By SGT Jolene Staker Many infantry soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 181st Infantry Regiment will attempt to earn the Expert Infantry Badge (EIB) during April. “It is a badge of honor, quite clearly,” said MAJ Francis Magurn, battalion executive offi- cer. In 1944 the Army established that the EIB would be awarded to infantryman who “attained the standards of proficiency awarded by the War Department.” “This was the start of the process which we continue today,” said MAJ George Har- rington, battalion operations offi- cer. “A process to foster pride and esprit de corps.” Soldiers trying for the EIB have already met strenuous prerequisites, including scor- ing 210 on their physical train- ing test, scoring expert with their personal weapons, per - forming a 12-mile ruck march and passing both night and day land navigation courses. Mor - tarmen also have to score expert on the gunner’s exam. In addition to scoring a 210 on their physical training test, soldiers must ensure that they get a minimum of 70 in each event. The ruck march is per - formed while carrying a 35- pound rucksack, wearing LBV, protective mask and Kevlar. To pass, soldiers must complete 12 miles in under three hours, which requires a faster pace than the JTF ruck march for twice the distance. For the day land navigation course, soldiers receive grid coordinates that they must first plot on the map, walk the lane and find the posted sign and write down the numbers. Inside the Wire ... P AGE AGE 10 10 RUCK UCK MARCH MARCH COMPLETED COMPLETED T ROOPERS ROOPERS HONORED HONORED BROTHERS ROTHERS REUNITED REUNITED Friday, April 9, 2004 Volume 4, Issue 30 www.nsgtmo.navy.mil/jtfgtmo P AGE AGE 3 3 P AGE AGE 6 6 See Badge on page 4 Infantry soldiers work toward Expert Infantry Badge Photo by SGT Jolene Staker SFC James Sypher, C Co., EIB instructor of 1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regiment out of Connecticut, shows soldiers the correct way to prepare the M136 (AT4) Launcher for firing and perform misfire procedures.

Friday, April 9, 2004 Infantry soldiers work toward Expert Infantry …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/86/20/00149/04-09-2004.pdf · 2004-04-09 · The night land navigation course

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Page 1: Friday, April 9, 2004 Infantry soldiers work toward Expert Infantry …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/86/20/00149/04-09-2004.pdf · 2004-04-09 · The night land navigation course

By SGT Jolene Staker

Many infantry soldiers ofthe 1st Battalion, 181st InfantryRegiment will attempt to earnthe Expert Infantry Badge(EIB) during April.

“It is a badge of honor, quiteclearly,” said MAJ FrancisMagurn, battalion executive offi-cer.

In 1944 the Army establishedthat the EIB would be awarded toinfantryman who “attained thestandards of proficiency awardedby the War Department.”

“This was the start of theprocess which we continuetoday,” said MAJ George Har-rington, battalion operations offi-cer. “A process to foster prideand esprit de corps.”

Soldiers trying for the EIBhave already met strenuousprerequisites, including scor-ing 210 on their physical train-ing test, scoring expert with

their personal weapons, per-forming a 12-mile ruck marchand passing both night and dayland navigation courses. Mor-tarmen also have to scoreexpert on the gunner’s exam.

In addition to scoring a 210on their physical training test,soldiers must ensure that they geta minimum of 70 in each event.

The ruck march is per-formed while carrying a 35-pound rucksack, wearing LBV,protective mask and Kevlar. Topass, soldiers must complete 12miles in under three hours,which requires a faster pacethan the JTF ruck march fortwice the distance.

For the day land navigationcourse, soldiers receive gridcoordinates that they must firstplot on the map, walk the laneand find the posted sign andwrite down the numbers.

Inside the Wire ...



Friday, April 9, 2004Volume 4, Issue 30 www.nsgtmo.navy.mil/jtfgtmo


See Badge on page 4

Infantry soldiers work toward Expert Infantry Badge

Photo by SGT Jolene Staker

SFC James Sypher, C Co., EIB instructor of 1st Battalion, 102nd InfantryRegiment out of Connecticut, shows soldiers the correct way to prepare theM136 (AT4) Launcher for firing and perform misfire procedures.

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Page 2 Friday, April 9, 2004

Our activity level has increased ten-fold in the past few weeks and you canexpect it to maintain the same momen-tum in the months to come. Our newcommand team is now in place. BGHood brings a wealth of experience andknowledge to the command and CSMFebles is the epitome of a senior NCO.Under their leadership and guidance wecan expect the Joint Task Force to con-tinue to flourish. In the near future wewill begin a new rotation. I was pleasedto welcome my replacement BG TomSullivan last week and introduce him tothe Joint Task Force. BG Sullivan isassistant division commander for sup-port, 42nd Infantry Division. His expe -rience and knowledge will significantlycompliment the command team.

We also need to concentrate uponindividual training activities. CTT,weapons qualification and APFT are afew that come to mind. Remember, theseare requirements not suggestions. Everyfirst line leader needs to take charge andinsure that their troopers have completedthese requirements. Once completed tostandard, the focus will shift to decom-pression, health screening and rightseat/left seat ride.

Many of us are watching with interestthe troopers of the 1st Battalion, 181stInfantry Regiment as they begin theirquest for the Expert Infantry Badge.This grueling event is preceded by aqualification round consisting of APFT,weapons qualification, land navigationand a 12-mile ruck march. (See cover

story) The requirements are enormousand the dedication necessary to earn theEIB is extraordinary. Not for the faint ofheart this award is prestigious and repre-sents performance to the highest stan-dard. Good luck to our infantry brethren.

The importance of providing continu-ity is now evident. Preparing our succes-sors to assume their responsibilities willbe critical.

Although we anticipate a smoothtransition it is important that we don’tlose focus with the mission set at hand.There remains much work to be doneand not paying attention to detail duringthese critical times can result in disaster.The final stages of GTMO 4 are fraughtwith opportunities for things to gowrong. So, stay focused leaders!

Honor bound.

Trooper to Trooper

BG Mitch LeClaireDeputy Commander

JTF GTMO Operations

Challengesremain forJTF GTMO 4

Federal income taxes due ThursdayA help center in Camp America has a talented staff of tax preparers who are

doing tax returns for troopers. Most troopers are done in a half hour and seetheir refund in less than 10 days. The service will continue through April 19.

For more information on the tax center or other legal issues, call 3561.

JTF-GTMO Command

Commander:BG Jay W. HoodJoint Task Force CSM:CSM Angel FeblesPublic Affairs Officer:LTC Leon H. SumpterDeputy PAO:LCDR Robert W. Mulac70th MPAD Commander:CPT David S. KolarikCommand Information Officer / Editor:CPT Tracy L. SaucyCirculation: 2,100 copies

The Wire StaffThe Wire NCOIC: SSG Patrick ClowardEditor:SPC Rick FahrStaff writers and design team:SGT Jolene StakerAF Staff Sgt. Joshua GormanSPC Katherine L. Collins

Contact us:From Guantanamo:5239/5241 (Local phone)5426 (Local fax)From CONUS:Com: 011-53-99-5239DSN: 660-5239Public Affairs OfficeOnline:http://www.nsgtmo.navy.mil/jtfgtmo

The Wire is produced by the 70thMobile Public Affairs Detachmentassigned to the Joint InformationBureau at Joint Task Force Guan-tanamo. This publication is printedunder the provisions provided inArmy Regulation 360-1 and doesnot reflect the views of the Depart-ment of Defense or the personnelwithin.

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Friday, April 9, 2004 Page 3

By SGT Jolene StakerAfter a ten year span, two

brothers reunited at Fort Dix,N.J., while preparing to come toGuantanamo.

SSG Freddie Greene of the258th Military Police Companyand CPL Kenneth Piggee of the216th Military Police Companymake an effort to maximize thetime they have together while atGuantanamo.

“I spend as much time withmy brother as I possibly can,”said Piggee.

The brothers spend their timetogether listening to music,watching movies, playing cardgames and dominoes and cook-ing out.

Greene laughs when tellingthe story of their reunion.

The brothers had been at FortDix for a week, living in bar-racks across the street from eachother and eating in the samedining facility, without runninginto one other.

It wasn’t until Piggee andsome friends happened to stopby Greene’s barracks to visitsomeone that the two brothersran into each other.

Piggee was the first to recog-nize his brother.

“He was looking at me like Iowed him money,” said Greene.Piggee had told someone elsethat Greene was his brother.That person then took Piggee’sidentification card and read hisname out loud.

After hearing that, Greenesaid, “That’s my brother.”

It took less than two minutesfor them to find out that theywere both coming to Guan-tanamo Bay, Cuba.

Finding out that his brotherwould be with him on the mis-sion changed Piggee’s wholeperspective.

“At first I thought, if we’vegot to do it, let’s do it and getdone with it,” said Piggee.

“After finding out mybrother would be with me, myattitude became much morepositive, and I came to themission saying ‘I can do

this,’” said Piggee.One of the first things

Greene did after seeing Piggeewas to call their mother. Thefamily had not seen Piggee inalmost 10 years.

“I was preoccupied,” saidPiggee. “I went to live my ownlife and then ran into a fewsnags, but I got it together justin time.”

Piggee arrived at Guan-tanamo first, and the first thingGreene did when he landed wasto find him. “It’s fun having himhere,” said Piggee. “I miss mywife and kids, but my brotherhelps with that. It makes it eas-ier to cope because I’ve gotsomeone I can talk too.”

Greene and Piggee agree thatthey got busy with life and workwhile living in separate statesand lost touch with what wasimportant – family. With a totalof nine siblings in the family, itcan be quite a task to keep upwith the five brothers and foursisters, but the brothers haveagreed to do a better job.

Greene said, “I met his wifeover the Internet, and I intro-duced her to my wife. They e-mail each other and are makingplans to get together.”

The brothers say they arethankful that they’ve had thisopportunity to reunite andreconnect.

Piggee credits his brother forinspiring him to join the mili-tary.

“I joined the militarybecause of my brother,” saidPiggee. “He would come homeon leave happy, because he’dfound something he liked doingthat meant something.”

This is not the first timethese brothers have beenreunited through the military.Two brothers, one sister and twouncles were reunited duringtours in Germany. They were alllocated in different places, butthey managed to get together.

Greene also ran into anotheryounger brother and was sta-tioned with him for almost ayear at Fort Carson, Colo.

Brothers unexpectedly reunited for JTF mission

Photos by SGT Jolene Staker

Top: SSG FreddieGreene (left) of the 258thMilitary Police Companyand SGT KennethPiggee of the 216th Mili-tary Police Company playa game of dominoes.This is just one of themany ways that they liketo spend the extra timethey get. Piggee creditsGreene with motivatinghim to join the militaryand ultimately making itpossible for them to havetheir reunion. Both broth-ers agree that havingeach other has made thisdeployment easier andmore meaningful.

SSG Freddie Greene(above) of the 258th Mili-tary Police Company runson the treadmill in Bulke-ley Hall gym.

SGT Kenneth Piggee ofthe 216th Military PoliceCompany shines hisboots in preparation forhis shift in the wire.

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The night land navigation course is moredifficult. Soldiers are given only a directionand distance to navigate in the dark. Theydo not use night vision goggles, and they arenot allowed to use a map, which means theycannot use terrain association.

“The EIB cannot be achieved without acertain amount of commitment – bothphysical and mental – by the soldier to takeeverything a step beyond,” said Magurn.

Soldiers must complete a checklist of33 tasks, including providing first aid,employing various weapon systems andreacting to a chemical/biological attack.

“Soldiers are not allowed many mis-takes,” said MSG Martin Litwiller, battal-ion intelligence sergeant and EIB NCOICof Headquarters Company, 1-181st Inf.Regt. “Tasks are timed and have to be donein sequence and almost perfectly.”

“The testing standards are above whatwould be considered [Common TasksTraining] standards,” said Magurn. “Itshows that not only is this soldier tacticallyand technically proficient, but he also has acertain amount of heart or a certain degreeof will that carries him above and beyondthe standards that other soldiers perform.”

SFC James Sypher, C Co., EIB instruc-tor of 1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regi-ment out of Connecticut, does notapologize for the tough standards that heensures at his stations.

“It’s not an average infantry badge, it isan Expert Infantry Badge,” said Sypher. “Ittakes someone special who can manage hisanxiety and perform under stress. ... Theseguys need to know how to act under stress-ful situations. When they are called to fight,they will have to think under pressure.”

Those who pass the EIB will be recog-nized by the long rifle above their U.S.Army patch on their uniform. Many whosee that will at least recognize those sol-diers are infantryman, but those who under-stand the EIB will know it represents more.

“The EIB is a showcase for an infantrysoldier. It shows he is able to do allinfantry tasks proficiently and is in shape,”said CSM Gregory Hurlburt, commandsergeant major of 1-181st Inf. Regt.

“The EIB represents that a soldier hasmastered his chosen profession. His exampleinspires other soldiers to increase their knowl-edge of infantry tasks,” said Harrington.

“It’s a great hooah thing that we get achance to do this in Guantanamo,” saidHurlburt.

Friday, April 9, 2004Page 4

Badge from page 1

Photos by SGT Solene Staker

Top: SPCJeffrey Chartier of B Co., 1-181stInf. Regt. qualifies on the M-16 range. Anysoldier who wants to test for the EIB mustqualify expert.

Center: SSG Keith Johnson of C Co., 1-181stInf. Regt. completes his day land navigationcourse required to test for the EIB.

Bottom: (left to right) SPC Michael Burns,SPC Todd Collins, SSG Jeremy Bloniasz,1LT Mark Gillen and SGT James Soto of ACo., 1-181st Inf. participate in a ruck march tohelp prepare them for the 12-mile ruck marchrequired to test for the EIB.

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Friday, April 9, 2004 Page 5

By SPC Katherine L. Collins

Now that many JTF troopers are over thehalfway point of their Guantanamo deploy-ment, remaining mission focused is a greaterchallenge, but a task more important thanever. The keys are, first, aim to successfullycomplete the mission and return to a strongsupport system at home and, second, reducedeployment stress.

CSM Stephen Short, JTF camp comman-dant, offered guidance for anticipating mis-sion completion while focusing on the goalsand tasks at hand.

“To begin with, troopers need to startthinking about how they will train theirreplacements when they arrive. They mayeven want to start jotting down tips for car-rying out their mission (not shortcuts, butthe right way to do things),” he said. “Byconcentrating on the pleasant duty of train-ing a ‘replacement,’ troopers stay mission-focused because they must re-invigoratetheir minds as to how best to fulfill theirduties.”

Short also warned against the dangers ofbecoming too lax, explaining that it can bemore detrimental at the end of a deploymentthan the beginning and affect life beyondGuantanamo and even the military.

According to Lillie Johnson, a licensedsocial worker and counselor at the Fleet andFamily Support Center (FFSC), a vital partof remaining mission-focused is effectivelycommunicating with family, employers andunit command back home and chain-of-

command here, keeping them updated onyour current status, needs and future plans.

“Knowing that you are communicating inthose significant personal and professionalrelationships will help reduce the stress and,therefore, help you stay focused on theremainder of your mission,” assured John-son.

As for coping with stress, Johnsonexplained that the way to avoid being swal-lowed up by deployment pressure is toproactively “develop and maintain a stressmanagement plan specifically tailored toyour needs.” Servicemembers shoulddevelop a plan prior to coming to or uponarriving in Guantanamo Bay. If they do not,they should develop one “as soon as possi-ble,” she said, for “things become morestressful as the time to leave this assignmentapproaches.”

Johnson explained that some stress isexperienced from living with the unknownduring deployments. She offers suggestionsfor handling this uncertainty.

“Dealing with the unknown requires pos-itive self-talk. You do not need to knoweverything in order to fulfill the mission.Stay positive. Tell yourself you will be OK,”she said. “We cannot control the situation,but we can control our behavior, how wework through what comes our way, what wesay to ourselves and how we manage our-selves.”

Johnson also explained that one way tohelp manage stress is to address issues asthey arise.

“Problems will not ‘magically disappear’if ignored. Deal with issues appropriatelyand in a timely manner. Don’t let them buildup because a situation might get out of handand, consequently, that will increase yourstress level,” she said.

Short suggested in regard to handlingstress, “Troopers should continue their nor-mal routine of work, physical training andrelaxation, avoiding the temptation to belulled into what I call ‘senioritis.’ Leadersare important here in maintaining the pace ofexcellence for their troopers.” He added,“Our troopers must, at all costs, avoid thetemptation of ‘letting go.’ An Article 15action at the end of the tour can be just asdamaging to one’s career (if not more) thanat the beginning of the tour.”

Johnson also offered a few tips for howunit leadership can ensure troopers stay mis-sion focused.

“If you see that one of your soldiers ishaving difficulties at home or within theunit, invest in his/her well being for the ben-efit of the soldier and the mission: Talk tothe soldier and make arrangements forhim/her to seek counseling; the sooner, thebetter,” she said. “If they are facing financialhardship, relationship/communication prob-lems, anger, unemployment or other issues,be aware of the assistance that is available tothem.”

For further guidance in remaining mis-sion-focused or for other counseling call theFFSC at 4141, the combat stress team at3566 or the JTF chaplaincy at 3202.

Staying battle-focused takes work

Photo by SGT Jolene Staker

Standing readyNavy Lt. Tom Judy (left) andCPT Kraig Kvalevog areamong the personnel at Kit-tery Beach and Camp Amer-ica Joint Aid Stations whostand ready to help trooperswith their medical needs.Judy has a master’s degreein sports medicine and pri-mary care, and Kvalevoghas a master’s in emergencymedicine and primary care.For information on hours ofoperation, call 3496.

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Friday, April 9, 2004Page 6


Several JTF troopers were hon-ored recently for their work andcommitment. WO1 Rey Zuniga(above left) re-enlisted with the258th Military Police Company.WO1 Renee Riley and CPT Stew-art Robbins (above, right) receivedthe Defense Meritorious ServiceMedal and Joint Service Commen-dation Medal, respectively, for theirservice to JTF Guantanamo. SGTJeff Wells (at right, second fromright) and SPC Mickey Miller(right) received the Joint ServiceCommendation Medal for produc-ing the latest JTF “Faces of Free-dom” video presentation. JTFCommander BG Jay Hood pre-sented the awards at a ceremonyMonday.

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Friday, April 9, 2004 Page 7

Chaplain’s Corner

Heavenly Bits and Pieces

By CH (MAJ) Daniel Odean

Life is a walk of faith –everyday. We don't knowwhat is in store for us anygiven day, but by livingyour faith and trusting in

God, you are pleasing God,and God in turn rewards andhonors you!

Hebrews 11:6 - "Andwithout faith it is impossible

to please God, because any-one who comes to him mustbelieve that he exists andthat he rewards those whoearnestly seek him."

2004 Catholic Lenten andHoly Week Schedule

Good FridayGood Friday Service

Today at 11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Holy SaturdayEaster Vigil MassApr. 10 at 8 p.m.

Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service(Not a Mass)

Apr. 11 at 6 a.m.

Easter SundayMass of the Resurrection

Apr. 11 at 9 a.m.

All services held at the Naval Station MainChapel

Worship servicesand programs:

Alpha CourseA discussion forum designed to

answer questions about Christianity.Held at Camp America North North,room L001, every Tuesday at 7 p.m.

Soul SurvivorListen to contemporary Christian

music and dynamic preaching. Held atthe Club Survivor deck every Wednes-day at 7 p.m.

Thursday TicketEach week a contemporary movie is

played and afterwards, viewers discussthe moral and ethics introduced in thefilm. Held at Camp America NorthNorth, room L001, every Thursday at7 p.m.

Photos by AF Staff. Sgt. Joshua Gorman

Sing-alongSGT Christine Kowalski and SGT Jamie Bour-gault sing along to the music at Soul Survivor onWednesday.

Giving as God GivesBy CH (LTC) Steve Feehan

We are in the midst of the Easter season,a time when we remember the greatest giftever given. It reminds me of O. Henry'smarvelous short story, "The Gift of theMagi," that we normally tell at Christmastime.

You know the story, but it won't hurt tobe reminded. There was a young couplenamed Jim and Della. They both wanted toshare a special Christmas gift with eachother. They loved each other dearly, butthey were quite poor. Each had one uniquepossession. Della's hair was her glory. Itwas quite long and a beautiful shade ofbrown. Jim's prized possession was a goldwatch passed on to him from his father. It

was the day before Christmas and Della hadall of $1.87 to spend. Out of love for herhusband, she had her hair cut and sold it for$20.00. She purchased a platinum chain forJim's prized watch. In the meantime Jimsells his precious watch to purchase a set ofexpensive combs for Della's lovely hair.Each gives the other all he or she has togive. Each holds nothing back. Each gives,not out of a cold calculating sense of duty,but out of the extravagance of love--thesame kind of love Jesus poured out on Cal-vary.

"Greater love hath no man than this, thata man lay down his life for his friends."John 15:13

Chaplain BulletinsGood Friday

Good Friday Service Apr. 9Protestant service at 7 p.m., Catholicservice 8:30 p.m. at Troopers Chapel

Easter Vigil ServiceApr. 10 at 6 p.m. at Troopers Chapel

Easter Sunrise ServiceApr. 11 at 6:30 a.m. between Seaside

Galley and the seaResurrection Run

A 5-K fun run will be held Apr. 12,starting at 6:30 a.m. It begins at the

base gym and ends at theIguana Crossing Coffee House on

Chapel Hill.The first 100 participants

to sign up will receive a t-shirt. For more information or to volunteer

to help out, call 2323 or 2843.

Faith honors God, and God honors faith

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Friday, April 9, 2004Page 8

Photo by SPC Katherine L. Collins

LTG Inge visitsLTG Joseph R. Inge (sec-ond from right), command-ing general of the First U.S.Army, recently visited JTFGuantanamo, where he metwith troopers and JTF lead-ership.

Iron Mike performsMembers of Iron Mike, an Army rock band fromFort Benning, Ga., performed several concerts thisweek in Guantanamo, including two events at ClubSurvivor. Band members are SSG Stephen Spohn,SGT Patrick Close, SGT Jeffrey Dudzienski, SGTJoseph Nagele, CPL Grant Henderson, SPC JohnHanpadungvongs, SPC Alfonso James, SGTRebecca Petrie and SFC Steven Baxter.

Photos by SPC Rick Fahr

Page 9: Friday, April 9, 2004 Infantry soldiers work toward Expert Infantry …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/86/20/00149/04-09-2004.pdf · 2004-04-09 · The night land navigation course

By SPC Rick Fahr

No, that was not a nuclearalarm siren going off at 3 thismorning.

That was my roommate’salarm clock.

Yes, it did shake the hoochevery seven minutes for nearlya half hour.

That’s what that spitefulsnooze button’s for.

I’m not exactly sure wherethese alarm clocks come from.(Wake the Dead Clock Outlet?“If you sleep through thisalarm, you must be dead!”)Alarms that simulate pingingjet engines seem like overkillto me, especially when they’resending shock waves bouncingoff the hooch walls in the mid-dle of the night but failing mis-erably in their attempt to roustthe object of their wailing.

Chickens probably fall offtheir perches when these thingsgo off. “What the?” I can

almost hear them say or chirpor however it is chickens makenoise when startled at 3 a.m.

How, you may ask, can any-one sleep through a gratingnoise that makes seismographsin Florida tick? I have no idea. Iknow I can’t. But my room-mates can, and they do. Maybethere is some weird subtractionby addition thing going on. Theincessant beeping of the alarmdrowns out someone else’ssnoring.

Of course, my roommatesare not the only noise-impairedpeople on this island.

There are the folks nextdoor, whose television appar-ently only has two volumes –“off” and “general quarters.”Their CD player must have asimilar setup.

No doubt, our hooches did-

n’t exactly come with musicstudio soundproofing. That’swhy I can lie in bed and hearstereo broadcasts – our televi-sion in one ear and theirs in theother. It’s confusing to hearEmeka Okafor driving for adunk only to be attacked by“The Crippler” Chris Benoit,who hits him over the headwith a folding metal chair.

Then there are the folks whodon’t quite grasp the fact thatsound travels. A slamming dooron one side of the hoochsounds pretty much like aslamming door on the otherend. Odd, I know.

Could be that I’m just toosensitive to noise these days.

Maybe I’m getting too sen-sitive about other things, too.

Like …Roommates who buy rope,

climbing spikes and rappellingequipment to climb over moun-tains of trash rather than droppinga bag or two off at the dumpster

they walk by every day.Roommates who believe

that Gatorade magically showsup in the refrigerator for themto consume at will or that toiletpaper grows in the little holderthingy.

Roommates who somehoware under the impression that ahousecleaning service will beby any day to sweep, mop andscrub the latrine.

Living conditions at CampAmerica North put six peoplein one room and in close prox-imity to dozens of others. Nodoubt, consideration of othersis one personality trait thatneeds to be present in largequantities. If we all live thatArmy value of selfless serviceand think about others a little,daily life will be easier for usall.

And then if we could justfigure out how to turn the vol-ume down on some of thosealarm clocks …

Friday, April 9, 2004 Page 9

Huskies take NCAA crown; baseball beginsSports highlights


Compiled by SPC Rick Fahr

The pollsters got one right.Chosen as the top men’s col-

lege basketball team in manypreseason polls, the Connecti-cut Huskies dominated Mondaynight’s NCAA championshipgame against Georgia Tech .

The 82-73 final score doesn’treflect the ease with which theHuskies cruised to the title.Standouts Emeka Okafor andBen Gordon led the way forUConn.

***Hounded by steroid allega-

tions in the offseason, BarryBonds found solace on the dia-mond this week as the 2004Major League Baseball seasonbegan.

The San Francisco Giants

slugger homered on OpeningDay, helping the Giants beatHouston, 5-4.

If Bonds is picking up wherehe’s left off in prior seasons,Boston Red Sox ace PedroMartinez may see his best yearsin his rearview mirror.

During Sunday night’sopener, Martinez’s fastball wasvirtually a middle-speedball,hovering at 85 mph instead ofhis usual mid-90s fire. Worse,his pitches had little movement,as evidenced by the fact thatopposing batters swung at andmissed a total of seven pitches insix innings.

Are the same people whovoted in the basketball poll vot-ing in the preseason baseballpolls?

If so, look for the Chicago

Cubs to win the World Series.Many experts have the Cubs

slotted to represent the NationalLeague in the fall classic. Opin-ions vary regarding who mighttake the American League pen-nant, but the Red Sox have anumber of media believers.

***With playoff positioning in

full swing for NBA teams, someof the names at the top of thepower rankings come as sur-prises.

The Los Angeles Lakershave had all the hype for variouson- and off-the-court issues, butthey can manage only a No. 2ranking. The top spot goes to theSan Antonio Spurs, who havewon more than two out of everythree games this season.

In third are the Detroit Pis-

tons, followed by the IndianaPacers, despite Indiana’s betterrecord.

Rounding out the top 10 arethe Minnesota Timberwolves,Sacramento Kings, MemphisGrizzlies, Dallas Mavericks,Denver Nuggets and UtahJazz.

***With the NFL draft just

around the corner, names at thetop of many teams’ wish listshave solidified.

Wide receiver LarryFitzgerald seems a lock as thetop pick, followed by quarter-back Eli Manning and widereceiver Roy Williams. Round-ing out the top five prospects aresafety Sean Taylor and offen-sive tackle Robert Gallery.Compiled from www.espn.com

Where do these alarm clocks come from? ‘Wake the Dead Outlet?’

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Friday, April 9, 2004Page 10

Photos by SGT Jolene Staker

JTF Headquarters troopers completed a six-mile road march last week as part of ateam-building exercise. Among those participating were: (clockwise from top left)SGT Heather Best of the 177th Military Police Brigade and BG Mitchell Leclaire,JTF deputy commander of operations; SSG Kimberly Dawson of the 177th MP Bde.;Air Force Staff Sgt Dominic Hollingsworth (from left), Senior Airman David Mageeand SFC Darren Park of the 177th Bde.; and SPC David Bracho of the 384th MilitaryPolice Battalion.

JTF Headquarters completes ruck march

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Friday, April 9, 2004 Page 11

By AF Staff Sgt. Josh Gorman

Joint Task Force Guan-tanamo troopers spanning allthe branches of the U.S. mili-tary, from all over the world,have joined together here inGuantanamo Bay to serve theircountry and perform their duty.

One section that supportsJTF Guantanamo is J-1, or theheadquarters and administra-tive and personnel section,which handles everything fromleaves and passes to awardsand decorations, and even thepostal services supplied here.

Air Force 2nd Lt. CrystalRowley, Chief of the Joint Per-sonnel Reception Center said itis her team’s responsibility toensure 100 percent accounta-bility of all JTF troopers.

“In addition, the Joint Per-sonnel Reception Center runsthe in and out processingactions for JTF personnelincluding, but not limited to:reception of service members,initiating replacement and/orextension actions, coordinatingin-processing briefings, and the

distribution of meal cards,”said Rowley.

Rowley is deployed herefrom McChord Air Force Base,Wash., where she serves as thechief of the personnel readi-ness unit.

The personnel readinessunit is responsible for obtain-ing individuals to fill slots forall deployment taskingsreceived for the base, she said.It’s also responsible for cuttingall contingency, exercise anddeployment orders for individ-uals deploying from the base.

In her free time here at JTFGuantanamo, Rowley said shetends to use the base fitnessfacilities more than anythingelse, adding that she has setsome high fitness goals for her-self while she is here.

In-processing of troopers isthe initial part of J-1, however,the out-processing involvesother J1 agencies services.

SGT Christine Kowalski,personnel services NCO for J-1, is assigned to the JPRC,which provides various serv-ices to troopers.

“I provide administrativesupport to the Joint Task Forceby reviewing and processingevaluation reports for theArmy, Air Force, Marine, andCoast Guard personnel when areport is required,” she said.

There are more than 2,000Joint Task Force personnel andthe majority require a reportbefore departing Guantanamo;evaluations are the prime focusof my duty day, she said,adding that evaluation manage-ment includes training JTFstaff on evaluation regulations,policies, and procedures.

SGT Kowalski is an admin-istrative specialist assigned tothe 177th Military PoliceBrigade from Taylor, Mich.,who has been deployed heresince August 2004.

“My military job back homeisn’t all too different than it ishere, with three exceptions,”she said. “The population ofservice members to whom Iprovide support there is awhole lot smaller, it consists ofArmy personnel only, and theprime focus of my duty was

award review and processing,not evaluations.”

In her spare time, Kowalskisaid she has taken a speechclass with the City Colleges ofChicago, and enjoys cookingdinner, going to the beach, andwatching movies with her fam-ily of friends here.

Among Rowley’s JPRCstaff is Air Force Staff Sgt. ZarManabat, who deployed withher from McChord AFB.

Manabat deals with replace-ment issues and strengthaccountability.

“We have visibility of everyindividual in the JTF,” he said,adding, it means they knowwhat peoples jobs were whenthey arrived here, so they knowwhen they are supposed toleave.

The J-1 staff here bringsincoming Soldiers, Marines,Sailors, Airmen, and CoastGuardsmen into the JTF envi-ronment, and ensures account-ability while providingadministrative and personnelsupport services until theyreturn home to their families.

J1 staff provides JTF with administrative support

Photo by SGT Jolene Staker

SGT Christine Kowalski marches to turn in her weapon during Friday’s ruckmarch. Kowalski is the personnel services NCO for the J-1 and is deployed herewith the 177 Military Police Brigade from Taylor, Mich.

Photo by AF Staff Sgt. Joshua Gorman

Air Force 2nd Lt. Crystal Rowley looks over her daily report to ensure accounta-bility of all JTF troopers here. Rowley is deployed here from McChord Air ForceBase, Wash.

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Friday, April 9, 2004Page 12

15 Minutes of Fame...With SPC Kyle Mostad, J-1

Drawn to the military, in part, for itsexplosions and adventure, SPC KyleMostad has begun his own service with abang. Joining the Army Reserves two yearsago as a junior in high school under thesplit training option, he deployed to Guan-tanamo Bay just four days after returningfrom his advanced individual training.Mostad appreciates his JTF experience forits source of growth and pride.

Q: What inspired you to join the mil-itary?

A: The sounds I heard from the NationalGuard range behind my house first inter-ested me in the military, along with my twouncles who served, especially the one thatwas a command sergeant major. I thenjoined the Army because it was also theonly way I could afford to go to college.

Q: In what ways has your family sup-ported you in your military service?

A: My parents were nervous at first inletting me join, worrying about me goingsomewhere like Afghanistan, but theysigned the papers and have been behind me100 percent ever since. They e-mail andwrite me a lot here, keeping me updated.

Q: What was your initial reactionwhen you learned that you were deploy-ing to Cuba?

A: Going to Cuba was a shock. Asidefrom the four-day notice, I had never reallyheard of Guantanamo Bay. I was disap-pointed about deploying at first, because Iwas looking forward to starting college. Iwas nervous at first, too, not knowing whatthe mission, culture and people I served withwould be like. I did adjust well to the experi-ence here though, and I know now that it isgood I am serving on a deployment that I canlearn and grow from before starting college.

Q: How has this deployment impactedand molded you as a soldier and person?

A: It’s made me much more confidentand outgoing, and disciplined and responsi-ble. I came right from high school to havingresponsibilities here, that a higher rank usu-ally has, and that carry heavy fines and time

in prison if not performed right. The mis-sion’s definitely made me more patient andindependent. This is my first real time awayfrom home, a small town where I’ve knowneveryone all my life.

Q: What has been your greatest chal-lenge here in Guantanamo?

A: Living with all different personalities.You need to try to be yourself withoutoffending others and have patience with let-ting others be themselves. You need to nottake others and yourself so seriously. It’shard when you start out as strangers – fromdifferent types of backgrounds, such asnorth versus south and country versus city. Iam from a small town with barely 2,000people, and I went to school with the samepeople for 12 years. So life here was a shockand adjustment. It’s great though to learnabout people from all different culturesaround the country – seeing how they talkand do things and what they do for fun. It’sbeen a challenge but most rewarding too.

Q: What goals have you set for your-self while here?

A: I’d like to get in better shape andbecome more outgoing, being able to makefriends no matter who they are. I want to

learn all I can from my leadership too, as asoldier and person. I also hope to prepare bet-ter for starting college and continuing mymilitary career. This mission is making memore disciplined, and maybe I’ll learn some-thing that will guide me better as far as whatI want to study in college and do in the Army.

Q: What do you do to relax at homeand here?

A: At home I play paintball with myfriends a lot, enjoy family dinners each weekand pal around with my little brother. I hunt,and I fish with my dad and step-dad often,too – sometimes we all go. Cuba is a lot dif-ferent from Montana. I wanted to learn howto scuba dive, but I really can’t afford it. Ihave enjoyed learning to snorkel and knee-board though. Other than that, I just relax,watching movies and stuff, or go to the gym.

Q: Looking back on your overall mili-tary experience, what makes you mostproud to serve?

A: After 9/11, putting on the uniform tookon a whole new meaning. The pride andappreciation I see in people at home is great.I was the only person in my graduating classwho joined the military. So, in a way, I feellike I represent my town. I also feel goodknowing I'm securing a future for my twobrothers. The older is real proud, looking upto me. On Halloween he dressed up as me incamouflage, wearing my nametag. Thatmakes me proud.

Q: What are your plans for when youreturn home?

A: Immediately, I plan to see all my bud-dies, hoping to visit one friend in Las Vegasand go to a NASCAR race there or in Cali-fornia. I’ll also spend lots of time with myfamily and doing outdoor stuff. Long term, Iwant to start focusing on college. My plan isto obtain a degree in something general, likebusiness, then apply to the FBI academy,unless something I experience inspires me topursue another career. I’d really like to workwith the Drug Enforcement Agency. I plan tocontinue my service in the reserves too,likely re-enlisting when the time comes.Joining, I wanted to be a helicoptermechanic, but no slots were available. NowI’m looking at maybe becoming an MP.

Photo by SPC Katherine L. Collins

SPC Kyle Mostad, works in J-1 with Montana’s 747thPostal Detachment, rotating his services between thepost offices at Camp America, where he serves cus-tomers, and McCalla Hanger, where he sorts mail, asseen here. He hopes to also perform the postal dutiesinside Camp Delta at least once for the experience.

By SPC Katherine L. Collins

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There is a common miscon-ception that when a troopercomplains about anothertrooper the Inspector Generalwill open an investigation.

An investigation or inquiryis based on an allegation thatspecific conduct by a specifictrooper violated a specific stan-dard. The IG will first conducta preliminary analysis.

This process examines thegrounds of the complaint anddetermines if the issue is appro-priate for IG action. This processtakes time and may involvechecking many sources includ-ing federal law, the UCMJ, regu-lations, policies and SOPs. Oncethe preliminary analysis is com-plete, the IG will either tell thecomplainant the allegation isunfounded, refer the matter tothe appropriate agency or com-mand, or conduct an inquiry.

Very few matters that arebrought to the IG result in aninquiry or investigation. Thismeans that if you believesomeone has filed an IG com-

plaint against you, the matterwill be carefully examinedbefore an inquiry is started.

If you have a question orany other matter that you can’tsolve in your chain of com-mand, please feel free to con-tact the Inspector General.

Each IG team member isready to assist you with issuesyou may be experiencing dur-ing this deployment.

You may visit the IG officein Room 204 of the Commis-sions Building Monday throughSaturday. The IG phone num-ber is 5399. The Camp AmericaIG office is in Building 7200and is staffed Monday, Wednes-day, Friday afternoons andTuesday, Thursday, and Satur-day mornings. The CampAmerica Office phone is 3501.IG assistance is available any-time by appointment.

The GTMO Guide: Answers to Your QuestionsWho can help me? What’s for lunch? What movie’s playing? Where can I find that? How does this work?

Your guide to ...

MoviesYour guide to ...


Inspector general proceduresfollow specific guidelines

Troopers wishing to play in theLiberty Center’s

“Liberty Tee Time Golf Tournament”must sign up for the event prior to April 22.

The event will be April 24.Participants may sign up at G.J. Denich

Gymnasium or the Liberty Center.For more information, call 2010.

Golfers needed

Camp Bulkeley

Notice:The Bulkeley

Lyceumwill be closedthis week tomake repairs

on the projector.

Check with usnext week for


Downtown Lyceum

Fri., April 98 p.m. 50 First Dates

PG13 - 96 min10 p.m. Big Bounce

PG13 - 89 minSat., April 10

8 p.m. My Baby’s DaddyPG13 - 87 min

10 p.m. Against the RopesPG13 - 111 minSun., April 11

8 p.m. EUROTRIPR - 92 min

Mon., April 128 p.m. Starsky & Hutch

PG13 - 97 minTues., April 13

8 p.m. Against the RopesPG13 - 111 minWed., April 14

8 p.m. EUROTRIPR - 92 min

Thurs., April 158 p.m. The Perfect Score

PG13 - 93 minBulkeley Gym Closes

for upgradesThe Camp Bulkeley Gym is closed for approximatelyfive weeks. To accommodate for the closure, the G.J.

Denich Gym will extend its hours, beginning

Monday, to be open from 0500 to 0100. Troopers canstill workout in the two Camp Bulkeley cardio rooms,

which are open 24 hours. Dumbbell and benchweights will now be available in those rooms.

Page 14: Friday, April 9, 2004 Infantry soldiers work toward Expert Infantry …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/86/20/00149/04-09-2004.pdf · 2004-04-09 · The night land navigation course

Throughout the month ofApril, the Fleet and FamilySupport Center will be offeringvarious courses that JTF Guan-tanamo troopers may takeadvantage of.n April 20 – Employment:

The Big Picture.The workshop will focus on

setting goals, exploring the jobmarket and researching oppor-tunities.

Participants will learn howto craft various types ofresumes, how to write coverletters and the importance ofcompleting an applicationpackage, including writingthank you notes.

One segment of the work-shop will focus on state andfederal employment and that

particular application process.n April 13-15, 20-22 and

27-29 – Deployment CycleSupport Program.

This mandatory program ben-efits out-processing JTF troopersby focusing on practical andemotional issues to better equiptroopers to return home to theirfamilies, careers and friends.

The program includes pre-sentations from various groups,including the Fleet and FamilySupport Center, Combat StressControl Team, NAVSTA, UnitMinistry Team and the RedCross.

Today: Lunch – beef stroganoff; Dinner – T-bone steaks.Saturday: Lunch – chicken pot pie;

Dinner – Mexican lasagna. Sunday: Lunch – chicken cordon bleu;Dinner – roast beef.Monday: Lunch – swiss steaks with

mushroom gravy; Dinner – parmesan fish.Tuesday: Lunch – pork adobo;

Dinner – salisbury steaks.Wednesday: Lunch – lemon-baked fish;

Dinner – jagerschnitzel.Thursday: Lunch – steak ranchero; Dinner – roast turkeyFriday: Lunch – french fried shrimp;

Dinner – seafood platter.

Your guide to ...


CatholicMain Chapel

Wed. 5 p.m. Holy Hour and Rosary6:00-6:25 p.m. Confessions6:30 p.m. RCIA (Chaplain’s office)

Sat. 4:15 p.m. Confession5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass

Sun. 9 a.m. Mass

M-Fri. 11:30 a.m. Mass (Cobre Chapel)ProtestantMain Chapel

Mon. 7 p.m. Prayer Group Fellowship*Tue. 7 p.m. Men’s Bible Study*Wed. 9:30 a.m. Sunday SchoolThurs 11 a.m. Service/Sunday School

6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study** Fellowship Hall located in Chapel Complex

Camp America Mon. 7 p.m. Passion StudyTues 7 p.m. AlphaWed. 7 p.m. Soul Survivor (Club Survivor)Sun. 7:30 a.m. Christian Worship

9 a.m. ProtestantNew Life Fellowship

Sun. 1 p.m. Service (Main Chapel)Pentecostal Gospel

Sun. 9 a.m. Service (Sanc C)5 p.m. Service (Sanc C)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day SaintsSun. 9 a.m. Sanctuary A

IslamicFri. 1 p.m. Classroom 12, Chapel Complex

JewishCall 2323 for more information

Camp America Church Bus schedule:Sun. 8:15 a.m. Tierra Kay

The bus will return following worship.

Your guide to ...


Bus stop routes include thefollowing stops. Not all stopsare listed.Sherman Avenue

First Street – :00; :30;East Caravella – :03; :33;Marine Hill – :05; :35;Post Office – :10; :40;Windjammer – :11; :41;NEX – :14; :44;Bulkeley landing – :17; :47;Ferry landing – :21; :51;Commissions Building –:23; :53;Ordnance – :26; :56;Bulkeley landing – :28; :58;NEX – :32; :02;Windjammer – :36; :06;Post Office – :37; :07;Marine Hill – :41; :11;Hospital – :48; :18;Windward Loop 1 –:52; :22.

Camp America/NEX

Camp America – :00; :20; :40;NEX trailer – :02; :22; :42;Camp Delta 2 –:06; :26; :46;TK 4 – :12; :32; :52;TK 1 – :16; :36; :56;Windjammer/Gym –:23; :43; :03;NEX – :30; :50; :10;Windjammer Gym –:35; :55; :15;TK 1 – :40; :00; :20;TK 4 – :46; :06; :26;Camp Delta 1 –:52; :12; :32.

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FFSC offering coursesfor JTF GTMO troopers

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Army-Navy softball gameToday, 6 p.m.Cooper Field