FRESH MANNA Prophecies of Yolanda Ballard

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  • 7/31/2019 FRESH MANNA Prophecies of Yolanda Ballard



    Archives of Most Recent Writings - 2004 - 2007



    Each week I will be posting the words from the Lord as they come forth.


    June 5, 2012

    Concealed within the cloaks of righteousness there is a strong drive to be satisfied in the

    fleshly realm, and if this infirmity is not properly dealt with, it will continue to intensify so

    greatly that this lust of the flesh will not be able to be contained or controlled any longer. For

    if you don't deal with these concealed lusts, those things that remain hidden, but you alone

    know they are there, it will hinder, it will rob, it will distract, and eat away at you as a driving

    force. No longer will you have any desire for the things of My kingdom, My holiness, My love,

    for these things will no longer wet your appetite. You will no longer have desire for Me and My

    ways, but only for the things of the world, those things that are produced through the works
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    of the flesh, and that is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

    Don't think that you can continue in this state. Don't you know that I know all things about

    you? You cannot hide under a garment of righteousness those things that are produced

    through unrighteousness. This is the time and the hour to be made clean, to cut off thosethings that are from the works of the flesh, a product of the production from man and not

    from Me. Yes, this is the time and the hour to come forth and to cut off those works of

    darkness, whether it is dabbling in the occult, manipulation and control, pride, lust, idolatry, or

    whatever form of hindrance and infirmity.

    My church, you are a hospital for the sick, wounded and the infirm. I have made you clean so

    you don't need to feel or accept any shame. If you come forth, and be open and honest with

    Me, I will make you whole, and then you will be able to rise higher in Me like never before. If you want to soar like the eagle, to sit with Me in heavenly places, high above all principality and

    power, you need to be made whole and clean. For this truly is the hour of My power, and I am

    calling My bride higher, but you must do your part to come forth and expose that which is

    hidden and is unclean, to cast off the works of the flesh in order to truly put on My garment

    of light.

    Come forth, My bride, and receive. Receive all I have for you to have through My love and My



    May 27, 2012

    I am beginning a process in you this day that will develop into an increase of My glory, which

    will bring you higher into the realms of My intimate presence and power, where you will be able

    to pull down the strongholds of the enemy over the vicinity in which you live. My increase is

    building, and it is like a shield that blinds the enemy from being able to even see you.

    You are in the center of My perfect will, which is the center of My light and glory, purging out

    the darkness enabling streams of My increasing light. In the center of this light breaks down

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    into the seven colors of My Spirit, representing every aspect of the power of My Spirit within

    you. My seven-fold spirit dwells within you increasing every day that you draw near to Me in

    spirit and in truth, that comes from allowing My worship to flow upward and outward


    This is the day when My people are beginning to enter in like never before have they entered

    in. I have taken off the shackles off of their praise, and have delivered those who were

    yielded, from the system of the harsh taskmaster. I am stirring up your gifts within. I am

    purging the dross that you are made clean. I am taking off the blinders that you may see, and

    opening up deaf ears that you may hear My still small voice speaking to you. I am giving you

    revelation in understanding My will, My ways, My word of wisdom.

    Look and see that on the horizon there is a Light burning brightly. It is the coming of My Sonof Glory. Remain still and know that I AM God, and that I am sovereign ruler of all things, and

    that I am protecting you with the shield of My glory burning brightly, repelling powers of

    darkness, and radiating in My glory is My grace bringing conviction, enabling those to enter into

    My kingdom of Light, those I gave My life for. Burn brightly that many will see and be drawn

    into My presence. In My presence there is liberty, grace and glory.

    This is the day of My end time outpour of My glory. Breathe in and let My spirit enter in full

    measure, and as you breathe out, you are exhaling My glory, purging out the dross in theatmosphere. Yes, My beloved worshipers, you are changing even the atmosphere, and the

    enemy cannot penetrate this glory that engulfs you. The enemy cannot hear your plans, for I

    am raising up an army, and handing out My marching orders, and My strategies of attack to pull

    down, tear down, remove, and completely build up all for My kingdom and glory.



    April 23, 2012

    In order for one to grow up into a mature son of God, they need to be able to receive My love deep into their

    spirit man. For many have been wounded at birth, even in the womb, and they were cut off from receiving My

    love. They grew up lacking the nurture and admonition of those who loved them. They lacked having My love

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    flowing through parents who knew of My love intimately, who knew of and had received My unconditional love,

    and now knew how to give it back to their own.

    For those who have never received My love, there is hope. It is never too late to come to the place of

    maturity in your spirit where you can grow up to be a healthy and mature son, one who I can use mightily.

    There are adoptions taking place right now in the spirit. Mothers and fathers are actually taking as their ownthose in the body who have been abandoned when they were very young. They never were able to receive the

    nurture and admonition of loving parents; therefore, they never grew up able to love others. But this is the

    time I am turning the hearts of the fathers to the sons, and the hearts of the sons to the fathers. The walls

    are coming down in the body of Christ where many for the first time are actually able to receive My love, and I

    am preparing them to love back.

    Yes, My river of love has been dammed up at birth. The enemy was ready to abort the birthing of the full

    mature sons of God even at birth, but I had a plan before the foundation of the earth to match up these

    abandoned ones with their true parents - mothers and fathers who were willing to take as their own those who

    have received an orphan mentality. These orphans wandered from one body to another feeling isolated andcould not fit in because, yes, they were orphans who had been wounded and abused emotionally. And even so

    they have wounded others because that is all they knew to do, I am turning the tables on the enemy. What the

    enemy meant for harm I am turning for good. I am giving many the opportunity to receive the love of

    true parents for the first time. These people might actually be at the age of a toddler learning to walk, or even

    at the age of infancy and need that level of love, but these people need to be trained up with the nurture and

    admonition of My love.

    Are you willing to open yourself up to a much needed healing through My love? Are you willing to

    humble yourself and say "Abba, Father, lift me up!" for the first time? Are you willing to let the walls fall

    down that you've built to protect yourself and to be vulnerable to receiving My love?

    For yes, I am building up My army, but it takes maturation through receiving the different levels of My love.

    You can't love as an adult if you still have the mentality of a child. And you can't fight like a soldier if you are

    still are at the level of a helpless and ignorant sheep. I'm not saying this in a bad way, but many in the body

    lack the knowledge of who they are in Me, and even how to war against the enemy, because they don't know

    their authority. And because of the abusive treatment of the enemy, these people are at the place of

    ignorance. My people perish because of the lack of knowledge.

    So I tell you this day there is a shifting in the land. I am building up My army, and I will do a quick and mighty

    work in maturing up My sons. What the enemy meant for harm, I am turning it around for good! And these

    sons will know how to fight for the land, and they will know how to fight for those who have been abandoned,

    because they themselves have seen and experienced the same affliction, and have survived and thrived in spite

    of it all!

    Yes, I am building up My army!!!!

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    March 19, 2012

    To have authority in the army of God you must stay under My authority. For if you come out from my

    authority and command, then you place yourself in a very dangerous position. For the enemy of your soul goes

    about as a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. If he sees one of My chosen people come out from their

    place of safety, he will be more than ready to devour you.

    Usually it won't be immediate where you are snatched up into vile deception and sin, but it will be a gradual

    falling away from My holiness and truth. You will start to justify your actions as you believe you are being led

    by My spirit. You could even be in My will at first, but if you allow your flesh to get in there in any way, you

    are beginning to become an open target for the enemy. He is watching your steps like prey, and at the right

    moment he will pounce, and snatch you away from all that was once safe and comfortable in the holy place. The

    holy place is now becoming defiled in your life, and you are beginning to see things in a different light. It is no

    longer the light of My glory leading the way, but it is a false light leading you down a path of darkness and


    Wake up before it is too late! Wake up to the truth of My word which is a path of holiness and safety. Be

    discerning to your own thoughts and feelings. Pray to Me to have this discernment to judge what is of Me,

    what is of the evil one, and what is of your own flesh. For where there is pride comes a fall! So beware!

    Listen closely to My spirit. In order to do this you have to turn off all the distractions of the world, and getquiet and still before Me. You must use discipline to know that if you don't come apart from the world and

    your own desires of your own will, you will lose desire for what is true and holy. You will actually lose desire for

    My presence and all that My word stands for. You no longer will desire My word or My will. Your own will has

    become your god, and your whole life is an open target for the enemy to invade and take over.

    Repent, turn from your wicked ways, and trust Me to show you the way of restoration. Be careful not to want

    to hide the revelation of your error of your ways from your heart. Be open and teachable and learn from your

    mistakes. Ask Me to show you the tactics and strategies of the enemy. If you are truly Mine, the error of

    your ways will only improve you upon repentance. You will be more aware not to fall into the snares of the evil

    one. You will remember the day when you delighted in My presence in the congregation of the saints when you

    were glad to come into My temple to worship. Remember the days when I moved through you with by My spirit

    and you touched the lives of the multitudes.

    You are coming up to a higher level in Me. You are not losing ground but you are being purified by My fire.

    What the enemy meant for harm is only working for the good of My kingdom. So don't allow the enemy to

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    condemn you and bring shame upon you. You are only being tested to see which way you will go. You are at the

    fork of the road. You can go straight ahead on the path you are going which leads to damnation and

    destruction or you can turn now while you still have the chance to come out from the snare of the evil one.

    Rejoice that you found out now before it was too late. It is better to be open and teachable and humble than

    to try to cover over and come to a total fall. These are the days of the great falling away. Get connected to

    the body that I have led you to for this is a place of safety for you. When you come out from the fold of my

    sheep, the evil one will snatch you up like a prowling wolf.

    Be still and know that I am God. If I AM for you, who can come against you and win. Even the evil one is a tool

    in My hands to bring about a major turn around in My people. Everywhere you see persecution and a seed falls

    to the earth, you see multiplication, purification, and My fire starts to burn like wild fire. So rejoice for

    surely this is the day for a great repentance in the body of Christ.

    So be ready for the prodigals to come home, for the backsliders to be restored, for the saints to wake up,pursue, and take over the kingdom of darkness, and for My kingdom to come, and My will to be done on earth as

    it is in heaven!!!!!!


    March 15, 2012

    When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will raise up a standard against him. - Isaiah 59:19

    These are the days when we are constantly being bombarded by the evil one. You might get a breather here

    and there, but mostly we are under constant onslaught of the enemy. He knows his time is short and that he

    lost the war, but he is still fighting like he thinks he can still win over every heart that the Lord gave His life

    to have. We must not back down, but press in even harder. We must press in to win the land.

    To win every soul for the Kingdom we must die out to everything that is precious to us and wholeheartedly

    devote our life to the King of kings and Lord of lords. He must be Captain, and we must stay under His

    command. He is separating the men from the boys, the chosen from the called, the elite from the multitudes

    who only talk the talk but they don't walk the walk.

    There are counterfeits in the land. You can tell them by their fruit. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. So

    beware. Use your discernment who you rub shoulders with, because the enemy has planted tares to try to

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    choke out the wheat. There are those who are set in the camp to deprive you of the peace of God. They are

    out to rob your faith, to hold you back, to steal, kill and destroy all that God has built up in you. So beware.

    Put on your garment of light. Pray for discernment. Dig into My word to brush up on the basics of how to walk

    in true faith. Be ready for God is raising up an army that will march across the land. They will carry My sword,

    and they will have healing in their hands. Everlasting love will flow through their heart. In this army we all

    have a part.

    If you hear this word, hide it in your heart. This is the time and the hour to really war for what is yours. The

    violent take the Kingdom by force. Many will die in the process, but never fear for the absence of the body

    brings on the presence of the Lord. So we have nothing to lose. Overcome by your testimony, the blood of the

    Lamb, loving not your life unto death. Persevere as a faithful warrior, and truly you will receive a crown of

    light. May His glory be all about you blinding the enemy. Fear not for I am with you till the end of all times.



    February 27, 2012

    Wait upon the Lord and He will strengthen your heart. You don't need to be something special for the Lord totake you up to be your bridegroom. He just wants you to be real, take off the mask, and allow Him to do the

    needed deep work within your heart.

    This is the time when many are running to and fro seeking after a deep work, but at the same time trying to

    avoid what it takes to get that needed deep work. You cannot depend upon others to do the seeking for you.

    You need to take responsibility for yourself to get before the Lord, to bask in His presence, and to wait upon


    This is the day when many also depend upon others for prophetic messages as to how they should be getting

    encouraged from the Lord. All they are doing is side stepping what it really takes to get into the lap of Jesus.

    All you need to do is get in position to receive from the Lord yourself, and wait upon Him to feed you the

    fresh manna you need from His word.

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    You need the deep touch from the Father's heart to heal your wounded ness and to receive the strength to go

    on, the hope and expectancy of a hope and a future, to receive the mantle that He has for you, your calling,

    your gifts, your position in the body. Only you can receive this information from Him alone, not through

    another vessel to receive for you.

    This is the time and the hour to prepare to be able to receive the power it takes to cast out demons, to heal

    the sick, to heal the lepers of heart, to be the vessel I called you to be. Draw near to My side and expect to

    receive what I have for you for I want to hand feed you like calves in the stall, but you must be ready by

    waiting before Me with that expectancy that I want to speak to you. I am always speaking to you but you

    must be tuned in to receive.

    Wait upon the Lord, and He will strengthen your heart. Wait.


    February 3, 2012

    Many do not like or appreciate change in their life, but without constant change you do

    not grow or mature. Just like water, it needs to be ever moving, or it will become

    stagnant and polluted. Life is all about change, and it is expected. You can never

    settle into a comfort zone, or you cannot be a useful vessel in My kingdom. I want to

    say right now that some people that had to constantly adjust to major changes in their

    life that had been very uncomfortable will one day thank Me for having brought them

    through them. For they will be more ready up ahead for what is about to happen than

    those who felt they had the blessing of having been in the comfort zone.

    There are those who had constant change in their lives, and also had been exposed tomuch pain in separation from loved ones, and having to leave those things that had

    been dear to them, and they just couldn't understand why they weren't allowed to

    have those things that had been common to others to have. For an example, watching

    and experiencing loved ones grow up. I want to tell you this day that these people I

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    greatly love and will be using them in a way that many will not be able to even touch the

    magnitude of the calling that they have on their lives. These people are dear to My

    heart, and I will make it up to them for their loss, what they had to face, and go

    through to be prepared for My kingdom.

    In order to transform into My image, you must constantly go through change, or face

    hardship that either stretches your faith, or puts you in a position where you have to

    cry out for My grace to be able to overcome through the hardship. Sometimes it

    takes years before a person facing hardships start to portray the fruit of My life

    being lived through them. Some never overcome, because they don't accept the

    hardship or change as being something beneficial to them. That is why I frown on

    those who murmur and complain, and why I say to rejoice in everything for this surelyis the will of God.

    In birthing you will have transition where you have no control over the situation, and

    have to take it by faith and yield, and let nature take its course. If you don't yield to

    the natural process, the birthing could never take place. So I encourage you this day

    to trust Me through the hard times, and take life with its changes with thanksgiving,

    because all things that I allow are for your good if your truly love Me and are calledaccording to My plan and purpose.

    This is not be be your life, but My life lived through you, and until you come to the

    place where you accept it, you will struggle. Just like Jacob who struggled with the

    angel and said bless Me or I will not let you go. That angel was Me, and if you don't

    allow that struggle to take place like Jacob did, you will constantly be walking in a place

    of independence that will hinder My natural flow through you. Jacob was blessed, but

    he later walked with an infirmity, an accepted weakness, to remind him that he could

    never be blessed like he desired to be unless he had that major struggle where he had

    to wrestle with his own flesh with that constant reminder in it that he needed to yield.

    For it isn't his will that needed to be done in his life, but My will was to be done!

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    Bless My holy name. Thank Me and count My blessings upon your life each day for

    there are many. Don't allow the enemy to rob what you have. The simple pleasures of

    life of having been exposed to My handiwork in nature can be easily robbed if you allow

    it. See Me and experience Me daily and hear My voice for I want to walk and talk with

    you in the cool of the day. I want to take your hand and lead you through the

    wilderness. I want to take you under My wing and shield you from the storm. I want

    to cool you and wipe your brow through the heat of your fiery trial.

    Let Me lead you and take you by the hand for you are the apple of My eye. Let Me be

    your God. Be My people! Don't try to make it on your own. Accept the place of

    weakness. Do not have pride in your independence for where there is pride comes a

    fall. Humble yourself before Me and I will lift you up!


    December 28, 2011

    Most assuredly I say to you that whatever you have been through in the last fewmonths has been orchestrated personally by Me to rescue you from further

    devastation from the enemy. Even though what you have already been through

    has not been pleasant, it has been used to prepare you for what is ahead. For if

    you haven't gone through the preparation, you would not be able to bear the

    impact of what is ahead. Your body, mind, and spirit could not contain the

    pressure that is coming. The impact of it would totally blow you away without

    having gone through any preparation for it. So I tell you today to thank Me forthe trials and testings and even the tribulation for it has all been for your good!

    This is the day when many have gone their own way without seeking My face,

    participating in the gathering of the saints, or even have they been exposed to

    My word in any way. Without the Vine, surely you will perish. You cannot escape

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    what is ahead by choosing not to hear about it. For being in a strong body of

    believers you are being joined together with the power, strength, and love that

    you need. Also you are receiving the wisdom as how to walk boldly in the face of

    the evil one.

    We must be bold and unwavering in our faith, no matter what the circumstances.

    If I am for you, who or what can come against you and destroy you, for all

    things work together for good for those who are called according to My plan and

    purpose. So I want you to wake up to the deception of the enemy saying that

    you can make it on your own. Die out to the offenses you have faced and shake

    them off, and let My love cover over the multitude of sin. Come close to Me,

    and open your heart, and let Me heal your woundedness.

    Let out a victory shout that we reign victorious and that we will love not our lives

    unto death. We will march forward taking the land behind our shield of faith.

    We will no longer be hit by the fiery flames of the evil one caused to destroy

    our faith. We will stay covered with the armor of Light, and the glory of the

    Lord will blind the evil one. We will overcome because surely we are over comers,

    and the promises to us are "yes" and "Amen"!.

    So rejoice, this is a new day. All things have passed away, and all things have

    become new. If you start this day with a repentant heart, washed with My

    blood, and ready to walk in my way, truth, and light!


    November 24, 2011

    From passage John 11:1-44

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    that we need to overcome the neglect and abuse of the past. Abba, Father, we

    need you! We want more of You. We truly want to grow and mature in You. We

    are sorry for hurting your heart and making You cry. We love you, Father, and

    we truly repent!


    October 30, 2011

    Remember when I told you that you must gird up your loins with the truth of My

    word, because without it you will surely perish. The remnant army is stirring up

    themselves to be a light in a world of darkness. All about them is deception,

    even in the camp of God's people, and this grieves their hearts because they

    know that if they are not fed the truth, they will surely perish. For in the end

    of all times you must have Truth buried in your heart so deep, and to be so

    grounded with it that when they say that My word means one thing, they will

    know if it is lining up or not with Truth.

    For you can't just have My word and be settled, you must have the Truth of My

    word. You must have discernment to know truth from error, and know that you

    must not partake even of a slight mixture of truth and error. For even the

    enemy knows My word, and he even knows how to preach it, but what he does not

    know is how to mix My word with Truth, and that is why he doesn't have the

    power to ensnare My loved ones.....those who would love not their lives untodeath, those who are willing to pay the price not to compromise, those who are

    willing to speak out even in the congregation of the saints, and speak out when

    error is being proclaimed.

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    They will sound the alarm when the sheep are being fed poison for without the

    Truth of My word you will surely perish. For when you see darkness all about

    you, and there is a famine in the land of pure manna, you will know that I warned

    you to prepare yourself for this time, to be like the Bereans who searched out

    the word to make sure it was Truth. You must discern even the slight mixture of

    error for even a trace of it will pervert the whole loaf, and you will be set up for

    a snare.

    Search My word to make sure it is true what you are hearing to not accept even

    a trace of secular humanism, that which takes the wisdom of man and tries to

    mix it with My word for what you will come up with surely will be a lie for you

    cannot mix that which is Mine and mix it with the wisdom that man received from

    the evil one. That is where you get the beginning of cults, every sort of

    deception, and the very root of the occult. It starts with taking My word and

    placing it in a pot of lies and out comes a seed that grows into a large tree of

    deception with roots and tentacles that reach out in all directions trying to

    ensnare anyone that comes in its direction.

    For it all stems from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that

    man was commanded not to eat of for to eat of it you will surely die.

    So do not accept less than the best. Trust your heart and not accept everything

    that you hear from anyone for anyone could have bitten into that forbidden fruit

    and have the poison of it on their lips. Don't trust in names and faces of those

    who have been called godly men. Examine the fruit whether there is peace or if

    there is confusion for a sound man will know their authority and will carry a pure

    word able to cut through and divide the soul from the spirit. They will know

    those who operate from the soul realm. They will know those who are trying to

    ensnare the sheep by what they feed them, and how they lead them, and if they

    are truly loving them.

    For surely this is the end of all times, and you must be girded about with Truth.

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    You must be a light in a dark place. You must sound the alarm and warn when you

    know there is a mixture. For surely if you don't take a stand for the land, you

    will surely perish. The blood of those who you allow to be fed what isn't of Me

    will be on your own hands.


    August 29, 2011

    In the midst of all the turmoil, the chaos, and the darkness there is the witness

    of a holy presence within each and every one who is called by My name. If you

    come out from among them, not to completely separate from them, but to not do

    the things that they do or say what they say, but just be what I called you to be

    and just radiate My presence, you can transform any location from darkness to

    light. For greater is He who is in you, that he who is in the world.

    Do not be afraid to bring glory to My name for the works that I do even thoughyou see hate in their eyes. Love overcomes a multitude of sin. Forgive them for

    they know not what they are doing. They are just pawns in the hands of the

    enemy, a puppet upon a string. They think they have the freedom to come and

    go as they choose, but they are being controlled to do the things that only

    promotes darkness.

    Look past the outer shell, that which is controlled by darkness, and with Myleading look into the eyes that are desperate with the softness that only My

    grace can bring. Go to them and be a witness of My holy presence. To those

    not knowing Me or do not care to know Me yet, be bold. Give testimony of My

    faithfulness even though it might cause you to lose your life. Yes, they loved not

    their life unto death, because they loved Me more.

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    So when you see the hate within their eyes and the darkness all around, do not

    judge which ones to go to with My love and saving grace. You do not know which

    one will actually turn and receive. Do not fear appearing foolish for didn't I say

    My people would be called and act peculiar? They will see a difference and not

    know what it is, but use every opportunity available to reach out, pour out, pull

    down, and build up all for My kingdom and glory.

    Be led by My spirit going into the devil's domain. Wherever you tread claim the

    land and stomp down the enemy. Look to greater works for you will do. Look and

    expect for My spirit to move. Believe and receive and transform the land. My

    kingdom will come. My will is being done on earth as it is in Heaven!


    August 2, 2011

    Examine your own heart!

    This is the day when you must know, without a shadow of doubt, whether you

    truly are in My kingdom, or if you have just had only a religious experience based

    upon works. For if you don't have visible changes within your heart, actions,

    motives, and desires to serve Me, and to promote My kingdom alone, then you

    must examine your heart before it is too late.

    Many have begun a walk where it is all talk with their eyes mainly focused upon

    the lives of others instead of examining their own walk, and this is the fruit of

    having religion rather than having a true relationship with Me. Many put more

    emphasis on the things that they have done after they have confessed knowing

    Me rather than placing all the glory for their salvation upon Me and My work upon

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    the Cross for their redemption. For if you think that your water baptism or

    whether you speak in unknown tongues is your ticket to escape the wrath alone,

    without having an ongoing love relationship with Me, then you are being deceived

    by a spirit of religion.

    I am not interested in formulas or actions alone, but in the heart attitude behind

    what you are doing. For salvation is a free gift that I paid the price for

    received only by acknowledging and expressing the fact that you are truly a sinner

    who needs a Savior!

    Ask yourself this day why you believe what you believe concerning salvation, and

    see if you are placing more emphasis upon your own works rather than Mine. For

    if you are, then you truly have missed the mark, and do not have the genuine

    article. For religion is based upon doing things that you feel give you the right to

    enter into My kingdom. And salvation is from the result of receiving a free gift

    based upon My works, which you can take no glory in any righteous act, and have

    nothing in which you can boast.

    Examine your heart whether your actions are based upon My love flowing throughyou, or are there just ulterior motives behind what you are doing. For these are

    serious times, and you must humble yourself, and examine your heart to see if

    you are truly Mine. For My sheep know My voice and follow only Me. They will

    not listen to the voice of the taskmaster, or will not allow the noose of religion to

    be placed around their neck.

    I love you, My people, for I died for you, but you must know the Truth in order

    to be set free. My power will only flow through a vessel that is yielded to Me,

    for religion only quenches My flow. Come out from under that unclean thing. Be

    free. Be led of Me. Love and be loved! Be truly yourself, the one I died for.

    Take off the mask, and let Me see the one that I love, not the counterfeit. For

    in order to make it to the end, you must know the Truth and walk in it!

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    June 28, 2011

    And they will say in the last days that they will follow Me wherever I might go, but where are

    they now when I need them? Where are they when I call My bride together to pray, to press

    in to preserve the land from the folly and all the turmoil of the hour? When they say they will

    follow Me, they only mean if everything meets up to their expectations of comfort and what

    they might gain in My presence.

    But if they might have to die out to their will to do My will, what will they say, except that

    they already have plans to do what theyve had on their mind all along. But will that get them

    past the gates into My glory? Will it get them the faith that will move the mountain that is

    about to crush them? Will it get them that holy boldness to be able to stand in the face of

    any danger, any foe that might come against them?

    For you must have spent ample time in My presence to know Me in a way that you know what is

    on My heart and on My mind. You must be able to know My will and know intimately that still

    small voice above all the noise from the enemy. For the enemy is getting louder screaming

    threats that if you dont bow down to serve him, he will destroy all that you have. He says that

    he will bring you down when he threatens your life through persecution. Are you able to stand

    strong no matter what the enemy brings your way?

    Prepare now while it is day while you have the time to freely get before Me in peaceful

    times. Many countries around the world right now do not have the peace that you have. Do not

    waste these precious moments where you are able to come into My secret place unhindered. If

    you cant cast down the cares and escape the hindrances to come into My presence now, what

    will you do when the times are rough with ungodly men coming after you at every turn?

    They say run for your life, run for the hills, but where would that take you without My intimate

    presence and provision for your every need? You cant turn intimacy on and off like a light

    switch. It must be developed and desired over many years where it is a way of life to be able

    to walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day.

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    Beware of the presence of ungodly justification of doing those things that do not please

    Me. Do not say that you are doing them in My name any longer. Come out from among the

    unclean thing, those things that are an abomination to Me. Be clean, be holy, for I am holy, and

    to come into My presence you must be separate from the world and its ways. You must be set

    apart to be able to reach them, truly set apart.

    So search your motives. Test your actions for the true reason for why you are doing

    them. Even those things that may appear holy could be only a counterfeit if you have any

    ulterior motives behind what you are doing. Are you looking to be lifted up, to make a name and

    fame by using My kingdom principles? You sow what you reap, but sowing in an ungodly way is

    only planting seeds into the enemys camp and not My kingdom and glory.

    So count the cost to be prepared, to know My word, to be able to walk close to Me, for you

    really dont know how close you are to being tested beyond what you have never beforeexpected or imagined to happen. You need to be covered with My armor, filled to overflowing

    with My love, My wisdom, My power, and strength this very hour.

    Yes, count the cost, be ready for this is the time and the hour to go forth, tearing down

    powers and principalities, and expecting Me to come like a mighty wind sweeping away all that is

    in My way. For surely My kingdom will come. My will be done on earth as it is heaven. Yes, this

    is the time of war, and you must be prepared.


    June 5, 2011

    Behold the Lamb of God. Embrace His fullness of glory and light, of truth that is

    unencumbered, without a trace of the evil one and his lies. Behold He comes riding upon

    a white horse. The King of Glory does not ride alone, but He is coming with multitudes

    who have loved not their lives unto death. They have paid the price. They have counted

    the cost. They had no affection for the world and its ways. They see that there is no

    life in it, only death and darkness.

    Reach out and touch the hem of His garment as He passes by for you may not come this

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    way again. Do not be hesitant to reach out and claim all that He gave His life for you to

    have. The King of Glory is coming quickly. Prepare ye the way! Do not hesitate to make

    your garments without spot or wrinkle. It is time to make preparation for the coming

    forth of the Bride and the Lamb unto the marriage supper. Prepare ye the way!

    Everything that you have heard; everything that you know; apply it now! Gather the gems

    into your basket. Cast off the dross and anything that would weigh you down. Nothing is

    more important than to make yourself ready and waiting. Love not your life unto death.

    Fear not the appearance of what the world would call foolishness. Loving God is folly to

    them, but what is their end, except death that is forever. Escape the coming wrath.

    Peace, be still, and know that I AM God for I paid the price for your eternal destiny for

    you are secure in Me. I sit at the right hand of the Father, full of power, andauthority, and might; an awesome place for you to be in Me. Remember there is no life

    outside of the Vine. You do not have the strength to take you to the end. Your place is

    to rest in My finished work at Calvary. Yes, it is finished!

    Draw close to Me, and I will finish the work that I have begun in you. Rest your head

    upon My brow. Listen to My heart beating for you in this place of intimacy. You need

    to draw close to hear your marching orders, the strategies you are to take, the position

    you are to hold. You are now to know your calling and to accomplish it. There is not aone without a place to fill and a calling to meet. You all are important in Me.

    For now is the time and the hour to fulfill your destiny in Me, the reason you were born,

    for now is the time and the hour to come forth. Let out a mighty shout, "prepare ye the

    way!". Be accountable. Do not allow this hour to pass you by. Be ready! Escape the

    coming wrath for yes, this is a serious and a sober hour, a time to be ready, willing and

    waiting, and most of all watching, having a heart of thanksgiving, living a life of worship

    and trust.



    May 22, 2011

    For it is not by might nor by power but by My spirit, says the Lord.

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    We are coming into the most awesome display of tactics that we will ever experience

    from the enemy. For the enemy is using every method possible to weigh down the chosen

    ones who are called to do war against him. There will be attacks against your finances,

    your health, your marriage, and your church. Every arena of your life will be under

    attack, but if you keep your eyes focused on Truth, and just continue to draw close tothe Lord, all that the enemy uses for your harm will turn for bringing you strength,

    wisdom, experience, improve your character by purifying it like gold that has gone

    through the fire.

    Through all that you will go through and face in the natural will be conforming you into

    the image of the Lord Himself, and you will be made whole, fit for the Masters use.

    You need to be a pure and holy vessel to be able to contain the power that will soon flow

    through you. You cannot be tainted in any way. A pure vessel will not rob the Lord of

    any glory.

    So when you begin to face these trials, remember that it will only take much tribulation

    to enter into the level of warfare in worship that you need to be at to be able to war

    against the level of demonic activity that you will face. The enemy was defeated at the

    Cross of Calvary, but he knows that if he continues to press in on the people of God,

    many will buckle down, be worn down, and not fight any longer.

    You need to be a mighty conqueror, an overcomer, able to crucify your flesh, and soar

    like the eagle in My spirit. No longer will you be called defeated, but be called a mighty

    army, a warring one, united in mind and spirit, pressing in against the enemy, fully

    prepared, full of the power and might needed to defeat every stronghold possible. Many

    have done their part to prepare the Bride, but you must take what you have and now run

    with it.

    Be strong, be courageous, be bold, for this is the time to really war and soar! Trust in

    the Lord and in the power of His might. Be bold as a lion and gentle as a lamb. Be full

    of the perfect balance of grace and truth. Assemble yourselves together. Move in the

    momentum of the Lord pressing in with just the right amount of pressure and flow at an

    even pace. Bear down as one and push for the birthing is about to take place, and the

    manchild will come forth. What is the manchild, but the exact image of the Lord Himself

    flowing through His people. Bring it forth. Bring it forth, for it is time.

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    Every attempt to fulfill the calling of the Lord on your life will be greatly rewarded.

    Like the mustard seed, as small as it is, it will produce a mighty harvest. Examine your

    heart. Are you willing? Are you making yourself available? Are your motives pure?

    Every aspect of your attitude is important.


    May 20, 2011

    Yes, I call you defeated, you evil one, for I am calling my warring worshipers to the

    front lines of battle, for they are my fearless ones. They will be confronted with the

    vilest of demonic powers, and they will not retreat. They will continue to worship Me nomatter what they face in the process. They will dance upon injustice. They will claim

    the land for the kingdom of Light. No weapon formed against them will prosper.

    You are beginning to make headway, and the enemy is starting to panic, and he is

    beginning to show himself defeated. He is revealing himself, and showing that he has no

    power to stand up to my fearless warring worshipers.

    You are beginning to pull down strongholds, and you are claiming the land. Yes, no weaponformed against you will prosper, because in the process of facing the evil one you are

    being strengthened with My holy presence upon you. Just bask in my presence and soak

    up my power and strength, for you will be coming into a level in Me where you will face

    greater devils. Yes, you are coming up to higher levels in worship and will face the evil

    one in ways that you have never experienced, but I have engulfed you with my love, and

    my glory is blinding the enemy, and he will retreat when he faces your fearless love

    before Me.

    Keep pressing in on the enemy, because you will see such a mighty breakthrough that no

    weapon of the enemy will be able to hinder or penetrate such a force field of My love. I

    am calling the ones that I died for to My side and yes, they will bow down before Me

    with such a mighty power and gift of repentance that they will not be able to shake

    off. They will not know what is happening, because this is the final battle of evil facing

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    the kingdom of Light and Love. Yes, the evil one is on the run. He will not know which

    way to turn for he will run off like a whipped dog with its tail between its legs. The evil

    one is under your feet and ever more will be.

    I am pleased with your perseverance that you have never given up even though the

    heavens were like brass you continued to press in. And I am pouring out My reward of a

    mightier amount of power flowing out through you and around you. You are protected, My

    precious saints. You are fearless, full of My power and love, and greater works you will

    see and soon! You are on the verge of a mighty breakthrough of My love pouring out

    through you. Nothing will hinder this force field of my power and love. The river of My

    anointing is poured out. The dams have come down. Your heart is open wide. I am

    increasing your borders. Yes, immediate and powerful breakthrough is at hand, because

    you have made yourself faithful.

    Never give up on the promises that I have made to you. My kingdom will come. My will

    be done on earth as it is in heaven. Open wide, you mighty gates, and let the King of

    glory enter in!


    May 4, 2011

    There is coming a churning in the land, a twisting and a turning, and those who are not born of

    Me will be able to withstand this change. For the enemy is going about broadcasting an arena

    of lies with a twisted perception, and those who don't have their minds covered with the power

    of My blood will be able to recognize this counterfeit and be able to resist this arena of lies.

    For legions upon legions of demonic hosts are being loosed this moment to try to snatch awayeven those I gave My life for who do not yet know Me. So I am calling My troops to the front

    lines of battle to let out a war cry to be able to pull down these demonic hosts, to let out a war

    cry which is really the actual travail of My heart for the lost.

    I am calling you now to stand in the gap to fight for the lives of those who are innocently being

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    led to the slaughter which the outcome is eternal damnation. Even though I gave My life for

    the lost I need you to do the battle for their souls at this time. So I am calling you and

    admonishing you to quench not My spirit and do not grieve Me when I call you to come in

    command to My orders. For if you are slack to obey, you can lose out on a precious soul. Do

    not be conscious about your appearing foolish. What does it matter if in the long run you savea soul?

    So be tuned in every moment. Be on call for you will never know when I will need you to step in

    and do battle for those I died for. I know who will line up to My marching orders and those

    who are faithful to My command. Great reward goes out to My remnant and great grace and

    strength. So be present in Spirit at all times. Be ready and available for this is the day of the

    great churning, a great shaking, and those who are not accountable will be lost in the

    flood.....this flood of lies and deception that is being poured out this very hour.

    So beware of the counterfeit. Stand behind your shield of faith, covered with your armor of

    Light, and My glory will surely blind the enemy, and My love will surely defeat the enemy. Let

    out your war cry of love for the lost, and this in itself will pull down the enemy's strongholds.

    Be ready in battle!

    Stay clear of the snare of the enemy to get you tripped up in areas of counterfeit worship and

    deception for this is only coming from the distractions of the enemy to get your eyes off whatis really important in this hour. He's only trying to get you tangled up in debating spirits of

    manipulation and control. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Be filled with My grace

    and truth and march on!


    (Areas To Be Aware Of)

    May 1, 2011

    This is the time where there is a certain amount of yearning for the intimate presence of the

    Lord, and at the same time there is a complacency that is flowing among My people to where

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    they are being sidetracked immensely with the world and its allurements. Beware for the

    enemy goes about like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour, and you must be on guard to

    this. For when you are abundantly blessed this is where you really need to be aware of the

    tactics of the enemy.

    This is when many loose track of where their blessings flow, and get their eyes on the world

    and its allurements, rather that to seek my face, and know that I am God, and that I am the

    one that blesses, and I am the one who can take away. For when I know these blessings are

    causing My people to get their eyes off of me, this is when I step in and take away. For I only

    trust you for a season to see how you will respond to having an abundance in your life.

    Many need to be brought low to get their eyes back upon me, and this is a good thing. For if I

    let you go astray chasing after all these allurements, then surely I will lose you. Many havefallen away when they prosper. Many cannot be trusted with great riches. For when you seek

    first My kingdom and My will, then you will prosper, and stay in this place of prosperity. For

    you will be like a free flowing river where blessings flow in, and blessings flow back out to

    where they are needed the most to promote My kingdom, and to bless those in need.

    Keep seeking my face, and I will show you the way you need to walk. Yes, I will show you the

    path that you are to follow, and give you the wisdom to walk in My ways. "Teach me your paths,

    O Lord, so that I may walk in Your ways" should be your heart cry at all times. For it is easy tofall away into the snares of the evil one, for he is constantly setting up traps for you to

    stumble and fall. Keep your eyes upon Me, for I am the Light in a dark city, and you are to be

    the salt that purifies the land. Do not hide My light from others to see. Do not quench My

    spirit in any way. Immediately obey no matter what the cost. For if you temporarily lose

    monetarily, because of your obedience to My word, I will repay you four times over what you

    have lost. It is only a test to see where your heart is and where your treasure lies.

    This is the day of the great falling away. Many are becoming discouraged, because they look atthe apparent strength of the evil one, and not look towards My word. When many pass away

    from death unto life through accident, many will question "why, Lord, is this happening. If You

    didnt protect them, what chance do I have in these end times from the attacks of the

    enemy." But dont you know that the death of the saints is quite pleasing to Me. For absence

    from the body is the intimate presence for you before My throne!

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    Bow down, and know that I am God, and that I am in control of all things. Do not fail to count

    the cost, for it takes much tribulation to enter into the kingdom of God. Are you ready to pay

    the cost? You will overcome by the words of your testimony, not allowing death to deter you,

    and knowing the power of My blood conquering death.

    You will know them by your fruit; so do not be so concerned to move in My gifts, unless you

    allow your character to be purified, like gold that has gone through the fire. Crucify your

    flesh by picking up your cross daily. Love Me with all your heart, soul and strength, and most

    importantly, love others as you would love yourself. Put the needs of others first. Give to the

    poor, not fearing your own lack, for didnt I say that if you lend to the poor, you are lending to

    me. And I will surely reimburse you!

    Love your life until death. Be fearless conquerors! Stay behind your shield of faith, covered

    with your armor of Light, and most of all, allow My love to flow, for that is the greatest weapon

    that you have against the evil one, in order to pull down His kingdom. March forward. Keep

    pressing in on the aggressive, tearing down strongholds over the land. For surely this is the

    day for My victory to flow!!!!!


    (An Incision Unto Glory)

    March 15, 2011

    Remain constant at the feet of the Lord Jesus, and expect a move of the Spirit of God to

    break through the hearts that have been wounded by the words and actions of those who had

    called themselves "friends". Once you remain broken and pliable, you will never run into the

    game again where you are wounded by those who called themselves "friends" but were really

    messengers and servants of the evil one planted into your life to steal, kill, and destroy your

    testimony of faithfulness to the Lord.

    These people are like "thorns in the side", but those are called by God into your life to keep

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    you humble, and that is a good thing, for with pride comes a major fall. For if you humble

    yourself, you will not need the situations that will cause you to become humble or show the

    true color of your heart, whether it be pure or not before Me. For if you examine your own

    heart, and be sensitive to the prodding of My Spirit, leading and guiding you into all truth and

    the fullness of My will for your life, then you won't be open to the attacks from the enemy.

    If you seek My face, you will find Me and find the assurance that I am all that you need, for I

    am closer than a brother to you. I will mend your heart of all the woundedness. For I will

    make an incision unto glory through the hardness of your heart. For if you harden your heart

    and put up a wall to protect yourself, you are truly putting up a wall that will actually shield you

    from receiving My love. You are actually building a fortress unto the devil's devices. He is

    actually building you a prison using your very own emotions as the walls of defense.

    Remain pliable to the stirrings of My spirit showing you areas of your heart where you need

    deeper trust in Me. Yes, you need to open up and trust Me with these areas of woundedness.

    Those made by those who call themselves your friend are the hardest to overcome. It takes

    that kind of dying out to the flesh that many haven't come to that level of love. To forgive

    those for they truly don't know what they are doing is the kind of fruit necessary to make it in

    these end times.

    Is it easier to love the unlovely who are of the world, or to love those who say they are holy,but truly are like ravenous wolves seeking to devour your soul? Who will you stumble the most

    with, those of the world or those you meet up with in the church. This is an area of maturity

    that many will not arrive, and many will lose their soul over. What level of maturity do you

    want to arrive at? For to truly be used in these end times you will need to be gentle as doves

    but wise as serpents guarding your heart at all cost. For the wicked one knows what it will take

    to cause one to fall.

    Cry out for that grace needed to make it to the end. Cry out for brokenness so that thesweetness of My spirit can flow through. For only My love can pierce through the hardest of

    hearts and to allow My incision through the pain that will bring the greatest glory. Remain

    faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life.

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    STRONG WORDS BRING SAFETY February 9, 2011

    Lacking true dependence upon the One true God opens yourself up to a spirit of independence,in folly and pride showing a lack of true wisdom in knowing the way you should go. For if youspend all your time in trying to figure out how you should spend your time, spend your money,occupy yourself, and every other aspect of living, then you are showing that your worship liesnot in worshiping the One true God, but in self, showing that you have not made a totalcommitment in serving God.

    You cannot have one foot in the Kingdom of God and the other in the kingdom of darkness. Formany are deceived in thinking that you can plan out your own days. For when you are not putting

    My kingdom first, then you are promoting the kingdom of darkness, and you will not prosper, you will not walk in good health, and your soul will not prosper. For if you do not delight inseeking My face, feasting upon My word for strength and guidance, putting My will first in allthings, then you are truly living a lie, and My spirit is not in you.

    Yes, this is a rough word, but you must realize that you cannot fool around with the enemy, forhe knows when he has legal rights to your life, and you cannot fool him saying that you are oneof Mine, and at the same time living for self. For, My people, I am giving you a strong warning.Many will be lost thinking that they are saved when all they had was just a pure religious


    You can tell them by their fruit, and that is not to say to judge others by their outwardactions, but to judge yourself in what you delight spending all your time doing. Do you delight inseeking out the ways that please Me by putting My kingdom first in everything that you do?Make sure you walk circumspectly for the days can be evil, and trying upon every aspect of

    your character. Don't allow your conscience to become calloused. Try the spirit to make sure itis of Me in your motives, and attitudes, and action.

    Seek My face, and I will be found. Seek My wisdom, and you will walk in My ways. Be safe bycovering your mind and your heart with the power of My blood. Cry out for repentance, for Myburden for the lost. Pray blessings upon My people, and that they would have great grace infollowing Me, and walking in My ways. Bless your neighbor, as you love yourself. Pray for thepeace of Jerusalem.

    Stay faithful to My word, and I will be faithful to you. Walk in My strength, and My peace, and

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    most of all, My righteousness. Be safe, My people, stay safe!


    February 4, 2011

    In order to escape the wrath to come you must have an ongoing trust and reliance upon theOne who gave His life so that you would be free. For it isn't just a matter of getting into theKingdom, but staying with the Kingdom, and being a participant of promoting it. For it isn't justa matter of escaping the wrath like having your own fire insurance, but being an active lover ofthe One who died for you. We all must fight for the rights our Kingdom promotes, especiallyfor life and justice and righteousness.

    You cannot just lie dormant like some demons pretend to do, but you must be active using everyopportunity to pull down strongholds over the land, and being expectant, and watchful for I willmove in these latter days with power and glory that will amaze those who do not yet know Me.For I am Sovereign God of the Universe and Lord of All, and I reign victorious. I won the fightat Calvary, and everything coming is part of My sovereign plan.

    Those who are called by My name and who love and serve Me will be sealed with the fire of Myglory that no weapon can penetrate. Yes, this is the end of all times, and you must cover

    yourself with the power of My blood, the force field of My love, and you must wear My armor,actively using your Sword, and above all stand behind your Shield of faith that no fiery dart orthese days fiery missile can penetrate.

    You are Mine. You are bought with the price of My blood, and you have many benefits in Mykingdom. Do not let them pass you by. Apply them all to your life. Keep your eyes on Me, and Iwill lead you through the battle safely. Do not look to the right or the left at what othersmight be doing, but keep pressing in. Worship Me and love Me with all your heart, soul andstrength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

    Yes, love yourself for you are My prize possession. I love you so much and do not want to loseanyone to deception. Do not look for an easier way than to follow My words for they are full ofgrace and truth. Keep looking up for your redemption draws closer each day. I am coming soon!Please be ready.

    Watch out for the snares and the land mines. Each step these days are important. They are amatter of life and death. Watch out for the seductions of the enemy for he is working

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    overtime to snatch you away, but I see you covered with My blood, covered with My love, forsurely My glory will reign!


    I am calling you to the front lines of battle so be ready for a mighty move of My spirit to pulldown strongholds over the land. For the mighty warriors are going to be able to have a periodof time where they can usher in the multitudes. My saving grace is pouring out over you andthrough you like a mighty rushing wind sweeping away all debris and everything that has everhindered the move of My spirit in your life. For in this portion of time I will set captives freefrom the hold of the enemy.

    For there is an army in chains from birth that I will set free. They are mighty in power andstrength by My spirit, but for reasons unknown to the common man these warriors have beenbound up in shackles, petrified by fear in their soul, but in their spirit they know Me and knowMe well. And I have called the worship intercessors to bow down in worship and use everyopportunity possible to shake off the enemy from these precious saints. Yes, they know Me andknow Me well and have been crying out to Me for their freedom along with groaning creationthat the manifest sons of God would come forth on their behalf.

    Yes, this is the time and the hour for My power to pour out to set captives free even fromreligion. Those who really are Mine will know My call to come out from that unclean thing, andalso those who are Mine need to cast off all that gives Me a bad name and hinders My powerand glory to flow out through them. This is the time and the hour for My people to be set freeto set others free that I gave My life for.

    Be real with Me, and confess your backsliding and lack of intimacy with Me, that you even haveno desire for Me, and I will set you ablaze with the fire of My love, and I will use you mightily.What you think is pleasure is only hindering you from having the true freedom and lifeabundant that you have never dreamed possible. So I am calling you to open your eyes, open

    your heart, and let Me be your God once again. I have a work to do and a limited time to do itthrough My yielded vessels. I have no favorites. The call is to all I gave My life for, but youmust accomplish My will and purpose through your life.

    Yield now while you have this time. This is a window, an opportunity, to come up to the frontlines of battle worshiping, pulling down strongholds , so that My power and glory and saving

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    grace can flow out to the multitudes. Step out, be clean, and watch what I will do!


    December 29, 2010

    This is the day where there is a widespread of disturbances all around which are even causingMy people to contemplate the thought of what is there left for me to do to help myself and myfamily from being taken over by financial collapse, physical and mental exhaustion trying tokeep up with the times, and also the widespread of spiritual lack of truth in the church that isneeded to be able to be built up in faith in order to stand strong in these end times.

    For many have even given up on being in the body to receive the nurture and admonition neededto grow. Many say they are growing, but they are being hit right and left by every type of trialpossible, and they aren't standing through it like they should. It is like they are being takenover by a wave of destruction where in the natural they won't be able to recover from.

    I tell you this day that you can't make it alone like an island. You have to have the strength ofbeing one with other believers in these end times. For didn't I say not to neglect the gatheringtogether of My people. And who is to judge whether they are My people by their actions? Forthe enemy can make anyone look like a heathen if you give into a judgmental and critical spirit.

    So I tell you this day to cast off all that binds you up and be restored to the body of believers.You be the one to give a loving hand and word of encouragement if you say that no one caresabout you. What are you waiting for? Get up and move around and let My life flow through youto others, and in return I will repay you for your obedience to Me. I will lift you up andstrengthen you and encourage you. Believe Me, you won't be the same.

    I see that in your heart that you want fresh manna each day. Then claim it! Claim My truth toflow through leadership. Claim My gifts and love and life to flow in the body. Do your part.Don't expect others to do it for you. Be that strong link that the body needs at this time. Ifeveryone would rise up and cast off complacency and return to that place of faith and strengththat you once had, the body as a whole would rise up from her slumber and place ofdiscouragement and start to walk once again and begin to war against the enemy.

    For if everyone would do their part of even picking up their cross and following Me, loving theirneighbor, loving themselves, returning to their first Love in obedience and worship, you wouldbe restored and be a strong bride I called you to be. For if you examine your heart and judge

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    your own motives and heart attitudes, you would see that the problem is within you and notwhere you thought it was. For there was a lot of truth in an expression once spoken by a leaderin this country of America and it is "ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what youcan do for your country!".

    Apply that thought to where you live and dwell, where you work, and even attend church. Don'twait to be told or asked to help out, but offer the help shown to you by your loving Fatheralready. Be prayed up at all times and be led by My spirit. For I will show you the way, thetruth, and the life. I will continue to pour out Light if you are willing to walk in it. If you don'twalk in the light that you have, why should I pour out more? Walk in the truth that you have,and it will spread like wild fire, and you will overcome the snare of the fowler, and you will onceagain rise up with expectation, anticipation, and spontaneity that you once had.

    And I will give you the faith to move the mountains in your life as you cry out for the zeal andthat love for My word that you need. Cast off the cares of the world for I care for you. Restin Me, and I will build you back up. For yes, you will begin to run. You will be restored like theeagle. For yes, this is the year that you will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers inMe!

    TRULY A SOLEMN WORD December 18, 2010

    This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power upon a people that have madetheir hearts and their hands clean by the power of My word spoken through their lips and theiractions and heart motives cleansed by My blood. For if you do not have clean hearts and hands,

    you will not make it in these end times.

    For the enemy goes out about like a lion seeking who it can devour. And many have only playedchurch in appearance and have led a life completely opposite of what they had portrayedbefore those who are called by My name. And this should not be. For if you live any type of lifethat is hidden, you give the enemy of your soul great power over you. When you expose thedeeds of darkness, they lose its power.

    This is the day when many have fallen prey to the unclean realm. Many don't even realize whatthey have opened themselves up to. For I have given all My people a time to make a decisionwho they would truly serve in their heart. I have given them time to search their own hearts tosee what they really wanted to do. And apparently many have chose to walk a path of darkness

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    to appease their fleshly desires. Anything that tickled their ears they chose to have pleasurefor a season instead of walking in My truth.

    Wake up before it is too late for the deeds of darkness bring death that many will not recover

    from. For when you walk willfully into sin, there is no sacrifice, for you are trampling over thatblood that was shed for your sin, and there is no further sacrifice for those who choose towalk in sin after seeing the Light in it. For I will reveal Myself to you for a season, and pour outthat gift of repentance, but you are the one that needs to receive it. Choosing the deeds ofdarkness rather than the Light revealed will only bring more darkness and gross darkness.

    There is no glory poured out to expose the deeds of darkness. No glory poured out for the evilone and his power. For he is stomped over by the feet of My holy servants. They will not allowhim to run rampant in their lives. They have made themselves not temptible any longer by theevil one. No curse could ever light upon them, because there will be no open doors for it toenter.

    So I tell you this day that these are serious times. There is no time left to play around for thedevourer is not playing around. He is serious about his business. He has a cunning plan all laidout to trick others into a snare that they will never recover. Only by the grace of God can youstand and by the mercy poured out this far, but there comes a time for maturity, to takeresponsibility for your actions and the results from what you have decided to do.

    This is the end of all ages, and what time left of preparation is coming to an end. It is timewhere My word should have been hidden in your hearts. Seeds of faith already planted andmaturing ready to produce the fruit that will pour out an essence that will cause others toenter into My kingdom just by your walk alone and My glory and love radiating from you.

    Be sure you are not alone for I the King of Kings and Captain of the hosts walks with youleading and guiding you into all truth. The enemy knows who is real, and who he can tempt.There is no tricking him. You might play games portraying a figure that others would buy, but

    you can never trick the enemy of your soul. And I know who are Mine! And those I can trust.

    DRAGONS OR DRAGON FLIES November 30, 2010

    Everything is not what it appears to be. For the enemy is enraged right now to get My peopleoff track from what they are supposed to be doing. For many at present have gotten their

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    eyes on all the negative aspects of these end times. They are looking at all the signs andwonders that the enemy has put in front of them, and they have called them aspects of theend time move of God when all they have done is believed a lie. They were caught by the baitthe enemy laid before them because they were looking for something that would tickle their

    ears and make them feel good. When I was looking for those who would accept My truth andrun with it, many are out there promoting the lies of the evil one. Instead of giving out themessage of My good news, the Gospel of Truth, they are out there trying to gain souls to a lieand a delusion.

    At the same time many have given into a lie thinking they have all the time in the world to drawclose to Me, and they are out there abusing My grace and thinking they have the license to giveinto all kinds of sin and abomination under the pretense that they are forgiven in it. Many haveseared their conscience and are doing things that they never thought they would do. They havelost their discernment, their desire for holiness, their fear of touching the unclean thing, andall that it entails. Oh, they cry out, if there was another way that they could meet all therequirements of religion. They have gotten completely burned out with all of it and werelooking for a breath of fresh air and freedom from bondage, and they have fallen into the trapof the evil one.

    You cannot look at the dragons and make them like your god. When you blow out of proportionthe power of the evil one, you make him your god. When you bite the bait of all theenticements; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, you are ensnaredin a web of complacency and are losing interest in even having My intimate presence. You mustreturn to Me. When once I was your first love, now you have no desire for Me.

    Who do you serve? Is it the evil one by blowing up his power? Or are you looking at the beautyof his enticements? One way or another you are being completely distracted from My will andMy ways. Yes, get your eyes off of the dragons and the beauty of the dragon flies for any way

    you look at it, it is the enticements of the evil one to get you in a web that you can neverescape. If you let down your guard and give him an inch, the enemy will take your whole life. Bediscerning, My people, be bold and resist the enemy, and he will flee. Crucify your flesh, pick up

    your cross day by day, and follow Me. Don't give into the pleasure of the season for the fruitof it is death.

    Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. You can make it through this transition.It is the greatest fight of your life to get to the other side of this strait. Bear down, birthforth, groan and cry out, believe and receive, for the cry of the hour is that you wouldovercome the lies of the evil one and not forget what I have prepared you for. Through much

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    tribulation you will enter into My kingdom. Through much persecution shall you reign victorious.Through much pain will you receive your reward, and through much death shall you receive Myresurrection power.

    So be strong, look not in the natural realm, keep your eyes on Me, and I will lead you throughthe storms. Yes, you will reign victorious, because I paid the price, and I see it finished. Besober, be vigilant, for the enemy goes about like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour withhis lies and enticements. This is the hour I will pour out My power upon those who have madethemselves ready. How can you truly follow Me with one foot in the world, straddling thefence, for it is all or nothing. You can't be of both worlds.

    CRY OUT FOR REPENTANCE November 18, 2010

    Once you have assumed that you have access to the throne of God without paying the price ofhaving a heart that is completely sold out to the Lord is the first step to having a heart that isdivided and open to a spirit of delusion. Because if you have a heart that longs after receiving apure word from the Lord, without having ulterior motives, like making a name or fame for yourown kingdom, then you would be more than willing to pay the price of seeking after the Lord toknow His will alone and to promote His kingdom. Many think that they can stir up the giftswhenever they please without paying the price to have those gifts moving through them.

    You need to know, My children, that you need to have a reverence for My power and giftingsflowing through you. For it is all about Me, and My will, and not yours. I am asking you this daya question to really ponder in your heart and even be honest with yourself. And that questionis, "Who do you really serve?. Are you really willing to do My will? Are you really willing to giveit all up at this point to do My will? And that is to give up your ministry at this point and dosomething completely different."

    For many have built their own kingdom using a gift that I have given them, and even making aname and a profit from using it. And that is not what it is all about. It is about dying out to

    your own will and ways, humbling yourself before Me, admitting having a desperate need forMe, and not having confidence in the flesh. For going out on your own, and stirring up giftingswithout My leading is being in a dangerous position, and it borderlines doing things by the spiritof witchcraft, and not by My spirit.

    So examine your heart, and your own motives in why you do what you do. What are you gaining

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    in all of this? Are you lifting Me up in all of this? For if you really were, you wouldn't have theneed to press My people to support your ministry. For I would have already prepared thehearts of My people who are truly being fed and growing to be more than happy to give. Itwould be My ministry, and what I set up I provide for.

    So I am asking you an important question, and to prompt you to check your heart before it istoo late. Are you serving Me or mammon? Are you bringing Me glory in what you do, or are youlonging for your own glory? For many are trying to make up for having a deep hurt withoutcompletely turning to Me in it. They are trying to compensate for feeling that they have noworth. And many are trying to promote self, and not My kingdom and My will.

    I am asking you this before it is too late. For it is time to make sure all doors are closed to theenemy. It is very important that you stay close to Me in these end times so that you will beprotected. I love you, My children, and it isn't too late to start over, and repent of any wickedways. Cry out to Me that you would be made clean and right before Me. Repent of going off on

    your own without acknowledging Me in all your ways.

    I want you to know that if you humble yourself, I will lift you up, but if you don't, I will takeaway your lamp stand, and you don't realize all that implies. This is the day of the great fallingaway, and it all begins with having a wicked root of pride remaining within your heart. Stand up,pay the price, be clean, and reap a bumper crop for My kingdom.

    MAJOR TURN AROUND COMING November 1, 2010

    There will come a day when you will gladly thank Me for all that you have gone through up tothis point and beyond. For you have said in your heart that you have been uncomfortable withall the trials and tribulation in your life, but don't you know that everything that you gothrough is all part of the plan and purpose that I have for your life? And if you know Me, then

    you know that I only allow those things that are good for you and your maturation into a fullydeveloped mature man of God.

    Yes, you must say in your heart I was glad when they said let us go into the house of God topray, but how many are truly glad to enter in? There has been all kinds of mixture developingwhere you enter into My house. Many are just plain burned out trying to measure up to all thedemands put upon them, because many don't go by My leading and obey their call, and many arecalled to pick up the slack. And this takes away from the time that they need to be able to get

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    before Me to prepare to bring forth their message or to be able to receive the leading by Myspirit.

    Many don't have that valuable time they need to have with their family to lead them into the

    nurture and admonition of the Lord, and this must not be this way. Each has a specific call andgifts that they have to fulfill this call. Many are just not getting before Me to receive this calland to stir up their gifts, but I am going to make sure that the true shepherds get their timeof respite before Me, and I am going to make sure that the true flock gets their time of restand rejuvenation to prepare for what is ahead. And those who are harsh taskmasters who useothers to build a name and fame in their own self-built kingdoms would be brought down andreplaced with those with a pastor's heart full of sincerity, grace, and truth, and a heart thatlongs to seek My face and walk in My will to see My kingdom come and My will being done onearth as it is in heaven.

    So whatever position you have been in up to this point, whether it is trials and tribulation inlife, or whether it is abuse in the hands of those who call themselves sheep but are reallyharsh taskmasters, cry out to Me, thank Me for all things, trust Me, and expect things tochange for the good. For I am your loving Father and I have My eye on you. I know yourcircumstances, and if you keep your heart right before Me, they will all work for your good.Yes, this is the day I am separating the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goat, and Iam also exalting the humble of heart, and bringing down those who are proud.

    Count the days from this point for a major turn around. Things should not have been allowed togo on like this. Many should have taken a stand against the enemy's work instead of justsubmitting to it. I am blessed to say that you had a heart of submission to leadership, but youhad a lack of discernment. Mainly because you were caught up in works that hindered yourquiet time before Me. And for your good attitude I am pouring out blessings that you mayprosper in all ways, and that you may once again walk in health, as you return once again to thatplace of intimacy before Me. I am restoring that which the cancer worm destroyed. Just trustMe in it!

    A RESTING PLACE WITHIN October 23, 2010

    Emblazed within the fire of the Father's love is a resting place that only His children canenter into. In this resting place is another place that only those who have paid the price canenter into. What is this price that those who have entered paid? It is the price of a longing

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    heart for more of His intimate presence, and also it is a heart who has wholly sought after theLord like a hart that has desperate need of the water brook. Like a deer panting after thewater brook my soul longs after thee, O Lord.

    Within this resting place is a lamp of oil that never runs dry. It forever is full of theillumination needed to receive deeper revelation from the Heavenly Father by His Spirit. Tothose who are hungry come and sup at the Master's table Who forever has Fresh Manna toshare with His children. And also within this resting place is the healing balm of the Father'slove for the deep wounds by those who have called themselves a friend, like those who arewolves in sheep clothing, and also by those who are only carnal and do not flow out of the loveof the Father.

    By all respect I want you to bask in My presence, drink deeply of My love, listen closely to Mystill, small voice and be healed. I have come to give you life and that abundantly. I have come togive you light that you may walk in My ways. Yes, I have come to give you the fire of My lovethat you may be warmed by it like deep heating rub bringing healing to your deepest mosthurts. Yes, I have come to bring you life, and you can only find it when you dig deep, presshard, bear down, and birth forth My will in and through your life, which is really My life livedthrough you, My yielded vessel.

    So when you ask yourself what is the price paid to receive all that I have, and it is the price ofa yielded vessel sold out for Me. One who loves not their own life even unto death. One who hasa testimony of My faithfulness because they have spent enough time with Me in order to knowMe. One who is covered by the power of My love which is My blood poured forth for you. Yes, Ipaid the price in order for you to be able to give your own life as an even exchange. I gave allthat you would live holy, separate, sanctified lives. I paid the price that you would beambassadors for Me around the world. I gave My life, the price for a bride, pure and spotlesswithout blemish.

    Yes, I paid the price that you may enter in to My secret place, your resting place, one set uponly for you, and you alone it was meant.

    STRAIGHT FROM THE START October 5, 2010

    I want you to know that there is hope for the hopeless, homes for the homeless, and that iswithin your Father's arms. For He has known your situation from the start of it, and He is

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