, 45, 236, 256 Gujral, I. K., 39, 53, 66, 243, 249,

267-8, 297 Gupta, A. D., 147

Haksar, P. N., 272 Hays, R. J., 161 n71 !Ieavy Engineering Corporation (India),

205, 214

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Index 311

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), 96-7 Hinton, D., 144 Ho Chi Minh, 29, 55, 57-8, 234, 236,

239,268,287 Holbrooke, R. C., 124 Hong Kong, 201 Horn, R. C., 78 Huang Hua, 40, 259 Hung, P., 262 Hung~.44, 75, 80, 86,289,295 Hussain, A., 66 Hussain, Z., 35 Hussein, S., 280

I~. 18,67, 228,286 India-Sri Lanka Accord (1987), 73 India-USSR Chamber of Commerce and

Industry, 179, 180 India-Vietnam Joint Commission, 247,

249 Indian National Science Academy, 75 Indian Ocean, 86, 90, 104-9, 111, 155,

158, 160, 252, 254, 265, 279, 292, 295

Indian Oil Corporation, 184 Indian Space Research Organisation

(ISRO), 75 Indian Technical and Economic

Cooperation (ITEC) programme, 248 Indian Tourism Development

Corporation (ITDC), 180 Indo-Soviet Cultural Society, 74 Indo-Soviet Joint Commission, 171,

183 Indo-Soviet Joint Committee of

Scientists, 7 5 Indo-Soviet Joint Council on Science

and Technology, 212 Indo-Soviet Joint Shipping Committee,

210 Indochina War, First, 56-7, 71, 185,

233,286 Indochina War, Second. See Vietnam

War Indochina War, Third, 123

Indochinese Communist Party, 54-5 Indonesia, 2-4, 20, 173, 262, 264 Institute for Defence Studies and

Analyses (IDSA, New Delhi), 100, 143,298

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 140, 145, 160

International Commission for Supervision and Control (ICSC), 232-4, 237

Iran, 25, 26, 41, 43, 108, 173, 177, 183, 187

Iran-Iraq War, 45, 108, 141 Iraq, 2, 13, 23, 83 n37, 103, 122 n108,

187,292,296 Isakov, V. F., 229 Israel, 52 n94, 74, 141, 142, 156 Italy, 212

Jain, S., 242, 253 Jakarta Informal Meeting (JIM), 264 Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front

(JKLF), 63 Janata government (India, 1977-9), 38-

9, 95, 110, 172, 254, 257, 275 Japan, 1, 3, 24, 76, 147, 256, 284

and India, 66, 199,201,212, 262 and USSR, 25~. 36, 179, 198,296 and Vietnam, 133, 230, 246, 294

Jha, C. S., 34, 139 n6, 297-8 Jha, P. S., 286 Johnson, L. B., 72, 235 Jordan, 23

Kamentsev, V. M., 50 Kanet, R. E., 275 n13 Kapitsa, M.S., 30, 50, 192 Kashmir, 31-5, 48, 53, 63-4, 66, 71,

95, 103, 111, 164, 240-1, 268, 278, 296

Katoch, G. C., 149 Kaul, T. N., 44, 53, 232, 257, 274 Kennedy, R., 146 Kerala, 182 Kha, N. V., 242

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312 Index

Khac, L., 242, 266 Khamidulin, R., 30 n14 Khan, Abdel Qadir, 144-5 Khan,}Unanullah,63 Khan,}Uif~ohanunad, 198 Khan, Ayub, 35 Khan, Shahabzada Yakub, 142, 164 Khanh, H. K., 54-5 Khmer People's National Liberation

Front (KPNLF), 261 Khmer Rouge, 79, 261 n99, 263, 265,

291 Khotsialov, 1., 199, 211 Khrushchev, N., 3-4, 13, 15, 20, 33,

35,57-9,71-2,275 Khue, D., 243 Khyber Pass, 44 Kidwai, ~ .• 243,248 Kissinger, H., 1 Korea, 147 Korea, North, 13, 29, 116, 187 Korea, South, 25, 26, 45 n57, 230 Korean War (1950-3), 31, 56 Kosygin, A., 30 n13, 35, 39, 40, 59,

116,152,172,236,240,255 Kozyrev, A., 10 n31 Kuthakov, P., 95 Kuwait, 23

Lakshadweep Islands, 104 Lam, N., 192 Laos, 13, 57, 121, 133, 248 Latin America, 1-2, 16, 25 Lebanon, 22 Libya, 2, 23, 52 Ligachev, I., 192, 197 Light Combat Aircraft (LCA, India), 97,

112,283 Linh, N. V., 79, 80 n27, 225, 243, 245,

249,263,267-8 Lizichev, A., 41

~alaviya, K. D., 183 ~laysia, 201 ~aldives, 27, 63, 90, 92, 105, 111, 279

~lenkov, G. ~ .• 31 ~ndelra, D.P., 243 Marx, K., 9, 12, 67 ~atheson, J., 223 n56 ~xwell, N., 62 ~cLane, C. B., 28-9, 55, 56 MECON (India), 178, 208 ~ehra, S. K., 243 ~ehrotra, S., 218 ~ehta, J. S., 109 n62 ~enon, K., 32, 234 Mexico, 52, 71, 72 Middle East, 2, 36, 41, 103, 147, 182,

209, 296 Mikoyan, A. 1., 58 ~ishra, B. C., 41-2 Mishra, G., 207 n4 Mitra, A. P., 252 ~ochtar K., 264 Mohan, S. D., 243 Molotov, V., 57 ~ongolia, 13, 29, 185, 187-8, 289, 292 ~ozambique, 4, 7, 13, 122 n108, 292 Mukerjee, D., 236, 257 n83 ~uoi, D., 80 n27 ~urphy, R., 154

Nadkami, J. G., 158

Najibullah, ~ .• 47, 48 Nakasone, Y., 262 Namboodripad, E. ~. S., 245

Namibia, 7, 51 National Front government (India, 1989-

90}, 103, 115, 144 n20, 16~. 200, 267,296

National Liberation Front (NLF), 236,

238 NATO, 25, 71,280

Nayar, K., 144-5 Nayyar, D., 205 n 1 Nehru, A., 243, 268 Nehru, J., 31-4, 70, 86, 201, 206, 233-


Nepal, 27, 105

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New lntt'nlational Economic Order (NIEO),l2

New Zealand, 256, 262 Nghi, L. T., 191, 242 Niouagua,2, 7, 8, 51,52 Nigeria, 23 Nixon, R. M., 36, 109, 119 n99, 237,

244 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT, 1968),

84, 138-40, 145, 151, 156, 160, 295, 296

Nonaligned News Agency Pool, 11 nonalignment, 8, 10-1, 36-9, 82, 233,

274, 280-1 Nu, U., 257

Oanh, N.H., 251 OECD,l86 Oil and Natural Gas Commission

(ONGC, India), 183, 208, 248 OPEC, 40 Operation Rolling Thunder, 116 Ortega, D., 52 Pakistan, 36, 96, 107, 115

and Afghanistan, 40-8 and China, 35

and USA, 45, 106 and India, 30, 63-4, 91, 103, 241,

278, 296, 298 waB,34-5, 37,92, 107,157,235

and Kashmir, 31, 95, 164, 240, 275-6

nuclear policy, 43, 107, 137-66 and terrorism in India, 45, 64, 148 and SAARC, 27 and USA, 34-5, 42-5, 52,282 and USSR, 7, 35, 41, 50, 64, 104,

150, 177, 210, 215, 236, 277, 296, 298

Pakistan, East, 36, 119 Palestine, 51, 263 Panama, 23 n63 Panchsheel, 33, 234 Pandit, V., 31, 238 Panigrahi, C., 115


Panskov, V. G., 210 nlO Pant, K. C., 103, 114, 145 Papp, D. S., 59


Paris Agreements (1973), 60, 120, 174, 194,237

Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963), 58, 156 Patrice Lumumba's People's Friendship

UniveBity, 17 Pavlovsky, G., 121 People's Democratic Party of

Afghanistan (PDP A), 47 People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK),

244. See also Cambodia, Democratic Kampuchea

and India, 244, 254-9, 267 PeBian Gulf, 43, 115 Persian Gulf War (1991), 83 n37, 101,

110 n68, 141, 280-3 Petroleum Company of Vietnam, 248 Petrov, M., 223 n54 Phieu, L. K., 293 n44 Philippines, 129-31, 173, 256 Phuong, T., 192, 195 n79 Pike, D., 117, 118, 122 n109, 223 n55 Planning Commission (India), 171, 272 Podgorny, N., 30 n13, 59, 119 n99 Pol Pot, 40, 60, 255-6, 261, 262-3 Poland, 75, 80, 289 Projects and Equipment Corporation

(PEC, India), 247, 249 proletarian internationalism, 8-10, 54,

69,287 Provisional Revolutionary Government

(PRG), 236, 238 Punjab, 64, 111

Radhakrishnan, Y., 216 Rajasthan, 76 Ramanna, R., 103, 152, 162, 165-6,

242 Rao, C. R., 245 Rao, K. V. K., 242 Rao, P. V. N., 43, 241, 242, 246, 257,

258,261,264 Rasgotra, M. K., 139, 297-8 Reagan, R., 22, 43, 52, 65, 72, 83, 95,

108, 146, 279, 295

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Reddy, N. S., 108, 240 Reid, E., 32 Revolutionary Youth League (Vietnam),

53 Rikbye, R., 158 Romania, 80, 184, 289 Rostow, W. W., 200 n102 Roy, M. K., 98 n26, 282 n28 Rubinstein, A. Z., 290 Ryzhkov, N., 114, 132 n145, 153

SAARC, 27 Samrin, H., 256, 257, 261 Saudi Arabia, 107,111, 141 SEATO, 33 Sen, H., 260, 262, 264 Sen, P., 217 Seshan, T. N., 91 n5, 102, 159 Seychelles, 105 Shah, M., 180 Shah, Z., 48 Shastri, L. B., 235 Shaumian, T., 277 n19 Shekhar, C., 83 n37, 166, 281 Shelepin, A. N., 116 Shevardnadze, E., 8, 53, 132 nl47, 276 Shinde, A., 249 Siachen glacier, 107, 110 Sidorov, V. V., 129 n135 Sihanouk, N., 259, 262, 265 Simla Accord (1972), 66, 95 Singapore, 1, 26, 103, 132 n145, 201,

263 Singh, C., 42 Singh, D., 236 Singh, G., 111 Singh, J., 100, 142, 298 n56 Singh, K., 38 Singh, K. Natwar, 48, 242, 243, 262-4 Singh, S. K., 276 Singh, S. N., 42 n50 Singh, Swaran, 35, 36, 236-7 Singh, V. P., 27, 39 n41, 53, 64, 66,

103, 164 n82, 165, 198, 200, 229, 277,280,296


Sinha, S. K., 148 n36 Sinitsyn, S., 11 n33 Solidarity, 80 n28 Somalia, 122 n108 South Africa, 7, 51, 52 n94, 71, 156,

158, 263, 273 Southeast Asia Nuclear Free Zone

(SEANFZ), 294 Soviet Academy of Sciences, 75 Soviet State Committee for Science and

Technology (GKNT), 218 Spratly Islands, 131, 294 Sri Lanka, 27, 63, 65, 90, 105, 111,

210,279 Srinavasan, M. R., 153 Stalin, J., 12-13, 31, 54, 56, 69, 270 StateBankoflndia,l77 n27, 216 Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI), 73 Subic Bay, 131 Subrahmanyam, K., 138 n4, 148, 252-3 Sundarji, K., 135, 139, 143, 165, 243,

253 Sung, V. V., 241 Suslov, M., 60 Sweden, 72,201, 212 Syria,2,23,33, 58,177

Tagore, R. N ., 252 Tahiliani, R. H., 157 Taiwan,26 Tamil Nadu, 75 Tamil Tigers, 73 Tan, L. T., 242 Tan, T., 243 Tanzania, 72 Tashkent Agreement (1966), 35,92 Tatu, M., 59 Thach, N. C., 61, 168, 231, 249, 267-

8, 287-8 visits to India, 232, 242, 243, 246-7,

252 n63, 261 Thailand, 3, 26, 132 n145, 256, 260-2 Thang, T. D., 58 Thanh, P. T., 243 Thao, H. M., 242

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Index 315

Theriot, L. H., 223 n56 Tho, L. D., 79 Tho, M. C., 242 Tibet, 50, 62, 77, 107, 150 Tiwari, N.D., 113, 145, 243, 248 Tonkin Gulf, 59, 61, 107 Trinh, N. D., 239, 242 Triu, N. N., 242 Trung, T. Q., 118-19 Turkey, 25, 103, 187 Turkmenia, 180

United Nations, 6, 33, 40-2, 46, 57, 71, 84,108,240,256,272,297 and Cambodia, 258, 260, 267-8 and Indian Ocean,l06-9 Security Council, 37, 41, 281, 296 Special Session on Disarmament, 140

UNESCO, 38 USA, 1-4, 12, 19, 22, 43, 52, 74, 76,

90,97,186,265,284 and Asia, 25-6, 49, 87, 238 and China, 37, 43, 65, 67, 107, 279

and Pakistan, 45, 109 and India, 3~1. 34, 36, 38, 40, 51,

64-7, 8~5. 99, 11~13, 170, 199-201, 211-2, 231, 235, 238, 275,278-83,296,298 nuclear policy, 135-66 and Vietnam, 231, 233

and Indian Ocean, 106-8 and Pakistan, 32, 34-5, 38, 42-5, 52,

64-7, 86, 89, 93, 99, 107, 110, 112-13,256,275,280 nuclear policy, 144-6, 154-5,

163-5 and USSR, 4, 6, 20, 25, 37, 67, 68,

120, 179, 198, 271-5, 295-6 and Vietnam, 59, 67-8, 87, 116-17,

12~1. 133, 161, 174, 232-8, 244-5,260,287,293-4

USSR State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations, 15 n45

Ustinov, D., 95-6

Vajpayee, A. B., 39-40, 239-40, 255 Valkov, A., 132 n145 Venkataraman, R., 95 Venkateswaran, A. P., 36, 273 Vieuninh, 29, 55 n104, 233 Vietnam Communist Party (VCP), 54,

60, 71, 78, 8~1. 87, 196 n86, 197, 203,225,242,243,287,289

Vietnam-India Friendship Society, 252 Vietnam Institute of Sciences, 252 Vietnam-USSR Joint Commission, 175 Vietnam War, 59, 67, 72, 117-20, 132,

174,259. See also Indochina War and India, 232-8

Voice of Vietnam, 249 Vorontsov, Y. M., 50 Voroshilov, K. Y., 58 Vu, N. C., 242

Waltz, K. N., 146 Warsaw Pact, 81, 96, 129, 157, 161,

290,292 Weinberger, C., 110, 113 Win, N., 257 World Bank, 18, 19, 184, 188, 209, 228 World War IJ, 28, 55, 56

Yazov, D., 114 Yemen, 2, 5, 13, 23, 187,281 Yugoslavia, 13, 58 n117

Zhdanov, A., 29, 55, 56, 270 Zhou Enlai, 38 Zia-ul-Haq, M., 42, 52, 145-6 ZOPFAN, 294