Free Governor Mode of Operation

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  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation




    As a result of major electricity reforms, various state regulatory

    commissios a! a cetral goverig agecy "ER", #ere forme!$ "etral

    Electricity Regulatory "ommissio %"ER"& is a regulatory 'o!y for

    itro!ucig gri! !isci(lie a! ratioali)atio of t*e tariff i t*ecoutry$ "ER" *as (ro(ose! a Gri! "o!e %IEG"& to maitai t*e Gri!

    Fre+uecy a! t*us (revet t*e fre+uet gri! failures (revalet !ue to

    uecessary (um(ig of (o#er ito t*e gri! #*e !ema! is lo# a!

    over!ra#ig 'y su'statios #*e su((ly is less$

    For various reasos lie o(eratioal sta'ility, costraits i t*e system

    etc$, t*e (o#er (lat o(erators o(erate t*e (lats u!er follo#ig

    mo!es, lea!ig to fluctuatios i t*e gri! fre+uecy$

    -$ Valve #i!e o(e o(eratio

    .$ loa! limit cotroller

    /$ Fre+uecy ifluece off mo!e

    0$ "*age of !roo( settig

    1$ Dea! 'a!

    2$ Time !elay i logic cotrol$

     "ER" *as (ro(ose! Availa'ility 3ase! Tariff %A3T& to maitai t*e gri!

    fre+uecy #it*i a rage a! t*us im(rove t*e +uatity a! +uality of

    (o#er su((ly$ 4ater "ER" *as give IEG", #*ic* stresses u(o Free

    Goveror Mo!e of O(eratio %FGMO& to furt*er limit t*e rage of gri!

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    fre+uecy$ Po#er Gri! "or(oratio of I!ia 4imite! %PG"I4& is tryig to

    (ut all t*e Po#er 5tatios o FGMO$

     Availa'ility 3ase! Tariff %A3T&

    Availa'ility 3ase! Tariff *as 'ee itro!uce! to give icetives to t*e

    geeratio com(ay to geerate a! (um( i more (o#er to t*e gri!

    #*e t*e gri! fre+uecy is 'elo# 16 7) a! (revet t*em to geerate

    more 'y im(osig (ealties i case fre+uecy is a'ove 16 7)$

    Free Goveror Mo!e of O(eratio %FGMO&

    8!er FGMO, mac*ies gets loa!e! 9 uloa!e! !irectly u!er t*e

    ifluece of gri! fre+uecy i$e$ mac*ie uloa!s #*e t*e gri!

    fre+uecy is more t*a 16 7) a! loa!s #*e gri! fre+uecy is

    'elo# 16 7)$ T*e amout of loa!ig 9 uloa!ig #it* c*age of gri!

    fre+uecy is (ro(ortioal to !roo( of t*e goveror$

    5uccessful im(lemetatio of A3T a! IEG" #ill 'rig gri!!isci(lie a! re!uctio i fluctuatio of gri! fre+uecy$

    "ER" gui!elies *ave *el(e! PG"I4 to 'rig t*e !esire! gri!


    A!vatages of FGMO

    Due to o(eratio of t*e mac*ie o FGMO, off:fre+uecyo(eratio s*all cease to occur$ T*ere'y e*acig t*e relia'ility

    a! availa'ility of mac*ies$

    Re!uctio i fluctuatio rage of fre+uecy #ill re!uce t*e ee! to

    oversi)e t*e e+ui(met for u!er fre+uecy o(eratio$ Presetly i

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    some cases t*e e+ui(mets are si)e! for o(eratio at 0;$1 7) a!

    o# t*is ca 'e limite! to 0< 7)$

    4ogevity a! 'etter (erformace of electrical e+ui(mets$

    Re!uctio i outage of e+ui(met lea!s to re!uctio i maiteace

    cost a icrease of (ro!uctivity$

    Re!uctio i au=iliary (o#er cosum(tio$

    At lo#er fre+uecy, re!uctio i (erformace of (um(s, fas

    etc$,$ At *ig*er fre+uecies icrease of stress a! #eare=(eriece!$

    4ess c*ace of Tur'ie 'la!e failures$

    Avoi!s gri! failures$ Failure of 3earigs !ue to oil starvatio

    !urig gri! failure ca 'e avoi!e!$

    7ig*er o(eratioal availa'ility$


    T*e follo#ig clauses of IEG" maes t*e o(eratig statios to

    maitai t*e uits u!er FGMO$

    5ectio 2$. %e&

    All geeratig uits, #*ic* are syc*roise! #it* t*e gri!, irres(ective

    of t*eir o#ers*i(, ty(e a! si)e, s*all *ave t*eir goverors i ormal

    o(eratio at all times$ If ay geeratig uit of over fifty %16& m# si)e

    %-6 m# for Nort*easter regio& is re+uire! to 'e o(erate! #it*out its

    goveror i ormal o(eratio, t*e R4D" s*all 'e imme!iately a!vise!

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    a'out t*e reaso a! !uratio of suc* o(eratio$ All goveror s*all *ave

    a !roo( of 'et#ee /? a! 2?

    5ectio 2$. %f&

    Facilities availa'le #it*i loa! limiters, automatic tur'ie ru u( system,

    tur'ie su(ervisory cotrol, coor!iate! cotrol system etc$ 5*all ot

    'e use! to su((ress t*e ormal goveror actio i ay maer$ No !ea!

    'a! a! 9 or time !elays s*all 'e !eli'erately itro!uce!

    5ectio 2$. %g&

    All geeratig uits, o(eratig at 9 u( to -66? of t*eir ma=imum

    cotiuous ratig %M"R& s*all ormally 'e ca(a'le of %a! s*all ot i

    ay #ay 'e (revete! from& istataeously (icig u( five (ercet %?&

    e=tra loa! for at least five %1& miutes or #it*i tec*ical limits

    (rescri'e! 'y t*e maufacturer #*e fre+uecy falls !ue to system


    5ectio 2$. %*&

    T*e recomme!e! rate for c*agig t*e goveror settig, i$e$

    5u((lemetary cotrol for icreasig or !ecreasig t*e out(ut

    %geeratio level& for all geeratig uits, irres(ective of t*eir ty(e a!

    si)e, #oul! 'e oe %-$6& (ercet (er miute or as (er maufacturer@s

    limits$ 7o#ever, if fre+uecy fall 'elo# 0

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    T*e !roo( c*aracteristics of a goveror *el(s i sta'le o(eratio

    of t*e mac*ie$ T*e s(ee! !ifferetial 'et#ee full loa! a! o loa!

    o(eratio relate! to rate! s(ee! for a goveror re(resete! i(ercetage is calle! !roo($

    Droop = (3150-3000) /3000 *100 = 5%

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    T*e !roo( fuctio of t*e goveror *el(s i uiform s*arig of loa!s

    !urig (arallel o(eratio$ T*e settig of (ercetage of !roo(

    !etermies t*e c*age i loa! of mac*ie !urig c*age i loa! o gri!$

    May (o#er geeratig statios re(resete! t*eir o(eratioal (ro'lems

    for im(lemetatio of FGMO$

    4arge o$ Of loa! cyclig

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    Force! usafe o(eratio ia'ility to maitai (arametric variatios

    of 'oiler, tg etc$ Bit*i safe limits

    Off:!esig o(eratio lea!ig to

    4ife cycle im(acts a! (ros(ective failures

    4ogistic costraits of multi(le maual seco!ary itervetio

    Affectig cycle *eat rate

    No suita'ility of certai ol! mac*ies

    5lo# res(ose of *y!raulic goveror$ Nee! for u(gra!atio of cotrols$

    A steerig committee #as forme! 'y cea for e=amiig t*e issue of

    free goveror mo!e of o(eratio i t*ermal uits *ea!e! 'y mem'er

    %tec*ical&, "EA$

    Mo!ificatio i cotrol logics of Electro 7y!raulic Tur'ie "otroller

    %E7T"& *ave 'ee ma!e 'y EDN,37E4, 3aglore to fulfill follo#igre+uiremets of FGMO as recomme!e! 'y t*e steerig committee$

    1. Referece fre+uecy is floatig !e(e!ig u(o t*e (revious

    o(eratig fre+uecy 'et#ee 0

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    4. For fre+uecies more t*a 16$1 7) a! less t*a 0

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    1$ After t*e set (oit settlig !o# to t*e e# fre+uecy value, t*e

    error 'ecomes )ero$ O sesig t*is, t*e itegrator *ol!ig t*e

    itegral (art of t*e fre+uecy ifluece is set to )ero after atime !elay$ T*is (rocess esures t*at t*e icrease! value of loa!

    is *el! for a (erio! of a'out 1 miutes$ B*ile t*e loa! is 'roug*t

    'ac to t*e origial value a ram(ig circuit esures t*at t*e loa!

    c*age is gra!ual$

    6. I t*e fre+uecy rage 'eyo! FGMO limits i$e$ 'lo# 0

  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



  • 8/20/2019 Free Governor Mode of Operation



    Mo!ifie! cotrol sc*eme, #as teste! o t*e simulator at cor(orate

    RD of NTP" a! #as also teste! successfully o t*e simulator at

    5im*a!ri (roject$

    Mo!ifie! cotrol sc*eme #as im(lemete! i 5im*a!ri uit:. for

    live fiel! trials$ Results o'taie! are e=cellet a! meet t*e

    o'jectives set i (revious steerig committee meet$

    Effect of t*rottle steam (ressure o loa! a! !ea! 'a! of

    6$6/ 7) #ere ote! to 'e satisfactory$

    Role of cotrols, iterlocs a! (rotectios is very im(ortat i

    t*e o(eratio of mac*ie u!er FGMO$ Presetly su((lie! e#

    mac*ies 'y 37E4 *ave state of art cotrols to meet o(eratioal

    re+uiremets u!er FGMO$ Retrofittig a! u( gra!atio ee! to

    'e u!ertae i t*e ol!er mac*ies$