FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial

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  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    Here's How I Put It Together

    Shopping list (as if you were buying from a shop, if not using stash fabrics)

    1/2 yard ofheavy weight sew-in 1/2 yard ofFirm Iron-on Interfacing 1/2 yard of taffeta-like silk for exterior and matching thread 1/2 yard lining fabric and matching thread 1xChocolate Rectangular Wood Handles 1xBronze 14mm Magnetic snap

    NB: All seam allowances are 1cm unless otherwise stated

    1. Make up your pattern part 1. - Start with an A3 (42cm x 30cm) sized piece of paper,

    and fold it in half by bringing the short sides together. This is because when we want to

    make a symmetrical pattern it's best to draw half of the pattern, fold the paper in half then cutit out... Taking our crease line as our starting point, draw the two blue coloured lines as in

    the photo:

    1. measure 22cm up from the bottom of the paper and draw a right angle line from crease

    line to end of paper. 2. along the line you have just made mark point at 17cm. 3. At the 17cm

    mark measure 95 degrees and mark the vertical line as seen in photo.

    2. Make up your pattern part 2. - draw the black coloured lines as shown in photo.

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    1. Draw a free hand curve at the bottom right side of the paper. 2. draw a triangle (for the

    dart) at the fullest part of the curve (my triangle is 55 degrees, and the sides are 3.5cm long)

    ensure that when you fold this dart triangle in half there is paper hanging off), check by

    physically bringing the straight sides of the triangle together. 3. measure 5 degrees from the

    top line and draw the line. 4. fold your pattern in half along the crease line and cut it out!

    With any luck your pattern should look something like this!

    From this pattern cut 2 pieces of silk; 2 pieces of lining; 2 pieces of iron-on interfacing; and 2

    pieces of heavy sew-in.

    3. Make up your pattern part 3. - Make up your pattern for the handle tabs as shown in the


  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    Opps! I forgot to show in the pic that there is a gap if 1cm above and below those cut-out


    From this pattern cut: 2 pieces of silk; 2 pieces of lining; 2 pieces of iron-on interfacing; and

    2 pieces of heavy sew-in.

    4. Make up the bag handle tabs - Iron the iron-on interfacing onto the wrong side of both

    of the silk pieces. Make a sandwich with the one of the the silk pieces (right side up) on the

    the bottom, a lining piece (right side down) in the middle, and a heavy sew-in piece on the

    top. Pin the sandwich and stitch together leaving a 10cm gap in one of the long edges. Make

    notches into the 'V' of the handle tab, and clip off the corners. This will reduce bulk and

    make for a smoother result when you turn the handle tab right side out. Turn tab right side

    out thru the gap and press. Repeat for the other bag handle tab.

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    Make notches into 'V' of the handle tab, and clip off the corners of the point as shown.

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    This should be the result...

    5. Insert the magnetic snaps - take one of the handle tabs and fold it in half(make sure

    the half or the tab which has the gap in the bottom of it is facing outwards (the exterior

    side (not the lining) of the bag - this will be sewn shut in Step 12.) On the tab half which

    will face the inside of the bag, find and mark the centre of the tab and push one of magnetic

    snap parts into the tab so as the make two prong marks/indentations. Using a stitch ripper

    make two small cuts into the markings you have just made (don't cut through both halves of

    the tab, just one half!). Take one of the magentic snap parts and push the prongs through the

    right side of the tab. Slip a metal washer over the prongs at the back of the tab and then press

    the prongs down away from each other.

    Reapeat with the other tab and the other mag snap part in the same way.

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    Magnetic snaps comprise of 4 parts; 2 washers, and a male and female. Find the centre of

    the tab, and make prong marks/indentation by pushing a mag snap part into your fabric.

    Push the mag snap part into the right side of your tab and slip a washer on the back.

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    6. Sew darts into the bag pieces - Iron the iron-on interfacing onto the wrong side of both

    of the silk pieces (I wouldn't usually advise using firm iron-on interfacing on silk but in this

    case I want the interfacing to make the silk more crunchy because I am after those 'scultural

    qualities' for this bag). Now, take one of the silk exterior pieces (right side up), lay it on the

    heavy sew-in interlining piece, and treat as one layer. With the silk right side up fold the dart

    triangle in half and and stitch the dart (with 1cm seam allowance) as shown in the photo.

    Repeat for the other 3 darts. Sew the 4 darts in the lining pieces in the same way.

    Fold dart triangles and sew dart as shown.

    7. Sew exterior bag - Pin the 2 exterior halves (with wrong sides out) together. Whilst

    pinning together ensure that the dart lines meet each other (so that the darts will run smoothly

    from the front of the bag to the back). Measure 7.5cm down from both top edge corners and

    mark. Starting from one of the markings sew around the sides and bottom of the exterior and

    stop at the other marking. Turn right side out.

    Sew lining bag bag in the same way EXCEPT YOU HAVE TO LEAVE A 15CM GAP IN


  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    Measure and mark 7.5cm down from the top edge on both sides. Sew by following the good

    ol' wonky blue arrow!

    8. Bring exterior and lining bags together and stitch together - with right side out, slip

    the exterior bag into lining bag. The right sides of the lining and the exterior bag should now

    be touching each other. Make the 7.5 cm markings as in Step 5.

    Slip exterior bag into lining bag as shown.

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    Measure and mark 7.5cm down from the top edge on the left and right sides of the lining.

    Sew by following the good ol' wonky blue arrow!

    9. Pull the exterior bag through the hole in the lining - Yep, this is always my fave bit!

    Pop the lining into the exterior bag and smooth everything out. Stitch the gap in the lining

    shut by tucking the raw edges into the hole and top stitching for a neat finish.

    Out she comes! Stitch hole in lining, and press.

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    This should be the result (after a spot of ironing!)

    10. Insert the pleats - Mark the centre top edge of the flap with a pin. Pleat the flap as

    shown in the picture. Hold the pleats in place with paper clips. Important; ensure that after

    pleating the flap is the same length as the handle tab casing. This part will take a bit of

    fiddling and adjustment, so take your time and get it right at this stage or end up swearing a

    lot (yeah, just like I did!). Hand sew a few stitches to keep the pleats in place. Repeat with

    the other flap.

    Front view of pleats. Notice how the outer edges bend upwards? Don't worry about that,

    just make sure that when you place one of the handle tabs over your pleats (position the tab

    on the blue line which is 1cm down from the centre top edge) everything lines up nicely - in

    other words, the bag sides flow up into the handle tabs to create a smooth line. To get the

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    width of the pleats right will take a bit of fiddling about (it would be good to have a cup of tea

    handy for this bit!) Secure pleats with some paper clips and then with a few hand stitches.

    This is how the pleats should look from the lining side.

    11. Position the handle tab onto the purse flap - Take one of the handle tabs and fold it in

    half over the pleated purse flap and slip one of the handles onto the tab. Ensure that the mag

    snap is facing inwards! Because there a quite a few layers to sew through, and this stage is

    all about positioning the tab correctly over the pleats, we are NOT going to trust pins to hold

    everything in place (I tried to a few times and I ended up inventing some new swear

    words...lots of them!). Instead we are going to glue the tabs onto the pleats and then sew -

    believe me this will save you a lot of grief!

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    Slip a handle onto the tab. Apply some fabric glue to the lining side of the handle tab and the

    top edge of the pleats. Wait for a minute or two and then bond pressing the edges firmly.

    Repeat for the lining side of the pleats. Be careful to line everything up as best as you can

    ensuring that the bottom of the edges of the tab are even on both the lining side and the

    exterior side of the bag (in other words, one edge should not hang lower than the other), also

    make sure that you get a nice straight diagonal line from the sides of the bag through to the

    handle tabs. Tip: Don't be as messy with the glue as I was!

    12. Sew the handle tab onto the pleats - When the glue has dried sew the handle tab onto

    the pleats 2 or 3 mm from the edge. Ensure that you catch all of the layers as you sew (which

    if you positioned everything correctly in Step 10 everything will be la la!). This is

    where you will sew the gap in the bottom of the Tab shut. Take your time!!! Repeat Steps

    11 & 12 for the other handle tab.

    Y'know what, you're finished and you're a very proud owner of a very, very Predddeeee

    Purse! Send me a clear pic of this purse when you've made one and I'll show it off in all of

    it's glory on this here blog!

  • 7/30/2019 FREE Silk Pleated and Darted Purse Tutorial


    Stitch the tab onto the pleats. Go slowly! I know it's a bit bulky and awkward but if you take

    you time you should get a nice straight/ish line...wasn't gluing this first just a BRILLIANT
