Freshmen Orientation Survey Report New Jersey City University Fall 2011 Dr. Arthur Kramer Candace Amorino Alex Oras Office of Institutional Research October 2011

Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

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Page 1: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshmen Orientation Survey Report

New Jersey City University

Fall 2011

Dr. Arthur Kramer Candace Amorino

Alex Oras Office of Institutional Research

October 2011

Page 2: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Table of Contents

Summary ..........................................................................................................................................1

Incoming Freshmen Report ..............................................................................................................2

Appendix ........................................................................................................................................14


Page 3: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Table of Pie Charts


Last School Attended……………………….…………………………………………………….2

When Was Last School Attended...…………………………………………………....................3

Father’s Highest Level of Education…………….…………....…………………………………..4

Mother’s Highest Level of Education…………………………..………...………………………4

Parents’ Highest Level of Education……………………………………………..……………….5

Hours of Employment Expected to Work…………….………………..………...……………….6

Amount of Hours Expected to Take Care of a Child……….…………………..……………...…6

Amount of Hours Expected to Take Care of a Relative…………………………..………………7

Planned Time Period to Take Class……….………………………………..……….....………....7

Tuition as a Factor in Choosing NJCU ………………………………….……………………….8

Convenience to Home as a Factor in Choosing NJCU ……………………………………..……8

Reputation as a Factor in Choosing NJCU………………………………………………………9

Opportunity for Financial Aid as a Factor in Choosing NJCU..……..…..……………...………10

Offering of Program as a Factor in Choosing NJCU……………………..…………….………10

Cooperative Education Program as a Factor in Choosing to Attend NJCU.…………….……..11

Plan on Graduating from NJCU………………………………………...….…………………..12

Hopes for a Good Job…………………………………………...….....………………………..12

Hopes to Attend Graduate School…………….…………………...………...............................13

Likely Major Chosen by Freshmen…………………………………….…................................13

Page 4: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Table of Tables

Table-1 Age …………………………………………………………………………...14

Table-2 Last School Attended……………………………………………………..….14

Table-3 When Was Last School Attended……………………………………............15

Table-4 Father’s Highest Level of Education…………….…………....………….….15

Table-5 Mother’s Highest Level of Education…………………………..………...…16

Table-6 Parents’ Highest Level of Education……………………………..………….17

Table-7 Hours of Employment Expected During School Year…………...…………..18

Table-8 Hours Caring for a Child During School Year…………………..…………..18

Table-9 Hours Caring for an Elder During School Year…………………..…………19

Table-10 Time Period to Attend Class………………………………..……..………...19

Table-11 Tuition as a Factor in Choosing NJCU…………………………..………….20

Table-12 Convenience to Home as a Factor in Choosing NJCU…………..………….20

Table-13 Reputation as a Factor in Choosing NJCU………………………..………...21

Table-14 Opportunity for Financial Aid as a Factor in Choosing NJCU……...…..….21

Table-15 Offering of Program as a Factor in Choosing NJCU…………….....………22

Table-16 Cooperative Education Program as a Factor in Choosing to Attend NJCU..22

Table-17 Plan on Graduating from NJCU………………………………………….…23

Table-18 Hopes for a Good Job…………………………………………...…..……...23

Table-19 Hopes to Attend Graduate School…………….……………………….......24

Table-20 Likely Major Chosen by Freshmen…………………………………….…...24

Page 5: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshman survey fall 2011     1  


A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the

summer of 2011. Three hundred and seventy-three freshmen completed the survey and the

information gathered in this report discusses the results obtained from this group of freshmen.

The respondents are typical of what is considered a traditional college freshman class;

around 18 years old and enrolling directly from high school. The freshmen parents’ highest level

of education varied. Both parents with a high school degree and one parent with a four year

college degree were among the majority. One parent with a high school degree also was also

highly represented.

Most of the freshmen expect to work a paying job at least on a part-time basis, and very

few plan to work full-time (i.e., 35 or more hours per week).

Most of the incoming freshmen do not have to care for a child or ailing relative, and they

expect to take most of their classes during the day.

Low tuition was the most important factor in selecting NJCU over other universities. The

opportunity for financial aid and offering of a particular program/major area of study were also

important factors. The majority of the freshmen expect to graduate in four years, and 15% plan

to transfer prior to graduating. The main reason for attending NJCU was to acquire the ability to

get a good job after graduating. The most popular likely majors were Criminal Justice, Business

Administration, and Biology.

Page 6: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshman survey fall 2011     2  

Incoming Freshmen Report The majority of the freshmen (n=305; 83%) are eighteen years old or under with 15%

(n=56) being nineteen to twenty-one years old (see Table-1).

High School was the last school attended for 97% (n=359) of freshmen (see Table-2).



1%1% Age of Student

18 or under   

19 to 21   

26 to 30   

Over 34   



Last School Attended By Incoming Freshmen

High School   

4 yr college   

2 yr college   

Page 7: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshman survey fall 2011     3  


Ninety-two percent (n=339) attended their last school less than a year ago and 5% (n=18) attended 1 to 2 years ago (see Table-3).

2% 1%



Last Time Student Attended School

More than 10 yrs   

3 to 5 yrs   

1 to 2 yrs   

Less than 1 yr 

Page 8: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshman survey fall 2011     4  

Sixty-seven percent (n=235) of the freshmen said their fathers have not had any college education and 25% (n=87) indicated that their fathers had some high school as their highest level of education. Forty-two percent (n=148) said their fathers’ highest level of education was a high school diploma or the equivalent. Nine percent (n=31) of the freshmen’s’ fathers had a four year college degree and 7% (n=26) had a graduate degree (see Table-4).

Forty-eight percent (n=174) of the freshmen’s mothers have not had any college education. Seventeen percent (n=61) of the freshmen’s mothers’ highest level of education is some high school. Thirty-one percent (n=113) had a high school diploma or the equivalent. Thirteen percent (n=47) of the mothers had a four year college degree and 10% (n=36) had a graduate degree (see Table-5).







Father's Highest Level of Education

Some High School

High school diploma

Some college   

2 yr college dgree   

4 yr college degree   

Graduate degree   







Mother's Highest Education

Some high school   

High school diploma 

Some college   

2 yr college degree   

4 yr college degree   

Graduate degree

Page 9: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshman survey fall 2011     5  

Thirteen percent (n= 44) of the freshmen have one parent with a four year degree and 11 percent (n=36) have one parent with a high school degree as their highest level of education. Eighteen percent (n=63) have both parents with a high school degree and 3% (n=9) have both parents with a four year degree (see Table-6).












Parents Highest Level of EducationOne parent has a high school degree

One parent has a 2 yr degree

One parent has a 4 yr degree

One parent has a graduate degree

One parent has college experience

Both parents have a high school degree

Both parents have a 2 yr degree

Both parents have a 4 yr degree

Both parents have a graduate degree

Both parents have some high school

Both parents have some college experience

Page 10: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshman survey fall 2011     6  

Of the freshmen, 39% (n=141) expect to work eleven to twenty hours a week during the school year. Twenty-two percent (n=79) expect to work between 21-34 hours a week and 8% (n=29) expect to work fulltime (35 hours or more a week). Fourteen percent (n=49) do not expect to work at all during the school year (see Table-7).

The majority of the freshmen (81%; n=292) will not spend anytime caring for a child, while 4% (n=15) will spend thirty-five or more hours doing so (see Table-8).






Amount of Hours Expected to Work


10 or fewer   

11 ‐20 


35 or more   




2% 4%

Amount of Hours Expected to Take Care of a Child


10 or fewer   



35 or more   

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Freshman survey fall 2011     7  

Similarly, 88% (n=313) will not spend anytime caring for an elderly or ailing relative and 9% (n=32) will spend ten or fewer hours doing so (see Table-9).

As for the time period when freshmen will take classes, 63% (n=230) will take day courses only (before 4pm) and 2% (n=7) will take evenings only while 35% (n=129) will take both day and evening classes (see Table-10).


9%2% 1%

Amount of Hours Expected to Take Care of a Relative


10 or fewer   

11 ‐ 20   

35 or more   




Planned Time Period to Take Class

Days only before 4pm   

Evenings only after 4pm        

Days and evenings   

Page 12: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshman survey fall 2011     8  

Freshmen were asked to rate reasons for electing to attend NJCU. Low tuition was rated as a very important factor by 58% (n=214) and 26% (n=95) felt tuition was a somewhat important reason (see Table-11).

Forty-eight percent (n=179) rated convenience to home as a very important factor and 29% (n=107) found it somewhat important. Fourteen percent (n=50) were neutral about this as a factor for attending (see Table-12).



12%1% 3%

The level of Importance of Low Tuition as a Reason to Attend NJCU

Very important 

Somewhat important   


Not too important   

Not important at all   





The Level of Importance of Convenience to Home as a Reason to Attend NJCU

Very important 

Somewhat important   


Not too important   

Not important at all   

Page 13: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

Freshman survey fall 2011     9  

Forty-six percent (n=166) rated the reputation of the university as a very important reason to attend NJCU. Twenty-nine percent (n=105) found it somewhat important and twenty-three percent (n=82) were neutral about reputation for being a reason to attend NJCU (see Table-13).







1% 1%

The Level of Importance of Academic Reputation of the University as a Reason to 

Attend NJCU

Very important 

Somewhat important   


Not too important   

Not important at all   

Page 14: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

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The opportunity for financial aid was rated as very important by 66% (n=246) and 15% (n=57) felt it was a somewhat important reason for electing to attend NJCU (see Table-14).

Sixty percent (n=219) regarded the offering of a particular major as a very important reason for attending and 23% (n=83) rated it as somewhat important (see Table-15).




3% 3%

The Level of Importance of the Opportunity for Finiacial Aid as a Reason to Attend NJCU

Very important 

Somewhat important   


Not too important   

Not important at all   




3% 2%

The Level of Importance of a Particular Program/Major Being Offered as a Reason 

to Attend NJCU

Very important 

Somewhat important   


Not too important   

Not important at all   

Page 15: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

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Participation in cooperative education was somewhat important to 29% (n=105) of the freshmen and15% (n=53) found it to be very important. Thirty-four percent (n=122) of the freshmen were neutral about this as a factor for attending (see Table-16).

The most important characteristic for selecting NJCU was low tuition, which was rated as very important or somewhat important by 84% (n=309) of freshmen. The second most important characteristic was the offering of a particular major/program (83%; n=302) and the third was the opportunity to receive financial aid (81%; n =303).






The Level of Importance of Participating in the NJCU Cooperative Ed Program as a 

Reason to Attend NJCU

Very important 

Somewhat important   


Not too important   

Not important at all   

Page 16: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

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Eighty-one percent (n=296) of the freshmen plan to graduate from NJCU, with 63 percent (n=229) expect to graduate in four years. Fifteen percent (n=55) plan to transfer to another institution (see Table-17).

Ninety-four percent (n=336) of the freshmen rated the importance of getting a good job or better job after graduation as very important (see Table-18).





Does the Student Plan on Graduating From NJCU

Yes within 4 yrs   

Yes within 5 yrs   

yes dont know how long         

No plan to take course and transfer    




The Importance of Getting a Good Job After Graduation

Very important 

Somewhat important     

Not important at all   

Page 17: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

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Forty-eight percent (n=172) of the freshmen rated their hope to attend graduate school after graduation as very important and 31% (n=112) rated this as a somewhat important (see Table-19).



As for likely majors chosen by the freshmen, 12% (n=37) chose Criminal Justice, 11% (n=33) indicated Business Administration and 8% (n=25) chose Biology. Elementary Education was chosen by 5% (n=15) of the freshmen. Sixteen percent (n=48) of the freshmen are undecided (see Table-20).  







The Level of Importance of Going to Graduate School

Very important 

Somewhat important   

Not too important   

Not important at all   




Likely College Student Will Study In

Professional Studies

Arts and Sciences


Page 18: Freshmen Orientation Survey Report€¦ · Freshman survey fall 2011 1 Summary A survey was conducted of the incoming freshmen class at Freshmen Orientation in the summer of 2011

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Table-1: Age

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid 18 or under 305 81.8

19 to 21 56 15.0

22 to 25 2 .5

26 to 30 4 1.1

31 to 34 2 .5

Over 34 4 1.1

Total 373 100.0

Table-2: Last School Attended

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid High School 359 96.5

4 yr college 6 1.6

2 yr college 4 1.1

Vocational or Tech school 2 .5

Other 1 .3

Total 372 100.0

Missing -1 1

Total 373

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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-3: When Last School Was Attended

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid More than 10 yrs

6 to 10 yrs

3 to 5 yrs

1 to 2 yrs

Less Than 1 yr


Missing -1

















Table-4: Father’s Highest Level of Education

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Some high school 87 24.6

High school diploma/equiv 148 41.9

Some college 43 12.2

2 yr college degree 18 5.1

4 yr college degree 31 8.8

Graduate/Prof degree 26 7.4

Total 353 100.0

Missing -1 20

Total 373









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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-5: Mother’s Highest Level of Education

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Some high school 61 17.0

High school diploma/equiv 113 31.5

Some college 75 20.9

2 yr college degree 27 7.5

4 yr college degree 47 13.1

Graduate/Prof degree 36 10.0

Total 359 100.0

Missing -1 14

Total 373



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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-6: Parent’s Highest Level of Education

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Missing 30 8.0

One parent has a high school


36 9.7

One parent has a 2 yr degree 25 6.7

One parent has a 4 yr degree 44 11.8

One parent has a graduate


32 8.6

One parent has college


69 18.5

Both parents have a high

school degree

63 16.9

Both parents have a 2 yr


4 1.1

Both parents have a 4 yr


9 2.4

Both parents have a graduate


13 3.5

Both parents have some high


39 10.5

Both parents have some

college experience

9 2.4

Total 373 100.0






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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-7:Hours of Employment Expected During School Year

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid None 49 13.6

10 or fewer 62 17.2

11 -20 141 39.2

21-34 79 21.9

35 or more 29 8.1

Total 360 100.0

Missing -1 13

Total 373


Table-8: Hours Caring for a Child During School Year

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid None 292 81.3

10 or fewer 35 9.7

11-20 11 3.1

21-34 6 1.7

35 or more 15 4.2

Total 359 100.0

Missing -1 14

Total 373



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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-9: Hours Caring for an Elder During School Year

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid None 313 87.4

10 or fewer 32 8.9

11 - 20 9 2.5

21-34 1 .3

35 or more 3 .8

Total 358 100.0

Missing -1 15

Total 373


Table-10: Time Period to Attend Class

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Days only before 4pm 230 62.8

Evenings only after 4pm 7 1.9

Days and evenings 129 35.2

Total 366 100.0

Missing -1 7

Total 373



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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-11: Tuition as a Factor in Choosing NJCU

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Very important 214 58.0

Somewhat important 95 25.7

Neutral 44 11.9

Not too important 5 1.4

Not important at all 11 3.0

Total 369 100.0

Missing -1 4

Total 373


Table-12: Convenience to Home as a Factor in Choosing NJCU

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Very important 179 48.4

Somewhat important 107 28.9

Neutral 50 13.5

Not too important 19 5.1

Not important at all 15 4.1

Total 370 100.0

Missing -1 3

Total 373



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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-13:Reputation as a Factor in Choosing NJCU

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Very important 166 45.9

Somewhat important 105 29.0

Neutral 82 22.7

Not too important 5 1.4

Not important at all 4 1.1

Total 362 100.0

Missing -1 11

Total 373


Table-14: Opportunity for Financial Aid as a Factor in Choosing NJCU

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Very important 246 66.3

Somewhat important 57 15.4

Neutral 46 12.4

Not too important 12 3.2

Not important at all 10 2.7

Total 371 100.0

Missing -1 2

Total 373



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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-15:Offering of Program as a Factor in Choosing NJCU

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Very important 219 59.8

Somewhat important 83 22.7

Neutral 45 12.3

Not too important 11 3.0

Not important at all 8 2.2

Total 366 100.0

Missing -1 7

Total 373

Table-16:Cooperative Education Program as a Factor in Choosing to Attend NJCU

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Very important 53 14.8

Somewhat important 105 29.4

Neutral 122 34.2

Not too important 35 9.8

Not important at all 42 11.8

Total 357 100.0

Missing -1 16

Total 373


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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-17: Plan on Graduating from NJCU

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Yes within 4 yrs 229 62.4

Yes within 5 yrs 30 8.2

Yes within 6 yrs 1 .3

yes don’t know how long 36 9.8

No plan to take course and


55 15.0

Other 16 4.4

Total 367 100.0

Missing -1 6

Total 373


Table-18: Hopes for a Good Job

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Very important 336 93.3

Somewhat important 18 5.0

Not too important 1 .3

Not important at all 5 1.4

Total 360 100.0

Missing -1 13

Total 373



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APPENDIX (Continued)

Table-19: Hopes to Attend Graduate School

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Very important 172 48.2

Somewhat important 112 31.4

Not too important 50 14.0

Not important at all 23 6.4

Total 357 100.0

Missing -1 16

Total 373 Table-20: Likely Major Chosen by Freshmen

Frequency Valid Percent

Valid Accounting Art Biology Business Admin Chemistry Computer Science Criminal Justice

Early Childhood Education Economics Elementary Education English Fire Science Geo Science Health Science History Mathematics Media Arts Music Nursing Physics Political Science Prof Security Psychology Sociology Spanish Special education Undecided Total Missing -1 Total

















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