BY WORLD RENOWNED FIRESTARTER JOHN LEE DUMAS Created for atomic andrewandpete.com eofire.com FREE WEBINAR COURSE

FREE WEBINAR COURSE - Amazon S3...between them during your webinar. In fact there are no written rules for how webinars are run so do what works for you and your audience. You can

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Page 2: FREE WEBINAR COURSE - Amazon S3...between them during your webinar. In fact there are no written rules for how webinars are run so do what works for you and your audience. You can


Hello Fire Nation! Welcome to the Free Webinar Course, where I’ll be

showing you all the aspects and opportunities in the webinar world.

I’ll be starting with the fundamentals of what a webinar is and then

progress onto the benefits of webinars, covering how I generated

1.5million dollars on live webinars in 2014 - including all the mistakes and

failures I had. I’ll be talking about webinar platforms, live vs recorded

webinars, the simple 8 step webinar process that I have perfected, as

well as talking about ‘if all of this is true, then exactly why isn’t everybody

and their mother doing it!?’

Every step is packed with value and knowledge that will help you, not

only with webinars, but on your entrepreneurial journey as a whole.

So I hope you enjoy, and prepare to IGNITE!

by John Lee Dumas

From Entrepreneur on Fire





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eofire.com andrewandpete.com

Fire Nation... ignite!

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Typically they are a presentation utilising Powerpoint or Keynote

which you talk over (most webinar software supports this), or they

may be in a talking head style, where you point the camera at

yourself and talk to your audience.

I actually prefer a combination of both: the presentation style is

ideal for getting across great content, but a talking head is good for

making a connection with your audience. So feel free to swap

between them during your webinar.

In fact there are no written rules for how webinars are run so do

what works for you and your audience. You can be the host, and

present the whole webinar yourself, or you may get guest

presenters in who you introduce and then interview Q&A style, or

let them present a keynote presentation followed by questions.

Guest presenters are great for opening up your business to a new

audience, but remember to also use webinars to let your audience

make a personal connection with you too.

In a nutshell, a webinar is a seminar conducted over the internet, either live or recorded, typically presenting a topic for learning. These are usually free, but it isn’t uncommon for them to be paid or as part

of a paid for community.



Page 5: FREE WEBINAR COURSE - Amazon S3...between them during your webinar. In fact there are no written rules for how webinars are run so do what works for you and your audience. You can

CONFIDENCEIt’s simple. Webinars build your confidence. Did you know that

public speaking is the #1 phobia for human beings, even above

death? But here’s the thing... being confident translates into

success in all areas of your business. People want to buy from

confident people who are confident in their service. So here’s my

advice: if you want to be... do. You have to do it to improve, and

webinars give you that drive to really build your confidence. I used

to be just as scared about public speaking, but all the practice I get

from the number of live webinars I do (60 in 2014) really helps.


eofire.com andrewandpete.com

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GENERATE SALESThis is a necessity of a viable business right? So don’t shy away

from using webinars to generate sales, because they are perfect

for it. Webinars are ‘events’ and you can deliver value at these

events and show your audience the next logical step. You can

even answer questions in real time to get rid of any doubts and

show your audience your product/service can really help them.

Webinars also provide scarcity and momentum, as you are

showing people what you can provide throughout the

presentation for FREE, building this momentum. As webinars are

events, there’s social proof, people can see others are getting

involved and want to be part of it too. The scarcity comes when

you can make time limit offers to your audience live during the



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AUTHORITY AND CREDIBILITY.Another great benefit of webinars is that your authority and

credibility goes through the roof. Remember perception is reality.

When I was interviewing marketing experts like Seth Godin and

Gary Vaynerchuk, nobody knew who I was, but people presumed

I had authority because these people were taking their time to

speak to me. So you learn from these people and give back to

your audience the value and soon, reality becomes reality!

EMAIL LISTLast but definitely not least - webinars help build your email list. In

a time where it is becoming harder and more expensive to reach

your audience via social media, it’s extremely important to

increase your email list, as these are your contacts, that you own,

and who you can reach out to. People have to give their email

address to sign up for webinars and in 2014 I collected 18,000

email addresses this way.

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In 2014 alone, I generated $1.5million in revenue from webinars alone. I’m not going to say this was easy, however there are 4

key areas I attribute to the success...

The webinar in this example is my weekly ‘Podcasters Paradise’ webinar.


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1. CONSISTENCYI delivered Podcasters Paradise Webinars every single Wednesday

throughout 2014. This was great for 2 reasons. Number 1 -

Wednesday became the hub. Everybody knew to expect a webinar

then and if they missed one for whatever reason they could always

jump on the next one. Number 2 - being consistent and having a

set day meant it was super easy for word to get out and for people

to tell others when the next one was. If people KNOW the next one

is on Wednesday they can easily tell other people how and WHEN

to get involved. These weekly podcasts were attracting 100-500

listeners to each one.

2. VALUE PACKEDKnowledge bombs have to be dropped throughout the webinars.

You have to constantly give real value on every single webinar.

There is no way to get around this. For me the live training, Q&As,

and pre and post chat was invaluable. Also you must give a great

gift in every webinar, as this is where the law of reciprocity comes

into play. Again, the gift has to be awesome and get them thinking

‘I can’t believe they are giving it to me for FREE’! Once you do that,

people feel not only extremely grateful but indebted to you.


Page 10: FREE WEBINAR COURSE - Amazon S3...between them during your webinar. In fact there are no written rules for how webinars are run so do what works for you and your audience. You can


4. SCARCITYScarcity is incredibly valuable, so try to make an offer with some

form of time restraint on it. Now you must be careful as these

types of offers MUST be legit and come from a place of truth. With

my webinars I offer my service at a lower price because we want to

put the price up because the value is getting that much better. So I

can honestly say that if they buy today they are getting the best

price that won’t be offered again. Again going back to the benefits

of webinars - building up the momentum throughout and using

scarcity is the key to generating sales.

3. STRONG OFFERIn order to make money from your webinars you need an

EXTREMELY strong offer. You need to be offering something

awesome that you can easily explain and talk about in the webinar.

In my webinars I open up the kimono and show them exactly what

they are going to get, and you can do that too. Also, remember

earlier when we were talking about ‘Presentation vs Talking Head’

style. When I am ready to make the strong offer I always make sure

the camera is turned onto me, so I can make the offer ‘face to face.’



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Now you know exactly why webinars are so effective, it is time to get to grips with how to actually put one on.

There are many webinar platforms; some are better than others and they also have their strengths for either live or

recorded broadcast.

I’m going to run through some of the most popular choices now, and let you know my personal favourites from live and

recorded webinars.

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GoToWebinar: This is the dinosaur of systems! It’s still is a

very robust and usable platform, but a lot of people still only use it

because they don’t want to learn how to use another. A lot of top

internet marketers are used to it, know how to use it and they like

it. There are some benefits to this platform that others don’t have,

but their cons far outweigh their pros in my opinion. The biggest

con is that it costs $400 a month to have more than 100 people on

your webinars. And if you’re going to do a webinar you want more

than 100 viewers.

Webinar Jam: This is one of the newer platforms that is based

on Google Hangouts. For those who aren’t that advanced as an

internet marketer it is a great option.

Evergreen Business System: I know for a fact this one Is

used and loved by Amy Porterfield. It is a great automated webinar

system that a lot of people know, like and trust.

Stealth Seminar: This is the one Lewis Howes uses and is

another popular choice. On the site they have great tutorials on

how you can rock Stealth Seminar too.

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MY TOP CHOICE FOR LIVE WEBINARSGoogle Hangout: My personal favourite: Webinar On Fire

used Google Hangouts to do over 60 live webinars in 2014 alone as

it is by far the most cutting edge. Available for free, all you do is link

your Google Hangout Account with YouTube Live, and then either

paste the YouTube Live code into your ‘Lead Pages’ account or you

can sync it with your website. The number of people that can

watch your webinar is unlimited and it is completely free. It also

automatically records every single one of your webinars and drops

them into your YouTube channel once your accounts are synced.

MY TOP CHOICE FOR RECORDED WEBINARSEasyWebinar 3.0: Now for recorded and automated

webinars, Casey Zeman’s EasyWebinar 3.0 has to be the best in this

field. Zeman is in the process of launching 4.0 which is going to be

awesome, but 3.0 is still an amazing option for recorded and

automated webinars. A top quality product that I run all my

automated webinars through and I couldn’t be happier with it. On

the website there are some great tutorials and video testimonials:

my number one recommendation by far.


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The pros and cons of live vs recorded webinars are

plentiful so let’s get started with the pros of live.


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The number one pro has to be that live webinars create an EVENT. People will look forward to your webinar and get excited

by it. Also, having something at a set time and place gives people a

sense of accomplishment.

And mostly you can’t fake it. Live webinars have so much more

intimacy. They allow you as the presenter to answer people’s

questions up front and call out their names. So, be sure to state the

date and time, letting the audience know it is live.

A sense of community is a big part of webinars, and having them

live amplifies this. It gives people social proof that others have

turned up - letting them know they’ve made the right decision to

be there too.

Finally, coming back to that word again... live webinars can provide

TRUE scarcity. Just for those live attendees you can provide promo

codes and discounts making people want to be there so they don’t

miss out. Nothing beats it.

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For those that would prefer recorded webinars there are plenty of

pros. Just because it isn’t live doesn’t mean it’s not an event. People

still look forward to it, and they get excited.

Recorded also allows you to leverage your time. Be up front that

your webinar is not live and that it is streaming, so it is there when

your audience wants it. Recorded allows them to be in control - to

fit it in around their schedule. Even though its not live it is still

taking down some of those barriers and getting those important

questions answered. As the presenter, take notes of what

questions keep popping up and be sure to answer them on your

recorded webinars.



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Now let’s get into the cons. A big con of live is that it is YOUR time.

You can try and turn this around into a pro and tell your viewers

that you’re spending time with them because you know it’s worth

it. That is a good way to spin it, but in reality it is still time taken

away from doing other things.

Also with everything live, things can go wrong and you can’t just

pause and re-do it because it’s happened. From internet crashes to

people not being able to log in to natural human things like

needing water or slipping up can cause embarrassment because

it’s live. Or even things like dropping ‘F’ bombs or saying the wrong

thing also come into play, and is why webinars freak out a lot of


Finally, people‘s lives and schedules are the main thing to deal

with. People might desperately want to make it but they can’t

always be there and that’s a major downfall of going live.


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A big con of recorded is that it takes away real-time engagement

with your audience. You can’t find out people’s specific questions,

give shout outs and find out more about your audience’s lives.

Connections and relationships can’t be built up just through

recorded webinars because the intimacy has gone - no matter how

hard you try to remove all those barriers, there will still be those

few unanswered questions. Not only can you not give your viewers

the answers they require straight away but it takes the fun out of

those unique questions.

Scarcity play doesn’t work either. You want to give people offers

they can’t refuse - for a limited time only - but with recorded

webinars those offers will probably never expire because you don’t

know when people are going to see them.



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My overall recommendation has to be LIVE LIVE LIVE. Not just

because I made over $1.5 million in revenue from live broadcasts

but because of all the pros mentioned. You know you’re not going

to be great the first time you do it but once you hit that broadcast

button you know it’s for real. It brings out confidence that you

never knew you had. It makes your presenting better, camera work

better and your writing skills better. Ideally, using both types is the

best option, but if I had to choose one and only one it would have

to be live all the way.


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The 8 step webinar process is something that I have perfected over quite some time. I have done quite a number of live and recorded webinars and it has taken a lot of tweaking and testing but it really is super simple. This formula has allowed me create over 60 webinars and in turn make over $1.5 million. The formula is very simple, so don’t try and complicate it. You have to get your voice, message and brand out to the world and then improve upon it. If you’re not embarrassed by your first attempts then you waited too long to get them out there!

Get your voice heard and then improve!

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Step 1: The 8 step process starts with delivering valuable

content, consistently and for free. Consistently and free is

something everyone can handle but many get stuck on the term

‘valuable’. All it means is, provide the best content you are capable

of. Over time your valuable knowledge will increase and that’s

what it’s all about.

Step 2: Build your audience. If you do step one correctly then

this step is a natural progression. If you are delivering valuable

content every day your audience will stay and grow.

Step 3: Listen to your audience that you’ve gathered. It’s a skill

everyone should have and still many people struggle with it. Keep

in contact with them through email or social networks and keep a

track of what they want.

Step 4: Record the similar needs and pains of your audience and

give them the answers to the questions they ask.

Step 5: Create an OUTLINE for a product that provides the

SOLUTION to these problems. And I mean just provide the

OUTLINE. Don’t waste time creating an actual product yet.

Step 6: Drive Traffic to a LIVE webinar. You can hide behind your

recorded webinars if you like but you are never going to get good

if you rely on editing. You build a community and a relationship

with your audience that doesn’t come across in pre-records. To get

people to your live webinars, create a registration page on your

website or on something like ‘Lead Pages’ and use your email lists

and social media followers to spread the word - fully utilising the

audience you’ve already grown.


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That’s the 8 step process I know works - so this is the Webinar On

Fire way. I can’t stress enough how simple it is. It doesn’t have to

be complicated.

We just start with a Google Hangout, and while broadcasting take

the YouTube Live embed link and put it into our LeadPages

Template. The template is designed specially for this purpose and

comes with amazing chat features and buy now options.

Remember it is a completely free process if you already have Lead

Pages, but if not, it is still completely free as you can use your

Wordpress site. We also link our Google Hangouts to our YouTube

channel so once we’ve stopped recording, bam! It goes straight

into our YouTube channel. This process provides unlimited

number of attendees whereas some platforms cap the number of

viewers. It really is that simple and fast. Follow the 8 Step process

to provide your own quality webinars.

Step 7: The penultimate step is providing amazing value to your

audience in the webinar; you want them to take your teachings

and go one step further with it which goes directly into...

Step 8: Generate sales. Convert that amazing following you

have with that valuable knowledge you know you can provide.

Build the momentum throughout the webinar to get them over the

YES line, and keep them coming back for more.


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You might be asking, or moreover you SHOULD

be asking, why isn’t everyone doing webinars?

We’ve shared the benefits and how simple,

effective and essentially free they are, so why isn’t

everybody doing it?



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The number one reason why people aren’t taking up the chance to do webinars is phobia. Public speaking is above death as the world’s number one phobia. People lack confidence in themselves and they don’t believe they have the ability or knowledge to

stand up and deliver the value they have.


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What about lack of audience; who will show up? You have to start

somewhere, so just launch that first webinar, publish your first

podcast or write your first blog and get going. Entrepreneur On

Fire had three attendees on our first webinar and last week we had

600 - so everyone has to have a starting point. How will you know

if you’re attracting the right attendees? The answer is don’t worry

about it. You be the magnet, put out the content and let people

come to you.

Essentially the Impostor Syndrome takes over, causing people to

back out of their full potential. The only way around this fear is to

throw yourself in the deep end.

Webinars are a form of public speaking and the best way to ease

yourself in. From the comfort of your own home you are providing

value without the fear of a crowd. When you start, accept that you

aren’t going to be as good as you can be, but know over time it will

build a confidence inside you that you never knew you had, and

you will get better.

One thing that is never going to go away is the Impostor

Syndrome. Embrace it, turn it into a positive. 99% of people let it

keep them down so be that 1% that takes advantage and make it

work for you.



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Probably the most important reason everyone isn’t all aboard the

webinar train is due to their lack of time. Time is always ticking but

it is your job to make the time.

Cut out unnecessary things in your day to create space.

Entrepreneurship is all about making sacrifices in the short term to

make the future better and this quote says it all...


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“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your

life like most people won’t, so that you can spend

the rest of your life like most people can’t.”


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Guys, there you have it! My advice to you is just go for it, you

have The 8 Step Webinar Process, now it is your turn to follow

in my steps and get your voice heard.

Thank you for your time... and get prepared to IGNITE!

John Lee Dumas



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John Lee Dumas is the Founder and Host of

EntrepreneurOnFire, a top-ranked podcast named

"Best of iTunes 2013". John interviews today's most

inspiring and successful Entrepreneurs 7 days a week

and has been featured in Forbes, TIME and Inc.


by John Lee Dumas,From Entrepreneur On Fire


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36 video tutorials

Step by step videos tutorials walking you through the exact process

of how to Create & Present Webinars that CONVERT!

Email templates & every resource you'll need!

Email templates for your PRE and POST Webinar email sequence, as

well as EVERY resource you'll need to host and CRUSH Webinars the

Webinar On Fire way!

Our amazing webinar community!

The private Webinar On Fire Facebook community is committed to

supporting and guiding each other on our Entrepreneurial journey.

It's like a 24/7 support center, mastermind family, and feedback

frenzy all rolled up in one!



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“When I first arrived on Webinar On Fire I was extremely fearful. I can

do presentations to thousands of people but when it came to this the

fear took over. I embraced Webinar On Fire. John teaches everything

you need to know from point A to Z and everything inbetween. I run

webinar weekly workshops now and have had tremendous success. I

actually use the strategies John uses on Webinar On Fire. I remember

struggling so much at the beginning but John was always there to

answer any questions and guide me to where I am today. I know

Webinar On Fire would serve your business well.

Cheryl Lynn

”I love Webinar On fire, I used it for an established product and again

for a brand new product. On the established product launch I made

£50,000 ($79,000) and £20,000 ($31,500) on my brand new product

by just using what Webinar On Fire has taught me. Webinar On Fire

has changed my business within the space of a few months, and now

I know how to do it I am going to keep refining and tweaking what I

do. It really works!

Claire Mitchell: From The Girls Mean Business

What our amazing webinar community had to say:

Before I got involved with Webinar On Fire I was struggling. I had

done a few webinars and I knew I had to do them but I couldn’t get

people on seats and generate sales. But this course, especially the 8

step process, is amazingly simple. I was able to get people to the live

webinars but also get them to stay and buy. Thank you John for

putting it out there, it’s shifted and changed the dynamics of my

business for ever. It’s a winner, it’s the best.

Mel Abraham: Author of The Entrepreneur's Solution and founder of

Business Breakthrough Academy


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”I teach live seminars on veterinary dentistry. I also have three

webinars between 5 to 8 hours in duration that are accredited

continued education for veterinarians. We have sold over those over

the past 18 months but we wanted to take it to the next level. I had

struggled with trying to integrate Google Hangouts and Lead Pages

making it all come together. With Webinar On Fire it’s step by step

showing you exactly how to do it. I hope everyone else can find as

much value as I did.

Brett Beckman: Veterinary Dentist & Webinar On Fire User

”For 35 years I have been an entrepreneur in the fields of advertising,

publishing and career planning. I started taking webinar classes to

find out more on internet marketing. There isn’t one guru I haven’t

studied with but hands down Webinar On fire does an absolutely

perfect job. If you know nothing about webinars they will take you

from a dead stand still to a thriving webinar business. On top of that

the team are really nice people and great to work with.

Don Hutcheson

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We saw that webinars were so effective for the success for our business as 91% of our sales came from our webinars. Once the system and process is in place they are so much fun as well as

a major money earner.

We created Webinar On Fire to help other people get the most out of webinars and the success they can potentially bring to

your business.

Join our amazing webinar community:



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Founders of atomic, Andrew and Pete love working

with smaller companies to help them with their

marketing. High energy speakers and marketing

consultants, always looking for exciting new ways to

help you stand out from the crowd.

This was created for you byAndrew and Pete for ‘atomic’


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Marketing for the small but mighty

For more amazing eBooks like this from world leading experts please visit

our site: www.joinatomic.com. Where we aim to provide small

businesses with the best and latest marketing advice, delivered in a fun

and ultra practical way. It’s like having your own marketing company, but

at a fraction of the cost!


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Marketing for the small but mighty

Copyright Entrepreneur On Fire. Design by Andrew and Pete.

Thanks forreading!