FRIENDS OF THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY LIBRARY, INC. Finding Aid 8 May 2014 Indian River County Main Library, Archive Center, Vero Beach, FL 1 Title Friends of Indian River County Library, Inc. formerly known as Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library Preferred Citation Friends of Indian River County Library, Inc., Archive Center, Indian River County Main Library, Vero Beach, FL Donation Friends of the Indian River County Library, Inc. Date: 2007 Acquisition Information / Provenance The collection came to the Archive Center in 2007 when several boxes of photos and papers were found in the library staff kitchen. In addition, some of the material came from the Director, Mary Snyder and from the current library collection located in the Archive Center. Creator Friends of the Indian River County Main Library Repository Indian River County Main Library, Archive Center 1600 21 st Street, 2 nd Floor Vero Beach, Florida, 32960 Telephone: 772-770-5060 x5 Email: [email protected] Location Archive Center and Genealogy Department, 2 nd Floor Indian River County Main Library Extent Abstract Collection contains photographs, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia. Location Archive Center and Genealogy Department, 2 nd Floor Indian River County Main Library Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Arrangement There is a total of one box organized into folders by subject content. Language English Dates 1965 – Present Historical Note The Friends group originated Scope and Content Files contain photographs on various fund raising and library activities; agendas and board minutes (19??-Present); annual meeting reports; Friends newsletter; Library Director reports; Treasurer reports; correspondence; publicity announcements; VB Press Journal newspaper articles; Index Terms Friends of the Indian River County Main Library Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library Library Friends Group Access The entire collection is open for research. Gloves and clean hands are required.


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Title Friends of Indian River County Library, Inc. formerly known as

Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library Preferred Citation Friends of Indian River County Library, Inc., Archive Center, Indian River County

Main Library, Vero Beach, FL Donation Friends of the Indian River County Library, Inc. Date: 2007 Acquisition Information / Provenance

The collection came to the Archive Center in 2007 when several boxes of photos and papers were found in the library staff kitchen. In addition, some of the material came from the Director, Mary Snyder and from the current library collection located in the Archive Center.

Creator Friends of the Indian River County Main Library Repository Indian River County Main Library, Archive Center 1600 21st Street, 2nd Floor Vero Beach, Florida, 32960 Telephone: 772-770-5060 x5 Email: [email protected] Location Archive Center and Genealogy Department, 2nd Floor Indian River County Main Library Extent Abstract Collection contains photographs, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia. Location Archive Center and Genealogy Department, 2nd Floor Indian River County Main Library Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Arrangement There is a total of one box organized into folders by subject content. Language English Dates 1965 – Present Historical Note The Friends group originated Scope and Content Files contain photographs on various fund raising and library activities; agendas and

board minutes (19??-Present); annual meeting reports; Friends newsletter; Library Director reports; Treasurer reports; correspondence; publicity announcements; VB Press Journal newspaper articles;

Index Terms Friends of the Indian River County Main Library Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library Library Friends Group Access The entire collection is open for research. Gloves and clean hands are required.




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Folder #1 – Print Articles – 1967 – 1/14/1971 MSS-FRI-001 4/20/1967 Press Journal article, “Library Group Seeks Funds, Elects Officers,”

announces new officers. Retiring Chairman, Harold Banta called the meeting to order. New officers were elected, including Mrs. Esther Kaltwasser, Mrs. Fred E. Weick, Mrs. Dorothea Sturke, Mrs. George McCall, and mrs. H. W. Barnhouse. Mrs. Edward Ludwig, Mrs. W. A. Kerley and Mrs. Emery L. Hamlin will also serve as chairmen.

MSS-FRI-002 4/27/1967 Press Journal article, “Library Workers Give 565 Hours,” and lists their

names. MSS-FRI-003 5/11/1967 Press Journal article, “Friends of the Library,” announces the 5/16 meeting. 5/18/1967 Press Journal article, “County Library To Add Records.” 5/18/1967 Press Journal article pictures, “Library Group Plans Follow-Up on Book

Drive. 5/19/1967 Miami Herald photo and article, “Friendly Callers,” pictures Mrs. J.

G.Goodman and Mrs. John I Banks making follow-up calls for the annual book fund drive.

6/8/1967 Press Journal article, “Friends of the Library,” announces annual book fund drive or “operation Mop-Up.”

6/13/1967 Miami Herald article, “3,500 Raised By Book Drive,” states that the drive is the only source for new books.

6/15/1967 Press Journal article, “Library To Get New Books,” announces that “Operation Mop-Up” resulted in a 10% gain in the book fund

10/12/1967 Press Journal article, “Friends of the Library.,” announcing first meeting

of the fall season. Mrs. Esther Kaltwasser is the President. 10/18/1967 Miami Herald picture of Mrs. Esther Kaltwasser, president of FVBPL at

the first meeting of the season. 10/21/1967 Miami Herald , “Library Friends Orientation Planned.” Mrs. Emery

Hamlin, chairman of the volunteer program announced and Mrs. Kathryn Obenaus, librarian will run the program. Mrs. W. A. Kerley will run the annual winter lecture series and Mrs. Esther Kaltwasser is the chairman of the Friends.

10/22/1967 Press Journal article, “Library Volunteers,” announcement about the

10/23/1967 volunteer orientation. 11/29/1967 Miami Herald article, “’Shangri La’ to Open Free Lecture Series,”

sponsored by the Friends and run by Mrs. W. A. Kerley. 12/28/1967 Press Journal article, “Reception At Library,” co-sponsored by the Friends

of the Library to honor retiring librarian Mrs. Carl Obenaus and her successor Mrs. Charles Rodgers.

MSS-FRI-002 1968 Newspaper Articles, including; 1/4/1968 Press Journal article and photo, “A Festive occasion,” picturing Bishop

Wallace E. Conkling, Mrs. Carl Obenaus and Mrs. Charles Rodgers. Also an article about Mrs. Charles Rodgers, the new librarian.

1968 photo of Mrs. Carl Obenaus receiving a portrait of herself from Bishop Wallace E. Conkling.

1968 Free Lecture Series held at the Indian River County Library.




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1/11/1968 Press Journal article, “Lecture Draws Full House,” describes the lecture given by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsdell with slides of the years they spent in Nepal.

1/4/1968 Press Journal article, “Last Shangri-La,” announcing the first lecture of the Friends’ series.

1/6/1968 Miami Herald article, “Talk on Nepal Set in Library,” announcing the 1/9/1968 lecture by the Ramsdells.

1/17/1968 Miami Herald article, “Library Sets Film Preview,” announces the showing of 2 films borrowed from the FSU library.

1/18/1968 Press Journal article, “ Psychiatrist To Lecture at Library,” announcing lecture by Dr. David Tinger as part of the Friends’ free lecture series.

1/21/1968 Free Press article, “Also Tuesday,” also announces Dr. Tingle’s lecture. 1/21/1968 Press Journal article, “Exhibit Two Portraits at Library,” announces the next

lecture which is on French Impressionism and Post Impressionism by Frank Baisden. 2/3/1968 Miami Herald article, “Art Lecture by Baisden.” 2/8/1968 Press Journal article, “Baisden Art Lecture Next at Library.” 2/11/1968 Free Press article announcing Frank Baisden’s lecture. 2/15/1968 Press Journal article, “Decorating Is Theme Of Lecture,” announcing

Virginia Goforth’s lecture on 2/21 sponsored by the Friends’ of the Library. 2/18/1968 Free Press notice Lectures, announcing Mrs. H. Al Crawford’s and Mel

Fisher’s lectures coming up. 2/22/1968 Press Journal article, “Library Offers Talk,” announces Mrs. Crawford’s

program 2/27. 2/25/1968 Free Press notice on Tuesday’s lecture, “Monologues Are Fun.” 3/7/1968 Press Journal article, “Library Runs Movie About Sea Treasure,” announces

the 3/12 showing of “Treasure Trove of the Century.” 3/9/1968 Miami Herald article, “Film Topic is Treasure,” announcing the film and a

presentation by Dick Williams, vice-president of Treasure Salvors, Inc. 3/10/1968 Free Press notice of showing of Treasure Trove film. 3/14/1968 Press Journal article, “ Dorothy C. Evans To Review Book, ‘Variety of

Men’.” 3/14/1968 Press Journal article, “Library Drive Response Has Been Great.” 3/17/1968 Free Press notice of Dorothy Evans’ review of C.P.Snow at the Library. 3/17/1968 Free Press notice of 3/26 recital by Hector MacCarthy as part of the Friends’

free Lecture series. 3/21/1968 Press Journal photo of Hector MacCarthy, musician. 3/24/1968 Free Press notice of piano recital by Hector MacCarthy. 3/21/1968 Press Journal article, “MacCarthy To Present Piano Recital Here.” 3/28/1968 Press Journal article, “Paint Not Yet Dry On Art At Library,” which also

commented on recital that was the last of the year’s Friends’ free lecture series. 4/4/1968 Press Journal article, “Library Group Plans Fund Drive.” 4/6/1968 Miami Herald article, “Friends of Library,” announce 4/16 Friends’ meeting. 4/11/1968 Press Journal article, “Coffee For Library,” to be held at the Community

Center on 4/16. 4/14/1968 Free Press notice of 4/16 Friends’ meeting. 4/18/1968 article, “Library Tops 10,000 Mark In Circulation,” mentions the Friends’

free Lecture series and the Friends’ annual book drive. 4/25/1968 Press Journal photo and article, ”Friends of Library Hold Annual Meeting.”

The photo includes Mrs. Norris Olson, the new Friends’ President. 5/16/1968 article, Norris Olson called a meeting of the executive committee of the

Friends’ group. Also a Press Journal article about a Coffee that was held by Mrs. Esther Kaltwasser for volunteers of the Friends of the Library.

5/30/1968 article, “Friends of the Library Meet, Discuss Plans.” 10/24/1968 article, “Library Group Plans Coffee Next Tuesday.” 11/7/1968 Press Journal article, “Friends of Library Meet, Recognize Chairmen’s





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12/19/1968 Press Journal articles, “Friends of Library Announce Schedule,” and “Library Group Hears Reports From Chairmen.”

MSS-FRI-003 1969 Newspaper articles and other documents, including; 1969 Indian River County Library Free Lecture Series. 1/2/1969 Press Journal article, “Judge Walden First Speaker For Library.” 1/4/1969 Miami Herald article, “Library Group to Hear Judge.” 1/5/1969, Free Press notice of 1st lecture of the series. 1/9/1969 Miami Herald article and photo, “Improve Image, Judges Urged,” with a

picture of Judge James Walden. 1/9/1969 Press Journal article,” Friends Set Meeting Date,” for 1/14/1969

Announcement of FVBPL Executive Committee meeting. 1/9/1969 Press Journal article, “Mrs. Cross to Discuss Art Work,” announces lecture to

be held on 1/15/1969. 1/16/1969 Press Journal article, “Africa Topic For Former Missionary,” announces

lecture to be held 1/21 with the speaker being Dr. Ralph Royer. 1/17/1969 Miami Herald notice of 1/21 lecture. 1/23/1969 photo and article, “Painting is Relaxing,” showing Mrs. Tim Cross and some

of her paintings which are on display at the library. 2/6/1969 Press Journal article, “Library Group Plans Lecture February 12,” announcing

Mrs. N. D. Baker-Parker speaking on story telling and writing. 2/8/1969 Miami Herald article, “Library Board Meets Tuesday.” 2/13/1969 Press Journal article, “Carl Clausen Guest Speaker At Library,” announcing

Mr. Clausen’s subject as “Treasure Coast Archeology.” 2/14/1969 Miami Herald article, “Library Chief Elected: Vero Banker Kohler Named.” 2/27/1969 Press Journal article, “Monologues Topic at Library.” 3/6/1969 Press Journal article, “Mrs. McCullough To Be Speaker For Library,”

announces the 3/12 lecture held by the Friends group. 3/12/1969 Miami Herald article, “Library Gets $300 For Reproduction,” tells of Norris

Olson, chairman of the Friends of the Library giving the new library board President, Robert Kohler a check towards the purchase of a new reproduction machine.

3/13/1969 Press Journal article, “Library Group Ends Lectures With Musical,” announces program by the Senior Choir of Gifford High School Choral Department.

3/13/1969 Press Journal article, “Library Has Busy Meeting.” 3/20/1969 Press Journal photo and article, “Tiers Photo Exhibit.” 3/20/1969 Press Journal articles, “Mrs. Snyder Hosts Committee” and “Library Group

Begins Annual Book Fund Drive.” 3/22/1969 Miami Herald article, “Library Friends Set Goal,” announces the goal of

7,500 this year for its annual book fund drive. The chairman will be Capt. George S. Robinson.

3/27/1969 Press Journal article, “Gifford High School News,” announces the gift James Kautz gave to Mr. Hunter of a book given to the choral group for their choral performance at the library.

4/10/1969 Press Journal article, “Library Group To Elect Monday,” announces annual meeting of the Friends.

4/13/1969 Free Press notice of the annual meeting. 4/14/1969 Miami Herald notice of the annual meeting. 4/22/1969 Miami Herald article, “Library Friends Elect Officers,” with the results of

the election. 4/24/1969 Press Journal photo and article, “Friends of Library Hold Annual meeting

To Elect,” and photo shows Norris Olson, new president Chester Clem Jr., and Mrs. Fred Weick, who was re-elected secretary-treasurer.

5/1/1969 Press Journal article, “Mop-Up Drive Is Scheduled For Book Fund,” for Friends’ book drive.




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5/22/1969 Press Journal article, “Friends Of Library Continue Book Drive.” 10/17/1969 Miami Herald article, “Library Friends To Open Drive.” 10/22/1969 Miami Herald article, “Friends Gather.” 10/30/1969 Press Journal article, “Library Group Meets,” with details of the first

meeting of the season. 11/27/1969 Press Journal article, “Library Group Announces Lecture Series.” MSS-FRI-004 1970 and beginning of 1971 Newspaper Articles and other documents, including; Indian River County Library 1970 Lecture Series. 1/1/1970 Press Journal article, “Library Lecture Series to Start,” announcing the first

lecture as “Africa Revisited” the topic discussed by Dr. Ralph Royer. 1/29/1970 Miami Herald article, “Library Receives $550 Gift,” also states that Chester

Clem, chairman of the Friends reported the book fund climbed to more than $5,000. 1/22/1970 Press Journal article, “Library Lectures Begin,” with a photo of Mrs. Joseph

Hale and Mrs. John K. Moore. 1/29/1970 Press Journal article, “Library Lecture Series Announced.” 1/12/1970 Miami Herald article, “Library Unit Is Growing,” article that states the

membership of the Friends of the Library as up to 211. 2/13/1970 Miami Herald article and photo, “Decorators,” shows Mrs. Maryann Ballard

and Jim Murphy of Miami as they look at fabrics in Vero Beach. Mrs. Ballard is in town to present a lecture for the Friends’ free lecture series.

2/19/1970 Press Journal article, “Library Announces Book Drive.” 2/19/1970 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Recruit Members.” 2/26/1970 Press Journal article, “Library’s Book Fund Drive Opens March 1.” 3/3/1970 Miami Herald article, “Disneyworld Impact,” will be the next lecture on the

Friends’ free lecture series. 3/12/1970 Miami Herald photo, “Paper Work,” shows Mrs. Catharine Johnson as she

spoke during a Friends of the Library lecture. 3/12/1970 Press Journal article, “Library ‘Encore’ Tuesday,” announcing the final

lecture of the season which will be selected readings by former actress Mrs. Rich Richardson.

3/13/1970 Miami Herald article, “Help Library,” announces the 1970 Book Fund Drive.

3/24/1970 Press Journal articles, “Legacy Adds To Library,” and “Friends of Library Busy in Book Drive.”

4/2/1970 Miami Herald article, “Library Fund Buying Books.” 4/6/1970 Miami Herald article, “Library To Benefit.” 4/2/1970 Press Journal article, “Library Group To Meet,” announces the Friends’

annual meeting. 4/8/1970 Miami Herald article, “Book Fund Growing.” 4/13/1970 Today article, “Library Club Fills Offices,” announces the results of the

election. 4/23/1970 Press Journal article, “Annual Library Book Fund Drive Underway.” 4/9/1970 Press Journal photo and article, “Check Goes To Library,” photo showing

Chester Clem, Dorothy Weick, and James Lowry. Chester Clem Jr. the President of the Friends presented the library with a check for $198.70 on behalf of the Friends.

5/8/1970 Miami Herald article, “Help the Library,” promoting the Friends’ Book Drive.

10/22/1970 Press Journal article, “Library Group Plans Coffee On November 3.” 10/29/1970 Miami Herald article, “Be A Friend To The Library,” announces a

membership meeting. 10/29/1970 Press Journal article, “Friends Of Library Open Season,” announces annual

meeting on 11/3.




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12/24/1970 Miami Herald article, “2 Big Events.” 12/29/1970 Press Journal article, “Library Series Offers Glimpse of Hitler Era,”

announces lecture to be given by Frederick Cable Oechsner. 3/31/1970 Press Journal article, “Former Reporter To Lead Review.” 1/7/1970 Press Journal announcement of lecture series. 1/13/1970 Miami Herald article announcing Mandy Rablen speaking about “The Steps

of Interior Designing.” 1/14/1970 Press Journal article, “Lecture Series Attract Many.” Folder #2 – Print Articles and other printed materials – 1971 MSS-FRI- Indian River County Library 1971 Lecture Series Announcement. MSS-FRI- 1/1971 article, “Cartoonist Will Lecture.” 1/7/1971 Press Journal article, “Interior Designing Is Topic,” announcing Mandy

Rablen as lecturer for the Friends’ lecture series on 1/13. A photo showing Mrs. Red Wood and Mrs. Nicholas Radano attending the lecture and workshop.

1/14/1971 Press Journal photo and article, “Cartoonist Is Library Speaker,” showing

Dick Turner at work. 1/21/1971 Press Journal article, “Free Lecture Series Attracts Over 85 Persons.” 1971 Photo fo Mrs. Red Wood and Mrs. Nicholas Radano attending the Interior

Designing Workshop which was sponsored by the FVBPL. 1/28/1971 Press Journal photos of Mrs. Robert Hanna, Mrs. Louis Stoehr, Mrs. N. V,

Bodie, and Mrs. William Rablen at the Interior Design Lecture and Workshop. MSS-FRI- 1/14/1971 Press Journal article, “Cartoonist Is Library Speaker,” announcing

nationally syndicated Vero Beach cartoonist Dick Turner as a speaker for the Friends’ lecture series.

2/4/1971 Press Journal article, “Dick Turner Lectures On Cartoon Art.” 2/2/1971 Miami Herald French Horn Concert announcement. 2/29/1971 Miami Herald announcement of Billy W. Harp’s recital for the Friends of

the Library. MSS-FRI- 2/11/1971 Miami Herald article, “Aviation Pioneer To Speak,” announcing Fred E.

Weick, aeronautical engineer, speaking in the Friends’ lecture series. 2/4/1971 Press Journal article, “Lecturers Scheduled At Library.” 2/16/1971 Miami Herald article, “Lecture Series Begins.” 2/25/1971 Press Journal articles, “Fred Weick Has Firsts,” and “ Child Needs

Expression,” an article about David Kent, director of theatre—arts at IRCC who will be a guest speaker at the Friends’ lecture series.

2/25/1970 Press Journal article, “Palmer to Talk On Pix,” announcing Bob Palmer who will be speaking about photography at the next free lecture sponsored by the FVBPL.

3/11/1971 Press Journal article, “Palmer’s Art Show Amuses.” 2/26/1971, Miami Herald column, Happenings, mentions the Palmer lecture. 3/11/1971 Miami Herald article, “Library Lectures In Homestretch.” 3/11/1971 Press Journal article, “Final Talk At Library.” 3/15/1971 Miami Herald article, “Last of Lectures.” MSS-FRI- 3/25/1971 Press Journal article, “Atomic Diplomacy Winds Up Talks, “ which

describes the lecture given by Frederick Oeschsner. 4/1/1971 Press Journal article, “Friends of Library to Meet…”




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4/6/1971 Miami Herald article, “Friends Triple.” 4/13/1971 Miami Herald article, “Wabasso Man Is Named To Head Library Group,”

announcing James Lowry as the new President of the FVBPL.

MSS-FRI- 4/8/1971 Press Journal photo of the new officers of the FVBPL, including James Lowry, Angelo Sanchez, Mrs. G.I. Wallace, and Mrs. Fred E. Weick.

4/22/1971 Press Journal article, “Friends Seeking Book $.” 4/29/1971 Press Journal article “Library Getting Busier,” and a photo of Edmund

Carples enjoying Homey Atmosphere. 6/10/1971 Press Journal photo of Sterling Cooper and Ken Strickland listening to

records. MSS-FRI- 5/27/1971 Press Journal article, “Library Okays 1971-72 Budget.” 10/6/1971 Miami Herald article, “Library Fund Drive Slated.” 10/8/1971 Miami Herald Happenings announces FVBPL meeting. MSS-FRI- 10/7/1971 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Greeting.” 10/12/1971 Press Journal article with next FVBPL meeting. 10/12/1971 Miami Herald article, “Friends Aim High,” and article “Library Friends

Coffee Slated.” 10/13/1971 Today article, “Library Drive Launched,” along with a picture of Mayor

Simpson, Richard Bogosian, and James Lowry. 10/13/1971 Orlando Sentinel article, “Library Association Outlines Season’s Series Of

Lectures.” MSS-FRI- 10/14/1971 Press Journal article, “Friends Hope to Triple Members.” Article about the history and current status of the FVBPL along with photos of Ronald

Dearnley, Betty Rodgers, Mrs. William Clark, Mrs. G.I. Wallace, Dr. B.Q. Waddell, Mrs. Waddell, Mrs. Jon Kromhout, Fred Carlsen, Mayor Taylor C. Simpson, Fred Oechsner, James Lowry and Angelo Sanchez.

10/13/1971 Miami Herald article, “Friends Set Goals: Library to Shut-ins.” 10/21/1971 Press Journal article, “IRC Library Has At Least 711 Friends,” shows

photo of Ronald Dearnley using the new microfilm reader. MSS-FRI- 11/4/1971 Press Journal article, “$1000 Goes to Library.” 11/25/1971 Press Journal article, “Most Ambitious Lecture Series.” 11/27/1971 Today article, “Friends Plan Lecture Series.” 11/28/1971 Orlando Sentinel article, “County Library Offers Several Free Lectures.” 11/30/1971 Miami Herald article, “’72 Series Announced By Friends of Library.” MSS-FRI- 12/7/1971 Today article, “5th Speaker Added to Lecture Lineup.” 12/16/1971 Press Journal article, “Friends name Local Panelists,” listing the names of

those involved with the panels of the free lecture series. 12/16/1971 article, “China Topic of Lecture.” 12/15/1971 Miami Herald articles, “Speaker Series Called ‘Unusual.’” And “Friends

Sign Fifth Speaker,” announcing Robert Bock, dean of the School of Business Administration at the U. of Miami will be speaking.

MSS-FRI- 12/31/1971 Miami Herald article under Happenings Around Vero Beach mentions the

Library Lecture Series. 1/1/1972 Free Press article, “Free Lecture,” mentions Stephen Whilden, foreign service

officer of the Department of State will be the speaker. 12/30/1971 Press Journal article, “Library Talks to Begin,” with a picture of Dr. Andre

Wybou, a Vero Beach resident who heads South and Central America for the Bayer Corporation.




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Folder #3 – Print Articles – 1972 MSS-FRI-001 Indian River County Library 1972 Lecture Series Announcement. 1/1/1972 Miami Herald article, “Foreign Service Man Is First Forum Guest,” mentions

Stephen Whilden as the first speaker of the year. 1/4/1972 Miami Herald article, “CIA Intrigue to Lessen, Official Says.” MSS-FRI- 1/5/1972 Orlando Sentinel article, “Foreign Service Officer Predicts African Growth.” 1/5/1972 Miami Herald article, “600 Jam Opening Of Lecture Series. 1/5/1972 Today article, “Library Lecture Series Opens.” MSS-FRI- 1/12/1972 newspaper article, “Library Lecture Series Features China Talk,” announces

R.W. Lee as the next speaker. Professor Lee is a faculty member at the College of the City of New York.

1/15/1972 Today article, “Guest Lecturer to Give Talk on China.” 1/14/1972 Miami Herald article, Happenings, announces the Library Lecture on

Monday. 1/16/1972 Miami Herald article, “China Expert to Speak to ‘Friends of Library’.” MSS-FRI- 1/18/1972 Miami Herald article, “No China Trade Bonanza, Speaker Warns.” 1/18/1972 Orlando Sentinel article, “China Expert Lectures.” 1/27/1972 article, “Friends Eye Donations.” 1/27/1972 Press Journal photo with the Library Board including, Captain George

Robinson, James Vocelle, James Lowry, Alma Lee Ly, Fred Weick, Betty Rodgers, Dr. B.Q. Waddell, Grace Brown, Dorothea Sturke, Joseph Sladen, Virginia Goforth, and W. R. White.

MSS-FRI- 2/10/1972 Press Journal article, “Friends Speaker Expert On Courts,” announces Mrs.

Elaine R. Crane, special assistant to the deputy attorney general and liaison officer between Justice and the White House for youth affairs.

1972 article, “Hazel Chief Of Library,” mentions the FVBPL members and lecture series.

MSS-FRI- 2//13/1972 Miami Herald article, “Nixon Liaison to Speak Here,” announces Mrs.

Elaine R. Crane speaking to the FVBPL. 2/14/1972 Miami Herald article, “Speaker Slated,” announces Mrs. Elaine Crane as

next speaker in FVBPL series. 2/15/1972 Miami Herald article, “U.S. Government Has Plenty of Jobs, Attorney Tells

Youth,” summarizes Mrs. Elaine Crane’s lecture. MSS-FRI- 2/24/1972 Press Journal article, “Medicine Subject of Library Talk,” announces Dr.

Richard Alan Henry, of the U. of Florida Medical School, as the next speaker of the 1972 lecture series.

2/25/1972 Free Press article, “Library Lecture.” 2/25/1972 Miami Herald blurb on the Lecture series. 2/27/1972 Press Journal article announcing the lecture being held on 2/28 at the

Community Center. 2/27/1972 Press Journal article, “Medical Panelist Is Local,” announces that Dr.

Stephen Blake McIntosh, director of Psychological services for the IRC School Board, will be a panelist at the next lecture.

2/28/1972 Miami Herald article, “Houseguests,” announces that Dr. Richard Henry will be a houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crago during Dr. Henry’s speaking engagement.

3/1/1972 Today article, “Health Care Woes Outlines,” reports on the latest lecture by Dr. Henry.




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3/1/1972 Orlando Sentinel article, “Professor Advocates ‘Restructured’ Medicine.” MSS-FRI- 3/1/1972 Miami Herald article, “Health Care Revolution Seen by Doctor.” 3/1/1972 Miami Herald picture of Dr. Richard Henry, the lecturer on the Health Care

Revolution. 3/5/1972 Miami Herald article, “Lourie to Moderate March 13 Lecture,” announces

that Donold B. Lourie, retired chairman of the board of Quaker Oats and local resident will be a moderator at the meeting, “You, Your Dollar and Business.”

3/7/1972 Today article, “Speaker Listed for 5th Lecture in Series,” announces Dr. Robert Bock will be featured.

3/9/1972 Press Journal article, “Library Talk On Business.” 3/10/1972 Miami Herald article, “You, Your Dollar, and Business.” MSS-FRI- 3/12/1972 Press Journal article, “Two Library Panelists,” with photos of Lois W.

Appleby and Clifton H. Stowers. 3/13/1972 Miami Herald article, “Distinguished Guests to Attend Library Meeting.” 3/23/1972 Press Journal article, “County’s Next 20 Years Subject of Library Talk,”

with photos of Val Brennan, Alma Lee Loy, John Dumars, and Inga Olla Helseth. 3/23/1972 Today article, “Lecture Series To End Monday.” 3/24/1972 Press Journal article, “Ripplings”, where the next panel discussion is

announced. 3/26/1972 Press Journal Datebook blurb announcing the next lecture. 3/26/1972 Newspaper article, “Library Series Features County.” MSS-FRI- 3/27/1972 Miami Herald article, “Vero Boom,” announcing the next lecture on the

anticipated development of IRC and Vero Beach. 3/29/1972 Orlando Sentinel article, “Look Into Future Given Audience At Series

Finale.” 3/29/1972 Today article, “Crystal Ball Forecasts Building Boom,” with a photo of Val

Brennan. 3/29/1972 Miami Herald article, “Residents Get Glimpse Into Crystal Ball,” with a

picture of Valentyne Brennan. 3/29/1972 Miami Herald photo, Audience Listening To Presentation on Vero Beach’s

Future.” 3/30/1972 Miami Herald article, “Lecture Series Draws 2,200.” 3/30/1972 Press Journal article, “Indian River Looks Ahead for Two Decades,” and

photo of Alma Lee Loy, vice-chairman of the Indian River County Commission with Dr. Herbert Kale and Dr. Robert Benson, during a lecture sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

4/7/1972 Miami Herald blurb announcing a FVBPL meeting at the Community Center in Vero Beach.

MSS-FRI- 4/9/1972 Miami Herald article, “Friends of the Library Sets Election of Officers

Tuesday.” 4/9/1972 Press Journal blurb announcing the FVBPL coffee. 4/13/1972 Press Journal article, “College To Back Library Lectures,” about the future

co-sponsoring of the annual lecture series. 4/16/1972 Press Journal photo, “Friends Elect,’ showing Harvey J. Kline, James

Lowry, Mrs. G. I. Wallace, and Mrs. Fred Weick. 6/30/1972 Free Press article, “Library Lectures.” 9/28/1972 Press Journal article, “Library, Friends Reviewing By-Laws,” with a photo

of James Lowry and Pat Hazel.




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Folder # 4 – Print Articles – 1986 MSS-FRI-001 10/19/1986 “Library Support Group to Meet,” announcing first meeting. MSS-FRI-002 10/22/1986 Press Journal article, “Library Friends.” Photo from first meeting of the

IRC Library with photo of Sam Pascal, Second Vice-president, Mary Fran Galvin, president, and Donna Green, membership chairman.

MSS-FRI-003 11/6/1986 Press Journal article, “Jacobs to Address Library Friends.” Col. Eugene

Jacobs wrote “Blood Brothers: A Medic’s Sketchbook.” MSS-FRI-003 11/1986 Newspaper Letter to the Editor from Glen J. Peterson suggesting a courier

service of volunteers to reach reading shut-ins previously served by a fully staffed bookmobile.

MSS-FRI-004 10/29/1986 “Libraries Still Need Volunteers.” Newspaper article announces the new

support group, Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library. MSS-FRI-005 11/1986 Letter to the Editor, “Shirt Art,’ announcing T-shirt designed by Mike

Fernandez, which is given to the new members of the Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library.

MSS-FRI-006 1986 Newspaper article, “County Could Get More Library Funds.” State grants up to

$600,000 available. The countywide library system was created September 2 when voters approved a $5.9 million bond issue. The County Commission also earmarked a $150,000 bequest from the late Julian Lowenstein, to develop a portion of the new library.

MSS-FRI-007 11/16/1986 Press Journal article, “Library Enjoys Festival’s Success,” written by Mary

Kiser, County Librarian about Indian River Arts Council Celebration of Americana. MSS-FRI-008 11/24/1986 Letter to the Editor, “Library Friends Not Lobbying Group,” was written

by Mary Fran Galvin. MSS-FRI-009 11/1986 “Children’s Art Festival,” has a picture of Linda Morris and her daughter,

Tiffany. MSS-FRI-010 12/6/1986 article “Trimming Sharing,” inviting public to bring an ornament for the

library’s first Christmas tree, sponsored by the Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library.

MSS-FRI-011 12/7/1986, Press Journal article, “Library Friends to Decorate Tree,” written by Mary

Kiser, County Librarian. MSS-FRI-012 12/14/1986 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Breaks 200 Mark,” written by Mary

Kiser, County Librarian. MSS-FRI-026 12/14/1986 Newspaper photos and article, “Library Decks Halls,” with County

Commissioner Carolyn Eggert, Santa Samuel Pascal and Mary Fran Galvin at the tree lighting ceremony.

MSS-FRI-013 12/24/1986 Press Journal article, “Sunken Treasure To Be Exhibited.” Event with Mel Fisher and his artifacts to be held, offered to all Friends of

the Vero Beach Public Library. Also in attendance and signing their books, author




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Duncan Matthewson III, who wrote “Treasure of the Atocha,” and Dr. Eugene Lyon, author of “The Search for the Atocha.”

Folder #5 – Print Articles – 1987 MSS-FRI-001 1/5/1987 Press Journal article, “That Me!” announcing 1/17/1987 Mel Fisher event at

Barnett Bank on Miracle Mile. MSS-FRI-002 1/11/1987 Newspaper article, “Treasure Display.” Announcement of an event similar

to the 12/24/1986 event, but open to the public for an admission fee to benefit the library.

MSS-FRI-003 1/1987 newspaper article, “Atocha Treasure.” MSS-FRI-003 1/18/1987 Press Journal article, “Library Friends to Exhibit Treasure.” MSS-FRI-004 1/21/1987 Newspaper Photos picture Mel Fisher and Melba and Mary Fran Galvin and

Librarian Mary Kiser. MSS-FRI-003 1/21/1987 Press Journal article and photos, “Library Friends Share Fisher’s Treasure

Story.” Pictured are Joan Morris, Eugene Lyons, and Bob and Becky Allen. Discussed is the Atocha exhibit and reception for Mr. and Mrs. Mel Fisher at the Miracle Mile Barnett Bank.

MSS-FRI-004 2/5/1987 Press Journal article, “Committee Ponders Possible Library Sites.” County Commissioner Carolyn Eggert is heading the Public Library Advisory Board and its subcommittees. The Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library has given its recommendations for the future site and other suggestions. Various statistics regarding the main library and the Sebastian area Library were also shared by the directors.

MSS-FRI-005 2/22/1987 Press Journal article, “Friends Begin Library Newsletter.” MSS-FRI-006 3/22/1987 Press Journal article, “Friends Make Services Possible.” MSS-FRI-007 4/2/1987 Newspaper article, “Cost Next Step for Library Site.” County selection

committee has chosen the top five sites for the new main library. The final sites will be chosen on June 1st. Plans should be ready the beginning of 1988 with the actual building in the spring of ’88.

MSS-FRI-008 Newspaper article, “Library Celebrates Special Week,” by Mary Kiser, County

Librarian. Article discusses special activities for National Library Week. MSS-FRI-011 4/11/1987 Press Journal article and photos, “Library Honors Volunteers.” Pictured are

Carol Gergely, Shirley Downs, Tom Downes and June Roberts. MSS-FRI-012 1987 Press Journal article “Library Honors Volunteers,” additional photos. Pictured

are Audrey Troutman, Bob Ferrell, Evelyn Augustine, Louise Taylor, Laura Elmore, and Muriel Mahoney.

MSS-FRI-013 8/9/1987 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Plan Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-014 8/18/1987 Press Journal article and photo, “Donation For Books,” shows Friends of the

Library Vice President Linda Morris, Moffie Bidlingmayer and Bob Bryd.




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MSS-FRI-015 9/27/1987 Press Journal article, “ Library Accepts Books for Sale.” MSS-FRI-016 10/18/1987 Newspaper article, “Library Friends Plan Annual Meeting. MSS-FRI-024 10/29/1987 Newspaper article, “Vero Library Friends Celebrate Birthday.” The

group’s first birthday was celebrated on Oct. 21 at the Bethel Creek House. MSS-FRI-017 11/4/1987 Press Journal article, “Used Books,”two articles about the upcoming

Friends’ Book Sale. MSS-FRI-018 11/9/1987 Press Journal article, “Used Books,” by Lifestyle Editor, Sam Rohlfing,

announces the first Used Book Sale, sponsored by the Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library.

MSS-FRI-019 11/10/1987 Newspaper article, “Library Plans Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-020 11/14/1987 Press Journal article and photo, “Book Sale.” Photo shows Fran Adams,

Mary Fran Galvin, and Gretchen Dudley. MSS-FRI-021 11/14/1987 Miami Herald photo and article, “Book Lover’s Bonanza.” Pictured are

Ann Hall and James DePue at the FVBPL’s Book Bonanza sale. MSS-FRI-022 11/19/1987 Press Journal photo pictures Osceola Elementary 2nd grader, Cristina

Villanova and the Cat in the Hat. “Friends of the Public Library raise funds with used books.” Photo is of Chris Staufer.

MSS-FRI- 11/30/1987 article, “Library Friends Plan Party.” MSS-FRI-023 12/15/1987 Press Journal article and photo, “Library Plans Show Emphasis On Space.”

The photo is of the Grace Lutheran church that is on part of the site the Public Library Advisory Board has recommended for the new main library. Mary Fran Galvin, president of the Friends of the Vero Beach Library, said that her group plans to seek corporate contributions for much needed books.

MSS-FRI-025 12/20/1987 Press Journal photo and article, “Library Tree Lighting Ceremony.” Photo

shows Mary Fran Galvin, Grace Derascavage, Carolyn Eggert, and Warren T. Zeuch Jr., a board member of the Friends group.

MSS-FRI-027 1987 Newspaper photo shows Mary Kiser, library director, staff member Earlene

Johnson, Eric Hall 9, Michael Johnson 5, Jennifer Hamblin, 9 at the tree lighting ceremony.

MSS-FRI-026 1987 Newspaper photos and article, “Library Decks Halls,” with County

Commissioner Carolyn Eggert, Santa Samuel Pascal and Mary Fran Galvin at the tree lighting ceremony.

Folder #6 – Print Articles – 1988 MSS-FRI-001 1/17/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends Have New Book Depot Site.” MSS-FRI- 1/30/1988 article, “Library Elects New Board,” lists the following Board of FVBPL:

President, Clara Powers; 1st Vice President,Laura Walker; Treasurer, Charlotte




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Schletter; Recording Secretary, Phyliss Becker; Corresponding Secretary, Bill Wilde; Trustees, Lois Olyslager, Harriet Hamm, and Helen Korpela.

MSS-FRI-002 2/7/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends of Library Plan Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-00 3/20/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends Prepare for Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-00 3/25/1988 picture and article, “Library Offers Show Just for Kids…. Hansel and

Gretel.” A Show of Hands puppet troupe will be sponsored by the FVBPL. Pictured is Emily Vigliano, aged 5.

MSS-FRI-006 April 1988 Newspaper article, “Library to Honor Volunteers.” National Library Week,

April 17 – 23, will be celebrated by the Friends of the Library, with a luncheon for library volunteers.

MSS-FRI- 4/3/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends Raise Funds for Books.” MSS-FRI- 4/24/1988 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Honor Volunteers.” MSS-FRI-009 5/1/1988 Press Journal article by Mary Kiser, County Librarian, “Library Friends Open

Book Depot.” The Book Depot is located in Luria Plaza off U.S. 1. MSS-FRI-010 5/8/1988 Press Journal article by Mary Kiser, County Librarian, “Library Plans

Children’s Programs.” Summer programs are to begin June 13 and end July 23rd. MSS-FRI- 5/22/1988 Press Journal article, “Adult Literacy Plans Workshop,” mentions that the

FVBPL are exploring ways to bring the library to nursing home residents and other shut-ins.

MSS-FRI- 8/7/1988 Press Journal article, “Book Depot Closes Until September.” MSS-FRI-011? 9/18/88 Press Journal article by Mary Kiser, County Librarian, “Library Friends To

Open Book Depot.” MSS-FRI- 9/25/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends of Library Plan Book Sale.” MSS-FRI- 10/14/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends’ Annual Meeting Set.” MSS-FRI-011 10/16/1988 Press Journal article by Mary Kiser, County Librarian, “Library Friends

Plan Annual Meeting.” Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at the Bethel Creek House. The Friends’ fall book sale is scheduled for Nov. 11 – 13.

MSS-FRI-012 11/6/1988 Press Journal article by Mary Powell, County Librarian, “Friends to Hold

Used Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-015 11/6/1988 Newspaper article, “Friends Schedule Book Sale.” MSS-FRI- 11/11/1988 article, “Library Sells Used Books.” MSS-FRI-013 1988 Newspaper article, “Donations Sought For Used Book Sale.” Sale to be held

March 21, April 1st, and April 2nd at the Collection Depot, 913 Luria Plaza. Proceeds to enhance services and programs offered at library on 20th Place.

MSS-FRI-014 1988 Newspaper article, “Used Book Sale Organized.”




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MSS-FRI-016 Photo from print material showing Mary Fran Galvin, President of the Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library, with Fred Ruffner.

MSS-FRI-017 Photo and Press Journal article, “Book Shopping.” Photo picturing Angela Douds and

her 2-year old daughter, Shannon, shopping at book sale. Proceeds will go toward a book lease program.

MSS-FRI-018 11/10/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends to Receive Award.” Friend of the Vero

Beach Public Library will receive 1988 Council of Florida Libraries, Public Awareness Award on 11/18/1988, aboard yacht Electra.

MSS-FRI- 11/13/1988 Press Journal article, “Library Used Book Sale Today.” MSS-FRI-019 11/20/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends Receive Awareness Award.” Presented to

Mary Fran Galvin, President of the Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library. MSS-FRI- 12/4/1988 Press Journal article, “Friends Schedule Tree Lighting.” MSS-FRI- 12/11/1988 Press Journal article, “Volunteers Needed to Decorate Tree.” MSS-FRI-020 12/17/1988 Photo and Miami Herald article, “Oh, Christmas Tree.” Photo showing

inmates from Indian River Correctional Institution singing Christmas Carols at the dedication of the library’s Christmas tree.

Folder #7 – Print Articles – 1989 MSS-FRI-001 1/20/1989 article, “Friends Sponsor Author Tea,” pictures Patrick Smith, the author of

“A Land Remembered”, who will speak at their next meeting. MSS-FRI-002 1/27/1989 article, “Donations Sought for “Used Book Sale.”” MSS-FRI-003 2/24/1989 article, “ Friends Need Book Donations.” MSS-FRI-003 3/5/1989 article, “ Used Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-004 3/26/1989 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Schedule Book Sale.” To be held

3/31 – 4/2 at 911 Luria’s Plaza. Proceeds go to children’s books. American Library Association’s ’89 theme, “Year of the Young Reader.” Adopt-a-Magazine campaign sponsored by Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library and coordinated by Joan Seely, raised $2,044.

MSS-FRI-005 4/2/1989 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Book Sale Today.” MSS-FRI-006 4/9/1989 Press Journal article, “Library to Honor Its Volunteers,” announces their

annual volunteer luncheon and also a puppet show they are sponsoring for the children. MSS-FRI- 4/14/1989 article, “Friends Sponsor Puppet Show.” MSS-FRI- 4/23/1989 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Honor Volunteers.” MSS-FRI- 5/21/1989 Press Journal article, “Library to Host Storyteller.” Vit Horejs will present

fairytales adapted from Czech children’s literature MSS-FRI- 6/25/1989 Press Journal article, “Book Depot Closes for Summer.”




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MSS-FRI-006 10/8/1989 Press Journal article, “Friends Schedule Meeting.” 3rd Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Vero Beach Public Library will be 10/18 at the Bethel Creek House. The program will be, “A Walk through the New Library,” presented by James Howell and Mark Ugowski from Dow, Howell, Gilmore Associates, Inc.

MSS-FRI-007 10/15/1989 Press Journal article, “Friends to View Library Plans.” Public can learn

more at the FVBPL’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday, 4/18 at the Bethel Creek House. MSS-FRI-008 10/30/1989 Press Journal article, “”New Library Plans Explained.” James Howell and

Mark Ugowski presented program. Large crown saw rendering and asked questions. Rendering was then presented to Mary Fran Galvin, President of FVBPL. Joan Seeley was presented a plaque honoring her for 3 years of dedicated service. Carolyn Eggert gave update of public library advisory board.

MSS-FRI-010 11/2/1989 Articles, “Friends Sponsor Book Sale.” And “Friends Sponsor Films.” MSS-FRI-010 11/3/1989 Article, “Friends Schedule Book Sale.” Book Deposit in Luria Plaza. MSS-FRI- 11/5/1989 Press Journal article, “Friends Plan Annual Fall Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-009 11/8/1989 Press Journal Notice, “It’s Happening This Weekend, Used Book Sale.”

11/10 – 11/12/89, Luria Plaza. MSS-FRI- 11/10/1989 newspaper article, “Adopt-A-Magazine Launched.” MSS-FRI- 11/12/1989 Press Journal article, “Friends Continue Fall Book Sale.” MSS-FRI- 11/26/1989 Press Journal article, “Friends Promote Magazine Campaign.” MSS-FRI-011 11/1989 50-Plus magazine article calling for new members for FVBPL. MSS-FRI-013 11/30/1989 Press Journal article, “Library to Host Kids’ Party.” Annual holiday party

will be 12/6 beginning at 5:30. MSS-FRI-014 12/14/1989 Article, “Ground-Breaking Slated.” Today at 2 p.m., FVBPL transfer to

county $100,000 from Julius Lowenstein bequest for genealogy and Florida History Rooms. All are invited. Friends will provide a memento of the event to all participants.

MSS-FRI- 12/3/1989 Press Journal article, “Friends Library Plan Tree Lighting.” MSS-FRI- 12/24/1989 Press Journal article, “Friends of Library Plan Small Book Sale.” Folder #8 – Print Articles – 1990 MSS-FRI-001 1990 Article, “Book Sale Set for Weekend. Clearance sale at Suite 913 Luria Plaza. MSS-FRI-002 1990 Article, “Be A Library Friend! Share-a-Read.” MSS-FRI-003 2/2/1990 Press Journal article, “The Book Depot to Open.” FVBPL to collect books

and do sales. $1/hardcover, $.50/paperback. MSS-FRI-004 2/11/1990 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Selling Used Books.” New hours and





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MSS-FRI-005 4/14/1990 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Need Donations.” MSS-FRI-006 4/22/1990 Press Journal article, “Library Volunteers to Have Lunch.” MSS-FRI-007 4/27/1990 Press Journal article, “Library Volunteers Given Luncheon.” MSS-FRI- 5/20/1990 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Continue Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-006 1990 Article, “Library to Host Activities.” FVBPL scheduled special events for

National Library Week from Sunday to 4/28. Included will be performance by Mashed Potato Players and Doll Exhibit. Ermina Polce, Vice President of the Florida Treasure Coast Doll Club said theme will be colonial brides. Club members Linda Walther and Jan McElhanney will be responsible. Volunteer luncheon with special guests Carolyn Eggert Chairman of the IRC Commission, former Mayor Ken Macht (active library volunteer), and Fritz Gierhart, mayor of Indian River Shores. Also Mary Jane Leeson, President of the Republican Women.

MSS-FRI-007 6/20/1990 Press Journal photos and article, “Friends Augment Summer Program.”

Photo of Glenn Sinclair and Jeff Voegele performing Parrot Talk (Mashed Potato Players.) FVBPL supporting summer activities such as puppet shows and story hours, donated Reading Rainbow Series. FVBPL has 450 members and raise about $2000 per year for the library. “A Show of Hands” puppet troupe will perform “Jack and the Beanstalk” with puppeteers Wendy Alexander and Debra Vigliano.

MSS-FRI- 6/24/1990 Press Journal article, “Friends Accepting Book Donations.” MSS-FRI-008 6/20/1990 continued, with Photo of Cathy Moss of the children’s program registering

kids. Photo of library President Mary Fran Galvin and volunteer Delys Brown. MSS-FRI-009 1990 Letter to the Editor, Press Journal, “Library Missing From Supplement.”

“Discover Vero 1990-1991” supplement left out the library. Written by Mary Fran Galvin, FVBPL President.

MSS-FRI-010 1990 Ad for Used Book Depot reopening 9/18/1990. MSS-FRI-011 1990 Press Journal article, “Friends to Hold Celebration.” FVBPL celebrate 4 years of

active support for the main library. Meeting to be held at Bethel Creek and former county Commissioner, Patrick Lyons, will be guest speaker. Lyon is honorary chair of the Wish List Campaign.

MSS-FRI- 10/11/1990 Press Journal article, “Friends Schedule Annual Meeting.” MSS-FRI-012 11/1/1990 Press Journal article, “Library Supporter Launch Annual Magazine

Campaign.” 6th year of Adopt-A-Magazine, coordinated by Margaret E. Lester. Joint effort of FVBPL and VB branch of American Association of University Women.

MSS-FRI- 11/11/1990 Press Journal article, “Friends of Library Plan Book Sale.” MSS-FRI- 11/18/1990 Press Journal article, “Friends Hold Christmas Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-013 1990 Article, “Used Book Depot Plans Sale.” FVBPL having holiday sale 11/17 –





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MSS-FRI- 11/18/1990 Press Journal photos of FVBPL volunteer Bettie Bock helping at the North county Public Library for its Monday Opening.

MSS-FRI- 11/20/1990 Press Journal article and photos, “New Library Opens, All Read-y,”

credits FVBPL with helping to convince voters to approve a $5.9 million bond issue in ’86 to finance new libraries in Sebastian and Vero Beach. Pictured are Carolyn Eggert, Pat Lyons, Irene Blackwell, Justin Mills, Katie Lehto and Eric Lehto.

MSS-FRI- 11/25/1990 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Plan Tree Lighting.” MSS-FRI-014 Article, “Library to Light Christmas Tree.” 4th annual tree-lighting ceremony. Carolyn

Eggert will light tree, helped by Santa and Jr. High Glee Club led by Jay Kraft. Grace Derascavage donates tree and decorations in memory of her daughter Cheryl each year.

MSS-FRI-015 Press Journal photo, “Christmas Carols.” Carol White and other members of the Jr.

High Glee Club. MSS-FRI-017 12/29/1990 Press Journal article, “Book Depot Relocating,” to 921 Luria Plaza. Used

Book Co-Chair Fran Adams reminds public that donations are needed.

Folder #9 – Print Articles – 1991 MSS-FRI-001 1/6/1991 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Wind Up Campaign,” discusses the

Adopt-A-Magazine campaign. MSS-FRI- 1/20/1991 Press Journal article, “Library Installs New Equipment,” lets people know

that the Friends’ Book Depot has the new tax forms. MSS-FRI- 1/28/1991 Press Journal article, “ Adopt-A-Magazine Campaign Maintains Periodical

Collection.” MSS-FRI- 2/24/1991 Press Journal article, “Library Offers Dial-A-Story,” mentions the big 3 day

St.Patrick’s sale at the Book Depot. MSS-FRI-008 3/1991 article, “Book Sale Starts Today.” Celebration for the returning troops from the

Middle East. Local reservist, Beverly Rowe who volunteers at Used Book Depot collected books to send overseas.

MSS-FRI-009 3/1991 article, “Paperback Book Sale.” MSS-FRI- 3/31/1991 Press Journal article, “Friends Need More Books.” MSS-FRI- 4/15/1991 Press Journal article, “Library Week Marked With Foreign Flavor.” The 5th

annual Library Volunteers’ Luncheon is mentioned. MSS-FRI- 4/16/1991 article, “Library to Hold Luncheon.” MSS-FRI- 4/21/1991 article, “Observe National Library Week,” has a brief review of the

Volunteers’ Luncheon. MSS-FRI- 9/13/1991 article, “Friends’ Book Depot To Reopen.” MSS-FRI-010 10/13/1991 Press Journal article written by Mary Powell, County Librarian, “Friends

Annual Meeting Tuesday.” 5th annual meeting announcement in mixed media room of the library. Robert Brackett Sr. will describe the progress of the restoration of the old




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Florida Theater on 14th Avenue. Main library’s Young Adult Advisory Board working with ELC on ELC Read-A-Thon. 10/20 meeting presented by Donald Curl on the Mediterranean architectural revival in Florida.

MSS-FRI-011 10/26/1991 Press Journal article, “Library’s Gift Shop Offers Unusual Items.” Ann

Hubbard gift shop manager, staffed and run by FVBPL. MSS-FRI-012 1991 Ad for the FVBPL Used Book Depot Sale. Nov. 12 through Nov. 16. Also a gift

shop ad. MSS-FRI- 11/13/1991 article, “Library Needs Magazines.” MSS-FRI- 11/15/1991 article, “Book Sale in Progress.” MSS-FRI- 11/17/1991 article, “Library Sponsors Writing Contest,” mentions that this was

supported by the FVBPL. MSS-FRI-013 11/1991 Press Journal photo of Ann Hubbard in the gift shop. MSS-FRI-014 11/24/1991 Press Journal article written by Mary Powell, “Library Rents Several Best

Sellers.” Leasing best sellers program supported by FVBPL. Activities coming up: Folk Dance International Video, The Five Forth. Eight by John Cheeves, drama., Pam Hall, genealogy specialist, reviews “Going to America” by Terry Coleman. Pam Hall recently awarded Florida State Genealogy Society Distinguished Service Award. Jean Versteeg is chair of speakers’ series.

MSS-FRI- 11/26/1991 article, “Short Story Winners Earn Library Awards,” sponsored by the

FVBPL. MSS-FRI- 12/1/1991 Press Journal article, “Library to Host Tree Lighting.” Folder #10 – Print Articles – 1992 MSS-FRI-001 1/14/1992 article, “Library has Steamboat Exhibit,” a photographic exhibit sponsored

by the FVBPL. MSS-FRI- 1/19/1992 article, “Friends’ Store Needs Used Books.” MSS-FRI-001 1/24/1992 Press Journal Letter to the Editor, written by Edward R. Walker of VB,

“What’s With Gunslingers at Public Library?” Complaint about uniformed police at library and the response his complaint got from the head librarian.

MSS-FRI-005 6/16/1992 Press Journal photo of FVBPL Book Sale and volunteers and Press Journal

article, “Bargain Basement Books, Book Depot, Sales Tables Offer Deals.” Paperbacks now $.25, Hard covers, $.50.

MSS-FRI- 7/26/1992 Press Journal article, “Gift Shop Has Summer Hours.” MSS-FRI-006 9/4/1992 Press Journal article, “Book Depot to Reopen.” 9/15 at 921 Luria’s Plaza. MSS-FRI-007 1992 article, “Purchase Used Books,” mini sale. MSS-FRI-008 1992 Ad, “Re-Opening Sale,” at Friends’ Gift Shop.




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MSS-FRI-009 1992 article, “Book Depot Announces Annual 5-day Sale.” Fall sale to benefit book-

lease program and audio tape books. MSS-FRI-010 1992 Ad, “Best Kept Secret in Vero Beach.” Library Friends’ Gift Shop. MSS-FRI-011 11/5/1992 Press Journal article, “Book Sale Scheduled,” Nov. 10th through the 14th. MSS-FRI-013 1992 article, “Lyons Portrait to Hang in Library.” Portrait of former County

Commissioner, Patrick B. Lyons presented to the library by Lyons’ family. Portrait painted in 1986 by VB artist Marlene Putnam.

MSS-FRI-014 10/23/1992 Press Journal photo “Picture Perfect.” Presentation of portrait of IRC

Commissioner Patrick Lyons unveiled at meeting of FVBPL. Included in picture were VB Mayor Jay Smith, Portrait painter Marlene Putnam, and Commission Chair Carolyn Eggert.

MSS-FRI-015 1992 Article, “Library to Light Tree.” MSS-FRI-016 1992 Press Journal article, “ Libraries Can Teach, Speaker Says.” VB resident,

Herman “Reck” Niebuhn spoke at FVBPL meeting on education and libraries. School Superintendent, Gary Norris, introduced Niebuhr.

MSS-FRI-017 1992 Ad, “FVBPL Annual Fall Used Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-018 1992 Press Journal photo, “Twinkling Tree.” Includes parents and children at

Christmas Tree Lighting. Dr. Ray Adams, Community Church, brought children’s choir to sing. IRC Commissioner Ken Macht lit the tree.

Folder #11 – Print Articles – 1993 MSS-FRI- 2/71993 Press Journal article, “Adopt Magazines for Library.” MSS-FRI- 3/14/1993 Press Journal article, “Used Book Sale Begins Saturday.” MSS-FRI- 3/23/1993 article, “Library Program ‘Tours’ Famous Art Museums,” sponsored by the

FVBPL. MSS-FRI- 4/11/1993 Press Journal article, “Friends Purchase Music Videos.” MSS-FRI-001 4/16/1993 Press Journal article, “Friends to Honor Library Volunteers.” 7th Annual

Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. Program featuring Mary Pearson, former curator at the Miami-Dade Art Museum.

MSS-FRI-002 4/18/1993 Press Journal article by Mary Powell, “Friend to Honor Volunteers.”

Restoration of aquariums in lobby, gifts of Otis Pike. Media Dept. doing “Grand Museum Tour.”

MSS-FRI-003 1993 Press Journal article, “Library Week Marked with Foreign Flavor.” National

Library Week, April 14 – 19, IRC Main Library, highlighting books with foreign ties of some sort.

MSS-FRI- 5/9/1993 Press Journal article, “Depot Offers Book Bargains.”




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MSS-FRI-004 5/21/1993 Vero Beach Sun Plus article and photos, “Library Friends promote Reading for Dollars.” Photo of Jeff Rains and Friends’ Book Depot Volunteers, Ruth Turner and Bea Weeks. Announces special sale and discussed what Depot offers. Fran Adams, Coordinator of the Book Depot is mentioned.

MSS-FRI- 6/6/1993 Press Journal article, “Gift Shop Funds Provide Program.” MSS-FRI- 6/16/1993 article, “Friends To Hold Book Sale.” MSS-FRI-005 9/16/1993 Press Journal article, “County Approves Final, Pared Budget.” Cut made of

$54,288 from Main library will affect new purchases and FVBPL will help to avoid loss of personnel.

MSS-FRI-006 9/15/1993 Press Journal photo, “Rows and Rows of Books.” FVBPL volunteer Mimi

Alexander pictured organizing for upcoming sale. MSS-FRI-007 1993 Article “Library to Host Regional Workshop.” IRC Main library selected to host

annual State Library of Florida Friends and Trustees Regional Workshop, co-hosted by FVBPL and Friends of the Sebastian library. Workshop presenters Ms. Lawrence Webster and Rene Friedman, program coordinator for Florida State University Center for Professional Development and Public Service.

MSS-FRI-008 Ad, “Holiday Sale Friend’s Book Depot.” MSS-FRI-009 Ad, Reopening sale of the Gift Shop, Dec. 3 and 4 and Sale at the FVBPL’s Book

Depot, Dec. 4, 7, 9, and 11. MSS-FRI- 10/17/1993 Press Journal article, “McIver to Discuss Area Authors,” presented at the

FVBPL annual meeting. MSS-FRI- 12/12/1993 Press Journal article, “Magazine Campaign Launched.” MSS-FRI-010 12/14/1993 Press Journal photo, “Main Library Lights Up Holiday Tree.” Dr. Ray

Adams and children from Community Church sang. FVBPL sponsors event. County Commissioner John Tippin and library director Mary Powell pictured.

MSS-FRI-011 1993 Press Journal photo of Grace Derascavage of Vero Beach with Christmas Tree. Folder #12 – Print Articles – 1994 MSS-FRI-001 1/5/1994 Press Journal article, “Friends of Library Sponsor Film Series.” This film

series will be shown at the North Indian River County Library and is partly funded by the Florida Humanities Council.

MSS-FRI-001 2/9/1994 Press Journal photo, “Library Trustees Gather.” Pictured are Lawrence

Webster of Florida’s State library; Mary Powell, county library director; Eileen Derrick, president of the North County Library Friends; and Mary Fran Galvin, president of the Main Library Friends.

MSS-FRI- 2/6/1994 Press Journal article, “Book Breakfast Set Monday.” This is a column by

Mary Powell. MSS-FRI- 2/9/1994 Press Journal article and photo, “Library Trustees Gather,” with photo of

????????, Mary Powell, Eileen Derrick, and Mary Fran Galvin.




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MSS-FRI-004 3/13/1994 Press Journal article and photo, “Library’s Friends Help Raise Funds.” 450

volunteer members of the FVBPL operate a used book depot and staff the main library gift shop, and donated $50,000 in books and materials this year. Fran Kendall is the manager of the gift shop. Photo of FVBPL volunteer Lois Schwartz is pictured at the gift shop.

MSS-FRI- 3/14/1994 Press Journal article. “Films Reveal Florida’s History,” sponsored by the

Friends at the N. Indian River County Library. MSS-FRI-002 3/21/1994 Article, “Library Presents Programs.” Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings will

present “Comfort Me With Apples: Homeless Characters from Literature,” at the IRC Main Library. Program for children, “James of the Street also will be presented.

MSS-FRI-003 1994 Press Journal Obituary of Grace Derascavage, member of the FVBPL. MSS-FRI-005 4/16/1994 Press Journal article, “ Library Help Appreciated.” FVBPL Volunteer

Appreciation Luncheon will be 4/19 Tuesday at the Main Library. John Kennedy, associate professor of English at IRCC will speak on “Reading for Pleasure.” Invited guests will be County Commissioners Carolyn Eggert and Kenneth Macht, Vero Beach Mayor Carolyn Ginn, and library Director Mary Powell.

MSS-FRI-006 1994 Press Journal article and photo, “Library Honors Volunteers.” Photo of the new

FVBPL logo and speaker Dr. John Kennedy of IRCC, and Mary Powell, library Director.

MSS-FRI- 4/24/1994 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Honor Volunteers.” MSS-FRI- 5/1/1994 Press Journal article, “Book Sales Continue This Week.” MSS-FRI- 5/15/1994 Press Journal article, “Friends Offer Rare Books.”?????????? MSS-FRI- 5/29/1994 Press Journal article, “Book Depot To Close.” MSS-FRI- 6/4/1994 Press Journal article, “Library Gears Up for Summer Program,” describes the

children’s summer program that is underwritten by the FVBPL?????? MSS-FRI- 7/24/1994 Press Journal article, “Friends’ Gift Shop Having Sale.” MSS-FRI- 8/7/1994 Press Journal article, “Library Gift Shop Holding Sale.” MSS-FRI- 10/2/1994 Press Journal article, “Friends to Open New Store Site.” MSS-FRI-007 10/15/1994 Press Journal article, “Library Friends to Meet.” Annual Meeting will be at

the River House on Friday 10/21 where Donald Musselman of the Florida Humanities Council will speak on “The Fabled and the Fabulous: The Mizners in Florida.” The Friends announce the opening of the Used Book Depot in South IRC.

MSS-FRI- 10/16/1994 Press Journal article, “Library Friends To Open Book Depot,” announces

new location of Friends’ Book Depot. MSS-FRI-008 1994 Ad, “Reopening Tomorrow October 22 Library Friends Book Depot.” New





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MSS-FRI-009 1994 Press Journal article, “Promenade Wet, Wonderful.” First Christmas in Downtown with a musical promenade started inside the IRC Main Library.

MSS-FRI- 11/1/1994 Press Journal photo “Used Books Find New Home,” with picture of Delys

Brown and Pat Wytzka checking out the new books at the FVBPL Book Depot at Vero Square.

MSS-FRI- 11/13/1994 Press Journal article, “Librarian To Offer Gift Ideas.” MSS-FRI- 11/20/1994 Press Journal article, “Library Seeking Magazines.” MSS-FRI- 11/27/1994 Press Journal article, “Friends to Light Tree At Library.” MSS-FRI-010 12/1994 Press Journal photo, “Lighting Up the Season.” Vero Beach Mayor Caroline

Ginn leading a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony with others looking on. MSS-FRI-011 12/3/1994 Press Journal article and photos, “Tree of Memories.” Library Christmas

Tree was dedicated to Grace Derascavage, a patron who had died in April. For years Mrs. Derascavage had donated a tree and ornaments to the FVBPL in the name of her deceased daughter, Cheryl Crandall. Photos show the tree and some of the special ornaments that she had collected and will to the organization.

MSS-FRI- 12/11/1994 Press Journal article, “Art Slide Lectures Scheduled.” Folder #13– Print Articles – 1995, 1996 & 1997 MSS-FRI-001 1995 Press Journal article, “Friends Sponsor Used Book Sale,” to be held Feb. 17th and

19th. MSS-FRI-002 1995 article, “Volunteer Luncheon Set.” FVBPL will honor 90 library volunteers at an

appreciation luncheon at the main library. Miriam Plains, author of “Collectomania”, will speak.

MSS-FRI- 1/22/1995 Press Journal article, “Filmmaker To Discuss Poet Sarton,” which will be

sponsored by the FVBPL. MSS-FRI- 2/12/1995 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Support Book Leasing Program.” MSS-FRI- 3/19/1995 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Extend Book Depot Hours.” MSS-FRI-003 3/22/1995 Press Journal article, “Book Depot To Open Fridays.” MSS-FRI-004 4/1995 Press Journal article and photo, “Library Volunteers Honored.” Mentioned is

Miriam Plans, author of “Collectomania” and speaker, and pictured are volunteers John and Angelina Marchione.

MSS-FRI- 4/20/1995 Press Journal article, “Young Adult Programs Scheduled For Summer,”

explains that these programs are sponsored by the FVBPL. MSS-FRI-005 5/1995 Ad, “Fiction Half-Price Sale at the Depot,” June 6, 8 10. Sale.” MSS-FRI- 5/21/1995 Press Journal article, “Library Friends Holding Season Gift Shop




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MSS-FRI-007 1995 Article, “Friends of Library Donate Projector.” Unit will be used in schools to access the Indian River Education Network, IRENE and to train students in using computers.

MSS-FRI- 6/4/1995 Press Journal article, “Used Book Depot Sale to Benefit Main Library.” MSS-FRI- 6/25/1995 Press Journal article, “Library Takes Walk on the Wild Side,” discusses the

summer programs sponsored by the FVBPL. MSS-FRI-006 9/2/1995 Press Journal article, “Friends’ Book Depot Plans Gigantic Sale.”

Organizations that have made donations of time, money and materials were mentioned. MSS-FRI-008 10/15/1995 Press Journal article, “Library Friends to Hold Meeting, Have Speaker.”

Guest speaker at Annual Meeting of FVBPL will be Genealogy Librarian Pamela Hall, discussing “The Indian River, 1835-1855: From Territory to Statehood.”

MSS-FRI-011 12/6/1997 Press Journal photo, “Tree-Lighting Ceremony.” Pictured are the St.

Helen’s Junior Choir and choir director Marguerite Brock. MSS-FRI- 12/24/1995 Press Journal article, “Residents May Adopt Library Magazines.” MSS-FRI- 12/26/1995 Press Journal article, “Christmas Tree Lighting Set By Library Friends.” MSS-FRI-009 4/16/1996 Press Journal Article and photo, “Buy the Book,” is an extensive article

describing the Used Book Depot run by the FVBPL. Mentioned are volunteers DeLys Brown and Peggy Carr. Pictured is DeLys Brown.

MSS-FRI-010 1997 Press Journal Editorial, “Lengthen Hours Wisely.” FVBPL wants to see the Main

Library open seven days a week by 2000.Library Services Director, Mary Powell said funding is needed from the county. Editorial says that the issue should be studied carefully before more dollars are given for this.

MSS-FRI-012 1997 Press Journal article and photo, “Library Friends Push For Sunday Hours.”

Director Mary Powell says that to open the main library on Sundays would require 16 new people. FVBPL support this increase and have offered to pick up half the salary of a community librarian to work with the library’s Internet plans states Friends President, Mary Fran Galvin.

Folder #14– Print Articles – 1998 MSS-FRI-001 2/2/1998 Press Journal article and photo, “Sundays In The South: Main Library Now

Open.” Now open on Sundays from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. $85,000 was allocated in November by the County Commission to hire 7 additional employees. Mary Powell, director of Library Services for IRC said that our library is one of the most used libraries in the state. The photo shows Lee Bolling and his 6 year old son, Thomas, using the library.

MSS-FRI-002 8/7/1998 Forum article and photo, “Partnership to Mix Used Books, Coffeehouse.”

FVBPL Used Book Depot will reopen in downtown Vero this fall. Partnership with Espresso Alley, owned by Drue Hartwell, was conceived by Main Street Manager Jim Chrulski. Ernestine Greer, FVBPL representative to the Indian River County Library Advisory Board feels it is a good mix. FVBPL will become a member of the




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Downtown Vero Beach Association. Pictured are Chuck and Teri Suma and Sharon and Tom Cowan at Espresso Alley.

MSS-FRI-003 8/16/1998 Press Journal article, “Film Festival Scheduled For Children at Library.”

Announces new location of the Used Book Depot, joining with Espresso Alley. MSS-FRI-004 11/8/1998 Press Journal article, “Coffeehouse, Book Depot Join Forces.” Announcing

the opening of the Used Book Depot on November 17th in the back of the 20th Street Coffeehouse, owned by Sheri Brown.

MSS-FRI-005 1998 Press Journal article and photo, “At The Coffeehouse.” Maya Meerana is

pictured at the Espresso Alley. Description of the current coffeehouse and the plans for the Used Book Depot to move into the rear of the coffeehouse.

Folder #15 – Tales Among Friends Newsletters – 1987 – 1999 MSS-FRI-001 Vol. 1 No. 1 February 1987 MSS-FRI-002 Vol. 1 No. 2 Summer 1987 MSS-FRI-003 Vol. 1 No. 3 Fall 1987 MSS-FRI-004 Vol. 1 No. 4 Winter 1988 MSS-FRI-005 Vol. 2 No. 1 Spring 1988 MSS-FRI-006 Vol. 2 No. 2 Summer 1988 MSS-FRI-007 Vol. 2 No. 4 Fall 1988 MSS-FRI-008 Vol. 3 No. 1 Winter 1989 MSS-FRI-009 Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1989 MSS-FRI-010 Vol. 3 No. 3 Summer 1989 MSS-FRI-011 Vol. 4 No. 1 Winter 1990 MSS-FRI-012 Vol. 4. Spring 1990 MSS-FRI-013 Vol. 4 No. 2 Summer 1990 MSS-FRI-014 Vol. 6 No. 1 Winter 1991 MSS-FRI-015 Vol. 6 No. 2 Spring 1991 MSS-FRI-016 Vol. 6 No. 3 Winter 1991 MSS-FRI-017 Vol. 6 No. 3? Winter 1991 MSS-FRI-018 Vol. 7 No. 1 Winter 1992 MSS-FRI-019 Vol. 6 No. 3 Spring 1992




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MSS-FRI-020 Vol. 7 No. 1 Spring 1993 MSS-FRI-021 Vol. 7 No. 1 Summer 1993 MSS-FRI-022 Vol. 7 No. 3 Fall 1993 MSS-FRI-023 February 8, 1994 Typed article for Newsletter MSS-FRI-024 Vol. 8 No. 1 Spring 1994 MSS-FRI-025 May 23, 1994 Typed article for Newsletter MSS-FRI-026 Vol. 8 No. 2 Summer, 1994 MSS-FRI-027 Vol. 8 No. 3 Fall/Winter 1994 MSS-FRI-028 Vol. 9 No. 1 Spring 1995 MSS-FRI-029 Vol. 9 No. 2 Summer 1995 MSS-FRI-030 Vol. 9 No. 3 Fall 1995 MSS-FRI-031 Vol. 10 No. 1 Winter 1996 MSS-FRI-031 Vol. 10 No. III Winter 1996 MSS-FRI-032 Vol. 10 No. 2 Summer 1996 MSS-FRI-033 Vol. 10 No. 3 Winter 1996 MSS-FRI-034 Vol. 13 No. 2 Fall 1997 MSS-FRI-035 Vol. 11 No. 1 Winter 1997 MSS-FRI-036 Vol. 12 No. 1 Spring 1997 MSS-FRI-037 Vol. 12 No. 2 Winter 1998 MSS-FRI-038 Vol. 13 No. 2 Winter 1998 MSS-FRI-039 Vol. 13. No. 3 Winter 1998 MSS-FRI-040 Vol. 13 No. 4 Summer 1998 MSS-FRI-041 Vol. 13(?) No. 3 Spring 1999 Folder #16 – Annual Meeting Invitations, etc. 1987-1998 MSS-FRI-001 1st Annual Meeting, Wednesday, October 21st, 1987 MSS-FRI-002 2nd Annual Meeting, Wednesday October 19, 1988 MSS-FRI-003 4th Annual Meeting, Wednesday October 17, 1990




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MSS-FRI-004 5th Annual Meeting, Wednesday October 15, 1991 MSS-FRI-005 6th Annual Meeting, Thursday October 22, 1992 MSS-FRI-006 7th Annual Meeting, Wednesday October 20, 1993 MSS-FRI-007 8th Annual Meeting, Friday October 21, 1994 MSS-FRI-008 9th Annual Meeting, Wednesday October 18, 1995 MSS-FRI-009 Annual Meeting, Tuesday October 21, 1997 MSS-FRI-010 Annual Meeting, Tuesday November 17, 1998 MSS-FRI-011 Annual Meeting proxy & letter, October 20, 2000 Folder #17 – Special Events and Publications 1987 - 1998 MSS-FRI-??? The Indian River Library Dedication of the new building, 3/25/1962 with a copy of the

program for the dedication. Also there is a form to join the Friends of the Library. MSS-FRI-??? Indian River County Library Association, Inc. “5 to 50, Let’s make it in a Jiffy.”

Brochure announcing the formation of the Library Book Club which invites those to join and donate new books. The Friends of the Library is mentioned. No date.

MSS-FRI-001 Invitation from the FVBPL and RSVP card for “An Exhibit of Treasure from the

Atocha” and a reception to meet Mr. and Mrs. Mel Fisher was to be held on January 17, 1987.

MSS-FRI- October 1989 calendar from the Royal Palm Convalescent Center showing the days

that the “Book Friends” were hosting an event. MSS-FRI-002 Folder and materials the FVBPL used to send out an appeal for funds for the new

library opening February 1, 1991. Included in packet is a letter from Patrick B. Lyons, Honorary Chairman of the Wish List Appeal (FVBPL) asking for help, The Wish List of items one can donate funds for, and a donation form and return envelope.

MSS-FRI-003 Invitation to a Champagne Reception at the Vero Beach Women’s Club on February 1,

1991 from 5 – 7 p.m., following the new library dedication. MSS-FRI-004 Invitation to the Dedication Ceremony on February 1, 1991 at 3 P.M.. MSS-FRI-005 1993 Friends of VBPL Membership Application. MSS-FRI-006 FVBPL Thank You receipt and membership card for becoming a member. MSS-FRI-007 Item is Notice from FVBPL to invite others to celebrate the Friends 10th Anniversary

with a cruise on the Indian River, October 19, 1996. MSS-FRI-008 Invitation for Library Friends Only for a Special Holiday Event at the Library Friends’

Gift Shop, on November 9, 1997. MSS-FRI-009 Invitation from FVBPL for a reception for Carolyn Keyes Eggert, retiring County

Commissioner, on October 18, 1998.




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MSS-FRI-010 “Friends of the Library Focus on Facts,” October, 1999. MSS-FRI-010 “Friends of the Library Focus on Facts,” December, 1999. MSS-FRI-011 FVBPL sticker. MSS-FRI-012 “Friends’ Fall Book Sale” bookmark. MSS-FRI-013 FVBPL Education – Recreation – Information brochure telling of new features of

tomorrow’s library and including a “wish list” asking for donations for individual items.

MSS-FRI-014 FVBPL letter asking for help with the book fund or in involvement in other ways with the library’s needs. No date.

Folder #18 – FVBPL Agendas, Minutes, and other documents from FVBPL 1965 - 1969 MSS-FRI-001 Minutes from the original notebook for 1965 – 1969. Folder #19 – FVBPL Agendas and Minutes from Meetings 1970 - 1972 MSS-FRI-001 Minutes from the 1970 meetings. MSS-FRI-002 Minutes from the 1971 meetings. MSS-FRI-003 Minutes from the 1972 meetings. Folder #20 – FVBPL Agendas and Minutes from Meetings 1986 - 1989 MSS-FRI-005 Minutes from the 1986 meetings. MSS-FRI-006 Minutes from the 1987 meetings. MSS-FRI-007 Minutes from the 1988 meetings. MSS-FRI-008 Minutes from the 1989 meetings. Folder #21 – FVBPL Agendas and Minutes from Meetings 1990 - 1993 MSS-FRI-00 Minutes from the 1990 meetings MSS-FRI-001 Minutes from the 1991 meetings. MSS-FRI-002 Minutes from the 1992 meetings. MSS-FRI-003 Minutes from the 1993 meetings. Folder #22 – FVBPL Agendas and Minutes from Meetings 1994 - 1997 MSS-FRI-004 Minutes from the 1994 meetings. MSS-FRI-005 Minutes from the 1995 meetings. MSS-FRI-006 Minutes from the 1996 meetings.




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MSS-FRI-007 Minutes from the 1997 meetings. Folder #23 – FVBPL Agendas and Minutes from Meetings 1998 - 2006 MSS-FRI-008 Minutes & agendas from the 1998 meetings. MSS-FRI-009 Minutes from the 1999 meetings. MSS-FRI-010 Minutes from the 2000 meetings. MSS-FRI-011 Minutes from the 2001 – 2003 meetings. MSS-FRI-012 Minutes from the 2004 – 2006 meetings. Folder #24 – FVBPL Treasurer’s Reports 1970 - 1997 MSS-FRI-001 Treasurer’s reports dated 4/6/1970 through May 9, 1972. MSS-FRI-001 Treasurer’s reports dated 4/15/1987 through 9/30/1989. MSS-FRI-002 Treasurer’s reports dated 1/31/1990 through 12/31/1991. MSS-FRI-003 Treasurer’s reports dated 1/31/1992 through 12/31/1993. MSS-FRI-004 Treasurer’s reports dated 1/31/1994 through 12/31/1995. MSS-FRI-005 Treasurer’s reports dated 1/31/1996 through 12/31/1997. Folder # 25 – FVBPL Treasurer’s Reports 1998 - 2006 MSS-FRI-001 Treasurer’s reports dated 1/31/1998 through 12/31/1999. MSS-FRI-002 Treasurer’s reports dated 3/14/00 through 10/31/2000. MSS-FRI-003 Treasurer’s reports dated 10/2000 through 9/30/2005.

Folder # 26 – Library Reports (Statistics and Activities) and County Commissioners’ Memos to

FVBPL 1986 - 1992 MSS-FRI-001 Reports dated 10/86 - 9/2/87 MSS-FRI-002 Reports dated 1/7/88 - 10/10/89. MSS-FRI-003 Reports dated 2/15/90 - 11/19/91. MSS-FRI-004 Reports dated 2/18/92 - 12/30/92. Folder # 27 – Library Reports (Statistics and Activities) and County Commissioners’ Memos to

FVBPL 1993 - 2000 MSS-FRI-001 Reports dated 1/11/93 - 9/19/94. MSS-FRI-002 Reports dated 1/17/95 – 6/17/98.




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MSS-FRI-003 Reports dated 1/11/99 - 1/18/01. Folder # 28 – Used Book Depot Documents 1999 – 2000 and Adopt-A-Magazine Documents MSS-FRI-001 Used Book Depot Documents. MSS-FRI-002 Adopt-A-Magazine Documents. Folder # 29 - Board Member Lists and Constitution and By-Laws, 1970 - 2001. MSS-FRI-001 Board Members lists, attendance, Constitution & By-Laws, Memorandum of

Understanding and Procedural Checklist 1970 – 1972. MSS-FRI-001 Board Members lists and information 1989 - 1990 . MSS-FRI-001 Board Members lists and information 1993 – 2001. MSS-FRI-002 Constitution and By-laws from 1997 or 1998. MSS-FRI-003 1998 Board Statement of Purpose and Responsibilities. MSS-FRI-004 Constitution and By-laws from 1999 and communications in 1999 regarding these. MSS-FRI-005 Constitution and By-laws from 2000 and Procedure Manual information. Folder # 30 – FVBPL Photographs 1969 - 1990 MSS-FRI-001 3 1969 photos of ???????? MSS-FRI-002 2 1970 photos of ????????? MSS-FRI-003 12/19986 photo of Sam Pascal as Santa, along with Commissioner Carolyn Eggert, and

Board Member Warren Zench. ??kids MSS-FRI-004 1/17/1987 photos of Mel Fischer’s treasures from the Atocha Fundraiser at Barnett

Bank. Mary Fran Galvin, lower left. MSS-FRI-005 1/17/1987 more photos from Fundraiser. Mary Snyder Kiser and Donna Green, lower

right. MSS-FRI-006 1987 photos from the First Book Depot being set up. MSS-FRI-007 12/1987 photos fro the Christmas Party. Grace Derascavage, upper right. ???? MSS-FRI-008 1988 photos, top photo (l-r) Jean Friesel, Sam Pascal, Donna Green, and Mary Lou.

Bottom photo, Mary Lou?? MSS-FRI-009 Spring 1989 photos from Oaxaca, 250 miles SW of Mexico City, Dona Rosa’s Black

Pottery Studio, and an open air Bazaar in Oaxacan village.




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MSS-FRI-010 Photos from opening day at the Book Depot, Friday, March 31, 1989. Dr. John Kennedy, Matthew and Elizabeth, lower right.

MSS-FRI-011 1989 photo of Betty Arth, High School Media Specialist and Jean Friesell, admiring

the new video cassette cabinet. MSS-FRI-012 10/1989 photos of Mark Urowski, the architect who designed the new Main Library,

showing his plans. MSS-FRI-013 Various photos from 11/1989 and 12/1989 along with one photo of Fran Adams in

1990. MSS-FRI-014 12/1989 photo of the groundbreaking for the new Main Library; (l-r), Architect Mark

Ugowski, Library Services Director Mary Powell (Snyder), County Attorney Charles Vitunac, Assistant County Attorney ????????, General Services Director, H.T. “Sonny” Dean, County Administrator, James E. Chandler, P.J. photographers, Jean Friesell??, President of the Friends of the Library, Mary Fran Galvin (upfront.)

MSS-FRI-015 8 photos of the groundbreaking and construction of the new Library, taken between

12/14/1989 and 12/28/1990. MSS-FRI-016 12/1990 photo of the groundbreaking of the new Main Library, donated by and with a

note from Elsie Z. Kauffmann. MSS-FRI-017 2 photos from the Used Book Depot in the Vero Mall, date unknown. MSS-FRI-018 2 more photos of the Used Book Depot, bottom one showing Jane Dawe. Folder # 31 – FVBPL Interoffice Memos and Other Communications in Chronological order, 1967 –

2003 MSS-FRI-001 Memos and communications from 1967 – 1973. MSS-FRI-?? Letter to Mary Fran Galvin from Don C. Scurlock, Jr., Chairman of the Board of

County Commissioners dated 6/24/1988 MSS-FRI-002 Speech by Patrick B. Lyons, from October 15, 1990. MSS-FRI-003 Memos from 1993 through December 6, 2000. MSS-FRI-004 Speech and agenda from 6/24/1997 where Mary Galvin, as President of FVBPL,

presenting to the Board of County Commissioners. MSS-FRI-004 Memos from January 5, 2001 through December 11, 2001. MSS-FRI-005 Memos from January 21, 2002 through April 7, 2003 MSS-FRI-006 Various communications from April 13, 1999 through May 9, 2002. MSS-FRI-007 Letter to the Friends from George W. Gross, as a request for reimbursement for the

cost of printing and publicizing the book, “U.S. Naval Air Station at Vero Beach During World War II. There are also numerous documents along with his request.

Folder # 32 - FVBPL 1972 Lecture Series Part 1




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MSS-FRI-001 Florence Wallace’s file on the Lecture Series MSS-FRI-002 Preliminary PR Lecture information. MSS-FRI-003 Lecture ideas ratings and rankings. MSS-FRI-004 Papers from preparation for the 1972 lectures. Folder #33 - FVBPL 1972 Lecture Series Part 2 MSS-FRI-001 1/3/72 lecture on Foreign Affairs: The Road Ahead MSS-FRI-002 1/17/72 lecture on Mainland China: Emerging Giant MSS-FRI-003 2/14/72 lecture on Law, Justice and the Courts Folder #34 - FVBPL 1972 Lecture Series Part 3 MSS-FRI-004 2/28/72 lecture on The Doctor, the Patient, and the Community of Tomorrow MSS-FRI-005 3/13/72 lecture on You, Your Dollar, and Business MSS-FRI-006 3/27/72 lecture on Indian River County: ’72 – ‘92