French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

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Page 1: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763
Page 2: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

French and Indian War

Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Page 3: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Sugar Act

•Sugar Act 1764

•Courtesy of Br. Prime Minister…(hint: GG)

•British taxed colonists on many of the goods coming into the colonies from other places

Page 4: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Stamp Act 1765

-Parliament passes Stamp Act

-placed a direct tax on the colonists

-required stamp on all legal documents, newspapers, license, and cards

-affected many colonists rich and poor

-Quartering Act, 1765

Page 5: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Theories of Representation

Q->Q-> What was the extent of What was the extent of Parliament’s authority over the Parliament’s authority over the colonies?colonies?

Absolute?Absolute? OR OR Limited?Limited?

Q->Q-> How could the colonies How could the colonies give or withhold consent for give or withhold consent for parliamentary legislation when parliamentary legislation when they did not have they did not have representation in that body??representation in that body??

Page 6: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Resistance Begins

-Sons of Liberty


Samuel Adams

John Adams

-no taxation w/o representation

-protests and boycotts were organized

Stamp Act CongressStamp Act Congress – 1765 – 1765 ** Stamp Act ResolvesStamp Act Resolves

-stamp agents were harassed

-law eventually repealed

Page 7: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Townshend Acts 1767-1770

-new Br Prime Minister Wm Pitt & Charles Townshend is Secretary of Exchequer (treasury)

- Shift from paying taxes for Br. war debts & quartering of troops paying col. govt. salaries.

-new tax placed on imports such as tea, glass, paper, paint

-colonists again reacted with protests (John Hancock’s ship Liberty)

-British reacted by sending 4000 more troops and adding more custom officials and establishing a Board of Customs in Boston

For the first time, people began calling those who joined the non-importation mov’t…


Page 8: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Boston Massacre

-March 1770

-protests by colonists

-British troops fire on crowd

-5 colonists killed

Crispus Attucks

-Most soldiers found not guilty

John Adams served as attorney for the soldiers

Page 9: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Boston Tea Party

-tax on tea still remain in effect

-monopoly on tea given to British company

-Dec. 1773 colonists raided Boston harbor and threw the tea overboard and burned the ships

Page 10: French and Indian War Quick: write down all the words you think the colonists would have said in reaction to the proclamation of 1763

Intolerable Acts

-Parliament passes Coercive Acts in reaction

-Colonist call it the Intolerable Acts

-closed Boston Harbor

-suspended basic civil rights

-housed troops in peoples’ homes

- British Gen. Gage now appt gov’nor of Massachusetts

-Committees of Correspondence