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Your Guide to Living & Thriving in Fremont County

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A Special Publication of the

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2011Your Guide to Living

& Thriving in Fremont County

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meeeeeeerrrce•LoLocacalParkskskss•Utilities•RRececycycyyy ling•PPPPPoooolice•ShShShShSSheriffff•fff FireeeeeeDDDDDDDDepartttttmmmments•s HumaaneneeeeeeSSSSSrrrraaaaaaaation•n•••CCCoCoCoCoCouuuurrtSysysyssssssssstttttetetetetetetem•Recreaeaeaa ititititititiononnnonononDDDDDDistricts•CommuniiititittttttttyRyRyRRRRRRRRRyy esources•PrisoooooonnnnInInInInnnnnnnnddnn usttttttrrrrrry•y•FFaaaarrrrrrriies•Schooooools•Non-Pububububububu licSchoollssss••PostOffi ces•MotooorrrrrrrrVeVeVeVeVVeeehhhhhicles•LocalGovvveeeeeeeeernrnnnnnnmmmmenntttttt••••Heaeeeerrrrrrriies••CChChChChChChChChChChChhammmmmamamamamamamambeb rooooofCfCfCfCfCfCfCfCfComo mem rcee•e•••••LoLoLoLoLocacacacacacaallllPlParks•Utilitiesss•Recccccccycycycycycycycycycycycyclllling•P•PPolice•Sherrrrrriiiiffffff•••••••••FireeDDDDDDDDDDeepacccccciiiieety•••VVVVVVVVVooteerrrrrrrRRRegiissssstststststtrrrrrrrraation•CourtSystem•RecreatiooooonDnDnDDDnDnDnnn istricts•C•CCCCCCCCCoooooomooo mmuuuuuunnninnnn tyReeeeeeeesosososososouuuuuuurcessssssss••••PrinnnttttttttCoCoCoCoCoCC unununununnnnnnttttytyLiibbbbbbbrbrbrbrrrarararararieieieieieeeees•s•s•s•s••••••ScScScScScS hohohohohoololololols•s•sss NoNoNoNoNon-nnnn PuPuPuPuPublblblblblicicicicicccScScScScScSS hohohohohohooolololololo s•s•s•s•s•PoPoPoPoPoPoPoPooststststststststststss OfOfOfOOO fifi ficececececececeeeeeessssss•s•s•s•MMMMMMoMoMoMoMotototototooorVrVrVrVrVrVrVVVrVVeheheheheheeee icicicicicllllleleleeeeeesss•••••••••LoLoLoLoLocacacacacaaaaaalllGGov

ii CC tt ii ChCh bb fCfC LL lPlP k UUttitilliti RR lili PP llii SSh

Page 2: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

RH m/7/11/2011/y f:DR Color:

1815 ELM AVENUE • 1425 CEDAR AVENUE • CAÑON CITYe-mail: [email protected]

2 wonderful assisted living facilitiesto serve all your needs.

Call Today!


♥ Country Settings ♥ Transportation

♥ Home cooked meals♥ 24/7 security

♥ Private rooms & baths ♥ Some pets may be allowed

♥ Medicaid & private pay

2 w2 wto se veto se ve

Page 3: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 3

Clawdia, Tessaand Candie

110 Rhoades • Cañon City • 275-0663

Our shelter mascots invite you to pick out your new best friend from our selection of

“Slightly Used”pets!

Mon-Sat 10-5 www.canoncityhumanesociety.org


Utilities ........................................................................................................................... 4-5Recycling ........................................................................................................................... 6Police/Sheriff .................................................................................................................... 8Humane Society.............................................................................................................. 10Voter Registration........................................................................................................... 11Community Resources............................................................................................. 12, 14Prisons ....................................................................................................................... 15-16Schools ...................................................................................................................... 18-21Non-Public Schools........................................................................................................ 24Post Offices..................................................................................................................... 25Local Parks ............................................................................................................... 26, 28Motor Vehicle .................................................................................................................. 27State/Federal Government ............................................................................................ 30Local Government .......................................................................................................... 31Recreation District ......................................................................................................... 32Cemeteries ...................................................................................................................... 34Chambers of Commerce................................................................................................ 35Health Services............................................................................................................... 36Court System .................................................................................................................. 37Libraries .......................................................................................................................... 38Sanitation District ........................................................................................................... 39Fire Departments............................................................................................................ 42

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Black Hills EnergyCall (888)

890-555424 hours a

d ay7 days a

we e kWebsite -

blackhillsen-e rg y. c o m

Deposit orletter of creditre q u i re d

Amount ofdeposit variesby address

Emergency service (800) 694-8989

Sangre de CristoElectric Association

29780 U.S. 24Buena Vista(800) 933-3823 or (719) 395-2412Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday - FridayWebsite - sdcea.com

At m o sEn e r g y

120 S. Sixth St.Customer Service (888)

286-6700Hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.Monday - FridayEmergency service (866) 322-8667

• Urgent care • Minor emergency care• School physicals

• Sports Physicals • Minor Procedures

Open 6 days a week

269-1136127 Justice Center Dr. Suite J

(at Creekside Mall)

Cañon CityMon - Fri: 10am - 6pm • Sat 9am - 5pm


719-276-3088 • 509 Main Street • Cañon City

Better LivingThrough Pizza


Voted#1 Pizza

Pizza • Calzones • Salads • Sandwiches • Spaghetti • Gluten Free Crusts

Video Games • Catering Available


Page 5: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 5

Te l e p h o n eQ we s t

Call 1 (800) 244-111124 hours a day7 days a weekWebsite — q we s t . c o mDeposit required — amount depends on creditHome phone, wireless phone, long distance, satel-

lite TV and high speed Internet.

Wa t e rCañon City Water Department

2 6 9 - 9 01 5128 Main St.Cañon CityHours: 8 a.m to 5 p.m.M o n d ay - Fr i d ayNo deposit required

Park Center Water District275-20551660 Reservoir RoadCañon CityHours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.M o n d ay - Fr i d ayClosed noon to 1 p.m.

City Of FlorenceFlorence City Hall300 W. Main St.784-4848, ext. 221Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

M o n d ay - Fr i d ay

Penrose Water District340 Grant Ave.372-3289Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday-Friday; closed 12:30-1 p.m.

Freshly Made Daily Pastries Desserts

– Bread –~ French Baguettes ~

~ Sourdough ~ Wheat ~ – Croissants –

Tuesday thru Saturday


518 Royal Gorge Blvd. • Canon City

~~~~~~Specialty Coffees


Custom Order Cakes

512 Royal Gorge Blvd. • Canon City




“Best Special Occasion” “Best Ambience”and


Lunch Tu-Fri 11:30-1:30Dinner Tu-Th 5:30-8:30 Fri-Sat 5:30-9:30

Now ServingSandwicheson Saturday


Page 6: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 6, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

• European Facials• Skin Peels• Microdermabrasion• Microcurrent Machine• Waxing• Lash/brow dye

Removal of skin irregularities;~ skin tags ~ blood spots ~ age spots ~ broken capillaries

•Non-Surgical Face Lifts•DaVinci Laser Teeth Whitening


Associated Skin Care Professionals15 years experience

1101 Main Street • Cañon City, CO 81212(719) 269-9994 • (719) 671-5909 cell


Re c yc l i n gCañon City Locations:

Upper Arkansas Area Councilof Governments and The Fre-mont County Recycling Commit-t e e.

UAACOG has placed yellowbins throughout the county forbrown and clear glass, tin, alu-minum and newspaper. Formore information, call 275-1675.

—Sixth Street and RoyalGorge Boulevard, behind theMunicipal Museum.

—1401 Oak Creek Grade Road.—1711 Fremont Drive, ALCO

parking lot.— Plastics now can be recy-

cled at Loaves & Fishes, 241 Justice Center Rd.,from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesdays. Items acceptedin pre-purchased bags are plastics numbered onethrough seven; fiber board or paper board; books,magazines and catalogs; office paper like mail; and

telephone books.

Pe n ro s e—0925 Colo. 115 behind the car

wash at Kwik Stop No. 1.

Fl o re n c e—230 W. Main St.

Banners• Signs (all types)•

Rubber Stamps• Stationery•

308 Main Street • Cañon City719-275-8608 • Fax 719-275-8106

All PREPAID UPS & FedEx Packages

306 Main Street • Cañon City

Banners•g ( yp )Signs (all types)•

Rubber Stamps• yStationery•

308 M i St t C ñ Cit308 Main Street • Cañon City7719-275-8608 • Fax 719-275-8106

All PREPAID UPS & FedEx PackagesAll PREPAID UPS & FedEx PackagAll PREPAID UPS & FedEx PackageAll PREPAID UPS & FedEx Packages

306 Main Street • Cañon City

Page 7: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 7

Pull on in for Super Bargains at the

Hours: Tue - Sat 11-5




Retaining WallsFencing

Brush HogWaterfalls

PondsArena Tilling

Sprinkler SystemsDrip Systems

Erosion ControlExcavation

DecksSnow Removal


A locally owned small business making a difference in the community.

CorralsElectric FenceTurf PaintingDump Truck

MulchPost HolesDriveways

Crusher Fines







Page 8: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 8, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

Cross Mu�ic Co.Let’s make music!



oldest, established

music store

623 Main Street • Cañon City • 275-1075

• Guitars

• Mandolins

• Violins

• Rent to own


• Print Music

• Amps - Microphones

• Musical Gifts

… And More!

• Guitars

• Mandolins

• Violins

• Rent to own


• Print Music

• Amps - Microphones

• Musical Gifts

… And More!Repair Tech

Available Mon.-Fri.


Cañon City Police Department— Located at 161 Justice Center Road— For non-emergency calls, 276-5600

— For emergencies, call 911

Florence Police Department— Located at 300 W. Main St.

— For non-emergency calls, 784-3411— For emergencies, call 911

Fremont County Sheriff’s Office— Located at 100 Justice Center Road— For non-emergency calls, 276-5555

— For emergencies, call 911

Page 9: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 9


Daily Record Dealsalerts consumers to a fantastic,

money-saving deal eachMonday, Wednesday and Friday.

You purchase what you want by asecure online ordering system and save

50 to 80 percent on all the thingsyou love to do, eat, buy and experience

in the Royal Gorge Region.

If you would like to be one of our Daily Record Deal providers contact Jami Royat (719) 276-7609 or email [email protected]

Sign uptoday!

Page 10: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 10, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

Come See Why We have been Voted #1 Fitness Facility for 6 Years!

We have just what you are looking for in a Health Club

312 South 9th Street • Cañon City, Colorado


31313122 SooS tututthhhhh

15,000 Square Feet• 24 Hour Facility• Over 80 Classes per Month including Zumba• Heated Indoor Pool• Private Ladies Only Workout Room• Silver Sneakers Program•


Fremont CountyHumane Society

—Located at 110 S. Rhoades Ave., Cañon City

—Phone: 275-0663

—Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday throughS a t u rd ay.

Specializing in adoptions. Fees vary with theage of the animal to be adopted.

Page 11: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 11


Providing safe, reliable and responsive service.Competitive residential and commercial pricing.

Flexible payment options.

Commercial BusinessesINCREASE PROFITS with AmeriGas Patio

Heat Program and CYLINDER EXCHANGECall Mila Sacket, Account Manager, for special

COMMERCIAL RATES: 719-459-2606







New Customer Offer$50 FREE

Toward your next propane delivery!CALL TODAY!719-459-2606Toll Free 800-462-1563


• Basic setup• 10 point safety inspection

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NEW AmeriGas customers onlyLimited time offer.

(PROMO 10)

Committed To Excellence ~ Small Enough To Care

OFFERING SINGLE OCCUPANCY ROOMSTO ALL PAY SOURCESSkilled nursing care… PT, OT and Speech Therapy… Music therapist… Respite Care… Special needs unit for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related disorders… Ice cream parlor… Country store… Beauty and barber shop… Library… Chapel… Recreation room with 52" LCD TV

1401 Phay Avenue, Cañon City

275-8656Owned and operated by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Colorado

At Hildebrand Care Center it is our belief and commitment that

the care we give, the facility we operate, and the programs

and services we provide should exceed the needs and expectation of our residents and families. We care for the

people you care about…



Your loved ones are always

treated with dignity and respect,

no matter what age, no matter

what degree of care is needed.


The Fremont CountyClerk and Recorder

In order to be eligible to vote, you must register in

the county in which you reside. By registering, you

declare your residency in the State of Colorado

within the county and district of your actual physi-

cal residence. You must register 29 days or more be-

fore the election to be eligible to vote in an upcom-

ing election.

— Located at 615 Macon Ave., Room 102

— Phone: 276-7332

Voter registration requirements:

— Must be a U.S. citizen.

— Must be a Colorado resident.

— Must be 18 years of age.

The voter will be required to provide one of the

following forms of identification:

— Valid Colorado Driver’s License number, or

— Valid Department of Revenue Identification

number, or

— At least the last four digits of the person’s So-

cial Security number.

Page 12: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 12, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

Locally established in 1940.

Drive Thru & ATM Open

ATM now available on the PCC Fremont Campus.

275-3261 • SunWestECU.com3140 East Main Street

Mortgages | Home Equity | Visa® Cards Local Decisions | Friendly Staff | Fast Service

Online Banking | Bill Pay | Free ATMs

Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government

National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency


Federally Insured by NCUA.


WIC — Cañon City3224 Independence Road—Phone: 275-1589—Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

WIC — Fl o re n c e107 N. Santa Fe Ave.Phone: 784-0752Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays

Boys & Girls Club129 N. Fourth St.(719) 345-4038

Orchard of Hope Foundation111 Orchard Ave., Cañon City, 275-0089Moral and financial support to cancer victims and

their families.

Loaves and Fishes241 Justice Center Road, Cañon City, 275-0593Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.M o n d ay - Fr i d ay.Warehouse hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday-

Thursday; 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fridays for drop-offo n l y.

Open to the public.A food ministry, homeless shelter. Donations are

gladly accepted. Volunteers welcome.

Habitat for Humanity727 S. Eighth St., Cañon City, 275-7781Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday-Friday.Providing low income housing, building homes in

partnership with owners.

Cañon City Pregnancy Center508 Greenwood Ave.—Phone: 275-7074—Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday.

Page 13: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 13

Offering a selection of wallstone, fl agstone,

bricks and pavers


Gift Certifi cates


Stoner’s Rock Block

Your one stop shop for all your

landscaping needs!

1155 Red Canyon Rd. • Cañon City(¼ mile North of High Street)


719-276-8400ooooooooooooooo CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC tttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyMonday-Saturday 8am-5pmSunday 9am-1pm (seasonal)

Fremont Dr.

High St.


d A


★Red Canyon Rd.3rd place on left side of road. 1/4 mile north of High St.


Page 14: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

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recycled and original artwork, jewelry, nearly new clothing and shoes, refashioned homewares

424 Main Street, Cañon City, CO 81212Tu-Fri 10-5 • Sat 10-4 • Sun & Mon Closed


201 North 1st Street, Cañon Citywww.prisonmuseum.org

May 15th - Mid October

Open 7 days aweek 8:30-6pm

Memorial Daythru Labor Day!

(Friday-Sunday Only)

Reservations are requested





Manna House515 E. Main St., FlorencePhone: 784-1955Pantry hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10

a.m.- 1 p.m.Shop hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur-

day 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.Assist anyone in need with food, clothing

and utilities.

Disabled ServicesStarpoint, Adult Services and Administration, 700 S.

Eighth St., Cañon City, CO 81215-2080, 275-1616 Hours: 7a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday – T h u rs d ay.

Friendly Visitor Program, 275-3900Fremont County Social Services, 275-2318

Civil Air PatrolMajor Bryce NelsonFremont-Starfire CompositeP.O. Box 1861Cañon City, CO 81212269-8040

Child abuse, family andc h i l d re n ’s services, Medicaid

Crime Stoppers, 275-7867Family Crisis Services, Inc., 275-2429Fremont County Family Center (under the direction

of Starpoint), 269-1523Fremont County Food Stamp Issuance Office, 275-

2 31 8Medicare general information, 1 (800) MEDICARESocial Security Administration general information, 1

(800) 772-1213Alcohol-Drug Treatment Referrals National (24

hours) 1 (800) 996-3784Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 275-7650

Senior Nutrition ProgramsCañon City, 275-5524Florence, 784-6493Penrose, 372-3872

Senior CentersCañon City Golden Age Center, 728 Main St., 275-5177Florence Senior Center, 100 Railroad St., 784-6493Penrose Senior Center, 405 Broadway St., 372-3872Area Agency on Aging, 275-4979

Council of GovernmentsUpper Arkansas Area Council of Governments, 275-

8350. Website — w w w. u a a c o g . c o m

Page 15: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 15

PeopleWith 150 employees and locations in Penrose, Florence and Cañon City, Kwik Stop & Subway have been fortunate to grow with our community. We are proud to be among the few locally owned and operated fuel/convenience stores in the area.

GrowthWith growth comes increased opportunities to serve our neighbors. With the support of our loyal cus-tomers, Kwik Stop is able to be a major contributor to a variety of youth programs. 4-H, sports teams, church and school activities are a priority to us. Each year we host a golftournament to provide scholarships for Florence and Cañon City High Schoolseniors. We coordinate a yearly fundraiser for the local high school athleticprograms providing the Husky/Tiger discount cards, which raises over $35,000per year for the schools. We are pleased to participate in community eventsand non profi t fundraisers that are meeting the needs of our area.

Quality ProductsKwik Stop & Subway’s dedication doesn’t end with philanthropy. We strive toprovide the best customer service, quality Shell and Diamond Shamrockfuels and fresh food servicethat set our stores apart fromthe crowd.

������ ��������

Federal FacilitiesAdministrative Maximum (ADX)

5880 Colo. 67 South (P.O. Box 8500) Florence 784-910 0

Federal Correctional Institution(FCI Florence)

5880 Colo. 67 South (P.O. Box 6500) Florence 784-910 0

Federal Prison Camp (FCP)5880 Colo. 67 South (P.O. Box 6500) Florence 784-

910 0

United States Penitentiary5880 Colo. 67 South (P.O. Box 7500) Florence 784-


DOCColorado Territorial CorrectionalFacility (old max)

275 W. U.S. 50 (P.O. Box 1010) Cañon City 269-4002

Fremont Correctional FacilityU.S. 50 East (P.O. Box 999), Cañon City, 269-5002

Arrowhead Correctional CenterU.S. 50 East (P.O. 300) Cañon City, 269-5601

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“Hope is a wonderful thing, something to be cherished and nurtured, and something that will refresh us in return.

And it can be found in each of us and it can bring light into the darkest place.” Author Unknown

Orchard of Hope Foundation111 Orchard Ave.,

Cañon City, CO 81212(719)275-0089

Visit our web site at: www.OrchardOfHope.org

Visit our showroom1412 Elm Ave., Cañon City

FREE Estimates269-1882

Call yourlocal specialists to getthe job done right!


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Four Mile Correctional CenterU.S. 50 East (P.O. Box 200) Cañon City, 269-5601

Skyline Correctional CenterU.S. 50 East (P.O. Box 800) Cañon City, 269-5601

Centennial CorrectionalFa c i l i t y

U.S. 50 East (P.O. Box 600) Cañon City, 269-5510

Colorado State PenitentiaryU.S. 50 East (P.O. Box 777) Cañon City, 269-5120

w w w. c a n o n c i t yd a i l y re c o rd . c o m

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“Your Clear Choice in Sight”

326 Dozier • Cañon City276-0344

Dr. Cozzetta, O.D. Dr. McMahon, M.D.

Dr. Saldivia, O.D. Dr. Ashby, O.D.

LASIK Consultation• Full Service Optical• Comprehensive Eye Exams• ssss

Glaucoma Management• Cataract Evaluation• Diabetic Eye Care•

Trusted by


Colorado for

Over13 Years

EyeMed, Medicaid, Medicareand most other insurances



Pueblo Community College51320 W. U.S. 502 9 6 - 610 0

Fremont School District RE-1

Cañon City SchoolsAdministration Office

101 N. 14th St.276-5700w w w. c a n o n c i t ys c h o o l s. o rg

Robin Gooldy, Superintendent

School Board memebersCharlene Seaney, PresidentJohn Evans, Vice PresidentDan Cushman, Assistant SecretaryHoney Moschetti, SecretaryMike Near, Treasurer

Cañon City High School1313 College Ave.276-5870w w w. c c h s. o rg

Cañon City Middle School1215 Main St.276-5740w w w. c a n o n c i t y m i d d l e s c h o o l . o rg

Harrison School920 Field Ave.276-5970w w w. h a r r i s o n h aw k s. o rg

Lincoln Elementary School420 Myrtle Ave.276-5830w w w. l i n c o l n e l e m e n ta r y. o rg

McKinley Elementary School1240 McKinley Ave.2 7 6 - 6 010w w w. m c k i n l ey w i l d c a t s. o rg

Skyline Elementary School2855 N. Ninth St.276-6050w w w. s k y l i n e e a g l e s. o rg


312 South 10th • Cañon City • 275-1665

★Voted the Best Heating & AirConditioning 6 Years in a Row★


Page 19: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 19

Providing quality veterinary medicine in a caring respectful manner.

Becky & Becky Cat, Ella, Nona, Mary, Veronica, Dr. Rose & Pixie

1910 High Street, Cañon City(719) 275-1909

www.roseveterinaryhospital.comAvailable for in-house & farm care veterinary service. Regular Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-Noon & 1pm-5pm • And after hours for emergencies

The moment you walk through the door you’ll know the difference!


Washington Elementary School606 N. Ninth St.276-6090w w w. wa s h i n g to n b e a rs. o rg

Cañon CityAlternative Schools

Garden Park High School201 N. Sixth St.2 7 6 - 61 5 0w w w. g a rd e n p a r k h i g h s c h o o l . o rg

Madison Exploratory202 E. Douglas Ave.2 7 6 - 61 4 0w w w. m a d i s o n ex p l o ra to r y. o rg

Mountain ViewCore Knowledge

890 Field Ave.275-1980w w w. m vc k s. o rg

Fremont SchoolDistrict RE-2

Florence and Penrose SchoolsAdministration Office

403 W. Fifth St.7 8 4 - 6 31 2Web site://re-2.org/

Rhonda Vendetti, SuperintendentTommy Covington, PresidentDon Droll, Vice PresidentBob Wood, Secretary

Page 20: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 20, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

401 S. 9th Street • 275-0615 • Cañon City


Construction Needs

Community Events



Bart Hall, TreasurerAndy Franklin, DirectorBuddy Shaver, DirectorDave Smith, Director

Florence High School2006 Colo. 677 8 4 - 6 41 4

Fremont Middle School215 N. Maple Ave.784-4856

Fremont Elementary School500 W. Fifth St.784-6303

Penrose Elementary School100 Illinois Ave.372-6777

FOCUS Academy Online School403 W. Fifth St.269-0386

Cotopaxi SchoolDistrict RE-3

Cotopaxi School AdministrationOffice and School

345 CR 12


John McCleary

j m c c l e a r y @ c o to p a x i re 3 . o rg

942-4131, ext. 223

The ResultsThe numbers don’t lie:

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8312 Royal Gorge Blvd, Suite 220 • Cañon Citywww.janicegrahambarnettcpa.com

Call for your appointment


Focused on


Page 21: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 21

Firmly Rooted in Your CommunityAs your hometown bank we’ve established fi rm roots in this community and its interests. We invite you to stop by one of our branches, and see for yourself what sets us apart from larger banks. We offer the same range of qualityfi nancial products and services, but we do bankingwith a personal touch that shows we care about youand your business. Find the branch nearest youtoday, and ask about FREE CHECKING!

Where you’re

Somebody Special®y,yy,y,yyy,y,y,y,y,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Royal Gorge Branch:816 Royal Gorge Blvd.Cañon City, CO 81212


Cañon City Branch:2101 Fremont Drive

Cañon City, CO 81212719-275-1581

Florence Branch:401 East Main StreetFlorence, CO 81226


Mortgage Center:703 Royal Gorge Blvd.Cañon City, CO 81212

719-276-6802Pueblo Branch:101 West Firth StreetPueblo, CO 81003719-544-5548

Pueblo West Branch:76 Dunlap DrivePueblo West, CO 81007719-647-1111

Colorado Springs Branch:3204 Colorado AvenueColorado Springs, CO 80904719-632-4889

Greenhorn Branch:One North ParkwayColorado City, CO 81019719-676-3100

Sunset Branch:2 Amherst AvenuePueblo, CO 81005719-565-1078

Chelton Branch:518 N. Chelton RoadColorado Springs, CO 80909719-632-3526


Fremont CountyPre s c h o o l s

Christian Family Preschool1011 Monroe Ave.269-3027

Fremont County Headstart1718 Brookside Ave.275-8636

Kinder Haus810 E. Third St., Florence784-4505

Park Avenue Child Center517 N. Diamond Ave.275-4504

Rocky Mountain Children’s

Discovery Center710 S. Eighth St.2 7 5 - 3 31 8

Spin Early Childhood Care andEducation Center

1333 Elm Ave.275-0550

0100 Illinois Ave., Penrose3 71 - 2 3 31

New Child Montessori802 Harrison275-2028

Mountain View Core KnowledgePre s c h o o l

890 Field Ave.275-1980

Page 22: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 22, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

Located in the Heart of Historic Downtown Cañon City413 Main Street 719-345-4141

Royal Gorge Brewing Co. features

a complete menu of Rocky Mountain Western Fare freshly prepared with the fi nest ingredients.


Breaded and fried to perfection. Enjoy them separately or together. Served with house-made cocktail sauce and sweet-chili sauce.


High fl ying chicken wings or pork rib tips. Served plain or tossed with your choice of a sweet and tangy house-

made BBQ sauce,buffalo style sauce or super spicy pepper sauce,

guaranteed to blow your top off! Ask for blue cheese if you need to cool down!

TREASURE OF OUR RIVERSkin-on trout fi let smoked, chilled and beautifully presented with whole

wheat crackers, capers, red onion, and hard boiled egg.

CAÑON DIPRoasted green chilies, tomatoes, garlic and cheese! Served hot with

vegetables and bread for dipping.

BUCKSKIN’SJose’s favorite tater skins, turned all nacho like; Layered with ranch style beans, onions, bacon, and cheddar. Served with BBQ sauce and ranch for


CEVICHE COLORADOTofu ceviche, with tomato, green onion, jalapeno, cilantro and lime juice.

Served on soft corn tortillas. Delicious and healthy!


Served with warm pita bread and crisp vegetables.

THE SAUSAGE TECHTONIC PLATEChoose from our selection of Colorado made sausages; served hot and

juicy with fresh sauerkraut, brown mustard and crunchy roll. Choose 1, 2 or 3. Ask your server for our choices.

MOUNTAIN OF FRIESSprinkled with our special blend of spices and served with a house-made

ranch sour cream dip. Add our green chili and cheddar cheese extra 2.50

BREW BATTERED ONION RINGSFresh onions hand-dipped in our beer batter. Fried golden brown and

served with spicy brown mustard.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN OYSTERSJewels from the grassy mountain valleys - Balls of Fun! Beer battered and

deep fried; served with our BBQ sauce and sweet chili sauce.


Try our chef’s soup of the day, made fresh and delicious. Served with whole wheat crackers.

PORK GREEN CHILIOur soon to be famous, house made and hot. Served with

cheddar cheese and warm corn tortillas.

CHILI CON CARNETranslated: Chili with Meat! Spicy red chili topped with sour cream. Made

in house, never from a can. Served with tortilla.


Chunks of chicken and vegetables in a creamy sauce. All home-made and oh so comforting, served piping hot. Made to order.


� SANDWICHES �We offer our sandwiches from 11am to 5pm. They are served with

potato chips.French fries, onion rings, pasta salad, or cole slaw can be substituted

for an extra charge.

B.L.T.Thick cut bacon, crisp lettuce, meaty tomato, and

mayonnaise on grilled Texas toast

FISH SANDWICHBeer battered and deep fried cod fi llet, served on a hamburger bun with

lettuce, tomato and house-made Tartar sauce.

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Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 23

GRILLED CHEESECheddar, Swiss, and American cheeses, stacked on Texas toast and grilled

to perfection! This is a “grown-up sandwich”!

Add Ham or Bacon extra 1.50 Make it a patty melt! (Swiss cheese, grilled onion, Russian dressing) extra 1.75

PULLED PORKJames’s very own slow-cooked pulled pork, house-made Cole slaw and

BBQ sauce, piled high on a warm bun… need we say more?

CHICKEN-FRIED STEAK SANDWICHHand-breaded 6 oz steak, topped with lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise,

served on grilled Texas toast.

ROASTED VEGGIE MELTRoasted onions, peppers, tomato, and garlic, topped with Swiss cheese and alfalfa sprouts on a whole wheat roll. Lose the cheese to make it completely


� ENTRÉES �Our entrées are served from 5pm to 9pm.

All of our entrées are served with fresh baked specialty breads and our house salad.

PULLED PORKJames’s very own slow roasted pork, hand pulled and piled high. Served with spicy slaw, ranch beans, and a side of our house-made BBQ sauce.

FISH AND CHIPS6 oz. Swai fi lets, hand battered in our micro-beer batter and served with

French fries, spicy slaw and Tartar sauce.


With a lemon-herb sauce and served with delicious grain pilaf and steamed vegetables.

CHICKEN-FRIED CHICKEN8 oz. Breast, breaded and fried ‘til golden, then smothered in white gravy

and served with red mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.

CHICKEN-FRIED STEAK8 oz. Black Angus steak, breaded, fried and smothered in white gravy.

Served with red mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.

SIZZLING SHIMP IN SHERRYSucculent Gulf White shrimp, sautéed with garlic and red pepper,

then glazed with sherry and served with hearty grains and steamed vegetables. We can make it Vegan by replacing the shrimp with Portobello


Located in the Heart of Historic Downtown Cañon City413 Main Street 719-345-4141

Royal Gorge Brewing Co.

� THE GREAT ES-STEAK �Our steaks are served from 5pm to 9pm.

Escape the ordinary; work with your server to create your great steak experience!

Serving the fi nest hand cut Aged Scanga beefYour steak will be served with fresh baked bread, house salad, the vegetable of the day and your choice of potato: baked or mashed.

CHOOSE YOUR CUTT-Bone Rib Eye Colorado Strip Sirloin

ADDITIONS• Gorgonzola crumbles

• Grilled onions • Grilled mushrooms • Grilled combo - mushrooms and onions

• Shrimp skewer • Scallop skewer • Combo Skewer

• Red wine reduction - shallots, garlic and herbs

• Béarnaise sauce

• Mushroom sauce

� BURGER BUILDERS �Angus Beef Patty, Chicken Breast,

or House-Made Veggie PattyBurgers are served with potato chips.

French fries, onion rings, pasta salad, or cole slaw can be substituted for an extra charge.

THE CLASSICYour choice of patty, served with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle and

mayonnaise. Cheese extra.

THE TIGERYour choice of patty, topped with bacon, grilled onions and mushrooms, and

gorgonzola cheese.

THE HUSKYYour choice of patty, topped with grilled onions, BBQ sauce, and cheddar


THE PUEBLOYour choice of patty, topped with roasted green chili strips, cheddar cheese

and served with our house-made Chipotle mayonnaise.

THE SLOPPERYour choice of patty, served open face and topped with cheddar cheese and

your choice of red or green chili.Add any of the following to any burger, for an extra charge:

• Bacon • Grilled onions or mushrooms • American, Swiss or Cheddar cheese

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Call Us Today!(719) 275-1995

3055 E. Hwy 50, Suite B (Country Green Shopette)

Visit us on the web at: www.YourIdealTravel.com

can take you places

722 So. 8th St. • Cañon City, CO • 719-345-4097

CARING HANDS REHABILITATIONPhysical, Occupational & Speech Therapy

We provide the most effective, individualized, one-on-one treatment for a wide variety ofdiagnoses with careful attention to the client’s goals.

Dana Hudson, MSPT18 years of experience

Fremont Countyresident since 1997

Accepting:• Most Insurance • Medicare • Worker’s Comp • Private Pay

Serving:Children, Adults & Seniors

Aquatic therapy andTMJ Treatments also available

Mon.-Fri. 7am-6pm Saturday by appointment


4-Mile Adventist Christian School3180 E. Main St.

2 7 5 - 6111

Calvary Christian School1415 Elm Ave.


Cañon City Christian School200 Justice Center Road


Florence Christian School303 E. Third St., Florence


Steadfast Christian Classical School1011 Monroe Ave.


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Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 25

Inspire – Lead – Achieve➢ Innovative Vocational Educational Program➢ 90% Graduation Rate➢ Small Class Sizes K-12➢ 70-75% Profi cient Reading Scores Elementary➢ Post Secondary and Dual Credit Options for High School

Students➢ All Day Kindergarten➢ Regional Champs & State Champs Football➢ Qualifi ed Eleven State Wrestlers➢ Increase Focus on Technology and 21st Century Skills➢ On-line High School Opportunities

Fremont RE-2 School District403 W. 5th Street

Florence, CO 81226719-784-6312 / 719-784-4140 FAX

The Daily Record offers a page devoted to photos ofcommunity happenings, such as donations, fundraisersand other events.

Photos taken by readers and submitted to the DailyRecord will be printed every week.

To submit photos for Snapshots, e-mail them to Man-aging Editor Michael Alcala at [email protected] with caption information or deliver themto the Daily Record, 701 S. Ninth St.



Cañon City1501 Main St., 275-6877Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday; 9

a.m. to noon Saturday.

Coaldale16081 U.S. 50, 942-4275Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Closed noon to 1 p.m.; 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Saturday.

Coal Creek201 Coal Creek Dr., 784-4336Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Closed 12:30 to 1 p.m.; 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

Cotopaxi123 CR 12, 942-4100Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Closed

noon to 1 p.m.; 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

Fl o re n c e121 N. Pikes Peak Ave., 784-3818Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday; 9:30

a.m. to noon Saturday.

How a rd9232 U.S. 50, 942-3465Hours: 7 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Closed noon to 1 p.m.; 7-10 a.m. Saturday.

Pe n ro s e15 Werner Road, 372-6333Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday; 8:30

to 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

Ro c k va l e615 Railroad St., 784-4250Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Closed 12:30 to 1 p.m.; 9:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday.

Page 26: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

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����� �����

Chris LarsonAgent

110 N. 7th St.Canon City, CO


*Cashback from ANPAC is not available in all states and eligibility requirements apply.American National Property and Casualty Company, Springfi eld, MO

Find out how you can get an annual check for 25% of your combined home and auto insurance premiums when youstay claim-free.* For your insurance and related needs, call

Fremont Concrete, Inc.Fremont Concrete, Inc.All fl atwork to include driveways, sidewalks, porches, patios…• Stamped & colored concrete• Footers & stemwalls

Residential & Commercial workFamily owned & operated since 1982

1951 High Street • Cañon City • 275-7930



Choice for



Voted #1 for 4 years

Mountain View Park922 N. Orchard Ave.

Skate park, picnic pavilion, restrooms, playgroundand sport fields.

Margaret ParkFifth Street and Cooper AvenuePicnic Pavilion and playground.

Greydene ParkEighth Street and College Avenue

Vest pocket grass only.

Rouse Park1600 Park Ave.

Baseball fields, tennis courts, racket ball courts,basketball courts, football and soccer field, 2 barbe-cues, pavilion, children’s playground and restrooms.

For more information or to reserve call 275-1578.

Rudd Park12th Street and College Avenue

Tennis, playground, restrooms and picnic shelters.

Veterans Park211 S. Third St.

Events area, restrooms and stage by reservation.Centennial Park (The Duck Park)

221 Griffin Ave.Arkansas River Trail bridge, picnic shelters, re-

strooms, tennis, basketball, fish pond, playground,volleyball and baseball.

River Front Recreation Area and Santa Fe Depot/Royal Gorge Tourist Train

401 Water St.

Page 27: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 27

Customer Appreciation

We stand behind our work.

24 Months/or 24,000 Mile


We stand behind our work.We stand behind our work.718 South 8th St. Cañon City, CO 81212 275-2523

Auto RepairAuto RepaAuto Repa


• Oil & Filter Change• Lube Chassis• Charging System Test• Safety Inspection• Tire Rotation• Test Antifreeze Strength

and PH Level

• Brake Inspection• Test A/C Output• Test Radiator Cap• Pressure Test Cooling

System• Inspect for Coolant




Price good on most cars & light trucks • Offer expires 07-30-2011

122 E. Main St., Florence, CO 784-3876

We Service Everything from…… remodel to new construction… modular to custom… residential to commercial



Your beginning to endlessHOT WATER



Motor VehicleDepar tmentsCounty MotorVehicle Department

Dotty Gardunio, Director615 Macon Ave.Room 103Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday — T h u rs d ay(719) 276-7330Fax: (719) 276-7339

Driver License Office— Located at 127 Justice Center Road, No. K— Phone 275-5617— Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Monday — Fr i d ay.Driver license renewal and reinstatement, per-

mits, commercial, motorcycle, and voter registra-tion.

— Permits $14— Regular $21— Commercial $35— Motorcycle Endorsement add $2 to your cost of

a license.If from out of state, another form of ID is required:— Birth Certificate— Pa s s p o r t— State ID— Military ID— Proof of addreses required for everyone

Page 28: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 28, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

River access by permit, tourist train, trail head,restrooms, playground and fishing pier.

Denver and Rio Grande Park816 Royal Gorge Blvd.

Events area, no restrooms.

Royal Gorge Park Camp and PicnicCR 3A. Ten miles west of town on U.S. 50 and CR


Theme park, concession, tourism, natural moun-

tain park, open space, camping, picnic areas and

outdoor facilities.

Temple Canyon Park Camp and PicnicTake First Street from U.S. 50 seven miles on

windy narrow gravel road to park. Natural moun-tain park with open space, camping, picnic areas

and outdoor facilities. Grape Creek primitive area.

Red Canyon Park Camp and PicnicRed Canyon Road is seven miles north of town off

U.S. 50 and Reynolds Avenue.

★ Private Mail Box Rental★ Outgoing Mail Service★ Stamps ★ Laminating★ Parcel Packaging & Shipping★ Crating ★ Binding/Finishing

[email protected] 719-275-4481

Regular Hours Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 9-1

113 Latigo Ln., Suite DCañon City, CO 81212

113 Latigo Ln. Suite D Cañon City, Co.


itteee DDiittteee DD(Behind Chili’s)


★ Copies (B/W & Color)★ Notary Public ★ Faxes ★ Packing Material and Supplies★ Pre-paid copy cards–self-service only

(B/W only)


730 South 8th Street, Cañon City, Colorado

(719) 269-1252


Residential - Commercial - Remodel - Repair

“Enhancing the Quality of Life”Since 1978

Voted #1 Plumber 6 years in a row

The Fontecchio Family

����� �����

Page 29: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 29


Building Fremont County with Over 35 years experience




372-3549 www.canonconcrete.com

15th Anniversary!

A proud history in Fremont County since 1921nnnn F F F F FFFFFFFFFrererererrererrreemomommmomooomomomoomomonnntnntttnnnnntntntnt C C CCC C CC Cououououououououunnnntnnnntnn yyyyy y y yyyyy yyyyy sissisisisisisiisiiinncnnncncnccnnnnncncnccnccceeeeee eeee eee 191999919919199922222121212121221Our original home in Cañon City – Now a beautifully restored office building in the heart of Historic Downtown Cañon City

Our Cañon CityLitz Auto Supply

MON.-FRI. 7:30AM-6:30 PMSAT. 7:30 AM-5:30 PM

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Rodger Fuller


Highway 50 and Greydene


202 E. Main St. • FlorenceM-F 8-5:30 • Sat. 9-Noon


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M-F 8-5:30 • Sat. 8-1783-9005

22222222222772222222222777777777777777775555555-2222222333334455227755-22334455For 4 generations we have served Southern Colorado with the finest

auto parts, accessories, and knowledgeable sales staff.




Three Links Apartments

1300 N. 15th St.

Cañon City, CO

269-9134Seniors 62+& DisabledIndividualswho qualify

TTY Relay Colorado 711

Page 30: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 30, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record


G ove r n o r

John Hickenlooper (D)(303) 866-2471fax: (303) 866-2003136 State Capitol Denver, CO 80203-1792

U.S. Senate

Michael Bennet (D)542-7550Fax: 542-7555129 West B StreetPueblo, CO 81003w w w. b e n n e t . s e n a t e. gov

Mark Udall (D)(303) 650-7820fax: (202)224-6471999 Eighteenth StreetNorth Tower, Suite 1525Denver, CO 80202w w w. m a r k u d a l l . s e n a t e. gov

U.S. House Of Representatives

Doug Lamborn, Fifth District (R)(719) 520-0055Fax: 520-08403730 Sinton Rd.Colorado Springs, CO, 80907w w w. h o u s e. gov / l a m b o r n

Colorado Senate District 2

Kevin Grantham (R)(303) 866-4877kev i n . g ra n t h a m . s e n a t e @ s ta t e. c o . u s

State Representatives

District 21Bob Gardner (R)

200 E. Colfax, Room 271Denver, CO 80203(303) 866-2348

District 47

Keith Swerdfeger (R)(303) 866-2905ke i t h . s we rd f e ge r. s e n a t e @ s ta t e. c o . u s

District 60

Tom Massey (R)200 E. Colfax, Room 223Denver, CO 80203(303) 866-2747

Fremont Conservation District

All inside the Service Center

A Legacy of Conservation Helping People Help the Land

Natural Resources Conservation Service

248 Dozier Avenue • Cañon City, Colorado • (719) 275-4465

Serving America’s farmers and ranchers to strengthen and

support American Agriculture





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Page 31: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 31

A+ Rated In business since 1999


� 1,600 Item Inspection Inventory� Pre-Purchase Inspection� Pre-Listing Inspection� Fully Trained Inspectors� Computerized Report Printed On Site� Photographs Included� Radon and Mold Testing

Russ AbramCertifi ed Home Inspector

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Pillar to Post Professional Home InspectionIndependently owned andoperated franchise.

A Pillar to Post Home Inspection is a benefi t to the…Seller

A pre-listing inspection allows you to list your home with confi dence byIdentifying problems before sale negotiations• Giving the seller the opportunity to correct problems and avoid negotiation • headaches

~and the~…BuyerA pre-purchase inspection can provide peace of mind by

Identifying true conditions of the property• Allow for more informed price and contract negotiations•

Community Bank Celebrating Our 125th Anniversary

150 N. Raynolds Ave. Cañon City



Lobby HoursM-F 8:00am-5:00pm

Drive UpM-F 8:00am-6:00pm

Sat. 8:00am-12:00pm

• Residential Lending• Business Development Lending• Business Checking Accounts• Personal Checking & Savings Accounts

• Online & Mobile Banking• 24-Hour Telephone Banking• Investment Services


Fremont CountyC o m m i s s i o n e rs

615 Macon Ave.Debbie Bell, 276-7302Ed Norden, 276-7303Mike Stiehl, 276-7301

Clerk and RecorderKatie Barr615 Macon Ave.276-7333

County TreasurerPat McFarland615 Macon Ave.276-7380

County AssessorStacey Seifert615 Macon Ave.2 7 6 - 7 310

County CoronerDorothy Twellman615 Macon Ave.275-7358

Cañon City128 Main St.

M ayo rTony Greer, 6 71 - 5 2 5 0

CouncilDistrict 4

Ron Bates, 429-4491At Large

Pat Freda, 275-9297At Large

Colby Katchmar,

( 3 0 3 ) 5 21 - 2 9 5 3District 3

Jerry Gill, 285-8981At Large

Roger Parsons,276-6948

District 1Daryl Robinson,2 6 9 - 11 5 2

District 2Jon Stone, 429-1364

F l o re n c e600 W. Third St.Mayor Paul Villagrana,784-3404

City ManagerLew Quigley, 784-4848

CouncilWard 1

Ron HinkleBruce Schneider

Ward 2Larry BakerCharles Geibler

Ward 3Joe CarusoNichole Prickett

B ro o k s i d eMayor Pro Tem Dave Boden1718 Brookside Ave.276-3436

Coal CreekMayor Connie Higgs615 Main St.7 8 4 - 61 5 0

Ro c k va l eMayor Gary Reed510 Railroad7 8 4 - 41 2 5

W i l l i a m s b u rgMayor Gary Zak1 John St.7 8 4 - 4 511

Page 32: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 32, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record


developmentof primary jobsthrough:

• New Job Creation • Existing Job Retention • Existing Business/Industry

Expansion • Entrepreneurial Business


• Business Tax Credits• Business Development Incubator Facility• Small Business Development Center • Employer/Employee Training • Capital Investment Financing

MISSIONThe mission of the corporation shall be to attract, train and expand business/industry opportunities and provide entrepreneurial support that will lead to a diversified and strong economic base within Fremont County.

VISIONTo take the leadership role in growing and maintaining primary job opportunities for a strong and profitable economy in Fremont County and to provide the expertise and support of FEDC to achieve this goal.

Fremont EconomicDevelopment Corporation402 Valley Road • Cañon City, Colorado 81212

719.275.8601 • 800.426.4794 • www.fremontedc.org



Supported by theUpper Arkansas Enterprise Zone Marketing Grant

Proudly Serving Historic Cañon City & The State of Colorado Since 1993

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M-F 8am to 6pm SAT. 9am to 1pm


Reliable & Professional ServiceYour Location or Ours

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Cañon CityCañon City Area MetropolitanRecreation and Park District575 E. Ash St.275-1578Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.Full range of recreational activities and programs for youth and adults.

A community room is available for meetings and events. For more infor-mation, call the recreation district or visit the Web site http://ccrec.tri-pod.com/id1.html

Pe n ro s ePenrose Park andRecreation District415 Fourth St.372-3111Pavilion rental is available. For more information, call the recreation dis-

trict or visit the Web site at http://www.penrosepark.net/1.php.

Page 33: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 33

Royal Gorge Manor

Call or come by today(719) 275-6545 • 1122 N. 15th • Cañon City

Odd Fellows Housing• Effi ciencies start at only $321

• 1 Bedrooms start at only $390

• 62 years and older

• Independent living

• Solariums

• Beauty Shop

• Recreation room

• Library

• Activities

• Beautiful grounds

• Spectacular views

• Utilities & Cable included in rent - all you pay for is telephone!!

• In-house laundry

Page 34: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 34, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

Quality Products atCompetitive PricesTile • Vinyl • Wood

Carpet • Ceramic

Schleicher Floor Covering and Supplies300 Dozier Ave. • Cañon City • 269-7600North of Wal-Mart at corner of Utility & Dozier Avewww.schleicherfl oorcovering.com

Hours: M-F 7am-5pm Sat. 8am-Noon




Installation Professionals

We Sell Hunter Douglas Window Coverings

Satisfaction Guaranteed


Lakeside Cemetery1008 Elm Ave.1525 S. Ninth St.269-9024Hours: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.M o n d ay - Fr i d ay

Greenwood CemeterySouth First Street269-9024Hours 9 a.m.-2 p.m.M o n d ay - Fr i d ay

IOOF CemeterySouth First Street across from Greenwood Pioneer


Mountain Vale Memorial Park and Mausoleum1704 Chestnut Ave.275-7444Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday — Fr i d ay

Hillside (San Isabel View) CemeterySouth from U.S. 50 at Texas Creek on Colo. 69, eight

to nine miles to CR 32, turn east on CR 32 for a mile tocemetery. Cemetery is about two miles north of the

Fremont and Custer counties line.

McCumber Family CemeterySoutheast of Cañon City, just off Colo. 115, about

1/4 mile east of McKenzie Blvd.

New Hope CemeteryThis is the cemetery for the town of Wetmore,

which is in Custer County. The cemetery is severalmiles north in Fremont County.

Union Highland Cemetery, Florence791 CR 95

San Juan Baptista CemeteryVictory Lane, south of Florence, off of Colo. 67

Upper Beaver Creek CemeteryFrom Cañon City go east on U.S. 50 to the junction

of Colo. 67, north of Florence, turn north (left) on Co-lo. 67 for 1.6 miles to CR 123. Then, turn east (right)on 123 for .3 miles to the junction of CR 132 and turnnorth (left) on CR 132 and follow it 8.2 miles. Thecemetery is on the right side of the road at the greeng a t e.

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Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 35

Cañon CityChamber ofC o m m e rc e

275-2331403 Royal Gorge Blvd.Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday through Friday

w w w. c a n o n c i t y c h a m b e r. c o m

Florence Chamberof Commerce

784-3544117 S. Pikes Peak Ave., Florence

Hours: 9 a.m. to noon and 2-4 p.m.Monday through Friday

w w w. f l o re n c e c o l o r a d o . n e t

WorldwideTreaSureS, LLC

The Gift Gallery



Natural Turquoise Jewelry• from Cripple CreekIndian Artifacts• Fossils• Rocks & Minerals from• all over the world Something for everyone’s budget

114 W. Main Street • Florence, CO • 784-1264

One of a Kind• Handmade Jewelry




Penrose Chamberof Commerce

784-3544210 Broadway St., Penrose

Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Monday through Friday

w w w. p e n ro s e c h a m b e r. c o m

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New and Gently Used Clothing & Accessories

Ladies Consignment Shop

109 S. 5th St.Cañon City, CO 81212Phone: 719-345-4082

Mon.-Fri. 10am-5:30pmSat. 10am-4pm

The Ruby Slipper


St. Thomas More Hospital285-2000. 1338 Phay Ave., Cañon Citys t m h o s p i ta l . o rgServices: 24 hour trauma/emergency services,

surgical services, The Birth Center, comprehen-sive rehabilitation services, diagnostic imagingand digital mammography, orthopedics, OB/Gynservices, sleep disorders center, critical care,medical/surgical inpatient unit, cardiology clinic,diabetes education, blood donor center, ambulato-ry infusion center, spiritual care, St. ThomasMore Physician Group.

St. Thomas More Ask-A-Nurse800-327-6877 (NURS): toll free nurse triage,

health information and physician referral lineavailable Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm.

Fremont County Public Health—Department of Human Services building, 172

Justice Center Road. Phone: 275-1626. Hours: 8a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m. Monday through Fri-d ay.

Fees are based on income, with the exception of

immunizations. Immunizations are $2 each.Services: well child check-ups, immunizations,

TB testing, prenatal nurse, Child Health CarePlan assistance, flu shots, smoking cessation pro-gram. Home health care is available with a doc-to r ’s order.

Rocky Mountain BehavioralHe a l t h

Located at 3239 Independence Road. Phone: 275-7650. Hours: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday and Wednes-day, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m.to 5 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. to noon Saturday.

Services: Drug and alcohol therapy, groupcounseling sessions, lab testing, community ser-v i c e.

West Central Mental HealthLocated at 3225 Independence Road. Phone:

2 7 5 - 2 3 51Services: Mental health counseling and group

counseling sessions.


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The Daily Record now is available on smartphones and iPads. Search Cañon City DailyR e c o rd .

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����� ������

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The Village at Canon CityThe Ultimate in Retirement Living

Independent living apartments• Various fl oor plans are available from • studios to two-bedroom unitsUtilities including cable are provided• 24-hour emergency call system in • each unitA well-balanced and delicious meal • is provided each day in our attractive dining roomFree transportation for shopping•

Off-street parking & security lighting • in our parking lotOn-site laundry services available• Each kitchen is equipped with elec-• tric stove, refrigerator and disposalFun activities throughout the month• Craft center• Garages available• Individual patios• AND MUCH MORE…•

1820 N. 5th St. • Cañon City • 275-0665 - Ask for Virginia


District AttorneyThom LeDoux— Located at 136 Justice Cen-

ter Road— 2 6 9 - 01 7 0

Combined Courts— Located at 136 Justice Cen-

ter Road— 2 6 9 - 010 0

11th Judicial District Judges— David Thorson

— Julie Marshall— Magistrate Robert Freeman— County Court Judge Norm Cooling

Cañon City Municipal Court— Located at 161 Justice Center Road— 2 7 6 - 5 6 01— Judge Larry Allen

Florence Municipal Court— Located at 600 W Third St.— 784-4848— Judge Larry Allen



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PAGE 38, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

Kallene West, CFP®

(719) [email protected]

Come See Cañon City’s “HOMETOWN”Gathering Place

119 N. 5th St. • Cañon City, CO 81212 • 719-275-0818

Friendly Atmosphere Where ScrappersCan gather Share Ideas

And receive Creative TipsCreative consultant Present At All times

Custom Designed Layouts, Embellishments & Cards

Photo Restoration Services Are AvailableSpend A Couple Of Hours Or The Day with Us

CuC s

19 N 5th Sttttt • Cañon City CO 81212 • 719 275 0818Design u’r Memories


Cañon City Public Library— Located at 516 Macon Ave.— 269-9020— Website, ccpl.lib.co.us

John C. FremontLibrary District

— Located at 130 Church St., Florence— Website, www.florencecolibrary.org— 784-4649

Penrose Community Library— Located at 35 Seventh Ave., Penrose— 3 7 2 - 6 01 7

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Daily Record T H U R S D AY, JUNE 30, 2011, Page 39

Family Recipes for over 50 years in the makingPizza • Pasta • Calzones • Steaks • Sandwiches

• Kids’ Menu • Full Service BarHours: Monday - Thursday 11am - 9pm Friday & Saturday 11am - 9:30pm

231 Main Street • Cañon City • 276-7240

Voted “Best” Italian Restaurant in Fremont County

Call for



Real Estate is easy when youwork with Flo Orona

Flo OronaBroker/Owner

Cañon City

719-671-4117e-mail: gofl [email protected]


Fre m o n tSa n i t a t i o nDi s t r i c t

107 Berry Parkway269-9050Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.M o n d ay - Fr i d ayHoward, Cotopaxi, and Surrounding Area

Royal Gorge RegionalMuseum & History CenterLet your family discover the oldest museum

that exhibits the area’s past.

Tues.-Sat. 10am-4pm • Closed Sun. & Mon.

royalgorgehistory.org612 Royal Gorge Blvd.

Cañon City719-269-9036

Please Visit Soon!


Newst w i t t e r. c o m / c c d r _ n e w s

Sportst w i t t e r. c o m / c c d r _ s p o r t s


Become a fan ofthe Daily Record atw w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m

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Page 42: Fremont Fast Facts 2011

PAGE 42, T h u r s d a y, Ju n e 30, 2011 Daily Record

Cañon City

— Station No. 1 is locatedat 1475 N. 15th St.

— For non-emergencyc a l l s,

275-8666— Station No. 2 is

located at 1349 ElmAv e.

— For non-emer-gency calls, 275-0601

Fl o re n c e— Located at 300 W.

Main St.— For non-emergency

calls, 784-3611

Pe n ro s e— For non-emergency calls, 784-3611

How a rd— Located at 8274 U.S. 50— For non-emergency calls, 942-3082Deer Mountain Fire Protection District Co-

topaxi, Howard, Coaldale area— For non-emergency calls, 942-9610

Ro c k va l e— For non-emergency calls, 784-3611

Wi l l i a m s b u r g— For non-emergency calls, 784-3611

1001 Main Street • Cañon City • Mon-Sat 8-6 • 275-7411





5 years!

Experts in product,performance andjust plain oldfashioned service for 43 years!

275-9437 2301 E. MAIN ST.CAÑON CITY, CO




HOURS:Fri. & Sat. 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ~ Sun. 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Tues. 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ~ Mon., Wed., Thur. - CLOSED


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Quick Reference for the City of Cañon City Services

The City of Cañon City is available to you 24-hours a day at


Mayor and City Council Mayor Tony Greer 671-5250Mayor Pro-tem Jon Stone (District 2) 429-1364Council member Ron Bates (District 4) 429-4491Council member Patricia Freda (At Large) 275-9297Council member Jerry Gill (District 3) 285-8981Council member Colby Katchmar (At Large) 303-521-2953Council member Roger Parsons (At Large) 276-6948Council member Daryl Robinson (District 1) 371-5332

(Note: Members of City Council may change as a result of the November 2011 election.Please check our web site or contact the City Clerks Offi ce for current contact information)

AdministrationAdministrator Steve Rabe City Hall - 128 Main Street 269-9011

Departments/DivisionsAnimal Control 161 Justice Center Road 276-5600Attorney City Hall - 128 Main Street 269-9011Building Division City Hall – 128 Main Street 276-5292Cemetery Division 1525 S. 9th Street 269-9024City Clerk City Hall – 128 Main Street 269-9011Code Enforcement City Hall – 128 Main Street 276-5293Community Development City Hall – 128 Main Street 269-9011Engineer City Hall – 128 Main Street 269-9011Finance Department City Hall – 128 Main Street 269-9011Fleet Management 1501 S. 9th Street 269-9023Forestry Division 221 Griffi n Avenue 269-9028Library 516 Macon Ave. 269-9020Local History Center 612 Royal Gorge Blvd. 269-9036Museum 612 Royal Gorge Blvd. 269-9036Municipal Court 161 Justice Center Rd. 276-5601Parks Division 221 Griffi n Avenue 269-9028Planning & Zoning City Hall - 128 Main Street 276-5294Police Department 161 Justice Center Rd. 276-5600 Police Emergency 911Public Information City Hall – 128 Main Street 269-9011Sales Tax Division City Hall - 128 Main Street 276-5252Streets Division 1525 S. 9th Street 269-9022Utilities---Stormwater Utility City Hall – 128 Main Street 269-9011---Water Utility

Billing & Payments City Hall - 128 Main Street 269-9015Distribution Division 1525 S. 9th Street 269-9033Water Treatment Plant 103 Tunnel Drive 269-9019