Free Neville Goddard Lectures - FEEL IT REAL POWERPACK · 2013. 4. 12. · The result. Nobody wants to influence others. Everyone just wants the end. Accept the end. DEADLY DETAILS:

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    by Mr Twenty Twenty


    CREATIVE CLARITY: Clarity of Form 1. The end only. Not the means. Figure it out mind is different than the feel it real mind.

    CREATIVE CLARITY: Clarity of Form 2. No magic - influence. Just miracles. The result. Nobody wants to influence others. Everyone just wants the end. Accept the end.

    DEADLY DETAILS: Where they matter. Where they will block your blessing.

    SLEEP STATE SECRETS: Reduce beta brainwaves. Increase the healing and creative brainwaves, the theta and alpha brainwaves. Formal sessions. Why writers tend to smoke the Thank You plant, and why healers love yerba mate tea.

    POV POWER: Seeing through your own eyes - from the desk. Not seeing "your body behind the desk".

    FOUNDATION FEELINGS: Relief, gratitude. Create them with a scene that implies - with other people. Eliminates hidden fears of abandonment.

    EXTENDING EXPERIENCE: Extend your experience, instead of focusing on stuff, stuff and more stuff.. The new realized you, eliminates the sneaky "False God Syndrome".

    Amplifier 1: Emotions and Sensations. The two ways of feeling. Wedding ring.

    Amplifier 2: Miracle Moment. The SMACK of the high five! (Has both emotion and sensation, takes just an instant.)

    Amplifier 3: Who today will touch you? Who else will congratulate you? Who else can you share your success with? Bring them from different periods of your life.

  • WORKSHEET AND HANDBOOK 1: ESSENTIAL ELEMENTSEssential Elements for a Feel It Real Session.

    Use this with recording #2.


    What is my outcome?

    What is the scene the implies it has been fulfilled?


    What are the session stimulators?





    What are the three main steps to neutralizing negatives?





    What is an anchor point?

    Why is it important to use them in your sessions?


    Why is the state akin to sleep so important?


    Why does the state akin to sleep amplify results?

    What band of brainwaves are decreased / what bands of brainwaves are increased during a session?


    Name 3 steps you can take to enter more effectively into the state akin to sleep.





    Why does a creative conversation help a feel it real session feel even more real and have longer lasting effects?


    What are the 3 parts of the triple whammy?





    Why is it important to stay in alignment / walk in the state of the wish fulfilled?


    What are the 3 most valuable insights you have gotten from this course so far? (Write them down, to anchor them in.)


    Your outcome to be effective needs to have two qualities. It must be both DEFINITE and it must be DETERMINED by you. Notice how when you use the combination, “definite and determined, you FEEL STRONG.

    THE MISTAKE PEOPLE MAKE: You will lose your power to create, if you have an outcome you formulate to please those around them. Another way to leak your power is to have an outcome that is heavily influenced by what you think people will think. Neither of those false aims will FEEL strong, instead they will feel strangling or stifling. Make sure YOU DETERMINE what you choose to base your imginal session – and your life upon.

    So before you do your enter into the state akin to sleep for your FEEL IT REAL session, your first step is to IDENTIFY AND REFINE what your focus this session will be on. Here are 3 effective examples.

    “I imagined walking confidently, up to the the judges at the trophy table. They started shaking my hand, giving me heartfelt congratulations. I could feel them warmly shaking my hand, giving me pats on the back. I could smell my sweat, my body felt strong and good. I was pumped up, and I could feel how much they appreciated my excellent performance.”

    “I imagined my mother being so happy for us, when she gave me and my new spouse a hug and a kiss on our wedding day. She smelled like she always does for special occasions, wearing that old fashioned perfume I remember well form my childhood and teenage years. I could feel tears of joy running down my cheeks.”

    “It was easy to create a scene inside my mind of my boss giving me a high five when he got the news that I was the number one sales representative in the district. The whole office cheered us on, as they whooped and Hollered.”

    - - - - - - - - - -You must define the one you would like to be… With this aim clearly defined, you

    must, throughout your conscious waking day, notice your every reaction in regard to this aim. The reason for this is that everyone lives in a definite state of consciousness,which

    state of consciousness we have already described as the sum total of his reactions to life. Therefore, in defining an aim, you are defining a state of consciousness, which,

    like all states of consciousness, must have its reactions to life. For example: if a rumor or an idle remark could cause an anxious reaction in one person and no reaction in another, this is positive proof that the two people are living in two

    different states of consciousness.” Neville Goddard – Fundamental Foundations


    The SESSION STIMULATORS below are designed to help your create your session and run your mind more effectively – so that you get the most out of the time you invest in your Feel It Real sessions.

    SESSION STIMULATOR #1: While n your session, see from your own eyes, when you construct your outcome scene. (Don't see your entire body, instead see FROM your body. This keeps you IN your body, able to feel your imaginings as fully real. Seeing your entire body CREATES emotional distance from the situation – and can delay your results.

    SESSION STIMULATOR #2: Notice how in each of the descriptions, we included BODY sensations, and they often included OTHER PEOPLE. Other people shaking my hand for example.

    SESSION STIMULATOR #3: Include the power of SMELL if possible. Smell activates deep, primal centers in the brain that can help you create a very real experience inside your mind.

    TAKEAWAY: How you create your session inside your mind will determine how powerful and effective it is . Seeing THROUGH your own eyes, makes it much easier to create the feeling of the wish fulfilled. And using your PRIMAL sense of smell will always dial up your results a level higher.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    If a certain desk designates that you are occupying a desired position, occupy that desk. Enter into the image, and you will realize your vision. Sit in the chair behind

    that desk and view the room. Persist in thinking from that point of view. If you do not physically occupy that chair tomorrow, and begin to doubt, ask yourself: “What am I doing, remembering and not imagining?” Then return to your chair behind that desk!




    What if you could take back control of your mind, from any negative fantasy IN SECONDS?

    You are reading this bonus NOW because it will give you a simple tool to help you do just that, and it will help you get the power of SEEING THROUGH your own eyes, when you do your sessions. Let's dive in.

    NEGATIVE NEUTRALIZER: If you EVER find your imagination, imagining NEGATIVE STUFF, step back and see your ENTIRE BODY in the scene. Notice this is the opposite of what we suggest to do in a FEEL IT REAL session. When you WANT to FEEL IT REAL, primarily see through your own eyes.

    On the other hand, seeing your entire body in the scene, will create emotional distance that will help you STOP and FREEZE FRAME any negative or destructive imaginings INSTANTLY. Then once you STOP and FREEZE FRAME the negative movie – take it from full color and make it black and white (less real), then feel free to run it backwards to a GOOD BEGINNING POINT and then...

    USE THE POWER OF REVISION: Jump back into SEEING THROUGH YOUR OWN EYES, and create a full color IDEAL SCENE that takes you WAY BEYOND the original scene you stopped and erased by running it backwards. Create what you choose to have and be in your life. And feel the new PRODUCTIVE AND POWERFUL scene as real.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    “The one requisite is to arouse your attention in a way, and to such intensity, that you become wholly absorbed in the revised action. You will experience an expansion and refinement of the senses by this imaginative exercise and, eventually, achieve vision in the inner world. The abundant life promised us is ours to enjoy now, but not until

    we have the sense of the creator as our imagination can we experience it. ”




    Your imaginal scene that you select and FEEL DEFINITE about for your session, has to include a SINGLE ACT that you can repeat over and over again. This is your personal ANCHOR point. Our three favorites are: Handshakes. High fives. Hugs.

    All three of these help you to feel a feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT and one of RELEASE. All three take just an INSTANT and all three make your experience PERSONAL.

    Handshakes, high fives and hugs are INCREDIBLY powerful because they include OTHER people in your life and in your imaginings. They can be people who are already in your life, or people who you manifest, create, or attract into your life.

    POWERPOINT: Including other people in your CONSTRUCTED DEFINITE SCENE and in your SINGLE ACT amplifies the power of your imaginings, because OFTEN what tends to DE-energize your imagining and FEEL IT REAL sessions, are wondering what OTHER PEOPLE might think or react to the new you and the new world you have created.

    POWERPOINT: So you build your ANCHOR POINT so that it always includes other people – so that we build in their POSITIVE ENERGY to our new life, accomplishment and experiences.

    Having your ANCHOR POINT being CONGRATULATORY will always feel more real and have more energy than doing the mistake most people make.

    MISTAKE MOST PEOPLE MAKE: The mistake most people make is making the ANCHOR POINT touching a THING, like the steering wheel of the car they want to manifest. Or just feeling the ocean mist on their cheek. That's okay, but it doesn't have the FULL POWER and of feeling the steering wheel of your new car INSIDE your mind, while you make your ANCHOR POINT a high five with with your best friend, with YOUR OTHER HAND.

    You can make your SINGLE ACT the your lover squeezing your hand as you walk along the beach while you feel the ocean mist on your cheek.

    TAKE AWAY: Always include OTHER PEOPLE in your ANCHOR POINT. Make it last only an instant, and make it a SINGLE ACT that you can feel strongly and feel great about.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Now, you don’t have to be a prisoner physically to use this law. You could be

  • imprisoned financially, socially, or intellectually. All you need is a keen desire to change. And you can, by doing the same thing this gentlemen did; by imagining the scene that would take place the day after your wedding; the day after you received

    your promotion; the day after you were financially set free to live graciously. Choose your day-after, and then imagine the scene that would take place. This gentleman

    started by letting the villagers know of his escape imaginatively.



    Most people skip this VITAL step, and just try to imagine during their hectic day what their ideal might be like. Trying to “feel it real” while being stressed out or distracted can CONTAMINATE your ideal.

    This is the first reason why Neville says to do sessions in the STATE akin to sleep. Create a special time where you ONLY feel your ideal as real, so you can put your undivided attention on it and feel it FULLY.

    What messages are you sending?

    Think about this too, if you aren't taking somewhere between 3 and 30 minutes DAILY to envision and to energize with an “official session”, what message are you sending to your unconscious mind?

    Hint: If you are serious enough to want your ideal to be made real in your life, scheduling 3 to 30 minutes to do a relaxed but focused session will send a very powerful message into your mind, into all of the imagination, into all of the universe. That message will be that you are committed. Skip a rerun if you have to, after all, you are recreating your world.

    Watch a rerun or recreate your world – it's up to you how you spend or invest your time.

    - - - - - - - - - -You change your future best when you are in control of your thoughts while in a state

    akin to sleep, for then effort is reduced to its minimum. Your attention seems to completely relax, and then you must practice holding your attention within that

    feeling, without using force, and without using effort.




    Normal waking consciousness for most people involves what scientists call the BETA brainwave levels. Those are the levels that you need to balance your check book, have a well thought out conversation, follow detailed instructions. BETA brainwaves are what you need to figure out and make order of a somewhat disorderly world.

    They aren't good, they aren't bad, they have their function – and their function is to give you the mental processes and power you need to create order and figure things like your bank balance out.

    POWERPOINT: Notice in the teachings of Neville, he says to NOT try to figure it out, he says to FEEL IT REAL, and come from the state of the wish fulfilled. And you can't do that when you are in normal BETA waking consciousness.

    On the other hand...

    The state akin to sleep, primarily generates inside the mind two kinds of brainwaves – ALPHA and THETA. Alpha and theta brainwaves are the brainwaves that make you feel “at one” with the world. They also unleash healing biochemicals into your bloodstream, and open your mind to creativity.

    TAKEAWAY: So, if you try to do a session in BETA consciousness, of course you will try to make it all make sense, and figure it all out. That is why Neville says again and again, “the state akin to sleep”.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    The undisciplined mind finds it difficult to assume a state which is denied by the senses. But the ancient teachers discovered that sleep, or a state akin to sleep, aided man in making his

    assumption. Therefore, they dramatized the first creative act of man as one in which man was in a profound sleep. This not only sets the pattern for all future creative acts, but shows us that man

    has but one substance that is truly his to use in creating his world and that is himself.



    Get comfortable. Loosen up tight clothing. Get comfortable. Position your body so that it can remain comfortable and still for up to 30 minutes. Use an easy chair if you can. A light blanket might feel nice, and keep you warm. Often during a session, your body will cool off, and a light blanket will help your body remain relaxed.

    Get comfortable. Move your attention from the outside world and just notice your breathing. Just notice it, don't try to change it, just notice it. Noticing it will help you relax. Trying to slow it down or make it deeper will tend to keep your beta mind active. (The most advanced yogi's I have trained with ALL say to notice your breathing. The less advanced teachers, say to control or change your breathing. Just notice and relax.)

    Some people like to do a countdown, from 10 to 1, with each breath. As you count down, each number is a state of being more and more relaxed while remaining mindful of your session. I like ending with the number 1, reminding me that I am at the ONENESS STATE.

    Once your body is relaxed and still, begin your session. Fully enter into your ideal scene, feel it from your eyes. And really nail your ANCHOR POINT.

    POWERPOINT: Before your session, write out your constructed scene, include multiple senses, and UNDERLINE your SINGLE EVENT. Doing this commits it to memory, so that when you are in your session, it will be your primary focus.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    I always sit down and I find the most comfortable arm chair imaginable, or I lie flat on my back and relax completely. Make yourself comfortable. You must not be in any position where the body is distressed. Always put yourself into a position where you have the greatest ease. That is the first stage. To know what you want is the start of prayer. Secondly you construct in your mind’s eye one single little event

    which implies that you have realized your desire. I always let my mind roam on many things that could follow the answered prayer and I single out one that is most likely to follow the fulfillment of my desire.

    One simple little thing like the shaking of a hand, embracing a person, the receiving of a letter, the writing of a check, or whatever would imply the fulfillment of your desire.

    After you have decided on the action which implies that your desire has been realized, then sit in your nice comfortable chair or lie flat on your back, close your eyes for the simple reason it helps to induce

    this state that borders on sleep. The minute you feel this lovely drowsy state, or the feeling of gathered togetherness, wherein you feel- I could move if I wanted to, but I do not want to, I could open my eyes if

    I wanted to, but I do not want to. When you get that feeling you can be quite sure that you are in the perfect state to pray successfully.




    Before you fully awake from the state of the wish fulfilled, here is a wonderful way to use CREATIVE CONVERSATION to recap and to dial up your results a level higher.

    Have an imagined conversation with someone you know and feel comfortable with, about the scene and the single event that you used for your PRIMARY FOCUS of your session. Notice how our examples below fit in with our earlier session outcomes:

    “I imagined my friend Eric and I were talking about what it was like to walk up feeling strong and confident to the judges table, where they shook my hand, and patted me warmly on the back. He asked me what was it like to get ANOTHER trophy, and to have the respect and admiration of the panel.”

    “Suzie was so excited when we were talking about the beach walk my partner and I had in Italy. She really wanted to know if....”

    “When I told my sister that Mom wore “the perfume” to the wedding...”

    BONUS POINTS: Have your friend, that you are having the CREATIVE CONVERSATION with – the conversation about your scene that implies the wish fulfilled – express even more congratulations about your accomplishment – using your ANCHOR POINT.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Having selected this action as the one you will experience in imagination to imply promotion in office, immobilize your physical body and induce a state bordering on sleep, a drowsy state, but one in which you are still able to control the direction of your thoughts, a state in which you are attentive without effort. Then visualize a

    friend standing before you.

    Put your imaginary hand into his. Feel it to be solid and real, and carry on an imaginary conversation with him in harmony with the FEELING OF HAVING





    What if you could end your session, and begin the rest of your day with three tiny little phrases that would integrate your session into your life – cement it in solid – lightning fast.

    “Isn't it wonderful?”

    “Thank you.”

    “Whooo yah!”

    All three phrases generate energy. All three phrases are associated with celebrating completion. All three phrases are something you can repeat – with gusto – any time – anywhere.

    BONUS POINTS: Bring the TRIPLE WHAMMY into your daily conversations. Say them to strangers. Have FUN with them. Using them in your FEEL IT REAL sessions will trigger you to remembering the FEELING of the wish fulfilled – when you use them in daily life.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    What you now see ascending is your greater self. When that begins to ascend you enter into the actual state of feeling you are what you want to be.

    That is the time you lull yourself into the mood of being what you want to be, by either experiencing in imagination what you would experience in reality were you already that which you want to be, or by repeating over and over

    again the phrase that implies you have already done what you want to do. A phrase such as, “Isn’t it wonderful, isn’t it wonderful,” as though some

    wonderful thing had happened to you.




    After a session, it is important to continue to live from the state of the wish fulfilled. To live from the person you have chosen to be. The most effective way we have found to notice if you are doing that, and how to get back on target is to use the POWER QUESTION. “Am I reacting to the world, the way that my ideal would?”

    To make it more specific, here are three ways I have used this question, based on sessions that I have had.

    “Am I reacting to this as an accomplished black belt trainer?”

    “Is how I am reacting to this, the way that a professional trader does?”

    “Would a best selling author react this way?”

    If not...

    “How would (me as a black belt / me as a professional trader / me as a best selling author) react to this?”

    This is the most powerful state optimizing question you can ask, that will immediately bring your body chemistry, behavior and belief system into harmony with your ideal.

    And doing this step....

    - - - - - - - - - -If you define your aim as a noble, generous, secure, kindly individual – knowing that all things are states of consciousness – you can easily tell whether you are faithful to

    your aim in life by watching your reactions to the daily events of life. If you are faithful to your ideal, your reactions will conform to your aim, for you will be

    identified with your aim and, therefore, will be thinking from your aim. - Neville Goddard




    You may have noticed that in a single session, we had you create your IDEAL as real 3 times. We do that because there is power in the number 3 – inside your mind – for some reason. We don't know why, and we aren't going to go into detail now, but when you construct in “3s” the power of the magic that you are is multiplied greatly.

    Notice we had you construct your scene BEFORE the session, so that when you entered into your session – it was already clear and available within your mind.

    Notice you did your “official session”, while in the state akin to sleep. The Feel It Real Session that is done in that “alpha – theta” state is vital for your success – and it is very important that you do the official sessions daily.

    Notice that you constructed you imaginal scene again, when you had a conversation about it with your best friend – and when they did your ANCHOR POINT with you – it anchored it in AGAIN – even more powerfully.

    Coming out o the session with the three phrases helps you to integrate it into your life with the power of GRATITUDE AND ACCEPTANCE. And noticing if you are REACTING TO THE WORLD from that position, will retrain your brain – to bring your new core beliefs to your daily life.

    Neville calls that living from the state of the wish fulfilled, we call it True Transformation. It has been a tremendous blessing to share this book with you.


    We share this CORRECTION PAPER – to help you stop getting in your own way, by separating two similar but very different processes – those of Goals and those of Vision.

    Once you have clarity around these PILLARS of the mind, you will find that you will have much more energy, be much more at peace, and produce results that most people can't even imagine.

    PILLAR #1 INTENT – INTENT is where Goals and Vision overlap, where both systems begin.

    The formula for INTENT is: I choose this experience.

    Defining a simple – single sentence intent that you feel good about, will give you peace of mind... Let's define intent.

    Intent is when you take a moment, and define what you choose in your life – in a very simple sentence. We suggest WRITING your INTENT – so you become very clear about what it is, and so you keep it short and sweet.

    Here are several examples of an effective intent:

    I choose to have healthy, white teeth.I choose to be a black belt.I choose to be happy.I choose to feel great gardening and to be a masterful, loving gardener.

    The two primary mistakes people make when forming an intent are

    Let's move on to GOALS

    PILLAR #2 GOALS – Goals are NOT Neville's method. They are useful, but it is vital to understand that they are not part of his method, because they have a future date on them – and they focus on HOW to do something – not just the end.

    Goals are great to have, and to work with, but if you confuse them with vision – you will delay your results.

    The formula for goals is: I choose to experience X by a specific time – by taking a specific course of action.

    Goals are often stated with words, WRITTEN AND SPOKEN, and have definable

  • action steps involved – and have a time frame in mind.

    I choose to experience healthy, white teeth. I will accomplish this by brushing between meals, and at bed time. Flossing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    I choose to be a black belt. I will accomplish this by training 2 hours a day, and taking 3 classes a week at the local karate school. This can be accomplished by me in 5 years, according to my instructor.

    I choose to garden daily, because it feels good. To increase my knowledge I will read 2 gardening magazines and one gardening book each month.

    Goals are meant to be fun, and to bring you into the ACTION of your life. Notice how the goals above, are built from the single sentence INTENT you started with. Now let's unleash the power of Vision.

    PILLAR #3 VISION – This is what FEEL IT REAL is all about.

    What is Vision? Vision is how you experience the world – how the world experiences you.

    Vision could involve a scene where you are fully experiencing your intent – in present time – through your own eyes, “My best friend is smiling big at me, amazed at how healthy and white my teeth are, and asks me how I got them that way.”

    “I see the world through Black Belt eyes. My see my students respectfully, and they look at me with admiration and respect. I over hear their parents asking each other, when will he get his black belt, because I carry myself professionally, and my dedication to the art shows.”

    These are not spoken aloud, or written. What you are reading are STORIES about my VISIONS, that I experience FULLY in my Feel It Real sessions.

    Let's look at how these three pillars inside your mind work and how they work together.

    Notice in INTENT, we create a very short, laser focused statement to build upon. This is for our own personal use, and not shared with anyone else.

    Notice in the GOAL phase, we create an action plan – that we feel good about – that has us taking daily action. Part of the GOAL process – is about living the experience of becoming. It is NOT about a TRADE OFF, of our time and work for a reward later. The work and the steps taken are enjoyable in themselves.

    In the VISION phase, we FEEL IT REAL NOW. We come from that space – knowing that “it is done”, because it is DONE in mind, and gets carried out, by

  • “spirit”.

    All three phases support each other. If you lack intent – you lack clarity – that you need for both Goals and Vision.

    If your life lacks goals, you will be tempted to be a spectator, and your reactions to the world will reveal that.

    If you don't FULLY FEEL it as REAL now, you won't have the strength and the certainty to EMBODY your AIM, your ideal.

  • Who is Mr Twenty Twenty?

    Cured his mind with Creative Conversations that he detailed in the book – PTSD FREE.

    Author of Neville Goddard Simplified – Foundations – NLP MODELLING PROJECT.

    Professional speaker and trainer who lives in Australia with his lovely wife.

    Email: [email protected]: http://www.2020unleashed.com

    Please rate this book and share it with your friends. Taking a few moments to share what you learned and how you have been blessed by it, will help us bless the lives of even more people. Thank you.

  • BONUS #2 Mastermind Notes – December 2012

    NOTE: This transcript is from the December Mastermind – recordings are available here: Neville Goddard December Mastermind


    So we started asking questions trying to determine exactly why specific groups of people could manifest and create change in their lives much more effectively than other people. You know, why is it that some people can imagine and create change so easily and effortlessly and other people struggle with it.

    So I started doing what I do as an author, as a mind hacker. I notice what people do, compile data and I notice it unusually. I look at it differently than most people do. And in the past twenty years of sharing this kind of stuff and teaching this kind of stuff, one of the things that I’ve noticed is this: my clients, and this goes back to when I was teaching kung-fu and tai chi, my clients, who were professional skateboarders and snowboarders- for some reason there’s a lot of them in Pennsylvania- my clients were professional skateboarders and snowboarders, the clients who had a fear of heights, and the clients who had…they were afraid of barking dogs, okay?

    Those were the three groups that manifest and create the easiest and so I had to figure out why. How is it exactly that they are processing the universe differently inside their minds? In other words, using their imagination, that makes them afraid of dogs, makes them afraid of heights, or you know, exceptional skateboarders and snowboarders.

    One of my students from long ago, his name was John K. John was a professional snowboarder and I started modeling him to help snowboarders and skateboarders that were having problems doing what seemed to come naturally to him. And one of the things that I noticed was this: when, well let me back up a little tiny bit.

    We’ve got seven principles that we’re going to share today, and as we go through these seven principles, these are based on the most effective manifesters and generators that I know, people that can literally create and recreate using their minds. They are the most effective people I know at creating what they want in their world, and these are the the seven principles we've discovered by taking apart how they think, how they use their minds. So one of the things that I’ve noticed is, and I want you to think about this, when people gesture, they are showing you how they think. In other words, there are three areas that I want you to start noticing. I want you to notice people’s gestures, how they use their eyes (are they squinting or seeing BIG things), and are they holding


  • their breath. Got it?

    How To Struggle and Strain At Imagining a New Reality.

    So from my background with Neurolinguistic Programming, one of the things that I notice is people who are not effective imaginers, not effective Nevillizers, those who cannot create effectively, they have small images – images that they make small gestures around, and images that they squint to see. And literally, when I talk to them, I say, “What is it that you’re wanting to manifest? What do you want to bring, what are you choosing to manifest to bring in to your life?” And they’ll go, “What I want is,” and literally their breath will shrink, they’ll make little hand gestures, and they’ll squint when they’re trying to even explain it to me. They’re imagining it while they’re explaining it. I want you to get this.

    And while they’re attempting to explain it to me, you know, :what I want is, I want to see myself traveling to Europe,: okay? They’ll even sometimes close their eyes and they’ll hold their hands close together and they’ll usually be down a little bit towards the BOTTOM the edge of their vision. “Yeah, I can see myself traveling to Europe.” And you can hear it, you can hear it in their voice, you can notice how they hold this little image with their hands and their squinting and even closing their eyes, and their squinting harder so they even see it. That is the kind of person who does not imagine and create all that well. Okay?

    So STOP doing that.

    Now, here’s the key: the first shift that I want you to start to make is to change the ACTUAL size of what you’re imagining. In other words, if you’re going to change the size of what you’re imagining, because the same person tells me this, “but I’m afraid that I’m stuck exactly where I am in life.”

    And what they’ll do is they’ll raise their hands up so they’re about head height. “I’m afraid I’m stuck where I’m at.” They’ll literally have their hands at about shoulder height, close to their- fingers spread. They’ll take a deep breath, “I’m afraid I’m stuck where I am.” And now they’re making big images. The eyes are very open.

    Okay, when you do this, you see, this is how we get stuck. You could imagine one positive thing a day, you could do this all day, you could imagine positive things all day long. “I see myself going to Europe.” And squint, and the holding of the breath and all that stuff, and feel that desperation. The little tiny images aren’t going to impact your reality or the universe all that much.

  • Now on the other hand, “I’m afraid I’m stuck where I am. I feel confident about that.” And again, notice the body language. The hands are up around the head (often indicating images that are right in front of their eyes), and they are much bigger, full-size images.

    So the first lesson, what I want you to get is when to make full size images. If you’re going to be immersed, if you’re going to feel it real, what you’ve got to do is make the size of the images big. That’s what every successful manifest-er does. That’s what the snowboarders do, that’s, and again we’ll get to that in a little bit because there’s three dynamics that fall into there and remember, there’s seven dynamics we’re going to cover today.


    The first one is the size of the images. Okay. Let me do the second one really quick, because this is also very important. The second most valuable one, and remember each of the seven build upon the previous, so the first thing you want to do is imagine bigger size.

    A common mistake people make is this, people think this means “I imagined $10 and it didn’t come, so now I should imagine a million dollars, because a million dollars is BIGGER” and while they attempt to imagine financial freedom, they even make their images smaller. They make the dollar figure bigger and the image is smaller and they wonder why they don’t get it.

    On the other hand, if you can imagine fist full of dollars full size, eyes wide open, hands up around your head, holding them moving them around in a space in front of your face like a beach ball, that is full-size. That will make a BIG difference.


    The second one, that will make a huge difference, okay, the second one is how do we represent the image inside of our head? Okay? This is not rocket science, it’s very simple, and I want you to get this. Now, the second principle out of the seven is, “are you seeing it out of your own eyes?”

    Are you seeing your vision through your own eyes or are you seeing your body in it? You see, another group that I’ve noticed that has excellent results with manifesting, once they receive enough training, is people that have like flashbacks, like I used to with PTSD. Okay, literally, I had flashbacks for years. They were full-size images and they freaked me out.

  • Now the thing was, if I was experiencing the riot through my own eyes again, FLASHBACKS were hellish, and they were easy. And here is a key to ending that, and ending all worry and stress in your IMAGINATION.

    One of the things that I learned early on was I could make a movie of the riot and CHANGE IT so I could see my entire body in it, okay? In other words, I could see me (my body) running through the courtyard, okay? I wasn’t having flashbacks now, because I was seeing my body – not seeing through my own eyes. This gave me EMOTIONAL DISTANCE from the event – and allowed me to STOP RECREATING it in my mind and in my life.

    MASTER KEY: The most effective manifesters immerse themselves. They experience the movie through their own eyes. If you’ve got to create distance from negativity, you make a movie and you see your body doing it. That is great for healing. On the other hand, if you want to MANIFEST – see your new life – through your own eyes.

    Real Life Examples. Whenever I would analyze fighting, I would see, you know, because I’m a long-term martial artist, I started doing martial arts when I was 12, almost forty years ago- you know, I would see my body in the ring when I was analyzing fights. Okay, that was a way to learn from fights, but it wasn’t a way to experience it. Okay?If we want to learn about the world, if we want to learn about fighting, we see our body in the ring fighting the opponent. But if we really want to feel it real, and create that in our physical world, we see it through our own eyes.

    In other words, what I see is my own hands around my head in an attack position and I see my opponent. I don’t see my body. If I’m feeling it real, I see the gloves because they’re up around my head and I see the opponent in front of me.

    So the second principle that we want to bring in is the experience of the eyes. If you’re going to effectively manifest and create, you get to experience the world through your own eyes -inside your vision.

    Now here’s the key. Most people have this exactly backwards. Most people are creating fearful experiences through their own eyes and then they, yeah again, full-size fear, okay, that’s what most people are doing. And then they try to counteract it with, “oh, I see myself traveling around the world,” and it’s a little thing and they’re holding their hands down at their waist and they’re gripping it with a death grip of little tiny images.

  • We’re going to get to what we call a “flip” in a little bit, but here’s the essence of it, okay? Most people are creating their fears big, first person and through the eyes, and they’re attempting to create their reality through little tiny images that include distance. Okay, get this. If I want to learn about the fight, I create distance. I see me in the ring. I see two fighters in the ring. So that allows me to analyze and this is why Neville says you don’t analyze, you don’t try to figure out, you feel it real. Okay? So these are the first two.


    So let’s go back to our skateboarders and snowboarders, right? So when I was working with John K, one of the things that I noticed was sequence. You see there were my buddy Kenny, Kenny had a skateboarding company and clothing company in Mount Pleasant, and so through him I met a lot of skateboarders. Some really really good guys. And through another mutual friend, I met John, and John was a professional snowboarder.

    He was Olympic-quality, did like, he traveled the world, got paid to do all sorts of commercials, I mean he did really some cool stuff. And a lot of people would say, you know, life was handed to him, and I don’t buy that. What I do by the way he represented the world in a way that worked, so he was given what he wanted.

    So when I was working with John, I noticed a couple of things. First, I noticed that you know, he would envision what he chose to have in his life, what he chose to do for full-size images. The second thing I noticed, and again, you can notice this by again, their gestures. John didn’t gesture small, he gestured big. Okay. His hands were up around his head. Big gestures, like holding up a big beach ball.

    He didn’t squint. His eyes were wide open whenever he explained what he wanted, what he chose to have in his life, and his third thing was that he took full, deep breaths, and that helped me understand the size, the scale of his images. The second thing I noticed he would say, “oh yeah, this is how you do it. Whenever you’re up on a hill and you start come down,” okay, he didn’t start to talk about “ok, and you turn left, you turn right,” and when you’re seeing in front of you, this kind of obstacle, the way that you work with this, okay, that is telling me it’s first person language.

    We run our minds in ways that the language that you use reveals how your mind works. The language that you use also determines how your mind works.

    So we’d say whenever we see this obstacle, okay, he’s describing seeing the obstacle, and what you’re going to do is you move your body. When you move your body, and he moves it a little bit this way and moves it a little bit that way, and you toss your

  • left hip out a little bit so that creates a little knuckle in the snow. So he’s describing first person experience through the eyes. He is experiencing it directly, through his eyes, while he is telling me about it. That again tells me that’s why he can manifest his realities so effectively.

    This brings us to the THIRD PRINCIPLE, ORDER AND SEQUENCE.

    The ones that got stuck skateboarding or who couldn't snowboard all that well, they functioned out of order. And I want you to get the power of that phrase: out of order, because when you’re out of order, people say, “oh, that machine is out of order. It’s broken.” Right? Now, what I want you to notice is this: there were two kinds of skateboarders and snowboarders – and people who attempt to manifest good in their lives.

    One group of them would manifest falls and failures, okay. The other one would visualize skateboarding and snowboarding success. Now, the group that manifested failures, they would be starting out, they would be imagining skateboarding down the mountain, or skateboarding the flight of stairs and THEN, they would go, “oh, what if I fall?”

    They would be imagining good and they would end with the bad, and that’s the seed that gets planted INSIDE THEIR LIVES.

    On the other hand, I would ask John, or my friend Mike who was a phenomenal skateboarder, I’d say, “what about falling?” They’d say, “well, what you do is you plan how to get back up. You plan how you’re going to ride it out, because if you start to fall, often times you can ride it out and pull off a trick or start to fall, you have an opportunity to do something cool.

    They would look at falling as an opportunity to get up and try again or to ride it out and experience it differently. They would experience the fall as part of a cool sequence – that they got congratulated about at the end.

    I asked them both about this. “So do you plan to fall?” They said, “well, we don’t plan to fall, but at the same time we notice if I start to fall, the way to recover and continue. They’ve already imagined themselves recovering after the fall. They’ve already seen themselves having this phenomenal stunt evolve out of what could have been a fall. So their order is negative to positive. In other words, they take what was a negative in their mind and could show up in their reality, and they turned it into a positive.

  • In other words, they take what was a negative in their mind and could show up in their reality, and they SEQUENCED it into a positive. So their order of operation is negative to positive. If you notice a negative show up in your mind, you don’t stop there. What you do is you turn that into something cool.So what I- if I run into a temporary setback, well, then we’ll shift gears. Okay, and imagine something else, okay, imagine something greater, imagine pulling that out. You see, I got into recording when I had writer’s block. I got into writing whenever I had recording conditions that I couldn’t work in because of construction going on in the neighborhood. You see, both of them, the question that you ask, how can I utilize this?

    You are going to notice something with conversations in a little bit, but just keep focused on SEQUENCE AND ORDER. Again, if you start with the negative, that’s fine. Turn that into a positive. Always end with positives. Always end with potentials. Again, I start to fall, okay, what trick could I pull off? Again, that’s the thing. That’s how we want to engineer the mind.


    The next bit- the single act, okay, the single, this is the most important- I can’t tell you how vital this is- Neville talks about the single act. There’s a single act- what we do- let’s back up a little bit- you construct inside your mind a scene that implies a wish fulfilled.

    In that scene there’s a single act that you can repeat again and again and again and again, and that single act only takes a second and it’s done, and we like to use high-fives, hand shakes, hugs, that kind of stuff, right? Now here’s why: a single act is what you repeat in your mind, you construct the IMAGINAL SCENE THAT WOULD IMPLY the wish is already fulfilled.

    I imagined going up and getting my trophy for competing so well, and I could feel the sweat on my body, how pumped I was. I went up and a single act was shaking the judge’s hand, and soon as that- okay, that I can repeat a thousand times inside my mind. The single act of shaking his hand. Yeah! That kind of thing, it only takes a second, but I construct in detail the imagined scene that implies that I’ve competed exceptionally well, took a trophy (first place), gone up and shook their hands, and that’s the single act.

    Now here’s the key with the single act. The single act gets to include other people, and we’re going to discover why in PRINCIPLE 5. But the single act that could be touching the trophy, okay? And that’s fine, but touching the trophy, leaves something open that can open the door to fear.

  • Here is something powerful. You notice when Neville’s shares his stories, he shares his stories about people, not just manifesting a million dollars. He talks about how his brother Victor and how his father and how the company and when he talks about envisioning himself out of the army, he envisions being at home with his wife and his family.

    Neville includes people. He includes people in his constructive scenes that imply the wish fulfilled, and we’re going to show you why we include them in the single act and again why the most successful people do.


    So, let’s talk about the congratulation conversation, this is number five. There are two things that will undo your manifesting so amazingly fast, and those are this: what will people think? What will people think if I manifest that new car?That kind of crap, and the, “will they still be my friend?” stuff LURKS inside of just about everyone's mind. Stuff like, “Even though I’m different, will they still be my friend?”

    This kind of crap ruins lives, so what we do is we eliminate that by having that single act be part of a congratulation conversation. And again, a conversation could be I talk you talk I talk you talk, or a conversation, a conversation communication, a congratulatory communication can be that single act where we do the high five, the hand shake, the hug.

    That kind of single act – with the energy of CONGRATULATIONS, implies that they’re still our friend. That implies that they are congratulating us. That takes that emotional energy that you feel around your accomplishment, around your experience, around your transformation, and it spreads it into other people, and that eliminates “what will people think if I change? Will they still be my friend?”

    We have to eliminate that inner sludge immediately, and to eliminate that immediately, we build that into the single act and that’s repeatable because see, in any one second, we can have, see, we can powerfully repeat the SINGLE ACT inside the the scene that implies the wish has been fulfilled.

    That is why we use - the hug, the hand shake, the high five from the judges. Now we know, exactly what do the judges think of you taking first place? Obviously they’re congratulatory, hoo-ah, okay? They want to find out how I’m training.

  • So yeah, of course they want to talk me and find out what I’m doing so they can take that to their people. Okay, so we build into what possibly follows the high five, the congratulation conversation. That’s number five.

    That’s part of the single act, that’s number four, okay? You know, order, ending on a positive, that’s number three. Going back through the first-person experience, again, when I approach the judges, I’m seeing it through my own eyes. When my hand goes forward to shake or do the high five, I see my hand as if I’m seeing it through my own eyes and it’s life-size. Notice we went from five, four, three, two, one.

    Now, next this is going to boggle your mind. We have found a way to make it at least a hundred, maybe a thousand times more active in your life. More positive, more powerful, and include the speed at which we manifest. And again this goes back to the skateboarders, the dog bite people, and the people with vertigo, fear of heights, right?

    Now, hands and face. Those are the two parts of the body that are megapowerful to include in your sessions. I want you to think about feeling for a second. Imagine being the skateboarder. Okay, what are you feeling? You’re feeling the wind in your face, you’re feeling your hands keeping your balance, you’re moving everything.

    Skateboarders, professional skateboarders and the snowboarders, they’ve got this amazing awareness of their hands, okay, and literally you can see how they move their hands, move their fingers. It’s all little micro things, but they’re really sensing the environment, and they feel the wind on their face, right?

    Now here’s the key if you want to really amp up your envisioning, if you really want to take your feel it real sessions, if you want to take your Neville-izing to the next level, include your hands and your face. What does it feel like? Neville shares the story of the girl, right? The girl is on the trolley or the bus, I forget which, and she has tears coming down her eyes and there’s this little mist coming in. And she says, “these are not tears in my eyes. This is the mist.”

    The ocean mist of me being where I choose to be. I am there, that’s what I’m feeling. Again, she’s feeling it, okay. And the key is she’s feeling it with her face, okay? When we feel something with our face, when we feel something with our hands, when we build that into our imaginings, to our Neville-izings, to our feel it real sessions, that changes everything, because the face and the hands are two of the most amazing parts of our body when it comes to feeling.

    That’s why we gesture. When we make tiny little gestures, yeah, that’s what I want,

  • by the way, I want you to listen to the language here. If you make tiny little gestures, what I want is, I see myself, squinting down, holding breath, I see myself traveling to Europe. That will be so nice! Right? What I want, keeps it out in the future, okay? And the reason I say this, I’m just going to put it really simple, a friend of mine taught me this a long time ago.

    If you were being held under water and you would want to breathe, on the other hand, if you’re above water, you’re breathing. What I want, what I see myself and feel myself traveling to Europe, what I say what I want, okay, even though that’s how everybody says it, what I want, well, you put it in the future.

    On the other hand, let’s go back to this whole thing we’re going to talk about the flip in a second. “But I’m afraid that I’m stuck where I am in life.” I’m afraid, yep, there’s an emotion, I’m afraid that I’m stuck where I am in life. And there’s the “I am” language. Present tense emotion, yep, that’s why they generate that crap.

    So, feel with your hands and your face. We’ll complete this bit then we’ll move on to the flip. Feel you with your hands and feel with your face. Better yet, we’re going to do the flip separately because that’s really important. So feel with your hands and feel with your face. By the way, I want you to think about romantic movies for a moment.

    And I want you to think, there’s like a scene in Rocky, by the way. I wonder why some movies really take off, right? The best romantic movies I’ve ever seen involve touching. The guy touches her face. There’s something incredibly intimate about when a man and a woman, they touch hand to face. Hand to hair. There’s something amazingly intimate about that, amazingly powerful. So if you really want to amp things up, include in your envisioning, walking on the beach in Italy.

    Yes. I see the beach through my eyes, I feel the mist on my face, and I reach up and I brush my cheek, and I feel her hand in mine. I reach up and I touch her cheek. See, that unleashes tremendous power. Touching your face, touching their face, holding of the hands, cheek to cheek, that’s powerful stuff. Unleash that into your envisionings and notice what happens.


    Following number seven, and again, we’re going to do the flip separately, number seven is reaction, okay? Am I coming from that state? When I was a white belt, a yellow belt- the order of the belts go white, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown, black- whatever I was when I trained in kenpo.

  • When I was a white and a yellow belt, I already saw myself coming from the black belt position. Okay? I saw myself, and listen to my language, I saw myself as a black belt. I saw my body wearing a black belt, in my mind. On the other hand, I also felt what’s it like to carry myself with integrity? How do I see them? How do I see them through my own eyes? And notice even how I breathe different. How do I see the people around me? How am I behaving? How am I speaking?

    And again, this involves in time processing. In time means I notice spontaneously, all the time, am I coming from the space of the black belt, even though I was only a yellow belt? Notice if you are reacting to the world as a black belt would. Notice if you are reacting to the world as a professional writer would. Notice if you are responding to the world like seasoned traveler would, and take it a step further.

    Notice if you’re reacting like they do. Notice if you’re reacting like you do as the professional writer. And we’re working through some languages bit here. This is really important verb tense. Notice are you reacting as the best-selling author? Are you reacting as the black belt? Are you reacting as your ideal? Because when you react as your ideal, you embody it. And remember, your body is part of the universe.

    You are the spark behind the eyes, you are the imagination, you are the awareness. You are the consciousness. You’re not your body. One of the first places that your reality that you envision will show up as in your body and your behavior. Your body and your behavior belong to the world of Caesar. They’re a part of the universe. And so one of the ways to tell, is if you’re coming from the state of the wish fulfilled, is are you reacting that way? Whenever I would get in the ring, I would already be reacting as if I own it. I own the ring. Okay, time pressed to fight so I can win and get my trophy. Okay? And that’s also how I train. I train as a winner. How does a winner train? Hard, fast, scientific. Okay, I envisioned all that into my life, including instructors. I manifested the most amazing instructors.

    So, let’s start to tidy some things up a little bit, and just work back through some of the basics here because we want to really help you get this. So, quick review. First the size of the images. You can tell what the size of your images are literally by your body language, okay, and can apply this to other people too to help get this. Are you making small gestures and squinting and holding your breath when you’re trying to imagine what I want. Remember the term want pushes it into the future, versus, you know what, I choose to be the black belt.