FREE SCHOOL FREE SCHOOL MEALS MEALS How do I claim ? Am I eligible ? Where can I get information ?

FREE SCHOOL MEALS How do I claim ? Am I eligible ? Where can I get information ?

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Page 1: FREE SCHOOL MEALS How do I claim ? Am I eligible ? Where can I get information ?


Am I eligible ?

Where can I get information ?

Page 2: FREE SCHOOL MEALS How do I claim ? Am I eligible ? Where can I get information ?

From 6 April 2010, children whose parents are in receipt of one of the following will be entitled to receive free school meals…...

Current free school meals Current free school meals eligibility criteriaeligibility criteria

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Income SupportIncome-based Jobseeker's Allowance An income-related employment and support allowanceSupport under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit

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What might be What might be stopping you from stopping you from


Page 5: FREE SCHOOL MEALS How do I claim ? Am I eligible ? Where can I get information ?

Fears by parents that their children will be stigmatised

or will be embarrassed to be

seen receiving free meals.

A Cashless Catering system operates at

Broughton Hall where pupils use their fingers to access and identify

themselves. This means that pupils taking free

meals can retain their anonymity at the till.

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Pupils and parents believe that the quality and choice of food on offer and the conditions in which the school lunch is eaten, discourages eligible pupils from taking their free meals

All food provided by schools must meet national nutritional standards. These ensure that all pupils are provided with a healthy, balanced diet. The new standards, introduced in September 2006, require the following:

high-quality meat, poultry or oily fish regularly available at least two portions of fruit and vegetables with every

meal bread, other cereals and potatoes regularly available

The School holds the Healthy Eating Award which demonstrates its ability to deliver these requirements.

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How to Claim To claim free school meals you need to fill in an application form. Do not complete the form if you are getting or wish to claim Housing and/or Council Tax Benefit phone 0151 233 3009 for advice. Download http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/Images/tcm21-178266.pdf Paper Copy from school reception Application forms are also available from your nearest One Stop Shop or by calling 0151 233 3009. Completed applications can be accepted at any of the One Stop Shops. All applications must be accompanied with proof of a qualifying benefit. Claims cannot be processed without it. Please note that only original documents accepted as proof, photocopies will not be accepted.

Parents don’t know how to apply

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How is the allowance paid ?How is the allowance paid ?

If your claim is successful the school will be notified that your child/children can have school meals free of charge.

The School will ensure that this information is treated with the strictest confidence and handled sensitively.

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For more information...For more information...Further information is available from any One Stop Shop or by calling 233 3009.

Directgov at http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Schoolslearninganddevelopment/SchoolLife

Parentcentre at http://www.parentcentre.gov.uk/