FRESH START PROGRAM A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy

FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

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Page 1: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you


A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy

Page 2: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

Disclaimer: The information on this Ebook is not intended to replace a one-on-

one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as

medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and

Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any

disease. Please seek the advice of a healthcare professional for your specific

health concerns.

Page 3: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy



Welcome to a Fresh Start! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Before You Start This Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Healing From The Inside Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

What to Expect During the Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

What Is A Cleanse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

The 7 Channels of Elimination: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

What is a Healing Crisis? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Commonly Reported Positive and Negative Effects During a Cleansing . . . . . . . . 16

What to Avoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Nourishing Foods To Eat During the Cleanse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Other Foods to Avoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Daily Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

RECIPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Closing Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Page 4: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy



Congratulations on making the decision to live a healthier, vibrant life!

We live in an environment filled with toxins and pollutants that cause major im-

pact on our health. We’re constantly exposed to toxins found in our food, water and

the air we breathe. We are burdened with artificial colorings, pesticides and herbi-

cide residues, preservatives and rancid oils in our foods. In order to achieve optimal

health, we must first understand why these challenges happened in the first place

When the body is deprived of healthy foods, water, sleep, exercise and relaxation,

it results in bloating, allergies, weight gain, depression, skin blemishes, fatigue

and insomnia. Yes, that’s right- everything you’re experiencing that you hate are

actually doing YOU a favor by letting you know that your system is dangerously out

of balance . But don’t worry because the process of transforming your body is easier

than you think when you have the right tools .

This program is different from other cleansing programs that are essentially a

“detox in a box .” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse,

right back where you started .

INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you will be introduced to delicious foods, eat

more than you’ve ever imagined, and learn to implement NEW STRATEGIES THAT

WILL ENABLE YOU you to to lose those nagging pounds (forever), fit into your

skinny jeans (forever) and get that gorgeous glow you’ve always dreamed of (you

guessed it, forever) .

Page 5: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy



Start Program is about TAPPING INTO your body’s own natural ability to heal itself .

This is a great program to start on a Friday and end on a Sunday.

Here’s to the start of

a healthy beginning!

Page 6: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy



Before starting any new program as it relates to health, always consult with your

health practitioner if any of the following applies to you:

• You are pregnant

• You are breastfeeding

• You are currently undergoing any medical treatment for any physical or

mental illness

• You are recovering from a serious illness

• You are a growing child

• You are suffering from an eating disorder

• You have just undergone major surgery

Page 7: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy



To get started, let’s look at what “healthy” means to you? Everyone has a different

idea on what true health is all about . If you’re twenty-five, your definition of health

may be very different from someone who is forty or fifty .

Optimal Health means improving and maintaining a degree of balance across all

the key areas of your life, including nutritional, spiritual, emotional, mental and

physical . When your life is in balance, you will feel empowered to live and enjoy

your life to the fullest .

By learning how to optimize digestion and enhance your body’s ability to detoxify,

you’ll be better able to lose those stubborn pounds, achieve healthy skin, reduce

the amount of stress in your life, experience more energy and improve your sleep.

Once you understand that your body is designed to regulate and repair itself, you’ll

be ready to look at living a holistic healthy lifestyle in a brand new way .

Page 8: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy



Imagine what your life will be like when you can fit into those skinny jeans, when

you look in the mirror and actually like what your skin looks like without makeup,

imagine clearer thinking, a boost in your energy level, you’ve reduced your stress

level and your finally have peace of mind knowing that you finally understand the

connection between the foods we eat and the quality of our health .

In your Fresh Start Program this will be a time to shift your thinking about how to

improve the quality of your skin, how to lose those unwanted pounds and how to

reduce the stress in your life . In order to improve your health, you must first be able

to rid the body of un-wanted toxins that have built up over time and have caused a

Page 9: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy


multitude of sicknesses and disease . To do that we must first understand how the

body rids itself of toxic waste .

This program is pretty simple to follow:

• Drink 12 ounces of lemon water first thing in the morning when you wake up

• Remove all foods from the “avoid” list below, and eat only foods on the

“Nourishing Foods” list for 3 days .

• Incorporate green juices and green smoothies into your diet daily

• Stretch daily to loosen and relax your body

• Drink half your body weight in water in ounces daily (Ex . 150 pound person

would drink 75 ounces of water)

• Think happy positive thoughts daily . Remember what we think, will manifest

in our life

• Move your body as much as you can to get your detox juices flowing . Movement

is critical to help the intestines keep digested food moving through your body .

Exercise for at least 30 minutes for these 3 days . Walking, yoga, rebounding,

hiking, climbing stairs, dancing, gardening and many other forms of exercise

help keep you regular and your intestines cleaned .

Page 10: FRESH START PROGRAM · “detox in a box” This program will not leave you hungry, grumpy, or, even worse, . right back where you started . INSTEAD, In my Fresh Start Program you

©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy



The detoxification process is the major molecule making activity performed by the

body . Detoxing is not a new concept . Many ancient cultures practiced detoxifica-

tion in the form of fasting and colon cleansing with herbs . Toxins that are stored in

the body can eventually overwhelm the liver . The result of toxic overload is inflam-

mation in the body . Inflammation can occur anywhere in the body where toxins

are present . Have you ever noticed how what we eat has a major on how we feel?

Even with diet improvements and a decrease in the impact of environmental tox-

ins, the toxins that are stored in the body, especially our fat cells, will remain there

until removed . Detoxification must be viewed as a total body process for all of the

body’s organ systems, which must all be addressed if total body detoxification is to

be effective . Elimination is key to a successful cleansing process .


A few days prior to you starting your Fresh Start Weekend Program, it is very import-

ant to be gentle with your body, so you lessen the effects of a “healing crisis” during

the program . A few days prior to starting the program, it is helpful to simplify

your meals with green juices and green smoothies, salads, steamed vegetables, a

small amount of brown rice or quinoa and a small amount of protein . Reduce the

amount of meat,poultry, fish, alcohol, caffeine, dairy, nicotine, refined sugar, wheat

products and shellfish .

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Post Cleanse

The day after completing your program, easing back into a full range of foods

should be done over a 3-5 day period or longer depending on how you are feeling .

Salads, lightly steamed vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, cold pressed oils and fruits

are best at first. Start with simple vegetable meals, and salads . Everything needs to

be chewed very well . DO NOT OVEREAT, or mix too many foods to start.

For proteins, start with sustainable fish (wild salmon, sardines, anchovies, farmed

trout) and free range organic chicken and turkey) .

Remember if you do eat meat, eat only organic animal products and know where

your food comes from! Animal fats hold onto antibiotics and hormones for a

long time and are very toxic so make sure you are eating hormone and antibi-

otic FREE chicken and turkey and if you eat beef, make sure it is from grass-fed

cows. Continue to avoid dairy and gluten because they can clog your digestive tract

quickly . Be aware how you feel as you re-introduce foods into your body . Your tastes

may have changed and you may not crave the same foods as before . Resuming al-

cohol and caffeine can create inflammation in the body so moderation is key. An

occasional glass of red wine is fine and switching from coffee to green tea, Yerba

Mate or an herbal tea will benefit your health tremendously.

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1 . The colon primarily removes large debris from the lymph system and the waste

from digestion . When the diet is composed of highly processed foods, the bow-

els cannot eliminate properly .

2 . The kidneys are designed to handle removal of water soluble waste and re-

absorb important nutrients . It is extremely important you drink a sufficient

amount of water . Your kidneys work to sort through toxins and dissolve waste

from acid .

3 . The blood is a liquid organ that transfers and transports substances through-

out the body . It is what delivers the needed nutrition to those areas that are in

need .

4 . The liver, our filtering system, is a wonderful chemistry lab, working day and

night to transform fats, complex molecules and toxins into useful or at least

harmless compounds . If you have a problem with digesting fat or maintaining

your weight this organ needs tender loving care .

5 . The lungs primarily expel waste gases from the blood stream . But if necessary

other compounds can be expelled in the mucus that their membranes produce .

6 . The skin, our largest organ, is used as a backup system to the others . We can

eliminate water soluble wastes, fat soluble waste as well as gases through the

pores in the skin . When someone has a really bad odor about them it is an

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indication of toxemia . If your skin is very oily it is a sign that the liver is working

overtime . And if you have a fever and are sweating your kidneys are in need of

help .

7 . The lymphatic system is the “garbage collector”, sucking up metabolic garbage,

and toxins from the extracellular fluid of every organ . If this flow is impaired,

the fluid becomes thick and toxic . The lymphatic system is filled with millions

of one-way valves, which allows the lymph fluid to flow in only one direction

- usually upward away from gravity . Two ways of speeding the flow of lymph is

drinking half your body weight in water per day and exercising 20 to 30 minutes

a day . And bouncing on a rebounder (small trampoline) is an excellent way of

making your lymphatic system move the lymph faster and cleanse your body .

Using the rebounder provides the body with a low impact aerobic workout that

is suitable at all ages and all fitness levels .

Here are simple steps to aid detoxification of each of the seven channels of


• Colon – Eat more fiber (fruit and vegetables, especially leafy greens, chia seeds,

ground flax seeds

• Kidneys – Drink filtered water to flush the kidneys (start your morning with

lemon water)

• Blood – Exercise (sweating is a great way to improve blood circulation and

Massage (massage therapy improves circulation through the body)

• Liver – Bitter roots and veggies stimulate the detoxification pathways in the

liver and promote health digestion (aloe, arugula, broccoli rabe, cilantro, dan-

delion, milk thistle, fenugreek seeds, parsley)

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• Lungs – Practice deep breathing, meditation, yoga

• Skin – Dry brushing removes the top layer of the skin allowing toxins to expel

through the skin

• Lymphatic – Massage (encourages drainage of the lymph), Exercise (exercise

such as rebounding moves the muscle to move and pump the lymph within the

vessels), Dry brushing (helps the lymphatic system remove toxins and aids in

digestion and kidney function)

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A healing crisis is when you experience symptoms from toxins that are released

during your detoxification process . Perhaps a simple example may help .

What if every year, you painted your walls in your house a different color? As time

went on, you layered color upon color . Finally after 30 years in the house, you found

that the newest paint was not sticking properly because layers of paint underneath

were cracking and coming off . So you decided to strip all of the paint off the walls

and give it a fresh coat of paint . Well, as you started stripping off paint, you saw

layers of paint from previous years . There was the year when you decided that red

would look great on your walls . In the process of stripping all the paint, you get

glimpses of what your walls were like and what they went through .

Well, believe it or not, your body works in a similar way . As our bodies store fat, the

chemistry of the fat reflects the internal body conditions at the time the fat was

stored . Each year, the illnesses that you caught left a small residue of the virus or

bacteria in your fatty deposits . The toxins you ingested left their mark as well .

The good news is that cleansing your body will help to release these toxins which

ultimately will help improve your digestion, lose unwanted pounds, clear your

skin and gain amazing energy.

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Most Commonly Reported Positive Effects

DURING The Cleanse:

• Clearer skin

• Fat loss

• Less bloating

• Fewer cravings for sugar

• Increased sense of taste (healthy food starts tasting better)

• Increased energy

• Improved digestion

• More regular bowel movements

• Increased sense of wellbeing

• Elevated mood/less depression

• Enhanced sleep

• Old emotions resurface

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©2015 Tracy Neely. All Rights Reserved. TracyNeely.com Fresh Start Program – A 3 Day Program to cleanse your body, reduce your stress and restore your energy


Most Commonly Reported Uncomfortable Effects

DURING The Cleanse:

(These symptoms pass after a few days)

• Headaches

• Cold-like symptoms

• More emotionally sensitive

• Low energy

• Diarrhea/ Constipation

• Gas / Bloating

• Body odor / Bad breath/Coating on the tongue

• Skin breakouts / Rashes

• Irritable

• Old emotions resurface

• Mucus drainage

• Nausea

My goal is to help you keep your “healing crisis” symptoms to a minimum . The best

way to do that is to take it easy and follow my simple guidelines . Drink plenty of

pure clean water to support your detoxifying organs and sooth the digestive tract .

And eliminate the toxins as quickly as possible through regular bowel movements,

frequent urination, and gentle sweating . Listen to your body, and take it easy when

necessary. By following these simple guidelines, you will be able to reduce your

cleanse symptoms or even eliminate them altogether .

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Your success during this program is very important to me and while the Fresh

Start Weekend Program is not a diet of restrictions and deprivation, avoiding certain

foods will help your body have a better time of releasing old toxins that have lead

to your current state of health . Your new way of eating and thinking will lead you

to long term wellness and vitality .

The following foods are to be avoided during your 3 day program:

• Alcohol can be very dehydrating to the skin and may lead to your sebaceous

glands (oil) over producing sebum which may lead to breakouts in the skin .

Hydrated skin is healthy skin .

• All Sweeteners including Honey, Maple Syrup and Agave because they will

raise your blood sugar level and since we are working on clearing toxins from

the body, building the immune system and nourishing the skin, taking a break

from these ingredients will have a major impact on your cleanse . It goes with-

out saying, NO artificial sweeteners. Stevia is allowed.

• Caffeine is a diuretic that can dry out the skin . It can lead to the skin producing

more oils to make up for their drying effects . The caffeine can block the cellular

turnover of skin cells and the pores can become blocked which can lead to skin

breakouts .

• Dairy Products have been shown to cause Candida overgrowth, causes mucus

that coats the sinuses and small intestines, may promote cardiovascular dis-

ease, allergies, lactose intolerance, causes acne and inflammation in the skin,

and digestive disorders

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• Dried Fruit - besides containing added sugar, most dried fruit contain sulfites

as a preservative . Studies have shown that sulfites may cause an allergic reac-

tions such as asthma, cramps, dizziness, headaches, hives or nausea

• Meat including poultry, pork, red meat, and processed meats which tend to

promote an acidic environment in your body . Acne-producing bacteria thrive in

these types of settings . The saturated fat can lead to heart disease, hyperten-

sion, and high cholesterol .

• Nicotine besides the impact that it has on your cardiovascular system, it also

lowers the blood supply to your skin and reduces production of collagen . This

will slow the healing in the skin .

• Refined Sugar has been shown to cause obesity, Type II Diabetes, and feeds

Candida overgrowth in the bowel . It also leads to tooth decay, acne, compro-

mised immunity, and toxic overload on the pancreas

• Wheat Products have been shown to contribute to obesity, feed Candida

overgrowth in the bowel, produce digestive disorders, bloating, allergies, and

cardiovascular disease . Essentially eat nothing that contains gluten (protein in


• Shellfish, besides the toxic waste in the waters where many shellfish live, it

may also trigger symptoms in people affected with eczema

*I suggest you become a nutrition detective after you end this program and read

labels and watch out for the chemicals that are added to foods to preserve flavor

and enhance taste. During the last fifty years, there has been a great increase in

the use of food additives of varying levels of safety . Food additives are man-made

substances or chemicals added to food to preserve flavor or improve its taste and

appearance . Research has shown that food additives have given rise to a number

of health conditions .

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*Make as many of these organic as possible

Acorn or butternut


All herbs


Apple Cider Vinegar




Bell peppers

Berries (blackberries,

blueberries, raspber-

ries, etc .)


Brown rice*

Burdock Root




Collard greens







Dark green, leafy lettuce

(chard, dandelion, kale,

romaine, red leaf,

green leaf, spinach, swiss






Herbs (basil, cilantro, dill,

mint, parsley, etc .)






Olive oil










Quinoa Flakes *

Red beets (one or two

will last a week)

Sea Vegetables

(dulse,nori, kelp,

arame, hijiki and



Spices (cinnamon, clove,

nutmeg, turmeric, etc .)

*Sweet potato







*One serving daily – 1/2 cup

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It’s best to choose fruits and vegetables that are in season . All fruits and vegetables

are acceptable during your 3 day cleanse . To reduce the amount of chemicals that

are sprayed on fruits and vegetables, refer to the Environmental Working Groups

list of the 12 fruits and vegetables that have the highest amount of toxic chemical

sprayed on them . Buy these organically if possible . The Dirty Dozen

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Agave Nectar


All Fried Foods

Artificial Sweeteners






Cream Sauces

Dried Fruits


Evaporated Cane Juice

Ezekiel Bread




High Fructose Corn Syrup


Hydrogenated Oils

Maple Syrup




Pasteurized Fruit Juice


Raw Cane Sugar






Trans Fats

Vinegar - *Apple Cider

Vinegar is allowed

Wheat Bread

Wheat Pasta

White Bread

White Flour

White Rice


**Hidden Sources of MSG

Autolyzed yeast

Calcium caseinate



Glutamic acid

Hydrolyzed protein

Hydrolyzed soy protein



Natural flavoring

Sodium caseinate

Yeast extract

Yeast food

Yeast nutrient

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Morning Rising• Drink 12oz . of water (squeeze fresh lemon in it for added cleanse action)

• Incorporating morning stretches and 30 minutes of exercise into your daily

routine is a positive way to begin each day .

Breakfast:• Eat a substantial whole foods breakfast that will give you lasting energy

for the morning . A delicious green smoothie is a great way to start your

morning . If you choose to drink a green smoothie for breakfast, wait at least

30 minutes before eating anything else . Combining other foods with your

green smoothie may lead to gas and bloating .

Sample Breakfast

• Drink a Green Smoothie

AND 30 Minutes Later

• Eat foods from the Nourishing Foods page

Snacks and Beverages:• Pure water and herbal tea . Fill up on these first . Drink lots throughout the

morning . If you’re still hungry choose from one of the “Nourishing Foods”

options .

• Fresh fruit earlier in the day eaten with nothing else is a great mid-morning

snack .

• Make sure you have plenty of “healthy” snacks available at all times during

this program . If you’re hungry between meals, it’s better to eat something

healthy and satisfying than it is to deprive yourself or succumb to low qual-

ity snacks . (refer to “Nourishing Foods” list)

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• Prepare a substantial salad for lunch to keep you satisfied and well nour-

ished . Planning is key to your success while on this program .

• If you’ll be out during lunch time, remember to pack a healthy lunch and

bring it with you or if you visit a restaurant, be mindful to avoid the foods

on your “Avoid Foods List” . This could be as simple as packing food from the

night before or creating a salad, some fresh vegetables and pure water .


• Enjoy a nourishing salad with lots of veggies and brown rice, quinoa, or any

other foods from the “Nourishing Foods” list . Keep an open mind and enjoy

this break from your normal eating habits .

After Dinner:

• During your cleanse, it’s important to keep night time snacking to a mini-

mum . Refrain from eating after 7pm or 7:30pm– it will enhance your body’s

natural cleansing abilities .

• Drinking a cup of relaxing herbal tea will help to lessen your desire for

nighttime snacking

• Do some light stretching, alternate nostril breathing or meditation before

getting into bed and let yourself wind down from the day .

Meditation: Sitting mindfully in meditation helps to renew the mind, relive stress

and relax the body . Allowing extra time for this practice is a good way to keep on

track with the process and to focus on the purpose .

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*Buy organic produce when possible

Green Juices, Green Smoothies, Herbal Tea and

Salad Recipes That Will Clear Your Skin, Support

Your Liver and Kidneys, Reduce Inflammation,

Soothe Your Digestive Tract, Balance your Thyroid

and Energize Your Body

Juice and Smoothie Recipes

Skin Cleanse Juice

Hydration is key to healthy skin and this recipe will liven up your skin


2 Cucumbers (peel skin if cucumbers are not organic)

2 Celery Stalks

2 Pears

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse for a few seconds

then blend at a low speed until you’ve reached a creamy consistency .

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Liver Cleanse Juice

Dandelion is one of the best greens to help support the cleansing process by nour-

ishing your liver

3 Pears

1 Handful Dandelion Leafy Greens (powerful detoxifier for the liver)

1/2 Cup Water

Place ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse for a few seconds then

blend at a low speed until you’ve reached a creamy consistency . Do not add water

until you’ve blended the pears and dandelion . If too thick, add water and blend for

a few seconds

Healing Tonic

Great tonic to clear acne


1/2 cup papaya, chopped into small chunks

1 1/2 cups fresh pineapple, chopped into small chunks

1 avocado

1/2 cup water

Add papaya, pineapple and avocado to a blender and blend to a smooth consistency

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Antioxidant Power Booster Drink

Great drink to support your healthy skin cells Ingredients:

1⁄2 cup cherries

1⁄2 cup blueberries

1 cup water

Remove pits from cherries or use frozen organic cherries . Blend all ingredients to

a smooth consistency .

Immuni Tea Recipe


1 cup filtered water

1 inch piece fresh ginger (peel skin and zest)

1 inch piece fresh turmeric (peel skin and zest) or 1/2 tsp . ground turmeric

1/2 lemon (squeeze juice and set aside)

a pinch of cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon organic local honey

Bring cup of water to a boil and turn off heat . Pour hot water into a glass measuring

cup and sleep ginger and turmeric for 10 minutes . Pour and strain liquid into a cup .

Add lemon juice, cayenne and honey and stir . Drink while hot .

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Cucumber Water

Great hydration for eczema, cooling and alkaline-forming in the body


1 large cucumber, peeled

3 cups water

Slice cucumber in half and scoop out seeds with a spoon, and then cut into chunks .

Put cucumber and water in blender, puree and serve immediately .


Add a handful of mint leaves when blending for a crisp taste and garnish with a

mint leaf or wedge of lime when serving .

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Green Elixir

This is my go to juice that is loaded with vitamins and minerals to build your im-

mune system, improve digestion and provide hydration to your skin . This is a juice

that is so delicious, you’ll want to drink it time and time again .


1 bunch baby spinach

1 lemon - peel the skin

3 celery stalks

1 cucumber

2 inch piece of ginger

2 apples

Juice and drink immediately

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Green Healing Juice

Loaded with chlorophyll, “nature’s sunshine” and full of nutrient packed enzymes

that support digestion

**Best to use a juicer for this recipe or blend in a blender and strain through a nut

milk bag, a fine sieve, or a strainer with small holes


3 kale leaves

3 carrots

1 apple

1⁄2 lemon

2 celery stalks

When juicing, alternate between each of the ingredients so that you’re able to get

every last drop of the juice out of all of the ingredients

Skin Quencher Smoothie

Loaded with Vitamins A & C which promote cellular turnover and support the for-

mation of collagen


3 to 4 romaine leaves

1 banana

1 cup green grapes

1⁄2 cup water (optional)

Blend in a blender to a smooth consistency

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Brain Booster Smoothie

High in antioxidants that counteract free radical damage Ingredients:

1 cup blueberries

1 cup cherries (remove pits) (you may use frozen organic cherries)

1 handful kale

1 banana

1 cup water

Blend to a smooth consistency and enjoy

Green Drink

I believe eating fresh whole foods should be a priority to restore and rejuvenate

our health, however adding a green powder such as blue green algae, wheatgrass,

spirulina, broken cell wall chlorella, barley grass, etc . daily will improve digestion,

increase energy, stabilize blood sugar, strengthen immune system, and create

glowing, beautiful skin .


1 glass filtered water

1 teaspoon green powder

Stir or shake in a shaker and drink immediately

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Almond Milk

Almond milk is rich in Vitamin E, a known antioxidant and contains minerals such

as zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron .


1 cup almonds (buy plain, non-roasted and no salt)

4 cups filtered water

1 teaspoon, vanilla extract (alcohol free)

A few drops stevia for sweetness - optional

Soak almonds over night in a bowl of filtered water and place in the refrigerator

(this will remove the enzyme inhibitor and make them more digestible); place a

dish towel over bowl . The next day rinse almonds and combine almonds and 4

cups filtered water and process in a blender . Strain into a nut milk bag or fine sieve,

place a bowl under the nut milk bag or sieve to catch the liquid . Rinse blender, pour

liquid back into the blender and add in vanilla and stevia if you desire . Blend for 15

to 20 seconds . Almond milk will last up to 4 days in the refrigerator .

Winter Cleanse Juice

This is an amazing juice that will not only cleanse your body, but will also boost your

immune system and provide your skin with powerful antioxidants Vitamins A & C


2 apples

1 carrot

1⁄2 bunch parsley

1 cup red cabbage

Juice alternating between each of the ingredients and drink immediately

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Enjoy these salads any time of the day

Sprout Salad

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Yield: 4 servings


1 cup mung bean sprouts

1 cup alfalfa or radish sprouts (choose any variety of sprouts)

1/2 cup each daikon and carrots, cut into matchsticks or grated, mixed with a

pinch of salt

1 bunch watercress or arugula, washed and chopped

Prepare carrots and daikon with salt and let sit while you prepare the rest of the

ingredients .

Wash the sprouts well and dry excess water from sprouts

Mix the vegetables with one of the dressing recipes and serve .

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Tricolor Salad

Prep Time: 10 minutes Yield: 2 cups, serves 4


2 Belgium endives or white part of curly chicory

1 radicchio

1 bunch arugula

Wash and dry salad greens . Arrange them over the individual salad plates . 2 . Drizzle

dressing over the greens and serve .

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Minty Fresh Cucumber Salad

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Yield: 4 servings


2 cucumbers (organic)

1 green apple

1 handful fresh mint

1-2 pinches of Celtic sea salt

Juice of 1/2 lemon

Peel stripes on the cucumbers

Thinly slice the cucumbers and apple - the thinner the better!

Rub the salt into the slices .

Finely chop the mint and mix it into the salad .

Press gently for 30 minutes

Add the lemon juice and serve garnished with a few whole mint leaves .

Note: You can rinse the salt off if you want to, after pressing . You don’t need to

press this salad . You can let it sit and marinate for an hour instead—just use a little

extra salt .

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Skin Soothing Salad


4 to 5 handfuls of spring mix salad greens (you can use whatever salad greens

you like)

1 cup sliced raw okra (I love the crunch of the okra)

1 lemon (squeeze juice and set aside)

1⁄2 small avocado cut into chunks (squeeze fresh lemon juice over avocado)

1⁄2 onion (sliced thin into half moons)

1 tbsp . hemp seeds

Drizzle with lemon vinaigrette

Lemon Vinaigrette Salad Dressing Recipe:

2 tbsp . fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 small garlic clove minced

2 tbsp . extra virgin olive oil

Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt

Whisk all ingredients together and set aside .

Place spring mix in a bowl with okra, avocado and onion and lightly drizzle lemon

vinaigrette and sprinkle hemp seeds over salad .

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Tomato Squash Salad


1 small yellow squash, or zucchini (courgettes), or combination of both, sliced


1 small, ripe tomatoes, cut in wedges

1/2 cup red onion, sliced into narrow strips

1/4 cup packed fresh basil leaves

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1+1/2 tsp olive oil

1 clove garlic, minced

Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Arrange squash in a steamer over boiling water

Cover and steam 1 minute, then plunge into cold water to stop the cooking

Drain well . Combine squash, tomatoes, onion, and basil in salad bowl

In a small bowl combine the remaining ingredients

Pour over the vegetables and toss gently

Serve chilled or at room temperature

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Cilantro Slaw


1 small head of cabbage, finely shredded

1 small onion, minced

2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, minced

1 cucumber

Lime and Garlic Dressing:

1⁄2 cup olive oil

1/3 cup lime juice

2 cloves fresh garlic, minced or pressed

Mix cabbage, onion, and cilantro .

Peel and seed cucumber; cut into 3-inch ling sticks . (Cover and refrigerate cabbage

mixture and cucumber separately for up to 24 hours) .


Whisk oil, lime juice, and garlic . If made ahead, cover and refrigerate up to 2 days;

stir to re-blend before using .

Store dressing into cabbage mixture, pile into serving platter .

Garnish with cucumber; season to taste with salt and pepper .

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Cucumber and Avocado Salad


1 cucumber


Chili pepper

1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

1 teaspoon minced onion

Sweet red pepper, sliced


1 avocado, sliced

Fresh parsley

Peel and slice the cucumber paper-thin .

Season with salt, chili pepper and lime juice .

Sprinkle with onion and red pepper slices .

Arrange lettuce on serving plates .

Add cucumber mixture .

Add avocado and parsley .

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Mexican Green Bean Salad


1 lb green beans

1⁄2 cup olive oil

2 jalapeño peppers, seeded and chopped

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 tablespoon onion, minced

1 tablespoon parsley, minced

1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, minced

Steam green beans until tender crisp

Drain and place in bowl of cold water

Whisk together other ingredients and pour over warm green beans

Allow to marinate at least half hour

Serve at room temperature or chilled

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Salad Dressing Recipes

Store bought salad dressings are usually loaded with ingredients that will hinder

the cleansing process . You may use these salad dressings over any of the salad

recipes .

Cleansing Salad Dressing


3⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1⁄4 cup apple cider vinegar

1⁄4 tsp . Celtic sea salt

1/4 tsp . oregano

1/4 tsp . basil

1/4 tsp . thyme

1/4 tsp . cayenne pepper

Combine the extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar with a whisk . Combine

dry ingredients in a small bowl . Now whisk dry ingredients into wet ingredients .

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Asian Dressing


1/4 c . water

1/4 c . olive oil

1/4 c . wheat free tamari

1 to 2 in fresh ginger

1 bunch cilantro

1 tsp . stevia (optional)

Blend to a creamy consistency

Lemon Vinaigrette


2 1⁄2 tsp . lemon juice

1/2 tsp . lemon zest (only zest the yellow skin, not the pith which can be bitter)

1 garlic clove, minced

3 tbsp . extra virgin olive oil

Pinch of Celtic sea salt

In a small bowl, mix together lemon juice, lemon zest, salt, and garlic . Whisk in

Extra virgin olive oil

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Fresh Basil Dressing


3⁄4 cups extra virgin olive oil

1 handful fresh basil leaves, chopped

Juice of 1 lemon

A pinch of Celtic sea salt and pepper to taste

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth

Parsley-Lime Dressing


1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1⁄2 cup lime juice

1 tbsp . fresh parsley, chopped

1⁄4 tsp . fresh oregano, chopped

Pinch of Celtic sea salt and pepper

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth

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Creamy Avocado Dressing


1 avocado (remove pit)

1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1⁄2 cup lemon juice

Pinch of Celtic sea salt

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth

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Ending your cleanse slowly and mindfully is very important . You have taken an

important step in improving not only your health, but you have made the decision

that changing how you think about improving your health is one of the most pow-

erful things you can do for your mind, body and spirit .

Continue to include the habits you began during your Fresh Start Program for ongo-

ing good health . I hope this program has helped YOU feel empowered to determine

what the best plan for improving your health will be .

When you go back to your daily life of eating, add foods back into your diet one at

a time so you can observe how they affect your body . In addition, incorporate the

following into your daily life:

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• Eat more alkaline rich foods (eat lots of vegetables especially leafy greens),

lower your intake of acid forming foods (dairy, meat, sugar, wheat, white flour)

• Eat more organic produce and seek out products that have not been genetically

modified . The most genetically modified foods are alfalfa, beets, canola, corn,

cotton, soybean and tomato

• Include plenty of fresh, whole foods containing the key nutrients for your health

and detoxification in your weekly diet

• Follow an anti-inflammatory diet filled with nature’s anti-inflammatory foods

- berries, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale), green tea,

kelp, papaya, salmon, shitake mushroom, turmeric, virgin coconut oil

• Support your local farmers market or local farmers; locally grown foods have

more nutrition because they’re picked closer to their end use and can be picked

when they are ripe