French Second Level The Weather

French Second Level

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The Weather. French Second Level . Quel temps fait-il? What’s the weather like ? Il fait beau It’s nice Il fait chaud It’s hot Il fait froid It’s cold Il fait gris It’s grey Il neige It’s snowing Il pleut It’s raining - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aujourdhui cest mardi le onze janvier

French Second Level The Weather

VocabularyQuel temps fait-il? Whats the weather like? Il fait beauIts nice Il fait chaudIts hotIl fait froidIts coldIl fait grisIts greyIl neigeIts snowingIl pleutIts rainingIl y a du ventIts windyIl y a du soleilIts sunny

You will also see Il fait du soleil and Il fait du vent being used but the French are more likely to use Il y a du vent and il y a du soleil.

Il y a des temptes/oragesIts stromyIl y a/il fait du brouillardIts foggyIl y a des nuagesIts cloudy

Les saisonsThe seasons Cest quelle saison?What season is it? Cest le printemps Its spring Cest ltIts summerCest lautomneIts autumn Cest lhiverIts winter 2Second Level WeatherPlease note that this PPT is largely the same as First Level Weather except for the inclusion of the seasons and 3 further items (stormy, cloudy and foggy)

These have been incorporated into the Early Level activities and there are also some extra songs and ICT activities.

First section of this powerpoint recaps weather vocab from Early/ First level.

If pupils are already secure, you could skip straight through to seasons.

3Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning Actively take part in daily routineUnderstand and respond to classroom instructions and personal information from familiar sourcesListen, join in and respond to a story, song or poemParticipate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role playsFurther develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languagesDemonstrate an appreciation and understanding of the value of language learning including skills for life and workTake part in simple, paired conversations about themselves, others and interests of their choiceAsk for help confidently using learned phrases and familiar language Give a short presentation about a familiar topicPronounce words sufficiently accurately so as to make the meaning clearWork with others and make a successful contribution to a group presentation in English supported by the target languages

4Read aloud a simple textRead and understand a variety of simple textsMake comparisons between English and target language (including use of a bi-lingual dictionary with support)Write about themselves and others and check the accuracy of own writing Exchange straightforward information in writing using familiar words and phrases

Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning Quel temps fait-il?

What is the weather like? 6Il fait beau!

Il fait chaud!

8Il fait froid

Il fait gris

Il pleut

Il neige!

Il y a du vent

Il y a du soleil

Il y a des orages

Il y a des nuages

Il y a du brouillard

Embedding the languageAsk what the weather is like in French at the start of everyday along with the date.

Printed and laminated weather vocab. PPT slides could be used to support this.

Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom.

This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

Quel temps fait-il? Look at the following weather pictures. Listen to the three different weathers in French. Can you choose which one best describes the picture?

20Quel temps fait-il?

Oui! Il fait beau!

Quel temps fait-il?

Oui! Il neige!

Quel temps fait-il?

Oui! Il pleut!

Quel temps fait-il?

Oui! Il fait chaud!

Quel temps fait-il?

Oui! Il fait froid!

Quel temps fait-il?

Oui! Il y a du soleil!

Quel temps fait-il?

Oui, bravo tout le monde! Il y a du vent!

Quel temps fait-il? Fancy dress game. Select a range of props which match the different weather types (e.g. sunglasses, hat and scarf, warm coat, bucket and spade, umbrella etc.) Pupils sit in a circle with all items placed in the middle. One pupil goes to the centre. All pupils chant, Quel temps fait-il?Teacher (or pupil) calls a weather in French. Pupil in the centre puts on an item of clothing which matches that type of weather.

35Weather snap! Pupils have different weather symbol cards on their desks/in a groupClass ask the question Quel temps fail-il?Teacher says a weather type and they have to slap the card (or hold up the correct one!). As they grow in confidence they can be asked to individually choose a weather.

36Quel temps fait-il? CharadesTeacher teaches actions to each of the weather phrases e.g. shivering for cold, putting up an umbrella for rain etc. Class chant question Quel temps fait-il? Teacher then says a weather phrase and class do the mime as a group. Pupils then take over saying the weather phrase. Teacher then models miming a weather and pupils have to guess which one it is. Pupils then mime for others in class.

37Songs and videos!

You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom.

This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

You will find a set of more challenging activities in First Level Days of the Week and Months.

Quand il neige

39Quand il neige means when it snows. There are a couple of phrases included in this song which we havent covered at early level Il fait du soleil and Il fait frais. You could either teach these or just do your own version of the song. Il fait du soleil means its sunny and Il fait frais means its chilly.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp_KnG9BPJEQuel temps fait-il aujourdhui?

40http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I8KNtyZb4gQuel temps fait-il?

Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Il fait beau, beau, beau, beauIl fait beau, beau, beau, beau

Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Il fait chaud, chaud, chaud, chaudIl fait chaud, chaud, chaud, chaud

Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Il fait gris, gris, gris, gris Il fait gris, gris, gris, gris

Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Il fait froid, froid, froid, froidIl fait froid, froid, froid, froid

Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Quel temps fait-il? Il neige,neige, neige, neigeIl neige,neige, neige, neige

41This is just a song I made up myself apologies for the dodgy rendition! You can adapt this to have more/less weather. You can also do the Quel temps fait-il bit as a conga line and then stop to do actions for the types of weather (e.g. thumbs up for il fait beau etc.)Les saisons

The Seasons42Le printemps




Winter46Cest quelle saison?

Which season is it?In this activity pupils look at the pictures and guess in French which Season it is. Using the phrase Cest + season (It is..)47Cest quelle saison?

Which season is it?48Oui, cest lt!

Yes, it is summer!49Cest quelle saison?

Which season is it?50Oui, cest lhiver!

Cest quelle saison?

Which Season is it?52Oui, cest lautomne!

Yes, it is Autumn!53Cest quelle saison?

Oui, cest le printemps!

Quel temps fait-il?Look at the following weather pictures. Listen to the audio description of the weather. Decide which Season they are describing

56Cest quelle saison?


les photos


coutez les descriptions du temps

Decidez cest quelle saison?

Look at the photos and listen to the descriptions of the weather. Decide which season it is!57Cest quelle saison?

Oui, cest lt!

Cest quelle saison?

Oui, cest le printemps!

Cest quelle saison?

Oui, cest lautomne!

Cest quelle saison?

Oui, cest lhiver!

Songs and videos!

You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom.

This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

You will find a set of more challenging activities in First Level Days of the Week and Months.

Les saisons chanson

67Les saisons changent quatre foisThe seasons change 4 times


Explain everything app! If your school has ipads/ tablets you can use explain everything for pupils to create an exciting presentation about the weather.This link is from the digital learning team website which explains how to use the app. http://digitallearningteam.org/ipad/ipad-video-tutorials/apps-to-enhance-learning/Pupils can demonstrate the vocab they have learned through drawing, writing and recording audio in French.

68You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom.

This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

You will find a set of more supported activities in Early Feelings and more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings.

Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.

ICT Resources online

BBC languages weather games, videos and songs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/french/our_world/videos/70Australia Languages online activities

http://www.education.vic.gov.au/LanguagesOnline/french/sect28/index.htm71 Languages online activities

http://www.languagesonline.org.uk/72Au revoir!